#comet prompts
lunarblazes · 2 years
writing prompt? i’m a sucker for world hopping so picture this:
blazeborn hermit!tango getting real weird urges to go through watcher!grian’s (known world-hopper) rift and somehow managing to get into empires whoops. hey that weird cowboy seems familiar? have we met before
Now, Tango’s not one to mess with… whatever Grian’s got going on. He’s got his own plate full, with the Frost Blight going around Decked Out, which is really helping the aesthetics but also not generally great for him, being very naturally inclined to warmth. Because the Frost Blight is a little overwhelming, Tango is careful to take semi-frequent breaks into the shopping district to thaw out and grab a drink at Bdubs’ coffee shop. However, today, Tango is a little tired, to say the least.
It wasn’t his fault he’d stayed up so late taking care of the prop design of the vault artifacts. If they’d wanted him to sleep, they’d—they’d have been less annoying and—and artifact-y. Nevertheless, he needed to take his regularly scheduled break into the shopping district or his fingers would probably fall off like miniature Tango Popsicles, and nobody would like that. Least of all him. Plus, he needed more repeaters and he didn’t feel like crafting them, half-delirious as he was, so he’d taken off for Cherry as fast as possible.
And, for all those reasons, Tango is hardly to blame when he crash lands in Grian’s basement-cave-thing. It looks a lot like Cherry, really. He can hardly be faulted.
While Tango is lying down, his face pressed to the smoothly carved stone flooring as he contemplates taking a nap right there, something flings itself at his head. He looks up slowly, lifting his head off the ground to stare at the culprit, he realizes it’s a small, soft plush toy of a sheriff. Its little hat is painted with a gold star, and its blond hair is made of little strands of yarn. Its eyes are little brown buttons sewn on with white thread.
Carefully, Tango hoists himself to his feet and picks up the doll. It’s really quite comforting. Perfect for a child to hold. The stitches are visible, but in a charming way, as if the blocky handiwork was done on purpose. To show the love put into the doll. The question now, then, is where on earth it’d come from.
Tango scans the room suspiciously, fully expecting to see Grian laughing at him from atop one of the stone perches engraved into the walls, but nobody’s there. The cave is empty, silence bouncing off the walls like a ricocheting bullet. He frowns and turns to the thing that’s a major part of why he refuses to come down here: the rift.
“So,” Tango says, “come here often?”
The Rift doesn’t respond, though Tango has the strangest feeling that it’s watching him. He swallows.
“Did you need me to see this?” Tango lifts up the plushie so the Rift can see it better. “It’s—um, it’s cute?”
No response. Tango slowly returns his arm to his side, still clutching the plushie, and contemplates how he’s going to fly out of the steep drop that yawns open into the cavern.
Now. Tango would never touch the Rift. It was on his top ten list of things that would never cross his mind to do, not even once. The Rift was weird. It hummed. Tango never wanted to get eaten by something that hummed. It would annoy him all the way to the grave.
Which is why, when Tango tries to fly out of the cave and is instead assaulted by a complete white-out of his vision, he is immediately not very pleased. He lists to one side, trying to shake the static out of his vision (the static tastes like soda water, too much soda water, stupid carbonated flavor permeating every cell of his being. He hates Bdubs for drinking that stuff and having the audacity to call it grape flavored), but it’s no use. Quickly, he realizes he’s stuck in the Rift, somehow, even though he’d never stepped even one foot closer to it than he had to, which is frankly incredibly unfair.
He tries to call for help. Nobody comes. He tries to yell for Grian to come get his stupid pet anomaly. He doesn’t show up. Tango hopes that a bird poops in whatever Grian’s eating on his stupid little lunch break.
The Rift swallows him whole within seconds, and Tango finds himself floating within a suffocatingly tight layer of purple light. He screws his eyes shut, his nails digging into the plush sheriff, and then he is violently spit out of the weird static-soda-water-purple-light-void phase of his trip and slams his head directly into a rock.
“Ow,” Tango says, staring up at the sky and breathing heavily. “This sucks.”
“Um,” someone says, “who’re you?”
Tango internally sighs. The voice doesn’t sound familiar, which is a bad sign, but honestly anybody would be an improvement over whatever just happened to him. Decked Out was going to be delayed if he was in another freaking dimension. He slowly tilts his head down to stare at whoever is talking to him, only to blink in surprise.
He stares at the sheriff plushie in his hands. He stares back at the blond, brown-eyed, gold-star wearing man in front of him. He frowns.
