#compac the amazing
virtuousfuta · 1 year
Cock rating for Noire
5 stars! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
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"Sounds about right."
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cynthiaandsamus · 27 days
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"Hmm... Jessica could I have one of those squish and kiss sessions with you?" Compac asked staring at Rabbit's big wobbly breasts, proceeding to slowly show off her own.
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"Hmmm? Who're you? Those are some impressive breasts but I don't know about jumping right in there..."
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flamingredanon · 2 years
What are some of your favorite Henry Stickmin AUs here on tumblr?
For just Tumblr THSC AUs I would say a few of them I like are Valiant Souls by Knightmareaceblue, RHM Green by Swanno, RHM Warden by Jesse, Medieval AU by MintyFrosty, Ending the Cycle by Mellow, The New Link AU by Bella, Cyborg Triple Threat by Arti, Closing the Book by Cinna, Center for Chaos Creation by multiple Tumblr friends, The CUC Brigade by multiple Tumblr friends, Right Hand Reggie by Ceaseless, Supernatural Leaders by Attibar and Suave Upstaged by Multiverse Madness.
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shhh-secret-time · 3 months
Two questions:
One: where do you get your inspiration for writing?
Two: who's you're favorite south park character?
I love you! Drink some water!
Hi! Thank you for reminding me! Twizzlers and a Coors Light Beer is not dinner, but it is a good intro to this answer haha!
For the first question that's a tough one so I'm going to warn you all, BIG RANT AHEAD!
My biggest inspiration for the reader inserts are you guys. There's a reason in my ao3 I leave those kind words and words of affirmation after every story. I need every single person who reads my things to know that I care about you guys.
You read it all the time that story tellers, artists, and musicians are nothing without their audience. And it's absolutely true. I cannot stress enough that even though you know nothing about me, and I know nothing about you, doesn't mean I don't care.
I love people so very much. I think we as humans have the greatest gift this universe could have ever given us.
We have the compacity to love so much. With so many different ways to love!
It could be romantic, platonic, familial, whatever! We have it. That's so fucking awesome!
So if I can express that love and make you feel better, just a little bit, by writing these situations where you are loved. Then I'm going to do it.
As for the scenes and settings, I usually carry a outrageous, over-the-top, bright pink notebook around with me. It is so ugly and atrocious, but I remember it because of that. I write down thoughts I have throughout the day and things I see.
Aside from that, I take in the works of others. I let it show me a different way of thinking and perceiving situations I wouldn't have otherwise. There are artists on this website that absolutely blow me away and keep me humble. I've got much to learn, and I'm so excited to do it!
Music honestly it the biggest source of this. I have so many Playlist of moods for scenes and emotions I need to tap into. (That's another thing that makes humans so fucking awesome)
Like. As an artist you need to invoke a feeling using colors and shapes. If you ever stop to think about that, that's so amazing. A little circle shaped and molded to make you feel happy. Melancholy. At peace. Nostalgic.
Like holy fuck dude.
A storyteller does the same with words and moments like this.
I think a thing a lot of creators, including myself, tend to do that keeps their work from their absolute best. Is the fact that we want so badly to take the image we have in our head and the feelings in our hearts and put it in our work and hope you get that exact feeling!
But I think letting the person enjoying our work and coming to their own feelings and conclusions at times is what puts the spice in a really good dish!
For my Pomegranates and Honey story, that's what I'm trying to do. I have experiences and emotions that I know other people have felt, or they need help feeling. You know when you listen to a sad song so you can cry and feel a little better, I want to capture that but with the pains of growing up.
People are going to move on. There are some that are going to change and grow with or without you. It sucks, it hurts, but you have to accept it. Grow at your own pace, find something that works for you. Things that get you through this frustrating world.
For me it's writing. For me it's love.
So yeah, that's my inspiration. Veeeeery long winded answer, short.
As for my favorite character?
It's a tie between Stan and Kyle. Kyle because I love that little dude, I love what the Fandom has let him grow into. The fact that this community took these circles and went, "Yeah this is awesome."
Kyle has character traits that I admire in a human being. The will to just go. That temper of his is funny don't get me wrong, but I admire that so much. What I would give to just feel anger like that, to express my frustration so freely. He's caring to those around him, and he had a strong sense of morals. He isn't afraid to stand up when those morals are put into question. He's not afraid to defend those he loves, even if they may not always be in the right!
Stan is my favorite because everything about him I feel. That fear of not being good enough for anyone, so you try to pull the spotlight on you. Real talk, I used to be a very self-absorbed person growing up. I would actively deny ever wanting it, but if I ever found out my friends did something without me, I'd feel hurt. The need to be wanted so very badly is still there, but I'm better about it. Stan struggles with depression, we all know that. But the feeling of watching everyone you know move on while you're stuck in this fucking pit, and sometimes it feels like it's too much. Yeah I feel that. I love Stan because I want to see him get better, I wanna see me get better.
