#clones deserve to jive
jomakesart · 2 years
Personal Headcanon
79’s is the Star Wars equivalent of either a:
Disco bar
Country bar
Infinitely more fun than it being this weird mix of a club and a sports bar.
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uponrightful · 3 years
F: Share a snippet from one of your favourite dialogue scenes you've written and explain why you're proud of it.
✨Fanfic Ask Game✨
(sorry this is long, but I know you won't mind too much)
Excerpt From: "Welcome Company" Part 2
The girl poured a fresh cup of caf, smiling at the buzzed, blonde sitting sleepily across the bar from her. Rex had made a surprise visit, more than a week ahead of schedule with more than enough stories to keep her busy and listening for a full weekend. It was one of her favorite things, to sit and sip caf while hearing about the -less gruesome- details of her trooper’s missions.
“-It was hell back there, but at least Anakin didn’t need reinforcements like last time.” Rex shook his head in slight frustration.
A this point she knew about all of the Generals, and almost knew all the clones by name. Of course many had come to see her, but putting names to faces wasn’t always easy. She found that putting names to tattoos and personalities was easiest.
As long as they show their personality.
“I’m glad you survived the Generals antics. Otherwise I wouldn’t get my updates so willingly.” She couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of asking Cody to talk about things so willingly. Of course Fives would be willing, but the quality of information was a whole other battle to fight.
“I’ll always come back, as long as you’ve got hot caf on drip.” Rex chuckled, taking a hearty drink from his mug. “I heard through the barracks that you played host to a new guest?”
She smiled almost absentmindedly, looking towards the rocking chair that had sat absent since Commander Wolffe’s overnight stay two weeks ago. “Yes, I did.”
“Angry bastard, isn’t he?” He commented with a light jeer, readjusting himself on the barstool he sat on.
I need to get bigger ones… they’re all too small for the boys.
“I don’t know what to think of him just yet.” She mused, tracing her finger around the lips of her mug, letting the steam coat her fingertips in a dewy sheen. “We didn’t particularly meet.” The look on Rex’s face changed with the drop of a hat, causing her to almost stutter in the attempt to rephrase herself. Whatever he’d heard, apparently didn’t meet up with her divulged information.
“I- I mean we didn’t speak.” She tried her best not to let her anxiety show, but that dreadful stutter had reared its ugly head. “I us-used signs to help him through the house.”
“You wrote out signs?” Rex parroted her with an incredulous expression, seemingly trying to piece together an image of what her nights must’ve looked like hiding from Wolffe and creeping down hallways without him catching sight of her. “Let me see them.”
She nodded timidly, still trying to gain back her confidence after realizing that Rex wasn’t actually mad. In one of the least-squeaky cabinets under the sink, she retrieved one of the black signs, and the chalk that she used to write the signs. Sliding them across the island, her gaze focused on Rex’s softening expression. Her remaining anxiety was slowly dissipating.
“You’re a special kind of patient, you know that?” Rex ran his finger over the white chalk, looking up at her under thick, dark eyelashes.
“He just seemed like the type who would want a different kind of love.” She shrugged her shoulders, feeling her face heat with embarrassment. It was easy to watch from behind the corners of her house, and enjoy to unguarded expressions of her warriors. But hearing any praise directly to her face was almost pure torture.
“All I’ve heard is when the Commander stepped back on base he looked like a brand new man. Even Cody was talking about how Wolffe’s armor looked better than the day he got it re-painted.” Rex paused to take another slug of his caf. “I haven’t seen the Commander… but I’m sure you gave him a kriffing good polish didn’t you?” He chuckled again, taking another hard look at the sign sitting in front of him. “I imagine the poor sap was standing up straighter than a rod with all the attention he got from you.”
“His were particularly rough… but nothing a little elbow grease couldn’t fix.” She retrieved the signs and put it back it it’s place under the sink. “I did use a little epoxy to fill In some particularly deep scratches.”
Rex gave her a wide smile and motioned for her to come over with an arm stretched out. She obliged, and placed herself within arm’s reach so he could pull her into a tight hug. He settled his chin on top of her head, giving a few quick squeezes just to explain all the things she knew Rex couldn’t say. For all the things the Captain could say, the girl knew that many of her boys were unable to speak though many of the things they felt. Instead, they liked touch.
