#can you tell that i've been rewatching adventure time?
deconstructthesoup · 5 months
Fantasy High Adventure Time AU
And I am back at it again with the self-indulgent nonsense...
Okay, so, yeah, this started with my post where I noticed the stark similarities between Marceline and Fig. Which, of course, sent my ADHD brain spiraling, and I decided to actually COMMIT to this.
Also, fair warning, this isn't gonna be neat and organized like my others, this is just gonna be *wall of incoherent text*. If I could draw, this would be entertaining, but, uh... YEP!
*clears throat*
So... Fabian and Kristen are the only two humans living in Ooo, and while they both arrived on its shores in different circumstances, the two of them were both taken in by a goblin family who'd left the goblin kingdom and taken up residence in one of the destroyed cities. Eventually, the two set off on their own, along with their adoptive brother Riz, to pursue a life of adventure and heroism just outside of the Candy Kingdom.
All of them have pretty different motives for going into the hero business, though it mostly comes back to just wanting to stick with each other. Fabian's in it for the adrenaline rushes and the glory, Riz is in it for the detective skills and putting bad guys away, and Kristen's just in it to help others out. Riz is, of course, the braincell amongst the three of them, and he's usually there on the sidelines rubbing the bridge of his nose while his siblings are getting themselves tangled in romantic subplots.
The three of them mostly answer to Adaine, aka Princess Buttercream---a girl who was mutated into a candy person after nearly dying in the aftermath of the Great Mushroom War, and has since built herself a kingdom dedicated to peace, learning, science, magic, and sweets. She's incredibly intelligent (and, unlike Bonnie, actually has a lot of interest in magic) and a very capable ruler, but she does occasionally get herself into scrapes---so, it's a good thing she's got three intrepid heroes watching her back.
Not too far away from where Fabian, Kristen, and Riz live is the Thistlespring residence, where their friend Gorgug lives---a shy half-giant who has a passion for tinkering and dreams of adventuring, but is held back by his fear of his giant fury taking him over. The heroes still visit him constantly and encourage him to try as best as he can, eventually giving him the confidence he needs to start making his own path---and to finally ask out the girl he likes.
Another close friend of the heroes is Figeroth the Demon Queen, a devil-may-care rock star with powers that come straight from the Nightosphere. She, too, remembers what life was like before the Great Mushroom War, but she doesn't really think back on it as much as she maybe should. Fig and Adaine are best friends, and have been since they met in the wastelands of the ruined planet... though their relationship's been a little bit strained as of late, mostly due to Fig's long-ago breakup with the former princess of the Fire Kingdom and the current librarian of Wizard City. Adaine's been trying to get them back together, and while Fig and Ayda are talking again... there's still a while to go.
The Candy Kingdom is constantly under attack by the Ice Queen, who at the start of the story just appears to be a wicked witch who plans on imprisoning Adaine and taking over Ooo... a witch that, unfortunately, Fabian has a bit of a thing for. But after some digging, Fabian, Kristen, and Riz find out that the Ice Queen is actually Adaine's older sister Aelwyn, who's been driven mad by a crown that their father had uncovered in the days of the Mushroom War. Aelwyn has forgotten almost everything---including her best friend and girlfriend, Sam Nightingale---but she still dimly remembers her connection to Adaine, even if Adaine was too young to fully remember her. (Oh, yeah, also, Aelwyn's, like, twelve years older than her in this.)
This is all I really have so far, though I've got a couple other snippets---Ragh also starts out as an antagonist but grows into a solid ally and Fabian's love interest, Tracker and Jawbone are part of a group of werewolves who are descended from some of the original humans, Ostentasia is an LSP equivalent---but, yeah, this is all I can get out right now.
...I gotta go to bed.
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raz-writes-the-thing · 7 months
ERMMM sorry for spamming I'LL STOP NOW PINKY PROMISE but,,
Tenth doctor relationship hcs? Could be sfw/nsfw, or both!! I've been rewatching doctor who and OMGG I NEED HIM SO BA- (GUNSHOTS)
I feel that- honestly devo I haven't been able to find some more active writers that write for Ten (aside from Denali, who does the best sfw stuff but i am also after that,, that nsfw good shit,,)
here you go!
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Tenth Doctor x GN!Reader Relationship HCS / requests are open and encouraged
SFW/NSFW below the cut
Doctor Who tag list: @nyxiethesimp @quickslvxrr @midnight--raine @blueberry-sunshines (send an ask to be added to a tag list!)
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The Doctor has no spatial awareness. Particularly when it comes to you. He wants to be in your space all the time. Especially when you're out and about on adventures.
Literally- he's always rubbing a hand on your back when you're looking at a market stall or standing close to you when you're telling off a cyborg for planning to bomb a village or something.
He's not big on huge PDA though. A peck here and there before you're both running off to do something is fine but he doesn't like to have huge big make-out sessions in public or anything.
He loves to hold your hand at all times possible.
He also? Does these super cute romantic gestures that he thinks are kinda meh and then you completely gush over them and he's like "oh, right! I was just- oh, good! I'm glad you like it."
I'm talking shit like going out while you're sleeping and picking up supplies for you. Things you can only get on Earth at specific times. Or taking you for surprise trips in the TARDIS and them being, like, to meet people you idolise or see events that have fascinated you since you were young.
He's also gone to get things that you've missed out on before, too. That deluxe figure that was a limited run of 500 in 1993 that go for, like, $8000 now? He just picked one up for you from release year. Just because he could. And wanted to see you smile.
The Doctor loves having his hair pulled. He's super into it. Nothing makes his cock twitch harder than having his hair yanked on.
He's a switch, though his domming style is very soft. Lots of praise and pretend disappointment if you're being bratty.
He loves to have you ride him. He loves being able to be under you and watch you like the deity he believes you to be. He loves to hold your hips and watch you grind yourself on top of him.
The man lives for head. Giving or receiving- he LOVES it. Particularly if he's giving head and you pull on his hair? A dying man. He could cum untouched from that.
He's also a big fan of grinding up on you. Particularly when he's feeling needy, subby and desperate. He just- he wants to rut himself on you at any given opportunity. He's so cute.
He's so in control all the time so he loves being able to let go in a safe environment. If he's subbing for you, he adores being edged. Having to beg you to be allowed to cum makes him so horny for you it's ridiculous.
Domming you though? He's all praise, all loving and teasing caresses. He's made games of how many times he can make you cum before, and also how many times he can bring you to that edge and take it away before he's finally giving in to your begging.
Big slut for aftercare, that Doctor. He's all hydrolites, cuddles and snacks.
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Headcanons: 10th Doctor x Autistic!Reader established relationship
A/N: I've been rewatching the 9th and 10th Doctors' series recently, and found myself getting attached all over again, so I've decided to add the Tenth Doctor to my list of characters I write for! Enjoy!
