tamapalace · 1 month
Tamagotchi Carddass Die Cut Stickers Headed to Vending Machines Late May
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Stickers are coming! Bandai has just announced that Carddass, a card game vending machine created by Bandai will be carrying new die cut stickers.
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These stickers focus on the vintage Tamagotchi sprites in color and there is an impressive lineup of some of your favorite characters, Tamagotchi shells, and more. We rally like the sticker nameplates of your favorite characters.
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Starting in late May, 2024 you’ll start seeing these stickers at Carddass vending machines nationwide in Japan for ¥200 including tax.
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vintagehakusho · 11 months
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Yu Yu Hakusho Cardass Station System File
Year: Unknown Brand: Amanda
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capcom-retro · 2 years
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Street Fighter II Turbo Carddass card number 102 - Blanka
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subzeroiceskater · 2 years
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Slightly better scans of the couple of RMW3 Cardass I have.
These things are tiiiiny. Here's a size comparison with a Switch game box.
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Is it just me or does it really does look like Shadow Man is smirking at poor Drill getting eviscerated. Regardless, it just kills me that he's so nonchalant about the whole thing...just like how Rockster is killing Drill. RIP.
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joelletwo · 3 months
ffreak4 freak scene
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zaenaris · 1 year
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New sticker set by Bandai Carddass, with the characters of the Battle of the Christmas Night ❄
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Special artwork for Cardass Masters All Capcom World '98.
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oneesanmarket · 1 year
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NARUTO: Naruto Uzumaki -  Data Card Das
Price: 2€/7USD
Units Available:1
(please send mensage or comment if you’re interested)  
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empty-movement · 7 months
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Illustration 13 Ciao! August 1997 Issue supplement postcard ``Revolutionary Girl Utena'' and ``The Rose of Versailles'' hahahaha look at her just attacking us all in the middle of 1997, the show wasn't even done and she was already telling us our business
Illustration 15 1998, 力ードダスSP力ード2 (I believe this is the CARDASS collectible cards? A couple sets were made, but I could be wrong.) She was told to "make it as naughty as possible." I can't help but feel like this piece was started and finished in the same session, by someone so consumed in their work that they sat on a full bladder for hours. Don't look at me like that you know exactly what I mean and if you don't, find something that teaches you.
Illustration 12 Newtype Magazine, May 1997, Poster Saito's commentary about this one is something about spooning letting people be in one place and anyway what I need to stress is that I didn't actually choose only gay ass pics, my selection criteria was 'what did Vanna think Tumblr would like' and OOPS it's a Pride parade
Anyway! Like what you see? Want more? Follow the winding staircase to our uh...our pinned post. It's kinda a big deal, imo. - Vanna
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vintagehakusho · 6 months
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YYH Cardass || Silver Kurama
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walkingstackofbooks · 1 month
The Garashir wedding: Lower Decks style
Mariner's called into her mom's office. Freeman informs her that something very special but currently classified is going to be happening in the next week, and she knows Mariner is going on leave tomorrow, but she might want to consider postponing it. Mariner declines - "Nah, my thing is more important".
Mariner and Rutherford are left at the space station to go on leave. It transpires that Mariner has been invited to Julian's wedding, and taking Rutherford as her plus one because Julian Bashir is one of his heroes. (augment-cyborg solidarity, anyone?)
Boimler, Tendi and T'Lyn are all trying to find out what the mission they're being sent on is. Boimler reports that Shakx seems pretty unhappy. Tendi suggests it's just because T'Ana has apparently discovered a drink she prefers more than Bajoran springwine.
Mariner and Rutherford encounter Hijinks and Troubles as they try to hitchhike their way to the wedding.
Freeman is stressing over what to wear for the occasion and has dragged Ransom in. Dress uniform, obviously, but can she get away with accessorising a little? And if so, how? She doesn't want to be a regular Starfleet officer, she wants to be a cool Starfleet officer. ("I literally cannot help you I don't even know what we're doing because you STILL haven't TOLD me." "It's classified." "You told Shakx!" "Have you tried keeping a secret from Shakx? He's terrifying!" "I can be terrifying!" "Nice try, Jack... Is a scarf too much do you think?")
Mariner and Rutherford have managed to trade his engineering abilities in exchange for passage on a merchant ship. Unfortunately, he is too good, and the ship now want to keep him.
