#c: Foolish
qsmpphotoalbum · 3 months
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modx-reborn · 2 years
Kinktober Day 3: Sex Toys with Foolish
Day three les go!
Time for the big boy, shark totem god and that hog-like shlong that we all know he is hiding under them robes!
Minors DNI!
There was no feasible way for you to actually take all of your lover's cock, he was just too much, sure you had tried, spent nights stretching and working yourself open for him to try and seat himself fully in you and yet halfway was all you were able to take. Looking down to see how his length was visibly straining as he fucked between your thighs, using the mess of lube from his attempts to work you open to get himself off, sharp teeth digging into his bite-swollen lips.
"One of these days, I-we will have you take all of me. I'll finally get to have you cum on my cock not on my fingers or-or my tongue!" Every time either of you gets needy or desperate the same things came spilling from either of you, promises and swears that you would take him soon, that you would get to feel him fill you and fuck you as you craved.
And yet, it had been months since the last time you even tried to take his cock, each time you tried to get him to step away from his summer home or the giant statue he was building for the ever-looming god, he would turn away from you cheeks flushing a dark gold as he stumbles through and excuses.
But tonight would be the end of that, tonight you would get to watch those emerald eyes as you showed him that you would be able to take him whole, that you had finally managed to work yourself open enough that it would only take him laying back and letting you sink down onto his cock.
All it had taken was a few wine-filled nights of complaining to Eret, huffing and chattering with yours and Foolish's mutual friend finding the monarch one of the more comfortable people to discuss such personal issues with. Hell, the brown-haired rascal was the one who gave you the items to get to the point you were now, sure the day they passed you the box of toys was beyond embarrassing, you dropped the box after opening it and even tried to give them back.
But persistent in seeing their friends happy said box ended up at your home days later.
The weeks that followed were pain and pleasure-filled nights of working your way from the smaller toys, the smallest being around seven inches long and as thick as your wrist, onto the larger ones, saving the largest and strangely closest to the actual shape and size of Foolish. All of them followed your dear demi-gods theme, shades of blue, green and gold and each of them moved up in size as the shades changed.
And now here you are, waiting for your dear partner to come home, to have the door to your shared room open and watch as he sees just why you had been so persistent to try again. Oh, how you savoured the soft pain that was building in your thighs, sitting on your bed straddling the largest toy, the one you had been working towards, the one you had yet to take, to sink down on and take to the hilt but the moment your eyes caught the wide green ones of your sweet totem god you knew it was time.
One hand held the base of the toy, and the other held out towards Foolish beckoning him forward as you finally sunk onto the toy.
"You said one of these days… and now you can see! See how hard I worked-how-how good it looks even if it's only a toy stretching me open-" speaking around gasps you could do nothing but whine as you finally hit the base of the toy, hands cupping Foolish's face as he had crept closer, eyes locked on how you had taken the equivalent of his cock in you,"-now we can finally fuck, I can finally cum on your cock and feel you fuck me like you should have been all along!"
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toiletwipes · 2 years
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Summary: Life isn't too kind. Getting a warning that you're probably going to be fired and then being kidnapped alongside the cute barista you started flirting with... well you gotta roll with the punches.
Word Count: ~3k words
Character: Foolish
Warnings: fuck or die, its not really explained. Foolish gets changed for unknown reasons and he looks more like the shark totem skin so yeah. Also this does traunatize them. Kidnapping. Bonding over that. Yeah. Uh. Enjoy?
tag list: @oyakuya @ruminationnn @despicablenotions @grrrlsagainsthumanity @wolfie-doggo @boiled-onionrings @struggling-with-time @midnighthasstruck @modx-reborn @cleverjokehaha
Kinktober Masterlist
“Next!” I step up to the counter, smiling as if nothing is wrong and like I wasn’t about to be fired, and greet my favorite barista.
He likes to go by Foolish, says it fits him better than the name on his birth certificate. He also has claimed that he lost it.
His green eyes and dazzling smile takes the edge off my mind, and when the pitch in his voice hikes up and he leans over the counter a little bit, it’s hard to not be so charmed by him. He was always in front of customers for a reason. “The usual?” He asks, reaching around the register to get a cup, writing my name on it probably. I shrug my shoulders and then glance at the pastries displayed. “Maybe something else today?” I look back at him and he’s caught me, eyes flickering between me and the display.
