#char: wren
emptyshrines · 7 months
help I'm obsessing over support characters again
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emberglowfox · 1 year
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two guys soul-bound in a fucked up fairy game. what will they do
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swordmaid · 8 months
made a wood elf bard and his name is wren. he’s band mates with my cousin’s bard and they’re called the red utes (they both have red hair and he plays the lute while she plays the flute)
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tentimes-if · 2 years
Some Characters You'll Meet
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Wren; a cold-tempered Divinus who was in her late teens during Aurora and Remi's first introduction. She's a member of the Legion of Power in her introduction and far after.
Sawyer Shea; (m/f/n) your light-hearted and excitable childhood friend. You guys were close despite the two-year age gap. As an adult, they are more grounded but no less excitable and curious.
Marc Baker; (reintroduction) an old colleague of your father's, and a dear friend to both of your parents. He used to be a field agent for the Taskforce but after a patrol gone wrong, he's been relegated to a desk job in Research & Development.
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pi3rcedk1tty · 2 years
me to all my moots’ haters :
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charliechaotic · 2 years
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Art dump lmao
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verraising · 15 days
Profile - A'myrrhis Venko
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↠ B A S I C S
✽ name: a'myrrhis venko (her forest name was hlif)
✽ nicknames: myrri, myrr, myrrhis
✽ age: 40 (start of ARR), mid-40s (end of EW)
✽ nameday: 10th sun of the 5th astral moon
✽ race: veena viera
✽ gender: nonbinary (uses she/they pronouns)
✽ orientation: bisexual
✽ profession: adventurer, warrior of light, (ex-) scion of the seventh dawn
↠ P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
✽ hair: a warm, light yellow shade of blonde. she used to have natural reddish brown streaks and tips of her ears but the brown was the first thing to bleach out and turn white as a result of the light corruption, and it stayed so permanently. very fine hair texture, naturally slightly wavy.
✽ eyes: almond shaped with short, subtle eyelashes. her irises are a light shade of purple.
✽ skin: light and covered in freckles, especially on her face, shoulders and limbs. doesn't really tan and is prone to sunburns when exposed to direct sunlight in really hot weather for too long.
↠ F A M I L Y
✽ parents: myrri's village - venko, back then a moderately sized settlement on the southern edge of the dalmascan forests - used to be quite non-traditional, with men living in the village with their families rather than alone in the surrounding forest, so they grew up with both her parents for a while.
her mother is the head of venko village, a fierce huntress and a strong leader, well-loved and respected by her people. she loves her children but was also very strict with them growing up, especially with myrri who was supposed to take over the leadership of the village eventually, and that pressure as well as circumstances led to their relationship slowly deteriorating as the years passed.
in his younger years myrri's father had taken advantage of their village's less strict rules and he set out to travel for a while, knowing he would not end up being exiled for leaving. he picked up the bardic arts along the way and when he eventually returned home he brought with him a rich treasure trove of stories and songs from lands far beyond the forest which he shared with his children as they grew up, instilling dreams of adventuring and traveling the world in little myrri from an early age on.
when she was in her very early teens her village got attacked by garleans during the dalmascan invasion. the village burned for days afterwards and along with it the bodies of the fallen, making it impossible to identify the dead, and her father was presumed among them in the aftermath.
her mother eventually remarried a few years later, and myrri was on good terms with her stepfather before she left her village.
✽ siblings: she has two younger sisters, naya and wren.
naya is the middle child and technically wren is their half-sister, but neither of them have never bothered to make a distinction.
though not related by blood there is also a'ruta, a miqo'te who was an escaped garlean prisoner hiding out in the charred ruins of the original venko village.
myrri found her there and the two became friends, and when her mother refused to shelter her in their actual village myrri vowed to take her back home to eorzea. they grew close on the journey and later on myrri stayed with ruta and her clan for a few years, and they consider each other sisters.
