#check reg
vehiclehistory · 2 years
How to Check The Car Specs By Reg Number Plate in The UK
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Check car spec by registration number while buying a used car to know the make, model, mileage, CO2 emissions, MOT and tax status for free
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piltoverfinest · 1 month
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Sooooo, my friend Reg who is not only a total sweetheart but also a master artist worked on a commission for me during the last two weeks.
And very conveniently (she didn't know that) sent it so me yesterday, one day before my birthday. So naturally, I can not keep this to myself. I just NEED to share it (with her permission of course). I mean: LOOK AT THIS. ISN'T THIS THE BEST THING EVER?
Please, go on and leave lots of love for her in the notes and make sure to follow her on Tumblr for more of this beautiful art. *___*
And if anyone is interested in the fanfic this artpiece is for, it's Fuel On The Fire on Ao3. I you love our favourite soup-cooking criminal & are also into fantasy novels, then this might be the one for you. We are heading into darker themes, though, so please heed the tags (they get updated with every chapter).
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kaaaaaaarf · 6 months
I am disappearing for the next 48 hours. I am on a mystery adventure.
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shower-phantom-ideas · 9 months
Do yall think that like Danny would read the fanfiction people write about him?
Cause I think he would avoid it at first but you know the saying curiosity killed the cat (or bragging killed the fenton. Hey they both get brought back)
Anyway so maybe hes just online, probably tumblr or twitter, and someone is posting a summary and a link. Oh that sounds neat sure lets check it out. Maybe he lets it go to his head in classic teenager style. Sam and Tucker think it’s weird but tbh Danny needs the win.
That or hes completely disgusted by it. He is a real person not some character to be fantasised about. Sam and Tucker tease him about it but totally agree that it’s super weird and gross. I mean people aren’t actively hurting anyone but Danny doesn’t go anywhere near the internet anymore, unless it’s to game and shitpost on twitter. Tucker probably made a huge program to help so none of them have to see the ship art. Again they arent bashing anyone but hes a kid and doesn’t wanna be traumatised anymore thanks.
Idk wtf in goingnon anouy buy it’s 735am and I am so tired but I need to be up a few more hours… wait does this oart go in th tags? Wheres am I
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residentrookie · 2 months
so peaky blinders au when??
if u mean a maraudersxpeakyblinders au then NEVER BC A PERFECT ONE ALREADY EXISTS!!! written by my pookie @imdamagecontrol it’s called paint it black and it’s brilliant everyone go read it
but if u mean like a fic with peaky blinders characters…. that could def be intriguing to pursue. honestly tho i don’t think i could write the perfect character that is tommy shelby 🫶🏻
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cosmicdenro · 1 year
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You and I are making a pact tonight that this is the final time we're burning our lungs so we don't waste the rest of the little time we've got left with each other
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jojea · 9 months
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✨howl’s mojo dojo casa house✨
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
People didn't like Dorcas Meadowes. That was just a matter of fact. Of course it didn't mean every single person hated them, but it was common knowledge that they were unlikeable. It was the general population's viewpoint. And Dorcas had to agree with it, they were indeed very unlikeable. They sat alone in class, at meals, in the common room.
And then came Regulus Black. He was rude, expressionless, selfish, self centred, and entirely unlikeable. Dorcas Meadowes loved him.
Regulus was in the year below Dorcas and had one friend. A hufflepuff girl in his year that seemed to always be rapidly talking to him. Pandora, Dorcas found out her name was. And Pandora was also entirely unlikeable; she was loud, strange, also selfish, and said whatever she thought.
Dorcas instantly loved her after one conversation.
"You stare a lot. At people. I noticed when you were staring at me and Regulus. Oh! You're doing a charms essay! I love charms, especially the professor. Do you like him? Regulus despises him, I think it's cause he calls him out for questions. He hates that. Do you hate it? I tried to tell Flitwick to not choose Regulus for questions as it makes him panic but Flitwick just said that's how you learn and so I told him that's not true and he must be a terrible teacher if he thinks that. He gave me detention but it was a night detention so I was allowed to break the rule of not being out at night, which is kind of hypocritical of them, isn't it? Making people break rules to punish them for breaking rules, it would just encourage more people to break rules-"
Dorcas smiled slightly. Merlin, how they loved this person already.
