#connor x lass
asmrtist-brainrot · 1 year
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Ladies, gentlemen, and my nonbinary friends, it has been a major win for us ASMR enthusiasts all around
Let me commemorate today by saying; someone get Chester some treatment.
~ Dari (12/23/22)
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bullet-prooflove · 10 months
Only You - Filip 'Chibs' Telford x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @corruptedcoffin @anime-weeb-4-life @redpoodlern @ravencrow83 @kishie8 @thelonewolfwillsurvive @thanossexual @nu1freakshow @oureternalbond @im-just-a-mississippi-girl @jtelford @the-wandering-lunatic @darqchilddaydreamz @yourwinchesterbros @lexondeck @keyweegirlie @poppyrose33 @belovedbastardremus @trublu2u @thebaileybugle @ambassadortotrilliusprime @yvette22 @legally-a-bastard @thequeenoftheisleofavalon @joyfulfxckery @waysbsgr @thanossexual @justreblogginfics
Companion piece to Punishment & Silver & Gold
Follows on from the events of Weak
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It’s quiet up here at the cabin and it’s exactly what Chibs needs as he lays in the large cosy bed with the flannel sheets, your warm form pressed against his naked body. His fingertips trail over the scars that line your back, each lash a reminder of your bravery, your strength, your resilience.
It’s been almost three months since the barn and they’re still no closer to tracking down Galen. The Butcher of Belfast has well and truly gone to ground. They’d received word from Connor that he’s back in Ireland, attending to True IRA business. There’s no way for Chibs to get his hands on the prick because the other Kings won’t let him have him. If he crosses back over to the US it becomes a different story.  
The only solace is that you’ve been able to return to your own life. With Galen out of the country, you’re safe. You returned to work almost a month ago and have been indulging in your own courtroom battles. He’s forgotten how vicious you can be, how you use words to cut down your adversaries and tear apart their arguments. It’s like watching poetry in motion and Chibs is man enough to admit it does something for him to see you in your element.
One of the reasons he’s brought you up here for the weekend is because he thinks you need to take a breather, you’ve been hurtling head long into your cases, working all hours of the night in an attempt to catch up on the ones you let slide during your ‘sabbatical’. The other reason is perspective.
He didn’t set out with the intention of becoming President of the club, it was always assumed that Jax would take over when Clay eventually stepped down. However, it had all gone to hell when Clay had set the Persian on Tig’s girl, Suzie Q. It had ended with an unmarked grave on the outskirts of Charming.
After Clay’s untimely demise Jax hadn’t wanted to take up the mantle, in fact he didn’t even want to be V.P anymore. He wanted to step back into a member position so he could spend more time with his kids. Clay’s death had changed his view on the world. He saw how the power of the gavel could corrupt, how insidious it could be if you didn’t have the Club’s best interests.
Instead of making it his own he had nominated Chibs to take over the role with Bobby as his Vice President.
“There’s nobody here that loves the club as much as you do brother.” He had told Chibs when it was taken to table. “The two of you will do what’s best for everybody and that’s what we need right now. Strong leadership with the M.C at it’s heart.”
The vote had been unanimous.
It’s been over a week and he still isn’t sure how it sits with him.
Your nose trails up along the curve of his throat, distracting him from his thoughts, your lips following suit. He can not express how good it feels to be alone here with you, to carve out this tiny piece of heaven away from all the other shit in your lives.  
Your teeth graze his earlobe, breath ghosting in his ear. It’s one of the things that takes him zero to sixty, you know that. He feels himself stirring, despite the fact he had you less than hour ago.
You and him…
It’s a craving he just can’t sate, no matter how hard he tries.
“You’re insatiable lass.” He murmurs as your hand begins to wander, fingertips trailing over the tattoos that mar his chest and then lower, over the scar where Jimmy O had driven the knife into abdomen and left him bleeding out in the street.
You laugh and he loves that sound, it’s airy and light and it loosens something deep down inside of him. Your palm grazes over his hardening cock, thumb skirting over the tip before you squeeze just right. He moans at the sensation, his head tipping back into the pillow.
“Fuck love.” He mutters as you begin to move in slow languid strokes.
“It looks like I’m not only the interested party.” You tease and he smiles because you really are ruinous.
You have no idea of the things you do to him, how he would spend his days doing anything just to make you happy. You never ask him for that and he knows you never would. It’s part of the reason he loves you.
“I can’t ever get enough of you.” He tells you as he rolls onto his side and cradles your face, his thumb chases over the blush of your cheek. “You’ll always find me wanting.”
He doesn’t know it but his words mean the world to you because deep down there’s this fear. One that you can never explain to the man you love. Sometimes you hear Galen’s voice in your ear, his breath a hoarse rasp when he tells you that Filip won’t want you when he’s done, that he won’t even be able to look at you.  
When Filip kisses you, it feels like you’re drowning. Passion intermingles with the tenderness and before you know it, he has you on your back, moaning into his mouth as he presses deep. He loves you slowly, with languid thrusts that drag over that sweet spot again and again until stars combust through your synapses, igniting every single one of your nerve endings. You tug at his hair, and he comes apart with you, his eyes locked on yours at the pinnacle of release.
This is what he needs, he thinks as he dips his head and kisses you again. You and only you.
Love Chibs? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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littlegodzilla · 1 year
Could you write Murphy with a nurse at the prison after the 2nd movie? I think he would be a big flirt.
Hi anon!!
Sorry for making you wait, here I come with your request!
Hope you'll like it!
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The Prisoner and the Nurse.
Murphy Macmanus x Nurse!Reader.
One shot. Anon Request.
Warnings: fluff and flirting. Murphy being cute.
Words: 1900.
The sun is barely rising over the horizon when you park the car in your area. All is quiet, not even the birds seem to have woken up, you give your coffee the last treat to try to engage your brain and sigh turning off the car engine. Your gaze drifts forward, metal fences and a huge concrete building, rough and barely windowed welcomes you. You sigh heavily, you don't hate your job, you like it, you became a nurse to help others, but sometimes, days are hard.
When you are totally convinced that you should start the day, you get out of the car taking your personal things plus a box with new material, the prison works with Boston Central Hospital, they are the ones who supply you with drugs and clinical material when you run out, but the other day you stopped by their office to sign some reports and you took the opportunity to take some things yourself, the rest they would bring with a delivery van, as usual.
As you walk down the corridor outside, the security guards greet you and say good morning as they do every morning. You wave with a smile and enter the rough building, greeting more of your colleagues inside.
"Good morning." You say signing the sign-in sheet as you do every morning. "How was your night?"
"Quiet, there was a little commotion at dinner time, but it stopped quickly."
"Good, that means I'll have a quiet morning." You say with relief, but you see the policeman smile. "What?"
You open the security door to the infirmary and then close it behind you, it's a direct access from the entrance area where prisoners can't get in, it's always locked and guarded to prevent escapes. You leave your things on your desk and put on your work clothes. You take the box you have brought with you and look over to the area where you have the stretchers. You roll your eyes as you discover one of the prisoners there. He's sitting on the edge of one of the gurneys, waiting impatiently by the way he's moving his legs.
"What was it this time, Murphy?" you say, setting the box down on another empty gurney.
Murphy MacManus is one of the newest inmates to arrive at the prison along with his brother Connor, the twins have life sentences without the possibility of parole or reduced sentences for killing a few people. None of them were good people, but justice says murder is forbidden, no matter how many corrupt pigs you take down, so there he is. In the time he's been there, his brother Connor is calmer and more level-headed, but Murphy, hyperactive by nature, gets into more trouble and spends more time than you'd expect in your clinic, it's common to find him sleeping there when you showed up in the morning or in the middle of the day to be escorted there by the police with a face full of blood and red knuckles.
"Don't worry, lass, ya'll see the other one." He always joked, though it was never funny.
"Morning, love, ya look beautiful in the morning." He compliments you and you feel your cheeks redden.
He does that a lot too, compliments and compliments are the order of the day when he visits you. It doesn't get uncomfortable because he doesn't go overboard with them, he just does it to see your reaction and when he finds out what you're uncomfortable, he stops. Murphy has learned to read you from day one, he is observant and easily absorbs the information people offer him, even if they don't realize it.
"I just woke up, we both know that's a lie." You reply and he lets out a chuckle, shrugging his shoulders. "Okay, where's the fire?"
"There isn't any, I've been a good boy and I haven't fought with anyone." He says puffing out his chest with pride.
"Then what are you doing here?" You look at him raising an eyebrow. Murphy looks at you with intensity, stops shaking his legs and chews his lip nervously. You feel a shiver run through you and try to ignore it.
"I was just coming in for my usual checkup."
"Your checkup was last week, Murphy." You remind him.
"I know, I'm here for the results."
"Don't you think we would have let you know if there were any abnormalities?" you insist, but he shrugs without moving from his seat.
"Maybe I've come for something else." He insists and you look at him sideways.
"For God's sake, I'm gonna throw up." You hear a male voice on the other side of the curtain, on another of the gurneys.
"Shut up!" Murphy barks.
"Connor?" Surprised, you peek over, Murphy's twin is lying there, he does have a swollen cheekbone and a split lip, not to mention a bandaged hand. "But... What happened?" You look at him worriedly approaching him.
"It was nothing, lass, some guy got really annoying yesterday and I politely explained him to shut up." Connor comments, sitting up a little on the gurney as you examine him closely.
"So where's the other one?"
"They took him to the hospital."
"Connor!" You look at him, eyes widening.
"It was just some broken ribs!" He defends himself. "But the guy wouldn't stop crying and they had to take him away."
"For God's sake..." You snort in frustration. "Is it every day you guys have to hit someone?"
"It's not our fault, love, they just don't have any manners." Murphy explains.
"Yeah, of course..." You laugh softly shaking your head. "Does it hurt?" you look at Connor massaging his wrist gently.
"It was just a bad gesture, I'm fine." He nods, you hum and change his bandage tightening it a little more.
"Is it okay?" You look at him.
"Perfect, thanks... you can keep flirting with my brother, I'm gonna sleep some more." He tells you mischievously.
"I don't..." You stammer, but Connor looks at you with a smirk and you punch him in the arm. "Shut up." You mutter leaving him on the gurney, returning to your desk where you've left the box with the new stuff.
You know it's not right, that you shouldn't feel so comfortable with them, but they are not bad people, you have fun with their jokes and their company, it's funny sometimes you feel safer with them than with the guards when you are with another prisoner. Still you're aware that you can't have that trust and affinity with them, they're prisoners, they've killed people, that should scare you and keep you on your toes, so Connor hinting that Murphy is flirting with you should bother you more than make your stomach fill with butterflies.
"Do you want me to help you?" Murphy asks you, close behind you.
"Thanks, Murphy, but no need." You smile kindly at him, opening the box and peering inside.
He looks at you a little disappointed by your refusal, bites his lip and steps back a little, so as not to disturb you, putting his hands in the pockets of the orange jumpsuit. You sigh and look at him, it's like you left a puppy abandoned on the street in the middle of a storm.
"Okay, I'll tell you what's there, the quantity and you mark it on the delivery note." You tell him pointing to the paper. "Okay?"
"Sure! We make a great team, you'll see."
Connor on his gurney, rolls his eyes rolling over trying to get some more sleep. All the inmates there have tasks and duties throughout the day, always imposed by the warden or the guards, but they always seem to do as they please. You read the names of the medicines and utensils you have brought with you, Murphy at your side hums for you to continue as he makes marks on the paper you have given him, verifying the contents and the exact amount. Some things are missing and others you've been given more than you asked for, but that's okay, you know you won't have to make a long list for the next order and if you have an emergency, you'll have plenty of supplies to spare.
"Thank you, Murphy, you've helped me a lot." You tell him sincerely, he smiles happy to be of help, like a puppy when he learns a new trick and gets a treat for it. You laugh softly and stretch to place the new boxes of bandages on their corresponding shelf.
"Wait, lass, let me help you." He moves quickly and stands behind you.
Taller than you, he reaches for the box without much trouble, your hands touching, his fingers brushing your skin to remove the box and put it back in place. You freeze, his body pressing yours against the table, you feel his chest pressed against your back, the warmth of his skin transmitting to yours, his heavy breathing brushing against your ear, giving you goose bumps. Your heart starts pounding as you hold your breath, but you don't say or do anything, you let him slowly pull away and when he does, his fingers run over your head and down your side, an unnecessary touch, of course, but the butterflies inside your stomach don't let you think straight. You turn slowly, his body still very close to yours, you look sideways at him discovering a shy smile on his mouth, but his eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Is everything all right here?" The warden's voice pulls you out of your reverie and you quickly push the prisoner away from you. "Nurse... Are these guys giving you trouble again?"
"No, no, Connor had an accident yesterday at dinner time, sir and I was giving him a check up." You explain quickly trying to regain your composure.
"Ya, I heard about his "accident" as usual causing trouble... And his brother? He looks pretty healthy to me."
"Murphy was helping me with the inventory." You say sincerely. "I brought some stuff and medication that was running low and he helped me set it all up."
"An inmate with access to medication and sharps? I don't think so, miss, you should be more careful." He reproaches you and you lower your gaze, embarrassed. "You were recommended for this job because you were professional and above all smart, don't make me regret my decision." He warns you. "Never trust them, they are here for serious crimes, you never know when they might act again and you are vulnerable... you would be their first target." He makes you understand and you nod your head.
"Of course sir, I apologize, it won't happen again..." You assure him by nodding your head.
"Alright boys, take the MacManus brothers back to their cells, they have outdoor yard duty today and their mates have already started."
"But sir, Connor MacManus has an injured wrist..."
"Well, he has the other hand." He shrugs and you open your mouth to protest again.
"Don't worry, lass, it doesn't hurt, we can work." You're cut off by Connor getting off the gurney. "Thank you for your care, come on Murph."
The two brothers are handcuffed by the guards to be escorted to their cell to get their things and get to work with the rest of their ward mates. Murphy looks at you one last time, his face has darkened a bit, he seems annoyed that you have been interrupted, still he gives you a soft smile by way of farewell. You look away, wanting to ignore him. The director is right, they are dangerous people, you can't let those sweet, kind eyes soften you.
You know it's not right, but you still can't control the butterflies in your stomach.
The End.
Hope you liked it!
See you in the next stories!
Taglist: @green-eyedladywrites @minervadashwood @livingdeadblondequeen @bringinsexybackk69 @phoenixblack89
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phoenix761fics · 5 months
Getting Mouthy
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Much longer ago than I care to think about at this point, I hit 400 followers on my main blog and decided to celebrate by taking smut requests. I wrote three and posted one before the huge ass block that shut me down for years settled in for real. She's not active anymore, but the lovely lovely kitkat-589 requested Murphy MacManus and dirty talk. I held off on posting in the hope I could finish a few more pieces and make it a proper event, but finally setting it loose sounds like a much better idea.
Pairing: Murphy x reader
Summary: Murphy isn't the only one in trouble when he runs his mouth
Word count: 1100ish
Tags: language, teasing, dirty talk, Murphy MacManus is a little shit
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The crowd at McGinty's was loud and rowdy, but Murphy leaned in closer so she wouldn't miss a word. "Ye look fuckin amazing," he whispered, smiling as she giggled at the way his breath tickled her skin.
"I barely cleaned up after work," she argued as she gave him a playful shove back over onto his own barstool.
"Ye cleaned up just fine, love," Connor assured her on Murphy's other side. He winked at her as he tapped ash off the end of his cigarette and leaned against the bar. "Ye know ye always look lovely ta us. Now, this fucker, on the other hand…" He jabbed an elbow into Murphy's ribs, and Murphy smacked him over the back of the head in retaliation.
"Just fine," the dark-haired twin scoffed. "Fuckin jackass. Ye're a lot more than 'just fine.' Ye're the finest fuckin thing I've clapped eyes on, an that's a fact."
"How drunk are you, Murph?" she asked with a smile.
"Not even close." He finished off his beer and Doc replaced it without a word, but he hardly noticed, focused as he was on the woman beside him. "So...fuckin...beautiful," he said, and he leaned forward to bury his fingers in her hair and pull her close for a long kiss. She melted into it with a sigh before he drew away again and added, "If we weren't at this fuckin bar, I'd already have ye outta those clothes an beggin me ta fuck ye."
"Murphy!" The admonishment was in a sharp whisper, but her pleased smile belied her reprimand.
"Aye," he went on, "it's true. Been hard for ye since ye walked in here."
"Ssh!" She glanced at Doc, the closest potential eavesdropper, but he had already moved down the bar. "What if someone hears you talking like that?"
"Fuck em. What if we sneak off ta the bathroom an lock the door, an I eat yer pussy til ye're moanin my name? Ye think they'll hear us then?"
She made frantic shushing gestures with her hands, her expression caught between scandalized and aroused.
Murphy edged his barstool closer to hers and wrapped an arm around her, and she was tempted to take him up on his offer by the way he bent his head to her neck and kissed, bit, and sucked at her skin. "Christ, love," he murmured, "the things I wanna do to ye…"
"Lord's name, Murphy," she reminded him. She glanced over at Connor, watching them from his place on Murphy's other side, and he merely shrugged at her with a look that said he'd be in his twin's place already if Murphy hadn't beaten him to it.
"Not ta worry, lass, there's always confession." Murphy's hand slid under her shirt, palm warm against her soft skin as he moved to the small of her back and drew her closer. "An speakin a which," he added softly, "I need ta confess…" His mouth moved up along her neck until he could whisper directly into her ear, "I haven't stopped thinkin about how fuckin good it feels when ye come on my cock since the last time I had ye."
"Murph, that was last night."
"Aye, an I've been thinkin about it ever since."
"You need a hobby."
"Shaggin the livin daylights outta ye is my hobby."
"You need another hobby."
He had all but pulled her into his lap, and she braced with a hand against the bar as he leaned in for a kiss, lips and tongue still tasting of Guinness. "If no one was watchin…" he murmured.
"They are," she reminded him, though she couldn't say if she really cared anymore.
"I'd strip ye bare a little at a time," he went on, "and taste every inch of ye as I did, until I could get ta that beautiful pussy…"
She felt dizzy just listening to him and imagining him doing everything he was saying, or maybe Connor as well, because he still hadn't taken his eyes off her and Murphy.
"I'd tease ye open with my tongue," Murphy continued, pausing to kiss her again and run the tip of his tongue along the seam of her lips, "then I'd get a proper taste of ye, an ye'd be so sweet I couldn't help but devour ye."
Her breath caught in her throat, and she shifted slightly on the barstool. God, she was wet…
"I'd suck yer clit until ye squirmed, and fuck ye with my fingers, but I wouldn't let ye come right away."
"Why not?" she asked. She probably knew the answer, but the way he was talking, he might as well say that, too.
"I'd get ye close," he answered, lifting his hand to trace her mouth with the tip of his thumb. "As close as I dared, over an over again until ye're ready ta rip me fuckin lungs out for teasing ye."
She nodded and bit her lip as she tried to ignore the needy ache in her cunt. "Yeah?"
"Aye. An just when ye couldn't take anymore, ye know what I'd do?"
He was killing her… "What would you do?"
He leaned in closer, his eyes piercing into her. "I'd get the fuck outta my clothes as fast as I fuckin could, an I'd ask ye…"
That gaze was so intense…
"I'd ask ye, between me an Connor, who do ye think has the bigger cock?"
Connor burst out laughing.
