#cheese fries pork barbecue
disneyfoodislove · 26 days
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French Fries With Pulled Pork And Cheese. Flame Tree Barbecue, Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
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tf2heritageposts · 1 year
There is: (i got too excited and it's a bit long sorry)
What kind of brazillian foods/drinks the mercs would like the most
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He would love any kinds of street foods, his favorite ones would be coxinha, a fried snack stuffed with chicken; Hot dogs in the São Paulo way, they usually have mashed potatoes, corn, peas and shoestring potatoes above (with ketchup and mustard, of course) and pastel, a fried dough (the texture is similar to a puff pastry) that can have many kinds of fillings, the most usual one is mozzarella cheese. He also would love eat this while drink sugarcane juice (it's a classical combo).
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This one is funny, bc in my head all the other mercs had to lie to him that they were getting 100% american food so he could at least try some, and he keep eating it without knowing the thruth. His favorite ones would also be ones of the most iconical ones, by irony of the destiny, such as feijoada and pão de queijo. He would also love farofa (is made either with corn or cassava, braised with oil and can have diverses other igredients too) but since Soldier is build diferently, insted of eating it as a side dish he just cook a huge ass pan of farofa and eat all of it with a spoon.
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He would love brigadeiro, because is sweet as him (awwn). He would love churrasco (brazilian barbecue), so much that he, engineer and sniper would be the ultimate churrasqueiros of the team (however only engineer and sniper are alowed to touch on the grill since the incident). From the many things that can be made in a churrasco, Pyro likes garlic bread the most (because it gets burned at outisde really quickly but still ok to eat). The last thing from his list would be cuscuz paulista, recipe that blend corn flour and many other igredients, and that people from other brazilian states keep saying its ugly but THATS UNTRUE YALL JUST DONT KNOW HOW TO MAKE IT - me, a sad paulistana.
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As said before, he would love churrasco, and any kind of red meat should be his favorite (picanha, striploin…). He would also like the local beer options and condensed milk pudding (pudim). No special rasion on the last one (besides giving all the mercs at least 3 itens).
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He would LOVE drinking cachaça (alchoolic drink made with sugarcane) and caipirinha as well (drink made with cachaça, lime, sugar and ice). For eat, his favorite food should be torresmo (pork skin with fat cut into small pieces and fried until crispy), that is also a good side dish in brazilian bar's.
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His first favorite option would be estrogonofe, wich is actually a brazilian version of a russian recipe (stroganoff), with some alterations. He would also enjoy virado à paulista (plate composed of a beans and cassava flour mix, together with pork chop, tuscan sausage, fried egg, braised cabbage and a piece of breaded banana), it's a really big meal to a really big guy. Finally, he would go for "caipiroska" for drinking, with is a caipirinha variation but with vodka in the place of cachaça (wich i didn't know existed until i started writing this kkkkkk)
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Cuca de banana (a cake with bananas and a sugar & cinnamon on top) would be one of his favorite desserts (it also has a germanic origin i also didn't knew kkkkkk). He also would like specific foods from Bahia, such as Acarajé (dumpling made from black-eyed pea dough, onion and salt, and fried in palm oil, can be stuffed with shrimp or other options of filling) and cocada (candy made with coconut), but I can't specify why yet bc it envolves a headcanon/AU i'm still making and i want it to be a silly surprise, i'll edit here once it's done.
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The last one of the ultimate churrasqueiros, his favorite item would be chiken's hearts. Aparently pumpkings are very used in australian culinary, so i like to imagine he would also like doce de abobora (dessert made with pumpking). Finally, i guess tapioca (cassava gum, can be fried like a pancake and stuffed to taste, among other uses) just suits him idk.
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He would love Carolina (looks like a éclair, but is smaller, rounder, and filled with dulce de leche) and sonho (fried dough, usualy filled with vanilla cream and with sprinkled sugar above. The name of this recipe translate to "dream" in a literal form btw kkkkk). Ending this list, Spy would enjoy queijo com goiabada (a slice of minas cheese thogeter with a slice of guava paste).
Thank you for reading until here, and sorry if i made you fell hungry hihihi
holy shit this is so good
also i want carolina that looks so good
i also want the sugarcane drinks, please god i’ll do anything
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tastesoftamriel · 1 year
I would love to know what the most popular horker dishes in Tamriel are!
Horker is mostly native to the northern parts of Tamriel, where they thrive in the cold sea waters. As such, today I'll concern myself with native horker dishes.
Nords are probably the biggest consumer of horker in Tamriel, and it is a staple meat across most of the Province of Skyrim, even making it into the diets of inland Markarth, Whiterun, and Falkreath. Most traditionally, horker meat is liberally salted and sometimes dotted with juniper berries and herbs, before being hung to cure. Nord horker ham and bacon are extremely common (even moreso than pork bacon), whether it's in slices, served with cheese and bread, or diced and fried with scrambled eggs.