So, thank you so very much for these questions. I love, love, love things like this! Please feel free to ask more. It's never a bother!
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Comfort (USWNT x Reader)
This is very long and I'm not sure if I like it or not. I couldn't choose who to write this for, so I thought I would try something new and write it in a way that you could pick which player you wanted it to be. Please let me know what you think about it :)
Italics= Flashbacks
Bold italics= Italian
Words: 5.4K
"Isn't weird that there are people in this world that bring a sense of peace and comfort just by being near you. How you can go from barely knowing someone to them being the first person you think of when somethings wrong, or you're upset, scared, tired, sick. The person you know will help things be okay even if it's just for a little bit.
Growing up I never had that. My parents were amazing, they cared and were always there when I needed them, but it's not the same. There are somethings you just don't share with your parents. I never shared my feelings with anyone, even my closest friends. I would push them down until I was alone and could let it out often in the form of punching things. Then she came along and slowly I let my guard down. Actually, it wasn't that slow, she came in and practically tore every single wall I had down as if they were made from paper. She didn't push me, never made me talk to her, but she was always there. If I needed a hug, to rant, someone to hold me or just someone to be there, she was that person. We weren't together then, in fact we had just met. There was just something about her though, something that made me trust her, that made me want to be around her all the time.
I remember when we first met, it was a shitty day at first. I was walking around aimlessly, trying to get my thoughts in order before I had to see my family. It wasn't working very well, then you showed up with a smack in the face. Literally."
Out of nowhere something hit my face, sending me stumbling back, clutching my nose. A girl appeared in front of me looking frantic. She must have been the most beautiful girl I had ever seen, "Shit, I'm sorry are you okay?"
There was no blood and it wasn't broken so I shook her off, "I'm fine. Don't worry about it."
She went to walk away, but hesitated and turned back. Face filled with genuine concern, she sat on the ground next to where I had sat down. It confused me, why was this complete stranger sitting next to me? Why did she care if I was okay or not? "Are you sure you're okay? You seem kind of down."
"I will be, you don't need to worry."
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"We just met, I don't want to bother you. I'll be okay, really."
"It's no bother. I know we just met, isn't that sometimes better? You don't have to worry about being judged or it changing anything with people you know. You don't have to tell me, we can sit here, we can kick the ball around or I can leave you alone? Completely up to you."
"You're not going to hit me in the face again?"
"To be fair, I'm normally a better shot. You distracted me."
I smirked, taking the ball from her, "We'll see."
"Are you stalking me now?"
"Just wanted my weekly ball to the face," I joked, kicking it away from her feet. It was the third time we had met at the park in the last 2 weeks. It may have been my hope that she would be there this time as well. Last time we met, she mentioned that this was normal for her. Maybe it was a bit stalkerish, but I couldn't help it.
"Come on then."
We kicked the ball around for a while, taking turns trying to shoot on goal. She pulled off a couple of tricks which made me think she played soccer in some compacity. The surprise on her face when I matched those tricks made a laugh under my breath. I used to play in high school and would spend hours kicking the ball around to get my feelings out.
"You've got that look on your face again."
"What look?"
"The look you had when we first met, the look that somethings wrong."
"Rough day."
"Want to talk about it?"
"My parents are getting on my nerves, it's not new, they're just worse now that they're getting ready to retire. They expect me to take over their company which you'd expect to be the part that's irritating, but it's not. I'm happy to take it over, it's something I actually like doing and they've spent a lot of time developing it. It's just they keep lecturing me about things I already know, things they've told me so many times, things I've proved to them I can handle. It makes me want to scream."
It felt nice to just get it off my chest knowing it would never make it's way back to them. This was a constant thing with my parents, at this point I was just looking forward to them retiring already so I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. I had made it clear that once they sign it over, it's mine. I didn't want to shut them out, it was their baby and they had spent so long getting it to where it was, but I knew they wouldn't be able to let go if I didn't make them. My parents weren't always the best, but I loved them regardless and wanted them to have a peaceful retirement.
"Do you want solutions or distractions?"
"I just wanted to get it off my chest. Thank you."
She smiled softly, "Anytime, do you maybe want to get a drink with me?"
"Does it have to be just one?"
The ball was flicked at me, thankfully I caught it before it hit my face again, "Nope, let's go."
Y/n: Kill me now...
Park girl: I would, but then who would I kick balls at?
Y/n: You have a point. Do you want to get dinner with me tonight?
Park girl: I would love to, what time?
Y/n: Pick you up at 7?
Park girl: Can't wait  :)
Work had run later then expected so I had to go straight to pick her up which meant I was still in my work clothes. I felt a bit overdressed seeing as we were just getting pizza and even more overdressed when she answered the door. She was wearing black skinny jeans and a off white short sleeve top while I had on pretty much a full suit minus a tie.
