#chishiya 😭😭😭
donghyuckkies · 1 year
good morning i have just finished season 2 of alice in borderland and am having many thoughts and feelings
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thiamine · 1 year
looking at this beautiful smiley man does anyone else feel ROBBED by not seeing Chishiya smile like that in the show?
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sweetlywriting · 10 months
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Chishiya relationship headcanons <3
Gender neutral reader, no warnings
If you like to talk a lot he’s a very good listener, humming along and adding a comment when needed, and even if your not one for talking he likes the sound of your voice. It ensures him that you’re here with him, and not in any danger
If your not as advert to talking he’ll probably try to pry it out of you-you’re his partner, he wants to know your interests, values, viewpoints, dislikes, opinions, whatever it is he wants to know more about you. And in return, you’ll probably get to learn a little about him too
Always goes to games with you. He’s comfortable in the controlled environment of games and their straightforward rules, when you go with him there’s no chance of you dying. It’s just the easiest way to protect you, and one of his special ways of showing care
His affection is subtle, but it’s certainly there. Physically it might just be standing a little closer to you, or the occasional brush of shoulders. Mentally, though it’s seeking you out, taking your opinion into account, trying to encourage you when you’re down, letting you know about his past, making sure you eat before him, getting to be vulnerable with his words and telling you how much he truly cares <3
While he’s probably not one for pda, but I can definitely see him running a kiss along your knuckles when you’re panicking about a game, to remind you he’s there. A gentle hand your back when you’re falling behind the group and a rare smile that you reciprocate
He’s cool not cold, and won’t deny being with you, but won’t go out of his way to be flashy or flaunt your relationship
As a doctor if you ever get hurt he’ll 100% patch you up, though his hands shake at thought of his what could happen to you, he’ll blame it on not having done this in a long time, and make you forget with that suave smile
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cmkren · 1 year
“He Loved Me, He Loved Me Not.”
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For a man such as himself, he couldn’t express the emotions he felt, even if he wanted to. It was a matter of being unable, not knowing how than not wanting to. Or maybe it was a little bit of both. Chishiya could only hope that the one he loved wouldn’t see him any less for it— because it’d only sting more considering that he, for once, was trying his best to be (somewhat) emotionally available.
But maybe he had realized that all just a little too late.
a/n; exploring his character a little! A little bit of one-sided pining, mentions of past relations between Chishiya and reader, messy plot, messy in general ‘cause I haven’t written like this in three years— g/n! reader (hopefully), mentions of unhealthy behaviour, the neglectful kind + pre-borderlands relationship but chishiya reflecting during borderlands when he sees you again during beach arc
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What did you expect, getting into a relationship with him? What had drawn you in, pulled you in so close? Close enough that he could plunge a knife into your heart so deep he could tug it right out from the other side? What did you expect?
What did you expect.
Before the whole borderlands shit show, Chishiya had you in his arms every day. Every other day. Maybe weekly. He thought he had expressed his affections rather often, but according to the other party they barely saw him. There had been a conversation between the two of you about this, a conversation where he willingly sat and listened. Nodding his head, looking like he caught your words as soon as they left your mouth.
Maybe that was one of the reasons. How he seemed so good at listening, as if he was hooked on to every word you said, actively listening every time you spoke. In a sense he did. At the beginning, that was.
Everyone knows how things are at the beginnings of a relationship. Where couples are tied to the hip, all lovey-dovey and happy looking. As if they solved all their problems and were sure there would be none to come their way. You and Chishiya were no different, but of course he showed this newfound affection he held in his own unique way.
Never the biggest fan of pda, so he kept the touching behind closed doors. Even then, his biggest way to show affection was just sitting down and spending time with you. Listening to how your day was, and you prying out the same from him as he reluctantly shared.
That was just how your relationship was— and he liked it that way.
Until that ‘honeymoon phase’ started to slowly fade. Like it always does. He started spending less time with you, barely saying anything to you unless he needed something.