Other popular ways of cooking horker in Skyrim include basted in honey-based barbecue sauce and slow-roasted, sliced thinly and grilled over coals, or braised in ale with potatoes and root vegetables. While some say that horker has a distinctly fishy taste (like a cow gave birth to a tuna, as Brynjolf likes to say), it's quite bearable if it's cooked right.
Meanwhile, don't forget the Orcs of Wrothgar. While most of them prefer echatere to horker, it's an easy source of food as they dot the coast in great numbers. Fried blubber cubes with potato dumplings are one of the region's most popular specialities, while horker steaks with horseradish sauce is another favourite. Horker pie, horker meatcakes, and horker schnitzel are also a good way to go, served with an array of dipping sauces (most of them spicy).
Finally, there's Solstheim, a Dunmeri outpost with a Nord twist. The cuisine of Raven Rock is wholly unique in its fusion of the cultures, and you get dishes like Horker and Ash Yam Stew. However, other Dunmeri takes on horker include roast horker belly with steamed saltrice and oyster sauce, horker and hackle-lo stir fry, and canis root herbal soup with gingko nuts and horker meatballs. ~Talviel
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panzershrike-pretz · 4 months
Hello mon amie!! I was interested, what’s some things you love about your country and culture?!
This will be long so have a read more
- Food
A thing I notice whenever a gringo comes here id how they seem to love our food! We're very set on a good meal (normally rice, beans, meat and some sort of salad, It's a very common thing to find on the table of any brazilian at lunch or dinner), but we also have some more region specific foods! And we are damn PROUD of our stuff!
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I LOVE FOOD! AND ABOVE ALL, THESE ONES! In order, they are: coxinha, pastel, pamonha, brigadeiro, pão de queijo, beijinho, feijoada, farofa e churrasco! Lemme talk a bit about them:
- Coxinha -> it's made out of shredded chicken amd enveloped into a dough, then fried and I SWEAR this is the best thing ever! When I was small, my aunt owned a food place and after I helped her around, she'd pay me with coxinhas xD it was lovely
- Pastel -> similarly to the coxinha, it's a tasty interior made out of whatever you want (can be cheese, any meat, veggies, fish or even chocolate and fruits!) and a crust. It's crunchy and I love it! You can buy the crust pretty much in any market (or make it at home) and then fill it up with whatever you want! After that, it's just fry and enjoy!
- Pamonha -> it's a boiled paste made out of corn and apparently coconut milk! It's enveloped on the corn's own husk and it can be sweet or not! One day, my auntas came together to make a GIANT batch of pamonha and I swear it was one of the cooles experiences ever! Pamonha is also a thing we use to call dumb people, tho xD
- Brigadeiro -> AUDHBRJWJW I LOVE IT!!! It's prettymuch homemade (you'll need butter, condensed milk and cocoa powder, then sprinkled chocolate to cover it up if you want!). It's sweet and good and normally can be seen in any birthday party (it's victim of the biggest trafficking scheme in the world called Hungry Children, and it's highly effective until an adult gets you sneaking brigadeiro from the food table at the party. I was a big trafficker).
- Pão de Queijo -> THE beloced cheese bread! I have no clue how it'sz made but I know it's fucking amazing, i'll tell you that!!
- Beijinho -> the name translates to little kiss!! It's like the brigadeiro, also a birthday party sweet, made out of condenses milk, grated coconut and rolled over either sugar or coconut! It's less sweet than brigadeiro but just as good! Sometimes, it's topped off with a clove, too, but you don't need to eat that xD
- Feijoada -> a stew of beans with beef and/or pork (sometimes veggies as well), served with farofa (more on this one down bellow), rice and other stuff.
- Farofa -> tasty sand. Litterally. It's made from toasted cassava. It can be found in any narket but also can be made at home! (My mom makes the best one with bacon 😭). It's not meant to be eaten alone as it's salty and fucking hard to swallow without something kind of moist!! It can be used alongside the feijoada, churrasco or even on your normal sunday family lunch siting common beans and rice!
- Churrasco -> I don't care if other countries have barbecue as well, nothing will ever top off south-brazilian bbq!! It's meat and garlic bread and it's ducking amazing????? Any kind of beef, sausages (either pig or chicken), chicken wings, chicken hearts, sometimes veggies, garlic bread! All of tgis. Together. IT'S THE BEST THING!!! My family has these almost every weekend and I love it so much! Now add lemonade?????? THE MEAT IS SO WELL SEASONED AS WELL LIKE!! GARLIC, ONION, A LOT OF STUFF THAT GIVES IT SUCH A GOOD TASTE AND IT NEVER IS DRY!!
