#character theory: flynn
enteringdullsville · 8 months
The Red Drewman, Rudy
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Aesthetic: Goofy
Age: 21 (Season One)
Alignment: Enactor
Badge: Scalene Triangles
Color Type: Red
Debut: The Violet Act
Effects: Hair Cut (Rudy’s hair bristles and sharpens, allowing it be thrown like needles or swung like a blade); Rollaway (Rudy curls into a ball and rockets forward); Scratch Damage (Rudy scratches and bites like an angry cat); Rage Beast (Rudy becomes enraged and his physical stats rise, switching to blunt hits like punches)
Family: J. Razbry (Stepbrother); Coco Haggleslak (Dog); Joy and Collin Razbry (Mother and Stepfather)
Rank: A (Primary Character)
Standout Features: Tall and spiky hairdo, freckles, tooth gap, hoodie.
Character Bases
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His hair and tooth gap were partially inspired by Mike from (and by extension Chester, Svetlana, and Manitoba) Total Drama, but I don’t have that kind of space.
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Rudy’s earliest designs emphasized his sharp shapes, but his anime hair, freckles, and tooth gap were permanent design elements. He was a more typically rebellious kid, and his literal edginess symbolized that.
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From there, the only permanent change was the decision to make his eye extend from his profile and to make the man himself less pink.
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Any differences from then on are just the inevitable consequences of drawing him by hand.
Season One
Rudy debuts along with the rest of the core cast in The Violet Act, in which he tries to introduce himself to the viewer before J. cuts him off, incensing him. This goes on apparently quite a while after the scene changes, and Rudy eventually accidentally attacks the camera.
“Who Needs Enemies”, the season’s B-Plot, initially chronicles Rudy and J.’s efforts to gather a full set of main characters. It starts in You Live Like This?, where Rudy attempts to dissuade an angry Tyler from attacking the present party, only for the latter to be knocked over the head by a door. Rudy drags Tyler back to the Oobay household as a new employee which, come Hiring Squad has resulted in him becoming the company talent scout (where he manages to win over Olive).
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Be Excited
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fights4users · 11 months
If you give a TSA agent a sword…
I talked briefly after finishing the novelization but I think Tron is more tsa/boarder control that a cop when comparing it to our jobs. He monitors and shuts unauthorized interactions between systems down. That’s what he was intended for, which makes all that we see him do so funny?
MCP: *Teaches program how to fight and puts them through a rigorous non stop battle* Why is he fighting back? Why is he so good???
Flynn : Here’s a sword. You’re a knight now. Go get em’ .
Basically he’s a very religious toll booth operator made into a weapon by hostile takeover and circumstance. He’s so tired let him go home 😭
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I kindaaa ship Phineas and Baljeet am I weird? And could I possibly get hcs for the ship too, please?
i don’t think ur weird, but also i hate romance (romance repulsed aro) so i’m doing platonic! this isn’t meant to be against ur ship, i just don’t like writing anything romance involved unless i’m in a Very Specific Mood about a Very Specific Ship and that will probably not happen with these two, so sorry abt that.
look, these two r Very Different Types Of Smart
like it’s canon that baljeet isn’t great at building things (portal to mars episode) and phineas and ferb often go to baljeet for proofs
but they have a HIGH amount of respect for each other
phineas sometimes has a hard time with precision in his math (haha adhd brain move fast teehee) and baljeet is the PERFECT person to help with that
and baljeet has a hard time applying his knowledge on anything but a theoretical basis, so it works out for both of them!
and them plus ferb? yeah they. they could destroy the world in an instant (kinda canon, given the brain smart machine boo the world sucks and ima steal all the oxygen thing)
but anyway, one thing i like to think abt them: phineas is GREAT at history (he likes learning abt people in general and knowing that the ppl of the past were, in some ways, just like us!) and baljeet HATES it
like baljeet does well in history class but that’s only through copious amounts of studying while phineas probably already knew what they’re going over in class
baljeet kinda sorta hates this. but then he sees phineas get hella points off in math class cause he skipped most steps of whatever technique they’re using (<- based off me i’m SO bad abt that) and then he feels better
so like. they’re the epitome of “some people r good at some things and others r good at others”
to the point where when ppl find out that phineas doesn’t know something, they go to baljeet and vice versa
all the while not letting this affect their relationship in any way possible :)
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max1461 · 2 months
I have the following Grand Theory of the Twenty-First Century that I would like to put forth. I don't know if it's true, but sometimes I think it's true.
Many of you will have heard of the Flynn effect. This is the observed effect that average performance on IQ tests has gone up since these tests started being administered. On a first glance, it appears that people all over the world have gotten measurably smarter in the past 100 years.
There are a variety of proposed explanations for this. Probably better childhood nutrition and the like has something to do with it. But another proposed explanation is this: IQ tests are known to be trainable. You can practice and get better at them. And you can practice the sorts of tasks that show up on an IQ and get better at those sorts of tasks, which might be why (IIRC?) standardized education seems to improve IQ scores. What sorts of tasks are on an IQ test? Abstract thinking tasks. Tasks related to abstract pattern recognition.
It has been proposed that people today live their lives in a world much more governed by these sorts of abstract tasks. We interface with bureaucracy and paperwork, we manipulate strange little symbols on a computer screen, we internalize the various abstractions we are (explicitly and implicitly) taught in school in order to receive the best grade. Where children 100 years ago were taught by their environment to do physical, concrete things, children today are taught by their environment to engage with abstract systems. And success at engagement with abstract systems is what determines success in life, which was much less true 100 years ago.
There are ways in which I think this is a good thing. Abstract systems have both many uses and many joys, which mathematicians have regaled us with since Euclid, and I think it's a good thing if people are more prepared to engage with abstraction these days. But it's probably not wholly a good thing. After all, there is also much utility and many joys in the physical and concrete, and I suspect that today we live in a world which prepares people markedly less well to succeed at the concrete. This is particularly troubling since many concrete activities make up the very most fundamental bedrock of the human condition (as it has hitherto existed).
In-person social relationships are of a concrete character. Leaving your house and doing shit is of a concrete character. Making and fixing things with your hands is concrete. Fucking is concrete.
