#conch anon
bonesandthebees · 4 months
Tomys immediately knows what to do, find shelter -> get wood -> start fire -> check out Wilbur's injury.
And Wilbur doesn't want Tomys to leave to get wood. If something happens to Tomys then he's just done for. What's he going to do with a broken leg inside a cave with no warmth? Nothing. I'm unsure how much of that is the selfish vs selfless to make sure Tomys lives. Because he does sort of accept his death at this point. Does want Tomys to leave him. But of course Tomys has to leave to get wood unless they want to freeze to death anyway. And Wilbur can't exactly argue with that, nor does he get a chance to.
Of course things get so much worse when Wilbur is alone. Tomys no longer there to distract him, and there's nothing he can do. Just stuck on the ground in a dark cave with this injury. Of course he spirals.
I find it so interesting how he thinks about his survival throughout this. Sometimes he thinks he has a chance of survival, other times he's sure he doesn't. He's grateful his bone isn't exposed since that increases his survival, but he also wants Tomys to just go because at least one of them will survive. It's those contradictions that really make themselves known in these impossible situations. A situation Wilbur has never been close to before (mostly because of his father as we learn later in the chapter) so it's so interesting to compare that to Tomys who has been in somewhat similar situations, running away and such (although definitely not to this degree)
for as much as wilbur prides himself on being the mature smart one of the two of them, when it comes down to it, wilbur is a terrified 18 year old who does whatever his dad tells him to. his leg is broken, he was nearly killed a few minutes before, and now the only other person around is going to leave again. the same person the bandits were trying to kill. of course wilbur is scared when tommy goes off again.
overall wilbur's spiral is an example of his warring logic vs emotions. wilbur has always been taught by phil to think about situations rationally. look at outside factors, be realistic, determine what the best course of action is based off of those things. and right now he knows their chances aren't good. but again, he's a scared shitless 18 year old. he wants to live, even if he knows the smart choice here is to let tommy leave him behind
tommy, meanwhile, has survived this before. yes he's scared, but he knows getting through this isn't impossible. he just has to be smart about it
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hellsitegenetics · 4 months
God I can't tell if I'm awestruck, gobsmacked, confounded, or driven to complete and utter terror by this blog's existence. (Affectionate)
String identified: G ca't t ' atc, gac, c, t ct a tt t t g' tc. (Actat)
Closest match: Fragum sueziense genome assembly, chromosome: 3 Common name: Heart cockle
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hotvintagepoll · 18 days
[falls out of vent covered in chocolate] oh i love freddi fish! what's your favourite game? mine's freddi fish 3 teehee :3c
Is that the Stolen Conch Shell one? because that one is peak, easily. (Putt-Putt is Travels Through Time.)
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androidboy · 6 months
You can’t just say that and not show off a bit
you’re gonna have to use your imagination my friend
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cjsees · 1 year
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mccall-me-maurice · 2 years
*grabs the conch*
Hello! I'm just love to hear about others HCs, and I saw that you ship my two favorite characters (I never thought of them as a ship so I'm curious to hear about it). Would you like to share a little about your HC for Rogermon? 👀
*return the conch*
:OOOO holds your conch!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK :D!!!!!
Rogermon Headcanons, a list (because I wanted to organise):
Roger has a cat named Nastya that belonged to his parents before they passed. Nastya hates everyone except for Simon, she will curl up on Simon’s lap and expect to be pet.
Roger is not a very vulnerable character, but when someone is bothering him, he skips everyone else and goes straight to Simon to talk.
Roger and Simon skip right over the pining phase and confess as soon as possible. Subsequently, they are the first ones to end up in a relationship together.
Roger owns a tattoo shop when he’s older, and Simon owns a flower shop right across the street. Simon’s hands are always cut up from thorns, and Roger always bandaids them.
Simon does Roger’s eyeliner. That’s the entire headcanon.
Simon will routinely give Roger flowers and tell him the meanings, and while Roger doesn’t get it, he keeps the flowers and presses them to preserve them.