This was me going crazy over my favorite foods :3 obviously there are others like acarajé, açaí and a lot of other stuff from the upper states, but I never had them so I can't give an opinion xD
- Language
I'm entireky convinced that the brazilian portuguese is the best portuguese and funniest fucking language I ever saw. Maybe because is the only other one I speak but who knows KAKSKSKSK
I like our words. Compared to english and some other languages, I feel like portuguese is more soft spoken? I may be crazy but like... i get the vibe of that.
Our sayings are lovely and funny, especially when you're watching foreign movies with the brazilian dub (God bless Surf's Up). Here are some pf my favorite sayings and sounds and whatever!
- "Bah" -> common here on the south, can be used for pretty much anything, even as punctuation. It can mean whatever your heart desires depending on context (Bah...; bah.; bah???; BAH!; bah, [...]; I promise all of these mean different things and there's more that can only be use when soeaking irl xD). I use the bah all the time and I'm sure you saw it KSKSSKKS
- "Hit it waith a dead cat 'till it meows" -> I dare you to find a better way to say you're gonna shove some sense into a person. There isn't. This is my fave saying
- "Pila" -> our currency is called real (good ol' R$). But fuck me if you'll see a brazilian saying "i've got 10 reais". You'll see us saying "I've got 10 pila" (or "10 pau", can be that too. Pau can mean either wood or dick tho so use at your own risk. I laugh everytime I see the word pau :D)
- "Shove a set of teeth up your ass and smile to a dick" -> I think nothing needs to be said here, right?
- "To make the asshole fall from your ass" -> when something is unbelievable, I think. I love it :3 (de cair o cu da bunda, in portuguese)
- "É foda..." -> don't know how to answer anything? É foda... "Fulano, my friend got into a car accident!", "...é foda...".
AND WHILE ON LANGUAGE! Accents!!! I love accents and I think my favorite is the accent from Nordeste (or at least Ceará), tho I absolutely love our South accent (especially Rio Grande do Sul).
- Fauna
Surprise surprise! I like animals!! I bet ya didn't know 'bout that one, did you?????? I don't think so!
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In order: southern-lapwing (quero-quero), toucan (tucano), harpy eagle (harpia), sunbittern (pavãozinho-do-pará), potoo (urutau), brazilian tanager (tiê-sangue), oven-bird (João-de-barro), caracara (carcará), jabiru (tuiuiú).
DID YOU KNOW, the Harpy eagle is the largest species of eagle? Their talons can go from 8.6 to 12.3 cm (3.4 to 4.8 inches). They grab sloths out of trees like they weight nothing. Their paws are the hugest fucking thing???????? Fucking scary
Yes the lapwing has claws on its wings. Yes they are extremely agressive and territorial. Yes you SHOULD fear them.
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In order: golden lion tamarin (mico-leão-dourado), tapir (anta), giant-anteater (tamanduá-bandeira), maned wolf (lobo-guará), bush-dog (cachorro-do-mato), ring-tailed coati (coati), jaguar (onça-pintada), marsh deer (cervo-do-pantanal), giant river otter (ariranha)
OK I NEED TO TALK A BIT ABOUT THEM!! You gave me the chance >:3
So you know the jaguar??? Good ol' big fucking cat? Yeah that bitch hunts crocodiles. They fucking love swimming and climbing. And do you know how those bitches kill crocs??? Giant fucking bite on their brains. Those FUCKERS kill CROCODILES with a bite ON THEIR HEADS
Look at that face and tell me it doesn't look like a demon, I dare you.
YOU KNOW WHO ELSE SQUARES UP TO THE JAGUAR????? THAT ANTEATER. THEY OPEN THEIR ARMS LIKE RHE REDEMER AND PEI. FUCKING SLAPPED WITH GIANT CLAWS. Brazilian animals are a menace, lucky they live far from me <3 (i love them sooo muchhhhahrjqishsj)
- The Views
Especially nature, man... this country us so unbelievably pretty. The beaches, the forests, the cities, everything... i love it so damn much. And it's not only Rio de Janeiro. In fact, there are much better, prettier and safer places.
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In order: Blumenau (SC), Praia do Rosa (SC), Salvador (BH), Fortaleza (CE), Monte Roraima (RR), Floresta Amazônica, Gramado (RS), Tiradentes (MG), Caatinga
Look at all of this... omg those places are fucking amazing!!
Did you know the caatinga exists only in Brazil? Yep! We're original xD
- Folklore
- Cuca -> A witch with the head of a crocodile known gor kidnapping kids! Shess became famous thanks to Monteiro Lobato, in a book (and went on to be the villain in a kid's show called Sítio do Pica-pau Amarelo. She's sometimes compared to the bicho-papão (same vibe of kidnapping and eating misbehaving kids).
- Boto-cor-de-rosa -> I already talked about this one but it's always fun to bring him up again! Legends says that at night, an extremely seductive man comes out of the waters to sleep with young girls. By the morning he flees,leaving them pregnant. Yeah, he's an amazonian river dolphin. It's a story told when girls appeared pregnant and din't want to tell the truth.
