#coc blogging
cursed-princess-club · 5 months
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post starts getting traction when mantits are brought up. i see how it is
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ash-fandom-blog · 1 year
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Carry On Countdown Day 14: Cryptid 
“Baz...can we keep him?”
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rolandeeznuts · 2 years
rolan deez nuts
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tboytoby · 1 year
making a call of cthulhu character his name is peepaw. he's 79 and on his 7th heart attack. he has every disease
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roboromantic · 10 months
y'know, one of the few good things about the church I grew up in is that there was a big push for us to fact-check things. If someone cites the Bible, we should look it up and make sure that quote actually exists - hell, the preachers would always pause after citing a verse and you could hear people flipping the pages of their Bibles to find it. I don't actually remember if other coc churches did this or if it was just bc of the main preacher we had, I'm kinda curious. Also do other denominations do this? I imagine statistically there must be some but idk how common that is
Certain CoC arguments (complete immersion of "adults" for baptism, no musical instruments in worship) rely on analyzing the original Greek of the New Testament, so at the very least the preachers did some research into that, however biased. Even back then my father used an app that let you compare different translations, though I uh. don't think that was something most other people did.
He also encouraged me to look up English words I didn't know in a dictionary rather than just ask him, and it was definitely in an "encouraging learning" way and not a "stop bothering me" way, so it wasn't JUST the CoC. But it's really quite ironic that this cult-like group actually helped to teach me one of the most important critical thinking skills, lmao.
like what prompted this is I saw this post a while back by a 16 y/o being corrected on some fandom lore stuff where they basically said "oh I'm gullible and don't really know how to research, and that's probably not gonna change XD" and I mean, they're just a kid. At their age I was still very much entrenched in the CoC so I don't exactly have room to criticize.
But if they don't know how to research information for a fandom they love, then I'm genuinely concerned for how they interact with a world of fake news, graphs and statistics distorted to look like something completely different than what they actually represent, search engines that give you ads ahead of and mixed in with actually relevant results, clickbait, and so many things that care more about making you emotional so you engage with their content more than they do about facts.
Odds are they're probably still in secondary education, so hopefully they'll be taught some researching skills that way? There's no guarantee that they are or that said education is any good though, and even if this person wants to get better at research on their own......well, how do they research how to get better at it?
and like. we already know a good chunk of people on this site don't bother to read beyond headlines or fact-check stuff, and their media literacy and analysis is abyssmal; they can't all be 16 year olds. It's a problem for people of any age and/or educational status and this is starting to sound like the paper I wrote on the problems with religious literacy in the US. it comes full circle lmao
OH RIGHT there's this other post of twitter screenshots that's like "google is HIDING other search engines from us" and then has a bunch of links to......academic sites? do they really expect people to use worldcat (which at least while I was in college was actively recommended) to find out when a movie comes out or what time a store closes or the gazillion other mundane things people google. Like just mention yahoo or bing or even marginalia, THOSE have similar functions to google. the links that person is listing are more along the lines of scholar.google.com. the OP has since left twitter so idk if they ever addressed that point
Anyway. I almost wish I could meet this kid and teach them how to do research but I don't know that I'd be any good at it. it feels like that xkcd comic where it's just something I've done forever so what seems like common knowledge to me still sounds intimidating to those who aren't familiar with it
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blind-radio-waves · 1 year
Certificate of Hoßt (:
Certificate of- no. I'm not gonna say that. That's a curse.
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exonia-jackal · 2 years
Call Of Chthulu memes 5/?
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endawn · 3 months
martin might have been the true chosen one to defeat mehrunes dagon and therefore end the mythic dawn and oblivion crisis but pax was the chosen one to the chosen one. neither of them could do anything without the other. akatosh had his fate written a long time ago. not only that, he was fated to become the divine crusader and defeat umaril.
