#carlo gentile
vivian-bell · 1 year
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Matilda Booth Thatcher.  Photo taken 1863-1866 by Carlo Gentile.  Published by the Oregon Historical Society. 
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bagnabraghe · 8 months
Il Comando Generale Brigate Garibaldi per il Piemonte invece conferisce all'impresa un alto valore politico
Il destino non è stato generoso con Enrico Martini, morto in un incidente aereo il 19 settembre 1976 nei cieli della città turca di Antalya. Sono in pochi a ricordare il suo fondamentale contributo alla guerra di Liberazione, eppure è stato uno dei più importanti capi partigiani, di sicuro il personaggio che la battaglia contro il nazifascismo l’ha fatta con capacità organizzative e militari.Le…
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collasgarba · 8 months
Il Comando Generale Brigate Garibaldi per il Piemonte invece conferisce all'impresa un alto valore politico
Il destino non è stato generoso con Enrico Martini, morto in un incidente aereo il 19 settembre 1976 nei cieli della città turca di Antalya. Sono in pochi a ricordare il suo fondamentale contributo alla guerra di Liberazione, eppure è stato uno dei più importanti capi partigiani, di sicuro il personaggio che la battaglia contro il nazifascismo l’ha fatta con capacità organizzative e militari.Le…
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imthebadguyyy · 3 months
Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince II
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pairing : charles leclerc x reader
fandom : f1
synopsis : you're the only female driver on the f1 grid, and have a secret relationship with ferrari's golden boy.
warnings : allusions to smut, smut
a/n : much awaited part 2!! apologies for taking so long life has been extremely busy lately
pt i
"don't say a word" charles mumbled to you, gently getting up.
god, you were so fucked.
you didn't dare say a word as charles wordlessly got up to find the pair of shoes carlos had so unfortunately left behind in his room. "why did he leave them here" charles whispered harshly, while gesturing to the large closet he had in his driver's room.
quiet as a cat you slipped into it, leaving it a crack open for ventilation. you watched from the gap as charles quickly ran a hand through his tousled hair, lips still red and swollen and eyes still blown wide from the orgasm he had a few moments again.
"just a second!" he called to his teammate, struggling to jump into his jeans and searching for his shirt before he realised where it was : on your body.
cursing under his breath, he inhaled deeply, before striding over to open the door for carlos.
"my god man, you took forever to open the door huh" carlos grumbled, sauntering his way into the room before charles could slam the door shut.
praying to the heavens, charles sneaked a jittery glance towards the closet, praying carlos didn't wander too close.
"ah yes! my lucky sneakers!" carlos exclaimed like a child on Christmas day, spotting the pristine white sneakers in the corner of the room.
"how did you leave them here?" Charles asked, hand reaching up to scratch his neck nervously.
"oh remember when we were all warming up before media day because we felt stiff? i left my shoes here and changed into my loafers" he said matter of factly, changing said loafers for his sneakers.
a flash of orange had him stopping mid way, staring blankly at the papaya shirt that lay just hidden below charles' physio table.
"mate, either you're a secret McLaren fan or.." carlos began, wide eyes wandering over to charles who had turned as red as the ferrari car he drove.
"WHAT no-thats not mine!!" he exclaimed.
groaning softly, you smacked your palm against your forehead, realising how much worse he sounded if he said it wasn't his.
"so you're- YOURE SLEEPING WITH LANDO?!" carlos exclaimed and charles let out a groan of despair.
"THATS WHO YOU THINK HES SLEEPING WITH?!" your stupefied voice rang out from the closet, earning a flurry of curse words from the spaniard.
"y/n?!?!" he exclaimed, watching as you stomped out in just a ferrari shirt, batelt covering your thighs,screaming in surprise as he covered his eyes and turned to the wall.
"PUT ON SOME CLOTHES I DON'T NEED TO SEE YOU LIKE THIS!" carlos shouted, as charles ran to cover up your body, tossing you your jeans to change into.
"you thought I was sleeping with lando?" charles hissed, sheer stress and surprise in his eyes.
"no i- i wasn't thinking okay I saw orange and i thought lando!" carlos defended himself, choosing to ignore the contemptuous snort you let out.
when you were all decent he turned again sinking into a chair to massage his temples, repeatedly muttering "dios mio" under his breath and looking between the two of you.
your hands were interlocked now, thumbs gently twiddling together, and he watched as charles reached for your palms, running a soothing thumb over your knuckles and holding your hand tightly within his. he noticed how charles' gaze softened and the gentility with which he stroked your hand, nothing but love and adoration in his eyes.
"so how long has this been going on?" carlos asked calmly, trying to ignore the mix of excitement and amusement in his chest at the sight of his best friend and the woman he considered to be his little sister anxiously awaiting his take like a teenage couple who got caught.
"um...abu dhabi last year? i got really drunk and so did charles and we just sort of stumbled into my hotel room and-" you began only to be cut off by a loud "tut-tut-tut-tut" from carlos who closed his eyes.
"i don't need details, hermana, just...okay" he sighed, standing up.
"carlos, please don't tell anyone" charles whispered tugging you closer. "Its hard enough for her to be accepted anyway and if people find our we're together, you know what the media is going to spin it into. we're just not ready yet" he concluded softly, feeling you cuddle into him, apprehension evident in your eyes.
"ay, of course I would not do that. you can trust me. I'm happy that youre happy with each other, you are aren't you?" he questioned suddenly, eyes hardening as he looked at charles.
"yes yes, im very happy carlos" you said quickly, knowing he was protective of you.
"charles makes me happier than i thought I could be" you mumbled, cheeks warming as you spoke, and charles pressed a kiss to your temple. "And she makes me happier than I ever thought i could be" he affirmed.
"well then, I'm even happier for you two. you deserve to be happy, and I'm glad it's her you're seeing and not lando" he concluded matter of factly, and you couldn't help but snort with laughter.
"thanks mate" charles chuckled dryly.
"okay I'm gonna leave but please charles, do something about your sex hair, you look like a wild hyena just tried to rip your hair off" he grumbled as you grinned proudly.
"well i suppose we do fu-" charles began cheekily as carlos yelled in protest and covered his ears, shaking his head from side to like a dog trying to get water out of his ears.
"no necesito saber detalles sobre el relacions intimas, ella es como mi hermana menor, ¿verdad?!" no I don't need to know the details about the sex she's like my younger sister!! carlos exclaimed as he sprinted out of the room.
taking a deep breath, your eyes met charles, and in a split second, you both burst into laughter, clutching onto each other to keep steady as you laughed.
"well, that was something" you chuckled, sitting back down on the physio table.
"it really was, non?" he said, joining you, pressing a kiss to your neck.
"i have to go back to McLaren now baby" you whispered, gently stroking the rough stubble on his cheek.
"i know" he mumbled against the skin of your neck. "ill see you at the gdpa meeting okay?" you whispered, pressing him a kiss goodbye as you reached for the McLaren shirt to swap for the scandalous ferrari one you were wearing.
with sweet kisses of goodbye,you dashed off towards the McLaren hospitality.
Jogging back hurriedly, you shielded your eyes from the blaring Barcelona sun, praying that you wouldn’t get in trouble from charlotte.
silverstone as a track was simply iconic.
as many had famously said, everyone wanted a chance to step on the podium there, the birthplace of formula one.
because of lando, McLaren always had a tiny bit of extra pressure on them during the British gp, and this year was no different.
Britain brought with it grey skies, heavy rainclouds and smatterings of rain through free practice and qualis. the track was wet, the skies were gloomy, and boomrd with thunder but the energy around the track was electric. (no pun intended)
the fans at silverstone always brought their all and the weather was never a let down for them. as you stood in the garage, waiting for the skies to clear up a little, you glanced at the crowd, cheering and whooping for lewis, lando and george, and were surprised to see the many posters of your face, cheering you on.
waving at the fans with a quick smile, you turned back to the screen, brow furrowing as you watched the forecast predict even heavier rainfall for quali.
before you knew it, you were in q3, hot on max's trail for a pole position. your race engineer, elizabeth, urged you to speed up, tyres well maintained and checo 4.5 behind.
and so you pushed, putting in purple sector after sector, and when it came to it, beat max by one hundredth.
a shout of delight left your lips as you entered parc ferme, parking your car in the no1 spot and preparing for your pole tyre and interview. max offered you a tight lipped smile, making a quip about "i was on a pole streak!" to which you responded cheekily, "well looks like i took the fast lane to your frustration!"
after quali, you were drawn into meetings, last minute checks, interviews until finally, you relaxed in the hospitality with lando, sneakers off and feet resting on a puffy pouffe, a bowl of salad and an iced latte next to you.
lando had something similar, a burrito bowl and an orange juice, scrolling through his Instragram while you covered your eyes and hummed a song.
"darl, are you dating anyone?" he asked casually, crossing one ankle over the other as he spoke.
"no, why?" you asked, brow furrowing slightly as you lied through your teeth.
lando went an odd shade of splotchy red as he looked at you, taking in the curve of your cupids bow above your lip, furrowed in confusion, to the purse of your lips.
"w-well, i've got a mate yeah, and he'd really like to ask you out, but he doesn't know how to quite...do that y'know?" he stumbled out, hands scratching the back of his neck as he spoke.
"oh!" you said, shoulders relaxing as you smiled.
