#conflict resolution training
maadhyaminternational · 9 months
international mediation training
Maadhyam has been developing and implementing training programs for imparting and promoting conflict resolution skills for ADR practitioners in close collaboration with local and global partners.
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doctorsiren · 18 hours
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I call this piece: “Dad Tax”
WIPs under cut :3
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hauntedselves · 1 month
DEAR MAN: Making Yourself Heard
This interpersonal effectiveness skill helps you assert your boundaries, and get yourself heard and understood.
D: Describe
Describe the current situation (if necessary). Stick to the facts. Tell the person exactly what you are reacting to.
Example: “You told me you would be home by dinner but you didn’t get here until 11.”
E: Express
Express your feelings and opinions about the situation. Don’t assume that the other person knows how you feel.
Use phrases such as “I want” instead of “You should,” “I don’t want” instead of “You shouldn’t.”
Example: “When you come home so late, I start worrying about you.”
A: Assert
Assert yourself by asking for what you want or saying no clearly. Do not assume that others will figure out what you want. Remember that others cannot read your mind.
Example: “I would really like it if you would call me when you are going to be late.”
R: Reinforce
Reinforce (reward) the person ahead of time (so to speak) by explaining positive effects of getting what you want or need. If necessary, also clarify the negative consequences of not getting what you want or need. Remember also to reward desired behavior after the fact.
Example: “I would be so relieved, and a lot easier to live with, if you do that.”
M: stay Mindful
Keep your focus on your goals. Maintain your position. Don’t be distracted. Don’t get off the topic.
“Broken record”: Keep asking, saying no, or expressing your opinion over and over and over. Just keep replaying the same thing again and again.
Ignore attacks: If another person attacks, threatens, or tries to change the subject, ignore the threats, comments, or attempts to divert you. Do not respond to attacks. Ignore distractions. Just keep making your point.
Example: “I would still like a call.”
A: Appear confident
Appear effective and competent. Use a confident voice tone and physical manner; make good eye contact. No stammering, whispering, staring at the floor, retreating. No saying, “I’m not sure,” etc.
N: Negotiate
Be willing to give to get. Offer and ask for other solutions to the problem. Reduce your request. Say no, but offer to do something else or to solve the problem another way. Focus on what will work.
Turn the tables: Turn the problem over to the other person. Ask for other solutions.
Example: “How about if you text me when you think you might be late?” “What do you think we should do? . . . I can’t just stop worrying about you [or I’m not willing to].”
More tips
Describe the current interaction.
If the “broken record” and ignoring don’t work, make a statement about what is happening between you and the person now, but without imputing motives.
Example: “You keep asking me over and over, even though I have already said no several times,” or “It is hard to keep asking you to empty the dishwasher when it is your month to do it.”
Not: “You obviously don’t want to hear what I am saying,” “You obviously don’t care about me,” “Well, it’s obvious that what I have to say doesn’t matter to you,” “Obviously you think I’m stupid.”
Express feelings or opinions about the interaction.
For instance, in the middle of an interaction that is not going well, you can express your feelings of discomfort in the situation.
Example: “I am sorry I cannot do what you want, but I’m finding it hard to keep discussing it,” or “It’s becoming very uncomfortable for me to keep talking about this, since I can’t help it. I am starting to feel angry about it,” or “I’m not sure you think this is important for you to do.”
Not: “I hate you!”, “Every time we talk about this, you get defensive,” “Stop patronizing me!”
Assert wishes in the situation.
When another person is pestering you, you can ask them to stop it. When a person is refusing a request, you can suggest that you put the conversation off until another time. Give the other person a chance to think about it.
Example: “Please don’t ask me again. My answer won’t change,” or “OK, let’s stop discussing this now and pick it up again sometime tomorrow,” or “Let’s cool down for a while and then get together to figure out a solution.”
Not: “Would you shut up?” “You should do this!”, “You should really calm down and do what’s right here.”
When you are saying no to someone who keeps asking, or when someone won’t take your opinion seriously, suggest ending the conversation, since you aren’t going to change your mind anyway. When trying to get someone to do something for you, you can suggest that you will come up with a better offer later.
Example: “Let’s stop talking about this now. I’m not going to change my mind, and I think this is just going to get frustrating for both of us,” or “OK, I can see you don’t want to do this, so let’s see if we can come up with something that will make you more willing to do it.”
Not: “If you don’t do this for me, I’ll never do anything for you ever again,” “If you keep asking me, I’ll get a restraining order against you,” “Gosh, you must be a terrible person for not doing this / for asking me to do this.”
- from DBT Skills Training Handouts and Worksheets (2015) by Marsha M. Linehan, pp. 125-7.
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averlym · 8 months
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#close up!! because i firstly Did Not render them with such insanity in order for tumblr's lack of general resolution to make it blur#look at all the lines!!! teehee i still really really like this style of digital painting it's super super fun to do!!! and also secondly#because i went back and added a tag ramble and as i seem to often be doing??? lately?? reached the 30 tag limit and went 'hm ok how else..'#anyway the tag essay on that one is now up and talks about the artwork generally and miscellaneous thoughts!! that said. i need a space to#ramble about beatrix at Length because look you don't draw and paint etc a character for like ten hours without having a lot of thoughts#anyways ! i digress terrifically. tag rambles are more like trains of thoughts masquerading as subways and you get on and it's unfortunately#a rollercoaster track. but this is My Blog and i can do Whatever I Want as long as i don't hurt anyone <- affirmations!! also Harm Principle#lately it's been like *kicks up feet* *opens tumblr tags* *treats it as own personal journal* and tbh Good for me!! anyways back to beatrix#fun fact ! the thing that pushed me over the edge to go watch the musical after looking through the tumblr tag was a very specific poll.#and the fact that the winning option was blue hair and pronouns made me double over laughing so hard i had to go see the source material#mm i feel like lately the academic Context has been tossing me essentially into a blender HAHA ;-; so everyone in adamandi is to some extent#a Mood. but bea-specific (haha be specific)(sorry!)(wow this is the same reaction mechanism of my friend who points out innuendos)(...)#i think it's the wanting to prove herself. like from the whole abuela etc thing there's proof here she's got a Stable Support System of sort#and instead what beatrix continues to do is push themselves. 'i guess u could say i'm married to my work? god that's depressing' // no one#here to enforce that // abuela tells me to rest says i'm constantly stressed and i'll just get depressed like before but i still have to try#like. that shred of desperation that pushes you to the brink to neglect yourself (well i guess physically but also your morals..) and like!!#the whole 'lose half your soul thing' proves she's self aware!! like they know what they're doing is super dubious yknow! but they're still#they're still doing it even if it goes into conflict with their morality system in a way and then they justify it to themselves (see pt 1#of ghostwriter) and the whole wanting to achieve at all costs Despite the self awareness. (i think? this aspect also applied to quincy. but#thoughts on him will come later). more beatrix specific also is the fact that they genuinely adore their work.. 'i just love it here where#you know they'll be printing forever and you are just part of it' because that does kind of resonate with me. also the being behind in the#competition is real!!! i'm maybe talking about Art as a subject because that same drive for it exists on my good days i think. even#even when nothing seems to be going right and you've ended up at the back the intent passion inherent in what you do is still there!!!#the genuine. care she has for reporting. is so !!!!! to me... other beatrix thoughts include 'why reveal yourself at the end' aka vincent's#'u should have stayed silent u had a smart plan' like rip to them but i would not // it feels with bea's complex character i can't imagine h#her Not doing that. like the guilt is real i guess. and i am running out of tags but! smth also about her fervent hope or smth that she'll#eventually get to where she wants. and the resilient determination.. 'i won't let their deaths be pointless there's more good i'm gonna do'#they're so so real for that. i'm not sure if it's a good or bad thing; seeing myself reflected in aspects of characters like this.. but it's#it's there regardless. smth smth just make your peace with the person you are ig!! tldr beatrix campbell my beloved. hehe#adamandi
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detdeldragons · 1 month
Alvin's Advice
“Well, I’ve found that talking out our problems instead of punching out our problems generally leads to better outcomes for all those involved. Much less expensive too. I’ve lost meself a lot of good ships, and even some good men, all because I couldn’t talk about my feelings.”
