#buy a vehicle
miserydivine · 4 months
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somecunttookmyurl · 1 year
all the while society conflates "being an adult" with "having a proper job" and "having money to make arbitrary Adult Purchases" disabled people who can't work - or can only work part time or can only do entry level baby jobs - will never be 'allowed' to be adults
you can say "being an adult is looking after yourself you don't have to have a job!!!" all you want but most people who say that will still assume anybody who doesn't either can't or won't 'look after themselves' actually. and every 'marker' of 'adulthood' that's observable and thus actually counts or whatever loops back around to... having a job and 'contributing' something
#yeah i have netflix on all day#i am quite literally signed off of work for the -rest of my life-#what the fuck else would you like me to do with my time when most people are in fact at work#or did you think i can't have the tv on and put laundry away at the same time or something#must i work on commissions on silence in a dour room to be perceived as an adult#anyway 'looking after yourself/your home/your pet' is not observable#to anybody who doesn't like ACTUALLY live in your house#unless you are extremely obviously NOT doing it#if a tree falls in a forest etc#owning a house? job. like not even 'in this economy? lol'#disabled people LITERALLY can't because we aren't allowed to have enough savings for a deposit#car? would you honestly trust me with a vehicle lol but also: job#you mostly cannot buy a car without one it's a requirement for the lease#otherwise you aren't 'trusted' to pay it on time#incidentally most landlords will also - perfectly legally - refuse to rent to you because you are going to be unreliable with the rent#which is being paid directly by the gov anyway like take your trust issues up with them bro#a family? if i get married or cohabit with a partner my income gets sliced in half#so to support even myself let alone a child would require. drumroll please. employment#savings? adults have savings right? yeah but unlike you i have a gov enforced cap on mine#'good furniture not shit from ikea' (someone has remarked that ikea furniture is 'college dorm-y' it's going here)#i mean do i have to say it
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blazing-spectre · 2 months
Assignments are draining all my energy I have saved for drawing hot fat gay sex it’s actually tragic
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f0point5 · 2 months
I’m not even fully online tonight but I just saw the news about Merc offering Max the deal Lewis asked for and…
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Idk if it’s even true but I said when the Ferrari news dropped that Merc were not fighting for him to stay and people basically told me I was being a hater but 👀
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wuts-good-gatsby · 2 months
It's so frustrating to me that people see electric automobiles as a green technology. They are anything but.
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moonsinkfoxgirl · 1 year
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terrain vehicle for repressed gays... literally the same energy as the utena bed
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hartwinorlose · 16 days
this is going to be an extremely negative review about furiosa
if you liked it, i am so happy that you got something from it, but i nearly cried tears of anger and frustration. i know that's a bit of an overreaction but mad max: fury road got me back into writing fanfiction, it got me into action movies, and it made me more interested in cinema as a medium
all that to say
i not only disliked this movie, i actively hated it, and i think it brings the franchise down. i'm going to indiscriminately get into spoilers but, like... please save yourself the money and don't watch this movie
first off, i was not jazzed for anya taylor joy when i first found out about the casting and yeah. she didn't sell me on furiosa. she doesn't look like her, sound like her, or bring anything to the role at all. this was severe miscasting, and i hate to think it was just because she's hollywood's hot commodity at the moment, but i can't think of another reason. (on a separate note, chris hemsworth was the one bright spot in this movie imo - he was actually really good)
the editing and cinematography had some good moments but was overall off-putting. instead of being spellbound by the whole movie like i was with fury road, i marked a few shots that were stellar
i HATED the plot. i cannot FATHOM why you would center this movie around some random guy who actually makes immortan joe look like a hero??? after watching this, i actually cannot understand why furiosa stole the wives from him. he respected her opinions, saved her from the guy she centered her whole life around hating, and just in general did not do anything to convince me that furiosa would hate him. i fucking hate this. why would you do this, george miller
i don't like jack. i don't know him. i don't buy that furiosa would tell him where the green place is because SHE DOESN'T KNOW HIM EITHER. WHY ARE ALL THESE RANDOM GUYS INFATUATED WITH FURIOSA. STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT
like seriously, rictus, immortan joe, jack, fucking chris hemsworth's character whose name i am too upset to remember - they all just take one look at furiosa and go ride-or-die for her and i DON'T UNDERSTAND
we don't see her with the wives. we don't see furiosa with the wives. i don't understand why she was so loyal to them. i wanted to see her build a relationship with them, goddammit, that is the part of furiosa's backstory i CARED ABOUT
the fact that she used the fucking peach pit on this NOBODY of a man and didn't save it to rebuild the green place. she planted it in the citadel, a place she ostensibly hated and didn't realize she would be returning to. she used the peach pit her mother gave her in the home of who we're supposed to be her biggest enemy to get revenge on a dude who doesn't fucking matter in the scheme of her life. look how they massacred my girl. furiosa, sweetie, i'm so, so sorry everything in this movie centered around a goddamn MAN
i mean, they basically fridged her mother. this is every "dead wife as motivation for revenge story," it's just a mom this time. what the fuck, that's so fucking shallow. you really couldn't come up with anything better. no one pitched ANYTHING better??? bullshit
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ditzyytrait · 1 year
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hi. i made the scenic commuting bike BGC and rideable for the latest patch.
4 swatches
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unpretty · 2 years
When I was in college I took a personal finance class to fulfill some requirement
The guy spent the first class going into extreme detail about all the Dumb Shit he did when he was a young adult, including while he was trying to support his first kid
He ended that lecture saying that the key to Succeeding At Personal Finance was to pick a thing and Stick With it. Debt free, 600 credit cards, somewhere in the middle. If you're Fine then you are, in fact, fine and you shouldn't worry about doing things the "correct" way as long as you are doing things the way that doesn't make you feel like life is awful.
Really stuck with me and has Truly Honestly helped me be WAY less stressed about money shit, even the shit that is HORRIFICALLY stressful and when you talk about the Dumb Shit you spend money on it kinda reminds me of that.
making life not feel awful is vital tbh
like, i have lived in the Do All The Right Things ways where you eat nothing but beans and rice while trying to earn and save as much as you can, and the instant a disaster happens it's like. fuck it!! why did i even bother!!! and then you buy a new console from gamestop on credit in protest. it's just not sustainable unless you really get off on min-maxing your entire life (which some people do! i do not)
i figure, no matter how bad i'm doing i am probably not doing as bad as the person who has all the markers of someone in a higher class than me who has rolled three consecutive underwater truck leases into each other and is in six pyramid schemes
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retropopcult · 1 year
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"Street corner in downtown Lincoln during University of Nebraska commencement week." Photographed May 1942 by John Vachon.
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miserydivine · 4 months
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fayeandknight · 5 months
I'm starting the process of looking at houses. Note I'm literally just looking at them.
I have a list of houses for sale that I like/think could possibly work. And this week marks the first time I drove out to/past one. I did this to see the things a realtor site won't tell you. Like what the neighborhood is like.
Or if the street it's on is 100% dirt with potholes the size of craters. Like it's in such bad condition you literally fear for your car's ability to navigate it and it's too narrow to turn around on until you reach the dead end.
Anyway I highly recommend driving by a house before contacting a realtor. It can give you a better feel for whether you're interested in further pursuing a place as a potential home.
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wlw-cryptid · 10 months
U need someone to paint minis with? 👀👀
yes oh my god 😭 I don't think I'll ever be really playing with them but I love wh40k minis. I want to get some age of sigmar things too
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ageless-aislynn · 8 months
I've used "I queue because I care" for literal years now as my queue tag but look at what Tumblr wants me to use Every Single Time I start to type it in...
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losech · 4 months
Anytime a how-to video starts off with a specialized tool, I'm not going to watch it. Unless there is absolutely no way to do the thing without that tool, I don't want to see how it's done that way. I need the bare bones DIY basic toolbox kit version, thanks.
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iron-bullogna · 1 month
someone on my fb friends list has a cyber truck dear fucking god
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