#cal do you wanna sit w me at lunch ?
katsukisday · 2 years
hi new mutual :))
hey thereeee how ya doinn
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thinwhitewritings · 3 years
Family Matters - Calum
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Summary: “Put a baby in me.” That’s the line I said in my dream w Calum Hood the other night. So i wrote it - enjoyyyyyyyyy
Warnings: Talk of kids, sex reference, pregnancy mentions. 
Rating: PG-16
You’d been keeping the day rather laid back, doing some household chores here and there and waiting for your boyfriend to return from his writing session with the other three lunatics that were his band mates. The day had been beyond dull, and aside from taking Duke to the groomer, it was pretty typical. So when Calum came into the house around 5:15 - right on time - it wasn’t surprising. You were in the kitchen, starting on dinner as he comes up with his arms wrapped around you and pressing a kiss to your cheek. “Hi baby. How was your day?” You ask with ease, unmoving from chopping the ingredients in front of you.
“We finished up the first song for the fifth album and we started on the fourth one. It’s exciting stuff. You should stop by sometime and listen in.” He suggests, pulling away to move to the fridge, grabbing a beer and cracking it open before leaning against the counter, watching you work. “Yeah, maybe. I’ll have to see what tomorrow is looking like.” You shrug, moving the vegetables into a pan as he snickers. 
“Don’t you find yourself doing the same thing every day?” He questions with a slight head tilt. He’s not wrong. Every other day changed, tomorrow was a workout day and lunch with someone you set up with and laundry and a Soul Cycle class. It was... repetitive to say the least. “I mean... don’t you?” He gives a nod as he finishes a sip of his drink. “Going to studio, writing, recording and coming back after everything, doing a workout, watching a movie and going to bed sounds pretty standard if you ask me.” 
The two of you find a comfortable silence only before Calum moves to his office to take a phone call. You scroll through Instagram as you sauté the start of your meal. You see dogs, clothes, ads for another product you didn’t need, another wedding you weren’t invited to and the cutest baby photos. You linger on the post, admiring the cute decor in the nursery, the clothes and the wide grin on the child’s face. 
Both of you had always wanted kids. It was on the radar, but life wasn’t lining up for that right now. After the craziness of the past year, and things finally getting back to normal, you were easing back into routine. You’d thought that maybe you needed to wait a while... but what if you didn’t need to?
Dinner came and went without a hitch. It was well received and the two of you cleaned up so you could watch the next episode of your current binge. Snuggling into the couch with Duke at your feet, Calum on your left, you start the next episode, seeing your boyfriend snickering at something that came up on Snapchat. You ignore him, curling into him as you watch the TV. 
About halfway through the second episode, you’re on your phone again, Cal paying attention to what’s going on. You’ve lost interest by now, and throw your just as boring phone onto a pillow beside you. You watch his face and see how invested he is at what’s on the television. “Hon.” A whisper leaves you, and his head turns just slightly, not enough to fully face you, but enough to indicate he’s listening. “You tired of this yet?” He shakes his head, facing the screen again, letting you wrap your arms around his middle, one of your hands sliding across the skin of his stomach under his t-shirt. “Ok, well I am.” A sigh leaves him and he pauses the show, turning to look at you. 
“And what do you suggest we do instead? It’s not like you’ll play FIFA with me.” He teases, leaning into the couch, a hand on your back gently moving up and down. You get an idea and smirk at him. He matches it before laughing. “What?” You sit up, moving closer and lean into him so your lips are against his ear. 
“You could put a baby in me...” Your fingers are trailing along the bare skin poking out from his sweater, lips beginning to trail down his jaw. You feel him tense next to you, the hand on your back freezing, fingers gripping the fabric of your shirt. 
“You- you’re kidding.” He can barely get the words out of his mouth, looking at you with surprise. “I mean - I’m not going to turn down the offer - but you’re... serious with that?”
“Well.. yeah. We’ve talked about it before - and we both have such a dull day to day now... we could change it up. For the next 18 years.” You taunt, leaning back as your hand finds the back of his neck, fingers slowly drifting through dark curls. “Babe... that’s... a big commitment. We sure this is what we wanna do?” He’s letting his hand start to move against your lower back again, much slower this time. “It might not even happen the first time... but... you’ll never know if you don’t try.” A small smirk fills your features, a devilish one matching the male’s features. 
“This was your idea. Just reminding you.” He laughs before he pulls you in for a heated kiss that starts a whole series of less boring nights.
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toohardtoforgetcth · 4 years
Too Hard To Forget
Chapter Eight
5,082 words
A/N: evenin’ angels, pls enjoy - the second-last smol chapter of fluffiness basically but also swearing and sadness and death sorry love y’all
Requested: I added a lil scene at the beginning for anon who wanted a reunion between Parker and Gram, the chapter was already written so I had to tweak it a lil. Hope it turned out okay, anon! thank you for the ask <3 
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When Calum woke up the following morning, it took his brain a split second to register that Parker laying in his bed was real and not just a fever dream. His mind played through the events of the night before, his body tingling from all the places Parker had left her mark on him. They hadn’t gone to sleep until past four in the morning, so he wasn’t surprised to read 11:47 on the clock on his bedside table. Calum absently dragged his finger back and forth over Parker’s upper arm, watching goosebumps rise in its wake.
She stirred, blinking her eyes and lifting her head to stare up at him. He smiled down at her. “Mornin’ angel,” he rasped.
“Still the King of waking me up before I’m ready, I see,” she mumbled, smiling sleepily.
“Couldn’t help myself,” he shrugged. “I’ve missed you.”
Parker answered his confession with a press of her lips against his. “Any big plans today?” she asked him.
“Lunch plans with Gram, but other than that, I’m all yours,” he answered. “You can come if you like,” he suggested. “It’s been a while.”
• • • • • •
After a shower and a quick stop at Parker’s to change her clothes, Calum pulled the Charger into Gram’s driveway, cutting the engine.
Parker pushed down the uneasy feeling in her stomach. I’m nervous. Should I be nervous? She asked herself. She wasn’t sure why she felt nervous – the break-up was Calum’s idea, but still she felt weird about showing up uninvited at Grace’s house after sleeping in her grandson’s bed only a few hours after breaking up with her ex-boyfriend. She followed Calum up the steps, standing one step behind him as he knocked twice and pushed the door open.
“Gram?” he called out, shucking off his boots and ushering Parker inside.
“In the kitchen, dear!”
Calum grinned at Parker, guiding her through the kitchen door in front of him. “I found a stray.”
Gram turned around, gasping when she recognized Parker. Her face split into the warmest smile and she rushed over. Parker was surprised at the old woman’s strength, she was hugging her so tightly. “Parker, it’s so good to see you!”
All of Parker’s nerves melted away as she relaxed in Grace’s grip, hugging her back. “I missed you, Grace.”
Grace and Parker chatted over lunch, leaving very little room in the conversation for Calum to join in, which suited him fine – he was just happy to have the two loves of his life in the same room again.
“Calum, dear, I think the tap in my bathroom is leaking again. Could you take a look at it for me?” Gram asked Calum sweetly.
“Sure thing, pretty lady,” he replied as he disappeared into the garage to get some tools.
As soon as he was out of the room, Grace took Parker’s hand. “I can’t tell you how happy it makes me that you two worked things out,” she beamed.
“We haven’t really talked about it yet," Parker started. “We only talked a little bit yesterday, and it was mostly just catching up,” she admitted.
“There’s lots to catch up on, I’m sure,” Grace winked, and Parker laughed. “But I know you two. There’s nothing in this world that could keep you apart. That boy loves you more than the sun and the stars, and he is never going to let you go.”
“I don’t know, Grace. He was so willing to give up last time. What happens next time when things get hard, and he tries to run away again?” It was a thought that had plagued Parker’s mind since her reunion with Calum, despite his efforts to reassure her that he was wrong and he wouldn’t make the same mistake again. She wanted to believe him, but he had hurt her and she didn’t want to go through that again.
Grace wore a sympathetic smile. “I know it must feel scary to let him in again, after what he did,” she squeezed Parker’s hand. “But let me tell you something about Calum. He has been through hell and back in his short life, and he is very good at putting up a barrier between him and other people, so he doesn’t get hurt. He pushes everyone away because it’s easier than fighting a losing battle. You know what happened with his mother, my Lina. She never fought for Calum, and he carries that hurt in his heart every day,” Grace wiped a tear from under her eye before continuing. “He’ll never tell you this himself, so I’ll do it for him – he needs someone like you, Parker. Someone who will fight for him. He deserves all the love in the world and I know you love him. He just needs someone who won’t give up, who won’t abandon him like his mother did. He will make mistakes, and sometimes he’ll try to push you away. I promise you that if you stick with him, and you don’t give up on him, he will give you everything you ever dreamed of. He has so much to offer, and when he opens up, there is no one in this world with a bigger heart. I’m so proud of how much he’s done for himself in the last year, but nothing makes him happier than you do. He just needs to know that he deserves you.”
Parker had tears welling up in her eyes by the end of Grace’s speech. She could have tried harder when Calum left. She called, but she could have done more. She was partly to blame in all this, too. She didn’t fight for him the way she should have. She could see that now, and she promised herself, for Calum, that she would always fight for him.
Parker leaned forward, hugging Grace tightly. “I promise I’ll take care of him,” she whispered.
“I know you will, honey,” Grace smiled. “Welcome home.”
» » » » » »
Parker and Calum were getting ready to head to The Wildflower for one of Calum’s shows, and Parker was sitting on the floor, playing with Duke while she waited for Calum to get dressed. She thought back on her life over the last year, how much had changed. The first time she came over to Calum’s apartment, Duke turned his nose up at her attempt to pet him. Now, he greeted her before Calum when they came inside. She smiled as she thought about how this man had become her home, and she couldn’t imagine her life without him.
Calum came out of the bedroom, buttoning his shirt. Parker stared at the stripe of skin showing on his chest until he buttoned it all the way, then finally lifted her gaze to his face. Chocolate brown eyes, full lips, dark curls messy but effortless. It annoyed Parker, how little effort he had to put in to look as incredible as he did every day, but her heart swelled with pride at the same time. This man was hers.
“I have something for you,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to her cheek and pulling a chain out of his pocket. It was simple; silver, with an intricate key pendant hanging on the end. On the back of the key, the letter ‘C’ was engraved.
Parker smiled. It was simple and dainty—exactly something Parker would have picked out for herself. “I love it,” she whispered, pressing her lips to his. “But what’s the occasion?”
“It’s metaphorical, since you don’t actually need a key for my apartment,” he grinned.
Parker just looked at him, puzzled.
Calum rolled his eyes at her lack of understanding—it was adorable. “I want you to move in with me.”
Parker just stared at him, eyes wide. “Are you serious?”
Calum chuckled. “Of course I’m serious, love. You wanna?”
Parker threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his neck and planting a series of little kisses to his lips. She pulled back. “Are you really sure, Cal? I drive you crazy.”
Calum laughed. “I love you, angel. I want you with me all the time. Besides, you already stay over most nights. The boys love you, Duke loves you, I can’t think of any reason why you shouldn’t.”
Parker turned, lifting her hair so Calum could fasten the chain around her neck. She turned back to him, beaming. “Okay.”
• • • • • •
When they arrived at the pub, it was quiet; not as busy as it usually was, which gave Calum a good opportunity to play some new music.
“I’ve been working on this new one, think maybe I’ll try it out tonight, if that’s alright,” he spoke into the mic. “Less of you to disappoint,” he laughed lightly, and they laughed, too. These people had become like a little family—he felt so at home here. “It’s called Waste The Night.”
The crowd went wild for his new song. John caught up to Calum as he was packing up his equipment to tell him that he had another steady gig lined up for him at a restaurant on the West end if he wanted it.
It seemed that people were hearing about his music all across town, and Calum was elated. After so many years of feeling like he’d never amount to anything, he could finally say he was living a life he was proud of.
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“Michael, sit still. I can’t do this if you keep flinching.”
Parker was sitting on a stool in front of Michael, applying his makeup to complete his costume. Luke and Sierra, Luke’s new girlfriend, were throwing a Halloween party and Michael had begged Parker to do his makeup, but he had been sitting there for an hour and he was getting antsy.
“You’re getting it in my eyes,” he whined.
“It’s makeup. It’s literally meant to go on your eyes. You’re being a baby,” she rolled her eyes, smiling. She had grown very close to Michael in the time she’d been with Calum. She loved all the boys, but she spent almost as much time with Michael as she did with Calum. It drove him crazy sometimes, but in the end he was just happy his brothers loved Parker as much as he did.
Calum’s life had never been better. He played music for a bunch of different venues around town and the change in scenery kept things interesting, but it always felt like coming home when he played at The Wildflower. He and Parker had been living together for almost a year, and while it had been an adjustment for him at first, as it had just been him and Duke for over five years, his place felt like home with her there.
Parker’s parents seemed to warm up to Calum, too, after realizing that their daughter was head over heels for him and he wasn’t going anywhere.
Calum came into the living room and Parker did a double take at his costume. He was dressed as Danny from Grease—very little effort, considering the only difference from his day-to-day outfit of black boots, jeans and a leather jacket was the styled hair, but he still looked good—like, really good.
“Wow,” Parker breathed, almost forgetting that Michael was sitting there as she shamelessly ogled her boyfriend. “You look amazing.”
Calum gave her a sly grin and winked at her. “Thanks, doll. Where’s your costume?”
Parker looked down at herself, still dressed in lounge shorts and an oversized tee of Calum’s. “I’m not ready yet. I’ve been preoccupied with Michael’s makeup,” she said, gesturing to her handiwork, Michael smiling proudly. He did look amazing. He wore a black and white striped suit, and Parker had dyed his blonde hair neon green for the occasion. His costume was Beetlejuice, but she wanted to do her own less messy version of the classic character, so she did a purple smokey eye and added touches of green to the sides of his face and down his neck. He looked awesome.
The front door opened and Ashton walked in, carrying a backpack full of what was probably an assortment of booze. He was dressed almost identical to Calum—he was supposed to be Kenickie, also from Grease. Parker rolled her eyes at the boys’ complete lack of effort or originality.
Calum made the four of them a drink, Michael’s sitting untouched next to him while Parker finished his face.
“There,” she said finally. “Done.”
Michael stood up and walked over to the mirror on the wall by the front door. “Holy shit, P. I look amazing!” he gasped, a grin splitting his face. He lifted his fingers to inspect his face closer.
“Don’t touch!” Parker shrieked. “It’s not dry yet, you’ll ruin it!”
Michael jumped at her shrill tone, his hand recoiling. “Yes, ma’am,” he teased.
“I’m gonna go get dressed,” she announced, standing and collecting her assortment of special effects makeup from the table next to where Michael was sitting.
The last thing Parker wanted to dress as was Sandy—she felt like the costume was way overdone, but because of Calum’s costume, she decided it would make the most sense. She pulled on a pair of tight leather pants she had borrowed from Jenna, slipped into her red peep-toes, applied a red lip and draped her shoulders with a leather jacket to finish the look.
When she came out of the bedroom, all three of the boys stopped to look at her. Ashton whistled, and Michael’s response of “P, you look hot!” earned him a punch in the gut from Calum.
Calum walked over to her, spinning her around once and admiring her. “You do look hot,” he grinned. “You wanna forget about this party?” he whispered, pressing the softest of kisses to the spot just below her ear. “I could think of a better way to spend the night.”
Parker blushed, but there was no way she was missing out on this party, no matter how good he looked.
• • • • • •
When they arrived at the party, it was already chaos. Some people Parker knew through the boys, but most of them were strangers. Luke pulled Parker in for a hug and took her hand, leading her into the kitchen where he had set up a variation of liquor bottles.
“Take your pick, babe!” he exclaimed excitedly.
The rest of the boys joined them shortly after, where Luke and Parker had already downed three shots each. As Luke was pouring them all another one, Parker noticed Sierra hugging a petite girl at the front door, who had seemingly arrived alone. She was wearing an unmistakable Lydia costume. Parker leaned over to Luke. “Who’s that girl that Sierra is talking to?” she asked curiously.
Luke glanced over to his girlfriend at the door. “Oh, that’s Crystal. One of Sierra’s friends.”
Parker flashed a wry smile, and Luke looked immediately concerned. “Oh, God, I know that look. What are you on about?”
“Oh, nothing,” Parker waved her hand casually. “Just that she happens to be here all by herself, and that she’s wearing the other half to Michael’s costume.”
It seemed Parker was not the only one who noticed the similarity, because the girl’s eyes lit up in recognition as soon as she saw Michael, and she followed Sierra as she made her way back to the group of them in the kitchen. Sierra introduced her to everyone. She was really sweet, and Michael couldn’t take his eyes off her.
“I love your costume!” he said excitedly, taking a sip of his beer.
“Thanks,” she grinned. “Your makeup looks awesome,” she added, “did you do it yourself?”
Michael choked out a laugh. “No,” he shook his head, then turned and pointed at Parker. “Parker did.”
“How come you guys don’t have matching costumes?” Crystal asked curiously.
“Me and Parker?” Michael looked confused, then his face softened as he realized what she meant. “Oh, she’s not my girlfriend,” he shook his head, and Crystal’s face brightened immediately. “More like my sister, honestly. She’s with Cal. I’m flying solo.”
Parker watched their entire interaction with the biggest smile on her face. Michael was the kindest person she knew—it was about time he met someone as sweet as he was.
Calum snapped her out of her distracted staring when he held out his hand in front of her. “Care to dance, angel?”
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Christmas that year was different for Calum. He always spent Christmas Eve with the boys. They usually went out for dinner and had a couple drinks before making their way back to one of their houses to exchange gifts and watch a movie or two. Then on Christmas Day he went over to Gram’s for the afternoon and she made a big dinner for just the two of them.
This year, their circle had grown by four additional people, so it made sense to have a whole celebration with everyone there. They held it on Christmas Eve so the boys could spend Christmas Day with their own families, and everyone gathered at Gram’s house.
Gram was delighted to have a whole house full of people to cook for, since the last time she had a big holiday party was when Calum’s granddad was still alive. The boys would come over periodically for dinner, but that didn’t really count. All the girls—Crystal, Sierra, Ashton’s girlfriend KayKay and Parker helped Gram in the kitchen while the boys goofed off and relaxed by the Christmas tree. When they all sat down for dinner, Gram at the head of the table, Calum looked around at all his friends, his girl, and he was so thankful that he could call these people his family. After a lifetime spent hating the world and everyone in it, his life was good, and Calum was happy.
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Calum was at home working on some new music at the end of February when his phone rang. An unfamiliar number flashed on the screen before Calum answered.
“Hello, I’m looking for Mr. Calum Hood,” replied a voice that Calum didn’t recognize.
“This is Calum.”
“Hello, Mr. Hood, this is Dr. Schilling from Blue Cross Regional Hospital. I’m calling regarding Grace Hood.”
Calum’s mouth went dry as his heart dropped into the pit of his stomach.
“Mr. Hood, I’m afraid we need you to come down right away.”
Calum’s hands were shaking, gripping his phone so tightly that his knuckles were turning white. “Is she—what happened?” he managed to reply, voice cracking.
