#can you tell that these wolves take up 35% of my brain?
Also I would really like to hear more about your wolf OCs! They seem so interesting from what I’ve seen in the “howls of darkness” tag
MY TIME HAS COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDD
(CAUTION: Long Ass Loredump Ahead)
So, best place to start is probably with the setting itself. There's this single continent with no humans whatsoever, which I've been calling Ashland. (Name is subject to change, but to be honest it'll probably end up sticking like the series title did) And thousands of years ago, before it was known by that name, the continent's apex species where phoenixes, dragons, and gryphons. But, as you probably gathered, a phoenix named Frostburn accidentally caused a mass extinction event, which wiped out all of those creatures. The only surviving life was a little amount of smaller creatures due to how some of them adapted to stay underground to steer clear of the large predators. And yes, this includes our wolves.
Cue a whole bunch of family drama between some wolves, classic post apocalypse survival, and other shit I'm not getting into right now. Besides all of this, something interesting started to happen due to the absence of the Great Beasts. The dragons and phoenixes had five main different elements tied to their different sub species, fire, ice, water, earth, and sky. In ways I haven't fully decided on yet, the surviving wolves were able to harness these elements, and through the centuries, they've developed their own sub species akin to what the dragons and phoenixes had. There were also the griffins, and while it was possible for them to learn to wield elemental magic if they worked for it, they didn't have this magic inside of them. What they did have however, is the magic that let them exist as both avian and mammalian beings. It took longer for the wolves to harness this, but they formed their own sub species as well. (bird wolves my beloved)
These six groups are called the Coldborn, Flameborn, Skybound, Earthbound, Coastdwellers, and Cliffdwellers. There are now many distinguishing factors between these groups, both cultural and physical. I'd go into some, but this is already getting long and I haven't even talked about a single character yet, so we're moving on for now.
Now that I've gone through a crash course of what the world's like, I'm gonna talk about the main characters!
Starting with Eclipse cause she's the closest to being the protagonist, she's a Skybound wolf who at the start of the series, left the Skybound for currently undisclosed reasons. Whatever made her leave seemed to have really shaken her up, and the first section of the story is largely dedicated to getting her on the path to start resolving her issues.
Next is River, who runs into Eclipse one day, and immediately decides his new mission is to befriend her because that's how he is. He's a pretty carefree guy, and at the start of the series he seems to be the most mentally stable. (Which in this series is a VERY impressive achievement)
Next is Rain and Dew, River's older siblings. Rain is River's bio sister from a different litter, and Dew spur of the moment adopted them even though he's only about half a year older than Rain. Rain has a pretty similar attitude to River, if only a bit more subdued. Dew is The Ultimate Big Bro to sum it up.
Now Frost! Best I can describe him is that he's a very cocky himbo, but that's mainly the front he puts up to hide his insecurities. He's a character who gets explored a lot more later in the series, so I'm gonna leave it there for now.
Last I'll do for now is Ember. He's a short and scrawny Flameborn wolf who is pretty stone-faced a lot of the time, he's also begrudgingly friends with Frost. He's Edgy Mcgee and I love him for it. He's also being tortured by a demon, but I digress.
Anyway, that's all the major players for the most part! Feel free to ask me about any other characters I've mentioned if you'd like!
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aftgficrec · 3 years
Hi!! Any Teen Wolf au’s?
I haven’t been able to find much that is new, but there are some podfics and a commentary for the Teen Wolf AU ‘high up in the hills of california’ available. -S  
You can find ‘high up in the hills of california’ and ‘Courting Foxes, Maddening Wolves’ here
Other werewolf aus:
Werewolf AUs (1) here
Werewolf AUs (2) here
‘into the woods’ series here
‘AFTG Werewolf AU’ series here
Podfics related to ‘high up in the hills of california’:
[Podfic of] you looked at death in a tarot card (and you saw what you had to do)  by SashaSea (SHCombatalade), read by Flowerparrish [Rated T, 4 hrs 24 min 28s, complete, 2020]
“Somebody wants me dead?” There must have been something far deeper than his bones damaged, something broken in his brain or even his DNA, because the thought only makes Neil grin a little wider. “That’s nothing new.”
tw: violence, tw: blood
[Podfic of] you start to believe it by SashaSea (SHCombatalade), read by Flowerparrish [Rated G, 7 min 37 s, complete, 2020]
Unease creeps up her spine from the spot in her gut that it hasn’t vacated since Neil left, and she crosses her fingers as she dials the number that’s become all too familiar.
(Katelyn comes to Beacon Hills)
[Podfic of] put your blood on ice by SashaSea (SHCombatalade), read by Flowerparrish [Rated G, 7 min 30 s, complete, 2020]
Mornings turn to nights turn to months, and each day Andrew wakes up furious at the world that has torn so much from him and left nothing behind to bleed out, he tells himself that he will finally check his voicemail.
(the aftermath of Neil's call)
Commentary for "you looked at death in a tarot card (and you saw what you had to do)" written by SashaSea and podficced by Flowerparrish [Rated T, 6371 words, complete, 2020]
Author and podficcer commentary on the writing and podficcing process, as well as backstory, tidbits, sequel talk, and general fandom talk/headcanons.
[Short Version Length: 35 minutes]
[Long Version Length: 1 hour and 10 minutes]
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced sexual assault
this is the beat of my heart series by Flowerparrish [Rated T, 3212 words, complete, 2020]
Part 1:  fear of falling apart (T, 1495 words)
Neil can’t breathe.
There was one a time when not a day went by that he didn’t feel this way.
tw: panic attack
Part 2: high, high hopes (T, 1717 words)
The way the three of them came together was… unexpected, to say the least.
(AU for SashaSea's Teen Wolf AU)
fragile as we lie by @jesusasahii [tumblr, 2018]
Often times Neil and Andrew found themselves in the woods, exploring together and taking calming walks when they wanted to.
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shmisolo · 4 years
For Anyone Looking for Not-Super-Angsty-Stuff
I’m compiling mine (or at least the less-angsty stuff) into one list for ya.  
Seen ✔️✔️ 
His lock screen has three texts from Rey on it:
Rey Wife: Babe I know you’re probably busy right now, but you sent that pic to the wrong chat. Rey Wife: Bennnnnnn Rey Wife: Call me when you’re done processing your trauma.
And then about ninety chats from the Skywalker Ranch WhatsApp thread.
In which Ben sends a picture to the wrong chat.
The Sweater Curse
She’s never made a sweater before, but she saw the pattern on Ravelry and who cares if she’s only made (lumpy) hats before—she has to try it.  She has to make it. She has to make it for Ben.
“You realize that Hannukah isn’t an important holiday, right?” Ben asks as she makes eye contact with him.  His eyes are big and brown and—at this moment—mildly annoyed.
“Really?  Is it a giant conspiracy theory?  Part of the war on Christmas?”
“More than you realize,” Ben says and for the life of her she can’t tell if he’s joking.  He does this thing sometimes that’s confusing—where he’ll say something that sounds mopey but is actually snarky and it disarms her every damn time.  “In any event, ugly Hanukkah sweaters definitely aren’t a thing the way ugly Christmas sweaters are.”
“Well, they are now,” Rey says firmly.  “I’m making you an ugly Hanukkah sweater.  Deal with it. And stop moving.”
it's you and me (i know it's our destiny) 
It’s just a kid’s game, he thinks when jealousy pangs in his heart. But it’s more than just a kid’s game.
It’s Pokémon.
It’s the only good thing in his life.
Shalom Rav!
In which Rey comes to terms realizing that she is attracted to the rabbi.
Apples and Honey
When Ben catches wind that his mother is planning to foist a potential girlfriend on him when he comes home for Rosh Hashanah, he takes matters into his own hands: specifically, he runs to Rey and asks her to pretend to be his girlfriend.
atlanta > all atlanta > community > missed connections
In which Rey meets a cosplayer at DragonCon. 
Two to Tango
Rey: I need to ask you something awkward. Ben: What’s up? Rey: Can I give you a blowjob? Please?
Bang for your Buck
“We ready?” he asks her, sounding huffy.
“Nice to meet you Ben, I’m just familiarizing myself with your training,” she replies.
“Ok, well I don’t have all day.”
“No, you have,” she checks her watch, “another hour.” Because of course he’d booked an extra long session. Bless that sweet, sweet overtime pay.
“And you’re sure you know what you’re doing?” he asks her and she glances up at him, sure that her eyes are flashing because that’s fucking rude. She’s a professional. Amilyn wouldn’t have hired her if she didn’t know what she’s doing, and just because he apparently thinks he’s the center of the universe doesn’t change that fact.
“Don’t worry, you’ll get your bang for your buck,” she tells him icily.
A Picture's Worth
reyjay: hiya your art is amazing
reyjay: it’s a big ask but could you draw me for my art final tomorrow? i’m shit at drawing people and i can’t fail this. can you help?
He stares.
And stares.
And stares.
kyloren: is this some kind of a joke?
reyjay: no?? why??
kyloren: you’re asking me to help you cheat your exam, but you’re not even offering me money?
There are several reasons that Ben would never have dreamed he’d ever receive this text. The first is that he’d be invited to a Halloween party. The second is that he’d never in his life expected to be in a serious relationship, much less the sort of serious relationship where his partner would suggest matching Halloween costumes. And the last is that he is dating someone who’s show only and they’ve only almost murdered one another twice. Because he’s an A Song of Ice and Fire fan. He hates Game of Thrones.
(Not) Interested
We're bringing Speed Dating back to Space Battles Bonanza! Register online for one of our special Bonanza sessions of 15 three-minute dates so you’ll no longer have to look for love in a galaxy far far away. Choose from one of seven speed dating sessions, two of which are queer focused. If the Insurgents can blow up the Doom Moon in 11 minutes, let’s see if you can make a love connection in only three.
There’s a history of successful Speed Dating at Space Battles Bonanzas, with long-term couples, engagements and marriages now among the alumni.
In which Rey & Kylo meet at their fancon's speed dating.
do or do not (do the do)
In which Ben, in an effort to improve his stamina (look he's making progress, ok?) after reading some articles that he'll never be able to unread, receives some coaching (that he very much did not ask for).
(Very much did not ask for.)
A for... 
Rey’s seeing double by the time there’s food on her plate. Oh. There’s food on her plate. That’s good. That’s unexpected at this point. “Eat,” Ben tells her.
So she does. It tastes good. Very good. She likes this food a lot.
“I’ll make sure she knows,” Ben says.
Oh she’s at that point of drunk where she’s just saying things out loud instead of keeping them in her internal monologue.
“You are,” Ben says, looking very amused.
She hopes she doesn’t say anything embarrassing.
“I promise, you haven’t yet, but oh boy, I’m looking forward to this.”
She shoves food into her mouth to keep herself from thinking out loud about his dick in her ass at his mother’s Passover seder.
The Love Committee 
In which Rey, tired of her bad luck with dating apps and failed relationships, enlists her friends' help in determining who she should date next.
They take it a little too seriously.
In which Ben accidentally implies that he gets his cardio from having sex on national television.
You, Me, and He
When they say that Kylo's brain is in his groin, they're not far from the truth.
In which Kylo Ren is his own penis.
and beyond 
For a moment, he thinks it will be like the first time, him begging, her crying and saying no and him not knowing how to protect his crushed heart.
But she doesn’t cry, she doesn’t say, “Please don’t go this way,” she doesn’t look horrified or disgusted. She just grabs him by the front of his shirt and tugs his lips down to hers before reaching down to cup his cock.
we decided not to kill the wolves (we wanted to be wolves)
A pack of wolves lives in the woods to the north of Raddus and as winter looms, they have their eyes set on Leia Organa’s stronghold. Rey may be new to Raddus, but she’s not about to do nothing while it may be in danger. And besides, Poe must be exaggerating about wolves the size of bears. She’s not afraid of monsters.
Ben picked the flowers for their wedding.
The Kitchen
Rey and Ben, hunting for their first house.
In which Ben goes to daven for his father’s yahrtzeit and manages to prove to himself once again that he is both a terrible person and a terrible Jew.
Oh and he sort of falls in love.
The Sweetest Thing 
A post-coital trip to Waffle House.
with you i shall play
And when it's dry and ready, then Ben's dick Rey shall play.
Everything to Prove
“The show,” he says. “It’s probably best if they don’t—if we don’t—”
And Rey follows his line of thought at once. For all the program is one that doesn’t seem melodramatic—the height of drama in previous seasons came from someone’s cake falling over and that was about it—she does not doubt that the producers and cameramen would leap at the opportunity to make there be something out of nothing in their relationship—especially if there was something out of something.
“Yeah,” she agrees. “Yeah, probably. We can pick baking stations that are…” but she doesn’t want to complete the thought. She likes baking next to Ben.
“Or we can just be careful?” he suggests, sounding quite as pained by the prospect as Rey feels.
“Yeah, careful. I can do careful,” Rey says at once and her lips are on his again and he’s laughing now, and she’s laughing, and she didn’t think laughter would be part of all this. She didn’t think it could be. But here she is, laughing and kissing and holding a man who, at some point, she’s going to want to beat.
She does her best not to think of that now.
It’s a friendly competition, after all.
It’s not life and death.
It’s baking.
In which Rey learns about a startling kink of her new boyfriend, and in which, much later, they roleplay it.
The Knotting Shop 
Ben realizes upon entering the shop that he had gotten the complete wrong impression from the name of it.
What the fuck sort of shop calls itself The Knotting Shop if it’s not about, well, knotting?
The answer, apparently, is a knitter with a sense of humor. An Omega, by the scent that seems to have landed in every colorful ball of yarn in the shop and which hits him right in the groin.
Let Go (Never Let Me Go) 
In which Rey swipes right on Ben, 35. Probably too much of an asshole for you, but my therapist is trying to convince me that assholes deserve love too, so here’s me on Tinder, and it does not proceed as she expects.
crossfade (cursed and blessed)
The Talmud states that on Purim one is to drink to the point of not knowing the difference between “cursed is Haman” and “blessed is Mordechai.” In other words, you’re supposed to get so blitzed you can’t tell your friends from your enemies. Rey and Ben might be taking this a little too literally at Leia’s annual Purim Party.
Kind Stranger
Ben stares at the text for a minute before opening up his computer and typing “+7793 area code” into his web search. Jakku. Of course he wouldn’t have recognized it. He confessed himself surprised to know that Jakku even had an area code. Did people still live in Jakku?
It’s not the first time that Rey has seen Kylo pop up in her Fido stream, but it is the first time she’s clicked on him fast enough to be scheduled for a meet and greet with dog and owner on Saturday.
All Bets Are Off 
“Fake girlfriend. What does that even mean?” Ben asks her.
Rey rests a hand on his arm, feeling the muscles underneath his sleeve. “Babe,” she says, leaning close to him. “It means we pretend we’re madly in love. Think you can pull that off for your office pool?” Ben’s eyes flicker softly between each of hers and he swallows, his Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat.
