#ch: aizawa shouta
guroseinsei · 2 years
Being a hero has been and is his whole life. Pauses are nonexistent. Rare. There's no stopping for anything. It's a contract on your life that promises constant action without fail.
And maybe it's simply that. The fear of stillness that Aizawa doesn't want to think about; what life would be like if he wasn't a hero anymore. The changes he would have to adapt to.
In which, Aizawa's career is at stake and the war breaks and pulls everyone together.
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shiraiza · 8 months
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“That’s All” - Art from My Hero Ultra Impact
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jieloksworld · 28 days
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Upd Oop got it
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plusultraetc · 7 months
every week when I read the manga leaks btw I shake them upside down like that will make aizawa mic and kurogiri fall out
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class1akids · 1 year
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BNHA EP 128 preview stills
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shizukais · 2 years
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Ch. 367
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cocktailjjrs · 2 years
BNHA 363
So, he’s actually gone. 
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I love this small call back. Bakugo’s whole, win to save was highlighted back then, a perfect execution; Monoma’s and Mirio’s reactions are straight a punch to guts while  Aizawa’s helpless and shocked face is down right heart shattering (no pun intended)
Then we got this:
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The first thing out of my mouth was - DONT YOU DARE TOUCH EITHER OF THEM  HORI!!!!
And now Dabi is also back, we dont know how many casualties he’s caused this time. 
Skeptic is in a Freaking SATELLITE!!! Likw, WTF!!!
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And while it’s sweet to see the kids from remedial course having absolute faith in their hero’s; i’m worried what it going to happen to all the people in shelter. There seem to be AFO’s spies and Skeptic is in full mode to wipe of those who support the Hero’s. 
Won’t be surprised if they play dirty and attack the shelter. Like, taking away the whole reason for fighting. 
And we end with AFO coming back to life? I thought his plan was to resurrect himself using Shigaraki?
On that note - 
Like Seriously! 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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levithestripper · 6 months
rewatching my hero academia for the first time since like middle school and aizawa yelling in pain during the usj fight is still >>>>>>>
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kuromifluff · 2 years
Okay, just fully caught up on the MHA manga and I’d like to share my thoughts. I read from 258 to the latest chapter after re-watching seasons 1-5 of the anime.
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• Had previously read the 1st war arc, not much to say on that except the scene with Mina freezing up while fighting Gigantomachia still makes my blood boil. I’m gonna make a separate post talking about this but Mina is literally my favorite woman in the series besides Mirko. It’s established early on that she’s both exceptionally strong as well as courageous. Her fumbling in this moment doesn’t fit her previous characterization at all and seems like another classic example of the girls just being used to make their male classmates look better. Don’t get me wrong, I ADORE Kiri, but that moment should have been Mina’s! She’s such a vibrant character and deserves time in the spotlight and the one time we’re it seems like she’s about to get it, it gets stolen from her. Makes me so sad. :(
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• THE VIGILANTE ARC WRECKED ME EMOTIONALLY!!!! Izuku has been my biggest comfort character for the past like 4 years and I both loved and hated seeing him acting alone. He was like a total badass and I love seeing his growth and this arc was great for his development, but MAN. Like Ocha says in her speech, HE IS LITERALLY A HIGH SCHOOLER! Seeing this poor kid try and shoulder responsibility for the future of his entire nation if not the world is heartbreaking. Izuku is genuinely such a good person and deserves to be loved and supported, seeing him try to tackle this huge problem alone was so sad. I wanna hug him so bad.
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• Loved seeing more of Toga! Another one of my favorite characters, she’s just so interesting. I honestly really hoped she was gonna get a redemption arc, but it doesn’t seem like that’s the direction her character is going in. I just really feel for her, she’s just a kid too and has been a victim because of her quirk. I thought it would be really cool for her to get a second chance and maybe decide to help the heroes because of her love for Izuku and Ocha. Regardless, the scene where she confesses to Izuku was hilarious. Seeing him blush after getting asked out by a serial killer had me wheezing. 10/10 would recommend.
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• The UA traitor reveal was sooooo cool! I’ve always liked Toru and firmly believed she wasn’t the traitor bc it was just too obvious to be true. Glad to see that hunch was correct, but I am surprised it ended up being Aoyama. Always thought he was just kinda a gag-character. So great plot twist, and Toru was so cool during the confrontation! PUT SOME RESPECT ON MY GIRLS NAME!!!