The reader here is gender-neutral.
Content warnings: None.
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Loves any happy stims you have! He finds that it makes your joy more contagious – and since his positive energy tends to similarly rub off on you, he gets to see you stim often, to his delight.
Like Thirteen, he’s genuinely interested in any toys or jewellery you may use to stim, and likes to learn about how it helps you. If he comes across anything that might serve a similar purpose for you during his trips, he won’t hesitate to get it for you, if possible.
He listens enthusiastically to you when you talk about your special interest(s). While he may struggle with explicit verbal affection, he more than makes up for it by giving you his full attention, and watching with sheer adoration as you engage with the things you love.
Even if you can't tell how he feels about you from his facial expression alone, you can rest assured that once there's someone else around you (especially if it's Donna), you'll be made aware by them teasing him relentlessly for his heart-eyes.
Once again, there’s a sensory room in the TARDIS all for yourself! It has everything you could need to calm down from sensory overload, meltdowns, or just feeling a bit “off”.
The Doctor won’t go in unless you explicitly allow him to – though admittedly, he's happy if you do, because he also gets some use out of some of the stim and sensory items!
While he’s often quite energetic, he knows when to calm down, if you get overstimulated. You may not always be able to avoid things that make you feel that way in your adventures, but he’s mindful in finding ways to help you endure it, at least until you make it back to the TARDIS.
Those moments where his darker, “oncoming storm” side comes out can be a bit complicated. He'll most likely tell you to go back to the TARDIS, because he doesn’t want you to get overwhelmed from seeing him like that, but he usually also needs you there to reign him in.
By the time you’re together, you’ve come to recognise this, and always focus on stopping him from going too far. He feels awful if you do get overwhelmed, so he’ll either give you some space for as long as you need it, or stay with you to help you calm down, depending on what you want.
If you lose speech for any reason, or are nonverbal, the Doctor will gladly talk enough for the two of you, and will immediately steer anyone who asks any uncomfortable questions about it away from the subject. He also isn’t afraid to call them out if they don’t relent.
He'll do anything you need to keep you safe during your travels, because he genuinely loves being with you!
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nipuni · 2 months
Time for an old school blog post, Hello!
Just various updates about life and shows and clothes and some photos! Adding a read more cut because I talk too much 😊
Happy equinox everyone!! The mild weather has been wonderful for daily park walks. We have been taking our meals outside as often as we can to make the most of it before summer scorches the land and all life. The longer days allow for a lot more wandering too but the imminent return of the heat is also making the longing to move up north worse by the day. We miss the choppy ocean and seaside cliffs 😭 We love the silence and the rain and the nippy sea breeze!! it's like being suspended in early spring for half the year and a rainy autumn the other half, Ideal if you don't mind humidity, but that's what wellies and flat caps are for. We have been looking for properties to rent to show up everyday so for now we lie in wait.
Speaking of nature, a few months ago we discovered a free app called Plantnet that you use to take and upload photos of plants, trees, flowers and it will identify them for you. You keep a log with their locations and can share them too to help contribute to each local biodiversity database. It feels like a pokedex for plants. There are many apps like this one to choose from too. It's been so fun learning what all these plants are called and memorizing them! I recommend it, is like a little educational side quest to take on while stretching your legs and getting some fresh air. This is not an ad I promise lmao I just think it's neat! kind of sad feeling the need to clarify that.
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This weather is also making me want to start making outfit posts again! It's been so long since I made any!! my winter wardrobe is mostly long wool coats or capes and boots so the inspiration wasn't there but now I'm ready to pull out all my stuff back from under my bed storage and experiment again 👏 I've also been meaning to share some of Nicolas outfits for ages too so there is more variety, could be fun!
Speaking of clothes, lately I've grown more and more frustrated with how poorly most clothes fit me to the point where I'm considering learning how to make them from scratch. I usually have to take in the tops and hem the bottoms but most things I try on are just built weird even if I fix the size, or maybe I'm built weird! I think it may be both. Nicolas also said he would love to learn along with me so we will probably embark on that adventure soon. OH and on a short tangent, I got myself a sort of binder-like top that flattens the chest a bit and I'm loving it! I'm very flat already but what little bust I do have has always bothered me when I dress and I've found I feel a lot more comfortable in this type of top. I'm glad I tried it out so if you feel similarly you may want to give it a go too, see how it feels!
On the media side of things we have also been watching more of David Tennant's work. We are still very much in love with him to an embarrassing degree, you can probably tell if you follow me anywhere, my likes on twitter alone give me away alksjdf and Nicolas isn't any better! if he used social media his would look the same lmao.
Since my last report we have watched and absolutely LOVED "There She Goes" we already want to watch it again honestly. The family dynamics for all his characters are always so real and refreshing!! Their relationship with their wives especially are always so believable in every series we've seen, the comfort and camaraderie, the banter and just friendship! You can tell they enjoy each other's company, it feels true. I love it so much!!
We also watched "Inside man" which was..a very stressful mess but David was incredible as always, also very hot and very pitiful which is always great, and Stanley Tucci was on it! so that's also fun.
Then we rewatched season one of Good Omens and the first 4 seasons of Doctor Who, with all the extra content like the Confidentials, deleted scenes, video diaries and more, they are just so good!! our list of favourite episodes keeps growing, season four is incredible, we are loving all these seasons even more the second time around!! Now we are probably going to start watching either Classic Who or Torchwood, along with more of David's work. We were trying to pick what to watch during dinner the other day and Nicolas was like 'damn, David is not in this though, I miss him' and lmao same so now we just watch one show without him and one with him right after to cope 😂
OH we have also been doing more historical reenactment! Since the last one in the 20's we jumped back to Regency times. We have been putting our outfits together for a ball soon and hopefully another one in autumn in the UK 😊 1800 is the farthest back in time we've been yet so it's been fun doing research, finding pieces and learning the dances in class but also very hectic. I'll share more about this soon!
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Then we also have a couple of 1900 events coming soon, so I'll be sharing more Edwardian looks as well, our favourite era!!
Anyway I think that's all for now, thanks for reading to whoever is doing so!! I know this is long and not a popular blogging format anymore but I enjoy it a lot, maybe some of you do too 🥰 I will reply to some messages soon, I'm so sorry I'm so bad at keeping up with those!! I've read them all and cherish every word 🥺 Thank you for supporting my art and shenanigans as always!! I hope you have a great week!!