“Is this a land of walking plushies?” he asks, which is an innocent question, if you ask him, but apparently the real sheriff didn’t seem to like that very much, because his confused expression quickly shifts into one of annoyance and anger.
“What? No! For goodness—I’m a real person! You’re disrespecting the sheriff, you are!” The man snatches Tango’s plushie, which he’d honestly grown quite fond of, and throws it off the cliff Tango had tumbled out of. A loud splash sounds somewhere far below.
Tango frowns. “Aw, man, I liked that thing.”
“It’s horrid,” the Sheriff huffs. “Propaganda, it is.”
“Um, what’s your name?”
“Hm?” The Sheriff seems surprised before he glances over at the Rift, still glistening innocently in the cliff. “Oh! You came through there, didn’t you?”
Tango nods.
“Well, I’m Jimmy. I’m the Sheriff around here.” He holds out a hand for Tango to take. “Yours?”
“Tango,” Tango says, taking the helping hand, “Tango Tek!”
Jimmy’s face takes on an oddly concentrated expression at that. “Hmm. That sounds… familiar. You sure you’re not from here?”
“Pretty sure,” Tango says, suddenly a bit unsure. “Never seen you before.”
He knows it’s untrue as soon as he says it. It’s weird, telling a lie that you don’t know is a lie. They both pause, confused.
“Hm,” Jimmy says. “Weird. Anyways, off to jail with you.”
“Wait, what?” Tango squawks. “Why?”
“Disrespecting the Sheriff!” Jimmy says brightly, taking out a crossbow. “That’s a crime. Don’t worry, it’s a perfectly nice cell.”
Across dimensions, Grian stalks into the cave, muttering something about a ruined sandwich. The Rift seems pleased with itself; Grian tenses. That’s never a good thing.
“What did you eat?” he scolds, with the air of someone whose dog has taken a plastic bag out of the trash and refuses to give it back.
The Rift sparkles with snowflake patterns and flame. Grian rubs his temples.
“I’m gonna have to go in there, aren’t I?”
The Rift happily glows an affirmative yellow.
“God,” Grian says, sighing, “this is gonna give me the worst headache later.”
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the-witchhunter · 11 months
DP x DC: Animal House
Danny can apparently shapeshift, and that’s great!
or it would be great if it wasn’t for the fact he got stuck as an eldritch cat. On the plus side, he can talk to animals like this. Downside: He lacks thumbs and his powers seem to be on the fritz. 
Luckily, he got picked up by the Waynes who seem to think he is some kind of alien cat. It’s actually pretty cool. Lots of soft things and window spots to soak in some sunlight, and, hell, the homemade cat food actually tastes pretty good.
Plus he’s been making friends!
Alfred the cat and Titus are his favorites. Ace is cool but he’s more like an uncle figure. Batcow is chill, but Jerry the turkey is an asshole. Then Dick brings his dog Haley aka Bitewing, so Jason brings his dog Dog, and the whole batfamily of pets is there vibing with Danny.
Then a family emergency happens requiring all hands on deck. Everyone is out of the house and even Alfred is too busy in the Batcave keeping an eye on things to pay attention to the animals. So that can mean only one thing...
Party time!
Danny invites all the DC animals that I remember exists. Krypto the super Dog, Comet the Super Horse, Streaks the Super Cat, Beppo the Super Monkey, Rec the Wonder Dog, and of course Bobo T. Chimpanzee aka Detective chimp, the worlds greatest detective, and the alcoholic ape that’s going to supply the whole party with booze
That’s right, Danny is hosting an animal rager at the Wayne manor, and between his malfunctioning powers, the other super powered animals, and a lot of alcohol, things are going to get WEIRD
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coldasyou · 6 months
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musical theatre challenge: 1/10 performers | denée benton
Cinderella’s been a dream role for a long time. I didn’t think I would ever get a chance to do it. At the age I’m in now, I remember Into the Woods was the first time I got introduced to the gray area of life, you know? Hearing ‘nice is different than good’ blows your mind when you’re a kid. I’m excited for this production. I’m pinching myself.
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grackle-draws · 5 months
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Behold! The boys!
Filling the Tattoos prompt for my 104th bingo. @clonefandomevents
I had a silly idea based off this scene from the masterpiece that is Starship Troopers.
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mmmichyyy · 1 month
Hey Michelle! It’s Comet! 73 for the prompt?
#73: "i'm not wearing a dress."
"you want me to do what?"
"it's not a big deal, mick. everyone at the party is going to be in couples costumes."
"...i'm not wearing a fuckin' dress, ian."
"you have such nice calves though, don't you want to show them off?"