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• Shoto’s development throughout the series is second only to Izuku imo. He’s come so far and it’s wonderful to see, he deserves to heal. He handled Dabi’s reveal in such an emotionally moving way, and he looked so cool during their fight! Sometimes I genuinely forget how much I like him; he’s just so well written!
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• The stakes have progressively ramped up throughout the series and Horikoshi’s done a great job conveying this, but I gotta say seeing Mirko and Aizawa get so hurt was really hard. They’re def my two favorite pros. Also Crust sacrificing himself for Aizawa?! Oh. My. God. Obviously Crust hasn’t really been a super relevant character so I wasn’t attached to him, but seeing the look on both his and Aizawa’s face? Gut wrenching; made me cry. I think Mirko is still so cool with her prosthetic tho, I hope Aizawa is able to get his eye fixed and return to the fight directly as well. I know he hates watching from the sidelines, unable to protect his students.
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• SHINSO MY LOVE!!! His hero costume is so cool!!! And I’m so glad he’s confirmed to be joining the hero course next year. :)
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• OH MY GOD TENYA CAME THRU! I’m a huge Iida fan and hate seeing him get overlooked. I feel like he’s been pretty absent since the Hero Killer arc despite being one of the protagonist’s closest friends, but he had a couple of cool moments during the vigilante and 2nd war arcs. I JUST WANT MORE SCREEN TIME FOR THE CLASS REP
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• Okay now for the big one, Katsuki Bakugou. I have a lot of conflicting feelings about him as a character as well as his death. Kats is another exceptional well written character, especially after his motivations and feelings about Izuku and All Might are revealed. I like Kats as a character because he’s complex and interesting to watch, but that doesn’t mean I think he’s necessarily a great person. Katsuki may not be a villain, but I don’t really think he’s a hero either. I find most of his actions and motivations to be entirely self serving, a stark contrast to Izuku, who is everything that a hero should be. For a majority of the series, he operates without regard for anyone else’s feelings and is generally unkind and even cruel. He only wants to be a hero because he wants praise and recognition, to prove he’s better than everyone else. I don’t think that you can really be a hero if that’s your motivation for doing so. A real hero needs to be compassionate above all else. While Katsuki receives good character development throughout the series and eventually recognizes Izuku as a legitimate rival instead of an obstacle to crush, he never becomes kinder. And it’s honestly heartbreaking to watch Izuku continue to seek validation from someone who’s mostly just been mean to him their entire lives. At the end of the day, despite his strength and accomplishments, Katsuki Bakugou is still a total jerk. He doesn’t even apologize to Izuku until the vigilante arc, and afterwards doesn’t bother to adjust his attitude. Yes he may be more open to working together by that point, but is it because he really cares about anyone else’s feelings, or does he just know that it’s the only way to win? I don’t know. Either way, if someone has to die here, I’d much rather it be him than most of the other prominent supporting characters. His death also makes sense from a plot standpoint. Despite how toxic their relationship is, Izuku still cares for Katsuki deeply, and his death would have the most impact on the story. But then again, they’ve pulled the “oh no there’s no way they could have survived… SIKE” thing with several other characters at this point so I wouldn’t be surprised if he doesn’t actually die. At this point, I could take it or leave it. I will say tho, he looked awesome with that new gear during the fight with Shiggy.
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 1 month
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yell0wsalt · 7 months
5+1 Things
Several minutes of rushing around to help get Shouta ready for school, the both of them were ready and heading out the door. Hizashi essentially pulling Shouta by the hand in their urgency. Well, mainly his, to be more accurate.
Down the apartment complex’s stairs to turn the corner, Shouta was dragged along as a limp ragdoll. 
Seemed as though he was still half-asleep. Hizashi snorted. Precious.
Shouta would stumble a few times on the concrete in their rush to class. However, that would only make Hizashi hold onto Shouta’s hand tighter.
“Let’s go!” Hizashi urged. “We’ve got that presentation later today and we need to do a last minute run through of it in its entirety! Need to lock it in and be our best,” singing out the last sentence whimsically in the way would make both his and Shouta’s hearts light.