“I’m sorry, there must be some sort of mistake. I’m here to see Alvin the Treacherous. You know, the feared Outcast? Slayer of the Strangulator? Exterminator of the Exterminators? Breaker of hearts and lobster claws? The Viking hero who almost destroyed Berk with the mighty Screaming Death? Rival to Stoick the Vast? Winner of the most horrible beard at the Battle of the Amber Prison?” The young lad looked around, as if expecting the real Alvin the Treacherous to pop out from behind a nearby chair or door.
Alvin leaned forward. “Speaking.”
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galois-catgirl · 10 months
I'm argumentative.
Not because I actually want to argue. In fact, I get all squeamish inside whenever I disobey my master. But if I push her too far, she ends the "conversation" by filling my throat with her cock.
We always seem to come to a satisfying conclusion after that.
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artemissoteira · 1 year
note to self to put conflict resolution skills on my resume bc it is something most ppl CLEARLY lack lmao
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bartenderthreads · 26 days
Navigating Tough Customers: Essential Tips for Bartenders
Do you have any experiences you'd like to share? Handling customers is just one of the skills a Bartender must be able to do. #customerservice #customercare
Introduction In the dynamic atmosphere of bartending, customer interactions form the backbone of the service industry. Dealing with difficult customers can be one of the most daunting aspects of the job. From managing those under the influence to appeasing the demanding patron, each interaction is an opportunity to enhance customer experience and loyalty. This guide explores proven strategies…
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psychosodomy · 2 months
im taking a mandated reporter course in a “corporal punishment is legal” state right now. i cant help but feel so cynical about the way they frame abuse intervention as ‘be a community member and show parents how to be nicer to their kids (:’ like im not too certain my misogynistic father would have listened to some american who takes care of his kids for money telling him to regulate his feelings and be nice to his children 😭 and i still remember being in elementary school walking past traumatic things like parents beating their kids with belts after disciplinary meetings. Those stories would become gossip fodder and none of the so called mandated reporters would intervene. there should be an intervention module attached to this. But, again— corporal punishment state 🤣🔫
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Empowering Yourself through Personal Safety Training
In today's world, personal safety has become an essential aspect of our daily lives. Whether it's navigating the streets of a city, traveling, or simply going about our daily routines, we all face potential risks and challenges. Personal safety training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to protect themselves and make informed decisions in a variety of situations. In this article, we will delve into the importance of personal safety training and its role in empowering individuals to lead safer lives.
The Need for Personal Safety Training
The need for personal safety training is evident in the face of various threats and challenges we encounter. These challenges may include physical confrontations, natural disasters, medical emergencies, cyber threats, and more. In a rapidly changing and sometimes unpredictable world, personal safety training serves as a proactive approach to ensure that individuals are prepared to respond effectively and protect themselves and those around them.
Benefits of Personal Safety Training
Awareness: One of the primary benefits of personal safety training is raising awareness. Understanding potential risks and knowing how to recognize and assess dangerous situations is the first step in staying safe.
Self-Defense: Personal safety training often includes self-defense techniques that can be valuable in situations where physical protection is required. Learning how to defend oneself empowers individuals to feel more confident in their ability to protect themselves.
Emergency Response: Training can cover a wide range of emergency response skills, including first aid and CPR. Being able to provide immediate assistance during medical emergencies can make a life-saving difference.
Risk Management: Personal safety training provides individuals with the skills to assess and manage risks effectively. This is especially valuable when traveling or participating in outdoor activities.
Mental Preparedness: Beyond physical skills, personal safety training helps individuals develop mental preparedness. Knowing how to remain calm under pressure and make sound decisions in stressful situations is a crucial aspect of personal safety.
Cybersecurity: In our digital age, personal safety extends to the online realm. Training can also cover cybersecurity, helping individuals protect their personal information and digital assets.
Who Can Benefit from Personal Safety Training?
Personal safety train the trainer is not limited to any specific demographic. It benefits individuals of all ages and backgrounds. Whether you are a student, a working professional, a traveler, a parent, or a senior citizen, personal safety training can be tailored to meet your specific needs and concerns.
Institutional and Corporate Training
Many institutions and businesses recognize the importance of personal safety. They may offer training programs for their staff and members to ensure a safe environment. This can include workplace safety, self-defense, fire safety, and more.
Personal safety is a fundamental human right, and personal safety training equips individuals with the knowledge and skills to exercise this right. By learning to identify risks, respond to emergencies, and protect themselves, individuals can navigate the challenges of the modern world with confidence. Personal safety training is an investment in one's well-being and peace of mind, providing the tools necessary to lead safer and more secure lives. Whether you're a student, a professional, a traveler, or anyone concerned about personal safety, consider exploring the training options available to you and take proactive steps to empower yourself. Your safety is worth it. https://nntc.org.uk/personal-safety-training/
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sentrient · 8 months
A New Compliance Course Released: An Online Conflict Resolution Training Course
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Sentrient, a leading provider of workplace compliance solutions, is thrilled to announce the launch of its latest online training course, the legally endorsed conflict resolution training course. This course is designed to equip individuals and teams with the essential skills needed to address and resolve conflicts effectively within a workplace setting.
Conflict resolution is a critical aspect of maintaining a harmonious and productive work environment. Whether conflicts arise between individuals or groups, the ability to navigate these situations with finesse is vital. The new online conflict resolution training course by Sentrient aims to provide participants with a comprehensive understanding of conflict resolution principles and techniques.
Key Features of the Course:
Comprehensive Content: The course covers various facets of conflict resolution, from defining conflict resolution to preparing for and handling difficult conversations, understanding what to do when conflicts cannot be resolved, and fostering a safe, inclusive, and respectful workplace.
Legally Compliant: Developed in collaboration with Mills Oakley Law Firm in Australia and Simpson Grierson in New Zealand, the course is meticulously designed to stay up-to-date with legislation across all states and territories in Australia and New Zealand, ensuring that organisations and their employees are equipped with the latest legal insights.