"im not really looking to date someone right now lan, please tell him that and give him a hug from me okay?" you said kindly, squeezing his knees before jumping off the couch to head home.
"I'll see ya tomorrow lan!" you said, waving goodbye and picking up your food as you left.
walking towards your car, you felt your phone buzz in your pocket, and pulling it out, you saw charles notification.
(ferrari's) amore ♥️
amour, are you done with all your meetings?
yes darling, im just heading out to my car.
(ferrari's) amore ♥️
come to my room when youre back. i miss you :(
I'll be right there mon bebe, i miss you too 😙
you couldn't help but giggle at his messages, climbing into your car before making your way to the hotel.
as soon as you reached and managed to make your way past the gaggle of fans, you made your way to charles' room, cap covering your face as you moved stealthily through the hall.
reaching his door, you knocked softly, foot tapping against the carpeted floor, listening for the click of the door lock.
and lo and behold, there stood your italian god of a boyfriend, clad in just a pair of turquoise shorts and a bandana holding his curly locks back from his face, a stray strand peaking out almost cheekily.
"hello you" you smiled, squealing when he grabbed your plush hips and pulled you into him, arms tightening around your shoulders as he kissed your forehead, closing the door behind the both of you.
he walked backwards, guiding you into his dimly lit suite, pulling your jacket off of you and letting it drop onto the couch.
"missed you amour" he crooned softly, pecking your temple as he pulled the both of you into the large bed, laden with pillows and thick snowy white blankets, letting your body sink into the mattress.
"missed you too baby" you murmured.
"how was your day?" he asked, sliding down your body to tug your sneakers off, pressing a delicate kiss to your ankle as he pulled the socks off too, before trailing up to the McLaren t shirt you had on, signalling for you to raise your arms so he could tug it off your body, pressing feather soft kisses to your belly, chest, arms, shoulders and finally your cheeks.
"t'was alright i guess, quali was really great!" you gushed, fingers carding through his hair as a dimpled smile graced his cheeks.
"m'so proud baby" he said, kissing an erratic pattern on the bare expanse of your belly. "love you" you gushed again, tone utterly lovestruck, words coming out thick and syrupy.
charles gave you an equally lovestruck look, an ooey gooey warm sensation filling his chest.
"lemme show you how proud I am of you bebè" he whispered, pressing hot, open mouthed kisses to your neck, body twisting above yours to curve into you.
charles' mouth was diligent on your neck, his lips parted and wet as he worked way up from a particularly sensitive spot on your neck up to the back of your ears, smothering you with hot, open mouthed kisses that had you squirming underneath him. your whole body felt like it was being slowly swallowed by a burning flame, lighting up sharply when when his tongue swept over your skin, followed quickly by a not-so-gentle scraping of his teeth.
you gasped, fingers curling tighter into the thick locks, not caring about how hard you were tugging the luscious strands, legs parting when he let out a soft growl against your skin, the sound reverberating in his chest.
"baby.." you whispered, as his hands slipped to unbutton your jeans, slowly tugging the material down your thighs, hands massaging the fat of your hips and thighs, pinching softly before soothing it with a velveteen caress.
"hush mon amour, let me take care of you" he murmured, mouth hot as it disappeared lower until he was cocooned in between your thighs.
his sea green eyes locked onto yours, as his mouth lowered onto your panties, a wet spot spreading like spilled ink on delicate paper, that had him salivating like a dog.
you closed your eyes, pleasure taking over every nerve in your body when he pressed a kiss to the drenched fabric.
what a night you were in for.
you wake up early, the sun is just rising above the horizon, casting an almost pastel glow in the room from the wide windows. you're supposed to reach the track in an hour, so you have to leave in about 30 minutes. charles however, the lucky bastard, gets to sleep in. he isn't due at the track till almost two hours after you.
grumbling, you stepped out of bed, searching for the sleep shorts charles had kept on the couch for you to slip into in the morning, mourning the loss of his warmth as you get ready in the bathroom, taking out your toothbrush, a hairbrush, your skincare, your makeup, peeking through the half-open door to see him fast asleep in bed, bare arm stretched out over your empty side, quite snores leaving his mouth, a soft pout on his lips. you took in the red marks littering his chest, now fading to a subtler maroon, and the indents of your fingerprints on his back, heat rising to your cheeks in soft pinpricks.
the sight leaves a dull ache blooming in your belly, a need to just go and cuddle with his forever filling every bone in your body. with a sigh, you turn back to the mirror, somehow managing to get through your makeup and your hair before you allow yourself to look at charles again
with a furrowed brow, you note that he’s not in bed anymore.
you almost jumped out of your skin when you notice him standing in the doorway of the bathroom, clad in literally nothing.
charles didn’t say anything, only getting his arms around you in a warm, soft hug,one arm circling around your back to hold your waist, the other bent over the top of your back to cup your head in his hand.
his feet shuffled into the bathroom, head dropping onto the dip in your shoulders, arms wrapped tight around your midriff. his hands splayed on your belly, and he pressed a delicate kiss to the back of your neck. "go back to bed honey" you said, squeezing his hand and smiling at his sleepy face in the mirror.
"mmmhm" was all you got in response, the warmth from his body enveloping you in a snug embrace.
"why do you have to go so early?" he groaned, head nuzzling into you like a cat. chuckling softly, you swipe a berry lipgloss over your lips, adjusting the white floral sundress you had opted for, carrying your team kit in a bag.
"cuz we're shit babe. and if I want to win this race, we need to get some work done off track before we start actual racing" you said, petting him on the head like a kitten.
"ill see you soon then coucou" he said, pressing a kiss to your head before collapsing back into bed.
shaking your head you laughed quietly, slipping out of the room and heading to find gemma, your trainer bringing you a bowl of chocolate oats and dragonfruit and berries to munch on.
"busy night?" she smirked and you stuck your tongue out at her.
"let's just go" you said, pecking her cheek as thanks for the food.
the track was buzzing with the usual hustle bustle, and charles was making his way towards parc ferme to get ready for drivers parade, which was going to be a vintage car display for each team. he caught sight of you, standing with lance and esteban, chatting animatedly about something.
he was standing with max, lando, carlos, checo, george and alex, all happily discussing their plans for the summer break.
he felt a blush rise to his cheeks as he watched you greet lewis with a hug and then laugh as he showed you something on his phone.
he felt his heart flutter when you bit your lip to conceal a grin when toto and christian glared at each other like schoolchildren.
he felt his breath hitch when you twirled a strand of hair around your fingers, exposing the bare skin of your neck where, if he squinted hard enough, he could make out the pale remains of the hickeys he had sucked into the skin.
"you alright mate? max asked, watching the way charles had turned a splotchy red.
"yeah I'm fine" he said, offering him a weak grin.
"you sure?" lando joked, grinning widely at him.
"who are you looking at?" max enquired, peering over charles shoulder to analyse who he was looking at.
"was it maria?" checo asked, referring to one of ferrari's press officer who had stunning red hair and beautiful emerald eyes.
"no no" charles said, shutting the idea down quickly, silently turning to carlos for help.
"leave him alone guys, he was probably just drooling over the track" carlos said, nudging max with his foot.
"yeah, right. don't think we haven't noticed how dreamy you've been recently" lando teased, while carlos and alex offered charles sympathetic smiles.
"it's nothing" he said, voice almost clipped.
"okay, let's leave him alone" alex said, clapping him on the back.
he watched as you skipped over, hair bouncing as you did. "hello!" you greeted chirpily, settling into a spot beside alex and carlos.
a chorus of hellos and grins greeted you. "what's going on?" you asked, cocking your head to one side.
"charles has a crush" lando teased again.
"oh is it?" you asked, concealing a smirk as you locked eyes with the man, eyes glimmering with mischief.
"yes it is!" george said, grinning widely.
"who is it?" you asked innocently, batting your eyelashes at him, watching the crease form in his eyebrow.
"no one" he said, hands slipping into his pockets while carlos sent you an exasperated look.
"oh c'mon tell us something about her" you giggled, hand tracing up to linger on the spot where he had left a bite, bringing a blush to his cheeks.
he watched the teasing glint in your eyes and with new resolve, relaxed.
"well," he began, eyes locked directly onto yours. "shes the most exquisite woman I've ever had the pleasure of knowing" he said, eyes boring into yours.
the chorus of 'oohs' around you didn't register, as you listened intently, heart hammering in your chest.
"she's insanely beautiful, but also has a heart of gold. shes kind, caring, smart, talented and extremely passionate" he continued, listing the qualities on his fingers, ignoring the smirks from his friends, focusing only on the widening of your eyes, and the way your hands fiddled with your rings.
"she's sassy, and isn't afraid to speak her mind. shes always thinking about others and is an angel on earth. she's as beautiful as a setting sun casting shadows on a deep ocean, as beautiful as victory, silent and strong, as beautiful as a graceful ballet, as beautiful as laughter ringing clear in the mountains" he continued, noting the way your eyes has become overbright, while also noting carlos' gaze on him.
"wow mate, you're down bad" alex commented, smiling at his friend, while max and lando sported identical grins. "yeah, never heard you be so poetic before" george commented, before turning to you. "isn't that right speedy?" he asked, waiting for your response.
clearing your throat softly, you nodded. "yeah, she's one lucky gal isn't she" you said, a wide smile on your face.
