#caretaker jaskier
astaldis · 1 month
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Whumpers-Monthly Issue 28: Falling
Fandom: The Witcher (TV)
Whumper: Yennefer of Vengerberg
Caretaker: Jaskier
Published: 2023-02-20; Completed: 2023-04-09; Words: 23,951; Chapters: 9/9
From: Where The Tulips Grow - Chapter 3: Battle for the Bard
The two sorceresses stare at each other. Slowly, Philippa wipes the blood from her nose with a handkerchief.
"Contrary to what you might think, Yennefer," Philippa begins to speak, looking at the red stains on the white fabric pensively, "I have nothing against you personally. Why don't we sit down here, just the two of us, and talk things through. I'll conjure up a nice cup of tea, no poison, I swear. There is a bigger picture to all of this. Let me explain and you'll no doubt understand why we need the bard."
"Sorry, can't do that." Yennefer shakes her head. "Jaskier is my friend. I don't sell out friends." 
Having mostly recovered from the dizzy spell, she quickly and without warning aims a fiery jet of magic at Philippa. Perhaps she can blast her off the cliff? Fuck, how stupid of her, Philippa would probably just transform into an owl and laugh her head off. While, if the same happens to her, Yennefer, she will not have that luxury. Turning into an animal is not a skill she has mastered, nor has she ever had the desire to do so. And Philippa knows it.
Philippa dodges, the stream of light only grazing the side of her white dress, leaving an ugly singe mark in the fabric.
"You've ruined it, bitch!" Philippa spits. Then she launches the counter-attack. Several blasts of magic in quick succession that drive Yennefer, who parries the blows as good as she can, closer and closer to the edge. Three steps. Another blow and parry. Two steps. Now she is standing precariously close to the rim. Shit, she has to do something or she will tumble a hundred meters down into the abyss. Luckily, Philippa has slowed considerably by now, showing the telltale signs of magical exhaustion. Not only her nose is gushing blood, but her eyes are starting to bleed, too. Hell, they both must be looking not a little worse for wear, and feel like it. 
Yennefer takes a deep, steadying breath and summons all that is left of her chaos. With all her might, she hurls it at her opponent in a tremendous explosion of magic. Philippa is too exhausted to shield herself. The blast hits her square in the stomach and flings her across the promontory. Lying in a heap on the stony ground, she does not move.
However, something else moves. The cliff. In the very place where Yennefer is standing. Fuck!
Together with the ground under her feet, Yennefer falls.
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beth--b · 2 years
Oh so quiet
@sicktember Prompt 19. Whining/crying
Geralt was not the most talkative person on the continent. He spoke up about things that he deemed important, negotiating a contract for instance or bartering for wares.
Somehow he had been saddled with the most incessantly chatty person he had met in his long life.
Jaskier never shut up. Even in his sleep the bard would mumble out lyrics to songs he was working on. Geralt honestly didn’t know how someone could have that many words to say. To be fair he didn’t always listen, he tuned in if it sounded important of course but when the bard got going on about the latest court gossip Geralt would tune him out having no interest in what was being said.
So when the bard went quiet Geralt knew something wasn't right.
When Jaskier sprained his ankle tripping over a tree root in the dark one evening Geralt had to listen to the bard whinge and moan about it for days. He even let the bard ride Roach just to try and keep him quiet about it, not that it worked of course but it had been worth a shot.
On another occasion the bard had been injured trailing after Geralt on a hunt, nothing major, just a few cuts and bruises but once again Geralt had heard nothing but whining bard for days on end afterwards.
This was a regular pattern throughout their travels. Jaskier was human, and with that came all sorts of injuries and ailments that wouldn’t have phased Geralt. As the years passed Geralt learned that when something was wrong with Jaskier he liked to be rather vocal about it and Geralt was the one who had to listen.
At least that had always been the case in the past.
Read it on ao3 here
Jaskier had been a little under the weather with a cold, nothing more than a minor malady that Jaskier of course made very clear he was unhappy about.
He moaned about his dripping nose, whinged about his scratchy throat and complained about his aching muscles.
After two days of this Geralt had tuned his whinging out completely.
They had spent the previous night at an inn but they were low on coin, so they had decided that despite Jaskier not being entirely well, they would have to make camp for the night instead. They set out after breakfast, Jaskier riding Roach and Geralt leading her along the road. They had nowhere they needed to be in a hurry so they walked at a reasonably sedate pace allowing Jaskier to strum his lute quietly as they walked.
After several hours had passed in this manner they stopped for a break. Jaskier slid down out of the saddle, stumbling as he did so. Geralt reached a hand out to steady him and Jaskier thanked him with a small smile. Steady on his feet again the bard moved over to a grassy spot at the base of a tree and all but collapsed to the ground.
Geralt watched him with concern, the bard had seemed well enough that morning but now he seemed pale and was trembling slightly.
“You ok?” Geralt asked eventually, hoping he wouldn’t regret the question.
To Geralt’s surprise Jaskier simply nodded and then leaned back against the tree, closing his eyes.
Not willing to look a gift horse in the mouth Geralt set about sorting out some lunch from their rations. It only took a few minutes to get some bread and hard cheese from the saddlebags but when he turned back to the bard he had fallen asleep beneath the tree.
Deciding to leave him be for a short while Geralt ate his own lunch and settled in on the grass near Jaskier. Half an hour later the bard was still asleep and Geralt decided he would have to wake him. If they kept going for a few more hours there was a good place to camp near a stream. They could stay there the night and at least they’d have access to clean water for themselves and Roach.
Geralt stood up and walked over the sleeping poet, lightly resting a hand on Jaskier’s arm. “Rise and shine Jask.”
Jaskier blinked awake slowly, wincing and rubbing at his head as he did so. “Sorry Geralt, did I fall asleep?”
Geralt stood up and offered a hand to the bard, pulling him to his feet. He nodded and silently handed Jaskier his share of the bread and cheese for lunch.
Jaskier picked at the bread, not really eating much. He didn’t speak, simply following Geralt’s lead out of the clearing and back to the main road.
It didn’t take long for Jaskier to begin to lag behind and Geralt made the decision that he needed to get back in the saddle and ride. Jaskier simply did as instructed and clumsily mounted the mare, causing her to huff in what appeared to be impatience.
Finally they set off again, though this time Jaskier didn’t pull his lute out and instead they travelled in silence.
For a while Geralt truly did enjoy the peace and quiet. He was able to keep a better ear out for what was ahead or behind them on the road and he didn’t get any annoyingly catchy songs stuck in his head.
Eventually though he began to worry. Jaskier was never quiet, never. He hoped that his hunch was wrong but he was starting to think there was something more than a runny nose wrong with the bard.
As the day wore on Geralt’s concern grew, Jaskier was not only quiet, he seemed to be struggling to stay awake. Eventually Geralt had mounted behind the bard lest he fall and injure himself. Once he was settled in the saddle Jaskier had leaned gratefully back into him, his eyes slipping closed in exhaustion. When Jaskier turned his head into Geralt’s neck Geralt could feel the heat radiating from the younger man.
“Fuck,” he muttered.
Jaskier stirred at the curse and looked up at Geralt, eyes only half open.
“What’s wrong Geralt? You ok?”
Geralt just shushed the sick poet and Jaskier closed his eyes again, falling into a light doze.
They eventually made it to the campsite Geralt had been aiming for, and he was grateful to get Jaskier out of the saddle and into his bedroll. He had to wake the bar to get them down off Roach’s back and Jaskier had gratefully crawled onto his bed roll as soon as it was ready for him.
Geralt set up camp quickly and efficiently before gathering a pot they used for cooking on the road and setting off to the stream he could hear nearby. He filled the pot with water and headed back to Jaskier’s side, dipping a scrap of cloth into the cool water and laying it on the bard’s too hot forehead to try to help to cool him down.
With the cloth in place Geralt took the time to unsaddle Roach and brush her down before returning to Jaskier’s side. He removed the now warm cloth from his forehead and dipped it back in the water, sponging the cool water onto the bard’s neck and any other exposed skin. As he did so he noticed small red dots in patches on the bard’s skin. He undid Jaskier’s shirt and saw that the rash spread across his chest as well. He had a moment of panic thinking the bard had managed to contract smallpox only to remember that they had heard of a village they had passed through about a week earlier having a few cases of measles in some of the local children. So much for the bard having a cold.
