#check your fucking morals
sag-dab-sar · 1 year
Divination should NEVER be used to asses crimes. Both past & present.
Divination should NEVER be used to make negative statements about other people.
Divination should NEVER be used to make public statements about a person or a person's situation who have not consented.
Divination should NEVER be used as a way to determine a person's character & morals.
Divination SHOULD be approached with caution, discernment, and an understanding that it is fallible.
If you support the Tiktoker I will not name (if you support them I obviously don't have to name them), who uses tarot cards to make claims about true crime: you are not welcomed on this blog. And frankly you should reassess your concept of consent in divination work.
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sparklecryptid · 5 months
I had no patience for people policing other peoples ships before i went to library tech school and library tech school has make me a little bit pissy about the entire thing actually.
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fabledfirmament · 5 months
this might be a minority opinion but i actually love that mellori betrayed the wizard. go on girl be your own fully realized person and advance the plot in interesting ways
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suncaptor · 21 days
people will find any way to denigrate and look down upon people who are doing literally anything they can to protest and take any actionable steps to try to support Palestine. like I am sorry if you're that uneducated or unprincipled but someone isn't uneducated or unprincipled to do something. Stop projecting.
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dimonds456 · 4 months
New challenge just dropped:
If you're going to make a post about someone who isn't you's political views, PLEASE link a source or explain why you believe that.
And if you don't do that, don't turn off replies for the love of god.
I've seen THREE of those types of posts calling celebrities Isreal supporters with zero evidence provided except their religion. And sure, you can suspect that someone might be a zionist based on that, but you cannot claim it factually unless you have evidence ready to point to.
I know PLENTY of Christians who do not support Isreal and support Palestine. You cannot point at someone, say "they're far right" and then call them a zionist with no other evidence. Unless that person has done something that supports Israel, directly or indirectly, then it's pure speculation, you are spreading potentially harmful rumors, and I don't want to keep getting blocked by people simply because I asked to see where they were getting this info from.
And, once again, when asked what your source is, if your first response is to get angry instead of finding a fucking link that proves your point, then I don't wanna hear it. You can speculate. You can be wary. In fact, you SHOULD be. But don't just say "X person is a zionist btw" and then hit post. If a person I at least somewhat look up to is, in fact, a zionist, I want to learn more. Direct me there so I can actually reblog your post, eh?
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toytulini · 3 months
i know doctor who has never been Perfect, and i love capaldi, i love twelve, but christ alive its a hard watch sometimes
#toy txt post#they just made him so egregiously and blatantly RACIST? like to the point where im like was this like? an on purpose characterization#choice that i just strongly disagree with? or like? is it a consequence of the writers trying to be less racist by including more#characters of color but failing by not checking their own implicit biases so now not only is the doctor racist but like. egregiously so bc#theres so many more opportunities for him to be racist? like just#and if youre sitting here like hes not!!! how dare you: pay attention to the difference in how he treats characters of color vs white chars#he hates soldiers. okay fine thats been fairly consistent. okay but 12 RLY hates them. he hates them so much he cant stand Claras bf Danny#who should be the doctors like ideal soldier bc he was a soldier who didnt want to be anymore and just wants to chill and do good in the#world and for ppl to be safe so hes just a nice math teacher and the doctor calls him stupid and treats him as if hes fucking rambo? but#the doctor is largely fine with: kate lethbridge stewart? hes fine with ogood who may not be a soldier in her own right but shes actively#participating in UNIT as a scientist in a way thats way more ~soldiery~ than anything Danny is doing? and like they clearly wanted that to#be a point of tension to point out the doctors hypocrisy of how the doctor is like a high ranking officer/general whatever#and like thats fine and fair to point out but it just sucks that they do all that and dont seem ti realize how fuckijg racist they wrote#him? he was fucking besties with winston goddamn churchill but he refuses whatshername. journey blue? as a companion bc#shes a soldier. well bro you could make her not a soldier by removing her from the fucking battlefield maybe instead of getting morally#outraged about it? not to mention noticing how when he goes from '900 yrs of space and time and ive never met anyone who wasnt important'#wandering around being fine with UNIT apparently declaring him dictator of earth in emergencies (HELLO?) but dont worry he'll let us know#he disapproves by picking some random UNIT guy to be a really condescending asshole to. pay no attention to the fact that this UNIT#guy happens to be another character of color. ~the 12th doctor is too faceblind you cant call him racist~ well for a guy who cant tell#humans apart from sontarans his accidentaly racism beam is off the charts. its crazy. god#god i wish he'd gotten written better than this#when they do write him good they write him good. but godddddddd its so#doctor who
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acoldsovereign · 10 days
"Inquiry of the day. Could someone enlighten me as to what steps I should take to ensure a target submits wholly and completely?"