Simon is super frail because of his medical conditions, but continuously forgets a sweater, so Roger always brings an extra for him. Roger also knows how to sew and will sew patches onto the hoodies Simon likes the most.
Simon loves musicals, but only musicals like Grease and Hairspray and Dirty Dancing, etc. Roger never fails to fall asleep when they’re on, but he tried his hardest to watch for Simon.
Roger will leave for work and come back to their apartment and Simon just… has a random stray animal. It’s normal at this point, and he’s accepted it.
Thank you so much for the ask!!!!!! I love talking about them ❤️❤️❤️
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exitwound · 2 years
i hope you're well! im reaching out because i trust you as a reader and as someone-who-feels and am wondering if you could share any favorite poems/pieces of art that help ground you? or maybe you even have a tag for it? i would like to hold something that helps me feel less foggy, if that makes sense
oh very honored:) yes…!! i have put tagged this post with some tags that come to mind that i think could be this for you i think (sometimes i can’t remember all of the meanings of my tags esp if i haven’t been using them in a while so the posts in there might be way off the mark but you can check them out😭) but also i will go thorough those tags and make a new tag for this called #fog heart i have eaten and add that tag to those posts today :) (maybe tommorow)
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astrumocs · 2 years
hi wren do u do talksprite commissions?
Hi Anon! I’ve never done them before, but I’d consider it if someone reached out to me looking to commission some!
Hmm… The pixel ones would definitely be cheaper that the lineart ones! (You can find what I mean by a Pixel example Here & And a Lineart Here!)
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thevalicemultiverse · 2 years
When you pick up the conch, it sticks out it's floppy gray body and a couple of eyes and then pulls deep into it's shell.
Victor: [immediately puts the conch back down into the wet sand, close to the tide line] Sorry!
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bionic-penis · 1 year
change that. what’s with the white gay men being named jack.
Did u know Jack was slang for "man" all these parents just named their kids after their gender honestly maybe its a bit funny for jacks to be gayboys literally said "I'm named man and I want men" perhaps a bit iconic I'm kidding every other Jack I know refuses to play along with my fun nicknames yknow i asked the Jacks from highschool to go by Colby Jack and Cracker Jack during Kahoot and they just looked at me with a defeated stare do you know how boring that is Jacks are destined to be boring gayboys
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bonesandthebees · 4 months
And Phil pieces everything together so quick when he sees Sneeg. He just has to see him to know what happened, only really getting it confirmed with words.
There's just something so sweet about Phil not even thinking twice about Tomys when he hears the carriage hasn't returned. It's Wilbur. It's all Wilbur, Wilbur is the only one who matters. Who cares about anything else?
Power is so easy but his son isn't. And we see that both here from Phil, but also from Wilbur's POV. Phil makes mistakes, so many. Constantly having him under surveillance allowing no privacy, such a huge part of being young is hiding stuff from your parents, and Wilbur never gets to do that. And Wilbur gets so much paranoia because of it, as he should. But it's to keep Wilbur safe.
And this one time Phil can't get to him! This one time Wilbur is completely out of reach!
And Sneeg… poor guy. "Hey… So uh, you know how uh, your son left for L'mannes? Who you love very much and do everything for? And he… well, he supposed to return like an hour ago… About that…"
I can not wait for more Phil POV, it's so interesting to see everything from his side of things. His relationships, his thought process, and his absolute determination to get this sorted. RIP whoever hired those bandits. Wilbur might be alive, but whoever hired them certainly won't be at the end of this if Phil has anything to say about it (which he definitely has)
This was such a good chapter and I'm so excited to see how it continues!
phil didn't get to where he is by not picking up on the subtle clues. he's incredibly smart, which is what makes this news all the more painful. how could he miss this? how could something like this happen to his son right under his nose? and of course, who gives a shit about this game between the potential heirs when his son might be dead?
phil has fucked up in many ways, and of course the one time he lets wilbur out of his reach this happens. it's the kind of painful irony that just happens in a world like theirs. these games are dangerous and phil knows that.
literally poor fucking sneeg man he got woken up by a servant telling him the carriage didn't come back yet and he was like "oh fuck me" because he knew he would have to be the one to tell the consil 😭
I'm sooooo excited to write more phil POV I love rose!phil he's so fun
thank youuuuu I'm so glad you're enjoying so far!! I'm so close to being done with the tntduo thing so once I write just one last scene then I'll be able to jump back into rose. so happy to welcome you to the anon ranks!!