“Maybe the raspberry cheesecake muffin?” I try, and nearly cringe at myself. One, I said it because it was the first name I saw and two, I hate the cheesecake flavor here.
“One raspberry cheesecake muffin for my favorite regular!” He says with a grandiose sway of his body, snapping the cute pastry box open and placing it oh-so-delicately inside. I bite the inside of my cheek, accidentally watching his uncovered arms for too long.
“Just the macchiato and muffin, then?” He says, pressing several buttons on the register, I nod. He turns back to me, a wide smile reaching his eyes. “That’ll be three seventy-five.”
My mouth drops open a little, “that’s- that’s only for the macchiato, you forgot-” but then I remember the long line behind me and rush to hand him the note, returning a smile in confusion as he slid the muffin towards me. “NEXT!” And then I’m pushed aside, Foolish’s next customer spouting off their order while I make my way to the end of the shop, waiting for my drink.
As soon as it’s on the counter, made all perfect, I don’t hesitate to grab it, it’s when I go to drink it I see it. A number on the side of the cup. With Foolish’s little name written underneath it, a cute smile adorning the numbers and name.
I bite down the grin, glancing back at the barista but there he continues to stand, behind the counter and letting himself charm the customers into spending more money than they need to. Walking out, I breathe in and out, because as much as I would love to start texting him and blow his phone up, I still have to get through the meeting. And probably the end of my job at the stupid company.
My gut, though, turns and I feel like I’m being watched. I try to look around as I keep walking, sipping as I do but I see nobody. No strange person, no oddly placed van crawling at my pace, waiting to snatch me. Just the usual bustle on the sidewalk and the usual traffic happening to the side. Appearing in front of the office, I cross my fingers, breathe out about twenty please’s and push the door aside.
Let’s keep this as civil as possible.
I push on the large doors with little effort, ignoring the obscenities being shouted at me from behind, from my now old boss. I did try, I really did. He started it!
Moving through the building, I’m walking down the stairs with a box of my things, enjoying the solitude the stairs gave me. Being a big enough building that it was a separate stairwell from the other parts of the open plan, it means no one is in here to listen to me sniff pathetically.
And as I’m out of the building and now back in front of the office building, I look both right and left. Nobody is looking at me, nobody is standing stock still with binoculars. Nobody is acting strange.
Except for me, I sniff again, turning down to my right, heading back in the direction of my home.
In the span of the next few weeks, as the season gets colder, the air and sky both turn crisp in quality, I form a sort of friendship between Foolish the barista and me, sending cute pictures of the cats in my apartment, him sending pictures of his pets, talking about stress from work. Foolish finally admitted that he never liked customer service but always toughed it out because I’d always come in at the same exact time and he just couldn’t stay away.
Hearing that left me feeling more than flustered for days and finally after dancing around the subject, we agreed to meet for a coffee date, at his place where he could show me how he makes a macchiato. My favorite. He promised he wouldn’t charge too much for the special blend, I had to snort at that, knowing he had to be smiling like the dork he is.
That day though, after dreading the hours before without knowing what to wear, I found something and left as soon as I could.
He doesn’t answer the first time I knock on his door. I don’t sweat, he’s probably in the restroom, not near the door, or maybe he can’t hear that well if he’s got a loud fan blowing the highest setting.
I knock for ten minutes, calling between the minutes, and pressing my ear against the door. I don’t even hear a pin drop, not a single bark or meow. Briefly thinking about trying to open it, I just face the music. He does not want to see me.
Doesn’t answer his door, straight to voicemail, and now that I’ve just been hired at a boutique far from his coffee shop, it’s like I’ve been ghosted.
“This fucking sucks.” Turning around and keeping my eyes closed, I lean against the door, only opening them when I hear a click and the cold press of metal on my forehead. In between my eyes is a pistol, and the guy holding it? Covered with glasses and a bandana over his mouth and nose. I’m going to die.
“Could’ve been worse.” He says and moves too quickly for me to see, I collapse with one blow to my head.
