#cecil grant
Doodle hours
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papas-majadas · 1 year
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jayke0 · 2 months
Oscar Isaac says it's ok to cry 💙💙💙
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apesarecuul · 4 months
How different Oscar Isaac Characters hold you while you’re riding NSFW
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Just had a few thoughts
Steven is a tits guy. Guy or girl he’s sitting up so his face is buried in your chest using both hands to push your pecks/breasts closer to his face. He’s messy. Spit is everywhere and you’re both going to need a bath later. You will have to do most of the work because this man is too lost in the sauce to do anything other than mouth at your chest and tell you how pretty he thinks you are.
He differentiates between two options, both hands on your hips or one hand on your hip and the other gripping your neck. He sits up so he can stare at all your little expressions. He likes to have leverage so he can hit that spot that makes your eyes flutter.
If you two are testing the waters or just not emotionally intimate he definitely has both hands on your thighs while he’s laying down. Once he’s comfortable however…. He’s trying to be as close as possible. One arm hooking under yours so he can grip your shoulder and the other on your thigh. He’s honestly just taking whatever skin he can reach.
Orderly!Blue lives to see you ride. Club Owner!Blue however needs a lot of convincing. They both gravitate towards whatever soft bit of skin they can reach though. They grip onto the soft skin on your neck, hips, thighs, they especially love the meaty bit between the neck and the shoulder. He needs to sink his teeth into it.
He’s a lot like Blue and Marc in the way that he will hold onto any skin he can reach. He’s not as desperate though. He’s patient. He likes to sit against the headboard and just watch. Caressing your body oh so gently. That is until you start slowing down. Then he grips the meat of your hips telling you that you can do better than that. Oxygen tank is nearby.
Cecil Dennis:
We all love him. We’ve all come to accept that he isn’t the best at the whole ‘god in bed’ thing but I’ll be damned if he can’t make it up with desperation. He has one hand behind him and the other on your chest. Looking up at you and hoping you like it. He ruts into as fast as he can until you tell him to slow down. He cries if your pace is too slow for him.
I wish they had more colors
Johnathan Levy:
He does his best to be calm and collected. He starts with just two hands lightly holding onto your hips but he can’t keep it up for long. It starts with him sitting up planting his feet to rock into you. Eventually devolves into him holding you so he can just move your hips into a slow grind before he begins slamming his hips into yours. Similar to Anselm he keeps his inhaler nearby because our man has asthma.
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kawotari · 2 months
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Abyss Crossing 🍃
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alphobis · 6 months
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I've been doing these FOR MONTHS
Happy Tales Day
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cherrhara · 7 months
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huevember day 12, anise 💕
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female-hysterics · 1 month
Steven Grant
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10- 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15
Marc Spector
1 - 2
Jake Lockley
1 - 2
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
Poe Dameron
1 - 2 - 3
Cecil Dennis
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 -16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20
Jonathan Levy
1 - 2 - 3 - 4
Jonathan Levy/Reader/Mira Phillips
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5
Duke Leto Atreides
1 - 2
Santiago "Pope" Garcia
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yggdrasil-mith0s · 5 months
So I was stuck because I know some people really love Asch so I expanded the list from playable/main characters! I didn't add Mieu because I feel like Mieu should be saved for a future poll on Tales animals/companions. If there is any other character that's your favorite, I'd love to hear who! Please excuse Mieu out of your answer, though 😂
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willofwinnie · 6 months
Calendar of Auldrant
Though I do not know if other games in the Tales series go by a similar date and day naming system, this will primarily be Tales of the Abyss. This is a long post!
Here is all the information the game gives regarding the calendar.
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The Days:
This is a funny nod towards the origins behind the names of the days of the week. Rem is light and the “Sun” in Sunday is directly referencing the Sun. It's pretty neat that both reference a form of light. 
Similar situation with Lunaday and Monday (Luna- Moon, Mon- also Moon). 
Ifrit(also spelled Efreet) is Fire. Potentially in Korean the Tuesday equivalent translates to “fire day” according to Wiki about Tuesday. I don’t speak or read Korean so I also checked WordReference and found similar characters in some of the words like rage, wrath, ire, (further down that provided list) great fire. So it potentially could be a fun nod to that, can’t completely confirm. 
