#character study: lee
thestarstoasun · 2 months
Possibly a hot take, but I think the Tartarus trip actually helped Will a lot. Obviously I have my disappointments with the book, but we do not only see Nico healing from the copious amount of trauma Rick fit into him; we get to see Will come to terms with darker parts of himself.
It's canon/very heavily implied (I can't remember and don't feel like looking it up) he came to camp at a very young age, younger than campers that aren't deemed "powerful" or have a strong scent. Despite Will thinking he isn't strong, he is the best healer Camp Half Blood has seen in, what we can assume, at least a century. He's a year-rounder, so he hasn't experienced life on the outside in years. Hell, until Trials of Apollo, his godly parent hardly took notice of him.
His older brothers and other siblings were his biggest supporters and motivators. They looked out for him and took care of him in place of a parent, specifically the older kids (Lee and Michael.) And he lost them during the Dark Prophecy - less than 2 years apart from each other. He didn't even get to search for Michael because Percy took him for a joyride across Manhattan on a motorcycle to help Annabeth.
Even after all of that, its implied/seen that he's someone who is always looking on the bright side of things, never making anything about himself, always helping others, etc. He's a ray of sunshine in everyone's life, never allowing himself to show anyone that he's hurting or suffering because he feels like he just can't. After all, he's Will Solace. He is the head medic, the infirmary can't just stop running. He's the counselor for cabin, his siblings need him to be strong.
He represses his negative emotions, even admits to it in Trials of Apollo. I think he represses them to a point he can avoid/ignore them or pretend they aren't his. It's easier to be a ray of sunshine in people's lives if the negativity and darkness you feel are projected onto someone else.
These tendencies are also something that causes strain in Nico and Will's relationship, because Nico doesn't understand how Will can't see how hypocritical he is. When in reality, Will does know, but it's easier if he avoids it. Ignorance is bliss after all. This doesn't mean Will doesn't work on trying to let Nico in, because he does, sort of.
On bad days, the days when he wakes up and wants nothing more than to curl up in the arms of his older brothers, he would go to Nico's cabin. However, his only explanation would ever be, "im tired." It frustrated him just as much as it upset Nico. He wasn't even sure if his boyfriend could tell. (Nico could, but that didn't mean it hurt any less.)
In Persephone's garden, he was forced to face the fact that there is darkness/negativity/hurt inside of him. He can't deny it when it's right in front of him, so he finally has to stop repressing everything, stop running away, and face his pains.
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falling-star-cygnus · 3 months
i just binged inside job in two days and i am having feelings™️  -> the execution of this show's main gang is so beautifully done, im like- constantly impressed
because they're all misfits
-> Gigi, Brett, Myc, Andre, Glenn, and Reagan were all pretty much socially isolated until they came to the deep state {even though glenn and gigi's backstories are still pretty much up in the air sans a few glimpses}
but that's why their group works so well, that's why they can intrinsically understand each other without even fully realizing it
i'm realizing they all sort of represent the five stages of grief too; of learning to let go and finally healing in the comfort of their own little fucked up found family
Brett is denial -> He's constantly chasing after any form of affection people will give him, telling himself that it's genuine and that- no, these people don't dislike him! this is just friendly banter! he just needs to prove himself a little more, push just a little farther and then Brett will for sure be worth their approval!
Glenn is anger -> With the limited knowledge we have of Glenn, no finite backstory outside his wife and veteran status, it's pretty easy to realize that he has a lot of anger towards... everything. He's mad about his face, about his divorce and he constantly lashes out about it
Andre is bargaining -> What's beautiful about Andre's writing is the almost intrusive depiction of what he's like sober and why he can't kick the addiction. He's such a terrified and self-conscious person that he'll do or trade anything for the crutch that finally gives him peace of mind.
