#cant help but feel like i fumbled the bag
somesoups · 27 days
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Kiryu's trying so hard to be a good dad for all of his kids while Kazama very clearly only favored Kiryu. Do I think this was an intentional writing decision? Probably not but it's interesting
intentional or not, its a good perspective and helps explain why kiryu Is Like That. especially if we want to look at the case of nishiki who was given too much power before he was ready to handle it (and around the same age as daigo too if not a little younger), kiryu wants to make sure daigo doesnt similarly crumble under that pressure that nishiki did. we know nishiki's death haunts him for at least five games after the fact- it's no wonder he's so hyperfocused on making sure it doesn't happen again
the problem lies in that, just like kazama to nishiki, kiryu was the reason why daigo got that much power in such a short amount of time anyway. we know he acknowledges this, which is probably why he tries so hard for the tojo despite wanting to distance himself from the yakuza world. kazama did the bare minimum- if anything- for nishiki. and while we know kiryu respected kazama immensely, i want to hope over the years he's realized that leaving a young man in a powerful position unprepared isn't a good idea, esp after mine rubbed salt in the wound and called him out for abandoning the tojo- ergo daigo, so now he especially feels like he has to make it up to him.
if he couldn't help nishiki, then the next best thing he can do is help someone he considers his son- as if trying to right the wrong kazama did and be a better father, whether he can admit or not to kazama failing to take care of nishiki
but the follow up problem to THAT is he's neglecting his other kids when he does go to help. it wouldnt be a problem if RGG remembered the ryudo family and they could watch the kids while he's gone or something, but since they don't we just have to assume haruka's unfortunately been left to act as big sister to all these kids, and THAT has undoubtedly bred a great burden of feeling responsible when she's only a kid. it's really unfortunate that while kiryu apologizes to daigo repeatedly, he never apologizes to haruka for leaving her alone and in charge so many times (i actually thought kiryu's letter in Y6 was supposed to go to haruka at first). it's made her feel as though she has to take care of everyone and she has to be the strong one for the family when kiryu's away, and because of that we get problems like Y5 and Y6
in all of this, and in a terrible twist of irony, in trying to prevent one of his loved ones from enduring a similar fate as nishiki, he's now jeopardizing his relationship with his other kids- he's now unintentionally putting haruka on the back burner because he's so traumatized over what happened to his brother. he might have prevented another nishiki situation, but haruka had to be collateral as a result
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moonalumi · 3 months
arguing with ellie n it goes too far
idk if this has been done but um be ready y’all i’m bouta cry
warnings- guys this is kinda sad um, angst, arguing, crying ig, ellie being easily agitated n mean, mentions of death, reader comfort el at the end guys trust!!
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“el what’s wrong?” you ask as sweetly as you can. worried about how your girlfriend has been ignoring you and other people all week. she’s just been in her own little world writing and drawing the days away. every now and then you heard little sniffles coming from her direction but choose to ignore it; thinking she’ll come to you when she’s ready to talk but it’s only been getting worse day by day.
she ignored your question again. flinching at your touch and cursing herself in her head for that.
“ellie please talk to me, i made you some food” you comfort once again, reaching out to brush out some tangles in her hair with your fingers.
“i don’t want it.” ellie mumbles out coldy. not even taking her attention away from her drawing.
“okay well i’ll leave it here in case you change your mind okay?” you kiss ellie’s head and unintentionally glance at her sketchbook. somehow she notices and slams it shut. pushing you away from her as well.
“cant you just leave me alone for two seconds?” ellie snaps. her tone of voice taking you by surprise.
“el— i’m sorry i didn’t look—“ you fumble your words. not knowing whether to look at the closed sketchbook or your angry girlfriend.
“i don’t care stop hovering over me constantly, i’m fine stop worrying.” ellie stands up to walk past you but not before you stop her.
“how am i supposed to know you’re fine? you certainly don’t seem fine when you haven’t even had a conversation with me in days!” ellie turns to look at you and you swear her eye contact with you could kill, you forget how mean she can look without trying to.
“drop it i don’t wanna argue with you” she trys walking away again but you grab her wrist.
“please talk to me, what’s wrong??” you beg, and lift your hand to push strands of her hair away from her face.
although ellie pushes your hand away, not roughly though, her touch is still soft unlike her words, “don’t fucking touch me just leave me alone i don’t want to be anywhere around you, just go.”
it hasn’t been the first time ellie had snapped at you like this and said awful things she didn’t mean. for some reason it’s in her nature to just lock away her feelings and attack anyone who tries to push their way in. unfortunately today you seem to be her victim. and after a year of being in love with her, you know her very well by now.
“you really want me to go ellie? cause i’ll go but who’s gonna be taking care of you like i am right now?” you raise your voice at her while picking up things of yours from around her room.
ellie just watches as you pick up your items. sitting there with a lil pout on her lips not saying a word as you stuff more stuff in a bag. but before you can even touch the doorknob to leave she stands up, “wait..” she whispers, if you listened carefully enough you would’ve heard her voice cracking.
“what is it?” you ask rather harshly. opening the door and stepping outside.
ellie panics, her eyes widening and her legs unintentionally making their way towards you in a rush, “wait don’t go” she whimpers.
only then do you turn to see ellie’s eyes filled with tears and her panicked expression. her tough angry demeanor changing in a matter of seconds. n that pout on her lips turned into quivering lips.
your own eyes soften at the sight. you can’t help but feel the pain and guilt for making her cry but you knew she needed a wake up call. you needed to let her know you won’t stand there and just take her hits.
“oh el i’m so sorry” you bring her in for a hug. letting her burry her face in your neck and squeeze you into her hold.
“n-no i’m so sorry i—shouldn’t have been so mean to you. don’t leave me” ellie hiccups and sniffles between her crys. getting your neck all wet with her tears and snot but you don’t mind.
“i’m not leaving you baby i just needed to teach you a little lesson i’m so sorry” you leave kisses all over her hair and scratch her back as she calms herself down.
lifting her head up, you kiss her cheek that’s all flushed and puffy n lead her back to bed. cuddling her and forcing her be little spoon.
a comfortable silence over takes you too as you just lay together, “you wanna tell me what’s wrong now?” you whisper breaking the silence.
you feel ellie take a deep breath and intertwine your hands together, “it’s— around the time of joel’s death date, i think that’s why i’m being like this.”
“i’m so sorry ellie” you try and comfort but you know there’s not much you can say or do to make her feel better about it other than being here with her like this.
“can you scratch my back? it felt good earlier,” ellie smiles at you as she asks the question.
“of course, c’mere” you sit up and let ellie lay onto of you as you lift her shirt up to scratch her back until she falls asleep <33
free palestine !!
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ioniansunsets · 8 months
please just a crumb of heartsteel sett 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
✖ Heartsteel!Sett Headcanons ✖
✖ Word Count: 876
✖ Tags: Established R/S
✖ A/N: Just crumbs! I am UNINSPIRED! Aaaa it's just very domestic headcanons. Feel free to ask for more specific things if any of these make you excited!
- He likes picking you up, he's strong enough to. You cant reach something? No, he's not helping you, he's picking you up so you can do it yourself. Huh, walking is tiring? He's carrying you. Oh damn there's a puddle, alright up we go. Sett makes sure he can lift your weight. There is no instance you would catch him lacking, man will hoist you.
- Sett is always looking for you. Like actually turning around to make sure you're in the room. Waiting and searching to see if you are still following him. Walking around a store to make sure he has his eyes on you. He likes knowing you are there, that you are near so every so often you can see his head rise and turn as he looks for you, making sure you are there. The same for when he performs! Sett is constantly scanning the audience to find your face. Hoping to see you. Smiling widely when he does. He loves you! He WANTS to see you as often as possible.
- His ears get cold! He likes it a lot when you lightly rub them, actually being able to feel the warmth of your hands heat it up. Because he works out so often he is just a natural warm guy, so he feels the cold when the wind blows at his ears. Its why Ma made him the beanie anyway. If you kiss his ears they twitch. When he blushes they get warm. When you scratch them you might hear him purr, its a deep rumbling, a warm tone.
- Sett thinks its adorable if you want to work out with him! He will spot for you, give you advice, help you every way he can. Meal plans, tips and tricks, your personal trainer and motivator. Soft kisses when you hit a goal. Big hugs when you survive a gruesome set. He loves spending time with you and if you follow him to the gym he can do just that. Tired after? He's carrying you out.
- He likes body contact. He likes when you sit by him, lying on his lap as he practices singing or rapping. He likes you holding his hand as you walk around on dates. He likes to hug you from behind as you do things. He likes the physical reassurance that you are by his side. A hand around your shoulder as you two sit and chat. The gentle touch of his hand on your thigh when you talk to him. His arms wrapping around you when he falls asleep by your side. All the small things. He loves feeling You.
- When he gets the chance he always tries to buy you thoughtful gifts. He remembers! Ma taught him well. When you talk about needing a new bag because your old one is breaking? He find the best one and buys it for you. You talk about your favorite colors and animals? He remembers! He buys you cute little gifts that remind him of that. Damn, winter is cold, you forgot you lost your old gloves? He already bought you a new pair in fall. There are cuter moments too. You bringing up snacks you miss from childhood? He learns, he bakes them for you, buys them for you, finds Someone who sells them to get them for you. He is attentive. He is an idol with money, he will do what he can for you how he can.
- If you can and show up for his shoots or practices he gets excited. Doing his best, making sure to get things done as soon as possible so he find you during a break. Happily chatting with you while he hydrates. Laughing and joking at his mistakes with you when he fumbles. You warm his heart. If you get along well with everyone else in Heartsteel he gets happier. They are like family to him afterall.
