#cieladrienne jpg
battlestar-royco · 3 years
why is the writing community on tiktok so racist. ive gotten into an argument with someone because they made a video on how to describe poc and literally used the words "coffee, caramel, henna, expresso." then they captioned the video with "if this is offensive, let me know and ill take it down" so i did, explaining that they shouldnt decribe poc as food and they responded with "is henna a food?" like wtaf is wrong with ppl 🤦🏼‍♀️
Honestly most book/writing social media communities are mighty cringe and unwell. Like how do you have the audacity to post about description words for POC without even knowing the definitions of the words 🤡? There was also that one booktoker last year who went on a rant about how white people shouldn’t have to write diversely, and on Goodreads people were saying that diversity ruins books. Twitter is perpetually having diversity conversations that Tumblr had in 2015. And now that everyone thinks they’re a social media activist due to corona you can really see how so many authors and Booktubers don’t care about anything except for their books and mutuals. They all only posted like one (1) vaguely political IG reel, then posted about burnout, then continued to do sponsored ads.
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
i'm way too excited for cass//ndra clare's new series, sword catcher. don't get me wrong, i like the shadowhunter universe, but my god we're getting something new from her! finally! its been 84 yrs *insert old lady gif*
i hadn’t even heard about it 😅 it’s kinda wild just how many YA authors are jumping ship to Adult. here’s a couple posts for anyone who hasn’t either: x and x. here’s the tiny blip we get on goodreads about it:
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and here’s what she said about it in the second link above:
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it’s disappointing it’s with an editor such as Anne Groell with her track record, but alas
also this is such a personal nitpick, but i am kinda tired of certain names and their variants being used in fantasy, such as Aurelian (as mentioned in the excerpt in the first link above) or Valoria (which is used in the Winner’s Trilogy) and others along that ilk. names like those are really quite common in fantasy.
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i just saw an anon hate post of yours where they told you that you were too old for sherlock and whoo boy, i got pissed. im 18 and i love seeing nerdy people who are 30+! my mum is 46 and is obsessed with alice in wonderland and the nightmare before christmas and my dad is nearly 57 and he loves motorbikes and war films. JUST BECAUSE SOMEONE IS 30+ DOESNT MEAN THEY CANT ENJOY THINGS. oof sorry for the rant but just because someone is a certain age doesnt negotiate or invalidate the things they love. 😊😊
(referencing this post)
Hey Lovely!
Hahah thank you for your kind words, and to all the people in the comments on that post I never reblogged again because it was so ridiculous. It boggles my mind because like..... STAN LEE WAS THE KING OF FANDOM CREATION and he was 96 when he died. People who CREATE THE FANDOMS are over 30. Fandom endures because of those who pass it on to the younger generations... Sherlock Holmes wouldn’t have survived 150 years without people enjoying it for as long as they have. SCHOLARS in their 50-60-70s study this shit as their life work. Folks and their gatekeeping is so fucking weird to me, honestly. 
Fuck! The people who RUN THE SHOW: Moffat is 59 (so ~49 when he took over Sherlock, and over 40 for his Dr. Who run), and Gatiss is 54 (~44 when he first did Sherlock), but they’re not criticized for “being to old to fanboy over Holmes”.
Look, this is a hot take, but to me, it’s the misogynistic double standard that these folks claim they’re against but clearly aren’t... women aren’t allowed to enjoy things. Just that simple. It’s such a regression from my and the generation under me’s progress, and it confuses me. Ugh.
Sorry, but I am never giving up things I enjoy just because I’m an adult. One of the best things about being an adult is I can now afford to enjoy the fandoms I love. WHEE!!
Never stop enjoying the small things, friends. Because the world is falling apart and being happy is hard to come by.
Thanks for being so lovely, my friend. I know it’s not the majority of people who are ageist, just the loudest and most obnoxious.
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bemtevis · 3 years
i was recently thinking about rereading TID but idk if i can go thru the post-jem sex scene, the anti rromani slurs, the bullying of the irish character, the sidelining of the chinese's characters culture and the trAgIc baCkStOrY again just to experience my fave jem scenes all over again aha
Kakksje if I was you, I'd just scan for his name and bookmark all his scenes... it's not worth all the shit 😭
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ravenlesslangblr · 3 years
hi! do u have any advice on how to start learning languages? im never good at learning and im also too scared to just jump in aha. thanks!