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carlocarrasco · 1 year
COMELEC reschedules filing of Certificates of Candidacy (COCs) for 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections; new filing period set for August 28-September 2, 2023
Recently the Commission on Elections (COMELEC) announced that the period of filing of Certificates of Candidacy (COCs) related to the 2023 Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan elections (BSKE) has been rescheduled to August 28 to September 2, 2023, according to a GMA Network news report. Previously, the COCs filing period was July 3 to 7, 2023. To put things in perspective, posted below is an…
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caruliaa · 1 year
(has never seen succession and has a v minimal interest in six the musical) wheres the greg dont loose your head video.
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hobicakess · 26 days
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summary: Despite your arranged marriage you are coming to love Emperor Kim Namjoon and you surely do hope he's falling just as hard. Though in times like this you wished you never came to the Korean court, but Kim Namjoon sure does have a way with words and his coc-
rating: 18+ (I'm not your mother you're in control of what you consume)
pairings: Emperor!Kim Namjoon x Empress Reader
warnings: porn with a pretty plot , husband Namjoon, unedited, arranged marriage to lovers , period typical misogyny / ideals / themes , slight angst, minor violence , MC shakes the table , talks of having children, reader has a 'not like other girls moment' sorry , smug namjoon 'i want to eat his face' SMUT, Namjoon a emperor and a Dj? , clit pinching, fingering , nipple play, breeding kink no no no , very tame choking, big body tanned namjoon im seeing a pattern in all my namjoon fics.. love confessions, p in v, Namjoon loves his wife and MC loves her hubby 🫶🏼
authors note: Howdy hotties! this is my official apology for all the times i said i was going to update but i don't lol. this has actually been in my docs for a year… don't jump me pls have mercy!!! this is heavily inspired by Bridgerton and The great because i love a good hood jam!! anyway, hope you enjoy it and if you're new to my blog check out my other works xxx
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Since you've come to the Korean court to marry Kim Namjoon, he has been nothing but a gentleman.
Taking his time to get to know you as a person never forcing you to do anything you didn't want to do. You rejoiced that he didn’t take you on your wedding night instead holding you until you fell asleep in his warm arms. In your months of getting to know Namjoon you were coming to love the emperor and you hoped that he was falling just as hard. Though as of right now in this moment you wished you'd never come to this court.
Never married, never taken the time to know and love the royal that is your husband.
The Ladies of the court made you want to disappear. They were gossiping geese who didn't even read, they didn't know anything actually, only thinking of the latest hats from France or Russia. 
Aara was the leader of the flock and from what your handmaids had spilled– Aara and Namjoon used to have nightly affairs together before the two of you were married. You guess that's why she was so uppity and spiteful because she's bedded him, and you have yet too.
 “When will you and the emperor have children?” Aara asked, raising her glass teacup up to her thin lips.
“I am not ready for children nor is he''  
You and the emperor haven't even committed the act to conceive children, but she was the last person you'd tell this information to.
“When me and the emperor were intimate, he always said he'd put a baby in me. He's very vocal during lovemaking. That is too bad empress" all her geese cackle like witches while you sat in embarrassment. 
Your jaw tightened, fingertips starting to shake as you blew out a loud breath attempting to calm yourself down. You didn’t want to act out due to the fact the court saw you as a cruel person all because you were a foreigner who looked nothing like any of the ladies in Korea. Apparently, half the court believed you were the spawn of Satan or a witch, some rumors spread that you weren't even of noble blood.
All they needed was one good excuse to try and have you dethroned as empress and executed, but you couldn’t just allow her to walk all over you and talk to you in any kind of way anymore. You were still her superior. Standing from your chair everyone except Aara followed. 
Smoothing out your dress, you wait for her to move. Mockingly she looked around before she stood. “Oh, please forgive me for your grace. I did not notice you-"
The loud sound of the back of your hand making contact with her face echoed throughout the room. The music stopped playing and everyone went completely still and silent. Her geese tried to help her off the ground, but you raised a hand halting them to stop.  
“Aara. Ever since I stepped foot in this palace you have treated me with the utmost disrespect. I have spared you multiple times from my wrath because I am the empress and it’s simply not lady like” watching in satisfaction as her face reddens. 
“I do not care about your past relations with my emperor because at the end of the day. You were his whore, and I am his wife.” 