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In a rare display of frustration, her eyes squeezed shut.
"--Because the other alternative at this point is homicide. And, the destruction of Planet Earth, if that does not kill this ungrateful swine."
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btw this is a preston garvey love and appreciation blog. if you hate preston you will die by my blade.
#thewitchbitches#this is my first text post in a very long time lmao#but anyway i fucking love characters that are good and hopeful even when the world gives them no reason to be#who are kind and will fight tooth and nail to make the world a little brighter every day#not because theyre naive or havent experienced pain#but because they know things can be better#also especially love and relate to like. him being depressed and passively suicidal#and his only reason to keep going being that little tiny spark of compassion and hope#that tiny bit of light that says that you can still help someone. going forward just for that#and just#him feeling like he has nothing after the fall of quincy but still leading the survivors to safety#because he is a GOOD LEADER#he cares about the people under his protection and he stays strong for them#if there was any justice in this fuckin world thered have been a quest to retake quincy#and preston would have been the leader of the minutemen#he always sticks to his morals and stands up for the right thing#plus once you help him open up and remember life is worth living hes a good friend and a funny guy?#also settlement quests are fun#sorry that your biggest complaint about a character is that he (checks notes) asks you to do your job and help people#just idk i love reading through his voice lines theyre so good#when you hurt your limbs he says stuff like 'dont worry i wont leave you'#and all his lines for locations like 'one day children will play here again' and 'reminds you the world can still be a beautiful place'#his relentless optimism even when he ADMITS that he doesnt want to live is so fucking good#and hes SMART hes DISCIPLINED his kindness and idealism never take away from that#also#he has a cool hat
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set-wingedwarrior · 5 months
Fandom became so unsufferable, thanks for turning my favorite hobby and comfortable space into a fucking minefield!
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wovenstarlight · 1 year
Hello! I'm thinking about your cached AU again and I was wondering, what is Yoojin's relationship with Song Taewon with like? Because their relationship in canon (at least up to where I've read) is heavily influenced by the fact that Yoojin is an F rank who holds power over S Ranks, making him both a threat and someone to protect. Does Taewon just go red alert whenever Yoojin around now? Does Yoojin keep trying to be friends with him? Does Taewon find that terrifying?
HAHAHAHAHHA. OH BOY. THIS SURE IS A QUESTION THAT HAS AN ANSWER. a very long answer so i'm putting it under a cut. thanks for waiting and im sorry if its incoherent its like 6ish local time. or maybe not im not very concerned wth reading clocks rn
(on ao3)
Be careful.
Taewon had wondered, when he received that message from Sung Hyunjae, if it was some sort of joke. A sly way of telling him he’d made trouble somewhere and he’d better prepare for the incoming paperwork, perhaps. The fact that it had been encoded suggested some degree of seriousness to it, but it was vague enough that he’d dismissed it and gotten ready for this long-delayed meeting.
Taewon locks eyes with Han Yoojin and is immediately struck by the complete lack of fear he finds there. So much so that he barely notices when Sung Hyunjae crushes his car with the breezy efficiency of a compactor.
And even as Sung Hyunjae gets out of his own car, even as he turns that amused, glittering gaze onto Han Yoojin, no apprehension sparks to life. No nerves. Just a cool, faintly disappointed look that he turns on the Seseong Guild Leader.
It stops the man in his tracks. Song Taewon blinks at Sung Hyunjae, faint smile frozen on his face, and looks back at Han Yoojin, who’s gazing at him now with a welcoming smile on his face.
…So that was a real warning, then.
Surely it can’t be for what Taewon thinks it is.
Taewon was told Han Yoojin was an A-rank. While the Hunter Association staff had confirmed his stats were well within standard range, they’d also made no secret of gossiping about how even the A-rank he’d come in with had looked vaguely spooked. How Han Yoojin carried himself with that unthinking confidence and grace all S-ranks had. How, when Seok Gimyeong had gone to personally take him through the registration process, Han Yoojin’s expression had gone flat and stony, and while he’d cooperated, something in his demeanor had had everyone around him going quiet and hurrying through the steps as fast as possible.
What it boils down to, in the end, is a sense that he’s not what he seems.
What Taewon thinks it is, quite simply, is a high-rank fear-inducing skill. Han Yoojin has no reason to claim he’s lower-ranked than he actually is, not when being higher-ranked would mean getting fast-tracked to a much better lifestyle than what he had before.
What Taewon realizes upon meeting Han Yoojin is that either he was very, very wrong about the other man’s ambition (or lack thereof, as it happens), or that the fear induction skill is far more potent than anyone let on.