"i'm going to murder you."
"you wore that skirt for me last week and you looked hot as hell."
"roleplaying in our bedroom where no one can see us is different from wearing a fuckin' dress in front of all your coworkers."
"you won't be alone - sue said the theme is gender reversal costumes, so i'm assuming all the guys there will be wearing something, um... feminine?"
"so you're saying i'm the woman of our relationship?"
"you know that's not what i mean..."
"so why don't you wear a dress too then?"
"...because my calves aren't as nice as yours?"
"nice try. we're married - if i'm wearing a dress, then you are too."
"ugh, fine, you win."
"time to show off your tits, tough guy."
"...is it too late to cancel?"
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loverboy-havocboy · 19 days
18 with Gregor/Comet (:
18. a kiss while laughing - gregor/comet
“You have to yield.”
“You ha- have to yield!”
“Why would I yield,” Gregor muses, “when I have you pinned?”
Well, that's an excellent question. Unfortunately, Comet doesn't have any oxygen left in his brain to give the Captain an excellent answer, on account of how the man has been tickling him mercilessly for.. probably forever. His lungs burn from the constant laughter.
Is it Comet's own fault? Should he have had the good sense not to antagonize a Commando on the sparring mat? Maybe.
Comet could argue, though, that Gregor should have the good sense to forgive his bad manners. After all, he was raised by wolves.
“Be- because!” he gasps out as he feels another tear roll down his cheek, “because you love me!”
“I do,” Gregor agrees, even as he redoubles his grip on Comet's wrists to prevent him from slipping away. Damn. His perfect, blaster-calloused fingers are relentless over the sensitive skin of Comet's ribs, and who's kriffing idea was it to make ticklish soldiers, anyway? A massive oversight, in Comet's opinion.
“How will- how will you-” a wave of dizziness hits Comet and his head falls back against the mat, every breath interrupted by traitorous, reflexive laughter. “How- how will you ever- kiss me again?” he tries.
“I can kiss you just like this, sweet boy,” Gregor says, leaning in to press their lips together. It's barely a kiss, with Comet's jerky breath puffing over Gregor's lips. He tries to kiss him back anyway. He never wants to miss a chance to kiss his Captain.
“Now yield,” Gregor offers again.
this was hard for me 💀 i'm not sure how well i did with the actual prompt but i hope it satisfies
send me a number and a clone pairing for a kiss!
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julic-art · 2 years
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Just a few of my favorite inktober pieces I’ve done so far :)
I’m using my own prompts based off of ghost quartet
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dustyhyena · 7 months
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some more previous october prompts! one from splatober and one from cringetober respectively :]
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starflungwaddledee · 5 months
which ocs in the fandom do you find the most interesting? also, which ocs do you think have the most aesthetically pleasing designs? finally, which ocs have you only heard of but would like to know more about?
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh nooooooo ha haaa noooo i can't possibly answer this because it would be soooo unfair to have favourites wouldn't it's comet knight by @kittenvirus
#sorry it's the colour scheme and the glitter and the fluff. i'm unfortunately so so weak to all these things 😭#even a little bit of pastel rainbow star theming specifically... comet really has everything i'm sorry to say#i think starstruck would faint immediately if she saw him. could they be friends?? i'm not sure i think she'd just be like this: 👁️👁️#he is also one of (if not the very) first designs i saw when i started picking around the kirby community#so i'll always have a soft spot for him no matter who else i discover.#there are also a dozen other OCs that i love and adore but the more that i list the more folks will feel that i didn't list *them*#and i really really don't want to do that! my mutuals have some absolutely banging designs as do some folks who i don't follow!#there are also a lot of REALLY cool designs that are 'semi' oc but are more like redesigns? from folks AUs or comics or so on#many great morpho-esque redesigns out there too i'm always a fan of those!!!#please understand i'm listing only ONE design that hits all these prompts (bc i also don't know the creator well hence 'only heard of')#and one that always stands out to me personally because of the sentimentality i mentioned above#but i love MANY many many. if i started listing them i would never stop!! if you have an oc or a design i probably love them!!#i realise that is a bit of a dodge of the breadth of this question but i just... yknow? haha#i'd be happy to learn more about any ocs really!! i would actually love for starstruck to start having some relationships with others too?#if folks are interested in that!! she has relationships with the dream land four but not so much with ocs; and that might be fun too!!#others ocs#asks
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lunarblazes · 2 years
I'd love to request pearl and grian shenanigans if that's ok :3 I'm a skyblings lover, what can I say 🙃
-leaf anon 🍂
on a hostile stars kick i guess adjfhdgfkdjg sorry leaf anon if this isnt what you wanted but i realized they never actually. did the patron thing. so i wrote it DJFKHGDKJHG spoilers for late at night when the stars don't look quite right!