"Wow, you look amazing. Am I underdressed?"
I rubbed the back of my neck trying to hide my embarrassment, "No uh I'm overdressed. I got stuck at work and didn't have time to change. Sorry. You ready?"
"Just a second," She disappeared back inside the house coming back a few seconds later with a jacket, "Here, put this on. It'll make it a little less formal."
I slipped off my suit jacket and put on the leather jacket she had given me. It fit surprisingly well actually. I jokingly bowed before offering her my arm, "Such a gentleman."
Conversation flowed easily on the drive to the pizza place. I felt more comfortable with her then I had with anyone in a long time. There were no expectations, no awkwardness, we just seemed to click. When people find out about the company I'm about to take over, they always change. They seemed to start bringing up how much money I'll have, start asking for things or getting me to take them to expensive places. Whereas, she never even asked about it after I told her.
"Work was tough I take it?"
I sighed, taking a sip of beer, "Same shit, different day. Had a lot of meetings today. Parents being my parents. Lot's of paperwork and lawyers."
Before she could reply the waiter came to take our orders, I ordered Hawaiian while she ordered margarita. "I can't believe you like pineapple on pizza."
"Pineapple belongs on pizza. You cannot convince me it doesn't."
"Agree to disagree. Can I ask what type of company you're taking over? You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. It seems pretty stressful though."
This was coming at some point, it was to be expected. I knew if we were going to keep being friends I would have to tell her at some stage so might as well be now, "It's a tech company, Atlas technologies to be exact."
I could see the surprise then shock flash over her face as she took a sip of wine and cleared her throat, "Holy shit, I have one of your watches."
"Well not mine yet, but I uh did design that watch."
"That's awesome. You're going to be the owner of a multimillion dollar company, that's a big job for someone your age." She actually seemed more concerned than anything else which was a relief of sorts.
"It is, but they've been molding me for this since I was young. I pretty much knew how it ran and could have done it since I was 20. There are somethings I'm planning on changing to make it a better environment to work in and so it doesn't completely become my life. I've seen my parents barely hang on to their marriage because all they did was work. I don't want that to be me."
The topic was dropped after that as we talked more about life as a professional soccer player then moved onto getting to know each other better. We talked for what felt like hours, both delaying the end of the night. I just wanted to spend more time with her.
There was a loud knock on the door bringing me out of my thoughts. In my rush to the door I forgot I wasn't wearing a shirt, only realising when I saw her eyes widen as they quickly scanned my body, "Hey."
"Hey, I had a feeling you haven't had dinner yet so I got some for you while getting mine."
"Thank you, uh come in. Make yourself comfortable, there's a few things I need to finish up, I'll be like 10 minutes."
A hand touched my shoulder suddenly, making me jump and fling around, "It's just me."
I glanced at the time to find an hour had passed since she got here and guilt instantly hit me. It wasn't uncommon for me to lose track of time and forget to eat. Among many other things, it was associated with my ADHD. She had been kind enough to bring me food and I had just ignored her. "I'm so sorry, I didn't realise how long it's been."
She smiled and wrapped her arms around my shoulders bringing me into her. I was sitting on my computer chair so my head rest against her stomach as my arms went around her waist. I felt all the tension leave as she held me without a word. It was warm and comforting, I honestly could have stayed there forever. "Sorry, you seem stressed. Don't worry, it happens."
"Thank you, I needed that."
"Come eat."
I quickly saved my work and slipped on a shirt before following her back to my living room. She pushed me to sit on the couch after I assured her that I eat on the couch all the time then she went to dish up the food. Of course, she didn't know where anything was so I gave her directions from the couch because she kept telling me to sit down. She was beautiful and slightly scary so I listened. We ate in comfortable silence, the radio playing quietly. I decided then that this was something I wanted to happen more often. It was relaxing and helped me forget about work because all I could focus on was her. I knew I wanted more, every time I was around her I was relaxed, comfortable, butterflies felt like they erupted in my stomach. I couldn't get enough of being around her. "Why are you staring at me?"
"Sorry, I zoned out. Thank you for dinner and for dragging me away from my computer. Can I get you another drink?"
"I drove here so I'll have a water please."
"You can stay if you want. Sorry I know that's a bi-"
She laughed, placing a hand on my forearm, "You're about to start rambling. I would love to stay. We can watch a movie?"
I got us both another drink and ice cream at her request while she picked a movie. We snuggled under the blanket, leaving some space between us. My couch was a pretty decent size, meaning we could have sat further apart, but we were sitting well within touching distance. I don't remember the last time I was able to sit through a movie without having to be on my phone or laptop. I was still fidgeting, but I was more able to focus with her. "Can you please pass me that tangle thing?"
"You're a fidgeter?"
"Big time, I have ADHD. There's pretty much never a time where I'm not moving in someway."