She stared at Murphy, rattled by the conversation and blindsided by the sudden turn, then she turned back to the bar. "Doc!" she called. "Murphy needs to close his tab!"
"What?" Murphy asked, brow furrowed. "What the fuck for?"
"Because," she answered as she looked him over, "you and I are going to get out of here and go home, and I'm going to wind you up and drive you batshit fucking crazy, then leave you hanging until you've had a taste of your own medicine."
"I've warned ye, Murph," Connor chimed in from the stool next door, "ye keep teasing the lass the way ye do, it'll bite ye in the arse."
Murphy glanced between his brother and their lover, his stunned expression nearly comical.
She leaned in and combed her fingers into his hair to pull him close enough to whisper in his ear, "You still want a taste of my pussy, right?"
He swallowed audibly, and she could have laughed at how quickly the tables had turned. "Aye," he answered, "I do."
"Well, then." She gave him a kiss on the cheek and slowly walked away. "You better come get it."
Murphy only hesitated another moment before he paid his tab and hurried after her to leave Connor sitting at the bar, watching after them and shaking his head. He'd give them some time alone before he headed home. She deserved her revenge, and Murphy had earned some payback.
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twdeadfanfic · 2 years
Roses are Red, Violets are Blue...-Fanfic Advent Calendar 2022 Day 3 - Murphy MacManus
Murphy MacManus x female Reader
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Summary: This one-shot is part of @lilythemadqueen Fanfict Advent Calendar event. My prompt was “Roses are red, violets are blue, merry Christmas bitch, I love you.” Reader goes to spend Christmas evening with the MacManus twins. There’s fluff and some smut here.
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You rushed out of the taxi and towards the MacManus building, already grinning at the idea of seeing the twins, and also already a bit tipsy.
It was Christmas day and you had spent most of the day with your family, but now, in the evening, you were visiting Murphy and Connor, who loved Christmas but couldn’t afford to travel back home to visit their mother that year, and who’d asked you if you wanted to go to their place to celebrate.
Their place wasn’t the most comfortable, but how could you refuse, with how much fun you always had with the twins, and you also knew that they were feeling down about not being able to visit their mother for Christmas, so you wanted to be there for them on Christmas day.
Knocking on their door, you heard their voices and then they opened the door at the same time, knocking into each other…yes, they were not only fun, they were also rather endearing.
“Roses are red, violets are blue, merry Christmas bitches, I love you,” was the greeting that you offered, which had sounded way more fun and cute in your head than it did when you heard it out aloud, and maybe were you a bit more tipsy than you had thought?
Connor seemed to be of the same opinion, and he snorted. “Look at that, brother, lass’s already drunk! And to think that we were savin’ the good whiskey for when she arrived…”
“Aye!” Murphy nodded, with that pretty smile that you found so charming and those bright eyes that you found so beautiful. “Gettin’ drunk without us, love? That’s rude…”
Before you could say anything in protest, Murphy was already tugging you inside, while Connor headed to the counter to take a bottle of whiskey.
“Wait, wait, presents first, booze later,” you said, taking off your coat and throwing it on a chair, before reaching inside your bag and taking out a box wrapped with green paper.
Both twins looked at the gift with eyes bright as kids…they could be so cute sometimes. Both of them reached at the same time for the box and you pulled it back.
“No fighting, it can break, if you don’t behave I’ll open it myself,” you warned them.
After some snapping and slapping each other's hands, Connor let out an exasperated sigh. “Fine, let my greedy, needy little brother open it,” he grumbled.
“Little brother my ass…” Murphy muttered, too focused on the gif that you were handing him to snap much at his brother.
“Careful…” You reminded him at his eager hands, and so he placed it on the coffee table, unwrapping it with more care than you’d have expected.
Once the paper was off, it revealed a pack set of a bottle of whiskey, the same one that Connor had been reaching for before you asked them to open presents, and two matching glasses for it.
You had been very unsure when choosing what to get for the MacManus, and you were very nervous at it, but they both were grinning as they looked at it, so you hoped they liked it for real.
“Thanks, love!” Murphy told you, reaching to open the box, but Connor slapped his hand with a muttered ‘careful’.
“Aye, lass, real nice, thanks!” Connor said as he opened the box himself, carefully taking out the matching glasses and the bottle of whiskey.
“I’m sorry that it’s a brand that you already have,” you apologized. “But that way I knew that you liked it.”
“Aye, lass, we do, our favorite.” Connor nodded.
“And our best!” Murphy nodded along. “But, love, we need to get ye a glass too, aye? So yer not left out!”
You tried to ignore the warm twirls in your belly at Murphy’s words…it was a foolish feeling. “I can get a glass, but these two are especially for you both MacManus,” you told him. “And finally there are actual glasses in this household!”
“Aye!” Both twins nodded to that.
“Now yours!” Murphy said as he handed you a shapeless, wrapped gift. He looked excited as a kid, it was endearing,
As you tore the paper, you found a soft, white scarf. “It’s so beautiful!” You said as you ran your hands over the material.
“Irish wool, love, we asked our ma’ to send it from Ireland,” Murphy told you.
“Aye! It’s the softest, lass!” Connor agreed.
“I can feel it!” The beautiful fabric felt soft and warm. “Thank you, guys, I love it!”
You leaned to hug both twins at the same time, wrapping an arm around each, their arms wrapping around you too, hugging you even a bit too tight, but you were not going to complain, the MacManus hugs were just the best.
“Now…booze!” Connor cheered, bringing the whiskey bottle and the glass that you usually used, while you carefully took out of the packet their new glasses.
You three talked about this and that while you drank, about your family's Christmas that day, about their Christmas back in Ireland, stuff going on in your lives, and just any random thought or occurrence that came across your mind…one thing for sure, you were never bored with the MacManus. 
Even when they grumbled and complained whenever you kicked them out so you could go to their doorless bathroom, it always ended up being more fun than embarrassing, while in turn, you grumbled and complained every time they didn’t have any qualms about using the bathroom with you right there…you appreciated the familiarity with which they treated you, you truly loved it, but sometimes, just sometimes, in cases like those, it might get a bit too much.
Neither of you minded it much, though, and everything was as fun as always.
You were sat down on the sofa, between both brothers, and what started like Murphy animatedly gesturing around while he spoke, ended up with his arm casually thrown over your shoulders. You wouldn’t complain, though…in fact, the drunker you got, the more you leaned against him, but he was not complaining either.
You tried not to read much into it, though, both brothers were prone to physical affection, which was something that you loved about them, so you knew that Murphy’s gesture didn’t mean that he wanted anything more besides friendship with you…but you would soak in the feeling of his arm around your shoulders, on the pressure and the warmth of his body against yours, for as long as you could.
“Okay, guys…” You sighed after several hours…you were pretty much lying against Murphy’s chest by now, but you were too tired and kind of drunk to feel shy about it. “I can’t keep my eyes open anymore. I should try to get myself a taxi and go home.”
“Nah, lass, it’s late, stay here,” Connor said. “Sleep it off.”
“Aye.” Murphy nodded, and he seemed drowsy too.
“Sleep here om an old sofa and with a bathroom with no door…tempting,” you half-joked.
“Mean.” Murphy nudged your shoulder with his forehead almost catlike…and almost as if he were going to fall asleep on you. “Come on, love, it’s too late and yer too drank, we’ll feel better if ye stay.
“Aye, ye’re not gonna sleep on a sofa, ye take me or my brother’s bed,” Connor told you.
“But nothin’, lass,” Connor didn’t let you complain even if you felt bad stealing their beds. “I’ll throw a coin…” He got one from his trousers pocket. “Heads for me, tails for Murph,” Connor said, Murphy just shrugged, and Connor threw the coin. “Tails.” He grinned at his brother. “Lass gets yer bed.”
“Okay, okay…get out of my bed ye two, then,” Murphy gestured dramatically at the sofa.
You didn’t know what made you speak up, if it was the alcohol, if it was being pressed to Murphy’s side for most of the night, your ever-growing crush on him, or just you feeling guilty about taking his bed…whatever it was, you went for it.
“Actually, I, uh…this sofa is not the most comfortable, and it’s your bed, so, I don’t mind sharing it,” you told him before you could think it too much.
“Are ye sure, love?” Murphy frowned at you. “I don’t mind the sofa.”
“I don’t mind us sharing the bed…” You shrugged, trying to appear casual and to not show how flustered the idea of sleeping next to Murphy got you, but also how much you wished for it... “But if you’re not comfortable with it, it’s okay…” You tried not to show your insecurity while thinking that Murphy might not want to sleep near you.
“I don’t mind, love, better sharin’ my bed with ye than sleepin’ alone on this sofa, aye?” Murphy said and you were not sure if he was joking or not, but his words sent twirls to your belly anyway, and his frown had given way to a smile, which was reassuring.
“Aye,” you imitated his accent, to which Murphy playfully pouted at you, and the use to urge to kiss those pouty lips was almost overwhelming, but you were not drunk enough, and he was already moving.
“Let’s get ye somethin’ to sleep in…”
Soon, you were kicking the grumbling twins outside so you could use the bathroom and change from your clothes into the t-shirt and sweatpants that Murphy had given you, calling yourself foolish at the giddy twirls that danced in your belly at the idea of wearing Murphy’s clothes. 
As always, they weren’t shy about using the bathroom or changing clothes with you right here, while you averted your eyes and complained about how much they embarrassed you and how much they seemed to enjoy it.
When Murphy headed to the bed wearing just a t-shirt and his underwear, just like his also shameless brother, you had to tell yourself not to stare and ogle him, and make things weird…it was not easy not to stare, though.
“Which side of the bed do you prefer?” You asked Murphy so you’d look at the bed instead of at him.
“Don’t care.”
“I’ll leave you the one nearer your brother, I know you two always have to be next to each other,” you said, smiling and the indignant huffs that the twins let out.
You crawled under the sheets at the side of the bed closer to the wall, trying not to overthink how you were in Murphy’s bed, but it was difficult with him lying next to you. You were trying to keep your distance, even if the bed was not big and even if you really did not want to, feeling like pressing closer to Murphy, but you didn’t want to make him uncomfortable, to overstep boundaries…and you didn’t want to be a creep.
Still, you allowed yourself to enjoy the closeness to Murphy, and the warmth coming from him, trying to stop the thoughts that wondered how warm and comfortable it’d feel to curl up with him…One thing for sure, this night would feed your daydreams for all days to come.
“Sleep it is,” Connors said from his bed, yawing and looking half-asleep already, and he reached to turn off the light.
“‘night, love,” whispered Murphy, and his low rasp right next to you sent a warm feeling to your belly that you tried to ignore.
“Goodnight,” you whispered back, once again trying to control your thoughts and wishes.
Murphy shuffled on the bed as if trying to get more comfortable, his body and his warmth getting torturously close to you. There was the faintest brush of his leg to yours, but you didn’t have much time to enjoy it, or to be tortured by it, since you were drunk and more than tired too, and soon, you were falling asleep.
You woke up a few hours later when the first rays of sun began to softly light the MacManus’s place… Of course, your slowly awakening brain thought, the MacManus wouldn’t have curtains…not surprising, considering they didn’t even have a proper bathroom.
You were feeling very warm and comfortable, and soon you realized that Murphy’s arm was wrapped around you, holding you. He seemed to have moved closer to you while you both slept, curling up to you as you had wished to do, and so his chest was pressed against your back as his arm held you firmly to him, and you could even feel his breathing on your shoulder.
Warm twirls began dancing in your belly, and your heart seemed to be doing a little dance too, even if your rational mind tried to tell you that Murphy didn’t know what he was doing, he’d moved closer and hugged you in his sleep, not consciously…but you couldn’t help how it made you feel.
You basked in that warm feeling, on Murphy’s touch and on the feeling of his body so close to yours. You wistfully wished that you could stay like that for the whole day, and you hoped Murphy would take long to wake up. 
You tried to shift even closer to Murphy, careful not to wake him, and you smiled when his arm held you even tighter at that…if only this were your everyday morning.
Soon, you heard Murphy murmuring something in his sleep, pulling you even closer to him, nuzzling your neck, and you felt as if your heart was going to burst, the butterflies in your belly were going crazy, even if you tried to tell yourself not to be foolish, not to get your hopes high, Murphy was asleep and he didn’t know what he was doing…
You felt the moment in which Murphy woke up completely, because he stopped nuzzling you, instead going rigid against you before moving away in such haste that he almost fell off the bed.
“Shit…fuck, lass, I’m sorry, I…” He stumbled over his words, apologizing.
“It’s okay…” You whispered, feeling shy now that Murphy was awake, but you wanted him to know that you didn’t mind him holding you…actually, you wanted him to know that you enjoyed it very, very much, but you weren’t sure if he may have enjoyed it too or if it was just him moving in his sleep. “I really didn’t mind, it’s okay…” You moved to lay on your back instead of your side, but you were still too shy to face him.
“Aye?” Murphy whispered back and you nodded.
“Yeah…” You made yourself turn to look at him, and even in the dim room, you could see how his cheeks were flushed. He seemed shy and still a bit sleepy, hair all over the place… He was so beautiful, and you could still feel his warmth, his body next to yours…you decided to go for it. 
“In fact, it was, uh…it was a very nice way to wake up…well, and to sleep too…it was…comfy.” Great, wonderful…you almost facepalmed yourself at your choice of words. “I mean…it’s nice, you know…to be held…” You were feeling shyer and shyer, and you decided to just shut up.
Murphy, though, nodded. “Aye…” He murmured. “Aye, it is.”
Slowly, Murphy moved closer again, reaching out his arm but looking at you as if checking that you were okay with it. He wasn’t usually so hesitant and shy when showing physical affection, and it was endearing in a way.
You moved closer too, trying to encourage him, to show him that you wanted to cuddle again, and so Murphy finally wrapped his arm around you. You reached out to hug him too, and when you did that, Murphy pulled you even closer, so you were snuggled against his chest.
You let out a content sigh, losing the fight against the butterflies twirling in your belly, but you were still afraid that you may be getting your hopes too high, and you feared Murphy may be just indulging you.
“Are you comfortable?” You whispered.
“Aye,” Murphy whispered back, softly nuzzling your head again, holding you so close…he really did seem to mean it, he seemed to be enjoying it too…
But still, that didn’t mean anything, that didn’t mean he’d share your feelings…and it kept bothering you.
“Murphy…I, uh…I have to tell you something…” You finally spoke up, even if you feared you’d ruin the moment and you’d never be held like this by Murphy again.
“Hm?” He sounded as if he was falling asleep again, chin on top of your head as he held you so close to him, close enough that you could hide on his chest as you tried to confess your feelings to him.
“I, uh…I like you…really like you, you know, I have feelings for you, I had for a while now, so, uh…yeah…” You got it out before you could regret it and change your mind, but when Murphy didn’t say anything, you began to worry. “Murphy? I’m sorry…if you want me to get out of your bed now, I’ll do it…”
You were not moving away, though, since you were feeling too shy to face Murphy, and your heart was hurting, but then Murphy was holding you tighter anyway, as if he was afraid that you were going to try to leave.
He kept his arm around you but moved back so he could look at you…Usually cheerful, chatterbox Murphy was now serious and silent as he looked at you intently, and you had to look down. Then, though, you felt his hand on your chin, making you look at him again.
Murphy’s hand moved from your chin to your cheek, cupping your face, and then he was leaning in and kissing your lips. You were surprised, but you kissed him back out of instinct, your hand going to his neck while you felt like the butterflies in your belly were making you float.
You lost track of time while Murphy and you kissed, him pulling you even closer, and you didn’t know how much time had passed when you finally broke the kiss, pulling back so you could speak, or try to, since Murphy chased your lips to kiss you again.
“Murphy,” you murmured against his lips. “Wait, wait a second.” You moved away again, though it was hard to resist Murphy’s pouty lips.
“What?” He all but whined, and somehow, it was adorable.
“Does this mean, that, uh…” You might have been making out with Murphy two seconds ago, but now you were shy with words. “That you…you know…”
“That I what, like ye? Ye gotta ask, love?” Murphy chuckled, a cocky smile on his face, and you huffed, rolling your eyes, but you were feeling too elated to be annoyed, a smile on your face, and Murphy kissed you again. “What ye, think, uh?” He said against your lips before pecking them once more. “Of course, I like ye, love.” 
You smiled, letting out a delighted but kind of embarrassing giggle against Murphy’s lips, but you didn’t have time to be ashamed of the sound before Murphy was kissing you again, until you couldn't think or feel anything that wasn’t him.
Eventually, his lips traveled to your neck, and you felt him smile whenever he found a ticklish spot. You didn’t know when he’d place it there, but Murphy’s hand seemed to be on your ass now and he was pushing you even closer, your leg hooking around his hips, and the almost whine that Murphy let out, muffled against your neck, when he ground his hips against you, sent a tingle through all your body, and you rocked back against him.
Some part of your mind, though, remembered where you were…The MacManus’ home, a place with no privacy even to go to the bathroom, with Connor sleeping on his bed just a couple of meters away from Murphy’s.
“Murphy…” You whispered, but it turned into a soft cry when he pushed you so you’d lie completely on your back, rocking his hips against yours again and kissing your lips. “Wait, Murph…” You tried again, muffled against his lips, but you couldn’t really get yourself to stop him.
“What…” He stopped kissing you just enough to ask.
“Your brother’s right there…” You whispered, but Murphy didn’t stop, pinning you against his bed and almost making you forget what you wanted to say “Murphy…He may wake up….”
“Don’t care.” His hips seemed to angle you just right as he said that, his hardness brushing against you in a way that made you wonder why you actually cared that Connor was right there, and you rocked back despite your better judgment, letting out a stifle mewl that had Murphy smiling against your lips.
“Murph…” Whether you were moaning his name or trying to ask him to stop,  you weren’t sure, but your hips betrayed your worrying mind as they kept moving with Murphy’s, encouraging him.
After a deep kiss that took your breath away, Murphy pulled back, looking at you with heavy-lidded eyes in a way that made you feel even more heated. 
His serious face gave way to a smile when you arched against his touch as he slid his hands under the shirt that you were wearing, stroking your bare skin, before sliding his hands down again, hooking his fingers on the waistband of the sweatpants he’d given you.
“He’s going to wake up…” You half-complained, half-warned, glazing at Connor’s sleeping form, but you were lifting your butt off the bed so Murphy could take off your sweatpants anyway.
“And?” Murphy had carelessly scrunched the sweatpants as he slid them down your legs, leaving them somewhere between the sheets, while his lips were already brushing a path of hot kisses across your thigh, and again, you almost forgot why you cared about Connor.
“He’ll notice us…” You murmured, or tried to, while Murphy’s lips made you sigh with every kiss and nibble.
“I don’t care…” His lips sucked a mark on your other thigh and you gasped a bit louder than you’d have wanted to.
“I do…” You whined, but when your hand reached down to Murphy, it was not to stop him but to stroke his hair. “It’ll be mortifying, I…” 
You didn’t get to say whatever you were trying to say, because Murphy chose that moment to bury his face between your thighs, placing a kiss on your clothed heath, his nose brushing your clit over your panties as he did so.
“Shit!” You squealed, half in surprise and louder than you’d wanted to be, so you turned to look at Connor to make sure he was still asleep, fingers tightening on Murphy’s hair so he’d stop but it just seemed to make him moan against your core, which didn’t help your situation. “Murph…” You whined.
