#can you tell I love kiyoung?
aaomeanie · 10 months
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I read like 500 chapters of Regressor Instruction Manual while visiting my family, lmao.
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btsqualityy · 2 years
Second one for Ki. Him introducing Mason and Kinsley to his girlfriend!
She's not exactly his girlfriend in this drabble but he does really like her lol
"Why are you so nervous?" Kinsley laughed when she saw that Kiyoung's knee would not stop bouncing. The two of them, along with Mason, were sitting in the cafeteria of JWA, waiting for Kiyoung's latest girl to show up.
"Yeah, it's just another one of your girls," Mason added.
"That's the thing, you two," Kiyoung sighed. "She's not. I can tell."
"Really?" Kinsley asked.
"Really. I don't think I've ever felt this way about anyone in well, ever," he chuckled. "She's headstrong, determined, ambitious, smart, funny, and sexy as hell."
"Have you had sex with her yet?" Mason questioned.
"Nope, only kisses."
"Oh shit," Kinsley and Mason replied at the same time, realizing how serious Kiyoung was about her.
"I know," Kiyoung huffed. "So I really want you two to sniff her out for me and let me know what you think because I trust your opinions more than anything."
"Ok," Mason said and just then, Kiyoung hopped up out of his seat when he saw his girl walking towards them.
"Hi baby," he grinned, leaning forward and kissing her firmly. The woman clearly didn't have any qualms about PDA and kissed him back, which instantly seemed like a good sign to Kinsley and Mason. The woman was tall, thick, and had the most gorgeous hickory colored skin.
"Hey," the woman smiled after pulling away from Kiyoung's lips.
"Kins, Mase, this is Vanessa Childs," Kiyoung introduced them. "V, these are my closest friends Kinsley and Mason Kim."
"Nice to meet you both," Vanessa smiled, reaching out and shaking Kinsley's outstretched hand.
"Nice to meet you too," Kinsley replied.
"Hyung didn't tell us you were so beautiful," Mason smirked as he took ahold of Vanessa's hand and kissed it.
"Ignore Mase, he's a charmer," Kiyoung said as he pulled out the chair next to him for Vanessa, waiting until she had sat down before he did the same.
"So, Ki didn't tell us that you were American," Kinsley chuckled.
"Yeah, that's how we met," Vanessa replied. "I came to Seoul to work with an act and Ki was working with hem as well."
"Someone was trying to act like they weren't interested in me at first though," Kiyoung said.
"Because I know a hoe when I see one," Vanessa shot back, making Mason and Kins laugh.
"I like to refer to it as sexually free," Kiyoung huffed. "And you've gotten around too."
"Regardless, we started talking and he found out that I was based in New York."
"Which turned out to literally be perfect."
"And after he got on my nerves about it enough, I finally agreed to going on a date with him," Vanessa finished as she reached over and leaned against Kiyoung. "And the fucker has wormed his way into my life."
"Damn right," Kiyoung smiled.
"He has the tendency to do that," Mason chuckled. "So, are you back and forth between Seoul and New York then?"
"I'm still mostly in New York but I've found myself staying longer and longer here in Seoul every time I come back," Vanessa admitted.
"Make Ki come out to you next time," Kinsley spoke up. "I always tell him that he doesn't spend enough time in New York anymore."
"Oh trust me, I think I've found a reason to go back more often," Kiyoung smiled. As lunch went on, Vanessa proved to be just as amazing as Kiyoung said and by the time they were getting up to leave, Kinsley and Vanessa had exchanged numbers.
"So you have to come visit me at HYBE before you leave," Kinsley said as Mason helped her put her jacket on. "I'd love your opinion on this rock demo I have going."
"Of course. Oh, thank you baby," Vanessa smiled at Kiyoung as he helped her put on her jacket as well. "As long as you come visit New York and show me how you do ballads so effortlessly. I always feel like I'm trying too hard."
"Well, you have my number so you can just call or text me," Kinsley said as they walked away together.
"I don't think you have to ask Kins if she loves her or not," Mason chuckled, making Kiyoung do the same.
"I guess not," he agreed. "What about you though? What did you think?"
"I think you two could be amazing together, as long as you don't fuck this up," Mason joked.
"Oh, I'm gonna try not to," Kiyoung smiled softly.
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alotsgonnachange · 2 years
How 2 Seduce My Ocs
Or shipping guide whatever you wanna call it i just need to post this so I can add it to their descriptions eventually
As a friend: Loyal, huge jokester and terrible gossip, will make faces at you and mouth questions across the table, while around strangers she’s much more reserved. Good shoulder to cry on and a good listener as well. Stubborn and will have a hard time taking your advice the first time, you have to bully her a bit. If you ever need help with literally anything at all please let her help you! She likes to feel useful so someone who pushes back against accepting help might unintentionally hurt her feelings. She will literally hurt or cause bodily harm to anyone who wrongs her friends. If you tell her not to she’ll just humiliate them publicly.
As a Lover: Getting to this stage is hard because she has her walls up for sure. But once you get past that part, she’s sweet and doting and honestly a bit bashful. She doesn’t really know how to ask for affection so probably just walks around in fancy outfits like a weird bird. She likes people who can sufficiently fluster her. She also will cook for and make clothes for her lover and generally enjoys gift giving. Vulnerability and hard conversations won’t be easy, but someone who is patient will be helpful.
Generally submissive in the bedroom and prefers her partner to take the lead. Not into anything too intense, but also open to trying some things especially if she is with a more experienced lover. Obedient and eager to please. Prefers praise and being spoiled as well.
As a Friend: Surprisingly talkative and bubbly and takes great interest in their friends’ activities and interests. Inquisitive and curious during conversations, especially if speaking to a friend with a different background. Supportive and also there to provide a good laugh from time to time. Definitely needs friends that can push them out of their comfort zone but also can make them feel comfortable due to their anxiety. Goes really well with people who also like quiet activities and tend to be more introverted.
As a Lover: Classic water sign placement behavior. In the honeymoon stage they are quite clingy - very physically affectionate. He loves hooking arms together in public and walking around and shopping. He’s just really easily excitable and silly in a relationship - starts forgetting to tie his shoes or locking doors … down bad. Very complimentary towards lovers as well. Likes people who have a calm or mysterious demeanor. Their ideal partner is probably a fictional vampire who dresses crazy and wants to drink their blood…but that’s neither here nor there! But definitely attracted to musical types or people who are unique/quirky.
Sexually likes to take things slow. Pretty much submissive all the way around and down to try a lot. Is fine with a more or less experienced partner and is perfectly happy with either someone who’s more vanilla and with someone who is Very Kinky. Please order them around. Also like people who have really sexy voices as a bonus.
As A Friend: A good person to have on your side. She’s funny, charming, and ridiculous. She could use people in her life who are good influences and not likely to take advantage of her or make her feel small. She loves giving gifts (which can vary from expensive and rare to “do you want this eggshell???”) and gossip. She tends to ramble, and also would be over the moon if you would just let her talk for 3…or 35 minutes about her magical theories???? You might have to remind her of basic etiquette from time to time, but otherwise she truly means well and cares deeply for her friends. And if someone wrongs you, she is willing to do something VERY illegal to that person.
As A Lover: I’m gonna be so honest she is not for everyone. As a self proclaimed “love witch” and someone who studies sex magic and sells dildos for a living she feels like she intimidates everyone and these days worries about making a move. She fears being vulnerable and experiencing romantic love, but it is something that she wants. I think there will be some communication snags if you pursue her like not as a joke and express that you actually want her. Once there, she’s loyal, doting, and enjoys having someone to share company with even if it’s just doing domestic things.
I guess prepare to be topped? She prefers to be in control unless she knows a lover for a very long time and trusts them deeply. Technically a switch in that sense but leans more towards being dominant and even if submissive a HUGE brat. Very creative and of course keeps things fun and fresh due to her profession, but if you’d rather just screw without all the fancy stuff, she liked that too! It could also help her to have a long term romantic partner/fwb so she can make real connections and frankly….have better sex.
As A Friend: Tilly gets really excited when she makes friends and almost overdoes it at beginning stages (extravagant gifts, wearing crazy outfits to outings, etc) but once she truly feels comfortable, she’s a cool person to have around. She likes non-judgemental people who will accompany her while she Does Her Thing (wandering, foraging, reading) and not be a jerk or ask a million questions. She also likes to chill in silence while both people do different things. Though she’s not well versed in comforting or emotional support, she’s more than happy to talk things through and help you find a solution to whatever you’re struggling with.
As a Lover: Clingy, wants to be around the person all the time. Likes to just. Stare. Not much of a compliment giver but you may end up with a small pile of weird gifts by being with her. She wants to do her lover’s hair too and put beads and shells and stuff in it. Honestly not too much different from a friendship level, just an elevated and more intimate experience. While she’s someone who enjoys solitude, just being in the same room and occasionally holding hands or touching the other person is a huge point of comfort for her.
Sexually, she experiences sensory issues and overload pretty easily, so she likes to talk things out beforehand and doesn’t tend to be spontaneous. Once some boundaries are established, she feels more comfortable physically on top, but is fine taking either a dominant or submissive role. Because she’s quite tall, she’d also like a taller partner so she can climb them like a tree.
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threeletterslife · 3 years
True Love at First Sight
→ [5/7] of the Society Series
→ summary: One day, you will find your true love the moment you lay your eyes on him. Then, your life will be set. Then, you will live your happily ever after. But life seems to have different plans for you.
→ pairing/rating: hoseok x reader | PG-15
→ genre: 98% fluff, 2% angst | soulmate!au & dystopian!au
→ warnings: profanity, a super sexist society, the patriarchy (*gasp* being even more oppressive than irl which idk how that’s possible but ok), multiple conversations about sex, implied sex, hoseok being a woke king (which isn’t rlly a warning but i just wanna let you know 😌)
→ wordcount: 10.8k
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Today is the day of Truve. It falls every year on the romantic date of February 14th, otherwise known as Valentine's Day. And quite objectively, it's the best day of the year.
You're bouncing up and down in your seat, unable to control your jittered nerves. "Pick me!" you yell at your instructor in your high-pitched seven-year-old voice. "Pick me! Pick me! Pick me!!"
Your instructor shakes her head at you, tsk-ing her tongue. "That's not very ladylike," she sniffs, turning her nose up in the air. Instead, she picks on your shy, polite best friend, Kiyoung. "Go on," your instructor urges Kiyoung. "Who would be your ideal Truve Choice?"
Kiyoung squirms in her seat, too demure to announce to the rest of the girls in her class her theoretical match. She'd always liked to keep her thoughts and preferences private.
"I can tell you my Truve Choice!!" you screech at the top of your lungs. You stand up on your chair, waving your arms around. "Pick me!"
Your instructor sighs. Your instructor last year... and the year before that had warned her of you and how... excited you get when the day of Truve rolls around. They definitely had not been bluffing. Normally, you're obedient, polite, kind, proper—just like how a lady should be. But you put your etiquette on halt when it comes to Truve Day.
Every year, the girls go around telling others about their inevitable Truve Choice. Most girls are excited—that's normal. But you, on the other hand. You practically live for that special Truve Choice you'll get to make when you're eighteen years old. Being excited would be an understatement for you.
"All right," your instructor sighs. She's not supposed to encourage unfeminine behavior, but if calling on you will keep you quiet afterward, then yes. She'll call on you a thousand times over. "Who would be your ideal Truve Choice, Y/N?"
You let out a giddy giggle. "Oh, he's going to be my prince!" you shout, wrapping your arms around yourself and blushing at the thought. "He'll be my true love! We're going to live happily ever after! Together! He'll love me and I'll love him! We're going to be the best couple on the planet!!"
Your instructor is silent. "Uh, yes, Y/N. He uh, he sounds like a fine Truve Choice..." She quickly moves on without another second of hesitation. "Kiyoung, are you ready to share?"
Kiyoung nervously bites her lip. "I want him to be in the teaching division," she says shyly. "A-And with black hair... Brown eyes maybe? Dimples too?"
"Sounds like a beautiful choice!" your instructor gushes. "Anyone else like to share?"
And so it goes on.
"I want him to be tall and handsome! With pretty lips and a small face!"
"I want him to be in the math division! And he has to have ash-blond hair!"
"Well, I want him to be shorter—but taller than me—and have the prettiest blue eyes I've ever seen!"
It seems that except for you, everyone's caught up with their future Truve Choice's appearances—as convention calls for. But you don't really care who your true love looks like, contrary to what your instructors have urged you to focus on. You just want someone who will love you. That's what you're looking for. Your soulmate. That's the whole point of Truve Day, anyways—to find your soulmate (hideous or not). Except your friends don't understand that looks aren't everything.
"What are you going to do if you get matched with someone ugly?" Haeun giggles. "What if he's short and pudgy and smelly?"
"He won't be!" you argue, face turning red with embarrassment. "If I love him that much, he won't ever be short and pudgy and smelly in my eyes!"
The other girls laugh at you.
You whirl at your best friend Kiyoung for support, but she averts her eyes. Looks like you're on your own. Again.
"Fine!" you shriek. "Laugh all you want! I'm going to find my prince!"
The laughter grows louder and louder the more you've walked away from the group of sneering girls. It's as if they're mocking you for fleeing their incessant teasing. You find yourself running after that, your legs moving swiftly and your feet thudding on the grass. When you finally stop for breath, you find yourself in front of the vast, marble wall. The wall that divides the girls from the boys. The sacred wall.
You touch the cold surface, tears streaming down your face. It won't be another decade until you'll finally be able to see a boy—no, a man—in real life. Exactly ten years from now, on the day of Truve, you'll find your soulmate. He just doesn't know you exist yet. But you'll find him. And then you're going to prove all the girls in your class wrong. They'll see. You'll meet your prince.
He's waiting for you behind this wall.
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Classes are intriguing for you.
You learn how to be the best wife possible. Cooking, pottery, cleaning, organizing, decorating, caring for children. You learn it all, and your instructors love you. They all believe that one day, you'll grow up to be a model woman—a woman that the society of Truve will approve of.
Bright, chipper and eager to learn, you swear that you will be the best possible soulmate to your Truve Choice. And to be an excellent soulmate or wife (the two words are used interchangeably), you need to pay attention in your classes. There are no boys here to distract you. In fact, the boys are a reward. After years of school, you'll finally be able to meet a man in the Truve Ceremony and put everything you've learned in your classes to use.
The day of Truve is closer than ever. And this year, you won't be sitting in your class, announcing your soulmate preferences to the rest of the girls. No. This year, you'll be in the ceremony. And after this year, you'll finally be able to leave the Female Village—just like the boys of age will leave the Male Village. Finally, you'll be able to enter the Common Villa, where both sexes live in union. It is a sign of maturation, of growth. You can't wait to find your match.
Just thinking about the day of Truve makes you feel giddy. So giddy that you feel as if you're going to throw up. The process is ingrained in your brain. For years, your instructors have drilled that information into you. You could probably recite the whole ceremony step by step in your sleep. But then again, it's not a difficult process either.
The girls dress head to toe in the color red. The boys do the same except in a masculine shade of blue. Girls gather on the right side of the Matching Hall, boys on the left. There is a large purple curtain between the two sides, hiding the girls from the boys and the boys from the girls. But once the curtain is lifted, both groups will get their first real sight of the opposite sex. The matching commences. The first person that catches your eye on the other side is your soulmate. It's as simple as that. And when you hold hands with your soulmate, your red attire and his blue clothes will morph into a shared color of romantic purple. It is the reification of a match—a true love.
For years, you've dreamed of the day where you hold hands with a mystery man. A man who is your true love. You've dreamed of walking into that Matching Hall in your perfect little red dress (the one you bought four years ago and have saved until now) and walking out of that same hall with a new life, a new love and a new purple-colored dress.
Now, your dreams don't seem so far away.
"Can you believe that Truve is in just four days?" Haeun says.
"No, not at all," Kiyoung giggles politely. "I bet Y/N's especially delighted."
"Oh, you have no idea!" you exclaim.
"We know, we know," Yumi laughs. "Remember when the four of us tried to climb over the wall to get to the Male Village? All Y/N's idea."
Your face heats up in embarrassment. "That was one time. And we got in enough trouble to last a lifetime. But I can't help it. I mean, all our lives, we've been preparing for this moment, guys. Aren't you excited to meet your soulmates??"
"I am," Kiyoung says. "But a little nervous, too. You know what's supposed to happen the night after you meet your Truve match..."
"A bangin' night of sex?" Yumi snorts. "Y/N's probably planned out all of her moves already."
"I-I have not!"
"C'mon, Y/N, we all saw you staying up for extra hours trying to read that male anatomy book," Haeun teases.
"It was part of a class requirement!"
"It's okay," Kiyoung says, patting your back. "There's nothing wrong with wanting to know how to please your partner."
"They say the books only teach you so much," Haeun whispers, lowering her voice. "I mean, they say the experience is what gets them going."
"Really???" Your eyes widen. "What if I can't please him the right way the first time??"
"It can't be that hard," Yumi snorts. "I mean, just stuff the dick in your mouth and see what happens."
Kiyoung blushes a bright pink. "W-We shouldn't be talking about stuff like that."
"Where did you even learn about that anyways?" Haeun laughs, nudging Yumi.
"Oh, from here and there," she laughs. "Good sex leads to a good partnership. And it doesn't help to be attracted to them physically," she says with faux wisdom enlaced in her words.
"I'm gonna cry if I don't get a man who's tall and handsome. Pretty lips and a small face should be a damn requirement!" Haeun pouts. "And Kiyoung, what if you don't find a guy with brown eyes and dimples, huh?"
Kiyoung shakes her head, biting her lip in thought. "I have no idea... I'm just hoping for the best."
"If my partner doesn't end up in the math division I'm gonna quit." Yumi rolls her eyes. "I swear, something about mathematicians and ash-blond hair turns me on."
You stay silent, playing with your hair awkwardly. Even now, you don't find physical requirements at the top of your list. You'll be happy to be with anyone. As long as they love you back. As long as they're your worthy Truve Choice and your destined soulmate.
It's true that classes have emphasized sex and pleasure to keep relationships afloat. You doubt that's false information too. But... You think there should be something more than sexual tension, physical attraction with your Truve Choice. There should be unadulterated love. And love transcends physical qualities.
Your friends might never understand.
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Your hands shake as you spritz your favorite perfume all over your neck, dousing yourself in the most effeminate-smelling aromas of roses and daisies and tulips. For the hundredth time, you check your appearance in the mirror. Your nervous face looks back at you. Careful not to wipe your sweaty hands on your red dress, you make your way over to your dorm's sink to wash them.
"You're washing your hands, again?" Haeun says, peering in from her side of the room. Her red dress sparkles in the sunlight and her lips are painted in the same, alluring shade. She looks beautiful and not a hint of nervosity is in her eyes, unlike you.
"I'm sweating so much. Fuck," you hiss, wiping your hands on a paper towel. Your stomach twists in knots. "This isn't how I expected to feel, Haeun."
