#but what in the world is a labrador
canisalbus · 4 months
You’ve most likely answered this before but what breed exactly is Machete? I’ve been trying to figure it out for a while I’ve thought maybe a saluki but the ears arnt right.
In theory his breed is fictional Podenco Siciliano, but he's not a purebred example. Out of existing dog breeds he looks closest to (and is related to) Ibizan Hound.
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But sometimes I see Silken Windhounds that also kind of remind me of him. They just don't have the characteristic bat ears.
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lollytea · 8 months
Huntlow situationship gives me such intense brain termites you don't get it
#no i dont think its because Hunter needs time to heal first#i think if it was up to Hunter they would plunge into a committed romantic relationship immediately after the events of the finale#he would propose to her in like. 3 months probably#i know that sounds intense but i think this is what ''i literally died and came back to life'' mania does to a guy#he is so carpe diem minded hes become a little insane. he wants everything#no more waiting around. no more hesitating. he cant afford to do that anymore#would it have been the wise decision to enter a romantic relationship immediately#who's to say. but Hunter would have done it without thinking about it#its Willow that makes the decision to slow down and wait a while before they make any committments theyre not ready for#i dont think she's entirely learned her lesson about letting herself be emotionally reliant every once in a while#shes made progress but the events of ftf were such heat of the moment responses#once things are semi-stable she still needs to adapt to acknowledging that her feelings for Hunter are like. serious. and scarily intense#so like. yea Willow is slamming her pedals on the breaks for both their sakes. shes thinking about how this would effect Hunter too#but also. she scawwed.#when Willow tells him she wants to talk and she's like ''i think we should just be friends'' oh the face he makes is DEVASTATED#he didnt expect it was going in this direction at all. but like. once Willow explains how this is the most reasonable decision for now#he DOES agree. he understands what shes saying and he agrees that it's the best decision to take a breather before they jump into a romance#anyway even when theyre not officially dating the flirting continues insistently. they are very obsessed with each other and cant stop#Willow keeps trying to insist to herself that its just messing around. nothing serious. they find each other hot. its fine to kiss a little#but Hunter makes it very hard when he looks at her with big brown labrador eyes. looks at her like shes the entire world#i think if it was up to Willow they would have been trapped in that uncertain limbo forever. shes too scared to take the plunge#even if she wants to. she badly wants to#but Hunter just wont let that happen. every so often he says ''im ready whenever you are''#he makes his intentions very known. he is not the shy boy from Camila's house anymore#Willow cant just playfully flirt with him without worrying that hes gonna reciprocate. he talks now. he expresses himself#shes a little afraid of that. but she adores it too. he makes her feel safe but also he wont let her stay in this comfort zone#hes giving her the push she needs to pursue this relationship. gives her to push to feel like she can go after what she wants#because god knows HE knows what he wants#they make me so insane
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vitamin-zeeth · 2 months
love it when people immediately talk to Wilson about house. Yeah no clue what's going on with that guy better go ask his boyfriend
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cakesandfail · 9 months
"The Greyhound Lab mix, or Greyador, is a designer hybrid breed-" ma'am that is a lurcher, it's not suddenly NOT a lurcher just because you want to sound fancy
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lxvvie · 24 days
Couples Shit with John MacTavish:
Johnny flirting with you. Endlessly. Since the moment he first met you. Even now, long after you two made it official, Johnny flirts with you every chance you get.
Being embroiled in a never-ending prank war with Johnny. The last one was calling Johnny by his full name just to watch those pretty blues widen, those brows shoot up, and worriedly asking you what's wrong. You got him good.
To piggyback off the last point, if you call him by his full name, he'll retort that it's Johnny, not John. Whenever you get angry with him and shout, "JOHN MACTAVISH!," he suddenly has something he needs to do and makes himself scarce.
Since we're piggybacking again, an everyday conversation with Soap can sometimes start like this: "Johnny." "Bonnie." "Hey, Johnny?" "...Hey, bonnie?" "...John MacTavish." "It's Johnny." Lovable doofus.
(For all my BG3 lovers out here) Joking around with Johnny after doing the horizontal tango. When he asks you how you liked it, you reply, "Oh, it was fine. ❤️" Fine, bonnie? Fine? Soap is processing this betrayal that man was never meant to know while you're trying not to laugh. Oh, he'll show you fine. Another round later and, "So how was it, Johnny?" "Oh, it was fine, bonnie. ❤️" And thus your first sex joke of many was born.
Johnny is just about barred from the bathroom every time you shower because you won't get any showering done. You have been bamboozled one too many by his claim that he "just wants to help clean you up".
Hurricane Johnny hitting your bed. Every time. You go to sleep and you wake up not knowing what the hell happened. You can sleep on your respective sides at night and come morning, Johnny has cocooned himself around you. Sometimes, your Labrador Whiskey hops up in bed and you wake up to Soap in the middle with an arm around Whiskey who's snoring away on the other side. Sometimes you wake to Johnny asleep under pillows you don't even remember being on the bed the night before.
Loving when Johnny's hair grows out on the sides because it's curly and just adds to the rugged Golden Retriever bad-boy schtick he has going on. That and his hair is soft. You two have talked about him possibly growing it out into a burst fade mullet and, quite frankly, he'd look amazing with it.
Whenever you and Johnny argue, you take some space to cool down but can never stay away for too long. Y'all make up on some, "Johnny?" "...Bonnie?" "Love you." "Love you, too." type stuff. The makeup sex is the icing on the cake.
You and Johnny being the ride-or-die couple. You two are extremely protective of each other. No one hurts your John-John (the way he grimaces whenever you call him that) and gets away with it.
You can never understand how your man, John MacTavish, intelligent and resourceful as all hell, a genius of a soldier who has endured all sorts of injuries and refused to stay in bed with all of them, can get knocked down on his ass and stay on his ass because of a cold. A cold. It's like he's dying and the world's ending, bonnie.
Johnny always having an arm around your waist whenever he possibly can. Always. Or his chin on your shoulder as he holds you from behind. 'Cause he loves touching you. He's obsessed with you.
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dadvans · 22 days
i like the idea that tommy doesn't have a fucking clue about what he's getting into with buck and being pleasantly surprised at every turn. through chimney and hen he's heard about buck as like this, well-meaning labrador of a man who is always finding himself in Situations, and then he and eddie become friends and it's like, okay, your brave stupid hot friend sounds really silly and nice, and christopher is like, and then he rescued me from a tsunami and he doesn't let me win at video games (but i beat him anyway) and the only reason i'm not dying of scurvy is because buck can boil water (my dad can't), and tommy is like, shocker that this nice and dopey guy is good with kids (not), and then the brief interactions tommy has with buck, it's like, these things are all surface level true: he's a nice guy, not the sharpest tool in the shed (i think this is an open channel! who cares!), VERY easy on the eyes, tommy will probably have a very luxurious jerk off session thinking about his fat mouth! he has his expectations securely in a "could be fun" box. he is NOT putting up any defense to prepare himself for a guy who cares so deeply and loudly he's like an open wound. he's not ready for a guy who owns his fuck ups and dusts himself off and tries, tries, tries again until he gets it right, and tommy sure as hell isn't ready for buck to start desperately failing upwards into a relationship with him. he probably asked buck out thinking it could be another good campfire rule hookup where he'll send buck off after a few good orgasms and a kiss at the door back into the world ready to play fast and loose with his sexuality and he'll smile quietly to himself whenever eddie or hen or chimney bring buck up, because it's not like buck is the sort of guy to stick around, right? he's just a very handsome, charming "not my turn with the braincell" kind of guy who is here for a good time, not a long time. it's going to be so earth shattering and exhilarating and unexpected to find out so quickly and suddenly that buck plays for keeps and that buck wants to keep him and it's going to be so GOOD for him, guy who for decades let himself be controlled by all of society's ugliest expectations of men, when he finds out what it's like to be wanted back by someone like buck, when buck makes him realize he deserves to be loved like that. he's not ready for it. not even close. i can't wait.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 months
Beyond the 305 || LS2 {4}
Summary: Australia GP - need I say more?
