#but. georgia. meh
babyloniastreasure · 1 year
i think i’m obligated to apply to this game studio solely because of what’s listed on their career page--
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flufallo · 2 months
I know it's not the real thing but I want to go
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bisamwilson · 11 months
anyways johnny’s part of the devil went down to georgia is one of the best fiddling portions of recorded songs of all time and the devil’s bit is just a glorified scale exercise
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psychspark · 3 months
side effect of ecac is that i'm changing the font i write in for a second time
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cultofdixon · 9 months
At least there’s no bears
Daryl Dixon • They/Them Pronouns • Usually Daryl can see where the traps lay…but then you got caught • ANGST/SFW • TW: Injuries / Blood Loss / Anxiety
Requested by: Anon
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Daryl slowly sat up in his bed knowing he has the hunt today and that his partner will be joining him. Which meant he had to get ready and then drag their ass out of bed so they could get ready.
Once they both were ready, Y/N stretched their back out waiting for the archer who was currently informing the early bird Rick on their whereabouts for the morning.
“Hey, eat” Daryl startles them out of their thoughts as they tiredly take the protein bar handed to them and started to dig in while they walk to the gates.
It was a cold and nice morning for the two to go on foot for the entirety of the hunt. Even if Y/N does miss his bike to at least go a bit further out.
“You still waking up?”
“Meh.” They shrug adjusting the rifle on their back as they held onto the strap while looking around. “Why do we have to hunt early? Like. It’s what 5AM?”
“Have a watch to confirm that?” Daryl laughs a bit only to be hit with a pebble in the back of the head. As he quickly whips back, Y/N pretended like nothing happened only for him to playfully glare. “I’d be careful of any left behind traps. Don’t think there’s anything as serious as a bear trap but better to be aware”
“Why do people hunt bears? Some of them may be stupid, then others just want to steal your picnic baskets”
Daryl stopped once more only for Y/N to run right into him from not paying attention. He gave them a confused look.
“For someone who had a brother with only a few working brain cells. He didn’t watch cartoons? YOU didn’t watch cartoons?”
“Yogi bear”
“Merle only watched cartoons or fights”
“Sounds very Merle coded” Y/N laughs a bit as they branched off a bit into a different direction to check out a bush with fruit on it.
The archer kept an eye on them for the most part, not like they would need the extra set of eyes since their first response in danger is to fight or find the closest hiding spot. They were also one of those adventure types from the old world and would almost always be outside so he knew that they knew about certain signs of danger and especially what’s poisonous or not.
“Those berries good?”
“Nah. But it could be good bait for small critters that can have it” Y/N plucked a handful as the two quickly turned to the sudden scurry that was too quick for a walker and Daryl went to follow.
When the tracks came up empty, Daryl was hit in the head again and turned to Y/N who had just caught up to him.
“Did yea hit me with a berry?”
“No but thanks for the idea” Y/N laughs kneeling down to grab the acorn that fell, also grabbing the few acorn caps off the ground. “You ever wear these on your finger tips? As a kid?”
“And pretend your fingers were friends or some shit”
“That’s incredibly sad. If only I lived near the forest in Georgia then we would’ve been friends. Always find me in the trees”
“City kid?”
“Yeah but my sister always took me to the park to get outside and yknow, also not to hear bickering soon-to-be divorced parents” They laugh a bit as they took one of Daryl’s hands to put an acorn cap on one of his fingers before finding another bush in their peripheral to go investigate.
Daryl looks at the little acorn cap they put on his finger and thought it was cute of them, but before a smile could even grace his features. Fear shot right through him.
“son of a—-FUCK!” Y/N yells as their voice echoed through the forest followed by the thud of their body hitting the ground. They looked down to find the bear trap latched onto their left ankle. “Fuck fuck FUCK” they were too afraid to move and once Daryl finally came over.
The color in his face drained as he knelt down to assess what happened.
“You should’ve watched where you were going”
“Seriously?!” Y/N snaps at him for stating an annoying yet obvious response. Only for the sudden jerk to worsen the pain as they couldn’t look at their blood drain from their body or they might pass out. “Oh god”
“Jesus fuckin’ christ—-We gotta get this shit off yea without taking the foot”
“Oh?!” Daryl stops messing with it to lock eyes with Y/N a moment as neither exchanged a word. “What the fuck is happening right now?! Did I hurt yea further or—-“
“SHUT YOUR MOUTH BEFORE THE WALKERS HEAR YOUR YELLING” Y/N snaps only for Daryl to cover their mouth waiting for the snap of twigs he heard to just be a critter and not what they had said a few seconds ago.
