#can't have nice things
respectthepetty · 1 month
in a perfect world, Domundi would have snatched up Cooheart once Wabi Sabi Studios' contract ended and put him with Net in Love Upon a Time
but we'll never be able to fly that close to the sun
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brandileigh2003 · 10 months
Just wanted to let you know maybe you should rewrite some parts in your story. You've turned Sirius into one dimensional character only focused on remus and his issues. You also need to add some angst with the wolfstar.
I read part of main story and one shots. All the same. I think you hate Sirius. Or else you're not a good writer?
Either way. I hope to read if you fix it.
People actually wonder why authors and other creators are leaving the fandom?????
And I'm a little blog with a story with low hits, so I can't imagine what authors with larger reader base/following than me must see in their inbox.
There are so many things wrong with this ask that I don't know where to start. But I'll try.
1. If you don't like something or a characterization- there's a simple fix-move on. Find another fic. Do NOT go into an authors comment section or inbox with your complaints.
There are so many fics, different ways characters are written. Find an author you like (encourage them without pressure), then check their AO3 bookmarks, or see if they've done any fic recs. Maybe ask them?
2. I am not rewriting my story.
3. You should never demand that.
Write your own story, and do it better than me. If it's a story with disabled remus, then I'll probably find it and read it. And if I like it, comment nice things.
4. Please don't read anything else I write.
5. Also. If you didn't like the way I wrote the characters, then **why** would you go read more of my stories?? Yes, writers do change and grow and one take on a character might not look the same in one fic they write in comparison to another of their fics. And some might appreciate another chance, but... If you consistently don't like it, like I said above, move on.
6. If you read tags, you knew especially in silence between us, that it's soft wolfstar and their angst will come from outside the relationship. If you didn't like that, you should never have started. They had enough things in their past that they are still dealing with, I didn't want to add to that.
7. I don't hate Sirius. If I did, why would I write and read wolfstar? Yes, I kin remus and his disabilities mean a lot to me... But so does Sirius' mental health. And as someone who relates with remus so closely, I adore Sirius and want him to be happy and safe and have all the best things.
8. Ok. I'm not really sure what else you're referring to with one dimension with my Sirius, he's falling in love with remus so that gets focus, yes, but I also try to show the established relationships that he has. He brings a past into this, his own fears, insecurities, and trying to get help for his anxiety and nightmares. I know I'm not the best writer but I did try to give him development.
But at the end of the day-- I'm happy with my characterizations, their relationships and the story I wanted to tell-- so that is all that really matters. A handful of other people just so happened to enjoy it with me which made it even better.
Sorry you didn't enjoy it. Also, not really sorry at all bc you felt the need to come in here and make me feel bad.
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kirstielol · 2 years
i kept finding branches of my money tree on the ground so i set up a camera on it and caught this today 😑😩😠
he's chewed off more than half of the branches at this point
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yoiku · 11 months
I knew it was gonna go down this route but i did it anyway. Ate fresh strawberries yesterday, today I'm in fetal position on the floor due to tummy aches.
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deathbyoctopi · 2 years
Yi City prompt for my ao3 darlings:
I want a scary story. I want to see what would have happened if Xue Yang followed through with his initial threats to aQing. I want him to be the monster she feared he was (I mean, he was but at least acted nice) and see what kind of terror he might cause during the first night that daozhang left to night hunt
The fear of a powerful demonic cultivator who thinks he’s in the hands of an enemy and has to gain what leverage he can while he can
The fear of a child who is trapped with an injured psycho
The fear in Xiao Xingchen when he realises he’s been too trusting with a stranger he knew nothing about. 
Give me a terrible ending for Yi City where Xue Yang does not take a leap of faith and doesn’t trust his life to Xiao Xingchen in the hopes he’ll not recognize him. Show me how bad he can get when he’s trapped in a corner. 
Give me blood. 
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bonesandbrimstone · 2 years
// Oh no, I saw some midnight suns spoilers and they made Johnny an asshole.
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This makes me so sad and also I'm trying to remember if any of the Discworld books dealt with late stage capitalism
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rjalker · 6 days
bonkedfemme for your free transmisic blocklist. Thinks people who understand that trans men are oppressed are inherently transmisogynistic.
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caspiansrecovery · 5 months
*goes outside*
"just kidding...it's freezing rain and everything is ice..."
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canisalbus · 4 months
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✦ Cockroach ✦
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bookshelfdreams · 6 months
yk when you see someone share a finished handmade item that they clearly spent a lot of time and money on and it's just. The absolute tackiest thing you have seen in your life. And then you ask yourself why someone would waste all those resources on such an eyesore.
(no, of course you can't relate to that because you're a much nicer person than me)
In any case.
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A wool coat!
The top fabric is handwoven and handspun, the whole thing is sewn by hand, too.
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Leftovers. Barely anything, all things considered, which is very satisfying.
This thing took me well over 3 years to make, on and off. And now I'm done.
Thank you for your attention.
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isawthismeme · 24 days
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My drawing tablet stopped working, and I can't afford a new one, rip me.
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drulalovescas · 2 months
if 911 fandom can in their show revived on a different network have a bisexual fire fighter then supernatural fandom can in their show revived on a different network have a bisexual hunter ?no
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yoiku · 2 years
slept for 10hrs and woke up feeling like a dehydrated sponge with the headache of a century and a half of my spinal discs dislocated.
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omgpeachsnapple · 4 months
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Knock that shit off, you fucking creepy weirdos.
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