Warnings: nsfw, fluff, implied smut, angst
WC: 2.8k
One || Two || Three || Four
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There really was a new appreciation for the effort Logan put in everyday for not just his team but for you too. You never understood how exhausting it must have been for him to balance his training and race preparation, media and sponsor duties, and flying home to you every spare moment. Now that you were travelling with him full time you finally got to see just how much added pressure it had put on him.
The London apartment, no, flat, as they called it here, was spacious enough for two people and one large dog, but it was a quarter of the size of your home in Miami. It took some getting used to, walking the length of the space in a matter of seconds or catching your toe on the furniture to avoid stepping on Sooty’s tail. But you wouldn’t change it for the world when you got to curl your body around Logan’s every night and wake up to his kisses.
“What’s your plans today, sweetheart?”
The sunrise here was watery and pale compared to Miami but it still managed to catch the blonde streaks of hair on Logan’s head. He was already dressed and ready to go for his morning run and you could hear Sooty’s paws on the wooden floor as he paced by the front door with his leash between his teeth.
“Not a lot. At 3 I have to take Sooty to the V.E.T.S,” you spell out knowing the black labrador would start sulking if he heard the word. “He has to have some extra shots now if we want to take him to Shanghai.”
Everything took more preparation when you didn’t have the usual support people around. There were different certificates needed for Sooty and new regulations for each country. It wasn’t like you could just drop him off at Dalton’s for the week. The usual help was across the Atlantic and Lily would probably be happy to have Sooty except she would be able to take him to her uni classes. Your big baby needed companionship or he would whine and howl to get attention.
“I’ll come with you,” he said with a kiss before grabbing his AirPods from where they were charging beside the bed.
“I thought you had your podcast today?”
“It’s a long flight, Alex figured we could record it on the way.”
You smiled at the thought of going to Australia for the first time. You pictured warmth, beaches and sun like you were accustomed to. It was more exciting than the other destinations so far this season. Your smile faltered as you remembered you really needed to finish packing for the evening flight and you tossed the blankets back.
“You can go back to sleep, sweetheart,” he said as he pulled his shoes on. “It’s only 6.30.”
“If I don’t finish packing now I will lie awake stressing about it anyway.”
The suitcases were already on the floor of the closet, his clothes folded neatly inside. One half was William’s team uniforms, the other were his personal clothes. The second suitcase only had a garment bag with a cocktail dress for a night out before the circus began.
“I thought you said you started?” he asked as he grabbed your waist and looked over your shoulder.
“I did start,” you pointed out. “Just didn’t get much past there. Someone distracted me.”
Logan’s hands started to roam your body exactly like they had the last time you tried to pack. “You should have more self control,” he teased.
“I’ve never been good with that around you.”
Logan turned you in his arms and grinned. “And I’m goddamn glad.”
His head started to dip down and his lips were already pursed for the kiss he was more than happy to distract you with, when Sooty started to cry at the front door. A deep groan exhaled as he dropped his forehead to yours, the moment stolen from him.
“I’m coming, Soot,” he said over his shoulder before looking back at your lips. “I’ll see you in an hour, honey.”
Logan stepped away with hesitation in his eyes and your hands fell back to your sides as you sent him a flirty wink. “Run faster.”
His lips kicked up and he returned the wink. “Yes, ma’am.”
Logan found you sat on the floor in the closet when he returned with a sweat soaked shirt in his hand and a very happy dog at his side. The smell hit you as Sooty bounded into the room and you understood why he was so happy when you almost gagged.
“Sorry, sweets, he rolled in something at the park.”
“Something seriously dead,” you coughed, waving your hand to try to get some fresh air. “Oh my god, Soot, that is rancid!”
Logan caught his collar before he could jump onto your lap and started to guide him out of the room. “Come on, buddy, showertime for both of us.”
The water started running and you heard Logan’s soothing voice through the walls as he calmed Sooty down. Like most dogs, he loved water but hated baths. While they were busy, you finished off folding the last items you were taking and closed the suitcase with a satisfied huff, just in time to hear your name being called.
“We’ve got a runner!”
You dashed out of the room and grabbed an old towel from the linen cupboard before making chase. Logan’s towel hung precariously low on his hips and he struggled not to slip as he ran through the flat behind Sooty. Your laughter filled the room as Logan tried to herd Sooty into the towel you held open, but he was too agile and skidded out of your reach. Logan wasn’t as lucky and failed miserably as he tried to avoid the collision.
“I’m so sorry, are you okay?” he gasped as he pulled you onto his lap and felt your body for any bumps.
“I’m fine.” Your giggles grew as Sooty bounded back over and shook out his fur. “At least we don’t have to dry him now.”
Logan laughed, holding you tighter as he realised his towel had been lost and he was sitting naked beneath you. He swallowed deeply and your eyes started to follow a rivulet of water as it rolled down his chest.
“Soot, time for a nap,” he ordered, his voice dropping with the heated look in your eyes. Paws padded across the floor before his cuddly toy squeaked under his head and Logan rose to his feet, your legs wrapped around his waist as he carried you back to bed.
Pillowy kisses warmed your neck as Logan’s hands lifted your shirt up, breaking away only long enough to pull it over your head. Dropping to his knees, he dragged your leggings down and left sweet kisses on your hips before he kissed his way back up your body.
“I love you,” he whispered as his lips finally met yours and he stole your breath with his tenderness.
“I love you too, always.”
He smiled at the promise. “I’ll hold you to that, sweetheart.”
Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pulled him closer until your bodies were flush together and you felt his hard length press to your core. “Or you could just hold me.”
The atmosphere was jovial and Logan was relaxed going into race week. Oscar had escorted you and Logan around his hometown with Lily, showing the best spots to eat and the quieter beaches to visit with Sooty. The boys hadn’t been able to resist karting at the track Oscar had learned to race after media day ended. They had tried to get you and Lily to join but you were happy to play referee to their on-track battles.
“Logan looks more relaxed this year,” Lily commented as you both enjoyed a lemonade ice block in the shade of a tree.
“He’s got some experience now but I think that’s going to come with its own pressure. People are still expecting a lot from him, I just hope he has a car that can help him meet those expectations. He was just starting to get the hang of the last one and then the season was over.”