A soft smile grew on Shouta’s face and he hummed with a small nod. He began to stand up just a little taller. Picked up his steps to be closer in rhythm to Hizashi’s. Shouta returned the hand squeeze gently. His cheeks felt warm despite the morning autumn chill.
Continuing down their typical route to school, Shouta immediately paused in his tracks with a sudden strength Hizashi was not used to from him this early.
The momentum Hizashi was carrying in their half run/jog to school nearly sent him tripping on his own feet. “Sho– what the hell?! I nearly ate it!”
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kats-alcove · 2 years
After-School Activities: Chapter 8
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|ch. 1|ch. 2|ch. 3|ch. 4|ch. 5|ch. 6| ch. 7|ch. 8|
Pairing: Aizawa x Fem!Reader
Warnings: smut, penetrative sex, loss of virginity
You’re a relatively innocent University student, so why are you interested in the school’s BDSM club?
A/N: It's finally happening!!!! Man, there really is nothing like the looming nature of college projects to get the creative juices (pun intended) flowing.
Read it here on AO3!
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The drive back to his apartment was the first time you had ever seen Aizawa act in a way that could be called reckless. He drove one-handed, the other one never leaving your thigh. Every time the car stopped at a red light, he was turning to you, drawing you into a hot kiss. You couldn't stop giggling: excitement, anticipation, and arousal were a heady cocktail in your system.
Finally, Aizawa pulled in front of his apartment. You unbuckled your seatbelt and made to open the door, but a hand on your wrist stopped you.
“Wait,”he said, voice serious. “Before we go in: birth control.”
You blinked, vaguely embarrassed that something as important as that had slipped your mind. “Right. I’m on the pill, and I get screened yearly. The last one came back clean.”
“Responsible girl. My last check was clean as well, though I have condoms available if you’d like, but you should know that I had a vasectomy years ago.”
“Seriously?” You couldn't hide the surprise in your voice.
“Yes. I have no desire for biological children; my years teaching high school cured me of that.” Aizawa chuckled wryly.
You giggled. “That makes sense. So, no condom then?”
“No condom,” Aizawa almost groaned, and he leaned over to give you another deep kiss. “I think we should go inside now, kitty-cat.”
“ Please. ”
The two of you hurried out of the car and up the stairs. Aizawa held the door to his apartment, locking it behind you while you stepped out of your shoes. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned, only to let out a squeal when Aizawa caught you by the waist. He spun you around, pinning you against the wall with one hand on the small of your back while the other cushioned your head.
Aizawa swallowed your surprise with a greedy kiss, tongue slipping into your mouth. He pressed against you and even through the fabric of his pants and your skirt, you could feel the length of his cock beginning to stir. Bringing your hands up to the back of his neck, you gave the hair there a tug. Aizawa pulled back and rested his forehead against your own. He was panting lightly, breath ghosting across your lips in the ghost of a touch.
“Bedroom. Please , Aizawa,” you begged.
Aizawa smirked. “Well, how am I supposed to say no to that?”
With an effortless motion, Aizawa scooped you up by your thighs, encouraging you to wrap them around his waist. This caused your skirt to ride up, bringing your core into sudden contact with the hard line of his arousal. The contact drew a moan from each of you. With a renewed sense of urgency, Aizawa stepped down the hallway, nevertheless careful not to drop you. You felt one of his hands leave you to open a door, but you were surprised not to see the walls of the playroom when he set you back on your feet.
Glancing around, you noticed that unlike the dark elegance of the playroom, this bedroom very much matched the utilitarian aesthetic of the rest of the apartment. It wasn't until you saw the yellow sleeping bag bundled up in the corner that you realized: this was Aizawa’s bedroom.
“Aizawa, what about-”
“Not tonight,” he cut you off. “No play, no scene, no dynamics. Tonight is about you and me and nothing else.”
“So should I just call you Aizawa?” you asked, fingers skimming over the knot of his tie.
Aizawa brought his hand up to help you undo the fabric. “Or Shouta. If you’d like, you can call me Shouta.”
“ Shouta ,” you breathed, and Aizawa smiled. “I think I need some help with my dress.”