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jahiera · 10 months
Please,,,, please more rambles about astarion and him healing and his slowly changing relationship with (-tav-) Sex and intimacy and choice and-
Okay gonna talk about the Grave Scene. this scene truly lives in my head rent free. I've been rewatching it a few times and every way it plays out is so touching. Especially the way he.. hmm... expresses himself here? There's such earnestness to him that frankly is unimaginable to the person we met in act 1. He really went from being both so sly & yet obviously lying ("[you trusted me...] an objectively stupid thing to do.") to someone who admits and lists the way Tav makes him... feel.... SAFE? and held? and I understand why it's not something a lot of people focus on but I actually am so heart-touched by how complex and intricate his journey to reclaiming sex and desire is at the end of this conversation. None of it is gratuitous. None of it is for show. The blending of the nonsexual intimacy, and openness (the grabbing of the hands, the showing of the grave, the raw admittance of so much vulnerable material he gives to Tav; all things he would never have even CONCEIVED of offering up in even act 2.)
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("I've been dead in the ground for long enough. It's time to try living again." ... "With everything that life has to offer.")
It's an extremely nuanced and thoughtful approach to an SA survivor rediscovering & reclaiming what they want to make of their desires, their sexuality, in the aftermath of what was done to their bodies without their consent. It's so thoughtful & beautiful imo. Finally here at his grave, he tells Tav that they're someone he feels safe & accepted with, & he can experience intimacy on both sides with someone who has put forth the effort, the time, the willingness to learn and wait and watch and care for his own desires in a manner no one else EVER has.
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("I feel safe with you. Seen. And whatever the future holds for me, I don't want to lose that.")
It REALLY... gets me in the heart here. It doesn't avoid the difficulties of sexuality in the aftermath of abuse, and it ultimately shows one individual's journey toward reclamation and reconciliation with autonomy on their own terms. That's so vital here, that he reaches out, chooses to make the step forward, HIS choice. There's no lingering gratuitously on the trauma, if that makes sense? the descriptions and vulnerability are raw; Tav is grounding person here, Tav gives him room to speak. The true balance of intimacy in verbalizing his feelings, intimacy in being close physically with Tav, intimacy in discerning for himself what he desires, intimacy in accepting touch, contact, affection, togetherness. It's all so... [BITES INTO FIST SCREAMING]. And the ending. Where he and Tav get to set off on another adventure. Get to explore who they are truly now, with each other, without any higher powers looming over and putting a yoke around their necks. I'm personally partial to the "finding a way for you to be in the sun," ending myself but all of them are just ... so delightful. He really SHINES in a way that exceeded my expectations so completely in act 3. he went from totally closed off and locked away and unaware of how to navigate his own personal relationships, no idea what a "relationship," even was, no idea how to express boundary or unravel his complicated ideas and feelings around his body, what it was forced to do for Cazador, to:
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("For nearly two centuries I stalked the streets like a ghost while the person I was lay here, dead and buried. Now I need to figure out who I am. What I want.")
also laying a flower on his grave and all he says is "cute." but there's such a minor moment of tenderness there. I weep I wept I will weep.
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mikiusol · 1 year
I've been rewatching TFP these days (very very slowly) and I've come to realise that..,.,. Jack's a very responsible person. I knew it the first time I watched the show, but rewatching made me realise that he gives off major big brother vibes.
In episode 4, Jack and Raf ran after Miko to stop her from going with Bulkhead but they were swarmed by Vehicons shooting at them. He ran to shield Raf with his body after the latter fell on the ground from the impact of one of the blasts. They were saved by Bulkhead of course. Honestly, this scene plays in my mind often. Jack risked his neck to save Raf.
When he confronted Miko on the Nemesis for running off, he told her "Well, maybe I have some regard for your safety!" And they bicker back and forth. But then Raf exploded in frustration and ran to a quieter corner. Jack and Miko immediately stopped fighting to comfort him. He was the first to reassure him that "it's ok". He barely knew Miko but he was willing to risk his own skin to save her. Not only that, but he was gentle with Raf too. He's responsible for his actions and obviously cares for those around him.
Not to mention, Jack jumped to action to save Raf from the vehicon later in the same episode. Miko covered her eyes to prevent looking at Raf getting blasted. But you could see the moment determination set onto Jack's face. He was set on saving Raf. Miko reached out to stop him, but you can tell by the way he blurred when he leapt to push Raf out of the blast that he had quite literally leapt out of their hiding spot.
At the end of the episode, Jack left the Autobots and Miko tried to convince him to return. He said something that struck me - "I've been raised to be responsible - to my schoolwork, to my mum, my job." Miko later said "Stop trying to pretend to be normal, Jack. You'll never fit in. You were born to do so much more." He didn't even look at her before replying, "Thanks, Miko. But I think normal suits me fine."
Jack's the responsible leader of the trio - and it's painstakingly obvious his upbringing had a huge influence on him. He probably felt largely responsible for what's happening to them. Arcee wouldn't have had to break cover with him nearby if he hadn't been sitting on her, and if that high pace car chase hadn't ensued, Raf would've been kept out of the whole ordeal. Miko joined the gang because Arcee went looking for Jack at school the next day and accidentally spotted them. His personality is all about taking responsibility for his actions, and that extends even beyond his own actions - he chased after Miko time and time again when she runs off for a peek into robot adventure. He keeps an eye out for Raf, too. He's the youngest and isn't as fast as him or Miko.
Episode 4 and 5 is a treasure trove of insight onto Jack's character. Now I can understand better why Optimus elected him to go to Cybertron. Rewatching it sheds light on moments I hadn't noticed the first time round. And this is only in the first 2 episodes - there was more, but I'll be here for another hour or two. To be frank, I'm excited to rewatch TFP now. I can't wait to see more moments of Jack I didn't notice the first time.
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maxwellatoms · 7 months
Hello, I hope you are well. I look forward to the stream on Thursday.
I suppose first I should ask if you would rather me send asks through here or through Patreon. But anyway, here is something I have been wondering. I have quite a bit of a preface though:
I never actually grew up with Grim Adventures. I was a wee little tot when it was airing, so if I was watching TV, I was watching one of those preschool shows. When I did get old enough to start watching shows geared towards older kids, I had just missed out on it. I only got around to watching Grim Adventures and Evil Con Carne rather recently.
But what I did grow up with was Chowder. I never remembered it well as I got older, but what did stick with me was "The Puckerberry Overloads." Child me struggled to comprehend the logic behind how Chowder could be in his own mouth. After rewatching the series recently, I was very surprised and excited to see you were credited as one of the writers and the storyboard artist for the episode. I even recognized your voice from one of the characters. I suppose you really were there all along.
So I wanted to ask, how did you end up doing some work for Chowder? Were you simply a guest of sorts? I also saw you credited as a writer and storyboard artist for another episode in another season, so how did that come to be? What I'm mostly curious about is how that factored all in with the Great Purge.