Another kiss that made your hips rock back against his head with a stifled whimper, and Murphy pulled back slightly to look at you, fingers playing with the waistband of your panties.
“So ye want me to stop, then?” He asked, and you didn’t know if he was genuine or if he was just enjoying teasing you, but the mischief in his eyes told you that it was the second…you wanted to curse and kick him while at the same time you wanted to shove his face between your legs again.
You glanced at Connor again…it was not that you didn’t care that he may wake up, but you were too worked up to stop Murphy, so you just shook your head, and you almost pushed Murphy’s head against you again, but considering his grin, you had to wonder if he may not have minded it.
Murphy had taken down your pants in less than it took you to blink, leaving them forgotten somewhere between the sheets, and then he was placing open-mouthed kisses on your inner thighs, getting closer and closer to your center, and you tried not to actually whine as you wiggled your hips, chasing his lips.
When he finally kissed you center, tongue sliding over your wetness before his lips encircled your clit, you had to bite the back of your hand to stifle your cry. Your thighs clamped on his head, but judging by his moan, Murphy didn’t seem to mind, though soon he was pushing your thighs onto the bed again.
You tried your best to muffle every moan, gasp, and sound that you couldn’t help but let out as Murphy kept going, almost making you forget that Connor could just wake up and catch you and his brother like that, too lost on how Murphy was making you feel.
When you came, you had to bite your hand again, barely remembering to try to be quiet, and still, you were pretty certain you were a bit too loud, but you couldn’t care, crying out as your back arched on the bed and your fingers tightened even more on Murphy’s hair, while Murphy kept going even then.
He didn’t stop until you loosened your grip on him, panting, trying to catch your breath, glancing at Connor, and even though you were relieved to find him still asleep, you were too blissed out to really care.
Murphy kissed your center once again, making your hips jerk, and then he placed soft kisses over your thighs again. He lifted the t-shirt that you were wearing enough to kiss your belly, and then he slid up your body, looking at you and smiling before kissing your lips.
“Okay?” He asked you quietly when he pulled back.
“Yeah…yeah…better than okay,” you panted, regretting it at his smug smile…he was going to get all arrogant now…
You were sure Murphy was going to make a cocky remark, but he just grinned at you in a way that took your breath away at how beautiful and adorable he looked, before he kissed you deeply.
As you kissed, his hardness kept insistently brushing against your naked, sensitive core, and Murphy kept letting out needy sounds against your lips, pressing even harder against you, until you couldn’t help yourself anymore, throwing all caution through the window.
You pushed at Murphy, and he seemed confused and even worried until he realized what you were trying to do, grinning as he let you push him onto his back with you straddling him. 
This time, it was you who slid your hands under his t-shirt, stroking his hot skin, lifting his t-shirt on your way as you rocked your hips, your heat sliding against his boner. Murphy cursed, closing his eyes as he tilted his head back, and you took advantage of that, leaning to kiss and nibble his neck.
“Fuck, love…” He half-whined, half-cursed, grabbing your waist to make you rock against him again, and you pulled back to look at him, enjoying the look on his face as much as the sounds he was letting out, you were too into it now to remember to tell Murphy to keep it quiet.
Murphy’s hands loosened the grip on your hips, sliding up your torso and to your breast, and so you grabbed your t-shirt to take it off.
“What the fuck…”
You heard Connor’s voice when your head was covered with your shirt as you took it off, and you squealed, letting the t-shirt fall over your body again. 
You looked towards Connor’s bed, finding him blinking at Murphy and you, seeming very sleepy and confused, so you threw yourself off Murphy, covering your body with the sheets and frantically trying to find your pants somewhere between them.
“Connor! Fuck, get back to sleep!” Murphy snapped at his brother while you kept trying to find your underwear.
“Get the fuck out of here or go back to sleep!” Murphy snapped again and you heard Connor huffing an annoyed okay. 
“Love?” Murphy called for you, you were pretty much buried under the sheets, and you finally found your pants, struggling to put them on. “Love…it’s okay, Connor’s not lookin’, come out of there…” 
Murphy pulled the sheet off your head and you glared at him, embarrassed, finally managing to pull up your underwear, and you searched for your sweatpants, but Murphy stopped you with a hand on your hip, turning to face you.
“I’m sorry but…he’s not lookin’ now, aye?” Murphy told you softly, nodding towards Connor, who had covered himself with the sheets, curling up with his back to Murphy and you. “Just ignore him…”
Murphy tried to kiss you again, pulling you closer, but you didn’t let him. “Are you serious?!” You huffed. “We’re not doing…this in front of your brother!” You weren’t really surprised that Murphy didn’t care about his brother’s presence, though.
“He doesn’t care…” Murphy said as if that solved anything, but before you could complain again, his lips were on yours, his hand on your ass pulling your hips flush with him again, bucking into you, making you let out a small moan despite yourself.
“Murph…” You said against his lips, willing your body to move away from him but kissing him back anyway, and you fleetly wondered what was wrong with you, if kisses were melting your brain somehow. “Murphy, we can’t…”
“Come on, love, please…he’s asleep again…” Murphy whined, begged almost, still holding you close.
You bit your lip as you looked at him and…were you really considering this? You pulled away from him, searching for the sweatpants before Murphy could make you fall into temptation again or before you could let those pouty lips and begging puppy eyes take control over your brain.
“He's right, lass, I don’t care…” Connor’s voice came from his bed, muffled as if he was still covered with the sheets, but it only made you feel more embarrassed…he’d already seen enough.
You dodged Murphy's grabby hands and sat up on the bed to put on the sweatpants, while Murphy kept trying to reach for you, but you swatted his hands away every time he managed to get a hold of you, ignoring his pout and puppy eyes.
You got out of the bed, out of reach from a now sulking Murphy, but you leaned closer to kiss his lips. You weren’t mad and you didn’t regret what had happened between you two, and you didn’t want Murphy maybe thinking so, but when he wrapped his arms around you and tried to pull you into the bed again, you pulled away, breaking free from his hold, pecking his pouty lips once before you turned around.
“I’m going to get some coffee ready,” you announced heading to the kitchen area.
With your back turned to the twins as you fumbled with their coffee pot, you heard what you thought was Murphy throwing his pillow at Connor. “Couldn’t ye wait to wake up and open yer stupid mouth?”
“The fuck did I know…” Connor huffed a complaint, throwing the pillow back at Murphy. “Didn’t expect ye both to actually get at it this mornin’...”
“Shut up you both!” You snapped without turning to look at them, truly mortified. “Please…” You sighed.
“Yeah…sorry, lass…” Connor apologized sheepishly.
You heard the rustle of the sheets and the bedsprings as one of the brothers got up, and soon, arms were sneaking around you as Murphy held you from behind, kissing your shoulder and nuzzling your head, and you couldn’t help your smile.
Murphy made you turn around so you’d be facing him while he held you, and he kept one of his arms around you but lifted his other hand to stroke your cheek softly.
“Love…don’t be mad…” He told you, looking so adorable…your smile grew wider, you weren’t mad, but you wouldn’t have lasted mad anyway if you were, not when Murphy was all sweet and cute like that.
“I’m not,” you assured him. “It’s not that.”
Murphy smiled at that, and you were sure you’d never get used to how beautiful he looked like that. He stroked your cheek again and then leaned in to kiss your lips. It started sweet and soft, but soon he was deepening the kiss, trying to back you against the kitchen counter.
“Murphy, stop.” You broke the kiss, pushing him away with your hands on his chest. “Seriously, not with your brother here…” You chided him again, and he pouted but nodded.
You glanced at Connor…he was getting up from the bed, heading to the toilet without paying you or his brother any mind, as if he really didn’t care that you were right there while he used the toilet, or that his brother was trying to make out with you on the kitchen counter…this two were incorrigible.
You looked at Murphy again, placing your hands on his waist but still keeping him at distance so he wouldn’t get any ideas.
“So…I was thinking…do you think you could manage to stay away from your brother just enough to walk me to my place later today?” You half-joked. “Just you and me?”
Murphy glanced towards his brother, and for a second, you wondered if he may say no, but then he looked at you and nodded, a smile lighting his face in that beautiful way that took your breath, and you couldn’t help but kiss his lips again.
If you liked this, comments and reblogs mean the world.
As always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
This post is queued, I’ll add the taglist as soon as I’m actually online.
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thatwriterchaotic · 1 year
Noisy Neighbors Chapter 4
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Summary: It had been two weeks since you last saw Murphy at his apartment, your job was going well and you two have been calling back and forth. It was Saturday finally, the night you planned to share drinks at McGintys to celebrate.
Pairing: Murphy MacManus x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: [18+], slow burn, complicated feelings, miscommunication, fluff, little bit of angst because why not. drinking, cursing, mentions of drug use, smoking.
Your POV:
It was Saturday, the weekend. The one thing you where looking forward to all week. You where excited about your job. Happy that you found something that paid well. But a certain MacManus brother was keeping your attention. You and Murphy had been calling back and forth. Talking about anything and everything.
Hearing your phone ring made you so excited. Hoping each time it was Murphy on the other side. It was just easy to talk to Murphy, and you both bonded over similar interest. Happy that you where getting closer as friends. You both had agreed to meet at McGintys tonight for drinks. You had been spending all afternoon trying to find something to wear. You were so nervous about this. But it was just drinks with Murphy!? You shouldn't be this nervous.
Finally deciding on a nice pair of jeans and tank top. You threw on your jacket and grabbed your purse. Hearing your phone buzz near by, you looked around and found it laying on your bed. You grabbed it and answered. “Hello?” You said with a small smile on your face.
“Hey there las, miss me yet?” You herd Murphy's voice through the phone. Making your heart flutter, feeling your nerves just wash away. Something about him just made you feel calm and relaxed. “Murphy I just saw you this morning in the hall” You said giggling through the phone. Hearing his chuckle come back, only made your stomach flutter with butterflies. “Meet me in the hall in a few minutes? Got a little surprise for ya” Murphy said to you before ending the call. A surprise? You wondered what it could be.
That's when there was a knock at your door. Slipping on your shoes, you opened it. Seeing Murphy stand there with a beautiful bouquet of flowers in his hands. He looked so cute, the mix of flowers just made his blue eyes pop. “Got you these to celebrate getting hired, hope ya like them love” Murphy said as he handed you the flowers. You took the flowers and walked back into your apartment to put them in water. Murphy followed you. “Oh their beautiful Murphy, but you didn't have to buy me anything” You said as you set them up.
“I wanted too, you deserve them lass” Murphy said as he stood next to you leaning against the counter. You couldn't stop smiling. Murphy was such a sweet guy. He made you laugh. You looked up at him, wanting to kiss his cheek for being so kind to you. You didn't even give it a second though. You leaned up and kissed his cheek softly. Seeing a smile appear on Murphy's face. “Thank you Murphy” You said softly. He offered his arm to you. “Ready to go las?” He smiled down at you. You took it and grabbed your purse. Ready for the night a head. “Let's go” You said as you both walked out of your apartment.
Tonight you thought it would be with Connor and Rocco as well. But they weren't around when you had arrived with Murphy. Maybe they would come by later. You and Murphy got seats at the bar. It was quiet packed. Being the weekend and all. Music blared from the stereo near by. It was quiet nice actually. Seeing everything be so lively. “There's someone I want ya to me, This is Doc. Don't mind his cussin he can't help it” Murphy said with a small smirk. An older gentleman behind the bar greeted you both.
“Aye, shut it boy. Didn't know F-Fuck- you were bringing a lady tonight” He said with the sweetest smile. He kind of reminded you of your grandfather. “Hello it's nice to meet you Doc, I'm (Y/N)” You said with a polite smile. Wanting to be nice towards Doc. Murphy asked Doc for his regular and whatever you would like. Doc nodded his head and already started on it. Helping other customers as well. You and Murphy talked back and forth for a bit. Just about how your days went and your new job.
Then Doc came back placing your drinks on the bar. “On the house! M-Murphy told me all about your new job” Doc said with a smile. You didn't know Murphy talked about you. You thought it was really sweet of him. You looked over a Murphy, noticing a small shade of pink on his cheeks. “Awe thank you Doc! That's really kind of you” You thanked him as you took a sip of your drink. You where happy to finally have nice people in your life. It had been lonely these last few months. When you first moved to Boston.
That's when Connor and Rocco came crashing into the bar. They greeted you both with big smiles. Connor gave you a hug, happy to see you. Rocco pulled up two extra chairs for them to sit next to You and Murphy. “Hey you said you had plans with a girl, I didn't know you meant (Y/N)” Connor said as he patted his brothers back. “Yeah! We came in here just to make fun of ya and get some drinks” Rocco added on as they sat down. Getting drinks from Doc behind the bar. You noticed a annoyed looked on Murphy's face. He shoved his brother a bit making him stumble. “Told ya both to find somewhere else tonight” Murphy said getting irritated with his brother and close friend. You gently touched Murphy's arm with a small smile. “How about we go play darts? They can sit here and get drunk” You suggested wanting to make the situation better for Murphy.
You felt him relax a little under your touch. Grabbing both of your drinks, Murphy turned to follow you. You lead the way walking through a small crowd of people. Eventually getting to the dart board at the side of the room. Murphy set your drinks down at the near by table. “Thanks for that lass, I just wanted to spend time with you to be honest” Murphy said with a small smile. He walked up to the board and pulled out the darts handing some to you. “It's okay Murphy, I wanted it to just be us too. Kinda missed you with everything going on” You said as you took the darts from him. You threw back and forth, not really keeping track. Just enjoying each other's company. “Yeah I know, I like spending time with you” Murphy confessed. You felt your cheeks flush a little as you took sips from your drink. “Really? I mean we don't do much besides talk on the phone Murph” You said with a laugh. Setting your drink down. “So? Hearing your voice is the best thing about my days” Murphy looked at you with after he threw another dart. Stepping closer towards you. “Makes everything else just wash away” Murphy said making you smile.
“Are you always such a flirt with every girl your friends with?” You said teasing Murphy, almost making him spit out his drink. You giggled at his reaction. “Oh shit, here let me help” You said as you grabbed a napkin. Standing infront of Murphy you wiped at the small wet stain on his jacket. Murphy smiled and gently lifted your chin, making you look up at him. “Only if she lives next door and has the prettiest smile I've ever seen” Murphy said softly to you. Your hands rested on his jacket. Holding him close by the edges. You felt like it was just You and Murphy standing in this bar. The sounds around you faded out. A small gap was between you two. Your noses almost touching.
You kept looking down between his lips and those beautiful blue eyes. That's when Murphy leaned in and closed the gap between you. His lips felt so soft against yours. You kissed Murphy back until he quickly pulled away from you. “I'm sorry lass, I really shouldn't have done that” Murphy quickly started apologizing as he let go of you. His cheeks flushed red. You quickly cupped the side of Murphy's cheek wanting him to calm down. “Hey, Murphy it's okay, I wanted you too” You said softly. A smile spread across your face. Murphy looked calmer once you told him it was okay.
“You wanted me to kiss you?” Murphy said with a big smile on his face. You gushed at his dorkiness. Nodding your head as you laughed. Murphy leaned down and kissed your cheek this time instead. “Maybe I should kiss you more than” Murphy suggested as he nuzzled himself into your neck. You loved the attention from Murphy, you really did but you also didn't want to ruin your friendship. Worried you would become a one night stand to him.
“Murphy, look I really like being with you, but I don't want to be someone's one night stand” You said. Making him move away from your neck. Standing infront of you so you where face to face. Like he would ever treat you like that- Murphy wanted to worship the ground you walk on. Not ever wanting to break your heart. “How about I take you on a date? Do this the right way?” Murphy said wanting to make all these negative thoughts go away. You smiled a little and nodded your head. Excited about what's to come with Murphy..
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Visiting Raven
Monster Pairing: Connor (Male!Vampire) x NB Reader Notes: short story, sfw, cuddles; I tried to find this on my blog but I think Tumblr ate it up. So, I'm reposting it after trying to clean up my masterlist.
Tap Tap Tap Tap
You grumbled and rolled over onto your side. Shoving your face into the pillow, trying to drown out the irritating sound by your head.
The sound picked up pace this time. And the echo of the sharp noise against glass radiated through your bedroom. You groaned and drowsily waved your hand in the air. As dismissing whoever was making that noise.
You shot up into a sitting position. A loud yelp of surprise as the harsh sound split the somewhat silence of the night. Your window was splintered with spider-webbed cracks. All leading towards the centre where a black beak was pierced through the glass. A large raven stood outside the now broken window. Eyes wide in shock as it looked to you, to the window and then back. You said nothing. Only stared as the bird yanked its beak out of the glass; breaking it even more to the point that shards of window fell to the floor.
"Err, I'll fix that, lass." The raven cooed. A thick Irish accent clicking through its beak. It then hopped through the large hole it made in your window. "Promise."
You glared daggers at the raven. Deciding you were far too tired to deal with Connor's shit right now. A glance at your phone, told you it was 2am in the morning. The Sun was no near rising and you were very pissed off now. So, to keep the peace between you and your friend, you threw the blanket over your head and collapsed back into bed. Ignoring the raven completely. A soft croak could be heard outside the blanket's confines. And then the sound of rustling feathers followed, quickly replaced by a dramatic sigh and cold body crawling up behind you. Outside the blanket, Connor tickled the area were your back should be. You couldn't see it, but he was wearing one of his very guilty "kicked-puppy" faces. One you absolutely knew he'd play on until you forgave him for the window.
"Come on, lass. It was an accident. I really am sorry." He purred, letting his accent thicken slightly as he rested his chin on your shoulder. "Look at me. Ya can't stay made at something this pretty."
"As long as I don't look at you, I can stay infuriated as long as I damn well please." You grumbled. Eyes tightly closed and covered by your arm. Just encase Connor got any bright ideas to rip the blanket off you.
Connor sighed. Moving so he could nuzzle his face into the crook of your covered neck. His arm snaked over your waist and he gently squeezed you against him. "I'll make it up to ya. How about a coffee date?"
"At 2am?! I'll be up for the rest of the morning! No." You snapped.
"I'll read you a bedtime story." Connor suggested. A cocky smile stretching his lips. "Sing you a lullaby in Gaelic? Come on, lass. Give me something. I feel really bad about what I just did."
You sighed. Stretching out the moment of silence just to torture him. But after a few seconds, you threw back the blanket and gave Connor one of your most venomous glares your tired mind could bring up. "Why are you here, Connor? You know I have a rule about being woken up after midnight."
"I know. I know. And I am sorry, but I needed to ask a human a question. And you're the only human that answers my weird questions seriously and without judgement." Connor seemed to perk up now you were out from under the blanket. Which, and you'd hate to admit it out loud since you're trying to be stern with him, was too adorable for a grown 400 year old Vampire to be.
You turned to lay on your back, giving Connor your attention and also to cuddle somewhat into his chest. "Fine. What do you want to know?"
"I heard from a Plague Doctor that Humans have enough bacteria in you to weigh around four pounds. Is that true?" Connor's eyebrows tweaked in a way that only added to how childish he looked. Like a toddler asking how the moon phases worked or why the sun goes down every day.
You were caught off guard by the question. Why on earth would a Plague Doctor know that? And why was Connor even with Plague Doctor?? "I, uh, I actually don't know. Let me look it up." You reached over to your phone and opened it up. Tapping away and clicking on various sites that came up. You read them quickly, mostly breezing through the words until something caught your interest. As much as Connor was capable of looking this up himself, you knew he also liked sharing knowledge with you. It was half the reason why he brought really weird questions to you. And also, you were sure he just wanted to excuse to come see you.