It was strange, how things switched up so quickly with him. He even went radio silent a couple of times, not really responding to texts or calls. Most he would give at times to a message is a one or two word answer. No matter how good a partner someone could be— anyone would start getting anxious about what was going on.
The final straw came when he didn’t say anything at all for a whole month. Maybe even reaching two months.
It was crazy. How could you be completely detached for a whole month like that? You never even caught a glimpse of him, got a single text or call. He must’ve been deliberately ignoring you.
Unfortunately, he had been.
He had no idea what came over him, but he just couldn’t talk to you. The workload at the hospital was only an excuse he could barely tell himself as for his own behaviour. As if he was justifying it.
But after a while, a string of texts finally got his attention. It’s all pretty blurry to him, but he just remembered dropping whatever it was he was doing to go over to your place. Unfortunately for him, a stroke of bad luck decided to follow him as he walked across Shibuya Crossing.
It was the day he found himself in this sort of dystopian version of Tokyo.
Maybe that’s why he found himself staring at you from a distance— there wasn’t really… actual closure. At least for him. With the raging party by the pool, you seemed to be having some fun with new friends you made during your time here.
Chishiya was known to be a confident guy, a bit of a prick but in a way he had a right to be. He was intelligent. But he could never bring himself to go up to you again. Not after how he left things on such a sour note.
He liked to think it was both his and their fault. Their fault for falling in love with a man like him, and his fault for loving you just as much. Maybe even a little more.
Perhaps that’s why he subconsciously distanced himself at one point. Did he think that was the right move? To move as far away and close himself as much as possible to protect them from an asshole like him? Someone who couldn’t even share how his day at work had went?
At the end, it didn’t matter why or why not he did certain things.
The fact of the matter was, he hurt you either way. Maybe this was how he loved. By pushing them as far as possible, holding himself accountable. And maybe this was how he balanced his life. From the shitty things he did every day, maybe he deserved it. Deserved never being able to make love last.
“Chishiya— Chishiya!”
The taller woman beside him had snapped her fingers right against his ear, making him turn his head just the slightest. Kuina stared back at him, the corners of her mouth twitching upwards just a little. A slightly incredulous smile on her face, “what’s with that expression? You look like you just got dumped.”
He knew she was exaggerating so he let out an amused scoff. Slowly, his eyes trailed back towards the crowd, a quiet sigh leaving his lips.
Ah, he just remembered. Why he had been making his way to your place that day. The message that got him scrambling to his feet, finally waking up to reality.
It’d been a break up text.
It took that, something that finally spelled it out to him that his relationship was in jeopardy, to try to fix it. Remedy how much he had blatantly ignored his partner for the past month or so, absolutely refusing to even send a single message.
If it hadn’t been obvious yet— he still loved you. After 90 days of this place, he still loved you. You probably still loved him too, he presumed. That wasn’t just his narcissism speaking, there was no way they’d get over him so quick. No way.
No way.
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chishiyashoodie · 1 year
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POV: you are Nijirō’s gf and this is your camera roll
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kentopedia · 5 months
is anyone else an alice in borderland fan
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kausstar · 1 year
LETS VOTE CAUSE WE COULDN’T UNTIL THE 15 AMENDMENT WAS PASSED ! 😭😭. we: the blacks. yes, february is over but it ain’t over til i say BHM is over.
anyways, that’s not what i’m here for…
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i don’t steal my ideas. don’t be so fucking stupid to do no shit like that cause i will beat you tf up.
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sunoooism · 1 year
MORNING KISSES- ryohei arisu x gn!reader
୨୧ . . . content— established relationship, fluff, gn!reader.