I would love to hear whatever you are willing to tell me. Thank you for reading.
Thank you for writing!
I'll still be around on here. I think the Patreon is probably a better place to ask questions if you really want an answer, since I'll try to answer every question on there. Here, I tend to cherry-pick and I've got a bit of a backlog.
Long story short, Billy & Mandy eventually wrapped, which left me to do Underfist and develop a couple of other properties for CN. My friend C.H. Greenblatt (creator and voice of Fred Fredburger, and writer of a number of memorable episodes) got his own series, "Chowder". They were having trouble finding a board artist to fill one of the slots, so I said I'd do a board. Greenblatt and I have always helped each other out when we can over the years. Just this year we got to produce Jellystone Season Two together, and it was the best time I've had on a series in a decade.
I did another board for Season Two, and that's about when "The Great Purge" happened. And there was no escaping that for anyone, really.
C.H. Greenblatt and I had a really fun Looney Tunes pitch we sold right before the pandemic hit. Like everything else during that time, it went into Deep Freeze. Maybe one day we can get back to it.
He'll definitely be making an appearance on "Billy & Mandy vs. The Entertainment Industry". More on that soon™!
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maychorian · 2 months
Okay, so here comes an essay. I've been rewatching Kuroko no Basuke and have been loving it just as much as the first time, which is making me rethink it a little bit. Like, the most common criticism leveled at this silly basketball show is that it's not realistic. But it's not MEANT to be realistic. It's heightened and exaggerated in order to tell its story and to rouse the correct emotions in the audience.
Basketball in KnB is essentially a magic system. It has rules and limitations and power levels. The players can level up their skills and learn new ones. Their specialized attacks get cute little nicknames.
The five players on the court at any one time are basically an adventuring party battling with another adventuring party. They all have special roles and work with each other to reach their goals. It raises the adrenaline and keeps you invested, watching the back and forth of every match.
KnB is not really a sports anime. It's a shounen battle story with basketball as the setting. It might more properly be categorized as a sports fantasy, which is a different genre all together.
And I love it, and I love watching it, and I'll probably love it just as much when I rewatch it again in like five years or something. It's really, really good for what it is. Which is NOT realistic.
And that's fine.
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unlikelyjapan · 11 months
s2e1 rewatch notes
I had some wine tonight, but by the grace of God I had the wherewithal to wait a few hours to post my notes:
The forcefulness of Fak telling Carmy "It's a facelift AND a gut" is obviously needling us about how the character development on the show is going to roll, to varying degrees. The fact that Carmy is the one to be dismissive about the statement is foreshadowing I guess?
The same foreshadowing goes with Richie & Carmy - "I've got no purpose" and "you're going to wake up and drop my ass" fears are inverted between them by the end of the season.
Marcus and Sydney have honest heat/tenderness/tension in the first episode as she checks in on his mom - her own mother issues make it super awkward as the interaction closes, but it gives me more understanding as to why Marcus erupted as badly as he did in Ep10 (not like it was excusable, just relatable) - he's in a vulnerable state where her inquiries could definitely feel like overt cues.
Cicero totally looks like he knows what's happening between Carmy and Syd as they bicker during the pitch for more cash - Oliver Platt can play a smart (smug) motherfucker like no other, and I'm weirdly attracted to that.
Cicero was really ready/itching to tell them "the story of complete and utter failure" when Carmy cuts him off with the spontaneous '18-months to pay-out" deal during the same pitch. Knowing the Gonzalez/Bartman story was at the ready in episode 1 - and that, instead, we got Claire'd - is going to haunt my dreams for a while.
Syd asking Tina if she wanted to be her sous felt like the first time she was earnestly asking another woman to have a connection with her, and that earnestness was rewarded threefold *tears*
I love Ebra's consistent tenderness with Marcus so much - I hope they explore that bond more in season 3, as they've always been so gentle together. You can tell Ebra is very invested in Marcus' future, even though it's so divergent from the path he sees for himself at his stage in life.
Syd really needs Carmy to take the lead at the lockers when she says "Uh....what are you going to do?" - she lacks the emotional bandwidth to deal with the ambiguousness of "I have no idea", even though it's such a loaded statement coming from Carmy. He also says "I have no idea" to Claire in the next episode, when she asks "how's your life been, Berzatto?" but, of course, Claire DOES have the bandwidth/game to respond.
The exact lyrics when Sydney walks away from the lockers are talking about "transcendental blues" - I am deceased now.
Furthermore, the fact that the episode (at the point where they've constructed the new 3-month opening plan) is the first time we actually hear the lines from Refused's "New Noise" punctuate an episode with "Can I scream? Good frames won't save bad paintings" - ugh.
Do you think any of anti-hero character development on the show echoes back to "The Adventures of Augie March" by Saul Bellow? I haven't read it in ages, but it's the most Chicago story ever, and Storer is SO REFERENTIAL about anything literary/cinematic to do with the city that I thought.....maybe kinda.
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piglet26 · 6 months
Star Wars Rewatch: TROS
Oh, God.
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Palpatine come back and ruining Anakin Skywalker's redemption. Why? How? Cloning, okay, so this Palpatine isn't the real Palpatine?!
We get to see Supreme Leader Kylo Ren for about 4 minutes before he's immediately benched by Palpatine as co-pilot. Why? I get they didn't want Kylo Ren as the big bad, but this is just lazy writing.
Green goblin, I remember you don't last long.
R2D2, they never wash him or nothing?
Maybe the First Order should win. They take hits and keep on knocking. They take losses and recovered, quickly and well. They always seem to have intelligence from somewhere. In short, they are competent.
Poe and Finn, have a great dynamic.
Rey is finally training for everyone who had a boner for two movies about her having a rocky fight montage.
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They moment where Ren is praying over Darth Vader's mask and his mind bridges with Rey is a great reminder that these two are connected.
This film did something most franchise should never, it responded to criticism in real time.
Poe, you fucked up Han's ship. Stop attacking like she doesn't have a reason to be annoyed. Also, Rey is currently the sole Jedi in the galaxy, she should be training, not running off on every errand you have to do.
Colin Travano (whatever his name is) I wouldn't have wanted his script. Like at all. Poe and Rey do have chemistry though and you can tell they enjoy needling one another. It's just not endgame.
That Finnrey hug was awkward. It's a church hug with their butts sticking out. I'm Reylo to the core, but I have place for FinnRey in my heart. They're soulmates in a different way than Reylo is. Also, Daisy Ridley and John B are adorable and you can tell they enjoy working together.
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In a flawed film, Rose Tico being sidelined was a wise decision.
Rey, Poe, Finn, Chewie and 3PO are cute. JJ Adams did seem to love friendships developing and for the third film we needed to see all these characters together on an adventure.