“I wish yea didn’t adapt your feelings to the situation when you’re the goddamn one that’s injured.”
“Freaking out to my full potential will only make me sob and the pain a whole lot worse” Y/N squeezed their eyes shut to fight back the tears as it was starting to get way worse. They carefully took their belt off even if it meant shifting, a wince, and Daryl flinching to the pain response. “Tourniquet”
“Smart. Very smart” Daryl takes the belt from them and got started applying such above their ankle before assessing what he should do next.
A lot of blood.
A lot of fucking blood.
It’s a 2hr window before they might lose it even with a tourniquet.
Y/N watches as Daryl thinks too loud in front of them. They were worrying about him even if they are the one bleeding less now. They clear their throat to get his attention as his expression instantly went to stress and worry thinking something worse was happening.
“Take the bear trap off, wrap the wound in your bandana, then carry me home so Denise can patch me up” their voice was shaky after silently crying a bit to themselves. Daryl did exactly what they said, a bit confused why they were so clear minded about it.
Next thing they knew, Daryl was carrying Y/N on his back all the way back to Alexandria.
“This shouldn’t have happened…”
“D, come on…”
“I knew this area had fuckin’ traps last time I was out. Should’ve taken them out before dragging you out here”
“You didn’t drag me out here” Y/N frowns. “And you would’ve gotten yourself caught in a bear trap. It just happens by accident”
“You shouldn’t have come…”
“I wanted to. You asked and I said yes…even if you didn’t I would’ve come out to find you if you’re didn’t leave a note like you usually do” They rest their head on his shoulder trying not to let the blood loss beat them with the exhaustion. “Shits unpredictable sometimes…”
“You’re too optimistic sometimes” Daryl sighs, listening to them hum in agreement as he felt their body shift against him. Making his anxiety pick up the pace to get to Alexandria.
It’s been a few hours and Y/N woke up exhausted but at least patched up and in the infirmary. They noticed they were alone but at least there was crutches to help them get around.
As they managed to get up and out of the building, Daryl was starting to head back to them carrying something when he noticed them on the crutches.
“You’re supposed to stay in the fuckin’ bed”
“Don’t tell me what to do” Y/N scoffs. “I wanna be in my bed. With you. Thank you very much” they were about to move past him when Daryl took their crutches leaving them still in a flamingo pose. “Daryl. Don’t be a dick”
“Let me set shit down inside and I’m carrying yea to bed. And ain’t taking no for an answer”
“Then can you hurry up? You or Denise or whoever took my jacket and I’m cold” Y/N frowns waiting for Daryl, watching him go inside the house leaving them out there longer than they had wanted.
But Daryl came back out in a little bit of a sprint with one of his sweaters, helping them get it on before picking them up bridal style and going toward the house.
“You gonna be nurse back to health?”
“Ain’t leavin’ yea that’s for sure”
“You’re sweet”
“You’d fall down the stairs if I left yea alone”
“I think I’m gonna take back calling you sweet” Y/N laughs resting their head on his shoulder as he pushes every door he had to open with his foot. Eventually getting to their room and setting them on the bed.
The archer carefully propped up their ankle using his pillow and covered them with his blanket. Y/N got comfortable watching Daryl move around the room moving a few things but then he left to grab something.
When he came back a moment later, Y/N had fallen asleep given their body was still wiped out and the drugs Denise gave them still floated around. Daryl set the glass of water on their nightstand along with fresh bandages for when they wake up so he could put new ones on. In the mean time, he moved to his side of the bed taking his boots off before bringing his whole self beside them.
Y/N opened their eyes a sec to see him beside them as they carefully moved their self close enough to bring their head on his shoulder. Daryl rests his head on top of theirs taking the time to finally relax.
“At least there wasn’t any bears”
“Shut up and go to sleep”
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nightgoodomens · 1 month
I don't usually look at the fan responses to Georgia's content (because meh) but I did this time. Hard to believe we're all looking at the same things.
So, that post-Oliviers selfie where David looks so tired, sad, and manic. (Again, this is the one she posted on IG, so comments are visible. She mostly posts stories that disappear these days.)
People saying this proves David and Michael are over but Georgia and Anna are still going strong. (What???)
Then the photo of the four of them comes out and it's "See! They look awkward. Guys are over." (The one where the guys are smiling and the women are wincing? That one?)
Then the video comes out with Michael stepping to David and David pointing at Michael, and Georgia wanting a different plan, and nobody has anything further to say about that post. (Tbf, she didn't post the video, but everyone's seen it by now, right?)
