#clone trooper reference
pinkiemme · 11 months
do you have any tips for drawing clones?
Okay I tried doing something really quickly, I know there are other artists that have clone guides that are amazing and I really used those as a reference to draw them, but I couldn’t find any right now!
Artists, please feel free to add anything! And to let me know if there’s something I’m missing, there’s always room for improvement!!
I think the most important thing is to look at Temuera Morrison references, I use this drive folder someone shared with LOTS of Tem’s references that is amazing
As for how I draw them, I think these are the top 4 things to have in mind: jawline, nose, eyebrows and hair
I like to do their jawlines really round shaped:
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For the nose, I work with this weird “w” shape, I do it with every character nose, but with clones it’s a really wide shape
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Here’s two examples on my art with the round jaw and nose shape:
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The eyebrows have this pointy shape at the end, I make it more or less accentuated depending on the facial expression (less if it’s more relaxed and more if they’re frowning)
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And last, curly hair!! You can even make it with a flat color, just make the shape bouncy! (I can’t add more pics 😭)
And please don’t whitewash them 💖
Thank you so much for your ask!! 🥰🥰
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Tech's Helmet: Im finyish go fo Belta
So, a major plot point in Far Past the Ring is the simple fact that the layout and design of Tech's unique trooper helmet was copied, and taken back to the Ring Gate, where Belters have gone absolutely bananas over this fancy and ingenious design.
Belters live their lives in space completely, and having a helmet that is safe, comfortable, and practical, is crucial as life itself. In The Expanse, Belters often slap stickers or write their names on their helmets. I imagine, with more time and wealth, more decorations can take part, and it's a big plot point in the longfic, especially for Tro, pictured below in the bottom right.
Here's the OCs who have taken Tech's helmet design (which is called the 'Tekimang' style.
FYI: Tekimang is the Lang Belta word for an engineer, it literally translates to 'tech-man'! It becomes an ongoing joke that it's Tech's full name, lol.
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Front view of the helmets.
Sjael Drummer: A chemical engineer who focuses on creating synthetic and organic sweeteners for human consumption, Sjael’s helmet is covered in elaborate flowers and fruits that she works closely with. You will see strawberries, blueberries, vanilla, and blossoms from potato and carrot plants. They are done in mixed Ojibwe/Rosemaling style, to signify her mixed First Nations and Scandinavian Earther heritage. I also designed it to also signify her archetype as Persephone and Idunn (coincidentally, the name of her Mulan-class gunship), bringers and guardians of life and all things green and growing. 
Timon Chapelle: Timon is a firefighter, through and through. His helmet is covered in almost brutalist paintings of flames and ropes, all in reds, oranges, and yellows. The ‘ropes’ on his cheeks are almost Celtic in design, as in some ways, he is a keeper of multiple facets of knowledge as a Belter elder. 
Hobbs Chapelle: “If an elementary school kid designed a helmet”. Hobbs is obsessed with animals, especially his two pet cats, and becomes enamored with the idea of Wookiees and other sentient species after meeting clone troopers from the 41st. He not only has his cats' paws on his helmet's front, but a stylist design of Wookiee handprints and claw marks on the ears and visor, made to look like they were painted with mud. The circles on top of the helmet signify his homes of Ganymede, Ceres, and now Medina Station. 
Tro Chapelle: A budding artist and high school freshman, Tro’s helmet designs is all over the place, as are her interests. Very much a teen's notebook style, a girl still figuring out her place in the universe. Her helmet's ears have the design of her great-grandmother’s ‘freedom quilt’ from Earth that was destroyed in the Ganymede attack. Her visor has her name in Ojibwe from the Drummer side. The rest of her helmet is covered in various paint jobs to symbolize elements of fire, air, water, and earth–things that she is thrilled to see now that she is on the station.
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Side view of the helmets.
Tagging my Belter loving beratnas out there: @skellymom @thecoffeelorian @supremechancellorrex @sued134 @amalthiaph @littlefeatherr @eyecandyeoz @eelfuneral @notavalidusername @sometimes-i-talk-a-lot @rocicrew @perfectlywingedcrusade @autistic-artistech @that-salmonberry-punk @dukeoftheblackstar @freesia-writes @just-shower-thoughts
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suja-janee · 5 months
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Redraw for my blog’s 4 year anniversary! (Ignore the fact that I accidentally erased echo’s arm oh shitttt)
Old ver.
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echojedis · 8 months
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Some sibling hugs
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chiliger · 11 months
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Rex to Fives: You’re a grown man and an ARC. Get your own water.
Rex to Tup and Dogma (the youngest of Torrent): Vod’ikaade sometimes need extra help.
