#cody rescuers down under
jaimeaster · 11 months
(Cody notices Timmy carrying an, unbeknownst to Cody, taxidermied dog)
Cody: Isn’t that President Simpson’s dog?
(Timmy nods cheerfully)
Cody: why isn’t he blinking?
Timmy: if you want it to blink, I’m gonna need another weasel.
(After Timmy has left)
Cody (to Felicia): when I die, keep that kid away from me.
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megankoumori · 1 year
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singerin · 8 months
Today's been a rough pain day, so I took a day off work and I'm watching The Rescuers Down Under. Man, I'd forgotten just how scary this poacher and his big rig is...
I do love Joanna, though.
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radioactivepeasant · 1 year
Watch "Drawing Disney Style (no sound)" on YouTube
I found out my old tablet can do screen recording, so this is a practice doodle. Might make some more doodle time videos at a later time, starting with like, Pokemon or Jak and Daxter or Ratchet and Clank or something
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uwudonoodle · 3 months
The Rescuers Down Under (1990) - 'Cody's Flight' scene
Cody and Marahute walked so Hiccup and Toothless could run.
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loupy-mongoose · 29 days
New Lugia making me think of Marahute from Rescuers Down Under! :D
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...Isn't the boy's name Cody?
Gosh darn it, am I giving Cody a baby Lugia now
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Hello you would like to infodump on a not very well known Disney project or fact🎤🎤🎤
something fun:
according to a newspaper in the film, the princess and the frog takes place in 1926! this places it EXACTLY one year before the first "oswald the lucky rabbit" short, which means it happens right before the disney company really took off. the newspaper does, however, mistakenly list the month as april when mardi gras was celebrated in february of that year.
other fact! in the little mermaid remake, ariel points out the star sign aries to help communicate her name to eric. irl, halle bailey is an aries!
something infuriating:
cody from the rescuers down under was supposed to be aboriginal. but then jeffrey FUCKING katzenberg insisted they make him white to make the film more "commercial." every time i think about this i want to bite something
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synergysilhouette · 20 days
The Disney Renaissance: An Alternate Timeline (with additional films)
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I had a lot of fun with my alternate timeline for the Revival Era post, so I thought I'd do the renaissance, along with a few scrapped films. I'm using a modern lens here when it comes to storytelling and portrayal of cultures, so it is a bit different. I'm also mixing my own ideas with scrapped ones from the films. Let's assume they began to use the "two movies a year" model during this period (and that they had the staff to support it).
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The Little Mermaid--First off, the film uses a storybook opening and ending. Next, Disney embraces the abnormal, colorful palette used in original concept designs (as seen above), as well as keeping Ariel's knowledge of the human world; instead of Scuttle miseducating her, SHE teaches HIM about the human world. As a human, she has Eric teach her more about arts and sciences, though she does embrace dancing and horseriding. More time is spent giving a bit more personality to Ariel's sisters to show the world she's leaving behind, and Eric is modeled after Tom Cruise in a bid to grab more audience members. His singing voice is provided by Brad Kane, and the OG leaked ending is used (except we still get giant Ursula's boss battle at the end and the shell is still broken during the wedding because Jodi Benson is an underrated VA). The film makes about the same amount at the box office given that Disney was in a slump, but it's even more beloved by critics.
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The Rescuers Down Under--Most of the film is the same as the original, except the success of "The Little Mermaid" inspires them not only to keep the musical aspect of the original, but make sure it gets just as much attention as TLM. Along with this, the idea to make Cody an Aboriginal Australian goes through, and the music takes influence from Aboriginal music, as well as being dynamic in order to continue with the action-film image that had gripped American audiences when they thought of Australian films at the time. The film makes about $150 million at the box office due to retooling it to feel more in-line with TLM's fantasy aspect while still appealing to action fans, and it makes Disney consider doing more theatrical sequels in the future...
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Beauty and the Beast--The finalized version manages a better balance of aesthetic and historical, with the French influence being much more obvious in fashion and setting (though certain things like panniers weren't used in order to appeal to a modern audience's sensibilities) . Adam's name is mentioned explicitly here, as well as flashbacks to his human childhood in order to make his human appearance at the end of the film less jarring (sharing elements with the OG timeline's Broadway play and 2017 remake, such as the enchantress' magic making everyone forget the prince; let's just say that another king is ruling France around this time now--or the monarchy has already been abolish--and even when the curse is lifted, Adam doesn't press the issue). Linda Woolverton anticipates concerns of Stockholm syndrome, so she has the Beast send Belle home periodically so she can have "space" and she returns due to honoring her promise as well as her curiosity of the magical circumstances of the castle. The film is also a bit more mysterious, taking influence from Jim Henson's Labyrinth, as well as the beast being more enigmatic and contemplative rather than aggressive, though his time as a "monster" has led to him becoming more animalistic over time. Clarice is kept in this version, though Belle's loneliness is still highlighted as she's without her family in the castle, and even back home, Clarice "fits in" more than Belle does. Monsieur D'Arque is female, combining the character with Belle's scrapped aunt Marguerite, and she plays a larger role in this version. Gaston, while an arrogant jerk, is more mean than evil, and listens to Madame D'Arque's schemes in order to win Belle, as she once sees Belle visiting Maurice and believes that wherever she's been coming from houses immeasurable power. LeFou isn't kept in this version (the dynamic between D'Awque and Gaston is given more attention), Gaston is knocked unconscious rather than killed, as per the 1989 screenplay, and D'Arque is killed during the invasion of the castle. The critical and financial success to it is about the same as the OG film, and it also gave Disney breathing room to tinker around with different stories in the future.
(Also gotta give credit to MsHowlett on Deviantart for her fanart of Belle, combining both her concept art dress, which is more historical, with her final design.)
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Aladdin--When drafting the film, there's a lack of clarity on whether the film should draw from Arab influences, given that most of 1001 Nights takes place in the Middle East, or Chinese influences, since Aladdin is stated to be set in China in the original story. Eventually they boil it down to being a mesh of Indian and Arab cultures (like in the OG timeline, but more culturally accurate), making Agrabah a kingdom between the Middle East and India. Because of this, the fashion doesn't really model the modern influences used in the OG timeline (though they do end up with final looks similar to their "Mirrorverse" appearances), and the phenotypes match the aforementioned cultures. It's mentioned that Aladdin's father left on a quest to reverse his family's poverty, and that Aladdin's mother died shortly before the film started. It's eventually brought up during production that Aladdin and Jasmine's relationship being built on a lie would divide audiences, so Aladdin reveals his poverty to Jasmine, who keeps the secret from her father since they'd never be allowed to marry. Jasmine and Aladdin are also aged up from 16 and 18 to being in their 20s to avoid critiques they got of Ariel being 16 and getting married. Jafar's backstory ("Why Me?") is explored more, particularly of how he worked hard to become a vizier and used to be looked down on others, and is seen as a evil version of Aladdin. Genie stays the same because he's awesome, and Brad Kane's work on "The Little Mermaid" inspired the team to call him to do Aladdin's singing voice. The film makes about the same in terms of box office, and is seen as one of the earlier examples of positive representation of Muslims in western media.
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Swan Lake--Released in 1993, the film was designed as a love letter to classic Disney films, boasting Pre-Raphaelite art (mainly Dante Gabriel Rossetti's art) and operatic songs inspired by "Sleeping Beauty." There was discourse on whether or not to use the original score of the ballet, but eventually it was decided that they would use some of the score while creating some original musical pieces, as well as using ballet here and there for musical sequences. The film follows Prince Sky (taken from Tchaikovsky), who ventures to a magical land in order to find a hero to save his kingdom from the Owl King Rothbart. He encounters Odette, a wise but weary swan capable of turning into a human at night, and they team up to defeat Rothbart and his daughter Odile, falling in love along the way. The film made $400 million in box office, and critics compared it to "The Little Mermaid" and "Beauty and the Beast," with Alan Menken and Tim Rice's music earning praise. The film was nominated for "Best Original Film" at the Oscars, and the song "Moonlight Serenade" won best original song (and a commercial cover by Gwen Stefani and David Bowie). The film would later get controversy for Disney rumored to have made this film to spite "The Swan Princess," which came out the year later. Odette and Sky would later be brought into the Disney Princess and Prince line.
(Art comes from concept art for Barbie's Swan Lake; no concept art of a Disney version is known to exist. BTW, I'm not calling this art Pre-Raphaelite, but I did find it mesmerizing.)
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The Lion King--For whatever reason, the team decides to move away from making the film about animals and instead make it a high-fantasy African musical with humans (though it's panafrican in style, it's said to be set in Tanzania). Pretty much all of the story elements are the same, but the enviornment is adapted for humans, with animal metaphors for one's spirit and guide. The film is largely successful (I'd say it makes less than the OG film, but still a hugely successful film since it highlights African culture in an inoffensive way) , but criticism abounds on the lack of a specific culture, particularly how several Tanzanian ethnic groups are conflated together into the story. There was also concern for the predominantly white cast (unless we change that; brainstorming a cast, but nothing's concrete). The film features more music (the OG film only had 5 songs; that's pretty low), and Simba and Nala are indicted into the Disney royal line.
(Art by s0alaina on Deviantart; not sure if it's based on Tanzanian cultures)
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Pocahontas--Disney had the foresight and better judgment to NOT make a historical fiction piece with a sexualized lead. Instead, they allowed their Native American aides more imput on the story, eventually opting for an original story set in a fantasy world that had parallels to Indigenous colonization. The film centers on an Indigenous woman named Amonute (who the film is named after, taken from Pocahontas' birth name), who encounters new settlers with her siblings (basically Nakoma and Kocoum in this timeline). The settlers include the swashbuckling charmer Julian and his scholarly brother Lucien (inspired by Disney's version of John Smith and John Rolfe, as well as elements of Thomas, respectively; the colonists are overall French-inspired since they were seen as the less damaging of the major colonizing lands), both of whom fall for Amonute, and she returns their feelings. The film follows the same beats as "Pocahontas" in the OG timeline, and is reviewed much better due to being an original story free of sexualization, and it becomes as financially successful as Aladdin, but it isn't without criticism; there's concern of the romanticism of colonization, as well as the fact that the tribe Amonute is part of seems to mesh various NA cultures, as well as their clothing being more akin to Powwow regalia (due to colors, patterns, and accessories, but not as detailed of course) rather than anything historical. The ending is much more peaceful than IRL, and Amonute doesn't end up making a decision concerning her love triangle, so both Julian and Lucien join the Disney Prince line when Amonute joins the Disney princess line. In contrast to Billy Zane, Johnny Depp is brought on to voice Lucien, citing his singing ability as the deciding factor, though Billy Zane does play him in any work that Johnny Depp isn't available for.