There wasn’t much to be done besides keeping Jaskier’s fever down and trying to treat his symptoms. They would be in for a long week and Jaskier was sure to be miserable.
Geralt had been right. Once the exhaustion faded and Jaskier was awake more he complained loudly and often. Somehow though Geralt couldn’t bring himself to be mad about it. He was simply grateful to hear his bard’s voice again.
One day soon he would think about the fact that he had taken to calling Jaskier his in his mind, but that was something to worry about another day.
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thedemonofcat · 4 months
While travelling together, Jaskier would often take care of Geralt. This included cooking the food, although Geralt typically caught whatever meat or fish they would be eating. If left alone, the witcher would eat it raw. Stitching up Geralt wounds and helping wash in the bath.
Looking back, there were many things that Jaskier did for Geralt that he didn't think to appreciate.
Jaskier had been held by Nilfgaard for months before Geralt, with the help of Yennefer, found and rescued the Bard. In the period, Jaskier was brutally tortured to the point that by the time Geralt found him, Jaskier was catatonic.
Bringing Jaskier back to the safety of Kear Morhen, Geralt finds himself in role reversal, as now he must be the caretaker looking after Jaskier.
In hopes that one day, his bard will come back to him.
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fangirleaconmigo · 3 months
Cursed (actual) Shower Thought I had the other day about how fic writers shorten Jaskier’s name to ‘Jask’ or ‘Jas’:
Gerlion Modern Day AU where Geralt’s affectionate nickname for Dandelion is “Dan”.
(I’m so sorry. I don’t even go here but these boys bring out the caretaking instincts in me. My brain made this without my permission and it was like being slapped in the face with a fish. I’ve been burdened by cursed knowledge and had to share it with someone. Pls forgive me.)
Hi Nonny!! Can you IMAGINE? Dandelion being saddled with a nickname that is so lacking in poetry? So devoid of petals? No scent? No silky tactile plant experience? No colorful sight that makes humans smile and relax?
Oh my friend, we are really in it now.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 11 months
28 + Geraskier!
Here you are Nonnie! Some Geraskier angst/ fluff for 28 - "I care about you."
Jaskier had always been there, taking care of Geralt. But who takes care of the caretaker?
“You alright?”
That did it. After being cast aside on a mountain, tortured, imprisoned, the whole Voleth Meir thing and everything in-between, it was those two words leaving Geralt’s mouth that caused Jaskier to break.
He wrapped his arms around his torso, hugging himself as he cried. Geralt stared like a startled deer before he sat next to him on the half rotted bed and hesitantly gathered the bard to his chest.
“Sorry, sorry.” Jaskier pulled away slightly, attempting a smile which only looked more like a grimace as tears continued to fall, “No idea what that was. I’ll be fine in a second.”
“Jaskier.” Slightly more forceful this time
“I’m fine, Geralt. You don’t have to humour the human and pretend to care about my petty grievances. I don’t see any of you lot crying about it because you’ve had a bad day.”
A decades old memory stirred: A young Geralt, eavesdropping on Vesemir and an old Bear Witcher who had needed a place to stay for the winter. He couldn’t remember the details of the conversation but he remembers an unfamiliar, rumbling bartitone asking “And who takes care of the caretaker?”
Jaskier had always been there. Patching up Geralt’s wounds, making sure he was well fed and well rested (and well paid) after a hunt, knowing exactly how to pull him out of his own head when he started feeling a little too melancholy. Even after everything on the mountain, Jaskier had helped Geralt without a moments hesitation.
And Geralt had....
“Who takes care of the caretaker?”
He tightened his hold on the bard, “Not pretending Jask, if something’s upset you enough for...this, then I want to know.”
Jaskier gave a watery laugh, “Holy Hell, Ciri really has turned you into a dad hasn’t she? Mr. Witcher’s-don’t-talk-about-feelings.”
“You’re deflecting.”
He felt Jaskier slump against him, “It’s nothing. These few months have just been a bit much.”
It was testament to how much his bard had changed. When they first met, the "nothing” would have been Jaskier scuffing his new boots. Now it was being heavily involved in aiding Elven refugees, spending an entire night holding his own against a fire mage alone and then everything at the Keep with barely space to breath in-between. Geralt would have been impressed if he wasn’t so terrified on Jaskier’s behalf.
Jaskier gave an exaggerated sigh as he finished, “Phew! Sorry to suddenly dump all of that on you. It’s not like everyone else here hasn’t been through worse.”
Geralt felt himself tense at those words, which in turn caused Jaskier to tense.
“Uh, Geralt?”
“The fuck Jaskier. You’re acting as if all of that was a stroll through the fucking woods.”
Jaskier lowered his head, “I’m sorry.”
“No. That’s not what I-” Geralt sighed through his nose, “I’m doing this wrong. I’m trying to say I – that’s not nothing, Jaskier.”
Jaskier tilted his head in a slightly birdlike manner with a “Huh?”
“I’ve known experienced soldiers who have cracked under less than that. You shouldn’t have had to carry all that alone and I’m sorry you felt that you had to.”
Jaskier gave a slightly bitter laugh, “Shit shoveller, remember? I...I didn’t want to push you away again by adding to everything.”
“No, Jaskier. I pushed you away and I never should have fucking done that.” He gently took both of Jaskier’s now healed hands in his, “Please don’t keep stuff like this from me again. I care about you too much for you to suffer like that.”
“Good riddle that: How much is too much?” Jaskier asked, trying to sound lighter than he felt in an attempt to joke his way out of the awkward tension which was now building. He expected Geralt to give one of his usual grunts, maybe a three words quip if he was lucky.
What he wasn’t expecting was Geralt’s lips to land quickly and lightly on his. Jaskier would have been convinced he’d imagined it if it wasn’t for the fact that Geralt was still close enough that they were nose to nose.
“That a suitable answer to your riddle?” Geralt asked, gaze flitting between Jaskier’s mouth and eyes.
“Hmmm, close but not quite. You’re on the right track though.” Jaskier murmured before initiating the first of many longer, firmer kisses.
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plotbunnybreeder · 14 days
Howl a Verse, I'll Sing the Chorus
Jaskier's hit writer's block for his latest album and he takes his manager's advice to "traipse through nature or something" for inspiration and ends up at the wolf sanctuary Kaer Morhen a couple hours out of town. After one tour of the place he's fallen in love with the pack and even harder for one of the caretakers there, the cautious, surly, absolutely gorgeous Geralt.
Real estate conglomerate Nilfgaard is fighting to buy out the land and get rid of the sanctuary, but Jaskier thinks he has a plan to finish his album and save the sanctuary if he can only get Geralt and the rest of Kaer Morhen to trust him.
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handholdinglion · 10 months
okay witcher thoughts
I’m watching this program abt rewilding the Lake District and there’s a sheep farmer who is against it as it destroys his livelihood & the farming communities way of life + it’s future !
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so what I’m saying is…
- sheep farmer / wild horse caretaker eskel who’s family have farmed on the fells for generations. it’s not an easy life and it doesn’t really make any profit, but it makes him happy. Waking up each morning to check on the sheep (they roam pretty freely but he still likes to make sure nothing has happened over night), to feed the few chickens and hens and to groom any foals he’s currently raising
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- baker / brewer lambert who continues in his foster families foot steps of producing the best bread + baked goods in the whole of the lakes (well that’s what the locals say) and has started his own brewery on the side (as it’s just the same as baking just with greater rewards)
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- conservationist/ environmentalist geralt who was brought up in an old industrial town and found freedom from his mums family in a hidden patch of greenery amongst derelict red-bricked buildings. After passing his apprenticeship and spending years advocating for more green / wildlife spaces in towns and cities, he’s looking forward to an ‘easy project’. Cause how hard will it be to convince farmers about the benefits of nature
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- journalist / blogger jaskier who’s hoping this placement year project writing and documenting for the National Trust will finally show his family why doing a joint honours in journalism was a good thing and far more important than (idk law ? politics ? business management ?)