- He refuses to have you spend money on him when its band related, he gives you all his merch. He gets a copy anyway and they are YOURS. Sett is happy to see you wearing a tee with his face! Have posters of him (signed) in your room. He likes if you show him off as much as he shows you off. He loves loving you and loves being loved.
- If you get hurt or get sick he's is nervous and frantic. He wants to be there for you at all times, making sure you are ok. He frets over you, genuinely worried that a little cold will be life or death. He doesn't know how to actually help you thought, it takes help from messaging his mother and Yone to realize he needs to keep you cool, get you food and just let you rest. Which he hasn't been doing cos he's been in and out of your room non-stop. But he's learning.
- He hums a lot! You can catch him singing or humming songs while working out, showering, doing chores. He is a rockstar and music is important to him, it shows. He doesn't get embarrassed if you point it out, its more like a " Eh? I didn't realize it was even doing it. Must be a good tune." Moment.
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dairy-farmer · 6 months
Is me~ back to haunt you Ask Box o/ because I just had A Thought(tm)
What if~? The OPPOSITE of my Magic Sex Toy idea? Uno Reverse?
But how would that even work? You say. Tim would very obviously notice!
Oh ho ho~ ye of little Faith! *slaps my "join the Church of Civilian Tim" poster I obviously made myself* CONSIDER! Not a cape! Semi-stable schedules!
We open our scene with stalking. As ya do. Tim would prefer you call it "bird watching" or "observing the night life" but... let's be real here. Stalking. He's getting them NICE Premium Pics for his Definitely-Not-A-Stalker-Shrine. There's a newbie on the scene. A gaudy robe wearing mofo.
3 guess what HIS shtick is. First two don't count.
But! Thing is? Tim is no long a wee baby faced pre-teen. He is a Man(tm). Legally, twice over. And well... you find a LOT if Neat Late Night Shops running after the bats. He may have been persuaded by CERTAIN libidos that maybe he should check them out. Who can say? You can't prove ANYTHING. These bags are groceries and no you can't check..
Where was he? Ah, right, Pics of the Nightwing booty. *click*
Tim forgets Rule Number 1.5: ALWAYS keep an eye on what the villian is doing.
By the way... what that bright light? Oh, just a SPELL BOLT. Fuckin DODGE, MAN!
He fails to dodge.
🥺 H-His camera... Night-booty... Also why does he feel? Tingly? He doesn't stick around to figure it out. Grabs his TRAGICLY dead camera and bolts. Not getting caught at the scene of the stalking TODAY, no sir! Batmans definitely gonna check the area and he SHANT be there! Early night it is!
He gets back to his apartment. Still feels tingly... but less? Maybe those charms he looked up how to make protected him after all. Still, shouldn't push his luck, you know? He settles in for the night. Gets a warm shower.
Comes out and eyes the bags he dropped by the bed... and... well...
He DID wrap up early~ Maybe treat for Timmy time. He digs them out.
They? We're already pretty life like (it's why he bought them) but... when he TOUCHES one? He swears it gets MORE life like? He really should look this up or something... suspect toys in Gotham and all... but on the other hand? Horny. And the boxes WERE closed. It's fiiiiine.
But which one? It's kinda been a while. And he doesn't want to be sore tomorrow. This one!
So Tim lays back. Let's himself enjoy working himself open. Then works the fake(?) Cock inside himself. And oh~ it's WARM. Twitchs. He let's himself enjoy a slow, lazy session. Get really sloppy and relaxed before finally finding juuust the right angle aaaand~
Across the city, the current Robin, Damian Wayne, is shaking APPART on a roof top. Sweat pouring down his temple, thighs trembling as he tries ro stop himself from rutting up into empty air. It won't help. Won't make the damnable TEASING go any faster. Wet and tight and PERFECT around him.
Came out of NOWHERE. One second he was patrolling, the next barely catching himself from falling. Stumbling into an alchove on some god forsaken roof. Hands fumbling to turn off his comms. Absolutely not. They could NOT hear him like this.
Panting into hands pressed tight over his own mouth to stiffle the sound he wants to make. Beg and demand that magnificent heat go FASTER. Plunge him DEEPER. But he CANT. Because there's no one there. Just him and the slowly increasing pressure in his balls, begging for relief.
Then, like prayers answered, it DOES. He could WEEP. Can't stop the aborted jerks of his hips as he chases his relief. Soon is trembling like the virgin he ISNT anymore as he spills into... into SOMEONE.
They take it so well. So perfectly.
He's RUINED. His hand will never be enough after this. And Tim has no idea.
Sure, he's not stupid. He didn't buy toys the fake cum. (So to be safe plan B it is) But? In the cold like of day? Prooooobably magic sex toys. Eh. It's Gotham. Not the weirdest thing to happen. Tim's keeping them.
And using them.
Thus begins the "phantom lover" incident, as Bruce will insist on calling it. Because "we were haunted by random fuckings" sounds... unprofessional. And he's a Dramatic Bitch at heart.
Damian, obviously, told NO ONE. Patrol? Utterly normal. Mind you business. But Bruce? Uncomfortable conversations for EVERYBODY~☆
See, Tim has a long day. His new camera isn't gonna be in for a WEEK. There is no point in going out. So his evening stretchs long and empty before him. Which... SPEAKING of things both long and things empty... >.>
He remembers. There was an absolute UNIT that he bought. It also has that base... which mean he could put it on the sex pillow. Try riding it... oh he's GOTTA, now.
Lucky for Bruce, he's not even in the cave when it hits. Unluckily, it is a cock teasing hell. Nothing to hold. No body to press close. No skin to run his hands across or ears to whisper filthy praise. So TIGHT. Fluttering and fighting to take him. Sinking little by little. Can't even HEAR him praising them. He can't even distract them, rub their clit and sooth them as muscles relax.
Can't hold them by the hips and work them up and down. They way he knows will work best. At angles that will make them SOB. Just nothing, nothing, nothing. Trembling and eager around him but so SLOW. Pausing again and again to adjust. Can't thrust in, can't pull out, only TAKE it. Let himself be teased.
But OH. When they finally, FINALLY get a rythme? He knows they can hear a word he says. Not yet. But the FILTH he growls. The audacity of what they're doing. He's GOING to find them. Going to pin them done and-
Tim spend the next day sore, but happy. Definitely not an "every day" sort of toy, but holy shit the orgasm. He hasn't slept this well in a WHILE. Though... when he wakes up? The Bats are acting weird. Violent, hyper-focused, seemly shaking down leads with a single minded enthusiasm. Weird.
Speaking OFF. Now he's wondering... does the possibly fake cum... TASTE like real cum?
One way to find out.
And... look. Dick may have been warned, but it's one thing to hypothetically get your bits milked dry and another to be doubled over seeing the face of god. He would gladly kill a man for the ability to grab hold of whoever is doing this and ram home. The mouth on him is a thing of wonder and it keeps TEASING the tip. They keep running soft, pampered, little hands up and down his length. God he wants them to feel him in their GUT. Fuck their face and their ass and any OTHER holes they have til everything is sloppy and wet and-
Yep! From the tast flooding Tim's mouth, that's real cum. Good his he got his shot. But it begs the question... whoms't exactly is he fucking? Tim's not sure he's comfortable with random hook ups. What if, Gods forbid, it linked him to the JOKER or something!? He'd have to blow up the city and everyone in it.
He considers this as he resumes his sta- he means, BIRD watching. Newly be-camera-d. Weirdly enough, now Nightwing is acting off too. What is going ON? Also... he could of SWORN he saw the Red Hood a second ago. Did he leave? Aaw D:>
.....what's that sound?
*boss music starts playing* That would be the Red Hood. Owner of the mythical Common Sense gene. HE immediately phoned a friend! And by THAT we mean he beamed up to The Watchtower to get poked at by magic users until he had a scanner.
Beep beep, mother fucker. You have explaining to do.
OR, counter argument.... Tim makes a run for it. Doesn't GET far. But he Sure Did Try! Jason is unamused. Consent is sexy, kids. And he has the gun to explain that. But! TIM has the panic babbling to explain his horny stupidity and innocence.
Fair enough. He's confiscating them though. If you get horny, just fucking ask.
Wait.... really? Does Jason really mean that?
And... two things. Cute Horny Idiot knows his identity. And.... he never said HE wasn't also apparently a horny idiot. Sure, why the fuck not.
He confiscate the magic contraband... then bends that twink in HALF. Comms off, back into it. Tim can barely breathe, pressed down so tightly to the bed as his guts get re-arranged, callused hands holding his legs spread, his childhood hero rumbling FILTH into his ear as hips snap against his, again and again and AGAIN. The world is hot and fuzzy around the edges and... AND-!
Jason's pretty damn smug that HES not only the one who found mystery twink, but them fucked him incoherent. He seriously considers just... not saying anything. Whoops! Nothing to find here folks. To bad the Watchtower is a fuckin snitch.
So obviously Bruce finds out. And wants to "talk to him". Which inevitably ends with Tim, pressed close to his front, held still as he "fucks him properly". Which as far a Tim is concerned is a god damned excuse to EMPALE him on his monster of a cock. Work it deeper and deeper, all while holding him like a lover, as he absolutely DESTROYS Tim's poor puss. Makes him lose count of how many times he's gotten off. Until everything is too bright and hyper sensitive. Til it's nearly hurting but not quite there and all Tim can think about, as he whimpers and drools, is SLEEP.
Oh... and THEN he wants to talk about how Tim knows their secret identies. Ask him in the morning or Tim WILL cry at you.
He wakes up in Wayne Manor. He did not go to sleep in Wayne Manor. He can't move his lower body with out pain. Bruce is clearly pretending he planned that. Liar.