I think it is possible, and potentially explanatory of some of the malaise I see among my peers, that we have grown up in a world which has taught us to shuffle symbols instead of to do things. People will blame this on their political opponents, leftists will attribute it to capitalism and rightists will attribute it to this or that form of effeminate progressive ideology, but (at the risk of being immediately dismissed by certain people) I want to suggest that, insofar as this is true at all, it might simply be best understood a consequence of industrial society itself. Abstract tasks simply get more useful and more in demand the greater the complexity of society grows and the more technology expands into our lives.
I don't want to present this sociological theory with too much confidence, and I am certainly not claiming we should burn down all the factories and go live in the woods or whatever. I'm just saying, uh... maybe this is something that's going on. I sometimes look around and think "this definitely might be something that's going on." And if it is going on, we should think about what its implications are.
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fallofcyber · 16 days
The Susan Foreman/Susan Twist Theory
So ever few years the Doctor Who fandom seeks to ask the question What about Susan, and Because of this new season the Theories have started back up again so lets look at the evidence.
Pre-Devil's Cord: It was speculated that Susan might return this season, the main evidence point is a woman we all have been calling "Susan Twist" based on the name of her actress.
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Many people are speculating that based on this actress' name that there is a 'Twist' involving a 'Susan'. Now I wouldn't put it past RTD to create a season plotline purely based on an actress' name, but to state that this 'evidence' is a stretch is a massive understatement. So pre-Devil's Cord a crackpot theory that insists on speculating about the return of a Classic series Time-Lord, similar to the constant theories about The Rani, Omega, or even Morbius.
Post Devil's Cord: Now we finally have a solid piece of evidence, an explicit callout to Susan. In fact I believe the first time Susan is mentioned by name since the revival, when the Doctor is telling Ruby about his life on Totter's lane.
So we have two through-lines this theory hopes to connect. The Susan Twist mystery box, and an explicit call out to Susan Foreman. Now this callout to Susan seems incredibly deliberate, almost like it's attempting to introduce new audiences to the character. Plus the Doctor also speculates on her current status, whether she is alive or dead.
Also I'll bring up the 'Always a Twist at the End' song from the end of The Devil's Cord. Not only being a meta commentary on the nature of seasons of Doctor Who, but also a play on words referencing 'The Twist' a type of dance. There's always a twist, thus there is always a Susan Twist.
Post-Boom: We have a new Susan Twist cameo
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and it's creepy ambulance lady. Currently the Susan Twist cameo hasn't added anything to the theory post Boom, but lets looks at something else for a second.
Varada Sethu
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This is Varada Sethu who has been confirmed to be joining the TARDIS along with Ruby and the Doctor.
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She shows up in Boom as the character Mundy Flynn. Now this could easily be another instance of an actor having a bit part in Doctor Who before Colin Baker, Freeman Agyeman, Peter Capaldi, Karen Gillan. However Russel has stated that the situation is more complicated than that. Specifically bringing up when Jenna Coleman showed up in Asylum of the Daleks before making her debut later in season 7.
Some speculation theorized that Varada Sethu's character was a regenerated Susan Foreman, but after Boom I believe something else is going on.
So this is all linking back to my 'The Doctor is trapped in a television show' Theory
( https://www.tumblr.com/fallofcyber/750149486367621120/okay-absolutely-off-the-wall-doctor-who-theory?source=share )
I think I might have an idea that could solve both the Susan Twist and Verada Sethu mystery. What if they aren't just reused actors on the show Doctor Who, but are reused actors in the show within the show. As in the reason we are seeing this actor show up in multiple places is because they are literally being recast in universe.
So in conclusion I do believe Susan Foreman to have some sort of relevance to the story, but I don't think she is at all connected to Varada Sethu or Susan Twist. Maybe she has a connection to Susan Twist, but I don't think they are one in the same.
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doorp · 8 months
What started out as theories abt when the main cast died but got silly
Annabel + Lenore ✨
This one is pretty straightforward, there’s these Barbie movie redraws flynn did that shows Annabel and Lenore being caught by “NMPD nevermore police department” , with the year 1901 in the corner, implying that’s when they died and got sent to nevermore
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This little 1901 in the corner is interesting on like a meta level to me bc 1. in the original Barbie meme theres no date on the slate thingies, so flynn decided to add that piece of info on her own, and 2. this was just after episode 67 came out (on fp I think) and uh little tidbit, before that episode there was a theory that Theo died in like the 1860s or something based on the logo in the newspaper abt his death, the ny daily tribune, and after episode 67 came out and ira mentioned a ship that wasn’t available for public use until 1899 on the discord we were trying to do mental gymnastics to make the 2 dates work but then red came on like “please we accidentally grabbed the wrong logo it’s meant to read new York tribune not New York daily tribune its fixed now we fixed it please” and then a few days later they streamed doing this piece
Anyway, ira talks about the oceanic, which was “the finest ocean liner in the world” the *largest ocean liner in the world* until 1901
The RMS oceanic had its maiden voyage in September of 1899, at the beginning of fall. Annabel says she arrived in New York a fortnight before meeting Lenore, presumably during the spring. Annabel arrives at lenores house in april/may of 1900, spends six months there, and then leaves around the fall, probably somewhere around September or October. Lenore then spends a few months doing her thing and then arrives at her family’s home in either December 1900 or January 1901, during the winter. HERES where it gets interesting. We can assume that Annabel died in the cold, from her spectres chilling atmosphere and all together appearance of corpse in a freezer. She even has frostbite on her fingers and toes, as well as snowflake like glitter in her veil. We can also assume she died on her wedding day, the way she wears her rings on different hands and her wedding dress in spectre form. So if she died in the cold and on her wedding day, then when was her wedding, and how could it be in winter?
heres my 2 theories
1. Lenore beats Annabel at chess just for funsies fairly quickly after arriving, then they try to elope and get caught by their dads
2. Lenore courts Annabel, wins her hand, and they get engaged. Since engagements usually lasted around 6 months to 2 years, their engagement could have been anywhere from however long it takes Lenore to win at chess to December 1901. If their wedding day was in November/December, that means Lenore got away with pretending to be a man for a whole YEAR and they spent that year just being gay and shit/doing schemes.