You turned around, expecting Aizawa to simply unzip your dress, sure he was as eager to get to the main event as you were. Instead, you felt him step closer, hands skimming up your sides and lips pressing to the nape of your neck. Nimble fingers closed around the zipper and slowly pulled it down. His lips followed the parting fabric, showering the sensitive skin of your spine with light, ticklish kisses.
Hands returned to your shoulders to help you shrug off the dress. The fabric pooled at your feet, leaving you in nothing but your underwear. You were aware of Aizawa stepping back from the way cool air washed over your skin. Shivering slightly, you turned around, seeking the warmth of your partner.
What you saw when you turned wasn't what you had expected to see. You were so used to seeing Aizawa as a pillar of control, an indomitable, unshakeable figure. So the image of him hunched over, shirtless and wrestling with his pants because his foot was tangled in the pant leg was enough to startle a small laugh out of you.
Your giggle caught his attention and he looked up at you. Eyes raked over your form as his frustrated grimace morphed into an almost playful smirk. Faster than you could process, Aizawa was out of his impromptu bonds and tackling you onto the bed. You bounced a bit on the soft mattress.
“You think that was funny? ”Aizawa growled into your neck. He sounded fierce, but his tone was offset by the lightness of his lips on your skin and his hands on your sides.
You tugged his hair, making him look up and meet your gaze. When you locked eyes, you smirked and leaned in to brush your lips against the shell of his ear.
Aizawa’s eyes flashed before he swooped down and captured your lips in a devastating kiss. You whimpered when he pressed down on you, the hardness between his legs overstimulating even with two layers of fabric intervening.  Whimpers turned to moans when Aizawa popped your bra open and closed one large, warm hand around your breast.
“Still think this is funny?” he asked, but when you opened your mouth to respond, he pinched your nipple hard, so all that came out was a light squeal. “That’s what I thought.”
You pouted and Aizawa chuckled, giving you one last quick kiss before his lips were traveling along your jawline and down the column of your neck. His tongue traced over the ridge of your collar, dipped into the hollow of your throat, swirled along the side of your breast before coming to circle around the hardened point of your nipple.
Aizawa teased the little bud with the tip of his tongue for a few long moments, long enough to have you squirming beneath him. Then he closed his lips around it and sucked at the same time his fingers tweaked the other one. You keened, back arching as the pleasure shot straight down to your aching core. Aizawa just smiled and continued his ministrations eventually switching over to your other breast and giving it the same treatment. He spent so much time playing with your tits that you began to wonder if he was going to make good on his suggestion from last time: to make you cum from your tits alone.
However it seemed today would not be the day for that, as soon Aizawa’s attentions began to travel downward once again. He scooted lower on the bed until his torso was comfortably settled between your legs. Two fingers hooked in the waistband of your panties, but before he pulled them down Aizawa glanced up to catch your gaze.
There was a silent question in his eyes, one you answered by lifting your hips off the bed. Aizawa took your response in stride, slipping your panties down your legs to be tossed somewhere in the depths of his room. For a moment he just looked at you, at your flustered face, heaving chest, and dripping cunt. Then he was dragging one finger up your folds, collecting wetness to bring and circle around your clit.
“Already this wet for me,” Aizawa murmured. ”How long have you been turned on for?”
“Since dessert,” you admitted.
Aizawa pressed a kiss to your inner thigh. “I can't blame you for that, kitty-cat. I’ve been worked up for a while myself.”
Saying so, he ground his erection into your calf, letting you feel just how hard he was. You could feel his cock twitching, constrained by the fabric of his boxers.
Sitting up to see him better, you traced Aizawa’s form with your eyes. “Do you want some help with that? I can suck…”
“No,” Aizawa cut you off. “Thank you for the offer, baby, but I don't have the stamina I used to, and I’d hate to spend myself in your mouth when I have this wonderfully warm cunt just waiting for me.”
As he spoke, Aizawa slid one finger into your heat; with how aroused you were, it was easy.
“So let’s get you nice and ready for me, yeah?”
Aizawa’s one finger was soon joined by a second, stroking in a come-hither motion directly over your g-spot. He put his mouth back to work, tongue flickering over your clit and encouraging more wetness to spill from your already sopping pussy.
You collapsed back onto the bed when Aizawa gave your clit a particularly hard suck, coupled with him scissoring his fingers inside of you. This was far from the first time he’d fingered you or ate you out, but it was the first time he was doing so in order to prepare you for something much larger. So he kept gently working your virgin cunt with two fingers until he felt you were relaxed enough for him to work a third in.