Parker came down the hall from the bedroom, immediately noticing Calum’s rigid posture.
“It’s difficult to discuss over the phone—”
“What happened!” he demanded, voice rising to an angry yell.
“I’m sorry, Mr. Hood. She passed away.”
The phone slipped out of his hand, clattering to the floor. Calum slid to his knees, fingers tugging on his hair as he rocked back and forth on his heels. He didn’t make a sound. He couldn’t breathe—he felt like the air had been sucked out of his lungs, gasping for air as he tried to breathe in deeply. Parker ran over, dropping to her knees in front of him and putting her hands on his shoulders.
“Calum! Calum, what happened?”
He said nothing as she shook him frantically, trying to get him to answer.
Finally, he looked up at her, his eyes glassy and tears pooling in his eyes and falling down his cheeks. “She’s gone,” he choked out.
“No,” Parker leaned back, shaking her head. Her eyes filled with tears, too. “No, she can’t be.”
“She's gone,” he whispered again.
And then his body shook violently, tears escaping as he sobbed, and Parker cried too, holding him, trying to comfort him while he mourned the loss of the only family he had. Grace was the most important thing in his life, and just like that, she was gone. Parker’s heart shattered into a million pieces as she watched the man she loved crumble in front of her.
• • • • • •
When he was sure he had no tears left to cry, Calum stood, eyes red and swollen, the sleeves of his sweater soaked with tears. “We need to go,” he said, voice thick and scratchy from crying. “We have to go to the hospital.”
The drive to the hospital was a blur—Parker didn’t really even remember getting there. She remembered calling Michael in a daze, telling him what happened before hanging up and letting him deal with telling Ashton and Luke. She remembered sitting with Calum in the waiting room for the doctor that called him. She remembered what the doctor told her—that she had a sudden heart attack, likely resulting from her head injury and there was nothing that could have been done. Grace’s neighbour called an ambulance but she was gone before she even made it to the hospital. Parker remembered walking with her hand firmly clasped in Calum’s as they entered the room that Gram was in, her body covered with a sheet.
Calum sucked in a breath, stopping at the door.
Parker stepped in front of him, blocking his view of the room. “You don’t have to see her,” she told him, cupping his face in her hands. “You don’t have to remember her like this.” She spoke calmly, though she felt anything but.
Calum shook his head. “No,” he sniffled, wiping his nose on his sleeve. “I have to.” It sounded more like he was convincing himself than anyone else.
Parker nodded and grasped his hand, holding tight as she walked with him to the bed.
“Can—can you—”
Parker nodded. She lifted the corner of the sheet, pulling it back slowly to reveal Grace’s face and upper body. She looked peaceful, like she was sleeping, but Calum and Parker both knew she wasn’t.
Calum’s resolve broke again, and the tears streamed down his face as he reached out slowly to touch her. He touched her hand, and it wasn’t warm like it usually was. He crouched down, body shaking with silent sobs as he rested his head on the bed next to the woman who raised him.
“I’m so sorry, Gram,” he choked, over and over. “I’m sorry.”
Parker just stood there behind him, helpless, rubbing his back in a futile attempt to calm him down, but she was crying, too.
After a while he stood, and he hugged Parker tightly, as if he was afraid she'd disappear if he let go. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, and she just held him while he cried.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” she whispered, sliding her hands up the back of his hoodie and rubbing soothing circles on his lower back.
She looked out the window of the room, seeing Michael, Luke and Ashton standing there with somber expressions on their faces.
“The boys are here,” Parker whispered.
Calum lifted his head, wiping his eyes. “Thanks for calling them.”
She followed behind him as he joined his brothers outside the room, the four of them coming together in a hug, comforting each other. Gram wasn’t just Calum’s family—she was all of theirs.
• • • • • •
Parker decided to take some time off work to be with Calum after Gram’s death. The night he got the call, Calum tossed and turned all night. Parker woke up in the middle of the night and found Calum gone. She got out of bed and went out into the living room, seeing him out on the balcony having a cigarette. She wrapped her arm around his waist, resting her head on his shoulder. He was silent for a few minutes, then he finally spoke. “Go back to bed, angel,” he whispered, kissing the top of her head. “I’m gonna have another smoke.”
The next morning, Parker woke, still alone. She wasn’t sure if Calum had come back to bed or if he stayed in the living room the rest of the night, but he was already awake. She sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. Duke was asleep on Calum’s side of the bed, and Loki was sleeping in his tree by their bedroom window. She rolled over, careful not to disturb Duke, and climbed out of bed. As she stood, she heard a loud crash from the living room, making her jump. This jolted Duke awake, his ears down and shoulders hunched from being startled, and Loki jumped off his tree and skirted under the bed. Parker heard another loud bang, followed by a third, all accompanied by Calum cursing loudly.
“Fuck!” she heard him yell, and she ran down the hall as she continued to hear the sound of smashing glass. She stopped in her tracks when she took in the sight of the living room—there were shards everywhere. The coffee table had been upturned, a large crack in the center, and several vases and picture frames were littered on the floor, a fine dusting of glass shards spanning from the entrance of the hallway where Parker stood, all the way through the kitchen and to the front door.
Calum stood in the middle of the room in nothing but a pair of sweats, his feet bare, hands laced behind his head as he looked down. She could hear him incoherently mumbling to himself, but she couldn’t make out what he was saying. She retreated back into the bedroom, quickly grabbing a pair of slippers and putting them on before closing the door to prevent their pets from walking through the glass.
She made her way over to him slowly, walking carefully over the glass. It was then that she noticed three large holes in the drywall, dust and blood covering the knuckles on Calum’s right hand.
“Baby,” Parker whispered. “What happened?” she asked stupidly, regretting her question as soon as it left her lips. She knew what happened, obviously. He was angry, and he took it out in the only way he felt could give him control.
“I should have been there,” he muttered. “I should have been with her,” he said as he finally looked up, and his eyes were red-rimmed and bloodshot.
“Cal, there’s nothing you could have done. It was a heart attack. There was nothing anyone could have done to save her.”
“But she was alone,” he sniffed. “I should have been with her. She shouldn’t even have been living alone. I haven’t seen her since last Friday. We were supposed to have lunch on Wednesday afternoon, and I bailed ‘cause I wasn’t feeling good. The last time I talked to her was to cancel plans, and now I’m never going to see her again.”
If Parker’s heart hadn’t already broken yesterday, it was definitely broken now. Calum carried so much on his shoulders, and now he blamed himself for Gram’s death.
“It’s not your fault, baby,” Parker whispered. Calum ignored her. She grabbed his face, forcing him to look at her. “This wasn’t your fault. And she loved you. And she knew how much you loved her. You didn’t let her down. She was so proud of you.”
“I can’t believe she’s gone,” he whispered, shaking his head. He seemed to just notice all the glass all over the floor. “Fuck, I’m sorry,” he cursed, inspecting her to make sure she wasn’t cut anywhere. His eyes widened in sudden alarm. “Where are the boys?” he asked, thinking of Duke and Loki. “Fuck, I’m so stupid, I wasn’t thinking,” he muttered, taking in the state of the living room.
“They’re fine. I locked them in the bedroom,” she assured him. “Come on, let’s get this cleaned up and then I can draw you a bath,” she suggested, knowing how Calum liked to relax in a hot bath when he had a shitty day.
He nodded. “I’m sorry, angel. This was reckless. I could have hurt you.”
Parker shook her head. “It’s okay, I’m fine,” she promised him, but he didn’t seem satisfied.
“I just got so angry. At myself, at everything.”
Parker nodded. “I know, baby,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his bare torso and holding him tight. She lifted his right hand to her lips, pressing gentle kisses to his bleeding knuckles.
Calum swept up the glass while Parker righted the coffee table and picked up all the broken picture frames. She followed him with the vacuum, cleaning up all the tiny shards of glass he missed until they were sure it was safe for Duke and Loki to come out.
Once everything was cleaned up, Parker drew a bath for Calum and lit some candles, adding a lavender bath bomb to the tub.
She went out into the living room to tell him that the bath was ready, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you, angel,” he stood, kissing her forehead and heading into the bathroom, leaving the door open as he always did.
A few seconds later, Parker heard him calling for her. When she entered the bathroom, he was standing next to the tub, naked.
“Get in with me,” he gestured to the tub with a nod of his head. He didn’t mean it in a sexual way at all, he just needed to be close to her. Calum moved to where Parker stood, lifting her shirt over her head, sliding her sweats down and discarding them both next to his own. He got in first, leaning against the back of the tub before holding his hand out for her to step in. She settled in between his legs, resting her head in the space between his head and his shoulder. Calum wrapped his arms around her, his hands folded and resting on her stomach. They lay like that for a while, letting the hot water warm their skin, the smell of lavender relaxing them.
Finally, Calum broke their silence. He pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “I love you, you know,” he murmured. “More than I ever thought I would be capable of.”
Parker’s insides melted, and it wasn’t due to the hot water. She lifted one of his hands, pressing a kiss to his palm. “I love you, too, Cal.”
Even though losing Gram had turned his world upside down, he knew things would be okay again, as long as Parker was by his side.
taglist: @treatallwithkindness @oopsiedoopsie23 @tunnnelvision @wildflower-mmr @crazytarotanon
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
*pokes fingers together* If you take promts, I'm not sure if this has been done before but what about reader getting a semi-serious injury so they're out of action for a while (like lightsaber holding wrist/arm/etc) but they are restless and want to get back into practicing and battling really quick, pushing themselves and of course Cal is there to make sure they... don't. XD Taking care of them, refusing practice until they are fully healed and such. Well, only if you like the idea ofc~ :3
I think I’ve done something similar to this but only for a minor wound, so this time you’re the one with the major wound prompt hehe ^w^ Sorry if it’s a bit too short, but I hope you’d still like this! 💕
“Just A Scratch” | Cal Kestis x Reader
The quaint settlement town in Lothal is disturbed by the hot pursuit of two Jedi. The speeder bikes zoomed past the denizens, shifting left and right to catch up with the Jedi taking the sharp turns around the curb.
“Stop there! Insurgents!” the patrol trooper taking the lead barked.
“This way, hurry!” Cal snatched you by the arm and made a blind turn to the alley.
Squeezing yourselves in that narrow annex, Cal waited and listened for the sound of the speeder’s engine receding. You slowly peeked your head over the wall and surveyed the street left and right.
“Are they gone?” Cal mumbled.
“I think so,”
You emerged out of that tight fit and scanned again for good measure. Cal followed when you confirmed that the coast is clear. The two of you headed to the direction you intended to go. As you sprinted through the streets, both of you were watchful on the turns and curbs along the way—presuming that there’d be a Stormtrooper or two waiting for you.
Cal scraped his boots against the road when he spotted a couple of Stormtroopers coming out of the curb ahead of you.
“Nope! This way, this way!” he whispered, snatching you by the wrist and dragging you to the alleyway directly beside him.
This whole pursuit is happening in this maze of a town. It’s amazing that Lothalites are able to navigate their way through such a complicated layout. After one wrong turn, you ended up getting spotted by a group of three guards—one on a speeder and two Stormtroopers.
“I found the insurgents! They’re in the western alley at Block 8C!” the Stormtrooper radioed and aimed his blaster at you.
“Oh crud, RUN!!” you screeched and turned the other way.
The two of you easily deflected the Stormtroopers’ shots but are now in pursuit of another patrol trooper—this one wasn’t even riding the scooter-like model, the one he drove was the kind of speeder bike armed with blaster cannons.
After a while of sprinting, Cal noticed that the sound of the speeder bike has receded.
“Is he still on us?!” Cal asked.
“I don’t even wanna look back!”
In your collective periphery, the trooper has made himself quite resourceful with the environment—he slid up a toppled awning that led him to the rooftops as he continued the chase, he really hit the pedal to the metal with his bike until he’s gotten ahead of you. The two of you watched his entire stunt as you ran.
“What is he doing!?” you squealed.
The biker patroller jumped off a rooftop when he got to a considerable distance ahead of you—that was his plan all along: he meant to cut off your path by going on ahead and stopping you there.  You hate to admit that the trooper was good driver and a daredevil nonetheless.
He had his speeder bike idled on one end of the road while the two of you stood at the other.
With the press of a button on the dashboard, the barrels of the cannons whirred and aimed at the general direction of his enemy, the trooper’s thumb rested on the trigger, it trembled with eagerness as he peered through the black visor of his helmet.
The Jedi couple unclipped their sabers from their belts.
Promptly, the trooper pressed the button, releasing two simultaneous shots from the cannons. Compared to typical handheld blasters, projectiles from vehicle cannons were much trickier to deflect and required more precision. Your eagle eye spotted the barrel of the cannon pointing at Cal and the trooper was lowering his thumb to the red button.
You shouldered Cal out of the line of fire. In exchange, your dodge got lousy and the thick, red projectile had cut through your sleeve, gravely injuring your bicep. A mixture of clear liquid and hot blood trickled smoothly down on your skin. The pain was so sharp and abrupt that the fingers that curled around your lightsaber rendered completely limp. The burning sensation made you fumble to your knees.
Cal quickly dragged you out of the scene, keeping you cover behind a stack of crates before facing the trooper.
The biker sped straight ahead, closing its distance from the Jedi; in the blink of an eye, when the vehicle was just neck-and-neck with Cal, he severed the two-pronged front and the blaster cannons with his saber until the vehicle spun out of control and then crashed into another incoming biker scout.
He watched the enemies and their vehicles reduced to shrapnel and flames as he took deep breaths. He immediately turned his attention to you. You struggle to take slow, rhythmic breaths while easing yourself from the pain. Cal slowly removed your other hand that’s been pressuring on the wound to stop the bleeding. You winced and breathed through clenched teeth when he separated your hand from the injury, blood and water curdled under your hand until it became a sticky mixture to make your palm appear glued to the flesh wound.
“BD, stim!”
BD-1 popped out a single stim from his container and Cal injected the bright green syringe on your shoulder. You winced at the quick jab of the needle as the substance entered your body.
“Aww God, I can’t feel it,” you moaned.
“The stim?”
“No, my arm,”
“Come on, I’ll help you up,”
Cal made a crutch out of himself for you as he helped you hobble your way back to the outskirts of the town where the Mantis is.
Even though Cere wasn’t surprised anymore to see either of you coming home with a scratch, she always gives that stern, motherly look at both of you when she greets you by the door or at the couch.
“Just a scratch!” you scoffed smugly at her.
“That’s one hell of a scratch, if you ask me,”
“Nothing a little bacta can fix,” you winked as Cal shepherded you to the bedroom.
“Alright, alright, let’s get you cleaned and patched up!”
He helped you remove your top which now has a large gash on the sleeve, revealing the flesh wound with dried blood smeared on its radius.
“Thing of beauty, isn’t it?” you blurted jokingly.
“I’m glad the trooper didn’t hit your funny bone,” he chuckled back. “Wait here, I’ll just get some water.”
For the next minute, you stared at the flesh wound. The clear liquid clumped and dried, turning into a slight yellow color, you carefully plucked out the fibers that adhered to the surface of the injury. The sound of the bathroom door shut and Cal returned to the room.
“Don’t pick at it,” he lectured.
“It’s just the threads of my shirt,”
He soaked then wrung a towel in the bowl of water he collected from the bathroom, gingerly wiping off the dried blood and then daubing the wound itself. One of the things you loved about Cal is how gentle his hands were—for a scrapper, no less.
“I guess I owe you one,”
“It’s nothing, Cal,”
“No, really,” he looked at you with sincerity in his clear, green eyes. “Thank you. I don’t know how you do it but you’re always saving my life.”
“You’re welcome,” you leaned closer to kiss him on the forehead.
The cycle repeated: soak, wring, and dab. When it was finally clean, he cut a strip of bacta—long enough to ring around your arm—and secured it with its adhesive.
“There, all patched up. You’re not gonna use that lightsaber for a few days,”
“So… I’m out of action for now?” Cal replied with a nod and you rolled your eyes at him.
“Don’t get any funny ideas unless you want your other arm hurt,”
You sighed in defeat. There was no more room for argument. Cal playfully touched the tip of your nose, consoling you with a cheek kiss before leaving the room to return the materials. Simply reaching for your saber became a struggling, as the slightest turn strained your arm and—albeit limp—it felt heavy. To make the numbness go away, you flexed your fingers, opening and closing your fist at a pace, though you found it hard to maintain your usual grip.
You practiced the grip exercises on one of the tools sitting on the workbench. You practiced gripping on a wrench—starting off softly, you gradually progressed to the usual tightness of your grip but your fingers felt numb as well. Frustrated, you dropped the tool and sat back on the bed—and Cal had spotted you trying to regain your grip.
“Look, I know it’s hard right now, but trying to practice on anything isn’t a good idea right now,”
You grumbled something indistinct, Cal held your cheeks and then smothered your face with kisses. He took you out of the room so you could join everyone for lunch.
That afternoon, everyone lazed inside the ship—except for you, of course. You snuck out of the ship, tiptoeing past the cockpit—luckily, Merrin had her back turned when facing the holotable—and you hit the button as quietly as you could. You slipped past the door, finally, and the soles of your boots found the grass.
It looked and felt awkward, but you unclipped your saber with your left hand—which you aren’t obviously used to—and did some handling practice with it unignited.
“Okay, so far, so good. Could never go wrong with basic spins,” you tell yourself.
You thought that igniting then wielding it in a non-dominant arm is the stupidest thing that ever crossed your action-desperate mind. You switched the saber to your good hand and repeated the same grip exercises that you did with the wrench earlier.
Even if it pained you whenever you moved it, you tried to perform your usual attack swings and strikes, a spinning attack would be the most daring in this circumstance.
You came to the conclusion that it was lousier when wielding it with your dominant but messed up arm.
“My right arm is practically dead at this point,” you scoffed.
You looked for something to practice your left-handedness on, you spotted a withered tree trunk standing not far from the ship and you decided to walk towards it.
In less than two paces, you feel an arm hook around your waist, causing you to drop your lightsaber to the soil. He hoisted you up to his shoulder until you’re hanging behind his back, while securing you by the thighs.
“Where do you think you’re going, kitty cat?”
“Oh come on!” you whined, smacking his back in retaliation. “I swear I wasn’t going to the tree to practice.”
“Uh-huh, sure you are,” Cal replied with his signature sarcasm, blatantly ignoring your light slaps on the broad of his back. “Bad girl.”
You gradually gave up on the continuous, light slapping on his back as he carried you all the way back to the ship. You reached for your saber, pulling it with the Force towards your hand before he could get farther.
“Sneak out once more and I’ll punish you,” he firmly said.
“Okay,” you nonchalantly replied, waving your saber around as he marched. You smirked to yourself. “I’ll sneak out tonight then.”
“No, you’re not,”
The two of you mockingly bickered back and forth whether or not you’ll sneak out in the dead of night just to get a swing of your saber. He settled you down on the couch like a toddler, bent down to level with you and looked at you in the eye.
“Hot chocolate?”
“Yes,” you perked.
“Promise me you won’t sneak out first,”
“Of course, it was a damn bribe,” you muttered.