Audience: The course is tailored to cater to a diverse audience, including employees, contractors, and volunteers. It addresses conflict resolution from multiple perspectives, making it an invaluable resource for individuals at all levels within an organisation.
Engaging Learning Experience: Sentrient’s conflict resolution training course offers an engaging learning experience through case studies, practical activities, and a short assessment at the end. Learners will gain practical insights into handling conflict resolution effectively.
Business Benefits: By completing this course, organisations can look forward to several positive outcomes, such as reducing incidents of unprofessional conduct, reinforcing the importance of conflict resolution among employees, and promoting a culture of fairness and respect.
Conflict resolution is an essential skill in any workplace. Our new Conflict Resolution Training Course is designed to provide individuals and teams with the tools they need to address conflicts constructively and create a more harmonious work environment, said Gavin Altus, CEO of Sentrient.
The course is available through the Sentrient online workplace compliance system, human resource management platforms, and other learning management systems. With a duration of approximately 15 minutes, participants can complete the course conveniently without disrupting their work schedules.
For more information about the conflict resolution training course and Sentrient’s comprehensive suite of workplace compliance solutions, please visit our website.
This blog post was originally published here.
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goldenwilliamson · 5 months
strangers | leah williamson
pairing: leah williamson x reader
a/n: longest fic yet. enjoy pls, i kind of love this. slight warning it does touch on the grief that one feels after a big breakup including (briefly) the awful physical symptoms of breakups. if that's sensitive for you i wish the best and advise that this might not be the fic for you x
summary: reader and leah are together for years before breaking up due to long distance. after a couple of years reader moves back to england and sees leah, and all the love comes flooding back. angsty, but fluffy.
word count: 3.3k
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Your life changed when you were eighteen, not only because you signed for Arsenal, but you were in love for the first time in your life. From your early encounters with Leah, you could already feel yourself falling for her. You found her endlessly endearing, drawn in by her quiet confidence and warmth off the pitch, and her fiery commitment to every game she played.
Even though you were too scared to confess your feelings to anyone, you somehow found yourself one evening telling Leah how much you adored her. You told her about how you had felt a connection with her since the first time you met, and how it had only proved itself since then. And she reciprocated every single word of your rambling romantic confession.
From that night, you two were together for almost six years. For the most part, it was the best time of your life. You were playing at your dream club, with the perfect girlfriend, and you were happier than ever. Things always ran smoothly for you and Leah, it was just the way your personalities complimented each other. Conflict resolution came easy to you both, and you were able to talk to each other through anything that was troubling you.
For years it felt like you two were growing at the same pace, and that was why you were able to be together for so long. You both had the same visions for your future, and you had really planned on staying in London with Leah by your side for the rest of your life.
But that was all before you got the offer from Bayern Munich. You never imagined being away from Leah, and maybe you were naive in thinking long-distance would be easy for you guys. So you made the difficult decision to leave Arsenal, to leave London and Leah, and move to Germany.
After your move it became clear very quickly that proximity was important for you both. When your were living several countries away from each other, your connection which you thought was strong enough to withstand the world ending had started to be put to the test. You were talking and understanding each other less, and fighting more about stupid, trivial things. You saw a new, jealous side of Leah who would accuse you of spending too much time with new teammates, and not making time for her anymore. And you yourself were questioning Leah's attraction for you, as you couldn't feel that daily love and affection you'd been so accustomed to through the phone.
It all got to the point where you were struggling to even get yourself to training because you felt so drained by your inability to make things work with Leah. Your teammates at Bayern had noticed and had created a space where you felt safe enough to confide in them. After talking it through with some of your teammates who provided you with their objective opinions on the situation, you made the hardest choice of your life.
Leah's voiced was raised to the point where her it was almost breaking, "Six years Y/N, does all that mean nothing to you?"
"Leah, I will always love you. I just don't think as long as I'm in Germany we can be together. It's not good for us darling, we've been fighting more than ever, and I don't want to feel this resentment towards you... I don't want you to feel badly about me either," you had tried to explain, but it had come out much less clearly through your own tearful voice, punctuated with short breaths as you gasped for air.
"You can't do this Y/N. You can't give up on us," Leah had begged you, but you had remained firm in your decision and it was the last proper conversation the two of you had. Other than a couple of Champions League games where you avoided each other, and one brief trip back to London where you collected all your things from the apartment you shared, you hadn't seen Leah since.
The breakup was something you'd tried to forget, and even though it's been two years since then, you still often question whether or not you made the right decision that day. What stuck with you was the empty aching you felt every time a thought of her passed through your head. In spite of your best attempts to put it behind you and to move on, you will never forget how much love you felt for Leah, and how much grief and sadness you felt the instant you ended things.
Every week that has passed since then you have wondered what your life would be like if you and Leah had made the long-distance thing work. But now you were thinking about it even more because after a few seasons at Bayern, you were going back to play in the WSL.
When Man City approached you, your first instinct was that you absolutely could not go back to England. Because to you, England was Leah. Every memory of your time in England from when you moved at 18, to when you left at 23, is connected to Leah. As much as you loved your time in the country, you never thought you could go and live there again without her by your side. It just wouldn't feel right. However, after several meetings with your manager and calls with City, it became an offer you couldn't turn down.
At least you weren't going back to London, you thought. The distance between the capital and Manchester was just enough to feel like Leah wasn't completely within reach. Of course, it had been different once you were actually living back in England, playing with City, and having to face the reality that you and Leah would be on the same pitch again, but this time as virtual strangers.
You'd heard through the grapevine that over the last couple of years Leah had done her fair share of dating around, but you also were aware that she hadn't been in any serious relationship since you two broke up, and it was the same on your end. How were you supposed to move on when you still thought about your ex every day?
One night you were cooking dinner at your flat for yourself and Georgia Stanway, who had become a close friend of yours since her arrival at Bayern. You two had hung out a bit when you and Leah were still together, but even though Leah was one of Georgia's closest friends, she had never uttered her name around you or asked you anything about your relationship since she transfered to the German club. Not until you two were talking about how you felt about moving back to England and what it would be like playing for City, and you mentioned it first.
"It feels kind of wrong," you said honestly, "I still can't imagine not being an Arsenal player. And you know, being there without Leah."
Georgia looked at you sympathetically, "Do you miss her? I can't imagine how hard all that was for you both."
"I miss her every day, Georgia," you sighed, smiling just to ease the pain, "But I just have to keep telling myself it was the right decision, otherwise I think I'd just live in misery."
She gave you a hopeful smile, "I hope you two can work it out one day, even just as friends. I've never seen two people make each other so happy."
"Yeah I hope so too," you agreed, though the voice in your head told you that you could never make up with Leah after the way you ended things.
You had finally moved back to England after a tearful goodbye to your teammates at Bayern, but you knew it was for the best. Your first week in Manchester you were reminded of how much you loved living in England, mostly because of how different it was from where you grew up. Stepping outside always felt like stepping onto a film set. It was nice too, to catch up with old friends. It was already so much easier to organise trips into London to visit old teammates.
It was on a weekend that you were down in London, when you saw Leah for the first time. You should have known better, walking around St Albans, expecting that you wouldn't see anyone you knew. It wasn't a big enough city to get away with that.