Reagan is depression -> Like Brett, Reagan is constantly trying to prove herself. However, unlike her best friend, her desire to do so doesn't manifest as optimistic denial. She's strung out and exhausted but she can't stop because what is she without her work? And she can't be bothered to take care of herself because she doesn't see the point in it
Gigi and Myc are acceptance, albeit because -> 1. We see Gigi turning down her literal dream job twice because she realizes that Cognito is her family, and that she doesn't have to fight to prove herself to them -> 2. The entirety of the hivemind episode was Myc just- finally vocalizing that, yeah he's a jerk, but he's the gang's jerk and he's always going to have a place among these people
man, if only this show could get a third season TToTT
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listening-to-thunder · 4 months
I watched Beyond Evil, then immediately started a rewatch and this vid. I hope you enjoy it, even though it is rather full of pain.
🎵 Pomme - Ceux qui rêvent ⌛ 1:59 🌎 Original lyrics or my English translation (see settings) 💔 Lee Dong-sik is Not Okay ✨ Shin Ha-kyun's acting 🔗 On AO3 for download & commenting
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danidoesathing · 18 days
i keep thnking about like. the parallels between buck and the ghosts in the movie. Johnnie and Buck have the whole "opposites attract" while being eerily similar. A dead man in love with life and a living man in love with death. Coming across each other by complete chance (stars align type chance, pun not intended) and it's so brief but so important to the both of them. They've both already experienced their fair share of the unnatural and the undead so the situation is almost casual to them. Both are lost in these naive ideas of how the world works and are so headstrong they don't stop until it literally kills them. both end up getting blackbrained because of those ideas. Even if buck survived and Johnnie didn't, they're dead men walking.
and then there's Frankie and Buck's love for a person that doesn't love them back. being devoted to the point of self-destruction, even if they're aware of it and know it's going to end badly they still keep going. Frankie's already been down this path and she tries to get Buck off of it but she already knows its pointless. Frankie's constant use of ghost metaphors in her songs with Buck's ability(?) to speak to the dead. the night we met being Frankie's song but the MV is about Buck. they're both doomed by the narrative and doomed themselves, and knowing this changes nothing. god.
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lukehemmigs36 · 1 year
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elijones94 · 7 months
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🌸 Is Ty Lee an air nomad? 🔥
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priestbit · 11 days
who? me? oh yeah, no, i'm fine. just thinking about donnie spending so much time wrapped up in rancid creature and the fame and in getting clean and dealing with little baby emma that he only gets to visit his brother a handful of times. and that emma only gets to meet her uncle brody once or twice before he goes missing (which then forces donnie back to longing to confront the horrors of his childhood/teen years. to confront the traumas he ignored. to be the rock for cassidy and his niece and nephew the way they were for him when he arrived there as an unruly teenager.) emma doesn't really remember her uncle. donnie never gets to thank brody for taking him in and stepping up when nobody else would. he never gets around to telling brody that he loved him, or that he appreciated him and that he did a good job in making sure delinquent donnie watts didn't turn out to be the big fuck up that everybody thought he was going to be. it's no biggie. i'm just thinking about it because it is the single biggest regret donnie has. and despite cassidy trying to tell him that brody always knew how much donnie loved him and how much he appreciated all they'd done for him, donnie never believes it. because brody never gets to tell him. 
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stuckasmain · 4 months
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One of the best notes of character study is actually the hair. It is a brilliant show of character and often times it is entirely unintentional, simply changing based on what a scene needs. It’s garnering meaning from the lesser details and in the case of Billy Lee Jackson, it tells a lot.
He’s a con. A punk. A hood. He has a appearance to keep up as a “tough guy” and his hair is very much a part of that. It’s grown out a bit longer than the average persons and he spends a good time styling it into a pompadour. Slick but a bit bouncy. He’s hip.
When it changes from this it marks major points in the movie and his character. In the scenes themselves the more direct reason is changing his hair out of necessity or out of physical stress.
Loose curls-
This is when Billy is the rawest version of himself. His real self. The tough guy act his completely vanished and suddenly he doesn’t have a lip anymore. He’s transformed into a scared kid who everyone dogs up on.