"Relax, you look beautiful," she tells you. "You might want to stop sweating though. Or else your makeup's gonna slide off your face!"
You laugh at her teasing words. "You're seriously not nervous?"
"Of course not," Haeun says. "I know I'll find my perfect Truve Choice. I can feel it."
"No, no, I'm not worried about finding a Truve Choice... I'm just worried about tonight," you sigh, collapsing on the pure white covers of your bed. "Our first night with our partner... What if I chicken out?"
"Well, you better not."
"Real comforting, Haeun."
"If you don't want to do anything too frisky then just suck him off and call it a day," she says, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm sure your prince will understand."
"What if I can't even do that right??"
"No one does it right the first time," Haeun laughs. "That's why you do it every day so you can get better."
"And how the hell do you know this, again?"
"Yumi," comes Haeun's simple answer. "I don't know what strings that girl pulled, but she knows everything. I'd be surprised if she even somehow lost her virginity."
You gasp. "She wouldn't. Our first nights are supposed to be with our soulmate!"
"Her soulmate doesn't have to know," Haeun says, winking.
"You guys are insane," you sigh.
"Less insane than you," Haeun replies. "Imagine going into the Matching Hall with no idea what your soulmate's gonna look like!"
You huff. "Fine. Maybe I am being unconventional."
Haeun gasps. "Rule-follower Y/N being unconventional?" She puts a dramatic hand to her heart. "The world must be ending!" You roll your eyes, making Haeun laugh even harder. "No, but besides the jokes, Y/N, I'm sure you'll find someone special. You know, someone special enough to be your prince."
Usually, Haeun is the one teasing you about your nonexistent soulmate preferences, but she sounds sincere and genuine today.
"Thanks," you reply. "I hope you find a guy with pretty lips and a small face."
Haeun snorts (something that her instructors have criticized over and over again for being quite unladylike). "I better."
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The Matching Hall is grand—grander than your wildest fantasies, which is essentially saying a lot. Your hands clutch around your red dress as you look around you. Right now, you're lost in a sea of red. Other girls are chattering, fluffing up their dresses and fixing their hair one last time. You're too nervous to speak—there's a lump stuck in your throat.
Soon, the purple curtains will be lifted and the matching will start... Your heart beats in your head. Yumi and Haeun look as casual as ever, chatting amongst themselves. You and Kiyoung stand in the corner, observing the hall and collecting your thoughts.
"You're nervous too?" Kiyoung asks you, her voice soft and quivering.
"Of course I am!"
Kiyoung laughs. "It's just that you've always excelled in school. With the high marks and all, you know? You're gonna be an amazing wife, Y/N."
"Thanks," you say. "But what about you? You're sweet and dainty and quiet. Men would love you."
Kiyoung twists the red fabric of her modest-looking dress. "What if I'm too quiet? I don't know... you've always been the model woman, Y/N. Sometimes I wish I were more like you."
You're shocked to hear that. "Kiyoung! You can't say that!"
"Haeun and Yumi are jealous of you too," Kiyoung pipes up in her small voice. "They tease you relentlessly but that's just because they know they can't be as perfect as you."
You laugh. "They tease me because they care. Not because they're jealous!"
"You don't have to worry, Y/N," Kiyoung says. "Or be nervous for that matter. You'll find the best husband out of the four of us."
"We'll all find husbands suited for us," you say, smiling at your best friend. "I guess we shouldn't be so nervous."
Kiyoung nods.
And both of you hold your breaths as the curtains are slowly drawn up and the other side comes into view. You squint, unable to see any outlines but a sea of blue looking across from you. Kiyoung squeaks and freezes on the spot. With your mouth agape, you travel closer and closer.
When the purple curtain is no longer in view, you know that the matching has begun. Your head reels when you catch glimpses of these boys—these men. They look different from what you've seen in the textbooks. They range in all sizes and shapes and have different features as well. Some are softer looking and others look rather... gruff. It's just so much to take in and process in such little time.
Before you know it, some of the girls are already holding their partner's hands, their clothes morphing into a conjoined shade of purple. Your eyes widen upon witnessing such a fascinating phenomenon. They've already found their soulmates.
Your throat suddenly constricts, and you nearly forget how to breathe for a moment. Rapidly, you twist around, desperation beginning to settle in. Where's your prince?
You see Haeun out of the corner of your eye, courting a tall, handsome boy with thick lips and a small, beautiful face. She had gotten what she wanted. When you turn around, you see Yumi, holding the hand of an intelligent-looking boy with ash-blond hair. Your eyes enlarge when you see shy Kiyoung, approaching a man with soft brown eyes and dimples.
It's unladylike, but you curse in your head. You should've made physical guidelines too. Why had you been trying to be so different? Your stubbornness had gotten the best of you. Now, how are you going to choose a partner?
You frantically glance around, weaving in and out between the matched soulmates, frantically trying to catch sight of a man—any man—wearing blue. But there are barely any left. Matches are being made in mere seconds. And you're behind. All because you decided to put faith in your heart.
That should've been you, falling in love at first sight. But you're left, head whirling with despondent thoughts and eyes welling up with tears. Where is your prince charming?
No one ever told you what would happen if you weren't able to find a match. Will you be ostracized by society?
Why is no one meeting your eye? You feel unavoided and unloved and unwanted. Your fantasy bubble is just about to pop when—
You freeze.
"Hello," the voice says again. Smooth yet full of energy. Bright but robust at the same time. "I'm Hoseok."
You whirl around and see a boy in blue. He—Hoseok—has a clear-cut jawline, well-brushed and gelled brown hair and the prettiest nose you've ever seen on anyone in your life. His eyes stare at you in round, curious ovals. One look at him and you've fallen in love. "O-Oh, hi," you stutter out, quickly wiping away the tears that had welled up in your eyes. "I'm Y/N..."
"Great," he says, staring awkwardly at your face. "Um, shall we...?" Hoseok asks, gesturing towards your hand.
"Yes, yes please."
When his hand touches yours, you feel the sparks fly, the fireworks going off in your head. It's like magic when your red clothes and his blue clothes morph into a pretty shade of purple.
He's perfect. Everything you didn't know you wanted.
You've found your soulmate.
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The whole day takes you by a storm. You are dragged, left and right, to sign the marriage contract, to get fitted into a pure white gown and get your pictures taken and framed. To lease your own home and move in with the few belongings you were allowed to pack. To start a new life with your new spouse.
Now, it's night.
You'd fixed an impressionable first meal consisting of three extravagant courses—a menu you'd been planning to cook for your soulmate since four years ago. Hoseok had complimented your cooking skills but had said nothing more.
He's a shy lad, you realize. He rarely speaks, and when he does, it's to make a short, concise remark. But you don't mind. There's a certain allure to his silence and reclusiveness. But the real worry is not the dinner. It isn't Hoseok's shyness either. It's the traditional act and duty of consummating the marriage that must take place by bedtime.
You nervously twist your lace nightgown, the soft, flowy fabric glowing in the moonlight—pearly white to symbolize your chastity. Hoseok sits on the bed, back turned to you. You could probably count the number of sentences he'd spoken to you today with both hands.
"Hoseok...?" you call to him, curiously. If he had not shifted in his seat, you would've thought he'd fallen asleep sitting up.
"Hm?" he says.
You nervously twist your ring around your finger. "Um, I was just wondering about... um..." You trail off, awkwardly, feeling your face heating up at the thought of vocalizing such a debauched deed.
"Sex?" he says.
You flinch at his bluntness and the harshness of his voice.
"If it's all right with you, I want to skip it," he says. He doesn't even turn around to face you, ignoring your presence completely. It's as if he's speaking to your ghost—as if he's pretending you don't exist, standing behind him in your innocent attire.
"Skip it??"
"They don't check, you know," comes his answer. Hoseok slips under the covers, keeping his back towards you. "Good night, then, Y/N."
Your jaw drops open and it stays there for quite some time—the pose is unattractive and quite unladylike but you can't help it. A marriage without consummation? A man refusing to have sex? Your school never taught you how to handle these problems. It was always about what you could do as the woman to the man, your husband. But it looks like you don't have to do anything for your soulmate.
You look awkwardly at your bare legs and the king-sized bed Hoseok is already sleeping on. His soft snores indicate that he is, indeed, already in dreamland. The eventful day must've tired him out. Unlike your husband, however, you're unable to fall asleep. And with the question of sex out the window, you don't feel particularly worried either. Just confused. Perplexed.
The lace on your nightgown is almost unbearably itchy, but you don't dare take it off. Instead, you grit your teeth and slide into the bed with Hoseok, who refuses to move or acknowledge your presence at all. But you never know when he'll change his mind. (You remember having a whole lesson on the unpredictable male sex drive.) So you keep the silk slip on, which, unfortunately for you, was designed more for appearance rather than comfort.
And it happens to be quite a long night. Mainly because Hoseok never wakes you up to have sex. But also because the nightgown causes some form of a rash on your body; you're up all night itching yourself. The little sleep you get allows you to think about Hoseok's behavior, though.
Maybe he's a bit of a late bloomer. Most males are extremely hormonal—the first fact the girls are taught in the extensive units of sex ed. They would dive in head-first for any chance to have sex. Or maybe Hoseok's nervous about the morning, where he'll have to go out and find a job to support his new family. Or... (and this one concerns you the most) maybe he doesn't find you attractive. He hadn't seen your face when he'd signaled for your attention at the ceremony. What if you have an attractive backside but an ugly front?? The thought keeps you up all night.
In the morning, Hoseok wakes up to you (with prominent dark circles under your eyes) cooking a classic breakfast. From time to time, you pause what you're doing to itch at the red rash all over your neck and back. But Hoseok's glad that you've changed into more comfortable clothing.
"Good morning," he says. And instead of sitting down at the small breakfast table, he takes the spatula from your surprised hands and begins to skillfully flip the pancakes.
"Oh! Hoseok," you say, surprised, stumbling back. "It's okay, I can make breakfast. It's my job as your wife."
Hoseok shakes his head. "No, I insist. Besides, you have a bad rash right now. You should go get some ointment and put it on. I'll finish making breakfast."
He is peculiar, that Jung Hoseok. Men are supposed to fall at your feet over your cooking skills. They're supposed to lounge around and relax while you complete your house chores. Then, it would be your turn to relax when the men go to work. You don't know what game Hoseok is trying to play, and you're not sure you like it.
By the time you get the ointment, slather it over your irritated skin and come back to the kitchen, Hoseok's already waiting for you with breakfast set up on the dining table. You frown slightly.
That's supposed to be your job... What you trained to do for your whole life. Hm. Your soulmate is unconventional. You'll give him that. But he's also attractive and somewhat considerate too. You shrug it off. You'll get used to it eventually.
"So, any idea what you're gonna choose for a career?" you ask politely, sliding into your seat.
Hoseok nods. "I was thinking a technician? Just a job that lets me work in silence."
"Sounds nice!" you exclaim, but it comes out too enthusiastically and you can see Hoseok visibly flinch. Feeling embarrassed and dejected, you slide into your seat, too humiliated to even reach forward and daintily eat your pancakes as they taught you in school.
After a while, Hoseok stops eating and looks up at you. "Are you not hungry?" he asks, raising his eyebrows.
"Oh! Sorry, I mean..." You struggle to find your words. "WelI, I was too busy admiring you."
It's a perfect answer. Men love sweet talk that boosts their ego—you've memorized a total of 160 different phrases to say to them and another 160 "not safe for work" versions as well. But you should've known it wouldn't work for Hoseok.
"Sorry?" Hoseok frowns. He quickly dabs at his mouth with a napkin and stands up from his seat, beginning to clear away his plate.
"Wait!" you call. "I'll do that. Um, you can go prepare for work!"
"Nonsense," Hoseok replies. "I'll clean my half of the dishes."
You can't even protest when Hoseok hogs the whole sink, insisting that he does your job. You're awkwardly cast to the side, unsure of what to do and what to think. Are you supposed to be grateful that he's being helpful? Or should you feel threatened? He can't take away your sole purpose!
Carefully, you watch Hoseok as he dutifully washes the dishes, humming a low tune under his breath. He's a handsome man. Even without styled hair and nice clothes, he glows. He's your soulmate. Yet why is he acting like you two are strangers? You're supposed to be in love.
"I would help more but I'll be late for work then," Hoseok says, breaking you out of your thoughts. "You can do the rest right?" He points at the half uncleared table.
"Yeah, of course." You watch as Hoseok makes his way to the bedroom to change into his work attire.
What a strange man.
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When Hoseok comes home by 6 o'clock, you've already cleaned the house (twice) and cooked another delicious dinner. You welcome your soulmate home from his first day of work with open arms, but he swiftly steps to the side, indicating that he needs his space. You give it to him, though feeling rejected.
"How was the first day, love?" you ask, your voice rising three pitches higher when you utter the pet name.
Hoseok doesn't seem to notice though. "It was fine," he says. "I'm a technician now." He pauses, staring at the steaming meal placed in front of him. "Maybe I can teach you the works some time."
You cock your head. Strange, indeed. But you feign a little giggle and play off his eccentricity as nothing. "Oh, Hoseok! Your job is yours to keep! I wouldn't want to learn anything about it. Besides, my job is to keep this house tidy and keep you well-fed, isn't it?"
Your soulmate visibly slumps in his seat. You wonder if you said anything wrong.
"I'm sorry," you apologize, though you're not really sure what you're apologizing for. "Maybe... I've made you uncomfortable...?"
Hoseok shakes his head. "Not at all." Yet he doesn't elaborate and it leaves you questioning everything.
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"You would not believe what I get to work with!" Haeun squeals the moment she sits down at her pretty dining table. She'd invited you and your two other friends over—your first meet-up as wives living in the Common Villa.
"What?" you, Kiyoung and Yumi chorus with genuine curiosity.
"He's literally packing," she giggles. "And he's the best goddamn match I've ever had in my life!"
Yumi rolls her eyes. "He's the only match you've had, Haeun."
"Oh, whatever." Haeun brushes off Yumi's comment. "His name is Seokjin, and he's so handsome that he's gonna work as a model."
"What's he like?" Kiyoung asks with round eyes.
"He's so funny!" Haeun giggles. "He tells me so many jokes, and he lightens up the mood wherever he goes. He's the biggest sweetheart ever."
Yumi laughs. "So you got a romantic?"
"There's nothing wrong with a romantic," Kiyoung smiles. "Namjoon's a romantic too. He wrote a poem for me in his free time, and it was beautiful."
"Well, I don't need jokes or poems," Yumi says, leaning back in her seat. "Yoongi has an insane sex drive. The man can go on and on for hours." She winks. "Sometimes, I don't even know how I'm still walking."
Your friends gasp and giggle politely, hands over your mouths, covering your reactions—as you were taught as women should.
"Y/N, you're godawfully quiet. What cat got your tongue?" Haeun snorts. "How's Hoseok?"
"He's uh," you pause, trying to find a word that could describe your relationship with him. "He's great."
"Just great?" Kiyoung says. "He's so handsome! Of course, I love my Namjoon. But Hoseok seems like he would make a very good soulmate."
"Yeah, he is," you say, forcing a smile.
You feel out of place amongst your friends. Their wild sex stories and romantic endeavors with their partners are making you feel just a tad bit jealous. Why haven't you done anything with Hoseok yet? Did he not think you were his soulmate? Does he not love you as you love him? You would do anything for your partner. Hoseok can't even kiss you goodbye before he leaves for work in the morning.
But you don't want to tell your friends that you're having partner troubles. You were always the one dreaming of your prince... It would be embarrassing to admit that Hoseok was anything but the man of your dreams. Which was unfortunate because you had little to no guidelines for your ideal man—only that he'd love you back. Was it really that hard?
You come home to Hoseok cleaning up the mess you'd made in front of the living room television after you'd been watching your favorite soap opera. Your cheeks heat in embarrassment. You're supposed to clean up after his messes. What is he doing?
"Did you have fun with your friends?" he asks the moment he sees you. He gives you a friendly smile, which you reciprocate automatically and by reflex.
"Yeah," you say. No, you think.
He stands up, brushing off his hands and walking towards you. "I feel like we got off on the wrong foot," he says.
You raise your eyebrows. "We did?"
"I don't want our relationship to be awkward," he says.
"Me neither," you agree. "I just want to spend quality time with you... you know, as my soulmate."
Hoseok nods as if he understands. "I want to spend more time with you too. Most of all, I want to get to know you."
You agree. "I would like that a lot, Hoseok."
"But I think we should share household chores."
You draw the line there.
"Why?" you say, cocking your head to the side. "I'm just genuinely curious," you add on quickly. "I do the household chores like I was taught to do, and you come home from a long day of work and get the rest you deserve. It makes sense, right?"
Hoseok scratches his chin thoughtfully. "I just don't like the fact that you're obligated to feel responsible for the messes that I've made."
You laugh at his strange logic. "Hoseok, I'd be glad to clean up your messes! That's what soulmates do for each other!"
"I think we need to prove ourselves as soulmates first, don't you think?"
"What do you mean?" you say, a bit puzzled. "We became soulmates the moment our eyes met on Truve Day."
Hoseok hums, but he refuses to elaborate—much to your despair. "It's a strange place we live in, hm?"
You scrunch your nose. "Or maybe you're the strange person living in a normal place."
Hoseok laughs. "That may be true too."
"But look," you say, grabbing Hoseok's hand and encompassing it in yours. "It's better this way. Everything's divided. Everything's organized. Everyone's pleased."
Everyone except you. But you don't say that out loud.
Hoseok doesn't answer. Instead, he squeezes your hand once, then lets go. "Only time can tell," he says before disappearing into the bedroom.
You're left more puzzled than before.
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Too slowly, a year flows by.
Every day is the same—with the exact same conversations and attitude from Hoseok. You've gotten used to having a platonic relationship with him, but it feels out of place. Wrong, even. Your other friends are starting to make great advancements in their marriages (pregnancies, planning for children, preparing to become parents), and they talk about it often too.
But you never have anything new to share.
Of course, you have nothing against the love of your life. He's kind, respectful and definitely a hard-worker (helping you out with your chores while also dutifully going to his job every weekday). He sits through your sitcoms for you and you sit through his boring nature documentaries. The two of you often converse over dinner and while cleaning up after the meal. Then, you slip under the covers of the same bed and sleep to do it all over again the next day.
Sometimes, you wonder if Hoseok even loves you.
It's been a year. And you're still a virgin. If your friends knew... you're not sure how they'd react. But you would certainly be embarrassed.
Today happens to be your worst nightmare unfolding before your eyes.
"So," Haeun says, patting her slightly protruding belly. She had just given everyone a brief rundown of her pregnancy, which everyone congratulated her warmly about. But it looks like now, Haeun's bored and wants someone else to do the talking. "Any updates about Hoseok, Y/N?"
You flinch when she says your name. "Relax, Y/N!" Yumi laughs. "We're all just curious about what's going on in the Jung house. Right, girls?"