“I will bring him success; you will bring him disgrace and illegitimate bastards who will never run this country. Disrespect me again and you will be thrown into the slums and forced to work in the fields” Nodding at the ladies you walked out double doors with a newfound confidence.
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A Few Days Later
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“SHE'S SAID WHAT?”  you court maids' wince at the sound of your voice bouncing off the walls of your bathing room.
“Please do not be an angry empress.” Se-eun tried to reason by lightly pushing your shoulders back down into the milky lukewarm water.
“It is only a silly rumor.” Ye-Eun reassured you with a smile. 
You settle your back onto the stone behind allowing Sumin to softly brush through your thick coils. While Yoon, Isa, and Si-Eun looked for fragrances to add to the water. The girls have been your only friends since you’ve stepped foot into the castle. Sighing you let yourself relax just a little bit “What if the emperor hears of this? Surely, he’s heard that I striked her only days ago” 
“Yes, I’ve heard.” your emperor's deep voice echoed throughout the bath hall. Your Handmaid's scramble to bow but he simply raised his hand towards them “You’re dismissed.”
The girls bow toward you rushing off, now it was just you and your husband alone, and you were naked, but he couldn’t see your body through the creamy water. He walked towards you slowly moving into the spot behind you. 
“I apologize for interrupting your bathing time, but I have been busy, and this seems to be the only place we can be left alone.” 
“Of course, I understand my lord” you hum when you feel him brush through your hair. “I was gone from the palace for only six days' and yet you've already caused trouble.” He snorted, placing the brush down to lean on the tub's cold stone railing. “May I come in with you?”
You swallow hard, breathing heavily, nodding your head. You watched him wide eyed stand to his feet and start to unbutton his dress shirt showing off his golden chest, thick and toned. When he began to remove his pants you turned your head away placing your hands to your bare chest feeling your heart beating rapidly.
He stepped in leaning on the other side of the wall, “I've heard of you striking Aara, the whole noble country has” you sigh, sinking deeper in the water.
“You did well holding your own. I know she can be a.. nuisance.” he blew out a breath, thick arms stretching out to lean back on the marble. 
“Because you used to fuck her no?” The emperor sputters, eyes widening at your word.  “I have to get used to your vulgarness.” 
You hummed feeling a creeping pettiness enter your body. "Just like I have to get used to your whores." 
He stared at you with a playful glint in his eyes, "Are you jealous wife?" 
 You huff standing angrily, water dripping off your naked body, biting his lip tight, the pit of his stomach twisting in arousal as he stared at every curve and dip of your body.  “I am not a commoner; I do not get jealous.”
He swallowed trying to find the right words but she they’re not leaving his lips. You continue on your angry rant as you leave the tub grabbing your own towel. “I came here all the way from ten buck two, married a man whom I have never met, and everyone has failed to inform me on how to deal with having a husband who likes to share his seed with women who will never-”
You squeaked as a strong arm wrapped around your body. Your bare back was pressed onto a wet chest and the warmth of his breath on your neck gave you goosebumps as you shiver. “Let… me go Namjoon.”
He hummed as his hand roamed your stomach embarrassedly kneading the doughy flesh. “You won't even let me say how proud I am? My empress, my wife who speaks her mind and lets her power over her subjects be known.”
You felt hot all over as his other hand softly wrapped around your neck then trails lower and lower to your center. “I wish I was there to see it” he pressed himself into your back and you felt it. 
He was thick , and hot against your back as he groaned. “Tell me to stop and I will .. tell me please.” In front of you both there was a large mirror where you two stared at each other. He took your silence as a go to continue his touches on your body. He turned your head to him, pressing his lips to yours.
Roughly the two of you kisses tongues dancing over one anothers as his hands groped your breast, and nipples. When you both felt dizzy you part with a string of spit as you both panted. He smiled lazily  brown eyes hazy as he partied your sticky thighs with his large hand. Finger swiping the essence that drips from your core. 