I personally like option 2 more bc its just sadder that they did get away w it for a while then ultimately got caught - it would also explain why Annabel is just SO into Lenore, if all she remembers is that year they spent being all sneaky and gay and shit, it would explain how she’s just used to flirting and holding onto Lenore in secret. It would also explain why Annabel assumes Lenore is up to scheming at nevermore. if they eloped a few weeks after they reunited it would still be like yeah that makes sense they are such u haul lesbians, but them becoming sneaky codependent gays ripped from each other on their wedding day just hurts more and makes more sense time/character wise
Duke - 1912, maybe even 1912 specifically, idk
Duke has a coin that’s dated to 1912, and Eulalie says it looks brand new. There’s been arguments about wether or not the coin is actually newly minted, but I don’t think we can say for sure. It might not matter either way- I have a theory that the suit cases the students carry aren’t actually random personal items of interest, but a suitcase they packed right before a pivotal event in their lives. Perhaps Duke does have newly minted coins in his suitcase, but he didn’t actually die in 1912. Also! Duke is implied to be a Houdini like figure, so I imagine he’s not later than the 20s.
Pluto - 1914 ish
Plutos spectre wears a British ww1 military uniform, its debated wether or not the jacket was his dads or his, but regardless he couldn’t have died earlier than 1914. Pluto is named after the cat in the short story called The Black Cat by Edgar Allan poe. In the story a cat named Pluto gets its eye slashed out by its drunken owner, eventually getting hung from a tree by the man. Theres obvious references to the story in Plutos design and shit overall, when he manifests a belt snaps around his neck implying he died from strangulation, his spectre has like, a pluming collar/leash of smoke around its neck, his spectre looks like it’s made of ash kinda (someone described him as a burnt rabbit to me once) which is probably a reference to the part in the story where the man’s house burns down, only 1 wall remaining erect, with the image of a black cat scorched into it. Plutos eye is covered by his hair, he walks into a door frame, he’s got spectre abilities called “blink” and “evil eye” so w Pluto until we get more info it’s no earlier than 1914 if you subscribe to the Pluto went to war theory or no earlier than like, say the 20s? if you subscribe to the Plutos dad was a vet theory
Berenice - 1920s
Shes a flapper, cmon. shes from the 1920s. Look at her. We already know she was run over by a cop car after running from some guy, and I tried to look into where the cop car was from but i didn’t have much luck. mostly just confirmed the era, when I searched cop cars of the 1920s pretty similar images to the one that killed bee show up. A few others I think have looked into it more? but im not completely sure. There’s been a lot of theories about where Berenice is from, I’ve seen Louisiana, Chicago, Harlem (Harlem renaissance specifically) but there’s not a lot of conclusive info about Berenice. we know her pearls were real, in the way they scattered, so she had so have some means of affording them. Pearls are held together on a string, but only real pearls have pieces of metal between the pearls to keep them from rubbing against each other. Bees pearls scatter in long strings, not completely all over the place like fake pearls without that structure would.
Eulalie - 1935
The song Eula sings in her death flashback is a Japanese lullaby that was rediscovered in 1935. Its a popular theory that Eulalies death was a hate crime, a fire started because of hate towards Japanese Americans during ww2. She probably died in the forties in america, I don’t think she died in Hiroshima or Nagasaki, the fire that killed her isnt how atomic bombs would have killed her. The kid she sings to asks if someone started the fire on purpose, so imo it was likely a hate crime.
Morella - 1950s - 70s??
Okay so, Morella. we know the least about her. with will we can guess that he was lower class and stuff, but all we know abt Morella is that she’s Irish. Shepards pie and Guinness is pretty timeless. The reason I say 50s to 70s is bc according to Remigoesinsane the clasp to her locket started to be used around that time! that’s all I have on her tbh, a theory of mine is that she died in a factory accident trying to save someone when the machinery went crazy, but that’s mostly it.
Ada - 1930s
Ada’s clothes in her death flashback match those worn by maids in the 1930s, and the lingerie she wears in the manor also matches lingerie worn in the 30s. It would also make sense for Ada’s character to be from the 30s. That decade was called the “somber thirties” bc of how fucked up the economy was after the stock market crash. It was a major time of economic disparity, and Ada’s obsession with trying to seem upper class elite could stem from not having much when she died. She probably sees nevermore as a blank slate, a place where people will see her as more than just “the help” would also make sense that the man that killed her was a rich guy using his power to take advantage of her and get away with the crime. Especially since the poem, Tamerlane, was from the pov of a rich guy lamenting a relationship he had with a lower class girl named Ada.
Prospero ✨
PROSPERO! prospero drinks espresso with his chosen last meal, which was invented in 1901. I think he died from tuberculosis. For a long time a major cause of death has been tuberculosis. So much so that Victorians made it a beauty standard. A major inspiration of Poe himself was tuberculosis, in the masque of red death, along with the grief he was left with after his wife died from it. It rots your lungs, makes you cough up your bloodied respiratory system until you suffocate in it. In the maze, prospero says he felt queasy, like something was crawling under his skin when he died. When prospero cuts his hand, he says he’s going to be sick, and tells Annabel that he’s afraid of blood. (Probably specifically his own blood bc u know he was feeding people to rats like minutes before that) This, coupled with the imagery of blood pouring out from his plague mask when he says the “queasy, like something was crawling under my skin” line, makes me think his death involved a lot of blood! And as I said before tuberculosis was like really gross and bloody and gory. Furthermore, this quote from the writer is SO interesting
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In the poem prosperos namesake is in, the masque of red death, the prince prospero, hiding and ignoring a sickness ravaging his country, decides to host a huge party! Everyone’s having a grand old time, the festivities only pausing when the clock strikes, leaving everyone in a dread filled silence, the party picking up almost immediately after and brushing it off. Eventually the plague does get in though and kill them all because they ignored the feeling of dread.
The prince and the party goers die because the prince is blissfully and willfully ignorant of the disease. Bc their hubris didn’t allow them to see the threat of it. Nevermores prospero, however, is obsessed with staying healthy/hygienic as possible. He wears his gloves even when he eats, hates being touched, almost throws up when he cuts his hand. He hallucinates a thousand dirty hands grabbing him and trying to perform an operation on him with disgusting germy tools. He sees the hand he cut amputated, imagining that the wound got so infected that it had to be removed. He stares in horror at his hand before Ada even makes eye contact with him. My theory is Prospero grew up hearing terrible stories of people dying from infection, disease. He heard of people slowly drowning in their own blood. He decided to take every precaution, he simply wouldn’t allow that to be his fate. After Ada attacks him he tells Annabel “you must think me neurotic” for being so upset over the blood on his hand. This feels, so specific and intentional to me. Not just because Annabel dealt with her anxiety and her dad treating her panic attacks like he did, and this is a whole “omg look they’re bonding” moment, but bc, immediately after he tries to assure her that “im not, you know, im perfectly sane” like shit like this has happened before, where ppl called him neurotic for being that sick at the sight of his own blood, or that obsessed with hygiene. The irony being that, he spent his life obsessing over staying healthy, so much so that people called him neurotic, only to die that slow gory death anyway.