Even Kiyoung nods eagerly. "You never tell us anything!" she says.
"And to think you were the one who was the most obsessed with the idea of meeting your soulmate," Haeun snorts. "Why so silent now?"
Yumi gasps, lowering her voice. "Is he not good in bed?"
Your cheeks flush and you look down at the surface of Kiyoung's vintage coffee table.
"He is bad in bed!" Haeun jumps to conclude. "Oh, Y/N... I'm so sorry."
You shake your head in frustration. "No, no. He's not bad in bed," you say, defending your partner. "I mean... Um, I wouldn't know if he's bad or not, that is."
At that, your three friends gasp loudly in unison.
"You mean to tell me," Yumi says, recovering from her shock. "You mean to say that... you're still a virgin??" she whispers the term like it's some forbidden word.
"Well, yeah..." You squirm in your seat, grabbing fistfuls of your dress to keep yourself from completely losing your mind.
"It's been a year, though..." Kiyoung says, wide-eyed. "I don't mean to pry but what have you been doing?"
You sigh. Maybe it's time to come clean to your best friends.
"That's the thing," you say, slowly, carefully. "Um, we haven't exactly done anything."
"Are you sure you're not half a virgin?" Yumi frowns. "I mean, you must've done something on the night of Truve, right? You didn't even suck him off? No sexual contact at all?"
"It's been a purely platonic relationship," you say, biting the inside of your cheek. "Should I be worried?"
Kiyoung averts your eye contact. Haeun suddenly becomes very busy petting her stomach. Yumi's the only one who's looking straight at you.
"Yumi?" you plead.
"I don't know what to tell you, Y/N," she sighs after a long moment of silence. "He might be batting for the other team... if you know what I mean."
"Yumi!" Kiyoung gasps. "Don't say that!"
"I mean, it's a possibility," Yumi says, shrugging.
"He could be imprisoned if that's true!" you shriek, burying your face in your hands. "He wouldn't, right?" you mumble. "He can't be..."
"Maybe he's just embarrassed," Haeun offers. "Maybe he, you know... he has a hard time getting it up?"
You groan in your hands. "I'm not attractive enough for him, aren't I?"
"Oh, don't say that, Y/N," Kiyoung says. She pats your back, trying to console you. "He has to be shy. Or maybe Haeun's right. Maybe he does have erectile dysfunction. The two of you should try to talk it out."
"But what if Yumi's right??" you say, running your fingers through your hair. "What if he is batting for the other team??"
Yumi looks guilty for even suggesting the idea in the first place. "It's just a small chance," she says. "He probably isn't. Kiyoung's right, anyways. You should just talk to him."
Your friends make it sound so easy... But sometimes, talking to Jung Hoseok is like talking to a brick wall.
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Hoseok's waiting for you with some cut up fruit on the table and a fresh pie from the bakery down the street. "Hey," he greets you with a small smile. "Did you have fun?"
"Ye—" but you cut yourself off. You decide you're going to be honest and direct with him now. You'll take your friends' advice and talk to this man. You want to figure out what's wrong. To save this relationship.
"No," you say. "No, I didn't have fun."
Hoseok looks surprised. "Did something happen?" A flicker of worry fleets across his face. "We can talk about it if you want."
You gratefully take his invitation. "Yes, something did happen," you say rather stiffly. You sit up straight on the dining chair and sigh, putting your hands on your lap. "It's about us."
"Us?" Hoseok looks confused. "What do we have to do with your girl's night out?"
It's a fair question. "My friends and I were talking about you."
Hoseok is still puzzled, judging by his furrowed brows and slightly squinted eyes. "Can I ask why?"
"It's just that..." you pause to sigh, running your fingers through your hair. "I just don't think our relationship has advanced like my friends' relationships have. I mean, look, Kiyoung and Namjoon are taking lessons to prepare to become parents before they even try for a baby. Haeun's already pregnant. And who knows when Yumi's going to announce out of the blue that she's going to have twins??" You stop, looking him dead in the eyes. "I just think that... I don't know... Sometimes, I don't even think you love me."
Your soulmate looks quite taken aback by your accusation but he unsurprisingly maintains his cool. "Y/N..." he calls your name, his softened eyes staring in your teary-eyed ones. "I care about you. You know that?"
You scoff. "When have you acted like it?" you say, letting your tears roll down your face. "I'm not even half a virgin, Hoseok. I am one."
Hoseok shakes his head. "I just don't find sex as an act I should do before I love someone."
"But you do love me!" you say, raising your voice. "You chose me!"  Before Hoseok can answer, you shake your head, holding up your hand. "I'm not finished. If you had a problem with me, you could've said something. Why did you string me along for a whole damn year only to toss me aside and ignore me? Refuse to love me? I-Is it... Is it because... y-you're...? Gay?" you whisper the last portion. "Is that why you can't love me?"
Hoseok's eyes turn wide and he shakes his head vigorously. "Y/N, I'm not gay."
"Then what is it, Hoseok? What's keeping you from loving me?" you sob.
Your sole wish had been to find a prince who loved you back. To find a soulmate that could make you feel over the moon and on cloud nine at the same time. You had such few expectations... No expectations, really. Love is already supposed to be a factor in your Truve Match. So what had gone so wrong?
Hoseok sighs, scratching the back of his head in a rather awkward manner. "I just don't believe in it."
"Believe in what?" you say, letting out an exasperated sigh.
"In true love. I think it's bullshit."
You nearly fall out of your chair. "You can't say that!"
"I can," he replies, simply and calmly. "I don't find it romantic or love-inducing to see someone attractive and then claim them as my soulmate. What about compatible personalities? What about living habits? What about our likes and dislikes? It's impossible to fall in love at first sight."
You scoff, standing up from your chair. "If it's so impossible, then why does our society have the best marriage statistics in the world? Why do we have a zero percent divorce rate, huh? Something's working, I believe." You cross your arms, beginning to think what your soulmate stands for is unbelievable.
"That's why they shove so much sex ed knowledge down our throats to keep us happy," Hoseok says. "Do your friends talk about anything other than sex with their partners?" He raises his eyebrows when you stutter to say something but ultimately come up with nothing.
Just last week, Yumi had confessed that she barely knew what Yoongi sounded like outside the bedroom—when he wasn't whispering dirty things in her ear. You and your friends had taken that as a funny joke. But now...
"The preoccupation with virginity and purity and sex!" Hoseok says, raising his voice. "It's all a social construct!"
He watches you cry in disbelief but he can't help but continue.
"It's an illusion, Y/N," he says. "Couples depend on their physical relationship to get them through. Instead of the emotional or mental aspects. And then they convince themselves that their relationship is completely fine because they're soulmates."
With shaking hands, you manage to wipe your tears away. "Why did you choose me if you never thought love at first sight was real? Why did you choose me if you never believed in true love??"
Hoseok pauses, biting his lip. "Well... That was different."
"How?" You frown.
"For years I planned to stand in protest... To remain the last one standing as the only person left in blue. I wasn't going to find a match. Wasn't even going to try..."
"What changed?"
"I saw you."
"So you did love me at first sight!"
"No," Hoseok says, shaking his head. "I didn't. I saw you about to cry and well, truth be told I felt bad for you."
Your bubble bursts.
Your soulmate is not really your soulmate. He didn't choose you because he loved you. He chose you because he pitied you. You feel numb.
"There's no such thing as true love," Hoseok says. "It just isn't possible. Especially not at first sight."
But even though you feel dejected and should feel deterred from ever progressing your relationship with Hoseok—who isn't really your soulmate—you feel hope inside of you. A little thought that maybe... maybe you can fix this. If what Hoseok says is true, maybe you can make him learn to love you. Not through a sex-based relationship. But something else. Something deeper.
You still have hope.
"I want to try learning to strengthen our mental and emotional relationship," you say, wiping the last of your tears away with a swipe of your sleeve.
Hoseok raises his eyebrows, looking a bit surprised. He had expected you to back down. To find a new soulmate. To find a better man who would be better suited for your idealistic expectations. But maybe he had judged you wrongly. You're a lot stronger than you think. And even though he's never told you out loud, it's something that he's noticed in you over the course of the year of living with you.
You often underestimate yourself.
A small smile stretches across Hoseok's lips. "It's not necessarily something you can learn from a textbook," he says. "It's something that happens more gradually."
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Ever since your big talk with Hoseok, things have been just a slightly bit more awkward than normal. Which is saying a lot. You'd said you wanted to develop a better relationship with Hoseok, but you aren't quite sure how to go about that idea. After all, school never taught you how to do it. You're lost.
Until Hoseok comes up to you on Saturday morning with a cup of steaming coffee in his hand. He hands it to you and smiles at you brightly. It's a small gesture, but it's enough to make your whole day.
"Listen," he says. "I feel like I need to get out an apology. A genuine one. I know you had big hopes for your soulmate. And I really weighed you down this past year. So I decided that I'm going to take you out on a date."
Your eyes grow wide. "A date?"
Dates are old-fashioned—almost obsolete. Most couples these days prefer to spend time with each other in the bedroom. But a date does sound quite nice. A date is a step further from where you were with Hoseok before. A date will suffice. Yes, a date would be great.
"Yes, a date," Hoseok says, echoing your thoughts. "How about a trip to the bakery? I noticed you like pies. Why don't we taste test a few?"
"T-Today?" you stutter out of excitement.
"If that's okay with you."
"Yes!" you exclaim. "Yes! That's amazing!"
You practically fly to the bedroom to get ready, and hearing Hoseok's kind laughter from the kitchen warms your cheeks.
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"Mmm, this one's so good! It's totally my favorite," you sigh happily, closing your eyes to savor the taste of the tangy raspberries mixed with fresh cream.
"You've been saying that for every new pie you've tried!" Hoseok laughs. "Here, try this one." He carefully brings a forkful of a new kind of pie to your lips. Slightly blushing at his action, you lean forward and capture the slice in your mouth.
"Mmm!" you say as the citrus taste bursts on your tongue, your eyes turning wide as you begin to chew. "The texture!" you compliment. "Key lime? This one has to be my favorite."
"What about the chocolate mousse one?" Hoseok asks.
You giggle. "Oh, I forgot about that!" After trying one bite of that pie, you almost devoured the whole thing on the spot—if Hoseok hadn't stopped you, that is. "I don't think I can ever choose just one to take home."
"I'll help you decide, then," Hoseok laughs.
"No way," you say. "You like the pies with walnuts in them!"
"Walnuts are good for you!" Hoseok protests.
"They certainly don't taste like it."
Hoseok rolls his eyes but he smiles and tells the baker that you'll take a half pie order of blackberry pie and another half of whipped banana cream pie. Your eyes widen at his choices. How did he know?? Though you did technically say every pie was your favorite, your secret ideal picks had indeed been the blackberry pie and the whipped banana cream pie.
When you walk back home side by side with Hoseok, he reveals his strategy. "You had extended 'mmmm's' for your two top favorites," he says. "Thankfully, I noticed, right?"
You smile, cheeks feeling warmed at his sheer attentiveness. "Yeah... right."
After a week of watching you stuff pie in your face, Hoseok comes home from work to a special surprise of his own.
"Ta-da!" you shout with jazz fingers. "Look what I made!"
You have your baking apron on and there's practically flour everywhere, but sitting neatly on the dining table in all its glory is—a maple walnut pie. Hoseok's favorite.
"I didn't exactly have time to clean up the kitchen," you confess, sheepishly. "But I'll get to it now!"
Soon, you find Hoseok on his hands and knees, helping you scrub the flour off the floors of the house. Though you protest and tell him that this is, indeed, your job, Hoseok just laughs it off.
"It's another societal norm that can afford to be broken," he says, smiling.
You cock your head. "Well, okay!" you finally say with a shrug. "I guess that means we'll have more time to eat pie now."
"Now that's great thinking."
It's really starting to look like the more you set aside time for each other, the more it looks like your relationship will work.
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It's way past your bedtime, but you don't feel one bit drowsy at all. Hoseok's speaking rapidly, eyes twinkling and mouth set in a bright smile. He'd started to teach you about the simpler works of an IT technician three hours ago, and you'd let him continue because frankly, you find it fascinating as well.
"The worst part about it is trying to teach the workers how to deal with their own computers," Hoseok says, shaking his head. "You'd be surprised that these grown men can't even tell the difference between shutting down their computer versus putting their display screens to sleep."
"Even I know the difference!" you pipe up. "Thanks to you, that is."
Hoseok laughs. "It's all really interesting," he says. "I mostly get called in when they find viruses in their computers, though."
"Viruses?" you say, eyes widening. "The stuff that makes us sick?"
"Similar," Hoseok says, "but not quite." He absentmindedly checks the clock on the wall and gasps. "I've been keeping you awake."
"No, no," you say. "You're not." Then, you pause. "Unless I'm keeping you awake by asking countless questions..."
Hoseok shakes his head. "Tomorrow's Sunday. We can wake up a little late, don't you think?"
"Let's knock ourselves out!" you say. "But first, let's get us some midnight snacks."
And that's how you and Hoseok begin a mad baking contest at 2 a.m. in the morning, competing for the best chocolate chip cookie-maker title. The short IT technician lesson is left completely forgotten in the midst of baking powder, flour and loads and loads of chocolate drops.
By 4 a.m., the two of you are drowsy on wine, filled to the brim with cookies and feeling happy. Hoseok offers to carry you to bed, though you decline several times because you fear he's going to slip somewhere down the line and take you to the ground with him.
Quite drunkenly, Hoseok says, "I am... not! going to... drrroopp! you."
"Rrreallly?" You unintentionally give him the puppy dog eyes look. "I can goooo!" you say, nearly slipping out of your chair, "byyy myyyyself!"
"Thennn be my guest!" Hoseok shouts, raising his hands above his head. "Goddamn, these cookiesss," he wails. "They taste like heavennnn!"
You agree by shoving two cookies in your mouth at once. It's quite unladylike of you, but you know (even in your drunken state) with Hoseok, he would never mind—nor judge.
Hoseok tries to one-up you by shoving three cookies in his mouth but nearly chokes doing so. That's when you decide enough is enough and the two of you should go to bed, and inevitably suffer a bad hangover the next morning.
You stumble, dragging a whining Hoseok—who wants more cookies—to bed.
The two of you wake up the next morning feeling groggy, heavy but undoubtedly happy. Hoseok is crowned the better cookie-baker after much debate. And even with your loss, you're not even mad.
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"Come on, come on!" you shriek, pulling out the popcorn from the microwave and jumping great lengths to arrive at the couch. "Hoseok! It's on, it's on!"
Your soulmate stumbles in the living room, eyes wide and head twisting to look about. "What's on?" he shrieks, matching your urgent tone.
"My show!"
Immediately, Hoseok sighs, about to walk away in disappointment.
"But you promised you'd watch one episode with me!" you call after him.
Hoseok pauses. As much as he hates your soap operas, you've been raving about Our Love Like Fibonacci for weeks, and that's significantly longer than your other raves. Plus, he's a man of his word and one drunken night, he had promised you that he'd sit with you to watch a soap opera from beginning to end.
"All right," he sighs, sliding into the couch by you. He tosses a popcorn kernel in his mouth. "This better be good."
"Oh, it is," you say, smiling.
Eight hours later—and twenty-eight tissues later—you and Hoseok sit at the dining table, almost unable to come up with any words.
"I-I thought," Hoseok sniffles. "I thought this was your second time watching this show," he says, watching you dry your eyes on your sleeve. "You're still—" he sniffles again—"crying."
"They were both so young," you wail. "At least, technically speaking. But no matter how many times I watch it, I'll always be sad."
"It's an extreme case of love, I suppose," Hoseok says after blowing his nose into a new tissue. "With the whole 'I'll follow you til death—except I don't die so I'll wait until you're reincarnated when you die so I can follow you again.' "
"Right!" you say. "Sometimes, though, I just think he should've left her."
"What??" Hoseok lurches back in his seat. "You? Who preaches true love and the sole idea of soulmates?"
You laugh. "But he was bound to her. He lived for her."
"But he loved... er, loves her."
"If you lived eternally, would you choose to love the same person over and over again?"
"Well, no," Hoseok says. "I'll look for new faces. I'll meet more people. But it's different in that show. He loved her arguably more than he loved his own life."
You smile. "You just don't love me that much yet. But you'll get there."
Hoseok watches in awe as you lean over and kiss his cheek. With a flirtatious wink, you disappear into the bedroom, and Hoseok's left with a weird feeling bubbling inside his chest. And you're left against the closed door of the bedroom, catching your breath and feeling the butterflies threatening to spill out of your stomach.
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Hoseok's eyes light up whenever he speaks about something he's immensely passionate about. You have to admit it's endearing to see the usually untalkative man begin to rant on and on about his favorite topic.
"Truve wants to embrace the gender differences," Hoseok says. "But it does little to accentuate gender equality. Rather, I think it muddies the waters so we can all forget about it instead."
You listen in fascination, bringing your hands up to your chin. "Really? How so?"
"Well, to start off, the goddamn wall," Hoseok says. "The Female Village and Male Village should not even exist in the first place! The fact that we finally get to see a glimpse of the opposite sex when we turn eighteen? It's preposterous. We should teach little kids to grow up in an environment with both sexes. With the separation, we're treating each sex as an object, a prize. Something we win after years and years of education in one single celebration."
"Truve Day," you whisper in awe. "I've never thought of it like that."
"It's not your fault," Hoseok says, shaking your head. "You're a victim, anyways. Women are brainwashed to think their happiness depends on their husband's happiness."
"Should it be the other way around?" you ask, puzzled.
"No," Hoseok shakes his head. "Neither the wife nor the husband should be codependent on each other's happiness. That's what real equality means."
"You said that I'm a victim," you say, cocking your head. "I don't feel like that. So how so?"
Hoseok hums, choosing his next words carefully. "It's subtle, the way they do it," he says. "But let's take sex as an example. Your purity is put on a pedestal. Your first time is made into a huge deal. You're expected to have sex with the man whenever he wants. You're told that even if you don't feel like it, you should. Even oral pleasures. You're expected to do the man a favor. And it's never taught that they should return it."
You frown. "You have a point, actually..."
Your mind flashes back to a year ago when you had been gut-wrenchingly nervous about your first time with your prospective soulmate. The way you had almost thrown up several times, your hands shaking uncontrollably and sweat making them clammy as well. You think of how stressed you had been for the night of Truve Day. Your friends had told you, "Just suck him off." Like his pleasure was more important than anything else.
Your frown deepens. "I've never thought of that..."
"It's okay," Hoseok says. And shyly, he reaches out to place his hand on top of yours. "I'm glad to share my thoughts about it."
"I don't know if I'm as passionate about all of this as you are... yet, at least," you say, but you smile, taking Hoseok's hand and squeezing it. "But I understand you now. I get it."
"There's just so much more to talk about too," Hoseok says. "Everything I've been keeping inside me for years with no one to tell. I feel like the weight's been lifted off my shoulders."
"So please," you grin. "Enlighten me more."