✽ grandparents: all her grandparents had children rather late in life, so all of them died either before myrri was born or when she was still a kit, too young to remember.
✽ in-laws and other: she has quite a few uncles and aunts (or in some cases whatever the gender neutral equivalent is) and cousins but life in her village was very communal so in a way blood-relations like this didn't really matter all that much, everyone kind of was a family figure to the kits in the village regardless.
speaking of non-blood relations, after successfully helping a'ruta to get back to the a clan in eorzea they invited myrri to stay, and seeing as she didn't really have any other place to go and had yet to get to know this new and strange land she gladly agreed, and she basically got adopted into the clan immediately. she even took on a city name following the clan's naming conventions (but keeping the name of her village as her last name when she needed to give one), and after the years she's lived with them she considers them her family as much as her own back in the forest.
✽ pets: her chocobo, sesame, though he's more like family to her than a pet after all they've been through together.
she also might not actively practice summoner magic anymore because of some personal hangups but she keeps her carbuncle around, and it's just living the lazy lifestyle of a spoiled cat in myrri's house.
and there's also the beaver that's been following her around since her time in il mheg. she's still not really sure whether to consider it a pet or not, but somehow it's come all the way across the rift with her (which she assumes works because the lil guy probably was a pixie at some point and retained some of their magic) and it seems to be as attached to her as she is to it at this point.
↠ S K I L L S
✽ abilities: she's predominantly a ranged caster with deadly precision from a distance, but can hold her own in close quarter combat for a while if she has to, although because she lacks formal training in any form of melee combat beyond the quick get-in-get-out rdm combos her fighting style gets messy and frantic fast if she has to stick to melee for an extended period of time. this weakness gets patched up somewhat later on when she picks up pld but close quarter definitely remains her achilles' heel.
she's also trained as a healer post-shb and wields powerful support magics to buff and keep her allies safe.
as part of her training back in her home village she also learned how to use a bow. she was pretty skilled with it, but it never really felt quite right for her so she eventually hung it up once she began to study at the arcanist's guild.
overall she definitely prefers job that enable her to ensure the safety of those fighting by her side, and to heal or shield them if needed.
she's a veteran fighter at this point and knows how to keep her cool in heated moments, and in general she is quick to think on her feet and adapt to new situations and circumstances if she needs to, be it in combat or otherwise.
✽ hobbies: she loves to grow flowers in her house and her garden, and tend to them when she has the time to breathe in-between her travels. (her retainers take care of them during the times she's gone so they won't die.) also taking care of and spoiling her chocobo.
↠ T R A I T S
✽ most positive traits: by no means naive but she chooses to be an optimist and always tries to see the good in a person or a situation unless proven otherwise. a master at taking things in stride, she's very patient and not easily thrown for a loop no matter how weird or precarious things might get. unshakable loyalty, if you are near and dear to her she is ride or die no matter what happens.
✽ most negative traits: hypocritical, she can be very "do as i say not as i do". poor sense of personal space and boundaries until outright told that it makes someone uncomfortable. hates confronting her negative emotions and usually pushes them aside until they catch up with her. while it takes a lot to get on her bad side once you managed that it's hard to regain her forgiveness, let alone her trust.
↠ L I K E S
✽ colors: black, red, orange, purple, gold
✽ smells: the salty sea air, flowers, freshly cut wood, coconut, berries
✽ textures: soft fabrics, leather, chocobo feathers
✽ drinks: water, tea and coffee (likes them both equally), amra lassi, also she's grown fond of fresh coconut water since spending time on her island
↠ O T H E R D E T A I L S
✽ smokes: no. her dad used to smoke a pipe regularly and when she was a wee little viera kit she thought it was the coolest thing and kept begging him to let her try it too! but he wouldn't. not wanting to accept no for an answer little myrri patiently waited for her moment to strike, and eventually her chance came when her father put his pipe down for a second and turned away, and she could grab hold of it. the whole operation was not as sneaky as she thought when she took a big, greedy puff and started coughing violently almost immediately, her eyes watering and her lungs burning. her dad didn't scold her, seeing this as a lesson in itself, but it took a week for her to stop feeling nauseous afterwards so after this she never had the desire to smoke anything again.