That whole, prospero dying from tb tangent aside tho, how it correlates to the time of his death. He probably died in the early 1900s, the earliest being 1901-1906ish, bc again, that’s when espresso started gaining popularity. My guess is he died around the 20s, ik the tb vaccine came out around the 20s, but people still died of it after and are still dying/contracting it today, and in the 20s there were a lot of Italians emigrating to America, and prospero is so aggressively Italian American (eating espresso and cannoli with chocolate chips for his last meal) that it’d make sense. So woo!
Monty - 1910s
Monty is a cowwwwboyyyyyy. The Wild West pretty much tapered out around the early 1900s. He can’t be that recent. He also mentions calamity Jane so that definitely puts him past the 1800s. He seemed to have a pretty wild life, kicked in the head by a horse, tooth knocked out by a human, tied to train tracks and left for dead after calling the pastors daughter loose. crazy guy crazy time
Will ???
Will is so plain i cannot get a read on where hes from im sorry
obligatory thank you for making it to the end, I barely made it myself, this was sitting in my drafts for weeks before I decided to just get it over with. <<333
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multi-level-shipper · 10 months
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This shit was a fucking acid trip, like most of the game.
Anyway, something that poked my brain was the Infirmary. For all this game's insanity, there were actually some decent roots planted for worldbuilding/ character development.
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It seems like the reason the cast ended up in Queen Bouncelia's domain is because they're treating the player as if they have 6 stars in GTA. Seline is no exception to this rule, and that seems to be her motivation for coming down to the lower floor, as she watched us leave in Chapter 3.
Toadster noted in his "Archives" that she was already hiding when brought in, and crying in her shell. She may have been antagonized by a bigger enemy- likely Kittysaurus or Tama/Chamataki (turtle chameleon thing), and she may have gone past the kingdom's walls for sanctuary. (That's just a loose theory, though.)
In any case, at some point she was frightened enough to shut down completely.
This could be some kind of anxiety attack, though there's no way to "diagnose" Seline at this point. Also interesting that Seline felt too afraid to even continue moving around on the lower floors. I think this is meant to speak to just how dangerous the lower floors are- if the giant ass snail is afraid, you should be, too.
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Next, Jumbo Josh. Toadster categorizes him as a "Green Gorilla", which in hindsight, weirdly makes a lot of sense.
Firstly, an adult silverback gorilla can bench up to 4,000 lbs (or at least, that's what google told me.) Not that we needed an explanation of why he was able to throw Stinger Flynn, but I can only assume that if we adjusted that number for his size...it probably checks out.
Second, the fact that he walks like a chiropractor's worst nightmare. It took me a second, but I FINALLY realized that his posture is meant to IMITATE A GORILLA. Like, look at this:
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And thirdly, Josh's love for vegetables is also a gorilla trait. 85% of a gorilla's diet is leafy greens, with the remaining percentage basically amounting to termites and larvae.
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Not too much to say about the Fucked Up Birds, but still! Nice to see them finally displaying a flamingo behavior (AKA their sleeping posture) because they seemed to lean more heavily on ostrich behaviors in previous chapters.
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Toadster mentions in his archive for "The Teacher" that she keeps repeating the phrase "I can't be late" over and over to herself after being subdued.
He also notes that the bowling pins "calmed her down," which may not entirely be the case. In Chapter 3, in Banbaleena's "Classroom", each object had an assigned role like Cool Kid and Popular Kid. The bowling pins were meant to be the Bullies.
So Banbaleena is likely stuck in a prison of her own self-doubts right about now, which is doubly sad when considering her insistence in Chapter 3 that she was actually trying to be a good teacher. Either someone placed this idea in her head that she needs to strictly adhere to all these rules, or it's a stress she placed upon herself trying to fulfill her identity as a teacher.
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Stinger Flynn gets better as the story progresses. He seems to have an ego to the point where he sees himself as a savior that can't see the faults in his own plans. His initial "safest procedures" plan seemed so obvious to him, but it seems as if he measures success by efficiency rather than the cost of human lives. While he's smart, he's not immune to being wrong, though he has yet to learn this.
He also seems to suffer from some form of depression, or at least intense sadness, and we see this as he talks to Banban in the latest hallucination sequence. Makes sense- his intelligence would make him much more privy to all the horrible things happening around him. It seems as if his high intelligence comes at a high price.
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Last note- This might just be a case of recycling animations/rigs, but I think it's cute that Banban shares nearly the same emo pose as Banbaleena.
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astercontrol · 4 months
I just watched Legacy again.
And… I keep coming back to the Ram-Castor theory.
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Which first sparked from a paragraph on the Tron wiki, attributed in the footnote to Tron: Evolution…
Disparate accounts of Castor's origin exist. He was reputedly designed and created by Kevin Flynn in TC30 as an interpreter but quickly and naturally exceeded his original directives. Unconfirmed conflicting reports describe his origin as a "low-priority actuarial algorithm illegally co-opted identity of the obsolete protocol. More investigation required for verification."
This blew my mind, because... cryptic as it is, I found it easiest to interpret as:
The program that became Castor/Zuse was originally an interpreter program created by Kevin Flynn.
At some point, another program-- this "low-priority actuarial algorithm" -- took over his identity and took his place.
and… you know where my mind goes when I think of actuarial programs.
As far as I know, only one character ever canonically was described as such.
One who I cannot help but think of in the same category as Zuse (i.e., queer-coded, fun-loving, my favorite character in the damn movie, and died too damn soon.)
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But... what would it take, for Ram to become Castor??
My initial impression was:
Ram gets rerezzed on the Grid, before the coup.
Perhaps Flynn sneaks in one of Roy's backups.
(Maybe this backup, unknown to Flynn, has been updated with some hacker code, for purposes of Zack-Attack shenanigans.)
And this Ram 2.0 is the "actuarial algorithm" who eventually assumes the identity of Castor/Zuse.
This was all months and months ago…
But now, having rewatched Legacy just now, the ideas have…
…. expanded.
Into the realm of the… something.
Here goes.