When I come to consciousness, I’m in the same clothes I was, the simple jeans and old band tee, this time with infinite more dirt and blood covering it. I have no recollection of getting these jeans, what the fuck? Looking away from my clothes, I am more freaked out as I see more and more. Stuck in some cell, with a bed shoved against the wall to my right, I turn to my left and I can see someone else struggling against restraints in another cell. They’re huge. Gold metal plates covering their skin but gray features decorate their back. I can’t see more than that. Muscles rippling alongside their back and arms. Some cloth holds loosely together to barely be called pants.
“Glad to see you’re awake, sorry about the whole kidnapping thing, you know these things are,” Jumping out of my skin, I look towards the speaker in the corner of this cell. Um, no I fucking don’t. The quick anger on my face is apparently prominent, “nothing personal, I swear, would’ve been easier if I didn’t have to but he insisted it had to be you.”
“Who’s he?” I ask, too quick for my own good.
“Who do you think?” Sounded exhausted, this person. “Big guy over there said that he’d only cooperate if you were safe. And well, you’re obviously safe where I can see you not getting hurt.”
I can hear whispering in the background. “Okay, change of plans, we’re doing this right now, if you could kindly go greet him, he said it was crucial to see him before he’s completely gone. Whatever that means.” I really do not want to meet this large… person is. While the muscles were a nice touch, they could probably kill me while yawning. Except I don’t have a choice as the bars of the cell recede into the wall and the noise attracts the attention of this large, golden person.
When it turns around, I can see a piercing green stare. The same green Foolish had.
No fucking way.
No fucking way this is Foolish.
When he tries to stand up all the way, his head hits the ceiling and I’m halfway tempted to run underneath the bed in here. Wait. Why in the fucking world is there a bed in here?
His mouth opens and words are garbled, but it sounds… vaguely like him. Against my instincts telling me to hide or run, I breathe in and as quickly as I could, I stand up. Pain shoots up my body, and I fall to my knees, grasping at my ankle. What the fuck happened? Tears prick the corners of my eyes as I squeeze them close.
Why is this happening to me?
The incredibly tall golden thing who I think just might be Foolish, doesn’t try to stand up again, though he does get on his knees and elbows, and there’s a sigh over the system. A cloud of green smoke surrounds him and the groan he releases… I will not admit what it did to me.
When the cloud dissipates, Foolish is shrinking just a little bit and he’s able to stand on his feet, though he still has to bend over to avoid the ceiling. “Are-” he coughs into his elbow, and I could see him better, making my heart cinch with an emotion I’m still not sure of, “are you hurt?”
I shake my head and he sighs, head tucking into his hands as he moves around me, right to the bed. And the size difference between us…
Before all this, yeah he was several inches taller than me but now, if I looked hard, it seemed that his palms were bigger than my head.
And while I was distracted over the feelings churning in my stomach, the bars returned to their original place. I can’t help the way I grasp at the cold, cylindrical metal.
"You're not gonna get out unless he lets you." His voice echoes in the otherwise empty room. Right, an over-sized, fucked up Foolish.
"Right of course, um quick question, was he lying when he said that you asked for me to be here?" I turn around, though leaning on the bars for support, I try to hold my stare but he's not even looking at me.
"... yes."
I try to even my breathing but it's not working, biting at my nails as I try to not think about what he means by that. By what any of this means.
"Good, okay good, you two are in there together, makes this part easier. Foolish here already knows the gist but you two have one hour to copulate before the room is filled with plenty of gases that'll melt your eyes. Fun, huh? Anyways, take your time, absolutely no rush. Love ya." And with a click, the system had been turned off and there was no one else to talk to except for Foolish.
Foolish who said it had to be me.
The Foolish with pants that had been on the dangerous edge of falling even further from his waist, even laying down.
The same Foolish I now had to fuck.
"I cannot believe this. I can't-" I would throw up, truly I would, but I don't even remember the last time I ate. I was too nervous for our date and figured he'd have something there but then… this happened. But right now, Foolish is sitting up and is thoroughly embarrassed. Humiliated probably. Ashamed, maybe.
"I shouldn't have asked for you. I should've- he offered it was either a complete stranger or someone I was close to. And I don't know why I said your name but please-" his eyes turn to mine, hands coming up to reach for me but he stops himself, stops himself when he sees me move. "You have to believe me when I say I am so sorry, I didn't want any of this to happen."
My lip is definitely bleeding from how hard I'm biting it. Fuck.