Hoseok is a special man. What you thought was weird before actually makes him unique. And you're happy with him. You find yourself smiling more. You find yourself feeling giddy when he comes home. You find yourself in love more than ever before when he turns around on his pillow to tell you goodnight.
You couldn't have asked for a better soulmate.
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"Got your tie?"
"Your lunch?"
"Your thermos? With the freshly-made coffee??"
"Yes! Y/N!" Hoseok laughs. "We go through this every morning. When have I ever forg—"
"But today's your first day of work after your promotion!" you argue. "Everything needs to be perfect. I mean, what if they ask you to troubleshoot that malicious software problem that's been bothering the stats section for months? That's not your job now, is it?"
"Don't worry," Hoseok says. He's getting his shoes on at the front door, and you're all over him, straightening up his suit for the last time. He's laughing at your frenzied attempts to make him look more put-together than he already is. "Y/N. Y/N!"
You stop and with an exasperated sigh, "What?"
Then, he leans in to kiss you.
You're so caught off guard that you nearly stumble forward. It's a small peck on the lips—nothing that could lead to a sleepless night in bed. But something that promises more. You're left chasing after his lips, but Hoseok steps back, grinning wildly.
"I'll see you after six?" he says, stepping out of the house, all the while maintaining eye contact with you.
Quite embarrassingly, you sputter out a 'yes,' watching as Hoseok walks away as if nothing had happened. It's just one little kiss. But it leaves your insides burning.
And so it continues. The moment Hoseok gets back home, you tug him into another fleeting kiss. Yet Hoseok doesn't take a little peck for an answer. He pulls you back in to kiss you harder. The two of you fumble, lips never leaving each other's until you land on the couch. Hoseok falls on top of you, ever so careful not to crush your body.
One little kiss morphs into a heated make out that ends in soft cuddles.
"Well, that was enjoyable," Hoseok says with a small laugh. He's still a bit out of breath and it drives you crazy to see his lips slightly swollen with a special sheen of their own. Hoseok sits up, helping you do the same. "Want to watch our favorite show?"
"Our?" you say, leaning into Hoseok's arms. He catches you, beginning to brush his fingers through your hair.
"Yeah, ours," he says. "Our Love Like Fibonacci? I heard from my boss today. He told me there are a few easter eggs in it that would help us understand this other show..."
You gasp. "You mean you're going to be willing to watch not just one show but two?"
Hoseok laughs, his fingers paused, entangled in your hair. "I don't know. I just used to think those shows were unrealistic... You know, in their portrayal of relationships." He reflects for a moment and you hold your breath, waiting for his next words. "But I guess thoughts change over time."
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Change over time, indeed.
Hoseok's right. It's gradual in the way you and Hoseok ignite your relationship with each other. There are countless more late-night discussions and tech lessons. Many more dates and even more consisting of pie eating. Endless kisses. More conversations after watching television shows. Inquiries after watching Hoseok's thought-provoking documentaries. Supporting each other when outside forces revealed hardships.
It becomes increasingly obvious that this, this is the true love you've always wanted. That you knew, deep inside of you, that Hoseok would be your true love the moment you saw him. He's the soulmate you've dreamed of all these years. Though it was unclear before, it's too apparent now.
There's no doubt about it.
You're in love with him. And as every day passes, the more genuine your love becomes and the deeper it gets.
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Last night was the first time. Breathless. Slow. Loving.
The memory burns your cheeks and still keeps you flushed—even though the sun's rising up in the sky by now. You've been awake for half an hour, letting Hoseok hug you in his sleep and loving the feeling too much to get up from the bed. His bare chest is pressed against your naked back, and that feeling alone, knowing he's behind you, makes you feel so warm, so safe. You don't know how to describe it.
Last night had been comfortable. There was no rush getting to map out each other's bodies. Neither of you was selfish about giving pleasure either. It's different from what you'd imagined your first time would be—back when your soulmate was faceless. But Hoseok makes love like you're the only person left in the world in his eyes. He makes you feel special at that moment. It's not something hot and sexy and heated like the way Yumi describes it. It's trust. And praise and yes, most important of all, love.
"You've been awake for a while, haven't you?" Hoseok whispers groggily.
You smile. He knows you too well. You turn around to face your soulmate. He's barely blinking his eyes awake but a lazy smile plays on his lips. "Yeah. You just woke up?"
"No, I've been awake for hours," Hoseok jokes.
You giggle, fitting yourself against Hoseok's body. "We don't have to get up so early..."
"I agree," he says, patting your hair.
You whine when he starts to pull you away from him. "But—"
"I love you."
Your eyes widen at his confession. "What—"
"I know, I know," Hoseok says, laughing to himself. "I forgot to tell you this last night, Y/N. Too caught up in the moment." He turns a bit red at the memory. "I never thought that this day would come, though." He looks you in the eye, carefully forming his next words. "I love you, Y/N," he says again. Earnestly. Almost humbly. As if he's asking you to accept his love proposal.
You smile, deciding to tease him just a bit. "So," you pause dramatically. "You're telling me that the day you first lay your eyes on me, you didn't think that you'd ever fall in love with me?"
"Oh... um—" Hoseok starts.
You cut him off with a little shake to your head. "I don't know, Hoseok. Maybe true love is real."
And for the first time, Hoseok is unable to argue otherwise.
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nuoyipeach · 3 years
You're All I Need (markoeun OS)
Hearing continuous thuds on her window, Eun sighed in annoyance and left her books to see what was happening. She opened her curtains revealing the dark night, and opened the window to look around.
Only one person in the world called her that, and it was one that made her heart flutter. Her expression changed completely as she looked down and smiled widely at the young man waving at her.
“Mark. What are you doing here?” she whisper yelled.
“Come down. I have a surprise for you.”
Eun nodded and ran down the stairs, going out into the backyard, and ran into his embrace. “I missed you.”
“Me too. I’m sorry I wasn’t here for your birthday yesterday. But I-”
“Don’t.” she placed a finger on his lips. “I don’t mind. I know you had family stuff going on, so it’s alright.”
Mark smiled taking her hand into his then giving her a peck. “I know. But still. I have something for you. Follow me.”
He took her hand and pulled her out of the yard, going over the fence, and onto the street. They ran for a while, silently giggling, until they reached the playground. Mark stood Eun in the center before leaving her alone.
“Mark? What are you doing?”
Suddenly, the dark playground lit up with soft warm yellow fairy lights. Eun looked and saw a banner right behind her, over a small bench table of home made snacks.
Happy Birthday Ko-Leader
“Ko… Leader?” Eun looked at it confused, when she heard Mark grunt.
“Damn it Lee Donghyuck! I trusted you!”
Eun laughed, knowing who really wrote the banner. “It’s OK Mark. I’m guessing you didn’t make all the food either?”
“Well… I did get help from Jaemin. You know I’m a terrible cook.”
She laughed again at how he scratched his head, and went closer to him, locking her arms around his neck and cocked her head. “I don’t care. I know how hard you worked for this, so I’ll take it. Let’s eat.”
Mark smiled, and the two sat next to each other, his arm around her waist, eating and feeding each other. These  were the small moments they both loved and enjoyed, and hoped it would always be this way, even when they grow old.
But when you’re a CEO’s daughter, and a son trying to keep his family together, not everything goes as you hope.
Eun slammed the door shut, falling onto her knees right in front of it. All her life she had always thought her mother was the one to understand her needs, but no, she was just pampering her daughter, hoping to get something in return. And that something was more money, by giving her off.
Dragging herself to her bed, she took out her phone and called Mark.
“Hey Eunnie.”
“M- Mark. Please come… I really need you right now.”
“Eun what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”
“Just come Mark Lee! Please!”
Mark cut the call and was soon climbing in through her window. The moment he jumped in, Eun hugged him tight, confusing him even more when she simply sobbed into his chest. He held her and sat her down, still hugging.
“What’s wrong Eun?”
“Mum… Mum wants me to get married. And… And she said since I don’t have anyone, she’s arranged one for me.”
Mark pulled her away and stared at her. “Business marriage?”
“Yes… And I hate it!” she cried more before Mark pulled her in again, craddling her in his arms. “Mark, please meet my family. Please, I don’t want this. Why can’t it be us?”
Mark knew she would say that, but he also knew it wasn’t possible, because he would never be accepted by them. He was nothing in this city, while she was seen as a princess since primary school. And he knew Eun held a high position, and there was no way he wanted to bring her down with him.
His father couldn’t keep a proper job, while his mother struggled to keep their small shop going, and his older brother was always sick. Mark almost had nothing but his talent as a barista. Though he was a terrible cook, he was amazing when it came to coffee. He was the best employee at the best coffee shop in the city, but it was still nothing compared to Eun’s position.
Mark knew it wasn’t right. And it may cost him, but he had to do it.
“Eun, I can’t marry you.”
“Why Mark?” she pulled away and glared at him through her tear. “Why not!?!”
I’m sorry Eun, you’ll hate me for this, but I’m doing this for you. I love you…
“Because I don’t love you Eun. I just dated you to be known by people. Back in school, and even now, I only dated you to be somebody instead of a nobody. But now that I’m a barista, I don’t need you anymore. I have a title, and that’s all I ever wanted.”
He pushed her hands off and quickly climbed down the window and ran away, not wanting to show her his face. Eun could read Mark easily, especially when he lies, so a quick getaway was definitely necessary.
But though she sat there quietly, unable to believe everything he just said, Eun knew those were all lies.
I’ll get you for this Lee Minhyung…
After a long day of coffee brewing and designing froths, Mark closed up all the machines as the others cleaned up the café. After an hour or so, they all bid each other, and he walked alone towards his house. He felt empty, much more than usual. And he knew why.
It’s been three days since he made the biggest lie in his life, and so far, he heard no response yet, and hoped she actually moved on.
Even if he couldn’t.
Reaching his family’s shop, which was below their small home, Mark couldn’t help notice how the place had much more customers than usual. It was nothing more than a small snack corner, but today seemed busy enough for them to actually gain money. Confused, he looked over the heads, and saw his mother smiling at the counter, unlike usual.
“Mum. What’s going on?”
“Oh, we got someone new to work for us, for free. Except, she had one condition.” the elder woman who explained, when a cheeky grin took over her.
“What’s that?”
“Marry you.”
“Go and meet her. She’s in the kitchen, and an exceptional cook!”
Mark thought of someone. She was from school, and visited the café quite often just to talk to him. He knew she had an infatuation with him, but he could care less. His heart belonged to only one person, and no matter what he will keep it that way.
Entering the kitchen, he saw the lady’s back, and sighed seeing her work so diligently.
“Look, I know it’s you, but I’ve told you before to leave me alone. If you want, I’ll make sure to pay you to work here, but I won’t marry you, and that’s it. I only love Ko Eun, do you get it?”
He was about to turn and leave, when the young lady chuckled, making him turn back in anger. “What’s so funny? You think this is a joke?”
“To me, yes.”
Mark’s eyes widened at the voice, and he took steps closer to her, turning her around, his heart unable to steady itself.
“What… Eun, what are you doing here?”
Eun smiled cocking her head, and moved closer wrapping her arms around his neck. “I don’t want a luxury life if you won’t be a part of it.” she leaned her head against his shoulder as his arms held her to balance.
“Your parents? What would they think?”
“I don’t care.” she replied nonchalantly. “I fought with mum, and she told me to either get married, or get lost. I mean, she gave me an option, so I took the latter.”
“But… I told you Eun. I don’t love you. Stop deluding yourself, and go home. You don’t belong here.”
“Any other girl would be hurt, but not me. I know you Mark, I can read right through you. If you really meant what you said, you wouldn’t be holding me like this right now.”
Mark realised he had been holding her tight to himself for the past few minutes. Becoming nervous, he let out an awkward cough, causing Eun to simply chuckle and peck his lips.
“Do you really want to know how I’m here?”
“No mum! I’m not marrying him! He’s a show off, and stupid! Like, really stupid.”
“Eun, if you can’t love anyone, you have no choice but to li-”
“But I do! He just doesn’t want to meet you because even I know you won’t like him.”
“Oh really now? Well, who is this mystery lover of your’s?”
“He’s the barista at Tae Café, Lee Minhyung.”
“That man? Since when di-”
“Since highschool.”
“Fine then. I doubt he’s well off, so I’ll give you a deal. See if you can stand living like he and his family does, and I’ll let you off. If you come back, you have to marry Kiyoung. Understood?”
“So, you’re going to stay here?” Mark asked surprised.
“Yes, for a week, with no support from my family.” Eun said smiling, which still caught him by surprise.
“Eun, I’m not too sure about this…”
“We’ll be fine, I know it.” Eun replied confidently.
But maybe, she was a little too confident.
Both Eun and Mark couldn’t keep calm at all. One week passed by fast, and they were happy that she was actually able to live normally. Thanks to her, his family’s shop gained much more than before. She was happy because, even without money, she could live well thanks to the warm loving environment.
But now, they sat in her mother’s office, who apparently had something to tell her about Mark. And the woman didn’t take long to start talking.
“Well Eun, while you were busy being happy at that stupid, small shop, Mr. Lee here was elsewhere.”
“I know mum. The coffee sho-”
“Wrong!” she cut off her daughter loudly. “This man here that you ever so love has been seen with different women!”
Both Eun and Mark looked at each other, then back at the woman, with obvious unbelievable expressions.
“Don’t believe me? Well here’s evidence.” she threw printed photos onto the table. Eun picked them up and scanned through them, suddenly snickering. “And what’s so funny young lady?”
“Maybe the fact that these women, as you claim them to be, are my friends.” she showed the picture of Hina dragging Mark’s arm. It was on the day she needed his help to buy Jeno a birthday gift, and knew only Mark could help her.
“Well then, he’s cheating on you with them. I saw them. No friends are this touchy.”
“Well mine are.” she sneered back. “And it’s something we’re both used to. They like to hold hands and hug, but they don’t go as far as someone cheating. Now tell me mother, what was your real intention of this?”
They could see the woman’s face burn red, either in embarrassment or anger, but it didn’t matter. Eun had had enough.
“Just disown me.”
Mark couldn’t believe his ears. He had never heard such a phrase from Eun before. He knew how much she loved her family, despite all their money minds. But now she didn’t even wait as she took his arm and pulled him out with her, all the way back to his family’s place, into his bedroom.
Mark rubbed his arm as it hurt badly, when Eun suddenly hugged him tight. “Eun, you sho-”
“I don’t care.” she muffled into his chest. “I love you, so please stop telling me to go back there. I don’t want to. Unless she accepts you, I won’t.”
Mark sighed, hugging her back. She was a fighter, he knew she’ll do whatever she could to fight for them. There was no point going against her. He worried so much for her, for her future, her dreams, her life.
But all she really cared about was staying with him.
Two years later…
Eun woke up smelling coffee. She stretched out her limbs, slowly getting off bed. She trudged into their kitchen, smiled seeing her fiance pouring coffee into her favourite mug. She walked up behind him, hugging his waist tight. Mark flinched, smiling when he saw who it was.
“Have coffee, it’s decaf. I’ll be out in a bit.” he said turning to kiss her. Eun pouted holding his hands tight.
“Do you have to go now?” she asked swinging their arms. He chuckled, pulling her hands up to his lips to kiss them both.
“Someone’s gotta keep you fed. Especially now.” he said, eyeing down at her tummy. Eun gasped dramatically, slapping his chest. Mark laughed, covering his chest. “It’s a good thing. The more you eat, the healthier he’ll be.”
“It’s a she!” Eun retaliated. Mark nodded in defeat before kissing her once more and leaving to their bedroom to change.
Before he could though, there was a knock at their door. Perplexed as to who would knock instead of ring the bell, Mark went back out to the front door and opened it. Suddenly losing all colour in his face.
“Uh.. Oh, uhm…”
“Where’s my daughter?”
Eun heard the voice, freezing right away. She quickly wiped her lips off the froth and walked out to see Mark still frozen, unable to answer her mother. She went ahead and stood between them, eyeing her mother.
“I’m here.”
The elder lady looked her daughter up and down, noticing her tummy slightly bigger than usual. Her eyes immediately widened. She looked down, thinking of what to say.
“Are you two… married yet?”
“Next week. You’re invited to our wedding if y-”
“No.” she cut her daughter off. “I don’t want that. I don’t want anything to do with you. I came here for a final time to try to get you back, but I’m not going to separate a pregnant woman from her lover like this.”
Eun’s heart broke. She thought her mother’s heart would have changed by now, but nothing did. She looked away for a second, took a deep breath before looking back. “Well, since there’s nothing else, you can go…”
The lady looked back up, sighing in dismay. “I would, but you have something to take from me.” she reached into her bag, taking out a brown paper file. “When your father passed away, before we cut ties two years ago, he gave his will to his lawyer. He spent a long time searching for you, but ultimately I had to find you.”
Eun stared at her mother confused. She turned to Mark, who motioned her to let her in for a little bit at least. Eun sighed and did so. They sat in the living room, her mother looking around the state of their small house. It wasn’t as bad as she thought it would be. It was actually decent and comfy for the couple. She looked back to Eun as Mark placed coffee for her.
The elder lady watched as he sat next to Eun, knowing he’s not leaving anytime soon. She sighed and took out the file again, taking out the papers inside. “I’m going to keep it short and simple. Your father left his wealth to you. The company has been split into his shareholders because he didn’t want you to carry the burden of it, seeing as to you already found your happiness.” she exaggerated the last word, causing Eun to casually roll her eyes. “He left you his wealth because he wants you to live your life the way you want to with it.”
She passes her the file, which Eun opened to see the will and a application letter to the bank for her to claim the money. She smiled at the thought of her father and put it back inside, looking back at her mother. “What about you? What did he leave you?”
The woman suddenly looked down gloomy, sighing as she thought. “I am one of the shareholders. That’s why we married. I mean, that was the reason I tried to get you to do the same. I was jealous that you were trying to live your own life while I had to sacrifice mine, especially later on for you. That’s why you had your father’s support, because he didn’t want you to go through the same as us. And I hated to see you live the way you did, I couldn’t bear to look at it. That’s why I decided to cut ties.”
She got up and left the moment she finished talking, Mark running behind her to talk, or at least say goodbye. Eun got up slowly and only got to the door. She knew about her parents relationship. But she also knew how her father tried his very best to keep her mother happy, but to no avail. The woman was always sour about her life.
Seeing Mark come back in, she smiled at him and hugged him tight. “I hope you know that I never regret this.” she spoke softly. Mark smiled back and kissed her forehead hugging her as well.
“I know, I don’t regret either.”
Eun pulled away and stared at him, an idea popping into her mind. “You know, with all this money, we can start working on your online business.”
Mark stared back at her and slightly shook his head. “No Eun, it’s your money. Don’t spend it like that.”
“Mark, I’ve told you before. My only dream future is to be with you forever. I don’t care if we don’t make it, if I had to leave the life of a princess or whatever. You’re all I need. And it’s a lot of money, so I’d rather put it to good use than leave it aside.”
