gilbertpoolman · 1 year
How to Deal with Chloramines in Your Pool: Weekly Pool Service
Chloramines are a typical problem that can occur in swimming pools and are created when organic waste injected by swimmers, such as perspiration and urine, combines with chlorine in the pool water. Numerous adverse reactions, such as eye irritation, skin rashes, and respiratory issues, can be brought on by chloramines.
It's crucial to take proactive measures to stop the creation of chloramines before you have a problem with them in your pool. Maintaining proper water chemistry by routinely measuring the pH and chlorine levels and modifying them as necessary is one efficient strategy. To lessen the amount of organic matter added to the water, it's a good idea to encourage swimmers to take a shower before entering the pool.
You can use shock treatment to solve the problem if you do detect chloramines in your pool's water. This entails putting a lot of chlorine in the pool quickly, which can aid in breaking down the chloramines and regaining the water's purity and clarity. You can ensure that your pool is a fun and safe place for all swimmers by weekly pool service.
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mumblelard · 2 months
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my kids came over yesterday and we sat at my kitchen table telling our tales of the week and talking nonsense about nonsense and we laughed and laughed and laughed until the sun started to set and the streetlights came on
tomorrow morning at finnie's house we'll all get together and our partner's too and have our monthly big breakfast and visit some more. i know this window where we are all so near and we can get together so often, i know it will close eventually. i am trying so hard to pay attention to every minute
i had dark dreams and restless sleep last night but boba kept me company the whole time. i got so hungry thinking about tomorrow, i made myself a big breakfast this morning too and it felt so good. it's a sunny day. i am finishing my coffee. boba is warming herself in a bright spot and chirping happy thoughts. i have a new poetry collection waiting for me at the library and i'm going to walk up the hill and across the park and through the woods to go get it and i'll see where the day goes from there
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cthulhusstepmom · 11 months
As promised here's a quick guide to the Fae lore I'm using in my Fae!Soap au, most of it is based on some folklore somewhere but there are parts that are exclusively my invention which I'll specify.
The fae are essentially immortal creatures that can split their time between our world and the Other World.
Things that repel fairies: wearing an article of clothing inside out, salt circles, some talismans, horseshoes(if the fae is of the Unseelie Court or has ill intent to your person), tying knots in your hair, etc
Some things depend on the type of Fae(regional differences, what court of Fae they are, where they stand in the hierarchy): most fae are repelled by bread but Scottish fairies love the stuff and accept it as preferred offerings, bells will chase off members of the Unseelie court as well as any Fae that harbors ill intentions towards you (Seelie fae will sometimes wear bells), compliments and gifts have a 50/50 chance of being an effective repellent.
They are beholden to the laws of hospitality, names, invitations etc
Never ever accept a gift from a fae as it is an invitation into your space and they will take full advantage of it.
Iron, specifically in a shape of significance, will protect you from the powers of the Fae and will repel their touch.
Unless I specifically strike it down it's pretty much all folklore accurate
From here down is all my own lore that I've made.
Now gifts in this universe, this little bit is entirely my own thing. (I didn't find much folklore about people wanting to bone the Good Neighbors beyond the occasional pretty boy stolen by a fairie queen). Gifts can be taken by the fae in question one of these ways: they'll find offense in it and leave you alone, they'll accept it as an offering and stick around(mostly in actual folklore this applies to Brownies in Scottish and Irish tradition), or (in specifically Soap's case because I don't think any other member of the Fae would ever allow a human to court them and homeboy is down bad) they'll take it as a courting gesture.
Fae courting is a rather understated affair, a gift is given and amiably received and then they're officially an item. It is highly unusual for most of the Fae to be monogamous and they'll usually drift from partner to partner during their long lives. It is somewhat more common for stricter monogamy to be observed among royalty and they'll more often choose one partner for life.
When Fae mate they essentially have a ton of sex and release magical energy into the world at large, this magic will latch onto a plant and develop the plant spirit into an autonomous fae spirit over time in a pseudo-gestational period. When the spirit of the new fae has fully matured, the magical energy that has been stored within the plant converts into their body and they are born as a functioning, if like basically a baby in most ways, adult. These new fae are sheltered in the Otherworld for the first several hundred years of their existence.