- rasga-mortalha -> rasga-mortalha (a.k.a. barn-owl) is a pretty common legend that says that when the owl flies over someone's house, someone there will soon die. She got the name rasga-mortalha because when she emits her sound, it's like when you rip that thing used to cover dead people on funerals (mortalha).
- Mula-sem-cabeça -> the headless mule is a popular one as well! It's a common mule but, in place of it's head, it has flames. One of the legends behind her is that if a woman had sexual relations with a priest, she'd be cursed and turned into the monster. When I was a kid, a common game was to race and say that the last one would be the priest's wife, meaning you'd turn into a headless mule.
- Boitatá -> a giant serpent of fire who protects the forest and it's animals against people that treat them badly. Some legends say that whoever looks at a boitatá turns blind and goes insane.
- Curupira -> a small boy with fiery red hair and feet turned backwards! They are protectors of the forests and some native people said they went after anyone who went inside a forest to hunt or deforest. Some even used to left gifts for the curupira in order to freely hunt!
- Caipora -> sometimes confused with thes corupira, the caipora is a mischievous animal protector who'd go after hunters who didn't respect the rules of hunting fairly (who took more than needed).
- Saci -> a black and mischievous boy with only one leg, that smokes a pipe and weaars a red hat that gives him magical powers. He's a playful boy that does pranks on people and their animals, like: braiding animal's fur at night, hide objects, change the salt and sugar pots, distract women so they burn the food and those kinds of things! He's also a guardian of medicinal herbs and confounds people that tryvto take them without his blessing. They can also moove in a tornado.
Those are only some of the brazilian legends, and I find them extremely cool! Obviously there are many others, but these ones are the most common and loved!
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oddlies · 2 months
random food hc’s for Kyrie because I’m hungry:
Kyrie’s favorite fruits are pomegranates, nectarines, strawberries, peaches, plums, apples, and blackberries.
Other than Greek food, she loves Indian and Italian food.
Her favorite American food is usually barbecued stuff, such as ribs and sausages. She also loves apple pie, s’mores, mac n cheese, and fried chicken.
She does NOT like mayonnaise. At all. Hamburgers aren’t something she enjoys, but she’ll eat them around company just to be polite. She probably douses it in sauce, though.
Her favorite breakfast foods include avgofetes (the Greek equivalent of French toast) with feta and honey, and crepes with fresh fruit.
Her favorite Greek/Cypriot foods include (but are not limited to) souvla (barbecued meat), gyros, sheftalia (a type of sausage), makarónia tou foúrnou (the Cypriot equivalent of mac n cheese), and loukoumia (the Cypriot equivalent of a Turkish delight).
Her favorite meats are seafood and pork. She especially enjoys octopus and salt cod. She enjoys all sorts of cheeses. She tends to also have a bit of a sweet tooth.
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bestrecipehealty · 3 months
Sandwiches are great for an easy-going, laid back meal. If you are tired of the same old peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. then Delicious Sandwiches Recipes is the sandwich recipe eBook for you!
Over 300 Quick and Easy Sandwich Recipes That Sure To Satisfy Even The Hungriest Stomach!
Within the pages of Delicious Sandwiches Recipes, you will find the traditional sandwiches as well as a selection of unique variations like:
* Baked Crabmeat Sandwich
* Barbecued Pork and Beef Sandwiches
* Bistro Beef Sandwich
* Brats and Beer
* Cajun Chicken Sandwich
* Cheddar Apple Smoked Turkey Sandwich
* Chicken Salad Sandwiches with Smoked Almonds
* Chicken Cordon Bleu Sandwiches
* Creamy Chicken And Braeburn Apple Sandwiches
* Crock Pot Barbecue Beef
* Denver Mile-High Taco Burger
* Dixie Bar-B-Que Sandwiches
* Elvis Presley's Fried Peanut Butter and Banana Sandwich
* Garlic Bread with Philly Steak
* Grilled Caramelized Onions Circle E Ranch Burgers
* Italian Pork Sandwiches
* Jalapeno Grilled Chicken Sandwiches
* Kicked Up Blue Cheese-stuffed Bacon Hamburgers
* Open-Face Steak Sandwich with Mushroom Sauce
* Oyster Po'Boy Sandwiches
* Philly Cheese Meatball Sandwiches
* Pizza Burgers
* Pulled Pork with Root Beer Barbecue Sauce
* Roast Pork and Spicy Slaw Sandwiches
* Sausage and Green Pepper Heroes
* Super Monte Cristo Sandwiches
* Tarragon Chicken Salad Sandwiches
* Turkey Sausage and Pepper Calzones
* Vidalia Onion Finger Sandwiches
* World's Best Roast Beef Sandwiches
And Many More Great Recipes!