At first, she’d been quite unwilling to oblige them. Feeling much too insignificant to be anyone that deserved any real attention from such important men. But after almost two years, hugs and the occasional request for head scratches or a haircut had become almost essential to her services. Even Rex hadn’t been keen on physical attention towards anyone but his brothers, however that changed after a few terrible nights spent way too late at 79’s. A particularly bloody battle left him beaten and bruised in more ways than one. And instead of coming straight to her, he’d found the door to 79’s and the bottom of a bottle of fire whiskey first. Two days of close attention and a true moment of vulnerability later, Rex became more than a regular. He practically cornered his own room at her house, where she was almost always on call for late-night or early-morning planet-side landings.
“You want him to come back don’t you?” Rex’s voice sounded muffled in her hair.
“I don’t want anything. You know that Rex.” He hugged her tighter with both arms this time, letting out a rough sigh.
“You’re more than deserving of whatever your little heart desires. Maker knows that… and if they don’t, well. I’d be more than happy to let them know.” They both chuckled, and split apart to take another drink of caf.
Only now that question still hung in the air. It wasn’t that she didn’t want the Commander to come back. But honestly, she couldn’t seem to distinguish what exactly she wanted to give him. Or whether or not Rex was talking about the Commander when he’d been oh-so willing to remind them of her own importance. Either option was enough to make her stomach knot. The girl always wanted to give, but had -according to Rex- a bad habit of never taking anything in return. But doing what she did for the troopers, allowed her the opportunity to do just that. The men hardly had anything to give, except a heartfelt thanks upon leaving. And she didn’t have to do anything but help. No transaction if the troopers didn’t desire it, and even then it was always guided by the understanding that they didn’t owe her anything.
“I want to be good.” She smiled, sounding like a broken record to Rex.
“I don’t know how I can make it any more obvious.” He sighed. “I’ve told you hundreds of times that you’re the Guardian Angel of me, and my vod.”
The girl felt another rise of heat in her face.
“Wolffe will come back. I’m sure of it.” Rex continued, “If he knows what’s good for him, he’ll never want to leave this place.”
This right here is probably some of my favorite dialogue I've written. Honestly, I don't think I write it well but the feelings I got while writing this made the whole scene that much more special overall. I loved writing for Rex in the 'big brother' sense. Rex is such a sweetheart, and the entire conversation was so very easy to write. Organic conversation is challenging for me normally, and for whatever reason -I think it's these two characters really- that made everything jive really well. Like I said, It's really nothing groundbreaking. But I'm proud of little-ole-me for doing it anyways.☺️
Thank you for asking me doll, you never fail to make me smile. 🥰
Much Love, Rightful 🤍
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soclonely · 3 years
Who are your top 5 clones? Sleepover time!
Sleepover time!!! 
1. Jesse my boy, my darling little disaster child. I love him so much.
2. Kix my frozen pirate Popsicle man. You deserved so much more.
3. Hardcase. Such a great character I wish we had seen more of him!
4. Toast Clone. dedicated to the end. And tied with Jives. 
5. Waxer and Boil dad duo! Another one with two but they tug my heartstrings
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allenwalkerbitch · 4 years
I was going through an old sketchbook and rediscovered some stuff from back when I was a Voltron fan (before it got shitty), so anyway it’s time to talk about my old
DGM Voltron AU
Howard piloted the Black Lion (calm and collected, I think he would be a good leader), Rohfa piloted the Green Lion (smart, curious, braver than she looks, and also I love her and she deserves importance), Kanda piloted the Red Lion (naturally gifted fighter, his current/upcoming arc as the edgy loner that has to step into leadership mirrors the good/early part of Keith’s), Lavi piloted the Blue Lion (energetic, fun loving, and outwardly immature with a lot of hidden skill and internal conflict), and Allen piloted the Yellow Lion (kind and selfless, naturally brings people together).  Lenalee and Komui were Allura and Coran (I don’t feel like this one needs a lot of explaining).  
