#colour theory gloves
raevenswritingdesk · 9 months
It’s dangerous to go alone! Take this.
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teacupistired · 16 days
i simply MUST talk about how baffling and strange this outfit of cressida's is
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This is probably a scene at a ball, evidenced by the dance cards and the evening lighting. I'm gonna use eloise's fit for comparison, since the Bridgertons are supposed to be this old money, powerful family that lead the ton to some extent. Theyre the ideal, more or less.
Whats immediately weird to me is the collar, if u can even call it that. Its laced up and seems to have boning holding up the mesh-y fabric, like a weird neck corset. As far as i know that doesnt rly. Exist. As a fashion concept. So i have no sweet clue where her modiste got this idea from.
And yes i mean her modiste, in s2 we learn that madame delacroix has competition and the cowpers frequent this new modiste instead.
Back to what else is weird abt the fit, cressida has no gloves. We've see from the start of season 1 that basically everyone in the ton wears gloves at social events. Especially young ladies. Men and women touching hands with no gloves is particularly scandalous.
Eloise has a pretty normal dress. Nothing too bold or crazy, and shes in bridgerton blue. Cressida is in yellow and we almost always see her in pink; yellow is penelope's colour.
i cannot wait to find out the context for this, but my standing theory is thia scene is after an event with pen and cressida being rivals over lord debling, or maybe even colin
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zehiiro · 8 months
I over analysed the S2 teaser trailer
I need help 🫠 I'm literally watching this teaser video over and over again, frame by frame, just to get as much out of it as possible.
Here's a few things I want to point out.
So we see her walking up to a car here and talking to a guy:
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The car is a blue Ute and has a black steering wheel
The guy in the car has a checkered jacket on and a beard
She is visibly carrying a cross bow and a bag, and probably a pistol and knife not in the frame.
She is wearing gloves and a beige shirt under her jacket
Then at the end of the teaser we get these shots:
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She is in a different car, with a beige steering wheel, which is possibly a hatchback from the look of the back window.
She is now holding a much larger gun, possibly the rifle we saw melissa holding in the set photos from France that came out a few months ago (photo's at the end of the post).
The man next to her is now wearing a brown jacket.
She is now wearing a more olive coloured shirt, which also looks like what she's wearing in the set photos we saw of her in France.
Through the mirror we can see a dead or drying guy in the back seat who looks a little like the guy that was driving the Ute at the start of the teaser.
Looking at all this I'm starting to think that the later shots are of her in France. but the question now is, what's happening to the zombies around the car? Who's killing them? Could it be Daryl & the people from the nest that we see in the photos below?
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Daryl is wearing a cross body bag and a black coat we haven't seen on the show yet, and it looks like what he was wearing in the S2 set photos of him and Melissa together (below).
And here's me actually grasping at straws even more:
It look like they're moving through a warehouse/industrial building, and the shot of carol in the new car looks to be in an industrial area as well.
Can these shots be at the same spot in France? maybe at the port? is this going to be the scene where they reunite?!
Someone please tell me to stop looking at this over and over again and over thinking everything 😅 and feel free to add things that you've noticed and I've missed.
Set photos I've been referring to:
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There's more content to support the reunion theory.
The lovely and incredibly observant @Lightenerrthang & @vicneedscoffeee on Twitter also pointed out that the blood splatter on her face in this shot from the teaser matches the blood splatter from this bts photo.
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And that bts photo was from the same time as the bts video below where norman is covered in blood!!
Here's the link to the bts video of Norman
Here's the link to the thread on twitter
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palmviolet · 15 days
true detective s1ep4 thoughts (featuring queer theory this time)
— there's definitely something going on parallels-wise between charlie lange + ledoux and rust. whether that's a rust and marty thing, re: marty making a distasteful joke ("someone saying insane shit in your ear all day long") and also rust's reluctance to get drawn into marty's personal + intimate business ("it's none of my business") as a counter to lange showing the photos of dora to ledoux — or a crash and ginger thing, re: ledoux being a meth cook and sharing his mixes with lange the way ginger makes rust snort a special mix made just for him, and ledoux being 'bigger' than lange and lange therefore needing to indulge and listen to him, the way rust has to let himself be manhandled and roped into things as crash. all these parallels are designed to erode the line between cop and criminal.
— similarly, this episode is obsessed with personae. as i've spoken about before, the whole rust being a cop pretending to be a biker pretending to be a cop thing collapses the boundaries between state-sanctioned violence and state-condemned violence: rust's whole role undercover is not to 'do good' — this is why we're never told about the convictions his work led to, the cartels he shut down — but to participate wholly in that violent environment with the gloves off. this is why he points a gun at the kid even as he's telling him to hide in the bathtub; this is why he's the one to carry tiger out of the cupboard, the first to enter the stash house; this is why the coke comes straight out of the evidence locker. rust, here, is not not police: rather, he is the epitome of police, police with its mask taken off. (ring any bells...?)
— this is made most explicit when marty asks rust, "what happens they clock you're not you?" because, after all, who is 'you'? it plays into rust's own rejection of selfhood and highlights that this — the undercover work, the consequent fragmenting of his personality — is one of the reasons for that rejection, that police identity is no identity, because it is defined only in opposition to criminal violence and really there is no difference.
— and, again, the biker gang serves as an exaggerated symbol for the institution's culture in terms of homosociality. as expressed by sedgwick and innumerable queer theorists since, homosociality is the structure of a misogynistic — and also homophobic — society that places value and complexity only on relationships between men, positioned to shore up masculinity. women, who exist only for sex, are irrelevant or else mere conduits for these male-male dynamics. this gives rise to the perverse intimacy between hypermasculine and homophobic men and also to the homoerotic potential of love triangles (as we'll get to with ep6). this is why, in the biker bar scene, all the half-naked women are in the background, out of focus, while rust is thrown up against the wall and frisked; why we see a woman's legs in a skirt behind ginger but no more of her, because it's rust getting groped instead.
— this is designed to epitomise a misogynistic society and the misogynistic institution that is the police. throughout the series we watch marty play out his personal dramas — and we watch his and rust's relationship develop — against the literal backdrop of a murdered woman. she is scenery, at best a plot device, while the men are tangled up with each other. this is implicit in the actual police scenes, but made explicit with the bikers, just the way everything else is — the gloves come off and the police's intimacies, as well as its violence, are unveiled.
— this is getting long but a quick point about the role of colour grading: yellow obviously plays a significant role in the series, w/r/t the yellow king. as a colour it represents decay and sexual corruption and, in TD, occult knowledge. rust is frequently associated with yellow — even the 2012 interview scenes have him shot in a warmer tone, while marty is against a cooler, bluer backdrop. now, it's a very yellow series lmao so i'm not going to read into this too far but in this episode we get a very specific colour moment: when marty follows tyrone's girlfriend into the rave. the rave is hazy, trippy, and yellow. it implies they're getting closer to the yellow king — it also implies marty's descent into a corrupt world. think about the dichotomy of yellow and blue: yellow as rotting fruit, bruises, and blue as a police siren. blue is institutionally-regulated, blue is clean and proper, blue is the right side of history. so when marty moves out of the yellow temptations and follows tyrone to find out where ledoux is, the lighting turns vivid blue, to show he's doing his job as a cop; despite his sexual corruption, he's doing the right thing.