"Ah, ok. So, what I can tell, we just have a shit-ton of bacteria. A few sites say the amount could collectively weight a few pounds if put all together. And apparently we have more bacteria cells than Human cells. Huh, the more you know." You said, glancing up to look at Connor. Who was also reading over your shoulder at what was on the small screen.
"So, the Doctor wasn't wrong. But neither really right." Connor murmured.
"I mean, he could be right. Also, who is this Plague Doctor? I didn't think they still exist." You asked with interest. Lowering your phone so Connor's crimson gaze had to focus on you. Your flight or fight reflex kicked in motion for a moment as his red pupils fixed on you. It was a common thing with him. And it still made you feel guilty to remember how you use to cower under his gaze because of his predatory gaze. Thankfully, it wasn't so bad now.
"An old fart who still wears the freaky bird masks. We got talkin', he's my supplier for O type blood. Makes it easy so when I'm lazy I can just call him up." You rolled your eyes but nodded. Attempting to go back to reading, only to be suddenly crush under a certain Vampire who decided to drape himself ontop of you. He caught your phone as it was slapped out of your hands. Carefully placing it down on the bedside table before turning his gaze back to you. A cheeky smile played along his lips and you couldn't help but feel a little flustered under this circumstance.
"Connor, what are you doing?" You asked. Pretending not to feel a little giddy with the Vampire leaning over you.
"Gettin' comfortable." He replied. Winking down at you before he moves his arms under your back to properly hold you. Then, he shoves his face against your bare neck. Pressing a gentle kiss there before nuzzle just under your jawline.
You smiled and shook your head. Allowing your arms to wrap around him and trail idly along his back. Scratching between his shoulder-blades and scraping the strands of hair above his neck. Connor shivered with a soft whimper of delight. He was much like a puppy. Loved attention, and loved getting scratched along his back.
"Is this the other reason you broke my window tonight?" You asked, holding a small bit of irritation to the snarkiness in your voice. Connor huffed softly. Reluctantly pulling his lips away from your neck to properly look down at you.
"I really am sorry about the window, lass." Connor pouted. Eyebrows dipping in a guilt ridden expression. Lips pursed in a way that made him look like he was about to cry. All while his fingers gently brushed along your cheeks. Tucking your hair behind your ear and tickling soft skin of your shoulders. You groaned heavily and held his face in your hands.
"Stop using that damned adorable face! I forgive you! You're fine, but seriously. Did you come here to cuddle?"
Connor nodded and buried his face back into your neck. His arms flexed for a moment, giving you a tight embrace before releasing you. "Yes. I'm needy and clingy. I need cuddles or I get grumpy." The Irishman grumbled. The soft tickle of his voice against your neck made you giggle. And you couldn't help but squeeze him back. "That's fine. Just next time, don't tap against the window. I'm like a goldfish. I get startled easily." 
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minervadashwood · 2 years
Murphy Macmanus x PlusSize!Reader (she/her)
🍻 ~ Don't Look ~ 🕺‍💃‍
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Summary: Doc hires you, Murphy's girlfriend, at Murphy's insistence. But it's not long before the MacManus twin regrets that decision. Warnings: Alcohol, sexual themes (no actual sex), fluff, possessive Murphy, Connor the enabler. Language warning: I tried my best to be accurate with the Irish accents. Hoping to god nothing I did is offensive. Word count: ~1,000
Prompt: "I don't like them all looking at you." "Remember, you're the only one who can look at me all night long."
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Your boyfriend, Murphy, had gotten you a job at McGinty’s. It was more a favor for Doc than for you, honestly, as Doc was getting up there in age and wouldn’t admit he needed the help. So, Murph had begged the old man to hire you.
You started on a Monday, to learn the ropes before things got really busy on Friday night. Throughout the week, a handful of regulars were the only customers, which included the twins. Doc served the drinks, but you washed up, moved the stock around—or you tried to. Every time you went to carry a case of beer or liquor to the front, or roll in a keg, both Murph and Connor ended up doing the work for you. It had you wondering why Murph wanted you to work there in the first place.
You enjoyed getting to know Murph and Connor’s drinking buddies, and you spent most nights laughing along with their antics. Around ten or so, when Murph was on his third or fifth pint, you became less a barmaid and more a girlfriend. It was around that time when Murph would pull you from behind the bar and twirl you around once or twice. This always prompted the others to break out into some traditional Irish song, and you followed Murphy’s lead as he spun you about the near-empty bar, spinning you and dipping you. His slight frame hid his strength. The first time he tried to dip you, you were afraid he couldn’t hold you up, but he did.
Around eleven, Doc would put a cassette in his little old radio, and lilting ballads filled the air. Connor would pull you from Murphy for a slow dance, ever the perfect gentleman. It wasn’t long before you were in Murphy’s arms again, letting him hold you close as you both swayed to the music. Last call came a half hour later, and you rushed to the back, eager to get most of the work finished before Doc tried to do it himself.
Then each night, you told Connor goodnight, and Murph walked you home. You weren’t yet brave enough to ask him to stay the night—and he’d never asked to come up—but each kiss goodbye left you wanting more from your Irish gentleman.
Friday night came around, and you got to work at eight. The usual guys were already there, including the twins, and your shift started out like it had the previous days. However, around ten, more and more men crowded into the small bar. It seemed every seedy neighborhood in Boston had a representative, from the Italians, to the Russians, to the unaffiliated working class.
Then it was clear how much help Doc needed. You found yourself flitting about the bar and tables, delivering drinks, loading the dishwasher in the back when you could, lugging fresh glasses to the front for Doc to fill, again and again.
You were so hard at work, you never noticed what Murphy could see. You were the only lass in the bar, like a sheep surrounded by a pack of wolves. Most of them didn’t know you were his girl, and they stared openly, taking in your soft, generous curves whenever your back was to them. Those curves belonged to Murphy, and it was high time they all knew that.
As you walked back to the bar, a tray full of empty glasses perched precariously on your hand, Murphy grabbed you around the waist. Connor had just enough time to catch the tray before you dropped it, and Murphy hauled you between his legs.
Your hands flew up to brace yourself on this chest. “What’s gotten into you, Murph?”
He slid his hands from around your waist and squeezed your ass. Then he whispered in your ear. “I don' like ‘em all lookin’ at ya’."
You pulled away and he didn’t like that, either. He held onto you a bit tighter.
“What’s gotten into you?” you asked.
Murphy put his mouth to your ear again. “They’re undressin’ ya wit’ their eyes. I don’ like it.” He put his mouth on your earlobe and sucked.
You gasped in his arms. “Murph, nobody’s looking at me.”
Just then, Connor put his chin on Murphy’s shoulder. “They are, lass. Seen it wit’ me own two eyes. Whole place looks like they wanna eat ya.”
You turned your head away from Murphy and Connor to look around the bar. Instantly all the men went from staring at you to staring at their drinks.
You scoffed. “You’re both crazy.”
Connor leaned back, shaking his head and letting out a resigned sigh. “Yer askin’ for it now, lass.”
Murphy pulled you even closer to him so that you were firmly nestled between his legs with your belly and chest pressing against him.
You smiled sweetly at him. “Even if they are looking, you’re the only one who gets to look at me all night long.”
Murph shook his head and nuzzled the side of your neck. “Not enough, love. I d'be showin’ ‘em who ya belong to.”
Quick as a flash, Murphy moved one hand to the base of your head and angled you for a kiss. He took his time, lips moving languidly, sensually over yours, his tongue going past your lips and tangling with your own.
A moan escaped you, and Murphy chuckled against your mouth. He squeezed your ass again with his free hand, then gave it a little smack. You jumped and giggled, letting yourself lean more fully into him. He kissed his way to your ear and suckled your earlobe once more. He felt your chest rising and falling against his own, and his heart—as well as another part of his body—swelled with pride.
He stopped his suckling and urged you a few inches away by placing his hands on your hips.
You whimpered and pouted at this newly created distance.
Murphy smirked at you, your darkened cheeks and parted lips proof of a job well done.
Connor’s head was on Murphy’s shoulder again. “That worked, didn’t it?” he laughed and reached around Murphy to pinch your cheek.
You narrowed your eyes at Murphy. “Was that all just for show?”
Murphy looked around the bar with a fierce grin. A number of the patrons raised their glasses to him in silent congratulations and acceptance.
He turned to you and shrugged. “Guess you’ll have to take me home wit’ ya to find out.”
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Thank you for reading! Feel free to like, reply, and reblog! 💚🤍🧡
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theteasetwrites · 2 years
Thy Saints Surrounded
Chapter 8: Too Close to Home
❧ Pairing: Murphy MacManus x Female Reader ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: swearing, mentions of traumatic experience and gore ❧ Word Count: 7.1k
❧ In This Chapter: Murphy is on a mission to solve a mystery, and to put an end to the mob violence that's somehow made its way into his life. Meanwhile, you learn something new about Murphy and Connor's past, something that hits close to home.
❧ A/N: I am so embarrassed at how long it takes me to write these lol. Sorry. Also this isn't the best chapter. It's kind of short on Murphy and Reader content, but I tried. It's more plot than anything I think. At least there are a few cute moments between them. And I really wanted to add some backstory with Murphy and Connor to explain why they hate the mob and organized crime. I feel like it gives more context and helps justify their actions in the movie. Enjoy!
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A series of impatient knocks on the door was the last thing you expected to wake you that morning, just hours after waking up on top of a bar, wrapped in the arms of Murphy. 
Murphy, who was outside the front door of your apartment, bickering with his brother. The muffled sounds of their arguing voices grew louder as your bare feet moved against the cool hardwood floor. 
You couldn’t quite hear them in your tired state, only a few words stood out—something about “get yourself killed” and “I can handle it,” with mentions of Rocco and Tony and your name thrown in. 
The twins looked slightly fisheyed through the peephole, or maybe it was your blurred vision from your eyes still struggling to wake. Either way, they were obscured.
You quickly rubbed your eyes and shook your head, and ran your fingers through your messy bedhead to fix it. You were just about to unlock the door when you realized you were in only a nightshirt and panties, so you scrambled to the bathroom to locate your robe.
“Are you in there, lass?” Murphy called out, pounding on the door again. “I gotta see ya.”
Oh, you thought to yourself, smiling at your blushing reflection in the bathroom mirror as you fixed your hair once again. He’s insatiable… 
When you opened the door, you weren’t expecting him to lunge at you, reaching out to cup your cheeks in his hands as Connor stepped in behind him.
His eyes roamed all over your face, as if trying to make sure you were really there. “Thank God, you’re all right,” he sighed. 
You furrowed your brows and laughed. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“Murphy’s got a big theory,” Connor replied, moving his hands around whimsically as he rolled his eyes.
“Whoa,” you said. Your attention immediately turned from Murphy to Connor, who looked like he’d just fallen down a flight of stairs. “What happened to you?”
Murphy grabbed your shoulders to turn your gaze back to him, partly to shield your eyes from Connor’s gruesome state, and partly just to look into your eyes one more time. 
“He’s fine,” he said. “Just, uh… We were wrestling.”
“What?” piped Connor. 
Murphy shot a stern look over your shoulder at his twin. “Yeah… I won. Poor guy, he didn’t stand a chance.”
Connor’s competitive nature kicked in, though he tried to stick to the story. “No way, I won, shithead.”
“Don’t be a sore loser, Con.” He looked back to you, smirking in pride at the made up victory. “Tried to go easy on him, lass, but I guess I didn’t know my own strength.”
Charm seemed to exude from the man with every word on his lips, which looked particularly soft and pink this morning, not long after you’d met them with yours. You couldn’t help but shrug bashfully, and smile not only with your lips, but your hazy, half-lidded eyes. 
“You’re so tough,” you said.
Connor moved to stand beside you, alerting you to his presence. Murphy seemed to command your attention, but Connor was resting his hand on your shoulder, slightly tugging you away. 
“Don’t listen to a word he says, lass. I won fair and square.”
You found that hard to believe, considering how mauled Connor looked. Now that you thought about, and weren’t being charmed by Murphy’s silver tongue, you figured it was unlikely such bruises and cuts resulted from a playful wrestling match between brothers. No, there was something they weren’t telling you. 
“What are you guys doing here, anyway?”
The brothers exchanged a look as they tried to keep cool. “Well, uh… I just missed you, mo shíorghrá. Is that so hard to believe?” Indeed, he did miss you, even during the two hours or so he’d been away from you, but his true intention was to make sure you hadn’t been hurt by Tony, who seemed to be on some kind of rampage. 
You tilted your head and fluttered your eyelashes at the thought, and the sweet new pet name he seemed intent on making a habit. “Oh, I missed you too, Murph.”
When his lips met yours, you heard Connor groan as he slipped into the bathroom, a bit of privacy for which you were thankful.
Though his kiss was at first chaste, you trapped him in your embrace by wrapping your arms tight around the back of his neck, causing him to gasp in adorable surprise.
His tongue dared to breach the entrance of your mouth, and soon you felt his hands undoing the belt of your robe. His fingers deftly tickled your skin as he lifted your shirt just enough to cup your mound over your panties. Even angels couldn’t make the sound that came out of your mouth—a sweet, breathy gasp. 
“You sure you just came here because you missed me?” you asked. 
He smirked devilishly. For such a sweet man, he had such an impish look about him, like he was always about to cause some kind of mischief. Those cunning blue eyes of his, narrower in the inner corner and slightly hooded and deep set, were always accompanied by a little sparkle of playful wit. His hand seemed glued to your body as it gently rubbed up and down the soft warmth of your mound. 
“Well, I guess maybe I was havin’ some dirty thoughts…” He kissed you. “Maybe I couldn’t wait to see you tonight…” He kissed you again, longer this time. “Maybe I just needed to feel you, lass… Do you wanna hear my dirty thoughts?” The hand on your lower back slid down to squeeze the flesh of your bottom, a movement which made you squeal into his mouth at the sudden feeling. 
“Murphy,” you laughed, tugging his hands from you before retying your robe. “Your brother’s here… Actually, um, why is he here?”
You had no intention to sound rude, or as though you didn’t like Connor, but you were confused, to say the least. Why would Murphy show up just a few hours after you last saw him with his beaten and battered twin brother in tow? And you knew he hadn’t sustained his injuries for wrestling. From what you knew of Murphy, he could never hurt anyone like that, especially not Connor.
“Oh,” he said. Now he’d have to explain himself. He’d have to explain how he was on the hunt for Tony, who’d beaten his brother as he walked home last night from McGinty’s. He’d have to explain that he was on his way to get to the bottom of Shannon’s murder, and to make sure hers was the last.
“Well, I, uh… Listen, love, something happened last night after Connor left the bar. I didn’t wanna tell ya ‘cause I thought it might upset you, but maybe you should know. Tony and his mates beat up Connor.”
You stepped back and out of his arms, terrified at the thought and wracking your brain to figure out how such a thing could happen. You knew Tony wasn’t a good guy, but you didn’t think he’d go that far to hurt the brothers. 
“What? Why?”
Asking “why” seemed pointless, as there was certainly not a rhyme or reason, but it was simply a knee-jerk reaction. Why would anyone beat another person? Especially someone like Connor, who might’ve been a little drunk last night, but from what you knew of him, he was a good person. 
Murphy moved towards you to take your trembling hands in his. He could feel your anxiety vibrating all around him, until he held you once again.
“He’s just a bad guy,” he said softly. “He hurts people. You know, I… I think he might’ve had something to do with Shannon. And… I was worried he’d try to hurt you, too.” 
“Oh, Murphy,” you sighed, a little too dreamily considering the conversation. Still, you couldn’t quite help it. He could charm you with nothing more than a whisper on his breath, a faint sound that might go unnoticed if you didn’t hang on for dear life to every word he said. “I’m fine. It’s you and Connor I’m worried about… So, are you going to go to the police?”
Police? he thought. Why the hell would I do a thing like that? 
“Not if I want something done about it,” he said. “Only thing police are good for is standing around doing nothing while guys like Tony get away with murder. It’s not gonna happen no more.”
Your eyes widened at that. How on Earth was he going to handle this by himself? It’d only cause more problems, you were sure. “What are you going to do?”
In truth, he didn’t have much of a plan. Connor was the one to figure out plans, not Murphy—he was much too impatient for the act of sitting around and planning. No, he needed action. Doing before thinking. 
“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “Just gonna smooth things over. I got a plan.” Well, he didn’t, really. He looked between you and the bathroom door, biting his lip as he thought. At least he was used to thinking on his feet. “It all right if Connor stays here for a little while?” Confusion washed over your face. “I mean, I would rather you weren’t alone, you know? And he should rest or something.”
Connor must’ve heard Murphy’s words, as he quickly bursted out of the bathroom, still buttoning his jeans. “Nah,” he said. “No way. I’m going with you. Ain’t stayin’ here. No offense.”
“Connor,” said Murphy with a point of his finger. “You’re stayin’ here.” His gaze softened as he looked at you, biting his lip and squeezing your hand. Even if he hadn’t said he loved you last night, you were sure you’d be able to tell just by that look he was giving you. Murphy wore his heart on his sleeve, and you were beginning to see that more and more. “I don’t want (Y/N) to be alone.”
Connor scoffed, and gestured his hands emphatically as he spoke. “Aw, come on, she’s fine. Just lock the door, lass. We’ll deal with Tony.”
“I’ll deal with him,” replied Murphy. 
“Aw, you’re such a fuckin’ gobshite! Look what happened to me!” His finger traced a circle in the air around his face. “You think you stand a better chance?”
“I’ll figure it out!” Murphy barked back. 
“Oh, right, like you ever figure anything out for yourself! I’m the one who figures shit out, Murph! Me!”
The two brothers got a little too close for your liking, with their noses coming dangerously close to hitting each other as their chests puffed in a display of ridiculous aggression. 
Incoherent bickering ensued, their voices and increasingly thick accents blending into one cacophony of curses until your voice cut through, albeit with some effort. Those boys could be loud when they wanted to be.
“Hey!” you said. “What the hell?” Connor and Murphy looked between you and each other in confusion. “Why don’t you both leave if you’re gonna act like this. How old are you?”
“Twenty-seven,” both brothers answered in their strange twin unison.
“Well, act like it!”
Connor shook his head as he realized his bickering and arguing would never stop Murphy from doing what he felt he needed to do, but the question was: could he let his twin risk his life just because of some stupid fight? 
“You’re gonna be smart, right?” he asked. “None of this impulsive Murphy shit. You go find Rocco… Get him to help ya. No violence. No one gets hurt.” For now. He didn’t need to say it, his eyes communicated those two words just fine, and Murphy understood. He nodded slowly, eyes on the floor as he went through twenty different variations of plans inside his rattled head. It wasn’t often he dealt with situations on his own like this, not without Connor, his guide.
“It’ll be fine. Just gonna sort this out. Get to the bottom of things.” 
“Right,” scoffed Connor. “Detective Murph on the case. Jesus, Mary, and Joseph.”
You saw Murphy out the front door, while Connor made himself quite comfortable on the sofa, already being inspected by the curious Mimsy. 
Worry seemed to overcome the dark-haired twin, whose hands cupped your cheeks and whose downturned eyelashes fluttered as he scanned your face, hardwiring it to his memory. Even another few hours apart from you might ruin him. A taste of Heaven was not enough, not when a whole world of bliss and unearthly pleasure was right in front of him, leaning into his soft palm with the plump, warm cheeks of an angel.