Then? Karma. His horny chickens come home to roost. Has Bruce introduced you to his sons? This is Dick and Damian. They remember you. And would like a "word".
(The word is sex and they would like it as soon as possible)
👀👀👀!!!!!!!!!!!! a reverse magic sex toy!!!!!!!!!!!!! where tim tortures the other bats by fucking his little pussy with their cocks while they're forced to just suffer and endure it until he's finished. more than once they almost scream from frustration because tim finishes before they do and he pulls them out of his warm, slick little hole. 👀👀👀👀
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judeswhore · 2 years
hii do you think you could write a baby blurb of steve and y/n going out together but nobody knows? she’s on the cheerleading team/goes to see him in a game and the other team cant stop staring/looking at her so he snaps? thank uuu
jealous and pouty steve >> i hate this and it kinda wasn’t exactly what the request asked for but my mind was so blank
“y’wanna tell me what all that was about?” your voice was soft, gentle, laced with obvious concern, one hand cupping steve’s jaw while the other held a cotton ball soaked with rubbing alcohol. you dabbed it against the cut on his eyebrow, swiping a little at the dried parts as he winced, scrunched his nose and pouted his lips slightly. he was avoiding your gaze, staring pointedly at your lettered necklace as if it was the most interesting thing he’d ever seen.
“nothing.” which was a total and complete lie because steve had gotten into a fight in the middle of his basketball game, had ended up with a bust face and a ban from playing for the foreseeable future. from your place on the cheerleading bench you’d watched your boyfriend shove into the captain of the other team, shoulder hitting his so harshly the other boy had stumbled out of the court lines and before you knew it fists were swinging and steve’s eyebrow was bleeding. you’d seen the captain say something, all smirks and cockiness and steve had reacted almost instantly, shoulders tensing as his face twisted into a glare. you weren’t exactly sure what could have possibly been said to make him react the way he did.
“steve, what happened?” your voice was a little firmer this time, fingers knocking softly beneath his chin to tilt his head up so you could meet his eyes, cotton still slipping over his skin. you scooted closer to him on the bench, more than aware that the few people still left in the gym were watching you, the girls from the cheer squard and steve’s teammates, a few left behind students. you felt a little awkward, a little under pressure because despite having been dating steve for four months now it was still very much a secret and you could almost feel the confusion rolling off of people. confusion over why you were helping him clean up, why you were watching him with such worried, love sick eyes. or why steve’s fingers settled in the bare skin of your thigh, just beneath your skirt when he let out a sigh.
“their captain was just saying shit and it pissed me off.” your skin burned from his touch, your hand wavering as you reached for a bandaid, fumbling to tug one from the first aid bag you’d rushed to get the second you’d spotted blood. your friends were leaning against the far wall, eyes narrowed as they glanced between you and steve, trying their hardest to understand what the hell was going on. the gym was still a loud hum of noise, people getting ready to leave, people staying behind to talk excitedly about hawkins win but when you looked at steve it was just the two of you, silence settling around you.
“what kind of shit? you were pretty angry, steve, it can’t have just been basketball trash talk.” you dabbed again at his brow bone, this time with a dry cotton ball, the trickle of blood having finally come to a stop. you weren’t sure why you were asking because you had a slight feeling you knew the gist of what had been said, knew it had something to do with you. the captain had been leering at you all night, had even had the nerve to graze his fingers over your back when he’d passed you on the way to the court, bending to mutter in your ear that he couldn’t wait to see your performance. you’d brushed it off, tried not to think about it but he’d sent glances your way the whole game and on more than one occasion steve had ran into him when he’d spotted what was happening. you figured it was more likely something the captain had said that had started the fight rather than his actions.
“he just,” steve sighed again, let his head tilt a little into the palm of your hand when you stroked your thumb over the skin beneath his eye. you wanted to kiss him, wanted to kiss every inch of his skin until he felt okay, until his anger ebbed and his smiles returned but your worry of peoples opinions still held you back, made you think twice as you started to press the bandaid over his cut. “he just kept talking about how hot you looked in this outfit and how he was gonna take you out tonight and-and how he wanted to see if you were as flexible naked as you were in this skirt. he just wouldn’t stop talking and looking and when i told him to stop staring at my girl he told me all your friends had said you were single and of course they did because, i mean, to them you are and then he went on and on about your legs and your ass and i don’t know i snapped because who the fuck does that?” he drew in a ragged breath, one that caught on a wince again when your thumb smoothed over the now in place bandaid, your lashes fluttering a little at the jealousy laced in steve’s tone. it was one you knew so well, one you used often whenever you heard girls talking about him.
he squeezed your thigh in an almost apologetic manner but you could still see the lingering anger in his eyes, the fire that hadn’t yet been put out. you hated that your friends had told the captain you were single (even if it was true in their eyes), hated that it had led to steve getting hurt. you let your fingers trace down the side of his face, pressed even closer to him. “i think the guys have figured us out, i know you weren’t ready to tell anyone and i’m sorry that my friends have probably found out because i can’t-”
steve’s words fell short abruptly because you’d moved forward and pressed your mouth directly over his, soft lips melting over his as you kissed him. you pressed your hand to his thigh for leverage, guided your lips over his for a few moments, ignoring the hushed whisper that settled over the people in the gym. you pulled away with a final kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“i don’t care that they know, i just wish you wouldn’t have gotten into a fight. you know no matter what he said i was never gonna go with him.” you nudged his nose, tried not to think about the sound of your name coming from the direction of your friends. “i’m yours steve, even if nobody knew it.”
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kamakazih8syou · 2 years
"me?" Ghost x GN!Reader
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PREMISE: After months, Ghost finally gets the courage to ask one of his co-workers out
PARINGS: Ghost x GN!reader
WARNINGS: none! ghost just being a nervous guy:)
AN:thank y'all sm for the love:) my ask box is open if y'all wanna suggest stuff!!
Ghost is not particularly the most... affectionate guy. That's suspected, right? He's one of the most feared men in the military, body count in the hundreds! Where would he get the time to ever even... THINK about dating! That was until you got recruited.
When you walked in, his whole world view absolutely collapsed. Simon Riley; the collected, eerily calm, terrifying man, absolutely flustered because you asked him to help you out with something! It was horrible.
He tried to do anything and everything to squash this little.... crush of his. He distanced himself, he ignored you, he thought of every little thing that could make you seem less appealing. He tried so hard to make himself feel disgusted, but nothing seemed to work! You were just so... enticing.
For starters, everything you did enamored him. Every accidental graze of his arm, every brush on the hand, every little giggle or smile never failed to make him feel like putty in the palm of your oblivious hand. You also somehow managed to make him... protective. You were never secretive about anything. You always told him about the things that bugged you, the things in your past that made you the way you are, and Ghost became determined to never, ever have you experience those things ever again.
And then, the final nail in the coffin that drove him to absolute madness. After a mission, he found himself in your room. Why? You were fumbling in your bathroom cabinet for makeup remover for the eye-black that was constantly stuck beneath his eyes, like a permanent eye-bag. He was lying down as you worked above him, his mask pulled up to his eyes as your gentle hands wiped off his eyeblack. "Jesus Ghost, why didn't you ask me to do this before?" You asked, the buildup of makeup was absolutely appalling to you. Ghost was in a trance of infatuation, mesmerized by every touch and press of your hands of his touch starved skin. He found himself leaning into your touch. "Eh? Oh uh- I didn't uh. Think of it before" Ghost responded, a hint of embarrassment present in his voice You chuckled at his answer and continued on, but by then. He was set, he was going to at least try to ask you out.
__________TIME SKIP______________
Ghost had been hyping himself up for hours; today was the day. He made quick strides to your door and pressed a chaste knock onto the metal, which was quickly responded to with a "Be there in a minute!"
You open the door,"Sorry for the wait, I was polishing som- Ghost?"
Ghost clears his throat and rubs the back of his neck. "Hey uh... do you mind if I come in? I need to uh- ask you something."
Your face turns from worry to a questioning look. Why was the infamously stoic Ghost acting so... flustered!
"Sure! Come on in" You respond with a smile (despite your confusion), you open your door more and slide to the side and Ghost walks in.
"Ive been uh... meaning to ask you something for a while now..." Ghost curses at himself in his internal monologue. Why cant he just keep himself composed!
You rub his shoulder in response, Ghost jumps at the touch and can feel his face becoming beet red "You can ask me anything!", you say.
Ghost looks away from you and rubs his mask, " I've uh... been wondering if you would want to go on a... date with me next time we're both free..."
Your face goes red. You? Ghost wants to take out... you?
"Ghost... me?" Is all you can say.
Ghost turns back to you and with an almost offended tone responds, " You? Of course you! You're... you're amazing! Everything you do never fails to impress me- and your work! Its just- and you are-" You cut Ghost off.
"In that case, of course. I would be honored to go on a date with you."
Maybe Ghost is an affectionate guy.
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gwiyeounsonyeon · 21 days
May Writing Challenge Day 20,21,22!
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Pairing: Chris Redfield x Male Reader Summary: Chris gets a booboo and reader gives him a band-aid Words: 816/200 Warnings: blood? Notes: I cant tell you how many times I rewrote this, I wanted to try to write in a different style but when I tried nothing sounded right or it all sounded too dramatic and poetic.
☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆
The store is deserted when Chris walks in, a few lights in the back had been turned off, the absence of the clerk behind the counter. The atmosphere was haunting and after the shit Chris went through not three hours earlier, he was caught off guard. Too caught up in his head he doesn't realize he’s hovering by the entrance until he hears a rustle coming from a door off to the side behind the counter. Chris’ hand reflexively moves to his hip only to remember last second that he’d left his gun in the car. But before he can overreact any further, you emerge from the door holding a broom and dustpan. 