While they don't really die of old age or sickness there are a few things that can kill and injure them. Direct contact with Iron, severe physical wounds(getting shot in vital areas or having limbs removed), Bleach and some other chemicals, etc.
They are omnivores however they cannot process grains, preservatives, or cooked meat very well. They are immune to natural toxins though there are a few herbs that they find distasteful and avoid.
These are some of the major tenets and mainly just my specific lore, there's definitely more and if anyone has specific questions just shoot me an ask or a comment and I'll get you.
The reason the subtext is weird is because I completely made that part up lol
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thethickofitcore · 25 days
Let’s play beer pong only the beer is bleach and the balls are little bath bombs made of ammonia
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gidianthe · 10 months
that post about when gay people get tired and bitchy influenced by when i made a joke that included reference to the storming of the bastille prison in paris and my friend looked at me with Zero amusement Zero understanding and Zero tolerance for bullshit and said "what." and i was like oh okay i"m not even gonna try to salvage the joke by explaining we both have to go lie down
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b3tteroffdying · 1 year
“Hmm...maybe I’ll should try mixing a lot of bleach and ammonia to clean the house tomorrow…”
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(It will release poisonous gas, do this only if u want to die)
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sapphia · 11 months
your bravest gender-neutral girlie just had to relearn basic chemistry to prove people on reddit wrong :(
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watchwaterblog-blog · 7 months
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Chloramines are removed from water by Catalytic Carbon. NSF certified activated carbon with enhanced capacity removes chloramines from water.
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amysteriousburning · 9 months
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pokedelivery-girl · 10 months
in case anyone's wondering why you probably shouldn't humanize even the most sapient of pokémon, Aurora, my Gardevoir, just made chloramine gas in an attempt to help the apartment janitor and now she's confused when i try to explain that just randomly helping people do their work is not always a good idea
my entire floor had to evacuate while we're waiting on poison control i think.
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belleuosus · 11 months
Just a heads up to you youngins getting your own places soon: mixing ammonia and bleach creates Chloramine gas. Chloramine gas causes severe eye, throat and lung irritation. Thirty minutes of exposure to it can cause lung collapse.
Also note that urine contains ammonia! So be mindful of products containing bleach when you clean up pet stains or toilets.
If you do accidentally create Chloramine gas in your home, quickly open the nearest window and remove yourself, other people, and your pets from the area and - if possible - close the door to that area to prevent it from spreading. You can aim a box fan at the bottom of the door (if there is a gap) to help with ventilation.
Wash your eyes with cool water and take some deep breaths outside or in a well-ventilated area. If you continue have eye or lung irritation for an hour after exposure, you should really consider going to the hospital.
I hope this helps someone. This is such an easy mistake to make and not everyone knows about it.
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aquarevsblog · 1 year
Aqua Rev Water: The Ultimate Solution for Your Water Purification Needs
Aqua Rev Water: The Ultimate Solution for Your Water Purification Needs
Water is a basic necessity of life, and it's essential to ensure that the water we drink is safe and clean. Unfortunately, not all sources of water are clean and safe, and it's essential to purify them before consumption. This is where Aqua Rev Water comes in - the ultimate solution for your water purification needs.
Aqua Rev Water is a product of HDC Products Inc., a renowned company known for its high-quality and innovative water purification solutions. Aqua Rev Water is a revolutionary water filtration system that uses advanced technology to remove impurities, chemicals, and other contaminants from your drinking water.
One of the unique features of Aqua Rev Water is its multi-stage filtration process, which ensures that your drinking water is free from harmful contaminants. The first stage involves a pre-filter that removes large particles such as sand and dirt. The second stage involves an activated carbon filter that removes chlorine, bad tastes, and odors. The third stage involves a reverse osmosis membrane that removes dissolved solids and other contaminants. The fourth and final stage is a post-filter that adds minerals back into the water for a crisp, refreshing taste.
Aqua Rev Water is easy to install and operate, and it's suitable for use in homes, offices, and commercial establishments. The system comes with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to monitor and maintain. It's also energy-efficient and operates quietly, so you won't even know it's there.
Another advantage of Aqua Rev Water is that it's eco-friendly. The system reduces the need for bottled water, which is not only expensive but also harmful to the environment. By using Aqua Rev Water, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a greener future.