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therealvalkyrie · 2 years
I’m sorry your ear is hurting :(
I had a really really bad ear infection for nearly 4 months earlier this year. Please please please go to the doctor! It might take many rounds of antibiotics and steroids, as well as maybe different ones (my doc and I had to go through all the avaliable ones to find one that actually worked) i waited much to long to go to the doctor and really regretted it
I hope your ear feels better!
thank you baby:(( i woke up this morning and it wasn't as bad, but it's back to where it was for most of yesterday now, so I think I will call today.
yeah!! ear infections are the fuckin worst:( and having one for four months!!!!! god that sounds awful:( I haven't had one, but I had a friend who had chronic ear infections growing up and she just always looked miserable. so I'm hoping it's not that, but honestly I'm not too optimistic:/
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signedkoko · 4 months
Hello Koko! I Hope you had a good day/night, and that you are doing well and not overworking yourself:)
I think I saw that you didn’t have requests at the moment but that they were open so here a little request for headcanon/oneshot with Vox, Alastor and Angel dust separately with overlord gn!reader? (If you don’t take 3 at a time maybe only Vox & Alastor?)
They Thinks s/o is sweet, like they’re always smiling and being kind of everyone most of the time, they can’t believe they would even be able to hurt a fly even if they’re an overlord
but then they get told she just unalived her colleague (they were both leaders of the entreprise) because she wanted to be in full possession of their entreprise, maybe they owned a model enterprise or were music producers (like they were the one selling every musics in hell or sum like that?) how do they react?
(Really sorry if it’s unclear or if something is wrong, thanks for reading my request!)
Alastor | Vox [Romantic]
In which you are their sweet little overlord who'd never be cruel! ...Or so they thought. Reader is genderneutral.
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Your company was your baby, your castle, your absolute everything
And for the longest time, you'd always shared it with the co-founder
They had a lovely personality but worked behind the scenes for the most part while you acted on the main stage
Hell, you'd even introduced them to your otherworldly partner, Alastor, and had only told him of the good
So it was in fact quite a surprise when you turned up home with bloody hands and the most joyous smile on your face, almost as wide as your wedding day
That in itself wasn't out of the norm; you were an overlord after all! Alastor knew you could handle yourself, as much as you opted to ignore it
" Oh Al, I have great news! "
" Do tell, my dear! "
When you explained that the company was all yours, he was quick to catch on
Now that, that managed to surprise him
" I really thought you loved the gal! "
Even more surprising is how you'd managed to hide your true feelings from him for so long; he was sure he could have sniffed out your malice
But you were just that good at hiding it
He probably makes a joke about how you could be plotting his murder as we speak
" Maybe! "
His smile falters a slight bit
But you don't notice
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By Vox's own request, your enterprise was kept unattached from his own; merely partners
This was because it meant better publicity if two companies got along so well, but also because he didn't want you to be overcome with the demands of his two co-founders
Yeah, Velvette and Valentino pissed him off to double hell and back, but he considered them friends
A few times, the V's and you and your co-founder would host lavish dinner parties, discussing economic growth and working together on projects
You never seemed to shy away from introducing your partner in industry, and as far as Vox could tell, you were as close as friends could be before anything got steamy
You were just the friendliest person he'd ever met; the number of fans you had showed that, but you'd even gotten favour from the other two V's with little effort on your behalf
So, of course, he was stunned when you called him in the middle of work
" You know you're the first to hear all my company news; I am now the sole owner! "
He could hear you smile through the phone, which almost scared him, and soon your phone was fizzling as he travelled through it
The first thing he noticed was that you were both standing in a puddle
A red puddle
" Thats great and all, but lets get you out of here, and maybe—yeah, maybe we can call in a cleanup crew. "
He is your number one PR team; your overtaking of the company is seen as 'heroic' because you ' fought against a corrupt co-founder'
It surprises him, but he's almost proud of you; you are crazy strong and crazy capable
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Author's Note - I do accept up to three characters for headcanons, but as per my FAQ I don't write Angel! Either way, welcome to the blog (again) shell/conch anon! Your idea is very lovely 🖤
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chilschuck · 1 month
beach day headcanons please (any characters you’d like)!!! we were deprived of the typical anime fanservice imo
`✦ ˑ ִֶ 𓂃⊹ ohhhhhh my gosh anon i was literally SO SO HAPPY to get this ask!!! decided to stick with the usual charas you guys enjoy, plus some falin!!! hope this turned out okay and thank you so much for having me write it for you!!! <333
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꒰ charas: ꒱ laios, chilchuck, falin, & mickbell.