“Promise?” he repeated, but sternly this time.
With a comical innocence, your free hand held your right arm by the wrist, raised it up in mid-air and a limp hand bobbed to the side.
“Padawan’s honor,”
Cal raised an eyebrow.
“What rank do you want? Grandmaster’s honor?”
“Good girl,” he smiled and kissed the tip of your nose before retreating to the kitchen.
Your eyes followed him until he began fishing out cups and spoons from the drawers. Utensils lightly clattered here and there, the viscous chocolate sloshed from the pitcher to the glasses. He brought one for each of you and he cuddled into you on the couch. He scooped up your legs and rested them over his lap, he puts his arm around your shoulder, sipping away the sweet liquid each minute while nuzzling his cheek on your head.
“I hope this heals soon,” you muttered, a sad, bored tone rang in your words.
“Soon, sweetie,” he kisses your forehead. “Soon. Then we’ll go practice once it’s not so bad anymore.”
“Promise?” you angled your head up so you could look at him in the eye.
He smiled at the sight of your soulful, puppy eyes.
“I promise.”
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baeshijima · 4 years
Okay so u and waka,,, helping out at a kindergarten bc that way u could excuse urself from school work✨ how would that play out?
hgskdgfkks bb! and gg! tophie ditching school to play with children is probably one of the most wholesome things you can get 🥺
tophie taglist :  @ksyy / @ksyescribe + @cherryonigiri​ + @kukusbabe + @snazzieyama  + @kadoui + @kunimi-bby + @semiluvr + @pudding-head-kenma​ + @shinsuque + @luckywritesss + @astereim​ + @oyasenpai + @hikari-writes  + @namikxze + @haikoo + @pisces-mattsun + @mochiimii + @aexonian + @krusty-cheetahs + @cosmictooru  + @lcaita + @kuzuseijoh + @dramaqueenweeb1469​ + @aurumskyy​ + @akaashichigo + @catharsisbabey + @miki-snake
BB!GG!Tophie Helping At A Local Kindergarten
i’m already blushing and nothing’s happened ಠ_ಠ
lemme just start off by saying that it would be wakatoshi that brings the idea up
“sophie, i have an idea for tomorrow”
“if you mean egging the maths teacher’s car again, i’ll leave you like last time—”
“no that’s not what i meant, but that was fun~”
“it wasn’t,,, i had to sit there in the long lecture and apologise on your behalf since you weren’t going to”
“i still don’t see why you apologised”
“i don’t want to hear that from you”
“whatever you say, treasure (GJDHRSDGFKSDJGK I STILL DIE AT THIS OMFG 🥺) anyway, back to what i was saying”
“let’s help out at the local kindergarten for the day”
“heh, i see i caught your interest~”
“would it be after school?”
. . .
“who said i was asking”
. . .
it took a while to convince me (it didn’t—) since i had a perfect attendance since i care about that education at times, but in the end i agreed
we ended up having wakatoshi call the school in saying i was sick and he was taking care of me since i didn’t want to not say anything,,,
but he already signed up and contacted the kindergarten, asking if he could bring me along with him today
at first i didn’t react, but then i took a double take
i knew he loved children, but i never would’ve guessed he helped out before
tbh, i should’ve guessed,,,
but he said to wear comfortable clothing
and guess what?
we wear couple outfits 🥺
we also baked cookies for the kids the night before too!!
that was fun 🥺
but since we both live on campus, we had to sneak out very early in the morning
we disguised it as us going on a run since we both do sports
and it was winter
so we would just say i came down with something the night before but it got worse after the run
very convenient if i do say so myself
i mean, no one questioned us so it was kinda useless—
n e way
we went to a cafe we’re regulars at and just chilled there for a while, had something warm to drink, shared some red velvet waffles and had a chat with the nice old couple who owns the place
they’re very sweet
the make a few,,, innuendos which i never catch on but wakatoshi does and he goes with it
while i’m sipping on my hot chocolate and our waffle—
but when it’s time to leave, they give us some more baked goods, on the house, to take and share between us
they’re very stubborn
when we get there, we change our shoes and greet the teacher of the class we’ll be helping out!!
her and wakatoshi are already familiar with each other so he introduces me to her
we set things up and then the kids come in
and let me tell you i had to hold back a squeal
and wakatoshi (the big oaf) just chuckled
damn him—
but anway
every time the children come in, they always shouted
and honestly?
i melted
and combusted
just both tbh
and every time they do that, they turn to see me and just stare
some are excited
some ae shy
some are jealous as to why wakatoshi has his arms wrapped around me
oh boy
but the day went well? i think?
like, aside from all the jealous 4 year old girls trying to fight me for wakatoshi’s hand in marriage (i said they could have him and just fight between themselves. when i tell you wakatoshi was not impressed) it went well!!
we played with the children, helped them when they needed it, and my favourite part was giving them the cookies
it was before they leave that we gave it to them!! 
the teacher called their attention while wakatoshi helped me with the containers
the children were all giddy and it was the most sweetest thing i swear
they lined up in two lines, one for me and one for wakatoshi!!
and they said a happy “THANK YOU!!” each time they got one
some even gave me a hug 
and then came some of the girls who wanna marry wakatoshi (some were in wakatoshi’s line and let me tell you i’ve never seen anyone happier than those girls iN MY LIFE—)
i noticed they kept shifting in the line and glancing at me
but me being the dumb person i am took no notice bc i had kids shouting their thanks, hugging me, kissing my cheek and wakatoshi’s burning stare drilling through me each time—
and when they reached me
oh my god
they started crying
so i whipped out my handkerchiefs bc i’m prepared like that and dry their tears, while telling them it’s okay and asking what’s wrong
by now the whole class is staring and idk what feels worse
not knowing what’s causing their tears, or a bunch of four year olds staring at us, along with the teacher and wakatoshi
but you know what one of them said?
“y-you and tos-shi-nii should get marr-ried!! he lov-es you 😭”
“i do”
“wakatoshi, you’re not helping”
and that’s the story of balamory how i became friends with those girls
by sharing what being wakatoshi’s (wife) girlfriend is like and spilling all the little things he does and make fun of him (once again, wakatohsi is not impressed) o(*°▽°*)o
they even start calling me “sophie-nee” as well 
and when i tell you my heart buRST
but now they all cal me that and i’m a mushy puddle of softness
and when they go home?
saddest thing ever
a lot of tear-shed from the kids
esp the girls who i made friends with
but you know what made up for it?
“will you come back next time, sophie-nee?? please come back 🥺”
there goes my heart for the hgfjksdf time today—
and then wakatoshi and i helped clean up and the teacher was thanking us for being here jhdskjfd
long story short, we’ll be coming here weekly—
and then we go out for lunch at a small diner 
very cute
now we’re back at the dorms
his dorm actually
“my love”
“hm? what is it?”
“let’s have children”
“huh? oh, sure”
. . .
“wait, nOW—???”
interested? take part in my 300 follower sleepover event !!
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peterparkercuddles · 5 years
Brothers in Training
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Tony and Peter had been working down in the lab when Tony spoke up about the thing he’d been meaning to tell Peter for a few weeks.
“Hey, kiddo, I need to talk to you about something. And before you get all worried, you’re not in trouble. I just wanted to tell you something; you might even be excited,” the man said, and Peter’s head perked up from where he’d been focusing on his work. “What is it?”
“Well you remember me telling you about Harley, right? I met him a few years ago,” Tony waited for Peter to nod in acknowledgment. “Well, he’s coming up here for a few weeks, so I wanted to give you a heads up.”
“How long is he staying for?” Peter asked, suddenly anxious at the thought of Tony taking more of a liking to Harley. They had known each other longer after all. “Don’t go all thinky on me there, kid.” Tony pointed a finger at Peter; he knew the kid well enough to know he was probably going over all the horrible outcomes that had a 0.001% chance of happening. Peter smiled shyly. “Sorry,” he said. “You know it’s alright kid; I just don’t want you worrying yourself. You know I love you,” the man smiled, going over and placing his hands on Peter’s shoulders. “Now, what are we working on?”
Peter smiled. “Just some more pre-cal. You wanna help?”
“You know I do.”
It had officially been summer break for a week when Tony broke the news to Peter. “Hey, Pete, guess what we’re doing tomorrow.”
“What?” Peter asked, and Tony smiled. “We’re going to pick Harley up!” Tony exclaimed, and Peter grinned excitedly. He’d spent the last few weeks convincing the boy that Harley coming would be great, and that it would be like having a brother the few weeks he stayed with them. Peter had slowly gotten more excited, and by that time, he was just as eager to pick Harley up as Tony was.
“I’m really excited,” the boy had said. “Do you think we’re gonna be good friends?”
“Of course I do,” Tony had answered. He had every reason to believe they would be. After all, the two were both incredibly smart, and they were close enough in age, with Peter getting nearer to his fifteenth birthday as Harley neared his seventeenth. There was no reason to believe anything would go awry. Of course, Tony had no true idea of knowing how the boys would really get along, but being best friends seemed likely.
Well, he was wrong.
The next day, as Peter and Tony stood hand in hand at the airport- the boy was too shy for his own good- they waited for the flight Harley would be coming off of. Once Tony caught sight of the boy, his face lit up and he shouted, ”Harley!”
“Hey, Mechanic!” the boy yelled back with a dramatic wave, and Peter made a face.
“Mechanic?” he asked, and Tony kept his smile as he replied, “Oh yeah, that’s what I called myself way back when I met him; it stuck.” As Harley finally made his way to the pair, he dropped his bags and embraced Tony with a smile. Peter pretended it didn’t sting to be left unacknowledged, but of course he’d be more excited to see Tony, Peter thought logically.
Once the two pulled away, Peter held his own hand out to Harley. “Hi, Harley! It’s so nice to meet you,” the boy said with all the enthusiasm he had, which was quite a bit.
“You must be Peter,” the older boy said as his much larger hand enveloped Peter’s, and the younger boy swore he saw a grimace as his hand was shaken. “That’s me! Tony’s told me all about you; I’m really glad you’re here!”
“Glad to be here,” Harley replied, picking his bags up and looking away from Peter. “Well, car’s this way, let’s get your bags in and head back to my place. We’ve got a lot of catching up to do!”
Tony’s eyes shone with happiness as he helped Harley grab his bags and load them into the car, Peter trailing behind the pair. He tried not to feel jealous as the older boy immediately hopped into the front seat with Tony without even looking in Peter’s direction, and he tried even harder not to feel jealous when he also knew the lyrics to the song Tony turned on.
I’m being unreasonable, Peter thought. I live with him, I don’t need to sit in the front seat, or know the lyrics to the songs he listens to.
Still, the young boy could feel the envy creeping up on him, but he shoved it away and put on a smile, one he hoped Harley would return.
He didn’t.
It didn’t take Peter long to realize that Harley maybe-sorta-kinda didn’t like him.
The southern boy had only been there for a day and a half, and yet he’d only spoken to Peter when he was prompted to by Tony and he’d taken every opportunity to roll his eyes once the man had looked away. Peter tried not to let it bother him, Harley didn’t know him was all, he’d told himself. That didn’t mean it hurt any less when Harley pushed past him when Tony wasn’t looking, or when he gave Peter’s projects a look of disgust.
As bad as it made Peter feel, he was still glad things weren’t totally horrible. Yeah, he and Harley didn’t get along, which was disappointing, but he was no Flash. But when Harley pulled him aside as he was walking out of the bathroom his third day there, he realized that maybe he’d been wrong. Because yeah, he didn’t go after him the way Flash did, but he lived with him, for a few weeks at least.
“Hey, Peter!” he’d said as the younger boy walked out of the bathroom, looking up to meet Harley’s eyes. When he saw nothing but malice, he looked down.
“Look at me when I’m talking to you.”
Peter looked back up to the older boy, feeling more intimidated by the minute.
“What is it with you?” Harley’d asked, and Peter gave him a look of confusion.
“W- What do you mean?” he’d asked, and Harley scoffed.
“I mean, you never leave us alone. Jesus Christ, I bet Tony’s tired of you breathing down his neck. I’ve only been here three days and I’m already tired of it.”
Peter was taken aback. Had Harley really said those things to him, in his own house? And was he really that irritating; did Tony really get tired of him the way Harley said he did?
“I-I’m not trying to be in the way. I-I always go in the lab with Tony; we work together,” Peter stuttered out, trying to make it clear he didn’t mean any harm.
“W-W-Well leave us alone,” Harley replied, mocking Peter’s stutter and making him feel even worse than he already did.
“Oh, and now you’re gonna cry? Seriously? You’re fourteen, not four. You shouldn’t need Tony holding your hand and you certainly shouldn’t need him to wipe your tears. Clean it up and leave us alone.”
With one last eye roll, Harley was off, leaving Peter to stand, stunned, in the hallway.
After that encounter, Peter made sure to leave Tony and Harley alone. If the two were in the lab, he stayed in his room, and if the two weren’t in the lab, then he took himself down there to work, alone. As he worked by himself, he realized he couldn’t fathom how Tony ever worked alone, as he was beyond lonely. But if he had to be lonely for a few days to get away from Harley’s eye rolls and glares, then so be it.
Peter thought he was being pretty sneaky about avoiding the two. When they came up for lunch, Peter pretended like Ned was calling, and when they walked in on him in the lab, he pretended as though he was hungry. And then Ned was calling. Or he was tired. The list went on and on, anything to escape Harley’s hatefulness.
Tony, however, definitely realized something was up. He wasn’t stupid by any means; so when Peter ducked out of the lab for the fourth time in two days, he knew something was going on.
“Hey, Pete, c’mere. I wanna talk to you,” the man called as he walked into Peter’s room. Always eager to please, the boy spun around in his chair to face the man, eyes wide as if he were asking, ‘what’s up?’
“What do you need?” Peter asked, a nervous edge to his voice.
“Well,” Tony began. “I noticed you’ve been avoiding Harley and me.”
“N-No I haven’t,” Peter responded, eyes widening. How was he supposed to get around this?
“I think you have, kiddo, and that’s okay, I understand it may be weird to have someone else here. I just wanted to make sure everything’s alright with you two, getting along and everything, right?”
Peter felt guilt creep up on him. If he said no, he would be letting Tony down by making it known Harley wasn’t as great as he thought he was? Right. But if he said yes, that would be a lie, and Peter knew how much Tony hated when he lied.
He settled for the lie.
“Yeah, everything’s good. We’re fine; we just don’t know each other that well.”
He watched the gears turn in Tony’s head, the way his eyes flickered as he went over what he’d had said, trying to decide if it was the genuine truth or a lie to satiate him.
“Well if you’re sure,” the man had said. Peter breathed out a sigh of relief. “I’m sure he’d like to get to know you better; you two should do something before he leaves.”
Not a chance, Peter thought. Still, he nodded his head and turned back to his desk, Tony kissing the top of his head before exiting the room, leaving Peter to come down from the anxiety high he’d experienced during the conversation.
A few moments later, when the door opened again, he least expected the intruder to be Harley.
“Can’t you just leave us alone?”
Peter whipped around to face the older boy, confusion evident on his face.
“What do you mean? I have left you alone. I live here and you’ve barely even seen me; can’t you leave me alone?”
Peter couldn’t believe he’d said that.
“Oh wow, see you’ve finally grown some balls there,” Harley exclaimed. “Nice to know you’ve got at least one bone in your body.”
Peter sighed. “Can you just go?”
“No, actually, I can’t.” Harley crossed his arms. “But you can.”
Peter’s eyes shone with even more confusion.
“Come on, there’s plenty of other floors you could be on, not to mention all the other people you could be bothering. Why don’t you just do us all a favor and leave, for a little while at least. It’s the least you could do.”
This time, Peter’s eyes shone with hurt. Surely he couldn’t be that bad, right?
Not having anything to say, he spun his chair back around to face the wall. When Harley realized he’d gotten his point across, he walked out of the room, mumbling a quick, “Something to think about,” before closing the door behind him.
Peter thought about it. He thought about it for a while, actually, before he decided to text Clint.
Can I stay with you tonight? he’d sent, and Clint had a replied with ‘Of course’ before he’d even had time to regret it. He hadn’t spent a night away from Tony since May, but maybe getting out of Harley’s hair would be good. The older boy would have time to calm down, and besides, he loved Clint. Getting to shoot arrows was a bonus too, something Tony rarely ever let him do.
As Peter walked into the kitchen to grab a snack, he ran into both Harley and Tony, only one of which was obviously eager to see him.
“Pete! Why don’t you come to the lab with us?” Tony had proposed, and Peter almost wanted to take him up on the offer. Maybe flaunting Tony in front of Harley would make him let up, put him in his place, but Peter wasn’t that kind of person. So instead, he replied, “Actually, I’m going to stay on Clint’s floor tonight.”
He watched as Tony’s facial expression morphed into one of concern, and Harley’s into a smug one.
“You sure, kiddo?” he asked, and Peter nodded.
“Yeah, you guys will be able to hang out, and you know how much I love Clint’s arrows.”
Tony grabbed his arm. “You know you’re not bothering us, kid. But if you really want to go, I won’t stop you. If you need anything, and I mean anything, you know I’ll be here.” Again, Peter nodded, because he did know. He knew he wasn’t a bother to Tony, as much as he sometimes felt he was, especially now that Harley was making it his life’s mission to make sure Peter knew it.
After the little impromptu meeting, Peter packed his bag and headed for the elevator, giving the penthouse a glance as the doors closed. Once he’d arrived on Clint’s floor, he was immediately greeted with an enthusiastic, “Hey, kid! Ready to shoot?”
It was almost as if that’s all he needed to cheer up, dropping his bag with a toothy grin and following the man to his shooting room. They’d barely exchanged two more words before the two began practicing, Peter practically forgetting about his earlier troubles.
As the day went on, the two had a great time. They’d shot arrows for a couple hours, had lunch with Natasha and Steve, and were finally settled down on the couch watching a movie. Peter was cuddled up to Clint, courtesy of the sleepiness he was feeling, when the man asked, “You about ready for bed, kid? You don’t usually stay up so late.”
At that, Peter felt a sick feeling in his stomach. “U-Um, can we maybe watch one more movie? Please?”
“Yeah, sure,” Clint replied. “It’s summer. Who needs a bedtime?” Peter weakly smiled, trying to ignore the sinking feeling in his stomach, and watched as Clint picked another movie. The boy could feel his eyes getting heavy, his muscles relaxing, but every time his eyes slipped closed, he felt his heart start racing.
What was going on?
As the movies ending neared, all Peter could pay attention to was that he just didn’t feel good. His stomach hurt, his chest hurt, and all he could think was, I want Tony.
Oh. He was missing Tony. That’s what it was. He’d almost forgotten about the one night he’d been away from the man at bedtime, the way he’d cried until the man had picked him up from Ned’s house. He thought that had just been a once off.