People never cease to amaze me.
I think some people look with their eyes and some with their assholes.
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This is just Oliviers.
Oh and
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And then everything that followed…
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theladysilvermoon · 23 days
Eurovision 2024 Second Semi-final:
Malta: Dollar Store SloMo
Albania: Meh
Greece: TikTok user
Switzerland: Bohemian Rhapsody - ESC style
Czechia: Olivia Rodrigo song
Austria: Cascada doing a 90's eurodance
Denmark: Radio friendly vanilla
Armenia: Best native vibes
Latvia: Does make me feel empty
San Marino: Punk Rock Alice in Wonderland
Georgia: Toilet break
Belgium: Most dramatic
Estonia: Noise
Israel: The 3B's - Basic, Bland and Boring
Norway: A force of Nature
The Netherlands: My last two brain cells
France: Unapologetically French
Spain: Foxy Lady
Italy: Queen of Thorns
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hozaloza · 1 month
What is this weird fanfic war going on, y'all this is so--
"Please Remember"
They had great times. Amazing moments. A friendship he never thought he would have. Never. Ever since he moved to Georgia, everything was just perfect. An unlikely friendship formed because of a group project, an unlikely bond formed because of this trip, an unlikely romance began to bloom because of this moment.
But, good things don’t always last.
Ben had gotten better with his emotions, feeling much calmer than ever. His uncle and aunt asked if it was possible that he wanted to go back with his parents. Ben felt excited, he really did miss his parents and little sister. But…that meant he had to leave behind his friends. It was a hard decision, but he decided to go back. They hung out in the graveyard one more time, staying up past 12  to bid him farewell.
“I’m going to be honest, it was nice having Ben around with me. He was like a brother to me, I’m gonna miss you bud.” Aiden stated, placing his hand on his shoulder. The tall boy smiled at his cousin, bringing him in for a hug. The group laughed as they kept playing games and eating snacks; even Ashlyn was having a good time. It was nice seeing each person be a whole new being from when he first met them, and yet still kept certain personality traits within them. 
Finally, the night came to an end, and they all went back inside Ashlyn’s house for one more sleepover. Ben laid on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn’t bear leaving them; he had known them for 2 years now. But he was missing home more than ever at this point, it had to be done. 
“...It’s too bad we don’t get to graduate all together.” Taylor stated out of the blue.
“You’re still awake? I thought you would be the first to black-out.” Aiden stated, immediately sitting up.
“Meh, can’t really sleep.” “...You’re also sad about Ben leaving, huh?” Aiden asked the brunette. She stayed silent for a moment, letting the silence set in. Then, she turned to face him, and there were tears in her eyes. The tall boy sat up to sign if she was alright, but he suddenly got bear hugged by her. He stiffened as she sobbed in his arms, but soon after calming down, wrapping his arms around her.
“...I don’t want you to leave…” she softly sobbed, clenching his shirt. Ben patted her back to comfort her, looking up to see that the others had gotten up. It was embarrassing to admit, but everyone didn’t want him to leave. Their friendship was extremely strong, it was going to be hard to let go. No words needed to be spoken at that moment, they just got up and hugged Ben. It was silent and long; they needed to make it last as long as they could, in case this was their last ever group hug.
Who knew that turned out to be true…
Years passed, Ben had just turned 23 recently. Five or so years have passed since he last moved back to his bio family. He was able to connect with new people, continue his path with the guitar, and overall fit right back in. He tried texting his old friends everyday, but he was getting more and more busy with his own life; it was something he feared he would do, but he slowly stopped talking in the group chat. His connections with Aiden and Ashlyn still remained, so he constantly knew what they were doing, but not the rest…
“[College is alright so far, some of my friends are even sharing a dorm with me!]” Ben typed on his text to speech, smiling at his parents.
“Well that’s wonderful Benny! We’re just happy you finally found something to love as equally as singing.” His dad spoke, grunting as he got pushed.
“Psh, please! You would’ve been better as a cook! Right pops!” Lily spoke. Ben rolled his eyes as he watched his dad and her play push each other off camera while his mom chuckled at them.
“Ugh, these two never stop fooling around, why did my normal baby have to leave me alone with these knuckleheads?” “Hey! I am a normal child! Ben’s always using that text to speech feature like he’s some lizard person! He knows how to sign, he’s just trying to mind control us into following his lizard leader!!” Lily argued off screen. 