As to how Ram started out on the Grid:
I imagine that Flynn tried to give him something approaching his original purpose. Actuarial math is concerned with calculating probabilities, and this is useful for plenty of things besides setting insurance premiums.
(Ram probably would prefer many of those alternatives over setting insurance premiums, once he learns just how little insurance companies actually help people.)
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His actuarial nature might even have him calculating probabilities about Clu, long before Flynn and Tron do… and seeing danger coming miles away.
And you know Flynn wouldn't have listened to his warnings.
Maybe this causes Ram to go into hiding early, before things with Clu go... clearly bad.
Now. Once in hiding, when the Purge starts, of course Ram decides to help the ISOs. He's a helper by nature. And he's lived under oppression and genocide.
Already he'll need to do this in some secrecy.
And this may very well be when he "reinvents" himself for the first time.
So. He hacks his way into the place of this …translation program that wasn't yet doing much of anything.
He takes on the new appearance, and the name Zuse.
Uses his hacking skills further, to control Solar Sailers and the permissions on other programs' discs, all in the name of getting ISOs to safety.
(This is all mentioned in the wiki, as well, attributed again to Evolution.)
(There also seem to be… hints? that Zuse himself is an ISO? but this is not clear on either the wiki, or in Legacy. There may be more data in Evolution? In any case, I'm proceeding on the assumption that he is not an ISO, just a regular program who may have been co-opted or hacked by another one.)
At the point in Legacy where Sam meets Zuse, some pieces fell together rather clearly for me.
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When he says:
"Zuse has been around since the earliest days of the gaming grid. By necessity, he has to mind all the percentages, all the angles."
it feels to me that he was clearly talking about his past as Ram, the actuary. Perhaps calculating percentages of probability for gaming purposes-- betting odds and such-- back when the games were just for fun?
But, as he said, it was self-preservation that made him change his identity. With the Purge over, and Clu attaining greater and greater power… he had to reinvent himself again, to stay safe from Clu's wrath against anyone who supported either ISOs or Users. So he gave himself the name Castor, instead, and kept the Zuse identity under wraps.
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"Castor" is actually a fairly clever choice of name. If he was going to go the Greek-gods route, "Ares" would have been the obvious code for Ram (the ram being the symbol for Ares/Aries).
(…AND I continue to pray, probably without hope, that Jared Leto keeps his mitts off of Ram completely. But, that's another topic.)
Ares was a son of Zeus.
Unclear whether this was why Ram chose the Zuse name… or whether the program had that name already before Ram took over him. (The wiki suggests that, like many names in Tron lore, it was an allusion to a famous name in computing history. In-universe, Flynn could certainly have named a program with such inspiration.)
In mythology, Castor was… one of the twins born to Leda after Zeus impregnated her. But the pregnancy had two different fathers, and Castor was not the twin fathered by Zeus.
From the perspective of a Ram in hiding, "Castor" could be taken to mean "false disguise for a true son of Zeus."
Not saying that was the sort of thing Ram himself would have come up with.
It's what I would have come up with, in his position.
But I am not an actuarial program. I am a goddamn pattern recognition program. This is obvious.
So, the above is likely all irrelevant.
Moving on!
By this point, Ram/Castor/Zuse might be pretty disillusioned with the Users, honestly.
Flynn's in hiding, doing nothing! He let Tron get corrupted, Yori either disappeared or never got rezzed in, and a tyrant with Flynn's face is in charge of everything!
I would NOT blame him for being unconvinced that changes at the top actually make a difference; that one leader's better than another.
I would not blame him for being earnest in saying, "I believed in Users once before."
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And then, of course, the betrayal!
Clu's guards barge in.
Zuse…. stands back and lets everything happen. Gives them free rein to attack Sam. Stands back and watches in glee, as the whole thing goes down.
Watches Sam fighting back. Watches Kevin Flynn and Quorra bursting in to help. Watches the whole fight. Just watches, dancing and firing energy bolts randomly into the whole mess like a madman, as if he has no stake in it one way or another!
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It would be easy to interpret this a number of ways.
He has gotten truly vengeful toward the Flynns, to the point of losing his grip on reality.
He has gotten truly vengeful toward EVERYONE, to the point of losing his grip on reality.
Perhaps his personality has even split somewhat-- the Castor and Zuse personas becoming somewhat separate entities?
This would fit with the idea that he started this whole business by co-opting the identity of another program!
Maybe that program's mind was always trapped somewhere within… fighting him.
Maybe it came to the surface more and more often as time went on.. becoming a possessing demon with very different views about everything Ram used to care for.
There is one other possibility.
Let's take a look at just what he promised, and to whom, and just how the promises were followed through on.
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First, to Sam. He offered Sam "a change of attire," "a forged disc," and "transport to cross the Sea of Simulation."
And then he stood back, and made no attempt to stop either Sam or his helpers or his attackers…
and the fight played out as fate would have it, letting Sam and Kevin and Quorra escape to safety…
as they, most surely, would…
as they could have been predicted to…
from the viewpoint of one whose probability-calculations have always been informed by faith.
One who, deep down, does still believe in the Users.
He might… just possibly… still care.
Also, consider.
Zuse does not allow Clu's guard to take the disc he stole from Kevin. He appropriates it for himself, as a bargaining chip to use with Clu.
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For what? "Control of the city. A sizeable request, I know."
Here might be where Zuse finally miscalculates. He was expecting, or at least hoping, that there was a chance Clu would honor his end of the bargain.
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If Clu had, indeed, allowed him control of the city, it would have given him an advantage from a large number of "angles"-- no matter how the political side of things played out.
It could have given him leverage to help the Flynns later on, and undo the damage caused by the theft of the disc.
He might, quite possibly, have predicted that Sam and Kevin would both be able to recover from the immediate problem of the disc being lost.
For all we know, that brilliant probability-calculating mind might have already had a plan for that, and for how to help them later.
And even if that plan failed…it could certainly have permitted Zuse to be involved on a much larger scale in the resistance.
(Kevin, deep in his "zen thing," had even said that programs forming a resistance from within could have a better chance of taking Clu down than he himself ever could.)
(Zuse might, at some point, have agreed with him on that, and prepared himself to play a part in it.)
All this seems lost.
Because, instead of honoring the deal, Clu just takes the disc and then blows up the End of Line Club with Zuse and Gem inside it.
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We can easily imagine that someone with the previously displayed skills in
taking on new identities
calculating probabilities
and playing all angles / planning for all possible outcomes
…might have kept a backup of himself somewhere safer?