✽ drinks: she's exclusively a social drinker and can hold her liquor pretty well. adventuring came with plenty of opportunities to build up a decent alcohol resistance in eorzea's various taverns (especially in the drowning wench in limsa where she spent a lot of time during her early adventurer days), or sharing a mug of ale with fellow travelers around a campfire.
✽ drugs: only of the painkilling kind.
✽ mount issuance: never officially got issued a grand company chocobo because she didn't want one for fear of not being able to take care of it properly. then eventually haurchefant happened to gift her a chocobo anyways and that's how sesame came into her life. she initially still wasn't sure if she was cut out to take care of him and tried to leave him in the care of the chocobo stables in ishgard but it turned out he REALLY wanted to be by her side so eventually she ended up learning whatever she could about chocobo husbandry, and they have been each other's steadfast companions ever since.
✽ been arrested: not yet, even though they sure tried back in ul'dah.
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niyogreatandsmall · 15 days
Can I ask for an ID pack for a demonkin/fallen angelkin?
@that-dog-is-so-gender (my alt acct)
Got it, @that-dog-is-so-gender! Here they are!
Names include:
Pronouns include:
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emptyshrines · 8 months
Character Introductions: The Ensemble
Orune Kagitorin
Formerly betrothed to Sorroth's brother Suvaeth as a political alliance, Orune sweeps back into the Abedesin residence shortly after the murders with an offer: she will tutor Sorroth in everything he needs to survive as the new head of his house, in exchange for her hand in marriage. What does Sorroth have to lose?
Appointed headslave of the Abedesin residence in Sorroth's absence, Wren is loyal, wise, and - to Sorroth - almost frighteningly aware of everything happening in the house. Excellent qualities for a slave you have to put trust in, and they do it all with ease. They saved Sorroth from drowning in a pond as a child. Though not a lick of magic exists in them, they have absorbed a lot of theory over the years.
The Empress
Empress Vivelli considered Sorroth's father her favorite cousin, but that's not the only reason for Severing Kou: it's a punishment few mages can stomach, and a demonstration of her immense and mostly unique power. It's how she became Empress in the first place, darling! Everyone is terrified of her, and with good reason. She is sole handler of the Sentinels, the anti-mage specialist force.
Sorroth's mother married Isril Abedesin as a unification of powers. Shortly after their marriage, however, nearly her entire side of the family was killed in the accident that would become Milrine's obsession. Now she seeks to prove teleportation, the last obstacle, through a marriage of magic, science, and math. Though she loves her children dearly, she can be distant and cold, and her desperation has led her to experiment on slaves.
Named in the tradition of a long line of ancestors all the way back to the first Emperor (back when there was actually an Empire), Isril had a finger in almost every pie in Sorrow. A shrewd businessman and powerful mage in his own right, he supported his cousin the Empress with coin, words, and well-timed assassinations. Believing he was untouchable, he raised his firstborn as his sole heir, never knowing his death and Suvaeth's would come together.
Suvaeth was the ideal heir: charming, studious, and obedient to his father's will. Isril molded him into a perfected version of himself. He had all the noble girls wrapped around his finger, but he was rumored to actually be madly in love with Orune, his arranged betrothed. The scandal!
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Current WIPS & Requests
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Some of these WIPS will never see the light of day but let me know if they interest you and I might finish them.
FYI - Midnight & Darkness Declares Glory don’t appear on here because I have finished them and therefore don’t class them as WIPS.
Invisible Strings - At the wedding of mutual friends, you and Spencer are forced to take a journey down memory lane, traversing the paths down which it all went wrong.