“[If I’m a lizard then you’re a weasel!]” Ben typed on his phone. He heard his little sister laugh off screen, and he couldn’t help but chuckle. He still couldn’t believe she’ll be graduating soon, he remembered her being a baby like it was yesterday! “Well, we must be heading out now, Lily’s rehearsal starts soon. We’ll talk to you later! Bye bye my sweet baby!!” His mom spoke, waving goodbye to him. Ben smiled as he waved bye, hanging up on the call. He sighed as he got up, deciding he needed a quick treat. 
‘To the bakery shop it is.’ he thought, grabbing his wallet and keychain.
(spare you the horror angst for now...)
(...NO THIS ONE IS PRETTY TAME,,, I'm talking about a Logan angst fic I got prepared,,,infection,,,,,,,,,,heheheheheheh)
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What team do you think Alexia would have gone to if she weren't at Barca?
it's a good question. if we were to go back in time, then i would say alexia would have stayed at levante, given that's where she was before she came to barça, it's relative strength in women's futfem in spain, and it's a familiar city and just a train ride away from home. but alexia and barça was and is inevitable.
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now, if you are talking about 2024, then perhaps we have some other options, so i've chosen one team from each league as "fantasy" prospects:
d1 arkema: lyon. very curious as to the new manager, but michele kang would make sure alexia is treated well. i don't know how well she would fit with dvd and horan, but the alexia-ada combo would be fun to see. no way in hell she is pulling a messi and going to psg.
wsl: man city. i think she would be very comfortable playing with laia and leila, and it seems like the barça/man city connection is alive and well with wanting to be more possession-based. a yui-alexia-jill roord midfield would be interesting indeed. but i don't like the manager.
frauen bundesliga: bayern. a midfield with lena oberdorf-georgia stanway-alexia putellas would be fun to count all the tackles they collectively make per match. 😂
liga mx femenil: if only mexico city or monterrey were closer to the beach 😂, but a club américa reunion with pere and paños or tigres reunion with jenni would be fun, and there's plenty of great food. but i don't see her going to a smaller club there.
nwsl: meh, the travel is too much, and i don't see alexia vibing with the style of play or schedule. plus, europeans love to complain about playing in houston during the summer 😅 i think until inter miami has a women's team and alexia is brought in more as a figurehead and like messi, refuses to play on artificial surfaces, then we may have a deal. alexia is uber competitive, and she ain't going to kansas city. ☠️
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pjthetoonaddict · 4 months
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Meh. Figured I'd give this a shot.
This Devil (daughter) went Down to Georgia...
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joesalw · 7 months
First of all I just wanted to commend you for becoming a TS hate blog despite the annoying fangirl swarm you're probably going to face. You're truly doing the lord's work.
I saw that you said you were her a fan of hers but then realised who she was after her breakup with Joe. I was curious about how long you'd been a fan and how involved were you in the fandom and what was it that caused this 180? Was it one thing that just shook you out or was it little things added up?
For me, I had always considered myself more of a casual fan of her music but never got into the fandom side of it because I always thought of swifties as pretty fucking annoying. However, I've had mutuals through the years who were more in the fandom so I sort of observed from the outside. As for her as a person, I never went to bat for her but I always felt like I gave her a sense of grace and understanding despite her being 7 years older than me and far more privileged. For example, when people accused her of always playing the victim I always thought it was understandable because when you're young you often only see things from your own pov, but with age and maturity you start seeing the bigger picture.
My issues with her started in 2020, the year after she made a documentary where she shed her white women tears and proclaimed she wanted to be politically active and use her voice for good. But when the opportunity came with covid, BLM and the election she did less than the bare minimum, a couple of tweets and some cookies iirc. After that her shitty allyship continued to annoy me especially after that Ginny and Georgia tweet, but what was really grating on my nerves was the way her fanbase and the media were hailing her an artistic genius for the littlest things. She's always been one of the poster girls for white mediocrity in the entertainment industry but it was taken to whole new level with her directing her "short film". I don't know what makes good music, but I do know little more about movies and directors and all too well was just so meh and bland and basic and the fact that Sadie and Dylan are both brilliant actors yet their performances in that "film" were so lackluster tells me she does not have what it takes to be a director. Yet she was invited to one of those variety talks and was campaigning for a Oscar nomination? And will apparently direct a movie sometime in the future? Has the world lost it's fucking mind?
Anyways come 2023 to her dating a bigot and I realised just how much of a performance her "activism" has been and her going back to the same tricks of playing victim that made me realise it wasn't immaturity and age this is just who she is.