— but the strip club where he met tyrone's girlfriend was also lit blue, red and blue, and she was wearing a leotard emblazoned with the american flag (a choice taking aim at american misogyny overall) — and marty's quest to find ledoux leads to a state-sanctioned execution. he's wearing blue as he corners tyrone, and he's wearing blue as he harasses his wife at the hospital. once again, the series sets up a false dichotomy, this time through its visuals — there is no right side of history, and the final climax comes in a forest of murky green.
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
you did the really great detailed post about green/blue colour theory right? do you have thoughts on buck and eddie’s blue/green phone cases in s6 and how eddie’s switches to black when he calls M?
Yeah, that's me! I made a few actually, here is the first one using just clothes, here's a more in dept one using more elements of the scene, here is another one that complements that because I didn't think to use Eddie and Shannon before.
Also, don't get me started on the phone cases oaksoaksoaks, my first meta was on the phone cases when mixed feelings aired.
But, yeah I have thoughts and they have evolved since that first post, so thank you for the excuse to talk about it. Realistically, Eddie's phone case being black when he calls Marisol could just be due to the fact that that scene is probably a reshoot and they didn't have the original green phone chase at hand when they had Ryan in for that.
But I'm not known for being realistic with my metas, so let's talk about it. Eddie had a generic plastic black phone case for s2 and s3, and no phone case for s4 and s5. And Buck has a darker color, black or charcoal up until 5a, they switched his case after brawl on cell 911 to a navy one, considering the plot of the episode it makes sense.
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Then in season 6, we get the matching blue and green cases. And Buck's is significantly lighter than usual. There's no mistaking that is blue. There are also a lot more scenes of Eddie on his phone than usual, he is on his phone a lot, and a lot of the time the phone is angled in a way we will see the phone case.
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The phone cases are there the whole season, including the beginning of pay it forward.
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So the cases are a prop we are supposed to see, because they are turned to us, even when Eddie is texting here, his phone is slightly tilted, so we are seeing the case.
So we get to the Marisol scene. Not only the case is black, but Eddie himself is blue.
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His shirt is blue, his flannel is blue, his jeans are blue, his damn couch is blue. And Eddie is NOT the blue character when it comes to the blue and green thing. If we believe my madness with Shannon and the detailing on her character, or Ana, or even Buck. He's green.
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He is blue with Shannon on merry xmas, but he is blue because of the uniform, so there's wiggle room there considering the way they can't change the color of his uniform.
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He's also blue for Chris' birth, and there's less wiggle room here, but medical stuff is usually blue, no matter the circumstances, so it could be just because it was more convenient to make Shannon a green gown, like they did for Chim so that he and Maddie could be blue and green after Doug, because everything else in the room is blue, gloves, blankets, like, he could blue for convenience.
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But, still, he's mostly green, there is a lot of blue in his color palette, I'm not saying he doesn't do blue, because he does, he's just usually green while love interests. So, him being blue from head to toe is also a choice, because he's legit monochromatic, and that's odd.
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Because they could've put him in green, yk, Eddie making this call in a green henley would make perfect sense for his character without the "army green armor" implications of a green jacket. He could've also been wearing brown or grey, other colors he wears a lot that don't have the romantic love implications but are the wrong color for him, and again have the same effect.
I have conflicting feelings about this and just believing it's a coincidence, because the show is very careful and they left openings even if they believed the show was gonna get cancelled. But Eddie being in the "wrong" color could be an indication that the relationship is wrong or bound to go wrong or whatever because switching colors mid-crisis is a thing the show does with couples. Maddie and Chim on Boston for instance, Maddie starts as blue and Chim starts as green, but they switch by the end of the episode.
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There's also the way Buck and Taylor switch when Buck kisses Lucy.
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So it could be an indicator that Eddie and Marisol are going nowhere.
But at this point, I think we need more information about Marisol as a whole, I don't think the relationship is gonna last anyway, but she doesn't really exist for us yet, so it's hard to make assumptions involving her.
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leseigneurdufeu · 1 year
@tzarina-alexandra, the girls of Goncharov in a 1950's AU
(for reference: https://www.azaleasdolls.com/dressupgames/1950s-fashion.php)
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Katya Fiodorovna, at the beginning of the movie.
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Katya at the end of Goncharov, the Black Widow dress
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The White Widow, The White Dress... so many names for this piece of clothing. I left the black gloves and black top beneath as she changes clothes in the toilets halfway through the dinner before she starts shooting at Mario.
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Sofia in the car scene.
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I just love the colour symbolism in Goncharov. Sofia doesn't change, she stays green all along. She doesn't change except to get darker as her sorrow progresses until her clothes change, when she joins the other side and puts on a raincoat, changing her colour scheme. Katya was red, which.... tumblr knows its colour theory. Sofia is the exact opposite... and also the colour of deceit.
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Finally Mariella Visconti, Mario Ambrosini's right-hand-woman and secretary, appearing always so kind and soft until she pulls out her gun (well, tries to. Ilia prevents her from participating in the shootout)
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phoenixcatch7 · 11 months
Totk au idea, with ideas involving end game spoilers under the cut:
Link as the sage of forest! Like saria! A lot of totk revolves around exploring, sure, but it focuses a lot less on the untamed wilderness and Link’s relationship with it than botw, which has been his defining characteristic for the past six years (and generally for nearly forty). If Link was a sage, I’d like for him to go back to his roots and be something the grand scheme of hyrule wouldn’t consider as important anymore, but still is.
It’d be so cool to see what kind of powers that’d give him, it’d be a canon aligned way to give him all those cool nature magics I see a lot in fics! Maybe he could talk to animals, grow plants, purify running water, enhanced senses in the wild, animal empathy, all sorts!
When I was playing, I thought the secret stones were already assigned to their respective elements, and each sage just took up that mantle like in oot, tp, etc. However, in the wiki it said that each stone actually changed according to its wielder! Obviously I went looking for receipts in game, and I found them!
Each sage has their own ‘signature’, featuring a (sheikah?) eye and scribbles, which appears in the background of their sacred realm room, but most importantly here on their stones. Similarly, each signature has a colour associated with them. Rauru has white, sonia has a vivid yellow. Zelda gets her stone from rauru, and guess what colour it has? Yellow. Zelda and sonia have identical stones, down to the signature. It has an eye on the left, and a few curved lines branching off roughly the tear duct.
When ganon steals sonias stone, not only does it grow to fit him as the stones did noticeably for the goron sage, but it gains a new colour (that I previously thought to be general ‘corrupting evil’) and a new signature, one with a figure 8 on the right.
Now, at the very end of the game, Link drives the master sword into ganons secret stone (why or how it was on a dragon instead of fusing with it I have no idea), in theory destroying it, blowing it up and saving the world, yada yada (there certainly was a detonation). However, we could assume enough of the stone survived intact, or it got rewound at the same time Link and Zelda did, or that it reformed later so as not to upset the balance or smth (sages are famous for their reincarnation/spiritual successors, after all), which leaves us with one free secret stone of phenomenal power. Literally who else would zelda give it to?