"I noticed that, especially when you were at your desk."
Over the course of the movie, I had adjusted my sitting position many time. From cross-legged, slouching, sitting on my legs to lying down. Just as I was about to move again, she took my arm gently and guided me so I was lying down with my head in her lap. With her fingers playing with my hair and the fidget toy, I completely relaxed. No longer feeling the urge to move around. I found myself watching her again, "What?"
"Will you go on a date with me?" I asked, voice quiet due to how nervous I was.
She grinned, "I would love to."
"You look amazing."
"So do you Y/n," She said, kissing my cheek before her eyes trailed over me again, "That's my jacket. Are you ever going to give it back?"
I shrugged, "Maybe. You'll get it back some day."
"Fine. Are you going to tell me where we're going?"
I laced our fingers together, guiding her to the car, "You'll see."
Fifteen minutes later we arrived at a small Italian restaurant. It was owned by a friend of the families and in my opinion had the best Italian food. "I know you don't like overly fancy things so I thought this would be a good place. Plus, their food is amazing."
"It's perfect."
As soon as we stepped inside, one of the owners Maria came rushing up to me and pulled me into a hug, "Y/n, it's so good to see you again, and with a beautiful lady. Would this be a date?"
"Likewise Maria. It would indeed, thought I would bring her to experience the best Italian food in the country. You're still the most beautiful women I know, though," I ended with a wink which received a light slap on the shoulder in return.
"You flatter me Y/n. I have the perfect table. Follow me."
"I only speak the truth."
We followed Maria to a table in the corner of the restaurant. It was a bit away from everyone with fairy lights strung up above it. I pulled the chair out for my beautiful date before turning back to Maria, "Thank you, it's perfect."
"Have fun, I'll get Marco to make your food personally."
When I sat down, fingers laced with mine as I looked up to find her looking at me with a soft smile. I explained about the restaurant, how I knew Maria and the overview of what our conversation was about, "You speak Italian?"
"And German, sign language and conversational French and Mandarin."
"Just when I thought you couldn't get more attractive."
We spent the entire time laughing, joking and talking about anything and everything. There was no doubt that she was the best date I had ever had. There were no awkward conversations or silence, things seemed to flow naturally. I wasn't worried or nervous, I was comfortable as if I had known her for years when in reality it had only been like two months. We fought for a good couple of minutes about who would pay, I insisted since I was the one who asked her out, but she refused. I appreciated that she didn't just expect it like so many others in the past. In the end though, Maria decided we didn't have to pay. I tried to refuse, but I just ended up with a big bag of food because and I quote, 'You work to hard, need to eat good food.' There was also no arguing with Maria, you would always lose.
We were walking hand in hand down the beach listening to the waves crash while enjoying how peaceful the night was. "I had a really good time tonight, thank you Y/n."
"Me too. It took everything in me not to go overboard and spoil you, but I know you don't like it. Neither do I really, I just think you deserve it."
"It was perfect. Are you okay? You seem nervous."
"I'm trying to work up the courage to kiss you," I blurted out. She stopped, pulling me closer as I looked anywhere, but her. My nerves were through the roof. I really liked her and didn't want to ruin it by moving to fast or do something she didn't want.
A hand cupped my cheek, guiding me to look at her. It was dark so I couldn't see her expression clearly, but the way she touched me was so soft. Some of my nerves faded away, but I was still nervous as anything. "Don't be nervous, I would very much like it if you kissed me."
I cupped the back of her neck, slowly leaning in until our lips connected. Everything disappeared, there were no nerves or worries and all I could focus on was her. The softness of her lips as they synced with mine, almost like they were meant to be together. It was slow and soft, not lasting very long. I knew then that I would never get enough of the way her lips felt against mine, the way they tasted or the way she made me feel when I kissed her. When I pulled away, huge smiles covered both of our faces,
"Let's do that more often," She whispered with a giggle.
"Yes ma'am," I replied connecting our lips again.
I was fully ready to punch someone by the end of my meeting. Instead of remaining at the office and risk losing my temper at the people who did nothing wrong, I had my assistant block off my afternoon before leaving.  Before I fully realised where I was the door opened, revealing my girlfriend. She opened her mouth to say something, but paused for a second taking in my expression, "Go on, let it out."
"Why do middle age white men think I am not capable of doing my job because I am a female? It's not even because I'm only 27, it's because I'm a fucking female. I can do this job twice as well as they can. If they just shut up and listened every now and then, they would realise that," I continued to rant as she let me in and went to the kitchen to pour me a drink. Once I got it all out, she pulled me into a hug as I slumped against her. I was over everything about today, the weather was shit, my mood was shit and all I wanted to do was be here with her. I knew she had practice soon though so it would be short lived. It was enough to make everything go away for now though.