Regulus approached them next. They were just leaving quidditch practice when he appeared right in front of them.
"Meadowes, yes?"
"That's me."
"And you know who I am, yes?"
"I do."
He stared at them for a few seconds, so they stared back.
He blinked, "Teach me."
"Teach you what?"
He pointed at their broomstick, "Quidditch. I wish to make the team as a seeker next year."
Dorcas smirked, "And what? You suck at it so you need help?"
"I'm great at flying. Better than the seeker on the team at the moment."
"Then why do you need my help?"
He stood up even straighter than before, "To get better, to ensure I definitely make the team."
Dorcas shrugged, "Fine. But you're a Slytherin, you know how this works. You owe me."
He glared, "What do you want?"
They looked at Regulus and the blonde girl that sat in the stands a few metres away, reading a magazine.
Dorcas turned back to Regulus, "I help you, and you and your friend over there sit with me for meals."
He raised an eyebrow and scoffed, "You're that lonely?"
"I'm not lonely. I just like studying people. And you two are clearly the most interesting."
Regulus sighed, "Fine. You help me and you can study me and Pandora as much as you wish."
At that, Pandora bounded over.
"Are you making a friend, Regulus?"
"No." They both replied simultaneously.
She laughed and handed a flower each to Dorcas and Regulus.
"What's this?" Dorcas asked.
"A flower... they're not very smart, are they Regulus?"
Regulus snorted, "Nope."
"Fuck off." Dorcas laughed.
Regulus seemed to take that literally and grabbed Pandora's arm as he headed off the pitch.
"I love them. We should hang out with Dorcas more. They're very likeable, aren't they?"
Regulus nodded slightly and looked back, "They are."
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hamable · 1 year
Been binge reading some webtoons with my free time between semesters and goddamn I cannot believe how good some of these are. I’ll catch up on on like omg this has to be my favorite ever there’s nothing like it. And then the next night I’ve found another gem that is just so good. Jussssssssst gah they’re so good
Recs/recent reads in the tags
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steelycunt · 1 year
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good evening everyone………..
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allamericanb-tch · 20 days
i love waking up in the morning bc my eyes are so puffy that they close when i look down
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t-p-i · 4 months
I wanna make a trikey playlist cuz i have so many perfect songs 4 it. Im lazy tho so if u want dig around for em in here, theyre in there scattered
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wintersettled · 10 months
i am once again thinking about the hilichurl rogue :(
the first time i fought it was actually yesterday after climbing a mountain in fontaine cause i wanted to see what it was and the drops really reminded me of neanderthal flower burials + how both neanderthals and hilichurls are/have been seen as primitive beings despite tons of evidence to the contrary (ignoring what we know about khaenri'ah since the curse of the wild seems to cause them to be catatonic for a period of time).
theres tons of literature on how neanderthals actually appear to be similar to homo sapiens and have higher mental functioning as evidenced through their tools, their presumed social structures (taking care of injured/disabled neanderthals rather than abandoning them as would be thought of beings focused only on survival), but most notably for this the evidence of "flower burials" at Shanidar.
Basically, two neanderthals were found buried in primarily medicinal flowers (indicating their possible role in their group). I believe there were 11(?) other neanderthals found there who appeared to have been crushed by rockfall whos ages (if my memory is correct) were from around 7 to mid 40s. The reason i bring this up is because of one of the flowers found at Shanidar: Achillea/Yarrows. I find these flowers to be fairly similar in appearance of the petals (excluding size) to the hilichurl rogues drops
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Now, each drops description:
A Flower Yet to Bloom "a wildflower that a hilichurl rogue treasured. it was plucked before it could bloom. the hilichurl takes nothing with it in its sojourn across the wilderness save this flower."