In conclusion, Aqua Rev Water is the ultimate solution for your water purification needs. It's a high-quality, innovative, and eco-friendly product that uses advanced technology to provide you with safe, clean, and refreshing drinking water. If you're looking for a reliable and efficient water filtration system, Aqua Rev Water is the way to go. Get yours today and start enjoying the benefits of pure, clean water!
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wolfawaycamp · 25 days
Rylan gets together during camp. After finding out, Chris gives Dylan a (very light) shovel talk.
🐰 turns out that I CANNOT be brief talking about these two but I hope you enjoy nonetheless. :3
The green rectangle of the swimming pool glowed like an emerald in the night, its undisturbed surface both tranquil and tantalizingly forbidden, as Dylan and Ryan made their way to the low brick wall surrounding it, to the the torn panel of the chainlink fence. It had taken Dylan the better part of three weeks to convince Ryan to give him a shot, but now that he finally had, Dylan was working on convincing him to bend a rule or two in the name of some harmless fun.
It was a sweltering July night, stuffy even at this elevation in the Catskills, and Dylan had floated the idea of a night swim without really expecting his new boyfriend to take him up on it. Ryan rarely did anything he thought might displease their boss. But even the camp-leader’s pet struggled to sleep in this heat, and perhaps Ryan was finding it difficult to resist the temptation of a little one-on-one time between the two of them. Dylan could flatter himself by thinking so, anyway.
He climbed easily onto the top of the low wall and held a hand out to Ryan, hauling his boyfriend up next to him. “Mr. H should really get this fixed,” Dylan said, grinning like a Cheshire Cat in the moonlight, “seems like an insurance liability for the pool to be this accessible. An attractive nuisance, I think they call it.”
“You’re an attractive nuisance,” Ryan teased, shoving Dylan off the edge of the wall and jumping down after him.
“Hmm, all I hear is that you think I’m attractive.” Dylan preened, winking over his shoulder at Ryan, who shoved him again, playfully, closer to the pool.
“The emphasis was on the ‘nuisance’ part,” Ryan countered, and Dylan shot him a fake pout. Ryan grabbed Dylan by his shirt, pulled him in for a kiss that was soft and warm and perfect—albeit entirely too short—and, fuck, he could really get used to that. “Of course I think you’re attractive, you massive dork. I’m dating you, aren’t I?”
Ryan could be pretty direct. Dylan was pretty into that. “Well, every time you say that, I end up pinching myself to see if I’m dreaming and, unbelievably, I’ve been awake every time, so I think the answer is yes.”
Ryan shook his head, but one of those cute little half-smiles tugged upwards at the corner of his mouth, even as he turned away in a failed attempt to hide it.
“So, how long d’you think it takes for the pool to cycle through enough fresh water so that it’s less than one third urine?” Dylan asked, staring into the deep end.
Ryan’s nose crinkled in disgust. “Okay, gross, you talked me into getting in there with you and now you’re talking about urine.”
“I’m just stating facts, man. You know the kids pee in there. They just do. That’s why the chlorine smell is so strong. Pure chlorine doesn’t even smell like that. It’s a chemical reaction between the chlorine and the ammonia in urine and sweat and stuff, gives off these chemicals called chloramines and that’s what you smell in the pool.”
“That’s enough professor, you’re ruining chlorine smell with your chemistry bullshit and it’s one of my favorite smells! Stop saying the word ‘urine’ and take your shirt off.” Ryan emphasized this by taking his shirt off and Dylan didn’t think he’d ever get tired of gazing at a shirtless Ryan for as long as he lived.
“Okay, yeah, I hear you, less chemistry,” Dylan pulled his own t-shirt off over his head, “more, uh, chemistry.” He waggled his eyebrows, hoping the feigned swagger was convincing enough.
Ryan ignored the quip and dove into the pool. Dylan followed, hurling himself gracelessly into the water with a laugh. The pool was still warm from the day’s sunlight, but getting wet made the air feel cooler when they back came up, at least.
“Keep your voice down,” Ryan shout-whispered, “Chris’ll freak if he catches us out here.”
“Oh, come on, what’s he gonna do, fire us?” Dylan flicked water at Ryan who splashed a little back at him. “We’re already understaffed. I’d like to see the old boy try to work the PA system, do all the scheduling, and teach all those sailing classes himself.”
“He probably could do the sailing,” Ryan reasoned, “he’s the one who taught me when I was a kid.”