In any case.
Whatever was going on in Zuse's mind, in regard to helping or not helping the Users, and preparing or not preparing for Clu's betrayal…
you can't deny two things.
He doesn't give Clu any leads to find the Flynns. He tries to convince him they're already dead.
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and, once they do escape…
there just happens to be a Solar Sailer right in reach, waiting for them to sneak on.
A "transport to cross the Sea of Simulation." Just as promised.
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Just my thoughts.
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azrielsbxtch · 4 months
I’ve had more time to sit with HOFAS so here are things I loved and things that bugged me.
AZRIEL AND NESTA - Where to even begin. Their relationship and friendship is EVERYTHING. I'm so glad SJM chose to highlight both of them for the ACOTAR part because their chemistry is everything. I can't wait for more in ACOTAR 5
AZRIEL - Every new thing we learned about Azriel had me screeching. It's so clear SJM is setting him up for the next book. Every scene he appeared in I was obsessed! Finding out about truthteller, him being protective of his mom, him interacting with music, him being all hot and threatening....this bat has me in a chokehold I swear.
THE LORE - All the new information we got about Prythian and Midgard is so interesting. I wish I was a theories person because there's so much to theorize about!
RUHNLIDIA - They served in this book omg. When Ruhn was like "this is my first mission with my girlfriend I want to impress her" I almost threw my phone I'm not even kidding. They are so cute🥹✨✨
HUNT - I still feel like I need more Hunt. He's such a sweetheart and was truly a highlight for me in this book. I love him so much and I was totally rooting for him to fry Celestina.
Ruhn and Lidia’s mate announcement. I knew Ruhn and Lidia would be mates from HOSAB so I was only waiting for confirmation but the way it was written threw me off. Ruhn just said it out of nowhere and to…of all people…Pollux….like what? Why? Idk it could have been more emotional.
Ariadne- I don’t understand the point of introducing this new character only to do NOTHING with her. I shipped her and Flynn sooo much. The way she was introduced in the beginning of the book had me so hyped only for her to disappear. Like imagine a dragon marching with the armies of Hel when they fought the Asteri…
Sigrid - That entire plotline felt useless to me. She was set up to be this hope for the wolves and it all amounted to nothing. So why did we waste so much time on her. I enjoyed Ithan’s chapters because I really like him. But from an objective point of view…most of what SJM made him do didn’t make sense. If she wanted him to become Prime (which I loved btw) she didn’t need to waste all that time on Sigrid and her resurrection only for her to join Sabine the person she’s supposed to hate and then disappear.
Tharion and Sathia - No…just no…..
Bryce ignoring Hunt’s trauma - She did it in HOSAB but again and on a larger scale in HOFAS. Everytime Hunt brought up his fears (understandable because he has now faced the Asteri twice and suffered insane consequences) Bryce just got angry and put him in such a bad position. She made it look like he didn’t want to support her when he has very valid reasons to be afraid. After what he went through the first time in the Asteri dungeons for years and then again! I’m surprised he didn’t break down even more tbh. His feelings were so valid.
Bryce - SJM tried to do the “Aelin is always two steps ahead” thing with Bryce but honestly it didn’t work. A lot of the times I was side eyeing and was like “that’s convenient” Bryce was guessing a lot of times so that whole thing just didn’t work.
The plot was all over the place. The book really didn’t flow well.
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tenebraevesper · 5 months
Sonic Prime (Timeline Placement)
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So, now that the finale of Sonic Prime has aired (although I still wonder whether it was really the finale because were still missing one episode), everyone is asking themselves the question of when does it take place in canon.
After all, it is general knowledge that the producers stated that it should be treated as part of the Sonic mainline series canon. But, what does that mean?
I still remember how people weren't happy about Sonic's more immature personality, especially since this just came after Sonic Frontiers, where we saw a more mature Sonic, and even TV Tropes lists the statement as Fanon Discontinuity:
As well-received as the series is, when the producers of the show stated it was being treated as canon to the mainline series, this did not go down well with certain fans, believing much of what appears in the show appears to contradict what the games state, such as Green Hill being stated to be the home of Sonic and his friends. Probably the most egregious change is a flashback that shows Sonic and Knuckles' first meeting in Hidden Palace Zone (which, while there is a boss fight with Knuckles in that stage, the two meet much earlier).
Fans then started asking Ian Flynn about when the show takes place in the game timeline, with Ian's answer being that he'll tell them after the show ends. Now, the ending of the show revealed absolutely nothing in regards to when it takes place, with Ian Flynn posting this tweet:
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Yeeaaahh, from what I've heard through the grapevine, people weren't happy:
Misblamed: People blame Ian Flynn for the rather vague suggestion of the timeline of when Prime is set, even though 1) Ian Flynn was not a writer of Sonic Prime. He was a consultant. 2) The Lore team weren't the ones that decided to make Prime canon. That's a matter that's decided by Sega's higher-ups. Likewise, any inconsistencies are the result of the writing team, who likely didn't (or couldn't) research every detail of the series' characters and lore within any time constraints they had.
That should explain things and it's bad enough that people are using Ian Flynn as a scapegoat over something he had no control over.
So, what is my opinion in regards to this situation. I believe that Sonic Prime's placement in the mainline series canon can be viewed from two different points:
Point 1) The show is a standalone story, taking place in a slightly different universe at any point after Sonic Advance 3. It has all the Sonic game characters and any detail that got messed up could be chalked to writer error as said above. It is connected to the main canon in some way, but not in the way that you could insert it directly into the mainline series games.
Point 2) It is an event that takes place after Sonic Advance 3, and connected to the mainline games despite the inconsistencies, but it is supposed to be treated similarly to Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) in the sense that, as Ian pointed out above, Prime wipes itself out. It happened, but it has no impact on the main canon aside from the fact that Sonic and Shadow remember the events and probably won't ever be mentioned again.
Now, these are just general conclusions to Sonic Prime's placement's in the canon, but what about my personal view?
In my personal headcanon, Sonic Prime takes place sometime between Sonic Colors and Sonic Forces. Why after Sonic Colors? Because Orbot and Cubot made their debut there. Why before Sonic Forces? Because the Sonic the Hedgehog IDW Comics detail the events that occurred after Sonic Forces.