Sorry if this is tmi but I thought since I was asking for you story I'd tell you mine in a sense. I also have some completely unqualified armchair psychology takes on miss t if you're interested in hearing them. They're probably not "hot takes" or something someone somewhere hasn't already said about her but this was already too long for me to dump them on you unasked.
Hope you have a great day! X
I started fangirling her in 2016 when the whole snakegate thing happened. With reputation especially, when she wrote those monologues about her being comfortable being her ownself at the end of her 20s and wanting a normal life and privacy outside media scrutiny. Her talking about how she used her "taylor swift sqaud" to heal her past insecurities not knowing how it could affect someone who still doesn’t have that type of friendgroup, her deciding to keep her relationship private instead of making it a circus for the media. You know, you could see the personality growth in her at that time. To me she really felt like a very matured person.
Even though there were still lots of things (that you talked about) used to make me very uncomfortable, like that ginny and georgia tweet and her posting that black image of blm trend with THIRTEEN HEART EMOJIS (so embarrassing and weird?)
Moreover, I never liked any of her self directed music videos. Like those were so bland and boring and never fit with the music. But people still praising her and giving her vmas and shits was just a confirmation that nobody cares about art these days, they only want the clout from her name. Her music is also very boring. She writes about the same events in thousand different songs to milk the shit out of it. Like girl please move on!
But what made me actually unstan her was the whole shitshow she put up after her breakup with Joe. The person she talked so highly about in her whole discography was now a villain too. She went on a brought up a whole hate trend on Joe by making her friends unfollow him publicly.
You know no matter whatever someone does (his only fault was not wanting to marry her lol), nobody deserves to go through this type of media harassment. But Joe did. Joe is the person who saved her when she was having this kind of media treatment but later on SHE instigated the same type of hatred for him. That just proves how terrible she is as a human being. And not to forget she immediately started dating a vile, racist, islamophobe, bigot, piece of shit and said that was the best time of her life. She didn’t even acknowledge her wrong in the relationship on her breakup announcement (she acted unbrothered). She used Ice Spice to cover up her mess. I mean how many more reasons did i need after that?
Now in her travis era, she switched completely 180° saying being public is her real personality. She also brought back her squad pap walks. She is really feeding into the narrative that Joe kept her in basement. So like the MAIN thing that made me fall in love with her in the first place was all along a lie? She never matured? She never wanted to have privacy? She never valued a normal life? Her personality growth really went downhill to a shithole.
But after being so invested in her for 7 years, I can tell you that a breakdown is coming very soon and I will not feel bad for it at all!
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months
Why are people begging for Anna and Georgia to be in GO?! I’m genuinely wondering why cause they don’t fit in their world and if they were there, it wouldn’t be the Ineffable Husbands anymore, it would just be like a family reunion. Also, people wanting the girls to show up in GO as lesbian lovers to each other?? When have they ever been seen or hinted at any sort of affection towards one another? Georgia can barely stand her and Anna is….. meh. Barely on social media except only to post one occasional thing of Good Omens and then disappears into the night. Neil asking if Dottie and Sadie should show up in the next season and people asking if Georgia and Anna can play them…. It’s ironic cause the question was if Aziraphale should have a beard in season 3 and Neil took it as beards, someone used as a romantic partner to cover up the others sexuality. Veryyy interesting to see. Do you think Neil saying Sadie and Dottie are beards and people mentioning Georgia and Anna to play them means something?
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It's honestly difficult to know where to start with this, because I have also noticed the uptick in people campaigning for Georgia and AL to be in season 3, apropos of seemingly nothing at all. There seems to be an assumption that Georgia and AL have the same kind of chemistry as David and Michael, when nothing could be further from the truth. By Georgia's own admission, she barely knew AL when the first season of Staged was filmed, and the entire "best friend" dynamic between them was faked.
A few years later, you have Staged season 3, where Georgia dyed her hair red to differentiate herself from AL since everyone kept saying they looked exactly the same. You also have a clearly established "throuple" dynamic between Michael, David, and Georgia that AL Is not at all a part of (and has seemingly been specifically excluded from), and Georgia only engaging with AL on social media when there is something to promote (such as Staged 3 being released on the BBC, to give a recent example) or on posts related to "business" things (Georgia commented on AL's new headshots, but not on the post for Mabli's first birthday, to give another example). Not to mention AL copying Georgia's personality and posting style at every available turn, because she desperately wants to obtain the same level of clout that Georgia has in the fandom. (This, despite Michael seemingly having faded her from his social media/any sort of public connection to her entirely.)
(Also, none of this even touches on what I mentioned in this post, about the sheer audacity in suggesting that AL and Georgia could play Aziraphale and Crowley, respectively, or how insulting that is to Michael and David...)
