moldy-mold · 3 months
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GTRO 2.0 Introduction: Darien
Was it a dream though?
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ssksscrapboard · 1 year
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a classic scene
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enbeemagical · 1 year
hey rb this and tell me about a blorbo from your friend's brain pls, if you don't have spoons for rambling then just tag them
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sunshinemage · 6 months
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Your prince's crown Cracks and falls down Your castle hollow and cold
You've wandered so far From the person you are Let go, brother, let go
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gncrezan · 2 years
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school has been keeping me very busy so have some old wayfarer crack comics i posted to the discord but never to tumblr 🤩
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sosolenoo · 10 months
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Another revenge for @rickety-goose 💕 with Otti 🌸
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rickety-goose · 2 years
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Aniel "Ani" Cenric
It's here, @wayfarer-exchange reveal day \0/ My gift for @antsychamber !!! I ran with the bar brawl idea and had so much fun drawing grumpy Ani >:) Enjoy!! <3 <3 <3
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idrellegames · 5 months
I chose the streetkid mc and in the beginning after the fight with the monster and Cenric said "you did good kid, no matter what, you did good" and im here holding back imaginary tears like Thats the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me! My poor baby had been living roughly before he came and found them.
Cenric may be grizzled and grumpy on the outside, but there is a very kind soul hidden beneath the façade.
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joy-fires · 1 year
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Pasha redesign! I really wanted to update her design before the big patch and have been sitting on my ideas for how to update her for a while, so~ I finally did it! A new and improved wayfarer!
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srslyarts · 2 years
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happy companions + eli :)
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redwayfarers · 4 months
in the sun and in the snow
Fandom: Wayfarer Ship: Oya Cenric/Aeran Kellis Characters: Oya Cenric (@sunshinemage), Cassander Inteus, Aeran Kellis (mentioned) Rating: Teen Words: 1187 Spoilers: None! Rory did a little piece of their Oya and my Cass for OCkiss24, and I felt inspired, so I wrote a little thing. Hope you don't mind I borrowed Oya, Rory! It's a little gift for you, after all. Because Oya deserves love, joy and happiness with the dumbass elf they fell for. Happy Valentine's Day :) read on ao3 dividers by @saradika
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It’s a summer’s day in the Spire. It’s not Covera, with its warm days where the only thing one can do is sit by the beach, but it’s not freezing cold either, so the wayfarers are in the courtyard, training, conversing with one another. Laughter echoes in the distance. Artanis feels more at home than Covera, in a lot of ways. 
In all honesty, a part of Oya doubted they’d ever have it in their lifetime. Much to their surprise, they were proven wrong. 
The only thing lacking in this bustling, jovial mood of life outside the norms of the world is the fact that Aeran isn’t here. Oya misses him terribly; months pass without them seeing each other, but it does little to lessen the ache in her chest whenever she sits in her room, alone, and thinks about what it would be like if he sat there with her. It’s a soft reverie - akin to a refreshing sip of water on a hot day, or a cup of mulled wine in winter - and also one that’s expanded recently. 
Aeran’s not simply sitting with them anymore. He’s kissing them. 
The notion of it almost startles them, but they welcome it. The thoughts of him smiling against their lips make their days pass faster at times. He promised he’d be here soon; all Oya can do is wait. They might not get to kiss him when he gets here, granted. Oya thinks she might just jump out of her skin if it does happen, in some alternate reality. She just wants him around, and she wants the cozy reverie of it, and the way he hugs her. 
In his absence, though, she’ll take the wayfarers and the people the world cast aside. So she enters the courtyard, runs her fingers through her hair, and starts making her way through the crowd. She passes by Cenric and a new apprentice, a big-eyed human girl with close cropped hair. 
Cenric gives Oya a nod of greeting and a fond smile. The girl also watches Oya, seemingly fascinated by their crest, and Cenric gives her a weak hit on the shoulder. 
“It’s rude to stare,” he says gruffly. Oya laughs. 
“M sorry,” the girl whispers, embarrassed. 
Life is good at the Spire. 
When they reach the smithy, they see a familiar splash of red hair towering over everyone else. Cassander is hard to miss, especially now that he’s in in his finest, artanisian summer attire - which Oya knows is nowhere as fine as what he would’ve worn in Vodena, a lifetime ago - and his hair pulled up and braided in a style that looks messy at the first glance, but betrays a lot of time upon closer inspection. Most jarring of all, however, is the fact that he looks like he wants to be anywhere else but here, Vodena included. 
“Cassander?” Oya pipes up, and he looks up from his boots to blink at them. His hand remains at the braid on his shoulder. 