It was still August and the League hadn't started yet, so you were free to make a trip down to London for the weekend to visit Caitlin and Katie, friends you had missed so much while you were living in Germany. You missed everything about Arsenal, but you knew there was no way you could go back there after the way things ended with Leah. It would be much too painful to even try to be friends after everything. There was too much history there that would have been impossible to set aside.
In the morning you had told Katie and Caitlin you would walk into town and buy some bread since they were out, and it was on your way home that you found yourself looking into the face of the person who you once loved more than anyone. It took a moment to register that she was actually there, getting closer as you kept walking.
"Oh my god," you said out loud, finding it extremely jarring to see her after all this time.
You both slowed to a stop in front of each other and Leah, who had always been the more talkative one, was left speechless. Looking at you her heart was both beating for you and breaking all over again.
After a few beats of silence you shook yourself out of your state of shock, "Hi, how are you?", you said.
"I feel like I'm dreaming," Leah said, finally smiling a little as she also moved away from the initial shock of seeing you again. The sound of her voice and the smile on her face brought you instant comfort. She looked different, in the best way. She looked older, which surprised you since she always had such a baby face. But now she looked mature, she looked her age, somehow so different from the 24 year old version of her you last knew.
"Me too," you agreed, laughing slightly at how awkward you were finding this to be. You'd imagined this moment endlessly over the last couple of years, but now that it was really happening you were at a loss.
"What are you doing here?" Leah shook her head, trying to make sense of seeing you.
"I'm staying with Katie and Caitlin for a couple of days," you explained.
"Oh, they didn't mention anything," Leah said, though she knows that people avoid talking about you around her. They know it's still painful for her to hear your name. Just like how Georgia never mentioned her around you.
You realised then that your transfer hadn't been announced yet by the City, and that Leah must know nothing of the news.
"You probably haven't heard, but I've actually moved back here," you say tentatively, knowing that the only reason you two weren't together was because you were living apart. But now you were closer than you had been in two years, and you had no clue what that meant, or if it had the power to change anything.
"What, to London?" Leah said quickly, her voice raising an octave in shock.
"No, I'm up North now. I've actually signed for City," you explain.
"Wow," she says, nodding her head and processing the news. The way she is looking at you doesn't give much away. Her face actually looks quite blank, as if she doesn't know at all how to feel about this.
"Yeah," you say quietly.
"Sky blue will suit you," she says simply and you smile, grateful for the playful comment.
"I don't know, I'm still struggling with the fact I'm not going to be back in red," you say, more meaning held in those words than you intended. Because not being back in red also for you meant not being back with Leah.
"I expected you to stay in Germany for a lot longer," Leah says and the feelings of guilt rush in. You'd thought about this a lot when you decided to come back to England.
The main reason you had called it quits with Leah was because you thought Germany was going to be your home for at least another five years. You couldn't do that many more years of distance, of short phone calls, of fighting and miscommunication. But of course you never thought after just a couple of years you would be coming back to England. And if you had, you might have been able to stick things out with Leah.
"I really did too," you say sincerely, hoping that she knows you wouldn't have done what you did if you knew you'd be back so soon.
Leah runs her hand roughly through her hair, and you can almost see the cogs turning in her head through the look in her eyes.
"This changes things then, doesn't it?" She asks, voicing the thoughts floating around both your minds.
"I suppose it does," you nod imperceptibly, afraid to admit it.
You stand in silence now, looking at each other trying to work out exactly what this changes.
"I miss you so much," Leah says, her voice thin and wavering.
"I know. I've felt sick without you," you say, voicing things you'd never voiced to anyone. You have genuinely experienced the most physical forms of grief for Leah. The first few months after the breakup you were nauseous everyday, throwing up even when your stomach was completely empty. It just felt impossible to go on without her.
Leah just nods, having been through the exact same things.
"I'm so sorry," you say finally taking the opportunity to apologise for the thing that you've felt so much guilt and remorse about.
"It's okay," Leah assures you, but you shake your head instantly.
"It's not, I don't know what I was thinking Leah," you say honestly, feeling the emotions all over again. Your eyes well up and Leah is quick to embrace you, allowing you to let it out in her arms.
"You were right about everything but," she says, "Things weren't working."
"Yeah, but I should've tried to work through it," you voice the things you'd been thinking over for the last two years, trying to compose yourself with deep breaths.
"I wasn't making it easy for you, I was so hard on you. I feel really bad about the way I treated you when you left," Leah reflects on her own behaviour.
"It's okay," you tell her now.
You stand in the middle of the footpath in St Albans, holding each other, both unable to believe that this was real.
"You don't absolutely hate me do you? Because I'd understand if you did," you say, stepping back to look at Leah, trying to ease some of the tension.
She laughs, "I tried hating you," she says, "But that lasted about a minute and then I just went on trying to love you less."
"And how did that go?" You ask hopefully.
"Yeah not very good," she says.
"I couldn't really get the hang of not loving you either," you say.
Leah is smiling, but you can see the reservation in her eyes. She knows that everything has suddenly changed, but still, nothing is the same as it once was. You feel it too.
"What do we do now?" She asks.
You shrug your shoulders, "I've got to deliver this bread back to Katie and Caitlin, do you want to come?"
"I'll come," she nods, "But what happens after that?" Leah says.
"After that," you sigh, "We are about two years overdue in catching up on each others lives, so I'd say we'll have a nice long chat."
You are stepping forward now, beginning the journey back to Katie and Caitlin's, and Leah is by your side.
"Best start now then," Leah says, and the two of you fall deep into conversation immediately. It warms you heart how at home you feel, even after all this time.
When you knock on the door back at the girls flat, Katie answers with a look of absolute shock on her face.
"What are you doin here!?" She looks right at Leah, as if she was an intruder.
"Well I bumped into this one in town and she invited me over, is that alright?" Leah explains.
Katie takes a moment to process the words before nodding and stepping back to let you both inside.
"Oh my god, what are you doing here?" Caitlin echoes when you all walk into the living room together.
"We've just bumped into each other," you say, "I thought I'd drop off the bread before Leah and I go and catch up."
"Cool, cool," Caitlin says, trying to mask her shock while Katie looks on, stunned into a very uncharacteristic silence.
"God, you two look like you've seen a ghost," Leah says.
"I feel like I have!" Katie stresses, and you feel the exact same way.
"Alright, let's go down the park," you suggest to Leah, a place where you two used to walk around in circles, chatting for hours. It seems like the perfect place to go.
"Perfect," she nods, "Bye you two," she looks between her teammates.
"See ya, have fun," Caitlin says.
"Don't kill each other," Katie says and you scoff.
"We won't," you roll your eyes.
You and Leah step out the front door you share a moment of laughter about the interaction.
"Did I hide my shock better than those two when I saw you?" You ask.
"Absolutely not, I believe your words were oh my god," Leah laughs.
You two end up at the park, walking around at first, talking about how you are going to be playing for City now and your time at Bayern. Leah gives you the big run down on what's been happening at Arsenal since you've left, telling you about all the new players. It's like seeing an old friend, and you're just so glad that she hasn't spent two years hating you.