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paraclete0407 · 3 years
That my favorite JLC novel was ‘Call for the Dead’ - a reference for the Black Death
Nora Roberts’ ‘Holding the Dream’ - ‘Project 521′
‘[Japanese word for bouquet] super-cruise
‘Afterburner’ - hands on shoulders
‘Disbelief in math’ - you [stole presence of breast]
‘Why am I so dumb’
Drinking boiling tea on empty stomach till fly, leap weightlessly
‘Mariposa 2016′ - why not be ‘wheeled out’ 
‘Speak while breathing in’
Oxygen from outside not needed; breathing is crutch
Do backflip; test of will
‘Germantown Lake’
Instant respect University School of Milwaukee
‘UW-Milwaukee (once) respected me’
‘The infliction
‘H3B’ - ‘Mutt Riley’ drug-dealer w/ heart of gold (fake stock character) ‘Malaysian Camille,’ fingers intercostal, ‘Liesl,’ point to books w/ furry boot-toes, ‘I want to kick that cat.’  Some kind of gov’t agency.  Girl w/ marmalade hair,
‘Gangster Opera’ - ‘__-ya what _ _ _ _’ - ‘penalty life’ 
‘Flamenco dance-hall poison gas massacre’ - ‘First Love’
‘The Persian Girl’ - NYC container-ship nuclear terrorism
‘Oxygen Girl and Lithium Boy’ - W. Allen ‘Jupiter Symphony’ - Green R-33  - ‘Yeppeo Harkke’ - ‘I’m not Allen; don’t want to know everything; I groom no one; I expect not to live forever; IDC abt ‘sexual awakening’  + doesn’t need to be taught.  Unoriginal sinner, un-special sophistication, ‘nubile’ - well f--- you and praise God f---face
Distributing the apple-baskets to the poor
‘Epipen’ hostess-bar; [fake name spoken by munch-crumple-idiot].  
‘The Coalminer’s Wife.’  Rutgers is Pyongyang; Mason Gross School of the Arts is Pyongyang; spiral staircase, why am I so dumb.  ‘Poetry-writing is like _ _ but novel-writing is like coal-mining.’  The small room, loom / weave.  Sleep in uniform apron / visor.  Blindness.  Hairband.  ‘If you wear this shirt on college 1st day will meet fut. husband.’  
Sitting in subterranean culvert, bride, pink silver white, orange light.  Kneeling in matte white in coal-hill.  ‘The village headman’s daughter.’  Candle.  Roman Catholicism implied.  
Legalistic, fat on health-foods.  Friend is skinny always burning self down, love of pizza.  ‘Sungjin.’  
‘Minister of the Right’ - ‘Scholar Jin and Lady Periwinkle’
‘Eternal Protector YSS his face was white to blacks black to whites spoke breathing in, racist in immutable divine capacity, picking up valuables from ground even if stolen property =/- smashing store-window to steal.  Terrible elephant-trumpet, sinking, PCH will burn me w/ cigarette-tip in Eternity.  
‘Sospira’ - mandatory euthanasia for piano-teacher after ‘genius student’ graduates
‘Man is woman and woman is b _ _.’  ‘Women are floors.’  
The bird says ‘laoshi.’  The rabbit approaches me; my son.  Little kids w/ armored lower legs will crush me.  
‘So tired from writing strip-club accounts by hand shoulder fatigue the RU Aryan Nation (inc. blonde Jewesses) easily bent her arm to make it look like suicide.’    
‘I caused WW3 due to collective hallucination and/or CCP deepfake; casus belli
‘We’ll give you a five-course meal then f--- you up + also plant bomb in stomach
‘I f---ig TOLD YOU
Mom trusted me with absolute trust-ness as we walked; Jew ‘Take your family _____!’  ‘Carlos Park,’ ‘I HATE Jews; they think they’re the only humans.’  ‘At least we can all agree about Obergefell(?!).’
Why Episcopalians sing about Socrates?
Tell parents, ‘Don’t you know how easy it is to generate deepfakes and say anyone did anything?’  They drove away leaving me outside Best Buy.
‘He’s like the Palestinians.’  ‘I really like you.’  Black boy in pom-pom-hat, tooth-smile, tinfoil.’  My Tibetan bracelet, Diamond Gym Maplewood
‘Meta-wolf.’  Painterly resolution of cinema.  Die at piano.  Stab self in right thigh.  
Looking in to the PC screen 2003 I saw the future; at the very end of the _ _ vid the katana right through her mouth and head / brain / skull.  Dads to plan Covid ultra-vengeance.  YSS, ‘I killed my sons to _ _ _.’  
St. Peter in sky
‘Delight of bread; it befits Man’s dignity... Xi Jinping likes _... delight stomach nursing school, orange sherbert, all ight getting beaten
The Black PhD woman wants me to apply lip-gloss(?!), will not expand on educational philosophy of institution - ‘I blah blah blah Harvard, middle class can’t live within means - Shanghai novel ‘What We Were Not Promised’ - ‘
Guidance counselor you f----- it up - incompetent reprobate self-hypermasculinizing crop-hair Jewess man up Derek Chauvin
‘The neural math Yuki Katakura, mirror neurons, decoupling, cannot ride the vestibule, Matt Chai, “Correspondence and Correlation’  Berkeley CA, ‘Catherine Chai’ emerald dress, McDonalds in the days when seats were fixed outside.  Michelle WAi funeral; she played guitar; commanded submarine, assassinated by RPG Arab terrorist.  G-36.  ‘Fantail.’
‘What’s Myeong Hyeongeso up to?’ - I really love my friend Cunningham whose heartrate spikes probably b/c he knows there’s CCP Yakuza assassins somewhere al the time thinking of murdering him
Daejin McDonald’s one night, I start singing ’Star Spangled Banner.’  Kim Jong Un launches missile arcing over cereal grain fields, I start singing ‘Star Spangled Banner.’
Literally 2015, ‘Trinity of Happiness.’  Later ‘finally enter.’  Gold label lite cigarette, ‘I’m gonna have my day!’
I gave the little kid money + he flipped out; he later tried to freeze himself to death as Texas Bill is manning up worried about magazine cliches, contributions to ROKA(?).  Kid quit due to voice but he’s still better than me!  Fire all these people, CDF, ‘Charles David Framingham,’ nuke Milwaukee, I don’t trust his data.  ‘I had so much sex before marriage’ - just die I read your magazine 3,0000 years ago.  I can’t believe anyone wants to be you; my grandfather was B-24 co-pilot, main pilot KIA, landed without landing-training, grapefruit morning, infinite wrist-strength.  I smashed up his house but he didn’t get mad, just stutter.  Dead-eyed f---face shooting every animal in Texas.  
Very much fear of P2 holiness but holiness-shyness even worse than love-shyness even more blasphemous, I sincerely hope he strangles me very soon
The evillest thing I ever thought, the ‘death of deaths,’ Kim Jong Il, what was he thinking?  I used to toy with TW-1, say word ‘zombie’  ‘How could you do that?!’  I didn’t liquefy girls’ skeletons or sth; it’s like Schindler’s List soundtrack; I just don’t know words for it.  ‘Final Gesture’ - Jesus to Judas ‘friend?’
Iraq War Day trail-running, later cognizance of Noam Chomsky Hiroshima Day.  Wanted to say Op. Olympic noble but in retrospect ‘Bells of Nagasaki’ + ‘swamp of Japan.’  My grandfather’s funeral, dad is, ‘We have all drunk from wells we did not dig.’  Chinese chicken eat, nap, I can run all the way up of the hill w/ African chat.  I like YooA ‘Bon Voyage,’ check CNS high reps, atrial fibrillation.
SHINEE fangirl ‘Stella(?)’ - noli me tangerine I know that stuff is ‘little stars.’  Awed at my gait  ‘If only they had stayed in hot pursuit.’  I wanna believe in all that stuff as well; I am also a dead-ender or last-chancer or last-caller; I admire Mari Iijima, ‘’Uncompromising Innocence.’  ‘Little Heaven’ but that’s Kim Jongilism or I’m worse than Kim Jong Il for thinking about ‘Agents Running in the Field.’  Timothy Keller, ‘I don’t like broccoli.’  I felt it was an innuendo and it made me think of HJ that gave me her number but I didn’t call b/c I’m against prostitution and I felt it’s fake number b/c everything is the Shadowplay.  I made stupid lewd stuff for years despite ‘Anointment’ and ‘When To Care’ - ‘toucan, macaw, demi-bra.’  Everyone thinks I’m a rapist but I’m not pressing my case; I don’t mouth-breath; I don’t spit.  I read ‘Sentimental Education’ and pre-targeted; I gave up; I wish Gen. McChrystal could be President or GWB 3rd term, conscience of Moon Jaein, ‘Weary Head.’  Thought I was ‘all hard’ for reading Natsume Soseki’s ‘Meian’ with ex-girlfriend’s smile at the end but he as dying then I started seeing kisses + wife-smiles and stuff; what’s Francis Chan up to?, does Mike Pompeo know I am real?  I liked 2nd Inuyasha movie, that song was about Mochida Kaori’s unborn niece or nephew, Kinokuniya Edgewater Mitsuwa.  The ‘Many Pieces’ live version ended with bass-note - ‘cantus firmus’ - instead of fadeout and wail.  Stone Lake NK Mountain morning.  Fav. Bible book 2 Timothy - ‘grievous wolves.’  & I used to listen to ‘Arirang’ and hear the Latin, ‘Respondemus’ - my favorite person said that Latin’s ‘quaint’ but it’s the lingua franca of the Roman Empire and that’s the final empire of this world that never went away; but this is a specific era, the great wave Delta and it’s not even the last iteration If I know anything about biological war or Satan.  Unironically fall on your face; ten billion jewel-souls tonight and this terrible fire rolling over.  I just simply pray for mercy on Milwaukee + somebody suspend their infinity-war-dueling over all the ills of yesterday back to Original Sin nd the Fall of Lucifer.  I’m unhappy that I know all this pop-culture; ‘worlds are swaying / someone is praying / please let us come home to stay’ or Kahi’s ‘One Love’ where at the end it uses the word for ‘I’ in the subjective case which is ‘arm confirmed identity’ 
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“Don’t carry that,” Ymir barked and snatched the small potted cactus from Historia’s hands.
“It weighs like a pound,” Historia said.
“You don’t need extra pounds.”
“Did you just…”
“I mean! You’re carrying our child.”
“You called me fat,” Historia said with a grin. “You jerk!”
“I did not! I’m just lightening the load for you. Don’t carry shit,” Ymir said, pointing the cactus at her. A little of its dirt fell from the pot and onto the sidewalk. “Don’t worry. You’re perfect. Gorgeous. Don’t cry. Please don’t cry. But if you feel like crying just let it out, you know—"
Historia laid a hand on her huge belly. “Yim, I am not gonna—”
“COUCH COMING THROUGH!” Eren said and they turned to see him laying on a leather couch carried by a struggling Reiner and Bert.
“How’d you get them to go along with that?” Ymir asked.
Eren stretched luxuriantly. “I paid them.”
Reiner tilted the couch, sending Eren careening into the grass.
“Yeah, about that,” Reiner said. “I’m upping my fee from $10 to $20. Per yard traveled.”
Eren spat grass. “Steep,” he muttered, getting to his feet. “I’m gonna go find the first aid kit…Asshole.”
“It’s packed in with the baby stuff,” Ymir said. “Because you’re a baby?”
“I got it.”
Right. The baby stuff, Historia thought. There’d been mountains of it. Stupidly bought by Ymir several months in advance. Bought before they moved.
Then, the rest of their friends had ditched out on the moving plans, leaving only Reiner, Bert, Eren, and Ymir to carry the heavy stuff. Historia had nothing to do.
She rubbed at her aching back. She was 35 weeks along, and despite the doctor’s reassurances, Ymir still treated every moment as if her wife could die. Sure, Historia was waited on hand and foot, but she was NEVER left alone. Historia didn’t want to be the nagging wife, so she kept her grievances on the downlow.
She looked up the walkway, to the summer lake house Ymir’s parents had owned for decades. Giddy with the prospect of a grandchild, they’d given it no strings attached to the happy couple. It was gorgeous. A huge, Tudor style home with Lake Sina as its backyard. How could Historia ask for anything more?
She let Reiner and Bert pass her by with the couch. When they set it down in the living room—her living room, she reminded herself—she would home in on the couch and rest. If she couldn’t carry a plant without her wife having a hemorrhage, she’d rest.
“Hissy,” Ymir said. “You’re laying down when they get that couch settled. HURRY UP,” she called after Bert and Reiner.
Historia sighed. “No, I think I’d like to take a look at the garden again.”
“Seriously? You know you can’t garden in your condition.”
“I can’t do anything,” she mumbled back. She walked past Ymir, ignoring her confused stare.
“Don’t go in the garden!” Ymir said, grabbing her arm.
“Ymir,” Historia said, the tension rising in her voice. “I’m going to the garden.”
Ymir shrugged. “Okay. Fine. Ruin the surprise.”
Historia ignored her, pulling back the curtains that revealed the backyard. But what she saw wasn’t the lake and the grass and the small garden she planned to expand. She saw a huge, long wooden table piled with food. The rest of her friends, all the ones who’d supposedly ducked out on moving furniture today, bustled about. Annie was on top of a chair, stringing cheery yellow lantern lights. Mikasa stood at the bottom, stubbornly waiting to catch her wife if she fell. Connie had stuffed two party honker things into his nostrils and was blowing them, making a hooting noise Historia could hear through the glass. Jean and Marco were laying out utensils. Sasha was sampling the food.
“Oh my God,” Historia said.
Ymir put her arm around her. “It’s not ready yet but…Surprise.”
Historia ducked her head and smiled. “You’re too much.”
“Anything for my family,” Ymir said.
“Don’t…make a pregnant woman cry,” Historia said, and Ymir pulled her closer.
“Let’s go out there. All your friends are waiting.”
Connie exhaled through his nose, hooting the party blowers until Jean threw them to the ground and slapped Connie upside the head.
“Thanks, Jean,” Sasha said through a mouthful of pasta.
“Hey,” Connie said to her. “Maybe cool it on the food before—”
“I’m eating for two!” Sasha said.
Her boyfriend went into shock, throwing up his hands and shuffling his feet in a sort of interpretive dance similar, Historia thought, to what Ymir had done when she announced their own baby.
“Whaaaa…” Connie said.
“Really?! Congratulations!” Marco beamed.
“Yes,” Sasha said, proudly laying a hand on her belly. “You see, there are two wolves inside us all. And one of them wants pasta, while the other wants ice cream. The one that wins is the one that you f—”
Connie threw a serving fork at her. “DON’T MAKE JOKES LIKE THAT.”
“If there were two wolves,” Jean said, “you’d be eating for three.”
“Hey. Math was never my—”
Then Annie “accidentally” dropped a string of lanterns onto Sasha’s head.
“Sorry, Sasha…Anyway,” Annie said to Mikasa. “I Told you Ymir would blow the surprise.”
“Yeah, well. You took that side of the bet before I got a chance.” And then Mikasa handed Annie twenty dollars.
“Do I get a slice of that?” Ymir asked.
Historia pulled out a chair (everyone insisted that she sit at the head of the table) and eyed the spread of food. Fat wedges of all kinds of cheese, bordered by what Ymir had for months been calling Historia’s “pre-natal crackers of choice.” Plates of soft homemade bread accompanied by slabs of creamy pale yellow butter. A pie that would prove to be apricot, lovingly crafted by Sasha (and later eaten, almost exclusively, by that same baker). Heaping bowls of fresh arugula salads. Cuts of tender, roasted pork. The table was overflowing.