“I still think you should go to the police,” you said, trailing your hands up and down his wrists as he held your face. “Let them deal with it. I know you’re angry about them hurting Connor, but… I just couldn’t stand it if something happened to you.”
He huffed and shook his head. Sweet cherub, he thought. I love this girl.
“Nothin’s gonna happen to me, m'aingeal. I know what I’m doing. I might be a fool but I’m not an eejit.”
You snorted and rolled your eyes. How could he be so damn adorable, with those shiny, crisp blue eyes and those short, jagged dark brown locks pointing every which way on his head… There was no way he was human. He had to be some kind of impish creature sent to Earth just to toy with you, to challenge your ability to stay focused on anything but loving a man. It was difficult. You were head over heels. You were head over heels for this man, one man. One terribly cute man.
“What’s the difference between a fool and an… eejit?” 
Murphy let out a boyish giggle at the sound of the foreign word in your American accent, the one he found so delightfully cute.
He smiled and laced his hands around your back to pull you closer, until he could rest a kiss upon your forehead. “An eejit does stupid shit because he’s stupid,” he said. “A fool does stupid shit because he’s in love.”
“In love?” you asked, a giggle springing up like a daisy in your voice. “Are you saying you’re in love with me, Murphy MacManus?”
Of course, you knew he loved you by now. He’d said it enough last night and earlier that morning, and he’d shown it with every move he made, every falter in his voice when he lost his train of thought because he was too busy being tackled by the overwhelming feeling of utter, almost pathetic, adoration for you. Still, you liked to hear it. 
“You know I’m a fool for you,” he answered. “You know I love you.”
A profusion of pink bloomed on your cheeks, and though you’d heard him say those words before, it was still so new and sweet. Those words were familiar, but no one spoke them like him, not the way he meant it, not the way he looked at you when he said it. 
“I love you, too.” Your hands pulled his cheeks forward until your lips met his for a sweet, innocent kiss. Maybe your feelings for him were becoming increasingly sexual, more deep and intimate than before, but he would always be so pure and sweet to you, much as you were to him. First love, they say, is always like that. First, last, always, you hoped. 
“See you later,” he said. The tip of his button nose rubbed softly against yours, as the breath from his mouth grazed over your lips. “Tonight… It’ll be even better than last night.”
“Just don’t do anything stupid.”
The first thing he did when he left your apartment building was, in fact, stupid. 
“Rocco,” he said, greeting the half-asleep Italian-American man on the other line of the pay phone across the street from your place. “I need your help with somethin’. I need you to find out where that Tony guy is.”
“Why… why the hell would I know?” he replied. His groggy voice signaled that he was just waking up, much earlier than he was used to, too. 
“‘Cause you’re in that mafia crowd. You know shit.”
He did, in fact, know shit. Shit he probably didn’t want to know. He knew about people being offed left and right, and he knew a little too much about everyone in Giuseppe Yakavetta’s phone book. 
“Goddamnit, Murphy,” he said. “What do ya want me to do, huh?”
Murphy’s face scrunched in frustration as he scratched his head, trying his hardest to muster up some kind of plan. All he knew was he needed to do something. That tattoo on his hand didn’t mean Justice for nothing. 
“Fuck!” he suddenly exclaimed. “I dunno, just… Where does he live, huh? Let’s start with that.”
“Jesus Christ,” Rocco huffed. “You’ve lost it. Where’s Connor?”
“He’s not here… He got jumped by Tony and his buddies last night.”
That seemed to grab Rocco’s attention. “Well, shit, Murph. Why didn’t you start with that?”
Despite Murphy’s lack of driving skill, he drove Connor’s car to Rocco’s apartment, picking him up before heading to what Rocco knew to be the nephew of Papa Joe’s apartment. It was in a nicer part of town, but it still seemed rather unassuming. There weren’t goons perched outside, waiting for guys like Murphy to climb up the stairs and assassinate the guy. He must not have been that important, which Murphy found quite amusing.
“This is so fuckin’ stupid,” Rocco repeated several times in several different variations under his breath as they climbed the stairs to the second floor of the apartment building. “This guy has guns, Murph. Hell, Connor’s lucky he got out alive.”
“Relax,” he replied. “Which number was it now?”
Rocco hesitated, flashing Murphy a begging look, as if to say, please don’t make me do this. 
He reluctantly followed the determined Murphy, who wasted no time in knocking on the apartment door.
Rocco seemed to back away slightly, until Murphy pulled him by his coat sleeve, just as a wifebeater-wearing Tony opened the door.
“What the fuck is this?” he asked, thick Italian-American accent loud and clear. To Murphy’s surprise, and Rocco’s relief, he didn’t seem to recognize the package boy.
Murphy’s anger at the man’s face overwhelmed any rationality he’d conjured up on the way there. In a black out of rage, he found himself grabbing Tony by the straps of his shirt, pushing him further into the apartment until he was leaned up against the wall, with Rocco quickly closing the door in a panic.
“Murph!” he yelled. “Christ!”
“You fucked with the wrong brother, dumbass,” Murphy hissed. “You wanna fight someone then fight me.”
He loosened his grip and shoved him against the wall with a thud. Holding back his urge to pummel him, he realized he was here for answers, too. Answers to Shannon’s death, which he had convinced himself Tony had something to do with. 
“Did ya kill that girl in the coffee shop?” he asked inelegantly. After all, he never even planned out exactly what he was going to say. 
Tony’s expression changed from confused to a broad, amused smile in a matter of seconds, though Murphy remained dead serious.
“No,” he said. “I don’t kill people. I don’t get my hands dirty.”
“But you had something to do with it?”
He tilted his head and leaned forward to push Murphy by his chest. “I don’t have to tell you shit, you dumb fuckin’ mick.”
Murphy had little time to think before he struck him, hitting the man across the face so hard he tumbled into the dining room table. 
He steadied himself as he wiped his lip. Blood had begun to seep from the cut. “You’ve got some fuckin’ nerve. Jesus Christ!”
“I’m not leavin’ here till you tell me why you had Shannon killed!”
He spat a glob of saliva and blood across the room before he answered. “Had a guy wait for a girl to show up at the café. Didn’t care if it was her or (Y/N)… Just wanted someone dead. Told him to kill the first girl he saw comin’ in. Simple as that. Happens everyday. Just another dead girl.”
Murphy’s eyes narrowed intently as his body felt the weight of his anger bearing him down, keeping him steady, and yet immensely burdened by the pressure. Just another dead girl, he heard over and over in his head. That could’ve been you. That could’ve been anyone. Shannon didn’t deserve to die just because of a man’s wounded pride, just because a man had been rejected. 
The smugness in Tony’s carefree smirk only added fuel to the fire. He was confident, without guilt or fear. He knew Murphy was powerless against him. He knew even if Murphy went to the police, nothing would be done. There’s no justice in the world, he thought. Not for people like this. 
“You mean to tell me,” he said, “that you had a woman killed just because (Y/N) wouldn’t give ye the fuckin’ time of day? Is that it?“
He wasn’t sure why he was asking. He knew that was the reason, he just couldn’t believe it.
“You didn’t even care who it was,” he added, as if trying to make more sense of the concept by saying it all out loud. It only sounded worse. “You didn’t care if it was (Y/N), you just wanted someone dead… And if it wasn’t (Y/N), it’d be someone she cared about?”
Tony huffed. “Just how it goes. And your brother… I was bored.”
Murphy lunged forward once again, gripping Tony’s shirt so hard that he could hear a few seams ripping.
“Don’t ya ever touch my brother or (Y/N),” he said. “It’s not a warning, it’s a threat. I’ll kill you if I see you again.”
“Kill me?” he asked. “Buddy, Papa Joe knows where you live now. He knows how many steps you take in a day. You try anything and you’re dead. You squeal to the cops and you’re gonna wish you were dead.”
Murphy seemed to freeze in place, keeping a heavy, piercing stare into the young mafioso’s eyes. Time didn’t seem to mean much at all for a moment as he saw flashes of memories he wished could have faded in the eight years since they’d happened, but something like that didn’t go away easily. 
The shine in Tony’s pupil was not dissimilar from the glisten of the cherry red puddle pooling around his feet that crisp overcast morning. In plain sight, in broad daylight, in the middle of the street in Limerick. Too close to home. 
“Murph!” Rocco’s voice resounded with an echo from behind him. He pulled him by force from Tony, though his body was so stiff it became easily movable, compact and somehow hollow. “The hell is wrong with you, man?”
His brain seemed to rattle in his head as he shook himself out of his brief stupor. Tony’s chest puffed up, then he turned to retrieve something from the kitchen drawer just behind him. “You better get the fuck outta here now,” he said, now wielding a silver pistol he pointed with one confident hand at Murphy and Rocco, who quickly backstepped back towards the door. “Only reason I haven’t used this yet is ‘cause I got one bullet left. Don’t wanna waste it on one of you sorry pricks.”
Rocco yanked Murphy further out the door as he held it open with one hand, then turned back to say his only words to Tony: “This was all his idea,” he said. “I had absolutely nothin’ to do with it. Just here for moral support.”
The events of Murphy’s morning were certainly more exciting than yours, as meanwhile you were left to sit awkwardly watching Connor attempt to ice his back. 
He contorted uncomfortably with a hiss to reach behind and graze the aching spot with the ice pack you’d given him, though it was just as painful for you to watch him.
“Here,” you said, lifting yourself up from the couch and preparing a throw pillow for him to rest his head on. “Lay down.”
At first he seemed reluctant, huffing as he crossed the studio apartment to the edge of the couch. Out of the corner of his eye, he met the gaze of Mimsy, who watched intently as she waited for him to settle in place. 
“That cat’s got something evil in its eyes,” he said, leaning back slowly before crossing his ankles over each other. “Never liked cats.”
You took the ice pack from his hand and lifted his back (with a bit of a grunting protest from him) to place the ice pack underneath him, keeping it steady. 
“There, that’s better… And maybe you just haven’t given cats a chance.” 
He raised an eyebrow, turning to face you as you sat on the adjacent armchair. “Your brother likes cats,” you pointed out. A ball of white fur entered your field of vision as Mimsy jumped onto Connor’s stomach with her whole body weight, causing him to flinch and grunt in pain. Despite your slight urge to laugh, you quickly moved to remove the feline from his belly, then sat back down with her tucked in your arms. “I think she likes you. She loves Murphy.”
“Pfft,” he scoffed, wiping the myriad white hairs that had settled on his black t-shirt. “Cats can’t love. Evil things.”
He raised his eyes when he noticed you fell silent, focusing on petting the purring animal with downcast eyes. “Sorry,” he said. “I’m, uh… in a mood.”
“It’s okay. Can I get you anything? Water or something?”
“Got anything that’ll disinfect my insides?”
He sighed and covered his eyes with the back of his arm. “Water’s fine.”
In awkward silence, you poured a glass of water and set it on the coffee table, within Connor’s reach. You pushed the glass closer and closer to the edge, hoping you wouldn’t have to force him to reach too far in his injured state. The guilt washed over you with each pass you made over his bruised face, and the bruises on his stomach and chest that could only be seen when his shirt lifted at certain angles. 
“I’m sorry,” you blurted out, not entirely sure why you should be sorry. You didn’t inflict that pain on him, but maybe if you hadn’t kept Connor at the bar last night, or if you’d never gotten the brothers involved with Tony in the first place, he wouldn’t have been beaten to a pulp. Murphy wouldn’t be out doing God knows what, and you wouldn’t be just a little bit more scared for your own life than you were the day before.
“What the hell are you sorry for?”
You replaced yourself on the armchair, moving Mimsy out of the way as you did so. “I’m sorry those guys hurt you.”
“It’s not your fault.”
“If it weren’t for me, Tony wouldn’t know who you are. Now Murphy’s pissed, and I don’t want him to get hurt either. I don’t want anyone getting hurt. Not like Shannon.”
Connor huffed and folded his hands behind his head, propping himself up just a little more to look at you. You never realized how much he looked like Murphy. It wasn’t a particularly obvious resemblance, since at first glance their features were quite different, but when you really looked at him, for the first time, you saw that same kindness in his eyes. His eyes were bigger, even more expressive than Murphy’s. They seemed to tell a story deeper than his, something more somber and real. Murphy’s eyes were playfully cunning and somehow both sharp and soft in their gaze; Connor’s eyes displayed an intensity and a wide range of deep emotions that almost made you uncomfortable in their depth. You couldn’t look at him as long as you could look at Murphy, but maybe Murphy was just more familiar to you, more connected. Still, both of them had those kind faces—the kind of face with soft, handsome features that spoke volumes without uttering so much as a word. 
“Murphy doesn’t think,” he said. “But he’s not gonna get himself hurt.”
“How do you know?” you asked genuinely. “I mean, he seems so… impulsive. Reckless, even. Don’t get me wrong, I—Well, I love that about him in a way.” Your body tightened as you averted your gaze, slightly embarrassed by your usage of the “L” word in front of Murphy’s brother. “These mafia people… They’re scary.”
Connor shook his head and propped himself up further until his aching back was separated from the soothing cold of the ice pack beneath him. 
“It’s nothing new, lass,” he said, a softness in his voice you hadn’t heard from him before. “There’s always been people like that…”
He seemed to trail off, his eyes focusing on the purring ball of white fur in your lap, curled up, her limbs daintily spread out like the petals of a pure white snowdrop.
“Did, uh… Did Murph ever tell ya about a kid named Jack?”
You smiled and nodded, remembering the night Murphy told you of a boy he used to know, whose cat followed him and Connor home from his house. A simple story, but you remembered everything he said. Words in his voice echoed in your head as it ached to memorize them with every unique inflection and idiosyncrasy. 
“He talked about how his cat would follow you home… You thought it was a bad omen, or something like that.”
He smirked at the memory, but that wasn’t the first thought he had when Jack came to mind.
“Did he tell you what happened to him?”
You furrowed your brow in confusion at the question, at the serious tone in his voice. How could such an innocent little anecdote lead Connor to be so somber? It reminded you of that look you’d seen in Murphy’s eyes when you asked about his tattoo—the one on his right hand. ÆQUITAS.
“He only mentioned him once, offhandedly,” you replied with a shrug. “I… didn’t know anything happened to him.” 
Connor’s back straightened as his body stiffened. Bruises seemed to burn and the ink on his left hand seemed to seep further into the cracks of his skin, dyeing the muscle underneath. Tiny pin needles weaved relentlessly across his body, each prick representing a new old image being brought back to the surface. It had been becoming more potent these days, and Murphy felt it too. He believed it wasn’t just a coincidence.
“Jack was murdered,” he said bluntly, then swallowed hard to absorb the blow. “There’s… Irish mob in the city. Limerick. We were maybe nineteen, with some other guys, too, but Jack was… He got the bullet.”
You shook your head in surprise as you processed that. It was just about the last thing you had expected to hear, but then again, things were becoming dark all around you recently. Even the usual darkness of the pitch black that crept into your apartment each night seemed a little more deep. A little more vacant. A little more sinister. 
“Oh my god,” you said. “I had no idea… I’m so sorry.”
The muscles in Connor’s face seemed to lose all strength as they wilted and froze into place. He couldn’t even blink for quite a few moments, as somewhere on the hardwood floor he relived that moment. He could see a shadow of his childhood friend’s body lying limp and writhing in agony as blood seeped from his abdomen. Gradually, he began to not move at all, until cat sidhe slinked through the mysterious mist to claim his soul before God could. At least, that’s what Connor saw in his mind. What cruel fate had befallen the young man—shot down in the middle of the street on a foggy October morning, only to be victim to that mythical black cat with the scruffy patch of white on his chest. 
He cleared his throat to wake himself from that nightmarish daydream he’d somehow fallen into. “Uh, yeah… We were just out and about, walking downtown. Jack didn’t have anything to do with those assholes. He barely ever even left his house. That night before, we finally got him to go out to the pub with us. Walkin’ back home in the morning… He just went down.”
The gunshot seemed to ring out from a distance. The first gunshot he’d ever heard, and he’d hoped it would be the last, but he knew from that moment on that that wasn’t his fate. 
On bended knees he hit the gravel of the busy city street, while on the other side of Jack’s body, blood seeped between Murphy’s shaky fingers as he tried in vain to stop the bleeding. 
He couldn’t quite recall every word that was frantically spoken, every scream that echoed in the panicked street that day, but he knew one thing for sure: both he and Murphy had seen the flash of the perpetrator’s face as he rolled down the tinted window of that fancy black car. They’d only known him from wanted signs and reports on the evening news. They said to look out for a bloodthirsty assassin who was high in the upper echelons of the local Irish mob. All Connor and Murphy knew at the time was that people called him Angel of Death. 
Of course, Jack’s death wasn’t planned, nor orchestrated by the mob. It was a random killing, meant to distract the general public as a robbery commenced across the street. They needed to create chaos, so that’s what they did. It was a slap in the face of human morality.
“Did they ever catch the guy?”
“Didn’t even look. Not enough, anyway. Even if they had, whatever he got wouldn’t have been enough. Jack never hurt anyone. All he cared about was that stupid cat.”
Connor’s eyes trailed to Mimsy, whose green eyes met his in sympathetic curiosity. It was like she understood everything he had said, and knew his pain. She knew much more than those strange cat eyes could ever really show.
“Ya know… After that, Murph and I knew we had to do something.”
His voice turned low and ominous, and you furrowed your brow in confusion at the statement. “Do what?”
He sighed and leaned forward. “Do you believe in destiny?” he asked.
Silence settled in as you tried to think of your answer to that nebulous question. “I, um… I don’t know. That’s a hard question.”
“But it’s an important question, lass,” he replied. “Think about it.”
You shrugged and willed yourself to really think on it for a while. For fear of putting your foot in your mouth in front of the brother of the man you loved, you had to know exactly what your answer was, and it had to be a good one.
“Well, um… I think maybe there’s some destiny. People are born in certain circumstances, and that sort of… predisposes them for things to happen. But I don’t know if there’s a big plan for all of us. I mean, life is complicated.”
“Aye, it is,” he said. “But God, lass… God has a plan for everyone.”
You’d once recalled Murphy mentioning that Connor was the more religious of the two. That explained a lot.
“I knew it from that day on,” he continued. “I knew Murphy and me had a purpose. We just need a sign.”
“A sign for what?” you asked, confused by Connor’s cryptic language. 
“A sign to fight for truth and justice.” He held his left hand out towards you, tracing his right index finger along the Latin word on his hand, VERITAS. “We’re getting closer to it. I can feel it. Hell, I wouldn’t have let Murphy go out today if I didn’t think it was destined.”
He pulled his arm back and leaned against the pillow once more, readjusting the ice pack as he did. You were left still pondering on what he meant, until his voice croaked up again, this time almost in a whisper. “You and Murphy,” he said. “Maybe you were meant for each other.”
You tilted your head as the corner of your lip curled at his words. “Really?”
“He seems to think so,” he said, much to your delight as your cheeks rouged in flattery. “He’s always kinda been a romantic, you know. When we were little, he talked about getting married. A lot. I made fun of him for it, always goin’ on and on about the kind of girl he wanted to marry. He always says girls don’t like him, but they do. They like that he’s…”
Connor’s hand danced around in the air as he tried to figure out the word to describe what women saw in Murphy.