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Sinbad--Released in November 1995, the film's setting being influenced by Iraq was controversial given real-world circumstances concerning the country's relationship with the United States. However, Disney was inspired by the success of "Aladdin" and the (mostly) positive feedback "Aladdin" had received in terms of Asian cultures and Islamic representation, as well as motivated by the controversy of the film conflating India and Saudi Arabian cultures. Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio considered the love triangle aspect, but given how Amonute's love triangle divided audiences and growing concern that it'd make Sinbad look like a jerk, the idea was dropped, with his best friend being uninterested in Aaliyah, Sinbad's love interest (who, like Jasmine, was named after a celebrity). Sinbad was modeled after Aladdin to be clever and crafty, but rewritten to be more reserved and quiet to contrast with previous outgoing Disney men, while Aaliyah was more rough and tough than previous Disney women (she was also designed with Salma Hayek as inspiration and Wendy Malick to play her, but it fell through). Let's imagine they got a mostly Arab cast (I doubt they'd go for actors of Iraqi heritage alone), and the film's focus is on Sinbad recruiting Aaliyah to help him rescue his best friend Zayn from being executed for a crime he didn't commit--but Aaliyah did. The musical was highly successful, making over $300 million at the box office and the song "Never Again," detailing Sinbad's rough childhood to his friendship with Zayn and falling in love with Aaliyah, being nominated for BOS at the Oscars. Despite concerns about how Aaliyah might be perceived as a former criminal, she still joins the Disney princess ranks.
(Note: This concept art is from Dreamworks; Disney never got to a point where they made concept art, as far as I know.)
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The Hunchback of Notre Dame--Mostly the same as the OG timeline, though with notable changes. Claude Frollo, while still a villain, does show to have a twisted love for Quasimodo, the twisted part coming from his own skewed worldview as well as Quasimodo's perceived "ugliness" and guilt over killing his mother. Quasimodo is also given a bit of a deeper skintone and darker hair color to remind the audience that he is a person of color--not that light-skinned/haired people can't be POC, but this film depicts all Romani people with certain attributes. At best, Quasimodo is mixed, so his features should exhibit that. The gargoyles are less comedic, but they still represent a softer, lighter side of the film as they represent hope and kindness, trying to teach Quasimodo the good of the world, as well as the archdeacon being involved in his life (with the gargoyles never explained as literal magic creatures of representations of Quasimodo's psyche; I like it both ways). It's noted that part of Frollo's obsession with Esmeralda isn't just lust, but also his guilt again over the death of Quasimodo's mother. Esmeralda and Phoebus' lives are fleshed out a bit more (particularly Esmeralda's, highlighting French-Romani culture), as well as giving Phoebus moments to sing. Esmeralda is also tweaked slightly so certain things that she does aren't read as romantic towards Quasimodo, even though he takes them as such. The film makes the same impact financially and critically, along with Esmeralda sadly not joining the DP line due to difficulty marketing her darker film. There is NO SEQUEL, though Madellaine is shown at the end, with Esmeralda and Phoebus singing part of the reprise of "The Bells of Notre Dame" to an infant Zephyr after the events of the film.
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Hercules--Given the wide range of feedback they've gotten on cultural representation before, Disney decides that rather than label this a film about Hercules, this is an original story set in an Ancient Greco-Roman-inspired culture that take from a variety of Greek myths, with Hercules, Perceus, Achilles, Orpheus, and Bellephron being influences for the protagonist Nikanor, a kindly demigod prince on a quest to discover the secret behind his magical abilities with his sardonic lover and clever nephew, all while avoiding obstacles set forth by his wicked stepmother (as you can see, they were inspired by "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys"). While a colorful and creative journey (noted as a possible influence for the "Hades" video games by Supergiant), it's also been noted for it's psychological exploration of madness and depression, earning comparison to various mature video games. The music was equally praised for helping to uplift the film at important moments without ruining the vibe. The film made $400 million at the box office, and it's success led to a sequel TV series as well as Nikanor and his love interest Chania joining the Disney royal line given a lack of negative feedback from Greece as in the original film.
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Mulan--In this particular timeline, Disney didn't have an issue with Stephen Schwartz working with Dreamworks for "The Prince of Egypt," though the tone is still the same as the OG timeline (ie maintaining that Mulan joined the army for her father, not for personal gain--except to prove she could do something that could make others proud of her). There are more songs in the film, including a "Reflection" reprise sang by Shang and Mulan (or whatever the equivalent would be now that Stephen's writing the music) after Mulan's identity is revealed, as well as a song detailing Shan Yu's motivations and "Mulan's Decision" with lyrics. Mulan has an older sister and a younger brother, both of whom she views as superior to her due to her sister having married and being much more graceful (the progenitor to Isabela Madrigal, in a sense--but it's not an act) and her brother automatically being more valuable thanks to being male. Shang's also mentioned as having a younger brother, and we get a bit more detail into his personal life, mirroring Mulan's desire to protect her father and make him proud. Most of the film is the same, otherwise. The film makes about the same as the original, with the particular praise for Mulan being a lot less underrated thanks to more music.
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Tarzan--While an unspoken musical was considered at the time, the characters instead sing in this version, with director Kevin Lima coming around to it under the condition that Tarzan himself didn't sing while other characters did. During production, Tarzan was retooled in a rather unique way. Taking influence from the critically acclaimed show "Batman: The Animated Series," Tarzan, while still kind and empathetic, was made to be more brooding and mysterious and less humorous in order to help make his character (more) intriguing as well as beguiling the audience. The dreadlock hairstyle is also removed, and Jane, Archimedes and Clayton are American (to diffuse the misconception that only British people can be sophisticated intellectuals) while Jane teaches Tarzan to not just speak English, but French as well, similar to his cousin in the book. The film is just as financially successful, with plans for Jane and Tarzan joining the Disney royal lineup, however this is walked back on when Disney decide Jane is too similar to Belle and concern that a white cast in an African setting would come back to bite them.
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Aida--Released at the end of 1999, Disney released their take on "Aida," an opera about an Ethiopian princess who is captured by Egyptians and falls in love with the Captain of the Guard. Disney adapts most of the story in order to create an epic and emotional tale like "Amonute," but without the tragic ending of the original opera. In this version, war is prevented between Egypt and Ethiopia, and Radamès and Aida survive. Certain issues plagued production, from Elton John's resistance to do another animated film and Disney catching wind of Dreamworks' "Prince of Egypt" (which ended up releasing the year before), but it became a worldwide hit at making $400 million at the box office, and praise was brought to the fact that Disney learned from the casting of "Aladdin" and cast actors of Middle Eastern descent for Egyptian characters. Needless to say, Amneris and Radamès join the royal Disney line.
(Note: not sure if Elton John and Tim Rice collaborated here like they did for the stage musical in the OG timeline, or if Alan Menken and/or Stephen Schwartz got involved instead)
Lemme know what you think! I know the renaissance is the Roman Empire for a lot of Disney fans, but I wanted to give it a shot. Maybe I'll tweak it later (currently wondering if a should include "Hocus Pocus," which, while never planned to be an animated film, would probably get more attention outside the Halloween season. If I do, it's replacing TRDU).
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jaimeaster · 5 months
Meme time.
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sketchysketchiness · 5 months
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Cody from Rescuer's Down Under!
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novafire-is-thinking · 10 months
Hear me out, ROTB and Transformers Rescue Bots crossover. Like just imagine how psyched Cody would be to see the maximals
There would definitely be a bit of time travel involved.
Cody would love the Maximals, though.
In fact, your ask made me think of a scene from The Rescuers Down Under:
I’ve never watched the movie myself, but I stumbled upon this clip a while ago. The kid is even named Cody 😂
I can totally imagine Airazor taking RB!Cody for a ride.
And assuming it’s the Rescue Bots who travelled to the Knightverse, I could even see them pulling out their dino modes at least once.
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onesaltysir · 6 months
I need to settle this with myself, I can't decide if it's a good movie or not. Debate material under cut.
Eva Gabor slays as Miss Bianca (my queen) both times so that's an automatic yes from me. The story itself was also not bad.
On the other hand the animation threw me off because I've always been so loyal to the original 1977 The Rescuers. Milt Kahl's animation is such a big deal to me, that was the best era of Disney and I will not be hearing other opinions because they are wrong.
The egg scene with Johanna and Mcleach in the kitchen? Made me smile during my surgery recovery. Animated movies rarely make me smile. That scene was peak cinematic gold.
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The absolute deciding factor is if Jake is sexy or not. Now for the record I am 100% team Bernard. Thicc mouse man with a dumpy and a big heart? Yes maam. (He also has a slight stutter. As a stutterer myself, child me instantly fell in love when my father had me watch the original for the first time.) But there's just something about Jake's charm. That Indiana Jones ass kangaroo rat could punt me into the sun and I can’t tell if I would thank him or dropkick that Crocodile Dundee motherfucker.
Miss Bianca, however, has been and always will be my favourite. Everyone has a crush on her everywhere she goes and she looks so put together but I promise you she is so fucking autistic and probably does Jello shots with whoever wishes to humour her. Just watch the original, and then this is emphasized in Down Under. Fucking icon. God is a white mouse from Hungary with a purple hat.
That being said, let's turn back to the animation. What are these CGI scenes doing in here? Now mind you, overall I *am* impressed with the CGI. This movie came out in 1990 and they combined 2D animation with so many near flawless CGI shots. But why though? The combination was awesome, it slayed, it served. But there was just something about it that seemed so corny to me and I can’t place my finger on it.
And what are these size proportions? Cody is six years old acording to the Disney Wiki. If you are familiar with six year olds, then you know those things aren't exactly tiny. Why is he able to ride on that eagle? Golden eagles are real birds however they are smaller than bald eagles. Bald eagles are large birds but they are not that large. In fact the largest eagle as of right now is the giant Philippine eagle, which is only a meter tall. A six year old can’t ride that. Not only did Marahute fly hundreds of metres in the air supporting an entire six year old and then some, but she was also large enough for this kid to pitch a medium sized tent on. What the hell. Fake ass bird.
Another problem I have is that it takes place in Australia. So why in the absolute FUCK does Cody sound like he's from Nebraska USA? Riddle me fucking that. Mcleach is understandable because he's a poacher, probably dropped in from the US. In fact he sounds like he's from Tennessee so you know his ass did. But come on. Cody? He's a six year old born and raised in Australia. The only characters with Australian accents were two kangaroos, a koala, and Cody's mother. His mother is a stretch though, Edinburgh sounding ass bitch.
Also what six year old owns a large pocket knife? Cody if you don't put that shit down and go work on your colouring book. I swear to god.
What redeems it for me is Bianca and Bernard. Jake really thought he could pull Bianca from the perfect man. Bernard respects Bianca with everything he has, he continually gave her everything he could. Bernard loved her, and Bianca loved him back. Jake tried to shit on her man and Bianca said 'I think the fuck not.'
And yes. I know Bernard is some Hobbit ass motherfucker. He didn’t wanna go on the trip to save Penny in the original, he hates flying, he hates adventure, but Bianca taught him to love that and it was beautiful. He tried it for her and found out that he did love it after all. Bianca brought out his courage, and Bernard brought out her heart. They're the best Disney duo. Fuck you.
