#can't wait to remake this lmao
tawaifeddiediaz · 1 year
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lightning never strikes the same place twice
[Image ID: four small square gifs of Eddie Diaz and Evan Buckley from 9-1-1. The gifs on the left are from 3.15, "Eddie Begins" and the ones on the right are from an unknown episode of season 6B:
GIF 1: Lightning striking a crane, causing it to tip over and send mud crashing down the tunnel that Eddie's in.
GIF 2: Buck tearing at the ground to find a way to Eddie, raining pounding all around him. The subtitle reads, "Eddie! Eddie! Eddie! No! Eddie! No! No! Eddie!
GIF 3: Lightning striking Buck, sending him tumbling off the ladder, still attached by his harness. Another strike hits the ladder truck, sending someone flying from the base of the ladder as well.
GIF 4: Eddie, worried and panicked, yelling out for Buck. His attention shifts as if he's about to go to him immediately. The text reads, in all capital letters, "Buck!"
/end ID]
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mountainshroom · 1 year
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sooo i borrowed a drawing pad from school and serennedy was in my head once more 
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priceofreedom · 4 months
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Rebirth countdown 1 / ?
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snazzy-suit · 10 months
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Resident Evil 4 (2023)
Chapter 14 & 15
Bonus Leon:
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mzap · 2 years
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My family is rude so I’m going come right out and say that the only valid ones on this farm are Takakura and my farm animals
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airenyah · 7 months
so my mom and i got to ep8 today and well, what can i say..... gemfourth have gained a new fan fnfnfnjcjd
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nyehhhh-migrating · 1 year
"What are ya buyin'?"
read it with the merchant's voice from re4
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kriskalutz · 2 years
*shaking at the Story of Seasons: A Wonderful Life announcement*
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mountalodiel · 2 days
i have GOT to make a celeb townie dump.
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drewharrisonwriter · 10 months
Donor | Drabble | Dirty Dancing
Masterlist | Part 1 | Part 1.5 | Part 2 | Part 3
Pairings: Bestie Henry Cavill x OFC
A/N, Warnings: 18+, this is a drabble for my Henry Cavill fic Donor. English is not my first language. Darling bestie found Hank's dancer doppleganger.
Also, guys, I made a GIF. LMAO 🤣
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One lazy Saturday evening, you were once again lounging on the couch, your legs stretched out comfortably and a tablet in your hand.
You had been absentmindedly scrolling through TikTok, a guilty pleasure of yours recently, when suddenly, a video caught your eye.
The Grand Theatre had uploaded a sneak peek of the upcoming production of Dirty Dancing. The camera panned to the cast, and there was Michael O'Reilly, leading the cast in a rehearsal of an iconic dance scene. You snorted, trying to stifle a laugh.
The catchy music and impressive choreography were enough to entertain you, but what had you trying to hold yourself back from laughing hysterically was the comments section. People were flooding the comments, pointing out the uncanny resemblance between Michael O’Reilly and a certain someone.
You finally burst into laughter, catching Henry's attention from the carpeted floor next to you on the couch. He looked up from his book, a quizzical expression on his face. "What's so funny?"
Still giggling, you turned the tablet toward him, showing him the video. "Look at this! It's the cast of the new Dirty Dancing rehearsing, and Michael O'Reilly is literally doing the lift!"
Henry's eyes widened as he watched the video. "First of all, that's impressive," he remarked, a hint of amusement in his voice. "But what's got you laughing so hard?"
You couldn't contain your mirth as you scrolled down to the comments section. "Read these comments!" you exclaimed, handing the tablet to Henry.
As he read the comments, his eyebrows shot up in surprise.
"Is it just me, or is Michael O’Reilly literally Henry Cavill?"
"Wait a minute, are we sure Henry Cavill isn't moonlighting as a dancer?"
"I see Henry Cavill wearing a disguise! No way that's not him!"
You couldn't contain your laughter as Henry read aloud some of the comments out loud. Henry watched the video again with a raised eyebrow, his lips twitching with amusement.
"Are they serious?" he chuckled, his eyes still fixed on the screen. "I mean, I get it. Michael and I might share a resemblance, but I promise you, I'm not secretly moonlighting as a dancer."
Kal let out a playful woof, seemingly agreeing with Henry's sentiment.
"But…" He said, pausing the video, and pointing at it. "I can definitely lift you like that." He winked at you, his voice carrying a playful undertone that sent a shiver down your spine.
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You wiped away a tear from laughing so hard, your voice still laced with amusement. "Oh, really now? Are you suggesting we audition for a remake?"