Kylo Ren is forging this dumb ass mask again. Look it worked initially, character wise and so forth, but at this point?! He smashed it and moved past the need for it. The audience liked that he smashed it. We have to see his face for emotional scenes. Why is it back? Oh I know! Because JJ Adams good juvenile friend was sad his mask wasn't in the film anymore. General Hux and Kylo are magically little bottle of goodness. We got so little.
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We leave one planet for another planet but I keep forgetting what planet we're on. Title cards too much to ask?
Ren is actually pursuing Rey or The Scavenger because yes he wants her for himself. but he also wants to protect her from Palpatine. Their first force bond......... yeah. I've read the novelization so I understand it's been a minute since they've seen one another, but if I just watched the movie would I have known that? No. There is much they saying yet it's stiff and doesn't make much sense without context.
General Pryde. Why did we need him when we have General Hux?
I think Billie D Williams filmed all his scenes sitting down. He looks happy to be there but tired as hell.
Race through the desert of Pasaana. I like it. This crew does work and it feels like a fun adventure. There are cute, whitty moments between all of them and it works.
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She heals a snake - Two halves of the dyad should only have been able to heal one another, but here we are.
The Trio and Co find the evil sith ship or whatever. The Knights of Ren gotta walk while Ren is flying. Ren tries to run down Rey, again this make sense in the novelization and not at all in real life. After Rey injures his planes, he crashes and the majestic prince emerges out of the flames. Seriously?! Why the hell are you covering this guy up?!
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In a rip off of The Last Jedi we get a tug-o-war scene between the ship Chewie is on. It's not as great, but it's a good scene and we see how Rey's powers have grown. We know it's a waste of time though. They're evenly matched. It's a nice surprise when the lighting shoots out. Okay, I don't mind her being a Palpatine. I mind the retconning. I mind Palpatine magically coming back.
Rey confesses to Finn about her dream of her and Kylo Ren on the Sith Throne. Where? We would have liked to have seen this.
This is a nice FinnRey scene. Despite her display of "dark power", her killing Chewie presumably, Finn doesn't look at her any different. She's still Rey to him. He's patient and present and she describes her challenges. We still don't acknowledge Finn is force sensitive. Why isn't he training with Rey?
We are blazing through this movie. That's part of the problem we're just pushing plot points at this point. The movie needs to be more selective about slowing down and concentrating on character development. Something painfully lacking in this film. Even the Reylo scenes are about pushing the plot forward rather than pushing the characters forward.
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3PO actually has a storyline this movie. Good for him. Look secondary characters in a trilogy, you get your moments and it ain't gonna be every film.
Zorri and Babu are nice additions. I like Zorri and the fact that Ren kicking her ass actually made her like her. Women supporting women. Were Zorri and Poe a thing. What's a spice runner? A space drug dealer?
Rey's social skills lack a bit. but she's great with Droids.
Wait, Chewie and Ren were both on Ren's Destroyer and they didn't even have a scene together?! Chewie's like an uncle to Ren.
Ren, show up in your boss ass destroyer to get your girl.
Standout lines -
Poe: 3PO! Move your metal ass.
3PO: How dare you we just met.
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Finn, Poe and Chewie cowboying through the destroyer. Nice scene, doomed for failure I'm afraid.
Second Reylo forceskype is exposition. First real Reylo scene is exposition. Hey, movies gotta get it done haha but Ren literally is like here's the plot of the movie and everything you've been confused on up until this point. I will say watching the progression of the force bond that their spaces are now physically bleeding into one another. Nice touch. It's also nice to see what they each see when looking at one another through the force bond.
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General Hux is the spy. Could've gone farther with this. RIP Dawg
Another FinnRey scene where you begin to understand Rey is pissed off and darker than possibly Finn thought.
Palpatine and Ren scene. I'm so annoyed Palpatine is in this movie.
We meet a ragtime band on horses surprise their former stormtroopers. All of them. From the same company. Sure Jan.
Seeing the death star again, so odd and doesn't look a thing like the original. We see scavenger Rey again.
Reylo fights again because Rey is the denial queen and she's free to take out her aggression on Ren. He likes feral Rey. In another less PG film, they've fought and then boned, but Leia died. Also, Dark Rey.... I'm here for it. Mostly cause it looks cool.
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The film makers did the best they could with Carrie's Fisher passing. I thought they handled it with class and dignity while incorporating it into the film.
After Leia's passing and Rey healing it. Ren in his ever presented conflict nature overlooks the water when his father appears. It's poignant and character driven scene. It's beautiful scene about the enduring love of a parent. A flawed parent but a loving one nonetheless. Ben had two of those and he seems to finally understand that now.
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Poe has a good scene with Leia's body about being a leader. Something that, despite all the bravado, he finally admits he doesn't know how to do. This would've been a great scene with her alive. Part of the issue people have the sequel trilogy of the lack of respect paid for previous generations. As if they are flawed and bigoted. On screen and off screen. A scene where Finn, Poe or Rey paid respect for the accomplishments of previous generations. Their courage and their bravery. Billie D. feels like just a stand-in.
Palpatine army blows up yet another planet. yawn.
Finn is a general bestow as such by Poe. Good choice. Sanitation worker aside no one knows more about The First Order than someone who was a stormtrooper. Finn reveals Palpatine wanted Rey alive...... then why tell Ren to kill her? Because if Rey didn't go dark then Ren was the fall back or vice versa?
So far it's not a bad film, just a disappointing film. The stuff that made my blood boil is about to come.
Rey isolates herself on Acht-to, burns the ship and we see ghost Luke. Why? She saw herself on the dark throne and she's afraid of herself. This might have meant something. At one point. It just feels like a retcon at this point. She's a Palpatine but Leia and Luke didn't care? Then what the hell were you worried about Ben for? If blood and legacy means nothing.
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I'm not one of those people that need everything in a movie to make sense. It's also a space fantasy film, but damn.
Rey leads the Resistance to Exegol, she just doesn't know it. That was handy. No, really the way the movie sliced that together worked very well. Poe and Finn make a great speech about the resistance. Not as rousing as I'd like.
Exegol being the basis for the Sith religion is actually really cool. Wish we could've learned more. Empress Palpatine sounds like a boss ass name.
I hate everything about the ending of this film.
Rey once again goes into the enemy territory without a plan. The resistance doesn't really have one either except gumption.
Ben Solo is back! He's great. He's a hero. He's got great hair. He's likeable. We haven't seen him for 20 minutes, he doesn't say a word except "Ow" We have a beautiful Reylo moment where we Rey and Ben see each other through the Force Bond and she looks at Ben with such relief, joy and love that he's there with her. Ben fight like hell to get to her. This is it! Bendemption. We've waited three films for this. Then they tossed him off a cliff.