(this one is honorarily called scarecrow bones after a crane wives song hehe)
About a week after the big fight, Grian and Pearl sat down in the kitchen for the first time. Grian had been in and out of consciousness for most of the week, occasionally stumbling down the stairs to drink the bare minimum amount of water while Pearl patrolled the woods around her base to make sure nothing would surprise them.
They were a little preoccupied, so it wasn't really wholly their fault for forgetting possibly the most important takeaway from the fight: they weren't bonded yet. Pearl never completed the ritual. In all honesty, she'd forgotten. Just a bit.
She wasn't paranoid, per se. She preferred the term careful.
Grian still felt terrible by the seventh day, but he'd stopped slipping in and out of fever dreams and nightmares (skewed far more towards the latter), so he figured he should check on Pearl. She was standing on the porch, her hand still idly drumming on her sword. He cleared his throat (which he was still slightly surprised he could actually do).
Pearl nearly jumped out of her skin at the noise, whirling around and immediately pinning him to the wall with her sword. Grian flinched and ducked instinctively, rolling out of the way as Pearl registered who he was and dropped her blade.
Both of them scrambled to opposite ends of the porch.
"Sorry, sorry! Sorry--"
"Jeez, Gri, don't do that to me, I--"
"--I didn't know you were focused on something! Sorry--"
"--I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were here, it was an overreaction--"
They clamped their mouths shut at the same time, realizing they were talking over each other. Pearl nodded to him.
"You first."
"No, you--"
"C'mon, mate, we can't both be this terrible at conversation. You start."
"Um. I just wanted to say hi, I guess? Make sure you were doing okay out here."
"Oh." Pearl straightened, gingerly picking up her sword from the floorboards. "Well, I'm okay! Just keeping watch."
Grian blinked owlishly. "I know I'm not one to talk, but you seem a little, uh…"
Exhausted, over-vigilant, hungry, feral. Things he had personal experience with. "Weird?"
Pearl huffed. "I'd be more concerned if I wasn't coming off weird, honestly."
"That's fair." Grian said awkwardly, clutching his knees to his chest.
A silence descended on the conversation. Grian scratched his cheek absently and stared out at the blue sky.
"Grian," Pearl said, "did we ever finish the ceremony?"
Grian stopped scratching his cheek. "…nope."
"Well. We should do that, probably."
"Yep." Grian's gaze snapped back to her face as he realized she'd been standing watch without the aid of respawn. He didn't know much about the godly patron deal, but he'd overheard her and Gem discussing respawn enough to infer about it, at least. "Like, now."
"You're feeling up to it?" Pearl looked surprised.
"Yep," Grian lied, hopping to his feet to prove his point and hiding the wince it sent through his ribcage with what he hoped was a winning smile.
Pearl rubbed her eyes. Gods, she really did look tired. Briefly, Grian considered that this didn't sound like the best or most fleshed out plan to ever exist. He considered telling Pearl to take her turn with the bed and insisting they wait until she felt better. He considered telling her that her judgement probably wasn't sound and neither was his.
Grian said nothing and allowed himself to be sat down in the kitchen. Pearl yawned slightly as she stretched herself out in her chair. She was quite a lot taller than him, actually, a few inches at least. Grian didn't know why he took note of that but it felt like a good moment for random observations about the person who was about to complete some kind of divine ceremony on him.
"So how does this work?" he asked, leaning forward to stare at her hands as if she'd just pull some magic artifact out of thin air.
"I need one of your feathers, actually," she said apologetically. "If you're not ready for that, I can wait a bit longer!"
Another opportunity for Grian to tell her this was a bad idea. He did not take it. Instead, he quickly reached to the back of his neck and plucked out one of the extra down feathers that lined his spine. Luckily, it was still a vibrant red when he handed it over to Pearl.
"Nah, I'm curious now," he heard himself say. And he was curious, very much so, but there was still a part of his brain convinced this would end very, very badly. He told it to shut up. Pearl knew what she was doing.
She blinked at him and took the feather gently, finally laying her sword down on the table to cup the feather in her hands.
"So, I'm gonna say your name--your Name name--and we're gonna decide on the terms of the contract. Then you'll give me a bit of your immortality and I'll give you my loyalty," Pearl explained, "something like that. That sound good?"