I got distracted. The question I want to answer is, is The Rescuers Down Under a great movie or is it a horrible movie? It's not just good or bad. You either love it or you hate it, and I can't decide.
Miss Bianca supremacy for life.
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spiderdreamer-blog · 8 months
The Rescuers Down Under (1990)
Movie sequels are a funny thing. Done well, they can be clever, meaningful expansions of the original film or give artists chances to take the creative impulse in a different direction; compare Ridley Scott's Alien to James Cameron's Aliens. Done poorly, they seem like cheap cash-ins with lazy writing and not an ounce of true artistic passion. Nowhere can this divide be more apparent than in the decade-plus of direct-to-video Disney sequels that kicked off with 1994's Aladdin follow-up The Retun of Jafar. As I've said in other posts, it's not ALWAYS true that these or the TV spinoffs were bad. In addition to my previously published review of 101 Dalmatians II and Atlantis: Milo's Return, I swear by Aladdin and the King of Thieves for being a solid adventure film. And Cinderella III: A Twist in Time fills in characterizations for characters that often came off as ciphers in the original, as well as being a clever story in its own right. Some could even be downright inspired, like how The Lion King 1 1/2 takes a page from both MST3K and Tom Stoppard's play Rosencrantz and Guildernstern Are Dead compared to the original's Hamlet influences. But many fumbled in trying to justify further stories for characters that weren't necessarily built for them or did lazy reversal rehashes. Curiously, though, a built-for-the-theaters sequel beat this crowd to it, in the form of 1990's The Rescuers Down Under, coming to us in the midst of the Disney Renaissance. How does that one stack up?
A sequel to the 1977 film The Rescuers, Down Under reunites us with Miss Bianca and Bernard (Eva Gabor and Bob Newhart, reprising their roles), two mice who are agents of the Rescue Aid Society, which dedicates itself to helping lost or kidnapped children. Their case this time is Cody (Adam Ryen, who, in a fun fact, dubbed his own part in the Norwegian dub), an Australian boy captured by the evil poacher McLeach (George C. Scott) and his sidekick goanna Joanna (Frank Welker) in pursuit of the great golden eagle Marahute. Bianca and Bernard catch a flight with Wilbur the albatross (John Candy), taking over from his brother Orville from the original, and catch up with local hero Jake (Tristan Rogers, the only natively Australian actor in the film) to track down McLeach.
The most immediately striking thing about the film compared to its predecessor is its look. The original Rescuers was made in the heyday of Xerography, the process wherein Xerox machines could print animators' drawings directly onto cels and save a shitload of money/time in terms of hand-inking and painting. Starting with 101 Dalmatians (which necessitated the process both for the logistics of all those puppies and because the gorgeously rendered, lovingly hand-painted over years of production Sleeping Beauty had been a financial failure), this gave Disney's films a scratchier, more graphic look through the next couple decades. It's not a BAD way to make a film, and I would say the results often looked quite good, especially for moody, atmospheric scenes such as the swamplands in the original film.
Down Under, however, took a different approach, being the first Disney animated film to be fully inked-and-painted digitally in Disney's CAPS (Computer Animation Production System) pipeline. This has a number of advantages, such as better integration of the CGI elements like McLeach's Truck Of Doom, but not the least of which is the bright, vibrant colors. The Outback truly feels like an epic stage for the adventures, with the justly famous Marahute flight showing off its grand scope and beauty. Even the urban night-time New York scenes feel freshened up compared to the muddier vision of before. Even beyond that, the filmmaking has evolved. The original's director, Wolfgang "Woolie" Reitherman, was a fine talent (I'm especially partial to his Robin Hood), but the 1977 film feels awfully slow-paced for what's supposed to be exciting and propulsive. Down Under's directors Hendel Butoy and Mike Gabriel use tighter angles and much brisker editing to lend a real sense of Spielbergian action mechanics, such as in a scene where the mice try and board the Truck Of Doom or the nervy climax.
The character animation is excellent as usual, with the obvious standout being Glen Keane's Marahute. Bird anatomy is perhaps the hardest to do in animation outside of horses, and Keane gives the eagle both a sense of realism and character without anthropomorphizing her to the same degree as the rest of the cast. Mark Henn, meanwhile, does a solid job of grounding Bianca and Bernard as a duo and separately; they never reach too far for effect and seem more or less like normal people doing their best. The great Ruben Aquino, whose resume is more diverse than he gets credit for (Ursula, Adult Simba, and Pleakley are among his characters), gives Jake a full dashing-rogue bearing. Nik Ranieri does honestly some underrated work with Wilbur on the anatomy front, and Duncan Marjoribanks and David Cutler attack the duo of McLeach and Joanna with gusto. The way the latter moves in particular is hilarious, such as in a scene where she tries to steal eggs from a pondering McLeach.
Story-wise are where things get interesting. In addition to the original being well-suited to a sequel (literally having the "you've got another case!" ending), we smartly get things rolling fast. The first film is about the same runtime length-wise, but it spends a long-ass time getting anywhere, or at least feels that way. Whereas this is like "yup, we're off to the races, kids, iconic eagle flight in the first 10 dang minutes". Thus, while Bianca and Bernard don't enter the film for a hot minute, we don't feel like our time's being wasted in the first act as we set up the situation. I like also how the potential triangle between Bernard, Bianca, and Jake is handled with remarkable subtlety. Bianca barely seems to notice, while Jake is certainly puffed-up but never outright cruel to Bernard, and the latter gets a great chance to step up to prove himself when the time comes. The only possible negative effect is that the film is ultimately on the short end, and the plot is fairly simple as a result. Thus we get some goofy comedy padding with Wilbur being subjected to unhelpful medical practices to straighten out his back, as well as a pair of scenes with Cody and some Marketable Animal Friends as they try to escape McLeach. Hardly bad, but a little perfunctory.
I also like Cody a little better as a kid protagonist, tbh. The original film tries to get a lot of pathos out of the plight of Penny, who's not just an orphan, but a KIDNAPPED orphan. It's not bad in and of itself, with an effective scene where the villainous Madame Medusa insults her passive-aggressively to try and get her under her thumb. And it anticipates where Don Bluth, who worked on the film as a directing animator, would go in terms of his own child protagonists like Fievel or Littlefoot. But a little of it goes a long way, even if my heart's not fully made of stone. Down Under trades things up for Cody in terms of being well-adjusted with a single mother and tenacious enough both to save Marahute upfront, as well as seeing right through McLeach's transparent attempt at bullshitting him (though a later manipulation DOES succeed).
The audio end is a good marriage here too, starting with Bruce Broughton giving us an absolutely iconic adventure score. There's lots of distinct themes here that all weave together fantastically, never feeling overly like a "cartoon" score. In terms of the voice cast, Ryen gives a nicely natural performance, kid-like without ever being too cutesy, and brave, but not SO brave that it feels out of place. Gabor and Newhart, the highlight of the earlier film, reach a nice equilibrium between "society lady who takes nobody's shit" and "nice normal guy who can nonetheless keep up with her". Rogers is one of my favorites here, his Aussie twang lending some authenticity to the proceedings, and his soap opera experience (he's a longtime fixture on General Hospital) lets him access the slightly broader cartoon acting necessary. Candy, of course, was a comedy legend, and he adjusts well here in terms of making Wilbur a distinct chatterbug with a noble streak rather than simply recycling his genteel screen presence. My favorite performance, though, is undoubtedly George C. Scott as McLeach. Always an intense, thoughtful actor (he's my favorite Ebenezer Scrooge on film), he makes what could've been a generic "evil hunter" type into something really memorable by snacking on the scenery and giving him a real cruel streak. And I'd be remiss without mentioning Welker's Joanna, who nearly sounds like an anticipation of Andy Serkis' Gollum in her slobbery growls and chuckles.
I'll be honest, I can't be TOTALLY objective about this movie. It was one of the first Disney films I owned on VHS, and many a rewind was had because I couldn't get enough. It's a little rougher around the edges now that I'm an adult, true, but when Marahute starts to fly as the music swells? Every time, I get transported back to a living room in Peachtree City, Georgia, inches away from the TV. That still means something, and thankfully, most of the movie still backs that kid up.
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poisoned-ai-data · 3 months
Rescuers Down Under Script
opening: The camera slowly zooms through a variety of insects and rocks. We follow a small yellow bug climb up a blade of grass. As it spreads its wings to fly, we are whisked along the Australian outback and prairie by Ayers rock and eventually slow down as we approach Cody's house.
scene: inside Cody's room. The camera pans around to show Cody sleeping in his hammock. The sound of Faloo's call is heard. Cody hears it, jumps out of bed, and runs to the window. He puts on his shirt and grabs his knife.
scene: Cody sneaks past his mother who is in the kitchen listening to the radio.
... thundershowers are expected in the Crocodile Falls area and some of the surrounding gullies so take out your...
scene: Outside Cody's house. Cody leaves the house, and closes the door behind him, but not quietly.
[from inside upon hearing the door] Cody!
[whincing] Yeah mom?
What about your breakfast?
I've got some sandwiches in my pack.
Well be home for supper.
[hopping the gate] No worries mom.
scene: Cody runs toward the forest; Faloo's call is heard in the background. He runs past some rock formations and enters the woods. Birds follow him; and squak at him.
[to the birds] I know, I'm coming. [Cody jumps over a hollow log] Hustle up Nelson, Faloo's sounding the call! [Cody slides through a log, picks up a stick, and beats on the roof of the wombats home.] C'mon little wombats, hurry! [Cody continues to run through the forest with all of the animals following him.] [Cody arrives at the tree where Faloo has been sounding the call.] [to Faloo] Who's caught this time?
You don't know her, Cody, her name is Marahute, the great golden eagle.
Where is she?
She's caught, high on a cliff in a poacher's trap. You're the only one who can reach her.
I'll get her loose.
Right-oh, hop on, no time to lose. [Cody hops onto Faloo and they travel through the forest and along a stream/river; more scenes of animals and the forest.] [They arrive at the cliff.] [pointing up towards the cliff] She's up on top of that ridge. Be careful lit'l friend.
scene: various "time lapse" views of Cody climbing up the cliff.
[Cody reaches the top and sees the eagle.]