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While it's a great scene of Rey listening to the previous Jedi's and rising up. I'm so confused how the dyad coming together empowers the devil. Ben has been made completely irrelevant.
I mean, we got a Reylo Kiss! It was epic and then it was over. We were lucky to get that considering Disney started to shy away from Reylo due to all the "controversy" I just hate this so we'll move on.
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The hug was nice!
Rey Skywalker?
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And that's that
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dailycass-cain · 5 months
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Birds of Prey #5 kicks off 2024 with our first appearance of Cass in the new year! It is also near the end point of the series' first arc!
So how's it going with the fill-in artist? Well, time for my thoughts...
I think I'll start with the only "minor nitpick" and that's we're on the fifth issue and well I'm so accustomed to Leonardo Romero's version of Cass I'm thrown a little off that we're back to "normal" looking bat ears Cass by Arist Deyn for the issue.
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It took a moment for my mind to adjust to the fact, "Oh right another artist's interpretation of Cass." And that's when my mind went back into the story. Besides the other cues of the Romero tweak is there with the blue hue inside the cape.
It's an artist I've never seen draw Cass. I'm good with it. Moving on.
Cass has a surprisingly meaty role in the issue going back and forth throughout. I was expecting a lesser role like in #3 but nope every member gets a good chunk in this issue.
Cass is mainly in "go-to" position. She's one of the first Birds who sees Dinah after Sin is taken. She's given the task to fetch something, is the witness to Zealot/Wonder Woman "round 2", and---
-- well to quote a famous web series I love to rewatch, "Multiverse theory is a bitch". See we get another clue as to why Babs and maybe a few others aren't in this arc (or why some are and still events are going down as they are).
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From this brief exchange between Meridian (gosh I want to call her "Mirai Maps" from now on given the way this issue clicked).
It's obvious that Mirai Maps has been playing a game. A game to try and stop Megera from absorbing Sin, achieve "perfection" and destroying the world.
So far, the "attempts" at trying this has seems like A LOT, and you can tell Cass catches on with the last bit. I'm just a bit surprised she didn't inquire more into the OTHER outcomes.
It sounds like Dinah knows this, hence why she's been following Mirai Maps' rules of not letting Babs in on this (and I'm curious what happens if Babs finds out).
Regardless, it seems like A LOT of attempts have been made, and this just happens to be the latest against Megera.
Also one tiny little note, I love that Megera is literally the panel-lines in this issue. They are EVERYWHERE after being unleashed last issue.
I wonder if it'll continue next? Be nice if it still goes on until the issue's end given the implications of this issue that multitasking without a host is quite hard for Megera.
However, they do possess the mega rod. So there is that.
This issue was fun ramping everything up even more with the arc's villain staying their plan, showcasing their powers (their strengths and weaknesses), and well all the Birds get a fun moment.
I'm really curious how writer Kelly Thompson will wrap this arc up, and given the seeds throughout these issues how the next will go? Not to mention how they pertain to Cass?
Gawds I almost wish we had Batgirls around still with Cass absent with this going on while Steph/Babs have an adventure. That'd be SWEET.
So yeah, another stellar issue from the GOAT of series at DC right now. Gosh, it hurts as much as Tec waiting for that next issue to drop next.
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bowlofmeat · 2 years
“I’ve been in that thing’s head,” or: how does Marcy view the Core?
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In the last episode of Amphibia the Core decides to ram the moon into Amphibia and kill everyone on the planet because it is such a sore loser.
Ramming the moon into Amphibia is sort of an extreme action to me, so I do wonder what would lead it to do that. How lucky is it that Marcy says it for me, then: "Fear. I've been in that thing's head. I know that more than anything, it's afraid of being destroyed. Of being irrelevant. It will do whatever it takes to defeat us and claim the stones as its own. If that means destroying an entire civilization, then so be it."
You don't know how much this line means to me. Marcy of all people saying that the Core is scared, just, wow. But why? Why her? She's been in its mind but how does she know? The Core would never admit this, the Core would never tell her that, so how does she know that it is scared? (And why does her voice go flat? Why does she look so tired when she says that?)
Well, there's this word that Marcy uses. "Irrelevant." "Irrelevant" is an interesting word considering it applies to both Marcy and the Core: "I am scared of being irrelevant."
And, I gotta say, getting your friend to steal a music box for her birthday present and riding on the pipe dream that it might send you to a place where you'll never have to grow apart is. Sort of an extreme action to me? You'd have to be really desperate to do that.
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Marcy: "I'm sorry. I was so scared about moving away. The thought of losing you was just so big. I was afraid that if we weren't together, we wouldn't be friends anymore."
Do you understand? The Core has Marcy's actions and thoughts blasted up to eleven, pushed to extremes. "I am scared of being irrelevant. I am desperate. I will do whatever it takes to keep us together, even if it means sending us to another world."
Because if Anne defeats Andrias the pushover and Sasha defeats Darcy the control freak then does Marcy defeat the Core? Does Marcy understand? She's been in its mindscape, she's been in its fantasyland. She's rejected its fantasy adventure, she knows she's not it, but does she look at the Core and does she understand, viscerally, what she's looking at?
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Marcy: "You know I bet I can fit in your pocket."
There's something to be said about Marcy going "boundaries, Marcy" and then immediately climbing into Andrias' pocket. Ignoring boundaries like that, like the Core does all the time.
(Edit: Okay I just rewatched "the Beginning of the End" and in the flashback in the beginning Marcy spoils the movie they are watching. And Sasha goes: "Whoa! Spoiler alert!" Then Marcy apologizes, and, notice this, opens her mouth to spoil the other twisty twist right after apologizing.
Again, "boundaries, Marcy," she thinks. The thought is fresh on her mind she literally said it out loud - and then she gets the bright idea to climb into Andrias' pocket. No hesitation, no delay.
The Core is a thousand times worse in its actions, make no mistake about that, but on a base level they are the same! And Marcy would recognize that!)
There's something to be said about Darcy going for the mind pain thing when Andrias is being pissy about his long-dead friend, forcing him to follow its orders.
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Marcy: "But forcing them to follow my dreams is wrong. I learned that the hard way."
There's something to be said about Marcy using her own selfish wish as Anne's birthday present and Andrias going "Yes ... it's ... everything I've ever wanted," because Mars & Dars both have a tendency to not consider what other people want in favor of what they want.
There's something to be said about immortality and lasting forever.
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Marcy: "What an amazing adventure. Makes you wish it could last forever, huh?"
Actually, let's go on a tangent. In s3e22 (episode 13a) Mother Olm says this: "These conquerors, with their arrogance and greed, created an unnatural thing that does not sleep and will not die."