“Yeah, but now he’s like 100, no way he could haul kids out of that lake like you do.” Dylan put a hand on Ryan’s upper arm and even this chaste contact sent a thrill running through his entire body. They hadn’t been together long and they’d barely ever been alone together. Getting to touch Ryan at all still felt like a privilege. “No way he has the upper body strength.”
“Stop talking about Mr. H,” Ryan said, “stop talking, period,” and Dylan might have taken offense if it hadn’t been clear from his tone and the look in his eyes, the way he’d come closer and angled his face upward towards Dylan’s, that Ryan had other plans for their mouths—better plans.
Dylan nodded, leaning in close, and then… a beam of blinding light landed on them from the other side of the fence. Ryan jumped away from Dylan as though he’d been electrocuted and Dylan ducked his head under the surface of the water as if he could hide, as if they hadn’t already been seen.
He surfaced to the sound of Mr. Hackett shouting, “Ryan, Dylan, out of the pool, please.”
Dylan risked a glance at his boyfriend and had to stifle a laugh at Ryan’s wide-eyed expression. As the chastened boys exited the pool and tried to quickly towel dry and wring out their trunks while still wearing them, Ryan whispered, “I told you we were gonna get caught!”
“Yeah, yeah, save it. You can gloat later.” Dylan whispered back, pulling on his shirt and cringing a little at how it stuck to his damp torso.
“I am not gloating! It’s not like I wanted us to get in trouble!”
Dylan clambered onto the wall and helped Ryan over again and Ryan immediately fell all over himself to apologize to their boss, who was standing there in his usual head-to-toe khaki ensemble as the two boys dripped miserably in front of him.
“I’m really sorry Chris, I…” Ryan began, and Mr. Hackett, flashlight in one hand, held the other up to silence him.
“I don’t wanna hear it. Ryan, you go straight back to your cabin right now, I’d like to have a word with Dylan.”
“Hey, no, it was my idea,” Ryan lied, and Dylan immediately corrected him, doing his best to ignore the warmth that spread through him at Ryan’s attempt to take the blame.
“It was definitely not his idea,” he said simply.
“Look, I don’t care whose idea it was, you both broke a rule and you’re in the same amount of trouble. And we will talk about it in the morning. Ryan, go to bed.”
Dylan and Ryan gave each other a nod, resigned to their fates, and Ryan headed back to his cabin. Dylan turned to face the camp leader, who had begun walking toward Dylan’s cabin on the far end of the circle near the radio hut. He wasn’t speaking now, so Dylan broke the silence.
“So, uh, am I… fired?”
“No, god no. Dylan, nobody’s fired! I haven’t fired Jacob or Emma for any of their antics yet, why would I start with you?” Mr. H asked and Dylan had to admit this was a fair point. “I wouldn’t even care about you two being in the pool,” he went on, “if I didn’t have to worry about the kids in your cabins needing something while you were distracted.”
“Oh, right. Okay. Then, uh, what did you wanna talk about?”
“You and Ryan, you’re obviously involved and I just… I want you to be careful, okay?”
Oh. Oh no. Oh no. Was Dylan’s boss trying to have a safe sex talk with him right now? Had he had it with Ryan already? Well, this was mortifying. He thought he might rather have been fired. Plus, what was the point if they kept getting interrupted before anything worth getting a lecture over could even happen?
“We’re not, I mean, we haven’t, y’know, not yet anyway…” Dylan floundered, his cheeks flushing, “we haven’t really had time, but if we ever did, I mean I’m sure we will and, when we do, then we’ll definitely be…”
“No, that’s,” Mr H. chuckled awkwardly, “that’s not what I meant, although you definitely should, uh, use protection. And, please don’t do… that when you’re on the clock. But what I meant was, be careful with his feelings.”
“His… feelings?”
Dylan blinked at him blankly. Of all the outcomes he’d imagined for this relationship, him hurting Ryan’s feelings had never even occurred to him. In fact, Dylan had thought the most likely scenario would involve his own heart getting pulverized in the end.
“I’ve known Ryan for years. He’s like a… close family friend at this point,” Mr. H said, and Dylan only realized when he finished the statement that he’d been expecting him to say Ryan was like a son to him, but he hadn’t. “I don’t know how much he’s told you about his family life.”
“Not a lot, actually,” Dylan admitted.