“Sensitive?” you asked.
“Yeah. Sensitive. More than me. He just never met a girl like you. Not a girl he loved like you. Tell you the truth, I was worried you’d… make him forget about what we have to do. That ya’d sweep him off his feet, get his head in the clouds. I mean, you did, but maybe it’s not so bad. Maybe it’s a good thing. It’s happening, so I guess it’s meant to be. Part of God’s plan, you know?”
You smiled wide and giggled under your breath, though Connor was dead serious. He didn’t take God or destiny lightly. “Um, yeah. I know what you mean… I love Murphy, Connor. He means a lot to me. I’d never want to get in the way of you two, or your plans. I just want to be with him. That’s all.”
Finally, Connor smiled again, realizing once and for all that you weren’t a burden on his brother’s mind. In fact, when he really thought about it, your presence in his life had made Murphy happier, and all he ever wanted was for his brother to be happy. What else could he ask for? You must’ve been part of God’s plan, he supposed. You were here, changing Murphy for the better, and maybe even getting the MacManus brothers just a little closer to their sign, which Connor was convinced was coming sooner rather than later. Besides, anything ordained by God was sure to be a good thing.
“I know you love him,” he said. “I know he loves you. He thinks you’re an angel… Thinks you’re the girl of his dreams, the one he always talked about marrying.”
You rolled your shoulders in bashful giddiness. You knew Murphy was a bit of a hopeless romantic, but you had no idea he was that serious about you. Of course, it was much too soon to even think about marriage, but you had to admit, if there would ever be a man you’d want to marry, it would be him.
“I hope he’s right,” you said. “I don’t want to disappoint him.”
“You won’t.”
You felt a weight lift from your lap as Mimsy jumped across the way to the arm of the couch, and slinked her way up to Connor’s chest, where she planted herself in the shape of a loaf. 
“Mim!” you laughed, then continued to speak directly to the inordinately affectionate feline. Something about these MacManus brothers must’ve really impressed her. She seemed to like them almost more than she liked you. “Connor doesn’t like cats.” 
Connor’s hands stroked her back as she lowered her head, letting sleep take hold of her, as it so often did for the lazy little animal.
“Nah, it’s fine,” he said, surprising you. “I, uh… I think I might like cats now.”
When Murphy returned later that afternoon, you thanked his God that he was all right. Not a scratch on him, but he was tired. More than that, he seemed defeated. Hopeless, even. 
He insisted upon staying with you that night, with Connor snoring on the sofa (alongside Mimsy, who had curled up near his chest, her head close to his heart). 
Murphy squinted his eyes in the darkness, peeking over the room divider to get a glimpse of Connor’s arm wrapped loosely around the sleeping cat. 
“Christ,” he muttered. “How the hell did that happen?”
You came up behind him to rest your chin on his freckled shoulder, as your hands curled delicately around his sides. “I think Mimsy might love Connor even more than she loves you,” you said. “Don’t take it personally.” You raised a hand to comb your fingertips through his short, choppy hair, still a little wet from his shower. “I still love you.”
He huffed and leaned his head back to rest momentarily on your shoulder before he kissed your cheek, then turned around to face you. “I gotta tell ya somethin’,” he said, and in your slight fear he’d tell you he didn’t love you anymore, you grasped tight around his shoulders, pulling him closer. He felt so sturdy, and yet in his face was a fragility and vulnerability the likes of which you hadn’t seen in him before. 
“You can tell me anything.”
You felt him gently guide you backwards, until the back of your knees folded against the edge of your bed. He held your hands in both of his as he sat beside you, causing you to panic even more. 
“Murphy,” you whispered, afraid that if you spoke any louder you might break out into tears just from the way he was looking at you. You never thought those mischievous blue eyes could be so forlorn, but here they were—oceans of melancholy. “You’re freaking me out… What is it?”
“(Y/N),” he said, “Tony had Shannon killed.”
Your eyes widened briefly, then fluttered in confusion as you shook your head. “He… What?”
His grasp on your hands grew tighter, tight enough he could feel you shaking. “After what happened at the station, I guess… I guess he was pissed. He had someone kill her.”
You shook your head and separated your hand to cover your mouth. Tears quickly drenched your cheeks, and you pressed your hand harder to keep the sobs as muffled as you could. “H-how… Why? Why would he…”
Strong arms wrapped all around you like a blanket, bringing you into his bare chest with his fingers laced between loose strands of your hair. 
Guilt washed over you for the second time today. The consequences of your actions once again involved someone getting hurt. You had hoped that Shannon’s murder had nothing to do with Tony, nothing to do with that guy you’d already regretted knowing, but somewhere in the back of your mind, you had known it all along. You just didn’t want to admit it could have even been possible.
“This… This is all my fault,” you cried against his chest. “Shit… Murphy, now you’re in this too. You and Connor… and Shannon’s dead because I wanted a free ride.”
“Hey,” he said, lifting your chin with a delicate hand, your glassy eyes reddened, with pearls of translucent tears resting on your bottom lashes. “You didn’t know who he was. You couldn’t have known, lass. It’s not your fault.”
He couldn’t even fathom telling you that Tony’s assassin could’ve killed you if you had been where Shannon was that morning. Just seeing the fear in you now, as you realized the kind of people Tony and his family really were, was too much for him to bear. 
You shook your head and sniffled in an attempt to hold back any more tears. “We have to tell the police,” you said. “They can do something. They have to do something.”
“We will tell them,” he said. “We’ll tell them… (Y/N).”
He lifted your face to meet his once again, this time with both hands cupped around your cheeks to brush away the remnants of your tears. “I’ll never let anything happen to you,” he said. “I’ll keep you safe. I swear to God, you’re safe, and everything will be all right.”
You shut your eyes tight and nodded with a strained face. “Connor told me about Jack. About how he died. I don’t want anyone to die like that. I didn’t want Shannon to die like that. You never realize what it’s like until it happens to you.”
He nodded before holding you tight once again, feeling your chest move as you took a deep breath. Being held by him had some kind of calming effect, strong enough to make you forget for just a split second every ounce of irrational guilt that weighed down on you. 
“It’s gotta stop,” he said. “It’s gonna stop. I promise you.”
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wjehfshs · 1 year
I forgot to take my meds so I’m gonna do some silly short imagines/scenarios with COD and DBH characters x reader
Warnings??: swearing. Cringe and uncreative :3, but I’m having fun so… reader being chaotic and silly
Mentions of smoking/cigars at one point and blood at one point but not too bad
A really fucked up looking cake made by reader and Connor
Somewhat Connor x reader
Price being basically the dad of everyone
Hank and Connor being the best father son duo
Hank kinda being a father figure overall
Hank also creating an abomination
OOC Connor??? Sorta??? Idk if headcanons about Deviant Connor count as OOC we don’t really see much of Deviant Connors personality.
COD imagines
Reader: who’s got their hands on their favourite food and they’re devouring it (may or may not be inspired by me at dinner earlier today)
Everyone else: looking on in fear and awe, their food basically untouched as reader is basically oblivious to the world
Soap: “Jesus fuckin Christ lad/lass, could ya slow down?! It’s givin’ me a stomach ache just looking at ya”
Reader: who stops dead in their tracks, food stuffed in their mouth as they are mid chew, fork with more food on it held up in midair as if they are about to take another bite. And they start slowly chewing again as they slowly descend back into their episode of shovelling food down their throat
Soap: “that’s fuckin it, bloody hell im eatin in my room” as he picks up his plate and walks off
Reader: walking back inside with a plastic tub that seems to be wet and heavy.
Price: “what have you done this time.”
Reader: “noooothing” they smile a little to themselves as they try to conceal their laughter
Price: “let me look in the tub. Now.”
Reader: backing off not wanting to make him angry.
Ghost, Soap, Gaz, Rudy, Alejandro, and Graves: All siting peacefully in the main area.
Price: in the background “Why the fuck did you bring a fucking baby Shark inside?!”
Ghost: covered in glitter, absolutely pissed beyond belief “would you like to tell me why there was a bucket of glitter sat on top of my door?!”
Reader: “well that’s actually a funny story you see…” starts booking it in the opposite direction
Ghost: chasing after them at full speed, still covered in glitter, leaving a glitter trail behind him.
Everyone: very confused as to why there is a glitter trail eventually leading to a locked door with a glitter covered Ghost banging on it with reader crying/laughing behind it out of both fear and it being the funniest shit they have seen all day
COD headcanons
I like to imagine Gaz really likes Beyoncé so if he’s ever put on cleaning duty he will wait until everyone’s asleep and he’ll listen to Beyoncé with his headphones on while cleaning, he’s definitely been caught a couple times by Price or Graves or something. He never lived it down but it still didn’t stop his love for Beyoncé.
Soap really loves olives, like, REALLY loves them so much so to the point where every time they get a supply of Olives they have to lock them away so Soap doesn’t take them too his room and eat them all in one sitting (side note: I hate olives, I really fucking hate olives)
Ghost likes hello kitty because it reminds him of the softer things in life (which he doesn’t really get to see much I can imagine) so back at home he has a bunch of hello kitty stuff such as plushies all placed neatly on his bed along with some other stuff like bed sheets, but he refuses to take any of it with him on missions even if he can keep it in his room in the Barracks because he’s just so scared that if the Barracks get attacked his plushies will either get dirty/bloody or straight up “injured” and he just loves them too much to let that happen, just quietly he thinks if that where to ever happen his entire world would fucking crumble in front of him (self inserting myself a bit bc I love my plushies this much too and I love hello kitty)
Price although he smokes cigars he knows how it can make Gaz worry (worried son moment frfr) so he’s trying to stop so he’s taken up chewing a shit load of gum. He will sneak in an occasional cigar if he gets too stressed out on a mission. He just needs that relief for a second but he swears he’ll stop next time (he doesn’t).
Soap likes to collect bath toys, ever since he got his nickname “Soap” he’s taken a liking to collecting bath toys (specifically rubber ducky’s) whenever he’s back at home.
Graves is a full blown homosexual but he’s too scared to admit it so he denies it every time.
DBH imagines
Hank: getting home after reader and Connor (deviant Connor, sorry I really only write deviant Connor bc he holds a special place in my heart and any kind of Connor hurts me) get a day off “Hey im homeeee…”
Reader: covered in flour and butter
Connor: the ends of his fingers are charred black a bit from the oven and he has icing bits in his hair
Reader and Connor collectively: “We made you a cake! :D”
The cake in question:
Tumblr media
Hank: literal fucking tears in his eyes out of pure terror and stress. “…Thanks guys, I’m not. I’m not hungry right now but I’ll eat it later” as he slowly shuffles to his room with a shell shocked look on his face.
Connor and Reader: Looking at each other with the stupidest and biggest smile on their faces.
(This is inspired by a tik tok audio)
Connor: who’s deviant but is still used to being a machine so he analyses every single little thing. He walks up to reader. “You’re hair smells different today, did you use a different shampoo?”
Reader: slowly turning around with a scared smile on their face. “That’s actually really… creepy”
Connor: (in his head) “creepy? Am I. Creepy?” But on the outside he looks like he’s on the verge of tears
Reader: who sees his expression and immediately hugs him just to assure him they’re not mad just giving him a heads up that it’s kinda weird, they still love him tho (either platonically or romantically)
Hank: in the kitchen making something
Connor: “Hey Hank, what are you making?” As he makes the mistake, the traumatic life changing mistake of looking in the pot
Hank: who’s boiling fucking raw chicken with nothing but hot water. “Chicken.” He says bluntly as he cleans up and puts the chicken on the plate and eats it while it’s completely unseasoned and practically raw
Connor: from the sheer shock of the encounter he goes into overload and he’s getting warning systems all over telling him sometimes wrong
Reader: who has to sit Connor down as they try not to gag from Hanks creation he dares to call a “meal”
DBH headcanons
Neither Hank nor Connor can cook for shit so 90% of the time it’s either microwaveable food or take out for Hank.
Since Connor turned Deviant he developed social anxiety but when he’s around people such as Hank or reader he’s so silly, he gets so stupid and funny it’s so cute to see him like that (I want to squeeze him and put him in my pocket then have him surgically inserted into my heart permanently I love him so much)
Connors autistic
Hanks Bi
Connors Pansexual
Connor and Hank so father son activities such as play catch outside and walk Sumo (with reader ofc)
Hank had his house renovated to have an extra room put in for Connor (and if you also want to live there an extra room for you but if your romantically in a relationship with Connor you would probably just have a bed put in Connors room and Connor, although he doesn’t need sleep, he’ll go into sleeping mode with you on the bed as you two cuddle)
Connor saved up enough money to buy a phone so once he got it all set up the camera roll is just filled with pictures of Sumo, other dogs he saw in public while out, him and Hank taking selfies, Hank who once got drunk and stole his phone and took pictures of himself, you and Connor selfies, (if you two are romantically together, sometimes just pictures of you, many, many pictures of you) and, you, Hank, Sumo and him all in a photo together. Maybe a couple of photos with his other friends too such as Markus etc etc but it’s mainly those.
Connor love’s physical touch, platonically, romantically, all of it. Every day he gives Hank a good morning hug, and a good night hug (best son ever fr) and every time he sees you he squeezes you into a tight hug and won’t let go for a good minute (if you two are in love he’ll also pepper your entire face with kisses for that entire minute finishing off with a smooch on the lips)
Ok that’s all for now, I love Connor fr he’s my favourite I would die for him.
I know this was super cringe but I had sm fun doing this.
Ok it’s like 2AM I should go to bed
Bye bye!
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theart2rock · 5 months
Farewell - diese Musiker mussten 2023 gehen
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Leider war auch das letzte Jahr nicht zu allen Musikern gut gewesen. Einige richtig einflussreiche Menschen mussten die Bühne wechseln, wie immer eigentlich zu früh. Den Musiker hören ja nie wirklich auf Musik zu machen. Was bleibt ist in allen Fällen ein Vermächtnis. Ein Werk für die Nachwelt. Deshalb möchte ich natürlich all den Musikern gedenken, die im 2020 in den Tourbus gestiegen sind und ihre letzte Tour angetreten haben. - Sebastian Marino (Overkill, Anvil, Ramrod) 07.11.1965 - 01.01.2023 (Herzinfarkt) - Fred White (Earth Wind & Fire) 13.01.1955 - 01.01.2023 - Manni Jordan (Heaven's Gare, Steeltower, Carrion) 27.01.1960 - 02.01.2023 - Jeff Beck 24.06.1944 - 10.01.2023 (Hirnhautentzündung) - Doug Grandon (Psychosis, Mass Psychosis, M.O.D.) 10.01.2023 (Parkinson) - Lisa Marie Presley 01.02.1968 - 12.01.2023 (Herzversagen) - Van Connor (Screaming Trees) 17.03.1967 - 17.01.2023 (Lungenentzündung) - David Crosby (Byrds, Crosby Stills and Nash) 14.08.1941 - 19.01.2023 - Top Topham (The Yardbirds) 03.07.1947 - 23.01.2023 - Michael Kupper aka Maik Moti (Running Wild) 29.08.1957 - 16.02.2023 - Steve Mackey (Pulp) 10.11.1966 - 02.03.2023 - Gary Rossington (Lynyrd Skynyrd) 04.12.1951 - 05.03.2023 - Wayne Swinny (Saliva) 22.03.2023 (Hirnblutung) - Nora Forster (Sex Pistols) 06.11.1942 - 06.04.2023 - Lasse Wellander (ABBA) 18.06.1952 - 07.04.2023 - Guy Bailey (The Quireboys) 07.04.2023 - Ian Bairnson (Alan Parsons Project) 03.08.1953 - 07.04.2023 (Demenz) - Mark Sheehan (The Script) 29.10.1976 - 14.04.2023 - Tim Bachmann (BTO) 01.08.1951 - 28.04.2023 (Krebs) - Gordon Lightfoot 17.11.1938 -01.05.2023 - Andy Rourke (The Smiths) 17.01.1964 - 19.05.2023 (Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs) - Chas Newby (The Beatles) 18.06.1941 - 22.05.2023 - Kirk Arrington (Metal Church / Vanderhoof) 23.01.1962 - 22.05.2023 - Sheldon Reynolds (Earth Wind & Fire, The Commodores) 13.09.1959 - 23.05.2023 - Tina Turner 26.11.1939 - 24.05.2023 - Lee Rauch (Megadeth) 10.09.1964 - 23.06.2023 - George Tickner (Journey) 08.09.1946 - 05.07.2023 - Jane Birkin 14.12.1946 - 16.07.2023 - Tony Bennett 03.08.1926 - 21.07.2023 - Sinéad O'Connor 08.12.1966 - 26.07.2023 - Randy Meisner (Eagles) 08.03.1946 - 26.07.2023 (COPD) - John Gosling (The Kinks) 06.02.1948 - 04.08-2023 - Robbie Robertson (The Band) 05.07.1943 - 09.08.2023 (Prostata Krebs) - Peter Haag "West" (Hämatom) 15.08.2023 - Bernie Marsden (Whitesnake) 07.05.1951 - 24.08.2023 (Meningitis) - Jack Sonni (Dire Straits) 09.12.1954 - 30.08.2023 - Jimmy Buffett 25.12.1946 - 01.09.2023 (Hautkrebs) - Steve Harwell (Smash Mouth) 09.01.1967 - 04.09.2023 (Leberversagen) - Matt Vinci (Liege Lord) 01.03.1965 - 09.09.2023 (Krebs) - Roger Whittaker 22.03.1936 - 13.09.2023 - Jon Kennedy (Cradle Of Filth, Hecate Enthroned, Imperial Genocide) 25.08.1977 - 25.09.2023 (Autounfall) - Jeff L'Heureux (Culprit) 17.11.1959 - 10.10.2023 (Motorradunfall) - Rudolph Isley (The Isley Brothers) 01.04.1939 - 11.10.2023 (Herzversagen) - Steve Riley (Keel, W.A.S.P.) 22.01.1956 - 24.10.2023 (Lungenentzündung) - Heath (X Japan) 29.01.1968 - 29.10.2023 (Krebs) - Vittorio "Vic" Vergeat (Toad) 15.05.1951 - 01.11.2023 - Pete Garner (The Stone Roses) 03.11.2023 (Krebs) - Charlie Dominici (Dream Theater) 16.06.1951 - 17.11.2023 - Mars Williams (The Waitresses, The Psychedelic Furs) 29.05.1955 - 20.11.2023 (Krebs) - Kevin "Geordie" Walker (Killing Joke) 18.12.1958 - 26.11.2023 (Schlaganfall) - Shane MacGowan (The Pogues) 25.12.1957 - 30.11.2023 (Lungenentzündung) - Danny Laine (Wings, Moody Blues) 29.10.1944 - 05.12.2023 (Lungenerkrankung) - Ken Erb (Shok Paris) 14.12.2023 - Manny Martinez (Misfits) 16.12.2023 - Colin Burgess (AC/DC) 16.11.1946 - 16.12.2023 Leider wird auch diese Liste vermutlich nicht vollständig sein. Rockt in Frieden Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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heartstoppermybeloved · 11 months
Les pépites de #Heartstopper ❤️ On ne se lasse jamais de revoir la saison 1 de Heartstopper ❤️ (en attendant la saison 2 ) Les aventures amoureuses de Nick ... via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-n54dC-2ek
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lyn-rambles · 2 years
Don't chicken out!