"Did you know him?" I can't even look at him properly, staring down at his hands grasping at the loose pants. "Did you ask him to do this to you?"
"No! Why would I want this? How-" he keeps choking up, "how would I even know him? This entire thing is crazy. I don't even know what they did to me- shit, what did they do to me?" I hold up my hands and limp my way towards him. Despite being forcibly changed into something entirely different, he's still Foolish. He's still the cute, charismatic barista. He's just. Golden. And larger.
Standing next to him, I hesitate but I lay my hands on his shoulders, fuck, they look tiny on his body. But all the same, he looks into my eyes, his own dripping with tears with wobbly lips. "This is not-" I wince, "this is less than ideal but seeing as you're probably not human, we should, um. Should probably do what the crazy person says." And this is the first time he looks away from me, one of his hands coming up to tentatively cover mine laying on his shoulder.
"We could probably take him on." He says, eyes darting around anywhere besides my face.
"Not really."
"But you uh, know I've changed, like I'm taller and it's- well- it's probably not going to… fit in. Fit inside of you." Holy shit. That is-
That should not have been as hot in these circumstances.
"We'll manage." Mumbling underneath my breath, I move my hands to cusp his jaw and tilt his head back, "tell me if I do something you don't like." And he nods in my hands, eyelids fluttering shut as he lets me move closer to him.
I place a gentle kiss against his cheek, moving my hands down his chest, feeling him for the first time. I couldn't imagine what he's feeling right now. My hands move the final hand grasping at the pants, lips touching his as my finger tips graze something warm. His whole body jolts and one of his hands jumps to my hip, squeezing gently as he shakily breathes out.
Everything about this situation is fucked but it is Foolish. I trust him enough. I like him!
And my insides are all melted, my knees feel like gelatin, and I can't look away from his face, watching him react to my touch. Watch his mouth drop open against mine when my hands could barely wrap around him all the way, listening to him moan and press kisses along my skin feverishly. Feeling completely enamored with him. Safe as I could be.
At some point, kneeling before him with my mouth barely wrapped around his tip, lapping at his piss slit and all around the head. I could hardly hold back from touching myself, though I gave full reign to Foolish. Letting him hold my hair back and seeing out of the corner of my eye as he fisted the sheets by his thigh, hand flexing and the veins appearing underneath his skin.
I moaned around his cock, hand dipping below my jeans, pleasuring myself, why not? Course, Foolish had to pull my mouth off of him, breathing heavily as he twitched in the air. "That's not fa- fuck, that wasn't fair." He says, looking at me with dark green eyes, pupils somehow blown out more than I could understand.
"Wanna make it fair?" I ask, blinking as innocently as I could.
And maybe it wasn't such a good idea, he switched positions with me and I couldn't hold back any noises, every moan, every whine I let out for him. Everything I did, I wanted him to know it was for him. With my legs over his broad shoulders, I let him have me any way he wanted.
And looking into his eyes after cumming for the second time, I gave him a nod. This needed to happen now. And not just for some experiment. I needed this to happen with him.
And yeah, with his skin being metal and golden and being almost twice my size, with him like this. I'll make it worth his while.
He moves to his knees on the bed, rubbing his cock between my thighs and both of us groan. "If you're not inside of me Foolish I swear-" and the head of his cock pushes at my hole, and I swear I thought I was going to tear around his cock. My eyes fly open and though his mouth had dropped open and he was shaking his head.
"It's not, ha-aah, it's not going to fit in right now," and he's biting back moans, if I focus on anything else, I can see his jaw close and shut and know he's a wreck, whining from the overwhelming sensation.
"Just try, baby," I croak, fisting the sheets just like he had. We need to do this and as long as we get out of here alive, we can figure out aftercare then. He nods and pressed again, and inch by inch, minute by agonizing minute, and fucking hell, he just fills and stretches me and it burns but I like it.
Crying out, I dug my nails into his skin, his skin though looked metal, still felt somewhat like skin. Didn't seem to hurt him, but he stopped moving, stopped everything and leaned over me with ease, hands looking my body over and asking in a quiet voice what he did wrong.
Shaking my head, I pat his arms. "I'm fine, just- fuck, keep going," and he dips his head by mine, groaning into my ear. Hands coming up to brace himself and I'm not going to lie, the feeling is something else, his giant body covering mine with his cock nestled inside of me.