Henry's eyes glinted with a suggestive gleam, his grin growing devilish. "Well, I can't speak for my dance skills in that level, but I'm quite confident in my lifting abilities."
Your laughter blended with a mixture of delight and flirtatiousness. "Is that so? Maybe we should practice then, just to be sure you've got it down."
Henry's laughter joined yours, the atmosphere between you growing charged with playful energy. "Practice makes perfect, after all."
"I still can't believe people are convinced it's you! Maybe you do have it in you to make it in the theatre world."
Henry shook his head, a playful smile on his lips. "Well, I guess it's always good to have options if this acting thing doesn't work out."
You laughed again, your sides practically hurting from the sheer hilarity of it all. It was moments like these that made your life with Henry so special – the ability to find joy and humor in the simplest of things.
Henry's laughter joined yours as he handed the tablet back to you. "Well, I must say, I've always had a hidden talent for dance."
You playfully rolled your eyes, finally coming down from the high of the situation. "Yeah, just keep it hidden, Hank." He responded with a playful swat to your arm.
"And don't let your newfound dance skills overshadow your other talents," you teased, a gleam of humor in your eye.
He got on his knees and leaned over the couch, his chin resting on your shoulder. "And what talents might those be, my love?"
His voice dipped into a slightly husky tone, his gaze smoldering with a suggestive spark, nuzzling his nose against your ear.
A playful grin curved your lips as you turned your head to meet his gaze. "Oh, you know... the kind of talents that require a bit more privacy and a lot less clothing."
His deep chuckle reverberated through the room, his lips brushing against your neck. "Well, in that case, perhaps we should put this tablet away and focus on exploring those talents." he murmured, gently taking the tablet from your hands and drawing you into a passionate kiss that left no room for further words.
Tag list:
@jyessaminereads @summersong69 @itsrubberbisquit @sweetandgentlecreature @kingliam2019 @leaveitbythewave @mrsevans90 @evansabove1981 @bascmve01 @shellyshellshell @iamsana @foxyjwls007 @one-sweet-gubler @henryownsme @angelcavill66
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
hi hi!! 🦕 anon back at it again with the requests!! can i get somethin with our beloved handsome bros and a reader with a strong southern accent, like reader can hide their accent well but sometimes they slip up and have a very strong southern accent
mines been strong all day and i think its the funniest thing
oooo okay okay !! ; and thank you so much to you and all of everyone requesting for using handsome bros, yall r awesome lmao ; kinda delved into just southern reader on accident so whoops fjenndmsms
HANDSOME BROS ; southern accent
includes ; tommyinnit, tubbo, ranboo & badlinu
warnings ; language, talk about guns
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"what the fuhck"
it'll just randomly pop out from no where and surprise the shit out of him
"welcome home, darlin" He jokes, putting on a fake accent to try and match yours. "Yeehaw partner, let's go kill some bitches!"
he's very playful about it, he honestly likes when you don't hide your accent because it's what makes you yourself
he bought you a cowboy hat for your birthday and you wear it around pretty frequently LMAO
he loves having a relationship with you and learning about the southern parts of America and how it differs from the UK because obviously culture differences and shit
talking to him about tornadoes and shit like it's nothing and he's just like "!?!?!?" LMAO
catches him off guard when you let it slip/are too tired to hide it
will make a joke or two about getting your rifle to go hunt some deer or some shit
"ready to go oppress gay people and go get blackout drunk?" you ask him, showing off your accent
"hell yeah, brother" he laughs, slapping a cowboy hat you had laying around on his head
he likes hearing you tell stories about living in the south and shit
and how fucking weird your (mostly distant) family was
"wait, is incest actually a problem?"
"I mean in the 1800s yeah, it's still pretty legal in a lot of places too but it's a bit less of a problem, doesn't make it less gross though. my second aunt and uncle are actually cousins, so like, that uncle is my third uncle technically"
"What the hell?"
he grew up in the more northern areas of the east coast so he at least has America pretty understood
the cultural shock still kinda hit them tho
the tornadoes? the droughts? the heat?
they thought the heat was bad for them? oh good god
when you let your accent slip out he just takes a second to make sure he heard you correctly and then jokes about it
"ready to hit the cabellas and get some guns?" He asks in a shit accent
"hell yeah, man, let's go" you reply, grabbing a nerf gun off their desk
they love your accent though, and loves how you both pronounce things and talk completely differently
sometimes he'll catch himself talking a bit like you and pause like "did I just say that like that...?"
when you slip out your accent or are just too tired to cover it up, he can't stop thinking about you like remaking the young sheldon intro if that makes sense
I know it doesn't but bare w me...
"ready to go wind up some cows partner?"