Grian considered it. He owed Pearl his life multiple times over, and she was a very funny lady. He could probably do much worse. She could probably do much better among the ranks of the gods in terms of power, but he'd distantly heard how happy she was when discussing the prospect with Gem, so…
"Yeah," he said softly, "I think I could do that. I don't know how much I'll have to give you, but I'll do my best."
"Wouldn't want anythin' else from ya," Pearl said, grinning, and cleared her throat. "Alright, um, Grian Firebringer, Phoenix, Trickster of Ash… the Lost, the Branded--the Golden."
It was strange to have someone speak words that you knew and have them wrap so completely around your head. Every word out of Pearl's mouth sunk into his skin like warm rays of sunlight. It felt good to be seen, to be acknowledged, even as she hesitated on the last titles. Grian knew they were probably bad words by the way she said them, ones that had a meaning, but they just felt like parts of him. He knew this was his name. It wasn't just his name, either, it was him, spoken into existence through insignificant phrases, none of which had true meaning. To him, they were all that was left of who he once was. Grian was surprised to feel a sense of distant nostalgia bubble up in his chest as he processed the words.
Almost on autopilot, he responded, "that's me. What is your wish?"
"I wish for you to give me some of your divinity," Pearl said, her voice almost equally effortless. "I would keep it safe in turn, and it would protect my people and my home."
"I can--"
--the room tilts as the words leave his mouth, he grips the table as images fill his vision--
She stares at him expectantly, her typically serious eyes full of mirth. He doesn't know what he did. His mouth is dry.
What's happened? She's happy. He did something good, then, he's--
--a gate opens--
Something is shifting inside his chest, he can feel it bend and snap and move. It's not replacing anything already there, just adding something new, another aspect of his being. He can't help but wonder about what his identity looks like if this is enough to change him so fundamentally and there's stars above and fire burning behind the--
Rivers, lakes, oceans, every pond and stream, glowing and blessed, the ash and the ember always cursed, why is there a gate? The gate is closed. Open? What should it be?
He remembers seeing the gate. He remembers her standing beside him. He never knew her. Who is he? Where is she?
Something's wrong.
Grian was flung back into the present with a gasp as Pearl nearly fell out of her chair in front of him.
"I feel like," Pearl panted, running a hand down her face, "this is getting a little invasive."
"You saw that?" Grian asked. "Good to know I'm not crazy, I guess?"
"We have to figure out something to help that noggin of yours," Pearl said. "You're…"
"Leaking?" Grian suggested. He grimaced. "Nevermind, that sounds terrible."
"Yeah, no, we're not saying that," Pearl said.
"Well, technically they're not even my memories, if it makes you feel better," Grian offered. "If I don't remember them, legally they're someone else's. And he's dead, so you can't invade on his privacy, can you?"
Pearl stared at him awkwardly. "I think maybe referring to your past self as dead is not a great coping mechanism."
"Neither is running yourself ragged standing on the porch waiting for something to put us in danger so you can feel safe," Grian responded thoughtlessly. He paused. "Wait, that was too real. Sorry."
"Eh," Pearl shrugged. "It's fair."
"Are we gonna try to finish this?" Grian nudged the feather, still glowing in Pearl's cupped hand.
"Oh, right, yeah," Pearl said. "We should be good now, I think you just have to, like… do some godly stuff to the feather to make it permanent, and then I keep it as a token."
Grian frowned. "I don't know how to do that."
"Wave your hands and say a funny word," Pearl suggested helpfully. "That's what Gem does, it usually works out for her."
"I can try that," Grian said. He waved his hands over the feather in what he hoped was a mystical enough way. "Alakazam?"
The feather began floating, humming softly, then settled back into Pearl's palm, its light dimming to a faint golden glow. Grian stared at it.
"Did it work?" he ventured cautiously.
"I dunno," Pearl said. She poked it with a finger. It kept glowing. "Think so?"
Grian stared at his hands. "I don't feel any different."
"Me neither." Pearl yawned rather unceremoniously.
"Go sleep," Grian said, trying not to sound patronizing. "I've been out for a week, it's been more than overdue."
"Yeah, yeah, I hear you," Pearl said, slowly standing from the table. Grian pretended not to see her take her sword with her upstairs. "Try not to die while I'm gone."
"Oh, please," Grian snorted, "I'm not helpless."
Pearl shot him a look.
"Not entirely helpless," he amended. "Don't worry about me. I'll be here."
Grian laid down by the fireplace, spreading out on his back in what he hoped was a reassuringly calm pose. He shot her two thumbs up signs. She sighed and headed up the stairs, her sword dragging behind her.