Just whip up one of these Yummy Recipes whenever you need an easy meal.
Use Delicious Sandwich Recipes to make great sandwiches to share at your next picnic, backyard party or tailgate party. Never have a boring lunch again!
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thesnackzone · 5 months
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et lag challenge of the day - season 1, episode 3 - eat the state dish
(approximate list of state dishes below)
List of State Dishes Alabama - Yellowhammer Cookie or Lane Cake Alaska - None Arizona - None Arkansas - Rice California - Almond, Walnut, Pistachio, and Pecan Colorado - None Connecticut - Pizza Delaware - Peach Pie Florida - Key Lime Pie Georgia - Grits Hawaii - None Idaho - Huckleberry or Potato Illinois - Pumpkin Pie or Corn Indiana - Popcorn Iowa - None Kansas - Sandhill Plum Kentucky - Blackberry Louisiana - Gumbo or Natchitoches Meat Pie Maine - Whoopie Pie Maryland - Smith Island Cake Massachusetts - Corn Muffin or Boston Cream Pie, or Boston Cream Doughnut Michigan - None Minnesota - Blueberry Muffin Mississippi - None Missouri - Ice Cream Cone Montana - Huckleberry Nebraska - None Nevada - None New Hampshire - Pumpkin New Jersey - Taylor ham, egg, and cheese New Mexico - Frijoles Pintos New York - Apple Muffin or Yoghurt North Carolina - Sweet Potato or Scuppernong Grape North Dakota - Chokecherry Ohio - Pawpaw Oklahoma - Oklahoma state meal: Chicken-fried steak, barbequed pork, fried okra, squash, cornbread, grits, corn, sausage with biscuits and gravy, black-eyed peas, strawberries, and pecan pie Oregon - Pacific Golden Chanterelle Mushroom or Pear Pennsylvania - None Rhode Island - Calamari South Carolina - Barbecue South Dakota- Frybread or Kuchen Tennessee - None Texas - Chili Utah - JELL-O Vermont - Apple Pie Virginia - None Washington - Walla Walla Sweet Onion West Virginia - Golden Delicious Apple Wisconsin - Kringle Wyoming - None
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Roundup Rodeo BBQ is everything a Toy Story fan could hope for — from the delicious, family-style, all-you-care-to-enjoy fare to the decor and animated cast members.
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There is so much to see during a visit to this barbecue joint so take time to walk around and enjoy the views. Find favorite characters from Woody to Bo Peep, Woody’s Roundup comics, and assorted games.
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As aforementioned. The food is all-you-can-eat and family style. Everyone starts with cheddar biscuits and three salads (cucumber/tomato, watermelon, and kale), but then comes the tough part: choosing entrees and dessert.
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We opted for the House-Smoked meats over Trixie’s Plant-based Trio. The ribs and pork sausage were standouts. For the Reach for the Sides, you get to pick four of the eight options. We selected the Married Spuds (tater tots loaded with sauce and cheese), Force Field Fried Pickles, Slinky Dooooooooog’s Mac & Cheese, and Cowpoke Corn on the Cob. All were delicious, but my husband favored the macaroni and cheese, while I preferred the grilled street corn.
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For dessert, we chose the chocolate silk pie (the clear favorite) and Forky cupcake (a great runner up and perfect for kids).
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The experience costs $45 for adults and $25 for kids. And don’t forget to laugh when your check comes — especially if you have to sign with a comically large pencil.
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allwaysfull · 1 year
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Margaritaville | Carlo Sernaglia and Julia Turshen
Pineapple and Coconut Milk Smoothie
Key Lime Yogurt with Graham Cracker Granola
Baked Boatmeal Squares with Blueberries and Coconut
Huevos Rancheros
Key West Omlet
Key Lime Hollandaise
South Florida Eggs Benedict
Spicy Breakfast Quesadillas
Triple B (Buttermilk, Blueberry and Banana) Pancakes
Best-Ever French Toast
Our Breakfast Potatoes
Volcano Nachos
Warm Asiago Crab Dip
Grilled Oysters with Tarragon Butter
Peel-and-Eat Shrimp
Mustard Sauce
Drunken Shrimp Skillet
Lava Lava Shrimp
Conch Fritters with Calypso Sauce