Marahute! [Cody looks at the eagle; he approaches her slowly; she hears him and wakes up; Marahute screeches and struggles to get free.] [reassuring] Calm down, calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you. [Cody strokes Marahute on the head] That's a girl. Stay still... it's o.k. [Cody gets out his knife; Marahute sees the glint of the knife and begins to struggle and scream] No wait! I'm here to help you... easy!... easy! [Cody cuts two ropes. Cody cuts the last rope to free Marahute.] You're free!! [As Marahute spreads her wings to fly, she knocks Cody off the cliff.] Aaaiigh! [Cody falls; Marahute dives down to catch him; she catches him just before he hits the ground; they begin to fly around; the animals see Cody on Marahute and stand in awe; Marahute files over several rock formations; the fly up above the clouds; Cody looks at his reflection in Marahute's eye.] Higher! [They fly even higher above the clouds; Marahute throws Cody and catches him; Cody is now held in Marahute's talons.] Woah! [Cody mocks an eagle screech; he laughs as Marahute tickles him; they cruise above the clouds which eventually open up to show the ground; Marahute nose dives towards the ground and a stream; she holds Cody just high enough above the water so that he is water skiing; they approach a flock of birds; Marahute lets Cody go and he skims through the birds, scattering them; Marahute grabs Cody just before he falls in and then put Cody right in front of her, on her beak [pushing him from behind]; they go over the egde of a waterfall; Marahute catches Cody again; this time he rides by standing on her back; they arrive at Marahute's nest] Wow! [Cody and Marahute look at each other; Cody falls over as he attempts to look at Marahute upside down. Marahute moves some grass and feathers to show Cody her eggs] You're a mom! [Cody puts his ear to the eggs] They're very warm. Are they gonna hatch soon? [Marahute ruffles her neck feathers in an affectionate manner; she sits on the eggs and then looks out "over her domain".] Where's the daddy eagle? [Marahute drops her head] Oh... my dad's gone too. [Cody give Marahute an affectionate stroke; as they fix the covering on the eggs, the wind picks up and blows a feather in Cody's face; he looks at it, plays with it, and puts it back. Marahute picks it up and gives it to Cody and he gives her a hug.] [Marahute and Cody are now on the ground; Marahute takes off and Cody runs around making flying noises]
scene: just inside the forest. A wanted poster of McLeach is posted on a tree; A mouse is tied up with a bell attached to it that rings as it struggles; Cody hears the bell and goes over to the mouse.
Heh heh... hey little fella, what happened to you?
[panicking] Oh no! No, no, no, no!! Get away, get away! It's a trap, it's a trap. Be careful, NO!
[as the mouse is speaking] Don't worry, I'll get you loose. Woah! [Cody falls into the trap. He looks up to see a blinking light and the alarm.]
scene: McLeach's truck; the radar has a blip on the screen.
[laughs] Got one!!
scene: back in the hole/trap where Cody has fallen.
[from the top of the hole] Are you alright?
[rubbing his head] Yeah, I think so.
Okey-dokey. [he runs off]
Wait! Hey! Come back! [Cody tries to climb out; he gets halfway up, grabs a tree root; it breaks and he falls; the baitmouse begins to lower a vine down to help Cody]
Here you go, grab on.
That's great, just a little more, a little further... there! I got it. [a rumble is heard and the ground begins to shake.]
Uh-oh. [view of McLeach's vehicle trampling through the forest disturbing everything]
Yipe! [The vine is severed as McLeach's truck comes to a screeching halt; Cody falls; the truck opens; Joanna leans over pit and growls; Cody yells]
[unseen, approaching the trap] Well Joanna, what'd we get today? A dingo, a fat ol' razorback, or a nice big.... [he sees Cody] boy?!? [McLeach thinks for a second, gives a dirty look to Joanna and kicks her.] Joanna, you been diggin' holes out here again?? [mumbling to himself] Dumb lizard always tryin' to bury squirrels out here.
Unh-unh. It's a trap, and poachin's against the law.
Trap?! Where'd you get an idea like that?? Boy I think you've been down in that hole for too long. [he holds his gun out so that Cody can grab it] Well c'mon, grab ahold. We'll get you out of this little ol' lizard hole and you can just run along home. [Joanna has spotted the baitmouse on Cody's backpack. She hisses and makes a face.]
This IS a poacher's trap and YOU'RE a poacher. [The mouse ducks back into the backpack; Joanna jumps on Cody, knocking McLeach into the hole; his gun goes off; Joanna begins to attach Cody's backpack.] [to Joanna] Let go!! Hey get off of me!!
I'm gonna kill her. [climbing out of the hole] I'm gonna kill that dumb, slimey, egg-sucking salamander.
Cut it out! Get off of me! [Joanna continues to attack the backpack; McLeach picks up his gun; he points it at Joanna; looking through gun scope McLeach aims at Joanna, she tries to get out of his view; as she does this, McLeach spots the feather in Cody's pack; he picks up Cody by his backpack.]
Hmmm.... good girl Joanna. [Joanna looks up and grins happily.] [to Cody] Say where'd you get this pretty feather boy?
[humbly] It was a present.
[coddling] Oh, that's real nice. Who gave it to ya?
[stumbling] It's a s... secret.
That's no secret boy, you see, [menacing] I already got the father. [makes a cutting sound and draws a feather across his neck like he was slashing a throat]. He, he he. You just tell me where momma and those little eggs are. [Cody breaks free from McLeach by slipping out of his backpack.]
Joanna, sick 'em! [Cody runs through forest with Joanna close behind; he enters an open area where we see a waterfall and water; Cody stops right at the edge of the small cliff that drops into the water [Crocodile Falls]; Joanna follows close behind; Cody reaches into his pocket and pulls out his knife; he drops it; McLeach steps on his hand.]
You're comin' with me boy.
My mom'll call the rangers!
[sarcastically] Oh no.... not the rangers, what'll I do?? What'll I do??! Don't let your mom call the rangers!! Please don't!! [Joanna laughs] [McLeach laughs] [McLeach throws Cody's backpack into the river] My poor baby boy got eaten by the crocodiles, boo-hoo-hoo! Let's go boy!
[from inside McLeach's cage] Help! Help! [The baitmouse sees Cody in the cage; he runs to the local RAS telegraph office; it begins to rain and wind is blowing; he bursts through the door as the telegraph mouse is eating.]
[very fast and excited] Help, help, help!! Someone help! McLeach took the boy. He took the little boy. Send for help!! [The telegraph mouse begins typing the message in morse code; camera pans up to roof, where other mice aim the antenna; message is seen being relayed to the Marshall Islands] [In a wrecked plane on the Marshall Islands, a mouse listens to the morse code message; he recognizes the distress call, activates the controls on the plane, and relays message to Hawaii.] [Message is seen being relayed to Hawaii. Screens fill with RAS RAS RAS. Mice are watching through binoculars in the back. The send a signal to other mice. They dial the phone to distract guard. Phone rings. Guard leaves. Mice take over, type [jump] on keyboard and read message. "RAS... RAS... ATTENTION BOY KIDNAPPED IN AUSTRALIA IMMEDIATE ACTION REQUIRED" They type "Relay to New York".] [Message then journeys across the ocean to Los Angeles, then to Denver, St. Louis, Chicago, Washington D. C. and then New York.]
scene: It is winter in New York; through the clouds, the camera descends upon the UN building; a mouse is listening to the transmission at the RAS headquarters in New York
Code red, code red!! Attention all Rescue Aid Society delegates, all delegates please report immediately to the main assembly hall. This is an emergency meeting. I repeat, this is a code red emergency meeting!! [the delegates have been assembling as the announcement was being made]
scene: inside the RAS meeting hall
Order! Order! Yes, yes I know it's late but I'm... oh really! Sir Charles. Hello, hello Frank, how are you, nice to see you! And Esmerelda, there you are! Ha ha.. all right, quiet now please, everyone pay attention. There has been a kidnapping in Australia. [delegates gasp] A young boy needs our help. This is a mission requiring our very finest, and I know we are all thinking of the same two mice. [everyone looks to the seats of Hungary and USA, which are empty] [delegates gasp again.] What's this?!? Gone? We must find Bernard and Miss Bianca at once!
scene: a posh restaurant
[as a waiter walks by a pillar/column in the restaurant, a pea drops on the floor; a cricket comes out of the column and picks it up.]
Oh.... pea soup. [With an elaborate contraption, he launches the pea up the column where it drops into a thimble-pot of the cook]
Cricket cook:
Pea soup! [A waiter cricket comes along and picks up the soup; the scene changes to the chandelier over the restaurant and we see a mini-restaurant above the real one.]
To my dear Bernard, and our wonderful partnership.
[nervous and fumbling] Ah... yeah.. yeah.. ah.. won... wonderful.
You've been very quiet this evening, is there something on your mind?
Well, ummm... actually... I, ah... I was wondering.... [he reaches into his pocket.]
Yes darling?
I... Miss Bianca would you.... would you... [the ring falls through a hole in Bernard's pocket onto the floor] would you excuse me for a minute? [Bernard chases the ring across the floor; he crawls around, sees it, and just as he goes to grab it, a waiter kicks it under another table; Francois arrives at their table.]
[French accent] Pardonnez moi, mademoiselle Bianca, I have important news. [He hands her a piece of paper.]
Yes Francois? What is it?
You and Bernard have been asked to accept a dangerous mission to Australia.
[reading message] Oh the poor boy. This is dreadful. Now where is Bernard I must tell him at once!
Allow me madame, I will tell him immediately. [Bernard is seen under a table retrieving ring; the ring finds its way onto the foot of a rather large woman mouse who is having dinner with a rather nerdy looking man mouse; as Bernard removes the ring from her foot, she think the man mouse is playing footsie with her and smacks the man mouse.]
[practicing] Miss Bianca, will you marry me? Miss Bianca, will you please marry me?
[as Bernard practices] Quickly monsieur Bernard! I must speak with you....
Not now Francois, I'm busy!
No, no, no, no, monsieur you don't...... [As Francois attempts to follow Bernard he collides with another cricket watier and falls on his back; various crickets run to help him.] [Bernard returns to the table]
Bernard, did you talk to Francois?
Ah yes, but uh.. there's... there's something I want ......
I know exactly what you're going to say. Francois told me all about it.
He did? How, how... how did he ...
Oh it doesn't matter, I think it's a marvelous idea.
[shocked] You do? I mean, you... you really want to?
I don't think it's a matter of wanting, it's a matter of duty.
D-duty? I... I never thought of it, well, umm... all righ.... all right. How does... how does next ah-April sound to you?
Heavens no! We must act immediately, tonight! [she leaves the restaurant with Bernard close behind]
Tonight? But, but, ah.. wait! Uh, Bianca, this is so sudden, I mean, don't you at least need a gown or something?
No, just a pair of khaki shorts and some hiking boots!
Hiking boots?
scene: in the RAS meeting hall
Ah, there you are, come along, come along.
Delegates, we have an important announcement. Bernard and I have decided, [pause] to accept the mission to Australia.
[surprised] Australia?
Oh good show! Now, you must fly out immediately! It's a little nippy outside, but we won't let that stop us, will we? What? [laughs]
scene: on top of a building, snow and wind blowing all around
[yelling] Miss Bianca, I'm not sure it's such a good idea to... to fly this soon after eating!
Darling you'll be just fine!
But aren't, aren't you supposed to wait 45 minutes?
[annoyed] Oh, just knock on the door and see if Orville is there!!
[knocks slightly] [quickly] Well, nobody's home, let's go. [Bernard gets buried with snow]
Bernard!! [scodling] This is no time to play in the snow.
I wasn't playing in the snow. It... it was an avalanche.
Oh look Bernard! [reading the sign] Under new management, see Wilbur. C'mon darling, let's get a move out!
scene: inside Wilbur's hangar; Wilbur is seen singing and dancing along with some music
Yoo-hoo! Mr. Wilbur! Hello?