Your mouth fell open with a strangled moan as you were stretched further than you’d ever been before. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but Aizawa’s continued suckling on your clit helped you to relax enough to take his three fingers as easily as anything. You were so caught up with this new pleasure that you almost didn't notice your orgasm until it was right on top of you.
“Ai-Shouta, I’m-” was all you got out before you were cumming on his fingers.
Aizawa didn't scold you, though, or withdraw his fingers. He simply worked you through your high, drinking in your essence as though it was finer than the wine you had shared earlier in the evening. As your orgasm abated and you were left a warm, panting puddle on the bed, Aizawa pulled back for a moment to shuck off his boxers. Then he was crawling back up the bed to kiss you.
You could taste yourself on his lips.
“How do you want me, baby?” Aizawa asked.
You felt his length prodding at your thigh and moaned. “I want you inside me.”
“I know, Y/N, and you’ll have me, but what position would you like?”
“O-oh!” You had never thought about what position you wanted your first time to be in. “Can we stay like this? I want to be able to see you.”
“Of course we can. Here,” Aizawa lifted one of your legs, encouraging you to wrap it around his waist. “And then I can just…”
Balancing above you on one arm, Aizawa used his other hand to line his weeping cock up with your cunt. He slotted it in, just the tip resting in your entrance. Already it felt so different from his fingers: somehow softer, yet much thicker. You were suddenly very grateful he had taken the time he did to prep you.
Curiously, you rolled your hips down. The two of you moaned in tandem as the head of Aizawa’s cock sunk fully into you. It felt so good, just that little bit of pleasure almost short-circuiting you. Your hips moved in tiny jerks, wanting more but unsure exactly how to get it.
“Easy, baby,” Aizawa soothed. “It’s ok, I’ve got you. Let me help, yeah?”
You forced yourself still and Aizawa rewarded you with a soft forehead kiss. Then he was pressing forward, inch by inexorable inch. Every few seconds he paused to let you adjust, stroking your face and showering you in praise; how hot your cunt was, how tight, how well you were taking him, what a good girl you were being just for him.
As for you, your mind was being blown with every inch of Aizawa’s cock that was sinking into you. There was little you could do but lay there and let out high-pitched moans every so often. This continued for you didn't know how long, until you suddenly realized that you could feel Aizawa’s hips flush against you.
He was completely seated inside you, and you were so full you could barely breathe. There was no pain, something you had sort of been expecting since it was your first time. It felt incredible, the stretch and hardness of his cock something you’d been missing without ever having had it in the first place. Only one thing could make this better.
“Shouta,” you gasped. “Move, please. ”
“As you wish, kitty-cat.”
And then he was pulling out of you, lighting a completely new set of nerves and drawing a breathy keen from your lips. Aizawa withdrew until just the tip remained inside once more. He paused for just a moment then softly pressed forward again, setting up a gentle rocking rhythm that grew deeper with every thrust.
Your hips began to move almost without your conscious input, lifting to meet his every thrust. Aizawa smiled fondly at your adorably clumsy attempts to reciprocate. He hooked an arm under your lower back, lifting your hips to change the angle of his thrusts slightly.
The new angle had the ridge of his cock gliding over your g-spot with every motion, and it was driving you crazy. Your legs wrapped themselves around Aizawa’s waist, heels drumming against his lower back as you tried to find some outlet for the well of pleasure that was building inside you.
Aizawa didn't seem to be faring much better than you. You could feel his cock throbbing inside you. His movements were still composed but there was a strain to them, as though he was having to hold himself back from simply rutting into your tight cunt. His consideration for you and your first time made your heart swell and flutter.
Summoning a bit of willpower into your muscles, you brought a hand to rest against Aizawa’s cheek. “I’m not going to break, Shouta. You can let go.”
He shook his head. “I don't want to hurt you, Y/N.”
“But I want you to feel good too,” you said, pouting as best you could given the circumstance.
“Oh, trust me, I feel great, Your pussy feels amazing, kitty-cat. You’re so tight and wet, it’s like you're strangling and drowning my cock at the same time.” Your cheeks heated at his lewd words, and Aizawa continued. “It’s taking all my self-control not to flip you over and fuck you into the mattress until you lose your voice screaming my name.”