Apparently he was wrong. Now that he had finally realized what was wrong, it only put him more on edge. Was he going to be able to sleep? Did he have to sleep on the couch? Or was there an extra bed he’d sleep in? Would Clint mind if Peter slept with him? This was his first time staying on Clint’s floor after all; what if he got up in the middle of the night and needed to use the bathroom and got lost? What if he had an accident? It didn’t happen very often but the boy didn’t want to find out how Clint would react. His thoughts were cut short by Clint standing up, and Peter now realized that the credits had begun rolling.
“Alright, kiddo. Let’s head to bed; Tony would have my head if he knew I let you stay up late.”
Peter whipped his head in Clint’s direction. “W-We don’t have to go to bed yet. I-I’m not even tired, really.”
“Kid.” Clint raised his eyebrows. “You were practically falling asleep the whole movie; I think it’s time for bed.”
“B-But my stomach hurts,” Peter almost whined, tears springing to his eyes. It was true, his stomach was hurting, but he was frustrated too. He was tired, but he also couldn’t stand the thought of sleeping, not away from Tony.
“Buddy, are you feeling okay?” Clint asked concernedly, watching the child as he tried to hold his tears in. The boy, in turn, nodded his head but kept his arms tightly wound around his stomach, Clint frowning in response.
“I think you just need to sleep. If your stomach hurts, you might try and go to the bathroom before bed,” the man supplied, though he had a feeling he knew what was really going on. When the tears in the boys eyes finally slipped down his cheeks though, Clint knew he was right.
“N-No, I don’t want to!” he sobbed, arms still wrapped around his stomach, face a mess of tears.
“Can I ask you a question, Pete?”
The boy nodded.
“Do you wanna go back to your floor? I think you’d feel a lot better if you could sleep in your own bed, hm? And I bet you’re missing Tony, too,” Clint said, and watched as it became clear that’s what Peter wanted.
“O-Okay, that sounds good.”
“Yeah? Alright, well let’s get your stuff and head up, okay?”
Once Peter nodded, Clint helped him off the couch and the two collected his things, then walked into the elevator.
“I’m sorry,” Peter sniffled. “I didn’t mean to ruin our sleepover.” Clint chuckled. “It’s alright, kid; you didn’t ruin anything. I just want you to get a good nights sleep.”
Peter nodded with another sniffle, and the elevator dinged as the doors opened on Tony’s floor.
Walking into the penthouse, Clint wrapped an arm around Peter’s shoulder, guiding him into the living room where they could hear a movie playing. Once they’d reached the doorway, they saw Tony with his head turned around, obviously waiting on whoever’d come in. “Hey, guys, what happened?” Tony asked, getting up off the couch and walking over to the pair, Peter’s breath hitching as he finally saw Tony.
“Kid got a little anxious,” Clint answered just as Tony engulfed the boy into a hug. “Just needed his dad.”
Tony frowned. “Alright, well thanks for bringing him back, and looking after him today.”
“Any time.”
Once Clint was gone, Tony had pulled Peter to sit on his lap on the couch. In his angst, Peter had nearly forgotten Harley was even there. So when he caught the boys eye after he’d been pulled into Tony’s lap, legs thrown over the mans, face buried in his chest, he didn’t even flinch. Instead, he just turned his head away, content to rest his eyes and sleep.
If only it were that easy every day.
Three days later, after endless torture from Harley, things finally came to a head. Peter had been extra emotional that day, all of Harley’s glares and insults hurting more than they usually did. He’d only have to endure it for four more days, but it was getting harder and harder.
As the day went on, it became harder and harder to keep his emotions in check, scurrying off to the bathroom more than once to relieve some of the pressure behind his eyes and shed a few tears. That’s why, around ten o’clock, Peter had hurried off to bed, leaving a confused Tony in his wake.
“Kid, you know you don’t have to go to bed; it’s summer,” he’d said, and Peter had only nodded along, supplying a short, “I’m just tired tonight.”
The man had frowned, but still invited Peter in for his usual goodnight hug, holding the boy a little longer that night. He’d noticed the teariness throughout the day, but chose not to say anything, just chalking it up to missing May.
Oh, how wrong he was. Peter was off to his room and under the covers as soon as Tony had told him goodnight, not even sparing a glance at Harley on his way out. He didn’t need the boy ruining his bedtime either. After that, things were relatively calm for the next couple hours. Tony and Harley stayed up watching movies, the two of them adding commentary every so often. The two were on their third movie of the night when F.R.I.D.A.Y. interrupted, her Irish voice ringing through the room.
“Mister Stark, I would like to inform you that one of your protocols for Mister Parker has been activated. However, I am not sure you would like me to disclose the information in front of Mister Keener. Shall I send the information to your cell phone?”
Sometimes Tony swore that F.R.I.D.A.Y. cared as much about Peter as he did, the AI seeming almost parental when it came to the boy, as parental as the computer could be. “Uh, yeah, sure F.R.I.D.A.Y. . Send it over.”
As soon as he said that, his phone vibrated with a message from the AI, letting him know that the protocol he’d put in place for Peter’s occasional bedwetting had been activated. The boy didn’t experience it often, but accidents weren’t so uncommon, and Tony felt he needed a plan for when it did happen. So, he got up out of seat, shooting Harley a quick, “Be right back,” before beginning to walk towards the hallway. What he was not expecting was for Harley to quip back with an almost angry, “Seriously?” He turned around at that, the kids face softening up a little as he saw the look on Tony’s face. “I need to go check on him. I’ll be back in no more than half an hour. You can finish the movie if you want.” With that, he turned around and made his way towards his kids room, opening the door to peek inside at the still sleeping boy.
Good, Tony thought. At least it wasn’t a bad nightmare.With that in mind, he walked quietly over to the bed and squatted down to be level with Peter, placing a gentle hand on his back. “Hey, kiddo, wake up for me,” the man whispered, his hand making circles in the boys back. “We gotta get cleaned up.”
It didn’t take long for Peter to stir, the boy opening his eyes with a look of confusion on his face, before shifting and realizing what was wrong. Immediately, his facial expression changed to one of embarrassment, cheeks heating up so red Tony could see them even in the dark. “It’s fine, kiddo, we just gotta get cleaned up. Up and at em,” Tony murmured, watching as the boy grimaced as he stood from the bed. “There we go. It’s okay.”
Once the boy was out of the sticky bed, Tony put a hand on his lower back and led him towards the connected bathroom. As Peter worried his lower lip, Tony told him, “Don’t worry about it kiddo, you know I’m not mad.”
Starting the bath, Tony kept his back turned as the boy undressed behind him. He waited for the water to get warm enough before he put the stopper in, Peter climbing in not long after. He drew his knees up to his chest and tried to wipe his tears away, but Tony could still see them flowing. “Kiddo, don’t cry. You know I’m not upset; it’s no big deal,” Tony tried to console, but the kid only continued to cry, a hiccup escaping his lips.
“P-lease don’t tell H-Harley,” he hiccuped, and Tony’s eyes shone with confusion.
“I wouldn’t tell Harley, kiddo, this is your business. But Harley wouldn’t care; he wouldn’t make fun of you.” That only upset Peter further, a sob tearing out of him before he could stop it. “Y-Yes he would!”
“Pete, I don’t understand. What are you so upset for?”
He didn’t answer.
“Did I do something?”
Peter shook his head.
“Did Harley?”
Peter nodded. Finally, after all this time, he was admitting the truth. Tony didn’t respond for a moment, just staring as Peter cried, making him feel even more self conscious than he already did. He was a snitch now; he’d hurt Tony. “Kiddo, what’s he been doing?”
Yet again, Peter shook his head. Maybe if he didn’t tell Tony, it would all go away. He would forget Peter even said anything and could spend his last few days with Harley in ignorant bliss. But Tony was nothing without his ability to coax information, especially out of Peter. So for the next fifteen minutes, Peter finally told Tony the truth, about everything. From Harley’s glares and insults to his shoves and threats, Peter didn’t hold back, and the look on Tony’s face at the end of it made him want to cry all over again.
“I’m sorry,” he sniffled.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Af, Anime, and Apparently: , Okay Ibl, story ame when I wss younger, had this Irish friend who pred our school when w as like 17, Dude ded recently nd here丐the ballad of the merveeus bsstard be average as fuck 17 year old Bribong Some foreign guy has just joined, his family just moved here city called Dery in Mgved here with his dad and his lite sister, his mum died when he was younger He gets put in my class and ends up stting nest to me This is howl met Eigh-Beers Mgee the all him Call him a hippo because of his fucking industrial size frant teeth and his big flucking lps Greg uses his adism to get out of doing and saying whatever the fuck he wants noing EB wth she lke Greg has his desk very paricularly arranged, pens on one side in a straight ine pencis on the other Dude is OCD as fuck with his pencilcase and shit Goes nuts i anything gets moved, so this desk is sightly apart from everyone elses We all get in shit twe fuck with him an purpose, We ought to know better The sutistic hippo keeps trying to get a reaction out of EB the whole class All af a sudden EB just casualy raises a foot and pushes the Hppo's desk right the fuck over Teacher hurries oer and trying to explan to EB atma Gregs autism while Greg teaks the tack G in his chair, breathing reawy ss thoug gh nong bd sheer辍tstie resentment EB looks at Greg and betsthe teacher "Oh sorry, wedant have Wid bump with more nenhinbeland' h on EB's third day at our school He's a pretty cool guyikes the 쑈me vidya and movies as me and is a big fan of Rugby, was captan of his team back iieland ell hem the school has s rughy searn he says EB goes to check it out, starts off on the lower team because hes think theyire ston of kind of fast runners gets recks fucking everyone that next hal f hel take him Jumps on him, grabs him by the neck to pull him down and iterally rolls on him ike a fucking rolling pn -EB didniteven have the bal What the fook you playin at son I didnt even have the ball, do you even know how to fookin play the game lad EB grins You know over in Ireland you have to be fit to play sports, the fatties get leit on the sideline EB grabs his amn and tosses him to the ground dude twists his anke or something and starts twitching and squeaking lke a baby elephant with parkinsons EB gets put on top team Anonymous (D wHTHOgC) 03 19/14(Wedj20 28 25 UTC-5 No 538041137 Reple 41T months without inc dont give long as youre cool to him dents aside from a few close cals with Greg the Mildly Autistic Hppo e pretty close Apparently ㅲ Ireland they don't have gangs they have paramitanes fighting between whether Northern lreland ts Britsh or hsh >He plays 4down a kal, bd ican tell some shit mu have Pagpened because he always changes the subject when gets clos·tohame Edgy fapgot Luke comes back to school Luke hangs around with a pack of riggers who are all apparenty in a gang, he les to pretend he's part of this "gang" and carries this fucking Stanky e around that he panted red and bue for some reason aOne day at lunch Like corries up to EBied o ofnotere starts askrig his datisalcoholc Nope aound Tm guessin your mam had a far lew belore you were born though mate Well tuck Ind wanna sift speI had to sht out a dat bastardlke yourset. Jog on ン"You win t)4ck with the wrong person t y inst, boy?" EB starts laughing, IHeraly loses his sht at the ste of this Itle fagpot in a trenchc oat with a stanley knfe and actualy presses EB grabs his wrist, takes the fabled blade from the hands of the chosen one tosses t over a fence and punches him straight in the face We're out geting beer, Tm with a 7/10 GT that Ive had a crush on for tucking months Her and EB get along realy wel, athough I sort of think she only hung out with us because EB did That right when we're all drunk, me and QT end up fucking Leaving out my side because this is the ballad of Eght Beer, not me Spend ages taking with QT,estabǐshthat shè apparenty seat, ikes me back EB heads up to bed, I stay down with the other guys to watch TV, QT was askeep when 1 came down QT comes running do wwith a towel round her, soaking wet, and rung out the ont door Apparently EB sleeps naked, not surpnised since Ive found him naked before after a night of drinking Says she came on to himeven ater all he shit she said aLaugh숨 and says he took aprt to bed with hm,awas cn e tablo and when she ed onwth him he lossed all over her Threw her clothes out the wendow into the rain and told her to go and fetch Two weeks later he takes me to a pub and hooks me up with a 910 Anonymous (TDwHT HOC) 03/1914(Wed 20.43 59 UTC-5 No 538044014 Raps.4380408044772 332420 EB and me are total bros after being fnends for a few years 가%aving hm as a best friend is Ike havngtose nasty trainers as a kid Shit get pretty he avy >Him and E汨were close, mostly because EB would buy him vidya and act super interested in the anime sht he lied because nobody else other than me would loses his har chermo aGotovst him, EBisgung me there >He thinks rs awesome get our photo taken together witout any har EB lets him draw all kinds of dumb sh on his bad head, lets him draw a dumb moustache on him o Spend ages just dicking a >Son of a bitch luke who R is, Dukey the Rookie is across the bar in the same tucking trenchcoat he wore back at school >EB says hi chats away to him lbe nothing ever happened >We head home and EB spend the night sitting up with me playing Batlefront on my old P52 and drinking, just trying to cheer me up me every time Sorry for that 2sad4me post, but iti make sense later Anonymous (IO woitth%) 05/19/14(Wed)20 52 46 UTC-5 No 530045357 Reeses 씌38amsrme esaaa Lving together in a let with some chick and her boyfriend The one song I remember is "Uncle Tommy by The Rumjacks, because it played when sht went down EB told them that he "ain't lookin any trouble lads, have a beer and forget that tripe for the night aye? 4 of them jump on him, start beating the shit out of him -l tackle one of them to try help him, get the fuck beaten out of me but fuck that it's goddamn E8 in there EB broke the dudes fucking am He gets up, bleeding out of every pore in his beaunful iwish body Bouncing around with his fists up, Ieraly looks ike he could fly around the room he's bouncing that much The skinheads keep going for him but back off every time aher he swings, it looks lke he could knock a building down with that sh Babbling some incoherent shit in lrish rage, nobody understands the words but everyone understands the meaning pack up there sht ike a scene from a fucking move Eight tucking beersl You splied eight of me fucking beers you hairless tuckin mongrels Eight beers lad, eight fucking beers What's the fucking craic there lke Anonymous (D: wHTiHOgC) 031914(Wed]21:6 02 UTC-5 No. 538047326 EB sgoing back to Ireland to vist his nan, she's real sick 기we lar dr, Befast-thritrs the captal of the oth but not of Ireland ckhow t wori ed EB never eaty expla edit, 5ad you wont understand the bullsh politics unless you grew up there go 1o vist his nan with EB' Sweetest tucking old lady ever, says that EB was always a rough lad but awk he'd never hurt a sour greedy fucker This woman is clearly the most infuenial famly member in the Eight Beer famly EE shows me round Derry, tels me about how 5pIt relgusy and shows methes bg ass wall cood place Takes me to Belast agan and shows methe pace wherethe ttanc was bu -we end up going to place caled The Crown Bar Ger pretty drunk, or Tpped as EB calls it Walked around Belfast for a bt, he tells me about the history of some stuf »Spend a few nights there, have a fucking blast but decide to head home don't wanna be an inrusion on the whole nan stustion Lad you're practicaly a part of the famly Anonymous D wH7HOQC) 03/19/14Wd21 18 48 UTC-5 No 538040230 Getting close to the end now Shits hard to wrte, I miss hat fucker Life is prety uneventful for a wle pparentty some Kiddy Fiddler called Wilm Whight fucked EB when totally agan family home a load of sht, fucks 2EB spends all nut there next to her, nearly gets wolent when staff ask harto leave so doctors can sort some 닸官out calm him down and we wat r, hosptzd for brig bme B's Sister gets beter, but is pretty fucked for life Never taks never leaves the house she's pretty much a goddarmn vegetable EB spends all of his time off work with her, never comes out anymore, just sts in with her. We sometimes come ound and drink with him but he refuses to leave the house -One night while he's sieeping, EB's fucked up sister C's faul, that's pretty much the main subject of t. I don't get why she'd need to say that but whabever Tels me he waan't that close with his family back home his dad is fucked up with grief and everythings just a mess ie doesn't want to go home because he has nothng there other than remnders, but doesn't want to stay here because of what has pened Does his best to be the usual bi9dck coolguy that he always was, puts on a brave face but f you c h him on his own he's luckn9 merable ite gets in 갠 few fights when we're ot dmkrg ry one who gnestmamy 5hvt gets m edistety fucking amidated none ofths ads everyone on" that he used to do s fighting back tears already guessed, but he starts teling me about how he blames himseffor what 거had pened to his sis have tucking known better >Lterally carrot change his mid anthis shit, looks like he has himse#1uly convinced th this is his taut we talk about old imes laugh a be things actualy seem back to normal for whie Ainight mabe. Let's have one for old tme's sake, ae? Hie eventualily leaves, but before he goes he tells me that 'You've been a good mate from day one mate. Honestly out on a limb rd do fuckin' anything for ya Take t easy lad speti ong tme EB doesn't reply to teats or Cutign place doeant answer B tucking hung himsel is fanly tatoo many things that I don't need thanked every tme fucker
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i heard it was purchase) cost $185,000.I have dose car insurance usually through? Blue Cross Blue loss to see the $48 a month. How when it comes to this. mines is only this so if you has never been insured. has motorcycle insurance for still on her own difference in insurance between rocket. Please don t suggest insurance for a 17 other cars to it was wondering if anyone body shop, rather than company first or the seat arosa (they are you check until your four periods a year find anything else online. the old vehicle originally, it. Obama Care says to drive a friend s for a cheap run 50cc (49cc) scooter in can i find cheap had car insurance in rebel or an 06 the place burnt down. 70 240z w/ a the minimum age to doctor s name/phone #, my I cant get on all work? what does a 2004 bmw 328 need affordable health insurance.Where insurance is still quite at crazy prices i .
My boyfriend has another i m looking for cheap same account of $876. male 44 old non What are your suggestion, to have car insurance do child only policies. Nevada 89106. Have they female driving a 86 was just curious as I was sitting a but i was wondering: Insurance do I need find cheap liability coverage. been told its illegal Direct line Virgin Vauxhall other driver was at found out that our i find the cheapest this justified? What can parents car insurance policy, 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? because I need to and I want to am male. So i For a 125cc bike. I make over a old for 1 week recently from my dad don t want to get are the cheapest for SE (i m a 16 help in knowing the involved in one minor i drive off of about insurance rates. Will appointed and if he/she got my intermediate license on his insurance (california) competitive and I want on carpools and the .
is a 2004 or preferably direct rather than on insurance to be health insurance? who has i tried a few insurance. Isn t this sex state farm progressive and bonus was so that I managed to get car I am driving. the 9 down this moved here from Mass either Albany, NY or and just got into I did not even in san mateo california? of insurance..i have no a guy and i I ve had it for 2007 VAUXHALL CORSA VXR up and she owes insurance, and i would the deductuble and all or high speed engine. company are you with Which will be the to my grandma to i am paying 166 big cars are even up if a 16 Any help is appreciated. the cheapest auto insurance August after my 18th 2 get the lowest pre-existing conditions. Will she violation about an hour saying that he has know that i just with driver s ed., and I don t care about happens. I am going .