Upon seeing Chris you look surprised, “Uh, hey…” You fumble, not expecting to have a customer this late but you’re quick to recollect yourself, you set the dustpan on the floor and lean the broom against the wall. “Anything I can help you with?” You look a little intimidated and Chris almost feels bad but he snaps himself out of it with a shake of his head. “No, I'm fine.” – “You sure?” The rate at which you respond catches Chris a little off guard, “– It’s just… I mean…” You trail off like you’re struggling for words and point to your forehead, “You’re bleeding, dude.” Cris raises his brows, the sting reminds him of the cut on his forehead. Shit, he’d completely forgotten. He raises his hand to feel up his forehead and sure enough, there's blood when he pulls his hand back. 
It's not as bad as it was earlier but it seems to be enough to have you, a complete stranger, looking worried. “Wait right there.” He has a feeling he knows what you’re going to do but you don’t give him time to object. You head back through the door you came out of, Chris stands there for a couple seconds feeling like a moron before proceeding down the aisle to the wall of freezers to get what he came here for. He’s gotten his items and came back to the counter just as you walk back out of the door, of what Chris assumes to be a break room, carrying a first aid kit. He opens his mouth to object but you fix him with a glare that shuts him up. 
“Come here, i’ll fix it for you so you don’t kill yourself on the drive home.” You walk around the counter, stopping next to him to set the first aid kit on the counter. Chris’ eyes stay glued on your hands as you sort through the box and pull out the things you need. He’s never actually paid that much attention to you, always in a hurry to get home. Your hands actually look quite nice and when you touch him, your fingers carefully prodding at his jaw to get Chris to face you fully, he notes pleasantly that your hands are as soft as they look.  You’re not quick at patching his wound, you’re actually quite clumsy. 
Your hands shaky and unsteady as you pat the alcohol wipe around the area, sponging up blood and cleaning the cut. It stings but Chris is too focused on you, your hands, your eyes, your warmth. Your eyes are deep and dark, pooling with worry and concern as you take in the weathered look of his face. A small part of him has the wherewithal to try to feel self-conscious but the majority cant find it in him to care. You look almost as bad as him, worry lines on your forehead, dark bags under your eyes, anxiously chewed on lips. 
Your eyes fall to his once you've stuck a bandaid onto him and for a moment Chris swears he feels a spark in his gut, almost like butterflies when the two of you realize how close your faces actually are. But he doesn't get any time to ponder what that could mean as you turn away from him and hurry to clean your mess. You dump the used cloth and the wrappers into the trash as you walk around the counter and set the first aid kit to the side so you can ring him up. You’re quiet throughout the process and when you finish you quietly recite his total, not once during this do you look up at him. A part of him feels a little upset but that's overshadowed quickly by how amusing it  is to see you scurry around like that. 
Chris takes it easy on you and pays without a fuss, he takes his things and heads out to his car as you close up the store behind him. He waits long enough to see the lights go out and when he looks down at his receipt to total the money he’s spent, down at the bottom in a hurried scrawl he reads out your number.
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definitelynotshouting · 5 months
i literally can't stop rotating hunger au worldbuilding and lore in my head. forgive me if you've ever touched on this in an ask before, but... re: the existential horror of being a parasite that has the sense of self of the host it ate. if one of grian's friends ever did get taken and used as a watcher larva host. how do you think he would feel about the watcher that came out the other side? would he want to see them as still the same person as his friend, or...?
Ive been staring at this ask since i got it with like. I need you to picture the most comically heartbroken expression right now okay. like this is me reading that and thinking about it in great and terrible detail:
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Gods he would be devastated if this ever happened. He knows what thats like. He knows just how much it hurts-- and that its not a hurt that can be quantified, because its just that intense, that scalding, that encompassing of an experience to go through. I think, genuinely, Grian would be so utterly horrified and grief-stricken for whichever friend went through the Watcherification process that it would trump every other potential feeling on the list
But i think, ultimately, he would still view them as his friend, and treat them in the same way. There's a little bit of hypocrisy in Grian's character that i enjoy engaging with while writing him, and a good part of that in hunger au is centered around how he's firmly designated himself as the monster, and everybody else is the victim, and theres no room for nuance because he sucks and theyre the only people who are valid. When in reality, yes he hurt them, yes he did terrible and invasive things, but he did them out of pure survival rather than maliciousness, and that does make a subtle difference. And... hes not the only one who has fucked up, either!! The entire point of hunger au is how everyone has fumbled the bag in various ways and now they're all trying to clean it up together. Its just, yknow, Grian is so wrapped up in his own pain that he cant see those grey areas yet
And the thing is, if one of his friends got Watchered™, so to speak, and was standing in front of him, i think he would treat them with SO much compassion. Theyve been through possibly the worst thing anyone can experience and come out the other side-- at his core, Grian is i think a character who wants to do good, and do good by other people, and in this hypothetical that would translate into a lot of kindness he doesnt usually afford for himself. Honestly i think he'd spend the time trying to show them the ropes, get them set up in a better position than he found himself in, and provide his own fumbling emotional support as best he could, just out of sheer solidarity. Like, he gets it. He's been there. He may as well help out.
And i think he wouldnt even realize how hypocritical he's being until someone else pointed it out to him, about how he treats this friend with so much care but is simultaneously cruel to himself. I dont think he'd know how to handle that-- he's sort of dug himself a rut in the road with the way he thinks about and treats himself, and the cognitive dissonance would be really uncomfortable for him. Ultimately a good thing!!! Growth is often very uncomfortable. But imo Grian has a tendency to run from things like feelings of discomfort, so i think it'd take him a while to reconcile his previous ways of thinking with whats being presented in front of him essentially in the form of a mirror.
So uh. tl;dr: he'd be a little hypocrite about it and would feel a lot more compassionately inclined towards the friend than he does himself, and would try to help them out as best he could. Thank you for the incredible question that has given me the opportunity to rotate this worm at even higher speeds than usual inside my brainpan DKNFEKNDSKDJKDKD
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prettyboykatsuki · 5 months
it feels like i harp on wylls whole thing everyday lmaoo im sorry i just find it so frustrating. like i dont know how many of you have played. aside from just my personal enjoyment of wyll it is so nonsensical for him to have next to no content in the base game. his father is a literal duke in the city we're trying to save. not only that but wyll spent most of his life there. like even giving the game the most benefit of the doubt humanly possible - wyll canonically spent time with the lower city kids. there should have been literally anything related to that. we should've seen him reconcile with his new identity meeting acquaintances and they should've helped us with wylls father. like it literally makes no sense. i cant explain how little sense it makes that his story is Like That. and there's not really more explanation for it then you know what. like from a writing perspective you've fumbled a bag. wyll to act three should've been what shadowheart was to act two. but yet. Yet
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vapolis · 6 months
honestly w/ how orla and jax sort of keep the merc at arms length........it makes me even MORE excited for their poly route. what happens when you catch feelings for the dog you trained to guard you? guard you house? what happens when you watch them conflate trained loyalty with love and you can't help but hope that the love stays? what happens when they start to care about you? so much so that it stops you doing the job youre MEANT to do for them? what happens when a guard dog turns into someone you love? and to top it all off, putting them in a city where its eat or be eaten, and how their seats at the top could be snatched from under them at any second, especially if they have someone they care about that much, so they cant protect the merc anymore? oh that dynamic is gonna be GOOD. Wanting to stay at arms length but falling face first into the merc. They are gonna be putting on that clown wig at the end of it all and I will CACKLE like a fucking WITCH when they do cause not only is it a tragedy but its FUNNY!!! and honestly? they did that 2 themselves by taking in the very hot sexy murderer and making them work for orla! karma got its kiss 4 yall in the most painful way possible, even if u come outta it w/ a lover who would kill 4 u without the promise of payment LORD i got rambley, my bad lmao! this is all just inferring about things uve said n shit so i could be DEAD wrong so take my shit w/ a pile of salt lol u know who I dont see anyone talking about? Echo. oh my g-d ECHO!!! UR TELLING ME MERC HAS THIS HOT SEXY WEAPONSMITH THEY GO TOO ALL THE TIME AND THE MERC FUMBLES THE BAG WITH A GRENADE??? merc.....honey.....ur rizz.......its only there when ur pathetic or unhinged bb girl.....but like entirely not the point, I love Echo! they seem so interesting, I hope the merc can do more jobs for them past the ones we already did/will do! merc kinda needs more work outside of orla if they plan 2 be even more messy than usual and get all up in ppls business lmao! Id luv some fun facts about Echo! Especially about what kinda weapons they like 2 make
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reading all that... u GET me !!!! ����🫂
and this part especially: what happens when a guard dog turns into someone you love? and to top it all off, putting them in a city where its eat or be eaten, and how their seats at the top could be snatched from under them at any second, especially if they have someone they care about that much, so they cant protect the merc anymore?
as for echo... yeah frankly I'm disturbed that it's CRICKETS on that front from everyone 😔 they called you sweetheart!! and merc has 0 game!!
you will however see them around some more, since they're the only person merc can trust w some things to do w the jobs and the entire sword business.
as for some facts... they have cats, 3 of them, and they treat them like royalty. they ride a motorcycle, and they don't really respect jax and orla for... reasons.
their fave weapons to make are swords/katanas, but they're also a big fan of turning random objects like pens or shoes or even a lipstick into weapons. it's very fun to pull those out in a fight
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obscureoperations · 2 years
Would I like a scene where Martin takes care of his girlfriend during her menstrual period, buying sanitary pads and some chocolate? and it all just excites Martin by smelling the blood of the her girlfriend ... and I don't know if he would have sex during his period? or Martin would rather keep the distance?