After what must be over an hour, you two sit at a bench. Same one you would always find together on your morning walks.
It's weird being so physically close to her again. You want to reach out and hold her forever, but you think it might be too soon. Leah feels the same though and she shows it in the way her hand reaches out to find yours.
"Can I be honest with you?" She asks.
"Of course you can," you say with a squeeze of her hand.
"I haven't felt this..." she pauses trying to find the word, "Happy? Peaceful? I don't think there is a right word to tell you how right this feels to be with you again," she says, healing all the cracks in your broken heart.
"It feels the same as I remember it feeling," you say in agreement, "Like this is just how it's supposed to be."
"Would it be absolutely crazy of us to try to pick up where we left off?" Leah suggests.
"People will definitely think we're crazy, but I don't have a problem with that," you say.
"Is this really what you want?" Leah asks, using her free hand to gesture between you both.
"Yes," you say without missing a single beat, "I don't want to ever go without this again."
"Good. We're on the same page then," she nods finally.
Not wanting to wait any longer you ask her a question you've been dying to ask, "Can I kiss you, please?"
Without even a word Leah just smiles, leaning in to kiss you. Somehow it's a goodbye kiss, and a hello kiss, an I missed you kiss, and an I'm sorry kiss. It's everything you wish you could've said to each other in once simple gesture.
"I haven't stopped loving you for a minute, I hope you know that," you say quietly, as you pull apart.
Leah smiles, looking at you with all the love in the world, "I've spent years dreaming that one day we'd see each other again and you'd say that."
"In my dreams, you say it back," you joke.
"Sorry," Leah shakes her head, "I love you."
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aphroditelovesu · 7 months
Yandere Golden Trio Headcanons (Platonic)
❝ 🔮 — lady l: another Harry Potter headcanons because my mind is buzzing with ideas yayy!! I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! 💜
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, jealousy, overprotection and implicit murder.
❝ 🔮pairing: yandere!golden trio/harry potter, hermione granger and ron weasley x gender neutral!reader.
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You probably did not know, but they were obsessed with you from the first day of class at Hogwarts. All of you were new and some strangers to this world and they needed something they could cling to, something that would not leave them and that someone was you.
You met on the train. You and Hermione sat together and talked a little until you went with the other boys, at her insistence, you went along and that was when you met Harry and Ron.
They were ecstatic to discover that you were new too and couldn't wait to be with you at Hogwarts. Once you were selected into a house other than theirs, they would sulk and even get angry. But if you were a Gryffindor like them, there would be no problem to deal with.
They are incredibly possessive of you and they will get upset and irritated when you are with someone other than them, especially if it is someone like Draco Malfoy. You are theirs, you had become theirs since the first conversation on the train and you would continue to be theirs.
Harry is the least possessive, but he is still very jealous of you, even with his own friends. He is very kind and polite, so loyal to his friends and so adored, there is no bad intention in his actions and his thoughts are all about you. He needs to protect you, take care of you because he can't bear to lose you.
He is very calm and rarely loses his temper, Harry just wants to protect you and take care of you. He can't lose anyone else and he can't lose you. Harry is very overprotective and suffocating at times, wanting to know how you are and what you are doing. He's just looking out for you like a good friend would.
Ron is very possessive and suffocating, his insecurity will take him to extremes just to get your affection. He is very lively and optimistic, he is always the one who will lift you up and make you laugh every time you are feeling bad. He cares for you very much and secretly longs to be your favorite.
He is very insecure deep down and fears being abandoned by you, and he can't have that. Ron likes to keep you with him, always keeping you safe and secure, and most importantly of all, just with him. Ron is very spontaneous and lively, desperately wanting to be loved by you.
Hermione is the most balanced, or so she likes to think. She is very intelligent and kind to you, always making sure you are well and happy. Hermione likes to stay by your side in silence, whether it's reading a book or talking about something. She would love to help you with your studies, even if you don't need it, but it would make her very happy.
She is very possessive and manipulative, having seen you first, she should have more right to you. Hermione is fiercely protective of you and jealous, wanting to be the only one to have your attention. She is very careful about you and is always trying to help you, even if you don't need it, but this helps her feel needed. Hermione is a big fan of hers, always rooting for you.
They are extremely protective of you and they are willing to do anything for you, including using forbidden magic. Harry is very suffocating and needs constant reassurance that you are okay, Ron desperately wants your attention and affection and Hermione needs to care and guide you.
You will always be theirs. There's no way to walk away, even if you wanted to. They would never dare to harm you in any way, but if you are resolute in doing things that they vehemently disapprove of, punishment will be meted out. They don't want to scare you, that's the last thing they want, but they have limits.
At any sign of conflict or danger you will be removed. It doesn't matter if you know how to fight or are good with spells, they won't risk your safety and your life. And if you are hurt, they will go into a frenzy of rage and worry and will not stop until they find the culprit and deal with them. No one can hurt you.
Harry would always protect you and be by your side, holding your hand if you needed it. Ron will always cheer you up and say the right things to make you happy and Hermione will always guide you and take care of you in her own way.
Once they become obsessed with you, there is nothing to be done. Not even Dumbledore could help you, not when the obsession, the need to protect you, was already so ingrained in the Trio. You would have to get used to being deeply loved and protected because they aren't going anywhere and neither are you.
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hikari3601 · 1 year
We’ll be a Fine Line
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Home page
Pairing | Al Haitham x Reader
Author’s Note | I’m really sorry for the super long wait.
CW/TW | Al Haitham’s mean :(
Synopsis | Flinching away from him during an argument.
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The line between distance and disregard is a fine one, something that Al Haitham seemed to have overlooked. The Scribe -who lives off of rationality as if it were air, found that space seemed to be the most efficient means towards a peaceful resolution during conflict, yet it all turned sour somewhere down the line and worst of all, its toxicity was so steadily progressive that it only became noticeable when it was nigh impossible to ignore it.
Several arguments had passed without any form of resolution and with every person in the Academia five seconds away from an aneurysm, as Acting Grand, Sage Al Haitham was not in the best of moods.
“Haitham.” You called from behind the door, patiently waiting with his lunch in hand, yet silence was all that ensued in the following moments, thus you called again, a little louder this time…still nothing.
Deciding to try your luck at entering you turned the handle, perhaps he had an errand to run and was out for a bit, you thought.
Fortunately, the door was unlocked, and lo and behold sat Al Haitham at his desk, hair slightly tousled and his cape laying on the couch. He looked up at you questioningly. “Can I help you Y/N?”
“I knocked to see if you were in.” You explained, “I guess you didn’t hear me.”
He remained unmoving for several seconds, his eyes trained on the papers in front of him and after he placed the page down he allowed his gaze to briefly flicker towards you. “I heard it.”
Taking a few steps towards into the office, you took note of the cold atmosphere surrounding him but decided against commenting. “Why didn’t you answer?” You asked instead, placing his favourite meal on his desk.
“I was busy.” He deadpanned, eyes glued on the new page in front of him.
Your gaze drifted across his large frame, “When was the last time you slept?” You inquired, noting the dark circles on the skin surrounding his turquoise eyes.