“You squeal embarrassed, closing your eyes as he runs his finger effortlessly through your slippery folds, then taunting your clit. He effortlessly slipped his thick cock in between your folds, his hand gripping your hips tightly as he held your jaw in his other hand. He thrusts his hips into your pelvis smacking against your ass, your wetness coating his cock while he wildly fucked your thighs. 
“Do you know how tempting you are?” He grunts in your ear while you gasp and wither under his touch. “I must hold myself back every night from pinning you down and fucking you worth an inch of your life.”
Your stomach began to twist from the pressure of his thumb stroking your clit in rough circles, “Joon-” 
“There you go cum for me” You gasp, thighs quivering, feeling your knees wobble but he holds you up, thrusting quicker between your thighs. you fall apart in his hold shivering and gushing over him. 
He pulls his cock from between your thighs hand wrapped around himself as he uses your essence to jerk his red and leaking tip. He cums with a deep groan, white ropes landing onto your ass. Namjoon's head falls onto your shoulder breathing you in.
“Lets clean up, hm?” 
nodding weakly you allow him to bring you back into the now cool water of your bath. He cleans you without a peep only letting out soft deep rumbles 
When the cleaning is done, he brings you to your shared bedroom that is connected to the bathing room laying you softly onto the soft fabric of your bed. You watch him busy himself grabbing the oils, and lotions you always applied after bathing. His hands started from your left foot rubbing you lovingly. The aching between your legs starts again, too aware of how close his hands were to your cunt as he makes his way use to the crease of your thighs. “I do not fornicate with. . . horses.”
Wow what a way to set the mood.
Namjoon chokes on his spit, a deep laugher bubbling from the depths of his chest.
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reading-raynebow · 2 years
Children of Chicago: Final Thoughts
The ending honestly felt a little rushed. Like there was so much secret lore to unpack and action to get through that it had to all happen at once.
I wouldn't say it was a very satisfying ending, but it's one that makes sense with the rest of the story. I did kind of see the "twist" about Lauren coming from a mile away, but that's not a detriment in the slightest - it means the foreshadowing worked. She's always been violent, with a mean streak, and pushes away the people she likes because she knows she'll hurt them otherwise.
I think it's interesting that after slogging through all of the grimdark, we have a hopeful tone for the final half-page. It's almost unsettling, definitely jarring.
Over all, I think it's a really solid, fascinating book, and I would definitely read more of it.
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useless-catalanfacts · 5 months
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Casca de reis 🍰 a cake made of marzipan stuffed with candied sweet potato, candied egg yolk or pumpkin. It's made in the shape of a ring, a snake or another animal, and accompanied with dragée almonds, dried fruit, anise sweets, candied pumpkin and other candied fruits.
The casca is from the Valencian Country, where it's eaten on Three Wise Men Day (January 6th, the day we get the Christmas presents brought by the Three Wise Men), traditionally either brought by godparents as a gift for their godchildren or as a gift left by the Three Wise Men. Families can choose either this casca de reis or the other traditional dessert for the holiday, tortell de reis.
This recipe is documented since at least the year 1520, when it appears in the recipe book Llibre del Coc by Mestre Robert. The word "casca" (in diminutive, "casqueta") already appears in a list of sweets that are part of a poem by in Jaume Roig's famous book Espill, published in 1460.
1st photo and information from Tasta'l d'ací project about traditional Valencian cuisine.
2nd photo from Claudia&Julia cooking blog.
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inou-ie · 3 months
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HELLO! I've been wanting to send u a message all the times but im shy, but today i decided to do it! >_< nice to meet you..! I checked your blog every day and read your post again and again cus i love your work so much!! Anyways, LOOK AT HOW ANGELL CARRY US OVER HER SHOULDERS LIKE DAMN IM ON MY KNEES 😭😭😭
aww, good job sending me an ask! please don't be shy. i'm just a loser behind the screen you can send me asks, as long as you follow my rules then i'll reply to it. anyway, nice to meet you too!