"fuck yeah, america!! rah!!!"
loves learning about the cultural differences between you two and shit
has a whole cowboy hat collection to cosplay as you and apparently each hat has their own personality/era of yourself
asks you what tornadoes are like and shit
"do you actually say yeehaw?"
"I hope not"
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sweeneydino · 10 months
I'll be honest, I'm not the best at animating. Mostly cause it requires a lot of patience and skill that I do not have 😩 that's why I usually just stick to storyboards. If I act like it's an art piece for someone important, then maybe I can get somewhere 😤
Props to anyone that animates, you guys are built different 💪
Anyway, I'm still working on this, but here's a wip. Audio is from the movie called Rio by Blue Sky Studios. Can't wait for my favorite part lmao
They sense fear
Edit: remaking in capcut cause I forgot that damn app existed 💀
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toutallyahoe · 1 year
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re4 remake is trying to get me to revive my account i see lmao
anyways, bitches here need content. it is i, im bitches. yall better give me or im fucking rioting
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He should be asleep. It was too early in the morning for this shit, not to mention they literally fucked like wild animals last night. That should've satiated his partner. Should have. That's what [Name] had thought as he let out a tired sigh as a groan leave his lips at the pleasure spreading throughout his body.
[Name] removed the white blanket that was on his body, and he wasn't honestly surprised to find his cock was nicely wrapped around Luis' warm and wet mouth. [Name] may have not been able to look at the alarm clock that was settled on their bedside table but he knows it was early in the morning, and the sun was barely up! But what can he do when his partner was just an eager whore?
"Morning to you too," he tiredly greeted as [Name] sat up and then gently ran his hand through Luis' messy hair, looking at his partner eagerly sucking him off. Luis looked so pretty as always but at that moment, the man looked like a desperate whore greedily taking his cock. "Isn't it too early for this?"
Hearing his voice, Luis moaned around his cock as the man began to slurp messily, making [Name] moan from his actions. Luis gave a few more messy slurps as he then finally pulled off from [Name]'s dick, not before giving the tip a wet kiss as he did. Luis then gave a large, innocent grin towards his lover as his hands settles on [Name]'s thighs.
"Finally awake, guapo?" Luis giggled as he wiped the drool slipping from his lips. "You kept me waiting," he said as [Name] barely bit down a groan when Luis took his dick in his hand and began to slowly stroke up and down as Luis would often playfully squeeze to get a moan out of him. "So I had to proceed by myself." Luis leaned down to take [Name]'s cock back into his mouth again.
[Name] swore under his breath at the audacity of his partner. In the end, he decided to take control and punish him a little. Luis can't get away with being a cheeky little whore, not this time. [Name] thrust his hips up into Luis' mouth, keeping a firm grip on his partner's hair to stop Luis from moving as [Name] slowly but surely fucks his cock down Luis' throat.
Luis let out muffled moans as he began to hump against [Name]'s leg with desperation, rubbing swelling dick against [Name]'s leg as he whined and drooled over his lover's cock. It really seems like last night's sex truly wasn't enough for Luis.
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thebucketpail · 9 months
When You Accidentally Kill a Clown pt. 10
Pt.1. Pt.9. Ao3
Sunday: One day after the Planetarium Incident]
: Okay so after that disaster of a date I feel the need to ask you to give me at least one more try.
Comet: ???? Wdym? I had a blast.
: During the active hostage situation?
Comet: .... Okay maybe not during that part
Comet: what did you have in mind? :o
: That's what I thought.
: I was thinking dinner and a movie?
Comet: Lmao that's such a cliche man
Comet: but it sounds awesome
Comet: I'm free anytime after 4 all week but thursdays
: Hey, cliches are cliches for a reason.
: How's Tuesday then? One of my favourite theatres is showing that new alien remake. The one with Chris Pine.
Comet: dude no way I've been dying to see that
Comet: your the best
Comet: it either gonna be a masterpiece or a c9mplete disaster
Comet: the movie I mean
Comet: not the date
Comet: I can't wait
: Me neither.
: How many of the movies have you seen?
Comet: oh man is that even a question?
"That," Danny said, lips curling into a smile as they pressed against Jason's, "was an amazing date. But I call dibs on planning the next one."
"Oh? So there's gonna be a next one then?" Jason asked, grinning as the key finally turned in his apartment's finicky lock. He allowed the shorter man to push him through the open door as Danny hummed their reply.
Pt. 11
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
another Japanese remake??? Can't wait to watch the trailer in 2026 lmao
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mojogifs · 6 months
When I tell you I can't wait for you to get to S3E1 Finan I hope you know what I mean.
You mean this Finan?
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I'm excited to remake these now I have better software lmao
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