"Sorry, I know you're heading out soon, but I just-"
"It's okay, practice is in an hour and a half. I'm sorry you have to deal with people like that. Come on, let's cuddle for a bit. You can hang out here while I'm at practice if you want, it's only a short one and my flat mate is out tonight with her girlfriend, so we can make dinner and watch a movie."
"Thank you for letting me rant, it shouldn't get to me this much, but it does. That sounds absolutely amazing."
She smiled, kissing me softly as we lay on the couch. I was cuddled as close to her as possible, head on her chest, arm thrown over her stomach and eyes getting heavy. "Whether you need to rant, a hug, cuddles or distraction, I'm always here." I felt her shift to look at me before she shook, giving away she was laughing, "You're about to fall asleep, it's okay, I'll wake you up in a little bit."
I walked straight up to her, arms wrapping around her waist as my face buried in her shoulder. I relaxed as soon as I felt her arms wrap around me and kisses being placed on my face and neck. I ignored the fact that her team mates were all around us. Teammates I hadn't met yet. We had been together for 6 or so months now, but timings had never lined up before now to meet them.
This morning I woke up really excited to meet them. I had blocked out my afternoon so nothing could be scheduled. Now I just felt like hiding. A lot of things had not gone to plan today. People were being assholes, deadlines were missed, plans were misplaced and one of my meetings had gone well overtime, meaning I was late. I had thought about cancelling because I was in a shit mood, but I knew everyone was excited and I couldn't disappoint her. Questions were thrown around, but quickly quietened when her hand was lifted off my back for a second.
"Can you give us the room for a minute?" She spoke softly. I heard shuffling and the door before the room was quiet again. Her fingers ran through my hair, as she spoke quietly again, "You're okay, I've got you. What's wrong love?"
"Loud, my thoughts, the world, everything is too loud. People are dicks and I just want to run away. Sorry, I was just ready to explode."
"Don't be. Is it quieter now?" I nodded, holding her just a little bit tighter. She had the ability to quieten even the loudest things with just a hug. We stood there for a few minutes before I pulled away. I kissed her softly then informed her I was ready to meet her team properly. I knew that probably wasn't the best first impression so I was nervous. I knew they were like family to her and I wanted them to like me. She held my hand the entire time I was being introduced to her team. It kept me grounded as I slowly found myself able to talk and interact with them properly.
"So how did you meet?"
I laughed as she blushed at the memory, "Funny story, well now anyway, at the time it hurt. She smacked the ball right at my face as I was walking in the park. I still think she did it on purpose."
"It was an accident!" She protested with a pout. I relaced her fingers with mine, kissing the back of her hand.
"Sure. I'm glad it happened though, no matter how painful it was."
"You guys are so sweet I think I might have a cavity."
"How dare you undermine me and my position in my company. I don't know how things used to be when my parents were in charge, but this will not be tolerated. I made it clear that family comes first, you do not get to write people up because they had to leave early or are late for family related issues. Actually, from now on you do not have the power to write anyone up regardless of what they did, you refer it to me. Understand?"
"I asked if you understood Rick, not if you want to argue with me."
I saw his jaw clench, but I didn't care how he was feeling. He had been a problem since day one and I knew he would keep causing issues. That was an issue for another day when I wasn't feeling so tense, "Yes, I understand."
"Good, you may leave."
Once he was gone, I lent forward in my chair, elbows resting on my desk with my face buried in my hands. I took a couple of deep breaths to calm myself down, but the sound of my door locking had me quickly looking up. There she was, the girl I had been counting the minutes until I saw her. She walked over without a word, pushing my chair back and planting herself in my lap. I instantly wrapped my arms around her and buried my face, the tension leaving my body as I relaxed against her. She was always able to calm me down, no matter the mood I was in.
"It shouldn't be, but your 'I'm the boss, don't fuck with me' voice is incredibly attractive."
I laughed, pulling back to leave a lingering kiss on her lips, "You like it huh?"
"Maybe a little."
"Good to know. This is a nice surprise, but what are you doing here?"
"We were supposed to get lunch, I was picking you up remember? Your assistant said you were pretty busy, we can change to tomorrow instead if you need to."
"Absolutely not, I dealt with my main problem everything else can wait. Maybe you can stay tonight?"
"We have practice this evening, I'm not sure if the girls want to do anything after. I'll text you if they don't and I'll stay."
It was a little disappointing, but I understood. She had stayed last night and I couldn't expect her to stay every night, "Sounds good." I kissed her again which slowly turned into a make out session. It probably wasn't the most professional, but my office was locked and no one could see, so I didn't care. A knock at the door is what made us eventually pull away. Reluctantly, I let her go and went to answer after making sure I was presentable. It was one of the people from my design team and the person Rick had written up. "You wanted to see me, miss Y/L/N?"