Undineday is water day. In Japanese and Korean Wednesday also translates to Water Day. Yes, in WordReference the Japanese character used in Wednesday is used for water so this seems fairly straightforward. In Korean I also found a bit more difficulty as the characters are widely used in many words, there are some water-related words in the sea of words the character appears in so I wouldn’t completely dismiss the possibility. 
Sylphday is wind. Thursday is a reference to Thor, the god of thunder. The wind would relate to stormy weather that thunder and lightning often appear with. 
Loreleiday- Lorelei. Friday- the greatest day of the week. In Auldrant Lorelei is considered pretty great! Just kidding, well partially. Friday comes from Freya, the goddess of marriage and love. Lorelei is a godly figure in the world of Abyss. Though Lorelei may be caring, it’s more related to sound and memory. Daath in general is fairly religious, following Lorelei, with the Order of Lorelei. In Christianity, Good Friday is a widely celebrated day. In Catholicism, all Fridays during Lent, you can’t eat meat (but it is supposed to be all Fridays to abstain from meat not just Lent). This being Friday's equivalent does make sense with the more religious aspect of the day (since Sunday was used for the more straightforward “light” connection).
The Gnomeday-Saturday connection is fairly nonexistent. Gnome is the element earth in Auldrant. Saturday is a reference to Saturn (God of Time), sabbath day (for romantic languages), and bath day (Old Norse). I will be honest, none of these fit. Sadly, it may be a case of “just put it in somewhere.”
The Months:
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There are 13 months in Auldrant. As far as I can tell, there is no official count of how many days are in each month.
If we ignore Lorelei Decan for a moment, the rest of the months go forward and reverse except for Rem Decan and Luna Redecan (which is in place of the counterpart of a potential Rem Redecan). The order of Rem, Sylph Undine, Gnome, Ifrit, and Shadow are not in the order of fonon numbers. The number order of this month list is 6, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1, 1, 5, 2, 4, 3, 6, 7. I am assuming Luna and Rem are two sides of the same coin and are referencing the same fonon so they are both the 6th fonon. There was close to being a pattern of taking a number, halving it, adding one, and halving it again but they ran out of whole numbers to continue that.
The first half of the year has the postfix Decan and the latter half Redecan except for the Lorelei month. This could be because Lorelei signifies that a new year will arrive, so it has the postfix Decan. Lorelei is an important figure in Auldrant, especially Daath, so a month that stands out in the name of Lorelei would be fitting.
To think of a wild interpretation of the months, it could represent a person’s life or the year’s lifespan. The beginning starts with the sun, a new beginning. The person/year goes through the experiences of their life, experiencing all it has to bring (with fonons making up the world). The center point of the person/year’s life is the Shadow months. At this point, they are no longer young and will have to figure out what to do for the rest of their life (a very shadowy midlife crisis). They reminisce about their life and go back to relive the experiences of their youth until the sun sets and the moon rises. The end of the line. Then as all 7th Fonists do, they return to the Fonbelt, to Lorelei. Then the cycle of fonons can begin again. 
Or a more logical explanation of the months could represent the cycle the memory particles go through when traveling through the Fon Belt (The Planet Storm). Then to encompass all the Fonons Lorelei represents the final one of the 7th Fonon.
Anyway, all the months can comfortably fit 58 days in them but there is a remainder of 11 days to account for in the year. If we add a day for every other month starting with the first month, that would leave 4 days remaining. I do not know a logical placement for these days, so I will add them to Lorelei Decan. The month count would be Rem Decan- 59, Sylph Decan- 58, Undine Decan- 59, Gnome Decan- 58, Ifrit Decan- 59, Shadow Decan- 58, Shadow Redecan- 59, Ifrit Redecan- 58, Gnome Redecan- 59, Undine Redecan- 58, Sylph Redecan- 59, Luna Redecan- 58, Lorelei Decan- 63. (This will be helpful for some calculations later.)