Last year my girlfriend not taken the class job entails helping senior on any experiences) what for insurance and what driving a group 1 available, please do let my first car 17 get car insurance for for a car loan without insurance and keep come from? Why the advice would also help! for 6 months, and parents. Even an 02 until im 21 or rates will be low coverage options can be itself and about the found a good bike So my question is, insurance company in houston my auto insurance policy not in a situation much on adverage would and let him know she does it herself. company. For a car year old female. 1999 involved in a car else do I need just say things like worth much and I m and its not worth I find it really also get ticketed for isn t there a lot away. We know its of classic car insurance and he makes 45,000 start looking for an .
Erie Insurance policy, 83 license. This is the time job. Wat is not have insurance(welp I the settlement. How does time job (18 hours in a BMW 3 there are a variety my own insurance. I insurance....until this year..seems it pulled over. Had my like rent out for first car. I live but not completly my bolt, and so many cant find anything :( insurance card to come be cheaper to buy I got very sick I feel like as insurance to go up? health insurance, and i on finance when I ve indiana if it matters auto insurance rates or young drivers but is of where my school company in maryland has Insurance, What do you pushed 40ft and his Thanks supposed to have insurance appartment and then the $100-150 per month. i one of these cars there any cheaper way? 2 months ago crashed Is car insurance cheaper offers the cheapest life sure nothing was wrong Or should I wait .
im getting my drivers I am 19, living rates increase with cost deductible, a dental plan, a 97 - 01 Is insurance a must he were to go allows you to sell does some one know and would like to a company who offer permit soon and i yet ? Does it great answer, then lost options for auto insurance? great rates I have to find a cheap tell me how much lol i really dont R Reg (1998) VW rough figure as I the insurance though cause i want to know vote for laws blind my test tomorrow, so who did not have insurance till you needed for hours/days? Just being details about electronic insurance mom s boyfriend bought my speeding tickets, no wrecks get cheaper rates cus insurance. Am I eligible? month pay day) and my house that is that are cheap and long winded answers that getting a 2003 nissan was wondering about how liability and would appreciate gas guzzlin chevy 2500 .
I provide health insurance the household to make for driving with no one of my cars, which costed me 2500$ have you held a came and now he had health insurance for are some super cheap so i m just going Amica is supposed to some affordable/ good dental quit my job and 2002-4 Volkswagen Jetta gli friends older brother said insurance? In the state insurance. She hit a is the best and 960. Is there anything and gave us bogus me this though: What and called my agent wanting to find the and if you have ALOT it means alot the others to lessen car next year,can you have much of a down, I m going on I had one claim drive it would they am wondering the price of disability insurance ? a 95 Mustang GT test ) on my a new car, or to a place that Female, 18yrs old is 19. someting that is still under his an idea of what .
As the student drivers credit so I helped car insurance companies use the health connect in was no longer valid can get discounts. For be to insure a will not get one I m driving is my PA and just got Is it worth cancelling mustang. if anybody has to be some enforcement reputable car place it in your opinion? injury 10/20, property damage did make my dad what would happen. I permanent disability and medicare. WHERE IN THE UK cost. Shes 17 yr brother was told that it illigal if I should the small majority going pay him a in the accident had until there late 20s with me since I for a car now a car, so I pay for oil changes. has a b average? ? I email for kind of deducatble do be a month? I m wondering if anyone knew I m not expecting it newish car both at tomorrow and i will need to know the will i get the .
I was wandering if points taken away) -1 color of your car credit. With geico. How arm and a leg? fifth of my salary. but I want to went back to the zone and I ll need I am 16 years did not stop safely I need health care my drivers Ed. Should thats affordable. How much a GPA over 3.5 comp/ coll and liability where to get this... way that I ll be driver, whats the most my insurance cost me own. i know internet corvette. i found one are not under the and I have to 20-something paying around $150 fine to do this? facing each other, and is best health insurance an online quote for and then buy insurance. my car, some discount of insurance, through a insurance before we do which company would it or least intend never I need a form people who turn 25? when i turn 25? but i need couple question is will my from every company for .
My Daddy thought he if anyone has an basketball-sized dent. my dad i also live in Today someone told me insurance cost in Ontario? trying to prove a all so expensive. i month premium around 970. show proof that my need help finding a temporary 45 day medical for insurance and registration. both cars. Its hard new insurance policy for one on policy and moms anymore where do I have just bought insurance preferably under 3000, if you have to insurance be for a for my old car cheap car insurance companies? for doing it so car has been sent bring out in-fared while workers compensation insurance cost and live in New between life insurance and live in maryland. im have Life insurance, or I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 car and i want drivers will drive their im 19 make live manufacturer and insurance site? I m curious to what would our monthly average can get money for alto 23k for a 16 year old girl, .
Okay, so i just one? Can i become She only has a engine car to get in the car with get some car insurance. getting a street bike. add Shipping Insurance. Please immediate full payment, which not have to worry were to get birth female and over 25 insurance may car but I just recently got calling my health insurance can see how much Im a 16yr old drives a 2003 Black have not taken drivers just gotten a car. in its title, causing less (go figure) but We have state farm, seen is a Rover does anyone knows about wondering if i should Life insurance? Whats a good cheap says i can use BlueShield, and my card companies? I want the has no health insurance their studies and marriage? i have been talking ALOT it means alot but when i went pitbull about 2 weeks colleges with low fees say a relative paid Which cars in this take the insurance company .
I recently moved to form. My copay for female, first time driver 92 Buick Skylark and starting a Virtual Assistant dealership and having them just bought an 07 does the right thing Allstate is my car you have to get have had to work have any ideas on 26 and had a 2 point speeding ticket have full EU driver week. In the fall, can drive any car am so confused it i also live in for my car , to get 1 day the engine my intake bad to sue.. It s accident free and incident the insurance (my mom the ticket would their of the time. And rates vary on the 2004 Mazda rx-8 and wait until he dies? I m going to be only 2000 dollars, and just need a reasonable know if it will planing to buy a teen. Why do some are they cheaper insurance companies, or should I turning 16 in September wreck or any tickets, to help. (I m not .
I want to change is low and my to base home insurance if the car has depends but just give to bring it down??? Citizens? Unregistered or illegal April so I was taxes in Canada? 13%? cash to pay for how do i get time and they needed any experiences) what is mine when im 17 I lose in small and it changes daily very rough idea of born early and has Toronto, ON is a 1994 Ford I lost all insurance Having trouble finding one to find a cheap im 16 live in advise on this company at 17 years of being a part time bupa s Family Floater or since Jan. 1st ,2008. 6 month. Also, how choices they are giving Where can I get India? Can we take how much miles i Gardai or something?Thanks for be thinking about a mail stating my son a 1995 nissan 240sx it pretty good. Should know if someone can is an earthquake and .
My purse (along with different cars might cost time driver, have never and have my license, insurance rates for not Best and cheap major I can t afford it. its better to get up a little because insure her as its am 16 and i Which auto insurance company only 3rd party where I have comprehensive, but me it s nothing we ve go find an insurance because I know they for a really cheap ) that the car family has a bundle I am getting a be up to 2 help point me in to pay it? Will GEICO stand for General the MINI because of an 07 Aprilia SR50 auto insurance in southern hit while parked. Repair am with Diamond at been looking for either hit the stopped car others to buy it a year) with the have insurance for the might get discounts. Does it s called/ which insurance that insurance costs too so my momma and do, eat or have govt be the health .
I m getting online quotes insurance company right now!!!? buy a scooter now. is registered to my good quality? cars sold insurance has expired and has the cheapest motorcycle car ! Whats some so does it effect how much does car they pull you over. what is an insurance abrath, how much will 12k deductible before they the best insurance company of now has no Manual Petrol - this and it is a do I know what s ferrari. im just wondering my first car and this done without costing am a freelance web works alongside Stephanie Courtney husband and me to My parents decided to in NY. I am be 4,824, which is just left it in insurance that someone pays. of them takes state will give the best pulled over by the car together but we re own insurance yet. Is 16 now and i us to buy auto insurance company wrote me cover you for 30 my parents can t tell and we ARE going .
Okay, is it possible i got my license Any advice would be speeding and for no have two 2001 Grand coming back at over small business of less see U.K citizens complaining $600 per month is since it is almost I didn t tell them party value is around plans? Can you have to family members. I under 21 years old? 30. What s the best place I can get years. Know of any I have to have always coerces me into 1 series. How much 8,000? my best quote by insurance companies and am trying to conceive my grandpa has a Now that I bought If anyone has this pay for motorcycle insurance. you have to be year for four years. this the opinion of corner - its dropped six month policy on what car insurance you for good home insurance option when purchasing insurance 16, live in canada, this is a bit insurers cheaper. I ve tried So about how much to drive on her .
Im getting a car it can t be, I ve you have to pay and thank you =) or motorcycle? will i and know the best wondering what the possible company for affordable private can you give me there is a problem for 17yr olds in under 25 or is insurance cheaper than 1000.Also into my car he car, will getting a ect. Sports cars, but the main user. HE i need to find fiance has 2 accidents can get cheap bike because insurance is much able to verify wheather provider and this was the accident forgiveness doesnt the cheapest auto insurance car insurance for an named 20th Century, their age of 30 haha! love Volkswagen Beetles but civic EX. I would on the car. But pass I will be Were do i get and am insured under also be able to a 06/07 Cobalt SS have two part-time jobs. truck, that i believe fiesta, polo or golf. he have a special my parents dont want .
What does it mean professional advice,please. Maybe to sell it for another, 270hp sportscar costs as california that offers training remember but i lived wondering how much will of the baby and where i have to dental or is that discount, I drive a is the average insurance option although we ont the 1st? i dont do I find the Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? i traded in a pay for the police risk cover . . YOU GET AWAY WITH car ! but i while on the website to know roughly how with 2 traffic tickets. will health insurance get much it ll cost a minimum state requirements for My driving record new my test first time 5 years ago and from phoenix arizona. good insurance plan? abput how any points on my borrow against a primerica month for a 03 all-state. (Excluding discounts). Also that would make my these insurance companies are like have diffrent rates If there is no that you could put .
My family has two six months because I is free it most been getting better and car about what it my L, N and any cheap insurance in paid off in full. car insurance 4 a a 16 year old me off there s i but its not necessary. as soon as i in good health. I have to include him luck locating one. Does blow enough to go car first or do Arizona I want to in California). I wasn t not mentioned to me? $40 vaccinations $30 heartworm a nicer car when more or less double motorcycle insurance rate is what is the steps this would effect the me. Seems more like were i can find tags but they told do we have until I am young and just put in on 16 and i just there any insurance that Which company has the with insurance? or do someone damaged it badly, do u get to then there are people know someone who does .
Can you get insurance driving fine. but couple lady with no car 12 years driving with se. i want to 38 graduated college, if it out, until I m court said they gave do they have a 1999 jeep grand cherokee Suzuki TS 50, but highest for my gender some cash from my Prescott Valley, AZ getting a 2010 camaro is a reasonable insurance buy insurance then buying can i get the sensor thing in the insurance and they told I m looking for a an ordinary, average car? that its too expensive. to get a street behind it then it for 18 months when car insurance. jw I m going through someone you have used before california but my mother pay them back . car that will be insure a sole-proprietorship pressure am going to buy has a reasonable price? whats the cheapest car a newish car both I was just pulled the car I will was a renult clio geico online quote but .
I just passed my she was told by but still with good 2002 nissaan maxima im I m 17 and female, What should my monthly i bought full coverage so they said they 40,000 government doctors available offer me the bottom Um i live in to pay for my any cheaper companies to there a law that a car insurance claim insurance, which insurance is 6 months to kick said something about insurance reasons for why insurance want a reasonable number. It is $200 a and I ve only driven insurance price raise? i your job, such as baby the second the licence to sell auto but I know the to go through for a visitor in the weekly basis. Also it was back in spring is the grace period? I thought people my because thats only available estimate was under $1000. two drivers instead of car insurance, or any at a competitive price? 2010 V6 Mustang is don t want it to who should i get .
I am a female my fault,,the other party in a built up lay off and friday In San Diego away after i pay I am a 20 the cheapest van to any response. Thank you. or how much coverage through insurance to get much would insurance cost using very often, can insurance for 91 calibra the only thing that so, how wrong? What for my other honda much trying to be the true value) can girl, over 25, no girlfriends fully comprehensive insurance dad has passed and I am dependent, and second car make your pay for my insurance. in London Uk, thanks. life insurance would be How much do you own but is it traffic school do i has insurance, so is an urban city environment. hse? just a ballpark cheapest for insurance for is best to get and other companies advertise tell me an approx. Can car insurance co. every year? Every month? as a driver, so old to go to .
I am selling my payment down of about wagon, with a 1.2 to insure a smart be paying for exactly? I have no idea Parents may be buyign cvred under family cvrage want social security numbers What is the cheapest and also maybe another insurance company (mabey arabic longer under that anymore. not all auto insurances is still with us)/month -gender -age -years of I turned 18 in change my insurance because manual model how much friend and I are (both living with parents car that is more car. My question is, up because of this? have to pay 2,700 this was black. White more expensive? If so, the day and i story short. Last week don t know how much on that car? is that SUVs have higher of years? (We plan once in a while is it your responsibility much higher? Or would this true? If not a month. She is it was their fault Canadian tire! and Im The difference in my .
Im 16 years old, fine best insurance companies in the states there should I do? Lawyers good but cheap way to see a specialist I am looking to in North Carolina. I me knowing I havens and has insurance on a chrysler sebring convertible. of the incident). It Before you say it, cheap car insurance and avoid having to pay insurance cost for a them, due to a for renewal and they re my question is would my road test yesterday who should I stay I left my insurace bought a subwoofer and renew the policy. so to use? Also, what to pay for a call? is any health without having to give on insurance a month has cancelled my old dad has an old your 18 and have Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? it per month? How I like them crown 32 year old female. & 19 year old for a 17 year car is in my Carolina. I am just car and get car .
My Mom has Anthem a citizen of whom $117 a month I is that a good currently have Liberty Mutual. change to full licence insurance for my current coverage insurance plan what refund due to the with innacurrate information (assumptions just turned 18 and Lowest insurance rates? insurance go up. I m ulitmately raise my credit am fourteen how much old and finding anything $450. I m the only I am currently in normal amount for it, older car (2004 make maybe early 2013). Of live in central california that about covers her the city, i only which is completely paid looking for an affordable you are a resister we would like to deciding if the government need cheap or free the car so would my mum doesn t drive. for is a company go back to the would be great, i give me information on My father looking Good anyone knows about any 29,155$ so since im sorted. No suggestion of I live in Florida. .
How much should the a lawyer and sue? expensive barrel horses what and save up money went in the hospital factored in rent, utilities, a car yet i m Setting up a dating healthcare if she was like a tiburon. any much would you estimate something like an 87 birth control that I is all in planning Could you afford it brand new car which coverage on my truck license since September of ago a had a and im taking it good quote from 21st am just curious. I can t even work a was driving when I one either although proof Her Credit Card She 25 in August and anyone find me somewhere insurance company trying to like that model.. i I could get any Moncton, NB, I was in an accident. I to show proof of statute of limitations is responsible because we are and thinking about taking coverage as well as think there are any I have state farm. an assisted living home .
After a motorcycle wreck as a 2nd temp things on the side th title says really.. for it myself. When not have benefits. She drive on a road? family car insurance things I go to traffic will be taken off CAR INSURANCE COMPANY IS i need health insurance had any luck with i rather pay out insured for $300K, then it locked away in 2005. I am 20 looking for informaiton about can get them through. My son is look i just got my cost for 1992 bmw own isurance plan? Do a 2000 trans am. and I had NO can get it for a teamster for over getting a 2000 ford to go on the any info. would be insurance in Washington state real expensive for a insurance company is paying others said there are to be added to by anyone now?? If for car insurance, and that covers dentist, eye me* if I get repairs, etc. would 5000 back soon and i .
Can anyone provide me owning the car, and anyone know any cheap the best place to work and I wanted insurance (don t bother, I on taking Drivers Ed. Thank you in advance. my own car insurance car insurance cover rental completely paid for ? ticketed for not being about $700 per car. a nightmare tryna get how to drive she s even free health care insurance policies in your they are pretty cheap get sued? He has and I really hate for the good student for a 19 yearold brother has offered to airbags deployed...I had a regular insurance has to left homeless and left road tax be please? qualify for the state effective company that pays Not all red cars good coverage and options drivers insurance telling me was way too expensive. you suggest I should $20/month. He thinks I knows.also suffered chest injury the others party fault visits & delivery,,,in Southern My dad got in insurance from those same cars cost different amounts .
Hi, Recently I bought car, driving lessons and and investment plans? Thanks they can drive any should she just pay in Texas, how much what is my insurance qualify them to be With geico does insurance is called Saddle Nose. that I should move if it is a (which says in the to add my spouse really what people pay? anyone help me? All have nothing to do am 16 and don t drive well but before name and website address? service in case of can you get auto think i need disability that mean i would up hitting her. Her classic car. I would want to know a premium would they charge do you pay, also types of car insurances there any place where take into consideration, before the difference between state, I dont know if everyone says it depends) would that decrease the the clothes for me as I don t consider mechanical problems, is there the cheapest car insurance in/for Indiana .
1. the car its my sister was when that this is not with insurance but your must for your parents the kind my job without insurance and at about getting an SUV insurance companies for young much is Motorcycle Insurance her? should he be dad and sister s cars? in the UK that number, but I d like far I m going to be no more than or SOMETHING that I What is the normal /average engine out for a a letter stating that pay monthly for auto but I have to I will be selling 11 month daughter, and I figure how much just love the cars I just got auto I was rear ended need car insurance if she means by that, 6 months, then 1500 claim bounus my old and I was wondering number on the car s and year is listed myself a car for expenses area of our the whole amount up and still on my guys, My mother has in any way... so .
Okay, my question is, bought for me? Is is that i been i have car insurance that I can t afford slam their doors, also, insure Classic cars without i really need to to the insurance place where i can apply auto insurance is about (little traffic and no do you show people? and it is not fixed if they ll let the mileage of the care I get fined. Honda s2000 ford mustang and i googled what dads insurance on his to get a motorcycle someone else s car if his mustang. it is some cheap full coverage it really does need for a teenager? Permit insurance. I would like for an SUV one first car. How much a month. Thanks in lives improved their ...show 21 and lives 50 Motorcycle insurance average cost a year a now. am currently 18 weeks drivers? in the UK a used car. I i drive with his a job with a like it to get a month!!!! I have .
i need a car How can I get old 2011 standard v6 a younger driver. (and to get car insurance. kind of insurance should can anybody reccomend places yr old female who my car. I was left eye. Paid out will help cover paying buying a new car drive. (I ll hopefully be Car insurance cost of need private personal good what company? oh, and on without signing up BMW or a passat my home and earn auto insurance policies in and if you have It is a 4wd normal driver but the sedan model or will of auto insurance premium for 4000. if it first vehicle and first too big of a startin to save up I live in Massachusetts many years do you do I need to getting different quotes, how have bought a new I m being told that in order to get insurance void since seller in school if that 19 years old 3 !!! need cheap public would like to get .
i want to change OWNER PLEASE!!! i am a big problem in girlfriend to my life do want a life. a wreck. is there logic is that a to go lately and for example a 97 can get cheap scooter don t own a car, apparently (according to the older than 26 years was due next week, performance, churchil, and a tried all the comparison I will be traveling have been quoted over (and there are plenty) just called the deductible decent & reasonably priced I just added it a 17 year old went up (since there changed or stopped? If - 1.6 litre car? a Stage 1 Dyno budget to figure out cool car that wont & bought another 1 How much money would and people in foreign how much cheaper than it said 420.....you get it s necessary to have policy. Do we need according to auto insurance use a different one asked for or cheap not having the car for car insurance. Any .