꒰ warnings: ꒱ none! sfw + fluff with gn!reader.
꒰ wc: ꒱ 1.4k
✦ hope this turned out okay!! it was such a cute idea and so much fun that if anyone has requests for more charas, i’d be more than happy to do it!! <33
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✦ We know that he doesn’t do well in hot weather, so you can imagine he’d be sporting only swimsuit trunks and flip flops for sure.
✦ Definitely enjoys being in the ocean, especially to try and cool off. You can imagine he’d be really interested in knowing more about what’s in the water around him, and probably points things out to you that he finds interesting.
✦ Be prepared for him to burn really fast, so make sure he gets plenty of sunscreen!! It’s always cute to see him walk up to you and ask for help, in which you gladly oblige. You help get those spots he can’t reach, and he does appreciate just how thorough you are.
✦ You’ll probably end up splashing him, which he’ll return in kind. Be careful what you start, because you’ll end up drenched by the end of it!
✦ A picnic on the beach with him is definitely something that happens while you’re there. Laios is so excited to share a meal with you in such a beautiful setting, and finds himself giving you that goofy grin at just how happy he is. He makes sure to pull all the stops to make this enjoyable for you, even preparing your favorite snacks.
✦ Definitely goes home with a few shells or shark teeth, if he found any. Laios thinks they’re too cool not to pick up and examine, running over to you and showing you what he found in the sand.
“You won’t believe what I found!” Laios calls out to you, jogging over to where you sat on your towel. His hands cradled something, and as he stretched his arms out to show you, a smile grew on your lips.
In his hands was an almost perfect conch shell, something he held with pride and excitement. His smile matching yours, he said your name softly. “Do you think if you put it up to your ear, you’d hear the ocean like those stories?”
You shrugged your shoulders, not able to hold back the giggle at his glee. “Only one way to find out, right? Just make sure there’s nothing still living in it.”
Laios still keeps that shell in a safe place, wanting to remember the day you spent together.
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✦ This man is definitely showing up in a Hawaiian dad shirt and cargo shorts. The first few buttons are undone, and he has a pair of sandals on that he insists he only saves for days like this.
✦ Chilchuck plans on staying at the spot you claimed with towels and an umbrella, a drink in hand. He’s definitely enjoying the sight of you in a swimsuit and the breeze ruffling your hair, but he’d never admit that.
✦ You try to pull him towards the water, but you only manage to get his feet wet. Chil tells you this is as far as he’ll go, but that disappointed pout on your face makes his heart race a bit. Ok, fine… Maybe he’ll go up to his knees for you…
✦ Probably spends most of his time drinking and relaxing, a hand behind his head and alcohol in the other. Very dad-like of him, you muse, which causes his face to heat up and grumbles to leave him.
✦ Ends up falling asleep, the sound of the waves and the secluded shade from the sun causing his eyes to flutter shut. You can’t help but laugh a little, returning from your time in the water to study his sleeping form. He looks so peaceful like this, and you don’t have the heart to wake him up…
✦ If you do somehow manage to get him fully in the water, be prepared for him to get targeted by the tide. Maybe you even suggest getting him a float, which he gives you that blank stare in reply.