When all the lights were strung and lit, casting gold haloes that attracted humming insects the bug spray couldn’t drive off, when the sun just dipped sleepy and pink beyond the lake, when all her beautiful, wonderful friends were seated, Historia raised her glass of grape juice in a toast.
“Everyone!” Ymir said, standing and almost breaking her glass as loud as she was smacking it with her fork. “A toast!”
A chorus of yeah’s.
“When Historia and I got married, I swore to protect her no matter what. So you could imagine how terrified I was to find out that her four foot eleven frame, uh, would get put under so much stress.”
Laughter and cheering around the table. Historia gave her wife a begrudging half smile.
“Anyway,” Ymir went on. “This party is my way of saying that I would do anything to keep my family happy.”
Yes, Historia thought. It had become increasingly clear, from the day the pregnancy test read positive, that Ymir would do anything for Historia and their baby. The only thing she wouldn’t do was stop worrying.
Ymir kept on toasting, and when the tears fell down Historia’s face, she passed them off as joyful ones.
“And I’m telling you I like doing dishes,” Historia said for the fifth time. As fun as the party had been, as entertaining as her friends were, Historia needed a moment to relax.
“Okay. I’ll dry,” Ymir said and grabbed a dishtowel.
Historia huffed. “Fine.”
Wrong. Thing. To say. But Historia clenched her jaw and went on washing.
“Hormones, yes,” she said under her breath. She scrubbed at the dish that had cooked the creamy pasta sauce they’d all eaten to excess. Historia could feel Ymir’s eyes on her. “You know I love you,” she said softly. “But—”
“But what?” Ymir’s voice was terrified, as if she feared Historia would divorce her, leave her, just like that. Stupid, doting worry.
The pan slipped from Historia’s grasp, into the sudsy water.
“Ow…ow ow! Ymir? Ow?!” Historia doubled over in pain.
“Oh…uh, shit fuck let’s…”
Historia clenched at Ymir’s arm, her other hand on her stomach. “Get the car. We have to go. NOW, Ymir.”
Leaving the house was a blur for Ymir: after stammering a terrified stream of gibberish that only Annie could decipher (“I think Historia, like, popped. Along with Ymir’s brain.”), and a sprint to the car, and a sprint back to the house in a frantic search for fucking keys, Ymir got into the car where her wife waited silently, already buckled, the baby bag thrown in the back.
You’re suffering, Ymir thought. Historia’s eyes were pulled shut tight, both hands held to her belly. She sighed and moaned.
“Ymir. Drive or something?”
“Um. OH, YEAH.”
Ymir started up the car and peeled out of the long driveway, running over more than one hapless shrub.
“Are you okay?”
“…I’m in labor, Ymir.”
Ymir broke out in another cold sweat and stayed silent. For a moment.
“But it hurts,” Ymir put in.
“Stop. Talking.”
“Are you sure?”
Historia doubled over in a contraction. Tears sprang to Ymir’s eyes, and she swiped at them as she sped through a yellow light. A twenty-minute drive to the ER, less if she was booking it like this. God, why hadn’t Ymir pushed harder on renting that townhouse five minutes from the hospital? Sure the lake house was what they wanted but…Stupid, stupid, stupid.
The time passed with Ymir’s heart in her throat. Her grip was sure to make permanent imprints on the steering wheel, the way Historia was crying out in agony.
At last the hospital came into sight. Ymir skidded the car to a stop, parked, and sprinted to Historia’s door.
“Hissy,” she said. “Let’s…Oh my God, you’re locked in. Fuck.” She jiggled the handle, about to bust the window with her own forehead when Historia calmly unlocked the door from the inside (duh) and moved to step out.
“Don’t get out! I’ll…” She looked back at the hospital doors. “I’ll get a wheelchair.”
“No, just…shut up. I can walk on my own.”
Another contraction hit, nearly buckling Historia to her knees. If Ymir hadn’t been there to catch her…
“Get OFF of me, Ymir!”
Ymir froze and took a step back. “What?”
“I wanted a cottage style house, Ymir.” Her head hung low, and her tears hit the pavement as Ymir looked on in horror. “ I wanted…a cottage for us. With a small garden that wouldn’t get flooded by a whole damn lake.”
“We can move. I’ll move us. I’ll do anything—”
Historia drew the bangs that had fallen in her face and said, “I’m…sorry. I wanted to tell you before, but I don’t want you in the delivery room with me.”
Two hospital staff came out with a wheelchair.
“I’m sorry,” Historia said. “I need a…”—she flinched as another wave of pain hit—“I need a breather.”
“But I’m the mom,” Ymir said, lost, as Historia sat down in the chair.
“And so am I,” Historia said with a weak smile. “Stay in the waiting room or I’ll kill you.”
Ymir was left standing there alone, until her friends found her.
“You have been a real mama bear,” Reiner said in the waiting room.
“Insufferable,” Mikasa said without looking from her phone.
“Ditto,” from Annie.
“I’d have murdered you yesterday,” Sasha said. Everyone else nodded.
Ymir sat crouched, head in her hands. “You’re all very helpful.”
It had been well over an hour, and the sting of rejection was more like a vise.
“Where the fuck is the doctor…”
“Doctoring?” Connie said.
“He’ll be super busy right now,” Bert said.
“Based on how fast you said the contractions were coming,” Armin said, “it could be any minute now.”
“How should I know?” Ymir said. “I wasn’t even timing them. This is all my fault…”
“True,” Jean answered, followed by murmurs of agreement.
“She just needs time to cool off and, uh, give birth,” Marco said.
Ymir sat up. “You guys are saying… you mean like…I smothered her?”
“S plus smother equals mother,” Eren said. They all agreed it was the wisest thing he’d ever said (Connie: “He did, like, WORD math!”), and clapped him on the back. That brought something like a smile to Ymir’s face. She was just about to thank them when the doctor walked in.
“Ymir? Are you ready to meet your daughter?”
“I…what kind of fucking quest—I mean YEAH.”
“She’s perfect. Like you,” Ymir said, and Historia smiled sleepily. The baby squirmed and shot out a tiny fist that made Ymir gasp. She already had an impressive tuft of golden hair falling on her forehead.
“I really am sorry,” Historia said again.
Ymir shook her head. “No. This one’s on me.”
“Hey, Yim?”
“Do something for me.”
“Yeah. Anyth—I mean, what?”
“Just…never leave me again.”
Ymir smiled and leaned in for a kiss. “Whatever you say, Hissy.”
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rivengard · 5 years
1. selfie I'm not sure if I posted this one but fuck it lool
2. what would you name your future kids? something Elvish for sure
3. do you miss anyone? nahh
4. what are you looking forward to? my erasmus programme
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? idk not always
6. is it hard for you to get over someone? it's not, I'm actually really good at controlling my feelings and such
7. what was your life like last year? i was a bit unhappy bc of my choices in life but I also had good times, good relationships, ups and downs like the usual..
8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? oh boy hell yea I did
9. who did you last see in person? couple of friends
10. are you good at hiding your feelings? lol yea
11. are you listening to music right now? no
12. what is something you want right now? we ain't going there mate xD joking aside it would be nice to have someone to talk, hangout all night and make out
13. how do you feel right now? I feel pretty emotional due to the finale of oitnb
14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? two days ago
15. personality description umm a self-destructive bitch, realistic enough to believe in fantasy worlds, sarcastic and full of stupid puns I'd say (I have a good sense of humour I swear)
16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t? I mean yeah, like everyone at some point
17. opinion on insecurities. OH I HAVE MANY WHERE SHOULD I BEGIN..to be honest everyone has them, we should either accept them or make a change if there's an option and if it'll make us feel better in the end
18. do you miss how thing were a year ago? not at all
19. have you ever been to New York? noO I WISH
20. what is your favourite song at the moment? I can't choose just one :( there are too many
21. age and birthday? I'll be 20 on Nov. 11
22. description of crush. I don't have one :(
23. fear(s) not achieving anything, ending up all alone and also FUCK clowns
24. height 5'7 or 5'8
25. role model I don't think I have one..
26. idol(s) idk
27. things i hate racist people, abusers in any kind, my relatives, the country I live in, being broke...
28. i’ll love you if… you buy me swords, ohh and make me laugh lots
29. favourite film(s) lotr, the great gatsby, the wolf of the wall street, the departed, pride and prejudice, hobbit, leòn the professional, django, colette, spider-man into the spiderverse, coraline, a nightmare on elm street...I have too many ffs
30. favourite tv show(s) black sails, sense8, sherlock, good omens, lost, b99, poldark..
31. 3 random facts I recently quit my job due to health issues, I started rewatching Doctor Who and I love Leonardo DiCaprio a lot
32. are your friends mainly girls or guys?equal
33. something you want to learn lots of languages tbh
34. most embarrassing moment Idk I can't think anything
35. favourite subject art, english and literature related
36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? graduating from uni, moving abroad and be covered in tattoos
37. favourite actor/actress Leonardo DiCaprio, Benedict Cumberbatch, Johnny Depp, Jack Nicholson, Michael B. Jordan, Lily Collins, Keira Knightley..
38. favourite comedian(s) Ricky Gervais and Stephen Colbert
39. favourite sport(s) basketball and working out in general
40. favourite memory this would take a long ass time to write tbh
41. relationship status single
42. favourite book(s) the silmarillion, lotr, fahrenheit 451 and currently reading the great gatsby I'm pretty sure this will be one of my faves too
43. favourite song ever I CAN'T CHOOSE
44. age you get mistaken for 12 lol jk most ppl tell me I look younger
45. how you found out about your idol I didn't I guess
46. what my last text message says "lmao same"
47. turn ons it's 4.46am and my brain stopped functioning idk, neck kissing, being kind, good humour, loving lotr, kinkyness...
48. turn offs rude assholes..
49. where i want to be right now ENGLAND
50. favourite picture of your idol I really should choose an idol right..okay let's say it's Leo
51. starsign horny one lol (if that's not clear enough it's scorpio)
52. something i’m talented at I used to think I'm talented at drawing but now idk
53. 5 things that make me happy My cat loki, finally being able to workout properly after injury, making playlists and listening to them, shopping (shocking because I'm broke yet I insist on being a stupid hoe) and hanging out w my best friend
54. something thats worrying me at the moment how am I suppose to wake up and go to gym, I can't sleep n it's basically 5am so...
55. tumblr friends @celiacelestial @wonderinghobbit @all-together-run-for-cover @asylumsammet @kingsmill and you! (i most likely forgot lots of ppl I'M SORRY YOU GUYS)
56. favourite food(s) zucchini noodles, baked mushrooms, pizza and spicy foods in general I guess
57. favourite animal(s) cats, dogs, rabbits, wolves..I love em all tbh
58. description of my best friend she's an actual hobbit, cutest bean, would kill for Freddie Mercury and Benedict Cumberbatch, stans way too many shit which makes our conversations even more enjoyable, a great listener and she has a great sense of humour lol
59. why i joined tumblr about 7 years ago I heard it from my cousin and was curious about it lmao thank god it helped me improve my English, humor, variety of interests...as well as making me spend countless hours of reblogging :::))))
Thank youuu!💕
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xbreezymeadowsx · 4 years
200 Questions
No one asked me to do it but I made @sharpiewashere do it so it’s only fair I suffer through, too.
200: My crush’s name is: Zach because husband but also... Tommy motherfuckin’ Flanagan
199: I was born in: New Hampshire
198: I am really: horny and annoyed
197: My cellphone company is: Verizon
196: My eye color is: Brown
195: My shoe size is: like 10.5W I think.
194: My ring size is: I think it’s a 9.
193: My height is: 5’ 3”
192: I am allergic to: cats and crop dust
191: My 1st car was: old ass shitty Jeep Grand Cherokee
190: My 1st job was: at a stand in a city mall where we had an inflatable slide and two bounces houses and served sno cones, smoothies, and novelty ice creams
189: Last book you read: Fangs by Sarah Andersen
188: My bed is: fuckin’ broken and uncomfortable and clearly not big enough for myself and my bedhog husband.
187: My pet: 1 old black cat.
186: My best friend: Yuki (that bitch is my best best best friend and I miss her to pieces)
185: My favorite shampoo is: Garnier Whole Blends: Honey Treasures
184: Xbox or ps3: Fuck both. Switch.
183: Piggy banks are: cute
182: In my pockets: nada at the moment
181: On my calendar: is scribbles from my kid
180: Marriage is: Don’t marry a redneck!
179: Spongebob can: stop. Give me the early Bob but that’s it.
178: My mom: loves Unicorns
177: The last three songs I bought were? Wap metal version, Room with a Zoo, Shoop
176: Last YouTube video watched: GabSmolders playing Control
175: How many cousins do you have? technically only 2 by blood and actual familial connections. 6 if you count some others. 9 if you count step-cousins.
174: Do you have any siblings? 1 big Seester!
173: Are your parents divorced? Yeah
172: Are you taller than your mom? Maybe? IDK, we’re both shorties
171: Do you play an instrument? sadly, no.
170: What did you do yesterday? Slept and worked
[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: yes
168: Luck: yes
167: Fate: yes
166: Yourself: HA, you’re funny.
165: Aliens: no
164: Heaven: these are...
163: Hell: ... kinda loaded...
162: God: ... questions
161: Horoscopes: maybe
160: Soul mates: yes
159: Ghosts: yes
158: Gay Marriage: yes
157: War: yes
156: Orbs: yes
155: Magic: yes
[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs
153: Drunk or High: unfortunately neither.
152: Phone or Online: online
151: Red heads or Black haired: black
150: Blondes or Brunettes: brunette
149: Hot or cold: cold
148: Summer or winter: winter
147: Autumn or Spring: autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate
145: Night or Day: night
144: Oranges or Apples: apples
143: Curly or Straight hair: straight
142: McDonalds or Burger King: McD’s outta these choices but I’d take Steak’N’Shake over either.
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Milk and Dark.
140: Mac or PC: PC
139: Flip flops or high heals: flip flops
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Zach can be sweet (he certainly isn’t ugly to look at) and we’re definitely on the poor side.
137: Coke or Pepsi: Pepsi (anybody remember Pepsi Twist? That was the best!)
136: Hillary or Obama: Obama
135: Buried or cremated: Buried I guess. Though, if I’m cremated, my ashes need to be spread in one place and no separating them.
134: Singing or Dancing: singing
133: Coach or Chanel: I am a redneck, these things don’t mean anything to me.
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who?
131: Small town or Big city: small town
130: Wal-Mart or Target: Either? I shop Wal-Mart all the time out of convenience but I do like Target
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: I am overall not a fan of either barring a select couple movies (like Heavyweights and Little Nicky)
128: Manicure or Pedicure: no thanks.
127: East Coast or West Coast: east coast
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Christmas
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate
124: Disney or Six Flags: Can I go to a Zoo instead?
123: Yankees or Red Sox: I’ll say Sox because New England but I don’t particularly care for baseball.
[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: there’s a time and place
121: George Bush: he’s an idiot?