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they’re literally in my head 24/7 I’m sorry, everything comes back to them especially nature tv shows (or anything based in the north of the UK)
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cosmos-coma · 1 year
was thinking all night of an eskel request, and i think i finally got one! eskel pining for the reader while at kaer morhen for the winter, maybe some teasing from the other witchers? super in the mood for fluff, so if you get around to this, extra cuteness plsss and thank you!
Before the Snow is Gone
A/N: My friend I will ALWAYS be happy to write up your requests. I'll admit that I really struggled with this one for some reason, but I hope I made it comedic and fluffy for you!
Pairing: Eskel X Reader
Words: 1.3k
Warnings: bit of angst and depression (from Eskel)
Geralt and Lambert poked their head around the frame of the kitchen door as another sigh came from the room. There they watched Eskel look forlornly into the stew pot as he stirred, his eyes and thoughts somewhere far from here. 
“Is he still sighing about missing his lover?” Lambert whispered to his white-haired brother, watching as Eskel began rummaging through the spice jars, looking depressed at each and every option.
“He’s been like this for 2 weeks and we’re only a month into winter... Even Lil Bleater can’t cheer him up like she used to.” Geralt said, shaking his head as he watched his brother finally settle on a spice and add it to the pot. 
“What are we looking at?” Asked Yennefer's voice as her head appeared between the two men. 
“Is Eskel moping again?” Jaskier asked now, his head poking out above everyone else’s. 
Geralt blinked as he looked up at his bard. “Jask, you’re shorter than I am. How are you-?” 
“I’m standing on a chair…” he admitted as everyone pulled away from the doorway to talk face to face. 
“There has to be something we can do. I don't want to eat sad stew again.” Lambert complained with arms crossed. 
Yennefer was the first to pipe up this time, “I... think I may have an idea..”
Lil Bleater propped herself up on his legs, baaing and begging for attention as Eskel took care of the other stable animals. She huffed when she didn’t immediately get the petting she craved and stamped her feet against him. 
“I’m sorry, Kiddo… I guess I’m just not really here right now.” He said as he finally took the time to pause and look down at her frustrated grunts. Another sigh left his lips as he kneeled down to pet her and jostle her horns in a weak effort to play. He knew he wasn’t being any fun lately and he knew everyone else could see it. Hell, Vesemir even tried to have a talk with him the other week, but it had little effect. 
He couldn’t help it if he missed you so greatly. He had spent his warmer months being by your side as much as he could. Memorizing your voice, your eyes, and the feel of your hand in his as much as he could so it would all be perfect in his memory when winter came. 
But now… now it was only making it more glaringly obvious that you really weren't by his side. That you weren’t truly there to whisper to him in the dead of night when he can't sleep, nor to smile at him as you simply passed by. 
“I don't know what I'm gonna do for the rest of the winter, Bleater… it’s getting hard just to get out of bed each morning, let alone go through my chores.” He mumbled softly to the bright-eyed kid. “I’m a witcher, you know? I should be better than this… I’ve faced vampires, and dragons, so-” he paused for a moment as he idly scratched Lil Bleater’s chin.  “So why is it so hard to leave...? Even when I know I’ll be back…”
Lil Bleater only quietly baaed in response, trying to soothe her dedicated caretaker, but not sure how. So she does what all goats do best- she chews on his fingers. 
Another sigh from the soft-hearted witcher, this time with a small smile, “I Love them so much…” he mumbled out, getting lost in his own thoughts again, until an unexpected voice pulled him back with a snap. 
“I Love you too, Eskel.” 
He blinked as he heard it. That was… your voice…? That was your voice! It was you! Eskel spun around to face where the sound came from and nearly dropped Lil Bleater back to the ground when he saw you.
There you stood in the open stable doors, wrapped in your warm winter clothes, cheeks ruddy from the cold, and a big bundle of clothes in your hands. Your breath puffed up in front of your face as you dropped your bag and ran straight into his arms. 
Eskel could hardly contain his excitement as your beaming face came running into his embrace. “You’re here..! but, how…?” Eskel asked, hugging you tight against his chest and drinking in your scent. Soft kisses pressed against your forehead and your temple as you tried to answer, but you couldn't get your words out past the laughter bubbling from you.
“We thought you could use a visit...” came Yennefers voice as she also drifted into view of the stable doors, followed by Geralt, Lambert, and Jaskier. “You’ve been moping about for weeks now and I figured it's easy enough to conjure a portal,” she shrugged, “I open up another portal Home in a few days, so enjoy it.” 
“Geralt, Lambert, and I are also gonna take care of your chores, so you can enjoy your time together.” Jaskier chimed in with a thumbs up and that characteristic charming smile,“and that time starts now, so go on and get out of here! Shoo! Go be gross and in love,” he said, quickly ushering you two out and tossing your bundle of clothes at Eskel. 
Laughter trailed behind you two as Eskel led you inside so you could settle down. However, Eskel rumbled with quiet excitement, and as quick as you settled he was taking your hand to show you everything about the keep. From the kitchen to the armory and everything in between, your beloved witcher just wanted to share every part of his childhood home that he held dear on your first visit. 
“I missed you so much” You mumbled as you took a pause from reading. 
Eskel had finally snuck you away to the Keep’s library at the end of the tour so you two could spend the perfect first evening together. Hot chocolate filled your mugs and your sweet whispers filled the air as you read to him. His head lay tenderly on your chest as he soaked in the warmth of your presence. The fire crackled softly before you and everything was just as it should be. 
“I missed you too… I’m glad you finally get to visit after hearing about it so much” he lifted his head to smile up at you, that notch in his lip tugging it into a larger grin. “And we’ll make the most of our time here. I promise. We can do anything you want- build snowmen, ice skate-” 
“Even just cuddle up under a blanket to fight off the cold…?” you offered with a shake of your head and a chuckle, “I don't care what we do, Eskel, as long as I can be next to you. We could spend the entire visit cleaning up horse shit and- as long as I don’t get any on my face- then I would still consider it an amazing time.”
Eskel’s chest rumbled with laughter that easily passed through your whole body, “I mean- that can be arranged…” 
An even stronger laugh emanated from him as you poked him in the ribs and frowned, “I think I’d rather fall in the lake, Esk. Let’s just take this day by day, okay?” you asked, running your fingers through that lovely dark hair of his. “I love you so much, Eskel. No matter what we do or how far away you are or how hard it is that I can’t see you.” 
You smiled as you pressed a soft kiss to his slightly chapped lips,“and I love knowing that I’ll be able to see you again as soon as the first flowers bloom.”
“Oh, Darling,” Eskel smiled, his expression easy and light as his honey-like eyes melted your heart into a sweet puddle, “I’ll be at your door long before the snow is even gone.” 
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight (<3) @dark-academia-slut @madamemelancholysstuff
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tears-and-smiles-ao3 · 9 months
What my heart just yearns to say
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Geralt x Jaskier
Rating: Gen
Tags: first kiss, caretaking, fluff
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Summary: Geralt wants to tell Jaskier how he feels, but battles with his inner belief witchers shouldn't want the comfort of another. He cares for his bard the only way he thinks he's allowed until Jaskier forces a conversation between them.
Written for the prompt: kiss as comfort.
Read on Ao3.
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lancedoncrimsonwings · 3 months
This blog is 50% Daniel Sharman 50% Whump
Hi! I'm Tavo! I guess I should probably do one of those "hi this is me welcome to my crib" posts?
I am new to tumblr (well, new ish, but its been like 10 years since I was here last...) so I have no clue if I'm doing this shit right. Also new to the term Whump and the Whump Community, but I have been a whumper for as long as I can remember.
Basically all of my fave characters look better beaten up
Fair warning, this blog has WHUMPY and potentially NSFW content! TWs will be added sporadically, please interact at your own risk!
About me;
For *reasons* I'm not going to share my name, but as mentioned, you can call me Tavo!