Pairing: Formaldehyde Bond (Alexandria Lawrence x Connor (RK-800) ) 
Summary:  Connor has been tense, and Alexandria finds out why. 
Word count: 712
Warning: Fluff without plot, Hank Anderson groaning in discomfort, swearing and abuse of the word damn
Road to Lyn masterlist
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Hank sat across the desk, Connor was nowhere to be found. The Police station was calm, alarmingly calm.
"Hullo, Lieutenant." She greeted at him.
"Mornin' Alex." He grumbled, on his mind clicked why Connor had run away just a minutes before. "Have you seen Connor?"
"Nope," She said a little disappointed. "I was actually hoping to find him here, he said he would send me the report for the man we found."
"Wouldn't it be easier to say it by mail?" He asked as she shrugged raising her brow. "I'll send it to ya, lass"
"Thank you, Lieutenant." She answered.
"Stop calling me Lieutenant, too, damn it" he grumbled. She smiled apologetically and went her way.
Just when she was lost on the corridor, Connor appeared walking a little bit tense and his cheeks the faintest blue. Hank looked at him annoyed.
"Is there a reason why are you avoiding Alex?" This behavior had been going on for at least a few days. Connor's LED wired yellow for a second and he blushed harder, sweet fuck this condescending prick was acting like a kid.
Alex sat on her chair and found the physical report on her desk and the notice of Lieutenant's mail. She also found a post it over the folder. "Have a nice day" the handwriting must have been Connor’s.
"Got the reports, Lawrence?" The chief asked.
"Yes, sir." She showed him the folder. "I'll begin to create the full archive for the prosecution."
"That guy, Connor, I believe… How are things going?" Alex froze, she had confessed her feelings for him and he had been avoiding her like the plague.
"I don't known, he's been avoiding me for a while." She sighed.
Hank groaned at Connor’s answers.
"It's a legitimate concern Hank." Connor protested.
"It would be if she hadn't said and I quote "I want to pursue a romantic relationship relationship"". That only managed to make him feel worse. "You do like her right?"
"Of course!"
"Then what is the damned problem? Just go and be honest with her, and invite her to dinner, movies, I don't know or care what you do on dates right now." He went back to work, leaving Connor with the words right on his mouth.
He continued filing the cases, and when lunch break came, on his mind tingle the new objective.
Don't chicken out
What a way to say it, his stress levels were not getting any better as he walked down to the forensic department. He swallowed before knocking the door.
"There you are." He jumped a little at the sound of Alex's voice. "I was wondering where were you."
"Have I been lost?" He asked as if he didn't knew he had been chickening out every time she was near.
"More like avoiding me." She passed close to him, way too close. "Come in, the dead don't bite."
She rummaged on her archive for her wallet. On her cubicle hung a faint smell of formaldehyde, he tried to sooth his circuits. But something on the way she looked while tidying her desk made him nervous, maybe the way her curls swayed, or the way the light shone against her skin.
The objective turned red, he was beginning to get second thoughts, he inhaled deeply.
"Do you have plans for this Saturday?" He asked with his eyes shut.
"No?" Damn it, that came out like a question. "No, why, Connor?" She had turned to see him.
"I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to the Aquarium with me?" His cheeks had turned a deep blue and his LED wired red. For once Connor, looked incredibly young.
"That's sounds like a date!" She cheered. "I-I mean I'll save the date, not like I don't want to go on a date," His stress was lowering but hers was coming up, damned be her tongue. "But this is-ah-" she cleared her throat. "Yes, I would love to go with you."
"Should I pick you up, by 9?" He asked more relaxed as they walked out.
"Wouldn't it be easier to meet up there?"
"I read that it was customary to pick the the other partner when a date was settled."
That made Alex giggle. "By 9 is fine by me"
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Hi! Can I request some Murphy smut please? where Murphy has a crush on the reader but is too shy to say anything about it so Connor flirts with the reader to make Murphy jealous. This makes Murphy confess his feelings and leads to loving but possessive smut. Thanks and I love your writing!
Hi Anon!!
Thanks for your request! I'm not feel myself very comfortable writing about MacManus twins because I think I don't interpret them well, but I still tried to make it to your liking.
I hope you enjoy it.
"Stop friltring with my girl!"
Murphy MacManus x FemReader.
Anon Request.
Warnings: Flirtring. Language. Jealous. Smut. Rough Sex.
Words: 2300.
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @pncnsc @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @srhxpci @xxtinasxxblog
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Murphy can't stop shaking. He's hating his brother so much right now. And he knows he's doing that on propuse.
He's talking to you, smiling, laughting, touchibg you more than necessary only for bother him.
He's sitting at one end of the bar next to Rocco and the others, half-finished with his beer as he chews his lip nervously and fiddles with his cigarette between his fingers. Connor is his brother, but right now he feels like killing him.
A chuckle reaches your ears again and you see that Connor is leaning on the bar and saying something to you that is making you laugh and turn red.
You're Doc's family, a sister's daughter's daughter's daughter, or something like that, Murphy didn't pay attention to your parentage, just stood there in the middle of the pub with a nervous smile and a "hello." Whispered low. Apparently you had only recently arrived in Boston, had nowhere to go and Doc had been asked to look after you. The man had enough to worry about without taking care of you too. So he did the only thing that seemed reasonable. Put you to work in the pub. He would keep an eye on you and at the same time you would earn some money to start your own life on your own and not depend on him. It wasn't as if Doc didn't want you, but the neighborhood, the atmosphere of the pub... it wasn't what he wanted for you.
Plus to all that he had to add ....
"Come on Doc, let the lass have her fun!"
The MacManus brothers. He knew they were nice guys, polite young Irishmen, believer. His best customers. But they were also dangerous, willing to get into fights, alcohol and tobacco were their best company. He knew they would never lay a finger on you if you didn't want them to, but they were capable of selling a bathing suit in the middle of the desert. That lip, those innocent looks, their ability to make conversation even with stones. At least Connor. Doc noticed right away that Murphy stayed in the background with you. Studying you, as if he was embarrassed to talk to you directly, of course that embarrassment was fading as the alcohol took over his actions. But in general Connor was the one who always started the conversation.
"W-what's wrong with your b-brother?" He asked Connor one day and Connor laughed.
"Love, Doc, or so he says."
"A- Ass!!! Fuck!!!" He cursed making the twin laugh again. "Because of my little girl? Don't fuck with me, Connor, I'm old for these jokes."
"Sorry, Doc, but it's true." He shrugs and Doc snorts in annoyance.
"And what are you supposed to do?"
"Oh no, I'm not interested, but it's fun to watch him get mad and still do nothing." He jokes and Doc rolls his eyes, the humor of the MacManus brothers sometimes escaping him.
"Do you think she...?"
"Does she like Murphy? Aye! my brother is handsome as fuck, but she's stubborn and won't do anything but move piece him first."
"Oh God I hope he never does..." He whispers and Connor laughs again.
"Come on, Doc, she's all grown up now. She's entitled to have fun and we Irish are great teachers."
Of course that failed to comfort the man, but now he was able to see the details, to read between the lines. He could see Murphy on the side of the bar, fidgeting nervously, biting his nails to the point of almost tearing his skin off, his eyes completely fixed on his brother and you who were still talking as you poured several drinks for other customers.
It's St. Patrick's Day, people tonight are livelier than usual. St. Patrick's Day is an important day there in the pub, they are working non-stop, Doc is happy. The amount of people may also be due to you. You've put on a t-shirt that fits your curves well with the words "A lucky kiss" and you're wearing a short green skirt, every time you put a new drink the customers ask you for a kiss and they all lean over the mother to see if they can discover the color of your panties, if the skirt is lifted high enough. Murphy is one of those who can't help but stare. But you always turn away before the fabric lifts too much.
"Anything else around here, guys?" You ask with a smile, Connor has returned with his brother and the others to that side of the bar. "Murphy?" You look at him as you see his pint is finished and he nods.
"Aye, thanks, tonight's gonna be a long one." He comments, but you don't think much of it.
"Here you go." You smile again and reach over giving him a kiss on the cheek, Murphy freezes for a second. "Your lucky kiss." You mumble and get back to work.
"Yer gotta do somethin' bro." Connor's voice reaches his twin's ears and he rolls his eyes. "That girl has a lot of suitors and if ya ain't..."
"Y'think I haven't noticed? I don't need ya flirting with her every five minutes either." He protests like a child.
"I'm ain't flirting... I'm just being nice."
"Yeah... nice my ass." He growls drinking the pint in one gulp making his brother laugh.
The night is slowly getting livelier, the music is louder, the drunks are unable to stand up, there are some fights and shouting, but in general everyone is having a good time. You stop at the bar cleaning up some glasses before grabbing several cases to restock the coolers heading for the storeroom. Murphy drums his fingers nervously on the bar without taking his eyes off you. He gets up from his stool going after you ignoring Doc's gaze on the back of his neck.
"Help ya, lass?" murmurs Murphy behind you when he sees you reaching for a case of soda.
"Thanks, Murph." You smile leaving her with the others. "But you can come back if you want, I'm almost done here."
"Uhm... You've been good tonight..." He says moving a little closer to you.
"It's been a crazy night, but I know you guys." You joke and startle when you discover Murphy is closer than you thought.
"Many have come for their lucky kiss..." He says staring at you, his voice sounding intense.
"I know, you've had yours too, are you jealous?" you joke and laugh when you see him lower his gaze.
"Aye, I am." He shrugs and you look at him in surprise.
"Why? You've had your lucky kiss too." You stare at him biting your lip.
"No, because yer my girl, and those guys had no business touchin' ya."
"Your girl?" You like the sound of that and your smile grows wider, you feel Murphy's hands caress your waist and you shiver.
"Yeah..." He whispers brushing his lips against yours.
You laugh against his lips, clinging to his body to kiss him eagerly. His hands squeeze your waist making you crash against one of the warehouse shelves. You gasp against his mouth, but neither of you separate, Murphy's mouth has a mixture of beer and cigarettes that traps you, his tongue soon bursts into your mouth tangling with yours, becoming dominant, taking control over you. His hands move up from your waist to your breast, massaging it between his fingers, brushing your nipples over your bra, listening to you sigh. The soft sounds escaping from your lips turn the Irishman on more and more wanting to know every one of those sighs and moans, that only he can elicit from you. He pulls away from your mouth kissing and marking your neck as he lifts your shirt and bra leaving them tangled above your breasts. Murphy pulls away just enough so he can stare at you, his eyes roaming you hungrily, his pupils dilating with desire. Again his body pushes you against the shelf, his fingers play with your tits and nipples, pinching them, making them hard and while his mouth travels from one to the other moistening them, hearing you moan with pleasure.
Murphy tenses and grunts against your skin as he feels your hand caress his bulging crotch. Your gazes connect and you smile with mock innocence, still stroking him.
"Wanna play, lass?" he whispers against your lips again and you moan when his fingers squeeze your nipples. "Be a good girl and show me what ya can do." He says huskily, his dark tone coursing through you hitting directly on your clit feeling yourself getting soaked.
You don't make yourself begging, your fingers unbutton his pants slowly, without taking your eyes off him, Murphy breathes heavily through his mouth as he follows your every move, when the zipper rings and you catch his cock you see him bite his lip, but he doesn't make a sound, concentrating on what you are doing. His pants drop to his feet, his boxers you have to push them down a little further but they soon accompany the other garment, you wrap your hand around his cock rubbing it up and down feeling it harden completely before kneeling in front of him. The tip of your tongue brushes the tip of his cock and you finally hear him hiss. You smile because he can no longer hold back and you shove as much length into your mouth as you can feeling it hit your throat. Murphy stirs, hands resting on the shelf, head slumped between his shoulders, panting like an animal, doing his best to control himself. You find it amusing how quickly he seems to get desperate, but you don't hurry, slowly following a good rhythm you start sucking and licking all over his cock, cupping your cheeks to give him more pleasure, your tongue playing with his head, to get it all the way back into your mouth. From above you hear Murphy moan and snort, seeing him like this turns you on, your hands caress your body and your fingers rub your clit as you continue to suck his cock, however Murphy discovers you and pushes his cock roughly into your mouth. It chokes you for a second and you can't suppress a gag. You pull it out of your mouth with a frown, but he shakes his head.
"Don't touch yerself... I didn't say ya can touch yerself..." He says with difficulty.
"And you're just going to enjoy yourself? I hope you know how to make me cum, MacManus." You tease him, you know you're playing games and you know it won't be long before Murphy proves to you that he can do it.
You smile as you hear him roar in offense, he reaches down to grab your armpits and pull you up, not giving you time to settle in when he wraps one of your legs around his waist and violently rips your bottle green stockings. You open your mouth to protest, but his hand closes around your throat and nips the words in the bud. His grip on your neck is not tight, he exerts just enough force to hold you still and send a confused but pleasurable shiver through your body. Your leg is still on his waist and you moan as you feel his fingers pull the fabric of your panties aside and pierce your pussy unprepared, only moist with your own wetness. It hurts and it bothers, but he doesn't move them, he leaves them there for a moment, letting you adjust to them before he starts moving them in small circles. You close your eyes and sigh, relaxing, enjoying his intrusion. You don't watch as a mischievous smile forms on his mouth, his hand tightens tighter around your neck to keep you still and the speed of his fingers suddenly increases.
You open your mouth in a muffled moan, surprise and pleasure mingling, his fingers moving in and out of you so violently that the shelf vibrates beneath you.
"Mu...Murphy!" you cry out feeling a pleasurable tug run through your entire body, your eyes roll up and you claw at the hand still holding your neck.
Your knees tremble, your breath hitching, his fingers continue to move but slower this time. Murphy presses his body against yours to keep you from falling, his mouth kisses your cheek down your neck. His fingers leave your body, without looking away from you he licks his fingers and grunts, you sigh at the sight of him.
"Ya taste so good, lass, I could drink from ya, all day long." He says in his dark voice and you moan again.
Murphy pulls away a little and turns your body, resting your hands on the metal shelf, he leans your body forward and pulls your skirt up around your waist positioning himself right behind you. Your pussy clenches with need as you feel the tip of his cock rub against your slit, moistening with your fluids. His head pushes in slowly, you hiss, his size dilating you, stretching your pars still twitching from the spasms of your first orgasm. He moves to pull out again, to which you protest by moving your hips with him, Murphy grins behind your body and thrusts hard, all the way in, all at once. Your moan is loud and long, one of his hands covers your mouth and with another he holds onto the same shelf he has your body against, his body bends over yours, your back arches as he guides you, his hand still covering your mouth and he begins to move fast, entering deep into you at the new angle, making you moan against his hand.
"So tight..." He gasps in your ear without stopping moving. "Yer pussy clenching on my cock, wanting me to fuck it over and over again." She moans increasing the movement of her hips. "If all those pricks could see ya now...all mine..."
"Mu...Murphy..." You mumble against his hand feeling slightly choked, he releases you, his free hand reaches down and squeezes your nipple, he rests his forehead on your shoulder.
"You know Doc's going to kill you if he finds out..."
"Feel so good, lass, squeezing my cock so fuckin' good." He grunts againts your ear. "I'm gonna cum, love."
Murphy sits up holding your waist and begins to thrust faster, deeper, seeking his own release. His thrusts become more and more erratic and he manages to find that spot inside that makes you see stars and you clench tightly around his cock. Murphy grunts and you feel him cumming inside you. Your knees tremble, but again his hands hold you down, preventing you from losing your balance. His cock is still inside you, he pulls you up, your back against his chest, his hands caress your waist, your belly, up to your breasts massaging them again, making you laugh.
"Nah, Doc adores me." He smiles and leans in kissing you.
The End.
I hope you enjoyed it!
See you in the next story!!
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phoenix761fics · 4 months
The Grocery List
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Fandom: The Boondock Saints
Pairing: Connor x reader
Summary: In which Connor learns not to snoop.
Word count: 600
Tags: language, embarrassing invasions of privacy, implied sexual content
As requested long ago by @/kitkat-589, who wanted to see what would happen if one of the MacManus boys found a partner's smutty fanfiction. It turned out a bit more tame than one might expect, but the humor of it was the most important thing, anyway. Enjoy!
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"What's that ye've got there, lass?"
She gave a start, flipped the notebook shut, and rammed her pencil through the spiral. "Nothing," she replied as she moved to stuff it away in her purse. "No biggie. Just...some lists."
"Oh, lists, is it?" Connor teased, sliding into the booth beside her with two cups of coffee. "What kinda lists, then, ta make ye so skittish?"
"I'm not skittish," she argued. "You just startled me in the middle of a thought."
"Musta been a hell of a thought."
She turned to give him an annoyed look and he stared back, blue eyes mischievous as he sipped his coffee. He remained silent through breakfast, though as they left the diner, he asked, "I s'pose it's a grocery list, an ye have shoppin ta do later?"
"Yeah," she agreed distractedly, "yeah, sure…"
"Lyin's a sin, love. Don't make me take ye to confession."
"I'm not lying!"
"Then let me see this list."
"Why do you want to know so--"
With the speed of a diving hawk, he reached into her unfastened purse and snatched out the notebook. She whirled on him and tried to take it back, but he danced out of reach with an ever-widening grin. "A grocery list, ye say?" he asked. "Is it so secret, then?"
"Okay, fine," she huffed, still reaching for the notebook, "it's not a list, now give it back--"
"Yer diary, is it?"
"No. Connor, just hand it here--"
"Do ye write poetry, love? Short stories?" He flipped the book open and skimmed the page where she stopped writing. "Ah, stories it is, then."
"Okay, fine, now you've seen," she said, making a grab for the notebook. "Now give it back and let's move on--"
"Nah, c'mon, lemme see--"
"Connor middle-name MacManus, if you don't hand that--"
His eyebrows shot skyward as he read the pencilled scribbles and he let out a soft whistle. "Might have ta take ye ta confession after all, sweetheart…"
Her face felt so warm, she half expected her head to combust. "For the love of God, Connor…"
"For the love a something. What is this? Blindfolds? Restraints?" He squinted to read where the pencil had smudged, then burst out, "A bottle of lube at the ready?"
She heaved a sigh, then folded her arms across her chest and glared as she waited for him to either give her back the notebook, or get to the really good part…
His eyes widened as he reached the bottom of the page and he stood staring down at the paper for a minute or two before he slowly raised his head to look at her. "Well," he began, then cleared his throat and went on, "well, lass, that was...that wasn't what I expected…"
She lifted one eyebrow. "You think? Maybe next time, you'll respect someone's privacy and take this as a learning experience?"
"Aye, it was that," he agreed vaguely. He closed the notebook and handed it back to her, then waited until it was safely stowed in her purse before he took her hand and led her up the sidewalk. "C'mon, sweetheart, we're off for home."
"Why?" she asked as she followed along. "It's still early."
"Exactly. Means we have all fuckin day ta read yer stories, maybe work em out in real time, so they're nice and accurate...might even start a few new ones…"
She raised both eyebrows but didn't complain. And she would have even less reason to do so once they got home and Connor made good on his suggestion.
She should let him read her notebooks more often.
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twdeadfanfic · 2 years
Irish Luck Pt.6
Murphy MacManus x Female Reader
Summary: An Irish man on the run jumping into her car and asking her to keep driving is just the beginning of trouble for reader, who gets unwillingly dragged into the mafia killing life of the MacManus twins.