I was always really torn about who (Allen or Link) should take Shiro’s place as the one with History with the Galra, as well as which one should get kidnapped and cloned.  On one hand the Neah/14th stuff would make a great transfer to the clone storyline, and the weird hand stuff is already all set up.  But! Link getting nabbed would make way for better arcs for the rest of the gang (and ones more similar to VLD canon).  Kanda could step up as leader (like him becoming a general right now in canon), and Lenalee could take his place as Red Lion paladin (a gifted and instinct driven fighter who’s both humble and brave as hell).  I think I was considering having Allen be the one with History and the initial kidnappee, but then the gang swoops in to save him right away and Link gets stuck (and maybe cloned) in his place.  
For the villains, Tyki totally takes the place of Lotor (dualism motif vs being mixed galra/altean, possibly mysterious past, personalities jive), and the Earl is Obvs Zarkon.  Road tentatively takes the place of Haggar, more for her place in the story (the loyal, magical, and mysterious second in command) than any personality reason.  In this version Tyki wouldn’t be the direct son of the main villains.  He’d have to have been created magically somehow, since Road as we know her definitely ain’t having any kids.  I also considered Katerina for Haggar’s part, but we just know so little about her.  
And this is less developed, but Crow/the thirds would be the blade of Marmora, and the Science department/rest of the exorcists other team voltron supporters.  
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luvsjimmyreed · 4 years
Whenever I see some Islamist grumble about how ‘white people’ will ‘never be happy’ until the Middle East ‘becomes an exact clone of the civilized West’, I just wanna jump right in and say... ‘Hey, why are you giving white people all the credit? I’m black - and I agree that people in the Middle East deserve freedom, basic human rights, and all that jive!’ Human rights are *not* Western rights, and it is *disgustingly* racist to suggest otherwise!
Jimmy Reed, On Islamists and Human Rights
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kunoichi-ume · 5 years
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. 8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? 17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? 23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. 41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: 46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? 😁
ThisFanfiction Questions
Wow that is a lot of questions, nosy much? Jk thanks friend :D
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. 
I don’t know that I have proper NoTPs just ones I am not really fond of - especially in fanworks. Idk why but for some reason fanfiction about a canon couple is just boring to me, I already know they are together so why would I need more stories about it? 
One Piece: Luffy and well... anyone. He is too in love with adventure to have a romance and lets be real, always feels like a little kid unless he is in one of his “gotta win or everyone is screwed” serious moments. 
Fairy Tail: I do not like Ju.via and Gray, enough that I don’t even want to chance her name ending with this in her tag because many people in that fandom are toxic and last time I dared say I don’t like this ship I got bitched at for it. Sorry, I just don’t find stalking someone until they give in to be romantic. 
Naruto: I do not get people liking Sasuke with pretty much anyone, but especially Sakura or Naruto. He is an ass to them repeatedly and they both deserve better - and being very honest, he deserved much stricter punishment for all the ship he pulled. 
Star Wars: I am going to preface this with this: I haven’t seen Clone Wars. Not all of it. Probably won’t. But I don’t like the Obi-Wan and Satine relationship. Everything I have seen of it just doesn’t jive for me, even though both voice actors are adorably sweet and meeting them was a blast. 
Swtor: I have not done all the romances yet, so this may change, but the SW and Jaesa is just... disappointing. Its mostly about her being possessive and manipulative and very little actual romance. The other SW relationships prove is doesn't have to be that way, so why is she? I get that they were probably going for the whole “fallen Jedi going balls to the wall crazy” but yeah, didn’t need to happen and I hated it so much I cut the romance planes I had for her and Tully even though I already planned to write it differently. 
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? 
I started playing Swtor and didn’t know about the romance options so when I could suddenly flirt with Doc I even stopped playing to turn to my husband and go “omg I can flirt with this guy?” He knew this of course and was just like “yeah...” (Honestly I had made a trial account for swtor when it first came out and if I had known about the romance options in the stories I probably would have staying with it instead of forgetting about the game). It was only a matter of time before I wanted to write a story about Noara and Doc, because I did totally ship them until a certain blond Mandalorian made his presence known.
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? 
First otp... I think that would be Nami and Trafalgar Law from One Piece. I love them so much, even now despite not being active in the fandom and soooo behind on both the manga and the anime. They are not my current favorite though, that has to be Noara and Torian. 