Now, however, we have this whole "Dottie and Sadie" business to contend with, which is on a level of ridiculousness I'm not sure I knew existed. Context, for those who may not know: "Dottie and Sadie" refers to Aziraphale and Crowley's fictional wives, which Neil started alluding to as part of his exasperated answers to questions on Tumblr. They are not real characters and have nothing to do with the GO novel itself. But it seems the fans have taken the idea of AL and Georgia as Dottie and Sadie and run with it.
Anna (who apparently has also started copying Georgia's habit of searching her own name on Twitter) has now added to the discourse with this QT today:
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I'm truly baffled as to how so many people don't seem to see this for the attention grab that it is. This is a clear attempt at remaining relevant, as well as her trying to push her way into GO season 3. Yet it's telling that the part she is seemingly lobbying for is for a character that doesn't even exist, and has no bearing on the GOmens universe whatsoever.
What also bothers me (and I've heard this from a few people who've DMed me as well) is that this very much comes across as "straight girl making out with a friend as a joke." For all we know, AL could be bi, but she has shared so little of herself/shown no outward support for the LGBTQ+ community as to make it impossible to determine. Also the last thing Michael and David have ever done is play what is between them/Aziraphale and Crowley for laughs, so the fact that their connection and experience with their own queerness is so genuine only makes this comment from AL look incredibly fake, and like she is trying to be a pale imitation of them.
But again...and perhaps the most unintentionally hilarious part of all this...is AL apparently missing the entire point that Dottie and Sadie are beards. By saying she wants to play such a role, she is reinforcing the idea that she is only there to make Michael look straight, and that that is the purpose of their relationship. For as calculated as all of her posts/replies are, this almost feels like her accidentally telling the truth in the midst of a bunch of nonsense. Like you said: Very interesting...
I have more thoughts on GO season 3/the casting of family members--Peter worked well in GO 2, Ty did not--to share in my forthcoming analysis of the second season (I'm rewatching all of the episodes right now just to get everything fresh in my mind, but I will start writing/turn Anons back on soon), so I will end this here. But those are my thoughts on all these recent developments. Just hoping that all the fandemonium (fan pandemonium) dies down and we can have an honest discussion about season 3 one of these days...
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fridka · 1 year
Every year I try and avoid any Eurovision spoilers until the event itself, but I have finally listened to all songs and I have OPINIONS
so keep in mind these are all rather fresh opinions, and some of these songs might grow on me or lose their appeal over time.
Anyway my thoughts on each song under the cut‼️
Albania - Duje - Albina & Familja Kelmendi
I want to like this a lot more than I do. It’s sweet that she’s singing with her family(I think??) and the instrumentals are nice, but it’s all just a bit much.
Armenia - Future Lover - Brunette
Wtf are these lyrics. Wtf is this whole song. This is a front runner? I don’t get it
Australia - Promise - Voyager
YEA THIS IS MY SHIT. First verse I thought was kinda meh but then that chorus hit. I cannot see this win just bc of how eurovision is, but I’ll be checking out more of their stuff. Plus the guitarist is 💖💖
Austria - Who the hell is Edgar? - TEYA & Salena
This song got spoiled for me, but i don’t care because I love it. The lyrics, the opera, the dig at Spotify. Queens.
Azerbaijan - Tell me More - TuralTuranX
I can’t lie i kinda love this one. It’s just kinda awkward and the rap is PRETTY BAD but in this really endearing and charming way. They’re just a couple of guys 🥺
Belgium - Because of You - Gustaph
THIS IS MY SHIT. People don’t like this one? Why it’s amazing. The backup singers, the Lady Miss Kier reference, the nostalgia. I’m not gonna dare hope that this can win, but I want it to qualify so bad
Croatia - Mama Šč!
Oh boy. This one I knew I had to look into because I knew it was gonna be either extremely dumb or extremely political, and thankfully it was the latter. I still think the song is a complete mess but I kinda fucking love this.
Cyprus - Break a Broken Heart - Andrew Lambrou
It’s just a nice song. In a weaker year I think I’d like this a lot more, but as it is it sort of fades next to some of the other entries
Czechia - My Sister’s Crown - Vesna
I LOVE THIS ONE I WANT THEM TO WIN. At first I wasn’t sure about the English parts because it reminded me of Toy (which I really didn’t like), but this has grown on me so much. And the performance. The part with the hand signal for help. Fucking CHILLS. Plus the fashion in the music video, so good
Denmark - Breaking my Heart - Reiley
Den er ikke ligefrem min kop te, og han ligner en der er blevet skabt i et laboratorie i et forsøg på at lave den perfekte tiktoker. Men danmark sender altid noget bras så det er vel on brand :B
Estonia - Bridges - Alika
I’m biased against ballads, and this one sure was a ballad.