“Well that’s his decision, but I don’t think he’d mind me saying that it hasn’t always been easy for him. Feels like he’s maybe looking for some kind of stability. And that’s not always something you can get out of a relationship when you’re this young. I remember being your age, everything feels really intense. I just… don’t want to see him get hurt.”
“Mr. H., I—I really like Ryan,” Dylan said, feeling awkward as hell but being very earnest, “I’m trying my best not to fu—uh fumble this, okay? And you’re kind of… well you’re sorta freaking me out, actually, but I, um, appreciate the sentiment, anyway. I don’t want Ryan to get hurt either.”
“Well, that’s good to hear. Because I think Ryan really likes you too.”
“You do?” Dylan swallowed. “What, uhh, what makes you think that?”
“Because,” Mr. H smiled, “he just lied to my face trying to keep you out of trouble. That kid never lies. He’s… really bad at it.”
“Oh. Yeah, he really is,” Dylan agreed. “Wait, Mr. H, is this the part where you tell me you know a guy who can make me disappear if I do anything to hurt him?” Dylan laughed, softly, at his own joke, but Mr. Hackett didn’t.
The camp leader let out a long-suffering sigh instead, clapping the young man on his damp shoulder. “Let’s just both hope it doesn’t come to that, Dylan, hm?”
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naturalrights-retard · 9 months
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has decided to ban Berkey water filters, officially labeling them as pesticides. Berkey has sued the EPA in response to their sudden and unorthodox reinterpretation of their own regulations. Berkey water filters are regarded by many as some of the best filters money can buy, and several of Berkey’s products have been featured on Good Morning America, Martha Stewart, Food Network, Thrillist, Goop and Forbes. Berkey products, which have been on the market for a quarter century, became popular due to their gravity purifier and filtering elements that can remove hundreds of waterborne pathogens and contaminants.
According to Berkey’s website, their products can “dramatically reduce bacteria like E. coli, Chlorine, Chloramines, Parasites, Fluoride, Heavy Metals, Inorganic Minerals, Trihalomethane (THMs), Pharmaceuticals, Petroleum Contaminants, Bisphenol-A (BPA), Perfluorochemicals (PFOAS), Herbicides & Pesticides, Protozoa, Inorganic minerals, VOCs, Petroleum products, Perfluorinated chemicals, Rust, Silt, Sediment, and even Radiological.”
One of the main elements in Berkey water filters that contributes to their successful purification is silver. Silver is an active ingredient in many pesticides, thus partly explaining the EPA’s decision to label Berkey as such. However, there were several decisions made by the EPA before this nonsensical label that shed greater light on their true intentions.
The EPA announced at the beginning of the COVID “pandemic” that they were considering reinterpreting their own regulations regarding water filters capable of removing viruses. Concerned by this announcement, Berkey owner Jim Shepherd contacted an EPA consultant for guidance. They provided none. In fact, they even told Shepherd that Berkey products were exempt from the reinterpreted regulations.
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shittysawtraps · 1 year
Hello, Jerry,
You're currently bound to the wall in the very single-occupancy restroom you refuse to clean safely. Your reckless use and combination of cleaning products has hurt innocent people. Now, it's time to clean up your act.
The toilet bowl before you is full of bleach powder, and the tank is full of ammonia. In your hand, there is a brick. If you drop the brick, the toilet will flush, combining the ammonia with the bleach and killing you with chloramine gas.
If you hold onto the brick until the morning shift comes, they will save you from this predicament. Hopefully.
Should you fail, well, that's just one more toxic mess they'll remember you by.
Make your choice.
*cassette recorder set down noise*
Alright, Amanda, it's done. Will you please tell John I finished the stupid fucking trap, UNDER BUDGET, and that he can crawl out of my asshole now?
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manyblinkinglights · 19 days
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My coworker brought me a vial of duckweed with bonus copepods, various sizes of each. I have added it (the vial) to my decorative vine and lily vase. The duckweed leapt upwards and the copepods billowed out, like a bath bomb. That’s the vial, in there. I’m gonna fill a bucket now and set it aside to react/offgas, since our water has chloramine which takes three days or so to quit being toxic to aquatic organisms.
I have no idea whether the copepods will be durable long-term! I just wanted the duckweed. The copepods arrowed into the root mass or stayed wiggling around in the vial, as per preference… it would be nice if they survived.
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