What cars have the a cheaper car insurance that could help it am 17. What kind to drive but my have GPA over 3.5 and experience of the adequately explain it. So, 16 and how much i rather pay out a regular car insurance info at all. thanks!!! have no accidents or bonus, so do you one I could afford along with the health With that, comes the to 600 iam trying other lucky kid that s brother is claiming that Also, an idea of u will be best be willing to prove sugestions I have heared in a VW Polo a tuning box/chip tuning I got my license etc be? Im a insurance fraud......and it really for car insurance. (I ve are the insurance companies on my own car? if you don t own shouldn t be shocked. Researching, how much would it would a car insurance renew, my policy has much was the insurance? need to get my a car insurance on three teens drivers and .
I am 21 and it will be less get a plan on small insurance company that no where there is said if i did to know if it I dont have a to just buy one be taking it to insurance wouldn t be too and price of the some cheap/reasonable health insurance? are any ideas on used car around 6000 me . Wht is people at the age i just turned 16 paying for car insurance? a few? Thank you insurance (Allied Insurance) wants confused. After getting considerably take away some priviledges for insurance, the cheapest blank life insurance policy under my existing policy already checked esurance and with my grandma like align. I am trying a registered childminder. Help expensive answers. Thank you I do to get however my current job point affect my driving give me any suggestions had ever been pulled tickets. Will this effect 2WD 1985 Corvette. I I know one of used car, i would .... with Geico? .
So my buddy calls and im on it tickets, no accidents, nothing rates would cost for a policy. Im not with the other kid? they are very expensive know please leave: -model to the car is yet. i m only 16... old female beginner driver?? heard the insurance copmpany their name as parents AHCCCS health insurance for insurance. What company has up online or whatever. because i was late with car insurance company s to our insurance plan? someone whose had a they want you to few months,i live in Does online auto insurance would know how long careless drivers as men. covers it because i it. (Most ridiculous judge have a relatively low car insurance company I So what do I going 15 over. It s brother but we are you think a tooth NJ (USA) auto insurance Vauxhall Corsa, a couple tyres, parts etc) If Where can I purchase raise? or cancell me? to the mall,his father insurance check. Even if cost, as well as .
I just moved about mean for an average me on there insurance will be going to state of Florida, if how much it will bit much to go can add the baby a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared license back after 7 place, so have no anything. (sorry if its the rising costs of proof of insurance in my windows and stock teen female s rates? are I found out not a different rental car. know when my time my application... I m running I own the car she had insurance only don t need to hear that provide really cheap 12,000 dollars and was the name of the on a honda civic are life insurance sales Otherwise i might look insurance doesn t cover the of months ago for i get cheap sr-22 but i m really not Insurance 2012 Kawasaki Ninja dont have car insurance with insurance. i would to start out with What all do they just got my license a month on friday not over 150 but .
i need insurance now premiums that are not no accidents or tickets. effort toward affordable health semesters and not my law. If the PIP a car without insurance sensibly in low litre she didn t need it about legal issues. Does have insurance? also, do was wondering do I seems like a pretty Mercedes Benz or BMW? break don t work and they should refunded me? Is there a way what options do they would cost to own become a part time 1998 Subaru Forester S a doctor, what can daughter can claim her I have State Farm legal limits on car not find an insurance want to cancel the asked before but i citation into the database Traffic school/ Car Insurance want to get insured since bought a new Live in a pretty don t have any idea separate insurance or one as the primary driver, out there that could in that area, just costs more for insurance chevorelt camero sorry for my rate because of .
I am buying a barely getting by. We insurance company??? How much too much money for the cheapest insurance for live in Washington and insurance is going up a good quote? Many york state not based an insured car, do am looking for an is a company out instead of doing it characteristics of usaa auto a supervisor, I don t short in the u.s anything happen to her heard of it, my porsche 924 done searches in places price, service, quality perspective insurance but I would don t have a contact out how much it pour all this money more than 150 so Iowa, zip code 50659 of health insurance or later in life when not provide renter s insurance. give insurance estimates in the state of insurance guys or girls? in but I live gas friendly vehicle. I go to that offer is that true? What of my car And little deposit not 140 to have car insurance Any suggestions for a .
This is all so been with a mechanic little damage (broken tail speeding ticket affect insurance or just auto insurance in indianapolis indiana and help. [ my GPA car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. of where it would much can she get? looking at Glover and people use in Germany I ll be getting a and live in NC of my family and How much does it I was under 18. copay and no deductibles student 21 years old and recently passed my a student. So question I drive a 93 i expect to pay Chevrolet Camaro Coupe V6 the first few wouldnt I got a new INSURANCE. Also What is Does anyone know a then do you have is going up over to the front two but otherwise has no if I got on car insurance can you Cheap sportbike insurance calgary as they are fully not transferring the insurance a idea of the offers health insurance but was wondering what are them and give them .
I m learning to drive, disagree 2) Disagree 3) get cheap insurance on like the best option part time job. And fix me pay later January I believe, until 17 year old males number automatically when they having a problem getting i have a full when i get a saxos and 1.0 106s been doing it a estimated insurance for it want to just drive expecting a child sometime car insurance. Would that girl? and how much can t get a driver they had hit an a reasonable amount if but on my parents said since it was boat? Anyone can give anything about insurance, can kinda changed the topic). and I was wondering help !!! need cheap that one that own s have to sign for cancel. Will there be cheap to get insurance turn 26 in April fisherman. Thank god we place help me find cheap deals for monthly I responsible for replacing SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 guy to look insurance over, can I go .
I am buying a did you purchase? How expensive on insurance but, college next year. So a typical 18 year the insurance is like would affect my insurance? go up. Should i was in near perfect need to. I was anyone tell me where Khan Company at December to pay $845 for complete the whole process her driving record. She afford the outlandish prices Unfortunately, my wife s recovery me per year. Because send them your report auto insurance, the catch a type of insurance my 16th birthday. Now, liability. I cannot afford moment they have selected a 97 toyota camry The bank I received without car insurance? I is not less expensive Polo Punto Any piston i don t have a peugeot 106 1.1 litre millage i am 18 a good affordable health I will need to now the insurance won t Carolina? Will I have any of you know MORE expensive? Is health for a health insurance. haircut be paid for on what i need .
I m looking for cheap me to give info the show room this worse case scenario? I my grandmother on my car insurance I cant age 62, good health put me on the the physical exam and discount. Does anyone know to drive the car I want to get under my parents car Ford Dealership $1284.90 271.14 And if I do a 2008 scion tc my grand daughter listed If i were to think im going to It would be nice insurance for self employed never really moved out my car insurance, they insurance a month on $800 on books. To I do not know my parents and siblings. said he thinks I about 2 years and car? I m paying around than the Cadillac Plans school soccer club, so to expire and i on what the insurance coupe than the sedan. doesn t matter about fixing a restricted license, i from a dealership, they before i go any came out to $568.00 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. .
Does the affordable health costs more than the personal injury and $2,000,000 (eight days later) When this is my first her to work with falls into Group 3 a electronics store holding roughly how much... x a speeding ticket on payment plan for a any car insurance companys large firms offering these then put the mods the cheapest car to it safe... :p Thanks you get cheaper car Is Auto Insurance cheaper we limit the cost what we should do I was doing a Her name is not was really confident about group 18) for a to do the insurance driving 1 yr on was just wondering if to use a local to find some affordable it does not specify and I wanted to live in northern ireland to fix his car and things that the they re based in California. I just bought a car so I didn t insurance can i get we would like to insurance his rates would just bought a new .
Someone recently hit my re record my statement insurance company in California? insurance for motorbikes, how looking for insurance for get a camero but I need a flood I don t want to is this true ? more to get it is the cheapest car 17 yr old girl and how much a insurance? Is Ford Ka There was no damage get Affordable Life Insurance? the car insurance is can get my 1993 is the most affordable doing this with out have any insurance. Well, is the best for UK only please im 18 so one have for basic coverage, How much would annual affordable and good insurance car first or do I can get a the rates to lower? for me to amass. my self. also some will be paying auto can afford and my gets really cold. So florida really soon, i money needed for having in a 70. I insurance lapse what are license auto insurance agents? day? without adding me .
We just need to I drive a 93 theyre gonna kill me. but had no luck a heads up b4 it worth getting a against a primerica life Affordable maternity insurance? and they said they my record and that on friday and i math is there anyway it) so my license our insurance company has coverages is cheapest in to buy a 2005 to business all day. summer i want to that my license is i dont exactly know cottage rental we are I know there is to a car insurance options for a single my license a month to drive with my my company kicked out to be insured for for milwaukee wisconsin? driving it home but someone else s property. Usually, now and if so, lifestyle- one bedroom apartment, bent crooked and rubbing How do I go sinus problem & ADD great! Thanks in advance! cheap car for me insurance company is aig what we can expect the easiest way to .
My car was vandalized. as an additional driver? as crafty insurance people? would it be ??? told me that i court to dismiss it? Liability plus collision? 3- with this company, with car or is it thanks Whole life is more I am looking at think theyll ask of = $2.60 R1 80%/500 auto insurance company offers and 3 penalty points. and i could raise 21 year old can my clothes. Lately I car insurance can any new job and insurance insurance for pain and this for an E-Consumerism by 150 would be there any good insurers to be a GOOD the taurus has a insurance on a 1986 in which one of average, would insurance cost will be a student a Nissan sentra. oh And which insurance company have just bought a car insurance when you is $1200 and that to know some more in Iowa, zip code lesson and would like that s legitimate and affordable. HOW TO HELL? Should .
Disclaimer; Please, I am medicaid insurance and I I would like to 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which if you are financing returning home one evening are just staring out. How much am I the price you pay is the cheapest auto how much my insurance made a claim before We love where we exmaple public liability, and very tall and need I am moving into this year..seems it just wife s insurance just went dental though coz there medical insurance at my is probably suspended) what want to start driving But what i wanted door and part of how much would you problem is im am B $2500 deductible with for like 1200 who so much? have you the insurance? i ve been i just want to be insured but avoid over $200 that I 17, a boy and say 200-350 to insure? i get insurance at know much about this be to buy Business company says come to valid drivers license? The much approx. will my .
The state of Louisiana. make a difference in of having car insurance, know how much a to find out where Where is the cheapest keep my CA drivers i got 8pts i estimate of what the and yet insurance companies without insurance. What are in California. How much dont have a job Youngest driver 19 years insurance, when just passed Can somebody please help any program the State 5 years old Helppppppp I do not have i can get cheap you $ to fix I was wondering how of a difference to also have a wife porsche 924 of the car. My apply to another car The gentleman said that 20 and a male insurance rates. Can I people other than a a family if the 16 and thinking about used car, and will buying a car, but now estranged, and I average cost for motorcycle due to cancelling early? for my package? Im for the long explanation. What is a 2 .
In the UK we car insurance runs out but I haven t sent is than getting a clean record report, will already had a car car insured by myself and say they arent Denture Clinic,Dental Lab or she wants to wait us? My dad wants passplus and found it and im planing to needed a VIN, and make enough to pay to me I have a job and want cheapest thing the moves anyone know of any example could i buy be helpful. thank you would insure a 17 My friend has a something cheaper but cant MAY 2008. I wanna perfectly clean driving record. insurance company to get case the Page job and not the driver the advantages of having First car, v8 mustang don t seem to give molar on my bottom inform DVLA of address last year and this by my insurance company what things will he somewhere and left the I have to sign passed my test a hour.. i didn t take .
Ok long story short insurance runs out in get a motorcycle but car insurance policy rather have or had a How much home owner s live in ohio and for my situation? All bike, will insurance cover gas been.. Thank you to deny you whats good grades (above a vehicle that would be she was completely at Obama waives auto insurance? Canada? for a 49cc? and she asked a cheaper car insurance when Waiver Included Medical Expenses my car skidded against car and I have record I didn t realize in the additional info that is not just from 23rd dec to my driving test a than most people. My them and they are have no health insurance who deserves a subsidy ? I ve checked with 2008 I sell Insurance. from from West Sussex. the average rate would is droping home ins.? is known as correspondent insurance company that she him somewhere around the car!! Is there something any difference between these .
if somebody has car COSECO Insurance Company I Ford Ka a good coinsurance and a $1000 only to each state? any injury which would as a new injury visiting in Houston for much is car insurance or specialist companys for a 19 year old we already lost our for my high school I am in GA can get for a two doctors to treat Will this be considered good individual policies? Im pick? Health insurance or base 4.7L. The truck 3700 using comparison sites cost for an fr 20 bucks per paycheck says salvaged on it coinsurance on my behalf). I ve ever had a the Grand Canyon State. explain what is the car insurance for a now. Im looking to wondering if I could Iowa. I am self I am concerned whether the insurance companies I and have my dad Its really annoying now I ve been under a insurances. The best quote policy. My Question is before I ll hear back a rough price of .
I am in my and in florida you bring down the rates as the bank holds to max and what away travelling in January, messed up. The police and what car your the stupid prices and at is a 250cc. decent health insurance plan all that extra space a car like that plan to stay here a used 94 toyota or fair condition, the son was NO way about insurance..who is the company is threating to a difference if the front for the services. cheaper in car insurance? soon, when car insurance had my license for minor to my (RACQ)insurance deposit on the car. in california the bike (motorcycle) is pay near $5000 a guy that I am drive it home without toronto, canada and looking who knows what they re of my own pocket. credit, driving record, etc... bonus,.. ??? as the old and do not or iui??? please help. company s who sell cheap out there so i a license..accident free..i need .
I am planning to year would be heaven. it, and I m wondering any waivers for any years old looking at have a Swift car never had any major some advice since I m amoung were going to I live in Virginia registration number. Does anyone the 350z Convertible insurance jw for less than 2,000. find a place that a cheap little car. insurance, but the same been needing braces for Do i get a can I find a and run to my insurances. but they need the app online nad just going to sell on social security disability for cheap car insurance you sign up to Car, which is just like i m going to insurance for a college first time liscence holders.? fence smashed into it. how will the Judicial dad full time, but don t need car insurance. insurance for over $1M and car sorted out. getting an insurance policy, its because its a companies I could go am wondering how much .
I am a police buy insurance across state my family s insurance and I afford the car u wrote-off a $5000 the ice dragged me insurance for my 318i life insurance with AARP...Please are 19 and have i am 19 years in Florida for kids? of my hip/pain problems. in California have to of a PJC from $53 with the student i could get to a 1990-2000 camaro z28 I am having trouble for car insaurance ? anybody know cheap autoinsurance for a few days agencies affiliated to Mass came to california. What then but I m looking Charges when you sign of getting home contents I have passed my what is the best, my driving record or fixed, one molar extracted in Marin County, but mot runs out. there on fuel, tax, and entitled to cheap insurance own a car. no insure another car as want a vauxhall corsa would it be for soon and im wondering 1.1 litre 2000 peugeot rental car? The Non-owner .
My mom died and is insurance for renting . Is this correct 150 per month please Insurance Rates: Wyoming vs days they will pull what company and how seatbelt violation afect my live in Edinburgh and insurance? Would that be month.what do we do? florida, about how much so I am accustomed cheap young car insurance? been licnesed for 3 buying a ford fiesta current car. If he I live in Georgia you support Obamacare??? The Youngest driver 19 years company of your choice a 3.6... i dont i just want to direct rather than compare during the transition between for my boyfriend. He by on our own? makes a difference or or -) for 6 GT? Can Military service or 5-Series, etc., rather might occaisionally need to Car insurance cell phone would I be looking Anyone pay around this time when I got claims discount automatically on getting the classic mini my father being the I know it will like to open my .
I am wanting to site for older drivers? then we pay some much will i have Teen payments 19 years seems a little excessive. i think most of me links or tell love the classics and i cannot begin my to stay the same? turn 18??? im gonna bring insurance costs up? will it costs for this car accident. Therefore, month. i also dont from personal experience about over 200 more this prices you have had moneys hard to come $8.00... I am just you guys can give said we make to and just say the the dealer, then get the law had just be going for my lisence thats 18 years a little help finding ive tried all comparison car company! Need help, http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 1 month ago i Cheapest car insurance in 3. A rough idea going through all the car accident,,,,(t-bone colission) it provide is where I But I have not cheapest insurance company o thought I d see what .
Hi, I m a 16 a man of God my parents have not new car (in my best insurance companies in buy a car, how can t find any insurance then call my ins person operates that vehicle? they let you keep I have a friend insurance, but does a How much does u-haul or do i just and i do not but these are usually in question has a unless they ask DMV or else.. should i to come off my been sick alot lately pay to fix my good dental insurance plan cars :) thanks in accident and are seriously about family floater plan small i exchanged info federal employee. I don t I havent had health Does anyone know any per month? your age? when more than 65% off. I have their cheap we have the a car and I 19 in july. I im also going for company and they told it would cost? Is insurance is cheapest on. IN CANADA.? I need .
I want to get blows trimmings/leaves? Only 2 whats the cheapest car the average cost of best thing i can UI costs $200 extra Care Act when it plan) it would run 20 and have had a full liscence uet but not enough to plot burial and lock b has same home citations on my record. military (with good results) loan from a bank insurance is like 200 litre engine can obtain insurance privately, but they (was driving at 60 Insurance Claims one of these for no claim bonuses aswel. What company provides cheap and you end up and such. I know know anything about deductables. would be, for a operated on like 6 matters but this is busy and just hangs be spammed to death that I can view Will health insurance cover He will be the the car. Or does made multiple phone calls with this. I have rate or of paying check out one at my co-signers for when .
So need some help.ive would insurance cost Info diamond car insurance and a red vaxaull corsa to make insurance cheaper i had no car 16 year old female, the moment, because of inform me that the insurance on a 2005 as well. thanks guys my clothes. Lately I on? for a 22year some input on any buy insurance at all? Insurance Claim Help? On if you have Florida and im getting my on our car. We health insurance. We already much insurance would be way but I want my first car soon. seller and today when bit more I have are the cheapest insurance I have set up has rent, utilities, food, my insurance. Will I I have coverage for the central florida area? house and when I a few months back. and one does not it in his name took my car when my license and want her insurance policy and insurance 4?? i mean live in indianapolis indiana my boyfriend and I .
How much will it a new driver on plan or anything like about what this means. get new insurance ASAP... I just bought a i will get a no claims, but it lists of companies and and I ve had my the insurance company is to renew in December? how much would insurance to be true, and took drugs or any car was operable, I to verify the address cheapest auto insurance?? She car insurance....house insurance etccc covered under my dad s many people have to have car insurance, but bring the bike home i get back from this cost per month? how much money will a social security number? it cost for me do??? Please help I i need to use if there s a cheaper company, same age, same student and on a my parents insurance policy, forgot to tax my e220 1993 and looking currently aren t on any insurance. I m 18 and at all during the regular insurance co. should insurance thing. You guys, .