"time to go!" came a shout, startling you out of your little lovedaze.
"be right there!" lando shouted back, grabbing your arm, but you stopped him, murmuring a soft "I'll be right there" as you bid everyone a goodbye. one by one they all trickled out, carlos squeezing your shoulder kindly.
you gave charles a quick hug, tensing slightly when he pressed a quick kiss to your head away from the prying cameras.
"I love you" he whispered so quietly you almost missed it, and you repeated it, before giving him another lovestruck grin, before sprinting off to join lando.
charles stood there for a second, the same ooey gooey warm sensation filling his chest, before he was snapped back to reality by sylvia calling his name and he too sprinted back.
as you and lando followed redbull, mercedes, and ferrari, he turned to fix his gaze upon you.
"charles seems really in love doesn't he?" he asked, eyes fixated on you to gauge your reaction.
"he really does" you said, concealing a smile.
"how do you feel about that?" he asked, a strange abruptness in his tone.
"what do ya mean lan?" you asked, eyebrow quirking.
"I mean, you had a massive crush on him back when we were younger" he said, and you gaped at him, rendered momentarily speechless.
"um.." you trailed off, turning away from his burning gaze to wave at the crowds with a fake smile. "it doesn't bother me" you said finally, not really lying because how could you be bothered.
"are you sure?" he asked again, an odd tenseness to his voice. "yes I'm sure" you said firmly. "it's just..." he trailed off, unable to vocalise this thoughts.
"what, lan?" you asked, still waving at the crowds, putting up a peace sign for the crowds.
"you've seemed a little off lately...even when I brought up the thing about you dating a friend of mine, you kind of clammed up and i got the feeling that.." "got the feeling that?" you questioned, unease bubbling in your chest.
"that maybe there was a 5.4% chance that you were the girl charles was into" he finished and you almost fell off the seat of your car.
"w-what?" you laughed nervously, tucking a stray strand of hair behind your ear. landos gaze didn't falter.
"look, I'm not stupid. I see the way he looks at you sometimes. and I see the way you look at him. but if you're not the girl he's dating, i want you to not be hurt because you're one of my best friends" he said, giving your hand a quick squeeze.
you felt a blossom of affection for your friend bloom in your chest. taking a deep breath, you made a hasty decision.
"lando, what I'm going to tell you is an absolutely top level secret and if you tell anyone I will chop your dick off and feed it to a duck" you said solemnly, ignoring the high pitched chuckle that left his mouth.
"okay i pinky swear" he said, sticking out his pinky towards you. you interlocked yours with his briefly, before taking a deep breath.
"I am charles new girlfriend" you admitted softly, eyes fixed on the ground in apprehension. you almost had a heart attack when he whooped so loudly, you were about a 100% sure that the cars in front of you and behind you would've heard you.
"shush!" you scolded, head whipping back and forth to see if anyone heard. "I fucking knew it! i absolutely knew it, the way he looks at you and the lovestruck puppy face he makes my god i KNEW it" he laughed gleefully, shaking you by the shoulders.
"okay shut up lando but please don't tell anyone" you begged, trying to hide the grin on your face.
"I promised i won't. but I have so many questions!!" he said excitedly, squeezing your hand. you laughed, glancing over to the front where charles was waving happily at the crowds.
"how about you meet us for dinner tonight, and I'll tell you more about it then?" you said, and he nodded excitedly. "we can call carlos too" you said, "since he knows about us as well".
lando let out a dramatic gasp, hand pressed over his chest. "CARLOS KNEW BEFORE ME?!?!" he said, eyes widening almost conically.
"by accident you dipshit, he walked in on us..um...well, actually! funny story, he actually thought it was you charles was sleeping with" you said with a cheeky smile, rolling your eyes with no real malice when he pretended to gag and throw up.
"why?!?!" "because he saw a McLaren t shirt on the floor" you admitted. lando pretended to gag again. "please spare me the details of your sex life" he groaned, hand still pressed to his chest.
"oh really, cuz I was just going to go into details about how good he fuck-" you began cheekily and he squealed and slammed his hand over your mouth (gently)
you let out a cackle, giving him a friendly hug, before turning your full attention to the stands.
the race was tough, rain showering down halfway, making the track slippery and grip a challenge, but somehow, you fought and maintained your position.
there was a tense moment when max had overtaken you rather roughly, making you drop to p3 with a 3 second gap between you, and perez and a 5 second gap to you and max. however, with some spectacular over taking and flawless defending, you had soared to victory, with max in p2, and to your surprise, carlos in p3.
the podium had been a blast, with carlos pouring champagne down your entire body and hair, and lifting you up to hoist you on the top of his shoulders.
it had made for a lovely picture of you laughing, champagne bottle in hand, and a smiling carlos pointing up to you, while andreas 'bowed' down to you.
mclaren mechanics and engineers and staff had cheered for you, with charles and lando watching proudly and clapping for the both of you.
lando had given charles a nudge, before whispering a soft "she told me buddy" and giving him a tight one armed hug and whispering, "dont you fucking hurt her Leclerc or like your girlfriend said, I'll chop your dick off and feed it to a duck" making him laugh in alarm, before smiling softly at him.
dripping in a mix of sweat and champagne, you walked off into the McLaren hospitality, hugging everyone around you, before going straight into your driver's room to change.
a quick shower and a change of clothes later you felt fresh and giddy with excitement, so when lando sent a text in your shared group, saying "club inferno to get absolutely hammered on me, half an hour, look sexy y'all" you had laughed and made your way to your hotel to get dressed.
you hadnt been able to contact charles or heard from him after the podium but decided that you'd just meet him at the club, so you changed into a particularly rivetingly sexy little dress you had bought especially for a moment like this, a strappy little number that hugged every curve and fold on your body.
you paired it with your favourite YSL libre perfume, painting your lips in a dior rouge lipstick charles had gifted her, swiping a glittery lip gloss on top, adding seductive black eyeliner and mascara, a rosy blush and a glittery highlight, and darkened your eyes with kohl.
you slipped on a pair of black rhinestone heels, with little diamond bows on them that just looked absolutely phenomenal on you.
with a sigh of satisfaction, you sent a quick text to gemma, telling her you were ready to be picked up so the both of you could get absolutely wrecked on lando's tab.
she was not complaining.
the dark club was pulsating with heavy beats, bodies swayed in harmony with sultry beats on the dance floor, bathed in hues of electric blue and crimson. the air buzzed with the intoxicating blend of thumping music, the intoxicated giggles of every individual in the club, the mingling scents of tequila, fruity cocktails, earthy whiskeys, bitter beers.
gemma whooped as you walked in, the energy palpable in her body as she flailed her arms wildly with the music.
"im gonna go order some shots!" you shouted, rushing to the bar immediately. you were intercepted by a very drunk Pierre, who congratulated you with a hug and promise to buy you shots.
you were further intercepted by carlos, who, despite looking ready to pass out still had impeccable hair and was about the down another shot of tequila.
"shots on me hermosa!" he said, passing you a shot of tequila and a lemon with salt.
in your excitement, you missed charles, clad in a black shirt and white linen pants, watching you giggle and reach for the lemon. he watched as you put the salt on the back of your wrist, licking it up, tongue sweeping along the skin, and then dousing the shot of tequila, exposing the skin of your neck, and drowning the shot, only to flick back into position and suck on the lime.
he licked his lips, feeling the groin region of his pants become uncomfortably tight.
he made his way over to you, the thumping beat of travis scott's fein filling his eardrums. he watched as you leaned over to the barman, breasts pushing up against your dress, ordering shots, pushing your hair back over your shoulder. he walked with cemented purpose, as the beat changed, turning more sultry.
you were leaning over the bar when a familiar scent of dior sauvage filled your nostrils, and a strong pair of arms wrapped around your midriff.
"baby!" you squealed, leaping into his arms, lips pressing messily against his, momentarily forgetting about the secrecy of your relationship. charles savoured it, tilting your chin to kiss you deeper, counting on the barely there lighting to hide the two of you.
you downed another shot with him, pulling him towards the dance floor before stepping back softly. you pushed your hair away from your chest so it fell down your back, hips swaying as the seductive beat of vixen by miguel filled the club, the rnb vocals adding depth to the sensual rhythm your body was following, hands running up and down your body as you swayed your hips in a pulsating rhythm, bending at the knees as you sunk to the floor, wining your hips as the chorus came on.
charles ignored the fact that literally anyone could see you right there, as he stepped towards you, hands on your hips as he pulled you flush against his body, hips grinding rhythmically with your own.
you let out a soft moan,turning so your back was pressed against his crotch. you let your head drop to his shoulder, bum pressing against his crotch and wining softly against him, feeling his breath hitch.
"fuck, mon amour, you're making it hard for me to not fuck you right here right now" he groaned.
"you know as much as I like dancing and clubbing" you murmured, fingers dancing across his thighs, "I think id much rather prefer to celebrate at home with my baby" you continued, letting your teeth sink into your plush bottom lip.
"thats it" he growled, hand grabbing yours and tugging you along, making his way into the park to his car.