“I took a little nap some few hours ago.”
A frown took form on your lips. “A nap in your office doesn’t count. When was the last time you got over five hours of sleep in your bed.” You urged, your frustration growing at his dismissive attitude.
He sighed, laying his papers on his desk with a loud ‘slap’ and looking up at you with a slight glare. “What is it you came for Y/N, unlike you I’m busy.”
“I’m here to check up on you Al Haitham.” You felt your aggravation grow in spite of your efforts to remain level-headed. “You’ve been working non stop and I’m worried about you.”
“Well, as you can see Y/N I’m perfectly well. Now, if you would kindly leave my office—“
“Why are you being like this?” You finally sighed, your patience beginning to waver.
“Because I have work to do. I don’t have time to laze around with you.”
“Laze around with me?” You echoed. “I may not be the Acting Grand Sage, Al Haitham, but that doesn’t mean I’m not working. I stop what I’m doing every day just to see if you’re alright…because Archons know that if I don’t, you’d be skipping meals daily!”
“I’m not some child Y/N, I don’t need you to look after me, now if you would please leave my office, I’m wasting time with this discussion.”
“How on earth do you think it’s right to treat people like this?” You snapped, the festering heat in your chest reaching its peak. “I’m worried about you because I care!”
“If you really cared…” He rose from his seat, approaching you with a steadiness that left you uneasy. “you would have left Y/N instead of wasting my time!”
His last words echoed throughout the room, but what was truly deafening to the man was your reaction —the way you stepped away from him as if preparing to flee.
Groaning at his actions, he lifted a hand to his already dishevelled hair in a poor attempt to calm his racing mind but watched in horror as you flinched.
Disgust soon washed over him like a tidal wave.
You thought he would hurt you?
Archons, he did hurt you… though not physically. It dawned on him that he had been treating you abrasively for the last few months, yet you still remained nothing short of kind and patient towards him.
He didn’t deserve you, he thought, yet a part of him selfishly feared that you’d leave him after today.
“I’m sorry.” He sighed, and although his voice had grown soft, his eyes trembled with unspoken words of guilt and regret, the sight stubbornly pulling at your heart until you bridged the gap between the two of you and quietly took him into your arms.
He hesitated to reciprocate, worried that he’d cause you more alarm, but all it took was you tightening your hold around his torso for him to wrap his arms around you, settling his head against the crook of your neck.
“I didn’t mean it, I swear. I’m sorry.”
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matan4il · 3 days
To the Nonnie who asked me about the countries which recently recognized a state of Palestine...
First, allow me to make it clear why it's an anti-peace move.
Since (at the very least) 1990 and the Madrid Conference, the concept of negotiations for peace in this conflict was that Israel will give the Palestinians land to have their own state, the world will recognize said state, and the Palestinians will give Israel peace.
I'll put aside all the issues with this concept, since there still isn't any other model. Since 2010, Mahmoud Abbas has refused to so much as negotiate for peace with Israel, let alone make compromises to achieve that peace.
The model only offers two incentives for the Palestinians, one is land and self-rule, the other is global recognition as an independent state. Israel already gave them quite a bit of land (areas A, B and Gaza) and self-rule. That's never been taken back, no matter how many times Palestinians turned to violence since the Oslo accords, instead of giving Israelis peace. The only other incentive was international recognition as an independent state. That was supposed to be a prize they get at the end of the peace process, when everything is resolved, no side has any claims for the other, both have a state, and both can live side by side in peace.
What does it mean, when countries are giving Palestinians "for free" that which they were supposed to compromise for? It means the Palestinians don't have as much of an incentive to do that, to reach a final resolution to this conflict, and peace. THAT is why this is an anti-peace move.
Now let me try to respond to the other parts of your excellent ask.
but what does that even mean? Palestine doesn't have a singular, let alone functional government. Gaza and the west bank are not controlled by the same people. How can they recognize a country that doesn't have concrete boarders?
You're absolutely right. Areas A and B are controlled by the Palestinian Authority (headed by Fatah), while Gaza is ruled by Hamas. The latter is an all out genocidal, antisemitic, Islamist terrorist organization. The former developed from a secular, nationalist terrorist organization, and has never completely abandoned its roots, it just compartmentalized its terrorism ties, so it can maintain global recognition and legitimacy. But the Palestinian Authority still pays terrorists imprisoned by Israel based on how long they're serving (which means, based on how many people they've killed, known as the "Pay for Slay" program), it trains kids and youth to be anti-Israel terrorists, and Fatah also has "military wings" which carry out terrorist attacks for it.
So what does it mean when countries are willing to recognize regimes directly invested in terrorism?
But let's put that aside for a second, even if we pretended either Palestinian regime is uninvolved in terrorism, how do you recognize one Palestinian state, when the Palestinian-ruled territories are divided into two, due to their own doing... In 2006 the Palestinians had democratic elections, Hamas defeated Fatah, both agreed on joint rule, then in 2007, Hamas slaughtered Fatah's people in Gaza and took over. Which means, not only do you have two unrelated regimes, these two are actually hostile and even violent with each other. Why were the 2021 Palestinian elections canceled? Because Fatah is terrified of Hamas winning again, and then slaughtering Fatah's people in areas A and B, just as they did in Gaza. How do you look at this and recognize it as one state?
But let's put that aside. Let's go with the idea that these countries are only recognizing the Palestinian Authority's rule, not Hamas'... That raises so many questions. If Hamas' rule isn't recognized, does that mean Gaza, which is controlled by it, isn't a part of the state of Palestine? Does it means it's all a part of it, but Gaza is occupied... not by Israel, but instead by Hamas? If that's the case, why isn't the world protesting Hamas' occupation of Gaza? And why would Israel owe anything to the Gazans, water, electricity, food, medical care, connectivity (for calls and internet), anything at all, if Gaza is either not a part of Palestine, or is currently occupied by Hamas (which means Hamas, as the occupiers, must provide for it all of the above)?
And even with the parts ruled by the Palestinian Authority... Like you said, what are the borders? Gaza's borders are pretty clear, since Israel withdrew from them in 2005, and that was recognized (even applauded) internationally back then. But what happens in the areas historically known as Judea and Samaria, which the Jordanians occupied between 1948 and 1967, re-named them 'the west bank' (to emphasize Jordan's claim on them, as the holder of 'the east bank' of the Jordan River), and then gave up any claim to in 1988? What ARE the exact borders of the state of Palestine there? Will Palestinians coming from those areas to work or tour Israel have to pay taxes for those privileges, as workers and tourists from other countries do (and just how I, as an Israeli, would have to pay a tax if I wanted to visit Jordan, and did pay one when I visited Egypt)? Will the Palestinian Authority renounce any claims to area C, since they are now recognized as a state, but only in the confines of areas A and B? And if it is an independent state, what about all the terrorist attacks on Israelis launched from within those areas, will the Palestinian Authority finally be held responsible for not stopping them, for supporting them financially, for launching some of them? After all, if they're an independent state, they also can't hide behind the immoral excuse that resistance is justified when people are occupied. Because they're not occupied, right? They're an independent state and have been since the mid 1990's, when they got self-rule!