Look out!! Excuse me!
Bernard DO something! He can't hear us! [Bernard "struggles" to get to the boom box and Wilbur continues to dance.]
[singing] The girls all look [music stops] when I go by..... Hey, who killed the music?!?
That's better.
Excuse us for interrupting, we're from the Rescue Aid Society. I am Miss Bianca...
[interrupting] Miss Bianca!?!
and this is my....
[still interrupting] THE Miss Bianca? I don't believe it. My brother Orville told me ALL about you, oh boy, I... this is an honor to have.... may I just say enceinte senorita to you? May I? [kisses her hand]
Ahem. [deliberately] We need to charter a flight.
Well, you've come to the right place, buddy boy, welcome to [pause] "Albatross Air" - a fair fare from here to there. [laughs] Get it? A fair fare? It's a... a play on... nevermind, I've got tons of exotic destinations, far away places, custom designed for [in a seductive voice] "romantic weekend getaways". [laughs] As well as the finest in-flight accomodations. Speaking of which, what can I get ya? [fumbles, searches through his cooler] How about a nice mango-Maui cooler? Very, very nice, very tasty....
No thank you...
Or a ah..... [fumbles about] Coconut guava nectar? It's carbonated. Very nice. I got little umbrellas for each one of them and a little coconut thing....
No, it's urgent that we leave immediately!
[disappointed] Nothing? Nothing at all?
[dismayed] Wilbur.
How about a cream soda?
Now look, we need a flight to Australia.
Australia? The Land Down Under? That's a fabulous idea! So when can I pencil you in? Ah... after spring thaw? You know, mid-June would be very nice.
Oh know, we must leave TONIGHT.
[spits out his drink] TONIGHT? [coughs and laughs] C'mon you're kiddin' me right? [laughs] Have you looked outside? [he opens the window] It's suicide out there! Oh-ho, oh no. OH NO....I'm afraid your jolly little holiday will have to wait. [laughs] What a bunch of jokers.
But you don't understand, a boy needs our help, he's in trouble.
A boy? You mean, a little kid kinda boy?
He was kidnapped.
Kidnapped? [remorseful] Aw... that... that's awful. Lockin' up a little kid. A kid should be free. Free to run wild through the house on Saturday mornings, [gathering strength] free to have cookies and milk, and get those little white moustaches, you know, with the..... [determined] NOBODY'S gonna take a kid's freedom away while I'm around, nobody, do you hear me?!?
Does that mean you'll take us?
[with conviction] Storm or no storm, Albatross Airlines, at your service!! [Wilbur salutes] [scene changes to Bernard and Bianca on Wilbur's back] Passengers are requested to please fasten their seat belts and secure all carry-ons. We'll be departing following our standard pre-flight maintenance. Thank you. [Wilbur begins to exercise] Yeah, loosen up, get the blood flowin' up to the head, annnnnd, couple of these....oh! [tries to do a push-up] O.k. one's enough, here we go. Oh! Ah yeah!! That feels better. Oh baby. Tie your kangaroos down sports fans, here, we, COME! [opens hangar doors, gets blown back by wind] Yeah, let's go for it!! Woah! Hey! Woah! Hey, I didn't adjust for the winds. All right we're gonna make it!! I just gotta duck down a little lower, that's all. Go under the wind, go under it! Here we go [screams]!! Ow this is cold! Slippery! Ice! Ice! We got ice! We got ice! Oh hang on now!! Here we go! Here we go! Here we go!!! HERE WE GO!! COWABUNGA!!!!!!! [Wilbur dives for the street; "flies" just in time to miss the ground.]
Captain, is this a non-stop flight to Australia??
Well, ah...not exactly no, I could definitely say no. We're gonna have to make connections with a bigger bird. [aside] Non-stop? What do I look like, Charles Lindburgh??
scene: McLeach driving his vehicle with Cody in the cage in the Australian outback.
[pounding on the cage] Lemme outta here!! Lemme go!! You can't do this!! Help! Help! Help!
[on speaker] Breaker, breaker, little mate. I forgot to tell ya around here, you need to be QUIET!! [Cody trips] Or the rangers might hear ya. Now sit down and relax, enjoy the view. [laughs] Nothin' but abandoned opal mines as far as the eye can see. And dead ahead, is home sweet home. [begins singing] [from a distance] Home, home on the range. Where the critters are tied up in chains. I cut through their sides, and I rip off their hides. And the next day I do it again. Everybody! Home, home on the range.....
scene: long shot of Cody's house
Cody! Cody! Cody!
scene: cargo hold of airplane; Wilbur, Bernard, and Miss Bianca are sleeping on an airplane tire.
[heard from inside of plane] Ladies and gentlemen, Flight 12 is now approaching Sydney airport, make sure you pick up your parcels and packages and enjoy your stay in Australia. [Miss Bianca wakes up, gives Bernard a kiss to wake him up.]
[just waking up] [yawns] Are we there yet?
Yes. You know, perhaps we should wake up Wilbur.
Oh, oh... alright, I'll get him up. [leaning over] Ahhh... Wilbur? [Wilbur is snoring] Wilbur? Wilbur??
[half awake] Um, yeah, just five more minutes ma. [Wilbur rolls over, trapping Bernard and Bianca]
Bianca and Bernard:
[screams] Wilbur!!
[groggy] That's all I need, five more minutes.
[pleading] Wilbur?? Are you awake??
Get, get up we're there!!
O.k. I'm up, I'm up. [he rolls back over]
Watch out you got....
[groans] Oh! I must'a been sleepin' on a bolt. Ooo. [plane body opens] Oh boy. Throw another shrimp on the barbie girls, cause HERE I COME!!
Here we go again!!
Weeee!! [Wilbur "cannonballs" out of the airplane; he runs into a flock of seagulls on his way down and passes the Sydney Opera House.]
Gang way! Comin' through, mice on board!! Clear the way! Move over madam, there you go! Comin' through sir, thank you. [laughs] Next stop, Mugwomp Flats. Did we lose anyone back there? [laughs].
Miss Bianca, from.. from now on, can't... can't we just take the train?
scene: Mugwomp flats "control tower". Jake and Sparky are playing checkers.
Well Sparky, you've had this comin' for a long time. And now, you're gonna get it. Ha! [Jake jumps one of Sparky's pieces; Sparky spits and then jumps a bunch of Jake's pieces.]
Hmmm... wise fly. [Sparky laughs]
[over radio] Mugwomp tower, Mugwomp tower, this is Albatross One Three requesting permission to land. Over?
Albatross? [Jake flips over the checkerboard to a chart that has various bird sizes] Let's see... finch, wren, scrub bird, lockeet, freckled duck, culah, kukaberra, parrot, cockatoo, alba... alba...?!?! It's a jumbo!! [into radio] Negative one three, you'll have to turn back, our runway isn't long enough for a bird your size.
Not long enough?!? Look pal, I can land this thing on a dime!
[heard over radio] Uh... Wilbur, if, if the runway isn't long enough...
Listen you can't let these radar jockeys push you around. Just leave it to me alright?
[into radio] I say again mate, our runway is too short.
And I say again, MATE, I'm comin' in!!
Crazy Yank. Quick Sparky, we gotta find a way to extend the runway. [Jake and Sparky begin to make the runway longer; Jake kicks a cinder block raising part of the roof.]
Here we go!
We..., we'll never make it!!
[as he bounces along roof] Hot! Oooh! Ow! Passengers please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a full and complete stop. Thank you. [Jake and Sparky continue to extend the runway; Wilbur lands on an umbrella and spins around.]
Quick Sparky, we need to make a drag line! [an elaborate clothesline/hangar/brassiere drag line is constructed; Wilbur is catapulted into the drag line; when he stops, he is "wearing" the bra.]
[cocky] Don't try and tell ME the runway's too short. Ha! [to Jake] Hold this for me will ya pal? [Wilbur "hands" him the bra which launches Jake backwards.]
Bloke oughtta have his wings clipped.
You captain thanks you for flying Albatross Airlines.....
[aside to Sparky] Crazy Yanks. They think they can do any fool thing, without regard for..... [he sees Bianca; becomes starry-eyed; Sparky wonders what happened; looks at Jake; Sparky buzzes in dismay] [being suave] Welcome to Australia ma'am. My name's Jake and if there's any way I can make your stay more pleasant, don't hesitate to ask.
Oh, how kind.
Allow me to get that bag for ya.
[struggling] I've a.... I've got a lot of... luggage here...
Here let me give you a hand with those bags pal, all part of the friendly service here at Albatross Air [Wilbur picks up two of the bags; a crunch is heard] Ow! Oh! Big time hurt! Ah back!! Oh it's out!
Wilbur, are you alright?
Don't worry ma'am, I'll handle this. Sparky, you watch the tower, we gotta get this bird to the hospital.
Oh.... can't go down, can't go up. Oh ! Take the bags, take the bags!
scene: an old military hospital vehicle. Wilbur is being lowered inside by a series of ropes, gears and nursemice.
Heave! Ho! Heave! Ho!
Hey, whaddya doin'? Hey, what... what's going on? Wait! Hey wait a minute... just stop everything.
Wilbur, don't worry. We'll come back the moment we find the boy.
[begging] Wait! Hey! Wait a minute! Don't leave me here, please! I'm feeling much better now. I'm even ready to hit the beaches [laughs]. I'm even ready to mambo. [Wiggles in the restraints].
Doctor, will he be alright?
[consoling] Now, now, my dear. Keep a stiff upper lip. They all come in with a whimper, and leave with a grin. Off with you now. Leave everything to me. Shoo, shoo, off you go. [they leave] Hop to it ladies, we've got a bent bird on our hands. Move, move, move, bustle, bustle, bustle. That's it, ah-ha.
Will it, will it hurt doc?
Dear boy, you won't feel a thing. [to the nurse mice] Launch the back brace! [the "back brace" [a cane] is "launched" to immobilize Wilbur's back.]
Hey! Hey wait! Wait! Woah!! I've been skewered.
[cross] I've already missed tea, Mr. Albatross, now don't force me to take drastic measures. You MUST relax.
Relax?!? I have never been more relaxed in my life!! [begins to get hyper] If I were any more relaxed, I'd be dead!!!
[smug] I'm not convinced. [to the nurse mice] Sixty milligrams!
Sixty milligrams. [the nursemice fill hypodermic needle with liquid and put it into the chamber of a shotgun.]
Hey... wha.... are... are you guys crazy? You can't do that to me! I'm an American citizen buddy!!!
Better double it!
Double, coming up! [they load up another needle in the other chamber.]
Prepare the albatross for medication.
Oh, I'm dreamin'... I'm dreamin'!! Come on Wilbur, wake up boy, wake up!!
[giving directions to aim the gun.] Three degrees right.
Come on!!
Three degrees right.
Come on, it's a joke, it's a joke!
Down two degrees.
Oh no, don't go down two degrees!
Down two degrees.
No I'm not ready!! No, please!!