120: Gay Marriage: yay!
119: The presidential election: tearing families apart because people are stupid and vote for Trump
118: Abortion: this is a bit of a grey area for me. While I firmly believe in “my body, my choice”, I do not accept that argument if you are constantly getting them as if it is a form of birth control. Use proper contraceptives you slut.
117: MySpace: does that even exist anymore?
116: Reality TV: certain ones can assume me.
115: Parents: love them even when you don’t like them.
114: Back stabbers: pussies.
113: Ebay: never used it
112: Facebook: is reserved for pictures of kids, pets, funny videos and memes, and gifs.
111: Work: shitty... literally
110: My Neighbors: I’m just glad they aren’t the cousin-fuckers or the Methicans anymore.
109: Gas Prices: it takes like 20 bucks to fill my tiny car gas tank so whatever.
108: Designer Clothes: never fit me
107: College: didn’t go.
106: Sports: HA. My fat ass play sports? Maybe Badminton or Tetherball but that’s it.
105: My family: lives too far away.
104: The future: needs to be better than now.
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: like 20 mins ago when my kid was trying to suck up to me to get a sip of my frappe.
102: Last time you ate: two hours ago.
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: Zane’s first day of school this year. Miss Angie came over to see him off in the morning.
100: Cried in front of someone: probably a few weeks ago.
99: Went to a movie theater: Twilight Breaking Dawn pt 2.
98: Took a vacation: three years ago.
97: Swam in a pool: probably close to 8 or more years ago.
96: Changed a diaper: 4-5 yrs ago.
95: Got my nails done: professionally? never. By Zane? last weekend.
94: Went to a wedding: three years ago.
93: Broke a bone: never. dislocated shit though.
92: Got a piercing: over a decade
91: Broke the law: probably frequently without realizing it.
90: Texted: couple mins ago.
[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: oh I’m a funny bitch
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: nothing? fuck this house. fuck this town. fuck this state. I wanna go HOME home.
87: The last movie I saw: Smokin’ Aces 2
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: my nephew’s birth and the vacation we plan to take to see him!
85: The thing i’m not looking forward to: the travel for the vacation stated above.
84: People call me: a lot of things. most of them true.
83: The most difficult thing to do is: wake up
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
81: My zodiac sign is: Taurus
80: The first person i talked to today was: my husband
79: First time you had a crush: I had a massive crush on Shawn Micheals as a kid.
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: my Seester
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: probably someone in the Flanaclan Chapel
76: Right now I am talking to: the Flanaclan on and off
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: I’m supposed to grow up?
74: I have/will get a job: yes
73: Tomorrow: is Halloween
72: Today: I’m horny and annoyed
71: Next Summer: is a long time away
70: Next Weekend: work
69: I have these pets: already answered
68: The worst sound in the world: right now I’d have to say it’s Zane clucking his tongue.
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: myself? or more specifically my anxiety brain.
66: People that make you happy: my Flanaclan friends, my bff, my sister.
65: Last time I cried: a few weeks ago
64: My friends are: on the internet and/or mostly too far away
63: My computer is: a hunk of shit laptop
62: My School: never going ever again.
61: My Car: looks like the car emoji.
60: I lose all respect for people who: beat animals
59: The movie I cried at was: recently? Up
58: Your hair color is: brown
57: TV shows you watch: SOA, SVU, SWAT, wrestling, Wynonna Earp, Van Helsing, Supernatural
56: Favorite web site: tumblr and youtube
55: Your dream vacation: Scotland, Ireland, Wales, England, all that.
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: dislocating my knee
53: How do you like your steak cooked: med rare
52: My room is: some boring off-white
51: My favorite celebrity is: Tommy Flanagan
50: Where would you like to be: New Hampshire
49: Do you want children: I have 1 and that’s 1 too many.
48: Ever been in love: yup
47: Who’s your best friend: didn’t I already answer this?
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girls nowadays. guys around here suck.
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: reading Chibs fics, staring at Flanagan
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: Flanagan
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: hell no
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no
41: Have you pre-named your children: I did not.
40: Last person I got mad at: me
39: I would like to move to: for the millionth time, New Hampshire
38: I wish I was a professional: dog sitter/walker
[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: Sour Patch Watermelons
36: Vehicle: 90′s Ford Ranger, Jeep Renegade, Jeep Wrangler, Jeep Gladiator, Ford Shelby GT350R 
35: President: certainly not the fuckin’ current one.
34: State visited: Massachusetts
33: Cellphone provider: Verizon
32: Athlete: Aleister Black, Drew McIntyre, Luchasaurus, Sonny Kiss (and fuck you if you try to tell me they aren’t athletes)
31: Actor: Tommy Flanagan
30: Actress: Millie Bobby Brown
29: Singer: Ville Valo
28: Band: HIM
27: Clothing store: don’t care.
26: Grocery store: don’t care.
25: TV show: Law & Order: SVU (as much as I’d love to say SOA, Law & Order was my first real love)
24: Movie: 10 Things I Hate About You
23: Website: tumblr, youtube
22: Animal: dogs, wolves
21: Theme park: Zoos
20: Holiday: Halloween
19: Sport to watch: professional wrestling, football, hockey
18: Sport to play: nothing that requires that much energy
17: Magazine: don’t read them much
16: Book: the House Of Night series and sequel series by P.C. Cast and Kristen Cast (I don’t care that I’m probably too old for them now, I love them)
15: Day of the week: Saturday
14: Beach: Hampton Beach, NH
13: Concert attended: 69 Eyes headlined (opening with Night Kills The Day, then Fair To Midland which were fine but also Wednesday 13!!!!!)
12: Thing to cook: fajitas
11: Food: apple fritters/apple cider donuts
10: Restaurant: Panda Express I suppose.
9: Radio station: WGFA
8: Yankee candle scent: Midsummers Night
7: Perfume: don’t wear perfume so much as body spray and it’s usually something like cucumber melon or some baked goods scent.
6: Flower: Tiger Lillies
5: Color: Green- specifically Forest/Hunter
4: Talk show host: idk I used to watch Maury all the time, does that count?
3: Comedian: George Carlin
2: Dog breed: Pittie mixes, mutts, labs, medium to big short haired breeds
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes I did.
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adambstingus · 5 years
People Share 35 Hilarious Habits Their Pets Have And They’re Too Good
We’ve seen dogs being weird and pets bringing home the weirdest of items, so it’s no surprise that our closest (usually) four-legged friends can be really, really bizarre. Some say that pets can be so close to their owners, that they eventually mimic some behavior and we know anything about humans, we know that our own species can have some pretty strange habits. That’s why it doesn’t surprise anyone that pets can be a little… “out there” with their actions. Well, as long as they’re not hurting anyone, we guess? People of Reddit decided to share some of the weirdest, yet harmless habits their pets have, and, let’s be honest, some are pretty darn weird. Scroll down to check them out and don’t forget to comment, as well as vote for your favorites. Oh, and if you have some weird stories of your own, share them with other pandas! (Facebook cover image: sipa)
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I am not allowed to get mad, If I yell, raise my voice, or even sound angry my cat pumpkin will get up from wherever she is and run over. She will then mew gently and grab at my arm with her paws while mewing. She pulls my hands to her head and rubs her head on me trying to get me to calm down. It works though so theres that.
Growing up, we had a chocolate lab named Kody. Kody had a few oddities and idiosyncrasies about him. My parents are beer drinkers, and Kody would learn how to open each and every cooler we ever had so that he could eat all of the ice. That dog LOVED ice, he would eat it until he had what we called “brain freezers” or these mini little seizures (he was fine, but it was a weird habit). Another time, Kody was out pooping in the yard and we saw a bunch of cloth coming out of his butt. Turns out, it was an ace bandage that had to be surgically removed. Upon opening his stomach they found a silver dollar, a few bobby pins, the ace bandage and a billiards cue ball. Now, here’s the kicker- we didn’t own a pool table, and our closest neighbor was 5 miles away, who also did not own a pool table. We never did find out where he got that cue ball from. He lived to be 15 years old and passed away peacefully two years ago. Miss you, buddy.
My dog has ‘takeaway’ every time she eats. She won’t stand at her bowl. She stuffs her mouth full of dry food and then sits near me wherever I am, spits out all her food and eats it one bit at a time. When she is finished it she repeats it all.
My pet rat, Doctor, likes to poop when she is hanging from the bars of her cage and making eye contact with me or my fiancee.
She knows it makes us uncomfortable. She don’t care.
My cat likes to shower with me. He will sit and drink the water as it runs until i use shower gel, then he will sit on the edge silently judging me for contaminating our lord water.
I have a giant Maine-coon Siamese mix tomcat. His thing is to bring up laundry from the basement during the night. The weird thing is that he’s pretty good at taking clothes into the right rooms. I don’t know if he does it by smell or what – but it’s pretty normal for me to wake up to a pile of my socks, my daughters some of theirs, etc. He also chirps and meows the entire time he’s making his deliveries – which is pretty funny in and of itself.
My dog can’t go anywhere without his toy. My girlfriend calls it his “girlfriend”. If we go outside he will bring the little stuffed animal with him and drop it somewhere. If we tell him to “go find your girlfriend” he will search frantically for it until it’s found.
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My boyfriends cat loves to snuggle up on people’s chests and then slooowly and veeery gently place her paw (with claws out and toes spread) and just .. place it on their mouth.
Does anyone know what the heck she’s trying to get out of this?
My dog can sense when I’m about to fart and will stick his nose near my ass crack to smell it and then run away in disgust after. I have no idea why he continues to do it when it clearly annoys him
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My lardass cat has this weird cake infatuation. (Ha ha I know). Not to eat. She likes to lay on them. I can’t count how many cooling cakes I had to throw out because she decided to take a nap on them. I have to hide them somewhere to cool and frost. I also had to buy a solid cake saver because she would lay on my old one and crush the lid into the cake.
My favorite was when my son turned one, we had the unwrapped cake sitting on the counter waiting for cake time, and she tried to lay in it. When I came in to get it all the frosting is pulled off in the center and one pissed off frosting covered cat under my bed.
Yet she still does it.
We have a Great Dane/greyhound mix named Keelah who, on occasion, absolutely must sniff my boyfriend’s belly button. I’ve never seen a dog get so derpy about it before. She’ll jump up and put her paws on his shoulder and stick her nose in his stomach until he gives in and pulls his shirt up so she can sniff. She’s really, really weird.
Our cat pulls my dresser drawer open and sleeps in the socks after he arranges them into a cozy “cat bed” for himself.
Our golden retriever has 3 comfort blankets that he folds and carries around with him.
My SO’s dog, Lola, farts when we enter the car.
My best friend’s kitten (to whom I am a kitten aunt by proxy) has a new habit of running down the stairs at top speed and launching himself onto the sofa.
She swears he’s either going to kill her with a heart attack or he’s going to f**king miss the sofa and go claws-first into her face, and she’s not sure which.
My dog smiles whenever he wants something. He started showing his teeth when he got excited to see us after long periods of times (i.e. vacations) and we would say “What a pretty smile!” He made the connection to the word and now will do it on command and pretty much whenever he wants our food. Kind of like a “hey look I’m smiling, I’m pretty!” Some people probably think it’s bad that he does it because he’s technically showing his teeth, but you can tell it’s not aggressive or in a bad way. I think it’s hilarious.
My cat loves to watch the toilet flush for some reason – he would even come running from other rooms in his house at the sound of a flush when he was younger. I guess it’s mostly harmless, but I have found toys in the toilet before the lid down rule was put in place (my assumption is so that he can watch them zoom around too).
You know how cats, especially kittens will “nurse” on things? Like knead their paws and suck on something like a blanket?
Yeah, my 10 year old dog does that.
My cat chews through bags to eat bread. Doesn’t matter the container or the type of bread. And because he drools he can dissolve any kind of paper bag in a minute. It’s bizarre but he was a stray so I figure he used to do that to survive.
My cat licks walls. often for 10 minute intervals. i wake up in the middle of the night to the sound of his sandpaper tongue scritch-scratching at the wall.
My cat used to sit on my couch, like a person would with her 2 back legs outstretched in front of her, and then proceed to bend down and suck on her own nipples while purring very loudly. It was weird.
My parrot is obsessed with ears. He will happily spend 15-20 minutes delicately nibbling on the rim of my ear, carefully scraping his beak around the inside, and licking all over. Last time I saw my doctor for a physical and she got to the otoscope part of the exam, she exclaimed, “Wow, your ears are remarkably clean!” Gee, I wonder why…
My chihuahua sneaks to her water dish. We have no idea why. She does this almost every day at varied times. If her water is dirty or if the dish is empty she will keep sneaking until the situation is fixed.
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We don’t have pets in the main country the Netherlands where we reside but we got a ton of them in my fathers country Russia. We own a big piece of ground and a forest, with 23 white Russian wolves and 3 Caucasian owcharkas. The wolves have some weird habits and one of them is that they greet each other and their pups by friendly biting them in their neck, it still that scares the shit out of guests and relatives that we usually have over.
After I take a shower, my collie mix insists on rolling in my towels.
When I have the towel on my head and I’m laying down.. He tries to roll in it.
If I’m sitting with the towel on my head, he tries to roll in it.
Then when I inevitability throw them on the floor he has a field day.
My cat would be happy with his eyes closed purring and layed down my side and then suddenly look in the direction of the corner of the room with his eyes completely open. When I look there’s nothing there. It’s scary
My German shepherd is a hoarder. He has a hiding spot behind a chair and underneath a table, and he’s been building a stash that we have to go in every week or so and clean out. Usually it’s just wrappers and random s**t he “sneaks” out of our trash cans. This last weeks clean out consisted of 3 of my oven mitts and a pudding cup. He doesn’t chew on anything, he just likes to have stuff.
She stares at me while I sleep. From 3″ away. When I open my eyes all I see are these huge solid black eyes in a weirdly diagonal white face.
I wake up convinced that I have been abducted by aliens.
One of our cats will climb up onto the back of our couch while we’re watching a movie or something and loudly clean his butthole.
My dog does this little boner dance whenever he has a boner. He slides across the floor and humps the air rapidly until his doggy-boner goes down.
My cat swats/punches his water dish a few times before drinking it. It splashes everywhere. No clue why.
Just thought of something else! He is long haired floofy cat (peach/blondie), and we have a fuzzy blanket similarly coloured. My cat often licks it to clean it, mistaking it for himself.
My cat talks to herself if she thinks no one is around. I’ll come home or go to a side of the house that I haven’t been in all day and hear her meowing and chirping and howling. Once she realizes I’m there, she’ll stop. I’ve been able to sneak up on her a couple of times and it’s pretty bizarre to watch. She’ll just be walking around the room making sounds. She doesn’t do it that often. I wish I could catch it on video
Step 1: Drop the tennis ball into my hand so I can throw it across the room for him to fetch
Step 2: Retrieve the tennis ball and start gnawing on it with his head halfway under the couch
Step 3: Drop the ball and have it roll to an unreachable distance under the couch
Step 4: Stare at me and moan loudly until I am convinced to walk over to the couch the ball is under and lay on the floor, struggling to reach far enough. Eventually I just lift the couch so he can get far enough underneath it to grab the ball back
Repeat incessantly
My cat “nurses” on a blanket we have. But only if the blanket is on me. It’s like the little f**ker actually thinks I am his mother. He’s strange. He also likes to play fetch and attack people who come over to visit. Weirdo.