“Chief Song-nim?”
Taewon stares at Han Yoojin. He’s merely standing there with a bag of instant coffee in hand, gazing at Taewon over his shoulder, and yet, if Taewon’s phone was in his hand right now, he’d probably have crushed it. As it is, he realizes distantly, his nails are digging little crescents into his palms. “Han Yoojin-ssi,” he gets out, and then stalls immediately.
He’d come here with the assumption that Han Yoojin was an A-rank. Which means all his questions (I wanted to check, are you safe, are you being pressured, why did such a high-rank monster appear in a dungeon with only two S-ranks in it and how did you kill it anyway?) were tailored for an A-rank. For someone that needed protection.
Is something wrong, he’d wanted to ask.
Is something wrong with you? is what his mind supplies now.
“Are you—alright,” he manages eventually.
Han Yoojin stares back at him, fingers tensing faintly around the bag as Taewon speaks. “I… yes? Why wouldn’t I be?”
“…With… the Babar’s appearance in that last dungeon.” It gets easier to speak once he’s started. “And all the higher-ranks you’ve been around lately. I’d understand if you were feeling—stressed, or strained.”
“Ah.” Han Yoojin relaxes. “No, I’m alright. It’s been quite busy, but I’ve adjusted well enough, I think. Thank you for your concern.”
Truth, Taewon thinks. He seems too confident for it to be anything but. But how can that be? To face an SS-rank monster as a supposed A-rank—
“Are you sure?”
Han Yoojin glances at him out of the corner of his eye. The tension isn’t back, but there’s a frown tugging at his lips. Taewon forcibly uncurls the fists his hands have balled into, and continues. He needs a reference. He needs to know what Han Yoojin looks like when he’s lying. “The Babar alone was an SS-rank, and you may have had your brother and ward with you, but even then, facing such a monster as an A-rank—”
And there it is, the slightest creases around his eyes, how he looks down and to the side slightly before meeting Taewon’s gaze once more, lips thinning into a line. Taewon’s so busy thinking over their conversation so far, matching these markers against what’s been said, that he doesn’t realize what he’s saying—
“…seeing them fight… They may be your family, but they’re S-ranks before that. Which makes them dangerous, more than you know—”
Until it’s too late.
“What are you trying to say, Chief Song-nim?” Han Yoojin asks, letting go of the bag of coffee and turning to face him properly. His voice has taken on a sharp edge, and Taewon steps backwards before he even consciously acknowledges the sound. Han Yoojin just steps forward to match, bringing him dangerously close— “If there’s a point to this, I’d like if you could—”
Taewon has a hand around his throat.
Han Yoojin raises a hand (touching? grabbing?). Seize his wrist, twist his arm, shift the grip on his neck, until Han Yoojin is pinned face-down against the counter, cheek pressed against its surface.
Then Taewon realizes he’d moved to begin with.
“…What are you doing?”
Han Yoojin’s flat question kills Taewon’s hasty apology before it can even leave his mouth. His grip tightens instead of loosening. Some quiet part of his brain is counting out the handful of people and low-rank Hunters present in the building today. A much louder part of his mind says he’s testing the hold.
Han Yoojin flexes his hand again, shifting easily even in Taewon’s grip, and he—
He panics.
Looting flares, black not-smoke wreathing his fingers and Han Yoojin’s limbs. Vague surprise flickers over Han Yoojin’s face before his eyes rise to a point in the air before himself, likely checking his status window. Whatever he sees there has his eyes widening sharply.
And then, all at once, something closes off in his face, and he goes limp.
A different kind of alarm spikes through the white-out fear in Taewon’s mind and he tilts his head to get a better look at Han Yoojin’s face. There’s a tightness around his eyes, still, lips pressed together like he’s bracing for something. But when those eyes flick up to meet Taewon’s stare, there’s also a dull sort of… familiarity?
No, not familiarity.
Taewon feels sick. He all but rips his hands off Han Yoojin, backing away hastily. There’s already shadows on his skin where Taewon’s fingers had pressed against it. There’ll be bruises there by tonight. Earlier, even, because—how long had he had Looting active?
He can’t remember. He can’t remember the last time he lost control like that. His stomach twists. He feels sick.
Han Yoojin still hasn’t moved. Taewon tries to remember how tightly he was gripping his neck.
And then Han Yoojin slowly, slowly draws his arm to his side again, pushes off the counter with his other hand, and straightens back up. A pause. Then he turns, just a little, so he can look at Taewon.
They stare at each other in silence like that for a moment.
Then, in a thin voice: “Interesting skill you have there.”