Thing is, Link isnt very... Light and time magic are very much more zeldas thing. Link is more the wildcard, the child of the forest, the knight, the hero of the sword that seals the darkness. His job is practically to fade back into the summer mist once the world is saved, you can very much see that in totk with him refusing to associate with the champion title on his travels, and pre AND post game with him happiest vibing in zeldas shadow, not bringing attention to himself. 
There is a precedent to a forest sage of course, saria, his best friend in a past life. In fact, the oot forest sage was originally intended to be the wind sage - it was in early screenshots of the game before it was released! There’s no reason at all that Link wouldn’t become a forest sage upon taking up the stone. Zelda has enough magic light in her for them both, with a kingdoms worth to spare XD.
I wonder what it would appear as? Necklace, gauntlet, anklet, earring, glove, belt, chest piece, circlet? A sheath? A bracelet? A hair ornament? 
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emblematicemblazer · 5 months
World building and theories of Engage
Marin is known as ‘Marron’ in the Japanese version. I can understand the reason for the localisation change, ‘Marni’ is a much more recognisable name in the West, unfortunately it affects the intended meaning of her name. Marron is French for chestnut, specifically products made from chestnuts such as: crème de marrons (chestnut cream), marrons confits (candied chestnuts) and marrons glacés (glazed chestnuts). In Japan, the chestnut is associated with autumn. Around the world, chestnuts have been a staple part of people's diets from thousands of years, Due to the plentiful supply they have come to symbolise abundance and longevity. Longevity is not something Marni benefits from, she dies young at the hands of Zephia. The memory of her sacrifice to try and save Lady Veyle does have longevity, Veyle will remember her for the rest of her long existence. 
In medieval Europe candied chestnuts were given as gifts by royalty. They were considered a valuable gift to receive. In the Bible, the chestnut was one of 13 foods offered to Baby Jesus, symbolises chastity (immaculate conception of Jesus), virtue and honesty. In Greek mythology children were believed to be found inside old chestnut trees. Artemis, the goddess of children, young animals, the hunt and the forest, turned herself into a chestnut tree to escape Zeus's lust, just like in Christianity, the chestnut is associated with chastity.
Marni is the romanticised image of a Victorian child of upper class status, her apple cheeks, her abundance of bow's and her corkscrew curls are designed to give her a vulnerable sweetness. John Everett Millais painted children with this kind of innocent and sweet appearance. She is dressed like a child and a  porcelain doll. In the Victorian era, a ‘porcelain complexion ‘ was considered the ideal standard of beauty. Dolls would be adorned with an armada of accessories to protect them from the sun, just like what a lady would wear to keep her skin from tanning. A doll prepared children for adulthood. Marni has her bonnet, gloves and her shield. 
Marni represents the fragility of a porcelain doll. Delicate porcelain dolls were given to children as a declaration of wealth. To avoid such a fragile toy was a symbol of wealth but so was the statement that the parents could afford to endlessly repair or replace the doll. Marni is the doll who can be replaced if she is damaged. She is also the plaything of Zephia and Sombron, who can manipulate her with praise to do what they want. 
On her head is an elaborately decorated fanchon with frills, bows and pleats. Her dress is an armoured and fabric variant of a ruffle dress, once again decorated with feminine designs such as bows and hearts. Her leg armour and sabatons mirror the rest of her design. Pink is used as it is the colour associated with little girls. 
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sharkgirls · 2 days
Ok so this might not be right but, Penance and Gladiia have dated and fucked or have started hanging out regularly. For this theory, I'm going with the first one because Kinda gay. So like the first image I see, they are wearing these brown jackets. They got exposed legs and white tops underneath. Right away, Gladiia is covered and I stretch, Penance's thorns. Next images of their individual skins, colour schemes match still with the exception of boots which hasn't changed from the previous group image. Penance has brown boots and Gladiia's are black and red. Their hairstyles were always kinda similar but both are still covering an eye. You can generally see both of Penance's eyes but now it's fully covered just like Gladiia. Finally. Penance has a spear in her art. (I just realized it's a larger version of the pen she's holding but it's still a friggin spear) Now, it's not Gladiia's but it is pure black. I don't think that's a chain wrapped around it but I could just bullshit now and say it reminds me of Gladiia's weapon.
Now I'm going to take my foot and raise it up by five stairs before I continue on this journey. Both are sitting. Both have books. Those thorny branches things in Penance's piece kinda look like tentacles. Again we're stretching. Gladiia is dressed and posed kinda slutty and placed to look down upon you. Penance is leaning against a rock kinda slutty casual and staring directly at you why you wonder why this woman is casually reading books in a graveyard, dressed for a date with another woman. Well how does that amount to anything between them. I don't know. But Gladiia is posing as a domineering woman because she wants to get topped so bad, it's not funny. Well it is and that's not a stretch. That's fact but still. Penance has topped Gladiia. That's why Gladiia has thorns on her. It's Penance's brand, her collar she gives you. She wears that painful flesh tearing glove every day, she knows you can take it, especially Gladiia. The two are now wearing similar outfits because someone or both is shopping for the other. ALSO LOOK HOW GLADIIA IS OPENING THE CAR DOOR FOR PENANCE IN A TWO SEATER!!! She's getting railed by Penance, PENANCE!!!
And now
I'm done making shit up with tangible evidence and an insane but gay mind. It's your turn to make shit up. I want porn of these TWO ON MY DESK
by the end of the week, otherwise mommy's not giving you a reward like she promised.
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mulling-over-milgram · 7 months
Amane and hat symbolism
was looking at this post and realised that amanes hat was on the floor and since I’m a symbolism gremlin decided to dig into it.
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Amane’s hat is school uniform and I’m pretty certain that her cult runs the school so that would make her hat cult uniform.
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Taking a look at how we see the hat In magic its still there but tiled off to the side she’s wearing the uniform but she’s not wearing it right its just off and even after her transition (killing her mum doing what she thought would please the cult) the hat still doesn’t sit right on her head its still off even now she thought she’d become the girl they wanted that was always something unachievable.
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Yuri the only mascot with a hat (who also shares some other design similarities with amane like the gloves and her primary yellow and white colour pallet and poncho? Cape? But thats a theory for another day) wears his centered on his head.
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When amane is being punished (has failed to be a “good girl”) she isn’t wearing the hat
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When she resolves to be a good girl (kill her mum) she puts it back on
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puts back on the uniform of the cult
the cats banged similar to the hat its like a hat alternative instead of having a hat it has a badge (instead of preying to the cult it gets medical care)
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amane is wearing the hat while helping the cat
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And she gets hurt were her hat was
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And at the end she in her mind in her mv’s she is still wearing the hat the symbol of the cult the symbol of being a good girl
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But in reality
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She’s not
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th3b4dk1dzz · 3 months
Just Dance Theory: Jack Rose's sibling
I'm so glad Littlsiha brought up the Kid of the Swan because I've been theorising this for a while and have just a few days before, made a huge break in the case that I would like to share with everyone and my supporting evidence to why I think Dahlia the coach for Don't Start Now and Flowers is Jack's sister.