“What if I want that though?”
“Then that’s something we can explore later, kitty. But for now,” Aizawa groaned as your cunt tightened around his cock. “I promised myself I’d be gentle with you for your first time.”
“Oh-okay,” you sighed, falling back into the mattress as another wave of pleasure washed over you.
Then you were reaching up again, with both arms this time. “Can you hold me, Shouta? I want to feel you everywhere.”
“Of course, baby. In fact, why don't we…”
Aizawa slowed his thrusts until he was stopped, buried to the hilt inside you. He leaned over, arms wrapping around your torso and pulling you up to sit on his kneeing lap. Your own legs fell to his sides, while you were able to bring your arms up and around his neck. The new angle had you settling even further on his cock, feeling it press deeper than it had before. You let out a moan as your head fell to Aizawa’s shoulder.
“Is this better?” Aizawa asked.
“ Yes, ” you could barely get the words out. “Shouta, please, fuck me! ”
Aizawa didn't need to be told twice. His hands immediately fell to your hips, holding them and lifting them slightly as you felt him withdraw. Then his hips were snapping up into you as he brought you down on his cock, and you screamed.
This was what you had been missing, what you had been craving. Aizawa was still being gentle, but there was an intensity behind his thrusts now that told you neither of you would be lasting much longer. It didn't help that this new position put your clit in direct contact with his pelvis, stimulating the little button with every thrust.
You could feel your second orgasm creeping up on you, and you were quick to whisper to Aizawa. “Shouta, please, I’m getting close.”
“Me too, baby girl,” he growled. “It’s ok, you can cum whenever you like.”
Aizawa increased the pace of his hips while bringing one hand around to play with your clit. That was really all it took, with the next snap of his hips, you were tumbling off that cliff and headfirst into your orgasm. Aizawa gave a few more sloppy thrusts before he too was climaxing with a groan.
Somewhere in the haze of pleasure, you realized that you could actually feel Aizawa cumming inside you. His cock swelled and throbbed, and you could feel thick ropes of hot cum painting your walls. It was a strangely comforting feeling, as though he had marked you, claimed you in some irreversible manner.
For a few moments the two of you just sat there basking in the afterglow of orgasm. Then Aizawa stirred, pressing soft kisses up and down the side of your face and whispering to you just how good you had done and how proud he was of you. You just tightened your hold around him and buried your face in his neck, not willing to let him go yet.
Aizawa sensed this, of course he did. There was a bit of awkward shuffling, and he did finally have to slide his softened cock out of your dripping hole, but eventually Aizawa got the both of you into a hot shower. You let him wash you, and by the time he was finished you had recovered your faculties enough to return the favor.
Getting to run a soapy rag over the planes of Aizawa’s torso was a pleasure all on its own, one you hoped you’d be able to revisit frequently. Throughout all of this the two of you exchanged soft words, though by mutual agreement you left any serious discussions for the next morning.
Eventually, you found yourself back in the bed next to Aizawa. He had recovered your panties from wherever they had ended up and supplied you with another oversized t-shirt. Aizawa himself had simply opted to throw on a pair of sweats that were, to your surprise, bright pink.
“They were a gift from Hizashi,” Aizawa grumbled when you asked him about them. “And I would have thrown them out, but they're the comfiest damn pair of sweats I own.”
The fond frustration in his voice made you giggle, which in turn caused Aizawa to smile and kiss you softly. That was how the two of you spent the rest of your night, until the adrenaline of pleasure eventually wore off and you both succumbed to sleep, tangled together not just as master and submissive, but as lovers.
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shiraiza · 8 months
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“A Hero in You, More Than All” - Art from My Hero Ultra Impact
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haikyuuwaifu · 1 year
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Genre: Humor
Warnings: Swearing, Threats of Violence
“What are you plotting you dweeb?” Touya grunted, taking a seat next to Izuku.  The heavily tattooed man stood out amongst the crowd of parents, and he wasn’t shy to looks of utter disbelief and disdain. Touya absolutely despised children, and yet he’s found himself helping out at an elementary school on an early Saturday morning. “I’m not planning anything!” Izuku mumbled, eyes darting around the room. The other man sighed as he leaned a “friendly” arm around Izuku’s neck. “If she gets hurt in the process, its your ass I’m beating.” Touya grunted, giving the mans neck a good squeeze.