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. 
Oh goodness a fic I am especially fond of? And why? Thats a tough one because I have little bits of love for all of them but I mean.... A Poor Stand In is probably one of my favorite things I have ever written for many reasons, the subject matter, approach and reactions mainly. Plus it just makes me laugh, I find it very funny on a lot of levels. Still waiting for someone to ask me wtf is wrong with me that I wrote this but since no one has maybe people are more into Khem then they like to admit? ;)
On a more serious note I am very fond of Well Played Cadera because I like the blend of Noara’s anxiety and fears, the arguing, the humor. Torian is a little shit in it and is so right to be, and it works too. He is figuring out how to get his Jedi to listen to him, even if it means taking off all his clothing. 
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: 
I have been terrible about reading fanfiction lately but  seeing as how my Goodreads challenge is sitting at 98/30 for the year I am going to cut myself some slack and just say I am on a sicfi romance novel kick that is taking precedence over fanworks. That being said there are some that of course I am following and even if I am a little behind on I totally intend to catch up. 
Heart on a Trigger by @cinlat
Part 4 of the Meet Me On The Battlefield series about Mandalorian turned Republic Trooper Fynta Wolfe and Aric Jorgan, plus a large cast of other amazing characters (like Cormac, I love that big fluffy teddy bear). I am sure anyone paying attention to my blog is surpsied I am keeping up with this one, I get sneak peaks at updates before they come out (or are even edited properly) and my girl Noara is a small background character. 
Something Better by @shimmersing
This was recently finished and omg, I need to go read it all but I just know it’s going to be good. I adore the way Shimmer writes Aitahe and Erithon and, honestly, it being a non-canon couple availabe in game makes it just that much more appealing to me (because no matter how this JC and Trooper end up together, it’s new to me and not just rehashing the game, makes it exciting!).
Abundance of Faith by Laivaaja
The Summary: Star Wars Fan Comic: Emperor Palpatine's suspicions of Darth Vader grow intolerable, which will cause the Empire and the Imperial Navy to be torn into two separate directions. Several officers will step up in this time of confusion, and Darth Vader will form new surprisingly faithful alliances.Yeah that’s it, great art, comic book story telling, Vader being surprised by his men. It’s a fun ride. 
Chaos and Opportunity by @inquisitorhotpants
I haven’t read it in a while, but anything I have read as many times as I have this one needs to be on this list. I love the dynamic between Marr and Kryn and how their relationship develops and the way this story doesn’t accept canon (I was so concerned about Marr’s in game death and at least in this story about them that didn’t happen and I for one am thankful for it).
The One That Got Away by @punsbulletsandpointythings
Another SW but not Swtor one, this one has so much wonderful angst, fluff, humor and love in it and every update has left me dying to know what was going to happen next. Give me some time travel possibly doomed from the start romance any day. 
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend  to them and why? 
Humm... of works only written by me probably I’ve Got You even though I haven't updated in ages (I have been working on it the last few days though, that has to count for something) because it is what really got me back into writing after not doing it in a long time and the main story really exploring how a Jedi and a Mandalorian can work out in a relationship. 
Of things I wrote with @cinlat Thunder and Scars for sure. The whole undertaking of this fic was both so much fun but also such a labor of love and heartache. There is one scene in it that even thinking about it now makes me tear up a little and I am not usually that emotional. Exploring those emotions through Noara and the family she found with Fynta, Cormac and Aric was a wonderful learning experience both for her as a character and me as a writer. 
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ptw30 · 6 years
I really dislike how A/L has been written so far (in the romantic sense), their interactions always felt like a slap on the face since we never saw little casual moments with them... but sometimes I wonder, just because I dislike it, does that really mean it's bad writting? Maybe our expectations were too high and we just fooled ourselves?
I’m a fan of romantic comedies. It’s the reason why I loved the first two seasons of Voltron: Legendary Defender. It’s why I love sports anime. For all these, I essentially have the same expectations - at the end of the story, the potential lovers get together, Shiro and Black bond and get their bayard, Kuroko is going to win the basketball game, etc. 