26, She/They pronouns (but I'm not opening the gender can of worms aaaaaannnyy time soon so lets say female and be done with it)
I'm a chronically ill/disabled, neurodivergent disaster from the UK. Bi, Grey-Ace and Polyamorous.
I am a tattoo artist, reptile (mainly snakes) keeper, and whump enthusiast. I'm currently a little (lot) obsessed with Baldur's Gate 3, the talented beauty that is Daniel Sharman, and my favorite Whumpee to write for is The Weeping Monk/Lancelot from Cursed (Netflix)
... saying that, when I say "write", I mean "Plan a ridiculously massive Weeping Monk x Green Knight fanfic in my notes app on my phone, daydream plot and various scenarios mainly whump and silently hope my phone storage doesn't run out before I post ANY of it".
I'm an artist by trade, tattooing aside, I have a side hobby making chainmail jewellery, and I cosplay/build cosplays.
I am OnCrimsonWings on Ao3.
- Cursed (Netflix)
- Medici
- Baldur's Gate 3
- The Witcher
- Game of Thrones
- Vikings
- The Lord of The Rings
- Merlin (BBC)
Fave Whumpees;
- The Weeping Monk/Lancelot* - Cursed (Netflix)
- Gawain*/The Green Knight - Cursed (Netflix)
- Morgana - Merlin
- Lancelot* - Merlin
- Gwaine* - Merlin
*yes I ship them in two fandoms, and in general Authurian lore, like come ON this shit is canon
- Bucky Barnes - Marvel
- Dante - Devil May Cry
- Geralt - The Witcher
- Jaskier - The Witcher
- Yennifer - The Witcher
- Halsin - Baldur's Gate 3
- Astarion - Baldur's Gate 3
- Shadowheart - Baldur's Gate 3
- Karlach - Baldur's Gate 3
- Morpheus/Sandman/Dream of the Endless - Sandman (Netflix)
Fave Whump tropes;
- Defiant whumpee
- Spitting blood
- Scars- new and healed, especially if they're found by accident by a caretaker
- Drugged/poisoned
- Broken ribs and internal injuries
- Hiding the pain badly
- Desperation in general
- Unwilling Living Weapon "Ready to comply"
- Choking/restricted breathing/drowning
- "Oops, we ran out of painkillers, bite down on this belt whilst we engage in rudimentary field surgery/painful first aid"
- Whumpee hiding how injured they are until they collapse/cough up blood/etc
- Werewolf whumpees, just, in general 10/10
- Veteran Whumpees getting broken all over again. Baby Whumpee seeing this and knowing they're fucked
- Several NSFWhump tropes, which I won't list here;
And probably a whole bunch I've forgotten. I love to talk whump, so drop me a message if you want to too!
(Intros to be added- likely to link to a masterpost at a later date)
- Talon He/Him, Human Lycanthrope/Werewolf
- Zaurelien He/They, Winged Fey/Avian
- Sarabi She/They, Half Elf/Half Fey
- Kali She/Her, Elf/Fey
- Shado She/Her, Tiefling/Demon/Fey
- Eris She/Her, Elf/Fey
- Tavo, They/Them, Tiefling/Demon/Fey
- Asja She/Her, Tiefling/Demon/Fey
Terfs, Bigots and Antis DNI.
(Yes, I voted on my own poll. No, it was not intentional, this poll is mocking me, and I want to cry)
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astaldis · 4 months
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(pictures from Netflix and pixabay.com)
@febuwhump    @badthingshappenbingo
Chapters: 1/1   Words: 2,102 Fandom: The Witcher (TV), Wiedźmin | The Witcher Series - Andrzej Sapkowski Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Jaskier | Dandelion, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia & The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier | Dandelion, Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Cahir Mawr Dyffryn aep Ceallach, Maria Barring | Milva, The Hansa | Geralt's Company Members (The Witcher) Additional Tags: Febuwhump 2024, Bees, Friendship, bee sting salve, bee stings, The Hansa | Geralt's Company (The Witcher), Bee Attack, creepy crawlies, Bad Things Happen Bingo, Humour, Humor, Geralt z Rivii | Geralt of Rivia Whump, Caretaker Jaskier | Dandelion, Banter, Fluff, Protective Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy, Jaskier's new bee song Summary: On their way to find Ciri, Geralt and his company travel through the wild forests of Riverdell. Suddenly they are under attack. It stings.
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inexplicifics · 2 years
We've seen Aubry angry and happy and as a caretaker and as a lover, do you think you'd ever write Witchering Aubry? I'm so used to thinking of him as a huge hug-shaped friend I forget he's lethal too 😂
Oooh. Hm.
Aubry doesn't get to go out on the Path very often these days - Jaskier gets into enough trouble to keep him busy, anyhow - but Gweld and Serrit have promised to keep an eye on Aubry's brother, and it is good to stretch his legs once in a while.
He and Ivo and Hauk and a fresh-faced Manticore just out of training named Lew have been sent to investigate reports of some sort of monster plaguing a small village in Kovir; it would be a bit of a slog without portals, but as it is, Yennefer plops them down half a day's walk outside the village in question, and Aubry barely has time to get used to being somewhere other than Kaer Morhen before they reach the village gates. Which are firmly barred.
"Hoy there!" Hauk calls. "Want to open up, or should we hop over?"
Cranes. Aubry exchanges a look with Ivo, who sighs.
A tiny hatch in the gate opens just a crack, and then whoever is on the other side makes a squeaking sound and yells, "Open the gates! The Witchers are here! We are saved!"
Twenty years and more since Ard Carraigh, and Aubry still hasn't gotten used to being considered a savior rather than a threat just barely less terrible than the monsters he hunts. It's nice, though. Very nice indeed.
The gates swing open, and they are ushered hastily in and led to the alderman's house by a growing crowd of clearly fearful villagers - fearful of the monsters plaguing them, not the Witchers. Aubry spots one mother holding up her small child and saying, "Look, darling, Witchers! Here to protect us! See their pretty eyes?"
Aubry's blaming that on Jaskier. Nobody ever called Witcher eyes pretty before Aubry's brilliant little brother started writing songs.
The alderman, thank the gods, is a sensible sort of person, and lays out the problem clearly enough that Aubry and Ivo and Hauk all start nodding along. Aubry turns to young Lew.
"What do you think this is, lad?"
Lew swallows. He's a short, slender lad, with a glorious poof of tightly-curled hair, and his eyes show brightly against his very dark skin. This is his first year on the Path. "It sounds like a nest of graveirs, sir," he says, "but something doesn't fit."
"Good," Aubry says, nodding approval. "Take out everything which is obviously a graveir. What is left?"
Lew furrows his brow, thinking hard. "It - could be a grave hag, sir? But I didn't know they ever formed groups with graveirs."
"It's rare," Ivo rumbles. "Fuckin' nasty, before the Wolf. Good way to die badly." He shrugs. "How do we prepare, lad?"
"Necrophage oil on our silver swords," Lew says promptly. "And - ah - I think you and Aubry should be the front line, sir, with Hauk and myself as backup?"
Aubry nods and claps the lad gently on the shoulder. "Correct," he confirms. Graveirs are big enough that Aubry and Ivo's bulk will matter.
Lew looks delighted. Hauk grins at the alderman. "Point us at your cemetery, then."
The cemetery is larger than Aubry would have expected for such a small village, but then, Kovir did attempt to invade Caingorn not too many years ago. If there were soldier-conscripts from this village, and their bodies were sent home...yeah, that could lure some graveirs, especially if some of the graves weren't well dug.
They oil their swords, and Aubry and Ivo each down potions for strength and stamina, while Hauk and Lew go for speed. And then there's nothing for it but to stomp out into the cemetery, swords and Quens at the ready.
There are four graveirs and a grave hag. Fuck, if the alderman hadn't been smart enough to order the gates barred and call for help, there might not have been a village left to save.
But Ivo is a solid presence at Aubry's shoulder, and Hauk and Lew spread out on either side of them, ready to dart in and take advantage of any vulnerabilities Aubry and Ivo can create, and Aubry was made for this, as his companions were - made and trained and forged.