Having to confront over three decades worth of emotions leads you to wonder if maybe you and Spencer’s chance at a happy ending had passed you by. But there’s no denying the two of you are tied together somehow, the invisible strings always drawing you back to one another.
Every story has a beginning, a middle and an end and to piece together yours, you’re going to have to go back to the start if you have any hopes of rewriting the ending. | chaptered
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Somewhere to Belong - You and Spencer have only been dating a few months when he drops the bombshell that he wants to start a family and it throws you into turmoil. And that’s only made worse he meets five year old orphan Wren Briar and is determined to do whatever it takes to adopt her. Even if that means destroying your relationship. | two/three parter | family challenge
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Unopened Windows - When a charred body is discovered in rural Virginia with evidence tying them to one of the BAU team, Spencer Reid is forced to relive memories he would have rather remained in the past. But not everything is as it seems, as he returns to his hometown to try and piece the mystery together, he finds himself facing the unopened windows of a life he never had. | chaptered
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Where Nobody Knows sequel - When you disappeared without a trace three years ago, Spencer never expected to see you again. He certainly didn’t expect to return home from work one day to find you standing in his living room. What’s even more surprising is when he finds you still there in the morning.
But upon discovering you’d turned yourself and with only a matter of minutes before Emily and the team have you surrounded, Spencer makes a rash decision. And suddenly Spencer finds himself throwing his life away to go on the run with you.
But was it all just an elaborate plan? Has he found himself trapped in your web with no escape? | oneshot
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Sleepy morning smut - Luke Alvez x Fem! Reader for Anon
Reader struggling with a decision at work which Luke helps her through - Luke Alvez x Fem! Reader for Anon
Spencer celebrating his first birthday after Gideon’s death - Spencer Reid x Fem! GF! Reader for @lover-of-books-and-tea
Spencer gets roomed with reader and they spend the night making prank calls to Morgan - Spencer Reid x Reader for Anon
Milestone Request - Somebody That I Used to Know by Gotye - Spencer Reid x Reader for Anon
Milestone Request - Sunshine by All American Rejects - Spencer Reid x Reader for @c-m-stuff
Milestone Request - Lying is the Most Fun… by Panic at the Disco - Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader for Anon
Reader with a stalker who is jealous of her and Spencer - Spencer Reid x GN! Reader for Anon
Song Fic based on Saving All My Live For You by Whitney Houston - Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader for Anon
Based on the scene where Emily profiles Alvez while he’s behind her - Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader for Anon
Song Fic based on Daylight by David Kusher - Spencer Reid x Fem! BAU Reader for Anon
Song Fic based on Ceilings by Lizzy McAlpine - Spencer Reid x BAU Reader for Anon
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friend-of-giants · 9 months
Sentence Snippet Thing
Tagged by the besties @wildhexe and @boethiahspillowbook! Thank you! Tagging @elfinismsarts @thequeenofthewinter @archangelsunited. Not sure who else to call out but if you see this, consider yourself tagged!
A brief scene of Talen-Jei being a dear, a confused Wren, and an attempt at writing about food lmao.
“Your dinner, friend.” A husky voice startled her, and Wren turned to see Talen-Jei standing at the tableside with a platter in his hand, which he carefully sat before her. She eyed the food excitedly, especially the centerpiece of grilled salmon with its skin still on and charred nearly black. In life it had swam the rivers and lakes of the Rift, but now it called a puddle of honey-pepper glaze its home. There was even enough extra sauce on the plate to mix in with the potatoes and dip her bread in.
With her stomach growling eagerly for the feast laid before her, Wren reached into her pockets for some coin, but a dismissive wave of Talen’s hand caught her attention.
“A kind soul has already paid for your meal, keep your coin.”
“Huh?” Her somewhat pleasant outlook soured suddenly, and she glanced around the tavern to see if maybe Teldryn had followed her in and bought her meal in hopes to make her feel better—but she didn’t see him anywhere. “Who did this?”