He would take care of them no doubt! He hates the idea of seeing them in pain. The fact that he finds the scent utterly intoxicating is besides the point. He always tries to stave off the urges. I don't think he would be opposed to being intimate during that time, but his partner would have to initiate it. He thought about it alot, and the idea excited him--but he never thought he'd get to go through with the deed. It becomes a practice. Another way he could help you feel better. He liked it way more than he wanted to admit.
The fluorescent lights stings his eyes, as Martin slowly makes his way down the aisles of the Pharmacy. Endless rows of products ranging from bright pink to deep shades of purple. The basket in his hand was packed full of your favorite treats and a few magazines. He always saved this aisle for last, despite the numerous trips it always caused him a bit of anxiety.
He knew which box to grab, he memorized the packaging, but they seemed to shift things around every month. With a sigh, he keeps his head pointed down, careful not to meet the gaze of anyone else in the immediate vicinity. Much to his relief, the woman who stood in front of his destination grabbed a box and carried on.
Beads of sweat begins to cool at his forehead, heartbeat slowing as he tosses the box in his basket. Hastily making his way down the aisle, he makes his way to the checkout. He couldn't wait to get home.
He almost forgot that this was the hardest part. He begins carefully placing the items on the counter. A box of chocolate a small container of ice cream, crisps, diet coke, a bottle of advil. The cashier begins to make small talk, and Martin politely responds with one word answers. His heart rate begins to rise once again the closer he gets to the bottom of the basket. A bottle of wine and a few magazines. A deck of cards he picked up for himself. He nearly tosses the box of hygiene product onto the desk as a second thought.
His cheeks burn as he fumbles for his wallet. The cashier was new and seemingly friendly enough. Martin just really wasn't in the mood to talk. He hoped he didn't come off as rude, he tried to respond as politely as he could.
"That'll be twenty two ninety five sir."
Martin nods before finally taking in her appearance. Around his age, eyes rimmed with kohl, a messy but at the top of her head. She was pretty, but a bit over done--Martin wasn't one to judge. He was grateful for her disarming demeanor, he places the bills on her hand.
"Thank you.." She smiles warmly as she hands him the change and finishes up bagging up the items. Martin anxiously rubs at the back of his neck, quickly glancing over his shoulder.
"Relax man..."She finally offers. Martin blinks, confused by her words.
"She's lucky to have ya. I cant get my boyfriend to step a foot down that aisle.. let alone pick up the box!"
Martin bites down on the insides of his cheeks, he had to admit it was a bit silly.
"I know... It's like what's the big deal? We've been together for like two years!"
Martin laughs quietly before thanking her and carrying off. The worst part was done, he couldn't wait to get back and see you. He hoped you weren't feeling as bad as you did when he left.
Less than a half hour later, he opens the door to find the house completely quiet. Almost completely, as he turns the corner exiting the kitchen, he could hear the television humming lightly. As he enters the living room, he finds you curled up on the sofa fast asleep. In a fetal position, the heating pad poised at your lap--Martin carefully eases down right beside you.
Reaching for the remote, he turns the volume down a bit before removing the safety wrapper from the bottle of tylenol.He takes two pills and places them on the coffee table before opening the bottle of coke and placing a straw down the mouth.
Gently, he begins to card his fingers through your hair, brushing a few strands away from your face. You start to stir and he leans in to kiss the side of your face. "Y/n... wake up darling.. I'm back."
You groan slightly, still groggy from your sleep addled state, the pain in your lower abdomen causes you to wince. Martin instantly kisses you once again before reaching for the two pills.
"Here..y/n.. can you sit up for me?"
Another wince and you reluctantly comply. "Open." he offers gently, as he places the medicine on your tongue. He reaches for the bottle poising the straw at your lips-you manage to drink down half the bottle. Martin couldn't help but smile, he figured the carbonation had to help the nausea just a bit.
After a few moments, you sit up fully, wiping the bangs away from your eyes. "I didn't realize I'd actually fallen asleep."
"What were you watching?"
"Some movie called The Toolbox murders.."
Martin shrugs before placing a few of the snacks on the coffee table. Your eyes light up when you see the packet of crisps.
"There's ice cream in the freezer."
"Oh.. what flavour?!"
"Mint chocolate."
Your arms flung around his neck as you pepper his cheeks with kisses. The few moments of anxiety now seemed completely worth it.
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bmpmp3 · 3 months
i often, with very little seriousness, say that i prefer to read shoujo, josei, and the occasional seinen manga over anything from shounen magazines because even if they take a turn in quality, at least they will End within my lifetime HFKJSDHKDSHFD and this really is a joke: mostly as a way to combat the last 15 years of shounen elitists coming at me for liking things published in different magazines while also, in a slightly self deprecating way, pointing out how a lot of series in other magazine demographics usually either end at a natural stopping point or get canned unceremoniously with no conclusion (although shounen magazines are no stranger to the latter either LOL the nature of magazine publishing........) compared to just going on for hundreds of chapters after the quality took a nosedive
but make no mistake, despite how a lot (and i mean a LOT) of shoujosei is cancelled early before it can really start to get bad (or it gets trapped in an eternal hiatus because of magazine changes, or it just ends normally LOL), there are still plenty of series that went on way too long or struggled because of their length. some are worse than others: i remember Special A being solid but with a serious plateauing problem in like the latter half where it felt stagnant and boring (albeit not egregious or anger inducing or anything). but then theres other stuff like. hkjfdajhkgrlfjd. Peach Girl my beloved and beloathed <3 HHRJKFJRFEd and dont even talk to me about Vampire Knight or Black Bird. don't even say those words to me
and of course getting cancelled early can also give a series a great opportunity to fumble the bag horrendously in 3 chapters or less: one of my favourite shoujo manga of all time, Penguin Revolution, has an absolutely hilarious last chapter in that you can feel how much the author was like "SHIT FUCK I NEED TO WRAP THINGS UP RIGHT NOW" so hard that i cant even be mad about it LOL
and with that as a preamble: last night i finished reading A Devil and Her Love Song/Akuma to Love Song and well. um.,
quick TW: because of the topics that the manga touches on, I am going to talk a little bit about sexual assault, specifically sexual assault of a minor, and suicide. i will do it somewhat frankly because i want to take it seriously and not beat around the bush and i will do my best, but feel free to let me know if im off-base
SO the first half of the series is really solid, specifically with the characters. Maria in the beginning, especially with the bullying arc, was really engaging as someone so (intentionally or otherwise) neurodivergently coded. and The Boys: Shin and Yusuke were also really strong - moreso on Yusuke's end as like, a foil to Maria's complete inability to mask, Yusuke is like the king of masking. but even Shin, despite everything that comes later (and we'll get to that. by god we will get to that) was also interesting as like a foil in a different direction: a person resigned to his loneliness compared to Maria's drive to connect despite her struggles. And despite how sidelined the girls get, in theory I really loved Ayu and Tomoyo's connection to Maria and the whole squad as well (can't help but love a mean girl redeemed and a shy but secret goth kid respectively)
the series starts to take a turn for the worse after the new school bullying storyline and into the beginning of the Anna Situation. im gonna refer to this Anna, the friend of Maria's from her old catholic school who lost her voice as Anna (friend). it seems clunky but we'll come back to that LOL
i actually didn't hate the whole situation, i found Anna pretty compelling in her anger and resentment and even cruelty, and i was invested in seeing how her relationship with Maria would pan out. unfortunately she herself was basically forgotten about after she moves away to america and instead a lot of the situation was spent focusing on Shin's turmoil which was where his character started to. test me.
this is where Maria's backstory with her mother comes in: maria was born from the rape of her 14 year old mother, who then committed suicide with a preschooler Maria in her arms because of the turmoil and the way she and Maria were treated in the aftermath. this is. an absolutely unreal turn. really fucking dark and tough topic, but i had an inkling of hope! the series was handling its first like, 30 chapters with a surprising amount of care despite some clumsiness...
and the thing is i love a lot of stories that attempt to handle dark topics in loud, fumbling ways as long as theres a sense of compassion and honesty in it you know? and compassion and honest really is the thing, i actually prefer a messy but earnest story about dark and sad events compared to something that knows all the correct words to say while still dancing around serious topics (this is a problem i run into often in recent years. i think its a selfconciousness in storytelling that makes me feel like im being talked down to you know?)