On the other side of the room, Y/n was having a very serious discussion with one of Katsuki’s favorite people; the always grouchy Shouta Aizawa. “And I’m telling you, this is the best model!” She hissed, waving her phone in the man’s face. Shouta let out a scoff, as he pulled out his own phone. “And I’m telling you, this one is the newest model of their most classic design!” Katsuki watched them for a minute, amusement clear on his face. “Suki!” A little voiced chirped, bringing the mans attention to the chair next to him. Eri had finished scoping out the other booths, and she was confident hers would be the best. Suki has never let her down before, and he brought so many of his friends. “Are they still arguing about sleeping bags?” She stage whispered, causing Y/n and Shouta to halt their conversation. The blonde on nodded, causing the little girl to giggle. “We aren’t arguing Eri.” Shouta grumbled, pouring another drink. “We’re just having a discussion.” Y/n supplied, taking the cup and filling it with toppings. “You two are fucking idiots is what you are.” Katsuki snorted, as he put the finishing touches on the treats he made. “These are gonna be the best ever!” Eri cheered, laughing as her other father hefted her up into his arms. “They are, and what do you say to Katsuki and his friend?” Hizashi asked, looking down at his daughter. “Suki and I aren’t friends!” Y/n supplied, licking the cream off her thumb. “He’s my boss. We haven’t reached friend level status yet.” The blonde only scoffed, shaking his head. “I’ve got enough dumbasses to look after.” Hizasha and Shouta shared a look, while Eri let out a laugh. “Even so, we appreciate the help.” Hizashi whispered to Y/n. The woman only nodded. “It’s no big deal. I needed something to do, and I have idiots at my disposal.” She stated, grinning as Touya flipped her the finger. “I was told that I’d get to throw hands.” he sniffed, as Shouta smirked. “It won’t be much longer before that stupid bitch shows up.” Hizashi hissed, taking a bite of a treat. “Those are for the customers idiot.” Katsuki barked, rolling his eyes. Y/n let out a laugh, taking a seat behind the stand. Eri’s eyes sparkled as she moved to sit next to her new friend. This event was going to be the best.
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-A fight did in fact break out. Eri’s bully tried to slander her but Y/n wasn’t going to let it fly. The girls mother got involved and it turned into a brawl. Bakugo did punch someone for name calling Y/n, but Dabi would have gotten to it first if he were closer. Shouta Aizawa is not one to get into fights. It does not mean he can’t fight, he’s just usually better about making good choices. Eri was pushed by her bully and the little girl wasn’t having it.
-The fight was broken up and Bakugo promised to do fundraiser where his restaurant would provide meals for a school over night trip. After, the groups went out for dinner and then to their respective homes. Bakugo’s friends are surprised by their bosses behavior but none of them want to bring it up. 
-Izuku is still plotting
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
Looking Glass
Looking Glass by StarCap
When Aizawa first met Midoriya, all he knew was that this small kid was a weapon in the hands of villains. He'd been beaten and bruised but he was skilled enough to nearly kill Aizawa and Hizashi. He was self-sacrificial enough to send a warehouse falling down around him and be captured but Aizawa knew that he'd rather die than let his Problem Child suffer the torture he was forced to endure.
This is a short story of Aizawa's POV from events in Ch. 4 & 5 in Hall of Mirrors
It can be read as a standalone but I highly recommend checking out the main story.
Words: 8520, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of The Labyrinth
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Midoriya Izuku, Nedzu, Tsukauchi Naomasa, Kamihara Shinya | Edgeshot, Shuuzenji Chiyo | Recovery Girl, Original Characters, Hawks (mentioned)
Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku & Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Tsukauchi Naomasa
Additional Tags: Established Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Protective Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead | Dadzawa, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, Winged Midoriya Izuku, Villain Midoriya Izuku, but not really, Hurt/Comfort, Tortured Midoriya Izuku
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/46423021
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nightshadow1607 · 1 year
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"You are the worst ghost I had the pleasure to meet, Aizawa Shouta."
Moodboards for the deeper you dig, the darker it gets (ch. 41)
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