The fight at the bar.
The old house standoff
Slicked back-
This is when Billy is putting on a show. Either what he wants you to see or what others want him to be. More often it’s what others are trying to box him into- this is different from his regular style. It’s greasier, slicker. He doesn’t have a choice in his appearance because it’s through everyone else’s eyes.
When he is with Ellen his hair is noticeably suffocated by pomade. There’s a little bit of volume but only just enough. It’s true when he’s at the house party and on the date -> he’s trying to make himself what she wants.
This slick hair takes on a much darker conotation when you consider…
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It’s slicked by a mix of sweat and so much product it looks like he’s fresh out of the shower. Honestly it looks like they cut it too. It’s a great show of just how much he’s denied.
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vaxx-jeliie · 1 year
after rereading study group for the nth time i realized just now that hanwool is the foil to gamin. think about it lmao
gamin's mom (forgot her name hdhdhh) isn't pushy when it comes to his acads, but yonbaek genuinely wants that 'normalcy' for hanwool.
the part that convinced me of this was when yonbaek told his son to study in highschool well, graduate, and enter a good university. gamin's mom wants the same, but she believes that her son shouldn't push himself too hard, especially because gamin's dad is super sucessful.
hanwool wants to follow in his dad's footsteps, the same goes for gamin, but it just so happens that their parents don't want them too. they both have the same desire to be like their dads, and they both want to surpass themselves.
the parallel is also with their respective teachers - miss hankyung and miss joungha. both of them wanted to change yusong high into a place of actual learning and education, and both their targets was hanwool. joungha knows that hanwool, and subsequently, the yb foundation is the root of all evils in yusong, and possibly even incheon. joungha was killed by yonbaek's order, but, as far as i understand, hanwool didn't want that to happen. for him, his father killed the closest he has to a mother figure (as of now his mom hasn't yet been introduced, and i don't know if she's alive or dead), and a figure he was sure could lead him out of his dad's shadow. of course all this is assuming that hanwool claiming to follow in his dad's footsteps was due to not being shown another way to live.
what's happening to hankyung right now is the exact same (almost) to what happened to joungha. only this time, her student has the ability to change it. i'm not saying hanwool could've stopped joungha's murder, since it was done without him being informed.
geonyeob was also a victim of yonbaek's actions - therefore the death of joungha didn't only affect hanwool, but geonyeob as well. i don't know what's going to happen to hankyung, and i'm hoping she'll be alive. and if my analysis is correct, that gamin is hanwool's character foil, then hankyung will live, just so the contrast between their character will be completed.
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purplerakath · 7 months
Ramona's Guilt
So I wanna talk about a bunch of the stuff in Scott Pilgrim Takes Off and how it looks at, answers, and smooths over some generalities in the other two Scott Pilgrim narratives (mostly the comics as the movie didn't do much with Ramona). More of what I'm writing under the cut. Spoilers for all three but most pressingly for Takes Off.
So overall the frame here is going to be on how much guilt Ramona carries over her actions, and how much amends she goes for in the new narrative of Takes Off. And how much that matteers.
See, in the other two versions Ramona 'dumps them and leaves' is painted as a singular through line, a universally identical action across all her relationships. That isn't the case here. Each relationship is painted as 'Ramona leaves' but how much that matters varies.
Going to go through each Ex in order:
Matthew Patel
So it is painted as both 'a relationship that could go somewhere' but also 'dude you knew her in middle school.' Ramona doesn't apologize to him, doesn't accuse him of kidnapping Scott, or really interact with him because 'middle school.'
To Matthew's credit as a character, he gets a massive growth arc through finding a passion he loves rather than obsessing over a girl he knew when he was twelve. His 'take over Gideon's empire and follow his off Broadway dreams is a good avenue for his character to grow.