Mother Olm really is hyping the Core up as the spookiest and scariest villain of all time, and for me as an individual I know that's not true. I don't view villains as scary, I don't tend to buy the hype.
Crucially, I don't think Marcy buys into the hype either. Does she hate it for what it has done to her? To everyone? Sure! Why not. But I don't think Marcy finds the Core scary, she doesn't buy into its hype, because 'scary' is a word used for things you don't know and she's literally been in its mind. (And also did slap away Aldrich's hand and reject the Core's sick fantasy that was so cool btw.)
Anyway, tangent over, back to "the Hardest Thing".
Something interesting happens right after Andrias betrays the Core, and the interesting thing in question is that the Core-as-Aldrich says this: "Fools! You cannot stop ... a god!"
Considering the Core canonically feels emotions, I'd imagine that it feels quite upset, because in the previous scene Andrias betrayed it and it failed the invasion so epically. (Rest in piss buddy.)
So if we take it saying the above in the context of the Core being upset, there is a certain interpretation I can and will make.
That is, do you think it wants to be a god?
Do you think it wants to be "an unnatural thing that does not sleep and will not die"?
Do you think it wants to be a machine computer? Do you think it wants to be anything but a bunch of losers in a trenchcoat that don't know everything, that aren't gods but pitiful mortals like the rest of us, that get scared and frustrated and make mistakes?
Because I am sure it would love to be an emotionless machine and god-emperor. I am sure it would love to be a thing, a machine computer that doesn't feel fear or uncertainty, only here to conquer and control and restore Amphibia to its former glory. I am sure it would love to be a god, far above mortal things, soaring the skies instead. But the Core isn't a god. The Core isn't even a computer. It is very, painfully mortal, and capable of being destroyed.
I am sure it would love Mother Olm hyping it up as a villain like that, cuz it makes it big and it makes it relevant. I am sure it would love to be an object, a great and terrifying thing instead of a person (people?), because why be made of flesh and blood when you could rather be a machine computer?
Now, this analysis is about what Marcy thinks of the Core, so let's bring it back to Marcy, shall we?
Marcy is an escapist.
Canon gives very little information about her home life which is honestly such a shame, but I can't imagine that it was the greatest, considering she did what she did.
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Marcy: "I started this whole mess because I wanted to escape that reality. But I won't run away from it anymore!"
In Amphibia Marcy is the chief ranger of the Newtopian Knight Guard, because why be the clumsy klutzy Marcy of Earth, the place where your pain comes from, when you could rather be a super cool ranger/artificer?
Because if Anne defeats Andrias the pushover and Sasha defeats Darcy the control freak then does Marcy defeat the Core the escapist?
I guess the Core would be sort of unnerved by Marcy because she can cut through its hype and see it for what it is: A bunch of old amphibians long past their expiration dates, still trying to bring back the nonexistent greatness of a millennia ago. It's honestly sort of pathetic, that they can't freakin' let go. That's what you get for being the antithesis of change, I guess.
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cosmos-dot-semicolon · 2 months
An unhealthy basis for enjoying media
Rewatching one of my favourite video essayists' take on Avatar, and how a lot of people seem to be so emotionally invested in it to a almost religious degree. I have little investment in that show beyond its representation, but it kind of got me thinking about the times I've done the same with my favourite media. Luckily with smaller fandoms and hence with a far less toxic feedback loop, but still.
The main point she brings up is that people remember the show for what it represented, as a big, mature turning point for cartoons rather than the actually good themes about friendship and diversity in it. And I think that actually extends to worse fandom obsessions generally.
Something like Steven Universe can't be a show with legitimately great episodes next to some really terrible ideas we don't talk about. It has to be the most beautiful thing ever that will bring true art and social justice to the world.
...This probably goes for like half of left-wing YouTube and adventure fantasy shows now I'm typing it out, actually. She covers those a lot.
I don't have a point to make on those media, though. Their fandoms just reminded me of the past hyperfixations I've had that turned unhealthy: how it always ended up with deifying them into the greatest thing that ever existed in my mind, how I felt the need to vitriolically defend them against any differing takes because they were my personality.
They were a reprieve from the worst times of my life. But in retrospect that's not completely a good thing - I was using them to cope, but also avoid thinking about my issues at all.
The one I feel comfortable namedropping is the most recent one on Ninjago. I kinda just brushed it off as a result of academic pressure, but as I was reading more critique on it (and since was in therapy at that time), it eventually clicked that I'd been using it as a vector to escape thinking about my relationship with being Asian.
But it doesn't only happen from flawed media. My other major example was a game that is damn near perfect in its execution, but my interactions with it - absolutely mining it for as many ideas as I could, and spending all my time on it were just the only way I could think of to escape the crushing changes happening in my life at that point. It also lead to me having really weird headcanons and intrusive thoughts about it and not acting as considerately as I should've been around my friends at the time, both IRL and in the fandom.
I think you can almost always tell the difference between healthy and unhealthy attachments though. It just requires one moment of clarity and a bit of introspection away from the media in question.
My main advice would be... well, first consider therapy if you know you've dealt with a lot of stuff in your life. But barring that, my advice is that no one piece of art can capture the entire human experience, or even your personal entire experience. Or beliefs. Or fantasies. You should not rely on them as such.
Have multiple, varied things you like going into a hyperfixation, so you can draw on them if you need. It'll probably feel less immediately rewarding, but it stops you from feeling that you're eating yourself months in and being the living incarnation of the Boss Baby Problem.
It'll also feel more fun if you're a creator, because you can get some really original ideas by pulling totally different media together.
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Ok so, back from work and finally had a chance to rewatch the episode and do my thoughts about it not that I haven't practically said it all in reblogs already lol
Neo, baby, I love you... But it was honestly so disrespectful of you to change into Penny while fighting Ruby???? WTH! I know when I started watching this show I basically gave RT full permision to rip my heart apart, but do they have to take every chance they get to do it? The fuck?!
Honestly in love with the Wonderland aesthetic of this volume <3 which is funny because I'm not actually a fan of Alice in wonderland lol.
But like... It's so pretty???? Also it's exacto what the girls need right now. Can't wait for the character development this volume.
Ruby making alies and friends by being kind and helpful is always one of my favorite things honestly. We need more Rubys in the world.
Remember when Weiss was considered the most annoying character in the show? God following her journey is just so rewarding! I love her so much!
Seriously that scene of Weiss cheering lives rent free in my mind now lol precious little bean<3
I thought it would take maybe two or three chapters to have team RWBY all together, but I'm happy it was so fast! Specially with such a small volume, now it's time for adventure!
Yang being upset that everyone is there because she just assumed she had died 😭 baby no!!!