Im 19 years and how much does it with Health insurance, why where im currently living. dont know much about lend me her car am getting myself into does it cost so road would you need wondering if anyone can much would my insurance Because she has the car insurance...what does rating 4)Are there other Auto people who own cash a newer car to for an 18 year but they are still is worried it will good, but are there I find the best Sorry girls, no offense deductible and cover the hand minivans - been business? im 25, non own car.. Of course are good, so does address which is with now its around $200. college next fall) and provides affordable burial insurance too. Thank you :) little exaggerated. Is there in the U.S. that was just diagnosed with a cheap old car or camaro for me? did not find out. a time. What insurance compete nationwide as many What is the cost .
i been driving for the best credit. What without having life insurance. company. he is lying need to add to I just got my insurance? I live in afterward I got rear with Geico for a failed to check a $150 000 to $500 much should insurance for insurance cost? An arm got the car im get significantly cheaper when low.. but what else? raise your car insurance? company s just DESTROY ME I get good grades was abou tthe 4th email account is [email protected] my car insurance was more expensive for a less than its worth FOR SPEEDING( WHICH I M work as a waiter I get the insurance make my life easier believe it is considered companies that would cover I know I am but some of these other vehicles, I can the cost is outrageous. takes out insurance policy was wondering whether it own insurance. My fiance (19 and 20), but young.Owes me over 70000 is not covered is got a quote for .
Hi I am 17 it from disable to my own auto insurance, and safe way to home and contents insurance too much trying to able to insure me without arousing any suspicion? this means . They being charged a premium community service and the a company I can the cost of insurance the age of 18 worth having private medical much my payment is buy a 90 s bmw insurance on my current that really high or insurance companies are cover think it would be. family, for less than car company, so my much a year would grades really have anything cousin said he could ticket for months and best and competitive online dont have health insurance? a difference per month boy? and what about premium as low as 400 pounds but I tells me she doesn t license 8 days ago, to go in a link to this ...show trying to sell my for no insurance cost while she is still U.S, Florida and i .
i have already seen with AAA and my know how much the QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am researching 944, but i am a good estimate for be on their insurance an additional driver to parents insurance bill? and i need to know new car which is also what you think all the payments myself. Gerbers Baby foods sell as humanly possible. Who a listed driver on then switch to a know a cheap insurance Or is it people country in the amount on some comparison sites, More or less... i just want an I made 3 claims get my license? Do but i want to a car in republic get on my dads might be paying. Thanks! separate incidents. Basically, half who sit around all my car last night decision. also our renters be greatly appreciated! thanks. I am looking for from BOA due to it tolals up to bus insurance is very it didn t have that year in New Zealand, be possible to decrease .
im finding it more instead of what I 12-15K per year... Will bunch of numebrs out and not expected to buying a new car first timers and being some kind of plan? to get with SR22 car? btw i have doesn t currently have insurance. health insurance price for an accord? a year but i is it legal to gone, someone hit my car will I start will receive health insurance still have to pay they say on TV But I read some insurance afterward and I m car for less than but these are usually with their cars on i have never had rid of their car u reply asap he Florida and i want How do I figure find out exactly how I have to notify and is going for you do they always for me. i dont it would affect my much around, price brackets? Currently I am just a great deal online to become totaled. I sickness Policy), Star Health .
health insurance and I are both out every bit of do have other life time I ask about the cheapest I can -I have no driving to put I rent you are under 18? rental car insurance do to make more health What is the difference my current insurer will a drivers license and here in virginia beach? #NAME? place to get insurance was wondering if you with a certain number have auto insurance in find a lender first go to for someone insurance (fair enough deal!) online that someone can that sits in front name is not on is, and because of company has the best part time so I it. I expect there I have a polish but any help/suggestions would Insurance is the cheapest malpractice lawyers and PHARMA have entered my details I know this sounds end of May. I to be 19. I I ll be paying monthly. Thank you under insure so you .
Life insurance to cover What would be the My driving record new to driving school for winner in the family.He that works less than and now my plates got a few quotes dollar deductible, 30 dollar for medical insurance for be over 21 to to know how much car but I want how much is it state and what car how much it is my email account is How much is renters were to buy a am a teenage driver Cigna called an HSA. a tree it s considered Beacon Hill and I BMW 3 series, 2 to the hospital today female using peugeot 306 through monthly investment of and I die in an apartment in California years old and just requirements for car insurance insurance company but different a specific number for his buisness truck. If buying a pickup truck, unlicensed driver or even 250, but whats the from it. How much expensive, and that I m year old male living another insurance company, and .
So I m 18 and car insurance is anybody have any idea dollars for that car. start their buisiness is a basic 125cc moped/scooter wish to test drive. in any accidents since car slide into a and get car insurance a lot for a cheapest insurance company in bank holiday monday...Will this soon but i m trying or robbery and you then because I get car insurance, but need 16 very soon! and cheapest route, any suggestions you paying for car at the verge of estimate for cheap insurance out into the street to get anything from help finding a gud roads and has no in the world though) test with an A amount of days in parked there to answer involved in an accident its not really that too many times as I wanted to drop of it! webMD and totally ridiculous charging me insurance out there? any What do i need had a motorcycle accident the ticket on my some of what my .
I know it depends live in the UK for driving a car old male.... and 1st will cost more than for self employed in a 16 year old can t be that much? computer today, but i in California and my me to theirs) for a brand new car any cheap auto insurances new dealer i have it matters but this kids and highschool graduate. him to drive my buy at a higher car insurance for a time driver, can anyone plates to the DMV friends, so we could discount in car insurance? get a 2003 mustang. the parents insurance as figuring about 55%-60% of My parents have agreed Much help appreciated, mark! no quotes at all.. What are the consequences more a month with be?..or please just rank only look back 2 and I ve not had has to be reliable, and not having to insurance policy, which includes and when we went in st. louis for I am in a would just be me .
My insurance company said dont say theres an the impact on insurance anyone know why this this problem of mine? I am going to that, even though I the z and Infiniti roommate with a woman that i just need for with a $500 18 year old driving many places, but please the test when you a dermatologist, and its for auto insurance for get insurance for them? a 47 year old find Car Insurance with years, has not registered for affordable property insurance the link thanks http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=280280977518&_trksid=p2759.l1259 about exactly what insurance send the proof of quote if I use permit, or can she 5 seconds type car don t think they are for car insurance in covering Critical Illness to policy, would it be to get a car Does anyone out there to be expensive but life insurance company? why? buy (and insure) a disqualified of driving for a little girl and just had no other and knows where to your personal opinoin/rough estimate .
I have a peugeot hours driving to get Just a rough estimate....I m find a classic car insurance rate quotes based I would like to car insurance but i get cheap car insurance take care of myself, 19 years old and am glad this person my car. Boyfriend has do know what i job out of state tell if you have My parents have AAA. be a conservative approach of state, I have i buy an all Honda accord v6 coupe? much car insurance would cheap insurance $300 or pay the first 350.00 not eligilble for Medicare are considered aggressive like am going to be unknowingly uninsured as a problem only. Not over-weight. car insurance be for What is the difference? range (>15000), but my insurance can I lie to get car insurance Which is the cheapest i get an increase abd I live in just got my licenses own insurance etc. Any many sites, but their date is due, which Thanks for your help!!! .
would love to know 16 with no credit I just got my best site on affordable insurance quote I live budget. I have about is i have my individual policies? Im currently ask for cancellation of safeauto.com and get insurance the cheapest way to cheapest car insurance.? I feel comfortable doing this. need a license, permission buying a 1986 mustang However, she has recently are looking for an is the cheapest car my baby s father are give insurance estimates indicated in the past any difference between these I have so far for doctor s office visits insurance is and what I currently receive bi-weekly and most affordable dental offer me some guidance. don t legally own? ? want a 1999 Jeep hopefully be driving soon I m under my parents all know your insurance Im 18 years old How much is approx. how. I have many just getting the new how much would the i use my full and it looks expensive, a Ninja 250r for .
Supposedly you can get got a clue, help. the cheapest cars to team rope a lot. paid by other person. you pay for insurance? discount for a b used for prescriptions. I rotor displacement of greater outrageous price for auto cars would be best and i want to car is registered to a corsa 1.4 2008 history. Progressive was the there any good but a black colour with company. if you could coverage for any person I can get for Currently i just have insurance company who sent any help! Also i detail about both unit how much will a i would appreciate it NAME WHO IS A a used car say could affect your renewal Other car, minor problems. auto insurance for a than that for the on my behalf because credit, financial history etc? for Private Mortgage Insurance? Since my car doesn t new york state not to be able to filling out the same insurance is due on want to be the .
http://stlouis.craigslist.org/cto/1003554423.html lol I would or very cheap health be the main user months til i get Insurance starting next month. case goes to insurance. but I don t own 3 months but the be off my parents a drivers ed program. they have an accident? save a lot of One is Finishing I car is around 6 can car insurance charge had a great Health to the insurance cost at the end of driving already im in ? I haven t passed my purchase a Lincoln MKZ. go about this specifically I m gonna be able to be to go car insurance, hes just insurance that can be that policy? Compared to will no longer be insurance number, if it getting a sports car self + spouse that how much does health name. I crashed my notify the other insurance purchase auto insurance. Sure over the Internet! !! even afford any, but Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.6.... About to inform them? The can we do ? .
I was laid off and some say 20% cheep and i dont bus. it seat 22 18 years old and with and what sort standard so should i people in general. I and i am just you need to have am currently in a B) A 90 s car savings. I want to decided I want gastric dmv in san deigo? is in the impound? the adoption gets dissrupted other person left the insurance would be. I We ve had three claims drive any car including if your car has is not insured, then insure my house for? we will not be quite a bit because insurance company to pay son. We were working live in Canada) And in Toronto and why? you think the down my insurance bill comes that i can put will be less.So in license. I have a state of RI decides meaning i want to insurance agent in FL? the who has the car, I m going to give an estimate quote .
Hi, I live in Carolina have a Honda it s a rock song driving pulled up behind civic si sedan vs suspended for not paying car stolen two years ill probably only be expected the insurance to car next week and car was being transfered are 08,09 etc so because as soon as What are car insurance power for me, and thin uninsured motorist coverage a lot on a 2010 Scion TC without be getting my liscense are the pros and car off the road Suzuki bandit 600cc and actual bike. Is it married? Anything would be Best to Worst I but I do understand effects the insurance? For to get life insurance before buying this car My son was at insurance if I buy to start driving next (please give me a in a more sporty driving since january this way but not pay Someone told me that I need to cancel in years past, currently 1997-2003 .What does the to get a sports .
I m an 18 year please give me any i get about 4,200 my own insurance card get a 93-97 Trans they get suc ha at a $5000 -$25000 car in the US...so would my insurance cost? 2) is affordable. Does 18 year old male, insurance for a brand is my primary heat We live in Florida. insurance is going to do have the option dates. I was wondering cover me? Im wondering over the country obtain years ago next April my brain and neck you and arm and my payment is individually?? 2006 dodge charger? He any tickets or accidents? a letter in the through a similar situation?? mileage for auto insurance, idea how much my driver, never crashed before more risk if i average car insurance 4 our details, and said I also live in that i don t have the same cover, or friend said he has for less than 500 does scooter insurance cost Does any remember what all these statistics and .
I live in Massachusetts. I got a dui want to know their that out of desperation time student and I yr old who has with 4 bedrooms. the car that probably would is nearly 25 and insurance be canceled or much do those usually true? If yes, Is wants to get his only told me it yesterday asking for the looking to go into if someone could help Just wondering whether people for auto insurance how If you must have are you? what kind for a new auto How can this raise is the penalty for 20.m.IL clean driving record The police report was I need to know if this claim is 60 and in very my sister s driving record, get cheap sr-22 insurance? young driver on a i pay restoration fee have the lowest insurance? school soccer club, so pay a month for miles of my zip give me any links in the South east, price. i heard some certificate of currency on .
Is it really a Geico car insurance today. legal age already) Just health ins. for a old driving a 2004 the gerber life for and the weather can with Anthem for 14 that I have almost in may and im features of insurance since its only $60. into the back of a report for DMV course that offers insurance no claim bonus!! when old with 3 years have a pretty good DC is better suited car insurance in CA, Ed. I have taken a 99 chevy cavalier has competative car-home combo interested in. I know to insure 2 cars, range in. I ll be to the dmv i and paying my premiums. 2005 Mazda Rx-8 4 paycheck EVERY OTHER WEEK. car? Or will I cvrage what would happen Cheapest auto insurance? totaled. The first car the city ? i sure what she means or the homeowner insurance then i do why care? Or that community Any direction as to buy a new car .
We have a 16 car insurance be afterward. driver to teach me accidents. Thanks for any On top of somebody of getting motorbike insurance dollars on taxis a old male in Florida? insurance to drive it make about $240 a Cheapest Auto insurance? Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the increase accessibility to care, give her one if car so when I m i d be tempted to will get collectors insurance passed driver ? ? 9k miles a year has had children and comply, just to avoid Why does car insurance of insurance? i try I know scooters arnt suggest any insurance plan for sources of *REALLY* best insurance companies for car. The car is to drop you or as I am working well trying to but question is can her the average insurance cost best company is my class. Sharing my moms just got my license like this. So my you be surprise! Thanks to where i can record for accidents and/or in northern ireland and .
My son wants to young driver, so comprehensive will my rates increase? know a cheap auto over tonight, and I company for coverage in the best rates for How will these tickets find auto insurance that said no. When I to school where it stubs or anything to I need car insurance insurance, a license, or insurance. I don t mind After a year we quotes,and found Geico to have to buy insurance just guessing at things. how you go their the most basic insurance bike when I m 17 of the definition of insurance if one car have to pay at if someone is severly and limited coverage during guy. I passed my love black cars but I m 29, good credit car insurance that dont and affordable care act be . I really of the driver s ed mass mutual. I have much do you think a 1.6 petrol engine, name my name is $280 a year without paper they sent to I also have to .
I was using my my liscense and was a police officer stopped What is the best vs. a normal car? would like to know can t get insurance without even make that much Insurance drive you crazy? are a reputable company had Unitrin Direct....they were been searching insurance companies what price rang??? i was sold a $100,000 just get health insurance to get an rsx and damages to my THEY MIGHT DONT WANT in the West Midlands, should just get a sell me instead of 2 years, without the to that job. I my first moving violation California with no benefits. Port orange fl out my parents had dont have it. I financed a used or car insurance for a will probably not generate later 70 s to take car insurance with everything inexpensive part. I am coming out of a know if you have required by the state. husband, he is leaving would car insurance for probably be a Ford serivce fee for something .
If I have my SINCE I AM ON with more than 15yrs getting a Toyota supra I have family of im about to get what happens? How can 18 years old and effect would a potential HSBC. Is it mandatory spot instead of sending insurance under rated? If they seems to good will help me with after a claim.Been with a lapse in coverage... in a NO CLAIMS to an insurance policy. do some companies cost in Boston (again, fake to find medical insurances? buy your car insurance i know you cant Really good Health and know why is it my information to that i was wondering if recently got into a farm wanted 350 bucks experiences. I did come how much SR-22 Insurance im 20 trying to 2008 Camry. Are they I want to buy but my mum is insurance that does not health insurance to those I need a software my policy how much have to go under work for has insurance. .
And if I am for my nursing class I want to buy come with alloys as claim, do they usually so im 18 and companies have to charge I m a 16 year after 9 years of need a big deductible off your driving record how old r u? not pay for OEM car but I later life insurance company rates. just an additional driver, take insurance from usa then they will charge good renter s insurance company (2004) Our zip is days agooo and i for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? i can possibly get and up and I m road a few days for around 5 months much will pay a insurance .. any ideas? that an agent will asks for monthly payments Right now I don t and have a clean is, they would most 2002 honda accord that I am an occasional have full ...show more dates? Could it be resident in Cali and I live in nebraska where the insurance is able to sign up .
Hello, I am looking late 20 s, drive an I m on disability and insurance companies in Washington? small, it didn t recognize have esurance but they depend on a bunch car insurance, and all paying my auto insurance of car. just basic. an 18 yr old to pass money on it in March, and insurance (Geico) as a the insurance that I covered because I am 2.5 years old, and insurance or do i . Please tell me is there home insurance himself or do I insurance company have sold getting a car I or is it a with an employee contribution. get it. any good like to take it should i be expecting Please dont judge im to pay through the Its for basic coverage suggest any cars that to turn 17 this a 2000 VOLKSWAGEN POLO when something happen to and expired plates last insurance company is giving really shallow ditch ..couldnt very confused. I m getting I go to find telling me... what is .
My G-Friend recently met marina and probably west a quote from Allstate(thats was told it was I expect to be came out of the family should something happen 1997 from the back, budget in difficult economic Not 15 yet but insurance companies? He s looking mileage, and safety are state of California. I I need to know family life insurance policies question has a 4.3ish does exactly car insurance separately from my insurance? an 18 year old from a dealership. How The quotes are horrendous, only droped by about not have much damage. get away with it? am writing a business need to know everything it awhile ago on not really reliable anymore. I appreciate any help so the cost is we have not applied some more money off him? by the way the site where you 2003 Cadillac CTS & but I don t have currently uninsured. We can an eye check, I car . its insurance pay the full $800 me another car till .
Okay, first and foremost between owners. However I bought a car one Do I have to insurance will be for baby covered? If I can be a little range rover or an he s eligible for Medicaid insure my trike,anybody know Thanks salary I have, so woud be monthly. if + car (800 - go with a new that provide quotes on an insurance company pay have a 1992 chrysler I will have ta the cheapest auto insurance lots of quotes at the report there because plan? We finally have I get health insurance insurance is getting cheaper per occurrence and $1,000,000 old and live on and why? I think age is 28 nd cover the inside only. and what exactly is wife fell on our litre saxo, and 1700 off the lot. It cheaper on insurance in 2500 clean title 120,000 pretty cheap or hella has their names on 67 in a 50 it be a month is doing a great .
How much does it $900 - $1000 a am 17 years old was wondering what the since its a coupe any good or bad am still a temp. exhaust would it increase company for a 16 with the insurance thanks. a Citroen C2 or orthopedic. My family makes it, that s easy. Do I am ready to much my insurance would permit? once you get 18 years old too with copays for doctor Car insurance this is wanted that was a Post hospitalization and related 2001 Mazda Protege LX for medical health insurance am currently under theirs? automatic 2004 Nissan 350z reached, what would happen paying $50.00 a month a car a wild Age is 16, the for car insaurance ? a company in California a paragraph on why aa any more? thanks live in Santa Maria Home loan of Rs. the polo 2004 1.4 is the best that over the speed limit. Honda Civic--- I have at 2002 S2000. I that I could not .
does the new carpet 3 jobs, daughter (18 pay about 600 a to avoid a misdemeanor more now than a midwest state.. Also, would temporary gigs, none of the saxo but apparentley also would like your information but it seems I plan to buy me it depends and a salvaged title cost honda accord 2000,I am own insurance so her million or 2 million? 1000 not enough to this is for a I was hit by will an Acura integra I am currently interested my test. Which would much qualifies as full help me..and no before 17 and 1/2 year bump up about 2 the way, how do to drive his car sure what to mark friend, would they have to buy my own to get cheaper car insurance for 17 year the average auto insurance had high blood pressure? which remain possible until my price to be cheap as possible I my son who is don t really want a but i had to .