My cat will sit in the bathtub for hours and meow at passersby to turn the water on for him. Then when someone finally gives in, he will splash around for about a minute and then go drag his big wet furry feet over someone/my pillow.
Every morning he will excitedly hang over the edge of the bathtub, waiting for me to turn on the shower. Once I do, it takes him about two seconds to realise what’s going on, and then he panics and scrambles as fast as he can out of the tub.
My cat nurses on his own tail. He will creepily come up and lay really close to you, curl in a ball, and start sucking away at the end of his tail. Sometimes he’ll even look you in the eye while he does it.
I know it’s a comfort thing to him, I found him alone when he was just a baby, but it’s a pretty weird thing to do.
My cat Miles will run to the other side of the house and meow to his brother Murphy. You can tell it’s a “Hey!! Come check this out!” and he’ll keep doing it until Murphy finally gets up and goes to look. Sometimes though, Murphy says eff that and stays where he is, leaving Miles to meow at nothing for like an hour. Finally he’ll show up and look at Murphy like, “Didn’t you hear me!!?” No but we did!
My male cat likes to stand in the corner, face the wall, and sing the song of his people. My female kitten likes to meow at me and then hide when I walk over to pet her. She’s a jerk.
My friend has a really bizarre cat, she loves to be spanked. She will lie down with her butt in the air for people to pat her right above the tail. The harder the better.
She also loves to be spun around on an office chair, she jumps up on the back of it and holds on with her claws to be spun around. Spinning + smacking her butt every time she passes = kitty bliss.
My rat loved snot and would grab all my used tissues to lick inside them.
My pit asks for permission every night before getting in bed with us. We have never told him to stay off of furniture, but he always asks. He does that weird howl/growl/bark thing that “talking” dogs do.
My cat, O’Malley, will always smell a new person’s shoes when I bring people over. When he is finished, he looks over at me and makes a stupid face.
Not sure if this counts but my snake falls off of everything. Put him around your neck he falls off. He falls while trying to climb up or down my chair, desk, and always plops off my bed if I am not watching him. He will even get excited smelling something so he will point his head straight up and extend his body up until he falls backwards belly up. Will also do this while swallowing his food.
One of my three cats is a monster. He is kinda fat but stocky/muscular too. He is 6 and weighs about 20 pounds.
Anyways, he will lick plastic bags. We are always afraid he will suffocate himself because he will stick his head down inside the bag and lick for as long as we’ll let him.
He also steals paper clips. My mom was working on her doctorate and she had mountains of papers and a lot of paperclips on them. The crazy cat would dig through all of the papers and pull off the paper clips with his teeth. And he hid them all under the rug that was under the couch so we couldn’t see them.
And he plays very rough. We found out the hard way that he enjoys being spanked. We caught him fighting another cat and gave him a tap on the behind to get him to stop, and he fell on the floor and started purring. And when I scratch his chin, he isn’t happy until I scratch as hard as I physically can, to the point where I think I’m gonna dig up all of his fur.
She won’t eat unless both my husband and I are seated in the family room watching TV. It’s pretty inconvenient on busy days.
My dog (a husky) will make a gap in his food with his snout, then will yowl at the nearest human like he’s hungry and there’s no food in the bowl, until you pick his bowl up, shake the gap out and put it back down again. He will eat it then!
My cat licks people…all the time and all over. It’s odd when you wake up in the middle of the night being licked and realize it’s not the dog doing it.
My Australian Shepherd likes to sneeze in the clean laundry as it comes out of the dryer. It has turned into a two person job to get laundry done without dog sneezes on it. One to distract the dog and the other to hustle the laundry into the basket and to safety.
Anytime we Hoover a carpet my Jack Russell has to ‘swim’ all over it, because God forbid it not have his fur on it
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Also, he regularly sneakily drinks our cups of tea.
My male dog licks my female dogs cooch after she pees, then his lips and jaw quiver as he drools. Freakin weirdo.
My cat is afraid of the dishwasher, I guess. Not the sound of the dishwasher running, the sound of me taking s**t out of it and putting it away. He is mostly silent, maybe a welcome meep when I get home. But the dishwasher…man. Mayhem. It’s been seven years and he still freaks the f**k out every single time.
My English bulldog Shelby will sit with her back to me and try and look at me upside down by leaning back until she falls down. She does the same thing in the car. I thought it might be vertigo but she just really seems to enjoy it.
When I’m away from my husky for more than about eight hours she will likely howl at me and make a big deal, like she’s cussing me out.
Run run run, locks up front legs slide slide slide, roll roll roll. How does she not break her neck?
My pancho gets super worked up and then immediately thinks he needs to drink water. This usually results in him coughing up any water he just drank and freaking out about coughing.
My sisters mastiff likes to sit down next to your leg and lean on your leg and stare at you but he’s so heavy he often pushes people over with his lean.
One of my cats likes to get in the lower branches of bushes (and the Christmas tree, as it turns out) and just chill. Just sit there in the branches, eight inches off the ground.
My cat likes hair ties. He swallowed one once and he proceeded to prance around the living room with the rubber piece hanging out of his asshole. I now have to hide them all so I’m not paying for surgery on his dumb ass.
My dogs also go around licking each other’s assholes and the cats assholes. They also won’t sleep unless they are buried under a blanket.
My female cat rubs her head on EVERYTHING and has a weird fascination with doing this on shoes.
My cat Wookie has an intense love of the bathroom. He will lay on the edge of the bathtub while I take a bath, will sit on the bathmat and watch us shower, and loves the toilet. He loves to watch it flush, likes to watch my husband pee (has gotten pee on his head from trying to watch from the wrong angle) and likes to try to pull toilet paper up out of the toilet while it is flushing, which is pretty gross. Weird cat.
Not mine but my SO’s dog, Bacon… Cannot poop unless he is backed up against something.
When we first started dating I used to get to his apartment before he got off work so I would take the dog for a walk. Like any male Bacon must pee on everything to ensure its his. Which meant sometimes I didn’t realize that he wasn’t sniffing the same place to pee but to find the prefect article in which to place his butt against and would tug him along and ruin the whole process… Which meant about five minutes of the behavior or him deciding to hold it.
My dog likes to eat beaded jewelry. I shouldn’t say eat, he sucks on it until it comes apart, and then he abandons it and acts innocent.
My dog take his blankey or his bed and will suck on it with his eyes closed. We assume he thinks he’s nursing. He also occasionally humps his bed before sucking on it. Harmless but weird as s**t.
My GF’s cat poops in the litterbox, then immediately tries to cover it by making digging motions on the floor/wall next to the litterbox. Never inside. Not sure if dumb or just a c**t.
My Doberman likes to climb up in bed with my SO and I, and just stare at us while standing over one of us.
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from All Of Beer http://allofbeer.com/people-share-35-hilarious-habits-their-pets-have-and-theyre-too-good/ from All of Beer https://allofbeercom.tumblr.com/post/183958094802
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sacredbeautifulpain · 7 years
The Future: Fetal Consciousness, Family, & Faith
I started this thinking I just had little tidbits to add to an array of other metas for this episode that I've read and really enjoyed, but it seems to have basically become its own thing (yay, me, writing meta).  Hopefully somebody reads it and cares? Maybe? Eh, maybe not, I’m really not sure what I’m doing here on Tumblr. But look at me making some original content (it’s really a blue moon thing).
To clarify, I’m not disagreeing with really anything I’ve read, but rather these are thoughts inspired by what I’ve read and also some, “Yes, but let’s also think about this,” or “Oh and did you know?” and of course, “Didn't anybody else notice _____?” Full disclosure, at one point in my life I was seriously considering becoming a Doula.
Fetal Consciousness
I’m a mom. I’m also really, really into natural childbirth and giving babies and kids the best start possible, so I birthed my son on my knees, unmedicated, like the stubborn Taurus that I am. In the months leading up to his birth I practiced hypnobirthing techniques, attended classes, and read a shit ton of books. One of my favorite topics to study during this time was fetal consciousness. Most of their awareness is mediated by the mother’s reaction to her environment via the language of hormones. For example, if the mother tends to get upset, agitated (releasing stress hormones like adrenaline, cortisol, and exhibiting physical changes like racing heartbeat, heavier breathing, shallow breathing, and the like), when speaking to a particular person, the baby associates that person’s voice with negative feelings and can be born with an aversion to that person. Bottom line, fetuses know what's up, to a certain extent in their own limited way, and especially the closer they get to term. So yeah, it's totally reasonable to assume that baby “hates” Dagon as much as any fetus can hate someone, because she keeps upsetting his environment and flooding him with very negative, uncomfortable feelings via his mother's reactions (by the way, how are we sure it’s a male child?).
Obviously, the further along a fetus is, the more consciousness it has (more senses are on line, more cognitive function, etc.). So, according to Sam’s calculations the Nephilim gestation period is about 23 weeks, rather than 38 weeks (the medical community uses 40 weeks, counting from the mother’s last period usually, but she’s not pregnant those first two weeks, unless her cycle is really a mess). Basically conception is LOTUS 12.08 on 12/8/2016 (they’re clearly going with this for simplicity’s sake) and the due date is this season’s finale, 5/18/2017. So, if the baby still has trimesters, the first 8 weeks is first trimester, the next 7.5 weeks is the second trimester, and the last 7.5 weeks is the last trimester (more time is usually given to the first trimester because of the false two weeks at the beginning and just to be cautious; whatever, this is how I’m doing it, my meta, my rules).
So, Kelly is 3 weeks from being due and therefore more than half way through her third trimester (3 weeks to go out of 7.5 weeks). Or the human pregnancy equivalent of about 35 weeks pregnant (in the idiotic 40 week pregnancy schedule, because remember the first 2 weeks aren't real *sigh* this makes me crazy) or 5 weeks away from being term in a human pregnancy (technically 3-5 weeks from term, because once you hit 38 weeks, they're like “any day now is fine!). This baby is just about ready to pop, lungs are bit behind, but would probably be fine landside, with proper care (might needs some time in an incubator or other lung support), with no super major risk (definitely not ideal, but not terrible). So when Dagon makes fun of Kelly for believing that baby saved her, I think she's wrong.  Even before doing all this math, it rang untrue to me. The baby doesn't really need Kelly anymore, he's supernatural, he's almost to term. So why did he save her? I have some ideas, we’ll get to those. Kelly feels it was care or love or something equally benign or positive. But I really don't think it was to save himself. Though it is nice and comfy and safe in there, so that could be a motivator; again on a very rudimentary level. Like: “ack, home is failing! Bring home back online!” and this child just happens to have the power to make that so.
Infants have no sense of self. Mom and baby are one to baby. Baby is hungry = the whole world is hungry. Mom takes care of baby = Mom is the whole world. It’s really basic. It’s all senses and need and relief when needs are met. And sheer terror when they are not. Babies are wired for survival. They just scream and cry until they get what they need; or burn out and give up when they don’t get what they need in a reasonable amount of time, and that's horrible and fundamentally changes their brains in really bad ways. They’re cute as fuck, so we care and don’t kill them or leave them to the wolves. They can root around for a nearby nipple and flail, but that’s about it at the beginning. So I don't think this baby has any diabolical plans. It just wants to feel good and avoid pain. So, think of everything you see it orchestrate through that lens: feel good/avoid pain. Basic. Fundamental.
But what if the baby is supernatural? Or has supernatural powers, but in all other ways is still just like a human infant? This gets tricky. Is this child human+powers or something else entirely? Our good guys seem to think human+powers, but Dagon seemed to think the child would be pure evil, utter destruction, especially with proper support and guidance (“I'll be there, right by his side, to nurture him, love him, help him to kill . . . everything.”) Or maybe the suggestion that the baby needs guidance in being evil is actually a crack, maybe it's not a given.
You, Me, Baby Makes Three (or Family, Family, don't forget this show is all about Family)
Lucifer mocks Dagon. Apparently they were supposed to be an evil little family once the baby is born, raising up the little hellion together to wreak havoc.
However, the baby seems to be orchestrating an entirely new family unit: Kelly (if she survives or if someone is able to revive her, which seems plausible), Castiel, and baby. This is an obvious parallel. Not sure if Kelly will make it, especially since in the parallel Lucifer is pretty clear he really doesn't care about Dagon and hadn't actually intended to come through on his (implied?) promise (surprise, surprise, father of the lie and all that, why does anyone trust him?).
So, getting back to fetal consciousness: How much is the baby really aware of? How is it choosing it's actions? I personally still default to the basics: feel good/avoid pain, beyond that is all speculation and I'm not seeing a ton of evidence for much more. That baby fucking hated Dagon for upsetting Mommy which upset its peace. 
Baby Power Up #1: Womb brought back to life so baby doesn't have to leave happy place sooner than necessary, even though baby could probably survive just fine on the outside by now. 
Baby Power Up #2: Kelly has vision of Cas killing Dagon. 
Baby Power Up #3: Cas does indeed kill Dagon; nuisance to baby's peace managed. AND Cas has mystery vision of the future (So what else needs to happen to keep baby happy/feeling good or help baby avoid pain? I don't know, maybe wipe out baby-daddy, since he's part of the “evil family” model that's upsetting Mommy/womb environment).
Castiel & Kelly
I think Castiel really resonates with Kelly when she tells him about her suicide attempt (or foiled success as the case may be), because it's something he himself has struggled with. She seems VERY intuitive. Like she is aware of exactly what to do to get his attention. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing (she’s pregnant and motivated to do whatever she needs to). I'm just identifying a gift that she seems to have. I also think she genuinely likes him and feels bad for running out on him in December.
The Pulse: When the baby brought her back it was felt in heaven. This was some major power. I'm assuming it was somewhat like what was felt when the baby was conceived. Like an earthquake rippling through the angelic/heavenly realm and felt by the angels.
Kelly insists that the power that revived her felt, and IS, good. I'm inclined to trust her instincts. Pregnant women are on it. They KNOW things like the true animals that they are. There is nothing more blatantly animal than carrying a child in your womb and it helps you tap into power, intuition, senses, and knowledge you had no idea you had (and then you give birth and it's like you're a zombie, going from Radiant Goddess to sluggish wet-nurse with aphasia overnight, but that's another story). Bottom line, I believe her, whatever brought her back, did it for un-evil reasons (though perhaps selfish/self-involved reasons, because that's what fetuses and infants are, little balls of need and pure id). Of course I could be wrong, but this is my gut feeling at this time. Castiel, like Dagon, insists that the baby needs Kelly alive, see earlier in this post for why I think this logic is bogus. Kelly responds, “Maybe” to appease him and still maintain her doubt. I'm with her. But then she babbles about some “plan” and no, I don't think so. This is all chaos. Lucifer is chaos. And God has left the building. There are no plans anymore.
Which brings me to . . .