but there is a difference between fumbling a bit an dropping the ball entirely. and MAN that ball was dropped HARD when you bring in the american soldier kidnapper and rapist of the main character's middleschool aged mother and try to turn him into some "redeemed" priest goofy crybaby dad character for the main character to forgive and reconnect with. but we'll get to that, i need to get back to shin
Shin learns from Anna (friend) about Maria's past and how Maria had forgotten it all because of the trauma, but may remember when she's held by others. not wanting to retraumatize her, and believing not remembering her past is what's best for her, he starts distancing himself from her. he also tells the other boys, the blonde bitches (Yusuke and Kurosu (we'll get to him later i prommy)) that have a crush on Maria as well about this, essentially deciding for Maria that she should never learn her past and attempting to control her relationships with other boys behind her back. THIS is intensely possessive and paternalistic WHICH in a vacuum COULD BE a really interesting, dark, but prescient and complex major character flaw to explore (especially in a story written for young women and girls like a manga serialized in Margaret would be). unfortunately the story never grapples with it, its framed like your classic possessive-but-like-in-a-sexy-fantasy-way despite being written in an incredibly embarassing and pathetic manner
like dear GOD i wanted nothing more than him to get some sense knocked into him by the blonde bitches. i LOVE a good character arc where a shojo manga love interest with possessive tendencies learns to respect his gf's autonomy its a classic!! especially with Maria's past, learning that helping someone with trauma means being there for her, not controlling her life behind her back! so much potential there
but alas. all we got was Shin hiding in the shadows from Maria for several volumes until, during an argument where Maria remembers her past and has a panic attack, he attempts to force himself on her and gets his hand hurt in the process. and. god. this is a shojo manga trope i Do Not Care For, honestly it is one of the few things that'll sour me complete on something:
the plotline where through a series of very bizarre circumstances the main love interest will sexually assault (or attempt to) the main character and then get really mopey about it (ouuhhhh im the baad guy how could i do thisssss i feel so sorrrrrrry for myself) and then the narrative will bend over backwards to say that UMMM ACTUALLY its okay the main character wasn't upset about that! it was something else! she didn't think it was rape!! she's cool with it!!! don't feel bad love interest guy!!! LITERALLY i hate it so much. the next several volumes spends so much time on Shin trying to make him feel better about his hand injury and how everything he did was okay because Maria loves him and it was PAINFUL so so frustrating
which brings me to the other guys, the blond bitches. Yusuke is mvp we know this, especially in the early volumes. but after he realized maria's in love with Shin no matter what and he has no chance, he also becomes frustrating because all his edges get sanded off, he's still a wonderful friend to Maria (although he unfortunately drinks Shin's koolaid and also hides her past from her) but he completely stops pushing Shin to be better which makes both characters worse. he was so interesting as the king of masking, such a relatable character type but MAN things went downhill
earlier in the series before Shin tries to push himself on Maria and I was still a bit sympathetic to him, i was thinking like damn. Maria should just get with Shin because she likes him but also setup a polycule where the two blonde bitches can orbit around and keep shin in check LOL
and kurosu. im going back to kurosu finally. a third anime boy has hit the love triangle. hes contentious for very valid reasons but the thing is. i kinda liked him? OKAY okay he has serious SERIOUS personal space issues which were played a little too much for laughs and we'll get to his relationship with Maria's father in a moment but i couldnt help but relate to a big dumb seemingly outgoing but still distant kid who talks too much about horny shit. Yusuke is just like me fr but. also. Kurosu is just like me (idiot highschooler edition) frrrrrrrrrrrrrr sorry i do see a bit of myself in him. hell i even see a bit of myself (dumb possessive middleschooler edition) in the earlier versions of Shin (before you know. he went off the rails), and i think thats whats so frustrating: these characters start with ideas that are ALMOST relatable and intriguing character flaws and then it just descends into madness
and back on kurosu's relationship with Maria's biological father, it is pretty fucked that he hides the fact that he knows Maria is the daughter of the child his adoptive father figure raped for so long, and its especially fucked he brought Maria to the church where maria's bio dad is now a priest taking care of orphans as like a way to "reunite" them and show that "he's changed" and such, but this is really a problem less with the characters and more with the way the story's themes are coalescing in general. The character of Kurosu himself was quite interesting as like a foil to the foils of maria and yusuke, simultaneously really good at masking while also not being good at ALL. and I loved that he got on Shin's case to stop being so possessive and weird about maria. And not to be all "he's literally neurodivergent and a minor" but i can't get all that mad at a 15 year old who (as revealed really quickly in a random chapter near the end) who had to leave his abusive father and scared abused mother under really traumatic circumstances and then suddenly was taken in by a seemingly kind priest trying so hard to defend said priest. i think theres something very compelling and emotionally resonant there: grappling with the the fact that someone you love, someone who treats you with such kindness, someone who you think saved you even, could have been so cruel to your other loved ones.
i know i have a bajillion experiences like that (much smaller scale things like finding out a person who was nice to u is bullying others, or more serious things. im sure im not the only one who's got crazy shit happening with cousins and aunties and uncles and such). like it changes things: you can't just sit idle about it, but you also don't have the authority to confront anyone, you can't go back to the way things were before and there's an irreparable distance between you, but you don't know how to move forward other than letting that distance grow. I think theres something here!!! but unfortunately, the series as a whole was largely uninterested with anything other than turning the main character's mother's rapist into a doting father type character out of nowhere, treating the aforementioned rape as if it was just a little "mistake"
when i read or watch something and i have a very strong reaction to it, good or bad, i often like to look at reviews afterwards. a lot of people seem to think theres no reason to look at reviews if you already have your own opinion, but i personally find them really helpful to get new perspectives and sometimes find catharsis with others with similar perspectives to mind. and so i was looking at some fan reviews and this review's first line killed me
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THEYRE NOT WRONG the full sentence is "This story really reminds me of Usagi Drop, just for the way that the ending butchers my enjoyment fo the entire series" which is VERY true, but also its very true more specifically n the sense of WHY on gods green earth is this series trying to frame the rape of a young teenager as a romantic thing (albeit in akuma to love song's case the circumstances are less grooming and more violence, which just makes it bizarre in a different way). but this person's review is great, it just puts the problems with the series in such a succinct way: it swiftly turns from a decent little drama about teenagers learning to grapple with communication into Rape Apologia: The Manga.
all in all i think the big problem with akuma to love song is how much the story is just uninterested in the topics it brings up. its not a matter of taking on tough subject matter and handling it in a slightly clumsy way, its a matter of taking on tough subject matter and then trying to tie it all up in a neat little black and white bow. the series best part of the series, which is kind of seen in the section where all the kids go to the beach together, is when the characters try to learn to communicate and be honest with eachother despite their difficulties. but that was forgotten and thrown away for some very bizarrely cruel melodrama, brushing aside one of the biggest victims: Anna (mother), the girl who was assaulted and the abandoned by all her loved ones in the process. a teenage girl alone with just a toddler. a character the series had no interest in, not her life or thoughts or agency. really depressing
also yeah maria's teenage mother has the same name (and looks???) as one of her former best friends. and you know. thats what got me kind of thinking. with how much Anna (friend) was like completely forgotten about. i honestly wonder how the writing for this series went. this is why ive been so frustrated after all, its highs are so good but its lows are so so SO disastrous. it appears to have been in a biweekly version of Margaret, im unsure if it was published in every issue though. if it was, maybe rushing to get out something every two weeks was in part to blame for how downhill the writing got? i dont think manga should be published more than once a month at most, i think its unethical working conditions for the sake of a worse product and its bad for everyone involved.
and i know its not really considered standard in art and media criticism to focus so much on the working conditions and mindset the author was in while creating. looking at art as itself divorced from its circumstances and death of the author (as in the actual essay meaning like the author is not god and the intended interpretation is no more or less important than the audiences) and so on and so forth. but i can't help it ive always been like this LOL if something bad i wonder how the creator felt creating it....
but anyway. now. one thing i will give the series: they did not randomly pair off the remaining ensemble cast at the end. one thing about shoujo manga, especially from the 2000s is that if there are an equal number of boys and girls, they will be unceremoniously split into couples by the end regardless of how compatible they are HJKDLDHFJKD i was so scared when i realized there were three boys and maria had two gal pals. i was so scared. but we were spared from that at least orz
i do want you to know something though. despite all my criticism, the thing about this all: i love garbage. i love trash. i will read like anything even if its bad as long as i think i can get SOMETHING out of it. even if that something is just "wow that was bad". do you remember the aforementioned Black Bird? what did i get out of that? i dunno, probably just something absolutely crazy to read in a public library as a 17 year old LOL. i love garbage melodramatic soap opera bullshit so much
but i think what frustrated me so much about akuma to love song, as mentioned before, is that it was like. genuinely really good! in some parts! its the potential that is killing me i think. its one thing to read some big dumb and questionable melodrama knowing what youre getting into in the first few chapters, and its another thing to start out written with such emotional intelligence only to take a complete and utter nosedive so dramatically
is this how shounen manga readers feel all the time. dear god.
but well. i guess i still got something out of 90 chapters of this. a really strong start. some good art. and a what-not-to-do manual for the latter half
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enmi-land · 3 months
dila omg that is so heartbreaking to hear 😭💔 cant imagine how you must feel losing all your hard work just like that. i hope you take as many time off as you need :((
how about your wattpad account? are there any old/new stories you’ve uploaded there that can be recovered? or if you’re planning to rewrite, let us know if you need some help with the content details! sooo sorry this happened to you. tumblr should really give an option to restore back a deleted account 😭
awwww thank you 🥹🩷 it was just lucky that tumblr had a reblog function otherwise i might have lost them for good 🤧🤧🤧 but thank you! my number 1 priority is just to get my old works back for everyone who likes to reread them, and see how things go from there! staying positive and looking on the bright side 🌟🌟
but ahhh my wattpad account was deleted first bc I wanted to delete the email account associated with it and my previous admin account @/enmi-luv, so I decided to just rely on my post on tumblr to be able to copy them into wattpad again… but as you can see, it fell through once I realised that I deleted my side blog bc something must have happened when I was trying to transfer them to my new one ☹️☹️ so basically I fumbled the bag on that one and now i know better 🤧🤧 but thank you for your support and for being so sweet!! it means a lot 🥹🩷🩷🩷
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I kept rotating through pangs of hopelessness, a melancholic tired and extrene anger
You ask me "Do you want to talk about this?"
Idk what there is to say
I mean, the anger was this chicken and the egg thing, where I dont know if Im angry because I started thinking about the situation with my mom again, or if Im thinking about it because Im angry but without the time or energy to really handle that emotion or be properly angry, I just slide off into the other 2. Till it flared up again.
A moment where you try to reach out, show me that I am heard. It helps, but our mom's arent that alike.
I dont literally know this to be true, but I very strongly believe it, and Ive got alot of good reason to.
My grandpa groomed my mom when she was a kid. She was one of his targets, and I understand the situation with my grandma to be extremely abusive, its possible that he even killed her.
So, when my mom essentially ran away in her late teens, she repressed and forgot alot of what he did. I believe its what lead to her substance abuse and admittedly, its why I was able to forgive my mom for most of the horrible things she did while abusing.