Exibit A) Naming Convention
The most obvious connection between these two is that they both have flowers as part of their names.
Exibit B) Costuming
Now, although both the Flower siblings wear suits, with blacks, golds, and pinks prevalent in their designs, that's not the comparison I want to make. I want to compare Dahlia's suit to her mother's costume for Sweet Dreams Are Made Of This.
Both coaches wear black pantsuits over a brighter low cut, brighter top/leotard. Given that Flowers is a song about moving on, self-care and healing, perhaps she has decided to accept her past and better herself from it. Hence why her suit is adorned with her own floral motif.
But this is not the first time we have met Dahlia. The first time we see her is in Don't Start Now, where she wears a blue and gold dress, I will say, though, her top, her shoes and her glove are purple and red, colours that are worn by Jack Rose. I like to think this was shortly after leaving Eternyx as a form of rebellion against her mother and is doing everything to distance herself from Night Swan.
Exibit C) Map Colour Palates
Flowers, Don't Start Now,and Treasure all have backgrounds, which have pale gold and light pink tones to them.
Not only that, but in the later two, they both have sections within the routine where that background shifts to a stronger gold and deep purple, the colour of Jack Rose's glove.
Exibit D) Purple Glove Theory
Before I get into this section, for clarification, when I say signature glove, I'm referring to the glove that all coaches wear that the player matches the controller to.
So, as previously stated, Jack has two gloves. Typically, his gold glove is his signature glove, but in Treasure, the illusion is flipped, using the purple glove as his signature, specifically in this idealic dream under Night Swan's control.
Now, what's fascinating about this Sweet Dreams, Night Swan's glove is pink. However, the trailer for the upcoming Y2K event has an emote where she her glove has now changed to purple, so why would they change it for the emote?
I think this represents a familial bond between the three and by showing the real Jack himself, wearing it in a world associated with Dahlia's colours. Night Swan might be tempting him with the prospect of being a complete family again, as well as his "narcissism."
Exhibit D) Ice Cream
So this is just an interesting detail I picked up on. If anyone has a better explanation, please let me know.
So, the JD Twitter account posted a thread about what the 2023 coaches' favourite foods are. While most of the answers were jokes and references. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what Jack's favourite food being vanilla ice cream is a reference to.
For the JD 2024 Edition celebration event, one of the rewards was an avatar for Dahlia with the quote, "Art is more comforting than ice cream. It helps me break free!" There's nothing in either of her maps or Jack's maps that reference ice cream, so it seems a bit weird and out of left field. Unless this is a comfort food between the two that reminds them of the other.
So what happened between these two siblings and what had to Dahlia after she left?
Well that is a theory and a post for another day as this one is pretty long as is. But I do have some ideas and let's just say their interesting to say the least.
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i-have-not-slept · 1 year
The Last Hours Fashion Pt 2
Chain of Thorns comes out TOMORROW!!!! Just in time, here’s my analysis of the official art by @nicole.deal.art in terms of historical accuracy. I’ve already reviewed the girls’ outfits, so now it’s time for the guys!
There aren’t as many primary sources available for Edwardian menswear, and men’s fashion in general tends to change less from era to era. Men’s business and formalwear has stayed basically the same shape for the past 130 years. Keeping that in mind, let’s look at some of these pictures and see how well they hold up.
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James looks pretty good! The picture looks like it’s at night, so he’s probably wearing evening dress. The high collar and cravat is a distinctly Edwardian style, as seen in the outfit on the right here:
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This guy is also wearing a wrap-around waistcoat in a similar style to James’. To make it really accurate, he’d be wearing a hat and jacket, but this picture is obviously showing a fight scene so I can imagine that he lost both at some point. If we’re being really pedantic, James’ hair should also be a bit shorter, but I appreciate that a haircut is probably not high on his list of priorities right now.
Accuracy: 8/10
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Matthew is a self-described bohemian, and is also very concerned with fashion, so we can expect his clothes to be a bit more colourful and decorated than was possibly the norm. This is also at night, so eveningwear again. It looks like he’s wearing a tailcoat— if you look closely, the cut is similar to the ones in this picture from 1904:
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The slight problem with eveningwear is that every source I’ve found suggests that Edwardian evening dress for men was almost exclusively black-and-white tuxedos. In fact, menswear from this time was pretty boring in terms of colour. However, Matthew is, as mentioned, a bohemian, and textually wears very colourful clothing. Same issues as James re: hat and hair, but I can justify it the same way as with James.
And some pictures of cravats for comparison:
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The gloves are also interesting. Evening gloves were almost always white, whereas these are dark grey, but I’m prepared to believe they’re either Shadowhunter fighting gloves or worn for warmth in the street after a party.
Accuracy: 7/10
Thomas and Alastair
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They’re wearing Shadowhunter gear, which there are obviously no historical references for, so I can’t really analyse it. I’m interested in how their gear differs— Thomas’ seems to be mostly leather, whereas Alastair appears to be wearing a vaguely Georgian puffy white shirt with metal throat, shoulder and wrist guards. We don’t have very many canon images of Shadowhunter gear, so it’s interesting to look at.
On a side not, Cassie said on her Instagram that this picture is of them in an abandoned Paddington Station. I’ve been to Paddington, and the background looks absolutely spot on. Kudos to the artist!
Accuracy: 10/10 just for the background.
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I don’t have very much to say about this one. The shirt is pretty generic but the trousers are interesting. The distinctive front flap with the two buttons isn’t a style you see with the Edwardians, who have moved on to someone more resembling the modern fly. And yes, I googled “how did the Edwardians fasten their trousers” to find this information. Jesse’s trousers more resemble Regency breeches, as you can see in this pictures:
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This is interesting, considering the links I drew between Grace’s dress and Regency fashion in my last post. Guess we’ll find out tomorrow if my time travel theory was correct!
The jacket looks like a fairly Edwardian standard coat with the sleeves rolled up. Not much to say except that the deep green colour is possibly slightly unrealistic but it’s a tiny thing.
Accuracy: 6/10
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Christopher’s hard at work in his lab, and accordingly isn’t wearing fancy clothes. Like Jesse, this is a fairly basic trousers and shirt ensemble that fits pretty well with the period.
Things get interesting when we start looking at the apron and goggles. PPE (personal protective equipment) isn’t strictly fashion, so I had to do a bit more digging into this one as it’s not an area I knew much about.
The goggles could be period inaccurate, depending on how you look at it. The first form of eye protection for welding was developed by the inventor Powell Johnson in 1880. Johnson called his invention “eye protectors” and it was simply two strips of opaque cloth that could be seen through while still offering some protection.
Safety glass— glass coated in plastic to prevent shattering— was invented by Edouard Benedictus in 1903, when TLH is set. However, it wasn’t until 1909 that the first safety glasses were invented by Julius King. So Christopher’s eyewear is about six years ahead of its time. On the other hand, it’s entirely possible that Shadowhunters— probably the Iron Sisters in particular— were using protective eyewear before mundanes and Christopher is simply adopting the technology. But if we’re going by a purely historical standpoint, the goggles are a bit off.