He wades into battle with an odd feeling of deep satisfaction: he is doing something he is good at, in order to save people who will, for a change, actually appreciate being saved.
It's a nasty, messy fight: Ivo gets knocked off his feet at one point, and only Hauk's speed with an Aard buys him the time to get back up; Aubry gets bitten high on one arm, and can feel the poison warring with his own natural resistance. But Lew gets a very good blow in, severing the grave hag's horrid tongue, and Hauk darts in and out with his blade flashing and flings Aards and Yrdens in at perfectly timed moments to stun or slow their enemies, and Aubry himself takes down three of the graveirs, separating snarling heads from hideous bodies with swift, vicious blows of his sword. Ivo takes out the other graveir, and then it's all four of them against the grave hag, and she goes down in short order. They let Lew have the killing blow.
They patch each other up, Lew dispensing Golden Orioles and White Honeys as Hauk tsks over the gash on Aubry's arm, and burn the necrophages' bodies, and then Hauk and Lew do a loop to make sure there aren't any more lurking threats, and they all head back to the village to let the alderman know they can open the gates again.
The village throws a feast, which is unexpected but pleasant. Aubry ends up with a very small child on his lap, gumming at its fist and watching him with enormous eyes, while Lew boast cheerfully to an audience of young men and women about his own age, and Hauk trounces the blacksmith in Gwent, and Ivo goes off with a buxom young lass with a distinct glint in her eye and a familiar rich undertone to her scent.
It's...good. Very good. As Aubry never thought the Path could be.
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thedemonofcat · 8 months
As a member of the Spring Court among the Fae, Jaskier thrives in warmer weather and tends to struggle during the colder seasons. A noticeable consequence of this preference is Jaskier's susceptibility to Seasonal Affective Disorder.
Geralt becomes aware of this when, during one particularly harsh winter, he finds himself unable to reach Kaer Morhen in time before the snowfall. Recalling Jaskier's previous offer, Geralt accepts the Bard's invitation to spend the winter in Oxenfurt if necessary.
It comes as a surprise to Geralt when he witnesses the typically cheerful and vibrant Jaskier struggling to even get out of bed during the winter months. Throughout most of the season, Geralt takes on the role of caretaker for Jaskier.
Following that challenging winter, Geralt makes it a priority to bring Jaskier to Kaer Morhen when the cold season approaches, fearing for the well-being of his beloved Bard during the harsh winter months.
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eggcompany · 1 month
Jaskier and his Snuggly Wuggly Killing Machines Part 9
Day Four of having the babies home. Them. The babes were going to tell daddy everything. 
The day started with soft shorts and cozy sweaters and pitter patter rain. Jaskier was in a calm slow mood. He spent time making each boy three nice big waffles with butter and syrup, except Eskel on Eskel’s, he had blackberries and strawberries. Jaskier finished making himself one before sitting down at the counter with the three boys. It’s then that he noticed they were unusually quiet and rather… nervous or sad looking. 
“Is there something wrong, my flowers?” Jaskier asked, concern dripping from his tongue. Lambert and Geralt looked at Eskel. Eskel nodded and Jaskier waited. Each boy hadn’t wagged and had their ears down flat. 
“Can we tell you something? Pr-promise you’ll still- still like us?” Eskel said and stumbled over his words. Jaskier put the plates away and cleaned their faces. Each boy got a kiss to the forehead and lips. 
“I will always love you no matter what. Now come, we can talk in the living room. Up on the couch.” Jaskier said and guided them all to sit on the couch. Although Geralt still preferred to sit on the floor and rest his head against Jaskier’s knee. 
“Now take your time. Tell me what’s wrong.” Jaskier said. He seemed so calm but really he was screaming and crying and worrying himself to death on the inside. Eskel took a deep breath. None of the boys liked talking about them . 
“Before… Before we got to you we each had other… caretakers. We got split up for three years and four months before we got put in the Doxe Witcher Sterilization Program. People got paid to bring in witchers even if they weren’t theirs. But before that we um… we had other owners.” Eskel said and avoided Jaskier’s eyes. Jaskier nodded and said “I know. I know that babies. What’s this about?” Jaskier wanted to know what had all his babies so stressed out. Eskel gulped and continued. 
“We all had… jobs. Things we were forced to do. It um...Daddy I was a bodyguard and and they made me fight and and I- I hated it! I hated it so much I wanted to die! Daddy I didn’t want to I- I- I-” Eskel broke down. Jaskier stood after gently moving Geralt's head and being careful of him. He held Eskel in his arms and rocked him a bit and shushed him. 
Geralt added onto that by saying “When we saw him again he had that scar on his face and a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder and and cuts and bruises everywhere! It was so horrible, he looked half dead and broken!” Geralt said in a sad voice. 
“You never ever have to do that. Never. I know you hated it. You are just a soft little lover. You didn’t deserve to go through that. Never. I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I promise to keep you far far away from that.” Jaskier said and shed a few tears for the baby. He kissed all over Eskel’s poor tear streaked face. Jaskier used the bottom of his own shirt to wipe away the tears and snot off his face. Eskel breathed normally after a while. And Jaskier sat back down. Geralt scooted so he was pressed up against Jaskier’s legs. He was picking at the seam on his pants. 
“Da-Daddy… I was um… I was a dolly. I got dressed up or not dressed at all and and… I was painted and given presents and compliments for just… being there. I had to stand up on pedestals and stay perfectly still. Sometimes they made me take medicine that made me not able to mo-mo-move and when I moved one too many ti-times I would get hi-hi-hits for each movement. It was scary and I was so alone and and Daddy I don’t wanna ever do that again. Never.” Geralt confessed and started crying on the floor. Jaskier shushed and pulled him up into his lap. He rocked back and forth shushing him and telling him the same thing he told Eskel. “I love you. I love you so much. You’ll never be treated like that ever again.” 
Finally when Geralt calmed down Jaskier looked toward the youngest who was picking at his fluffy hoody. Eskel whispered something to him and then him and Geralt left to go sit on the patio right outside the doors. Lambert finally looked near Jaskier’s shoulder and spoke in a hushed angry voice. 
“Geralt was a pretty dolly. He was art and used for aesthetics… I was… I was a different kind of doll. Tied up, beat on, cut, bitten, scratched, punched, made to do disgusting acts on even more disgusting men. Daddy, I was a sex doll. I wasn’t pretty and I wasn’t strong like Eskel. I was just, I got used. Roofies and sedatives and and and- Daddy I’m gonna be sick.” Lambert said and ran to the kitchen sink where yes, he was sick. He emptied his stomach into the sink. Jaskier was right there petting down his back and getting him washed up and made him rinse his mouth. 
Lambert was shaking and crying into Jaskier’s chest. Jaskier held him close. Jaskier shushed him and rocked a bit.
“Lambert my feather soft heart, I’ll protect you forever. You will never be touched in an inappropriate way ever again. Anyone who makes you uncomfortable or upsets you will be cut and pushed away so fast they’ll have whiplash. You never, never, have to do anything you don’t like or want to do. I love Lambert. I love you so much. I love you more than anything in this entire world. Thank you for telling me about this.” Jaskier said in a feather soft voice. Lambert nodded and whimpered “I love you too, daddy”. 
 Poor babies. Poor little babies. I had such a fun day planned… I suppose we can still have fun.  Today is their first time in the basement… A treat!
“Well baby, you know what we’re gonna do to cheer you and bubbas up?” Jaskier asked after the baby stopped crying. He started to walk toward the doors and the patio. “Wha?” Lambert said in a sweet tiny baby voice. Lambert had been more and more like this. Coping mechanisms. Jaskier ushered the boys all up and toward the basement door which was always locked until now. 
“I have a surprise for you. I know we love playing in the yard but since it’s raining I thought I'd finally show you the…” Jaskier said as he opened the door and walked down the stairs. He heard gasps as the three followed him. Jaskier reached the bottom and spread his arms. 
“Your playroom! I’m still getting some things but here it is!” Jaskier said and watched the witchers take it all in. The colorful foam floor, the stuffed animals, the bean bag chairs, the movie collection on the shelf beside the TV, the little painted fridge and snack baskets, and the three oddly wide closet doors that were each painted with different colorful patterns. They were wagging wildly and purrs soon filled the air. Geralt made his happy noise and wagged so much he was swaying on his feet. All ears were pointed straight up. 