"im gonna fuck you like the winner you are" he whispered, kissing the shell of your ear.
your hotel room was on the 16th floor, and as the two of you made your way into the elevator, he eyed you up and down, eyes lingering on the curve of your breasts.
the moment the door shut, he pushed you against the wall, capturing your lips in a steamy kiss you'd be remembering the next day. his hands moved to your ass, squeezing hard, eliciting a moan from your lips. the moment your lips parted, he was pushing his tongue into yours, his other hand coming up to pull on your hair roughly, relishing in the gasp that left your lips. as suddenly as he started, he stopped, pulling back and standing almost nonchalantly against the wall.
you stumbled forward on weak legs, trying to wrap your head around what happened, gripping the wall with whatever remaining resolve you had in your body.
you could feel your wetness dripping, threatening to run down your thighs, as the throbbing became even more painfully exciting. you looked down at the floor, eyes closing as your frustration grew more and more by the second.
finally, with a little 'ding', the elevator stopped at the 16th floor. the moment the door opened you stepped out on wobbly legs, trying your best to walk properly.
but of course, that wasn't going to happen. as you turned one long corridor, charles grabbed your waist, pushing you up against the wall, to reach down and suck on your neck. you let out a gasp, head falling back against the door, and let your pussy rub against his hardening cock, but charles retaliated with a slap to your ass, smirking when a high pitched moan left your lips.
he let the door swing open, carrying you inside, letting you drop down, and kick off your heels, chest heaving. he made his way towards you, unbuttoning his shirt and letting it fall to the floor.
"such a fucking sexy drive, the way you defended and fought like a beast on track" he said, stalking towards you, hands dropping to the straps of your dress, tugging it downwards. "ma belle fille" he murmured, lips trailing hot kisses to your neck and sucking dark hickies on it. his tongue swept out, licking repeatedly over the sensitive spot, sucking and nibbling on the sensitive skin, teeth nipping and leaving dark marks.
he pressed open mouthed kisses that seemed scorching, while his hands dropped lower, peeling the satiny material off of your body, groaning when it peeled off to reveal your breasts, heaving with tension and arousal, nipples hardening as the cold air touched them.
"were gonna do something special baby" he said, sucking the skin of your neck in between his teeth, before pulling away with a smacking sound.
he walked backwards towards where there was a bottle of dom perigon in ice, popping the cork, letting it fizz down. he walked over to you, taking a dull sip of the liquid.
he motioned to the bed, and you followed silently, laying down, resting on your forearms.
he walked over to you, hands slipping to your tits, tugging on your nipples and running his thumb over them. he watched your breath hitch and your body quake as he played with your nipples, other hand reaching up to grab your cheeks and force your mouth open.
he kissed you harshly, lips closed to keep the champagne in, before his thumb and forefinger dug into your cheeks, forcing your mouth open.
you shuddered as he leaned over, breath fanning over your face as he let the golden liquid pour from his mouth into yours, warm and delicious as it overflowed from your mouth, dribbling down your chin.
you gasped as you swallowed the burning in your throat.
he pushed you gently, body laying against the linen. he pressed another searing kiss to your lips, biting at the plush bottom lip, sucking it in between his own.
he kissed you harder, yanking the rest of your dress off of your body, dropping it to the floor.
he leaned down, sucking hickeys onto every bare expanse of your chest, sucking dark marks, teeth nipping, breathing harshly, tongue licking over the expanse of skin.
he trailed lower, mouthing over your breasts, sucking on the nipple of one while his fingers toyed with the other, tongue flicking harshly and sucking harshly, feeling you arch into him. his tongue flicked wildly against the bud, before treating the other one the same, groping and grabbing till he felt they were marked enough.
he sunk lower, pressing kisses to your belly and sinking till the gap between your thighs,before reaching up again. you watched with bated breath as he grabbed the bottle again, tipping it over so it flowed into your belly and pooled into your belly button. he let his tongue dip in, sucking up the champagne, and making you moan at the sight.
he tipped it up towards your mouth again, letting you have a swig of champagne, licking up the beads that dripped down your chin.
"so fucking delicious, have to taste the rest of you" he murmured. "ma belle fille, mon amour" he whispered, leaning down to his thighs, pressing kisses to your thighs, all the way till your ankles, letting it rest on top of his shoulder as he leaned up.
he pressed kisses all the way till he reached your pussy, clad in black lacy panties. he inhaled the scent deeply, a sight that brought a sob to your throat.
"fuck please baby, I need your tongue in me" you sobbed, a strangled wail leaving your lips when his tongue sucked over the lady barrier through the arousal seeping out.
he licked and sucked till the material was drenched, fingers tracing up and down your thighs gently, making goosebumps erupt on your skin.
he hooked his fingers into your panties, tugging it down, leaving your pussy quivering when the cool air came into contact with your pussy.
charles reached for the bottle again, tipping the bottle just a little so it dripped a tiny sprinkle of champagne down your thighs. he licked it up, hands gripping into your thighs.
and then, his fingers were spreading you open, moaning as he saw your pussy lips struggle to seperate as your sticky arousal clung like a golden thread. he broke it with his fingers swirling it into his tongue, moaning at the taste.
"you taste sweeter than honey, bebe" he whispered, moaning into your pussy. his tongue licked up the expanse of your pussy, flicking erratically against your clit, licking all around the engorged, throbbing bud, before he began to suck on it with fervour. he bent your legs are an angle, so he had better access to your pussy, his head resting temporarily on your thigh, and drank up the sounds of you moaning and whimpering above him.
above him, you were moaning and whining his name, letting out a squeal when he started licking his initials onto your clit, tracing a curved c and an elongated l.
"please please please" you chanted, overcome with pleasure.
his finger slipped into your fluttering hole, thumb helping as he sucked on your clit, the overwhelming sensations sending you ricocheting towards a high.
"baby baby please im gonna fucking cum" you screamed, hips bucking wildly against his mouth as he continued to suck and lick at your pussy.
and just as you thought the pleasure was at its peak, he began to shake his head in your pussy, the erratic movement bringing an even more intense onslaught of pleasure onto your pussy. "oh fuck charles" you screamed, thighs quaking and head falling back in pleasure as you came violently, cum squirting from your pussy that he lapped up like amortentia.
but to your pleasure, he didn't stop there. he kept sucking, with more vigour and more intensity, slurping from your pussy like it was the most delicious thing in the world, moaning and groaning into your clit, sloppy and messy but oh how fucking good it felt
"cum for me, let me taste you again mon gagnant" (my winner) he murmured, the vibrations sending you over the edge again.
you came with a cry against tears dripping against you cheek.
panting, charles crawled his way back up your body, kissing your lips and gently wiping away the tears, pressing saccharine sweet kisses to your red cheeks, tracing the puff of the muscle with his pinky and pressing kisses to every corner of your face as you calmed down, whispering sweet whispers of "my sweet girl, my angel, my baby, my heart" like a mantra in french.
"baby please I need your cock" you sobbed, hands gripping onto his back, wrapping around his neck, nose reddening and eyes teary as you looked at him.
"you want my cock, mon coeur?" he cooked, voice syrupy sweet and sticky, tracing soothing circles on your thigh.
you only blubbered a yes in response, watching him cup his cock, getting it ready for your throbbing pussy as he spread his pre cum around it, body still pressed warmly against yours, pressing sweet kisses to your shoulders.
he lined up with your entrance, watching as you let out a shaky breath, eyes falling shut, as you clenched in anticipation. "my sweet angel drove so spectacularly, she deserves the world, doesn't she?" he cooed again, pushing a sweaty strand of hair away from your face.
"please baby, i think I do" you whined, swollen lips curling into a pout. "of course you do, mon chat" he murmured, lips pressed to your hairline, before slowly, in a single thrust, he had slotted himself inside you.
you gasped, gummy walls stretching to accomodate his cock. "fuck!" you whined, back arching off of the bed to meet his chest.
fuck, mon coeur, tellement serre" he groaned (so tight), hand interlocking with your own, fingers interlacing, the feeling adding such an addictive homeliness to the passinate moment.
his hips thrusted slowly, steadily, deeply, hitting spots that had you seeing stars. your hands clung to his back, nails raking down, tearing the skin, and you hear him hiss and moan at the sensation, hand squeezing you're tighter.
"I love you!" you sobbed out, when he raised your hips to grab onto your leg, pushing it away towards your head, and wrapping the other one around his waist, the new angle allowing him to fuck you even deeper into the mattress. his fingers dropped to your clit again, circling, rubbing roughly, even pinching softly enough to leave your body jolting, lips dropping back to your nipples to suck on them.
"je t'aime ma jolie" he moaned out, head dropping into the crook of your neck as his thrusts increased in pace, and the room echoed with the lewd squelches, groans and moans, pants and whines, as you clung to him tighter.
"charles m gonna cum" you whined, eyes rolling to the back of your head as charles sunk his teeth into the juncture between your neck and shoulder.
"cum for me" he growled, and with a cry, you came undone for the third time that night. thighs shaking, breath quaking, your squirted over his cock, soaking the bedding and his thighs as it dripped everywhere, and the mere sight was enough to make charles cum, shooting his cum into your, watching it drip out of your pussy.
panting, he rolled off of you, pulling you into his chest as you both lay on the bed, completely winded and tuckered out.
your chest heaved and breath came out laboured as you came down from your high. charles peppered kisses on your face, kissing your nose, chin, cheeks, lips, forehead and your eyes softly, drawing soothing circles over your heart to help you calm down.