Let's not get into how, if they are an independent state, they should be providing water, electricity, medical care (remember that time Covid hit, and the Palestinian Authority demanded Israel pays for and administers vaccines to the Palestinians living under PA rule? That's not what independent states do) for their own people instead of demanding to be provided for by Israel (claiming they'll pay Israel back for stuff like water and electricity, but never doing so, because they know Israel can't stop supplying them or else it will be accused of causing a humanitarian disaster in areas A and B as "the occupying force"). Basically, the Palestinians juggle between demanding to be recognized as an independent state, and shrugging off many of the responsibilities that come with that, instead relying on Israel's "duty" to provide for them as "the occupier." Which is it, is Palestine an independent state or an occupied one? It can't be both!
If Palestine is a country, does that mean Palestinians lose their refugee status?
Not only they would, it would also mean they have lost it (and might owe back a great deal of money) since the 1990's already... If the PA rules areas A and B, and Hamas rules Gaza, why have refugee camps in these territories never been dissolved, and their residents settled as regular Palestinian citizens?
And let's not even get into what Palestine being an independent state means for the crimes against peace, the crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by Palestinians, including ones in power, especially during Oct 7, but also since the 1990's in general...
Let's be honest here. If Palestine was an independent state and had to act like one, it would actually really fuck them over. They don't want to be one. They just want the perks and international political and diplomatic rights and power that comes from being recognized as one. That doesn't help the regular Palestinians who just want a normal life. It does help the anti-Israel terrorist regimes that rule over the Palestinians.
So these countries recognizing Palestine as a state now, before there's any resolution to the conflict? It's anti-peace, and it also only rewards the terrorists in power. But more than that, due to the timing, it's a specifically pro-Hamas move. This recognition is a middle finger to Israel as "punishment" for waging a war in Gaza. But Hamas started the war. This recognition is therefore a result of and reward for Hamas' massacre of innocent Israeli civilians, and it's literally how Hamas take it.
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That's what this step means for the average person in the conflict, too. No matter on which side...
These European countries are rewarding an Islamist and antisemitic, genocidal terrorist organization for having launched the greatest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.
Let that sink in.
(also, yes to your footnote about the hypocrisy of Spain, which hasn't been as generous with its recognition of independence for the people living under its own rule, but having no problem rewarding antisemitic terrorists with exactly that)
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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therealdogsinmymind · 2 months
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✩ My Rival (All Mine) ✩
18+ MDNI
AO3 Link | Word Count: 2,394 | Chapters 1/1
Synopsis: Sung Jinwoo pisses you off but maybe you've you've finally found a way to ruffle his feathers a little bit.
Pairing: Sung Jinwoo/Reader, Sung Jinwoo/You
Tags: Reader POV, Gender Neutral Reader, Virgin Sung Jinwoo, Jealous Jinwoo, Rivals to Lovers, Bickering, Kissing, Neck Kissing, Tenderness, Light Angst, Miscommunication, Conflict Resolution, Happy Ending
Picture from @oo0mika0oo ‘s icon edits
“You piss me off,” you say under your breath, fully intending for him to hear it. He always fucking does. 
You don’t like Jinwoo, you never have. Not before you awakened as an S-Rank hunter and you saw him on TV and certainly not now that you know him personally. He’s got shitty vibes and an even worse personality. He’s closed off, and you can smell his fucking god complex from a mile away. 
“Good to know,” Jinwoo says coolly, taking a sip of his water. You don’t know why he needs it, he hasn’t even broken a sweat, despite the fact that he’s been running circles around everyone in the training arena for hours. Just to show off, you suppose. He’s kicked almost everyone’s ass so far, sans for yours. You really don’t feel like going up against him though, you’d like your ass to remain un-kicked, thank you. There’s also some cards you’d rather keep close to your chest; but god you wish you could rub his face in the dirt just once. 
As Jinwoo lingers against the wall next to you, head turned just barely so you’re in his line of sight, you grow increasingly agitated. Why the fuck did he come over here? Why is he looking at you? What’s his deal? He’s always doing this, he’ll follow you around just to piss you off. You swear he started going to the only coffee shop you like just to torment you with his extremely pretty, extremely punchable face. As your irritation reaches max cap you decide it’d be better to just take a deep breath and walk away, you don’t need to get into a pissing contest with this guy, you’re better than that. You’ll be taking your leave now.
You spring up, intent on heading for the door when Jinwoo calls after you, ”You don’t want a round?” Yeah, no. 
You turn around briefly, still walking backwards towards the door. ”With you? No. I can think of better things to do with my time.” You take a little pleasure in the way Jinwoo looks slightly shocked at your rebuff. You turn around and pick up the pace, hoping to get the hell out of dodge. 
Suddenly Jinwoo’s in front of you, blocking the door, having somehow appeared out of the shadows. ”Fuck!” You startle, you didn’t know he could do that, is there anything he can’t do? 
“The better things, what are they?” Jinwoo asks, staring at you intently as if your face will reveal the answer.
”What are the better things?” He repeats.
”I don’t know, dude? Get laid? Not that you would know anything about that.” It doesn’t even occur to you until his face twists, all sorts of emotions that you’ve never seen on him. They mar his usually such impassive features; he’s jealous. You said it as a joke, really more than anything wanting to call him a virgin, but this is too good.  You have to hold in a laugh, it’s almost unthinkable, you have an antagonistic relationship with him at best. It intrigues you though, you wonder if you could push his buttons like this, he’s usually so unconcerned with others.
When Jinwoo doesn’t reply right away you take that as your cue, needling him, “Anyway- I do actually want to get fucked sometime today, so if you’ll excuse me…” You have no such plans but you wave your hand at him dismissively anyway, just to be a bitch. 
His face stays twisted but he doesn’t otherwise react so you push harder. Leaning in close to him and speaking low so as to not be overheard, “Unless you want to see to that.” It’s just to throw him off his game, you just want to see him gape like a fish, or maybe sputter, curse you out, anything. You’ve thought about what Jinwoo might be like in bed before of course, who hasn’t, a simple curiosity if you will. That’s neither here nor there, you’re truly just aiming to rile him up at this point; surely any second now he’ll reel back and run away.
 Instead Jinwoo grabs your wrist and pulls you out of the training arena. All that comes out of your mouth is a grunt, too worried about making a scene. Although maybe you should, where the hell is he taking you and why? He says nothing, simply dragging you down the hallway until he seems to sense an empty room where he promptly tosses you in; and for all your agility and grace you still land right on your ass. Great.
He shuts the door behind him just as you’re springing up, ready for a fight. That’s the only reason you can think he dragged you out here, to kick your ass away from prying eyes, the room is kind of small though, maybe he’s just that overconfident. You decide you won’t let him throw the first punch but it’s too late, Jinwoo’s fast, faster than you. You’ve barely had any real combat training as a new hunter and he’s the real deal. He’s in your space before you can even blink and you’re sure he’s about to beat you to a pulp. However no pain comes, there’s only a horrible sense of too-quick motion and then you’re seated firmly, feeling a bit dizzy. It takes you all but a moment to realize you’re sitting on Jinwoo’s lap, he seems to have scooped you up and sat down on a couch; you must be in someone’s office. 