Spanish Octopus Salad
JWB Crab and Quinoa Cakes with Curry Kale Slaw
Crispy Calamari with Peppadews and Lemon Aioli
Fried Oysters with Creamed Spinach
Lionfish Carpaccio
A Day on a Boat
Kusshi Oysters with Granny Smith, Cucumber, and Mint Granita
Veracruz Seafood Cocktail
Tuna Poke with Plantain Chips
Paradise Ceviche
Belizean Shrimp Ceviche
Pimiento Cheese Hushpuppies
Crispy Eggplant and Goat Cheese Stuffed Piquillo Peppers
Fried Baby Artichokes with Remoulade
Tostones with Mojo Sauce
Hollywood Burrata with Grated Tomato Dressing
Jalapeño Deviled Eggs with Pickled Mustard Seeds
Cajun Chicken Quesadilla (Blackening Seasoning)
Spicy Buffalo Chicken Wings with Buttermilk Blue Cheese Dressing
Sweet Chile Chicken Wings
Salads and Soups
JWB Caesar Salad with Sourdough Croutons
JWB House Salad with Cashew Dressing
Little Gem Wedge Salad
Avocado and Papaya Salad with Spicy Lime Dressing
Quinoa and Mango Salad with Seared Tuna
Fried Green Tomato Salad with Salsa Verde and Quesp Fresco
Andalusian Gazpacho
Luxurious Lobster Bisque (Lobster Stock)
Bahamian Conch Chowder
Chicken and Corn Chupe
Burgers, Sandwiches and Hot Dogs
Cheeseburgers in Paradise with Paradise Island Dressing
Black-and-Blue Burgers
Turkey Burgers with Cheddar and Barbecue Aioli
JWB Surf’n’Turf Burgers
Ultimate Veggie Burgers
Grilled Flank Steak Sandwiches with Horseradish Sauce
Cuban Meat Loaf Survival Sandwiches
A Day on The Beach
Tailgate Muffuletta for a Crowd
Beach Club Sandwich
New Orleans Fried Oyster Po’Boys
Delta Fried Catfish Reubens
Blackened Fish Sandwiches (Jalapeño Tarter Sauce)
JWB Lobster Rolls
Aloha Hot Dogs
Own-Damn-Fault Hot Dogs
Blackened Chili Dogs
Main Dishes
Best-Every Chili (alt: vegan version)
Margaritaville Family Recipe Cuban Meat Loaf
Veal Saltimbocca Pockets
Prime Sirloin Oscar
Steak au Poivre
Summer Grill Surf’n’Turf
Grilled Skirt Steaks with Carlo’s Chimichurri
Slow Cooker Pork Should with LandShark and Cola
Chicken Enchiladas with Salsa Verde, Smoked Ancho, Pasilla Sauce
Chicken Tinga
Jerk Chicken
Buttermilk Fried Chicken with Country Gravy
Shrimp Mofongo al Ajillo
Spear Fishing with Carlo
Outside-Optional Cajun Clambake
Sardinian Seafood Stew
Pan-Seared Halibut with Artichoke Ragout
Seared Grouper with Fresh Mango Salsa
Crispy Sicilian-Style Pounded Tuna Steaks
Coho Salmon in Lemongrass-Miso Broth
Salt-Crusted Whole Snapper
LandShark Beer-Battered Fish
Seafood Mac and Cheese
Lobster Pasta
Paella del Mar
Jimmy’s Jammin’Jambalaya
Baby Back Ribs with Guava Barbecue Sauce
Pizza à la Minute
Side Dishes
Pico de Gallo
Cilantro-Lime Coleslaw
Crispy Brussels Sprouts
Yukon Gold Loaded Mashed Potatoes
Spicy Red Onion Rings
Livin’ Floridays
Lobster Hash Browns with Jalapeño Cheese
JWB Creamed Spinach
Oven Fries
Fajita Black Beans
Island Rice Pilaf
Creamy Spinach and Cheese Grits
Skillet Cornbread with Honey Butter
Grilled Corn with Lime Butter
Pickled Jalapeño Mac and Cheese
Baked Florida
Key Lime Pie
Banana Cream Pie with Caramel Rum Sauce
Coconut Tres Leches Cake
Island Rum Cake
Strawberry Sponge Cake Shortcake
Frozen Mango Cheesecake
Crispy Bananarama
Chocolate-Bourbon Croissant Bread Pudding
S’mores Nachos with Warm Chocolate Sauce
Brunch Rum Punch
Perfect Bloody Marias
LandShark Micheladas
Jimmy’s Perfect Margarita
Frozen Paradise Palomas
5 o’Clock Somewhere
Red Wine and Cherry Sangria
Cucumber and Mint Coolers
Watermelon Pink Lemonade
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desiredtastes · 10 months
The Z-Man + Mac & Cheese + Ribs + French Fries + Burnt Ends 🤤🍟🍖
#Beef #Brisket #Smoked #Provolone #OnionRings #Sandwiches #Ribs #Pork #BurntEnds #MacAndCheese #Fries #BBQ #Barbecue #Joes #KansasCity #Missouri #Food #KC #Foodie #KansasCityEats #Travel #SoloTravel #WomenWhoTravel #Instagram #SoloFemaleTravel #KansasCityTrip2023 #FoodPorn #Eeeeeats #DesiredTastes
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10 Fundamentals About Black Rice Near Me You Didn't Learn In School
Lots of, many years in the past, when the first explorers and migratory persons roamed the earth, they observed how and what each other ate. Because they moved about, they shared meals, borrowed some Suggestions, and brought them home to switch to their own tastes and environment. As men and women's cultures produced and changed, so did the categories of foods they ate.