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the fact that it was an hour past your alarm didn't bother you as it usually would, neither did the numbing feeling in your legs caused by being in the same place for too long. all that mattered to you right now was Arisu who was peacefully laying across your front with his limbs entangled with yours. he looked so calm with his face pressed into the juncture of your neck that you wouldn't dare wake him, even if that meant missing your morning walk. you had both had a late night yesterday, arguing over a stupid pair of shoes until you realized you weren't mad at eachother and were both just exhausted from work and the tedious activities of the day. your day ended with him curled up on your chest as you pressed peck after peck onto his sun kissed skin, but inevitably you both fell asleep comfortably in each other's grasp.
with your left hand buried in Ryohei's soft locks and your right holding onto his hand that was lying by your waist, you simultaneously thumbed circles onto his knuckles while stroking gentle patterns on his scalp. you weren't sure if he was able to feel your mannerisms in his dream state or not but nevertheless it made no difference to you as you kept up your benevolent movements.
the first thing Arisu did when he awoke was enclose you in his arms, hugging you tightly while pressing a soft kiss to your neck. you let out a relaxed sigh and basked in his love until he decided to move, all the while still brushing through his dark tresses with your fingers. "g'morning, sweetheart" despite having been in a relationship with him since high school five years prior to this and living with him for two of those years, his morning voice never failed to make you flustered. "morning. good sleep, love?" you asked once you'd recovered from your momentary butterflies. All you got in response was a 'hmm' as you felt your boyfriend nuzzle his head further into your neck, you chuckled and ducked down to press a kiss to his forehead. "love you, Ryohei"
a tingling sensation crawled up your spine when your lover whispered the same phrase, his soft lips and hair tickling your bare skin whenever he shifted. as the sun cast its light onto Arisu's face it seeped through your curtains and into the warmth of your shared room, illuminating the previously dark space.
you peered down to check on your lover as you felt his breathing slow down again, although it was nice to have him in your arms you really did need to start the day. shuffling yourself so that your eyes were level with his you started to pepper his face with kisses, pleased and also feeling encouraged to continue when you heard a breathy laugh escape him. you remained kissing the mass of his face, paying extra attention to his moles and freckles. "gotta wake up, honey. can't sleep the day away" a playful groan was heard throughout the room and a pout made its way into his plump lips. "just a lil' longer please" he was too adorable to deny, you would probably give him the world if you could, but unfortunately you couldn't so you settled with agreeing to give him another half hour with him in your arms.
grinning, he left a kiss on your lips, though a messy one you adored him and his kisses all the same. after about five seconds he released your lips from his with an exaggerated 'mwah!' and decided one wasn't enough so dove back in for another which you gladly accepted and reciprocated. a second kiss turned into a third and soon that third had turned into far more than a dozen love filled pecks with the occasional giggle. "I - love - you - so - so - much" he whispered in-between movements which caused your already warm face to heat up. "I love you more"
"not possible"
the rest of your day was spent scattered around your shared apartment, but no matter where you ended up you were always in each others arms.
can you tell I'm touch starved??
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riseatlantisss · 1 year
the fuck is post-Avatar depression syndrome I have post-Alice in Borderland depression syndrome, I binged all of s2 in one night and I already miss them all so much. I need more. I need to know they’ll be back. how am i supposed to live laugh love in these conditions
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dreary-eyed · 1 year
you ever watch a show so good you wanna die
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benevadeca · 1 year
Also the king of diamonds game is dumb as shit. "Ohh I wanna make a fair game that gives all life equal value" "ohh boo hoo I'm so sad bc I saw inequality in the world for the first time ever and have paralyzed myself from indecision on what to do now" and then he's like ok so anyone who dies gets sulfuric acid dripped on them and they will die a slow and agonizing death. Uhh. Bitch.
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cower-before-power · 8 months
I’m back to report i’m not enjoying this flu but I am enjoying catching up on Alice in Borderland. Fuck, I love Chishiya 😍
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cmkren · 1 year
Light ‘Em Up, Buttercup.