I get a happy ending. 
But Shiro deserved his bayard and lion; Kuroko deserved to win the game, and most of the time, the lovers deserve to get together. They’ve earned it.
Allura and Lance don’t deserve each other for a number of reasons. 
I’m not saying I didn’t see it coming. I’m not saying one can’t enjoy the pairing. I’m saying - Lance and Allura aren’t jiving for a variety of reasons. Here’s an amazing post by @sol1056​ that sums up all I feel about Lance and Allura. It also goes into Shiro and Allura as a pairing, as well as Lotor and Allura.
In the simplest points - Lotor and Shiro respected Allura, respected her decisions, respected her right to choose - Lance has treated Allura like a possession. He growled at Matt. He addressed Keith in “Ark of Taujeer” - “Is the Princess with you? With-with you or…” not actually addressing Allura, and Lance never actually grew into supporting Allura and her decision of Lotor, but rather just biding his time until Lotor was out of the picture. Heck, Lance even wanted to send Lotor to his death - all because he saw Lotor as a threat in his “quest” for Allura.
Sorry, that’s not romance. That’s the beginning of a stalker film.
But if we look at Allura and Lance’s romance from a writer’s point-of-view, it actually doesn’t follow the typical format, which is why I believe it’s not working for a majority of viewers. 
(Below the cut - Lance and Allura’s relationship, as per a romantic comedy format; Lotor and Allura’s, and Lance’s true love - the Blue Lion. You think I’m joking with the last one - I’m really not.) 
There are generally seven steps to a happy ending in a romantic comedy (from “Seven Story Beats to Help Outline Your Romantic Comedy”).
1. The Chemical Equation: Setup
The unfulfilled desire of the protagonist - Lance is a lady’s man without a lady and now a new paladin of Voltron, insecure in his position; Allura is the princess of a dead planet, tasked with freeing the universe from the one who killed her people.
Hm. That’s unbalanced place to start the romance but all right. What’s life without a few obstacles?
2. Cute Meet: The Catalyst
Lance and the paladins come to the castle; Allura falls into Lance’s arms. He tries all his tricks to get with Allura the first two seasons to no avail. (This was actually sexual harassment. It’s clear that Allura does not feel the same way. She makes it clear, but like many women, she is stuck in her position. Lance is the only one who can fly the Blue Lion, and if Allura wants to save the universe and avenge Altea, she has no choice but to work with Lance.)
3. A Sexy Complication: Turning Point
Here’s where Voltron fails. The turning point should have been where Lance gives his bayard to Allura, and it seems to be. He knocks off half of his advances, though he takes three steps back when Matt comes to the castle-ship. Then he wants to send Lotor to his death. Then he starts to hone in on Allura and Lotor’s time. Allura doesn’t start to see him in a new light, and Lance doesn’t stop being an immature teenager. Allura finding out about Lance’s affections via the mice doesn’t help because it happens before she begins to see Lance as a potential love interest.
4. The Hook: Midpoint
Allura is already bound to Lance since they are both paladins, so this part never really happens. They aren’t forced into a new situation where the two of them must work together. Lance and Allura don’t struggle with their affections. Sure, the castle-ship is destroyed, and Allura joins the paladins on Earth - but that’s not a change in Allura and Lance’s situation. 
5. Swivel: Second Turning Point
Here’s where Lance or Allura’s romantic relationship would jeopardize their goal. So…what goal? Lance is going to impede Allura’s goal. Nope. He’s a paladin. She’s a paladin. They essentially have the same goal, though there’s no stakes here other than death.
One could say that Allura being in Blue impedes on Lance embracing his own strengths. He cannot accept himself while he must still be Keith (i.e. the Red Paladin). But even in this case, Lance isn’t jeopardizing Allura’s chance to succeed - unless Lance refused to take Blue from Allura (cuz she’s just too good as a paladin), and Allura cannot leave Blue in order to run the coalition since they don’t have enough paladins. 
Goals must shift. Did any goals shift yet? No? All right. Moving on. 
6. The Dark Moment: Crisis Climax
I’ll give on this one - Season 8 might touch upon this, as the Allura-crying “leak” might indicate, but…since Allura and Lance haven’t technically done any other sections other than the “meet-cute,” I’m a bit skeptical on this being achieved. 