The apron nearly drove me insane because I could not find any sources from the Edwardian era that show a similar style. The best I could find out is that bib aprons have been worn for welding since the 1880, so it’s reasonably accurate. Christopher really needs to pull it up a bit higher, though. Your shirt’s getting scorched, mate. PPE is no joke.
Accuracy: 5/10
As a last note of interest, while I was researching I came across this image I just had to share. It’s a cartoon that appeared in the Tacoma Times in 1903 and satirically depicts “men’s clothing designed by women”. Look at these guys. The og malewives. Poor little meow meows.
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Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute
Fashion History Timeline
Vintage Dancer
Bakersgas Welding
Aaand there we go! I probably spent way too much time on this, but it was fun. I’ll see you all on the other side after I’ve finished Chain of Thorns. Remember to tag your spoilers!
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backtothethunder2023 · 4 months
The Thundermans Return (new poster) (discussion + theory)
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There are two versions (that I found so far) of the poster! BOTH are really, really confusing, but let's analyze!
Let's actually start with the background: it's Hiddenville, which makes sense ("The Thundermans Return" to Hiddenville), but we already know that the movie will take place in various locations, so I really hope we will get to see more of Metroburg (and that it will be included in a poster too). But it's really nostalgic and...strangely it sets a very interesting mood. I can't find the right word for it right now. Especially with the color of the sky. You really know SOMETHING is going to go down this time.
Now about the Thundermans. We have Max and Phoebe at the front: the new supersuits look really cool (especially the gloves!) and we have a standard pose that works well. Just one question: WHERE is the rest of Phoebe's left arm. At first thought she had her left hand on her hip, but obviously not, so this remains a mystery for now 🕵️‍♂️. Notice how all of the Thundermans are posing slightly differently and only the twins' poses are exactly the same! We -again-see the golden stripes on Max's arm that stand for being one of the captains of the T-Force (formally the Z-force). He also has a device (maybe a smartphone) in the pocket on his leg. In general, it seems that all the individual suits are slightly different (not just the boys and the girls).
(insert deleted comment about Max's new hairstyle here XD)
I want to talk about Billy next, because I just live for how happy he looks. Look at him. He's happy to be there, he looks cool and he's all ready to go! And no, he and the twins are not on a staircase or something - Diego is simply this tall now (and Phoebe and Max are both in a medium squat).
Next we have Nora: she has darker hair now (resembling Phoebe's hair colour) and I really like the pose she does with her left hand to focus her laser. Unfortunately her stance is slightly strange to me (but that's maybe also because Phoebe's elbow is covering half of her leg).
I don't have much to say about Hank and Barb, so let's move on to Chloe, who the center of this whole picture. I'm really intrigued by this. I love her smile and overall expression -she knows exactly what she's doing. AND - after looking at this picture for several minutes- she's sitting on a FLYING skateboard! Then there's a second flying skateboard with Dr. Colosso on top. WHAT is going on!? My first guess: flying skateboard - hoverboard-time travel. I actually made a post once on how Chloe might be able to travel in time due to her teleportation power. For me it makes sense (I will discuss this again on here soon), because it also helps with my theory of Mayhem's return (from the past, where he was more powerful). Also the "Thundermans Return..." return back to the future!?!? 👀
My last point is related to this theory. I saw this poster and thought it was strange (but very cool still!). And I thought it's the arm or leg placement, the composition, but you know what? It's the light. Let me explain: there are lights that comes from the sky, the background, then the ones from their individual superpowers (lasers for Nora, lightning for Barb etc.), but when you look closely at the wider poster, you will see a strange light in front of Phoebe and Max too. It doesn't look like telekinetic waves (which are normally not visible, but we saw them once on screen in the episode "Cape Fear"). Actually, I think this light comes from Chloe! She's in the middle, but creates a circular light (you can't really tell in the small poster, only in the wide version) around the Thundermans! Notice how Max's hand is almost reaching out through something - could it be a portal!?!? That really should be it, because Dr. Colosso is very obviously traveling through a portal as well. So are the Thundermans going back in time to stop their enemies? To stop Mayhem?!
Okay one more thing: the formation of the Thundermans kinda looks like a T and I'm so here for it. I can't wait!!! And I am so happy we got a poster!!!
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chaotic-goodsir · 15 days
@ashturns30 Happy birthday week! I hope it's okay for me to join in with this challenge, even if I cheated by only making something for one day and posting it a day late 😅
Your fic Remember You Like A Song - which everyone should go read first if they haven't, because it's brilliant - is THE fic that got me invested in MacNaCross in the first place. This was going to be just a short, extremely fluffy pre-portal drabble-thing inspired by it, but I got carried away and it ended up longer than planned. I hope you don't mind me posting something inspired by your fic, but no worries at all if you do for any reason - just let me know and I'll take it down.
Anyway, thank you for hosting this challenge and I hope you have a great birthday week!
What Was The One You Always Loved?
The highway outside is a river of speeding taillights in the dark, reflecting red and green and yellow in the rain that runs down the diner's grease-streaked window.
Steam rises from the mug of black coffee in John's hands as he waits for it to cool, soaking in the warmth. The caffeine fix should, in theory, keep him awake long enough to reach the motel PIEP have booked for them without collapsing on the side of the road.
Two pairs of motorbike gloves lie on the table, beside his wallet and an almost-empty pack of cigarettes (he'll have to pick up more at the gas station before they leave). Across the booth, Wilbur frowns at his strawberry milkshake, stirring it with a red-and-white striped plastic straw.
'I swear they used to put more sprinkles on these.' There's a solemn gravity to his tone that few people but Wil could apply to the matter at hand. 'Used to be more colours as well. Half of these are just red. What's that about?'
'Is there a difference?' John asks. 'Surely they all just taste of sugar?'
Wilbur scoops a piece of cream and eats it from the end of the straw, the actual spoon lying ignored on the table.
'Its about the principle, Johnny' he says, stabbing the straw into the air between them like a teacher illustrating a point. 'If they're gonna call them 'rainbow' sprinkles, there oughta at least be an even ratio of colours.'
John smiles, taking a sip of still-too-hot coffee.
'Duly noted, Lieutenant Colonel.'
'Don't give me that cheek, MacNamara,' Wilbur says, grinning. 'You lectured me on the flaws of digital watches for half an hour yesterday.'
'Yes, because I can't in good conscience let you waste your money on such an abomination. Time is-'
'-a precious thread in the fabric of the universe, deserves respect, sure, I get it. And sprinkles are a precious thread in the fabric of a good milkshake.'
'I'm not sure the metaphor works quite so well in this case.'
Predictably, a dollop of cream is flicked his way. He dodges with practiced ease, laughing. It hits the back of the booth, earning them a scowl from a passing waitress that's probably deserved.
The diner is quiet, save a couple of fellow travellers and a few employees unlucky enough to be working late. There's a jukebox in the corner - a classic, vintage one with that archway shape and faded neon lighting - but the scrap of paper taped to the front reads Out Of Service. A cheap plastic radio on the counter provides the alternative, courtesy of some local station's late-night show. The host sounds as though he'd rather be at home in bed. John can't help but sympathise.