“Woah… Daddy we can have movie night where! We can make it better with blankies!” Eskel said excitedly and went to the steps. 
“Aht! Eskel, baby, I’ve gotta talk first, then you can work, okay?” Jaskier corrected the pup who said “sorry, daddy” and got back off the stairs. Jaskier walked around the room, he was really trying to make it more baby friendly. 
“Rules. There are rules for the playroom. I will have them up on a poster soon. So far we have a few. Firstly, no running on the stairs. No rough housing down here. Always follow the rules that are on the fridget, which are basically portions. So we don’t under or over eat. Um.. Oh no open cups down here. Bottles and sippies only. And lastly, No hiding accidents down here. If you make a mess or spill something, tell me. I know there will be plenty of accidents down here and that's okay! These tiles? They’re just foam, so we can just pop them up, clean them, and put them back. The walls are scratch proof and stain resistant. Got that?” Jaskier said and the witchers watched and listened carefully. 
“Yes Daddy!” All three said. They were looking around now, looking at the movies and talking to each other. Jaskier walked to the closets then. 
“Boys, here, look here.” Jaskier said to get their attention. The boys ran over and had the sweetest curious looks plastered on their faces. “This one has cushions and fort building things like sheets and clothespins and things like that.” Jaskier said as he pulled open the door. The small closet was two thirds full of about seven large couch cushions and then two shelves with different plastic jars full of clips and pins and things. Eskel had his hands wiggling around at this. 
“We can make forts down here!?” Eskel said and looked at Jaskier with wide sparkling eyes filled to the brim with joy. Jaskier nodded “Absolutely, they’ll be even better once I get the low profile mattresses. They’re like cushions but the size of beds!” Jaskier whisper yelled to Eskel. Eskel almost squealed and clapped his hands. Jaskier smiled and giggled a bit. “Anything for my loves.” He said and walked to the next one. 
“This one is all toys. When we’re done playing down here we put our toys back here.” Jaskier said even though each boy almost always put his toys away when he’s done. Lambert automatically grabs one of the many soft toys. A plain brown cat. Jaskier was about to say something but Lambert was already chewing on its ear. There was a basket about three feet tall and as wide and deep as the closet. It was filled with stuffed animals. There were five white lidded labeled tubs on each of the three shelves. Cars, Race tracks, papers, paints and brushes, crayons, markers, Play dough, Slime, Beads and string, Light up Buggies, Magnets, Lock Blocks, and three tubs dedicated to legos. Jaskier wanted to make sure they had plenty of options. 
Lambert was happy to just chew on his cat and go sit on the floor and watch his brothers. Jaskier laughed at the baby. He’s gonna need to get more babyish stuff for him. Maybe a rattle and some special teethers? Jaskier walked to the last door. 
“This one’s empty for now but it’ll be where all the other fort material and things go. Maybe when you get more comfortable we could go out to the store and you guys could pick stuff!” Jaskier said and walked back to the stairs. Eskel and Geralt followed, leaving Lambert alone in the middle of the floor. Jaskier let the boys go and joined the babe on the floor. 
“You like that one?” Jaskier asked and Lambert nodded he crawled over and climbed into his daddy’s lap. Jaskier pet at his hair and watched as the older boys brought quilts and blankets and pillows down. Lambert was sound asleep soon enough. Emotional strain can do that to a baby. Eskel and Geralt were making a lovely nest. 
Soon Jaskier had laid Lambert in the nest and watched his brother wrap him up in a quilt and then cuddle him. The boys requested “The show with the green trash monster” So Jaskier popped on Sesame Street for them and brought his laptop down so he could do some stuff while watching the babes. 
He had messages from his managers and others asking how he was adjusting… he forgot to tell anyone except Yen that he had gotten witchers.... oops. He replied to them all that he was doing fine and that the pets were adjusting well and were healthy and happy. He also decided he was getting too old to sit on the floor and ordered a nice plush red chair for down here for himself. 
He then flipped over to his phone and popped one of his ear phones in. He opened up Yennefer’s newest message that read “Todayyyyy????????????”. She really wanted to meet the babies. 
Yennefer was Jaskier's best friend. They had met in high school and went to the same college. Yennefer really was just always there for Jaskier. From when he came out to his parents and got kicked out to the time when he was a penniless struggling musician and still now when he was fairly well off. Yennefer was always doing things for herself. She paid for her own college (thank gods for scholarships), she worked through medical school, and now she harassed Jaskier everyday about being able to come over and pet the babies. Yennefer just wanted to kiss their faces and wash them and kiss them and kiss them more and kiss them again.
Jaskier typed back what the babies had told him and that maybe tonight they might wanna meet. Yennefer answered with pity and sympathy. Jaskier quickly snapped a quick picture of the boys. All had on their soft snuggly sweaters and soft shorts and looked so snuggly in their nest. Eskel was holding a pillow against his chest, Geralt was sucking on Lambert’s ear and Lammy was asleep with his stuffy's ear in his mouth still. Eskel and Geralt were both completely focused on the show. 
This would be their first picture. He snapped the picture and sent it to his bff with the message ‘ Babies’ first picture! Imma get it framed.’ Jaskier smiled and saved the photo. Yennefer instantly messaged him back- 
‘ OH. MY. FUCKING. GODS. THEY’RE SO BIG! OH MY GODS THEY LOOK SO CUTE! IS HE SUCKING ON THE OTHER ONE’S EAR? AWWWWWWWWWWWW OH MY GODS THEY. ARE. PERFECT. I WANNA HOLD THEM. N O W!’ Jaskier laughed a bit at the message which caused the two awake boys to look at him. He waved them off and they went back to their show. 
Jaskier sent her a quick ‘ I’ll put you on a video call. I have my headphones in so they can’t hear but you can watch them. I need to do laundry. I’ll be able to hear you so tell me if they need me.’ Yennefer was more than happy to do so. Jaskier stood up and stretched and positioned his phone on the movie shelf so that the screen faced the wall and the camera was down on them.
Jaskier walked over and kissed their foreheads. “Hey Bear, I’m going to go do laundry but my phone’s gonna watch you so if you need me just call out okay?” Jaskier said and kissed Geralt’s forehead. Geralt nodded. “Eskel, darling, you too. If you need something just call out. Love you babes, I’ll be back soon.” Jaskier said and left upstairs. In his ear he could hear Yennefer squealing. 
Jaskier hurriedly put the clean laundry in a basket to fold, out the wet in the dryer, and loaded up the washer. He listened to Yennefer talk about “T hey’re so cute!” “Oh my gods they’re giggling” “Do they need bottles? Oh my gods I’ll feed them bottles 24 fuckin 7” “Aw the little one’s waking up!” “Aw they’re given him kisses!” “Oh he’s grumpy isn’t he, I’d kiss his perfect little head all day long. I wanna rock him to sleep” “JASKIER I WANNA MOTHER THEM. THEY’RE SO FUCKING CUTE.”
Jaskier laughed and walked back down to where all three were watching the show. Jaskier walked over and knelt down next to them. Lambert wiggled to lay across Eskel to kiss Jaskier. In his ear he just heard ‘ Awww daddy’s baby. He’s an angel.’
“Hey babies. I have a very important question, so pay attention.” Jaskier told them as he paused their show. All three wiggled and looked at him. Jaskier misled and looked at his phone for a second. 
“Do you think you could meet someone today? It’s not a doctor or anyone like that! It’s my bestest friend Yennefer. Do you think you wanna meet Aunty Yen?” Jaskier asked and watched the boys look at each other, having a silent conversation. Yennefer was screeching ‘ FUCK YEAH I”M FUKIN AUNTY YEN’. All the boys smiled. Lammy looked the most excited. 
“I hab Aunty!? Is she pretty? Is she nice? When is she here I want my aunty!” Lammy said as his tail flicked up from under his blanket and started squishing excitedly. ‘ Oh I am on my way NOW! I’m comin for ya lil baby!’ is all Jaskier heard before the noise of hanging up. 