hngh... angell... 🤤 thank you for showing me this because just look at the bulging coc– i mean, she's so cool and strong... i'm sure she can throw and carry anyone so easily... imagine her lifting you in her arms as she fuc– i mean, she's so cool... 🥺
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bteezxyewriter12 · 4 months
Pairing- Seonghwa x Named Reader
Word count- 2k
Includes- Seonghwa chair dance and outfit🔥🥵, chair sex, cock riding, dirty talk, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @pinkies-things @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13
Gif Credit- M0de43
Masterlists- check out for more fics
📝Masterlists 📝ATEEZ Masterlist 📝Seonghwa Masterlist
Apparently it's Seonghwa week on my blog 😆. I just had to write it after I saw the gif
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"Holy shit", I whisper as I watch Seonghwa dance the choreo from a monitor backstage
Some piece not fabric is in his mouth as he drops to his knees and I gaped, so turned on
"Oh my fucking god", Binna gasps next to me, "Seonghwa is fucking hot"
I just nod, having no words to say
The outfit the stylists put him in is insane
Tight black leather pants, short leather jacket and just...I don't know...a ripped up shirt, his body exposed
I had such a hard time doing his makeup when he sat down in the chair with that fucking outfit on
I had less than two minutes to darken his eyeshadow before he had to go back on stage and my hand was shaking the whole time
And he was just smirking at me
But watching this, I doubt anyone is looking at his makeup
Everything on the stage changes quickly and suddenly Seonghwa is in a chair, dancing on it while he sits
My mouth drops as he does some kind of slow hip thrust, then another quick one right after before standing up
My brain is malfunctioning as I watch this and I just hope some ATINY gif-ed this moment so I can see it again and again
As it is it's burned in my brain but I think I need it on video too
My panties are uncomfortably wet and it's so frustrating because I don't think I'm going to see him tonight
We just have casual sex together
It started months ago when we were in the dressing room alone together and he just kissed me
I knew it didn't mean anything to him, it's just sex
I don't even know if he's sleeping with other women but I wouldn't be surprised if he is
He's Park fucking Seonghwa for Christ sakes
Any girl here will drop their panties for a quickie with him
And I don't want to know if he sleeps with anyone else
I don't need to know
I know he'll never feel for me like I do for him and right now, I'm not willing to give up sex with him
I'll take what I can get and not complain
I hurry to get Seonghwa's make up ready
He's coming off the stage now and has some time as now the guys are doing their subunit songs
Hongjoong and Seonghwa are performing later on
But he still needs to change and get everything touched up
Seonghwa comes in, walking straight to me
He takes the makeup out of my hands and tosses it on the table
He grabs my hand, then pulls me with him, leading me away from backstage
I'm so confused and I just follow him, wondering where the fuck we're going
We're in the middle of a concert
He pulls me into a dressing room, flicking the light on, slamming the door closed, locking it
He wordlessly turns to me, his mouth crashing against mine
Fire races through my cells from his kiss, his hands pulling down my sweatpants and panties
"Off", he says between kisses, shrugging out of his jacket as I step out of my bottom clothes
His warm hands slide under my shirt, pushing it up
Breaking the kiss, he pulls it over my head, drops it to the floor then gets my bra off, his shirt following
Taking my hand again, he leads me to a chair in the room, which he sits on
"Ride my cock", he asks, looking at me with lust
"Uh what?"
"I know you were watching the choreo backstage. I know you saw the whole chair dance with the hip thrusts", he says, undoing his pants, "The whole time I was doing that all I could think about was you on my cock. Bouncing hard, thrusting into you, your pussy creaming my dick, coming on me. And I want it now"
With that he pulls his pants and boxers down, his hard cock standing straight up, cum leaking from his slit
I can't help myself, I immediately climb in his lap, sinking down on his cock right away
We both moan at the contact, his thick length forcing me open around him as my pussy sucks him inside
"Oh fuck, yes", he cries, "Yes"
I move my hips in a circle as he bottoms out, grinding on him, getting his head right against my spot
He grips my hips hard, slouching down in the chair, sitting half off, half on it
"Bounce jagi", he whimpers
I lean on his shoulders, sliding up his cock all the way to his head then drop down, taking all of him in one shot
"Oh god, yes", he groans as I move faster, bouncing hard and fast on his perfect cock
Pleasure explodes in my body as I ride him, moaning like a slut
"Fuck, you're so wet for me", he pants, his eyes roaming my body, "Did my dancing make you this horny?"