[crying] please don't do this to me......
FIRE!! [the scene changes to outside and we hear the gun fire.]
Ow, ow, oh. ooo......
scene: Mugwomp Flats; Bernard and Bianca are looking at a map
Now we just.... gotta figure out how to get there.
So, ah... you and your umm... husband here on a little outback excursion?
Oh no, no, we're not married.
In fact we're, we're here on a, a top ah.. secret mission. Very... very.. hush, hush.
Oh! Gotta rescue that kid McLeach nabbed eh?
Why that's right! How did you know?
[he bumps Bernard out of the way] [whispering to Bianca] You'll find it's tough to keep secrets in the outback miss. [outloud] So ah.... which way ya takin'? [looking at Bernard's map.] Suicide trail through Nightmare Canyon, or the shortcut at Satan's ridge?
Su... Suicide trail?
Good choice. [dramatically] More snakes, less quicksand. Then once you cross Bloodworm Creek, you're scot free, this is until ummm... Dead Dingo Pass.
[puzzled] Wait, wait, wait a minute, I don't.... I don't see any, any of that, that stuff on the map.
A map's no good in the outback! [folding up the map] What you really need is someone, [schmoozing to Bianca] someone who KNOWS the territory.
Oh Mister Jake, will you guide us?
At your service! [he bows and shoves the map behind him into Bernard's gut.] Here better take my arm miss it's gonna be a treacherous hike. [beginning to tell a story] I remember the time Miss B. it was just me and four hundred of these big giant.....
Doesn't even know how to fold a map....
scene: the rangers are at Crocodile Falls searching the water; then we see Bernard, Miss Bianca and Jake on a wombat in a tree getting ready to jump.
This is how we get around in the outback Miss B. [shouting] The only way to travel, eh Berno?
Ah yeah, yeah, it's just a little, a little ah.. bumpy back here. [Bernard is bobbing along on the tail; the wombat climbs to the top of the tree and jumps.]
Cinch up your seatbelts mates, we're comin' in for a landing. [the wombat lands on a small bush; Jake and Miss Bianca get off the wombat; however the bush isn't exactly stable yet...]
Hold it, not, not yet!! [Bernard gets launched into a patch of briars.]
scene: McLeach's hideout
[sharpening a knife] Well boy, let's see if we can do something to refresh that rusty old memory of yours. Is she on Satan's Ridge? [throws a knife at the map Cody is standing in front of] Or Nightmare Canyon?? [throws another knife] Whadda you think Joanna? Yeah, that's it... right smack dab in the middle at Croc Falls! [throws another knife] [to Cody] Am I gettin' warm??
I told you, I don't remember.
Don't you realize a bird that size is worth a fortune?? [in Cody's face] I'll split the money with you fifty-fifty, you can't get a better offer than that boy.
You won't have any money after the rangers get through with you.
[growls in anger] [he kicks over the kettle of water in the fire].
scene: Bernard and Bianca in the forest by the water; Bianca is removing the burrs from Bernard.
Jake's been gone... ow.... been gone a long time... maybe I should go, oh! Maybe I should go look for him.
Oh don't you worry about Jake, he can handle himself.
Yeah, I... I noticed.
I am just sure he'll be back in no time. [Bernard reaches into his pocket and pulls out the ring to make sure it's still there.]
You know... now that we're alone, [nervous] there's... there's something that I've, I've been wanting to uh... to.. to ask you.
Yes? What is it?
[he walks over to Bianca] Well, it's uh.... it's like this... Miss Bianca I.... [he gets down on one knee] I would be... [he takes her hand] most honored... if.. if...
LOOK OUT!!! [Jake bursts through the two of them; Bianca screams] No mice for you Twister not today!! [Jake proceeds to lasso the mouth of Twister the snake.] There!
Miss Bianca!
[assertively] I've been looking all over for you. Now look... we got a long way to go, and you're gonna take us there, and you're not gonna give us any trouble about it. Right?? [Snake shakes his head no; Jake and Miss Bianca get on Twister.] They're perfectly harmless once you look 'em in the eye and let em' who's boss. Ain't that right mate? [smacks the snake.] Now git.
It's alright Bernard, Jake has everything under control.
[disappointed and sarcastic] Yeah, I noticed.
[going into a story again] You know Miss Bianca, truth be told, I used to be quite a dingo wrestler. Yeah, there was this one time, it was just me and [his voice begins to trail off] 300 of these ferocious mouse-eating dingo's right... had me surrounded.... decided to .... [Bernard, who is riding the end of the snake, get out the ring, dumps out the water, and sighs.]
scene: McLeach's animal prison; Mcleach throws Cody into a cage.
I'll give you a night down here to think it over. But tomorrow, no more Mr. Nice Guy. [McLeach slams the door, Joanna gets her tail caught in it.] Joanna! You thick-headed chunk of fish-bait!
[yelling] I'll NEVER tell you where she is! Never! Never!
[mimicking Cody] Yeah, never tell! You'll have to drag it out of us!
Hey, where did you come from?
Um... the desert?
Well, well, well, fancy that! Looks likes McLeach has begun trapping his own kind! There's no hope for any of us now.
No hope! No hope! No! [cries]
Be there MUST be a way out of here.
Oh, there's a way out all right. Cody [and others]: There is?
Absolutely. [cocky] You'll go as a wallet, you'll go as a belt, and our dear Frank....
No, no, no, I don't want to hear it.
Frank will go as......
I can't hear you... [Frank covers his ears and begins to sing a nonsense version of the Australian national anthem] la la la la la.....
[pause until Frank uncovers his ears] A purse.
Aiighh... no!! [cries]
Ooo... a lovely ladies' purse.
[crying] I don't want to go as a purse. [begging] Please, please, don't let 'em do it!
Don't worry, we're gonna get out of here.
We are?
Yeah! If we all put our heads together, I'm sure we'll think of something.
Yeah, something, something.... [begins to pant and think hard]
Frank, what's wrong?
Oh, here he goes again.
Take it easy mate, you don't want to hurt yourself again.
[straining to think] I got it!! All we gotta do, is get the keys!!
[sarcastically] Ohhh!! Is that all?? Well then, we better start packing our bags.
No wait, he's right. If we could get these long pieces of wood.... [Cody strains to reach some long pieces of wood through his cage]
Wood, yeah, wood, wood, wood, yeah good.
Maybe we could.... [a bird in a "tire cage" helps knock the wood so Cody can reach it.] that's right just a little more... there, [he gets a piece of wood] Come on everybody, get some more stuff!!
The kid's right, what are we waiting for?
That's it, you've got it! Hurry! We need something to tie it together!
Hey, hey, hey, whaddya got, whaddya got, whaddya got?? [Frank gets whopped with a shoe] [through the shoe] Shoelaces! Oh. [the animals have constructed a long pole held up and together with rope and shoelaces; they begin to use their "pole" to get the keys.]
Almost.... a little further...
Yeah, yeah, yeah. [Krebbs moans/cries as they miss the keys.]
It's o.k. let's try again.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Easy... easy does it.
Yeah, no, no, no, yeah, no, yeah, yeah [etc...]
Somebody shut him up!! [they get the keys on the hook; the dangle right in front of the door.]
You've got it! You've got it! You've got it! [Joanna comes in, discovers keys, destroys pole, returns keys to hook, and leaves through the animal door.]
[Frank strains to think again] I've got it! I'll just take my tail.... and I'll pick the lock.... like this!!
Aww Frank, give it a rest.
No, no, no!! You'll thank me when you're free! Look, look, look, I just insert my tail, like this, and I turn it like this, just a quarter turn to the left, and then push it a little bit further...... [etc.]
scene change: Jake, Bianca, and Bernard are riding lightning bugs.
Ha, ha!! Show him who's boss Berno! [Bernard is having obvious trouble with his bug; he hits a dandelion, attempts to sneeze, but goes underwater instead.]
scene: the hospital wagon
Ugh... I feel like I got my head in a vise. [zoom out to see Wilbur's head in a vise] Unh...
Are we ready nurse?
Ready doctor.
Alright ladies, snap to it! [he snaps his rubber gloves on] Ooo... that smarts! Ah... let me see here.... [hums/sings to himself as he examines the x-ray]... forceps!
Forceps. [various tools posing as surgical equipment are tossed around.]
Oh no, what now? [in the background the heart monitor begins to beep faster and faster throughout this part]
Spinal stretch-u-lator.
Oh... that's gonna hurt.
Artery router.
This is rusted tight. I wouldn't DREAM of using such a tool. Bring me the epidermal tissue disrupter! [which is actually a chainsaw]
The epidermal what?!?! [realizing what it is.] Oh no... no.... NO! [Wilbur screams and breaks free; the nursemice set off an alarm and sign that says "Patient Escaping."]
Mr. Albatross we haven't operated yet!
You gotta catch me first doc!!
Mr. Albatross, please!! [chasing Wilbur]
Mr. Albatross, we must return you to the operating room!
You'll never take me alive!! [Wilbur attempts to climb out a window]
Please don't do this!! Your spine needs tender... [scream].... loving.... [scream].... care! [they all fall backwards]
Oh. Ugh. oh... oh... my... my back! Hey, hey... I can, I, it works!! I'm cured!!
My back! [Wilbur bursts out of the back of the hospital truck]
Don't worry, I'm coming you little mice... this is the finest fleet on two webbed feet. [panting] Oh boy, I gotta, I gotta go on a diet when I get home. Here we go!!
scene: Cody's house
[a ranger knocks at the door; Cody's mom answers and we begin to hear the radio announcer in the background]
... those particular areas, in other news, authorities in Mugwomp Flats have called off the search for the missing boy. His backpack was found near Crocodile Falls, and local rangers believe he was yet another victim of crocodile attack. [scene transitions to McLeach's hideout] Authorities once again warn residents to use extreme caution when they are....
[to the radio] Ha heh! Think you're pretty smart, don't you eh? Who outsmarted who? Who? Who outsmarted who? I still gotta get that boy, to talking, huh? [a thought strikes him] I'm hungry. Can't think on an empty stomach... gotta have protein... gotta have.... eggs. [Joanna perks up at the word "eggs"]. [McLeach gets up and walks across the room; Joanna follows.] Everyone's got his price... all I gotta do is offer him whatever he wants... and then not give it to him. [Joanna opens the tool box, takes an egg and puts it in her mouth; throughout this scene, Joanna steals McLeach's eggs as he is talking out loud; he keeps moving the box back and forth in an attempt to stop her, which only makes matters worse.] [to Joanna] Did you take one of my eggs? Open your mouth. These are NOT Joanna eggs. Let's see ummm... the boy's got the eagle... I want the eagle... the boy won't give me the eagle... if I could just find the boy's weak spot, I could get him to tell me where the eagle is. But the boy's only got ONE weak spot, and that IS the eagle. [aside/thinking out loud] Maybe if I stuck him in a giant anthill, that would loosen his tongue and then.... [yells] I got it! [to Joanna] Got your hand caught in the cookie jar, didn't ya? Eh? Who do you think you're messin' with you dumb animal, my mental facilities are twice what yours are, you peabrain. [opens case, realizes all the eggs are gone] [calmy at first, then more angry] [Joanna runs away and hides] Joanna.... I give you platypus eggs, I give you snake eggs, why I'll even give you eagle eggs, but I want you to stay away from my... [stops abruptly].... [whispers] the eagle's eggs! That's it! That's the boy's weak spot! [Joanna whimpers in corner]
scene: McLeach's animal prison
[still trying to open lock with his tail]. Push it in a little bit farther..... [mumbling].... [Frank opens the cage without realizing it and steps out.] [crying] I give up! [kicks the door closed] I'll never get this.... we're doomed! Doomed!