"did so good for me, ma cherie" he cooed, syrupy and sweet like honey. "I'll be right back amour" he said, pressing a kiss to your hairline, to disappear into the bathroom.
you heard the tap running and he returned with a warm soaked towel, cleaning up between your thighs and all the way up your body, letting you cool down after the passionate session. he peppered kisses to every spot he cleaned, pulling your hair into a delicate ponytail.
he cleaned himself up and joined you in bed again, holding up your back as he made you take small sips of cold water, ordering room service for a good pasta for you two, and a chocolate mousse.
"I love you so much" you mumbled, pressing a kiss to his chest. "i love you more" he said, a soft smile on his face.
"im so lucky to have you in my life" he confessed, taking in your sleepy face and the slow pattern of your breathing. "you make everyday a hundred times more beautiful, when I'm with you, the sun moon and stars don't compare" he continued his poetic confession.
"you make me feel like the luckiest woman in the world by letting me love you" you said,voice cracking as you looked at his form, so beautiful, so sweet, so loving.
your peaceful moment of tranquility was broken by a series frantic beeps from both your phones.
raising an eyebrow, you let your head drop to charles' chest while he reached for your phone.
his eyes widened, fear creeping into them as he sat up abruptly.
"fuck" he cursed, carding a hand through his hair, turning to look at you, an odd look of fear in his face.
"what's wrong?" you asked, dread rising in your chest like an ice cold steam, fearing the very worst.
in response he just showed you his phone.
there, on instagram and twitter, were a series of dark, blurry, pixellated picture of a man and woman in a club, hands all on each other, and a very telling video of the woman grinding her body seductively against the man.
you and charles.
a/n : part two!! might make a part three or might just....leave it here 👀 as always likes comments reblogs opinions are appreciated!! always down to make new friends and do let me know what you think! happy reading and much love always 🩷
charles :@chanshintien @eternalharry @janeholt3 @magicalcowboyarbiter @oneafterdark @leclerc13 @crlsummer @electrobutterfly @superlegend216 (f1) @formula1mount @f1lov3r @livsters @inkfablesandstories @ivegotparticulartaste (all f1) @moon-enthusiast (all f1 @ssararuffoni @dark-night-sky-99
also tagging those who responded to this series!
@tempo-rary-fix @marymustdie @p4st3lst4rs @thesstuff @lauralarsen @notleclerc @dreamcarsound @dhe3read3 @urfavnoirette
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sainzfilm · 2 years
hellooo maybe you could write something with carlos x reader where the reader is like a drivers little sister or his best friends sister and that’s how they meet. And they instantly get along so well and talk the whole night?
pairing: carlos sainz x best friend’s sister!reader
a/n: wishing i was someone’s sister rn….just so this could happen 😁 jk im so out of anyone’s league thats not gonna happen EVER
You were the person who preferred house parties over clubs anytime of the day. It somewhat seemed more intimate, having people you knew around compared to a sea full of various faces.
Checking yourself one more time in the rearview mirror, you nodded at yourself as you grabbed your phone and made your way out of the car only to be held hostage by your older brother.
“Ma petite soeur, vous êtes ici!” Charles grinned as he put an arm around your shoulder, leading you to where the party was, “I’m glad you could make it from your busy schedule.” My little sister, you’re here!
You rolled your eyes playfully, walking inside the house and taking in the blaring music and the smell of booze, “Toujours le frère dramatique. How could I miss it?” Always the dramatic brother.
“I’m your favorite brother anyways,” He grinned, nudging your shoulder as he grabbed a drink for you, “You always tell me that you’re busy.”
“No, Lorenzo’s my favorite,” You poked your tongue out, taking the drink from his hand, “Well obviously I’m not busy now.”
“I’m hurt, Y/N. I’ll get back at you later,” Charles feigned offense, putting a hand on his chest, “For now, enjoy the party, okay?”
You nodded and smiled, seeing him walk off to greet and mingle with other people at the party. As you roamed around the house, you grabbed a plate of appetizers and headed out to the area where no one was – at least, that’s you thought.
“Cool party,” You mumbled as you set the tray down, taking a sip of your drink, “Still a bit overwhelming.”
“How is it overwhelming?”
“Oh Jésus, mes canapés!” You exclaimed as you dropped the appetizer on the floor from surprise, “Ce n'était pas gentil de venir comme ça.” Oh Jesus, my canapés! That wasn’t nice of you to come up like that.
Carlos chuckled softly, standing up to hand you his handkerchief, “French? I can only speak so little.”
“Monégasque, but I’ll let you slide,” You smiled softly, taking the handkerchief from him to wipe your fingers, “Sorry if I intruded your space, I didn’t notice you back there.”
“No problem about that,” He shrugged, mirroring your actions as you sat down on the armchair, “I didn’t want to disturb you and your appetizer tray.”
“Me and my appetizer tray against all odds,” You joked as you offered him the tray, “Take some. The smoked salmon canapés are great.”
“Mind if I join you and your appetizers?” Carlos grinned, putting a piece in his mouth and nodding in satisfaction, “Delicious.”
Smiling as you turned to look at him, you nodded, “Won’t the party miss you…I didn’t get your name.”
“Carlos,” He smiled back, leaning back against the chair and staring out at the sea, “I’d rather have your company.”
“Well, nice to meet you, Carlos. I’m Y/N,” You replied, taking a bite out of the appetizer, “I hope I don’t bore you.”
Carlos looked at you, admiring the way the light shone on your face and how your smile made his heart skip a beat, “I’m sure you won’t, miss salmon canapés.”
As the night progressed, you and Carlos didn’t bother going back to the party from how much you enjoyed each other’s presence.
“Dios mío! I can’t believe you’re Charles’ sister!” Carlos laughed as he shook his head, “You should’ve told me earlier!”
“I look nothing like them, probably more like Lorenzo,” You chuckled, running a hand through your hair, “It wasn’t worth mentioning!”
“Now that you say it,” He teased, raising his hands in defeat as you nudged him, “I’m kidding!”
“I’m surprised you aren’t bored of me yet,” You replied as you pulled your knees up to your chest, “It’s been a few hours and the party’s dying.”
Carlos rolled his eyes in response, taking the tray from you, “I would do this all over again, honestly.”
You turned your head to the side to look at him, “So you’re saying you want to see me again?”
“Just trying to be smooth,” Carlos teased, “But of course, I want to see you again.”
Nodding in response, you stood up and shrugged the jacket off your shoulders as you handed it back to him, “You’ll text me?”
“Ay, keep the jacket on, princesa,” He clicked his tongue, putting it back on your shoulders, “I’ll text you. I’ll walk you to your car.”
Carlos gently put his hand on your back as the two of you walked out of the house that had people passed out on different areas of it.
You smiled as you stood by your car, tiptoeing to kiss him on the cheek, “I’ll see you soon.”
Watching you drive off, Carlos smiled to himself as he held a hand up to his cheek from where your lips lingered for a bit.
“You seem happy, mate,” Charles yawned, walking up to his friend, “Meet someone?”
Carlos nodded with a smile as he put his hands in his pockets, “Yeah. About that…I do need to talk to you.”
bonus scene!
“You know something?” You said, swinging your hands as you walked down the paddock, “I have a good feeling about this race weekend.”
Carlos grinned as he squeezed your hand, “I do, too. I have my lucky charm with me.”
Taking his cap off, he placed it on your head with a smile and continued walking to the garage with Charles following not far behind.
“You know, I’m never going to get used the two of you,” Charles groaned, catching up and walking in between you and Carlos, “Wait ‘til Enzo comes around.”
“I already told him beforehand,” You poked your tongue out as you pushed him aside, holding onto Carlos’ hand again, “He was happy about it.”
As you dragged Carlos away, the Spanish driver couldn’t help but turn around to a glaring Charles that mouthed, ‘That’s my baby sister. I’m watching you.’
“So, amor,” He nervously chuckled as he turned back to look at you, “We should definitely get me an upvote from Charles.”
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matteodarmian · 2 months
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Yann Aurel Bisseck of FC Internazionale and Carlos Augusto of FC Internazionale arrive before the FC Internazionale training session at Suning Training Centre at Appiano Gentile on March 27, 2024 in Como, Italy. (Photo by Mattia Pistoia - Inter/Inter via Getty Images)
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rag-and-bone · 1 year
Ancient Gentility by William Carlos Williams
In those days I was about the only doctor they would have on Guinea Hill. Nowadays some of the kids I delivered then may be practising medicine in the neighborhood. But in those days I had them all. I got to love those people, they were all right. Italian peasants from the region just south of Naples, most of them, living in small jerry-built houses—doing whatever they could find to do for a living and getting by, somehow. 
Among the others, there was a little frame building, or box, you might almost say, which had always interested me but into which I had never gone. It stood in the center of the usual small garden patch and sometimes there would be an old man at the gate, just standing there, with a big curved and silver-capped pipe in his mouth, puffing away at his leisure. 
Sure enough, one day I landed in that house also. 
I had been seeing a child at the Petrello’s or Albino’s or whoever it was when, as often happened, the woman of the house stopped me with a smile at the door just as I was leaving. 
Doc, I want you to visit the old people next door. The old lady’s sick. She don’t want to call nobody, but you go just the same. I’ll fix it up with you sometime. Will you do it—for me? 