"Yes", I confirm, grinding on him as I take him in, his head rubbing my spot, my cunt clenching him repeatedly
My god, it feels so fucking good
"Mm baby you don't know how horny that part of the choreo gets me. Every time I had to practice it all I thought about was you, on my cock, just like this"
"Me?", I ask in shock
"Yeah you. You're tiny cunt crushing my cock, you're sexy body on display for me, your gorgeous face in pleasure because of me, you're pretty moans that are all for me. Fuck", he groans, "I normally daydream about you but this choreo amped up the day dreaming"
Did he just say he daydreams about me?
Is he serious?
Or is it just sex talk?
"I just fucking want you all the time", he murmurs, "Wanna see you impaled on my cock just like this, see these pretty tits bounce in my face. Watch this pussy cream my cock just like you're doing now"
I know I am, I can feel how utterly soaked I am, drenching his lap as well as his dick
"Wanna kiss you all the fucking time, want to be around you, want to have you in my arms", he whimpers, "I just want you"
I meet his gaze, saying, "You have me Hwa. Anytime"
He bites his lip nodding, "You have me jagi. Always"
I smile, even though I know it's just something he's saying right now
Once he cums, it'll be back to normal
His hands rub up my back, travelling to my boobs, squeezing softly, his thumbs rubbing my nipples sending pleasure straight to my pussy
"Mm yeah fuck, get tighter baby. Fuck", he begs
I oblige, clenching his cock as I fuck him, his breath hitching
"God, you're so fucking pretty for me, riding my cock like you belong on it"
"Mmm hmm Hwa", I whimper, his cock bringing me closer and closer
He's so fucking big, filling me to the brim with no room to spare, spreading me open so fucking wide
So pleasurably
I lean my forehead against his, pumping his cock in and out of me, wanting to cum all over him
"Kiss me", he asks and I press my lips against his
He kisses me eagerly, hungrily, his tongue against mine, his fingers tangling in my hair
As I come down his cock again, he thrusts up, going in so much deeper and I'm thrown head first into a mind shattering orgasm
"Seonghwa", I moan in his mouth, moving my arms around his neck, my fingers buried in his curly hair, pleasure wracking my body
"Yes baby", he murmurs between kisses, "Cream my cock just like that baby. Fuck yes"
As I finish, his hands slide down to my hips, his hips slowly roll up, meeting my bounces, plunging so deeply inside my pussy
We break the kiss, both of us moaning loudly as the pleasure increases
His hips keep moving, slowly rolling, thrusting into my cunt as I come down his length, just like in the choreo
We move together like that, clinging onto each other, our sweat mixing, our moans loud
The utter wet sound of his cock sinking into my cunt again and again is so pretty, a sound both Seonghwa and I love
As of on cue he moans, "Mm do you hear how loud this pussy is for me?"
I nod, his eyes moving down, watching where we meet
"Fuck, I wish you could see how perfect your cunt looks around my cock. Like you belong wrapped around me"
In this moment, I wish I could see it too
"Do you feel how hard I am for you?", he asks, rolling his hips up, his head rubbing my spot, stars blasting in my vision, "Do you?"
"Yes", I whine, shivers running up my spine
"Only get this hard for you", he murmurs, shocking me again, "I've never fit inside someone as perfectly ask I fit inside you. You feel it don't you? Like I was made for you. Like we were made for each other?"