Chishiya Shuntaro x Gn! Reader;
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Chishiya always gave you little DIY trinkets, though you were perplexed, you accepted them. Cherished them. Today, you seemed upset. It also happened that today, he finally wanted to tell you how he felt. How he could feel a storm brewing amongst this false paradise that was The Beach, and how he wanted to tell you before he could lose you to this place and its madness. Tell you that he, Chishiya Shuntaro, loved you with all his being.
a/n; no warnings really needed! Some fluff (chishiya’s a real lover boy in this one), awkward chishiya cause that man has no rizz you cant tell me otherwise,,, oh n’ niragi’s mentioned a little, a lil cheesy but bare w me 💔
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The first time he gifted you something, it was just about a month into knowing Chishiya. He hadn’t known it then, but about then was where the sparks of a flame were slowly being ignited. A flame that he couldn’t put out, as much as he tried to force it down his stomach.
As much as he tried to smother it with the lid of reality— that this utopia they lived in was nothing but a farce.
All of the Beach’s residents never seemed to realize it, well except for a handful. Most were the executives though, or people Chishiya spoke to directly. Like Kuina. But you, you were one of the exceptions. That’s what he found refreshing about you, someone who didn’t run from reality— as crude as it was. That was what he liked about you.
It was why he liked you.
The first thing he’d given to you was a shiv, a crudely crafted blade that had its own little sheath he, too, created. His background gave him steady hands, it was no hassle to sew together some scrap pieces of leather together to create a hold for the pocket-sized weapon. Sure it wasn’t the best weapon in terms of effectiveness, but he had hoped that someday it would come in handy.
To say that he had a part in your survival, it gave him a sense of security and comfortability. Along with a smidgen of pride.
The idea to give you a shiv had popped into his head when he saw the way Niragi looked at you. He’d just been strolling by, but he saw the way his brow raised in interest, the slight purse of his lips that quirked up into a bit of a smile. No matter what had crossed through his mind at that moment, Chishiya didn’t care.
The fact that you caught Niragi’s eye was all that he needed to feel the frown creep up on his face. Of course, before anyone could give anything a second thought he managed to distract him and his prying eyes.
But both of them weren’t dumb.
Something had happened just there. Something neither men could wrap their heads around— mainly Chishiya. Niragi now knew you were of some importance to the smug bastard, and Chishiya couldn’t figure out why he cared. Him, who only ever cared about himself, doing something out of his way to help someone out. Even though he probably just worsened the chance of guaranteed safety for you.
The day right after that, Chishiya approached you with the same nonchalance he did daily. But today, he pulled something out of his pocket that surprised you.
“For you. Protect yourself, don’t be careless and die here. It’d be a rather pathetic death, dying out here than in a game that was purposefully designed to kill you.” For many, being spoken to like that would probably be off-putting. Maybe a little bit offensive. But you had just let out an airy chuckle, your uncertainty showing through your laugh.
“How charming.” Was what you said, taking the unknown object into the palm of your hand.
Seeing as you seemed a little confused, he piped up again, looking down at the sheathed shiv then at you, “it fits in your pocket— it’s a makeshift blade. I made it. Don’t say I never did anything for you—”
“Thank you.”
He stared at you for a moment, seeing the small smile on your face. It was one that found some amusement in this display of… well, he wasn’t sure what it was. All he knew was that, with the way you looked at him, he felt this fluttering in his stomach. Perhaps he ate something wrong not too long ago.
That must have been… weeks ago now. Every week he came up with something new to gift you. Not all of them were shabby trinkets he created himself, like for example once he gave you a lighter. Where he gets these things, no one knows. But him, of course.
Though as weeks dwindled and passed by, he knew it was only a matter of time before shit hit the fan.
He already had his plan mapped out, the only person he trusted to work in this was Kuina. Why not you? Because for the slightest chance they might fuck up, he didn’t want you caught in the crossfire.
After a hectic day, he found his way to you. Ever since he figured out how to make bombs, he thought, why can’t he make something with the same technology to make you happy? Or at least, to provide a show. He even figured out a way to get them coloured. Of course, he didn’t have enough materials or knowledge to go beyond that but he thought he refined his craft pretty well.