Find the other chapters and more Murphy MacManus and Daryl Dixon fanfics in my masterlist
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You weren’t surprised when, for the next couple of days, Murphy phoned you in the evenings to check that you were alright, since he’d told you he would do so, but you still found it a bit shocking that he still cared and seemed to kind of consider you a friend somehow, but you would be lying if you said that it didn’t feel kind of good to have him checking on you and having your back.
As the phone rang now, you guessed correctly that it was Murphy checking on you.
“Hi, lass!” His cheerful voice greeted you through the phone. “Ye okay?”
“Yes, I’m fine.” Still no mafia had come for you, and so you had relaxed a bit, even though you were still anxious sometimes, fearful that they might come for you again in the future.
“Glad to hear that, lass…the cops left today?” Murphy asked you.
“Yes, they left this morning…” You were a bit anxious about being on your own, but you knew you couldn’t have police watching over you forever.
“Aye…so ye got plans for today?” Murphy asked you, taking you aback.
“Plans…no, not really…” You were still a bit anxious at the idea of leaving your apartment on your own, but you knew you should overcome it, since you were going back to work in a couple of days.
“So yer gonna be at home?”
“I…yes, I’ll be here…” You said and then heard some rustle at the other side of the line, before hearing Connor’s voice.
“He’s askin’ ‘cause he’s ‘bout to show up at yer door and drag me with him,” he told you, and you weren’t sure if he was being informative or just trying to take the piss at his brother, who you could hear cursing, followed by some more rustling as if they were fighting to take the phone from each other.
“Aye, aye, lass, me again,” Murphy’s voice told you before he cursed at his brother again.
“Murphy, you don’t have to come just because the police left, I can’t have people watching over me all the time, I have to learn to be on my own again, it’s okay, I-” You began but he interrupted you.
“It’s not only that lass…we’ll be there soon!” He just said, hanging the phone before you could say anything else, leaving you as puzzled as grateful at Murphy’s gesture.
Around an hour later, you heard some knocks on the window that led to the balcony of your apartment, and when you looked through it, you saw Murphy smiling and waving at you outside, while Connor rolled his eyes at him before giving you a nod, and you opened the window for them.
“Hey, lass,” Murphy greeted you as he climbed into your living room.
“There’re no cops outside anymore, you know you can come through the door,” you told them, a bit puzzled.
“Window’s nice enough.” Murphy shrugged.
“And I bet ye don’t wanna someone to see the Saints knockin’ on yer door,” Connor told you with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.
“Yes, well, it’s not like seeing them knocking on my window is any less suspicious,” you retorted. 
“Anyway…” Murphy was walking towards the coffee table, dropping his bag on the armchair. “Told ye that we can’t take ye to McGinty’s for a drink…but we can take the drink to ye,” he said, smiling at you before taking out of his bag a bottle of beer.
“You didn’t have to…” It was nice of him, though, even if you still felt rather awkward, but Murphy just shrugged, giving you another bright smile before taking out of this bag another two bees and also a bottle of whiskey, and you wondered if he’d taken those from their friend Doc.
Then, Murphy flopped down on the armchair while Connor took a chair from your kitchen and placed it next to the armchair, sitting down. Not knowing what to do, you sat down on the sofa, taking the beer that Murphy offered you and fidgeting with it.
“So how ya doin’ without the cops?” Murphy asked you after taking a sip from his beer, and you shrugged.
“I don’t know…it’s the first day…I’m okay…” You were a bit anxious though. “The first day of coming back to normal…have you…have you both heard anything about the Russians? Involving me, I mean.”
“No, lass,” Connor told you and Murphy shook his head too. “We can’t promise ye, but I think yer not on their radar anymore.”
“I wish…” You sighed. “I just want my life to go back to normal…no cops watching over me, no mafia threat…” 
Not having to be scared of getting kidnapped and killed at any moment when you stepped outside…you knew it’d take you a while to conquer your anxiety and fear and that the first days going back to work were going to be hard, but you wanted your life back.
“No mafia killers at your window…” Connor added and with the way he was looking at his twin, instead of at you, you thought he was trying to take the piss at Murphy, who scowled and nudged his brother.
“I mean…yes it’s odd…” You admitted. “But it also feels nice to know that you had my back,” you said and you were rewarded by Murphy’s bright smile.
“We still have it, love, and we will,” Murphy said and Connor nodded. “If ye got any more trouble we’ll help ye.”
“Thanks…” You were grateful, but you still felt a bit awkward and shy there with the twins, even though the familiarity with which Murphy treated you felt kind of nice in a way, and you fidgeted with your beer, unsure of what to do or what to say.
“Ye don’t like beer?” Murphy asked you, frowning when he noticed that you weren’t drinking.
“Oh…no, I mean, yes, I like it…” You weren’t the biggest fan, though, but it was just that you’d been too awkward to drink, but now you took a sip. “This is actually very good,” you commented, you liked it more than the beers you’d tried until then.
“’cause it’s Irish, love!” Murphy said, seeming proud as he raised his beer.
“Aye!” Connor agreed. “Like all good things!”
Even though the situation was still awkward and odd, you couldn’t help your smile at them…for mafia killers, they were rather cute sometimes.
“Pity that I’m not Irish then,” you tried to joke shyly.
“Just keep hangin’ with us and we’ll make an Irish out of ye, love!” Murphy grinned at you and you found yourself thinking that he was a rather attractive guy.
“Aye, even without bein’ born in Ireland,” Connor agreed.
“Like our friend Rocco, his family is Italian but he was born here, but he’s always sayin’ how Italian he is,” Murphy said.
“Aye, and he speaks less Italian than us!” Connor scoffed.
“How many languages do you speak?” You asked, genuinely curious.
“English, Irish, Italian…”
“French, Spanish, Russian…”
The brothers listed and you looked at them a bit in awe. “Woah…that’s a lot, it’s very impressive,” you said and the brothers looked at each other, seeming pleased with themselves. “I should ask you to teach me any of those,” you half-joked.
“Don’t think we’d be the best teachers, lass…” Connor snorted.
“Aye,” Murphy nodded. “But if we’re gonna make her an Irish, then she gotta learn Irish!”
What started as a joke ended with Murphy and Connor trying to teach you some Irish words and phrases…wasn’t that language hard…
The brothers kept interrupting each other, arguing and talking over each other, escalating into them both trying to slap each other’s mouth shut, quite literally. It was kind of endearing, in a way, despite the odd situation.
“That’s not a real word!” Connor complained. “Ye just made it up!”
“I didn’t! Heard ma’ sayin’ it!” Murphy protested but Connor scoffed.
“In a dream or somethin’, aye,” Connor retorted and Murphy shoved him. “Ye know the stuff ye imagine in yer head ain’t real, aye baby brother?” Connor kept teasing Murphy, who shoved him harder this time. “Like yer tree with a person’s face.”
“I didn’t make that up! It’s true! Lass showed it to me!” Murphy said.
“Yes, it’s true.” You nodded. “Well, almost, it doesn’t really have a face like a person, but the tree kind of resembles a person, the figure, you know…” You said while Connor raised an eyebrow at you and his brother.
“Let’s show him, lass! Murphy said, jumping up from the armchair.
It could be nice…the park was less than a ten minute walk from your apartment, you’d get some fresh air, and you’d be less anxious taking a walk with the Irish mafia hunters brothers than alone.
“Alright…sure, why not, let’s go,” you agreed, and you couldn’t help your smile at Murphy’s happy grin.
Ten minutes later, you three were standing in front of the tree.
“Doesn’t have a person’s face…” Connor scoffed as if he didn’t want to have to agree with his brother, but you had noticed that he’d seemed curious about the tree.
“Ye just got no imagination,” Murphy retorted.
“If I have to imagine it, then it doesn’t have it,” Connor said back with a smug smirk, and his brother shoved him.
“Well, it’s a tree, it can’t have a face.” You shrugged. “But the shape of the tree, it does look like a person, like I was carved or something.”
“It was carved.”
It seemed that an old man who’d been taking a walk had heard your tree discussion and had decided to pitch in, taking you three by surprise, and you all turned to look at him.
“Excuse me?” You said, feeling rather shy and awkward.
“The tree, it was indeed carved to resemble a person,” the man said again. “Several years ago, for some celebration, but nobody has cared for it since then, so it looks like this now.”
“Oh…okay, thank you…” You said, still feeling rather awkward, and also a bit afraid that he might recognize the MacManus somehow.
The old man just nodded and kept on with his walk.
“See, told ye!” Murphy said while playfully shoving his brother, who shoved him back.
“Aren’t you afraid of someone recognizing you when you’re outside?” You straight up asked.
“We’re not that famous, lass,” Connor snorted.
“Aye…there were just a couple of news in the papers ‘bout us.” Murphy nodded.
“And nobody knows our faces,” Connor added.
“But someday, we’ll be signing autographs.” Murphy grinned, and you weren’t sure if he was joking or not.
“More like answering to letters from a jail cell,” you said back, unsure yourself if you were joking or not.
“Mean,” Connor snorted.
“Would you write us, love?” Murphy asked you, still with that smile on his face that was cuter than it has any right to be.
“I…you...you better try not to end up in jail,” you just said as you started to walk back home.
One night a few days later, near the sunrise, you were asleep when you were awoken by some insistent knocks. You were scared, wondering what was going on and who might that be at that hour…maybe the russian mafia was back at trying to get you? But they wouldn’t knock…
Even if you were scared, you got up, and as you stepped out of your room and the insistent knocks kept sounding, you realize they weren’t coming from the door but rather from the window to the fire escape.
Only the MacManus brothers did that…was this them? What were they doing here at that hour? Confused and still a bit afraid, you headed to the window.
“Lass?” You heard Murphy’s muffled voice from the other side of the glass as if he had noticed your silhouette through the curtain, or maybe he was just trying to catch your attention since you weren’t opening. “It’s Murphy and Connor, can we come in, please?”
So it was the MacManus indeed...you were relieved that it wasn’t someone trying to murder you, or kidnap you, or rob you, or anything like that, but you were worried about what were the twins doing there at that hour.
You lifted the curtain and saw right away the reason why they were there.
Murphy gave you a worried smile, but his lip was split and bleeding, and he winced as he tried to smile, while his nose seemed to have bled too. Connor worried you more, though, you could see blood dripping down his temple.
“What the hell happened?!” You asked as you opened the window, and the twins helped each other to step into your living room.
“Connor’s plan didn’t work too well…” Murphy said, sniffing when some blood trailed down his nose again.
“My plan was fine, ye were too slow!” Connor retorted, annoyed and ignoring his own bleeding wound.
“Oh, so it’s my fault now?!” Murphy snapped back, annoyed too.
They seemed about to start arguing and shoving each other despite their state, and so you stepped between them. “Stop it and sit down!”
“Will ye help us, love?” Murphy asked you with those puppy eyes that he had no right to have.
“No, I’ll just throw you both down my window,” you muttered as you headed to your bathroom for the first aid kit, rolling your eyes at the MacManus showing up at your window bleeding and then asking that.
You grabbed the first aid kit, a bottle of water, and some clean rags and bandages, struggling to carry it all back to the twins, who had sat down on your kitchen chairs. You poured a bit of cold water into a cloth and handed it to Murphy.
“I want you to hold this to your nose and pinch it to stop the bleeding while I check you brother, after that, I’ll see to your lip,” you instructed and Murphy nodded.
Pouring some water into another cloth, you turned to Connor, focusing on cleaning the blood around his temple so you could assess the wound…once clean of blood, it wasn’t as bad as you had feared, but still, it wasn’t pretty.
“Does your head hurt?” You asked.
“As if someone had hit me on it with his gun? Aye,” Connor retorted and you rolled your eyes.
“Well, better hitting you with his gun on the head than putting a bullet on it, uh?” You said harshly, but Connor just nodded, smirking at your sarcasm. “But no, I didn’t mean it like that, I mean, are you dizzy? Nauseous?”
“Nah, lass, I don’t have a concussion, I feel fine,” he told you, reminding you of Murphy acting as nothing while having a bullet wound on his side, when you first met him, weeks ago now.
“I’ll take your word for it…” You murmured, you were still a bit worried that he might have a concussion without any of you three noticing, but he seemed mostly fine.
You disinfected the wound, making Connor hiss at it. “You need stitches…but I think I don’t have to suture.” You were relieved of it, you hadn’t done it again since Murphy, it wasn’t part of your regular job. “I think some butterfly stitches can work.”
You had those and you began to carefully apply them to Connor’s wound.
“My brother’s whinier than me, aye?” Connor asked, confusing you.
“He told me ye called him a whiny baby when ye stitched him,” Connor explained.
“Shut up!” Murphy snapped.
“Oh…yeah, I guess you whine less than him…” You said distractedly as you shrugged, focused on checking the wound and making sure you had tended to him properly.
“See?” Connor gloated.
“Oh, screw ye!” Murphy snapped again. “It ain’t the same! Those ain’t even real stitches! Butterfly stitches, even the name is gay!”
“Murphy, stop it right now or I won’t check your lip,” you scolded him.
“Yer always meaner to me than to my brother…” He whined, and even without looking at him you could see his pout and knew he looked again like a kicked puppy…you wondered if he meant it and felt like that or if he did it to make you feel bad, and you wondered even more why the hell did it work.
You let out a sigh as you turned to look at him. “You weren’t a whiny baby, I had to stitch a bullet wound with no anesthesia, that hurts a lot…now shut up and keep pinching that nose.”
Murphy nodded, seeming content enough with your words, while Connor just chuckled quietly, and when you looked at him again, he was rolling his eyes. 
Whenever you were snarky or bantered with Connor, it seemed to amuse him, but Murphy always seemed to take it to heart.
“Alright…” You stepped back once you were sure his wound was as good as you could get it. “If you start feeling dizzy or nauseous, you tell me or Murphy,” you instructed him and Connor nodded. “Now let’s see your brother’s lip.”
“Don’t worry, lass, I think he’ll be fine if ye just kiss it better,” Connor joked, smirking.
“Shut up!” Murphy snapped, trying to kick his brother from his chair without catching you in the middle, and you wondered if that mafia killer in your kitchen was actually blushing and seeming a bit flustered...odd...
“Stop it you both,” you scolded them, trying to ignore Connor’s joke, since you were afraid you might end up a bit flustered yourself if you thought about it. “Did your nose stop bleeding?” You asked Murphy, who nodded.
“Alright…” Time to focus on his busted lip, then. “This is going to sting,” you warned him, pouring some disinfectant on gauze and then dabbing at his wound while Murphy hissed. “So, the lip is split…but it could be worse. I’m disinfecting it and then we’ll apply some cold to it,” you talked as you worked. “It’s probably going to swell, but it’ll be okay in a few days, it’ll also hurt when you eat and speak so careful with that.”
“Ye mean my baby brother may shut up for a few days?” Connor asked cheerfully, back to joking.
“Don’t move,” you told Murphy when he was about to snap, still applying gentle pressure to his lip, and you looked at Connor over your shoulder. “Stop being mean to your brother or I’ll get my butterfly stitches back.”
You felt a bit like taking watch over two toddlers…Keeping them in check when they tried to take the piss at each other was more exhausting than taking care of their injuries, and you wondered why you put up with it…you couldn’t feel any bad intention coming from it, though, not really, and you had witnessed how those two cared for each other.
“Okay, okay…” Connor chuckled, and when you looked back at Murphy, he seemed pleased that you had spoken up for him.
You pulled back the gauze that you had been pressing to his lip to check it again, and as those pretty blue eyes looked at you, you wondered if you might, perhaps, actually kind of wonder if it wouldn’t be a bit nice to kiss it better as Connor had joked…yeah, no, whenever that train of thoughts was coming from, you were stopping it right then and there.
“Okay…” You stepped back. “I’m going to get you an ice pack.”
“Thanks, love.” Murphy tried to smile at you but winced. “And sorry that we woke ye.”
“It’s fine, I had to get up soon anyway, I have a morning shift at the hospital,” you said, glancing at the clock.
“I know.” Murphy nodded. Since he’d wanted to keep checking on you, he’d asked for your schedule so you’d be at home when he phoned…it still felt a bit strange but it also felt nice to have him checking on you and making sure that you were okay and safe. “That’s why I thought ye’d be around and maybe ye’d help us.”
“Hmm.” Yes, you couldn’t have turned them away. “I should be getting ready…you guys don’t have any more injuries under your clothes, right?” You wouldn’t put it past them to have been shot or something but to act like nothing.
“Ye want us to strip, lass?” Connor teased you, smirking, and you rolled your eyes.
“You know, I was going to tell you both to stay for breakfast, but now I’m kicking you out,” you retorted.
“No, lass.” Murphy gave you the puppy eyes. “Let’s kick out just my brother and have breakfast you and I.”
“Who’s the mean one now?” Connor flipped his brother, who reached to lift Connor’s shirt and press the ice pack that you had given him for his lip to Connor’s belly, making his brother curse and jump off the chair….yes, toddlers…
“You both are mean and a headache,” you half-joked…it was so odd to think that these two guys were the same cold, dangerous mafia killers that you had witnessed in action not so long ago… “Now behave while I make some breakfast or I promise I’m kicking you both out…come on, go wash that blood off you.”
Much to your surprise, the twins listened to you and stopped, getting up and heading to the bathroom to wash the blood, talking in which you thought might be Irish, sounding as friendly as if they hadn’t been snapping at each other five seconds ago.
This was odd, having them there and fixing breakfast for you three, after you had fixed wounds you knew they had gotten fighting mafia, maybe even killing them…and you were about to have breakfast with them as if nothing…better not think about that.
“So, lass…” Connor began once you three were having breakfast. “If maybe we got hurt again workin’, would ye help us again? Can we come here?”
You shifted uncomfortably on your seat. You still weren’t too on board with this thing of them killing people because they thought God had told them so in a dream…but they only killed mafia…still, you were making yourself an accessory on their killing business…but if they were hurt and you didn’t help them, you knew they wouldn’t go to the hospital and try to fix their wounds themselves, and you didn’t trust how that could end…and why you cared…but you did…
Both brothers looked at you expectantly, with Murphy holding his toast in his mouth as he stared at you…how the hell could this killer be so cute sometimes…
“Yeah…” You finally sighed. “Yeah, I'll help you if you need it…”
Murphy removed the toast from his mouth after taking a bite and he went to smile but winced as it pulled on his split lip. “Thanks, love.”
“Aye, thanks.” Connor nodded, seeming pleased too.
“Just…try not to get hurt…” You sighed again and looked at your clock. “Alright, I have to get ready and leave for work in like ten minutes.”
“Aye, we should be leaving too.” Connor nodded to his brother, who got up, picking a spare toast.
“Through the door or through the window?” You half-joked.
“Window’s fine.” The twins shrugged, heading towards the balcony.
“If you say so…” You rolled your eyes but couldn’t help your small smile.
“See ya, love,” Murphy said, trying to smile at you and wincing at it, before following his brother through the window.
“Hopefully not hurt and bleeding,” you said, to which both brothers nodded, giving you a nod and a smile before they walked down the fire escaped, and you sighed as you looked at them go, talking animatedly with each other as if they hadn’t been bleeding on your kitchen less than an hour ago.
Thanks to the people who left me a comment in the last chapter telling me what they thought about it and to everyone who supported it!
Please, if you enjoyed this, let me know your thoughts in a comment, and as always, reblogs are more than welcome.
As always, excuse my English, it’s not my first language.
I’ll be reblogging the taglist after posting.
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