A familiar sequence of strummed chords catches his attention. He taps his fingers silently against the coffee mug and listens, remembering last year on the drive back from Shenandoah National Park. (Almost a year ago, now, though it doesn't feel it. Time, for all it's importance, is a wily creature that slips away if you lower your guard.)
It was late summer, the tail end of a slow August. The road wound it's way like a silver snake through a sea of green just beginning to turn gold, and Wilbur was leaning against the window on the passenger side, explaining to John why he should learn to ride a motorbike.
He made some good points, but John was only half-listening, distracted by the song playing on the radio. It had seemed to fit the drive, the scenery, the whole weekend, so perfectly that it had buried itself in his brain in a way that music usually doesn't. He's heard it a few times since, always fondly picturing the same memory. And yet he's never managed to catch its name.
He tests the temperature of his coffee again, the burn on his tongue bringing him back to the moment.
'You good?' Wilbur asks, reaching a hand across the table. John puts the mug down and takes it, lacing their fingers together.
'Just tired.'
'You look half-dead, darlin'. No offence.'
'Coffee should help. Do you know what song this is?'
Wilbur tilts his head a little, listening.
'This one? Nah, I don't. Why?'
'No particular reason. I just like it.'
That earns him an odd sort of look, followed by a pause and a quiet 'huh' that's half a laugh.
'What's funny?'
'S'just I think that's the first time you've expressed an opinion on music that I didn't ask you for.'
John opens his mouth to protest, then closes it again. He knows he's told Wilbur how musical theatre makes him uncomfortable, and why loud music in grocery stores should be banned (it's distracting, there's no need for it, they're awful places already with their fluorescent lighting and endless rows of too many options...) - but those are probably not the kind of opinions Wilbur is talking about.
John's never had a favourite song - it's Wil whose CD collection takes up two shelves of the bookcase in their living room - but if you held a gun to his temple and demanded he choose, he'd probably pick this.
'I think I've heard this before,' Wilbur is saying now. 'It's cute, all that kiss me stuff. Very romantic. Didn't know that was your kinda thing.'
John turns his face to the window, a little embarrassed. It doesn't help his case that the singer is crooning something saccharine about fireflies.
The night before the drive home, the lightning bugs had surrounded their campsite, like miniature fallen stars hovering in the dusk. They were part of the reason John had wanted to come out to Shenandoah. After a week spent handling an a gruesome case, he needed the reminder that the world was more than just horror and paperwork. That sometimes it could also be beautiful.
Wilbur stood behind him on the slope of the hill, arms wrapped around John's waist. He was talking, of course. This time about watching fireflies in his parents backyard as a kid.
'They looked like this, mostly. But sometimes you'd get these weird green ones...'
'Green?' John asked.
'Yeah. Bright green, like... neon, or somethin'. They moved differently, too. Made this weird noise, sorta like whispering. Never seen them anywhere else.'
'You're sure they were fireflies?'
'I don't know,' Wilbur leaned forward, resting his chin on John's shoulder. 'Probably just imagined it. I was a weird kid. No one believed me then, either.'
John took a drag on his cigarette, careful to angle the cloud of smoke away from Wilbur's face.
'Whatever you saw, I'm sure it was real. Many things exist in this universe. There's room in the scope of infinity for green fireflies.'
Wilbur had pulled him closer, kissing him on the cheek.
'See, this is why I like ya so much. Don't matter how crazy I sound, you'll still give me a chance.'
John had laughed at that, watching the ordinary, yellow-gold fireflies form constellations around them, a million tiny fires to match the glow of his cigarette. He'd had the sudden, irrational urge to suggest they stay - pack up their tent tomorrow, leave the car behind and keep walking into the wilderness. Become their own unsolved mystery. Abandon PIEP and everything it demanded of them. Hell, even go looking for green fireflies.
He didn't dare mention it. The concept itself was less terrifying than the thought that Wilbur might agree.
'Mmm,' he'd answered instead. 'I wonder what that says about the both of us.'
The song fades out, lyrics first and chords trailing after. The DJ's bored monotone takes over. To John's mild irritation, he's managed to miss the name of the song yet again.
'...thank you to Jodie for requesting that one - I hope you and your husband have a wonderful wedding anniversary. So, next up we have...'
Wil stops tracing lazy circles on the back of John's hand and glances towards the radio with an amused smile.
'What?' John asks, raising an eyebrow. 'You're plotting something.'
'Me? Never. Just thinkin' I'm gonna need to find out what that song is called, since you like it so much. For future reference, y'know?'
He winks.
John frowns back, awaiting an explanation.
'For when I get round to marryin' you. Assumin' you'd want me?'
John almost spits out the coffee he's making a third attempt to drink. Several responses run through his head at the same time, none of them especially coherent.
Wilbur just laughs, and finishes the last of the milkshake.
'Don't look so scared, Johnny. When I'm really askin' I promise I'll do a hell of a lot better than that.'
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The Most Powerful Waitress
Chapter three is here! I said it would be soon. Merula starts her first job.
Chapter one: school's out
Chapter two: I'd hire me
Chapter four: Rinse and repeat
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No cure for me
After some contemplation Merula decided to owl St. Mungo’s back that she would accept their offer. She had a good interview with them for a place in the cure research team. On Monday July 28th she would start training to invent her own cures. In a few years she’d be an inventor of the best cures the world, or at least Britain, had ever seen. If making cures was actually something for her. She knew it required extensive knowledge of the dark arts, potions, herbology and charms. All of which she obviously had and she did like experimenting with both spells and potions, which put this job above the other ones she’d interviewed for.
Time flew by and before she knew it, it was July 28th. In the morning she took the fireplace and ended up in St. Mungo’s reception hall. People with all sorts of ailments milled about the room, making uncontrollable noises, movements or both. The room smelled like a mixture of sweat and Winky Crockett's Elbow Grease. Merula scrunched her nose, not the most pleasant way to start a work day, but at least it wasn’t boring.
She headed towards the cure research wing, where according to the letter she got Priya Mehra would be waiting for her in the library. The research wing was quiet, especially in comparison to the reception hall. She could hear her own footsteps echoing against stone floor.
The library had been shown to her during a little tour when she had her interview and she remembered where to find it. There was only one person in the large room, behind one of the many desks. They were built in between bookcases alongside all the walls. Like the rest of the hospital, the library had white tiled floors. It was lit by a big round fireplace in the middle. The woman, who had to be Priya, got up with a big smile and held out her hand when she spotted Merula.
‘Priya Mehra, nice to meet you.’
‘Merula Snyde, nice to meet you to.’ Merula took her hand.
‘I’ll be your mentor throughout your entire training. I’ll introduce you to the way things are run here, the rest of the team and be around for any questions you may have.’
Priya continued on to explain how Merula would spend a lot of time in the library the first few years, as it would be expected of her to look for an answer before asking questions. Especially for her basic healing knowledge. She would join the healing program on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, when they practiced their healing spells, but would have to brush up on theory on her own. No problem for the Most Powerful Witch, she could do it in her sleep.
She followed Priya as she gave her a tour around the quarters. Just outside the research room was the break room and the last room which could be entered in her normal clothes. To enter the work wing, Merula had to put a lavender coat, goggles, gloves and charm her hair not to fall out.