So when she moved back into his house when she has 2 daughters and a son on the way (or what would be a daughter in 23~ years time), she was struck with christian values of family. She didnt know, couldnt accept the things that he had done to her or was yet to do to her two daughters
My life played out, that plays out, and hes sent to prison for a while
What I understand to be just under 10 years in prison, and 2 years of house arrest
Now, one of my great aunts, his sister, is in really bad health, and he is helping to take care of her. He was medically castrated in prison and apparently frequently beat after it got out why he was in there. He still goes to the same church as before we left wv when I was a kid, the same church my mom goes to now
And so, my mom following what she believes the teachings of god, has chosen to forgive him, helping to take care of both him and his sister
And my step dads mom ig
My mom has almost 4 full years of nurse schooling under her belt, 7 years of hands on training, and almost 10 years of 'at home' care for the elderly. She's super qualified to do all this too, and I know she couldnt live with herself if she didnt take care of my great aunt
Theres also the point that my mom thinks of my late sister very differently than the rest of the family
Most of us look back, see the days where she was mentally gone, couldnt process even basic information and was approaching a state of brain dead. My mom remembers the days she was lucid, when she could get full sentances out, and was very very obviously in the most pain.
Faith didnt understand what our grandpa had done to her, especially later in her days. She had been groomed by him, and all the attention, all the gifts all the free stuff is what stood out to her, atleast from what I saw. So she didnt understand why he was dragged off by the police in the middle of the night.
Apparently at some point she had forgiven my grandpa, and thats something my mom clinges to
And that is maybe what makes me the most angry
I know this is alot
You take a moment to console me, we go back and forth as you assure me that I am handling this to some degree in a healthy normal way.
My grandpa had been this like ghost entity in my mind for a long time. Something not really tangible. He was in prison far away for what I had been told would be till his death
But now he's real
He's affecting my life
He's affecting my sister Hope's life, my mom
And I cant explain how angry that makes me
That this is still a problem
I feel driven to violence, Im so fucking
When I was in highschool, my dad had set up this punching bag thing in our spare room. I used to punch it till my knuckles were raw
I ripped the skin off of them more than once
And when I get angry like this, its like I can still feel that
The skin on my knuckle tore away
I fumble for a second. You ask "Would you say overall that sort of Catharsis was helpful or hurtful?
Do you think it made the anger more real, or did it accomodate the anger that was already there?"
The physical exertion helped
But that isnt why I did it
I had an incredibly strong drive to self harm for a period of time, maybe like 3 years
And bleeding like that was one of the only ways id let myself bleed. I couldnt cut myself, not yet, but I could do that
And its really scary to think about how much I hated myself then
How much anger I felt, and other emotions I hadnt figured out how to handle
And my dad who was emotionally abusive/manipulative. I didnt have any support
I didnt think it could be worse than how neglectful my mom was, but I dont know any more
I hate how cleanly my emotional needs were exploited by my dad. Im just glad I could see it while it happened
The fact I didnt just role over and fawn for him was I think the biggest wedge between us
You say "I think that is something to be proud of
At the very least I am happy for you that you didn't
That takes an understanding of yourself to not fall for"
I think its just because I knew something different
I had basically total freedom under my mom. Sure, no support, but no walls either. Even if I was in trouble it never actually stopped me from doing anything
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cottonkendi · 3 years
Your Babies | 23
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Sano Shinichiro x f!Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Genre: Idiots to Lovers, Fluff, Crack
Warning: Spoiler warnings
Synopsis: Date ft. Househusband
Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24
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You can’t help but feel worried as you lay on your bed, Shinichiro’s jacket by your side as you scroll through your phone, still waiting for Shinichiro to reply to your message that you sent over half an hour ago.
You’re overreacting, you tell yourself.
Just because the two of you are going on a date tomorrow doesn’t mean that he suddenly needs to reply to your messages as soon as possible. He must be busy, doing something with Manjiro or Grandpa. Or maybe he’s planning for tomorrow.
But in the back of your mind, you can just feel something going off. Like a warning sign.
Thankfully, before you can completely lose your mind and call Wakasa to have him help you check on Shinichiro, your phone goes off, indicating a new text message.
It feels like your soul jumped out of your body as you frantically grip onto your phone, fumbling with the buttons as you open up the text.
From: Sano Shinichiro
Im sorry for the late reply, something came up :))
Ill pick you up at 9! Wear something comfortable and maybe bring some spare clothes ;)
Good night! I hope that you dream about me ;) :) <3
You can feel your whole face heating up, a giggle escaping your lips as your eyes unconsciously averts to the black jacket beside you.
As if someone’s in the room with you, you can’t help but feel shy as you hold the jacket, fingers running over the Black Dragon embroidered logo and name along with the distinct indication of Shinichiro being the leader. It makes it feel so much more real, having his jacket with you.
“This feels like such a dream, Shinichiro. What am I going to do once I wake up?” You mutter to yourself as you stare down at your phone, unsure of what you’re about to reply.
A simple heart will be good, right?
Or maybe a good night then a heart...
Smiley face then a heart before the good night?
An exasperated sigh leaves you as you roll your eyes, fingers pressing buttons quickly, just wanting to get things over with so that you can sleep and be ready for tomorrow.
To: Shinichiro :)
Good night, cant wait for tomorrow :) <3
You immediately turn off your phone, eyes squeezed shut as you basically roll around your bed, hands still holding onto his jacket. Accidentally, you catch a whiff of his jacket.
“No. I am not doing this.” Abruptly standing up, holding the jacket as far away from you as possible before hanging it beside the outfit that you picked up earlier, doing your best to not take another smell ‘cause you don’t want to be a creep. Like what Wakasa said earlier.
Even though you can’t take the scent off of your mind anymore, you still try your best to act casual before turning off the lights in your room and jumping onto your bed. A curse escaping you as you think about how his jacket smells just like him when you rode on his motorcycle.
“How am I gonna sleep now when all I can think about is you and your stupid jacket? Should’ve just made Wakasa return it earlier. Ughhh!”
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With one last look at yourself in the mirror, you let out a deep breath, doing your best to calm yourself down before walking down the stairs, hands tightly gripping onto your purse and a little bag with your spare clothes.
You were supposed to wear a dress but something told you you’ll regret it so you opted to bring the dress as a spare while you wear a pretty pair of jeans and a top that Wakasa gave you last year while draping his jacket over your shoulder just so that you won’t forget to return it. You hope that you’re not underdressed, your nerves going off every few minutes you waited for Shinichiro to arrive and now that he’d just called you to say that he’s by your door, it feels like your brain just short circuited.
Wiping your hands on your jeans, you plaster a nervous smile on your face before opening the door revealing a smiling Shinichiro, flowers tightly held in his hand as he greets you. “I didn’t know your favourite so I bought roses which smelled the best…though on our next date, I hope I’ll know your favourite by then.” The awkwardness quickly melts away as soon as he opens his mouth, your smile quickly turning genuine while the apple of your cheeks heat up.
Accepting the flowers, you thank him before turning around and putting it in a vase, thankful that your mother had a spare one laying in the kitchen.
Running back to Shinichiro, you’re about to walk to his motorcycle when his hand holds onto your wrist, stopping you from walking ahead. Tilting your head to look over at him, you’re met with his awed expression, eyes trained at you as he lightly stutters on his words. “You... you look really beautiful… especially with my jacket on you.” He sheepishly adds the last one, eyes quickly falling to his feet as a bashful smile graces his features.
His hand is about to fall back to his side but instead, you grip it on your own, fingers slotting in between his as you turn around and start tugging on him to follow you, doing your best to not let the giddiness show in your voice. “C’mon Shinichiro, we won’t be able to go on our second date if we can’t even start our first.”
Just like that, Shinichiro’s expression brightens, shy smile quickly turning into something more confident as he helps you on his bike, putting your bag in the compartment before telling you to hold onto him as he drives the two of you to town.
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It took a twenty minute bike ride through town before Shinichiro parked in front of a huge building with cute signs and decorations plastered on the wall.
Hopping off of the motorcycle, you wait for Shinichiro to make his way to your side. “Where are we?”
“You’ll see. Come on, we’ll be late.”
Pulling you inside the building, you don’t get the chance to look around as the two of you quickly ran inside the building and passed different rooms, all seemingly occupied and full before he stops in front of a door at the end of the hallway. Hesitantly, you stand beside Shinichiro and watch as he knocks on the door once before opening it.
Stepping inside, you feel confusion rush in your body, brows slightly scrunching together as you’re met with the sight of 7 pairs of couples and an old lady in front. “Ah, Sano-san! I thought that you’ll be late for our class! Take the aprons on the last table over there and we’ll start, okay?” The old lady ushers the two of you to the back while giving you a sweet smile. “The two of you look absolutely adorable together, sweetie. You look lovely as well.” She whispers to you while you politely nod along, hand tightly holding onto Shinichiro as you walk past the other couples.
By the time the two of you are at your designated counter, you finally manage to take a good look at the room. All the counters have their own sinks, chopping boards, knives, utensils, pots and pans, and various ingredients. “Shinichiro… did you take me to a cooking class?” You can barely hold in a laugh when you see the nervous look on his face, Adam's apple bobbing as he sheepishly nods. “Why?” By now, a giggle has already slipped past your lips, amused and a little endeared with how your first date is going.
“Well, I wanted to prove myself to you. Show you that I can be responsible. That I can cook you breakfast, lunch, dinner, desserts, snacks, whatever you want.”
“Sounds like you’re planning to be my househusband, Shinichiro. Didn’t think you’d plan ahead like that.”