"Ava, I've told you to call me Y/n. I did, I'm actually heading out for lunch right now, but I'll come see you when I get back. Just don't worry about the write up, it shouldn't have been done in the first place."
"Thank you Y/n. Enjoy your lunch.
Later that night, I was working away at my computer as I was going to spend the night alone and I had some work to do. It was pretty late by now, I had music playing quietly in my office as I was completely zoned in on my work. Hands landed on my shoulder, slowly running down my chest until they were hugging me from behind. At this point I was used to it, she did it all the time, not that I was complaining. I still jumped at the suddenness of it though, "Relax, it's me."
She still had my key from when I gave it to her to look after my plants when I had a week long business trip so I knew how she got in. I was confused about why she was here though, "One of these days, you are going to give me a heart attack. What are you doing here?"
"I called you then texted, but got no response so I figured you were either in work mode or asleep. I missed you. Sorry for just showing up."
"Don't be, I'm really glad you're here."
"Did you eat?" When I nodded, she lowered my laptop lid and pulled me up, "You're stressed and tired, come to bed."
I didn't fight her and went to brush my teeth. All I've wanted all day was to cuddle up with her and forget the world. My stress, problems and worry always faded away when I was in her arms. It was like everything in my mind emptied out with her being the only thing remaining. I craved being with her, craved being wrapped up tightly in her arms. It was safe, quiet, warm and comforting. I had every intention of talking with her for a while, but as soon as I cuddled up with her, my brain registered how tired I actually was and I fell asleep within minutes. Something that never happened before her.
"Y/n where are we going?"
"You have asked that every time I have a surprise since we started dating, the answer has stayed the same. You will see."
She pouted, pushing my shoulder as best she could with the blind fold on, "Meanie."
I laughed before pecking her lips quickly. It was taking everything in me not to completely freak out or give away the fact that I was going to propose to her. I was incredibly nervous, but excited at the same time. I was excited to spend my life with her, there was no one else I could imagine living it with. I just had to get past the whole proposing thing. I had decided the best place to do it was the restaurant we went to on our first date. Maria had closed the place for the night and I had flown in all her close family and friends. I knew she had always wanted to be proposed to with them around.
"What's all this? What are you guys doing here?"
"After all your recent achievements, you deserve to be celebrated. You all do, but you're the one I'm in love with so uh yeah this is for you. I'm so proud of you baby." She wrapped her arms around me tightly, whispering thank you, before dragging me around to different groups of people. As long as she was happy and by my side, I didn't mind being dragged around all night and pulled into many conversations.
All through dinner, I felt my nerves growing to the point I was fidgeting constantly. My plan was to do it fairly soon after we finished dinner, mostly so I could enjoy the rest of the night without feeling like I was going to have a panic attack. Before I knew what was happening, I was practically dragged to the bathroom and into the comforting arms of my girlfriend. Of course, I relaxed instantly, nerves melting away even if it was just temporary.
"You're okay baby. What's wrong? You're freaking out."
"Just lots of people, it was getting a bit overwhelming." I didn't like lying to her, even if it was only a small lie, but I couldn't exactly tell her the real reason I was so nervous.
She kissed my forehead, "We can stay here as long as you need."
I'm not sure how much time had gone by when there was a knock at the door asking if we were okay and that everyone had finished eating already. I knew it was time, the nerves came back, but I was also kind of giddy. At the end of this I would hopefully have a fiancé. I stopped her from sitting down before getting everyone's attention.  
"I just wanted to start by saying how proud I am of all you soccer players for all of the achievements and victories you've achieved. Baby, I see how hard you work, how dedicated you are and I cannot be more proud of you. I cannot be more proud to be by your side." I took a deep breath to center myself before continuing.
"You are the person, the love that came without warning. You popped up so suddenly that I didn't even get the chance to think about or process it. I woke up one day and you were the first person I texted. When you replied, I smiled. It was a smile that I couldn't stop, not that I really wanted to. That's when I knew my heart belonged to you and had from the start. When I'm with you, all I feel is love, peace and comfort. Even now, years after we first started seeing each other, I still can't get enough of you. You're the only person I want to be around all the time, the person I never get sick of, even if you do constantly tease me. I can't imagine my life without you, I don't want my life without you in it. You're the person I want beside me for all the up and downs, the new adventures and the quiet nights in. On that note," I pulled out the little black box and sunk down to one knee, "Will you marry me?"
She launched at me, making us both end up on the ground as tears fell down both of our cheeks, "Yes, yes, a million times yes."
I took my wife's hand, squeezing softly, "The first time I met you, I never could have imagined that every day since then we would build the most unbreakable bond. That you would be the person I get to spend the rest of my life with. I wouldn't change a single thing of our story so far and I cannot wait to see what happens next. I love you. Now let's party!"