"I'll make it up to you," he mutters, "I swear I will."
"Fuck me good and we're even." I try to grin but then he pulls back his hips and snaps them forward, burying himself back inside me. The feeling? Too good, too much, too fast. And he keeps going, fucking into me and groaning into my ear and when his tongue reaches out and trailed from my jawline to my mouth, I could've cried. I open my mouth up to him, letting him kiss a bruise on my lips, breathing through my nose against his cheek. I could barely hold myself together as he started to go faster.
"I'm gonna cum- whe- where can I cum?" He doesn't slow down but he does pull away, hovering his mouth just above mine, eyes closed.
I could hardly say it but he heard it just fine, his head falling and resting against my collar bone, thrusting inside faster and faster until it felt like he was literally rearranging my fucking organs. My mouth falls open, a silent scream rippling through me as an orgasm is ripped from me, Foolish following close behind. And it's an addictive feeling, being filled by someone so much bigger than me.
Foolish leaned on his forearms, breathing into the skin of my neck as my body relaxed into jelly.
As the system turns back on, there is a pop of confetti falling down from the ceiling and just as the motherfucker explained how he knew we were going to be just fine, a red fog fills the room and I'm susceptible to sleep.
"I guess I'm just… stuck like this." I'm threading my fingers through his hair, holding the somewhat giant in my arms as we process what we went through.
When we both woke up, we were dressed in sleeping clothes and in his bed. Both of his beloved pets were sleeping in their beds. But he'd remained the same. Bigger than normal, golden but firm skin. He couldn't possibly go outside like this. He himself said it.
"I didn't want- you know, it wasn't supposed to go like that. You know, our first time together?" He whispers in the quiet, cold air.
"I know. I know you didn't." I have to reassure him, we both didn't want any of that happening.
We didn't fall back asleep that night and he doesn't let go of me.
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fanceknight · 6 months
Eret told us what the original lore finale was going to be. Her and Foolish were going to fight DreamXD, not in the End but on XD’s watch. It was going to be revealed that the whole server-reset thing was a cycle and that it had already happened possibly thousands of times before. There would have been hints to different relationships cEret had with others characters that were going to be explored more in-depth in Volume 2.
This is absolutely insane because
1. So much of his lines up with all my headcanons
2. They were going to go through the End Portal and end up on DreamXD’s watch. What are the implications here? Does the DreamSMP simply not have an End? Is that why he was always so insistent no one go through the portal? Because he didn’t want anyone finding him? Was XD’s realm literally just a portal away this entire time?
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paragal · 2 years
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i heard this in their voices
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pebbldd · 3 months
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familiar feeling, fatherhood
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ryemackerel · 5 months
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c!eret eating sushi next to foolish who… ERM… MIND YOU IS A FISH! fish, shark, godlike creature, totem of undying. guy! just a guy!
it’s come to my attention that these two are actually called eternal duo. i just figured that out just yesterday and apparently that wasn’t mumza and philza’s duo name. HELP??
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irisbellemoon · 7 months
every once in a while i remember all the really cool dsmp storylines that never got anywhere and shrivel up inside
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hopalongfairywren · 4 months
DSMP as text posts
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foolsocracy · 1 year
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the immortals are beeefffiinnggg
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qsmpphotoalbum · 11 months
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
god i love c!foolish he was really just minding his own business when he saw the fireworks go off and then he saw c!quackity about to get stabbed and was just like "ah shit okay I knew we genetically engineered that slime army for something" like he is really just the epitome of an employee who is not getting paid enough for this shit
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kenjo-arts · 1 year
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jackinthebox80085 · 6 months
Sounds the DSMP make when you hit them
Phil - dink
Techno - CLOON
Wilbur - DONK
Tommy - poTOINK
Tubbo - hwaBONK
Ranboo - SWEeee
Quackity - KABLAM
Foolish - CLAOWAowang
Jack - BONG
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pebbldd · 4 days
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all over again.
continuation of the fatherhood series, original post here
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skelletime · 1 year
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I love mermay for very confusing reasons, but mainly because I hate drawing legs. Last year I drew Foolish for it and this year I’m sticking with the tradition.
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