Mark bit his lip still thinking about her decision. He was touched, but still a little hesitant. Eun snaked her arms around his neck cocking her had, and he knew he couldn’t resist her like this.
“Fine.” he answered, resting his arms on her waist. “But a little at a time. We can’t splurge money on this. You need to save it for the future,” he said as his hand traced her slightly protruding tummy, a smile tugged at his lips, “especially for him.”
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squirrelly831 · 4 years
Scared of Girlfriend’s Brother [Namjoon and Jimin]
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When Namjoon planned to meet Kallie’s mom, he was scared that he’d mess up his English or he’d make a bad impression on her. He knew that Kallie didn’t know her dad as he walked out of her life when she was only 2, so he never bothered to bring him up to her.  After he met her mom, she absolutely loved him the moment she met him. So he felt at ease when Kallie told him that her brother, Jerome who was in the US Air Force, wanted to meet him after he settled in Osan after getting stationed there.
One mid-afternoon, Jerome surprised Kallie at her apartment. “Oh my gosh! You’re here!” She wrapped her arms around her older brother.
Jerome laughed as he hugged her. “Look at you! It’s been so long” his voice cracked.
“It has. Come in come in. I’ll text Namjoon and see if he can come over.” She ushered him inside and she sent Namjoon a text to see if he had time to come by and meet her brother. He immediately agreed and as they waited for Namjoon, Jerome grilled her on her ten month relationship with Namjoon.
After Namjoon arrived, the three of them sat in her living room and hung out until Kallie decided to order some fried chicken. “I’m going to go get groceries. Any requests for side dishes with fried chicken?” The boys replied saying no and she headed out after grabbing her tote bag.
Jerome looked over at Namjoon with a raised brow as he waited for the front door to shut before he spoke up, “Why’d you choose that idiot? She’s not all that pretty compared to many models I’m sure you’ve been around. Sure she can cook, but she sucks at cleaning. She’s not even that smart.”
Namjoon paused as his cup was at his lips. He didn’t bother to drink his water as he placed it down. He cooled himself from snapping at Jerome as he met his gaze. He placed his cup down, “I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but don’t insult Kallie.” His voice was cold. “She’s gorgeous. No one could compare to her. She doesn’t need to wear make up, but she always does unless I hide it from her. She’s not skinny, but I love that. She’s confident in her skin and can wear shorts without fearing that she doesn’t have a thigh gap. Or she could wear a crop top and show some skin.” He smiled as he shook his head at the thought, “She hates cleaning, but she always comes by and make sure that we keep our own place clean or she dusts when we go on tour. And her mind is beautiful. She’s not book smart at all and hates anything science, but she can create beautiful artwork and her mind is so creative. I’d appreciate it if you didn’t talk bad about her even if you’re her brother, I won’t hesitate to punch you for insulting her.”  
There was a long silence between them as Jerome eyed Namjoon. Suddenly, his lips pulled into a large open smile and held out his hand towards him, “You pass. I like you. Welcome to the family, Namjoon.”
Namjoon let out a laugh realizing Jerome was testing him. He held out his hand and shook hands with Jerome . “I appreciate it.” He felt proud that both Kallie’s mom and brother accepted him dating Kallie. “I swear I’ll make her happy.” Jerome nodded accepting Namjoon’s promise.
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Haneul was out with her boyfriend, Jimin, at the park just playing around. It was rare for them to get the time to go out in public and when they could meet out in public they made the most of their time. Today, being the beautiful day that it was, they spent it at the park. It was just to relax until Jimin got them ice cream and when he handed it her, she got the bright idea to swipe some of her ice cream off out of her paper bowl and rubbed some on his nose.
Jimin sat in shock as the cold dessert touched his nose, “After I bought you ice cream, you do that to me?”
Haneul got up from the bench as she took a scoopful of her ice cream as she gave him a side look. “I doooug knoo wha you meaah” she said with ice cream in her mouth.
“Oh really? You don’t. Maybe I should remind you what you did” he smirked as he pulled his spoon from his ice cream.
Haneul’s eyes widened as she swallowed her ice cream quickly, “Wait… oppa–let’s tal—wahhh!” She dodged his spoon as she used her spoon to propel ice cream at him. “You’re not playing fair, you’re stronger and faster than me” she whined as he got closer.
Jimin laughed as he reached her and wrapped his arms around her. “Gotcha” his whispered in her ear. He took a bit of his ice cream and pressed it on her nose. “Pay back.” He kissed her cheek as she tried to escape his arms.
“Aunty Hana?”
Jimin and Hanuel stopped as they heard the voices and turned their attention to them. Hanuel’s lips pulled to a smile, “Jay oppa! Little Kiki!” Jimin let her go and she rushed to her older brother. “What are you doing out here?”
Jay picked up his daughter, Kiyoung, “Picking her up from her mom’s place. I have custody of her this week.” He grinned. He locked eyes on Jimin and frowned, “Isn’t that Jimin from BTS?” He whispered with worry in his voice. “How do you know him?”
“Jimin oppa, come here real fast.” Jimin noticed how Jay’s eye twitched as she called him oppa, but he cautiously made his way to them. “This is my boyfriend, Jimin. Jimin, this is my older brother, Jaebum, but we call him Jay.”
Jimin waved at him before he bowed politely, “It’s nice to meet you.” He looked back up at Jay who glared daggers at him and a cold feeling brushed against him. Jimin was sure if Hanuel wasn’t there right now, Jay would have made sure he would never be found again with the look he had.
Jay made a hum sound as he turned his attention back to his sister, “Why’d you go for an idol? Do you realize the stress and heartbreak they can cause? Your last ex should have been proof enough. They’re lying scum.” His voice radiated with anger and bitterness.
Hanuel shot Jay a look as if to tell him to back off, but Jimin already felt his hatred. Jimin looked down as he tried to formulate his next words, “I know about her ex, but I’m not like him. He lost a great girl because of his stupidity, but I’m not going to hurt her like that. I’d die if I hurt her.”
“You’re right. You would” Jay threatened and Jimin gulped in reply.
“Stop that! Come on, Kiki let’s play with Jimin oppa, okay?” Jay went to protest as Hanuel took his daughter from him. She shot him a look, “You can kill some time. It’s the least you can do after you threatened my boyfriend.”
Jimin followed after his girlfriend reluctantly as Jay let out a breath and took a seat at the nearest bench. Jimin felt like he needed to prove just how serious he was about Haneul in hopes that her brother would look at him in a better light. He turned his attention to Haneul and Kiki and they played around on the park equipment.
Part I | Part III
Credit to gif owners
Written & revamped by Squirrelly831
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exoscenarios3 · 6 years
He Doesn’t Love Me Back (KaixReader) *Angst*
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Request: Hii well first of all I love all of your fics and stories can you write a jongin angst au with a sad ending I’m really into angst this year and I would love it if you write one for maybe based on “ask to sowol” covered by park kiyoung I love it and you can feel the sorrow and sadness in her performance on immortal songs thank you so much in advance ILY♥♥♥
Sure thing, love! I’m not really sure if what I wrote was angst, but I hope you like it!! I love the song by the way, I wanted to suggest listening to “When the Party Ends” By: Billie Eilish when reading this too. 
   Jongin has been my best friend since middle school. We did everything together, we still do everything together to this day. Even as adults, we bought an apartment together, go to the same college, take basically the same classes. We’re inseparable. 
The hard part is, I’ve been in love with him since High School, but I’ve never told him my feelings, because I know for a fact he doesn’t see me that way. I’m like a sister to him and that’s all.
Some of my other friends would tease me, telling me how much he likes me back, and I should just tell him how I feel. They gave me a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, they were right. 
It was confirmed to me that my suspicions were true, when he got himself a girlfriend. 
As cliche as it sounds, it hurt me to see them together. Sh even started taking away my time with him. Joining us on our outings, and everything. Jongin and I normally acted like a couple, always all touchy towards each other, but once she showed up, all that obviously stopped. Which sucked. 
This went on all throughout college, me being silent about my feelings, and my dislike for his girlfriend. 
Finally, senior year came around, and I got enough courage to tell him how I felt. I just needed to get it off my chest, no matter if he told me he felt the same or not.
“Hey, are you busy?” I asked, walking out of my room, and seeing he was pacing around in the living room a bit.
“Hm? Oh, no, what’s up?” He asked, looking at me, and stopping his pacing.
“Uh, nothing really, I just wanted to talk to you about something.” I say, looking at my feet.
“Really? I had something I needed to talk to you about too!” He said, excitedly.
We both sit on the couch, and I couldn’t help but fidget. 
“You wanna go first?” We both said at the same time.
“Oh, you can go ahead.” I say.
“Same time?” He asked, laughing a little.
I sighed and nod. 
He counted to three, and I closed my eyes and let what I needed to say out.
“I love you.”
“I’m getting married.”
We said at the same time.
We both froze and stared at each other.
“You’re getting married?” I asked. I could physically feel my heart shatter. I didn’t know what I was expecting at all. 
“Yeah... You said you love me?” He asked, eyes wide.
“Yeah, but like I say that all the time. Just thought you could use your daily dose of I love you’s from me... I love you!” I say, trying to hide that I meant it for real this time.
“Really, cause that time it seemed pretty genuine...” He said, giving me a look, telling me he knew I wasn’t just saying it like I normally would.
“I’m for real! Jongin, you’re gonna get married, that is such a huge deal!” I said, taking a deep breath. I wanted to stop the tears from escaping my eyes, but they came out anyways.
“You’re crying...” He said, wiping a tear from my eye.
“No, you shut up.” I say, pulling away from him. “I’m sorry, I’m just... So happy for you, I have to go. I forgot to.... Dust my... Vacuum.” I say, getting up and rushing to my room, shutting and locking the door. Jongin knocked on it, and begged for me to come out, but I just kept my back to the door, looking at my feet, and crying. 
Months passed, and it was time for the wedding. Jongin asked me multiple times if I was okay and what I truly meant by tell him I loved him that day, but being the good friend I am, I decided not to ruin this marriage, and silently suffer by myself.
Words couldn’t describe how handsome Jongin looks in a tux. As he stood at the alter, he looked at me, mentally asking if I was okay, if he looked good, telling me how nervous he was. 
The bride soon came walking down the isle with her father. I couldn’t help but wish it was me up there, but that’s just selfish of me to think, so I just tried my best to be happy for him.
To say I was sad the rest of the night would be an under statement. I wasn’t just sad, I was angry, depressed, lonely. Again, it’s so selfish to feel this way, but I couldn’t help it. 
At the reception, Jongin of course danced with his new wife, but once she went to mingle with friends and family, he came up to me, and held out his hand, offering for a dance. I took it, and let him lead me to the dance floor.
“Tonight went really well, don’t you think?” He asked, as we slow danced.
“The wedding was beautiful, I’m so happy for you!” I say, with the best smile I could muster.
It wasn’t convincing enough for him, however.
He frowned. “Look, I know it kind of sucks. I have to move out of the apartment now, we can’t hang out as much as we used to. It’ll be a change, but I’m sure we’ll get used to it. We still have classes together. We still have that business we want to start together, which means we’ll be working with each other. I bet you won’t notice anything has changed.” He said, trying to stay positive. 
“Yeah, totally.” I say, nodding.
For Jongin’s sake, I stayed at the party until it ended, before going home. Due to the honeymoon, I had to go home alone tonight. Jongin wouldn’t be back for a few days, and even when he did come back, he’ll immediately move out, leaving me alone again.
When I got home, I threw my purse on the ground, and let myself bust into tears, sliding down the door, pulling my knees to my chest. 
A few years later, Jongin had kids, I had a boyfriend of my own, and our business together took off. 
I saw Jongin everyday at work, and truly, the love I had for him never went away. I never moved on. I forced myself to, and some days, I thought I was fine, but seeing him at work, just reminded me I’m not. I loved my boyfriend, but nothing could compare to the love I felt for Jongin. 
And knowing that could never be... Is the worst feeling I will ever have to feel. 
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moonchildmuses · 6 years
UNF & DONT (for both youngmin and jIHO)
I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING THESE!! now catch me reblogging every single ask meme I can find omg
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UNF — pin my muse against the wall with DESIRE
Youngmin used to think that he wouldn’t ever be one of those people who got jealous over something so trivial as seeing the boy he liked just dancing with some random prick in front of him, but well… he couldn’t have been more wrong. It was a bit ridiculous, yes, because Kiyoung was his friend and not his boyfriend — which meant that Jimin was right when he said that he had absolutely no right to be jealous. “Yet here I am, boiling with hate!” He scoffed, throwing his empty cup away and getting up from the couch. “Not thinking straight?” He repeated his friend’s words with a laugh, rolling his eyes as well. “Joke’s on you, buddy. When do I ever think straight?”
So before Jimin could call any of their friends, Youngmin made his way to the place where Kiyoung was still dancing and he smirked when he realized that this time his ‘friend’ was dancing on his own. “Hey, handsome.” He whispered in his ear as he hugged him from behind, swaying to the rhythm. “Wanna get out of here?” He asked even though he wasn’t planning to leave the party — let alone go very far. If he had to be honest, he kinda wanted every single person at the party to see them. He didn’t care if the whole world noticed that he was entirely at Do Kiyoung’s mercy, he was proud to be. “Come on, follow me.” He winked at his friend, holding his hand as they tried to get away from all the people dancing. And as soon as they were free from the crowd, Youngmin didn’t waste any time and he pinned Kiyoung against the nearest wall. “Can I kiss you? I’ve been fuckin’ dying to do it for the past two hours. That’s way too long, baby.” He murmured before he started giving him light, gentle kisses along his jaw. “God, you drive me crazy, I fucking love y— it.” He sighed and put his hands on Kiyoung’s ass, giving it a light squeeze and smirking when the other gasped at his actions. Yeah, so much for just friends.
DONT — pin my muse against the wall to prevent them from LEAVING
“You asshole!” He yelled, unable to believe that his Kiyoung was capable of doing something like this to him. “Are you for real? I’m— wow. You’re being really fucking rude right now, I hope you know that.” Youngmin couldn’t help but frown, and he crossed his arms obviously upset at the elder. “Fuck off, don’t touch me.” He insisted, turning away from him as Kiyoung laughed, obviously finding the whole situation very funny. “Why are you laughing? Do you think cheating is funny? Because I sure as hell don’t agree with you on that one.” He narrowed his eyes before he got up from the floor and went straight to the kitchen to grab a glass of water, ignoring Kiyoung as he walked past him.
Maybe he was being a bit dramatic, but this was a serious issue. “I am never ever playing Overwatch with you again. I hate you, you suck.” He said, and he was ready to complain some more until he saw Kiyoung grabbing his jacket, just about to walk out the door. “Hey! What are you doing?” Now he was frowning for real. “Come here, I… I am not a bad bitch, you can’t just leave me!” He screamed, almost letting out an awkward laugh to cover up the fact that he was lowkey panicking because he didn’t want him to go. So, obviously, Youngmin needed to do something and he had to do it as soon as possible. “I didn’t mean any of it, you know I’m just fucking with you.” He said, pouting as he approached him, slowly getting all up in his personal space until he had him cornered against the wall. “Take off that jacket, you and I both know that you’re not going anywhere. Are you?” He smirked, acting confident even though he wasn’t.
UNF — pin my muse against the wall with DESIRE
It was only natural that after spending a whole day out with Jeonghan and their friends, Jiho just couldn’t wait until the guys were all gone and it was just the two of them alone again. “Bye Joonie, see you tomorrow! Don’t forget to bring me my coffee and a muffin! I love raspberry muffins, keep it in mind.” He winked, laughing when his friend stood in front of his car and flipped him off with both hands. “A deal is a deal, fucker. Now get the hell out of there, this underpaid Uber driver still isn’t done with his duty.” He said, jokingly narrowing his eyes as he looked at Kihyun through the rear-view mirror. What he wasn’t expecting, though, was his other friend finally looking up from his phone with a look of regret on his face. Apparently he was going to ask Jiho to drop him off a few blocks away from there, but before Jiho could even tell him that he had no problem with driving back, Kihyun was out of the car saying that he was going to take the bus — even though they all saw him running in the opposite direction of the bus stop. “Well, that was weird.” He said with a smile, looking at Jeonghan and admiring him while he laughed.
So now that both Namjoon and Kihyun were gone, it was finally just the two of them and Jiho couldn’t have been more excited. “Hey, babe, can you hold this for me?” He asked, driving with one hand and offering Jeonghan the other in a closed fist. He didn’t buy it, of course, but he still smiled at him and held his hand until they arrived at his building. Jiho had it all planned out: he was going to kiss the hell out of his man as soon as they were in the elevator —the cameras never worked anyway so they weren’t at risk of being caught— but apparently some of his neighbors had other plans and, long story short, they had turned the whole ride into a nightmare. “Bye Mrs. Son, have a nice evening!” He smiled and waved at her, but as soon as the doors closed… “What a bitch, did you see how he was looking at me? I swear, she hates me!” He rolled his eyes and opened the door to his apartment, walking in and handing Jeonghan the keys.
He could only wish that this stupid plan of his would work, or else he wasn’t going to need Jeonghan banging him against the wall because he was going to do it himself. Yes, he was so sexually frustrated that he wanted to slam his own head against the wall — so what? “Don’t forget to lock it.” He said, waiting until Jeonghan was distracted to walk up to him, getting so close that he had him trapped between the door and his body. “Finally, you’re all mine now.” He whispered and started kissing the elder’s neck at the same time he let his hands travel down from his waist to his belt. “Today was fun, but I think it’s time we have a little fun just the two of us. What do you say?”
DONT — pin my muse against the wall to prevent them from LEAVING
Jiho had known that this wasn’t going to be easy for neither of them, he had known it from the very start, but he still adored Jeonghan with every piece of his heart. That’s why he wanted to fight for what they had, that’s why he didn’t want to let go — and he wasn’t going to. “I understand that you don’t want people to see us together like that, but that thing that happened back there? Please don’t ever do that again.” He said looking up at him. “I’m not stupid, I know how it is. That’s why I agreed when you said not to tell anyone, Jeonghan. And I’m not saying this because I’m holding it against you or anything because I swear I’m not, but how do you think I feel?“ He asked, sighing and breaking eye contact for a few seconds while he tried to choose the right words to say. “I agreed that it was for the best, and I meant it when I said that I would wait for you for as long as you needed me to, but that still doesn’t mean that I won’t feel like shit about it sometimes, you know?” He murmured choosing to be completely honest.
“I think about us and what we have all the time, and I’ll admit that until not too long ago, sometimes there was this little voice making me wonder what would happen if we gave each other some space… But then I realized that honestly, fuck that. That’s the last thing I want with you.” Jiho was on the verge of tears but for the first time in his life, he wasn’t embarrassed about it. “So I hope you’ll understand that I’m not sorry for what I’m about to say.” He announced, standing in front of him and grabbing his soft face with both hands. “I would be lying if I said that a part of me isn’t hoping that this will help you realize that we have is worth fighting for, but either way I guess I still want you to know.” He said as he gently pushed Jeonghan against the wall, and then he kissed him. “This isn’t a crush anymore, okay? I’m in love with you, Seo Jeonghan.” He confessed, keeping his eyes closed for a few seconds and letting a few tears fall down. “I’m in love with you and I’m yours, no matter what. You don’t have to say it back, but please don’t leave me, okay? I won’t leave you. We’re in this together.”