Castiel's Faith: Lost & Found
Cas takes the Plan bait and says Nope. There was a plan, I thought there was a plan, it was all just manipulation, none of it was real, we're all just winging it, some worse than others (i.e. I suck, I cannot get my shit together, what am I even doing?). And fundamentally I'm on board with his whole little speech here (except his self-deprecation, that guy just really needs a vacation and foot rub, and maybe to do some ayahuasca or get laid or something). But yeah, no big plan, no special roles, she was just there and it just happened. I know this to be so, because this is what the show showed us in the first third of the season. Lucifer was just going crazy and creating chaos to create chaos. Totally off script and rudderless. Then boom: baby; and Lucifer pulls an “I meant to do that!” sort of thing.
Cas has been free floating for a LONG time. Angels are suppose to live in devotion to God and a special purpose and pretty much all of that got blown out of the water for him back in season 4 & 5. Since then he's tried to make good. Tried to hold shit together. Tried to protect his humans. But often he makes things worse and he's basically a wreck at this point. Angels need a north star. In Destiel fanfic world, Dean is Castiel's north star. Like, Cas took his faith and devotion in God and redirected it to Dean. This does help explain some of his behavior over the last few years, but textually I think what we're seeing in this episode is that that either wasn't enough, or wasn't really happening (but something else was, in my opinion, I'm not nuking Destiel here, just the Dean=God/higher-purpose for Cas idea, which is a good thing, bear with me). One last thing: remember he never got his time with God. Lucifer did, but Castiel didn't. And Cas totally deserved it. You know that trite saying about a “God sized hole” inside of people . . . Cas lays out everything the child will need if he is indeed not inherently evil, but rather just a morally neutral, but superpowerful child. Kelly pulls that “feel him kick” move (she's brilliant, well played); this is pure magic and Cas is beguiled. Kelly gets her vision and now has a clear plan. Cas thinks she's going along with his plan (which is actually Joshua's plan, I'm assuming, but whatever). The Winchester's share their new alternate plan. Meanwhile Kelly's got her own thing going on and she totally makes it happen. Pregnant women are badass. As I'm writing this I'm realizing my total appreciation for how Kelly was written in this episode. Someone really knows pregnant women.
(When she goes to drive the Impala, I'm thinking “hope she knows she needs to press the gas a bit when she turns the key in the ignition.” Ah, old cars.)
Okay, so in the car they have the talk about faith (her faith in him, him saying don't have faith in me, broader faith in the plan). Theme:FAITH! In case you missed it. And her “You will,” to his, “I wish I had your faith.” Ack!
Dean is right, “He's so desperate for a win right now, he can't see straight.”
Also, it must feel good to have Kelly express such faith in him, even if he thinks she's totally misguided.
When the power travels from the baby to Kelly to Cas at first his eyes light up blue (normal for him) and then switch to the color of the baby's power, yellow. This feels significant. Like his Angelness was necessary to activate the level of power needed to take out Dagon. (Later, when asked “What was that?” He replies, “That was me, but it was also *looks at Kelly's baby belly*” so yeah, it seems both were necessary) Then he calls it a miracle when he halts Dagon, the same word Kelly used to describe being brought to life. The world miracle is inherently religious. This is all part of the “faith” narrative. Then holy fire burns up the bad guy. Very Biblical, yadda yadda yadda.
Remember at the beginning of the episode Dagon calls the baby a God and later makes a reference to Mary/Jesus. Last year God/Chuck took a leave of absence. There's a God shaped hole in everything now really. So is this baby a new god? The new God? Castiel's new God? While Cas is also being setup to be that God's father figure? Wait, is Cas Joseph? This is some weird, convoluted shit. And I like it; because complexity is my jam. As is subversion of all thing Biblical and/or Christian. (Does that make the Impala the donkey? * snort-laugh * ignore me, I'm an idiot)
“I've been so lost. Not lost anymore. And I know now that this child must be born with all his power . . . I have faith.” * insert ominous “dun-dun-duunnn” music here * Cas is calm, clear, has back some of his earlier-in-the-series coolness. This freaked me the fuck out. I came away from this episode really, really, really unsettled and worried out of my mind. Though after doing all this analysis and 3 rewatches, I'm feeling a bit more optimistic. I probably shouldn't be, but I'm really good at bullshitting and I seem to have bullshitted myself right into optimism. Well done, Rachie.
Initially I was worried that Cas had been totally hijacked and the baby probably really is evil or is at least going to lead to “very bad things.” Now I'm not so sure. But I'm still worried he's been hijacked and that this means irreparable damage to the his relationship with the Winchesters, and of course in particular to Dean, because whether you ship Destiel or not it's clear that his primary relationship is with Dean and that Dean is the most effected by Castiel's various shenanigans (watch the fucking camera and their faces; I really don't know what else to say . . . are you blind or willfully ignorant? And again, I'm not insisting Destiel, but just that there is something inherently different and “more” about Dean & Castiel's relationship, than Sam & Castiel's. Though maybe that's just because Dean has become the emotional center of this show and Jensen has skills that go way, way beyond what you expect from an actor on this sort of show).
This season feels like a sneak attack. There have been ups and downs and hints of bad shit to come, but nothing has really felt particularly high stakes. The guys go to secret prison, but they're the stars, so we know nothing terrible will come of it. They make and then break a bad deal with a reaper, but then there is no clarity about what the repercussions will be, so we don't worry about that much now. But this. Messing in deep fundamental ways with the second most important relationship within the show (after Sam & Dean), feels really scary to me and I welcome the shock, surprise, worry, because: about time and well done. But please, please, don't let this be horribly terrible in the end. Don't shatter this forever. Let this be the deep dark before the bright light.
Okay, last thing, for fellow Destiel shippers, remember earlier when I said it’s a good thing IF Castiel does not in fact make Dean his North Star and finds something else to believe in? Because that’s fucking unhealthy in a real relationship. So, if he can find purpose that isn’t all hyper-focused on one person, while still maintaining a mature, deep, loving relationship with that other person, then THAT’S GOOD. But who am I kidding? These guys be healthy? Destiel be canon? Hahahahaha *laugh hysterically and runs wildly into the night* *whispers: “keep hope alive.”*
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getsterekt · 7 years
in honor of gaining another hundred followers on my twitter account @getsterREKT heres another rec list. 
This will just be made up of lots and lots of different types of fics. Make sure to read the warnings for each fic before reading. 
(fics with ** are favorites)
It Takes A Village by  Hypocorismm
Stiles's used to yogurt handprints on his shirts from where he picked her up, and he's used to snot on his shoulders and neck from where she cried after a bad dream. He's used to her legendary tantrums when she doesn't get her way, her eyes glowing ferocious gold. He's used to being the village it takes to raise her, and the pack she longs for.
Except, he needs the pack's help, and Derek's protection when a particularly power-hungry pack wants his cub. And he isn't used to sharing.
WORDS: 49227
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: angst, kidnapping, mpreg.
Night Stroll by  Marishna
"Is it night there?"
Derek chuckled. "Yeah, it is. How do you know where I am?"
"I don't, that's why it's weird it's night. That puts you in... Europe?" Stiles asked after some quick math.
Derek raised an eyebrow. "Spain. You haven't lost that..." Derek waved his hand. "Stileness."
WORDS: 3276
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: derek has insomnia??? is that a warning??? idk
****Prince Among Wolves by  tylerfucklin (Deshonanana)
Looking for full day/evening sitter. 2 twin boys age 4. Must have exp. w/werewolves. Must be human. No pedophiles. No teenage girls. Pay negotiable. 
WORDS: 101,000
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: mild transphobia, derek learns acceptance, broken family, so much angst
Walking Into Darkness by  alenie
Derek hears Stiles before he sees him. There's anxious, wheezy breathing coming from the next aisle over in the grocery store, accompanied by a racing heart and the smell of unwashed sneakers and hair gel. He turns the corner and Stiles is standing frozen in the dairy aisle, knuckles clenched around the metal of his shopping basket.
WORDS: 6342
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: panic attacks, anxiety, depression, post 3b, pre-sterek relationship 
****Ashes, Ashes by  ShanaStoryteller
The Sheriff gets a call at work - someone's tried to burn down his home with his son inside.
"I thought of you coming here, and finding me dead, of another burnt out husk of a body, something else fire has stolen from you, of you having nothing left to grasp but ashes," John can't even call that a whimper, it's clearly a whine as Derek's hands tighten against Stile's hips, as if his boy will shudder to dust at the mere mention of the possibility unless Derek's hands can hold him into one piece, "and that thought was worse than dying."
WORDS: 2699
RATING: Teen And Up
WARNINGS: so much angst, stiles nearly burns to death
Just Realize What I Just Realized by  literaryoblivion
He’s never noticed it before; it’s always just been second nature to him these days, does it out of habit, but it’s not until he stops to actually think about it that it becomes abundantly and embarrassingly clear to him that he is in love with Stiles and that they are practically dating without the actual dating part…
WORDS: 2529
RATING: Teen And Up
WARNINGS: a lil angst, (but mostly fluff)
The Potential Fatality of Assuming by  crossroadswrite
The hair, the buttons and the general happy and slightly tired disposition with which Derek came back from his secret exploits were as obvious as a glaring neon sign flashing the words JUST GOT LAID.
A sign that Stiles ignored because he had a seven year plan god damn it.
(OR: in which Stiles assumes things, gets accosted by the sister he never/always wanted, discovers he was horribly wrong, almost dies via Derek Hale with kids, can't handle all that collarbone action, uses tickling as the ultimate mode of revenge, and gets a boyfriend. In that order.)
WORDS: 2196
RATING: General
WARNINGS: misunderstandings, because stiles is dumb, lots of pining
****If I Could Trade Mistakes For Sheep, Count Me Away Before You Sleep by  alisaj
"Thing is, Stiles," Derek says, his voice hard and unfaltering. "I didn't sign up for you. You just hung around until we got used to you being here."
That stings. He hadn't realised how Derek feels about him. They've been getting on quite well, teaming up on little missions and bantering back and forth without malice. Stiles sometimes lets Derek crash in his room after a big fight, trying not to let on how intriguing he finds the werewolf.
"Well now we can get used to you not being here. You're a liability, Stilinski. You can't protect yourself and we always end up having to help you when we've got more important things to do. You're out of the pack."
The one where Derek is a terrible Alpha and Stiles ends up walking into a big pile of shit.
WORDS: 33,383
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: stiles gets kicked out of the pack, derek is stupid, like, so stupid, stiles gets hurt, theres so much angst in this like wtf, stiles is sad, the pack sucks
Sour Kush (series) by alisvolatpropiis
Stiles mentally curses Erica, because in all of her warnings about how brusque this guy could be, she forgot mention that he’s also hotter than the fucking sun. If Stiles had any lingering questions about his sexuality, they’d be completely settled by what this guy is doing to him. In fact, he might not even be gay anymore. He might be in the midst of crossing into some yet-to-be-named sexuality that’s all about a scruffy black beard and alarming green eyes and muscles and tattoos and this guy’s everything ever.
The guy’s name is Derek, his lust-addled brain supplies distantly.
Well that settles it, then. Stiles is Dereksexual.
COMPLETE: it says no but they havent updated in like over 2 years so im guessing its done
WORDS: 15,392
RATING: Explict 
WARNINGS: everyone is stoned all the time, also in work 2 stiles is hurt because he thinks derek is getting it on with parrish, they’re dumb, age difference, derek has a beardddd 
I Just Want You For My Own (More Than You Could Ever Know) by  yodasyoyo
“What is with that sweater, dude?”
Derek ducks his head to look at it, abashed. “Uh- Mrs Hernandez knitted it for me. It’s an early Christmas gift.” He smooths it down self-consciously.
Stiles cocks an eyebrow.
“What? She’s my neighbor and sometimes I-” Derek trails off. Stiles’ other eyebrow rises to join the first, and Derek sighs. “Sometimes I help her carry her shopping.”
Of course he does. One day maybe Stiles will stop being in love with Derek Hale, but today is not that day.
WORDS: 16,065
RATING: Teen And Up
WARNINGS: pining, fake relationships, they’re both idiots. 
Baby You’re Beautiful by  supernaynay
“God you’re beautiful.”
Derek hadn’t even realized that the words had left his mouth until the whole room went silent, including Stiles, who until about five seconds earlier was busy yelling at him for putting himself in danger yet again.
WORDS: 1089
RATING: General
WARNINGS: derek is hit with a truth spell
****(Sacred) In The Ordinary by  idyll
The Pack, after college, graduate school and the starting of careers, comes back to Beacon Hills. Nothing's gotten less complicated after all this time.
Based on a kink meme prompt that grew legs and got serious.
Note: This is a whole lot of pack!fic with a very slow build Derek/Stiles.
WORDS: 78,759
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: violence, slow build
Cause I Built a Home (For You, For Me) by  noneedforhystereks
Mechanic!Derek and Daddy!Stiles
Derek Hale is a mechanic in the sleepy town of Beacon Hills, where he has lived all of his life. He spends his day in a simple routine: wake up, fix cars, go home, sleep. It's what he's good at, and it keeps things simple and uncomplicated. Derek doesn't let people in and remains emotionally distant from everyone except his sister, Laura, and her daughter. This all changes when Boyd tows in an old blue Jeep that needs a lot of work and Derek meets the owner of said Jeep.
Because once Derek meets Stiles and his kids, he can't stop himself from caring. And he doesn't want to stop.
WORDS: 59,719
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: angst, pining, emotional hurt, stiles has a lot of baggage. 
Waiting For Our Superman by  tearsandholdme
Derek knew the moment he opened the front door of his clean and pristine apartment to Stiles Stilinski holding a small boy, a cluster of bags, and a suitcase, he was screwed. In every way possible. Undone by the big brown eyes of a small child and his annoying, witty, and attractive father.
WORDS: 95,240
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: angst, mpreg, emotional hurt, overprotective derek
Adding You to My Future by  NekoIzumi
“So, I'm Stiles.” he smiled warmly once he had put his unannounced patient down on the exam table. “I will poke and prod you a little bit to check for internal injuries, those that I can’t see because they're inside you, and some of it might hurt but it will pass, I promise. I will tell you everything I'm about to do and why I'm doing it so just stay calm and this will go like a breeze, okay?”
Now, Stiles wasn’t stupid in any way, shape or form, he knew a were when he saw one… although he had obviously never seen a werecat before, and definitely not one as young as this one.
WORDS: 42,252
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: violence, like, lots of violence, slow build, gore, emotional comfort, bamf stiles
Stars Plummet: a Christmas Story by  Peckishdragon
When Stiles left Beacon Hills, he never thought he would be coming back. Eight years later, he is coming home for Christmas, with a small passenger in tow. Old feelings, never forgotten, are rekindled.
WORDS: 11,589
RATING: Mature
WARNINGS: a lil violence, like a tiny bit, 
All They Have by  Nival_Vixen
Single dads AU where Derek and Stiles meet because Derek’s daughter and Stiles’ trans son become friends at school.
WORDS: 4004
RATING: Teen And Up
WARNINGS: trans child, which leads to ignorant adults being ugly fucks, protective derek 
love comes in all shapes and sizes by  trilliastra
“Daddy says that when I’m in trouble I should get the police because they always help us. You’re going to help me, right?” Stiles smiles at her, happy that today he decided to stop by the grocery store to buy milk after his shift instead of going straight home. At least now he’s able to help the little girl, who knows what would have happened to her if he weren’t around.