“It sounded like the car was going to be better this year from what Osc said.”
“I'm sure that’s what Alpine told Gasly and Ocon too,” you said with a laugh.
“Serves them right,” Lily giggled. “Alpine, not Pierre.”
“What about Estie Bestie?”
Lily wrinkled her nose at the nickname. “I only met him a couple of times but I definitely wouldn’t call him that.”
It took a lot for Lily to struggle to find something nice to say about someone, she was the sweetest, most soft spoken woman you knew. So it was enough to suggest he was someone you probably wouldn’t go out of your way to meet anytime soon.
“I do wish the guys would include Lo more. I know it hurts him to see pictures of the others getting together. Not that he says anything, he’s too polite,” you said with a sigh. “He was so happy when he was invited to play padel at Testing.”
Your eyes found his blue helmet as it raced around the track, neck and neck with Oscar’s orange one. It was amazing what he could do when given an equal piece of equipment, you would never have been able to tell that they were on opposite ends of the driver standings when watching them call a draw at the finish line.
The boys abandoned their helmets and dropped to the grass beside you and Lily laughing about something Oscar had said on the walk over. Sooty was in heaven as he rolled onto his back and welcomed the fresh hands for belly rubs.
“We should get a dog.”
Lily didn’t look impressed at Oscar’s suggestion and you distracted yourself by offering Logan some of your ice block before it completely melted.
“Just something small, like a Jack Russel,” he continued. “They can’t be that hard to look after, right?”
You barely contained your laugh as you shared an amused look with Logan that he returned, but Lily caught it.
“Just ask them,” she pointed out. “It’s like having a child, isn't it? I’m studying, you’re working and travelling, who will look after it?”
“It is a full time commitment,” you agreed. “And it takes a lot of planning to have everything prepared for travelling. I actually think a child would be easier, they only need a passport to get on a plane.”
Logan nudged your knee with his and winked. “Should we test that theory out?”
“We haven’t even set a date for the wedding so calm your loins, babe,” you said with a pat to his thigh that triggered Oscar to snort.
“Okay, no dog,” he conceded, a relief to Lily’s ears. “You guys wanna get dinner?”
You were about to take up the offer but Logan shook his head and said, “we have somewhere to be.”
“We do?”
“I didn’t ask you to pack a nice dress for it to get left in the hotel. I have something special planned,” he teased. “And no, I’m not telling you, it’s a surprise.”
Try as you might, he didn’t give you a hint of what he had organised.
“You look gorgeous, sweetheart.”
Logan was struck by your beauty and his luck as you stepped out of the room in a dress that accentuated all of your features. His mouth went dry at the thought that he had the pleasure of spending the rest of his life with you.
You stepped closer and ran your palms down the clean lines of his dress shirt that had the top two buttons undone. The baring of skin showed the necklace he wore, a gift from your first anniversary. He had far more expensive pieces of jewellery but he favoured that one the most because it came from you.
“Are you sure we have to go? You’re too handsome for your own good.”
His eyes traced the peek of your tongue and it rolled across your lips suggestively and he felt his pants tighten. He did debate cancelling it all to take you straight back to the bedroom you had left but he finally wrestled his thoughts back under control. “Unfortunately, but I might cancel dessert and have you instead.”
A town car was already waiting at the front of the hotel and as it drove along you watched the city as the sun set and the street lights brightened. Melbourne was beautiful.
“We should set a date for the wedding,” Logan suddenly said as the car pulled up at the city waterfront. “Everything is so uncertain this year but you’re the one constant in my life. If I lose everything else I’ll survive, but I will always need you.”
You laced your fingers with his as you stepped out of the car and thanked the driver. “You’ll always have me, wedding or not.”
He smiled and kissed your ringed hand, leading the way to a yacht moored at the pier. “I know, but I kind of look forward to calling you my wife.”
“Kind of? I hope you’ll have more enthusiasm with your vows.” Your words were light and your smile teasing before you released his hand to board the private boat.
The light mood lasted well into the night and your heart was as full as your stomach when the boat finished its harbour cruise. You wished that mood could last all weekend, but the universe had other plans.
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yourusername date night with my favourite human @/logansargeant 💙 thank you @/lilyzneimer for babysitting our boy, Sooty, not Oscar.
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You knew that look of defeat when he emerged from James’ office, it saturated his soul and leaked out through his pale blue eyes. You could count on your hand the number of times Logan had cried in front of you and your heart ached at the thought of adding another to the tally. Without a word, laced your fingers with his and walked back to the privacy of his driver room. The door shut, the sound as muted as the mood, and you opened your arms to let him fall into your embrace as he confirmed the rumours were true. Logan’s hands clutched the back of your shirt in his fists and he buried his face in your neck. “Alex is racing.”
Your heart broke at the despondent tone and you drew soothing circles across his back. He had known it was a possibility going into the meeting but had hoped his principal wouldn’t put him in a position to give up his seat for the race. Unfortunately his prayers had gone unanswered.
“I’m so sorry, my love,” you murmured as his tears hit your shoulder. “I can’t believe they are even allowed to do this.”
“James didn’t want to ask, but he’s right, Alex has the best chance for points - his history shows that clearly,” Logan rasped through the lump in his throat. He felt humiliated, disappointed and angry all at once, but he was expected to grin and bear it for the team as a united front.
Your brows knitted together and you cradled his face in your hands so you could look him in the eyes. “He gave you the choice?”
Logan shrugged. “I mean, it didn’t feel like it, but I did say yes.”
“Yes means nothing if it’s under duress,” you stated bluntly, a familiar fire warming your stomach at the thought of his kind nature being taken for granted. “Just say the word, baby, and I’ll take him to church.”
Logan shook his head and the gaping wound that had been cleaved into his chest closed a little at your protective nature. He knew you would march right back into James’ office and argue until you were blue in the face, but he feared it would only make things worse for his future prospects in the team. This was his battle to face and he was going to play the long game, even if it took playing the fool for one race.
“I know you would, sweetheart,” he said with a sniffle, wiping his eyes and swallowing down the emotion. It would have made his father proud. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you said with a kiss, tasting the salty tears on his lips. “Tell me what you need.”
“Just…stay with me?” Logan took a few steadying breaths and rested his forehead on yours as he screwed his eyes shut. “The cameras, I can’t deal with them alone. I can already feel them zooming in on me, wanting a reaction.”
You draped your arms around his neck and tangled your fingers in his hair with a reassuring smile. “Let’s disappoint them all then. Shall we?”
He took a deep breath and forced his lips to tip up into a hesitant smile that slowly grew more substantial the longer he looked at you. “Yes, ma’am.”