I nod, the pleasure reaching a fever pitch
A few more thrusts and I'm coming
"Cum for me jagi and I'll fill your pretty little pussy"
"Fuck, Seonghwa!", I cry as he buries his cock deep inside me, pure ecstacy slamming into me, my body shaking on top of him, pussy throbbing around his fat cock
"Yes jagi, oh fuck", he cries, holding me down on him, his warm cum spilling into me, "Yes Joanne, fuck baby. Yes"
His cum fills me right up, feeling so satisfying
I lean my forehead against his as his body shakes slow down
We both breath hard as the pleasure leaves us
I press a kiss to his forehead then I climb off him, his cum leaking down my legs
There's no tissues her and I can't do anything about it right now
So I just get to my clothes, pulling my underwear on
I hear him moving as we both get our clothes back on
I feel him behind me, his fingers holding mine and turning me to him
I look up at him as he presses a soft kiss to my lips
"Can I come over after the concert?", he asks
I blink in surprise
"Uh really?", I ask
I assumed since he got sex he'd be good for awhile
At least when it comes to me
He nods, "I just want to be with you"
My mouth drops, confusion taking over, "What? Why?"
"What do you mean why?"
"I uh...I mean why do you want to be with me? You just had sex with me. Why not another girl you sleep with?"
Shock enters his face and I wonder what I said that was wrong
"I don't sleep with other girls Joanne"
He doesn't?
I am so fucking confused
"You don't?"
"No! Of course not!", he exclaims
Of course not?
How the hell am I suppose to know that?
"I know we never made anything official and I have the fuck boy image but I don't sleep around. I have sex with one person. You"
"Oh", I say stupidly
"Jo, look...I don't know what you were thinking about me but I'm not a player. I don't have multiple women I sleep with. In fact you are the second person I ever slept with"
Only second?
"The first was with my high school girlfriend"
He's only had one girlfriend?
It's kinda blowing my mind
"And I didn't feel for her what I feel for you"
My heart beats harder as I raise my gaze to him, "How you feel?"
He nods, "I love you"
"I'm completely in love with you Joanne. That's why I want to be around you all the time. That's why I think about you all the time. Everything I said during sex is the truth", he confesses, "I just didn't think you'd think I was sleeping with other girls"
"I just...you and me...it doesn't make sense", I blurt, "You're everything, a popular idol who can get anyone you want. Why would you want me of all people? I'm a nobody"
"You're not a nobody to me", he says softly
"I...I'm sorry I thought badly about you", I apologize
He smiles softly, "It's ok. It comes with the image. But now you know it's not true"
I nod, "Oh and by the way, I'm completely in love with you too"
An even bigger smile bursts on his face and it is fucking gorgeous
"Yeah?", he ask shyly
I nod, "Yeah. Like a stupid amount"
He laughs, "I know what you mean"
I guess he does
Which blows my mind
"So we can be together?", he asks shyly
"Of course. I want you Hwa. You're the only one I want"
He smiles, coming closer, leaning his forehead in mine, "You're the only one I want Jo"
"Good", I tell him, moving my arms around his neck, "And yes, you can come over after the concert. Tonight and every night"
"Perfect", he whispers, his lips pressing against mine in a soft kiss full of love
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exonia-jackal · 2 years
Username update: exwargames-jackal (old), exonia-jackal (new)
Hey there!
I'm Jackal (or Kal). I'm 24 and live in the UK.
This is my blog for all things kinda nerdy!
I've been playing Magic The Gathering and D&D since I was about 14, but only really got back into it since about the start of 2022. Along with Call of Chthulu.
I only got into Warhammer around May 2022. I'm playing 40K, Age Of Sigmar, Warcry, Necromunda, Killteam, and slowly getting in to 30k, and Old World.
I also occasionally do LARP, airsoft, various other tabletop and card games, and many video games.
I love painting minis, making terrain and cool baces, and I'm trying to get in to dice making too!
If ya wanna know more about me, or see what other blogs I run, check out my main @mr-moistman .
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Check out my partner's blog over at @exonia-robin .
We're both part of Exonia (Rob is an owner, I'm an admin) , a group of nerds playing games together, while slowly trying to make some content. While we mainly post painting pics and battle reports atm, we are trying to get into video content creation too. So stick around to see more of that when it comes!
We stream sometimes on Twitch. And I also upload some gaming highlights to my TikTok.
We're also working on a community discord server! When that's ready to go, I'll post the link here.
#ExKn Jackal - for my posts
#Exonia Wargames - for our group's posts
#Exonia Knights - for our gaming content
Enjoying our content? Check out our other creators over on our Linktree.
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