7. Joyful Defeat: Resolution
Skip to the end. Allura and Lance are together. What? You wanted them to go through all the steps? Sorry. Voltron doesn’t do character development. 
I will say this - if Lance had come to accept Allura and Lotor, said he wanted her to be happy, and actually supported Allura, then this might have been a different outcome to Allura and Lance’s potential relationship. Lance’s goal of “getting Allura” would shift to “supporting Allura,” fulfilling the swerve part of the plot.  
Also, if Lotor and Allura do get back together - and Lance does not end up with Allura, then that actually would be character development. Lance is a lady’s man without a lady - and that’s okay. He’s learned from his time with Allura, and he’ll know how to approach a relationship healthier next time. And then he might actually commit to someone. 
“Who?” you ask? 
The Blue Lion…but that’s another meta. 
I do want to go through these steps one more time, but let’s do it with Lotor. 
1. The Chemical Equation: Setup
Allura is fighting to save the universe from the empire that slaughtered her people; Lotor is trying to bring peace to the universe by working as the emperor of said empire. 
Oh. That’s even footing for goals, and they are in opposition as Allura wants to end the empire. Lotor does want to save it, albeit change it to be better. 
2. Cute Meet: The Catalyst
Well, there wasn’t one for them, really, unless you count the fight in “The Hunt.”
3. A Sexy Complication: Turning Point
Lotor and Allura begin to work together; Lotor kills Zarkon. Allura begins to see him in a new light. 
4. The Hook: Midpoint
“The White Lion” - Allura and Lotor need to work together to procure the secrets of Oriande. 
5. Swivel: Second Turning Point
This is not as crystal clear as it should be. Allura and Lotor kiss after going into the quintessence field, and then Romelle shows up. Lotor wants to continue to work together, despite his past; Allura can’t move past the fact that he used Alteans to power his ship prior to meeting her. 
In a tighter outline, Lotor would be wanting to use the colony Altean still, and Allura would want to free the people. 
6. The Dark Moment: Crisis Climax
The fight at the rift. 
7. Joyful Defeat: Resolution
Season 8?
Do I think the end game with Lotor and Allura? No, I don’t. I’m just saying - the story would be better written if it were. 
But…considering Keith’s body and Shiro’s power was used to fly Black, Shiro’s body and Allura’s power was used to fly the Altas, and the clone was tossed aside without the team even contemplating saving him -  I don’t see Voltron pulling out a true and satisfying romantic story arc in Season 8. 
But you never know. After all, Blue and Lance were MFEO. 
…all right. One more time. 
1. The Chemical Equation: Setup
Lance is a lady’s man without a lady; Blue is a lion without a paladin. 
2. Cute Meet: The Catalyst
Lance falls into water, her element, at Blue’s paws. 
3. A Sexy Complication: Turning Point
Blue and Lance get closer. She allows him to use her ice ray. 
4. The Hook: Midpoint
Blue and Lance get stuck under water. They become closer, and Lance unlocks the sonic blaster thingie. He also is willing to die to save the universe along with her. 
“Let’s go down swinging.”
Blue is happy. She made the right choice. Lance is happy. He has his lady. 
5. Swivel: Second Turning Point
Lance wants Black. Blue just wants a paladin. 
6. The Dark Moment: Crisis Climax
Blue locks out Lance and takes Allura as her paladin. 
7. Joyful Defeat: Resolution
Wait. WHAT?! They never reconciled! What the…?
But…they were best buds for life, for real…
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spockandawe · 2 years
I'm sorry, wrong pic, what I mean, can I ask 💓 and ✌? Thanks ......
Totally!! I was feeling pretty out of it for a few days, but let me catch up on the last few asks real quick :D
Ship that needs more love: 💖
Hmm..... I feel like there's going to be a certain amount of overlap between my misunderstood ships and the ones that need more love, but I refuse to check if I'm repeating myself!! The first one that came to mind was definitely Jiang Cheng/Wen Ning. There's just so much hilarious/tragic potential in there. They've both lost so much, have so much pettiness inside them, and have an overlapping favorite person from their childhoods. And now that they're adults, their favorite children tend to run in the same pack! I love the mxtx ships, I really do, but I adore a good enemies to lovers narrative, and this is just OVERFLOWING with potential.