"Pesky bird," she muttered, and Grian smiled.
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the-witchhunter · 11 months
DP x DC: True Love’s Kiss
loosely inspired by the Princess and the Frog, but more inspired by Comet the Super Horse, Supergirl’s oft forgotten “pet”
And by “pet” I mean Comet isn’t a kryptonian horse, he’s a fucking centaur named Biron cursed by a witch to switch between forms that also gave him superpowers. Might not have been a curse, but still oddly specific considering he was just her horse for a while and also in love with her I think?? Also a member of the Legion of Super-Pets. 
So the legend of the church Grim, is that it’s a protective spirit of sorts guarding churches and cemeteries, taking the form of a large black dog with red eyes. 
So, one of the various witches, warlocks, occultists or sorcerers managed to bind Danny, to guard... something. Danny isn’t quite the normal type of spirit and frankly the person clearly messed something up. The result?
Danny is stuck in the form of a black dog with access to some of his powers. Frankly, they seem suspiciously like Krypto’s powers... The League suspects Lex Luthor experimented with cloning Krypto, and Superboy get’s a superpowered pet of his own. 
Danny and Kon? The best of friends. They’re practically glued at the hip, where kon goes, Danny goes. Suddenly, being a dog isn’t all that bad. Sure, there’s the can’t talk or order fast food, but Kon feed’s him a lot more “people food” than he should when Ma Kent isn’t looking, and the dog food they get is surprisingly tasty. It’s fun wrestling with Kon, and Kon gives the best belly rubs. They take on bad guys together go on adventures, and it’s a surprisingly enjoyable life.
The one day, snuggled up in Kon’s bed ready to got to sleep, Kon just smooches his dog on the head, and *POOF*
Kon’s dog just transformed into a man his age, who is currently naked and in his bed.
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coldasyou · 1 year
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musical theatre challenge: 3/3 costumes | natasha’s ballgown (natasha, pierre & the great comet of 1812) [in/sp]
When I was choosing fabric for Denée, I found this amazing fabric that had these bright silver polka dots on it. I would never have thought of silver in the context of this show before, because there's so much gold. I was inspired by her. I also decided there needs to be more movement to the dress, so there are dangly, globe-shaped beads on the dress. She gets this fancy dress and puts it on and gets swept away—but it wants to feel light, like she drank too much champagne. - Paloma Young, costume designer 
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iamthecomet · 9 months
14 or 20 with Aeon/Dew?
Mmmmmm. Feminized Aeon because the brain rot is bad.
14. "Be a good girl and take it." There are tears pricking at his eyes already. Threatening to spill over. To ruin the make-up Dew so painstakingly applied. Mascara wand in hand, tongue pinned between his teeth in concentration. Aeon coughs, chokes around the press of Dew's cock at the back of his throat. Dew had called him pretty before they started--but he isn't sure he's pretty now. Lipstick smeared across his mouth, all over Dew's cock. Making each rough thrust taste waxy as Dew slips over his tongue, bumps against his tonsils. He's going to think of Dew every time he swallows for the next few days. Aeon holds onto Dew's thighs for dear life--not that it matters. Between Dew's hold in his hair and the snap of his hips, Aeon is powerless against this. He fucking loves it. Loves the ache in his jaw. The slickness of his own drool on his throat. Loves the way Dew is looking at him. Ravenous. Eyes narrowed to flaming slits. Each punched out gasp is Aeon's doing. Each groan. Each stutter of Dew's hips--they're all because of Aeon. Because he's pretty. Because his mouth is-- "So fucking wet. You're such a mess," Dew groans. He loosens his grip in Aeon's hair to stroke gently at his forehead, his cheekbone, his jaw. The soft touch in direct contrast to the roughness Dew fucks his mouth with. Dew tastes like woodsmoke and salt. It's a flavor Aeon wants on his tongue for eternity. To bask in this--in the way Dew leaks like a faucet onto the back of Aeon's tongue. Warm pre dripping down his throat. Aeon doesn't think he's ever been harder. There's a wet spot on his boxers. His balls ache. He keeps his hands to himself anyway. Dew hasn't told him he can touch yet, and he's not going to risk Dew stopping for anything--especially not his own pleasure. Dew's hand slides down, cups Aeon's chin in the space between his thumb and forefinger. Palm pressed lightly over his throat. Dew slows down, presses deep. Shoves in until Aeon's nose is pressed to the tightly trimmed curls at the base of Dew's cock. Smelling sweat and cinnamon and lust. Aeon breathes deep. He tries not to choke, not to gag. But Dew grinds a little harder and Aeon can't help it. Breath catching. A wretched noise breaking through his throat. Dew doesn't pull back, doesn't let up. Aeon doesn't ask him to. Doesn't tap his thighs like he's been taught. He just tries to breathe through the intrusion as Dew presses down on his throat tries to feel himself lodged there. The tears spill now, black messy streaks spilling down his face to run over Dew's lithe fingers. Dew's mouth pulls up into a grin. He presses down harder with his hand and Aeon can't breathe. Dew groans low, and Aeon thinks he never needs to breathe again as long as Dew keeps making noises like that. His body though as other plans. He grimaces as he chokes again, coughing and sputtering. Hand still motionless against Dew's thighs. "That's it," Dew growls. "Be a good girl and take it."