Hello! Hope you’re well :)  This is a pretty cool question! And probably one that I’m not able to answer 100% accurately, but I can try.  I have grown up learning languages, so I have never really had a point where I ‘decided’ to start studying languages, so that’s why this might be a shot in the dark, but I hope it’s still helpful, at least a bit! I think your fear of just jumping in is quite valid! Learning languages must seem like such a commitment and like something that you have to be serious about once you start doing it. Also, there are so many languages to choose from, each language with its own dialects, learning resources, a whole new world compacted into each language. But so cool that you want to start learning! I think I’d definitely start with picking one. Sure, you could probably do some research about language learning itself, but it is very self-explanatory once you start! If you’re only just starting out I’d pick out a language based on following criteria: 1) it should be relatively easy - I’m not sure what your native language is, but try and pick a language that is relatively close to your first language. It doesn’t have to be necessarily similar, but it does make learning a bit more rewarding, when you’re not learning completely from scratch 2) you should like the language and get excited about it! - language learning can become a chore and it is a lot of work, so make sure that the language you’re picking is one that you like or really want to speak! 3) it should be useful to you in some way - now I say that as someone who’s learning mostly small languages, but I think your first foreign language should be a language that is going to be useful to you in some way. Whether you’re travelling to a country where it’s spoken or you want to consume media in that language, whether you have a friend or whether you want to start working in that language. I think that your first foreign language should have a lot of use in your everyday life, it makes it a lot easier and a lot more motivating to learn too! Now none of these points are a ‘make it or break it’ kind of deal. If your native language is Spanish and you’re picking Welsh because you just like the sound of it, go for it! We won’t judge you at all! But you might probably have a bit of an easier time with say French or German. Also, remember that ‘bigger’ languages always have more resources for learners. I think that’s a quite crucial point when you’re just starting out, because you will need quite a bit of guidance. After you’ve picked your language, I would maybe suggest just researching it for a bit before you jump in. Whether it’s here, on Reddit, a course, people you know who speak/learn the language. Get a bit familiar with what is out there - apps, books, courses, dialects, methods, teachers - I’m sure there’s loads out there to choose from. Obviously, if you’re starting in a course with a teacher - which is something that I would strongly recommend if you’re only just starting out - just let the course material be your initial guidance. Your first few weeks might feel very overwhelming. Learning a completely new language is exciting, but it also makes you feel very estranged sometimes. You’re reading words, your brain doesn’t compute them at all. You literally have to ‘code’ your brain to process language in a different way than you’re used to from your native language. Don’t get discouraged though! It is one of the most rewarding hobbies that you can take up. Nothing amounts to the excitement of reading some random sentence somewhere and being able to understand it! I’m sorry I went on for so long :D let me know if you have any more specific questions, I’d be happy to answer them! Again, I hope it wasn’t a complete shot in the dark. Good luck!!
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dallonm-archive · 3 years
hey im really sorry if this comes across as rude or anything but i was wondering if you maybe could help me!!! im trying to writeblr and i couldnt remember any except yours (cuz of church mud!!) but they had a serious about different romantic relationships set during the 1940s i believe! and ik that they had a story about a man with a stutter who finds love and i believe he was ginger and ahh i cant find them. i also remember their queue name was a play on the name ewan mcgregor! ahh sorry!!!
hi this isnt rude at all so don’t worry!!!! i actually wasn’t sure so i hit up some friends and i have to shoutout @writerlywonders @themillionthdraft and @bookphobe here but!!! we think you are looking for @farrradays! if you aren’t, you should check them out anyway because their wip sounds very very cool and similar to what you mentioned here 
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alectology-archive · 4 years
(i wanna partake in the shooty starry thingy but a) idk if u know me tbh, b) i accidentally deleted my old blog (under the same name) and c) i cant find it??)
I’ll give it a shot because we’ve been mutuals for a while 👀
1. supernatural
2. you seem really easy-going and that’s such a great vibe!!
3. I think of cats for some reason and I can’t explain it sdfakjhsdf???
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kyuala · 2 years
all of your lil AU posts make me wanna write full length fanfics or even original novels. especially your NCT dream ones. the conspiracy theory club AU hasnt left my head since i read ngl 😂💞💞
jsnejdnsjd oh my god thats so nice to read! feel free to let ur ideas come to life pls!! i'd love to see 'em 💕
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Character: Taina Pereira/Caveira
From: Rainbow Six: Siege
Representation: Brazillian
Their Importance: Caveira is a scary character who is a very popular character in the fandom.
Thanks to @cieladrienne-jpg for the write up!