Who else. Mu Qing and Xie Lian deserve more love, that's for sure. And I'm going to say Mu Qing and Hua Cheng too, and maybe even as a triad if you're feeling adventurous. Mu Qing and his relationship to Xie Lian in general deserves more love, whether that's explored through Xie Lian himself or through other people who are also deeply emotionally invested in Xie Lian. I've never really clicked with him and Feng Xin, and they honestly could have probably made it onto my misunderstood ship list, but that's one where I'm less interested in finding the angle I like best for a pair and more interested in alternate avenues for exploration.
Also, you know what? Shout out to Cui Buqu and Feng Xiao. Peerless is so good, you guys. I forgot how amazing these two were. Peerless isn't my favorite cnovel, but these two might be my favorite ship. It's tough competition, but they're at least in the top five.
And.... oh, star wars. With the caveat that I've read almost zero expanded universe books, I could say that almost every not-central-to-movie-plot ship deserves more love. And I know some of these have received fandom love, but deserve MORE. Like stormpilopt. Or luke/han. And clone wars is just overflowing with these things, but shout-out to jesse and kix, who are such obvious candidates for 'old married couple', and also echo and crosshair, and mumblemumbleneyoandkeeli, which i still can't explain.
Clone ships in general deserve more love. Reader inserts and I will never get along, and since I write in second person pov, for actual characters, y/n fic is intensely jarring for me. But they have their place! Live and let live! I don't have to like something for it to earn the right to exist. But reader, I have never been so disappointed as when I tried to go scope out ao3 for clone wars and the bad batch, and even after applying all the filters I could, the results were DOMINATED by character/reader. I was so sad. You have no idea. Hordes of characters in a space war, shipped mainly with other characters in the space war where i can parse the emotional sense that the relationship makes. There's so much interesting emotional potential baked into the setting, and none of it clicks for me when I'm supposed to be inserting myself into the setting, and it makes me so sad.
Ship that you find cute but don’t ship: ✌
This....... this is a tough one XD Oh boy. Let me see what I can come up with.
I'm not super moved by fengqing, I guess that's one. In theory, the dynamic is appealing! The characters have fun personalities! But I have petty thoughts about the dominant depictions of them that I saw in fic, and haven't been interested enough to dig for characterization I jived with. Lan Xichen and Jiang Cheng are another one. I wanted to like them, but I couldn't find a satisfying way to bring them together and convince them to be invested.
Jiang Cheng and Liu Qingge has a lot of aesthetic appeal, but crossing universes to ship the lonely sadboys feels extra like pairing the spares, which is already a vibe that tends to depress me, so I was never able to get deeper than admiring the art. Liu Qingge and Yue Qingyuan depresses me the same way, especially when they're both so emotionally devoted to (some version of) Shen Qingqiu. My urge to make sure everyone is loved and happy tends to clash sharply with the perception that some characters are ""leftovers"" that i'm trying to use up. This is an issue I have with shipping my faves in mxtx books XDDD
Obi-wan and Satine is a ship that kind of bemuses me, because of my lack of exposure to non-movie content. I get that it's THERE, I get that it's relevant plot-wise, but I don't feel am emotional hook. Tup and Dogma, I think. I get why they're often a pair, but I met them through fic, where they weren't introduced so much together, and they established themselves independently enough in my heart that I have trouble resolving their personalities into a ship. Oh, Luke and Din Djarin. I still haven't watched the show and fell head-first into bobadin, so while it's cute, I don't quite FEEL it. Ahhhhhh, one last one, Fox and Wolffe. Love them both individually, can't help squinting suspiciously at the ship like ..........are you just shipping them because they both have animal names??
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soclonely · 4 years
Okay listen.. Disney Marketing team.. You know those little dancing hula girls truckers have on their dashboards that wiggle around when you drive?
Give us star wars fans one of those BUT instead of a Hula Girl make it Jives the dancing clone from season 6 episode 7 of clone wars. He deserves to dance on the dashboards of the world.
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