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clevernewdimension · 7 years
Inhumans Part Thirteen
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Parts: One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten, Eleven, Twelve, Thirteen, Epilogue P1.
Genre: A/U, Angst, Violence, Fluff, Romance, more in the future.
Pairing: Yixing x Reader
Word Count: 4.4K
AN: Let me know how you feel after reading this part. I’d love to hear it!
“Alright,” Baekhyun says, sitting at his desk. Luhan took another one of the spare chairs, sitting close enough to see but still between Baek and the door. The younger of the two hands him a headset so he could hear them. “In fifteen minutes, the siege will start. I’ll tell you when it does, and then I’ll hack into their systems. Wait until I tell you that I’m in before you all do anything, am I clear?” “Yes,” Junmyeon says, standing along the dark and wet abandoned tunnel. They arrived at the door, waiting to see what happens. Everyone is standing, waiting for Baekhyun’s signal. “I think I’m going to head back,” Neon says, looking at everyone. “I just… I’m pretty useless, honestly. I’d just be in the way.” Yixing looks at her, nodding, “Thank you. I… I could never repay you for your help.” Neon nods, putting her hands in her jean pockets nervously. “I… Xing, just… make sure you don’t kill yourself trying to do this. Help Y/N, but don’t get yourself killed doing it.” She nods, “Same goes for all of you. When this is over… I’m going home and I’d really like to see you all again, so if you all could not die that would be great.” Jongdae smiles, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry,” He says with a grin, “We’ll visit and annoy the hell out of you for sure!” “I’ll take it if it means you’re all OK,” Neon says with a small smile. “And when you all visit… call me Zoey. It’ll be nice to have my actual name again.” “Will do,” Chanyeol says with a huge smile. Sehun places his head on top of Junmyeon’s, leaning against him. He nervously taps his fingers which are wrapped around the leader now. “It’ll be OK,” Junmyeon whispers so that only Sehun hears, attempting to comfort the youngest man he’s had to drag out of the darkest of thoughts. He feels Sehun’s fingers stop for a moment, before continuing even faster. With a sigh, he reaches up, taking hold of one of his hands. Sehun was like a little brother to him. Most of them were his brothers, but he felt especially protective over Sehun. “Any minute now,” Baekhyun says, typing away at his computer. Luhan sat there, juggling pens with his power, trying not to think of the danger they were all about to be in. He was listening out for any noises that didn't come from them. Luhan couldn’t help but feel like he’s forgotten something important. Every now and again he’ll get a flash from his memories when he was being controlled, and he remembers seeing something that, in his own thoughts, had him extremely upset. Baekhyun could sense that Luhan was tense about something, but thought it was best to let him work it out unless he spoke about it. After all, how are you supposed to comfort a person who was being controlled to do things they regret? A loud bang on the computer screen caught Baekhyun’s attention. In a split-second, he started typing away. His fingers moving fast across the keys, the security feeds from Kiyoung’s labs popping up on the screen. The hidden door opens, the mechanical lock coming undone as it opens inward. “Alright,” Junmyeon says as Sehun lets him go. “We don’t know what we’re walking into, if they have any Inhumans in there to keep us back. Anything you see, you tell everyone else. We also have to try to free the other Inhumans as well.” “Got it,” Minseok says. “Chanyeol, you lead the group and Jongdae, you follow behind and watch our backs,” Junmyeon says, “If you see anything that seems unusual, tell the rest of us. The only way we’ll make it out is if we communicate.” Chanyeol lead the group, fire crackling in his hands. Sehun after him, then Jongin. Junmyeon and Yixing after, Then Kyungsoo, Minseok and Jongdae bringing up the back.
A loud bang, the room shaking. My eyes open wide, wondering if I actually did it. I looked back at the small gun in my hand. I bring a hand to the side of my head, feeling no hole or blood. Wiping my tears away, I throw the gun onto the mattress. I watch as people are rushing around, moving to two separate parts of the labs. I look ahead, seeing my mother standing completely still with a gun. She was still, not moving at all.
My hands shaking, I close my eyes, trying to remember all that's recently happened. “I know you're still in there,” I say out loud, lying back down, trying to stop myself from getting sick from the memories as my body throbs in pain.
A small girl was running, dressed in completely white. She looked scared and terrified. She came to a cross section of halls, running into someone.
“Hey,” Jongin says, catching the small girl, “Hey, it’s OK, we’re not going to hurt you!” “Ahead,” Chanyeol says, “Another one!” Fire was leaving his palms in a stream, roasting another man. It was like dragon’s fire, hot and dangerous. Sehun reached forward, his face in a frown. He could feel the bit of air he wanted, pulling it out. He watched as the new man gashed, the air leaving his lungs. Sehun creates a tornado around his head, making it impossible for him to breathe in. It didn’t take long for the man to die of suffocation. “Please,” The small girl said, tears running down her face. “Help me! They want to hurt me!” She had a cut on her forehead, limping now as the adrenaline is running low. “Hey,” Yixing says, “It’s OK.” He crouches down, placing his hands on her shoulders. He let the healing energy flow, feeling her wounds heal, but there was something still off about her. Yixing put it together a second too late as the girl reaches back, slamming a needle into his neck.
A loud bang comes from the entrance. Luhan stops spinning the pens in the air, pointing them to the door. It opens, and he sees Neon standing there, gasping for air. “It’s me,” She says in English, slipping out of Korean for a moment, before remembering to use it again. “It’s a fucking war zone out there!” Baekhyun didn’t look away from the computer as he attempts to find the one in Y/N’s cell. His eyes watering from his lack of blinking. He gasps, “There, I found her!” He locates the cameras around her cell, “Who is that outside her cell?” Neon looks over as Luhan peaks at the person. He gasps as if he was punched in the stomach. Suddenly, memories flash in his mind as he sees Nayeon being tortured. He hears her screams as she’s finally killed. He remembers helping her death look like an accident, slamming the two cars together with his power. Luhan remembers them bringing her back like they did him, making her be their nurse. The hand on his shoulder pulls him out of his memories, tears coming from his eyes. “What is it,” Baekhyun asks, looking him in the eyes. “Nayeon,” Luhan gasps, “That’s Nayeon!”
Neon jumps back, the door slamming open that she just came through. The pens Luhan had rush forward, stabbing one of the men as the other raises his gun. Baekhyun pulls Neon to him, bullets hitting the computer. The ones that were going to hit them, Luhan stopped in midair. “If you could do that,” Baekhyun starts. “A sniper shot is significantly faster,” Luhan explain, sending the bullets back into the man before them. “And I didn’t know it was coming!” “No,” Baekhyun says, looking towards the computer. “NO!” He slams his fists down angry that it was completely dead before them. “We have to go,” Neon says, pulling him. “No,” Baekhyun says, “I’m not letting them run us from the one place we felt safe!” He looks over at Luhan, “We can’t let them destroy this place.” Luhan nods, “Alright… but it may get bad.”
Yixing shoves her back with all his might, feeling the warm liquid spread under his skin. He braces himself against the wall, the world becoming a blur. “Yixing,” Minseok yells, moving to him as Kyungsoo quickly grabs the small girl, holding her so she can’t escape. Jongin picks up the needle, looking at it. He frowns, throwing it against the ground, making it shatter. “She used the thing that blocks his power!” “Why,” Kyungsoo asks, holding her as she trashed against him. “She’s being controlled,” Yixing mutters, “Don’t hurt her, she’s… she’s not in control of herself!” “Are you alright,” Sehun asks, looking at him as he regains composure, the medicine’s side effect going away. “Yeah,” Yixing answers, “But what are we going to do about her?” Their ear pieces squeal, Baekhyun’s voice coming through, but breaking up with static. “Gu… there’s a per… it’s...eon!” “We can’t hear you,” Kyungsoo said, looking around at the empty cell. He places the small girl in it, pushing the button on the outside, and closing the door as the small kids slams her fists against the clear wall. The pieces in their ear squeal loudly, causing them to take it out of their ears. The pieces now completely silent. “Fuck,” Junmyeon says, cursing loudly. “Without Baekhyun telling us where to go, we’ll never find her in these huge labs!” “Then it’s simple, isn’t it,” Minseok says, looking at them all, “We split up.” “How will we get back to each other and out,” Jongdae asks, shooting lightning towards another guard that came rushing up. The sparks hitting the man, the electricity humming loudly. “I can picture people and go to them,” Jongin offers, “But the problem is I can’t do it a bunch. We’ll have to find a new way to communicate.” “The guards have walkie-talkies,” Sehun says, picking up the one from the guard he killed. “Next one to show up, don’t roast him or do anything that will ruin it.” It didn't take them long to run into another guard. Minseok grabs the second walkie-talkie, freezing the man completely after taking it. “I’ll be one group. Junmyeon another. When we find her, we’ll say it over this. Channel four.” “I’ll go with Minseok,” Chanyeol says. Jongdae puts an arm around Junmyeon, “Looks like I’m with you.” “I don’t care what team I’m on,” Sehun says, “But I’m not leaving Yixing, so I’ll go with whoever he does.” “I’m going with Junmyeon,” Yixing says, “Just… I can’t heal you all if something happens. We don’t know how long this stuff works. Be careful, please.” There was a moment of them not saying anything as they all hug one another, silently wishing that they all come out of this fine. They took a moment to look at one another, knowing this could be the last time they see each other alive. As they kept searching, the knot in Yixing's stomach began to grow as he started feeling ill. Turning the corner, he sees a cell with a woman outside of it, as he looks in, sitting there, her back to the wall, was the person he was willing to sacrifice everything for. He yelled out, sprinting ahead of everyone as Sehun followed closely behind. He glances in an audible gasp comes from his mouth as he looks at her. She had bandages all over. Her arms, her legs, her neck, her face, anywhere that could be seen there was a bandage. Her hair was a mess, like she fell asleep with it wet. She was thinner than before, with dark circles under her eyes. Yixing’s eyes filled with tears, a sense of overwhelming joy that she was still alive. He bangs on the wall, but her eyes don’t move as she stares blankly ahead. He looks to the woman, grabbing her arm, “Open this door now!” With robotic movements, she moves and opens the wall. Yixing was looking ahead at her as Sehun finally caught up, just in time to see the woman pull a gun and hold it directly to Yixing’s temple.
The walls started to move, I noticed, as it took everything in my power to move my head to look forward. My eyes widen, seeing Yixing standing there as I try to tell myself that this can’t be a dream. That he’s really here, just as I see my mother pull the gun at him. “No,” I try to yell, but it comes out barely above a whisper, “Please! I know you’re in there!” Jongdae glares at the woman in front of him, “Let him go!” His hands have an electrical current running between them, sparks flying off. “No,” I scream, Sitting up, painfully. Tears fill my eyes as I try to fight against the exhaustion. “You can’t kill her!” “Why not,” Junmyeon asks, glaring at the woman. Sehun glances at me, seeing how desperate I was to stop not only her from hurting Yixing, but from them hurting her, send a gust of wind up, knocking the red visor off. His heart freezes for a moment, seeing Nayeon standing there, blinking but completely unfazed. “Please,” Junmyeon says, placing a hand on Jongdae’s shoulder. “We don’t want to hurt you!” “We’ll that’s a shame, really,” A voice says, walking up confidently behind Nayeon, “Because, If I want her to, she will most certainly hurt you.” Stepping forward from his hiding spot around the corner or a wall, Kiyoung strides confidently. He smirks at the four men in front of him, reaching and placing a hand on my mother’s shoulder. His eyes full of worry as more gunshots could be heard around us. I reach over for the small gun beside me, holding it in shaky hands. Kiyoung notices, pulling my mother so that she was a shield from me, too. “You all couldn’t leave well enough alone, could you,” Kiyoung says, glaring at the four men. Yixing’s hands clench into fists. “Oh, you’re angry? What, That’ I took her,” He asks, gesturing toward me. He smirks, “Well, your anger is misplaced. You see, I didn’t do anything to her. All those injuries were provided by Mommy dearest,” He says with a laugh, looking like an absolute snake. “I’ll kill you,” Yixing says, his hands still shaking. “You either leave now, or you’ll be dead!” “A man with a gun to his head has no room to make demands,” Kiyoung laughs. “Then I’ll make them,” Sehun says, taking a step forward. I take a look at everyone, seeming them really for the first time. They all looked tired and angry. Some had a few cuts, and I notice Junmyeon keeping his weight off one leg. The gun in my hand shakes as I wipe tears from my eyes. Kiyoung smirks, “I honestly just came here to tell you all I’m leaving. You see, I’ve decided to take my interests elsewhere.” He turns on his foot, “Nayeon, if any of them make a move to stop me, kill the one you have a gun on. Once I’m gone… well, kill him anyways, I suppose.” Kiyoung turned and started to walk away. Sehun moved, Junmyeon takes his shoulder and kills him back, but my Mom’s finger goes tense on the trigger, almost pulling it, but hesitating for a moment. “Mom please,” I scream, begging. “Don’t kill him! You know Yixing! You know all of them! Please, you can’t kill him!” I watch as her face goes to confusion as her hand starts to shake. Kiyoung was now completely out of sight. I raise the gun, pointing it at my mom. “Please,” I yell, tears falling from my eyes, “Don’t make me do this!” She looked like she was having a huge internal battle as Jongdae was also begging her not to do anything. Yixing just looked at me, “Y/N…” “No,” I yell, looking at him, “Don’t say anything!” My mother’s face goes back to robotic and I knew she was going to kill him. A loud bang goes off. A bit of smoke in the air, the smell of a fired gun. I watch as there is more red than I’ve seen in week come forth, pouring to the floor as a body falls limply. I look at the gun in my hands as they still sting from the shot. Ignoring my pain, I get up and run over, tears falling down my face. “Mom,” I yell, my hands covering the spot on her stomach where I shot her. “Mom please, I… I’m sorry!” For the first time since I’ve seen her alive again, she smiled, “Y/N, my sweet girl… you did the right thing.” I could feel myself quickly become hysterical, “Mom please don’t die!” The amount of blood coming from her, the bullet must have hit an artery. If something didn’t happen quickly, she was going to die. I could sense someone crouches beside me, a hand on my shoulder. I look up into Yixing’s eyes. They are wide with terror, thinking for a moment he had been shot. “Yixing,” I gasp out, “You… you can heal! Heal her!” “I can’t,” He whispers, shaking his head as he looked away from me back at my mom. “What do you mean you can’t! Yixing please, she's dying! Why won’t you heal her?!” I scream, taking one hand off my mom’s wound, grabbing his arm, blood completely coating my hand. “Why won’t you help her?!” “I can’t,” He yells, looking up at me, his eyes filled with tears. “They injected me with something! I. Can’t.” My mother reached up, touching his face, “Don’t blame yourselves… Y/N, I love you… I love them too but you are the light of my life and I… I’m so sorry for what he made me do!” “Mom, I don’t blame you,” I say, looking into her eyes, seeing them well up with tears at my words. I turn, looking up at Junmyeon, “We have to get her somewhere!” “Y/N,” Yixing mutters, putting a hand on my back. “If we can get Jongin here, we can get her to a hospital and I can-” “Y/N,” Yixing yells, sorrow making his voice crack. The sound of how broken he sounded was something I was never going to forget. Looking down, I see my mother’s lifeless eyes staring up. “No,” I say, leaning forward, “Mom, wake up. You’re still there! Wake up! Please!” A loud bang happened, making Junmyeon looks at Sehun. “We have to go,” He yells, getting the walkie-talkie. Yixing stands, taking my arm in his hand. I pull back, “I’m not leaving her!” “Y/N,” He says, his voice strained. His hand was grasping my arm is trembling. “No, there has to be something!.” I say, trying hard to see through my tears. “I’m sorry, Y/N,” He says, his voice tense and hard. Suddenly, he forcibly yanks me to my feet and picks me up over his shoulder. My screams make my raw throat hurt more as I kept yelling everything and anything I could. My fists pounding against his back as I try to convince him to turn back around. I fight against his grip as we start to get further and further from my mother. I scream and yell until my voice is hoarse, until I no longer see her anymore. My sobs were uncontrollable once I couldn’t see her. I tried to speak but all the words were unintelligible, even to myself. The next few hours were a blur. I don’t remember what happened after the death of my mother. We got out of there, getting back to the old hide out. My eyes opened, looking around, seeing myself covered in bright colors. The pieces started to fall back together. I remember being teleported here by Jongin, being forced into the shower by Sehun… I remember Baekhyun trying to get me to eat, but I refused. I remember trying to stay away in Yixing’s arms as he carried me somewhere, before seeing me down and kissing my forehead softly. But that’s where my memory ends.