“Of course I will.” He smiles again. “What’s your name?”
“Rebecca Hale.” She answers proudly. “My daddy is Derek Hale.”
WORDS: 2207
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: kate argent
When You Wish Upon a Dragon by  lupinus
Stiles is at the Hale house, lounging on the front stoop watching Isaac, Erica, and Boyd wrestle, when the baby comes running out of the woods. Derek becomes instant father to a magically appearing baby and falls in love. Stiles can’t take the cute and worries Derek’s heart will break if he loses the kid. 
or, a dragon gives derek a baby, stiles is oblivious, steve just loves his bright pink rocking unicorn and his da and ma 
WORDS: 13,739
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: none, but so much fluff
****Lucky That I’m Yours Every Day by  stilinskisparkles
Derek doesn't see how Valentine's Day can get any better than a normal day with Stiles.
WORDS: 6772
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: fluff. just. all the fluff. its disgusting how fluffy it is really.
Relationship Status: It’s Complicated by  kellifer_fic
Okay, I know this is a huge stretch for you, but can you please pretend you're like, into me?
WORDS: 4010
RATING: Mature
WARNING: mentioned stiles/omc 
***************Shot Through The Heart by  LunaCanisLupus_22
All they've given him is the guy’s head shot. And it’s terrible because now he is ridding the world of one more ridiculously attractive, instant pants dropping- take me now, if you please- regulation hottie.
Even if he has a scowl to rival Kirsten Stewart.
Or the one when Stiles and Derek work for rival assassin companies and are sent to kill each other. It definitely doesn't go as planned.
WORDS: 64,833
RATING: Explicit
WARNINGS: so much violence, they literally try to kill eachother, enemies to lovers pretty much
will to follow through by  owlpostagain
“It depends entirely on how you look at it, I guess,” Stiles shrugs. “On the one hand, instant healing and the apparently inherited ability to pull off leather at all times. On the other, serious attitude problems and a suspicious disappearance of eyebrows.”
“Even Derek’s?” Danny snorts, “that’s a lot of eyebrow to lose.”
“I know,” Stiles agrees. “You should see, it’s so weird. Every time I want to ask him where they go, except he’d totally eat my face off.”
“There are worse ways to die.”
WORDS: 42,411
RATING: Teen and Up
WARNINGS: angst, mentions of violence, 
Professor D. Hale (series) by  har1ey_quinn
A series of outsider POVs on Professor Hale and his significant other (with some guest appearances from the pack)
COMPLETE: possibly
WORDS: 18,008
RATING: Teen and Up
go on without me!!!! (or the one where stiles is cursed by witches and overreacts to everything) by  day
Stiles is cursed by witches and he can't react like a normal human being. Scott is a terrible best friend and can't stop laughing. Derek just wants it all to be over.
WORDS: 1396
RATING: General
******For My Next Trick, I'll Regret All of My Life Choices: a performance by Derek Hale and 80% of his eyebrows by  crossroadswrite
(978): I woke up missing my shoes and my left eyebrow. MY. EYEBROW. . “What’s wrong with my eyebrows?”
Kira gives him a sympathetic look, and climbs up to sit next to him, “You kind of… don’t have one.”
“I what!” he shouts, wincing at the volume of his own voice.
Kira pats him on the shoulder and shoves a piece of toast in his hand.
“It’s not that bad,” she tries to console him with a smile, then glances up at his left eyebrow and winces, “It could definitely be worse. It’s not all gone. Just. Half of it.”
Derek considers crying into his orange juice but decides that would be a waste and because his mother taught him how to be a good guest he opts to drink it instead.
WORDS: 2566
RATING: Teen and Up
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What We’re Learning – 7-13 April
Learning April 7-13 2018
7 – Saturday – I got groceries and the boys went to a Kids’ Deployment Line.  You can read about their experience here, and grocery shopping went the same except I got extra things for the toddler we are fostering.  We will be picking him up Monday.
8 – Sunday – We went to church at Canyon Lake United Methodist Church.  It was our second visit there, and we wanted to try out their Sunday School.  Price and Wesley went to their classes, but we couldn’t find an adult class for the rest of us.  Ron and I think we are going to join their class for couples, but their Young Adult class (for Chyna) meets on Sunday evenings and they don’t have a traditional class yet.  We also met the pastor who will be moving to their church in July, and he said they would be starting a lot more activities for young adults.  So for now, we will continue attending here and try out their Sunday school classes.  After church Ron and I went to the Air and Space Museum because we haven’t had a chance to look around at everything.  It was nice to just get to walk around and take our time looking at things without having to wonder where the kids are and if they’re ready to leave.
9 – Monday – Monday was really hectic… Price and I finished our babysitting job, Wesley had piano and gymnastics, and we picked up E and brought him to our house for the first time.
10 – Tuesday – E had a checkup.  He is 2 years old and they thought he needed to be evaluated for speech therapy.  His speech is a little behind, but not enough that they recommend services, so we just keep trying to learn how he says certain words and make sure he understands what we are saying.  We are all having a great time getting to know him and play with him.
11 – Wednesday – 4-H Leader meeting, piano for Wesley, and Dgroup for Me today.  It was a good day with lots of playing outside for E!
12 – Thursday – I took E grocery shopping after taking him to play at the play area in the library on base.  It is great for toddlers and after he realized I wasn’t leaving him, he played really well.
13 – Friday – SNOW, SNOW, and more SNOW!
Here are the things our family is listening to.  I’m either listening by myself or with anyone who happens to be around while I’m listening.  I am going to do a more detailed post just about the podcasts that I love listening to.  This is just a quick list of the podcasts that I listened to this week(usually while I’m cooking or when I’m driving and recently while I’m waiting for E to fall asleep at nap-time).
Presidential Podcast – This one has an episode for each US President.  They were published in 2016, so I’m catching up… I listened to the episodes about Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, Harding…
The most memorable one was Harding.  I had no idea about all of his affairs or that he had no problem with everyone knowing about them.  Including a 15 year affair with his best friend’s wife.  CRAZINESS!  I have absolutely no respect for him or anything that he did because if you are dishonest in your marriage, then I’m assuming you are dishonest in all aspects of your life.  The craziest quote from the podcast is Harding talking to the press… THE PRESS!! and he said, “it’s a good thing I’m not a woman or I would be pregnant all the time… I just can’t say no!”  SERIOUSLY!?!?!  This man is despicable!
The Bible Project has a podcast where they discuss topics that they make youtube videos about.  I’m going back to the beginning of their podcasts to catch up, so these are old ones that I’m just discovering… I love how they make me think and change the way I think about things in the bible and the new things I learn.  I listened to the Wisdom Writings, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes Part 1, Ecclesiastes Part 2, God and Money,
Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me (John Kasich)
I love this podcast because it makes me laugh every time.  John Kasich is the governor of Ohio and maybe putting his name in to run for President.  It was weird to hear people talking about Presidential elections again.
Relevant – This week was just as good as usual.
Andy Stanley – I love listening to him preach.  He
Read Aloud Revival –
Reading Aloud to 8-12 years old – I just discovered this podcast, and I bought her new book and read it.  It’s great, and I always love hearing about new books… especially children’s books.
Stuff You Missed in History Class
I listen to nearly every one of these… if it’s something I know I’m not interested in, I skip it, but for the most part, I love them.
Henry “Box” Brown – if you don’t know the story of this man, you should listen to this podcast or at least do a google search.  He was a slave and came up with the idea of mailing himself to a free state.  Someone helped him get in a box, nailed it shut, and mailed him.  He made it and was free.  It is a fantastic story.
Eldridge Gerry (Mandering) – This is the story of how gerrymandering got its name.  It was really interesting and I enjoyed learning something I didn’t know anything about.
Stuff You Should Know
Landmines – I didn’t realize the impact that landmines still have on communities and people around the world.  It was cool to hear about some of the ways people are coming up with to find and destroy landmines.
Paramedics – I almost skipped this episode, but I’m glad I didn’t.  I didn’t know that EMTs can’t break the skin of a person… even to give a shot. And I’ve never thought about it, but paramedics always walk up to a scene.  They do this so they can bring calm to the situation and assess the situation as they approach,
Sorta Awesome
100 Ways to Save Money – This was a good episode where Meg interviews someone who has just written a book about quick and easy ways to save money to be able to stay home, or even just to save some money while you are home.
Satellite Sisters – I love this podcast for all of the laughs and just joy that I get from listening.
The Productive Woman
I haven’t been listening to this podcast very long, but I like that I learn something every time I listen.  She is nothing like me, but the productivity things she discusses always show me something I can learn from it.  This episode was about cleaning up your email and some good ideas for handling your email and not letting your email handle you.
Part-Time Genius
I recently added this podcast as well, and I really like how short it is and I always learn something I didn’t know before.
Hawaii (lots of info on the 50th state… new fact for me… Hawaii 5-0 is named that because Hawaii was the 50th state.  Police came to be known as 5-0 because of this TV show)
9 Classic toys that are different now… I didn’t know that Silly Putty doesn’t pick up newsprint anymore… not because of the silly putty, but because newsprint is different now.
Modern Homemakers – I like listening to Donna Otto who hosts this show.  I don’t always agree with her, but I like listening to what she has to say.
Lightweight Journaling – this one was about some easy and quick ways to begin journaling if you’ve never done it before or can’t seem to keep doing it.
Passion City Church – I listen to their Sunday Service every week.
That Sounds Fun – This is a show by Annie F Downs.  She is new to Relevant, so I decided to check out her podcast.  I really like it!
Bob Goff… she interviewed him on the show and the more I hear about him the more I think I need to go get his books and read them.  I’ve added them to my wish list.
I Hate Green Beans – This is a new podcast they I’m trying out.  I’ve only listened to one full episode.  She has a whole series about the Bachelor TV show, and since I hate those “reality” shows and think they are helping to create a culture that I don’t like, I wasn’t sure if I would like her podcast.  I’ve only listened to this one about Cinderella stories and so far, so good…
Cinderella Stories – This one was really a fluff show that didn’t require me to use much brain power… sometimes that can be a good thing.
Treasure Hunters 1-2 (Wesley)
Wesley and I read together at night (or during the day if he wants to play video games and listen
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Mercury’s War
This is my audio book series… I listen for maybe 20-30 minutes at night before I fall asleep… I’m not even sure I’m awake for the whole book… it doesn’t require a lot of listening. (NOT FOR CHILDREN!)
Witches (Kids)
We read this on nights when Ron is gone for our normal reading time.  It is one of Roald Dahl books and Wesley loves it.  It is taking us a long time to finish it because Ron isn’t gone very often.
Farmer Boy (Family)
We read this one during family reading time every night when everyone is  home (this doesn’t happen often with Chyna working, Ron doing Jujitsu, and my dgroup, but we do it every night when we are all home)
The Hate U Give (Chyna)
We also have individual reading time at night from 9-10 and Chyna and I decided to read a book together.  I have only been reading this book during this time (and I also read to Wesley during this time) so Cshe’s finished with it and I’m in the middle somewhere.  But we still say we are reading it “together”.
Who is Julius Caesar? (Price)
Price wanted to learn more about Julius Caesar and I did too, so we are reading some books together.  This one only happens sporadically, but we both like it when it does.
Loki’s Wolves (Library)
This is the latest book in my library read-through challenge.  I’m loving it, but I just don’t have much time to read it.  I take it everywhere with me so when I get a free minute, I read it.  I’m almost done and there is another book in the series that I’m excited to read.
Bible: (I’m reading through the Bible with my sister-in-law, Ron, and my friends Kim and Cristina.  We use the Bible App and I love that we can send messages to each other as we read.  It holds me accountable and it’s nice to get different perspectives as I read something I may have read many times before.
Luke 7:11-35… This is the first time I’ve thought more about why John the Baptist has to remain in prison and I think it might be because John had a lot of followers and if he was out teaching and preaching and Jesus was out teaching and preaching, it could’ve taken some of the emphasis away from Jesus and maybe caused confusion… John’s purpose was to point the way, and he had done that, so he needed to be out of the way so Jesus could do his ministry…
Simple History (Trench Clubs (WWI), Fake Trees (WWI),
Price introduced me to Simple History, so we watch these videos and discuss what we thought was cool about them or what we learned watching them.
Super Carlin Brothers (Dumbledore’s Long Name)
The boys both watch these guys… they talk about anything nerdy!
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  Which the boys love, and I do too… I always learn something I didn’t know before about whatever they are talking about.
SoCraftastic (Wreck This Journal)
This channel is just for me.  She does all kinds of crafty things that I like to pretend I want to do
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  I don’t actually want to do them, but I like watching her do them.  Especially her series on Wreck this Journal… She’s just bubbly and I like watching her videos.
US National Archives (National Park Plans, Celebrate the 100th Birthday of First Lady Betty Ford)
I don’t watch everything the National Archives puts out because some of them are really long.  Except for a long one about all of the First Ladies (because I’m obsessed), but that was last week, so it doesn’t count
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  I liked the short one about Betty Ford for her birthday, and I love the National Parks so it was good to learn about the plans for each park and how they were drawn up.
Knowledgehub (Fast Food History)
I didn’t know how fast food became… well… fast food.  This one was great!
  With Family
Supernatural: Season 1: Ep 2 and 3
After family reading time, we watch one episode of whatever TV show we are all watching together.  We have watched all episodes of Psych (our favorite thing ever!!!) and we just finished FireFly, so we picked Supernatural as our next one.  We only pick a series that none of us have seen, and we are loving this one so far.  I sometimes jump and scream which everyone else thinks is so funny
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  I know this one will take a while too because it’s such a long series.
Cars 3
When we aren’t all home at night, we can’t watch our TV show, so we sometimes watch a movie.  Since E came into our home, we’ve decided to watch animated movies during this time.  The first one we picked was Cars 3.  It had the added benefit that Chyna hadn’t seen it either.
What we learned??
  We had a great week and had so much fun welcoming a toddler into the house.  It’s been hard getting blog posts written, so that’s why I wanted to go to this weekly check-in… just some random pictures from the week.
The post What We’re Learning – 7-13 April appeared first on Our Military Moments.
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verytamenow · 7 years
1:Name - Zoe
2:Age - 24
3:3 Fears - Spiders, Heights, Death (lowkey)
4:3 things I love - The sound of a rain storm, Being able to sleep in, Chocolate
5:4 turns on - Confidence, Cuddling, Kindness, Intelligence
6:4 turns off - Cruelty, Bigotry, Rudeness, Unwillingness to listen
7:My best friend - I don’t think I have one.
8:Sexual orientation - Really really really fucking gay
9:My best first date - Haven’t had one.
10:How tall am I - 5′5″
11:What do I miss - A lot of things when I let myself dwell on them. 
12:What time were I born - I honestly have no clue. Is this information people usually have off the top of their head?
13:Favourite color - Blue at the moment
14:Do I have a crush - No.
15:Favourite quote - “It is what it is” / “This too shall pass” / “But the monsters turned out to be just trees”
16:Favourite place - The beach, or by any body of water. Or curled up in bed on a lazy day while it storms.
17:Favourite food - Strawberries.
18:Do I use sarcasm - Who? Me?