Treasured Flower "a wild flower that a hilichurl picked bereft of any special qualities. flowers can be used as gifts or offerings to express ones feelings in many cultures"
for this description in specific i would actually like to quote Ralph S Solecki's "The Implications of the Shanidar Cave Neanderthal Flower Burial"
"Under normal circumstances, today, in many cultures, flowers and death go together, as one can see a funeral corteges and burials. The association of flowers as tokens of esteem, respect, or for the joy of looking at [...]. According to the Encyclopaedia Britannica, 'the flower has been a universal symbol of beauty in the civilizations of the world. Confucius included its cultivation among the arts that were essential to a man of culture.' We pride ourselves thinking that we know a lot about Neanderthal man, but the association of flowers with Neanderthals adds a whole new dimension to our knowledge of him, and his humanistic nature."
Wanderer's Blooming Flower "a blooming wild flower that a hilichurl rogue treasured, bereft of any special qualities. the eternal outlander asks not for reward, but only to see their deeds come to fruition"
TLDR (abstract lol); hilichurl rogue drops remind me of the neanderthal flower burials found at shanidar
below the cutoff are some sources if you want to do further reading on neanderthals
(im not an anthropologist or even studying it btw but here are some articles on neanderthals i used for a bibliography on neanderthal spirituality in an anth class last winter in case you want to read up on it, theyre formatted in SAA kinda)
Appenzeller, Tim
     2013    Neanderthal Culture: Old Masters. Nature 497:302-304. 
Hochadel, Oliver
     2020    The Flower People of Shanidar: Telling a New Tale of Neanderthal Brothers. In 
Narratives and Comparisons, edited by Martin Carrier, Rebecca Mertens, and Carsen Reinhardt, pp. 99-122. Bielefeld University Press, Bielefeld. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839454152-005
Mitchell, Mary Shirley
    2021   Geoarchaeological Methods and the Intentionality of Neanderthal Burial. Furthering
Perspectives 11:29-41. https://mountainscholar.org/bitstream/handle/10217/233626/JOUF_FurtheringPerspectives_vol10.pdf?sequence=1#page=29
Morris-Kay, Gillian M. 
    2010    The Evolution of Human Artistic Creativity. Journal of Anatomy 216:158-176. 
Pomeroy, Emma, Paul Bennett, Chris O. Hunt, Tim Reynolds, Lucy Farr, and Marine Frouin
    2020      New Neanderthal Remains Associated with the ‘Flower Burial’ at Shanidar
Cave. Antiquity 94:11-26. http://dx.doi.org/10.15184/aqy.2019.207
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wigglygoblin · 2 months
electricity in (just my) room doesnt work 😀 and its RAINING
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hatsunemememiku · 1 year
(I run @ayi-word-emojis lol)
That’s nice of them 😊
I’m glad I reminded you then!!
*glub glub*
AH YES your words are pretty to look at for us :3c /gen
we go nv and sv a decent amount and have a fair few members who are just nv or sv by default so word emojis are always very helpful n we're always happy to find more
realised we hadn't followed you yet so o7 did that
glub !! very good word to say. makes brain happy (hmm...i am going to have to ask feferi if thats why mer says it so much...prolly is but i am always on the lookout for excuses to talk to my prebby sysmates that isn't just "hi youre prebby pls can we hang out" SDKJCF)
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residentrookie · 10 months
oh my god welcome to your ldr phase i (unfortunately) discovered her at like 14 and she changed my brain chemistry forever. what's ur fave song of her's at the moment?
oh my god. mariner's apt complex. it.... affects me. in ways i didn't know i could be affected. YOU'RE LOST AT SEA, THEN I'LL COMMAND YOUR BOAT TO ME AGAIN??? hey what if i cried?
but also... your mom called i told her you're fucking up big time?? iconic.
i love joking with my best friend bc i turned her into a swiftie and THIS IS HOW SHE REPAYS ME!!! WITH AN LDR PHASE!!! it only makes sense that i should join tumblr and subsequently become obsessed.
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