“I think I wanna have an aunty.” Eskel said and Geralt nodded in agreement. “When is she gonna be here?” Eskel asked. Jaskier laughed. 
“I believe she’s currently on her way. How about we get up and get lunch ready so she can eat with us. I think she’d like feeding a certain someone a bottle.” Jaskier said and booped Lambert’s nose. He squealed and said “She will! She wants to feed me!?” Jaskier nodded and hummed a yes. 
Geralt stood up and walked up the stairs with Eskel in close tow. Jaskier hauled Lambert up and walked behind the wobbly baby up the stairs. Eskel and Geralt already had already gotten some berries out and turned around to look at their daddy. 
“What’re we making here, boys?” Jaskier asked as he looked over the blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries. Geralt smiled and sat down at the counter next to Lambert. Eskel got out the pancake bowl. 
“We gotta make her pancakes! We can make ‘em pretty for her!” Eskel said and even got out the container of powdered sugar. Jaskier nodded and started on the dough. He thought about how long it would be until the violet eyed woman would be knocking at the door. She lived about 35 minutes away and it was raining so maybe 40 minutes. Easy Peasy plenty of time. 
Jaskier smiled and whipped up the batter and cooked the pancakes which took about 20 minutes and then the boys decorated for fifteen minutes. The boys had about five minutes and they waited by the door. 
Geralt was wagging with his ears high up and rolling on the balls of his feet. Eskel was wagging but looked a little nervous, he stood in front of his brothers, closest to the door. Lambert was again sucking on the end of his own tail while sitting on the floor, he was watching his own toes wiggle. 
‘Please don’t bite my best friend, Please don’t bite my best friend, Please don’t bite my best friend’
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bambirex · 10 months
Good Enough To Eat
Pairing: Geraskier
Characters: Geralt of Rivia, Jaskier
Additional tags: roleplay, feeding kink, hand feeding, chubby jaskier, belly kink, belly rubs, biting, possessive behavior, finger sucking, nipple licking, horny geralt of rivia, horny jaskier, but also they're soft for each other, hand jobs, teasing, dirty talk, providing kink, it's probably not a thing but it is now, don't like don't read
Word count: 2,375 words
Chapters: 1/1
Rating: explicit
Part 2 of the Predator & Prey series
Summary: “It’s true what they say about wolves,” Jaskier started, his voice much lower than usual- sensual and needy. He only talked like this when he wanted to play their game. Not even just regular sex, but the kind that they have discovered months prior due to a ridiculous, horny song found by accident. A sinful performance they put on for each other.
“That they like to take care of their pack. The big alpha would provide for his family, making sure they’re well-fed…”
Jaskier took one of Geralt’s hands and led it under the blanket and over his stomach. Geralt couldn’t suppress a moan when he felt his fingers dig into soft flesh, yielding like dough beneath his hand.
“Is this what it’s about, huh?” Jaskier huffed out a laugh, his breath hot and moist against the skin of Geralt’s neck. “The wolf wants to feed up the bunny so he would be happy and healthy?”
Author's notes: Some of you have probably noticed that I expanded Me And Mr. Wolf into a series- I am planning on adding some super kinky pieces, all set in the whole wolf and bunny roleplay thingy. I am bringing a kink for the second installment that might not be everyone's cup of tea, so if it isn't yours, please look away! If it compels you though, drop me a comment ;)
Read on Ao3
Jaskier was such a scrawny thing. Sure, he had some baby fat on his face that made his cheeks round out adorably when he smiled, and a layer of softness to the rest of his body, but Geralt could literally feel his bones when he hugged him a little too tight. And that just wouldn’t do.
If Jaskier wanted to continue their journey together- which was obvious, especially now that they’d established their romance -, he needed to put on a little weight. He was freezing to the point his teeth were chattering when it was cold, and he sometimes nearly collapsed after a performance. He was just, to put it simply, a little too thin for Geralt’s liking.
He made sure to up Jaskier’s portions. He always gave the bard the bigger, juicier part of the meat and made sure to season it a little better. Geralt loved to see the satisfied smile on Jaskier’s face when he ate something good, and he loved seeing him lean back with a content expression and a full belly even more. When their coin allowed for it, Geralt would venture into town and track down the best bakery he could find to retrieve some sugary sweetness for his companion. It always made Jaskier squeal with happiness.
It soon appeared that Jaskier actually had a really good appetite, he just needed a bit of a nudge. The poet was often too far gone inside his own head, focusing on everything but taking care of his own needs. He did have a lovely hedonistic streak in him, though, and with Geralt solely taking on the role of his caretaker, his food intake finally increased.
And so did his body weight, which Geralt noticed immediately and felt very flustered by.
All that doting, all those big meals and extra desserts paid off. Jaskier has grown a bit plump under Geralt’s ministrations: his already soft face rounded out even more, making him look so adorable and pinchable. He’s grown a rounded little belly that pushed against his thin chemises and made it harder for some of his doublets to close. It sat on his lap comfortably over his meatier thighs. His bum filled out his baggy trousers a lot more, round like a peach.
Watching him soften, and knowing it was his doing woke something primal and possessive up in Geralt.
There was something incredibly thrilling about providing for someone, about being the one who took care of Jaskier so well that it left marks on his body.
He wasn’t the only one who thought that way.
“You sure seem to like feeding me lately,” Jaskier all but purred as he snuggled up to Geralt. His body was so soft against Geralt’s own hard and chiseled one. The contrast made him stifle a groan as he wound an arm around Jaskier to hold him close.
“Is that so?”
“Come on, Geralt,” Jaskier laughed, “you think I wouldn’t notice that my portions can suddenly feed a family? Or that you disappear for half a day only to return with all kinds of exotic sweets, which then you would always give me?”
“I like taking care of you,” Geralt admitted, a little sheepishly. “And you are so thin.”
He looked down at the soft flesh of Jaskier’s arm that rested over his chest.
“Were,” he corrected himself, feeling his cheeks heat up. Jaskier only grinned wider as he nuzzled into Geralt’s neck.
“Yeah, obviously not anymore,” Jaskier giggled. His eyes suddenly flashed dangerously, and his smile morphed into a smirk. It made Geralt’s heart beat faster.
“It’s true what they say about wolves,” Jaskier started, his voice much lower than usual- sensual and needy. He only talked like this when he wanted to play their game. Not even just regular sex, but the kind that they have discovered months prior due to a ridiculous, horny song found by accident. A sinful performance they put on for each other.
“That they like to take care of their pack. The big alpha would provide for his family, making sure they’re well-fed…”
Jaskier took one of Geralt’s hands and led it under the blanket and over his stomach. Geralt couldn’t suppress a moan when he felt his fingers dig into soft flesh, yielding like dough beneath his hand.
“Is this what it’s about, huh?” Jaskier huffed out a laugh, his breath hot and moist against the skin of Geralt’s neck. “The wolf wants to feed up the bunny so he would be happy and healthy?”
The growing hardness in Geralt’s trousers was getting more and more difficult to ignore. He growled as he rolled Jaskier onto his back and crawled over him, pinning him down easily. Jaskier’s pupils dilated with interest.
“The bunny was too skinny,” Geralt drawled, slipping into his role without a hitch. It was so easy, so natural between them now: there was a bit of shame the first time, a sense of embarrassment realizing they pretended to be animals together to get off, but none of it was there anymore. They both took to this exciting, lustful dynamic like ducks to water.
“All skin and bones. Too exhausted to hop, not enough energy with how little he was eating.”
“Poor bunny,” Jaskier cooed, his eyelashes fluttering as Geralt peppered kisses all over his neck. He nosed along his softened jaw and nipped lightly at the skin, enjoying the way Jaskier shivered.
“Indeed. The wolf couldn’t take it anymore. Something had to be done.”
He hitched up Jaskier’s shirt, revealing his thick, fuzzy torso. Geralt leant down to rub his cheek against Jaskier’s softer chest.
“This is so much better,” he murmured against Jaskier’s skin, “a much better look on the bunny.”