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trudemaethien · 6 months
Hi! The random generators (even if I had to use a different one for the words) gave me Hardcase/Comet and evanescent shoe.
“Nah, that guy’s called Comet because he leaves behind a deceptively sparkly trail of icy debris in his wake. You don’t want to go after him, Hardcase.”
“Maybe I’d like to chase that tail, though,” Hardcase says, staring after the path Comet’s circling around the dance floor. He’s soon lost in the swirling, gyrating throng.
“Torrent pup thinks he want to try and run with wolves?” one of the Wolfpack teases, draping himself over the back of their booth. This is the silver-haired one, and he looks eerie under the colorful lights. His grin has more teeth than are strictly friendly, but he is grinning and slouching and talking to them, so Hardcase smiles back cheerily.
“Sounds like an exhilarating good time,” he says, and across the table Jesse mouths (Sinker) at him, so he adds, “You wanna introduce me, Sinker? I’ll wag my tail and everything; only bite for play.”
Sinker throws back his head and laughs. “Only because I think Comet would get a kick out of you. Come on; what am I introducing you as…Bold, Terror, Audacity?”
“It’s Hardcase.”
Sinker laughs harder, chest shaking against Hardcase’s bicep as he guides them through the crowd. He lets go and gives Hardcase a shove, making him trip and stumble right into the arms of—he looks up and it’s who he asked to meet, Comet, looking down at him bewildered and then up at his smirking brother.
“I brought you a squeaky toy,” Sinker says smugly. “Comet, Hardcase; Hardcase, Comet.”
Comet looks at him again, amused and puzzled. “You…squeak?” Hardcase gets his feet back under himself and straightens his fatigue blouse.
“Bet, if you bite him,” Sinker teases, shoving them together again as he passes them to leave. “Have fun; save the pieces!”
At least Hardcase didn’t trip this time.
“Hi,” he says, “I did not ask him to say that.”
“No, I know; sorry my brother thinks he’s funny.” But Comet looks like he thought it was pretty entertaining too, and his smile has the same sort of teeth as Sinker’s had. No wonder people call the Wolfpack feral.
Hardcase glances over where Jesse and Fletch had been and doesn’t see them, and then feels the sharp pinch of teeth on his neck, and a swipe of warm wet tongue between them. He does make an embarrassingly high noise, and Comet’s snickering becomes giggling becomes full-blown laughter.
“Sorry, sorry,” he says unrepentantly, eyes glittering with glee, and that’s it. This is one grenade these wolves have tried to cook off just a moment too karking long.
Hardcase reels him in and kisses his laughing mouth with more teeth than is nice, and apparently that’s exactly the way these lunatics like it. Comet groans and gives back as good as he’s getting.
Hardcase can’t say he doesn’t like it, himself.
He’s not exactly sure how they get back to the barracks, since it’s hard to observe your surroundings with someone in your face; it’s a blur of making out and moving on autopilot.
The Wolfpack survivors had been given smaller quarters, and it seems they remain in them while regaining battalion strength and retraining all their new arrivals. It’s there that they land. No one else is in, and there’s not a whole lot of discussion why or who’s where, only less and less clothing and more and more enthusiastic touching.
It’s very nice, even if Comet’s a love ‘em and leave ‘em kind of guy. Hardcase feels lucky to have gotten to know him like this. He’s a lot of fun, joking and teasing and wrestling.
Telling Comet this turns into round number—are they counting? Nope, they have better things to be doing.
Hardcase checks the chrono and curses with lighthearted annoyance. “I have formation. Wish I could stay.” He sits up and starts sorting through the mess of fatigues on the floor to separate his out.
“Mmm, I’ll keep the bed warm for you,” Comet says, tracing fingers over his hip and up the line of his tattoo on his back.
