mewtwoandme · 2 months
Lakota wakes up to the distinct sounds of midnight mischief to find Jericho has built a to-scale Lego replica of-
"Wow. Rhyme City."
And cue Sivith jumping in and wrecking it all Godzilla-style.
"... No more caffeine for either of you past six..."
Nice Lilo and Stitch reference XD
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loupy-mongoose · 29 days
New Lugia making me think of Marahute from Rescuers Down Under! :D
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...Isn't the boy's name Cody?
Gosh darn it, am I giving Cody a baby Lugia now
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trials-of-vj · 2 months
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@sambiscuit2637 @chaos-ace @meggiemaccat @aquadragon752-blog
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loupy-mongoose · 3 months
I keep thinking that's Randy in the last panel but the beard says no? Is it Connor or is my face-blindness that bad?
Cody, but yes, it him! ^^ (I have seen your other asks, I'm sorry I never responded to them. ;w;)
Ramble about my Hisui idea ahead, lol.
I'd been worried as I've been thinking about this story, because I wasn't sure how to get Jamie through it without her becoming a traumatized husk of her old self. It's a B R U T A L journey for her to go through without any assurance that she'll see her loved ones again, or feel the safety that she'd finally come to know and, if she's honest, expect.
Even with her experience living in the present day wild, Hisui's is far more dangerous, with highly territorial Pokemon, and of course the Alphas.
While I could see Jamie actually enjoying the Lilligant fight, that is the exception. Quelling the frenzied Nobles is monumentally terrifying and exhausting, even with help from her Pokemon.
And along the way, she'd be getting little blips of false hope that something will be able to send her home, only to find, nah, it's not the answer.
On top of that, she has become THE one to handle the whole frenzy thing, since she's not afraid of dealing with Pokemon (and has a good throwing arm), And often has to deal with the issues surrounding the frenzies as well. She ends up with all this weight and responsibility put on her.
And then to really drive home how scummy her lot is.... she gets betrayed.
There's zero chance of her going home after that and feeling safe. None. Even back among loved ones, I fully believe the trauma she'd experience from Hisui would destroy her mentally.
However... If she were to have Cody by her side... That should change.
She'd have a loved one to enjoy time with in Hisui. She would have someone to talk and vent to. (As would Cody, but his burden isn't as heavy as Jamie's.)
As dangerous as Hisui is, she'd at least know he's okay. She wouldn't have to question what or how he's doing back in the time she'd left him in. It would do a lot of good for her, mentally speaking, to have Cody along for the ride. And as hard as it is to be apart from everyone else... at least they have each other.
Of course, it wouldn't be without it's angst. I have some fun ideas~ >:3
Anyway, that's my thought so far~
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loupy-mongoose · 4 days
This feels ridiculous for a series title, but... I suggest WinkenWolf? (Wink and Wolf? Winkn'Wolf?)
I've actually considered that name myself (or more specifically Winking Wolf or Winkin' Wolf), so if it's ridiculous, then we're ridiculous together. XD
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mewtwoandme · 19 days
Thank you for giving us at least Memorial Day weekend to batten down the hatches, because I was afraid I'd have to stay in a holding pattern of Brace For Impact!
It might take a bit more than the weekend cause the next part is slightly longer so outlining will take a while
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loupy-mongoose · 29 days
Yes, his name is Cody! XD I didn't even remember that before I sent my ask! (I actually had to look up how to spell the eagle's name because I suspected I was spelling it wrong! (I was.))
I have to share, I actually have this chunk in my SS Nuzlocke notes;
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I've been looking at my notes for the sake of answering a different ask, so I find it funny that RDU is coming up so much all of a sudden. XD That may be the only reason I remembered that fact lol
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mewtwoandme · 9 months
Me, looking at the art of Amber dragging Legion by his tail and him being snarky-smug: Awww, that's adorable! :D
My glitchy-as-heck Shipping Goggles permanently affixed to my face: Ship detected! :>
Me, attempting to rip Shipping Goggles off of my own face: We are not shipping LegionxAmber! We are not shipping LegionxAmber! We are not shipping LegionxAmber! D:<
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mewtwoandme · 3 months
Don't worry! However long it has to be it will be! Plus, it sounds like you've clipped it down as much as you can without losing anything important to the storyflow!
Also, take as long as you need! We're not going anywhere and you're doing this for free for funsies and practice! And funsies is the best way to practice!
You've got this!
Exactly ^^ And to be fair on myself, even though the arc now gets an additional 3 chapters, for as much story as I'm trying to jam into this thing, for the whole arc to be 6 parts is actually a pretty short reasonable length
If only it could feel short while working on it XD
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mewtwoandme · 4 months
The squished teddy bear gif is making me think of Gwen hugging her Jer-Bear! :D
Like I said, he's been squished before lol
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