I sit up, realizing that I was in Yixing’s clock tower, but the person beside me wasn’t Yixing. Sehun glanced over, nodding. He looked tired as he sat there, his legs pulled to his chest. His eyes were red, but his face looked calm. He reaches over, grabbing a bag of fast food, setting it between us. “Eat,” He demands, “You need to eat. You will die of starvation if you keep this up. We all didn’t risk our lives for you so that you could die like this.” My throat was sore as I spoke, “Is everyone… are you all fine?” He laughs sadly, “Fine? If you mean to ask if we’re all alive, then yes. Once the serum wore off of Yixing, He healed all of our wounds. He has a pretty nasty cut on his side he didn’t even realize he had, but Baek took care of that. Before he healed us, The only one of us that got hurt were Minseok. Got a new scar across his back he’s quite proud of.” I open the bag and eat silently for the next few minutes as Sehun tells me what’s going on. The government has been overthrown and other countries are opening their borders to Inhumans who no longer wish to live here anymore. All of those who killed and tested on Inhumans who were not killed have been taken into custody, except Kiyoung. “That snake manages to get away just in time,” Sehun growls as I finish the last bite of my cheeseburger. “You hinted at you’re all not fine,” I say, looking down at my hands. Sehun pulls me to him, an arm over my shoulder. He just pats me gently, comforting like a friend. “He’s… He’s not fine at all.” “Take me to him,” I say, looking up at him. “Take me to Yixing!” The look of guilt flashed in his eyes, “Y/N… He’s not here.” “Then where is he? Take me to see him, I need to help him!” I argue, getting out of his grasp, looking at him in the eyes. He reaches over, grabbing a laptop, setting it in front of me. I ask him what’s going on, he just types in the password, put in an external drive before pressing on something, before quickly going down stairs. I hear the door close, leaving me with the laptop. Looking back at the screen, I see it was a video. I press play. The camera was focused on a wall, before Yixing moved it and it was pointing at him sitting in a chair. His hair was a mess and he had dark circles under his eyes, even darker than before. He looks at the camera, “I… I know you’re going to be angry once you see this. You may even hate me but… I just. I’m sorry, Y/N.” He runs his hand through his hair, not even looking at the camera. “I just need some time. I know you’ll be upset but I just can’t. I can’t be next to you knowing that, at the moment when you needed me most, I failed you.” It hurt watching tears fall from his eyes in the video as I remained still, not moving, not even blinking. “When you looked at me, after shooting your own mother to save me, asking why I wouldn’t help you… I can’t get that out of my head.” Yixing wipes his eyes, head in his hands, “I’m sorry. God, I’m so sorry. I know she said not to blame myself but how could I not? If I wasn’t stupid, I could have saved her. You wouldn’t have to suffer like this… Like I did with my mother. It reminded me of my mom and I…,” His voice cracks as he takes a moment to regain his composure. “I can’t look at myself in the mirror without hating myself. I can’t look at you without hating myself. I can’t look at anyone there without despising everything about me.” My tears started to fall as I kept silent. “Don’t blame any of the guys, they didn’t know I was doing this. They found out in a similar way, too.” His voice calming down as he played with the necklace my mother gave me, which is in his hands. “I’m sorry I took this. I left something precious of mine on the bedside table for you too. I… I left you that so that you could know that we’ll see each other again. Sort of as an insurance. That ring was my mother’s. She had it since she was a girl. I kept it safe in the box under my bed. I just wanted something to remember you by while I’m gone.” “I don’t know how long I will be gone. I just need some time alone. To sort out myself… to fix myself.” He finally looks into the camera, tears still falling from his face. “You deserve someone who isn’t completely broken. So, I’m fixing myself, and when I do, I’ll be back.” He smiles sadly, “I love you, Y/N. I love you more than anything and anyone. I know I said I’ll always be there for you, but… I have to do this for myself. I wouldn’t have left you if it meant you’d be alone, but you’re not going to be.” He smiles to himself, “Take care of them for me. They always manage to get themselves into trouble.” The joking tone of his voice doesn’t make me smile at all as tears fell silently down my face. My heart was beating so loud as I found it hard to breathe. “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I wouldn’t do this if I didn’t need it. I don’t expect anything, and I’ll understand if you decide to stop waiting for me for however long it will be or if you move on. I will always love you. Nothing will ever change that.” He smiles at the camera one last time before the video ends. I stare at the screen blankly, taking the drive out, knowing the video was in there. I yell resentfully, throwing the laptop against the wall, seeing the screen shatter and the power turn off. My tears turn into sobs which turn into scream of agony. I hear the door downstairs open, feet rushing up at this time, when I looked over, seeing Minseok there. He calmly takes me in his arms, trying to comfort me as I spend what feels like an eternity sobbing and crying out for Yixing.
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btsqualityy · 2 years
2 more for tonight! 1. God mommy and kinsley catching up and Kins telling her that there is no more Kiyoung meet ups.
"So sorry I'm late!" Kinsley rushed out as she breezed into the restaurant and her god mother smiled upon seeing her.
"You're fine love, you're fine," she assured her god daughter, standing up and kissing her cheek. "I see you're as busy as ever."
"Four kids, with two of them being crazy, keeps me that way," Kinsley giggled as they took their seats. "How are you?"
"Good, good," her god mother nodded.
"And Namjun?"
"He's fine," her god mother huffed. "Getting on my fucking nerves but he's fine."
"You're probably just saying that because he's not doing exactly what you want him to."
"Exactly," she smiled, making Kinsley roll her eyes. "What about you though? How are your men?"
"Mase is good, busy with work and his groups," Kinsley replied. "And Ki, well."
"Well, what?"
"He met someone," Kinsley revealed. "So he has a girlfriend now."
"Wait, Kiyoung doesn't have girlfriends," she gasped. "He must really like her."
"Oh, he's down bad over her," Kinsley smiled. "But I can see why. Mase and I met her and she's amazing."
"Does she know that you two and Kiyoung were fucking?"
"Nah, he didn't want her to feel bad about us still being friends," Kinsley said. "And I think it's better that way."
"Sounds like it," her god mother nodded. "Well, it's good that he's found his person but I'm gonna miss all the salacious sex stories."
"Tell me about it," Kinsley smirked. "I'll miss experiencing them."
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khorale · 2 years
RIM manhwa 1-2
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Rule #1: Never click on a suspicious pop-up that you don’t know the origins of. Even irl it can lead you to a scam site or a virus link.
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Benignore!!! 💗💗💗
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A thing I was confused about later was how nobody can tell how much growth potential they have, but it seems like they can only see their own stats. The tendency and growth are only visible to Kiyoung due to his trait: 
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At first it may seem like a basic skill without any combat capabilities - but throughout the story Kiyoung will use this in all sorts of creative ways. For one, it also sees hidden item descriptions, and he even used it to detect odorless poison. Another thing is that it makes his eyes speed and information reading a lot faster, which he used for the most insane battlefield tactics ever.
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Someone’s biased 🤭
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Here he is! Best boi in the series 🐷.
The purest cinnamon roll of this series that we must protect and cherish.
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A.K.A. Kiyoung’s favorite meat shield.
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The expression is cute
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Here it comes-
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The punchline
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He does feel guilty about it tho
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I wonder if there’s a game like this?
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Kiyoung gay counter: 1
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Have I told you how much I love the chibi art style? 😭😭They’re so cuuuuute
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Oh lawd she comin
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24movieworld · 7 years
Interview with Cho Jinseok: I’m particularly interested in how artificial intelligence and creativity interact
Conceived in Busan and born in Seoul, Cho Jinseok is a filmmaker who also developed the Cholol Technique for philosophical inquiry by blending contemporary western and Korean practices of argumentation. He studied media and communications theory and Chinese language at university. Colonel Panics is his debut film.
We talk to him about his life, the film, history, technology, art and many other topics.
How does an S.Korean who deals with philosophy, and has studied media and communications theory, and Chinese language, ends up shooting a Japanese film?
A friend in Tokyo approached me a couple of years ago and asked me whether I wanted to housesit their place as they were going away for quite a while. I agreed, made the move to Tokyo and lived there for a while, soaking up the culture, the history and the people. I found the political situation in Japan very fascinating and decided I would like to make a film exploring the intersection of politics, sex, culture and power in modern Japan.
We raised some finance, put together a great cast and crew and began shooting.
In general, could you tell us a bit about the production of the film?
We shot the film in Tokyo, did post-production in America and all the visual effects were done in Australia so it was very much a global production. The shoot itself was tough, we were very low-budget and there were some language barriers to get over but we survived. I think there were some people who felt it was like war working with me and there’s a photo of me taken during filming where I am wearing a military uniform; I think it’s telling some crew members said that outfit suited me and I would make a great North Korean dictator!
Can you elaborate on the title of the film?
The Japanese title is literally “Kernel Panics” as in the computer malfunction that will destroy your computer (it happened to my laptop during production). For the English title I liked the idea of doing a play-on-words with the word “Colonel” doubling for “Kernel”. This use of a military word in place of a technological word was also to hint at the militaristic dimensions of the film, rather than purely technological.
In one of the initial scenes, Kuniko speaks about a technique they used, letting a computer rewrite a story through repetition. What is your opinion regarding the combination of art and technology?
The fusion of art and technology has been an ongoing story for centuries, but I’m particularly interested in how artificial intelligence and creativity interact. Maybe you’ve seen the Google deep dream imagery of the dogs and the knight – for me, it’s one of the most terrifying things I’ve seen, it was like looking into the abyss of a robot’s soul. I actually feel deeply uncomfortable even remembering those images. Even though it is horrific and disturbing I’m strangely attracted to it, I do want to see more ways in which artificial intelligence crafts stories and how they develop their own sense of culture and creativity.
The film also shows a future where virtual reality has taken over. What is your opinion on the subject?
A part of me is scared, I fear we will all end up living vicariously through these VR helmets, no one will want to have sex anymore because the VR experience will be too seductive. Then birth-rates decline and productivity declines and you have this dystopia of addicts. Maybe I already see that when I walk around and see how people are so addicted to their smart phones, you walk around Tokyo and see these people who are just glued to their screen, it’s so sad.
Now the other part of me is optimistic because I think there’s always a fear with bold new technology that it will signal humanity’s downfall. You could argue televisions invading the home had a negative impact on humanity but it didn’t doom us, so maybe I just have to hope VR won’t completely destroy our ability to connect in the flesh world. VR will probably ruin our brain’s ability to defer gratification though, I think you can already see how gaming and computers are ruining our patience thresholds.
The film deals with the issue of “comfort women”. What is your take on the matter?
History is a complex beast and there are skeletons in nearly everyone’s closets; I mean, we always talk about American imperialism and its history of conquest but do we ever stop to talk about Islamic slavery and rampage in the past? That doesn’t fit the narrative some people want to push, but my point is that nobody is immune from criticism from past historical actions.
Having said that, the “comfort women” issue is something which happened, it was a terrible and shameful chapter in history and there can only be healing when there is an honest reconciliation with the past. There were bad Japanese and good Japanese, bad Koreans and good Koreans, bad Chinese and good Chinese in the war. There’s no point today in collectivising an entire people for something that happened decades ago but we cannot deny this kind of past if we all want to move on and heal.
What is your opinion on nationalism in Japan?
I think it is a natural reaction when a pervading sense of weakness grips a nation, from the sexual (look at Japan’s birth-rates) to the economic (their economy has been suffering), and people look for something that they can feel a sense of pride and power in. The politicians supply this as a way of distracting from the real problems in the culture, in the mind, in the spirit.
I feel sickened when I see Japanese politicians worshipping at shrines honouring the wartime soldiers.
I also think there needs to be a more robust discussion about the Emperor’s role in the second World War and just how much leverage he had over the army and the atrocities they committed.
In general, what is your opinion regarding art and politics? Do you think that artists are “obliged” to talk about politics?
I think all great art deals with the society in which it is produced and you cannot help but touch upon the ‘political’ when you undertake that process. Look at a recent film like Joao Pedro Rodrigues’ The Ornithologist, it is a deeply political film in its own way but it’s also an extraordinary sensory, artistic experience, a masterpiece of the personal and the political.
Cinema is a giant family, there is room for all different types but I prefer films which explore, not dictate, their political dimensions.
Why did you decide to use Yusuke Miyawaki and Tia Tian in double roles?
They both had perfect faces. As soon as I saw their faces I knew they were the only ones who could travel from the present to the future through their facial structure.
In general, why did you cast the particular actors and how did you guide them through the film?
For me the big thing was their eyes and their ability to act without emotion. Many Japanese actors I met tended to overplay it, and I was looking for robots: consciousness is an illusion anyway, albeit a persistent one.
When we were preparing I just wanted everyone to feel like they had a vampire suck the life from them. I wanted people who were like robots.
The film features kaleidoscopic sequences and datamosh. Why did you choose to include them in the film?
I worked with an amazing Australian visual designer called Luke Trevitt and we discussed what would happen if artificial intelligence did the robotic equivalent of ayahuasca. Those sequences were an attempt to visualise that idea. Those sequences were us finding a language to express our ideas about what happens when robotic consciousness loses its’ mind.
The movie also features a number of violent scenes. What is your opinion on violence in cinema?
I love violent movies but I prefer violence when it is at the service of a more considered point. Yes, Colonel Panics has some violent imagery but I think it is to illustrate the connections between Japanese history, particularly wartime sexually violent atrocities, and today’s sanitised and video-game like consumption of violence. But, y’know, nothing in Colonel Panics is as horrifying as the real-life atrocities Japanese soldiers carried out in Nanking, atrocities which some nationalists still want to deny and sweep under the rug; that act of denial is more disgusting than anything in my film.
And what about sex and nudity?
I’m most interested in sex in the context of power and how power flows through the act of sexual intercourse and the sexual marketplace. I remember Truffaut saying something about pornography being the byproduct of cinematic lies about love (I’m butchering his words but it was something to that effect), and I agree, I think a lot of movies have been very dishonest about sexuality and nudity. But then pornography is dishonest in its own way too, so we aren’t left with a great deal of truth about sex in the movies. There are exceptions but overall I’m not that interested in sex in cinema unless it explores the power dynamics between people.
Which are your favorite filmmakers and what kind of movies do you like to watch?
So many, where do you begin? Budd Boetticher, Dreyer, Ida Lupino, Kim Kiyoung, John Carpenter, Jang Sunwoo, Li Hongqi, Nicholas Ray, Pasolini, Fassbinder, Lucio Fulci, Lau Karleung, Joao Pedro Rodrigues, Adam Curtis… Oshima, obviously, as the film is dedicated to him.
The movies I love to watch are westerns, especially those of Anthony Mann. I’m obsessed with American westerns.
What are your plans for the future?
I am writing a film exploring the love and hate between a Japanese pornographic actress and her manager as they go about their business over a 24-hour period, only to find out she has been diagnosed with cancer. It’s a twisted love story like Colonel Panics.
from Blogger http://ift.tt/2mbGkIy
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future-rp · 5 years
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neo’s main vocal 2 & lead dance 3 kei
neo black’s main rap, lead dance, center mobius entertainment 05 vocal / 05 rap / 10 dance
is story started with an old woman who only wanted the best for her daughter. ( what she called her best anyway ) and that didn’t happen. ( not in the old woman’s eyes at least. ) instead she defied one of korea’s top actress words and married her boyfriend. ( in secret no less. ) had her child and followed her husband to new york so he could purse his music career there.
it lasted for four years.  
his music career had slowly started to take off but that meant late nights out. her home alone taking care of their child. ( who constantly witnessed their fights. ) late nights also meant more drinking, more partying and more women. so she made a decision.
it happened quickly, his father had enough sense to beg but it didn’t take long and before he knew it he was off to seoul. and his mother was willing to work. his grandmother had tossed them to the side and his mother didn’t want to beg. so she found a small apartment, found a job and continued to work. it was hard ( she had grown up with money, never really having to lift a finger. all she needed to do was learn to act. ) but she had kiyoung at her side and his mom was a mom that was willing to go war for him. he was treasured and love.
and then after a few weeks, she got a call.
that be been the start of the best and worst moments in his life.
kiyoung finally met his grandparents and it quickly became apparent that he didn’t like his grandmother. the woman was hard, rough, she wasn’t the type of person to speak to someone. instead she spoke at them. ( the only person who could really handle her was his grandfather and kiyoung wasn’t sure how the man did it. ) but the main reason he disliked her, she made his mother bow her head.
( and it knew it was his fault. )
it had been a deal, come back. debut as an actress. marry the man i approve of and he will have anything he wants. if his mother went back and followed her rules, they could live life before and kiyoung wouldn’t have to struggle. and his mother did it.
( and if you asked him now, he could say he enjoyed the benefits. )
from that point on, it felt like life moved a little bit quicker for him. his mother quickly made her debut and the public wasn’t too happy about it. ( but she had the talent to back it up and actors were given a little more leeway, because they had ‘real’ talent. ) but he quickly grew up understanding that he had now expectations on his shoulder. his grandmother had planned it all out.
he would go to the best schools. ( and he did, the best money could buy. )
he’d learn foreign languages, take extra classes. ( and he did, english being a breeze but it stopped there. most of the time he never made it to his extra lessons. )
he would be groomed to become korea’s top actor. ( ah…we’ve hit a road bump. )
that’s what his grandmother expected, but teenage kiyoung had other ideas. and he just liked to piss her off. he skipped the lessons and hung out with his friends. he didn’t do anything to scandalous but he did like to have fun. ( i mean, what better way to spend the old bats money. ) and in the late night fun he found himself watching street performers.
and just like that, kiyoung wanted to do that. he wanted to capture everyone’s attention. he wanted to hear people go ‘woah’ has he did a cool dance move or capture someone passing by with his voice. he wanted that. he intended to have. and with money like he had, it wasn’t hard to find a vocal coach. that just been the start, finding his footing. and then he started to take dance classes. ( and quickly found that while he did have vocal talent and could rap a little, his dancing eclipsed it all. )
soon. he’d start to audition soon.
and looking back kiyoung felt like he made it too obvious. it really started to dawn on him after he failed a few auditions. there was one common factor in all of it. he’d walk into the house after getting the call and that old woman would be there. smiling at him, oddly asking him about this day when she’d rather throw a script at him so they could read lines.
( and it look to a second to figure out that she figured him out and started to block his auditions. she had the means, the money and the network. )
and at some point he felt like giving up but a break finally came. mobius. he put everything into his audition, praying that they’d still accept him even if they got a got a call from her. he was desperate and he couldn’t even help but walk out with his head already down. and kiyoung hadn’t even made in the door before he got a call back with his acceptance. teenage kiyoung couldn’t have run inside any faster ready to tell everyone, even her. but there she was, staring him down.
( ah, the confirmation he never wanted. did he take it now? was it because of her? would he be able to swallow his pride for the chance to finally be signed? )
he did.
since the first day he walked into the company until he debuted. ( and even after. ) he endured it all. not being able to be brave enough to ask his company if he was good enough, or if it had been his grandmother behind the scenes. would they push him into acting? would follow her plan and get a nice rewards? he endured the whispers that started the moment he stepped. ‘oh didn’t hear you hear? you know his family right? i heard him sing..he’s not that good. his family bought it.‘
then he was announced as a part of a debut line-up and the company ( quickly followed by the public ) hated the thought. because he must have bought his way in. ( didn’t he only train for four years? i trained longer…money can really buy anything huh? ) and he discovered how it was it was to piss people off with a care-free smile.
and as neo continues to grow, he’s already feeling the pressure. from his family, from his company, from the public and his own fandom that thinks believes he only wants to use neo as a stepping stone. and he tries his hardest because he wants neo to succeed the most. ( he swallowed his entire pride to debut, he threw away everything then he’d have to find himself laughable. )
there’s only one thing left to do. hide it. hide everything, always laugh, do his best. show everyone his budding talents and continue to try and appease the people that didn’t believe him from the start.
all until he cracks.
( but he’ll try his best to do it with a smile. )
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commedias · 7 years
&/??/✿/✉️ for kiyoung
send me a symbol for a text (currently accepting)(from wooyoung)
Send “&” for a LOVING text.
sms to [babygirl 💞]: good morning :-) sms to [babygirl 💞]: i'm hungover again but i just wanted to tell you i love you ❤️ 
Send “??” for a DRUNK text.
sms to [babygirl 💞]: oh darn i’m drunk (again)sms to [babygirl 💞]: come pick me up pls kiyoung :-))
Send “✿” for a SUGGESTIVE text..
sms to [babygirl 💞]: just hurt my finger at the bar :/sms to [babygirl 💞]: maybe you can help me make it better ;)
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
sms to [babygirl 💞]: i don’t get why you’re with someone like me :( sms to [babygirl 💞]: message failed.