Would I! It was a June morning. I only had to go twenty feet or so up the street—with a view of all New York City spread out before me over the meadows just beginning to turn green—and push back the low gate to the little vegetable garden. 
The old man opened the house door for me before I could knock. He smiled and bowed his head several times out of respect for a physician and pointed upstairs. He couldn’t speak a word of English and I knew practically no Italian, so he let it go at that. 
He was wonderful. A gentle, kindly creature, big as the house itself, almost, with long pure white hair and big white moustache. Every movement he made showed a sort of ancient gentility. Finally he said a few words as if to let me know he was sorry he couldn’t talk English and pointed upstairs again. 
Where I stood at the moment it was just one room, everything combined: you cooked in one corner, ate close by, and sat yourself down to talk with your friends and relatives over beyond. Everything was immaculately clean and smelt just tinged with that faint odor of garlic, peppers and olive oil which one gets to expect in all these peasant houses. 
There was one other room, immediately above. To it there ascended a removable ladder. At this member the trap was open and the ladder in place. I went up. The old man remained below. 
What a thrill I got! There was an enormous bed that almost filled the place, it seemed, perhaps a chair or two besides, but no other furniture, and in the bed sinking into the feather mattress and covered with a great feather quilt was the woman I had been summoned to attend.
Her face was dry and seamed with winkles, as old peasant faces will finally become, but it had the same patient smile upon it as shone from that of her old husband. White hair framing her face with silvery abundance, she didn’t look at all sick to me. 
She said a few words, smiling the while, by which I understood that after all it wasn’t much and that she knew she didn’t need a doctor and would have been up long since—or words to that effect—if the others hadn’t insisted. After listening to her heart and palpating her abdomen I told her she could get up if she wanted to, and as I backed down the ladder after saying good-bye, she had already begun to do so. 
The old man was waiting for me as I arrived below. 
We walked to the door together, I trying to explain to him what I had found and he bowing and saying a word or two of Italian in reply. I could make out that he was talking me for my trouble and that he was sorry he had no money, and so forth and so on. 
At the gate we paused in one of those embarrassed moments which sometimes arrive during any conversation between relative strangers who wish to make a good impression on each other. Then as we stood there, slightly ill at ease, I saw him reach into his vest pocket and take something into his hand which he held out toward me.
It was a small silver box, about an inch and a quarter along the sides and half an inch thick. On the cover of it was the embossed figure of a woman reclining among flowers. I took it in my hand but couldn’t imagine what he wanted me to do with it. He couldn’t be giving it to me? 
Seeing that I was puzzled, he reached for it, ever so gently, and I returned it to him. As he took it in his hand he opened it. It seemed to contain a sort of brown powder. Then I saw him pick some of it up between the thumb and finger of his right hand, place it at the base of his left thumb and . . . 
Why snuff! Of course. I was delighted.
As he whiffed the powder into one generous nostril and then the other, he handed the box back to me—in all, one of the most gracious, kindly proceedings I had ever taken part in.
Imitating him as best I could, I shared his snuff with him, and that was about the end of me for a moment or two. I couldn’t stop sneezing. I suppose I had gone at it a little too vigorously. Finally, with tears in my eyes, I felt the old man standing there, smiling, an experience the like of which I shall never, in all probability, have again in my life on this mundane sphere. 
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monsieur-vega · 6 months
Sii spietato, ma affascinante.
Sii astuto, ma simpatico.
Sii paziente, ma solerte.
Sii gentile, ma letale.
E ricorda ....
La spietatezza non deve essere ferocia,
l'astuzia non dev'essere crudeltà,
la pazienza non deve essere negligenza
e la gentilezza non deve essere stupidità... 👑
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* Carlos Castaneda *
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las-microfisuras · 1 year
Me despierto en el extremo límite de la oscuridad; me precede una noche interminable y me separa de las tinieblas una delgada languidez crepuscular. Acabo de nacer; en teoría soy el depositario de todas las posibilidades que puede ofrecer el lento crecimiento del crepúsculo hasta la dimensión del día; pero ahora mi destino está en este lento desenredarse de la noche, ese paciente desprender la viscosidad de la ausencia de luz, de la cual emerjo. Aunque todavía no veo nada, por la excesiva tosquedad de mi cuerpo, esta brevedad de la carne que nunca se purificará de su nacimiento de la noche, se que estoy rodeado de formas adultas, amigables y excitadas, pero que no sé y durante mucho tiempo no sabré distinguir de la noche. Estoy en un desmesurado lecho, del que no me atrevo a tentar los confines, y que acaso no tenga confines; un lecho de oscuridad, del cual emergen filiformes presencias de oscuridad; con horror advierto que una mano nocturna hurga mi cuerpo que gime. Sé también que yo, fragilísimo, estoy cargado de un poder tan grande como inútil, porque todo mi rencor tiene por destinatario el nocuerpo intransitable y despejado de la noche.
- Giorgio Manganelli, La noche, Muchnik Editores, 1997. Traducción de Juan Carlos Gentile Vitale.
- Giorgio Manganelli al lado de Natalia Ginzburg. A la derecha, Italo Calvino 1975 (Romano Gentile/A3/Contrasto)
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Ho comprato un libro usato dal venditore online Asino d'Oro: la Guida alla lettura di Leopardi, di Vincenzo Guarracino, l'autore che mi ha contattato per chiedermi il permesso di usare due miei pensieri per la compilazione di un Dizionario Leopardiano.
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Il volume è in buone condizioni, pari al nuovo se non fosse per le pagine ingiallite; sembra non sia neppure stato letto, ed è dotato di una sovraccoperta in plastica trasparente applicata con la massima cura.
Sapete quanto io abbia bisogno di credere nell'Essere, a causa della mia spinta idealistica, e quanto in ciò sia frenata dal mio razionalismo e scetticismo congenito (e che non ho intenzione di combattere).
Da più giorni sentivo una voce, in eloquio interiore, che mi diceva: "Pezzetto di carta, troverai un pezzetto di carta..."
Leopardi, sei tu?
Troverò un pezzetto di carta per strada? Con tutta la monnezza che ci sta a Palermo, capirai!...
No, nel libro che riceverai. È un mio messaggio.
Ah, mi hai fatto una dedica? Che gentile.
Non con la mia grafia, ma proviene da me, ed è per te, per farti credere.
Certo, certo. Gentilissimo.
Arriva il libro, lo tengo confezionato in ripostiglio per due giorni, non sono motivata a sconfezionarlo perché ho già altre letture che mi avvincono, ma mentre leggo altro, sento quella voce:
"Stai tenendo nel ripostiglio il mio messaggio per te. Non avere paura, apri la confezione, sfoglia il libro, guarda..."
Leopardi, non illudermi tanto oltre, perché poi la disillusione sarà amara.
Sorride: "Nessuna disillusione, il pezzetto di carta è nel libro, lo vedo."
Sì sì, va bene, però lo farò domani, perché adesso sto riposando, vedi?
Vedo che giaci a letto, ma che non riposi. (Stavo leggendo delle trascrizioni di sedute medianiche, dannandomi per l'incongruenza con la verità scientifica di alcune affermazioni da parte di spiriti disincarnati, la quale mi faceva pensare, come al solito, che le religioni sono una mera auto-illusione umana.)
Eh, non facciamo tanto i pignoli, ti ho detto domani.
L'indomani, ovvero oggi, taglio l'involucro in cui è avvolto il libro, sfoglio quest'ultimo, mi compiaccio per le sue buone condizioni; sono felice della corposità del volume, mi riprometto di leggerne poche pagine al giorno, per farmelo durare tanto; penso: "Mi farà compagnia per almeno sei mesi. Ottimo! Tra questo e il saggio della Marcon che mi arriverà oggi, avrò letture leopardiane per quasi un anno." Non penso alla sciocchezza del messaggio sul pezzetto di carta... Sfoglio, sfoglio... Poi, tra le pagine ingiallite, precisamente quelle in cui si parla del Dialogo di un fisico e di un metafisico, vedo un pezzetto di carta... Stampato su entrambi i lati.
È una frase evangelica di Luca. Sul retro, un commento ad essa. Il pezzetto di carta probabilmente è stato stralciato da un'agenda: si legge l'anno, 2014, e il santo del giorno, San Carlo Borromeo.
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Leopardi mi invita spesso a credere in Dio, a volte anche con un filo di severità, per avvisarmi che non si tratta di uno scherzo, ma di una questione di estrema importanza. La stessa severità ritrovo in questo messaggio rinvenuto fra le pagine di un libro usato, ultima copia disponibile presso un rivenditore che ho scelto a caso.
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salvo-love · 5 days
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Gentile elettore ed elettrice,
ci stiamo rapidamente avvicinando alle elezioni europee che si terranno l’8 e il 9 giugno.
Oggi insieme a te intendo vedere da vicino quali sono i criteri che devono ispirare la scelta di chi, come me e te, crede al primato dei principi non negoziabili (vita, famiglia, libertà educativa).
Ti ricordo che attraverso la difesa e la promozione dei principi non negoziabili non si fa altro che difendere e promuovere la stessa dignità umana.