The wing had a humongous storage room with the rarest ingredients Merula had ever encountered and every one of them could be experimented with! Next were the many work rooms and a room Priya called the ‘culture room’. She opened the door to a room filled with what looked like human bodies of all different shapes, sizes and colours. Except they weren’t exactly right. The arms and legs looked wonky and not to mention the faces, which looked like a toddler had drawn them. ‘They’re as close to the real thing as we can get before we move along to human trials. They make great test subjects. We can infect or curse them with anything we want.’
‘And they’ll display the same symptoms you and I would?’
‘Yes, except pain. We don’t have an objective way to measure that yet. If we really need to know we’ll use rats, otherwise we find out during the human trials.’
‘Can I curse one of them?’
‘Not today, but soon. You’ll get a lot of opportunity to experiment with them and see for yourself how it works.’
Next Priya brought her to the room where her own experiment was brewing.
‘I’m working to improve Skele-Gro. The potion does what it needs to do, but the side effects are horrendous.’ She showed Merula how she’d deconstructed the potion. ‘Obviously I want to keep the bone-growing effects, but I want to see if I can eliminate or at least limit the amount of pain it causes.’
She showed Merula her log, which detailed all the steps she’d already taken and some very complex equations. They delved into a discussion where Merula asked some questions. Priya talked to her like an equal and the more they talked, the more enthusiastic Merula got. Working here sounded better every second.
After their discussion Priya suggested Merula get back to the library to brush up on some basic healing spells for her first practical lesson tomorrow. During lunch Priya introduced her to some other co-workers, who all seemed nice enough and explained she would show her some other part of the job afterwards.
‘We have a very interesting case of a young man who got hit with an unknown curse.’
A little feeling of unease sprouted in her stomach, but Merula pushed it away. It wouldn’t be that. Couldn’t be that.
‘The curse has left him without sight, even though his pupils and irises show no sign of damage. Only his eye whites have turned red, but that shouldn’t impede his vision.’ Of course it had to be that. Merula tried to hide her growing discomfort and Priya continued on, seemingly unaware. ‘We’ve tried a few spells and potions, but nothing worked so far. I’m going to conduct some more tests on him and I think it would be great for you to see that part of our work too.’
‘Yeah sure, sounds good.’
Too soon, lunch was over and Merula followed Priya into the hospital, to the third floor: poisons and curses.
‘Hi Jacob,’ Priya greeted the patient when they entered the room. ‘I’ve come for some more tests. I hope you don’t mind, but I brought the newest member of our team. It’s her first day and I want her to see as much as possible.’
‘Whatever, you need as much people as possible anyway. I wanted this curse lifted yesterday,’ Jacob grumbled.
‘I know.’ Priya gestured at Merula. ‘Why don’t you introduce yourself?’
‘Lee knows who I am.’
‘You two know each other?’
‘Her aunt is the one that got me cursed.’ Lee narrowed his eyes.
Priya turned to Merula, her ochre face a picture of shock. Of course Lee had to go there. Just when she thought she had a chance somewhere. Now everything would change.
‘Oh, and she’s sort of dating my sister.’
Wait, what?
‘What the fuck are you on about?’
Lee rolled his eyes, because apparently he could still do that. ‘I’m blind, not deaf. I heard you kiss when you were here together. Why are you hiding it anyway? It’s 1991, no one cares if you date a girl.’
‘I know that!’
‘So, what’s the problem? Are you ashamed of her?’
‘That’s not- I’m not- What do you care? She’s happy isn’t she?’
‘Then why are you hiding?’
‘Because it’s none of your fucking business who I date or don’t date!’
‘That’s enough,’ Priya cut in. ‘Let’s foc-’
‘It is my business when you’re dating my sister.’
‘Oh fuck off with this protective brother act.’ Merula took a step closer, ignoring Priya’s warning gaze. ‘You’ve caused her more trouble than anyone on this planet! So you can quit your whining and meddling or else-’
‘ENOUGH!’ Priya yelled. ‘Both of you, shut up. Yes, you too, Jacob,’ she added when Lee opened his mouth again. ‘I just came here to do some more tests on you and I will. Merula, you will be silent and watch.’
Merula crossed her arms, but didn’t say anything else. She glared hard at Lee and hoped he could feel her gaze burn. Asshole. All those years Quinn tried to protect him, even had to protect herself against him and now he went after her for not going around yelling that she and Quinn were dating? Sure, with her aunt now in Azkaban hiding wasn’t a necessity anymore, but it wasn’t like Quinn wanted to be public either. Half of her friends still hated Merula and Quinn didn’t want to get into useless discussions. They wanted to sort things about between them without anyone else butting in with their stupid opinions, was that too much to ask?
Priya got out her wand and cast multiple spells on Jacob’s eyes to test their functions. In between she explained the use of each spell. Merula got out her notebook and jotted it all down, trying very hard to push her anger away and focus.
When Priya was done she gestured for Merula to follow her and brought her to an empty room.
‘That was highly unprofessional. I’ll give you a warning because this is your first day and you two know each other, but if anything like this happens again you’ll have to find another job. Even though most of our work is in the labs, we do our work for people and you can’t go argue with someone, no matter how rude they are.’
Merula waited for her to continue and say something about her family, because why wouldn’t she say something about them? After all, it was her aunt that had cursed Lee.
‘It won’t happen again.’
With that the conversation ended. Priya went to document her findings and together they searched the library for some books that could help. They didn’t talk about the incident anymore, nor did Priya treat her any different than before, much to Merula’s surprise. The rest of the day went on without a hitch and she felt quite optimistic when she went home. Perhaps things could work out here.
The smell of salmon and ginger filled her nose once she stepped into her hallway. She followed it into the kitchen.
‘Birdie!’ Quinn greeted her with a kiss. ‘I missed you.’
‘Of course you did.’ Merula leaned into the hug and peered over Quinn’s shoulder, into the pans. The food looked as good as it smelled. She’d miss this when Quinn found her own place.
But if she moves in you’ll have to reckon with more of Lee’s meddling.
‘I don’t know how you managed all those summers. I would’ve come by more often if you’d asked me to.’ Quinn interrupted her thoughts.
‘You know I couldn’t risk it.’ Merula sat down at the kitchen table. ‘And I don’t mind being alone, I have my library.’
‘You’re such a nerd.’ Quinn shot her a look so full of affection that it made her insides squeeze. Lee could shove it with his ridiculousness. He didn’t know anything about them. ‘How was your day?’
‘It was good, until your brother almost got me fired.’
‘What?!’ Quinn turned to look at her. ‘How?’
Merula explained her what happened and concluded: ‘He thinks your dating life is his business.’
‘Well it’s not and this is exactly why I don’t tell him anything. He still thinks I’m this little kid that needs him, but I don’t. Seriously all of this over a little goodbye kiss?’
‘I wish I’d just left that day.’
‘Aw, but it’s not your fault I’m irresistible.’ Quinn grinned. ‘Also, dinner is ready. I made ginger noodles with salmon and green vegetables.’
They chitchatted a bit more about their day and Merula explained that she would join the healer crew tomorrow for spell practice.