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lydscare · 1 year
Hi! Could you make a preferences/hc of the pro/hoo characters how they cuddle and/or sleep with there s/o?
cuddling hcs with pjo/hoo characters
a/n: these kinda went into general pda hcs, but hopefully it's still good tho
warnings: possible hints of angst + trama, cause who dosen't have it :')
reader tends to be gender-neutral //  my masterlist
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i feel like when cuddling w/ annabeth that there's not really a big spoon or little spoon posistion
it's mainly just your arms wrapped around each other, just a tangle of arms and limbs
dosen't really hug you too much in public but always needs a goodbye hug from you before you go somewhere
she also likes acting out as your pillow with you head on her chest/lap (she probably reads you a book too :))
her hugs are really comforting and warm
she always knows when you need one
she can just tell
she's memorized your body language to a t
might whisper some comforting words here and there
could make any surface feel soft when her arms are wrapped around you
i think she likes to be held more than to hold someone
she can hold you tho, and she's great at comforting you
likes to hum or sing you little songs and melodies
she likes when you play with her braid too
overall good experience
i feel like she gives good bear hugs
she has some meatystrong arms so her hugs are kinda firm, like she's reminding you that she's there and no one can hurt you
her hugs are also surprisingly warm so they're extra comforting
connor's hugs are a little more firm then travis's but still all the more comforting
he likes taking his time with hugging and cuddling
he likes spinning you around too when he gets excited
travis hugs are very playful and warm
likes to come up from behind and give you a surprise hug
also moves around a bit when cuddling but it's fine, he just wants to get in a comfy position :))
also loves spinning you around
i kinda feel like he's a side hugger
so not too big on cuddling
he's not exactly avoidant of pda but he's not looking for it
might put his arm around you every once in a while
when cuddling he likes to be the big spoon, he finally feels like he can be of use and protect you from the cruel world :')
gives the best bear hugs (both literally and metamorphically)
at first he's pretty awkward w/ hugging but grows to love it
he can shapeshift into just about any animal to have a different cuddling arrangement
one day you're being snuggled by a dragon, who's wrapped protectively around you, and the next you're holding a cute lil labrador puppy in your hands
needless to say it's an overall wholesome expierence :)
the first time you hugged him, poor goat bby didn't know what to do
like where is he supposed to put his hands??
but after a while gets used to them
not to big of a hugger but enjoys it
has to get over the awkwardness of it at first tho
but afterwards enjoys it
just never sneak up on him
i don't know how else to describe her hugs other than sweet
her hugs are super comforting and grounding
just sneak up on her and give her a surprise back hug
she lets out the cutest giggle whenever you do it :')
even though she probably heard you coming
always wants to make sure you're comforting when cuddling, she dosen't want to overstep any boundaries of yours so
not exactly looking for cuddles or pda in general, but he's not going to hate affections either
he'll most likely be wanting cudddles after a long day of praetor duties, helping at chb, or school
he won't want anything else, just to be held by you for a few good long minutes
with that being said however, he is more of a big spoon type of guy
he's like a human furnace
always super hot warm
very comforting and cozy
he loves snuggling
in general he's a very touchy person so a arm's usually always around you
loves holding you
after a long day of working on little trinkets and fixing up things he likes to be held by you (arms around your waist, face on your shoulder)
play w/ his hair pleaseee it's very soothing
he has some pretty strong arms so his hugs are a bit firmer than he'd honestly prefer
likes to put his hands around your waist with your hands placed over his
also he likes when you just play with his fingers or stroke his arms lovingly
((also has a really good grip
he isn't much of a hugger, to other people anyways
but with you, he practically craves your touch
it always has to be in a closed off space tho
he's not the biggest fan of pda, but alone with you,,
he practically clings onto you like a lil koala bear
loves wrapping his arms around your waist and burrying his face in your neck
he just needs someone to touch every once in a while to keep him grounded :')
side note: he is pretty cold, like ALL the time so ye
percy the pillow jkjk
fr tho, he likes just placing his head on your chest as his arms around your waist when cuddling
also is a fan of getting his hair played with
he goes back n forth between lil spoon and big spoon
he also just finds your presence itself very comforting
and your smell
goes to sleep with the biggest grin on his face
another hummer
she likes it when you braid her hair
she also like brushing her nails through your hair and scratching at your scalp
she likes holding you more than being held
can be very comforting
a quick hug from her also brings a great feeling
appreciates signs of pda in general
enjoys holding you and playing w/ your hair
can just walk up to you, give you a hug and walk away randomly
she is moreover a quality time person sooo
not really a hugger tbh
she has lots of walls built up sooo
she's also not much of a physical person
but she might be good with a hug or two after a long day
if she were to cuddle she'd be pretty stiff at first and need to ease her way into it
likes wrapping her arms around your neck and just looking at you with so much adoration in her eyes
she really likes being held from behind when sharing a bed
also likes to play with your fingers
his hugs are so warm and comforting (obvs)
i feel like he'd be the type to just be gossiping w/ you while you two are tangled together, he's playing with your fingers and all but still has your undivided attention
probably majority of the time os the big spoon but would like being the little spoon on especially hard and stressful days
as much as i looove zoë, i don't think she is much of a hugger :'(
she's very stiff at first bc she isn't really used to soft touches or touching in general
but then eventually relaxes and will end up not wanting you to leave her
she likes when you play with her hair
she can give good back rubs
she proably will end up being the little spoon on most days tho
also gets tired and ends up wanting cuddles
it helps give her a space of calmness after a long day out hunting
it's soothing
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slaybestieslay946 · 4 months
omg I LOVED the dad!luke one you did!! I was wondering if you could do another future au with Poseidon daughter!reader? Maybe like Percy visiting is (half) nieces and nephews?
thanks sm for your request!! this is such a cute idea i hope i did it justice!
Blue Pasta
word count: 900
pairing: luke castellan x poseidon!reader
warnings: none!
a/n: down horrendous for luke cooking like OMFGG
“Luke, Y/N, we’re here!” A chirpy voice called out from the hall, and almost immediately you could hear the sounds of scurrying feet and paws rushing to meet the two demigods. 
You abandoned your spot on the sofa to walk down the hall, smiling as you watched your brother interact with his nephew. You  knew you should probably go and save Percy from the attack of your young son and a labrador, but the sight was just too adorable. 
Annabeth quickly noticed your presence, grinning brightly as she stepped towards you, wrapping her arms around your middle for a hug, just like she had when she was a kid. Now she was just as tall as you, but still hugging you like she was ten. 
“How’ve you been?” She asked, stepping away. 
“Busy.” You laughed, “Apparently the second one’s supposed to be easier. Complete lie.” 
She laughed in return, and it appeared Percy only just noticed you were standing right there, letting go of James for a moment to greet you. 
“Is this really how you treat your only sister?” You remarked, looking sternly up at him. 
“Sorry, but we all know I prefer hanging out with James.” He shrugged, and the young boy giggled mischievously from beside him. 
“Yes, yes I know.” You then began to move back down the hallway, unable to tame your smile at the sound of your brother entertaining his nephew. He’d make a great dad someday, you were sure of it. 
As you entered the kitchen, you couldn’t help but break into an even wider smile at the sight of your husband, wearing a stupid apron you’d gotten him that said, “I love my wife.” 
When he caught sight of you all, he put down the bowl of cake mix he was holding and stepped around the kitchen counter, holding out his arms to embrace Annabeth, the girl he called his younger sister. 
You watched as he gave her a quick squeeze on the shoulder before moving onto Percy. 
“Hey Perce.” He said, tugging your brother in for a hug by his outstretched hand and clapping him on the back. 