By way of example, in North The usa we like our substantial bowls of pasta for evening meal, but in Italy it is often just one compact ingredient of The full meal. In a few areas of Asia, noodle dishes tend to be highly regarded likewise. Usually the noodles are comprised of rice or egg, which include Malaysian mee goreng and Cantonese chow mien, and are sometimes elements of soup or fried following boiling.
Rice can be quite a major food with vegetables and meat additional and steamed ideal into it, which include Indian Biryani. There is certainly also fried rice in a few of the other Asian countries or yummy beans and rice in Cuba. Rice is frequently eaten plain as a aspect dish, or with flavouring additional as in North American cooking.
Soups are A different variant that extend from crystal clear broths, to wealthy meaty stews like Hungarian goulash, Vietnamese noodle soup, or perhaps the North American favourites of chili con carne and New England clam chowder.
Breads--where by to start? Mmmmmm.....bread. A number of my favourites incorporate Center Japanese pita bread, Indian naan created inside of a clay tandoor oven, and Italian focaccia. My close friends really like my garlic cheese biscuits, just like a certain well-known seafood chain, and my Mother's do-it-yourself bread. I don't possess a bread maker, but I do know individuals that swear by these to help make all sorts of doughs and baked goods.
Greens which have been eaten in salad or cooked like a side can really differ according to what on earth is regionally and seasonally accessible. If you are thinking about striving Thai food items, they generally include eco-friendly mango or papaya in salad. In North The usa individuals really like their a lot of http://edition.cnn.com/search/?text=black rice selections for greens for instance spinach, arugula, sprouts, and differing kinds of lettuce. Options for baking, sauteing, steaming, frying, and grilling veggies are countless.
Fruit also varies a lot from position to place. With the advent of genetic engineering, the appearance, texture and taste of fruits like bananas and tomatoes from place to nation are Practically limitless. I can style a tremendous difference between my backyard garden's beefsteak tomatoes, as well as hothouse tomatoes I purchase from your supermarket, which have been shipped up with the U.S. inside the winter. When touring to hotter climates, I love to take in refreshing mango, papaya, pineapple, pomegranate and guavas. Even though they won't be as new, you could find Many of these fruits at your local grocery stores in North The us, buy one and provides it a try this week.
Meat continues to be a well known staple item in some cultures, and also a luxury product in other cultures for many years. Dependant upon where you reside, different meats are very fashionable; including pork in China, and goat and lamb in India. There are various preferred meats in North The usa, but definitely beef and chicken are Amongst the most chosen. Meat may be put on a spit and roasted about a hearth, baked, grilled in a North American barbecue, cooked inside of a slow cooker, stir fried, or seafood become Japanese sushi or sashami, just to call a few choices.
Cheeses are A further superb creation that fluctuate so much depending upon the variety of milk, procedure used to really make it, and what's extra into them. On the recent vacation towards the Canary Islands, we appreciated scrumptious fried manchego cheese within a moho rojo sauce. Though in Indian cooking, the handmade, paneer cheese is very talked-about. Several of my other favourites involve Greek feta, Italian mozzarella balls, and great outdated North American sharp cheddar.
Hopefully this article has served to highlight several of the reocurring themes in foods from throughout the world. The spices, ways of planning, and local choices might be different, though the foodstuff groups are pretty identical--and the probabilities are countless.
As promised, I will publish extra comprehensive content Sooner or later about ideas for taking in and cooking new foods, and eventually begin posting some recipes. Meanwhile, feel free to complete a Google lookup to the names of any with the foods outlined if you are keen on finding out more details black rice price per kg on what they are or what is actually in them.
Each individual personal has often been exceptional and one among A form, each has thoroughly various preferences and Choices in all type of matters, may or not it's in clothes or style design, tastes in movies books, and especially in food items. Foodstuff Tastes rely on the region they originated at. It is usually that Chinese are keen on their own individual Chinese delicacies; Italian folks are into pastas and pizzas, and lots of extra.
Nonetheless, there are actually tendencies when individuals decide to a little something new, anything distinct that would tingle their flavor buds, that may be why delicacies from diverse aspects of the entire world are created obtainable in other nations far too. Chinese foods are well known for his or her Uncooked elements, sushi, sashimi, plus the like; Italian foodstuff distribute everywhere in the world as a lot of people love pastas, and pizzas; then, There is certainly Indian delicacies. Indian foods are recognized for its spices, the delicacies have distinctive style and very flavourful mainly are also very hot and spicy. So, for many who want their flavor buds to receive fiery, Indian food is the best choice.