Boimler is on navigation. They're approaching their destination but Freeman still wants the information to be known only to Bridge crew for as long as possible. (Boimler: "But what are we doing on--" Freeman: "Shh. Even the walls have ears, you know.")
The merchant ship have arrived and reluctantly agree to let Mariner and Rutherford go. They change into their fancy wedding stuff ready to be transported down. They are in the middle of a desert. "Screw you!" Mariner shouts uselessly at the sky.
Boimler is in the mess with Tendi and T'Lyn. Boimler is sweating profusely and tapping anxiously on the table. He cannot keep a secret this big. Tendi looks at him curiously. "Why do you keep tapping out "Cardassia" in Morse Code?" she asks, just at the moment when the room has gone silent. All eyes are on Boimler.
Mariner and Rutherford are hot, sweaty, bedraggled and exhausted. The doorkeeper reluctantly lets them in. "It's just started," he says. They sit down quietly in the back. Rutherford think his UT is playing up. "Did they just wish them many happy arguments?" he whispers.
Captain Freeman is nervously playing with her red scarf. "I wouldn't wear that if I were you," Ransom says. "I hear his reputation is quite formidable." Someone gestures that she's up.
We see her begin to walk out, and begin the "Since the days of the first wooden vessels, all shipmasters have had one happy privilege..." speech. The happy couple have their backs to us, and are silhouetted.
The camera zooms further back, and we are now at the back of the building. "Mom?" Mariner whispers to Rutherford.
We finally get to see the couple's faces as the camera pans back to Freeman and looks over her shoulder. Julian and Garak are facing each other. "...Of course, the legal part of this marriage has just been taken care of by the Cardassians -- but it is my privilege to bring this very human tradition to a Cardassian wedding ceremony and tell you that, Julian, you may kiss your husband."
Garak and Julian smile at each other, but the camera cuts away to the crowd. Federation guests are clapping and cheering; the Cardassians tend to be trying to avoid eye contact with anyone else in their vicinity.
We cut to the reception. Mariner's asking Julian "It all seemed so... Federation? Even the Cardassian bit?" Julian shrugs. "When you end up making every compromise in the book in the name of interstellar relations, it turns out all you get is a nondescript, bureaucratic service." He winks. "This is going to be when the fun starts."
Garak is complimenting Freeman on her scarf, and we can see in her face that she is totally lording it over Jack. Garak returns to his husband. "But you hated that scarf?" whispers Julian. "The things I do for diplomacy," replied Garak sorrowfully.
T'Ana is downing Kanar like it's nothing in the background to Shakx's distinct disapproval.
Mariner's managed to sneak Boimler, Tendi and T'Lyn into the party. "I can't believe we could have just come on the Cerritos," she moans, "but anyway, go wild."
Of course, her deeply uncool friends go wild by fangirling over their DS9 idols. At the end of that montage, Rutherford finally gets the chance to say "Thankyouforallyou'vedonefortheaugmentcommunityDoctorBashir". It's sweet.
Aaand endings are hard so sorry, I don't have one to neatly wrap this all up 😅 I will leave it to your wonderful imaginations.
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theletterwsartflap · 1 year
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Wanna see a big kaboom?
Wanna see it again?
MMV Week Day 10 - Sunstar vs. Rock and Roll!!
... and that's actually it for me this year! I mulled over a couple bonus day possibilities, did concepts but nothing really stuck. Perhaps it's more fitting we get Sunstar as the finale anyway, hmm?
And yes, these have all been redraws of the Cardass series. ;) I thought it'd be fun to make them look like screencaps from an animated series. How well I achieved that is up for debate, but that was my theme this year!
Hope everyone enjoyed them!!
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showamagicalgirls · 6 months
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Another Cardass card associated with the Showa era majokko video game, Great Magical Girl Strategy: Little Witching Mischiefs (魔女っ子大作戦: Little witching mischiefs).
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subzeroiceskater · 6 months
Does Punk not have a fancy VS ROCKMAN holo cardass
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retroanimechris · 10 months
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1 hour sketch of Tokwan based on his SD Knight Gundam cardass
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jetswife · 2 years
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Cowboy Bebop - Jet Black Cardass SP1 illustration by Toshihiro Kawamoto
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