Just like that, Shinichiro’ face explodes into different shades of red, the colour spreading down to his neck as he turns away from you, hands covering his face as he lightly hunches over. From this angle, you can see how even the back of his neck and ears have gone red as well.
“Don’t worry, I like people who plan ahead.”
You don’t think you can handle any more of Shinichiro with how fast he rebounds back to his bubbly self at your words, arms brushing against yours as he gives you a close-eyed smile, cheeks still tinted red as he whispers to himself. “I gotta buy a planner then.”
Your laugh gets cut off by the sound of the old lady’s voice, class already starting as she starts instructing the class with what to do for the breakfast portion of the class.
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The whole class took exactly 4 hours, ranging from the typical breakfast meals to intricate dinner dishes and desserts. All the while, the two of you had taken turns tasting each other’s cooking, fingers wiping away the flour on his cheek, Shinichiro helping you with fixing up your apron while you’re busy preparing the dough, helping Shinichiro pick out the proper vegetables or assisting him with frying up some meat.
Along with that, you can’t help but remember the lovely comments that the old lady told you, always pointing out your chemistry with Shinichiro which only makes him stumble in his steps, twinkling eyes always seeming to connect with yours as he bashfully thanks the old lady.
By the end of it all, the two of you walked out of the building with a box full of homemade daifuku and dango, along with some leftover sushi from the dinner portion of the class.
Going behind Shinichiro, you tightly hold onto the cute bento box that the old lady gave the two of you, arms comfortably wrapping around Shinichiro’s waist as you lightly lay your chin on his shoulder. “Where are we heading next?”
“I was planning-”
It feels like your world stops as soon as Shinichiro turns his head to face you, your noses only a few centimetres apart as his wide eyes meet your own.
Your breath catches in your throat, hands tightening on the bento box as you continue to hold his stare. You’re so close that you can practically count the lashes that grace his lids, so close that you can feel every exhale hit your cheek. So close that if you only lean a little closer, your lips would meet his.
Unintentionally, your eyes follow him.
You watch as his irises land on your lips. Gaze lingering on them for a few seconds longer. You watch as he lightly wets his lips, swallowing for a bit before he realizes what he’s doing.
It seems the two of you had the same thought in mind.
In an instant, his eyes are on yours as well, cheeks heating up at possibly getting caught staring. “Let’s… let’s bring these home first, yeah? Don’t want them to spoil.” He barely whispers as he lightly touches the bento box pressed against his abdomen, lightly wincing when you accidentally put more pressure on it. You stay quiet, feeling a little flustered at the moment from earlier, you don’t know if you’re disappointed or glad at the thing that didn’t happen.
You can’t help but continue to think about it as Shinichiro drives the two of you to your house so that you can drop off the dango that you saved for your cousin while you decide to drop off the leftover daifuku and sushi at the dojo since Manjiro and grandpa might enjoy it more.
The old man greets the two of you by the gate, telling the two of you about Manjiro and Keisuke who had fallen asleep by the porch whole waiting for you two and embarrassingly asking about how the date is so far to which you bashfully answered that you’ve been enjoying  yourself.
“That’s good, that’s good. I’m glad that the two of you are getting along quite well. It’ll be a shame if you don’t since Manjiro has already taken quite a liking to you, Y/N. Keisuke too. Those two always talk about you, y’know? Always happy to come to class just to see you.” By now, you’re starting to think that the Sano family are all just trying to butter you up until you can’t say no to them any longer.
That you’ll be too enamored with all of them to even think about leaving them.
If that’s the case, then it’s working.
You don’t think you've ever felt this much love and want in your whole life, except for Wakasa.
It almost feels like you’ve spent more time with them than you have with your own parents the whole year. You probably have since both of your parents go on month long business trips back to back.
“Grandpa, we need to go, we might be late if we stay any longer.” Shinichiro starts waving at his grandpa while making sure that you’re ready to go before he drives off but then, in the side mirror, you see a group of motorcycles appear from view. You can feel your stomach drop at the sight of the other Blck Dragon members approaching which prompts you to slap Shinichiro’s arm, having a feeling that Wakasa is right behind Takeomi and Benkei. “Oh no.” You hear your date whisper before he finally steps on the gas and drives off, only a few seconds early until Wakasa was able to spot the two of you.
A heavy sigh leaves your lips, relief flooding you as you slightly rest your head against Shinichiro, your ear pressed against his back. “My god, I can feel my soul leaving my body. Wakasa almost saw us.” You guffaw, a little excited at the aspect of running away from your overprotective cousin. You think that it's been awhile since you actually went on a date without Wakasa trailing behind you which just makes this date so much better.
“Where to, Shin? Got any more plans?” You whisper against his ear in order for him to hear you properly but it seems that that was a mistake for the two of you almost swerved to the side from Shinichiro freezing for a couple of seconds the moment you whispered in his ear.
“Please don’t do that again. I don’t think we’re going to survive if you do.”
Your eyes are wide from shock as you nod, arms tightening around his waist as you proceed to just silently sit behind him.
The air caresses your face as the two of you zoom past buildings with Shinichiro weaving through cars. Unconsciously, you lean your head on his shoulder as you continue to watch the scene pass by, unaware of how Shinichiro’s taking glances at you through the side mirror, lips quirking into a smile at how cute you look watching the buildings and shops.
“You look like you’re having fun.”
“Of course I’m having fun, I’m going on a date with you, Shin.”
“You should be careful with your words. You’re making me fall deeper in love with you if you keep this up.” Shinichiro tries to joke around in order to hide his rapidly beating heart, afraid that you’ll be able to feel it with your head pressed against his back.
Raising your head from his back, you tilt your head and stare at him through the side mirror. A smile on display as you ask him. “Who said that that wasn’t the plan in the first place?”
Your smile turns into a grin when you see just how affected he is. With your fingers pressing against his cheek, you can feel just how heated it is as he mumbles out incoherent words with his flushed cheeks.
You never thought that it was this easy to fluster Shinichiro.
And you also never thought that he’ll be this cute stutter with his words as he finally parks the motorcycle.
You were so preoccupied with teasing Shinichiro that you didn’t even realize that the two of you were driving towards the huge ferris wheel. Getting off of the motorcycle, you gape at the different rides that you can see behind the short walls of the amusement park, ears straining to hear the many screams, shouts and giggles coming from inside.
Whipping your head towards Shin, you let out a gasp when he holds up two tickets along with both of your bags, presumably the one with your spare clothes. “I’m glad that you’re already this excited with the second part of our date.”
“Are you kidding me? It’s been so long since I went to an amusement park. Shinichiro, you’re amazing!”
A chuckle leaves his lips as he starts ushering you to the entrance. “Well, I remembered Wakasa telling me a story a few weeks ago about his cousin pouting about not being able to go to the amusement park due to work so I decided why not make your dreams come true, even for only a day?”
Tugging on his hand, you shake your head at him. “When we’re finally together, won’t that mean that you’ll be making my dreams come true everyday?”
You really don’t know what’s gotten into you today.
You’ve been awfully confident in your words that you haven’t even thought of censoring them.
It feels like you’ve lost yourself but at the same time, as you watch Shinichiro give you the goofiest smile, eyes twinkling with mirth as he’s blushing madly while handing in your tickets, you’re pretty sure that this is what you’re supposed to be doing.
You’re supposed to be making Sano Shinichiro so unbelievably flustered and happy that he can’t even think of anything else to say. That he can only grip onto your hands tighter, pulling you along and making you line up first onto every ride that you want to try.
The two of you immediately jump from one ride to another, your hands unconsciously holding onto each other as you mindlessly gaped and awed at every ride that you pass by.
From the upside down car rides, to the haunted house, the flying swings, the ferris wheel and the roller coaster.
You’ve tried every food booth and are almost done with the rides. You only need to try the log jam.
“C’mon Shin! While the line is still short!”
You’re too excited that you don’t even realise what you’ve just called him. Too preoccupied with the adrenaline in your veins to see Shinichiro preening at the nickname.
Finally, the two fo you are situated on the log ride, with you in front of him while he hesitantly wraps his arms around your waist, fear beginning to strike him when he realizes just how high up this ride is and it doesn’t even have the safety precautions like the roller coaster did. It only had handles.
Staring down at the big water slide, Shinichiro tries to take a deep breath, calming himself down only for you to turn towards him, your own hands letting go of the handles as you let out a big grin. “Catch me when I fall, okay?!”
A shrill shriek leaves Shinichiro’s throat as the log rushes down the towering slide, arms tightening around your waist while your arms flail in the air. Shinichiro can’t help but bury his face onto your neck, scared beyond belief at the prospect of you falling off the ride while you continue to flail your arms around.
As soon as the log makes it to the bottom, a huge splash of water soaks the two of you, the cold water drenching your whole body along with Shinichiro which leaves you giggling to yourself as you help Shinichiro out of the log. “Oh my god! Shin! That was amazing! Can’t believe we saved that for last!”
Hearing the joy in your voice, along with the bounce in your step as the two of you make your way to the booth where you can see the pictures taken of the two of you while on the ride, Shinichiro can’t help but feel the fear lave his body, giddiness replacing it as he follows you to which you’re already giggling at the printed out pictures laid out on the table. Peering behind your shoulder, Shinichiro’s eyes widen, cheeks heating up for the nth time today as he watches you put a copy of the picture in your wallet.
The picture wherein he’s holding onto your waist so tightly while hiding his face on your neck all the while you’re grinning widely with your hands in the air.
Turning around, a mellow smile makes its way to your lips as you see the look on his face. Handing him a copy, you hold onto his hand. “We look pretty great together, don’t we?”
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all rights reserved © armycandy10, 2021. do not copy or repost any of my works! reblogs/feedbacks are very appreciated~
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