Talen shrugged. “Didn’t catch his name. Some Khajiiti fellow, said he owes you.”
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cloudyincorrect · 8 months
i am having prsk bird brainrot so here r some silly lil things of what bird i think each char would be
ichika is def a raven. it feels right, not sure why, maybe because of her dark hair and her blue theme? when sunlight hits a raven's feathers it has a blueish iridescent sheen, so it fits her imo. ravens are also incredibly intelligent and learn by experience and watching, which fits her growth - she learns from experience and watching those around her (namely shiho)
saki is a warbler of some sort, maybe a wren or a willow warbler. they have such sweet songs and are stubborn little dudes. they're also trusting and remember places, fitting her ability to recall her time with leoni even after her years spent in hospital.
shiho is a corvid, or some other type of bully bird, very much NOT because she's a bully or anything her imposing presence and musical rizz just reminds me of a bluejay. if i had to choose, i'd pick a magpie. shiho-greenish tail!
and finally, honami is a cardinal, red. trans hnm truther. she absolutely reminds me of a cardinal in the snow with her cardigan, just shrinking into herself.
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swordmaid · 2 days
playing dress ups in piccrew with my ocs as one does and now I am thinking up of a regency or victorian era based murder mystery au with thalia as main char or something ,,,, anyway chars go from thalia left shri’iia right
then yves as creepy nun and wren as the one sole dude in this line up
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gravewoe · 14 hours
sure she grew up in a family of actors and directors, which was most definitely a huge influence to pursue the field, but wren does enjoy it a lot. she loves putting herself in the shoes of ingenues and though assigned roles similar to her char, or at least falling within the traits others assign to her, it's thrilling. she loves spending days learning the script, picking apart the language, identifying themes in class. but it's been catalogued that wren's too sensitive for such a competitive artistic environment. although that can be said about any stage, from their vantage points and where she was in her life, it's awfully specific to dellecher. but with the guilt of richard's death being too much to stomach, i think in part, his death is one of the reasons she doesn't pursue the stage as a future career. not only did she not return to the stage or put herself in these roles anymore, but she also couldn't bring herself to. all the while really coming to accept that she is too sensitive for it — as revealed in gwendolyn's class as a result of her assignment. being a dramaturg helps her stay within the scope of what she loves, but removed enough so that she remains as regulated as possible. as in control as possible. as close to herself as possible, so that she doesn't lose what little remains of her. this lets her blend into the background. she's not cut out for the pressure of being on stage in front of a live audience anymore. throwing herself into role after role won’t work for her
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dead-twink-storage · 1 year
Bitches trying to shoehorn their Mary Sue glitter queer OC into a series that is just a bunch of hyper torturous space fascist regimes all trying to genocide one another out of existence. Like I hope Wren or Skie or whatever gay ass name you gave your self insert gets napalmed and plasma cannon'd until they're noting but a smouldering charred flesh smear on the floor.
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Can we have more info about your ocs? You've given me a Wren of questionable gender and now I must know everything.
Did someone ask me to talk about my ocs???? I'm always down tbh.
Wren is actually a shared OC with @animaliae! He's the son of Ravana (Char's OC) and Charles (my OC) because we ship them so much. This is him as a baby: https://64.media.tumblr.com/6be9f0f21e682f625ce6a10b97c385bf/f421f53f79d4ee35-f7/s640x960/7c5f54a19eee6f76d496496d07de0ff9b5e72794.pnj
He's a trans boy who is OBSESSED with dinosaurs and is all around a weird lil guy, and he also has ADHD and I love him so much (not that I have favourites).
We've written a lot of RPs with him in them and a few short drabbles, but he mostly exists in our hearts for now, but he's the best. In one au he's a mershark which is really fun. In another one he's a vampire with the power to shift into a bat.
Also he would LOVE being called "A Wren of questionable gender."
Anyways thank you for asking!!! I'm always down to chat about ocs.
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