#choosing oc :: not mine
gethoce · 2 months
Valfrey joins the @kirbyoctournament
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Name: Valfrey
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Notes on Personality: They are a being of duality which is reflected in their personality. Whimsical, but with a strict code of honour. violent, yet merciful. She loves theatrics, drama and music, speaking with a masculine singsong voice.
Backstory and Lore: Valfrey was one of the beings who helped shape the universe by creating the many suns that scatter across the galaxies using her Plasma Ability. She then made it her responsibility to take care of the souls of the dead, guiding them into Yomi. On her journey she met Morpho Knight, who became their spouse. For many years she was a central figure of worship together. At one point she was tricked into believing that her best friend was killed by Dark Matter and she went on a crusade against the species for many years until she was sealed away using Dark Nebula upon targeting the wrong individual and caught off-guard. It wasn't until the four individuals who were tasked to create the Master Sword and Crown came along that she was freed. Her power was used to enchant the Master Crown, but she didn't go down without a fight and had to once again be sealed away, this time in the body of the blacksmith who forged the crown. For aeons she was locked away until she was freed in an effort to eradicate Meta Knight sometime before the events of Kirby's Dreamland. Since then she has been roaming the world looking for a new purpose.
More info can be found on her Toyhouse profile!
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lanaevyssmoved · 9 months
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kingsroad · 1 year
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marrow made a wife of eve, but no one gave up a rib for me and mine. my hearts did expose to the elements, calloused and untouched by a man's design.
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choose-wiselyyy · 4 months
ever get chokeholded by a show you barely watched as a kid just because of horror aus and now it owns your brain and you’re about to watch all of it even though you’re way past the target age demographic? yeah
anyways. marshall [:
canon things:
—Elodie belongs to June
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some everfree au things:
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some swamp fever things:
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archonfurina · 8 months
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BALDUR'S GATE 3: The Guardian
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endlessly-cursed · 2 months
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make me choose meme; @hphmmatthewluther asked me: frediette, silvercrownlogne, betcha or luvander?
frederick belongs to @that-scouse-wizard
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adraveins · 8 months
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You will be called liberator.
#baldur's gate 3#baldur's gate#oc: jewel#aberrations#mine: dnd#keep thinking about the much more interesting narrative buried in this game in bits and pieces....#like. the very first choice in the game is reacting to a newborn creature calling for help#and i love that you're rewarded for helping and showing compassion#but imagine if the game took you to task for choosing cruelty towards a helpless creature just because it's a ''monster''#and avoided the Compassion For Me But Not For Thee dissonance of like#you run around asking people for help because of the looming threat of being turned into a mind flayer#you help so many people crushed under the great wheel of power and violence#but there's hardly a real pause to acknowledge that every single mind flayer you see was someone before that#was forced or tricked into that pyramid scheme#and if they escape they can only exist as themselves in the shadows#i love these little scenes we do get but god. act 3 and the Cooler Netherbrain Confrontation in my head is like#what if we tweaked it just a bit#and made it sizzle#anyway miss jewel has reached the top of the OC Favoritism Chart along with miss kit. HER <3#what if you were a nihilist charlatan monk beholden to nothing and no one and worn down by your long elven lifespan#who learned to feel compassion again through curiosity and sympathy towards ''monsters''#maybe the only person to ever willingly become illithid because you understood that change is not evil and the ''self'' is energy in flux#what if you rewrote the narrative that everyone else tried to sell#instead of domination and suffering you made it into an act of triumph and care for reviled creatures who didn't ask to be made#an ultimate act of charlatan-ism too <3#someone tells her 'this is how things are' and jewel says 'i think not actually <3' and gets away with it
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avoidcrowdraws · 8 months
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OC-tober day 13 - colour palette 4
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painonthebrain · 5 months
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x-adoringvoid-x · 4 months
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Part 16
That's it, I'm getting a divorce
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jendoe · 1 year
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this relaxing tea better fucking work.
template 1 | template 2
toni belongs to @risingsh0t and maddie belongs to @phillipsgraves!
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plinchy · 10 months
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You ever think about your characters as pokemon trainers?
it started with this sketch
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rotisseries · 1 year
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Ur so new to this its making me giggle. also you should share more I need to Know
gloomy I can't stress enough how bad I am at this. once we got past stats and I had to actually come up with real character things it was awful. dragged kicking and screaming through character creation. also I'm realizing as I type this how little I still have in mind for this character bc I never even decided what gender they are. we've been referring to them interchangeably as "my new cringfail losergirl oc" and "my new weird little guy"
#gonna be real though it’s probably a girl. and she'll be a lesbian. why would I ever choose anything else#ok but she doesn't even have a name yet. idk how to name things that is gonna suck#she's a blacksmith though. and a tiefling druid but I think you saw me tell theo that already in the replies of the other post#and she has a fascination with fire bc I got in a projecting mood#and that sounds stupid as hell I hate saying that actually bc it makes me think of that very annoying internet time#where every single gay person on tiktok was like “ooh be gay do crime!! arson!! mother mother!!”#but I cannot stress enough this is a genuine trait of mine if you leave me with a lighter and something flammable#I will set it on fire just to watch it burn#my family won't let me light birthday candles because they don't like giving me lighters#I set a paper towel on fire in our camper once when no one was in there#and then they went in later and were like “why does it smell like smoke in here?”#and I had to admit I lit a paper towel on fire#AND THEY WOULD NOT LET IT GO!!#they rag on me about it all the time like “rori you were gonna light our camper on fire!!”#and I have to be like “NO I PUT IT IN THE SINK”#but yeah saying oh here's my lesbian who likes fire sounds stupid and annoying but that's. that's a genuine trait of mine#anyway also as for the oc creation taking 5 hours. I will say I was doing this on discord call with several people#and only ONE of them was actually helping me in character creation. so the conversation kept getting sidetracked by everyone#we debated on if a hotdog was a sandwich at some point (it is)#ask#gloomybirdie#hi gloomy!
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jibunwo · 3 months
trying to do RELEVANT worldbuilding but my brain is insisting i work out the details of how the people of the far western farming nation honor their dead. nobody even fucking goes there.
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choose-wiselyyy · 3 months
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he encapsulated her heart with his general aura of uselessness apparently
Elodie belongs to June.
—part of a much larger doodle dump to come!
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camping-with-monsters · 4 months
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I know I’m late to the Valentine’s Day party, but you know what they say! Better late then never! Here’s some DDG lovey dovey sillies!
Jack of All Trades belongs to @menthum-mint
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