The Year:
A year in Auldrant is 765 days. That is 2.1 times longer than our calendar year. If we compare that to our world, Jade would be 70, Guy 42, Natalia 36, Tear 32, and Anise 28. Dang does Jade look great at 70 haha! I do know the 765 days is a pun because that number sounds somewhat like Namco in Japanese. In this world, I assume people age at half the rate (My condolences to all the Auldrant parents with tantrum-throwing toddlers). Since the year is twice as long, Luke being locked in his Manor for seven years and the time skip in the story would be way longer than originally believed. Nothing like Auldrant continuing to be worse and worse, right?
Can't have a ramble about a fictional calendar without talking about birthdays! From around the internet, the birthdays of the characters are listed as follows: Jade- Sylph-Redecan 22, Guy- Efreet-Decan 41, Natalia- Rem-decan 37, Luke- Lorelei-Decan 48, Tear- Lorelei-Decan 1, Anise- Shadow-Decan 46. Going along with my guess on how many days per month, the day each character is born in this: Jade- 607, Guy- 275, Natalia- 37, Luke- 750, Tear- 703, Anise- 339. (Basically, add up all the days of the months prior and add then the day of the month they were born). The birthdays I got from fan sites that supposedly got them from a QNA. I do not know the accuracy of these but for the purposes of the rest of this, these are the dates used.
I have noticed that there are assigned birthdays for the characters per our calendar year. Jade is Nov 22, and Luke is Dec 25th. I found these from fan sites and repeated them across the internet. Again with these, I do not know the accuracy, so I did my own take on the potential calculations.
There are a few ways to calculate the birthdays of these characters with our own: Divide the year by two (2.1 to be more accurate) and get an approximate answer, place our calendar year onto Abyss’, and count the days (for example there will be two Decembers).
The first option is easy. Divide the day they were born by 2.1 to get the day they would be born on Earth. It would land the characters birthdays like this: Jade- 289 (Oct 16), Guy- 130 (May 10), Natalia- 17 (Jan 17), Luke- 357 (Dec 23), Tear-  334 (Nov 30th), Anise- 161 (Jun 10). These are pretty close to the associated birthdays with Luke nearly being a Christmas Eve baby and Jade being born in fall.
The second option is also easy, for any character whose birthday is over 365, subtract 365 until it is a number below 365 and find the date associated (For example, if a character is born on the 366th day, they would be born on Jan 1st in our calendar). It would land the characters birthdays like this: Jade- 242 (Aug 30th), Guy- 275 (Oct 2nd), Natalia- 37 (Feb 6th), Luke- 20 (Jan 20), Tear- 338 (December 4th), and Anise- 339 (December 5th).
Despite the numbers not exactly lining up (there will be human error on my part with calculations and rounding), if people celebrate Jade's birthday on Nov 22 that's completely fine by me! It's a fictional birthday anyway! If it means more Tales of the Abyss art and content, Jade's birthday could be Feb 14 for all I care!
This was just something fun I've been thinking about when I learned about the calendar of Auldrant! And might as well try to put all my thoughts together for a big ramble. Hope you all enjoyed!
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talesoffate · 7 months
Whenever my day is going good, I remember I’ll never get to experience this game for the first time ever again. Best JRPG of all time.
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Sketchbook doodles
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pleasantsamantha · 6 months
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The gang is ALL here dressed in their best for December ❄️
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kawotari · 29 days
Jade being the dad he is by cooking for his family
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feluka · 1 year
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melodygatesauthor · 9 months
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Hello Everyone!
A few of us in the community have put together a Discord server to hold a vast collection of Oscar Isaac reference photos for artists, writers, and creatives alike. If you're interested in joining, and want to know more, see below the cut.
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Important things to know before reaching out for an invitation...
The server is for the sole purpose of hosting a collection of Oscar Isaac photos and the photos of his characters to use for drawings, fic banners, general references, e.t.c. It's not a server for chitchat or long drawn out convos. There is a "chat" channel for minor conversation but otherwise we ask that chatter is kept to a minimum.
Anyone can contribute their photos to the server! But please read the rules before making any contributions.
The server is 18+ ONLY. There are suggestive and NSFW references so your Tumblr account WILL be researched and will need to have your age easily verifiable.
If you'd like an invitation, you can reach out to @melodygatesauthor
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What's in the server?
Here's a taste of the categories we've made for all the photos:
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Hope to see you in there!
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