Finland - Cha Cha Cha - Käärijä
I LOVE THIS ONE AND I WANT HIM TO WIN. As someone who has social anxiety and who uses to party a lot, the lyrics were oddly relatable lmao. Plus the performance. The shirt the d a n c e
France - Évidemment - La Zarra
Georgia - Echo - Iru
??? The lyrics? Was this song written by ai? It’s painfully awkward and uh.. I think I hate this one
Germany - Blood and Glitter - Lord of the Lost
I think Lordi are iconic so I thought I was gonna love this one, but I kinda don’t. It’s.. a bit boring to be honest?
Greece - What they Say - Victor Vernicos
Yeah these lyrics are way too whiny for me
Iceland - Power - Diljá
It’s just alright. I don’t like it as much as many others seem to do. It’s not bad it’s also just not making much of an impression
Ireland - We are One - Wild Youth
(I can say the following because I lived in Ireland for the better part of a decade) Ireland is an amazing country and has such a rich culture and history to draw from, and yet they always just send boring garbage. I’m sorry but this one is trash, and your man looked so uncomfortable in that outfit
Israel - Unicorn - Noa Kirel
I don’t get it. Am I too old for this? I feel like I am. This song is a complete mess to me but people love it??
Italy - Due Vite - Marco Mengoni
It’s another one of those entries that’s just Some Guy. Nice voice and beautiful language, kinda boring tho
Latvia - Aijā - Sudden Light
Could have been good but it needed more power imo. Another adorable guitarist tho 🥺
Lithuania - Stay - Monika Linkyté
I don’t really know what to say about this one. Very eh
Malta - Dance - The Busker
NOW THIS ONE MAKES ME MAD, THEY SHOULD HAVE QUALIFIED 100%. It’s not quite winner material for me but there is no way they didn’t deserve a spot in the finals over some of the other crap
Moldova - Soarele si Luna - Pasha Parfeni
I usually like (or at least am entertained by) what Moldova puts out and this year is is no exception. This is a capital E Eurovision song, super theatrical and I love it.
Netherlands - Burning Daylight - Mia Nicolai & Dion Cooper
I like it as a normal song, but not really as a eurovision song, if that makes sense? I also don’t think his vocals could match hers at all
Norway - Queen of Kings - Alessandra
This is such a Norway entry 💖 there are other songs I like more but definitely deserves to place high. That whistle note
Poland - Blanka - Solo
Oh boy okay so I looked into this one and apparently there was another song people wanted to win, but the Polish government didn’t approve of it so they had the competition rigged and gave her the win? And I’m assuming she’s some dumb influencer or something? Anyway this song blows, Jann was robbed
Portugal - Ai Coraçäo - Mimicat
I like this as a performance only. She is kinda a babe, but the song itself is whatever
Romania - D.G.T - Theodor Andrei
This one is AMAZINGLY BAD. “Take off your clothes step on me” he sings with a super out of place anti-war message sharpied on his chest, while disinterested half naked women walk about the stage looking totally checked out. I love it
San Marino - Like an Animal - Piqued Jacks
Oh these lyrics suck ass as well. I got butterflies in my ears. Pure poetry
Serbia - Sami Mi Se Spava - Luke Black
At first this one was a little too silly for me, since I assumed it was just an edgy song about video games, but it’s grown a lot on me after learning what it’s about.
Slovenia - Carpe Diem - Joker out
Yea this one is legit. This isn’t exactly what I want in a eurovision song, but just as a song this is great stuff. That guitar riff in particular.
Spain - Eaea - Blanca Paloma
I think this one is… interesting, and I think it deserves a spot in the finals, but I wouldn’t exactly call it good.
Sweden - Loreen - Tattoo
Oh my god, okay so probably my most controversial opinion here. I don’t care for Loreen. I didn’t care for her in 2012 and I do not care for her now. I’m obviously not gonna try and argue that she’s not an incredibly talented singer, but I just can’t deal with the terrible enunciation or the annoying interpretative dance. And yea it’s gonna be so disappointing if she wins. Sorry
Switzerland - Watergun - Remo Forrer
Borderline disrespectful and incredibly eyeroll worthy, but regretfully it gets a bit catchy in the second half.