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snobgoblin · 2 years
All their ASMR videos would be cursed in some varying compacity. Murdoc mouth breathes in the mic, 2D keeps going "Wait no. Shoot. Dang it" etc while to do some satisfying clip, Russel chooses to make all the unsatisfying sounds the loudest, Noodle uses the most cursed material (like slime with cigs in it) to make asmr...
omfg my favourite entry this is fucking amazing I'm cacklingggg
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thirdcoastgage · 10 months
What Is the Significance of the Calibration of Welding Machines?
With the news that there are significant changes not too far off in regard to the norms overseeing the calibration of welding machines, we figured this present time would be the ideal opportunity to revive your memory on the significance of the calibration of welding machines.
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By putting resources into a great and strong machine that you can keep up with through proficient calibration and ordinary support, you can essentially expand the life expectancy of your gear and guarantee that your welding machine works at the most extreme compacity for many years.
What Calibration Comprises Of And Why It's Significant
Calibration analyzes the showed values against the reference values. To guarantee creation work is completed as per the appropriate norms, standard alignment of your welding machine is required, typically yearly. Present day machines are seldom out with the reference values, however normal assessment lessens the gamble of any security related surrenders.
Customary calibration of force sources is fundamental in the directed welding innovation area where exceptional quality guidelines are in force. Close by normal overhauling and upkeep, having your machine expertly aligned is one of the most amazing ways of guaranteeing that your welding machine performs at its ideal. The requests of the welding business today require the utilization of appropriately adjusted welding hardware to empower you to play out the great welds that your clients are searching for.
Resource By: https://bit.ly/1U75Sdr
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spectacleweirdo · 1 year
sOOOO because im a person who switches their fandoms every two seconds today i am telling you i am obsessed with ducktales 2017 rn because im rewatching it and it is amazing im also sorry because the owl house finale just came out and i watched it and now im over it and sad and wow amazing you read until this point good job this is me rambling so wonderful i have the spelling and brain compacity of a 3rd grader unfortunately so yeah but i promise ill post more content except all i do is reblog lol anyways ya also ill post some fanart because im back into digital art and have gotten massively better and thx for reading :D
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cieranshippy · 2 years
Sir Carma: Here are some examples of their work. and give me ideas of styles that I could try out of my world building.
What I like about them, is each one is different in some compacity of simplistic and wild and outstanding detail. some even looks realistic, which amazes me, in my opinion I could see these in a Minecraft setting.
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Here are also few games that also use or use some form of aspect of Voxels.
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The style of Crossy and Skies of the past is what I love out of the rest, just the simple and thew complex styles of them both, with use of accurate colours for both styles, crossy is very childlike, fully of pop styled colours, where Skies of the past is full of dull, pretty colours that tell a story from a past perspective.
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trevortrtc · 2 years
Residency Reflection
This past year has been an amazing experience filled with incredible lessons, useful advice, and moments that will forever change me as not only a teacher but a human being. I was fortunate to be placed at an incredible school and with an even amazing mentor teacher.
My placement for the year was in Washington Heights. Its a fabulous area filled with amazing culture and wonderful people. Many of our students at the school, The Community Health Academy of the Heights, live in the area. This made the school dynamic really close knit and full of culture. In the year, I worked in the compacity of an ENL teacher, 6th grade Literacy teacher, and a 6th grade math teacher in a sped compacity.
During my student teaching I learned a lot of things:
You never stop learning. Even as a teacher. Especially as a teacher! You are constantly honing your skills, learning about new way of teaching, finding out new means of supports and technology, and having to stay current and adapting to the times.
Never stop trying. There is never one way of doing anything and teaching is no acceptation. Not all your ideas will land the way you want them to. Some will fail. There will also be times when students do not respond the way you want or even retaliate. Even in those instances, you never stop trying. There were times were I felt I was never getting through to the students. Things would never go the way it was planned. However, when something failed, I tried something new. And I when that failed, I tried something new. As a teacher, you never stop trying.
Knowing your resources is extremely important. This goes beyond just materials and curriculum. This includes your colleges! Your school should be your support system. My time in CHAH really showed me that we are a team. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness or incompetency. Wanting to better yourself for your students and seeking help is such a selfless thing.
These realizations showed up in many different ways during my residency that really shaped how I am in the classroom. When I think about all the literature I had to review, all the pedagogy I had to unpack, putting theory to practice was very challenging. This is where you never stop learning. I found that TC gives you an abundance of tools to strive for success in your own class. However, these tools need to be amended or you even have to find new tools . During my residency, there were a lot of times where something did not go as planned. And that happened a lot of the time. These occurrences challenged me as a student and a teacher. Instead of falling under pressure, I sought different answers, different and newer techniques and strategies, and ways to better understand the situation I was dealing with. When I student was unable to understand how I was teaching something and the content appeared to be inaccessible to them, I searched and figured out a way to make it so. I kept searching and trying until it was apparent that they were getting the content. That is the epitome of never stop learning and never stop trying.