Lucas Lee
Ramona makes it clear she still cares about him, and has always been rooting for him she just- ran off. And that her doing that did significantly change him. And that part she apologizes for. It's also clear she mostly questions his guilt because of the league, and not because she thinks he's evil (referencing back to his 'evil for being a sell-out, I guess' from the books).
He's not the nicest person, but she sees though his facade. And barring his tossing a child onto the roof of a car to steal his skateboard, he's pretty much harmless. Lucas Lee is a lot of attitude but nothing really behind it.
But he did need to hear that Ramona cared about him, and was sorry.
Todd Ingram
Todd is in a weird place, one is he's not in the montage of Ramona running away from what she loves. So he's more of a rebound when she got scared with Lucas. Two he's always been in love with Envy Ramona was just 'there' not 'there for him.'
Third he's Gay. The story kind of makes it pretty clear he just didn't know that about himself. (Which is fine, Todd doesn't have two brain cells to rub together.)
So she doesn't apologize and Ramona didn't really do anything for him.
Todd is also in a weird place where he's less 'Ramona's evil ex' as he is 'Punchable Avatar of Envy Adams.' His major element in the books is as Envy's current boyfriend to deal with Scott's 'the big ex' problems.
Roxie Richter
The most deserved and needed apology of any in the series. While Ramona didn't mean to hurt her, because she wasn't aware of how much their thing mattered to Roxie. It. hurt. her.
So Ramona needed to apologize, more than any other ex.
This also changes Roxie from the 'safe ex to run back to' (because Ramona doesn't count her as a real relationship, in the comics) to 'terrifying relationship Ramona wasn't sure how to deal with' (because they got so close and Ramona runs when she feels scared). It's overall a very positive change to how this relationship worked.
And like with Lucas, post-apology this Ex is no longer evil.
The Katayanagi Twins
So Ramona doesn't really... interact with them at all. The ending montage shows she did love both of them, but she also dated them at the same time because they were, well, fuckboys. So it's less a 'she hurt them' as it was a 'she is the karma they deserved.'
The twins, overall, are painted by their nature in the future of being overall good guys who don't care about all this. I would like to see more of them but they aren't very useful narratively to Ramona's plot. Because they're useful to the whole 'how do we make this new Scott Pilgrim story go Brrrrrr.'
Gideon Graves / Gordon Goose
His inclusion in the final montage of 'running from love' is weird, because I do think a major element of a potential Season 2 is Gideon's kidnapping of ex girlfriends for a complete set. This is what I assume was in that vault from Ep 2, the one Matthew couldn't blast into.
Still, Ramona didn't apologize to Gordon, she chastised him and threatened him should he treat Julie the way he treated her. Which is deserved, Gideon is the worst. He doesn't get an apology because this time Ramona was right to run.
So what does this all Do!?
What it does is keep Ramona's character flaw (she runs when things get complicated) without making it seem like running is always the same, with the same weight, and the same responsibility on her. Of the evil exes, while six out of seven are no longer evil. Ramona was only needed to fix two of them.
It means she's a flawed person, as is the theme of this show. But not some secret heartbreaker. Just another scared little girl with intimacy issues.
And it means when a relationship was going to end on someone else's terms, having her chase down that relationship like a dogged detective makes her less a prize at the end of a story, and more her own person.
And that's a pretty great change.