‘You’ll be in good company there. Chiara says everyone has been really friendly so far.’
Right, she’d completely forgotten Chiara, one of Quinn’s housemates, wanted to be a healer. Not that she ever interacted much with her. The girl spent all her time at school in the hospital wing and barely spoke during classes. Painfully shy and kind to a fault, not Merula’s type of person, but not necessarily bad company either. Should be good enough for a coworker, or costudent, or whatever they should call each other.
The next day started in the healer wing on the ground floor. A much smaller wing than the cure research wing, with only a large break room, a room full of lockers and one classroom. Few people had already gathered in front of it, one of whom was Chiara. Easily recognizable by her silver grey hair and pale skin. She raised her eyebrows when Merula came closer.
‘Merula? I didn’t know you wanted to become a healer?’
Before Merula could answer a blonde next to Chiara spoke. ‘Merula Snyde wants to be a healer?’
Merula crossed her arms. ‘What’s it to you?’
‘Nothing. I’m just surprised.’
What the fuck was that supposed to mean?
‘Well, I don’t. I’m becoming a cure researcher.’
‘That sounds like something for you. You always had top marks in potions,’ Chiara said with a smile.
‘I did,’ Merula replied and decided right there that Chiara was more than alright in her book. Unlike that blonde. She looked at her trying to see if her brain would come up with a name. Blond hair to her shoulders, partly pulled into a ponytail. White. Nothing about her rung a bell. Well, that’s what she got for not paying attention to her classmates. Although, it wasn’t like the girl was worth paying attention to now.
A healer arrived and opened the doors to reveal a small classroom with tables in rows. Each table had a wooden leg on it. Merula chose a table on the second row as everyone filed into the room. Chiara took the table next to her, leaned close and whispered.
‘Don’t mind Sarah, she is a bit direct but is quite nice when you get to know her. Like you.’
Well, that’s where Chiara was wrong, because no one was like her, but Merula let it slide. She obviously meant well.
The healer went on to explain that they would practice the bandaging charm, ferula, and showed what it should look like. Everyone copied the wandmovement: down and then a little arch back up. Easy enough.
White bandages spouted from the healer’s wand and wrapped themselves neatly around their own wooden leg. They took the thing and shook it, to show that the bandages weren’t moving, but reminded them that at the same time one should be able to put a finger underneath. Bandages shouldn’t be too tight. With that it was time to practice.
Merula copied the exact movement, focused on the outcome she wanted and spoke the word.
Tattered bandages spouted from her wand and while they wrapped themselves around the leg, they were very loose. Merula could shake them off with ease. No problem, this was only her first try. She looked around, the bandages from the others looked better. But then again, they were a month ahead of her. She would catch up. Then she heard someone snicker from behind her and turned completely in her seat.
Sarah had a smirk on her face and exchanged a look with the person next to her. Merula narrowed her eyes. Was she laughing at her? The healer clacked their tongue and asked Merula to turn her attention back to her leg. She did with a huff. Shouldn’t let herself get distracted by someone so stupid.
When class ended, Chiara came over to her.
‘That looked really good for a first time. I think you’ll catch up to us in no time.’
Before Merula could answer she noticed Sarah throwing her a look while talking with someone. Enough. She stalked between the desks up to Sarah’s.
‘You got a problem with me?’
‘What? Of course not. It’s just interesting to see you here. I never thought you’d end up in a healing career.’
‘And why’s that?’ Merula lifted her chin, daring her to answer.
‘Well, everyone knows what you’re like. You’ve been the talk of the school since the day you started. We all thought you’d end up in Azkaban or something, but here you are.’ Sarah giggled. ‘It’s just odd, isn’t it?’
‘No, it’s not! I’ve always worked hard, why the fuck would that make me end up in Azkaban?’
‘It’s not about marks, it’s, well, you did kind send people to the hospital wing a few times and you broke a lot of school rules.’
‘I just like duelling! Not my fault others are weak. And who cares about some puny school rules? Like I’m the only one who’s ever gotten detention. Get your head out of your ass before I do it.’
‘Okay, easy. You asked, remember?’ Sarah shrugged. ‘Now don’t you have somewhere to go? I do.’
She turned on her heel and left the classroom. Most others had as well. Only a few people, including Chiara, were still at the front, talking to the healer. She gave Merula an apologetic shrug when Sarah passed her. Merula rolled her eyes and marched back to cure research wing. At least the people there were nice.
But Priya did not look happy to see her. She shook her head when Merula entered the lab.
‘I can’t believe you got into another fight. I’m really disappointed.’
‘It wasn’t my fault, she started it with her stupid comments!’
‘It doesn’t matter. I warned you yesterday. It’s a pity though, I quite like you and I think you would’ve made a fine addition to the team, but two fights in two days is unacceptable. You have to leave.’ She did actually look unhappy about the situation.
‘You have a lot of potential Merula, but when you act as contrary as you do, I can’t work with you. Don’t let your temper get in the way like this again.’
Ugh, temper, temper. It wasn’t her fault other people were stupid assholes that got on her nerves. People were the worst. But, whatever, it wasn’t like she wanted to become a cure researcher anyway. She’d only picked it because it sounded better than her other options. But she had other options and she would just pick something else. It didn’t matter. The Most Powerful Witch wouldn’t be without a job for long. And the next one would be even better.
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wonderinc-sonic · 8 months
🐱🐱🐱🐱🐱 with espio for the hc ask game thingie
Ask Game Wheee
Animal Based? Oh My gosh I've got about 4 ask chains about Chameleon Behaviours Espio has, but I'll highlight my favourites!
Poor night vision, great day vision. One of the many Mobian species that can see Ultraviolet - Chaos Magic also reads a bit like UV light, so it's handy
Goes 'invisible' by dispersing pigment in his skin, which is most often intentional but can happen when he's scared. How do his shoes, gloved and horn change? THAT'S A GREAT QUESTION I'D LOVE TO KNOW!
Coils tail up when angry or nervous. Curls it around loved ones, both on instinct and intentionally.
Can move eyes independently. Chooses not to because it scares Charmy.
Easily startled! Might shock in colour or get stunned! He has worked on this.
Goes unconscious in cold. This is actually a lizard thing but nevermind
And of course, the almighty: tongue unfurls. Doesn't do this often, a last resort. Too embarrassing, also the risk of having your tongue grabbed and yanked is too high!
However, in case you wanted theories about animals:
Espio reveers animals, but tends to keep away from them. He operates very much on a principle of empathising with them, specifically that he doesn't like being disturbed, so they probably don't.
Because of the above, a lot of animals really like him. He is very quiet and still, so cats often come up to him to sniff, and he's not the type to set a herd off - most things find him calming, like Barry.
He does however get a bit itchy with insects. Little bit of him wants to bite them. He usually has enough restraint to remove them from his space. Very occasionally eats them.
I have a general belief that he does not like being lifted, carried, or transported out of his control because he likes to be on his own two feet. He will allow it to happen, but would prefer not. So, I think he doesn't like things like horse riding. Not a dislike of horses or ridden animals, mind, just riding. He doesn't particularly like loud animals, though, and would struggle with a yapping dog.
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