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
hey kat. i just got attacked for saying that a fanfiction that is nearly a million words is a waste of my time and is too long of a story so, im just rethinking my entire life because people are calling me all sorts of vicious things. fucking love the harry potter fandom, i stg :(
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you did nothing wrong by expressing your opinion, lovely. some people are just fucking awful, and they never seem to understand that people can coexist wholly peacefully with different opinions about anything. some people just, unfortunately, take critique of a book or an author or a show etc etc as an attack against themselves bc they’ve based so much of their identity on that thing.
i’m so sorry that shit’s happening to you. can you do anything to help yourself feel better? i tend to go write or watch a good show/movie.
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
omfg kat pls tell me youve seen the drama with armie hammer. its so fucking disturbing and omg im not OKAY with this im legit lightly freaking tf out over it. (id say trigger warnings for abuse, gore, cannibalism and just overall disgusting things)
i have, unfortunately. @faithfire told me about it and then i went investigating and lemme just say: fucking YIKES
if it’s true, i can’t imagine him ever owning up to it bc it’s such a disgusting thing and he’s already seeing the reactions the simple allegations are getting. it’s just.
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if you don’t want to go looking yourself (can’t blame you bc most articles have direct quotes), Armie Hammer was accused of being a cannibal, with proof being that he wants to cut off someone’s toe and keep it so he has it always with him, that he drank blood from someone’s open wound, several quotes of things he’d said to previous partners, and that he has a picture of a pig head on his insta that he is carving up. there were also some pics of knives or something on his insta with the hashtag #givemesomethingtocarve
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
so i found out the actor of my favorite harry potter character is antisemitic. just my fucking luck. 🤧✋💀
oh jesus, which actor?!
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battlestar-royco · 3 years
something that upsets me is that ppl claim YA is the most diverse genre but i can name two, TWO, books/series with polyamorous rep and TWO books/series with aroace rep. polyam rep; casserole clams TDA series and iron widow by xiran jay zhao (which isnt even out yet). aroace rep; again, casserole clam with raphael in TMI and woosley in TID (both cold hearted stereotypes tho) and loveless by alice oseman. its tiring having to fight ppl on this sometimes.
I think it's also imperative to mention that trans rep is like almost invisible at the moment. YA as an age category has made strides but it is seriously not where people think it is in terms of progressive representation. It's dominated by white women getting praised for writing mediocre to competent rep while authors of color get their books cancelled at worst, tokenized, or they fly under the radar.
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battlestar-royco · 3 years
One of my favourite things about Montero (CMBYN), is that Lil Nas X CHOSE to go to hell, he chose to go there. He was going to heaven, but instead he chose to go to hell and get power. And if that isn't the gayest motivation in the world, idk what is haha
It was pretty legendary. For me the highlight was the way he subverted the whole “gay people are going to hell” thing and made it powerful, closely followed by the imagery. It’s so fantastical and colorful, and indeed gay. He executed a great vision :)
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
oof this mag/gie stief/vater situation is so childish. "hmph people criticized the book covers so im not writing any more books and im leaving twitter and tumblr!" wah wah fucking wah. grow up. i hate some people sometimes.
i got another ask about this, from the opposite POV, but i'll include it bc it's on the same topic!
Antis just forced MStiefvater to drop further TRC projects, and she seems genuinely depressed. This is sad. This isn't how things should go.
it took me a minute to find the post where she talks about what's going on, so here's some screenshots from her fb:
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it's part and parcel of being an author to receive people who are just never going to like what you produce (or what your publisher produces for your product), and that's why developing a thick skin and surrounding yourself with support is vital to being a successful author. unfortunately, not every author can (not that it's any slight on their character! some people are just going to naturally find it difficult to let criticism roll off your back bc not everyone is cut out for it).
that said, i don't know if we can blame antis for this, though i admittedly don't know Stief antis as well as i do sj///m antis, so they could definitely be a different crop entirely. in general, it sounds simply like bullies, and the antis i know aren't bullies.
if Stief thinks this is the best thing for her, i hope it works the way she hopes it will!
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battlestar-royco · 3 years
i cant love the mcu, no matter how much i love marvel comics, because of scarlet every-race johanssen, robert i-earn-more-because-i-demanded-it downey jr and chris my-church-isnt-homophobic-i-swear pratt. they ruin every movie they pop up in.
Yeah, many of the cast members are ass in terms of personality and talent, but for me the prime thing that turns me off from the MCU is just the premise itself. I haven’t watched one of the movies in ages but don’t they destroy cities like every month? And they all speak in forced banter constantly? Damn bitches you live like this?
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