“Good to see you man.” Percy responded, before looking down at his apron, “Damn, she’s got you whipped hasn’t she?” 
“Damn right.” Luke declared, moving over to pull you into his side and plant a kiss into your hair.
He then returned to his baking, and all the adults stood for a while in the kitchen, conversing about one thing or the next. Annabeth’s new job, James’ school, typical ‘adult stuff’ that your son didn’t find particularly enthusing. 
You spotted him whispering to Percy about how they should go out and play in the garden. The pair then turned to you for permission, to which you rolled your eyes before nodding. 
You decided to follow after them, leaving Annabeth and Luke to catch up in the kitchen. You then picked up Violet from her cot and slipped on your garden shoes and entered the warm spring air.
Your brother and his nephew were in the centre of the small garden, kicking around a football and playfully attempting to score against one another. Percy kept up a running commentary the whole time, his little jokes here and there never failing to make James laugh. He also peppered in bits of praise about the boy's skill, leading your son onto a long rant about what he had learned in soccer practice that week. 
Percy nodded along, asking questions animatedly, and you could tell he really did care. It warmed your heart to watch, and sometimes you wondered how you had all ended up here, able to carve out a space for yourselves after such troubled beginnings. 
You and Luke had started a family, Percy was training to become a teacher, and Annabeth was on her way to becoming a world-renowned architect. Somehow, everything had worked out the way it was supposed to. 
Eventually the two boys tired of their games, James slumping down on the grass to catch his breath, and Percy coming to sit beside you. 
“Hey.” He said quietly, looking down at Violet almost in awe. 
“You wanna hold her?” You offered, holding out the bundle in your arms. 
He nodded quickly, taking her off you and cradling her in his arms. 
“She looks so much like you.” He whispered, rocking the girl quietly, not taking his eyes off her tiny face.
You’d never really thought about it before, but he was right. You could tell James was Luke’s, that curly brown hair was almost unmistakeable, but looking at her now it was so clear that Violet was yours. She had the same eyes that you saw in the mirror everyday. 
You turned back to Percy, who had tears in his eyes, and from the look on his face you could tell it was from pride, pride that him and his sister had managed to carve out these lives for themselves. 
“Are you about to cry on me, Perce?” You asked, not unkindly. 
“Nope!” He laughed, shaking his head. 
You looked back at your little brother, the one you had welcomed into cabin 3 all those years ago, the one you would die for in a heartbeat, and the one that would do the same for his family, and you knew you also felt so much pride. 
“C’mon.” You nudged, brushing away the tears in your own eyes, “It’s time for dinner. I got Luke to make blue pasta for you specially.”
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tboybuck · 9 months
the charming of steve goddamned harrington, as told by jeff
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written for @steddiemicrofic prompt: ‘charm’ | wc: 548 | rated: g | cw: none, outsider pov
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to say that jeff has known eddie all their lives would not be an exaggeration or an overstatement. one of jeff's earliest memories is his fifth birthday party- a cookout with his parents and his sister and the boy who lived in the house across the street.
he didn't even know eddie's name at the time, he just remembers the way the boy, a year or two older than himself, had pressed a finger to his mouth in a shh kind of gesture as he tore off chunks of his blackened hot dog to feed to the ancient yellow lab curled up under the picnic table in the back yard.
and now, more than a decade later, jeff is still watching in awe as eddie quietly slips treats to the object of his affection. except this time the treats aren't blackened hot dog bits- they're smiles. and the object of eddie's affection isn't a geriatric yellow labrador anymore- it's ex king of hawkins high steve goddamned harrington.
and the thing is... steve is reciprocating. he's smiling back, his face a little pink at the edges. he's laughing at all of eddie's bad jokes- actually laughing, too, like he’s charmed by him
these two idiots are gone on each other, and jeff doesn't even think they realize it. they definitely don't realize whatever feelings they're nursing are being reciprocated; if they did jeff's sure he would have heard about it before now. he and eddie don't hide things from each other and they never really have.
whatever this is, it must be new. maybe they're sneaking around together, getting their bearings before telling their friends. maybe they're both just crushing and skirting around the elephant in the room. jeff sincerely hopes it's the former; he's not sure how much moping and pining he can take from eddie before he's just gonna have to snap and lock them in a closet together until they come strolling out covered in hickeys.
gareth and grant are noticing the tension between eddie and steve tonight too. grant's good at subtlety, but gareth wears his suspicion in the hard set to his mouth and the crease between his brows. after what happened with jason during spring break, gareth's hackles are up around anyone that's not one of theirs, and with good reason. steve, though... jeff's got an inkling that steve might be more like them than he lets on.
so maybe steve is more of a blondie guy than a black sabbath guy. so what? eddie will see to that soon enough. jeff is absolutely certain of it.
jeff has known eddie all his life. this tension with steve is absolutely going to snap eventually, and jeff cannot wait to tell his best friend that he's seen it coming. he can't wait to tease him for all these lovesick gazes and those lingering touches and the bad jokes and the absolutely outrageous nicknames (big boy, ed? c'mon, man.).
until then, jeff is so content to just watch this unfold. he's taking notes. maybe someday, when the world gets its shit together, he can stand up as eddie's best man and rib him about this in front of all their family and friends.
eddie deserves that almost as much as he deserves steve goddamned harrington.
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fairyhaos · 11 months
how seventeen act with their black cat s/o
requested by anon : hi! can i request how seventeen would act with an s/o with a "black cat" personality? thank you! :>
notes: while writing this i realised i only Kind Of understand what a black cat personality is lmao. so, uh, just go w it u guys okay
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black labrador x black cat pairing all the way. when you're exhausted with no energy, he's being your protector. when he's upset and feeling terrible, you're his protector. mutual protecting, you know? but it also feels like the "i'm only my softest when i'm with you" feeling with seungcheol, like being in one another's presence allows you to truly and fully relax
he's still coddling and cooing over you no matter what. you could be the most tsundere, grumpy, annoyed person in the world at that moment but he's calling you adorable and asking you in a cute tone how your day was. it's a good thing that you're really really weak for him tbh, bc if anyone else was calling you a little kitten while pinching your cheeks then they are getting punched.