One could argue that Sonic Prime could be placed between the Sonic IDW Comics and Sonic Frontiers, or maybe even take place after Sonic Frontiers, but I'm certain that people's argument over Sonic's lack of maturity in Prime in comparison to Frontiers nips that theory in the bud. Not to mention, we already got a game that takes place after Sonic Frontiers, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog, and we saw how Sonic acts in that game.
Another thing I would like to add is that I'm treating Sonic Prime in the same manner as Sonic the Hedgehog (2006). It is a standalone story with minimal impact to the main canon, an adventure that happened and was subsequently erased, with the only ones who remember it being Sonic and Shadow.
So, these are my personal thoughts and before anyone starts an argument, I do not speak for the community. That said, what do you guys think?
#Sonic the Hedgehog Analyzer (Masterlist)
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I think that the main problem with all of the scrapped Tron ideas/scripts that keep popping up every few years is that they keep focusing on the wrong characters/stories.
I feel like not many people who like Tron actually care about Sam Flynn. People care more about Quorra, but I think that interest in her falls short as well. And not a single soul wants Jared Leto anywhere NEAR this franchise.
The next Tron movie should be a Rinzler movie.
First of all, people WANT more of Tron himself and have been saying so since Legacy came out. One of the things that made Uprising great was Tron’s involvement in, well, Tron. Plus, this is Tumblr so I don’t need to go into how insane Tron fans have gotten over Rinzler for the past decade.
I want to see how Tronzler copes with his split self. I want to see his flashbacks and fractured, contextless memories of his time as Tron. (kinda like the ones he had at the end of legacy). I want to see what he went through to be reprogrammed. I want to see how he copes with his life as gladiator and elite soldier. How does he deal with all of the derezzing he has to do? I want to see a deep dive into his relationship and dynamic with CLU. How does Rinzler act when he’s alone? Where does the purring come from? Does Jarvis hate him as much as I think he does?
Maybe some of this was answered by Uprising and I just don’t remember (It’s been a decade since I’ve seen that show).
Anyways I just think the whole Tronzler thing is super interesting and unexplored in official media. It would be interesting to see what Disney writers come up with and which fan theories they humor. Plus I neeeeeeeed more “Rinzler being a freak” content.
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enteringdullsville · 1 year
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J. Razbry, the Blue Drewman
Be Strange
Rank: A+ (Main Protagonist)
Aesthetic: Creepy
Visual Inspirations
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Other Character Bases
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Eternal Enigma
J. and Rudy are brothers; J. being the younger of the two. He’s pretty meek and Rudy tends to do most of the talking for him, so don’t be too surprised or offended if he seems to go out of their way to avoid you at first. J.’s just incredibly shy and self conscious around new people. To be fair, many people find his blank expression, monotone voice, and vaguely corpse-like body language kinda creepy in return.
However, around familiar faces like the rest of ICT, J. quickly becomes eccentric, wisecracking, and exceptionally trollish. If he’s sporting his signature broad grin and twinkling eye, he’s probably already played a prank on you.
On second thought, maybe you’d be smart to find them creepy.
Fun Facts
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J.’s first name is an obvious play on “blue jay”.
J. and Rudy weren’t initially designed as stepbrothers. Peony (formerly Rosie) was Rudy’s sister instead, J. (Lou) being an only child.
J.’s ethnic background is a mystery to everyone.
J., along with Angie, changed the most from his first prototype design. Aside from looking almost completely different, he was far more demure, sensitive, and polite. By Rough Sketch, he shifted into a familiar characterization, but was instead more wild than usual.
J., Noah, and Chloe underwent the most name changes of any character, the former initially being named Art, then Lou and Lars before settling on their current name.
J. consistently and bizarrely glowed in dark in Rough Sketch, even when others were realistically shaded. This was scrapped for It’s Color Theory.
J.’s distinct “glowing eye” effect is usually only applied to his left eye. If both his eyes start glowing, turn around and run.
J.’s one floating hair at the top of his head is actually attached to their body, and he can be pulled around by it if needed.
J.’s surname is derived from blue raspberry flavor. This contrasts with Rudy’s red color scheme.
Due to the Primary Characters’ initial spotlight episodes being in rainbow order and the first episode doubling as a spotlight episode for Violet, J. is the last one to get his own.
J.’s name is spelled in varying ways by the others’ dialogue. Rudy, introductory subtitles, and most out-of-universe writing spell it as “J.” Most other members of ICT refer to him as “J”, dropping the period at the end. Several background characters and, for some reason, Angie and Clarence refer to him as “Jay”.
J.’s fluent in several languages, as well as English.
J.’s given several people completely different answers as to what his name stands for. This has caused Violet no end of legal trouble.
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ericmicael · 4 months
"Kristoff is the lost prince of another kingdom"
"Rapunzel and Flynn will appear as recurring characters and become a crossover film"
"Anna will reveal herself to have fire powers"
"All the dead characters in the franchise will turn out to be alive"
"The teenage ghost from the film that almost bankrupted the studio will become a couple with Elsa because someone like her is what she's looking for to be truly happy"
"The ten-year-old joke will return with redemption ignoring F2 and the film will be a romantic comedy with Elsa and the abusive man in the trope of unlikely allies"
"Harry Potter/magic duels"
Sometimes I wonder if I'm too picky or overly lucid because seriously, these "Frozen 3" and "Frozen 4" theories...
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hum-tittle · 5 months
My Theory was originally pretty simple that those with Garrus as their favorite romance would also choose Li Shang as the favorite Disney “Prince”. This is because they are very similar characters. (“Your waist is supportive” and “You fight good” have the same energy.)
But I wanted to go more in depth. (I’m on winter break and I’m having spreadsheet withdrawals)
Li Shang will be number one.
He and Garrus are both strong fighters with no flirting skills. They respect and listen to women. Also they’re ratio of charm to awkwardness is pretty similar. Both are seeking their father’s approval.
If he is not number one he would be in the top 3
The top three will be:
-Li Shang (as previously stated)
-Flynn Rider- He is the most popular out of the princes.
-Beast- He would appeal to a lot of Shakarians. Sexy voice, tall, slow burn romance. He didn’t expect to fall in love with Belle, just like Garrus didn’t expect to fall in love with Shepard. Also both would attract the monster lover community. 
Li Shang will improve by 65-90%
To collect the control data, I wanted random and unbiased as possible votes. I used the subreddit Disney to collect the data. There were 109 votes via comments. I did not include upvotes of comments, just comments themselves.