Taewon’s breath catches. Han Yoojin doesn’t seem to notice as he tilts his head slightly and opens his mouth again.
“Why’d you stop?”
Taewon leaves, after that.
He doesn’t remember what he says. What he does. Han Yoojin has a knack for disabling his rational mind, it seems.
What he does know is this: that Han Yoojin’s voice, when he asked that question, was genuinely curious. Perhaps even a little pleading.
What he does know, looking back, is that Han Yoojin didn’t try to pull away. He shifted in Taewon’s hold, yes, and in his panic Taewon overreacted. But he never tried to break free.
(What Taewon doesn’t know if he wants to know is this:
How does a man like Han Yoojin end up feeling resignation?)
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zenkaiankokuart · 2 years
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"Restraint isn't effortless, Sunshine."
We've been antagonizing Moon again, and we've pushed our luck too far. Sun has to step in to help Moon keep it under control. But they're really struggling. And Sun is getting fed up with our lack of common sense and self preservation.
I think you should run.
Inspired by chap 7 of Solar Lunacy, written by the amazing @bamsara. It's not a scene from the story, just a vague incident that happens sometime after the chapter. (it's not canon like at all)
Individual images of Moon and "Moon" under the cut.
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bleuberrygliscor · 4 months
i know its 90% venting at the bleakness of american politics but like...
it really fucking blows to know that most people are probably not gonna vote this year. i cant wait for the fallout of that.
#rem rambles#last time trump was elected i was spit on and called a nigger to my face at work.#lets see what happens this time. surely not worse than that.#like fuck joe biden. i will personally beat him to death with a rock. i hated him last time. i hate him now.#but the swiftness that people are like 'no actually i'll take my chances with the republicans who have been flying nazi flags and actively#putting forth legislation to eradicate trans people and flirting with the klan and pushing for genital checks on kids' is...staggering.#like i see the strategy you think youre doing. as if democrats dont get off on losing constantly....#its not moral strength to sit down and let the worse motherfucker win just to say ''haha see! you need me! you should be nicer to me.''#if that was the case the democrats would have picked it up with hillary losing. but they didnt. obviously.#get local. start supporting local politicians that are more leftist than what we got. but by god to not expose people in red states#to even worse shit. do not encourage those bitches to visit my goddamn city AGAIN.#like what do you even think will happen outside of negative outcomes for people who arent you? like some republican will tell israel to sto#again i know its venting. so let me vent too. because holy shit is it wildly tone deaf to use the minorities that the republicans are#targeting as a fucking bargaining chip with people who dont care about us anyway.#as if saying ''im willing to sacrifice native americans to show democrats that i mean business'' will even work.#these people are so far gone that televised genocide will not move them. but you think digging your heels in will. absurd. childish behavio
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bardicious · 8 months
I think it's also important people know they can think like a judgmental twat, but not act like a judgmental twat.
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reikunrei · 1 year
it really honestly cracks me up that even when this idea of moral grayness is stated Explicitly on screen time and again, people still don’t take it to heart and actually apply it to all of the characters. yes, even our “big bad.” like, y’all didn’t realize that was the core theme of the show in season 1? and season 2? are you for real? “i’m the monster” “no you’re not. you saved me.” like that wasn’t clear enough for you? to see this little girl do bad things like kill people and call herself the monster right after doing something to help someone she just met? the fact that she opened this gate and let out this monster that killed and kidnapped people all across town and that is a Bad Thing, but she’s not a bad person for it? that wasn’t clear enough for you? and now they have to say it On Screen in the Fucking Script that there are no monsters and no superheroes, nothing is ever that black and white, and you’re STILL not??? listening??????? bye
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dudefrommywesterns · 1 year
Bro you posted yourself to a subreddit about rating how ugly you are what did you expect
for someone not to take the time out of their day to photoshop me?
like they didn't do to literally anyone else?
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teaandinanity · 2 years
okay I feel like maybe people just don’t know but
here’s a PSA from The Most Tired Library Worker:
do not reshelve your own library books
especially do not allow CHILDREN to reshelve their own library books
there are a hundred thousand items in our collection and we are a relatively SMALL library
if things are not in the place they belong WE DO NOT KNOW THEY STILL EXIST because IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO FIND THEM (this is not your home bookshelf where you just scan until you find what you’re looking for, scanning these shelves takes LITERAL DAYS and a TEAM OF PEOPLE and is a major housekeeping effort)
please just put books you’re not taking home on one of the labeled carts, or say ‘we’re not taking these’ and leave them at the front, or pile them up somewhere for us to find later, or LITERALLY ANYTHING other than allowing a 5-year-old to just fling them willy-nilly onto shelves
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