still as gentlemanly as ever. calls you extravagant nicknames like "my lord" or "my lady" bc he likes to tease that you having a grumpy nature is just bc you're a very picky person, like royalty. slides an arm around you and goes "is he bothering you queen/king?" whenever someone is talking to you who's obviously annoying you. when you're in a bad mood, he's attacking and tickling you until you fall into laughter again
tabby cat x black cat supremacy yeahhhh!! he's like the curious, innocent, playful cat to your black cat vibes. tsks when you emerge from your room wearing all black to go out somewhere, makes you go back inside and change one (1) piece of clothing into something with more colour. peppers your face with kisses and then demands kisses of his own too
head over heels for you, but needs you to initiate everything. grab his hand while walking down the pavement, give him a kiss on the cheek at random times throughout the day. you don't need to tell him "i love you", though, because he knows that already. knows that you tolerating and even enjoying his hyper nature is an "i love you" enough
so basically, you're just two cats that don't go outside and amuse yourselves at home. it's not that you don't like going out, but when both of you are both content with staying indoors, what's the point? silent communication galore, having the ability to read each other's minds and simply knowing, without having to say anything, just how much you mean to each other
lowkey, he enjoys it because it means he gets to be the one to talk the most in the relationship. bro has a lot to say, okay, with the funniest opinions and adlibs and really does love talking. he's still a great listener ofc, and sometimes there are days where the both of you just sit in silence. which he finds absolutely brilliant, because he's actually found someone to sit in silence with who's just like him
the sassy duo. lowkey also the fashion duo, bc i can just imagine you two in matching sunglasses and matching fashion styles, sitting cross-legged and peering, unimpressed, over the rims of the glasses at whoever is being weird this time. the best thing ever is how you just Get each other's sense of humour, and i can imagine endless weird inside jokes between the two of you that make you grin over at each other during big gatherings
golden retriever bf (1). bouncy and bumbling and excitable. thinks you're the brightest and loveliest angel in the world. sure, maybe you have your introverted moments and won't let him hug you but personal boundaries exist, right? he gets that. he's your Protector™ fr, even though he knows you're one badass mf that doesn't need protecting
golden retriever bf (2). loud asf. a ray of sunshine that would have blinded you if he wasn't also just adorably soft and sweet. the type to lean over and whisper "so, we don't like them?" when he catches sight of you glaring at someone while you're meeting up with friends. whines like a dejected puppy when you (jokingly) tell him to go away
is kinda sad that you're not all too keen on receiving his kisses and his hugs, but to make up for it he engages in all the other love languages instead until he finds the one that you adore the most. the most accommodating and attentive, bc you may not communicate your opinions that much, but don't worry because he's trained himself to be attentive to your every move
vernon is normally a listener, but like woozi, being with you allows him to talk more, and also allows you to laugh more. he has the craziest stories which make you smile after a hard day. he enjoys talking, when it's to you, who'll watch him attentively, humming and smiling and he enjoys that it's only him that you'll be so sweet and gentle with
your Biggest Supporter Ever. you don't even need to be doing anything, he's just gonna support you no matter what. would fully believe you if you said that you were taking part in a secret space project to go to Mars. backs you up whenever someone is making you uncomfortable/annoyed/angry no matter the situation. you don't need to say the words "i love you" to him, don't worry, because he says it enough for the both of you.
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request guidelines
reactions tags: @jeonginssa @magicaltonaru @weird-bookworm @minhui896 @turningcarat @zarara @bunnyiix @slytherinshua @haowrld @belladaises @iheartyujin @summery-bat @newgirlygirl @moonlitskiiies @ejspencer14 @mirxzii @wonranghaeee @saythename-chess @yonabutnotyuna @youthoughtiwasfeelingyou @crackedpumpkin @wqnwoos @sunshinekyeom-sang @ocyeanicc @zozojella @thesmellofcoffeeandrain @kthstrawberryshortcake-main @kawennote09 @a-wandering-stay @icyminghao @nananacomeonnnn @valenhui @sweet-like-caramel @hansolaria @gam3bo1z @marisblogg @evasaysstuff @odxrilove @kyeomyun @chansburgah @pepperonijem @jeonride @kellesvt
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iloveoldermen-posts · 27 days
Warnings: only the hapter to start things going and to set the vibe, part one of at least 10, i have not proof read ୨୧
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Chapter 1 – Greetings.
He was forced into it, no way in hell would he ever do it on his own. But his also forced councillor thought it would help him to have connections to the outside world and ensured him that if it didn’t work out within two months, he could stop trying and never do it again. But he couldn’t tell her that or it would be ‘cheating.’
Which would probably deter people but as a chronic people-pleaser, I just couldn’t let that run. So, I tried my absolute hardest to fill my letters with copious amounts of joy so that there’s no way he couldn’t write back.
January 13th
Dear ‘Ghost’,
I was only told your call-sign to ensure maximum confidentiality – rules right. They told me that you were the only one who could tell me your real name so if you ever feel comfortable enough, I will happily learn all about you!
Here is some information about me; my name is Y/N, I am always helping people out for work (quite interesting if I do say so myself), I love to bake in my free time and my favourite time of the year is autumn (I just LOVE the mix of weather).
I always add some questions to these letters.
Why is your call-sign Ghost?
What’s your favourite thing to do when you aren’t deployed?
And finally, a simple one – what’s your favourite colour?
P.S I was told you would probably take around a week – two to respond so don’t feel rushed to write back, I know how taxing your job tends to be :)
January 29th
Dear Ghost,     
I hope you are doing well, I’m not sure if you received the letter I sent as you haven’t replied so I’m trying again just to make sure. My name is Y/N and I have a black Labrador that I love so much. 
I have a hectic work schedule and I am always flying all over the world to help people. So I won’t always be able to write to you consistently. I hope that’s okay!
Instead of questions, I thought I would tell a little joke;
What do you call a shipment full of military-issued T-Rexes?  SMALL ARMS. 
:) hope you enjoyed that one because there are way more to come.
February 13th
Dear ‘Ghost’,
This will be the last letter I am writing to you as I believe someone could get through to you, it just won’t be me. So, I have requested to be swapped buddies. 
I think it might be someone who’s in your unit, I think his name is John or Johnny – something like that. And I’m told I will be a better suit to them and their personalities.
So I hope you stay safe and are able to speak with someone who you can let your guard down too; even though they will never be as funny as me. Teehee :)
I’m quite sad that it didn’t work out as I thought we could have both benefited from it, but you know what they say – it is what it is. And at the end of the day, he needs someone he can truly feel comfortable talking to and I never did get to know him so it doesn’t affect me much in those terms. Even if a month was wasted by waiting for a never-to-arrive letter. Well the true term would be never-to-be-write-or-sent but we digress.
The birds hum a beautiful harmony as I post the final letter through the poorly painted post-box on the end of my road. As I turn to leave, the clouds above me start weeping uncontrollably at my departure.
I’ve never been one for signs but that can’t have been a coincidence.
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My asks are currently open so get the requests in, and check out my masterlist.
They first two chapters will be mostly letters and then will move to texts and irl interactions - at least I plan...
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ao3commentoftheday · 6 months
can you explain what a hybrid AU (cat hybrid, etc) is, and what makes them different than shapeshifters, or omegaverse? i've read a few and i'm still a little confused about what they are
I haven't read this type of fic myself, so I'll watch for corrections in the notes, but my understanding of the terms is:
shapeshifter - a type of creature that can change its shape to look like another creature.
omegaverse - humans with additional gender-type markers that identify them as alpha, beta, or omega. Depending on which one they are, they have associated traits.
hybrid - someone who is half one creature and half another. A cat hybrid would be a creature who looks kind of like the characters in the movie musical Cats. To use a real world example, a labradoodle is a dog that's a hybrid of a labrador and a poodle.
Sorry if I got any of this wrong. This is outside my area of expertise!