19:What am I listening to right now - Road noise
20:First thing I notice in new person - Their smile
21:Shoe size - 8-9
22:Eye color - Blue
23:Hair color - Dark blonde
24:Favourite style of clothing - I kind of live in tshirts and jeans but I really like a sharper look - like suits.
25:Ever done a prank call? - No
27:Meaning behind my URL - There isn’t one? It’s my favourite place, favourite animal, and year of my birth.
28:Favourite movie - Oh this is difficult. The Alien Series, Harry Potter, or Silence of the Lambs
29:Favourite song - Losing My Religion - REM
30:Favourite band - Right now Taylor is my favourite singer, but in terms of bands I’d say the Killers at the moment.
31:How I feel right now - Neutral.
32:Someone I love - My dad.
33:My current relationship status - Single.
34:My relationship with my parents - Good if we haven’t pissed each other off.
35:Favourite holiday - I don’t really have one.
36:Tattoos and piercing i have - None. Not even my ears pierced.
37:Tattoos and piercing i want - Something for my mom, grandfather, and dad. But the monsters turned out to be just trees in Taylor’s handwriting. And maybe something else.
38:The reason I joined Tumblr - Kaylor tbh.
39:Do I and my last ex hate each other? - No, not at all.
40:Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? - I’ll sometimes say goodnight or goodmorning to my friends but usually? No.
41:Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? - No.
42:When did I last hold hands? - In a way that wasn’t platonic? Never.
43:How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? - Technically 30-45 minutes.
44:Have You shaved your legs in the past three days? - No. I’m single and live in jeans so I’d rather not deal with the hassle.
45:Where am I right now? - In my bed.
46:If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? - I don’t drink but if it happened, probably my dad at the moment if anyone.
47:Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? - Reasonable level but sometimes I’ll blast it in the car.
48:Do I live with my Mom and Dad? - Yes, unashamedly.
49:Am I excited for anything? - Not really. Maybe the upcoming Alien movie.
50:Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? - No.
51:How often do I wear a fake smile? - I don’t usually bother to fake it but I will if I have to.
52:When was the last time I hugged someone? - Last night.
53:What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? - Impossible.
54:Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? - No.
55:What is something I disliked about today? - I have work.
56:If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? - If anyone wants to introduce me to my future wife that would be cool. Short of that, meeting Taylor would be cool too.
57:What do I think about most? - Depends on the day.
58:What’s my strangest talent? - I don’t have talent.
59:Do I have any strange phobias? - I think my phobias are pretty typical.
60:Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? - I suck at taking photos but I hate being in photos more. Just keep the camera away from me altogether.
61:What was the last lie I told? - Not sure. 
62:Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? - I tend to be quiet on the phone so video chatting instead I guess.
63:Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? - I don’t not believe in ghosts and I think it’s a bit arrogant to write off the possibility of other intelligent life in space.
64:Do I believe in magic? - I don’t not believe in it. I believe spells are about as real and powerful as the idea of prayer, for whatever that’s worth.
65:Do I believe in luck? - Yes.
66:What's the weather like right now? - Clear skies and 60 out but it’s meant to hit the mid 80s.
67:What was the last book I've read? - No clue.
68:Do I like the smell of gasoline? - I don’t mind it.
69:Do I have any nicknames? - Not really. Most people don’t bother.
70:What was the worst injury I've ever had? - Probably just a scrape or cut. I’ve never broken anything or needed stitches.
71:Do I spend money or save it? - Save it usually.
72:Can I touch my nose with a tounge? - No.
73:Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? - No.
74:Favourite animal? - Wolves
75:What was I doing last night at 12 AM? - Sleeping, thankfully
76:What do I think is Satan’s last name is? - I’ve never thought about it. I believe Morningstar is traditional.
77:What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? - Losing my Religion.
78:How can you win my heart? - Just fucking be there for me. Show up, be patient and kind. Falling for me first may help. 
79:What would I want to be written on my tombstone? - I don’t want a tombstone. But probably something snarky or a pun.
80:What is my favorite word? - In terms of use? Fuck.
81:My top 5 blogs on tumblr - This is hard. @princessandsunshine, @gaylorswift, @gay4tay, @shady-kaylor, @gay-romantics​
82:If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? -What the fuck? or Impeach the entire republican party.
83:Do I have any relatives in jail? - Not to my knowledge.
84:I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? - Omnilingualism or Probability Manipulation
85:What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? - There’s a fair few to be honest.
86:What is my current desktop picture? - At work it’s a picture of the beach at my home town/
87:Had sex? - No
88:Bought condoms? - Yes
89:Gotten pregnant? - No thank fuck
90:Failed a class? - Yes more than once
91:Kissed a boy? - No
92:Kissed a girl? - No, sadly
93:Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? - Nope
94:Had job? - Yes
95:Left the house without my wallet? - Yes. I’d lose my head if it weren’t attached some days.
96:Bullied someone on the internet? - No.
97:Had sex in public? - No.
98:Played on a sports team? - Briefly but sports aren’t my thing.
99:Smoked weed? - No
100:Did drugs? - No
101:Smoked cigarettes? - No
102:Drank alcohol? - Tried it but don’t care for it
103:Am I a vegetarian/vegan? - No but I have considered Vegetarianism. Or at least Pesco-Vegetarianism. 
104:Been overweight? - Yes.
105:Been underweight? - No.
106:Been to a wedding? - Yes.
107:Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? - Yes.
108:Watched TV for 5 hours straight? - Yes.
109:Been outside my home country? - Yes, to England.
110:Gotten my heart broken? - Yes. It sucked. 
111:Been to a professional sports game? - Yes.
112:Broken a bone? - No, somehow.
113:Cut myself? - Not intentionally.
114:Been to prom? - No. I skipped mine.
115:Been in airplane? - Yes.
116:Fly by helicopter? - Yes
117:What concerts have I been to? - Rascal Flatts, The Killers, Coldplay at least twice, Snow Patrol, U2, No Doubt, Brooks & Dunn and Reba.
118:Had a crush on someone of the same sex? - Yes.
119:Learned another language? - No, sadly.
120:Wore make up? - Yes but I don’t enjoy it.
121:Lost my virginity before I was 18? - No.
122:Had oral sex? - No.
123:Dyed my hair? - Yes.
124:Voted in a presidential election? - No. Yes, I know with the last election but I accidentally missed the registration date because I’m a dumb ass.
125:Rode in an ambulance? - No, thank FUCK because it’d cost a fortune.
126:Had a surgery? - Yes. Deviated septum and wisdom tooth removal.
127:Met someone famous? - No.
128:Stalked someone on a social network? - No.
129:Peed outside? - No.
130:Been fishing? - No but I want to try it.
131:Helped with charity? - Yes.
132:Been rejected by a crush? - No because I keep crushes to myself usually.
133:Broken a mirror? - No.
134:What do I want for birthday? - I may just ignore mine.
135:How many kids do I want and what will be their names? - I don’t particularly want kids.
136:Was I named after anyone? - My grandmother and great grandmother
137:Do I like my handwriting? - No.
138:What was my favourite toy as a child? - As a little kid I’m not sure, probably legos. Once I was a bit older, probably my gameboy.
139:Favourite Tv Show? - X Files.
140:Where do I want to live when older? - Where can I afford? Ideally near my hometown but I’d never be able to afford it, so probably a house here.
141:Play any musical instrument? - No.
142:One of my scars, how did I get it? - I’ve got an old faint one on my knee but can’t remember how I got it.
143:Favourite pizza toping? - Pepperoni or Mushrooms
144:Am I afraid of the dark? - Not unless I wake up from a nightmare
145:Am I afraid of heights? - Yes.
146:Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? - No
147:Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? - Of course. That’s life.
148:What I'm really bad at - Everything.
149:What my greatest achievments are - I’ve survived over a decade with a brain that actively or passively wants to kill me but you can’t really put that on your resume.
150:The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me - Not sure.
151:What I'd do if I won in a lottery - Pay off my car, buy a small house, pay off my dad’s house, set aside enough to go get a degree at a slow pace if I want, save and invest whatever might be left.
152:What do I like about myself - I’m a little more resilient than I think, I’m an asshole but not a cruel asshole
153:My closest Tumblr friend - probably @princessandsunshine
154:Something I fantasise about - That Thing
155:Any question you'd like? - You didn’t ask one, mate.
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mayacatmaster · 6 years
Tumblr media
That is why my life so easy, so relax, so natural, so joy-happy-enjoy-life and have an very feeling good light-hearted.
*** *** ***
Who care about those through down front my mind, any kind of Opinion of Others?
Otherwise...Whose mind is it?
To whom?
It’s all None of my own Business, for my life itself it’s all Irrelevant, I am Ignorant them all, I just don’t care.
I just won't take it Personally, as “me; mine; myself & real; true”.
*** *** ***
No matter of it’s what kind of morality, morality, political, country-social-family-belief-system or parents, teachers, gurus, rulers, or any kind of personal-belief-system through down front my mind.
*** *** ***
Who care about those through down front my mind, any kind of Opinion of Others?
Otherwise...Whose mind is it?
To whom?
It’s all None of my own Business, for my life itself it’s all Irrelevant, I am Ignorant them all, I just don’t care.
I just won't take it Personally, as “me; mine; myself & real; true”.
*** *** ***
I just don’t listen, don’t believe, don’t identify with everything my mind tell me.
I just won’t take my mind as “me; mine; myself & real; true”.
*** *** ***
Because usually all my mind-content is only any kind of Opinion of Others through down front my heart, so…:
Unless what my mind said can pass through
my self-inquiry, self-examination, self-experiment
and those Experimental result, Validation results is really, really, really
feeling good, is really sweet-life-fruits and I want it.
Or as least it can help me or others people get rid of bad-bitter-life-fruits and relief or relax my mind-heart-soul-body.
*** *** ***
I won’t pick up it as “me; mine; myself & real; true”, it all None of my own Business, for my life itself it’s all Irrelevant, I am Ignorant them all, I just don’t care.
*** *** ***
When he begins to know himself a man sees that he has nothing that is his own... [and] all that he has regarded as his own, his views, thoughts, convictions, tastes, habits, even faults and vices, all these are not his own, but have been either formed through imitation or borrowed from somewhere ready-made. In feeling this a man may feel his nothingness. And in feeling his nothingness a man should see himself as he really is. ~ George Gurdjieff Quotes *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Via and thanks “The Toronto Hypnotherapist” *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** One of the most important things I've learned in life is to ignore most of what people say, preach, teach.  I watch what they do instead. *** *** *** Because…: Most people are other people. Their thoughts are someone else's opinions, their lives a mimicry, their passions a quotation. ~Qscar Wilde *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Everyone tells you what to do and what’s good for you.  They don’t want you to find your own answers.  They want you to believe theirs. ~Socrates *** *** ***
Specially when….:
Nation of sheep.  Ruled By Wolves & Tiger.  Owned By pigs. And I follow orders like a dog. It's what made me a "man"(woman; children). *** *** ***
And…: The simple believeth every word: but the prudent man looketh well to his going. 愚蒙人是話都信,智慧通達者步步審慎。 ~Proverbs 14:15 King James Bible *** *** ***
So…: OMG, I have finally discovered what’s wrong with my brain: On the left side, there is nothing right, and on the right side, there is nothing left ~~><!!! *** *** *** When I look into my mind, my heart.  Witness those thoughts, those feelings, those different personality, I see a lot of stupid people walking around my heart acting like they are smart. *** *** *** But they never, ~~~! Watch their own self, as if they are watching another people’s self. Watch their own beliefs, as if they are watching another peoples’ beliefs…. inquiry and question it. *** *** *** But they never, ~~~! Question everything they think they know about they “True Self"(Tao;God). Reexamine all that they have been told in parents, school, in church or in any books. *** *** *** But they never question and self-inquiry, ~~~! Make sure what they have been learned from outside world, Can help them to get rid of painful and get sweet fruit. Can help them from bondage to freedom. Can help them from personality to individual. Can help them from darkness to light. Can help them from misery to enlightenment. Can help them from ignorance to innocence. Can help them from death to deathlessness. Can help them to realized their “True Self"(Tao;God). *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** And do not pursue that of which you have no “Wisdom”(self-enquiry); Verily! The hearing, and the sight, and the feeling in the heart, of each of those you will be questioned by “Source”(Allah; True Self; Tao; Brahman). ~ QUR’AN 17:36 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** The blind man is not equal with the seer; ~ QUR’AN 35:19 Neither the darkness (es) and the light. ~ QUR’AN 35:20 Nor is the shadow equal with the sun’s full heat; ~ QUR’AN 35:21 And in no way are the living and the dead equal. Surely “Source”(Allah; True Self; Tao; Brahman) makes to hear whomever He decides; and in no way can you ever make (the ones) in the tombs to hear. ~ QUR’AN 35:22 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** “Source”(Allah; True Self; Tao; Brahman) is the Light of the heavens and the earth. ~ QUR’AN 35:22 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Matthew6:22 [hb5] 眼 睛 就 是 身 上 的 燈 . 你 的 眼 睛 若 瞭 亮 、 全 身 就 光 明 。 [kjv] The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light. [bbe] The light of the body is the eye; if then your eye is true, all your body will be full of light. Matthew6:23 [hb5] 你 的 眼 睛 若 昏 花 、 全 身 就 黑 暗 . 你 裡 頭 的 光 若 黑 暗 了 、 那 黑 暗 是 何 等 大 呢 。 [kjv] But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness! [bbe] But if your eye is evil, all your body will be dark. If then the light which is in you is dark, how dark it will be! *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** Poor are those who have eyes but cannot see. Blind not only eyes, more dangerous is heart full of dark, can’t see and feel light. *** *** *** Medicine important and precious is can help one body-mind-heart-soul reunion, reconnect, recovery health-state. *** *** *** Method important and precious is can help one body-mind-heart-soul reconnect, recovery alignment with Source and can as alignment-deliberate-creator. *** *** *** So…: When the shoe fits, the foot is forgotten. When the belt fits, the belly is forgotten. When the heart is in alignment with Source and can as alignment-deliberate-creator, "for" and "against" are forgotten. ~ Zhuangzi *** *** ***
Otherwise…: What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** If not according to the “Help people as a Deliberate-Alignment-Creator”, To make their beautiful dream come true,  To get any kind of sweet-life-fruits, and…: To get rid of any kind of vicious circle,  To get rid of any kind of pain-and-bitter-life-fruits, …: *** *** What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** If not according to the "Help people to be natural, relax & be who-really-they-are, and alignment with their “Source”(True Self; Tao; Inner Being)”,  *** *** What is the difference between the words and deeds of enlightenment man and the madness man? *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** So …: Connection doesn't care about the laws of the "land”(king).  Your soul & heart will be pulled to the place it belongs. *** *** ***
Before your birth into your physical body, you knew that once you were here that your Relationships With Others would be the primary source of the contrast you would live. ~Abraham 
*** *** ***
Usually, they always peach and teach you how to kiss any kind of dark-tyrant-ruler’s-ass, by blind-obey, blind-follow.
No matter of it’s on religion, morality, political, country-social-family-belief-system or parents, teachers, gurus, … any kind of personal-belief-system.
*** *** ***
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