*All others with just one vote were discarded from the data giving 105.*
For The Garrus votes I posted a poll to Tumblr. It got 105 total votes.
I was right that Li Shang would be number one. I was also correct on the top three. But I was wrong on how much Li Shang would improve. Truly I thought he would be higher on my control votes. He improved by 222%
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Other things I was surprised about:
-How low Hercules was in both groups
-How low Naveen was for the control group
-The difference in values of other compared between control and Garrus votes
-How high Beast is with the Garrus votes. I was expecting around 15% not 21%
Anyways I hope you all enjoy my silly little project :)
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fights4users · 9 months
The quorra problem | Programs, isos and the real world
Disclaimer: This has nothing to do with Quorra as a character! It’s more of a story element critique if anything, please read and don’t jump on me for the title. Quorra is adorable and I enjoy legacy- even if it doesn’t look like it from how I keep tearing it apart.
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It’s a damned if you do damned if you don’t situation. On one hand you can’t leave her inside the grid when Flynn decides to literally go nuclear but you can’t leave her in the real world either. They have to because they wanted Flynn’s self sacrificing ending or wrote themselves into a corner (this isn’t about reintegration but I will still complain) and this was there way out. But they didn’t consider the implications of it at all.
Cosmic horror-
I’ve made several posts about it and still want to write something with this idea but to a program— the real world wouldn’t be so miraculous like how we see theirs. The minute you’re outside you’re Imediately bombarded with sensory overload and just too much information to process. The grid, which is much more human in its design than the ENCOM system, is still infinitely more minimalist than our world. One of the best scenes is Clu and his team raiding the hideout and not knowing what a single thing is and freaking out, she seems too well adjusted for someone who’s spent a few hours max here— look I know it’s the end of a movie and they can’t do that whole arc, but I digress.
Also don’t get me started on the rumored Ares plot and how they totally forgot quorra is already a program(technically iso) in our world- also it’s not really a “tron” movie plot— where’s the allegory?! The metaphor?! The symbolism?!
Another thing is that…Sam can’t tell anyone about her. Maybe Alan but her mere existence in our world is brain shattering. Trying to explain a advanced humanoid being that’s not here to harm us and is totally cool guys almost never goes well. It also leaves people a LOT to grapple with…like everything we know being forever altered.
This whole situation should be terrifying from both perspectives, however I love the theory that the only reason she was able to get out into the real world at all was because of Flynn’s data stored in the beam. That’s a great thought that almost makes me like her being in the real world just from how much impact that is.
What happens now? She can’t be revealed to the world (yet) and to put her back in the remains of the grid would be cruel. Putting her in another system would be wildly irresponsible because- do we even know what ISOs do? Across all media its “they’re special” but absolutely squat on their actual function or what they’re capable of. We see they have some kind of digital dna that’s literally a miraculous occurrence but that’s about it. Did Flynn even know? Are they just there- existing but not effecting/having a real world computer impact? Or worse - what if clu was right and they did contribute to the crumbling state of the grid? (I think it was a combination of his own fear and scapegoating—I’m just tossing the idea out there).
Sam transferring her over to another system without knowing what she does or how she could effect it would be disastrous. Am I saying she’s dangerous or would have any intent to harm? No not at all that’s now who she is, but it’s sort of a “releasing a domestic cat into the woods a state over” you don’t do that.
Does she get a regular job now, does Sam hire her at ENCOM? She’d likely be some sort of computer smart…in that she come from one. Or does he like —- set her up at a McDonald’s? How’s she get energy does she get plugged in- being in the real world isn’t going to magically give her a stomach. Sam just takes her to a power grid and she causes SoCal to blackout lmao.
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Open portal-
I’m aware most of this post is just me overthinking the implications of everything they didn’t intend us to think to hard about. It’s supposed to be “yippee they’re safe” and I’m worried about digital ecosystems and what the human brain can handle. I think my problem mainly strives from this trope where the character brings home their friend from the other world/ is the reverse situation and no one bats an eye at all. It’s because they want the characters to still be friends no matter how many rules it breaks or sense it makes. It happens most commonly in cartoons. (There’s at least 3 in recent memory)
I’m not saying I want quorra to have been caught in the blast but that there’s a way they could’ve kept communication without world breaking. Open portal situation where he goes back to visit, he chats with her on the screen, both stay in their own worlds its sad but logical etc (I’m not writing a new ending but you get the point).
I guess it annoys me so much because it’s left so open ended, ride off into the sunrise while ignoring the implications™️. “I guess, We’re going to change the world” ok how 🧍‍♂️. The movie did not nearly give me enough information about ISO’s to see what changes they exactly do besides taking over ENCOM. “They[Iso’s] changed everything” ok how🧍‍♂️. Yeah it’s immaculate conception but what do they do I am shaking your shoulders Disney what do they do!
It’s not quorra I’m mad about or even the concept of ISO’s but it’s how the writing just falls short in these HUGE areas that require a lot of lore and information to be given that they just do not. And consistently don’t In the other media forms like betrayal (I haven’t seen uprising maybe they explain something). If you’re going to have beings that shatter your ideas of reality you sort of have to explain that!
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lovinglenore · 11 months
i just realized a cool detail about prospero!
because nevermore has edgar allen poe aspects intricately woven into the ongoing story, many of the characters are derived from his poems. (including annabel lee and duke!)
prospero is from edgar allen poe's poem titled 'the masque of the red death'. a short summary of the poem goes as followed:
"The Masque of the Red Death" (originally published as "The Mask of the Red Death: A Fantasy") is a short story by American writer Edgar Allan Poe, first published in 1842. The story follows Prince Prospero's attempts to avoid a dangerous plague, known as the Red Death, by hiding in his abbey. He, along with many other wealthy nobles, hosts a masquerade ball in seven rooms of the abbey, each decorated with a different color. In the midst of their revelry, a mysterious figure disguised as a Red Death victim enters and makes his way through each of the rooms. Prospero dies after confronting this stranger, whose "costume" proves to contain nothing tangible inside it; the guests also die in turn."
if my 'theory' is correct, i believe red and flynn incorporated aspects of the original poem into prospero's spectre form! i think details like this are super cool in webcomics like this (:
it also leads me to believe he could have possibly have been subjected to involuntary medical treatments when he was living, or he died due to something along those lines.
again, i highly reccomend you read this poem to perhaps have a better insight to my theory! i find prospero to be such an interesting character.
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