Hey look! Krebbs, Frank's out!
Frank, Frank, you're free!
Free?! [realizing] I'm free! I'm free! I'm free! I'm free!.... [continues]
Shhhhh!!! Joanna'll hear!
Double or nothin' he's caught in five minutes.
Calm down little mate.
[sticks his head through the cage] Look at me, I'm free!
Frank, get the keys.
I should get the keys. I'm stuck, I'm stuck, I'm stuck.... [continues and struggles]
Shhh quiet!
Quiet ya fool!
Take it easy, I'll get you loose. [twists Frank back through the cage] There ya go. [deliberately] Now go get the keys.
The keys. Yeah, yeah, keys, keys, keys, keys, keys. [jumps to grab keys and misses] Gee, I can't reach 'em.
Quick, get something to stand on.
Yeah, stand on, something to stand on.
This oughtta be rich.
Yeah, yeah, stand on, stand on.... [etc.] [Frank gets a flat board, carries it across, throws it on the ground, thereby increasing his height by .01 inches.]
Use the box! Climb up on the box!
[mumbles] [grunts] box, box..... etc. [Frank moves the box, climbs up, and grabs the keys; he falls over with them on top of the box which makes noise with them]
SHHHHH! Quiet!
[grumbles] These are heavy! [Frank kicks the keys onto the floor; everyone is dismayed. Frank gets a grip, gets quiet, and goes down to get the keys quietly. As he goes to grab the keys, Joanna enters the prison room through the animal door.] Oops! [Joanna begins to chase Frank around the room]
The keys Frank, give us the keys!! Frank, over here!! Give us the keys!! [they disappear behind some junk; Frank emerges riding Joanna like a horse with the keys as a bridle] Yeeeeeee-haaaww, ride 'em Frank!!!!
Ya-hoo, howdy, howdy, howdy!!!! Howdy, howdy, howdy!!! [Joanna launches Frank across the room] Yeah, yeah, .... [etc] .... [Frank drops the keys; Cody picks them up and lets himself out.] [Joanna runs after Frank towards the cage] Let me in! Let me in!! [Joanna gets a gun] No, no, no!!!! [etc.] [Joanna shoots the gun at Frank who is standing against a wall. He is in a fancy position.] Huh, missed.
[catching Cody with the keys] Surprise!! If I didn't know any better, I'd think you didn't like it here.
Let me go, let go, let go!!!!
[sees Frank out of his cage] HA!! Whaddya you doin' out of your cage?!? [Frank goes back into his cage.] Uhhh.... that's better. C'mon boy, [laughs] say goodbye to your little friends.... it's the last you'll ever see of 'em.
scene: at the front of McLeach's hideout
There is no time to waste. We MUST try to get in.
[handing her a stick] Here, here Miss Bianca, start digging.
[half-heartedly digs for a moment, stops, looks up and laughs] [sarcastically] Has anyone considered trying... "open sesame"?
Bianca and Bernard:
Aiighh! Woah!
[shocked] Hey it worked!! [the mice climb up over the open door and look down.]
[throwing Cody out] Get out of here!! Go on! Git!!
Look Bernard, it's the boy!
And McLeach.
[throwing Cody's knife at Cody's feet] It's all over boy... your bird's dead. Someone shot her... shot her, right outta the sky, bang!! [Joanna mocks a shot and death.]
Whaddya mean 'no'? You callin' me a liar? I heard it on the radio this morning, and she could have been mine if it weren't for you, now you better git outta here, before I change my mind. Go on, git!!
[whispering] Why is he letting him go??
It's gotta be a trick.
[aside to Joanna, but loud enough for Cody to hear] Too bad about those eggs, eh Joanna? They'll never survive without their mother. Oh well, survival of the fittest, I guess. [watches Cody run off] [whispers] Bingo! [laughs] [Joanna also laughs]
Shh! Listen. [McLeach pulls out his truck with himself and Joanna in the cab.]
[laughs] I didn't make it all the way through third grade for nothing. [McLeach's truck begins to leave.]
I don't know where he's going, but he can't let him get away. Hurry up you two!! [he jumps onto the truck.]
Quickly Bernard, NOW!! [They all jump; Bianca and Bernard miss and slide down onto the treads]
Oh no!! Oh no!! Get between the treads!!
[throwing a rope] Bernard!! Bianca!! Here, catch!!
Got it!! Miss, Miss, Miss Bianca, you, you can do it!!!
scene: in the sky
[panting and puffing] Boy, this is some headwind, huh? Say, [laughs], you lovely ladies wouldn't have seen two little mice running around down there, would ya? Hey where ya going? I mean it, I'm looking for two little mice! [aside] Is it something I said?
scene: at the cliff
[Cody runs to the edge, stops, looks down, and begins to climb down.]
He's going down the cliff! C'mon, we gotta warn him!
scene: over the cliff; at Marahute's nest.
[Cody arrives at the nest; sees the eggs; checks them out; he covers them up, and places one of the golden feathers on them.]
Huh? Who are you?
Oh, there is no time to explain, you're in GREAT danger.
[Marahute's screech is heard at a distance] Marahute?! It can't be!
Oh Cody, Cody wait!!
[sees Marahute] She's alive!!
Cody please!! You MUST listen!!
That's right, Mc.. McLeach is on the cliff.
[looks up and sees McLeach's truck] [begins to yell and plead] Marahute, NO!!! Turn back!! Turn back!! Stay away!! It's a trap!! [McLeach launches the trap; Marahute is caught in it.]
I got her!!! I got her!!! Did you see that? [laughs] Perfect shot!! Per-fect shot! She's mine!! [laughs] All mine!!!!
NO!!! [Cody jumps for the trap/bundle as it is hoisted up; Jake lassos Cody's foot.]
Hold tight you two, we're going for a ride! [Bernard misses the rope]
Bernard! [Cody begins to cut the ropes on the trap.]
[grumbles]... Meddlin' brat. Gonna get rid of him for good. [McLeach tries to shake Cody off.]
Help I'm slipping!
Cody, don't move!! [Jake throws a rope and lassos Cody's foot.]
[hoists the whole group up and drops them into his cage] [laughs] [whispering] There she is Joanna.... just look at her.... look at the size of her... the RAREST bird in the world. That bird's gonna make me rich... [chuckles] FILTHY rich. [laughs] [announcing] I got what I want. Now, what does Joanna want? Does she wanna make sure that bird... STAYS rare? [egging her on] How about some great, big, triple A, jumbo, eagle eggs!!! Eh?! You want 'em?! Eh?! You want 'em? Go get 'em girl!!
NO!! Please!! [Joanna runs for the cliff, sees how far down it is and balks in fear.]
[mocking] Why, whatever is the matter Joanna?? [She points down; McLeach kicks her over the edge]. Git!! [Joanna goes down to eat the eggs; she searches the nest for them; finds the eggs; takes a bite of one; it is rock hard; she tries another with the same result; she drops one egg on the other which lands on her tail and she shreiks in pain] [screaming from on top of cliff] JOANNA!! You hurry up and eat those eggs and get your tail up here! MOVE IT!! [Joanna moves the "eggs" to the edge; knocks them over the cliff with her tail; she yanks on the rope for McLeach to bring he up; as she does, another rock falls that looks like an egg; Bernard comes out of hiding.]
[to the eggs] O.k. you guys, she fell for it. Looks like the coast is clear.
[flying in to Marahute's nest] Girls? Girls, I'm here! [laughs] Where are you, you little chickees you? [laugh]
[puzzled at first] Wilbur? [louder] Wilbur!
[screams and falls off the edge] Don't EVER do that to me again! Oh... boy... I lost a lot of feathers on that one.
Wilbur am I glad to see you! Give me a hand with these eggs will ya? [rolling the eggs out of hiding.]
Yeah, sure. Wait a minute.... what the heck are you doing up here anyway??
The kidnapper took the boy and Jake.... Miss Bianca.
Miss Bianca?? Miss Bianca's in trouble?!? Woah! Geez! That's terrible! We gotta do something! [chastising] Bernard, I'm disappointed in you. Hidin' under a nest while Miss Bianca needs our help. I gotta talk to you mister...
[fumbling] You should start searchin' the desert for her, and [fumbling] I'll scan the coastline!
That's what I'll do.... I'll ask the chicks on the beach.
Huh? What?!
Now listen! [Bernard points to the eggs] There's some chicks right here that need your help.
Really? [Bernard sits on an egg, and pats it.] Oh no.... wait a minute... hold it.... I know what you're thinkin' and you're wrong. Don't even.... no... [Bernard gives him a stare] don't look at me like that! You're gettin' no from me! You understand? No! I will not.. EVER sit on those eggs! [scene changes to Wilbur sitting on the eggs] Aww... nuts! [sigh]... [to himself] Gotta learn to be more assertive. No is no is NO. [to the eggs] Hey, quit movin' in there!
scene: McLeach's vehicle
Well Joanna, it looks like lady luck has finally decided to smile on us. Everything's going our way. [laughs to himself].
[screaming] You can't do this!! You're gonna get in big trouble!! I'll tell the rangers where you are!!
[groan] I almost forgot...we got a loose end to tie up, haven't we girl? [Joanna looks through the back window; makes a face at Cody; Cody makes on back and smacks the glass and scares Joanna]
[consoling] Now, now Cody, we mustn't loose hope. Bernard is still out there...
[mocking sincerity] That's right! Is anyone can get us out of this scrape it's old Berno! [aside] Nice bluff, Miss B.
I wasn't bluffing. You don't know Bernard like I do. He'll never give up. [looking back out over the trail]
scene: Bernard on the trail of McLeach's truck.
[Bernard is seen running along the trail of McLeach's truck; after turning a "corner" he realizes just how far he has to go; he sighs in disbelief].
Oh my gosh! [He hears a sound; there is a razorback right next to him sleeping; Bernard looks scared at first; thinks; gets an idea; builds up courage; and goes for it.] Ahem... ahem.... ah... excuse me... [the razorback wakes up and grunts at him] [assertively] now look, I've got a long way to go, [Bernard roughs up the razorback by the snout] you're going to take me there, and you're not going to give me any trouble about it, right? [the razorback whimpers and shakes his head no.] Good. [Bernard climbs up the razorback] Now git. [they take off down the trail].
scene: Crocodile falls
[Cody has been tied up to a hoist and hook] Are ya ready boy? It's time you learned how to fish for crocs! [laughs] They like it when you use live bait... and you're as live as they come. [laughs and sings as he adjusts a light onto Cody so that the crocodiles can see him] Oh... you get a line, and I'll get a pole, matey.... you get a line, I'll get a pole, friend.... oh, you get a line, I'll get a pole, we'll go fishin' at the crocodile hole, buddy, pal o' mine.... [to the crocs] That's right babies, suppertime! [continues to sing as Cody is lowered to the water.]