So when he tried to find you, and you weren’t in your usual spots, he felt a pit forming in his stomach.
He didn’t dare call out your name, only searching for you in quiet. Had you finally been taken? Or… did you not come back from a game? Was this Niragi’s doing? Who would be out to get you?—
His head whipped around, pieces of hair briefly flying into his face. He staggered a little, just a bit out of breath from his frantic searching. Right. Here on the roof top, a place he had personally introduced you to. A place where no one knew you could go.
In an attempt to regain his composure, he let out a little cough. “You— why are you up here?” He spoke out, brows furrowing just a little at his own words that sounded a little colder than he meant them to be.
An amused scoff left you, as you approached him, the moonlight and dim lights of the rooftop being the only light source, “I needed the fresh air.” You breathed out, a somber look on your face. At the moment, he figured it out. You must know it too, a mutual understanding you both have.
How this place had reached its due date.
He’d never been the one for distractions. To wallow in your own self pity and pretending that something wasn’t there when it clearly was. But for you, he’d indulge just a little.
“I kept up with my weekly quota, as promised,” a promise he created himself. Out of his pockets, each of his hands pulled out two dynamite looking sticks. Thin enough to be sandwiched between his fingers. “Fireworks, impressive, right?” He spoke with just a bit of smugness to his tone. That wasn’t really a question he needed answering to. Either way, whatever your answer would’ve been it didn’t matter.
The way your eyes lit up as you let out an audible gasp, already fiddling with your pockets for (presumably) your lighter was enough of an answer for him.
“You’re amazing! I mean— first the bombs and now fireworks? What can’t you do? Oh my god, you should totally make me a little robot thing—” as you blabbered, he already made his way to place the fireworks a good distance away from where they’d plan to sit and watch. A little bit of a smile on his face.
When everything got set up, he gestured towards the fireworks. “What are you waiting for? Don’t tell me you’re scare—”
A boisterous laugh escaped you as you immediately grabbed him by his arm, having gone out of the way to light them up as he was in the middle of taunting you.
What did this remind him of?
This reminded him of those cheesy romance dramas, the moment where the main characters confessed their love under the fireworks. While he never understood that, he couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. The happy look in your eye, the way you held his arm, how you reminded him of him just a little but be on an entirely different plane from him as well.
As the first firework set off, he saw how your turned around and he could see the bright light cascade over the glimmer of your eyes. How the light in your eyes shone brighter than any firework he could manufacture.
At that moment, for the first time in his time being in this twisted land, he didn’t think. “I love you.” He whispered out, not even paying attention to the light show as he watched how your expression shifted. How your eyes met his in that moment, the way your expression went from amazement to surprise.
Maybe it was too quick to say something like that. But in this lawless land, what did he gain from holding onto every little thing he wanted to say and do?
Over the loud booming of the fireworks, he tried to speak as much as he could. Saying that he wasn’t entirely sure what he was feeling, or how it even happened, but all he knew was that he fell. Hard. And that he wanted nothing but to see you alive— protect you even though deep down, he knew you were capable on your own.
You couldn’t even hear him. How were you supposed to, with those fireworks? But he still kept speaking. With tears in your eyes, you could only let out a choked laugh as you cupped his face with your hands and pulled him into a kiss.
“Oh shut up, just for once.” You laughed, briefly separating to only pull him back in again.
He could only think about how soft you felt against him, your warm hands creating this sorts of contrast against his cold skin. Was this really love? He didn’t know. But one thing he did know for certain, as he finally planted his hands on your hips;
like those fireworks, you lit up his night sky.
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chishiyashoodie · 1 year
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dewyboi · 1 year
I just know I wasn’t the only one pissed that Niragi didn’t die, I was fuming bro
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allofuswantgwinam · 10 months
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this might be the funniest thing she’s ever done
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