0 notes
crimsonlotusrp-blog · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
❝  PARK BOYOUNG is a TWENTY FOUR year old LAWYER affiliated with the COEUS CHRONICLE who has NO OTHER ALIAS ❞
⇀ birth name: Park Boyoung
⇀ fc choice: Park Boyoung ( actress )
⇀ canon: n/a
⇀ alias: n/a. Nicknamed Meongmeongi, or puppy.
⇀ age: 24 int��l. 25 kr. Feb 12, 1993
⇀ group: Coeus Chronicle
⇀ occupation: Lawyer
⇀ sexual orientation: Heterosexual
⇀ languages: Korean, English, Mandarin
⇀ height / weight: 157 cm / 5’2” // 41 kg / 90 lbs
⇀ defining features: puppy like features, especially her eyes; stretchy, chubby cheeks; warm body temperature; small burn scar on her hip
⇀ personality:
Puppylike: that’s what her brother said, and everyone else as well.
Let’s take an example: say you were new. Shy, fidgety, but looking around like you wanted to join in the conversation. Her smile would falter a bit seeing you looks so lost and lonely, but would immediately pick up again as she did a weird mixture of bouncing and floating over to you. She’d take your arm, offer you one of her favorite cookies, and try to guide you to the group. She’d wait for an opening, or if she couldn’t find one within a few minutes, she’d interrupt, saying softly, “this is - wait what’s your name? I forgot to ask.” Cue small endearing giggle. “Whoops. I’m Boyoung. And you’re…” She’d make this small motion to prompt you to say your own name.
If you seemed particularly dejected, she might bypass any introduction and just hug you.
As such, she’s babied by practically everyone she comes across, even if she’s older. Affectionately pat her head or pull her cheeks; she doesn’t mind. And, if you let her, she’ll do the same.
She’s precise. Hardworking. Intelligent.
Once she gets to work, she works. If she sees a number or statistic that seems off, she’ll redo the calculations herself, even if it’s the kind of math it takes a star math major an hour to do. It’ll take her 45 minutes, max, anyways, so there’s no point in running it by the department in charge. It’s not uncommon for her to pull multiple all-nighters to finish her work and help those who ask. It’s also not uncommon for her to finish her work by noon. (She gets a lot of bonuses as a result.)
She’s naive, childish, clumsy, excitable, frivolous, and yet, she’s generous.
 It’s no secret that she likes to shop. She can spend hours and hours at the mall or even one boutique, and emerge, look at the receipt, and say, “oops. I just blew 200,000 won.” Don’t take it as greediness: she has no qualms parting with her money or possessions. She regularly donates to the orphanage she grew up in. She just has a lot of money. She wants to enjoy her life as it comes - her brother would tell her the same, after all. But clothes are some of many things that make her squeal. She loves fashion, and she also loves to dress up. Equipped with nearly all of the Disney princesses’ costumes and a plethora of formal, semiformal, and otherwise formal or informal clothes, accessories, makeup, and beauty tools, she loves to be taken to another world. Even if she trips over the too-long skirt sometimes.
But she’s paranoid and resentful.
Honestly, they’re one of the few things that can make her blood boil. She hates them. She loathes them. If it weren’t for them, her brother would most likely still be alive. Maybe married. With kids.
God, because of them, she has been wracked completely through with grief. Because of them, she has been out drinking enough to progress from a complete lightweight to an utter heavyweight. And she’s ninety pounds. It is not normal for someone of her stature to be able to drink that much.  
But she can. And she does.
⇀ personality tl;dr:
+ Puppylike; loyal; compassionate; earnest; friendly; open; reliable; hardworking; precise; incorruptible; forgiving; generous; intelligent; innocent
~ soft spoken
- Spacey at times; naive; childish; clumsy; excitable; frivolous; paranoid; resentful
⇀ history:
She’s just a baby. She’s swaddled in blankets and a jacket, and Kiyoung somehow managed to get the baby backpack thing on himself in the chaos around him, and her safely in it. He doesn’t take much else. There isn’t time take much else, and he’s eight. He’s too small to take much else. The house is burning all around him, his parents nowhere to be seen. There’s an acrid smell, but he tries not to think about that. Instead, he pushes through the smoke, coughing and spluttering, and holding his hand and a cloth over his sister’s mouth and nose so she doesn’t breath it in. Then he runs. He runs and runs and runs and runs with only a faint idea of where he’s going. He’s been there just twice before, both traveling in the safety of a bus. And yet he manages. He doesn’t know why he ran into there, instead of to a police department. Maybe it’s the hazy knowledge that at the overly brightly lit police station, he’ll be questioned, Boyoung will probably be taken from him, and they’ll be separated. Instead, he arrives at the orphanage with bloody feet and burning lungs. He raps desperately at the knocker, lurching inside when the door opens, and hacking out, “my sister,” before falling onto his stomach, twisting at the last moment as not to fall onto her. For her, the only thing she knows of that time is the burn scar on her hip and the orange-red licks of flame behind her eyelids.
Her childhood is filled with smiles, laughter, and joy. The orphanage treats her well, or at least Kiyoung does. He teaches her how to read and write when she’s three, so she can read that “pretty light purple book about the puppies!” and she goes around talking to the other kids in the orphanage and at school, helping them when it’s their turn to learn. He watches with a soft, amused countenance as her bubbliness induces shrieks of excitement, or when she quietly and leaning on her friends. She’s ten when he goes off to university, but he stays in Seoul, taking up a liberal arts degree at Yonsei University, nearby enough to her that they see each other at least every weekend. She wants to see him more, but she’s still under the orphanage’s legal care. Kiyoung doesn’t have enough time to take care of her by himself, or enough money to yet, but he’s working on it. He’s working on it.
When he graduates, he moves to Pyeonghwa to work as a journalist in its Coeus Chronicle. Boyoung chews her lip anxiously when he does, because she has heard whispers of the gang activity there. But he reassures her that he’ll be fine. That he’ll be able to make enough money to bring her with him soon. And then tells her that he wants to investigate there, because there might be something about their parents there - their mother’s work had something to do with Pyeonghwa. Kiyoung doesn’t remember what, exactly, but then again he was eight when they died. So she puts on her brightest grin, eyes curving like upside-down Nike logos, and tells him to hurry up and bring her over. The orphanage allows her to stay with him during her school breaks. Pyeonghwa isn’t too far away - two hours, maybe, by bus - and Kiyoung pays for her fares. He’s doing well for himself, and when she’s sixteen, he files a case to take legal custody of her.
That same year, however, is the one he stumbles home after midnight, blind and bloody. She assumed he was working, and he was. But he was caught. He found out a bit too much about a certain Two Moons’s politicians, and was caught.
They abacinated him. They went for his eyes with red hot pokers and branded and blinded him.
Somehow, he got away. Like when she was a baby, he manages to get to his destination with nothing but a hazy mental picture to guide him. As he dies in her arms, because “I wanted to be able to hug you one last time,” he tells her over her sobbing “Boyoung-ah. Take care of yourself, okay? For me. I’ll always be watching over you. Keep being your bright, happy self, because you bring so much joy to everyone you come in contact with. Okay? Can you do that for me?” But he doesn’t wait for her answer. He gives her a small smile before the light goes out in his eyes.
She is resolute. She sets in her path to becoming a lawyer through her school’s mentor/mentee program, and with Lawyer Park’s help, she acquires the basis for her understanding of law and how to garner her evidence for cases. She wants to be able to help journalists like her brother tackle legal issues - if he’d gone to a lawyer, or had a good one if he did, there’s a high chance he would still be alive. And she just. It would help preserve his memory. Journalists risk their lives for their articles, and she wants to help them be a bit safer. Especially in Pyeonghwa.
It is also thanks to the program that she is admitted to Pyeonghwa National University on a full scholarship. She’s eighteen now, nearly a legal adult, and she finds she has too much free time on her hands. With boredom creeps the aches of loss, and she enrolls in extra classes during the year and in the summer semesters. In her second year, she also begins working at a restaurant. It’s small, and she and her same-aged boss are the only workers there, but business picks up along soon enough.
PNU tells her that she has enough credits to graduate two years early, and Boyoung, surprised, seizes the chance. When she became an adult, her brother’s money and possessions were given to her, as per his will, and she uses it to pay for law school. There’s still some leftover because, remember, he was saving money for the suit and to show that he could support them, and because his work payed for his funeral. She donates nearly all of the rest of the money to the orphanage, only keeping enough to last her about three months of sparing use if she’s really in need. She has her money from working as well, so her living expenses are covered.
She places in the top 1% in the bar, and, because of it and the summers she spent interning at the Chronicle, she secures a high paying position almost immediately. Her salary is about that of her boss’s, really, even though she’s only twenty-three. No one really questions it, though, because she has shown her dedication before, and scored way higher in the bar. She’s twenty-four now, the same age her brother was when he died. A part of her worries that Two Moons is going to go after her, but there’s no way that they know her connection to her brother. Hopefully. For now, she continues to work and enjoy life, because she knows that’s what Kiyoung would want her to do.
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clxboyoung-blog · 7 years
♡ basics ━
BIRTH NAME ; park boyoung NICKNAMES ; meongmeongi (puppy) ALIAS ; n/a
DATE OF BIRTH ; february 12, 1993 PLACE OF BIRTH ; seoul, south korea AGE ; 24 international, 25 korean
GROUP ; coeus chronicle OCCUPATION ; lawyer
LANGUAGES ; korean, english, mandarin
♡ appearance ━
HEIGHT ; 157 cm // 5′2″ WEIGHT ; 41 kg // 90 lbs BUILD ; ectomorph
HAIR ; dark brown, long, wispy bangs EYE COLOR ; chocolate brown
DEFINING FEATURES ; puppy like features, especially her eyes; stretchy, chubby cheeks; warm body temperature; small burn scar on her hip
♡ personality ━
✔ puppylike ✔ loyal ✔ compassionate ✔ earnest ✔ friendly ✔ open ✔ reliable ✔ hardworking ✔ precise ✔ intelligent ✔ incorruptible ✔ forgiving ✔ generious ✔ innocent
~ soft spoken
✘ spacey at times ✘ naive ✘ childish ✘ clumsy ✘ excitable ✘ frivolous ✘ paranoid ✘ resentful
HOGWARTS HOUSE ; gryffindor ILVERMORNY HOUSE ; thunderbird PATRONUS ; ocicat WAND ;  silver lime wood with a unicorn hair core, 10" and slightly yielding flexibility
MBTI ; ENFJ, “the protagonist”
PHOBIA(S) ; fire pokers, fire, scarrification, paranoid Two Moons is going to try to kill her off this year DRINKING / SMOKING / DRUGS ; yES (but most people don’t expect it) / no / no
Puppylike: that’s what her brother said, and everyone else as well.
It isn’t just her looks. It’s also her sweetness. Her loyalty. Her compassion, her earnestness, her friendliness, openness, reliability, and, yes, her tendency to (at least seem to) space out at times.
Let’s take an example: say you were new. Shy, fidgety, but looking around like you wanted to join in the conversation. Her smile would falter a bit seeing you looks so lost and lonely, but would immediately pick up again as she did a weird mixture of bouncing and floating over to you. She’d take your arm, offer you one of her favorite cookies, and try to guide you to the group. She’d wait for an opening, or if she couldn’t find one within a few minutes, she’d interrupt, saying softly, “this is - wait what’s your name? I forgot to ask.” Cue small endearing giggle. “Whoops. I’m Boyoung. And you’re…” She’d make this small motion to prompt you to say your own name.
If you seemed particularly dejected, she might bypass any introduction and just hug you.
As such, she’s babied by practically everyone she comes across, even if she’s older. Affectionately pat her head or pull her cheeks; she doesn’t mind. And, if you let her, she’ll do the same.
She’s precise. Hardworking. Intelligent.
Once she gets to work, she works. If she sees a number or statistic that seems off, she’ll redo the calculations herself, even if it’s the kind of math it takes a star math major an hour to do. It’ll take her 45 minutes, max, anyways, so there’s no point in running it by the department in charge. It’s not uncommon for her to pull multiple all-nighters to finish her work and help those who ask. It’s also not uncommon for her to finish her work by noon. (She gets a lot of bonuses as a result.)
She’s naive, childish, clumsy, excitable, frivolous, and yet, she’s generous.
 It’s no secret that she likes to shop. She can spend hours and hours at the mall or even one boutique, and emerge, look at the receipt, and say, “oops. I just blew 200,000 won.” Don’t take it as greediness: she has no qualms parting with her money or possessions. She regularly donates to the orphanage she grew up in. She just has a lot of money. She wants to enjoy her life as it comes - her brother would tell her the same, after all. But clothes are some of many things that make her squeal. She loves fashion, and she also loves to dress up. Equipped with nearly all of the Disney princesses’ costumes and a plethora of formal, semiformal, and otherwise formal or informal clothes, accessories, makeup, and beauty tools, she loves to be taken to another world. Even if she trips over the too-long skirt sometimes.
But she’s paranoid and resentful.
Her brother died when he was her age. She’s working for the same company he worked at. She can’t help but wonder if those who killed him will make her their target too.
Honestly, they’re one of the few things that can make her blood boil. She hates them. She loathes them. If it weren’t for them, her brother would most likely still be alive. Maybe married. With kids.
God, because of them, she has been wracked completely through with grief. Because of them, she has been out drinking enough to progress from a complete lightweight to an utter heavyweight. And she’s ninety pounds. It is not normal for someone of her stature to be able to drink that much.  
But she can. And she does.
♡ facts ━
➝ placed higher in the bar than her boss ➝ can type nearly as fast as the world record holder ➝ never taken an IQ test ➝ learned to read at three ➝ can drink enough to kill an elephant tbh ➝ will sometimes spike her sikhye ➝ favourite colour is lilac ➝ loves to shop ➝ gets bonuses frequently ➝  hates two moons ; it’s one of the few things that can get her riled up
   ♡ background ━
She’s just a baby. She’s swaddled in blankets and a jacket, and Kiyoung somehow managed to get the baby backpack thing on himself in the chaos around him, and her safely in it. He doesn’t take much else. There isn’t time take much else, and he’s eight. He’s too small to take much else. The house is burning all around him, his parents nowhere to be seen. There’s an acrid smell, but he tries not to think about that. Instead, he pushes through the smoke, coughing and spluttering, and holding his hand and a cloth over his sister’s mouth and nose so she doesn’t breath it in. Then he runs. He runs and runs and runs and runs with only a faint idea of where he’s going. He’s been there just twice before, both traveling in the safety of a bus. And yet he manages. He doesn’t know why he ran into there, instead of to a police department. Maybe it’s the hazy knowledge that at the overly brightly lit police station, he’ll be questioned, Boyoung will probably be taken from him, and they’ll be separated. Instead, he arrives at the orphanage with bloody feet and burning lungs. He raps desperately at the knocker, lurching inside when the door opens, and hacking out, “my sister,” before falling onto his stomach, twisting at the last moment as not to fall onto her. For her, the only thing she knows of that time is the burn scar on her hip and the orange-red licks of flame behind her eyelids.
Her childhood is filled with smiles, laughter, and joy. The orphanage treats her well, or at least Kiyoung does. He teaches her how to read and write when she’s three, so she can read that “pretty light purple book about the puppies!” and she goes around talking to the other kids in the orphanage and at school, helping them when it’s their turn to learn. He watches with a soft, amused countenance as her bubbliness induces shrieks of excitement, or when she quietly and leaning on her friends. She’s ten when he goes off to university, but he stays in Seoul, taking up a liberal arts degree at Yonsei University, nearby enough to her that they see each other at least every weekend. She wants to see him more, but she’s still under the orphanage’s legal care. Kiyoung doesn’t have enough time to take care of her by himself, or enough money to yet, but he’s working on it. He’s working on it.
When he graduates, he moves to Pyeonghwa to work as a journalist in its Coeus Chronicle. Boyoung chews her lip anxiously when he does, because she has heard whispers of the gang activity there. But he reassures her that he’ll be fine. That he’ll be able to make enough money to bring her with him soon. And then tells her that he wants to investigate there, because there might be something about their parents there - their mother’s work had something to do with Pyeonghwa. Kiyoung doesn’t remember what, exactly, but then again he was eight when they died. So she puts on her brightest grin, eyes curving like upside-down Nike logos, and tells him to hurry up and bring her over. The orphanage allows her to stay with him during her school breaks. Pyeonghwa isn’t too far away - two hours, maybe, by bus - and Kiyoung pays for her fares. He’s doing well for himself, and when she’s sixteen, he files a case to take legal custody of her.
That same year, however, is the one he stumbles home after midnight, blind and bloody. She assumed he was working, and he was. But he was caught. He found out a bit too much about a certain Two Moons’s politicians, and was caught.
They abacinated him. They went for his eyes with red hot pokers and branded and blinded him.
Somehow, he got away. Like when she was a baby, he manages to get to his destination with nothing but a hazy mental picture to guide him. As he dies in her arms, because “I wanted to be able to hug you one last time,” he tells her over her sobbing “Boyoung-ah. Take care of yourself, okay? For me. I’ll always be watching over you. Keep being your bright, happy self, because you bring so much joy to everyone you come in contact with. Okay? Can you do that for me?” But he doesn’t wait for her answer. He gives her a small smile before the light goes out in his eyes.
She is resolute. She sets in her path to becoming a lawyer through her school’s mentor/mentee program, and with Lawyer Park’s help, she acquires the basis for her understanding of law and how to garner her evidence for cases. She wants to be able to help journalists like her brother tackle legal issues - if he’d gone to a lawyer, or had a good one if he did, there’s a high chance he would still be alive. And she just. It would help preserve his memory. Journalists risk their lives for their articles, and she wants to help them be a bit safer. Especially in Pyeonghwa.
It is also thanks to the program that she is admitted to Pyeonghwa National University on a full scholarship. She’s eighteen now, nearly a legal adult, and she finds she has too much free time on her hands. With boredom creeps the aches of loss, and she enrolls in extra classes during the year and in the summer semesters. In her second year, she also begins working at a restaurant. It’s small, and she and her same-aged boss are the only workers there, but business picks up along soon enough.
PNU tells her that she has enough credits to graduate two years early, and Boyoung, surprised, seizes the chance. When she became an adult, her brother’s money and possessions were given to her, as per his will, and she uses it to pay for law school. There’s still some leftover because, remember, he was saving money for the suit and to show that he could support them, and because his work payed for his funeral. She donates nearly all of the rest of the money to the orphanage, only keeping enough to last her about three months of sparing use if she’s really in need. She has her money from working as well, so her living expenses are covered.
She places in the top 1% in the bar, and, because of it and the summers she spent interning at the Chronicle, she secures a high paying position almost immediately. Her salary is about that of her boss’s, really, even though she’s only twenty-three. No one really questions it, though, because she has shown her dedication before, and scored way higher in the bar. She’s twenty-four now, the same age her brother was when he died. A part of her worries that Two Moons is going to go after her, but there’s no way that they know her connection to her brother. Hopefully. For now, she continues to work and enjoy life, because she knows that’s what Kiyoung would want her to do.
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