If 1 hasn't tasted Indian foodstuff but, be greater prepared of how it could make you are feeling soon after the primary bite. A lot of Indian foods are spicy, so for people who can't tolerate incredibly hot food stuff, better brace you. Also, due to the load of spices in a single delicacy, the flavour is probably not unique as you are going to encounter levels of preferences, As a result the taster should prepare himself from the practical experience. With India owning a diverse society along with a colourful assortment of traditions, There is certainly also a unique difference between Each and every regions and often, just one recipe should have a particular strategy for cooking in Every single area, having a slightly variation to style for each which will depend on the group of folks's desire. Indian Delicacies on the other hand is recognized for its being pretty flavourful and spicy.
For those who haven't tried out Indian food items yet, and are prepared to expertise this type of delectable celebration, the ideal recipe to try initially is actually a recipe of curry. Curry is rather popular plus a trademark of Indian cuisine and getting tasted it will verify an Indian component. Curry may possibly are available in different approaches to be cooked and frequently, This is a spicy dish, So the initial taster have to enable himself with this and be ready for your hotness and tingling sensation Later on.
Curry is filled with flavour and provides a layer of preferences, so Should you be up for this kind of food items, then one particular wouldn't regret opting for Indian foodstuff. Indian delicacies are also known for their kebabs, so, for meat enthusiasts and grill enthusiast, kebab could be a first preference, it offers loads of flavour as well, and it really is protein abundant. This dish may also arrive in a number of tips on how to be cooked, but essentially, this involves meat, may perhaps or not it's lamb, pork of beef. Lamb kebab is well known in India and is also sought after because of the travellers, so, test possessing this one particular and you may undoubtedly check with for more. Indian foods is about variation, spices and flavour. It'll provide the taster, a very unique expertise on the table.
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icleanedthisplate · 2 years
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Two-Meat Combo (Chicken Quarters, Pork Ribs) w/Jalapeno Cheese Grits, Sweet Potato Casserole, Fried Okra, and Cornbread. The Smoke Pit. Concord, North Carolina. 8.17.2022.
NOTE TO SELF: Got my barbecue fix for a while. I was surprised by the "Alabama sauce" on the chicken. That's my first encounter with that stuff and I'm good to skip it -- it tasted mostly like mayonnaise. The sides were the best part, led by the sweet potatoes.
Currently ranked 8th of 18 August meals.
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What I ate yesterday: nachos w pulled pork, tomatoes, sour cream, barbecue sauce, black beans, spicy peach salsa, chives, cheese, and red onions. Then I also had poutine w sour cream, chives, gravy, fries and cheddar cheese curds
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kaibette · 2 years
Favorite foods?
Deep Dish Pizza- Spinach
Baked Macaroni and Cheese- no breadcrumbs
Fried shrimp -Shrimp fried rice -Lawrence's Breaded Shrimp (Chicagoans know what I mean)
Spicy Curry with Pork Cutlet
hope that answers your question, anon!!
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grvntld · 2 years
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15 july 2022 • therapy × unlimited kbbq × coffee + cookie day
🌻 poured my heart, mind, and soul during my therapy sesh earlier so now my whole body and self feel light, relieved, but also exhausted (((safe to say im extra excited to sleep, but also my therapist told me about the possible ~side~ effects of the type of therapy we did earlier and one of them is nightmares so now im also like 👁👄👁 lol but yep, im still so looking forward to sleeping because that is one of mah fave activities lmao)))
🌻 after therapy, we had unlimited korean barbecue hooray unfortunately, their cheese and korean fried chicken werent available but omg supah sulit though because we had 9 delicious plates of different pork and beef variants plus side dishes plus drinks plus it was just sooooooo good and their service was top-notch ugh im so busog and happeh until now omgggg yay
🌻 once we were satisfied, we then proceeded to buy a few stuff for the new apartment and then also look for a salt scrub for me which we actually got to find right before we left since we were in glorietta and we had to walk to sm makati just to get a hold of the salt srub brand ive been eyeing for hehe
🌻 of course, before ending this day, we had our pit stop at starbucks awiiiiih i tried their iced hazelnut mocha cheesecake latte and ngl i liked it hihi
🌻 now im just on the bed, all showered and feeling fresh and ready to sleep yay i already did my skincare + also generously applied lotion onto my whole body ugh im such a bebi
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lettherebemonsters · 2 years
 hc  + food (for Gunpowder)
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Gunpowder likes the typical "man food" i.e. barbecue and fries, etc. But he enjoys more making stuff from his garden. He's got a lot of land he cultivates for his own personal use and very rarely goes to any grocery store to buy food.
Surprisingly, he's very good at making Latin dishes. It's the one thing he did like about being in Nicaragua, and Latin America in general....the food kicks ass.
His favorite is making his own homemade burritos after watching them being made during some time in Mexico as a kid with Payback. Homemade tortillas, guacamole, and wild venison or pork.....and lots of cheese.
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