“I’ll be seeing to that now,” Jinwoo says in a low voice, giving a healthy pause before he moves at all, perhaps to let your brain catch up with his words. 
It sure tries its best, running at a million miles a minute. You think about the fact that you hate Jinwoo, he’s fucking annoying, he’s stupid as shit. Your mind screams at you that he’s too powerful, it's dangerous, you shouldn’t get close. He’s too confident even if he can back it up, it’s kind of hot. You ignore that last part, you don’t who said that. However you also have eyes, he’s really fucking good looking and maybe if Jinwoo wants to fuck you so bad you can make him work for it a little.
You slip out of his arms and off of his lap. You don’t even dream of laughing at the poorly concealed heartbroken look on his face; it’s actually kind of sad to see. You click your tongue before sliding back onto his lap but this time straddling him.
“Come now, don’t make that face, I'm just getting comfortable,” you coo at him, stroking your thumb across Jinwoo’s cheek, it’s oddly tender for what the two of you have. He just looked so sad. He leans into it and it makes you want to be nice to him again, disgustingly enough. You lean in and give Jinwoo a soft kiss on the tip of his nose, deciding to kiss him more when he sigh softly, happily. You’ve never heard him make that noise, it’s entirely new to you, you wonder what kinds of other new sounds you can drag from him. More kisses, one on each of his cheeks, and again on the corners of his lips, missing the true mark purposefully. Jinwoo audibly swallows and his arms wrap loosely and hesitantly around your back. It appears all of his earlier confidence has sapped right out of him. You wonder if you were right on the money when you said he doesn’t know anything about getting laid.
You press a kiss to his jaw and linger there. “Jinwoo,” you whisper softly against his skin and he shudders. That’s cute, but you must stay focused, you have to ask, “Have you done this before?”
Jinwoo stiffens, “Define…’this’...”
“Fuck someone, baby.” He whines a little at the pet name and you make mental note of that. “Have you ever fucked someone before? Been with anyone? Made out? Kissed? What are we working with here?” 
He clears his throat and turns his head away from you as his cheeks go red. You groan and drop your forehead onto his shoulder. You were just going to mess with him a little, kiss him a bit and leave him wanting more; but there’s no shot in hell you’re going to fuck up his first time. He deserves someone better than you for that, someone he actually likes. You have to ignore the way that thought stabs you in the heart so badly you can barely breathe. 
“I’m sorry, baby,” you say, your forehead still resting against his shoulder, “We can’t do this.” 
“Oh,” Jinwoo says, voice flat, devoid of any emotion, truly reminiscent of the closed-off man that you so often see. His hands fall away from your back and you wince at the way he shuts down. 
“Hey,” you pour as much emotion into your voice as possible, “I promise it’s not you.” You tuck your head into Jinwoo’s neck and squeeze him tightly. You wonder if he can still breathe like this, you feel like you can’t despite nothing restricting you. “When you find someone you like you’ll be glad we didn’t do this.” He says nothing so you pull back to take a hesitant look at his face. Jinwoo looks angrier than you’ve ever personally seen him. 
“Already did.”
He grabs you by the face with both hands and before you can figure out if you heard him right, Jinwoo crushes your lips together too hard and too fast. However once your lips are touching he hesitates for a second, unsure of what to do next. Well, apparently you heard him right, and his hasty kiss answers all of your follow up questions about what he said, go figure. 
You can’t just leave him hanging, so you kiss him back like your life depends on it. All in all it’s a crappy kiss. Your teeth clack together painfully, he can’t seem to find a rhythm with you, and you bump noses incessantly too. Despite all this you can’t fucking stop kissing him; you don’t think you could even if the world was ending. Jinwoo pulls back after a bit, gasping, apparently no one ever taught him how to breathe.
You grab Jinwoo by his hair, “Breathe through your nose, dipshit.” Using your hold on his hair you pull him back into another kiss, delighting in his shocked moan. This kiss is slightly better, he seems to be learning quickly. Jinwoo wraps his arms around you again and grasps at the back of your shirt, you worry if he pulls any harder he might tear it. That could be hot though, an idea for later. 
This time you pull back first and Jinwoo emits an uncharacteristically pathetic whine in response. “Shh.”
 You press kisses up his jaw, before sucking a mark directly below his ear. You’ve never known anyone to leave a scratch on Jinwoo, maybe you’ll be the first. The thought fuels something new and feral in you. You begin covering his throat in as many marks as you possibly can, something delightful burning inside of you when you see each new bruise forming. You want him covered, you want everyone to know that this stupid man, this dangerous, closed off man is yours. Nobody else is allowed to see Jinwoo a mess like this, this is for your eyes only. That’s all you’ve ever really wanted, isn’t it?
“Jinwoo…” you whisper, your breath fanning across the spit-slick marks you’ve just made on his throat. 
Jinwoo shudders beneath you, “Yeah?”
“We are not fucking in a stranger’s office.” Just on so many levels that is not happening.
He sags into the couch like a puppet that just had all of its strings cut. “I truly hate you sometimes…” he says with absolutely no malice, in fact it sounds kind of whiny and you have to hold in a giggle. 
“Until about ten minutes ago, I was under the impression that you hated me all the time.”
Jinwoo scoffs and runs his hand up your side gently, “I don’t hate you ever, you’re just really annoying.”
You rub a thumb over one of his blossoming bruises, admiring your hard work. “Awww thanks, you’re also a real fuckin’ peach.”
“I do try.”
You roll your eyes, patting him on the head now that you know he won’t kill you for doing that, “Come on, you can fuck me in my bed later. I’m dying to know if I can fit your dick in my throat.” The last bit is tacked on with a pointed wiggle of your hips, just so you can feel Jinwoo’s cock straining against his pants. God, he’s such a virgin, it’s painfully cute. You absolutely would give him a quick hand job here just to help him out but it’s so much funnier not to. 
Jinwoo’s hips twitch and he groans deeply, the sound reverberating in his chest, “Fuck you-” 
“Happy to help!” Being a hindrance is your favorite activity, especially when it’s Jinwoo you’re hindering. You can’t believe you’ve finally found his weak spot. 
“Yeah, I’m sure you are…”
“Aww, I’m sorry baby,” you say, voice thick with condescension, “I promise I’ll make it up to you later, just be patient.” You press a quick kiss to his lips before you slip off his lap. He sighs, folding over and dropping his head into his hands.
“You’re a nightmare…”
“Yeah but I think you might like that about me… Just a hunch.” You’re not actually sure if that’s true or not. You’re not sure of anything anymore. Really where the two of you stand now is a total mystery, but the soft laugh Jinwoo warms your chest, and that’s something isn’t it?
With a soft tone Jinwoo says, “Get out of here, menace.”
“Yeah, yeah… Hey- see you later?” Your words come out as a question, quiet and hopeful.
He sits up and looks at you, the corners of his lips quirked up. “See you later,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world.
Of course, you almost forgot, ever since you came here it’s been that way hasn’t it? Where you go he follows and vice versa, he’s your rival after all, what would you do without him?
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