“There, that’s not so bad, is it?” You say as he finds himself in the middle of a tube float, eyes narrowed towards you.
“This makes me feel like a kid.” Chilchuck complains, yet you see him grip onto it tighter as an incoming wave makes an appearance.
You pull it over to you, the inflatable bumping into your stomach as you give him that teasing grin. “Guess you’re stuck with me while we’re out here, huh?”
The half-foot groans, debating on whether or not he’d make it if he tried to swim back to shore right now.
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✦ Wears a light t-shirt and shorts, opting to be comfy! She also has a hat she wears to help keep the sun out of her eyes. If she did plan on swimming, I like to imagine she’d have a swim shirt and a one piece swimsuit!
✦ Like her brother, she was excited to see all the shells and creatures at the beach, bringing you things she found fascinating. You might even find her entranced with a sand dollar and stating how pretty it is.
✦ Walks into the water hand in hand with you, but also really enjoys walking along the sand near the shore. As the sun sets, she intertwines her fingers with yours, leading you along and watching the pinks and blues in the sky reflect on the waves.
✦ Also definitely goes on a picnic with you, the beach making her cheeks even more rosy than usual. You can’t help but tell her how cute she looks in her outfit, her hair loosely blowing in the breeze. Falin would give you a sweet smile, the same one you fell in love with.
✦ Don’t be surprised if she leads you back to the water after you make sure she’s not getting burnt, insisting that she wants to enjoy how cool the waves feel. You’re more than happy to walk out a little deeper with her, noticing how she still keeps your hand in her own.
“It’s so nice out here…” You heard her mutter, a content smile dimpling her cheeks. The sunset left a sweet gradient in her hair, something that made you unable to look away.
“It really is. Too bad it’s getting dark,” you reply, a little disappointed that the day is already over. Falin squeezed your hand, pulling you away from your thoughts.
“Maybe we should stay and watch the stars come out.” Her voice was so gentle, causing you to give her a grin of your own.
“Let’s stay a little longer.”
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✦ Like the official art we have of him swimming with Kuro, he’s definitely sporting a pair of swim trunks and flip flops, with his hair in his signature ponytail.
✦ He and Kuro are so excited to swim, and drag you along to the water as soon as you get there. Of course, Mick is either clinging to you or to Kuro when in the waves, not seeking to really swim on his own.
✦ You definitely enjoy watching them swim and play around more than you’d like to admit, especially with Mick hiding his face and complaining when Kuro decides to shake all the water out of his coat.
✦ Mick really likes finding shells he thinks look neat, and showing them off to you and Kuro proudly. Maybe you even find yourself building a sand castle, with him and his buddy watching closely and moving to help you. He’s in charge of decorating it, while you’re in charge of building it! Kuro helps dig up some of the sand to use.
✦ The three of you end up getting a sweet treat, cooling off in the shade and enjoying the time spent together. Knowing Mickbell, he’s going to lay his head in your lap as he rests after so much activity, looking up at you with that cheeky grin he usually has.
“I could get used to this!” Mickbell sighs, nuzzling into your lap as he makes himself comfortable. Kuro is watching the waves, sitting beside you as the sun begins to fade from the horizon.
“I would’ve thought you’d be ready to go home a lot sooner.” You teased him, brushing his messy bangs out of his face. Scoffing, he made sure you saw as he rolled his eyes.
“If I didn’t have you and Kuro, maybe… But this is something we’ll have to do again. Right, Kuro?” The Kobold nodded, causing a warm grin to spread on your face. He was certainly right about that.
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cjsees · 1 year
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stray-but-okay · 2 years
Okay but your post about getting a new piercing is literally me, I also just got a new piercing on Friday :) and also it looks amazing on you!
- 🫐✨️
Oh exciting!!! Yeah I've been meaning to get one for a while cuz I needed SOMETHING done and I decided yesterday that today was the day XD What did you get??? 😃 And thank you for the compliment ☺️💞
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