Hardcase turns and catches his hand, kissing his knuckles and tucking it away where it can’t start anything else they don’t have time to finish. “I’ll probably have detail all morning, and resupply after midmeal. This evening?”
“We’re taking night watch all this next week,” Comet says regretfully.
“And we leave in two days,” Hardcase adds, further dampening the mood.
“If this is goodbye, come tell me properly,” Comet pulls him in, and kisses him until he’s too distracted to think of being sad.
“Wasn’t it, uh, zero-eight for your formation?” Comet asks against his lips, “because it’s quarter-til.”
“Kriff,” Hardcase says with feeling, and scrambles to his feet. “Where’s my belt, cap…” he mumbles, patting himself down and looking around to make sure he hasn’t forgotten anything. “Toss me my other shoe, by the bed?”
Comet wings it at him, and Hardcase barely catches it, turning into the throw with an involuntary shout. Comet, still tangled in his sheets, is cracking up, so Hardcase flings it back at him to shut him up, and immediately regrets it as Comet tucks the shoe under himself and looks prepared to defend it with the utmost shenanigans.
“Hey, no, I need that! Come on, Comet.”
“No, I think I’m keeping this now,” Comet drawls.
“Hhheckkk. Please give it back? I’m already going to be late; you’re going to make me be out of uniform too? And I just got done dealing with the assholes in requisitions,” Hardcase wheedles.
“Take one of mine,” Comet says nonchalantly kicking the lid off his half-slid-out under-bunk kit box. His boot-shoes, worn with both armor and with fatigues are right on top. “Maybe it’ll help you keep your feet.”
Hardcase pauses, instantly more serious. “You’re giving me a piece of your shell?” he asks carefully, reining back his sudden eager interest.
“You did it first,” Comet says easily, but his smile says he knows exactly what he’s doing. “Keep my paint clean, you hear?”
There’s a thin stripe of grey around the edge of the sole. Hardcase’s boots are still unpainted. He hadn’t been joking about just having to draw new ones from supply after his last set had gotten damaged.
“I’ve still got to paint mine,” Hardcase says. “I can do it next time I see you?”
“Yeah,” Comet says, hugging his pillow. “I’d like that.”
Chasing Tail 🔒 https://archiveofourown.org/works/51903022
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loverboy-havocboy · 19 days
*throws self in inbox so fast* 18 with Wolffe/Comet plsss!!! (Coz you have given me the gosh-darned feels damnit!!!)
No worries if it doesn't spark joy!!!
whisky 💖 i bumped you back a number because i just did 18, hope that's okay! made it slaat'cyar'ika for you as a consolation
17. an upside-down “spider-man” kiss - comet/wolffe
They're going to kill him.
The Wolfpack is going to kill him.
Comet's body is finally changing; he's finally starting to look more like his brothers, and he's thrilled, but he's also disgusting, and tired. He's sweating more than he ever has in his life, his body aches, his stomach is like a black hole - and the pack is pushing him harder than ever before, which he didn't even think was possible.
Comet is grateful they're putting in the work to bring him up to their standards - at least that's what he tells himself as he hangs by the backs of his knees from a bar in the gym, feeling like a bag of jelly. If a bag of jelly could sweat.
He groans against the effort of making his body comply with the order - another curl-up, another desperate, heaving breath, another count.
“Two hundred,” he grits out.
“And down,” his spotter says.
He lowers himself again obediently, feels a towel wipe across his face, and blinks his eyes open.
“Hey,” Wolffe says, and Comet finds he's far too gorgeous to be mad at, even for this torment. He can only grunt in response, but even that brings a smile to Wolffe's face. Unfair.
“Don’t pout, pup,” his Commander admonishes, taking Comets face in his hands. Comet wants to tell him he looks stupid upside-down.
Wolffe steps in then and brushes their lips together in something gentle. Comet's heart flutters in his chest, and whether it's a swell of unbearable affection or a cardiac arrhythmia, he couldn't say, but he kisses Wolffe back anyway. It doesn't matter too much to him at the moment.
“I want you to know I'm proud of you,” Wolffe tells him when he pulls back. “I know how tired you are, I see how hard you're working anyway, and I'm so proud of you.”
Affection. The heart thing is definitely affection.
“Vor’e, kar’ta'ner,” Comet manages.
Wolffe kisses him again, and then he helps him down, taking all of his weight.
“Ni kar’tayli gar darasuum,” the man rumbles in his ear.
send me a number and a cloneship for a kiss <3
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jujucomet · 4 months
Random Transformers OC prompt: Your OC meeting/going against your favorite character from your OC's opposite faction.
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