Jaskier gasped as Geralt flicked his nipple with his tongue. He carded his fingers through Geralt’s hair, eyes closed in pleasure as Geralt lavished him with his tongue. A soft gasp left his lips as Geralt gripped a handful of his belly.
“A bunny should be soft and round,” Geralt growled. He let his teeth scrape against Jaskier’s sensitive nipples, making him tremble. “A good prey is meaty.”
“Does the wolf think the bunny is meaty enough now?” Jaskier asked breathlessly. Geralt gave his stomach a jiggle, watching the plump flesh move with fascination.
“Getting there.”
He moved further down, nuzzling his face into the roundness of Jaskier’s stomach. He cupped it from both sides as he licked over the dome of it, his tongue raising goosebumps all over the skin.
“Wolves don’t play with bones,” Geralt whispered against Jaskier’s tummy as he nipped and sucked at his skin, leaving deep blue and purple marks blossoming there. He moved over to Jaskier’s hips, wider and curvier than before, and he bit him there too, making sure he wouldn’t forget whom he belonged to. “Let’s leave that to the dogs.”
“No, indeed, a wolf deserves better,” Jaskier cooed as he rubbed Geralt’s biceps. He ran his fingers over the hard muscles with a dreamy sigh. “A big, strong predator deserves the plumpest, tastiest prey.”
A deep, guttural groan ripped out of Geralt. He surged upwards and smashed their lips together. Jaskier wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him down, his back arching to press their bodies together. Geralt could feel Jaskier growing as hard as he was inside his trousers. He ground his hips down to rub them together as he sucked on Jaskier’s tongue, drawing such pretty noises out of him.
An idea suddenly sprung into his mind. He pulled back and rolled off of Jaskier, ignoring his impatient little whine. Geralt reached into his bag and dug around for the bread and meat he had in there. He was saving it for breakfast, but his composure collapsed. Besides, he could always catch them some fish.
When he turned back, Jaskier sat up in his bedroll, watching what Geralt was doing curiously. Sitting like this, his belly pooched forward, creating soft rolls that just begged to be bitten again. Geralt’s mouth watered at the sight.
He sat in front of Jaskier, excitement and arousal making his hands tremble slightly as he tore off a piece of bread.
He held it up to Jaskier’s lips, and he didn’t even need to say anything: Jaskier immediately opened his mouth and let Geralt push the bread inside. The obedience, the willingness, mixed with obvious greed and impatience made Geralt curse under his breath. He couldn’t restrain himself enough to wait for Jaskier to swallow before he fed him a piece of cold cut.
“Greedy bunny,” Geralt growled. Jaskier winked at him, sucking on that piece of meat so sinfully as if he had something else in his mouth. Geralt needed all his willpower not to come inside his pants.
“No wonder his rump is getting so big with how much he’s eating.”
“He doesn’t hear the wolf complaining,” Jaskier grinned around a mouthful. He climbed forward and plopped down on Geralt’s lap without asking. Geralt noted that he felt a little heavier than before.
“Winter is coming soon,” Geralt said as he shoved another bite into Jaskier’s mouth. “The wolf is gonna need all his energy to keep hunting.”
He kneaded at the soft rolls on Jaskier’s waist as Jaskier sucked on his fingers with a moan, lustfully chasing every single morsel.
“Can’t survive on scrawny little bunnies,” Geralt continued. He dug his fingers into Jaskier’s flesh, eliciting a quiet whimper from him. “The wolf needs to eat the fattest bunny to stay strong and warm in the cold.”
“Very, ah,” Jaskier moaned as Geralt gave his ample bottom a good squeeze, “the bunny is very glad to be of service.”
That much Geralt could tell, judging by a couple of things. First, Jaskier devoured the bread and the meat like he was intent on growing twice his size in a couple of seconds to please his equally hungry wolf. He barely took breaths between the bites, chasing Geralt’s hand needily. His cheeks were red and puffed out with the food shoved into them, looking perfectly the part of a munching rabbit. It made the possessive fire inside Geralt soften a little bit, and he gently kissed Jaskier’s rounded cheek.
Second, his eyes were dazed with obvious lust, his pupils dilated so much that the black nearly swallowed the blue. The flush of his face descended to his neck and chest, the latter heaving with pants of exertion and arousal.
Third, his cock was visibly straining inside his pants, and it poked into Geralt’s hip bone whenever Jaskier leaned forward to take another greedy bite.
“It might serve the wolf,” Jaskier breathed, “that with feeding him so much, the wolf will tire him out… he will be so spoiled and chubby, that he will be slow… much easier to hunt.”
“He will try to run away,” Geralt growled, shoving his thumb between Jaskier’s lips and making him suck on it, “but he won’t stand a chance. His big tummy slows him down…”
“…he might even get stuck in a hole that he wants to hide in… only his round rump sticking out…”
“…easy access…”
“Geralt, stay with the plot.”
“Sorry. Very nice plush place for the wolf to sink his teeth into.”
He looked down on Jaskier’s body, that beautiful body that he has loved and nurtured so much, that rounded out under his care- his sweet, eager bunny who waited for his wolf to hunt all that food for him. Just sitting around on his lush bottom while the wolf foraged the forest and the town to bring back something tasty for him. Maybe Geralt could try and feed him by passing food from his own mouth to Jaskier’s, pinning him down against the ground and making him take it, overpowered, needy, soft little bunny always yielding under the big, strong wolf…
The rest of the food was gone, and Jaskier’s belly looked a little distended, rounder and firmer to the touch. Geralt felt it under his hand as he rubbed his palm over the hot skin, making Jaskier gasp and moan, always so sensitive to his touches.
Geralt unbuttoned his pants as fast as he could before he freed Jaskier from the confines of his breeches as well- they already dug into his poor belly too much, and while the sight of him nearly bursting out of his pants intrigued Geralt, he also didn’t want his little bunny to be uncomfortable.
He took both of their dicks into one hand and started stroking them off. Jaskier moaned, from the fullness or the pleasure Geralt didn’t know. He hoped it was both. He fondled Jaskier’s belly as he jerked them off with quick motions, pushing them both closer to the edge.
Jaskier came first, crying out his wolf’s name as he all but collapsed against him. As he let himself go like this, putting all his weight on Geralt, it was indeed obvious he was heavier. The realization was enough to set Geralt off, and he came all over Jaskier’s stomach, painting the faint pink stretchmarks and his own teeth marks with his seed.
“Fuck,” Jaskier wheezed against his neck. Geralt grinned as he gently lay him down on his back. Jaskier let out a soft sigh of bliss as Geralt gently started rubbing circles into his stomach, soothing the ache he must have felt in there.
“This is lovely.”
“You’re lovely,” Geralt told him earnestly. He kissed the roundest part of Jaskier’s belly before he moved lower, to the softness under his naval. He cleaned Jaskier’s skin off with his licks, tracing the sensitive marks with his tongue. Jaskier shivered softly.
“I’m sleepy,” he told Geralt, stretching out languidly as Geralt returned to caressing his belly. “Being a bunny always tires me out.”
Geralt rolled his eyes at him fondly. “All you have to do is look pretty. And eat.”
“Mhm. Eating is exhausting, Geralt. Especially for such a soft little critter like me.”
“Well, you better rest, then,” Geralt told him cheekily, “because the wolf has to hunt in the morning.”
“For me?” Jaskier asked, batting his lashes at Geralt. Geralt smiled and moved up to plant a sweet kiss on his lips.
“Always for my little bunny, of course.”
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30 for the fanfic writer asks:
do you think you used girl power effectively when you started writing Spider's Thread?
Me writing a fic where Jaskier lost his ability to speak in a horrifying and debilitating way that impacts every single aspect of his life and leaves him a handful of fragments of his usual self and Geralt feels the insurmountable weight of guilt over his actions that he believes to have doomed him to this and has to try to manage that guilt without it hindering his caretaking for his bard that he doesnt think he can call his bard and a Story that at its core is rooted in profound unconditional devotion between two men who love each other so incredibly much but think so little of themselves that neither man thinks that the other would ever love him:
Girlboss 💖✨💋
Ask me a Fic Writer Ask!
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