Ukraine - Heart of Steel - Tvorchi
It’s not nice to be all “yeah I know you guys are getting invaded and all, but your entry for silly song contest sucks”, so fortunately I don’t have to do that because I genuinely like this. Kinda reminds me of something from an LCS cinematic. I wish the whole thing was in Ukrainian though
UK - I wrote a Song - Mae Muller - I am biased against UK entries, but this one is fun. Not winner material for me, but deserves to at least make the finals
Overall I think this is a pretty solid year, definitely better than the last couple ones. There’s some really fucking good entries, and a lot of the bad ones are bad in an entertaining way.
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campwillowpeak · 6 months
Lets seeee... I've lived in Florida, Georgia, Utah, New Jersey, California, Alabama, & Mississippi... Not in that order
we know California suck cause expensive, but how was everywhere else?
Hmmmm Most were meh...
My fav was probably Utah cause of the snow and the scenery... I lived in west jordan so we had an amazing view of the mountains
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chrisis-averted · 1 year
Eurovision 2023 Personal Opinions
Albania: not my thing but cute, it’s a whole family!
Armenia: first female rap in ESC history, love it!
Australia: fucking BANGER! I l love this!
Austria: ah, yes, this is going to be stuck in my head for several years
Azerbaijan: alright, I get it’s in Liverpool but these guys look and sound like a Beatles cover band
Belgium: could be a Gay Pride anthem but as a song it’s kind of lacking
Croatia: I hated it at first but it grew on me, I find the concept kind of hilarious
Cyprus: genuinely a good melody and voice, not a fan of the lyrics
Czechia: the opposite, I love the lyrics but I can’t bring myself to like the song, the music video creeps me a little
Denmark: why does Walmart Justin Bieber look like a very good looking lesbian?
Estonia: like the song but I feel like it was written for a different voice
Finland: weird enough to be enjoyable
France: it’s sure french, but it has a nice modern beat, feels like the soundtrack of a femme fatale
Georgia: still can’t decide whether I like this or not
Germany: about FUCKING TIME Germany sent a metal song! Can’t wait to see this live!
Greece: he is BABY but his voice doesn’t fit his face, great song tho
Iceland: kind of falls flat after the last couple of years
Ireland: nice pleasant song, but kind of lacks feeling, I’d listen to this in my car
Israel: most dramatic start of this contest, the music is great up the second chorus then it gets worse
Italy: very disappointed, there were much better and unique songs in the contest and the most generic ballad won; by no means a bad song, it’s just something I’ve heard before
Latvia: nice song, depressing lyrics, it reminds me of Death Stranding for some reason
Lithuania: not bad, I’d sing this
Malta: genuinely funny and enjoyable song, also MOOD
Moldova: glad to see the tradition of having an ethnic flute at eurovision isn’t going to break, a genuine ethnic bop
Netherlands: I can hear the Duncan Lawrence influence, nice song and meaning, the harmony is exceptional
Poland: ...she can’t fucking sing and the whole music video is just shots of her ass and boobs, what is going on?
Portugal: ethnic and fun, I don’t think it will be popular but it should
Romania: I’m...not sure what this song wants to be
San Marino: after the last couple years, they kind of fall flat, especially in song meaning, down there with Poland, and they sound like they sing at birthday parties rather than at international competitions
Serbia: keep it weird, guys, I’m absolutely in love with his weird moans
Slovenia: another car trip song, but this one with a flavor of depressing meaning, wow my generation isn’t ok
Spain: I’m glad they tried something different, but it’s really not my thing
Sweden: I love Loreen, but I don’t understand how this is the favorite, it’s not that great a song
Switzerland: currently my favourite, both in melody and meaning, I don’t understand the bad feedback, are people really that petty?
Ukraine: not really my thing, I get they’re the winners but meh
United Kingdom: is the curse broken?? this is genuinely a good bop!
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isay · 21 days
Almost there.
Slovenia, represented by Raven. Not from Ru Paul’s Drag Race. Camp, dramatic and see through body suit, very much drag Queen vibes.
Croatia, another of the strong favourites. It’s the Croatian metal version of My Lovely Horse, with added lace. The crowd go wild!
Nutsa from Georgia, serving Arianna’s big sister looks and giving it the big Eastern Europe drama and ethno Bond opening credits feels with the staging.
Et maintenant, l’ultimate la belle France. Slimane, wearing another of tonight’s all white outfits and surrounded by dry ice, he’s very intense but…Gallic shrug. Meh.
And finally Austria, Kaleen. Her hips don’t lie, even if the song is basically Rhythm is a Dancer remixed.
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