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lokislytherin · 1 year
daniel & friends
i just wanna explore the different friendship dynamics daniel has with lookism characters in terms of friendship vibes and / or personal experience? i’m kind of projecting all over them so these are not necessarily things they’d do in canon but things i can envision them doing as normal teenagers
daniel is the common theme so i kinda refer to him as “you” so ig you could also envision this as lookism character & reader sans daniel
daniel & jay ;
if you had to pick a friend to date, it would be them
you’re a little bit in love with each other because that’s real friendship 
your friends probably call you a married couple and you always deny it but get flustered every time they’re physically affectionate with you
sitting together on the morning school bus in comfortable silence, watching everyone around you doze off and feeling comfortable enough with them to be on the verge of dozing off yourself
being gently bonked because you’re a little slow on the uptake, but not being mad about it because you're friends and they don’t really mean it
daniel & zack ;
pain in the ass friends (affectionate), chaos bros
slapping them in the back a little too hard and laughing when they stumble, both laughing when they smack you back just as hard
sending each other dumb memes in the middle of the night and trying hard not to laugh because you don’t want to wake the neighbors
chasing them because they slapped your ass with 0 context in the hallway
head empty you two share a brain cell but who has the brain cell right now? it might not be either one of you actually uh oh
daniel & vasco ;
that special friend dynamic of younger sibling and older sibling
cooing over puppies in the pet shop together and crying internally when the shopkeeper asks you if you’ll buy any pets but you don’t have the money/permission/space/time for one even if they’re so cute
social media feed merging because both of you love cute animals and soon you’re sending each other the same posts at the same time, completely unplanned
sharing a bag of chips and being absolutely entranced by a horror movie, screaming and dropping everything when both of you get jumpscared by the film but also each other screaming
being given obscure advice which sounds really wise when you first hear it, but when you think about it a little longer you have no idea what it means actually. and they will not elaborate bc they don’t know what they’re talking about either
daniel & zoe ;
the best opposite-sex friend you’ll probably ever have
going window shopping together and picking out the best and worst fit combinations for each other to try on, getting kicked out of the fitting rooms for laughing so hard you trip over and break the curtains
“get in loser we’re going shopping” “hey who are you calling a loser!”
the first person to get into a relationship that actually works out well has to buy the other person boba tea, it’s an ongoing bet, it doesn’t actually matter who it is because you’ll be crying happy tears either way
they call you “girl” every time they get excited about things but it’s a gender neutral term to them now it’s like the way you call them “bro” when you get hyped up
they would totally set you up with people they think would be good for you 
feel free to give me requests or add things too! asks or comments or reblogs work! if you want to challenge me or make me cry feel free to request gundaniel friendship (if they count as friends, that is)
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holy fucking shit the orv side stories.
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sh5 · 6 months
why don’t sketchbooks in any fictional media ever look like real sketchbooks…….when artists are presumably the ones designing/drawing them…..
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elfruits · 1 year
depictions of a typically feminine harrow feel so weird to me. like harrowhark nonagesimus (who grew up on an isolated planet with a bunch of bone nuns, some reanimated parents, and exactly one other person their age) would obviously be up to some gender fuckery. some absolute warping of the binary. femininity wasn’t really pushed on her until interacting with ianthe! her identity is bones there’s no time or room for that conformity bullshit
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suhlinah · 1 year
Not really a spoiler, but something I noticed after watching Derision:
Most kids in the akuma class have an absent parent. Of course, it could just mean that we haven't seen enough of their character backstories, but from the characters that we do see interacting with and/or mentioning their parents, a lot of times it's just one of them.
I wouldn't be surprised if Nino doesn't have a father, which could be something that would make his friendship with Adrien stronger.
Another thing in Derision, I agree with a lot of people saying that it was useless putting Socqueline in this episode and only featuring her in Season 5, because it really doesn't fully explain the way Marinette acts around Chloe now.
I still wish that Chloe would have started her redemption arc after Miracle Queen, and proved herself to be a better person not just to Adrien but to herself and her father. It would obviously mean that Zoe wouldn't get the Bee miraculous (I'm sorry but Chloe looks hot in it) and I think that it would've been more beneficial for the show if Chloe was redeemed as a character because it would show younger viewers that people can change, and that would have been better than Chloe being more of that typical mean girl.
Plus, with Zoe not in season 4, I would have loved for Nino to become a much bigger part, especially with more scenes with him and Adrien in it. I love reading their dynamic in fanfics, and it being more canon would be so good.
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dumbbullet · 1 year
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And now some OC doodles. im so powerful
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