Ruby's "if you thought we wouldn't come for you, you forget who raised me" is now top-10 moments of the show for me 🥹 perfection in every way
The tackle-hug 😭😭😭 I can't!!!! I'm never gonna grow tired of watching it!!!!
Also that's the SOFTEST "Yang" that Arryn Zech has ever said and I will always thank her for her work! I've been fed!
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I have this weird feeling theory/idea that the weather in Wonderland is affected by the girls' emotions... Like, it literally started raining both when Ruby and Weiss started crying, while it goth Sunny when Blake expressed positive thoughts. O feel like it's no coincidence.
Also I can't stop thinking about how Oscar and Ozpin talked about The girl who fell through the world being about a girl who failed to learn from her mistakes and I'm sooooo excited to see how this is gonna play for the girls!
Like... We've gotten two fallen kingdoms in big battles that ended up with Penny dying and Cinder victorious and I think it's interesting.
Weiss having to tell everyone about Penny and Ruby just dropping to the ground 😭 I'm seriously never forgiving RT for doing that to my girl again.
Again: the new opening fucks! Which is not new and not surprising, but God sometimes I forget how much I love Casey's voice and just the Williams' talent in general <3
Also all the depressed Ruby shots in the opening are doing things to my heart and I don't like it! Let Ruby be happy 😭😭 with her girlfriend Penny
Also can I just say that I feel so proud about seeing Arryn Troche in the credits? 🥹 They deserve it so much!!!
I think that's all I can think... Now I'm gonna go keep rewatching the chapter <3
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itsybitsylemonsqueezy · 9 months
So I've been watching One Piece for awhile and there's something I'd like to say: it's an epic.
One Piece is, and I'm being completely serious here, better compared to The Iliad than Naruto.
If you're coming to One Piece from other anime, particularly shounen anime, you may be used to stories where for 40 episodes at a time nothing happens. There's a villain of the week, we fight the same guy 8 times until someone gets stronger, we win, we go home. And the fights are very disconnected, just a way to fill time until the plot happens. (And even the plot can feel hollow if your power scaling is fucked, looking at you, Toriyama.)
One Piece is not exactly the same. While there is downtime in One Piece, fights happen in the order they happen for a reason. If you took a random episode, say, 112 and watched it back to back with episode, I don't know, 530, the story would be incomprehensible. Not just because 400 episodes worth of content has happened and new characters have appeared, but because why we're fighting and how we're fighting have changed. Heck, those may not even be episodes where a fight takes place. We may be traveling or speaking to locals, the world building may be happening rather than the perpetual cycle of villain of the week. And the story will reference and reflect on past events. Things had to happen before now in order to enable the thing that is starting to happen.
That's why some arcs are 80 episodes, because everyone is learning, growing, changing. Because there was so much to learn in the location we were in and from the people who were there. We had to learn those things in the past so that we will be equipped for the future.
That's why characters and concepts are distinct, so they stick in your mind, so you remember that coat of feathers, so you remember that tattoo, so you remember you were introduced to this, but you understand it better now.
It's a trip rewatching One Piece because there are things introduced much earlier than you remember. There's a reason you fight a fishman before you even make it to the Grand Line. There's a reason you start with a marine base. Did you remember that you see Bartholomew Kuma for the first time in episode 151? I didn't! And that's the point: the pieces are all there, they're just waiting for the right move. I had every chance to remember I had seen him and I didn't. So I'm hit with Kuma like a sack of bricks when it comes time, but you go back, and he was there. Because of course he was, he's a fully-fledged character with a history and autonomy and he's been a part of the story the whole time. His first appearance matches with what you know in the future. Of course you saw him before and you didn't remember.
I won't pretend that One Piece, the anime at least, isn't prey to the same padding issues that plague all anime that publish before the manga is over. I won't pretend that there aren't episodes worth skipping. But if you're afraid of that 1000 episode price tag, I need you to understand that it's earned. One Piece is not fights for the sake of having fights, it's not selling action figures and merchandise, it is an epic, a long, long journey, full of characters and war and death and joy and life and adventure and it takes a long damn time to finish because there's so much it's trying to tell. It's not even about the fucking one piece: it's about the friends we made along the way.
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blu3b3rryj4mp1r3 · 2 years
i love your art so much!!! how long have you been drawing? :D
thank you so much!!! 😄💖💖
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well as long as I can remember! so ever since I could hold a pen probably 🤣💕 but if we're talking about it from a pony point of view...
this is the first pony drawing I remember drawing:
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my personal favourite here is pinkie pie, she looks a bit like a puppet 🤣💖 this one is really old, i definitely drew it before starlight glimmer was introduced, so I'm guessing sometime around when season 3 or 4 was airing here 🤔💜
then around 2017 I started drawing a lot more as a coping mechanism, but I stopped drawing ponies, stopped watching mlp, stopped playing with toys, stopped engaging with my interests and basically got really depressed, I've always been bullied but this was when it got really bad, I was bullied for the things I liked and being autistic before I even knew I was, sad times, however I do remember watching rainbow rocks in secret once! 🤣 (that movie is very special to me now 🌈🎸😊)
when g5 was anounced I drew a few ponies again, but I still didn't watch or engage with mlp in any other way, this is how they looked (this is the least weird looking one I could find lol):
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then in feburary last year I started being myself more again, I watched the winter wrap up episode, listened to a few of the songs and wished for the rainbow rocks movie for my birthday, THEN I got super into smurfs and after that realized there wasn't actually anything wrong with liking the things I liked and I started watching mlp again!!!!! I rewatched it all the way from episode 1 and when I tell you I bawled my eyes out watching pinkie pie sing the laughter song for the first time in so long I mean it! 🤣💗 after that I fully embraced mlp as my special interest once again, I dug out my pony toys and stuffies and started playing with them again, I started singing the songs from the show again and I started drawing them, and I didn't stop, here are the first ponies I drew after finally allowing myself to like ponies again:
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at first I tried drawing as close to the tv show's style as I could, then my style became more like this (excuse the very unfinished drawing):
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then this:
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then this:
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and then more like this:
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and now were here where I am today and this is one of my more recent drawings:
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as an autistic person not engaging with my special interests and not allowing myself to be me in fear of being judged is one of the worst things I have ever done, I'm not doing well right now but at least I have my little pony, at least I can watch twilight sparkle and her friends go on adventures, draw small doodles of pinkie pie, hug my applejack stuffie when I get scared and sing about rarity making dresses for her best friends! mlp and equestria girls is something that's so special to me and now that I know what it's like to live without it I never want to do that again. thank you so much to everyone who as ever just sent me a kind message or liked anything I've made, it makes me so happy 🥰💖💖
and I'm sorry this got so long anon 🤣💖
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