I taught this 6th-grade literacy class this year. They are essentially the reasons for all 3 of my reflections. This was a class that came with a lot of challenges. Academically, they had such a wide range of literacy levels. Some read as high as 9th grade and some as low as 1st grade. Not only was this class crucial for most of them, but it was clear differentiation and scaffolding were a necessity for them. Socially, there were many challenges. Behavior was not as easy to deal with as I would like it to have been. There were many students who were disruptive, distracted, and on some occasions posed harm mentally and physically to the classroom. One might think this was the worst possible outcome for a first-year teacher. Nobody would ever want a class like this. Honestly, I was pretty thankful for such a class. It set me up for what might be ahead and gave me the experience to be able to handle it. In this class, you always had to be on your toes. Every day I was learning about a better way to educate these students. When something worked, it worked fair. When something did not work, it failed hard. So I had to learn strategies to deal with the successes and failures in the class.
Even when the behavior was so bad that the admin had to step in, I never stopped trying with my students. It is unfortunate, but many of my colleagues this year, seemed to have given up hope on these students. That is honestly, extremely heartbreaking. They would just let the students behave any way they wanted to. I think giving up on them was an extreme disservice to the students. Our job is not to give up on them. If it seems that you are unable to provide the things you need to educate a child or even a group of children, then you seek out ways to make sure they are getting what they need. Knowing where or how to ask for help is extremely important in this case but also generally. I learned early on not to be ashamed of asking for help when it comes to how can I better serve my students. At the end of the day, we have to make sure we tried our best by them.
Looking back on this journey, it through the good and the bad, it was all worth it. TR@TC has made me such a strong teacher, learner, and person. I do not think I would have been ready to teach had I chosen a different path. This was a once in a life time experience and I will cherish it forever.
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virtuousfuta · 3 months
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"I've given Noire plenty of fun... but what about you, Neptune~? How big are you?" Compac asked looking down at the skirt of the CPU.
Neptune's eyes widened, followed by a nervous chuckle. "Well...It's not like I really measured myself, but...I can tell you that I'm definitely not small!" The Planeptune CPU answered with a smile.
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cynthiaandsamus · 5 months
@compac-the-amazing submitted a naughty pic:
"Big Butt?"
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"Yup that's definitely what that is..."
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emo-rejects-archive · 4 years
Hourglass Potion (2B)
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2B sat alone in the medical bay of the Bunker, checking a holographic screen in front of her after having had run a full diagnostic on herself, when she noticed something out of place.
“A new ‘optional update’?” 2B read the lines of code out loud. Why would YoRHa make an optional update? It didn’t make much sense... But it was enough to peak her curiosity.
“Pod 042, download the new optional update,” 2B commanded her assigned helper droid.
“Requesting update approval... Access granted. Beginning update...”
A loading bar appeared on 2B’s holographic screen.
A sudden tight sensation in 2B’s chest and posterior surged through her processers.
2B placed a hand to her forehead. Why did she suddenly feel so... Dizzy?
It took her a bit to notice, but her chest was starting to swell up, straining the fabric of her black combat dress, making the cleavage window of said dress more pronounced. Her already thick bubble butt was also starting to swell as well, munching up her tight white thong.
“P-Pod 042, run a full diagnostic!” 2B commanded through gritted teeth.
“Requesting... Access denied.”
“That doesn’t help!”
2B leaned forward, groaning in pain. Even with her cyberneticly enhanced spine, carrying the weight of such a hefty chest was rather taxing.
Her ass was also starting to get a little too much to handle, having grown so big and fat that it had begun to pool off of the medical chair she sat upon.
There 2B sat, helplessly, only able to watch the grey update bar move across the screen.
Ninety-seven percent... Ninety-eight percent... Ninety-nine percent... One hundred percent.
“Update complete.”
2B breathed a sigh of relief, but then grimaced when she looked down and saw what she now had to deal with.
Her breasts were ginormous, so big she couldn’t wrap her hands around them, and they even hung all the way down to her tree trunk thick thighs. A tear had appeared around the cleavage window of her dress a while ago and her bra had also snapped, leaving her pearly pink nipples barely covered.
Her was huge and globular, spilling so far off of the medical chair that it almost touched the ground. She tried to get up off the chair, but her butt was making it hard to lift her legs, her slight movements sending ripples across her fat ass cheeks.
2B huffed, her face scrunched up into a pout. She would have to wait for 9S to come get her. He was definitely going to be in for a shock.
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doughyduo · 3 years
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someheartlesslady · 3 years
❤ Plush Heart
“Aw, thank you!”
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comicaldreamer · 3 years
Kind of sucks how some people have to relate their consumption of Asian Media to aiding real people because they can't seem to care otherwise.
Just like those fujoshis who can't seem to care about/respect gay people without relating it to their fav bl pairings :/
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