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 4 months
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Pairing : Sim Jaeyun x F!Reader TW : angsty ; little tiny argument ; mainly fluff though ; Word Count : 1.1k Request : Anonny : Hey hey can I request a Jake fic Where HES had a really bad day and he comes home from work and you don’t know what’s wrong so you keep walking on eggshells around him and then one minor inconvenience just makes him break down and you’re just there to comfort him A/N : Haven't done an Enhypen fic in so long, omg. I hope everyone enjoys it though!!
Jake was the personification of a puppy, a labrador to be exact. He was the happiest person you knew, and everyone around you would agree. He had this ability to just make everything better, he made even your worst days better just by walking into the room and smiling in your direction. From the moment you met him, bad days didn’t exist anymore, he wouldn’t allow it. That’s why you thought yourself to be the luckiest person in the world, not because you were dating Jake the idol from Enhypen… No, it was because your boyfriend was Sim Jaeyun, your best friend, your favorite person in the whole universe. 
Like clockwork, the front door unlocked and your head quickly turned to look at it, awaiting the appearance of your wonderful boyfriend. Every single day he’d come through the door with a smile and a little snack that he picked up on his way home. You’d run to him, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him into a kiss as if it were the last time your lips would ever connect. He’d spin you around, peppering the top of your head with more kisses just to hear you giggle, and you always did. 
Today shouldn’t have been any different, but when he came in, he was empty handed. That wasn’t a problem though, you knew that sometimes little things like that can slip people's minds. He wasn’t smiling either though, and the vibe that he gave off was completely different from what you were used to. He was usually so warm and inviting, but the coldness that you felt from him had goosebumps prickling along your entire body. 
It was the first time since being together that you felt like you didn’t know how to approach him, or better yet, whether you should approach him at all. “Is… Is everything okay?” You practically squeaked out the question, and while he wasn’t a scary person, the look that he shot in your direction was nothing close to friendly. 
“Does it look like everything is okay?” He snapped, and you weren’t used to him talking to you like that. You weren’t used to the way he was being right now at all. It was so unusual in fact, that it made you extremely uncomfortable, your mouth snapping shut immediately, not knowing what to say or what to do next. “I’m going to bed, I just want to be alone.” He mumbled, stalking right past you to go into the bedroom. 
“But… You haven’t eaten yet… Do you want me to bring you-” 
“Alone!” He repeated his last word more forcefully this time, not even letting you finish your sentence, and once again, your mouth was shut as you meekly nodded your head in agreement. The bedroom door slamming shut made you jump, but as soon as the initial shock from the sound wore off, all you could do was cry. You weren’t sure what had happened, you didn’t know what was going on… But you did know that the man that had walked into your house today surely wasn’t the boyfriend that you were used to. 
You ended up dozing off on the couch, or, moreso, crying yourself to sleep on the couch, and after an amount of time that you weren’t even aware had passed, you were awoken by the sound of sniffling right beside your head. “Jake…?” You groggily questioned, your eyes barely opened when you rolled over, but you were met with a very blurry picture of his face only a couple inches from yours. 
“I’m sorry…” He said weakly, his hand coming up slowly to cup your cheek. “I couldn’t sleep… Not until I apologized… But you were sleeping when I came out and… Usually you look so happy when you’re sleeping, you look so peaceful… But you looked so sad and felt even more awful… And I’m sorry… I’m really sorry…” He was getting choked up again, you could hear it in his voice, but before you even had the chance to try to tell him it was okay, he was talking once more. “Work was just really stressful today and… I couldn’t get the dances right… And they had to keep stopping practice because of me… And I felt like crap because of it and I was so mad at myself… And I came home… And I just messed up again with you and I made you cry… And I’m just failing at everything… I’m sorry…” 
You didn’t want him to feel like a failure, not when it came to his career, and definitely not when it came to being your boyfriend. You sat up as fast as you could, the sudden movement making you momentarily dizzy, but you were in a hurry to comfort him, to make sure that he didn’t think that way any longer. “Babe, everyone has bad days. They happen. It’s normal. I have bad days all the time, that doesn’t make me a failure… Well, I hope it doesn’t. But you’re amazing, you’re a great dancer, and the only thing that you’re better at than being an idol, is being my wonderful, loving, cutie patootie of a boyfriend.” The corners of his lips twitched up for a split second before lowering back down to a pout. “Come… Come sit.” You patted the seat beside you, and he slowly moved up onto the couch, but once he was there you tugged his sleeve, pulling him down so that his head was resting in your lap. “Comfy?” You asked, and he nodded his head. “Good…” You brushed your fingers through his hair, doing everything you could to calm him, to comfort him. “You know… Whenever I have bad days, you’re always there for me to make me feel better… I want to do that same thing for you. I’m here for you, not just to love you and give you hugs and kisses… I’m here to support you too, to cheer you up when you’re sad, to calm you down when you’re angry… I’m your girlfriend, that’s what we do…” 
“So… you’re not mad at me?” He whispered, looking up at you with the cutest puppy eyes, and how could you possibly stay mad at him when he looked at you like that? You shook your head no, leaning in to press a kiss to the tip of his nose. “I’m really sorry though… I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I love you so much… I was scared that you’d leave me…” 
“You’re gonna have to do a little more than that to get rid of me.” You joked, and you were happy to hear the small chuckle that vibrated through his whole body. “I’d never leave you because of something like that… I don’t want you to worry that some small little tiff is going to break us up. We’re stronger than that. I just want you to know that you can talk to me, no matter what it’s about… I’m always going to be here for you. Always.”  
Perm Tags :
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fiendishfables · 4 months
"You already know how much I love you~"
A 2024 Valentines Day Special Ft. Luci + Reader
a/n: Happy Valentines! I don't have a valentine (its my cat) but fuck that, I'm going to snag some cheap candy-
summary: Lucifer decides to take you to a special spot; one where everything began anew for him and his true beauty is revealed
warnings: fluff, cuddles, wholesomeness, Luci just needs some cuddles guys, just cute shi-
words: 1.6k+
additional notes: I like to think there is just some random cherry blossom hidden away somewhere in Hell and that is where our short king got the honor of falling. Or he created the tree upon impact, one of the two. I JUST WANT HIM TO HAVE SOMETHING NICE, THE POOR BABY-
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This was honestly not what you had pictured in your brain when your boyfriend had said he wanted to take you somewhere special...
Currently, you and your boyfriend, Lucifer, were making your way up a hill. Its adorning grass was a brownish-green, making it look like autumn had begun to actually seep into the worlds crust instead of just being dusted off until next year. Another thing: it looked strangely untouched. Everything in Hell looked like literal shit, so this was a pleasant surprise, other than its stained color.
You looked up to see your boyfriend had left your side and was practically sprinting up the hill, like he was a Labrador who just saw a squirrel. You raised a quizzical eyebrow but felt the small, familiar tug of a smile grappling for a hold on each corner of your lips. A sigh slipped from you as you shook your head with amusement at his childish antics. He really never failed to make you smile.
Once you had decided to pick up your own pace with what you were using to climb the grassy hill, he had already reached the top. You met him in the next thirty seconds that followed.
Atop the hill he had brought you both to was a beautiful, giant, cherry blossom tree. Its pink petals swayed gently in the wind, brushing against one another and the branches that held them together in clusters. A few delicate petals would come free from the hold of a branch every few seconds, going on to continue its life in a different way, as it drifted towards the ground.