“Questi principi non sono verità di fede anche se ricevono ulteriore luce e conferma dalla fede. – ricordava Benedetto XVI nel marzo 2006 – Essi sono iscritti nella natura umana stessa e quindi sono comuni a tutta l’umanità. L’azione della Chiesa nel promuoverli non ha dunque carattere confessionale, ma è rivolta a tutte le persone, prescindendo dalla loro affiliazione religiosa”.
Ebbene, sulla base di quanto hai appena letto, mi sono chiesto quali formazioni politiche intendono riaffermare e garantire la difesa dei principi non negoziabili.
Ho deciso allora di consultare i programmi dei principali movimenti e partiti politici che si presenteranno alle prossime elezioni di giugno (che puoi consultare qui▶️ https://pagellapolitica.it/articoli/programmi-partiti-italiani-elezioni-europee-2024?utm_source=newslettergvv&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=24VD338 ). https://pagellapolitica.it/articoli/programmi-partiti-italiani-elezioni-europee-2024?utm_source=newslettergvv&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=24VD338
Ecco allora che te li presento in una rapida carrellata:
- Fratelli d’Italia, in apertura del suo programma, scrive che intende difendere l’identità dei popoli e delle Nazioni europee e le radici culturali dell’Europa, incarnate “dalle nostre radici classiche e giudaico-cristiane”.Al tema della natalità viene dedicato un apposito punto del programma (n. 5), indicando “nella crescita demografica la chiave del futuro”. Si propone inoltre di investire “una significativa parte del bilancio europeo per finanziare le politiche di supporto alla famiglia e alla natalità intraprese dagli Stati membri”.
- La Lega propone la “storica battaglia” volta a riaffermare “l’importanza delle (…) radici giudaico-cristiane” dell’Europa e si impegna a contrastare i tentativi dell’ideologia “woke” e del fanatismo religioso (il riferimento implicito è alla religione islamica), di cancellare “i valori storici e culturali dei popoli europei”.
- Forza Italia in apertura rivendica “le (…) radici giudaico-cristiane e liberali” dell’Europa. Dedica a famiglia e natalità un apposito punto del programma (n. 9). A proposito della prima, Forza Italia sottolinea come sia “al centro della nostra politica’’ e che intende offrire “le condizioni migliori per la creazione di una famiglia”. Per quanto riguarda il tema della natalità, il partito fondato da Silvio Berlusconi vuole “includere la natalità tra gli obiettivi di policy della prossima programmazione dei fondi europei”. In particolar modo, “tutte le risorse distribuite agli Stati membri dovranno sostenere anche le famiglie e la maternità”.
- Nel programma di Azione di Carlo Calenda (che racchiude al suo interno altre 8 formazioni politiche) non vi è alcun riferimento né alle radici dell’Europa, né a forme di tutela e promozione della vita e della famiglia. Si fa esclusivamente cenno ai temi rappresentati dalla denatalità e dall’invecchiamento della popolazione, proponendo di arginare il fenomeno attraverso “l’unica leva su cui l’Unione può fare affidamento”: l’immigrazione lavorativa, “ovvero attrarre forza lavoro da paesi extraeuropei”.
- Nel programma di Stati Uniti d’Europa, la lista che comprende Italia Viva di Matteo Renzi e Più Europa di Emma Bonino oltre ad altre 4 formazioni politiche, non vi è alcun riferimento né alle radici dell’Europa, né a forme di tutela e promozione della vita e della famiglia. Si sottolinea, invece, il fatto che “nell’Unione europea tutte e tutti devono essere liberi di costruire la vita a cui aspirano, indipendentemente da chi amano…”. Si legge, inoltre: “ci batteremo perché nella UE nessuno metta in discussione i diritti acquisiti nel campo delle libertà individuali. Particolare attenzione andrà riservata ai diritti dei minori, che non possono essere messi in discussione dall’inerzia legislativa di alcuni Stati; nessun bambino dovrà mai essere discriminato sulla base della famiglia di appartenenza. Riteniamo inoltre necessario ripensare le strategie di contrasto al traffico illegale di stupefacenti attraverso un lavoro di comparazione tra le legislazioni più moderne adottate dai diversi Paesi, a partire da quelli europei” (n. 6).
- Nel programma del Partito Democratico non vi è alcun riferimento né alle radici dell’Europa, né a forme di tutela e promozione della vita e della famiglia. Al paragrafo “Per un’Europa femminista” si legge: “Vogliamo un’Europa (…) dove le ragazze e i ragazzi siano informati sui propri diritti, sui propri corpi e sulle proprie relazioni. Dove i prodotti per il ciclo mestruale e i contraccettivi siano liberamente disponibili. Dove gli individui possano definire liberamente la propria sessualità, il proprio orientamento sessuale e la propria identità di genere. (…)” E ancora: “vogliamo un’Europa che riconosca tutte le famiglie, incluse le famiglie monoparentali e omogenitoriali, come comunità ed unioni di affetti”.
- Nel programma di Alleanza Verdi e Sinistra non vi è alcun riferimento né alle radici dell’Europa, né a forme di tutela e promozione della vita e della famiglia. Al paragrafo “l’Europa dei diritti e delle libertà civili”, si legge che è necessario “garantire l’uguaglianza per le persone LGBTQIA+, in particolare attraverso il riconoscimento reciproco dei diritti e doveri familiari anche in materia di tutela dei figli”, oltre alla “parità di diritti per le coppie dello stesso sesso uniformando la legislazione su unioni civili, matrimonio, adozione e filiazione”. Come hai potuto leggere anche tu, le forze politiche di centro-destra dedicano un’attenzione più o meno omogenea alla difesa ed alla promozione della famiglia e della natalità, anche se è necessario rimarcare il fatto che nessuno di loro dedichi specifici passaggi al delicato tema educativo.
E, dicendocela tutta, in fondo poteva essere fatto uno sforzo ben maggiore.
Viceversa, se ci si sposta dal centro dello schieramento politico verso sinistra, si passa rapidamente dall’assoluto silenzio al totale disinteresse (se non di negazione implicita) verso i temi della vita e della famiglia.
Bisogna anche non sottovalutare un aspetto che rischia facilmente di finire in secondo piano. Il programma di una formazione politica ha infatti probabilità di essere impattante in Europa se il gruppo parlamentare nel quale siede è affidabile.
Tanto per fare un esempio, il Partito Popolare Europeo, di cui fa parte Forza Italia, e che controlla con il Partito Socialista Europeo l’attuale Commissione, ha parzialmente votato a favore dell’inclusione dell’aborto nella Carta dei diritti fondamentali dell’Unione Europea.
Oltre a questa dinamica, è necessario infine ricordare che alle elezioni europee possono essere espresse 3 preferenze (di cui una donna o un uomo).
È quindi auspicabile che tu scelga bene quale candidato votare sulla base di ciò che pensa in ordine a vita, famiglia e libertà educativa.
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forzadiavoloale · 6 months
parlando di estetica, non so se sono io ma per me dimarco, frattesi, pavard, arnautovic e carlos augusto hanno tutti la stessa faccia cioè proprio con lo stampino, li prendono tutti così? è l'aria di appiano gentile? sono io cieca? boh
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parmenida · 7 months
Un filantropo, un uomo colto, mite e gentile, che nonostante i grandi mezzi a disposizione ha sempre condotto una vita umile, in campagna, coi suoi amati animali. Un uomo privato della sua libertà perché troppo generoso col prossimo.
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Carlo Gilardi ha 90 anni ed è molto ricco. E, nel pieno delle sue facoltà mentali, ha scelto di vivere aiutando gli altri. È un benefattore della comunità di Airuno, vicino Lecco, dove viveva prima di essere dichiarato incapace e costretto a stare rinchiuso contro la sua volontà in una rsa.
Ha messo a disposizione le sue case a chi non poteva pagarsi un affitto, ha donato soldi e beni immobili, ha regalato al Comune un parcheggio e un parco per i bambini. Ha reso più bella la vita dei suoi compaesani. Ha liberamente deciso, lui che non ha eredi legittimi, di destinare ai bisognosi la sua fortuna. Ma da tre anni, con un atto di forza, vive in amministrazione controllata e non può disporre dei suoi beni. Dal 27 ottobre, poi, Carlo è costretto all’isolamento dentro una rsa, dove è stato ricoverato con la forza dalla sua amministratrice di sostegno. Nessuno sapeva dove fosse, neanche il suo avvocato e i familiari, e nessuno a oggi ha potuto incontrarlo e fargli visita. Neanche al 41bis si riserva ai detenuti un trattamento simile.
Il caso di Carlo è finito sui giornali ed è stato trattato anche da Le Iene l’altra sera. Il filantropo non voleva essere rinchiuso: in una registrazione mandata in onda lo si sente urlare disperato “io voglio la mia libertà che mi avete sottratto”. Eppure la sua tutrice legale, che ne amministra il patrimonio, afferma che Gilardi lo abbia seguito volontariamente. Ma qualcosa non torna, come svelato dalla trasmissione, a cominciare dalla chiara volontà dell’uomo di non andare in rsa, per finire con una quantomai sospetta sensibile diminuzione negli ultimi mesi dei suoi averi, a cui Carlo però non può accedere da tempo. Che fine hanno fatto i suoi soldi?