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bulffy · 6 months
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Love for my favourite captain 💙💙
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clonememesfrikyeah · 5 months
Alpha-17: “That’s game cadets, who’s up next?”
Random little cadet: “What does ‘thats game’ mean?”
Alpha-17: “Well, it’s a sports term. Like slam dunk or ball handler.”
Captain Fordo: *Bursts through door* “You called?”
Alpha-17: “Get the hell off my training deck right now-“
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evesartblog · 3 months
A full ref sheet of my clone captain oc I FINALLY finished ✨🥲✨ I love how he came out
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antianakin · 4 months
Mandoclone fans: The Jedi MUST call the clones "vod/vod'e" or it's disrespectful because this is their CHOSEN NAME for themselves.
Same Mandoclone fans: The clones will exclusively refer to the Jedi as "jetii" and use the terms tubie/cadet/shiny instead of youngling/initiate/padawan, despite the fact that the Jedi would never call themselves by any of these terms. The clones also continue to refer to the Jedi as "Generals" in a post-war fix-it AU regardless of whether the Jedi even ARE Generals anymore or how comfortable the Jedi are with the titles.
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morganbedrawing · 3 months
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Bad batch reference sheets I made, haven’t finished the whole squad but these have been very helpful for drawing so I thought I’d share what I’ve got so far.
I’ll post some of my drawings soon.
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echojedis · 1 year
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Model sheets from the new episode guides: https://www.starwars.com/series/the-bad-batch/spoils-of-war-episode-guide
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anxiouspineapple99 · 1 year
I could say I bought this because I was curious, but that would be a lie. I really just want my fics to be as accurate as possible so I decided to invest in this bad boy:
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I have read through it and wanted to share specs re the clones that my fellow fic writers might find useful!
Tech, is in fact, listed as 6’4”
Crosshair is ALSO 6’4
Hunter is listed as 5’11. I have seen 5’10 mentioned a lot. But let’s give our boy that 1”
Rex is referred to as CC-7567. I’ve been operating under the assumption he was a CT not sure of anyone else?
Rex and Cody are both listed as being born on Kamino in 32 BSBW4 (BBY)
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yukipri · 2 years
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Glitch | CT-1414
Clonetober 2022 #23
*Numerical designation is the artist's own headcanon.
PLEASE DO NOT REPOST, EDIT, TRANSLATE, OR OTHERWISE USE MY ART. To share, please reblog! Reblogging is the best way to support this project and the artist.
❀ You can see the rest of my art through the Masterpost pinned to the top of my blog!
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l0nesome-dreams · 6 months
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Official reference for my g Icarus 💖✨
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omaano · 11 months
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How about we don’t make me feel things before lunch, @dukeoftheblackstar, huh?
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Padawan Reader
*Y/n completely lost on Coruscant*
Y/n: Cody! Cody! Dude, have you seen my Commander Cody?
Fox, already done: nope.
Y/n: hmm...
*Y/n in a lower level with Fox*
Y/n: Cody! *looks under some crates* he is not in there. *Fox in disbelief*
*Y/n on a landing ramp*
Y/n, shouting: CODY! *a stray tooka sits in front of them* How's it going man? *Fox trying to chase away the tooka*
*Y/n looking into an apartment*
Y/n: Cody? *creepy noises coming from the flat* That's cool. * Fox pulls Y/n far away from the flat*
Fox: Y/n, can you just... tell me why you out here, looking for Cody?
Y/n: you know he is my master's Commander. He welcomed me, because my master had some problems with his ex-padawan, and his ex-padawan's padawan. We got a lot in common. We both think Skywalker is a dumbass. He never had a kid before and I never had a father either.
*Obi-wan, Anakin and Ahsoka ina stolen spacecar, trying to catch some war criminal, Cody and Rex behind them, trying to save them*
Y/n: CODY!
*Wooley, Waxer and Boil back at the Negotiator*
Wooley: Anybody know whose lightsaber this is?
Boil: it's the padawan's.
Waxer: *panicking* Has anybody seen Y/n?
*in Coruscant*
Y/n: Cody! No, he's out here. I can feel into my nuggets man.
Fox: Aren't you nervous out here, Y/n? And Coruscant? It's kind of dangerous kid.
Y/n: Coruscant is the most peaceful place in the universe. And I'm a jedi, what could go wrong?
*Cody after he got a call from Waxer, that Y/n is missing*
Cody: everything is good, I can fix it.
*Cody after he got a call from Fox, that Y/n and him got into a fight with some bandits and they are waiting for Cody in the medbay*
Cody: *muffled scream*
Huh, it needed some work, but I did it. I made some changes, added some things to make it more star wars like, and of course added some clones because they are important. I hope you guys enjoyed it (I did).
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