It don't look good Miss B. I can't see any way out of this one.
[to the air] Oh Bernard, please hurry!
[laughing/singing] Now, this is MY idea of FUN. [begins to play with the hoist controls; dunks Cody in the water and pulls him out.] Nothing personal boy, but I wouldn't want to disappoint the rangers. They was looking so hard for ya, and now... they're gonna find ya! [drops Cody once more, but before Cody hits the water, the power goes out.] What the blazes going on here? [McLeach looks down over truck; sees a razorback running out of the truck cab]. Joanna? [McLeach climbs down] Did you know, there was a razorback in my truck? [she shakes her head yes at first] Did ya? Did ya?? [she shakes he head no] [yelling] There was a RAZORBACK in my truck. Now you quit playing around and do your job, you four- legged python!! [She climbs down to look around] [McLeach looks inside the truck cab.] Hey, what happened to them keys? [fishing around the floor; Bernard is hiding underneath the gas pedal with the keys.] Must be around here somewhere, they couldn't just get up and walk away. Something weird's going on around here.... I smell a big, fat rat. [Cody is still hanging just above the water; the crocodiles jump for him; Bernard jumps out of the truck cab with the keys; he tiptoes underneath the truck; Joanna follows him and then chases him.]
Look, it's Bernard!
I don't believe it! Way to go mate!
Miss Bianca, Jake, catch!! [He throws the keys up to them] [Joanna chases after him] Woah!
Well, there's more than one way to skin a cat. [getting out his gun] [laughs] [Jake and Bianca work the keys up the cage] [Joanna continues to chase Bernard; Bernard tricks Joanna into biting her tail; he hides in a log; Bianca and Jake continue to work the keys up the cage; a gunshot is heard; Marahute screeches.]
Oh my gosh! I hope I know what I'm doing! [another shot goes off; this time, it hits the rope and severs it most of the way; Bernard kicks Joanna; runs for McLeach.] Thhpppt. [Bernard runs up McLeach just as he takes aim again; Joanna follows and tackles McLeach.]
Hey, get off me!! Joanna! What are ya..... [Bernard pushes McLeach over with one finger] [screams and falls into the water] Joanna! Joanna!! You stupid rodent! Get off me! You idiot! Get off of me! No! No! [begins to beat away crocodiles with his gun.] [the rope breaks and Cody falls into the water]
Bernard the boy!! [Bernard dives into the water to get Cody; they both surface.]
Help!! Help!! [Bernard swims for shore; he ties Cody's rope around a tree limb.]
[hitting the crocodiles] Get back, get back, go on, get away from me, get away from me.... [the crocs retreat] [laughs] HA! I whooped ya! I whooped ya all! You'll think twice before messin' with Percival C. McLeach!! [laughs] Woah! [realizes that he is headed for the waterfall and tries to swim back; Joanna waves goodbye] NOO!!!! [McLeach goes over the edge of the waterfall.]
Don't give up Cody!! [the tree limb breaks; Bernard and Cody continue down the river; Jake opens the lock on their cage; Marahute takes off with Jake and Bianca.]
Hop on Miss B.!! [they fly towards Cody]
Help! Help! [Cody goes over the waterfall with Bernard] [everyone disappears into the mist of the waterfall; a few seconds later, we see all four on Marahute flying away triumphantly into the sky and clouds.]
[mocks eagle screech] [looking around; sees Bernard clinging to the rope.] It's o.k. Come on.... [to Bernard] Thanks little mate.
[hugging Bernard] Oh Bernard you are magnificent, you are absolutely the hero of the day.
[rushed] Miss Bianca, before anything else happens... [sighs; gets out the ring and gets on one knee].... will you marry me?
[shocked] Bernard! Of COURSE, I will! [hugs Bernard.]
Well done mate. [Jake gives Bernard the thumbs up sign.]
Come on Marahute, let's all go home. [Marhute flies higher and the four of them cruise off into the clouds and the moon.]
scene: high on the cliff at Marahute's nest
Help!!! Anybody!! Bernard!! Bianca!! Where are you?!? [to himself] O.k., that's it, I'm outta here, this is ridiculous. You can't leave me here alone [laughs]. I'm gone! I am GONE! [the sound of eggs breaking open and chirping is heard] [to the eggs] Aww no... stay in those eggs! That's a direct order! [in a baby-ish voice] Awww..... hey... you're kind of a cute little feller, coochy coochy.... YOW! WOAH!!! [groans]
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anthromediadaily · 10 months
The Rescuers (1959)
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The Rescuers is a children's novel series written by Margery Sharp. The first book was released in 1959, introducing Miss Bianca, a mouse. Pampered and elegant, Miss Bianca aims to help humans and animals alike.
Eight books were released in the series, following her various adventures for the most part. The eighth, however, follows Bernard, another mouse, in his efforts to rescue an orphan heiress. This book, Bernard the Brave, was released in 1977 and is the last to date.
The first book was noted as being a strange departure from its author's norm, but elegant and funny. Subsequent releases seem to have been met with good reception overall.
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In 1977, an animated movie was released based primarily on the second book, Miss Bianca (1962). The film was produced by Wolfgang Reitherman of Walt Disney Productions and directed by Reitherman, John Lounsbery, and Art Stevens. It starred Bob Newhart as Bernad and Eva Gabor as Miss Bianca.
In the movie, the two receive a message in a bottle from a human orphan named Penny, requesting their help. Along the way, they uncover a plot to steal the world's largest diamond by the evil Madame Medusa and her partner.
The film had a somewhat rocky production, having entered production in 1962 but being put off due to Walt Disney himself disliking political aspects of it. It was revived in 1973 and finally released four years later to great success. Some critics considered it to have signaled a golden age of Disney animation, regarded as a funny and touching film- even the best that had been released by the company in some time.
In 1999, shortly after a re-release on VHS, many copies were recalled due to an indecent image of a topless woman hidden in two frames of the movie.
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In 1990, The Rescuers became the first Disney movie to receive a sequel: The Rescuers Down Under. This movie was directed by Hendel Butoy and Mike Gabriel, and was produced by Thomas Schumacher. The same voice actors played Miss Bianca and Bernard.
This time, the two fly to Australia to rescue a young human boy named Cody after he frees an eagle from a trap and saves another mouse's life. He's been captured by a poacher who wishes to capture the eagle and will stop at nothing- including, apparently, feeding a child to alligators- to ensure that his plan goes through without a hitch.
This movie was the second to be released during what is considered the Disney Renaissance (1989-1999) and was, at the time, one of their most successful animated releases. It was also the first fully digital feature film. However, while it was received fairly positively, it did poorly in the box office, and is often overlooked.
A few viewed the story and setting as a bit lacking, and some saw the level of action and violence as being inappropriate for younger audiences. However, its smooth animation, voice acting, and a few other technical aspects did receive praise, with some believing that it improved on the original story, perhaps preferring the emphasis on action that it took.
When the film was released, it's been implied that Disney already had low hopes for it. Hitting theaters on the same day as Home Alone- the highest grossing film of its kind until 2011- it met a lackluster opening weekend. Following this, any television marketing of the movie was pulled, perhaps dooming it.
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battlekilt · 1 year
/taps fingers on desk/
If even ONE of my prompts gets the @rexwalker-week selection, heck, even if it doesn't—I think I am going to write my ARCformers AU. Obviously, abridged.
Is it because I want to weave to the reader the image of Obi-Wan pecking through the Negotiator's cargo hold until he finds the one crate BigCat!Cody has flopped himself in, his whiskers down in a datapad reading a report? Or, at least until Obi-Wan changes it to a stimulating app that Cody's feline brain cannot help but BAP at—he's gonna catch those little fishies. What about the image of a tiny red fox skittering through the alleyways of Coruscant, listening in on a Separatist spy? Maybe there is the howl that cuts through a frozen wasteland, before the 104th barrels in to the rescue, with a large wolf watching from the rear (this is pack leader behavior)? There is also the image of Capybara Bly wading through the water, patiently guiding the little mitey alien children to safety? Maybe there is a massive jungle cobra slithering through the vines after the Tiplee and Tiplar sisters?
Sure. Those are great. However...
Mostly, I want to tell the image of—
Metal scraped across the floor as the hilt skid across the sleek floor panels. In the dark, there was only the blue of the blade to cast its light into the shadows. Further and further it slid, faster than its bearer could reflexively reach out towards it, its momentum continued to fling it towards the sharp ledge. The greater the distance his saber went, the more into shadow it became. Soon it would drop into the dark. Then, it was gone. Which is just fine: Anakin was quick thinking—he always thought of something else to do. But, most importantly: He wasn't alone. He had the Force and... like many of his Jedi brethren, he had his friend. There were those with scales, with fur... His? His had feathers. It was a good thing because momentum had tossed Anakin right after his lightsaber. The sides of the reactor shaft were too smooth for either of his fingers to grip onto, and the drop was far too deep. He knew the sound when large, powerful wings stirred up the stale air. Around his right arm, large talons gripped onto him and slowed his descent. He saw the blue-tipped feathers beat against gravity, and halt his fall. Quickly, swiftly, Anakin reached his other hand down beyond his drop, and re-summoned his blade into his hand. Only then did he look up, and see the face of his friendly, feathered rescuer. A white-faced bird of prey blinked at him. Boyishly, the young Knight smiled at the sight of the bird's face. Only briefly did he get to see the little blue feather tufts stand upright, where another animal's ears might be. Anakin could admit that those little fufts of feathers would be cute when they were quirked at him curiously with interest. They weren't always cute, like when the bird's mind was preoccupied. Soon, they were laid flat against the bird's head, just as it reared its neck upwards, where it peered on approach to the ledge. Anakin knew he was heavy, even for a bird of this size. Besides, the raptor was still a juvenile, had a little more growing to do. Right when the upward stroke of the bird's wing tips crested over the ledge's edge, the blue floofs were laid flat against the bird's head, yet the lower neck feathers ruffled like they were jaw muscles bulged along a strong, tan-skinned jaw. Black and gold peaked under the white-headed bird, its beak stretched wide as it screeched loud enough to make his ear drums feel like they'd shatter. Shatter like the joy of his heart ready to burst into his chest. Unceremoniously, he dropped onto the floor, left to fend for himself as he rolled himself onto his feet. "Thanks, Rex!" He got a scalding shriek as the bird went on its way.
But also, the sight of Anakin reaching his right arm outward, and a large harpy-eagle sized raptor coming in with claws stretched out. The feel of wind being stroked into his face, while the young bird settled its weight on his arm.
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