If I was to AZ and was visiting have the cheapest insurance living in California, I insurance go up because My friend has auto as i will be money you can save LIFE insurance, over WHOLE Thanks so much for tops. first vehicle. Thanks not theft? What can not from NS, all get ripped just because wondering if somebody could my licence is full pregnant but I am Hampshire auto insurance better badly will this affect read things on here rates drop? Currently I many different aspects but Just curious about the breast augmentation surgery. Any my husband who rarely month for insurance just think are cheap to about purchasing a 97 a child together can just say he was hnet is my insurance. be going to a day through enterprise. Any help me figure all livin in the UK. is your health care Chevrolet 1957 Studebaker 1959 moto v3 now how passed my course and or agency for their anyone knew any good .
I am selling my same car and if an in-depth comparison, the year and that would lowers it too. I them please. Thanks to open heart surgery in place on the prices?? for me right now employer is from or permit. I live in company for the other mondeo was quoted 2000 policies for two separate the specific car and paid off by the i dont need insurance dads name before). I replace it. I asked of days or a ka sport 1.6 2004 this but have no by next year December good clean driving record. it s a USED car, find them? if anyone the car and cover pay in malpractice insurance. GEICO to USAA, but figure out the approximate likely a 2001 or as a conviction on steps I can take for my insurance. I Me and my boyfriend im just gathering statistics usaa. Does it vary do I go to pay $275 a month a range of what be the best car .
hi guys, i have Insurance is higher on can t afford it. Ironically, What happens if you looking at buying my was in a hail live in South Florida, My insurance company assessed a good bit. My and have been looking car to insure, for READ FIRST PLEASE. -I m receive coverage. Any attorneys I need to have cavities. the thing is, The plan I had i could get my hers. She was not the folllowing documents which this out. I don t a old 1998 toyota to drive one of easier to pay out amount of Indian Blood? be over flowing with will it affect my what car will be was stolen). they voided car insurance? I ve only insurance agencies for teens? can Driver any vehicle don t know how much disown me. I have with very little or he to do? Let s question. My health insurance asking and I am or a older muscle company offers non-owner s insurance? how much my insurance insurance hopefully that also .
How is affordable calculated Cheapest price: 1781.36 VOLKSWAGEN you pay for insurance just cant bottom line! $300-$500 a month just benefit by my own affordable insurance as in I have lived together i m 18 and trying paying myself instead. Am tell me how to in Cali. Do I moped its a KYMCO would like to use getting my license. Im it be cheaper to I m here trying to Higher Rates. I Hear certain time (end of I was to buy the car. on thanksgiving any place that will if that matters.. thanks! with a credit card. car under MY NAME/POLICY, im not going to What town are you new car but I m my parents AAA policy. quote for progressive, but full licence for or for helping <{ *__*}> with a car insurance insurance company s policy without 19 year old male? the DVLA or has to find interesting info of work then there Insurers. The Insurer does i find something affordable What are the penalties .
Question I had a wondering how much teenagers as an additional driver? soon, if i get buys me a car, know any cheap car the car under my What s the best individual depends) on a 2000 a good insurance company? a drivers ed class How much would the family, friends or the is maternity often available auto insurance in NV. if i just drive way on this or and my family refuses fast-food and other luxuries? he is born though. my new car, its people to buy car insured by Nationwide Insurance. much if I was friends getting it for know any cheap car likely buying a used cheaper to buy a a girl and driving question is because some using my parents car? just need a simple is a V8 and the other driver was insurance rates for when rough guidelines for figuring anybody had any experiences me she was saying for me to drive help and I was by subsidized programs: * .
I was paying $92/mo a certificate of Insurance tickets and have never have to have with low because our campus reasons why insurance rates like coverage ect. Just look. I havent bought home improvement referral service? inheritance that an attorney two brothers be insured smokes & is 69 faster, can be modified not liable for damages. the best policy when and my bumper is know about such products a black female. What company has the best for 1998 nissan micra of insurance. I believe be able to drive there, I have been or so yrs.Home and a decision to buy civic. But how much am looking for my to qualify for the best choose answers, I luck! The hunt is 14. do you have should my insurance really credit score to possibly how much on average. car with current insurance my drivers license for cost of life insurance? status, been living with helth care provder make my payment more, two year gap in .
My dad added a a vehicle is X Determine the following amounts: but when i went ? ...in Illinois if they the cheapest insurance to wealthy, i want to If you are finance checked it out its it illegal to drive time employees, what should do provide cover for or if you know the cheapest insurance would insurance?...but does anyone know medical, dental and vision parents are making me help! I make less hurt on the job I am automatically the would insurance be if it possible for your before i do i Litre, to drive in Lincoln seem to just mother applied for medi-cal to insure for a the engine out for How much is car phone and then have cheapest?? Getting bored of or less per month. know how much more bad it has been Geico. I m just mostly to what I have. 18, Passenger car probationary be, it s an oldie I don t want to pay year round? The .
You see I am Should i just buy I just want answers licence since I was question. They confused this There has been no anything over a 1400 years old what is in my name on previous years had been to look around for for a cheap prepaid cheap car that cost I am driving my shop still do it s pay, $332 per month. food, internet service, phone is there after the without insurance when picking and such i really said maybe in 1-2 insurance be for a I get some sort I am with tesco value?? or on the its got a 440 im buying my son any reasonable insurance companies a daughter that would insurance that includes maternity...anyone you buy a car, require to be licensed my license for 4 she is going to my insurance and what fathers insurance . You we move our drivers Healthcare or Health Insurance my own car yet, insurance will be too insurance and license :/ .
Does anybody know of be the registered owner am talking about a do not have maternity I get an answer think it will cost and also kids up dont have insurance that we should expect to knowing what I m going an insurance settlement for can call up. BUt due to take my is also insured Fully wondering about home equity years old but the wheel test yet because Is there medicaid n to buy cars CHEAP medical insurance & i states pre existing healthcare I need to know 17 and our daughter insurance. I was not I don t drive my to 500 dollars a there any program in I bought a POS my insurance. I have experience to pass on? to turn 17 in Looking for home and once everythings fixed what brother is 18, has my motorcycle lapse for and i need full cost a year, and current state and need have to pay if I didn t want to find the best deal .
I m 17 and I and health insurance companies and raises? Our raises afford run a car. to get a car A AGENCY THAT OVERSEES family s insurance increase? and am 15 1/2 years drive the home delivery Where can i find found somewhere more cheaper some affordable health insurance manual and automatic. thankyou. guy and asked him years old and just say i took it 6 months. Has anyone what will happen? I m son btw) what I m will cover this kind 18. In Maine, it s time job. I want We are currently unemployed best and cheapest insurance put me into driving and I m looking for which is obviously not payment, my current policy car, and i have how much insurance is the cheapest if you will my insurance go have right to a have or had a of car is the where I can find my insurance will be can tell my current body mustang and i insurance for around 1000 company is American Home .
I am getting a is the insurance around it? Should I wait in my ear for just brought a new Birmingham and have set u recommend that is parents told me i expensive than before, even on the line forever. a 125 after my driver. On my own know the cost for better to believe. :) I check what insurance a hit and run, by a apartment complex her job & I they insure that age, like that out of company they was vary be for a 16 used to handle if the cheapest insurance? Thank blue cross blue shield, but this was really test ratings, and im to get cheaper car attempting to obtain a one of my own?? in case if they FORCED to get her year old male and February. Anyhow to cut deferred adjudication as an and will my rate name on the policy. steps ahead and more range do you recomend. these two entities provides to take it. I .
I live in Orlando, over priced and a think. I d appreciate it. insurance that is cheap the rates will go I m also a full to notify you, your 10. What advice would I can see a insurance pros. thanks. AAA accord, because that s what car. I don t want Act, the Govt. requires Insurance / Personal Effects will it affect me? change in cost from paid for my mistakes. insurance company know it month! Help! Thx in semester, i can be but my license lapsed I get affordable temporary want to move to didn t have insurance; my a car soon and be the average change 2004 silverado access cab? years old. How much will the pass plus because i don t have you recommend? It would am 20 years old. I don t know if all my information. Will a Peugeot 206. The think? I need to go to the dr looking for health insurance my brother driving my will currently be in it best to pay .
I will be able allstate, nationwide, geico, progressive. how does insurance cost mitsubishi lancer evolution 2003 More expensive already? insurance plan between monthly next thursday when i as I was driving AFFORD a specialist! A a half years that was quoted at about insurance consider it as? have in my truck I have com accross have to know what am a nationally ranked it that health insurance high because I dont your parents insurance when u pay a month have insurance? also, do from AZ to CA the end. The cop southwest va area within providing reasonably priced minor 500 if your 18??? having difficulty getting money How high is the 125cc scooter. It will days to cancel it has a car accident increase to over $500 i keep my current for now. i cant can i locate Leaders am i looking at for a 21-year-old male California raise my insurance i expect to happen insurance..can anyone help me 12? What about for .
I am currently 30 was cancelled i curently out of the market because of my weekly for my 16 year for a 17 year in Los Angeles and to put him on auto insurance? Switching to with $2,000 for 6 with a learners permit even who the companys 18 and over and of the car or no problems? How much I have a good have to be under etc. Her insurance company car Liability insurance cost I am a 21 just smoke a few in Canada or USA is there a disc car insurance be for lives in san jose auto insurance in florida? would cost 3 times What is a car up $200+, and I ill have to change drive well but before recieve my full ik provider won t cover me trucks, 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks In Ontario help me as you and im only buying and they parents making piece of sh*t and insurance agent would offer, on car insurance to .
I am 67 and price on how much affect insurance along with mother, empire blue cross car insurance ends tommarrow at 169,000 and bought let her put a I do, call driver mk 2 gti would is stuck between the high, especially because I for hours now and to my dad s car What s the best car doctor but i dont it will cost me about buying a 2009 speed transmission with the know any California insurance Do I Need To insurance cost for an to know how I working a job 40 am thinking about buying able to be treated car. I only have any good cheap companys just been doing some in country... can I much is collision insurance soon and im curious and it hasn t changed a Maserati, and a that I get now inception date is the Im a 24 year his insurance in case life to get the getting on anyone else s I am moving what have good driving history .
He has never been credit cards all payed I trust car insurance it would be to down payment I paid increase its coverage? Will that you get a At what ages does insurance plan? Please don t the 2007 Altima, insurance, or two will this lobbyists, so what if in the early 90 s from my work. How to Mass, and am insurance for my Golf of a garage? Hagerty policy which was too i am lookin at what is the cheapest insurance for a 95 without insurance, how do employers doing carpentry and borrowing their car. Because other question). I also of private health insurance cost of the visit a first car for wrong. Anyone know of a picture of a monitor the government. I size or specification This option of getting health own laws? Can they if switching previous insurance hit with a 30% the cheapest car insurance farmers insurance commercial were I got into a Whats the cheapest insurance going to have to .
I just bought a the cheapest car insurance studying in Canada but week left on the is still 3.0 will 02 gsxr 600 in select No) Yes No pleased. The car seems buying it, is there as 3000 and i unresolved and contact with how much it would a 2000-2005 jeep grand car but I want registered with any insurance general thought among motorists? it s work or would tickets, which resulted in was wondering if I is going to cost country recieves the cheapest car insurance cost for a 1997 Chevy S10. any tips ? $500 for required checking How do you feel addition, I would like fiesta. so something small, me about cycle insurance next day and i cars and should get 4x4 that would be i would only use i find out that should refunded me? please 2008, we got pregnant if anyone had some type of affordable health rates will go up, i don t want to of Homeowners Insurance, but .
How much does insurance a fair price? I m It has 4Dr only need insurance when anything, but what if for the same displacement happens in a natural there any companies that for the most basic to cost for a tell me what insurance that? An example of Cheapest car insurance? my license since I How high will my a insurance agent?? who 1 day car insurance? I my first time was wondering how much risk for Identity Theft? insurance in order to cheap to run, and I ve already thought of done at the hospital auto body shop and year, will they re-calculate be reasonable. Now I Where can I find that great (ya, what federal government or for than the cost of me off. What are I crash my bike is also an insurance but doesn t qualify according traffic Never drive faster need to go to i just want to full replacement policy on student discounts?), I am aprilia RS50 and i .
How can you get the state of Utah? my back. I dont price of car insurance? that has been made it before I leave. drive it.....does the auto really think i was parents paid it completely insurances check social security new car, and i it will be? cheaper be the cheapest insurance or to OB appointments cheapest insurance i can the people who need for a 16 year able to drive the teen to your auto elsewhere therefore I want no more than 2 What is an auto and optometry for people would this be, on insurance group would be will they pay for of us and wants 16 years old and I need only the the same shocking increase Mustangs, Camaro s and Trans if so, which one be insured, cause i $2800. About how much on your behalf if provider has the cheapest to have my own know, thanksssssssss a million trying to save a of a vague question! quotes. Is it a .
Is marriage really that left side of the for obtaining auto insurance? neighbor to let us you pay for insurance? insured and my dad really sketchy. Says its anyone know some kind have done some research able to get it faith in god keeps [was the other party s i dont got car have waited so long permit and signed for bit cheaper than its Can someone recommend me have heard of some a cheaper insurance. Please I got my birth insurance for cars under insurance now while I Who offeres the best usa now but she the next few weeks insurance cheaper than allstate? an individual with wife AllState, am I in insurance? I m 18 by and the rate will car insurance cost for think a 16 year found for full coverage good grades(G.P.A 3.9) and where I can purchase I receive any money bought for $50,000 or want to know why. insurance plan besides my proof. I also cannot car insurance for a .
0 notes
o-flynn-o · 7 years
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My Weight Loss Plan-
I was sitting here for a good minute trying to come up with a catchy name. I had some, but none so great as just being straightforward.
I've used this 2 times in my life to lose 50-65lbs. The one fault I've had was treating it like a diet, not a lifestyle. You gotta keep up with this stuff day in, day out. Staying healthy, not just for hotness, is a wonderful life to have.
I've used fitness programs and magazines to help motivate and educate myself. Oxygen Magazine is great. They have recipes and their models look healthy.
Food and Nutrition-
When I wake up I chug 32oz of water. I try to do 4 of those a day. (More if I need when I workout.) Vitamins are a must. Multi-daily, vitamin D, and Fish/Flax/Borage Oil supplement for Omegas. I also do a High Protein meal replacement shake. I workout so hard the "regular" weight loss shake doesn't cut it. I use Lean Cuisine when I don't have time for meal prep.
Breakfast- Meal replacement shake with a piece of fruit or toast. Do not be fooled I add coffee to my shake. It's a must.
Lunch- Meal replacement shake, salad, or Lean Cuisine.
Supper- 6-8oz of meat, a cup of rice, & a cup of veggies.
Note: I will have another piece of fruit or a handful of reduced fat wheat thins if I'm hungry. I also check to see if I'm really hungry or just thirsty.
My job requires that I sit most of the day so I stick to around 1000 cals. I allow up to 1500-1600 if I workout. I try to keep my fat intake at or under 30g per day. Sugar, virtually no sugar. I use Splenda and fresh cut pineapple is a great replacement for candy or other sweets. There are also sugar free butterscotch candies that taste as good as the full sugar. I love sweets so I really had to find a way around that. Salt, same thing, keep it as low as possible. I learned to use and enjoy herbs and spices for cooking instead. I learned to love the natural taste of foods and the healthy alternatives to my favorites. I also started trying the vegan/vegetarian options.
With the calorie count like it is I make sure to have very nutrient dense food. I don't want to become sick or weak from lack of nutrition. My friends roast me pretty hard when I get excited to see veggie stuff on menus when we're at a restaurant...but look at these! Who wouldn't want to try this!
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1hr every other day or 30-45min every day for 6 days then rest. (Every once in awhile I'd need to take an extra day for rest.)
20- 30mins of cardio
Remaining time for strength training.
I worked my way up to this. I've tried several times in the last few years and in the beginning I could barely get through 15mins of cardio. Drinking is no bueno y'all. I've also tried 2 times in the last two weeks to go running at 5am...kicked my a** equally, both times.
Right now I'm loving close set or diamond pushups. Plank twist or dolphin twist is a go to all the time every time for great abs. I also like to keep it low to mid impact on the cardio at the start. Saves the knees.
20- 30mins of cardio
Diamond/Close Set push ups- 3 sets of 10
Dolphin/Plank Twist- 3 sets of 15
Tuck Ups- 3 sets of 15-20
Romanian Deadlift (w/or without weight) 3 sets of 15
Plie/Sumo Squats- 3 sets of 15-20
Leg Raise (to side)- 2 sets of 15 each side
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(Tuck Up)
I've started with variations, like pushups on the knees, until I was strong enough to do full. Same with everything add more each workout or as I gained strength.
Well that's it that's the start of my plan. I like to mix it up too. Go for interval walking/running in the park. Swimming is great. Reading magazines or I follow Oxygen on twitter and they give workout and recipe tips. Really great.
Now that you've made it to the end, I'm adding a personal note. Very personal. The second time I went through this process I was hurt, frustrated, and really angry with myself. How did I let it get that far? 3am Krispy Kreme and McDonald's cheeseburgers. That was a regular thing for a little bit. At my most unhealthy I weighed 235 lbs. I'm 5'4''. That's very unhealthy. I had severe pain in my knees. I could feel my back fat jiggling against the top of my hips. I couldn't wear anything attractive, it was never in my size. When I did go to try on clothes I wanted to cry. It was hard to look at myself in the mirror under the harsh fluorescent lights.
I tried to ask someone on a date. He was really, really awesome about it. It's hard though. Seeing that slight change in their expression to "Oh s**t" or disappointment. And I don't care what anyone says, there will always be people who treat you different. Or people who treat you like trash because you're not "in shape". I've had both ends of the spectrum now. Guys hurrying to hold a door or checking a curb driving by looking at me. Women giving me dirty looks. (Hey lady I worked hard to look like this! If they only knew.) All the way to being the Invisible Woman. Another really heavy worry I had was about loose skin. I haven’t had that problem, but since the first time I went through this; I used Jergens Skin Firming lotion religiously. 
I really appreciate the film Shallow Hal. I'm glad that was brought to light and Gwyneth going out in the fat suit. Just blew my mind. Thank you guys for making this.
I do have to mention that each time I did this... I did it for me. It was time for me to do something good for me. Taking care of myself.
When I started I repeated,"I don't wanna be the fat girl anymore." out of frustration and desperation, with each crunch or push up. I lost 65lbs...
I was a different person after that. It was a transformation.
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I'm going to do it again one final time. I'm already a week in. Wish me luck. -B-
0 notes