Inutili le giustificazioni della tutrice e di altri personaggi che ruotano attorno alla vita del pover’uomo, “colpevole” solo di essere ricco e generoso: secondo loro Carlo andava protetto da se stesso, perché aiutava troppo il prossimo ed era vittima di approfittatori. Ma già prima di venire portato in rsa, il filantropo aveva scritto lettere in cui chiedeva aiuto alla stampa: temeva che lo volessero chiudere in un ospizio per gestire liberamente i suoi soldi. E si era spontaneamente sottoposto a luglio scorso a una perizia psichiatrica che ne aveva certificato l’integrità mentale e psichica.
Eppure Carlo Gilardi da 50 giorni è come un prigioniero, strappato alla sua vita, privato della libertà e della facoltà di disporre del suo patrimonio. E come se lo avessero sepolto vivo. Non gli permettono di vedere i familiari e il suo avvocato. Peggio di un carcerato. Ma l’unico “reato” commesso da Carlo è quello di essere stato troppo generoso con chi era meno fortunato di lui. E adesso sta soffrendo per questo.
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hyaciiintho · 8 months
🌸。*゚+. Gonna share "P"s bio here below the cut since I don't really have his google doc put together yet (I don't feel like editing colors and graphics and all that right now, but I literally have all this typed up already dfgshjk). I wanted to share though and add to my "Muse List" tag because technically he's pretty much ready to go ✨
I was vague in this, however, there are still heavy spoilers for the game in terms of who P is!!! If you're not wanting to be spoiled, don't read, not even the basic bio on top because? Spoilers????? xD but yeah, here's my new golden child, he's joined the ranks of Link & Riku, and that's saying A LOT right there. The 3rd golden child 💙 I'm excited to write him with others!
Name: Goes by “Carlo Geppetto” Nicknames/Titles: Geppetto’s Puppet, Puppet, Clever One, Doll Face (Only one person is allowed to call him that) Age: ??? (Physically appears somewhere between 18-23) D.O.B: September 19th (Virgo ♍) Pronouns: He/Him Sexuality/Romanticism: Asexual; Demiromantic
PHYSICAL Height: 5’3” Weight: 310 lbs Hair: Grey Eyes: Gunmetal blue Skin: Fair, smattered in freckles
ASSOCIATED FLOWER(S) White Stargazer Lilies
FAVORITES COLOR(S): Light blue & Gold SOUND(S): Music & a cat’s meow ANIMAL(S): Cats
By morning, he was born, awoken within the confines of a solitary train in the midst of a city overrun by puppets. With only a voice as compass, and a puppet guide dressed as lamplight for company, the dark-haired puppet boy followed directions without complaint. There was no greater purpose than to prove as useful to the one who had awoken him, and to his creator– his Father, Geppetto. 
There was kindness in the old man’s eyes and something else entirely he couldn’t quite pinpoint. It was nice though, being spoken to with such warmth and gentility. Something within him stirred, if only for but a moment.
His Springs were reacting.
By afternoon, he found himself changing, memories of a life someone used to lead beginning to weigh on his mind more heavily than any physical object he was made to carry. The name Carlo whispered to him in his mind by a voice that belonged to someone who was dear to him– or were they dear to “Carlo”? The distinction was hard to make, and only grew harder as the hours ticked by. The change wouldn’t only alter his form of thought, but physically alter him as well, what was once short and unruly hair now having grown to his shoulders in silken tresses.
His father seemed upset– The puppet couldn’t understand at all as to why.
His Ergo was whispering.
By evening he had felt many new emotions– or were they just being relearned? The feelings coursing through his body, pain that made his mechanical heart ache, lifelike eyes sting with the need to shed something from them– but what? Happiness that rumbled sound from a place within him he never knew existed prior, and anger that caused his body to grow hot from rage. With every new ? bond he formed, he felt himself change; With every loss he endured, he felt himself grow. With every memory he could recall, the puppet boy felt Carlo stir deep within his heart.
His hands were covered with blood, oil, and grime– he wasn’t ignorant to what that meant.
Not anymore.
He felt warmth.
By the next morning, he had been reborn, no longer the naïve puppet boy from yesterday’s rainy morning, and not quite Carlo from those days when he had been alive. By next morning, he was changed– both and yet neither. He would keep the name, though. Carlo was who he was at the core of everything, even if he was hardly anything like the Carlo who used to be, but neither was he the newborn tool having stumbled out of that train anymore, either. 
He was something new, a collection of memories and experiences meshed into one, giving way to someone else entirely. His hair had greyed through the power of ergo coursing through his body, its length being allowed to grow even longer. Though his face still remained youthful, his eyes told the stories of, not just one, but two lifetimes-- and they were tired, if not relieved; There was pain but there was also hope.
'--an Ergo puppet can have a second life and become another kind of human--' He just needed now to decide just what that second life meant for him, now.
His heart was pounding.
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signipotens · 10 months
1, 2, 4 for the ask game?
Ooh! Thank you for indulging me :​]
I realised after I reblogged the ask game that almost all of what I’ve read recently has been research for my new big Mormon alternate history/fanfic project, so I’ll give you a Mormon thing and a non-Mormon thing for each :​p
1. What’s something you read recently and enjoyed?
For Mormon stuff, most of the books I’ve been reading are things I’ve read before, but I recently bought Jared Farmer’s On Zion’s Mount: Mormons, Indians, and the American Landscape (Harvard UP, 2010) and it’s so good. As much a history of a lake and a mountain as it is a history of the people who have come to live there, and even more so a history of the way that Americans—Mormons, Indians, and Gentiles alike—have used and conceived of the lands that they have built their homes on, Farmer does a fantastic job of situating Mormon Zionism both in its American and its particular Mormon contexts, and of showcasing the ways that mythology, history, folklore, and everyday life have come crashing together as the Mormons have made Utah into their national homeland and the Timpanogos have been wrenched from theirs.
For non-Mormon stuff, I’ve recently finished reading The Book of Abraham by Marek Halter (completely unrelated to the Mormon thing of the same name). Though at times it can be a bit of a bit of a who’s who of famous Europeans and pogroms, and the portrayal of women is lacking throughout (charitably, this is drawing on a general theme in Jewish and European historical chronicles, which also sideline women), I think it’s worth reading for the form alone. Drawing on all manner of epistolary, journalistic, biblical, and aggadaic styles, Halter follows the lives of generations upon generations of one Jewish family (after about 1600, his own) as they live their lives in various locales across Europe and SWANA between the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 and the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto in 1943. Makes me want to read Carlo Ginzburg’s The Cheese and the Worms again, since I think that’s one of the few books that might have the same vibes. Also going to read the sequel here soon.
2. What’s something you read recently and disliked?
Despite being, in my opinion, one of the seminal moments in Mormon history, and despite it being extremely well-documented, the Exodus to Utah is surprisingly poorly covered in the academic literature. That Richard Bennett’s duology We’ll Find the Place: The Mormon Exodus, 1846–1848 (Deseret Book, 1997) and Mormons at the Missouri, 1846–1852: “And Should We Die” (University of Oklahoma Press, 1987) is the best we’ve got is honestly a bit more a condemnation of the state of current Mormon scholarship than it is praise of Bennett’s work. That’s not to say that they’re bad, and I like the ideas at play—the establishment of legitimacy in the post-Martyrdom Church, the role of Religion™ in defining how Mormons went about finding their Promised Land, the practical mechanics of funding and moving several thousand people across a country—but the narrative, sourcing, numerical analysis, and Bennett’s writing style are fairly weak, and his analysis is lacking a certain breadth and depth as I would prefer for what ought to be the seminal work on the subject. Must be read alongside at least Lawrence Coates’ “Refugees Meet: The Mormons and Indians in Iowa” (BYU Studies Quarterly 21, no. 4, 1981) and something like Carol Madsen’s Journey to Zion: Voices from the Mormon Trail (Deseret Book, 1997).
For general fiction, at the beginning of summer I read through the first couple books in the Expanse series, Leviathan Wakes, Caliban’s War, and Abaddon’s Gate, and while I think they’re decently good and recommendable, I also couldn’t really get into them, I guess? My disappointment with how the books treat Mormons can be found elsewhere and is kinda pertinent to this; otherwise I just didn’t really vibe with the setting and didn’t particularly like the authors’ treatment of future religion and politics, tho I did enjoy the characters well enough, especially Holden. Don’t know if I’ll continue into the next arc, but I probably won’t for the time being, unless someone wants to convince me :​p
4. What are your top 3 comfort reads?
Mostly stuff I loved in my childhood. I think my main go-to is Norton Juster’s The Phantom Tollbooth, but I also love Jules Verne, especially Voyage au centre de la terre and Tour du monde en 80 jours, both of which never fail to cheer me up. My third, weird answer is Winthrop Sargeant’s eminent translation of the Bhagavad Gita, both for the content of the story itself and especially for Sargeant’s extensive glosses (each line is given in Devanagari, IAST, a word-for-word translation, and a prose translation, with an exhaustive concordance on each page giving the roots, inflectional information, and translations for each word in that page’s stanza. very fun for linguistics brain :​] ).
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stefy-69-09 · 2 years
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Sii spietato ma affascinante Sii astuto ma simpatico Sii paziente ma solerte Sii gentile ma letale La spietatezza non deve essere ferocia, l'astuzia non dev'essere crudeltà, la pazienza non deve essere negligenza e la gentilezza non deve essere stupidità.
* Carlos Castaneda *
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