“Oya! You’re a sight for sore eyes!” He swallows and laughs nervously. “Would you mind if I.. tasked you with something?” 
“Are you alright?” Oya asks. “What happened?” 
“Nothing special, I just– I needed to have my armor fixed, and the only available blacksmith was my now ex boyfriend. So I’m–” He laughs again, this time less like he’s about to cry and more like he’s making fun of himself. “Told myself, ‘Cassander, you’re a big boy, you can do this. Just say hello, thank you and goodbye and you’re on your merry fucking way.’ But no, I had to dress up, even. I was this close to lining my eyes, too. Why look miserable when you feel miserable, right?” 
Oya sighs and steps closer, to stand by him. They understand the feeling quite well. It’s the similar sort of tension that fills them when they think of kissing Aeran, but in reverse. Where Oya has to tell themself that kissing Aeran’s good, and that their head is messing with them, Cassander looks actively ready to jump off the window in Sero’s office. 
“So you want me to pick your armor up for you?” they say, and he nods curtly. 
“If you’d be so kind, yeah,” he rasps out. “If you have places to be, I get it. I am a big boy, after all. But I chickened out at the last second. And, yeah.” He kicks the ground. “For fuck’s sake, I killed people before.” 
Oya looks at him. “It’s not a problem. I don’t have anywhere to be.” And then, they add, with a layer of cautious curiosity, “How long ago did you break up with the blacksmith?” 
“A few months, I think. Distance did its thing, but it still hurts, in a lot of ways.” Cassander shrugs. His fingers have not stopped moving over the curled ends of his hair. “How have you been?” 
It’s Oya’s turn to laugh. “Aeran should be in the Spire soon.” 
“Yeah. Are you planning any big welcome gestures? Any romantic lunches?” 
Oya looks at him, wide-eyed. They clear their throat. “Nothing of the sort!” 
He giggles. “Sad. And here I was, just about to tell you I know a place.” 
Oya looks at the ground. Romantic lunches sound nice; their sweet, unattainable reverie dances in front of them and dulls everything else. It’s a nice thought - them and Aeran, in the nooks and crannies of their family’s estate in Covera, absorbing the sun and watching the sea. Or maybe, sneaking into an old, unused room high above in one of the Spire’s towers, close for warmth as they watch the snow fall. 
And Aeran would kiss them; or they would kiss him, and it would be lovely and sweet and it makes something in them tighten and release in uneven rhythm. 
“I’m just fucking with you,” Cassander says, by way of apology that doesn’t sound that apologetic. “I just think you two would enjoy a romantic little dinner for two.” He extends an arm to wrap around Oya’s shoulders, but it doesn’t quite touch them; Oya leans into it and he rubs their shoulder. Life goes on around them, life away from the norms of good and high society, life where people like them can talk about having relationships at all, let alone failed ones. 
Then she hears the gates open and the familiar sound of Aeran’s voice, tired from the road, and her heart leaps. She turns back to look at the gates and Cassander turns with her, nodding with realization. 
“Go get your romantic dinner, or whatever you guys want to do,” he tells her. “I will be a big boy, as I said, and get the damn armor.” 
“Are you certain–” 
“Yes! Now go. One chance, Oya, one chance, go, go, go!” 
Oya breathes and tries their best not to run to Aeran. When he sees them, he beams and it’s as if they’re in Covera on a warm, summer’s day, or in an unused room in an abandoned Spire tower watching the snow fall. 
He’s home. 
And in a way, Oya is too. 
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sovhina · 1 year
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A gift for @sunshinemage !! I’ve been wanting to get my hands on your Wayfarer Oya for a loooong time and I finally was able to! I hope I did them justice<333
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harumeau · 2 years
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huevember day 15 - Sar’nai Cenric 💜
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seawillfuckyourshitup · 6 months
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Aeran fucking Kellis and Moji Goddamn Ægir-Cenric
Hi I forgot to post this so here
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sunshinemage · 2 days
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Sometimes you can find a shade waiting at the edge of the Fields of Mourning, sword in hand.
You know there's never any sunrise here. The shade seems to know it too...
___ Oya in the style of Hades 2!! Bonus only Oya under the cut 💙
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gncrezan · 2 years
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“I wouldn’t ask you to drop everything and return if I didn’t believe in it. The future of the Order, our history, our ways—everything may depend on it. Please come. —Cenric. P.S. I hope you are well.”  |  “The Spire has fallen. The survivors have dispersed into the wilderness for now. If your former master lives, I do not know where he has gone. Cenric was quite aggrieved when you did not return for the summit, but now I am sure he is relieved.”
thinking about the rhys + cenric dynamic and i am so unwell
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