This particular blossom you were watching drift downwards was then caught, gently, in the hand of your boyfriend.
You had almost forgotten he was there, having been mesmerized by the beautiful pink and white colored tree hanging above both of your heads. Seeing him now, he was sitting underneath the cherry blossom, a soft smile on his face. He shifted his fingers so the plush, pink petal was between his thumb and pointer finger, holding it up and out to you like a silent offering.
You chuckled softly, walking further under the tree and plopping yourself down beside Lucifer, watching him examine the petal between his fingertips, almost as if deciding what to do with it.
He turned to look at you again, smiling still (when was he ever not when he was around you). That smile then turned to a smug smirk as he gently blew on the petal now in his palm, whistling softly. The action sent the petal drifting towards you and up, into your hair, where it found a place to nestle itself comfortably amongst the strands, lightly tickling your forehead as it passed by.
You gave him a small smirk of your own. You knew he liked to do these little acts to impress you; not saying they failed to deliver, but you knew to expect them by now. Still, it was always a pleasant experience.
The ground beneath the two of you was covered in soft, little cherry blossom petals, showing the trees shedding tendencies. The grass that could be seen under the mirage of petals was actually green here, unlike the shit stained looking grass you had walked on leading up to the hill.
He offered a smile, a nod, then looked away, letting out a sigh as he raised his head again. His eyes seemed to be scanning the cities of Hell below; the hill gave a perfect view of all his people, the bustling populations giving light to the aspect that Hell was more alive than the pricks up in Heaven would ever accept.
Whilst observing all of these things, you also seemed to sense that your boyfriend was being a lot quieter than usual. He hadn't spoken since he had brought you up here to sit together. Not once. It was out of character.
You spoke to break the ever-growing silence, turning your head and shifting your eyes back up to his, only to see him already staring at you. This caused you to flinch a bit in surprise. He noticed this and instantly looked ashamed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly as he looked away from you.
"Ah- uh, sorry, darling. Just..thinking..."
He spoke almost nervously, like he was expecting something; walking on eggshells.
You looked at him sympathetically, smiling gently as you took his hand in yours.
"Babe, what's wrong? You can talk to me, y'know?" You said, gently running your thumb over his knuckles in a hopes to soothe him if possible.
He took a deep breath, your eyes trained on the steady rise and fall of his chest. There was silence for many minutes before he finally spoke.
"This is the place I fell."
You raised an eyebrow at his statement, the words taking a second to process before you realized he was talking about the cherry blossom. You looked up on instinct, taking in the swaying colors of pink and white, the wind letting them dance around freely and fall how they pleased.
"You...here? Like, fell...here? Of all places?"
You were a tad bit confused. The King of Hell, a.k.a. Lucifer, a.k.a. your boyfriend...fell in this exact spot? Fell where you were sitting right this second?
His nod was the only thing to answer you besides the delicately whistling wind.
"Well...its much nicer an area than I expected for what is to be deemed such a tragedy." You mustered an awkward smile. "Why would you bring me here?" You asked, now more curious than confused.
He looked over at you then back at his feet, bringing his knees up to his chest and wrapping his arms around them, like he was trying to shield himself from an invisible force.
"Well, ya know....I-I trust you a-and...I-I figured since, ya know, we've been together so long now...that maybe you'd wanna see the place most special to me..."
His slight stammering made a twinge of pity go through your heart but you quickly pushed it away. He didn't need pity right now. He needed support. This place had to be a bit of a touchy subject for him, considering its literally where he first landed when he was casted out from Heaven. You doubted it had many good memories attached to it.
"Most special?" You questioned. That did not make much sense in your mind.
"Yes. I feel like, in a way, my falling was another chance gifted to me. I mean, hey," He chuckled and his normal sparky attitude began shining through once again. "I'm King of Hell, am I not? I think I got a pretty good rep going." He puffed out his chest playfully, glancing over at you.
You laughed softly and leaned over to gently kiss his cheek. His already rosy cheeks amplified in color.
"That's one way to see it. I appreciate you showing me this place, Luci. You being vulnerable enough with me to tell me more about yourself and what's happened to you...I know it must be hard. This place sure is beautiful though." You smiled, looking upwards at the tree from underneath it, then back to him, a smirk replacing the smile.
"Do you think your fall is what caused it to grow with such vigor and beauty? Your fall is probably what birthed the tree, made it so beautiful and prosperous."
Lucifer blushed and waved a dismissive hand, biting his lip to fight his usual smile. This caused you to chuckle softly.
A soft, serene silence fell over the two of you. You could tell he was pondering your question just from the expression on his face. You hadn't expected him to actually try and answer it, if that's what he was planning on doing.
"...You really think so?"
His eyes were watery when he spoke again, as they turned their loyal gaze onto you. Just those words meant a lot to him and it showed, plain as day. He was rarely classified as a beautiful being. Not in Heaven and especially not by the living.
You smiled and nodded, slightly surprised by his reaction but going in full swing.
"I know so, Luci. There is no think about it. Someone with as beautiful a spirit as you is bound to spread that beauty. I have no doubt."
In the next second that followed your ceased speaking, Lucifer had flung himself on top of you. He sniffled as a few silent tears fell down his cheeks as he nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, peppering soft kisses there. One of his hands held you close to him whilst the other carded gently through your hair, tangling the loose blossoms into the strands even further. He lifted his head to look at you, big watery eyes filled with so much affection; so much love for you it was insane.
Hellens, just the way he looked at you. Like you were the most beautiful thing he had ever yet to lay his eyes on. Like he was a dying man and you a fresh drink of water. Like the one ray of sunshine on a rainy day. Like you were a goddess.
But not just any goddess.
His goddess.
One of a kind.
Your hand gently came up to sprinkle some more of the pink and white colored cherry blossoms into his pale blonde hair that you had come to love so much. Pink really was a good fit for him, you thought.
"I love you..." He whispered softly, sniffling. "So..so much. More than you'd ever be able to understand."
You smiled and let your lips meet in a gentle kiss, before parting once again so you could speak.
"I love you too, Luci. But I think you already know how much."
And it was true.
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messiahzzz · 6 months
the IGN article has already been addressed by several users, but imo the points of critique raised by others were still often misinterpreted, or ignored entirely.
— so i’d like to talk about it.
beforehand, it is important to mention that it remains everyone’s respective responsibility to curate their own online experience. you shouldn’t purposefully expose yourself to topics that cause you distress or trigger you. however, general discussion should always be valid and welcomed. you have every right to voice your opinion on the matter and to be upset about this. please don’t feel guilty about venting and expressing your emotional response.
we also need to differentiate this specific interview from the fandom’s overall treatment and interpretation of gale. several of the posts i’ve seen on the subject tend to derail into the latter, without addressing the valid points many have raised or glossing over them entirely. this isn’t about the usual “haha gale eats shoes” joke or whatever new meme fandom comes up with. this is solely about the developer’s treatment of gale, the character, and about a specific, internal bias that has been prevalent throughout the entirety of the game, as well as their social media. this particular interview merely adding to the amalgamation of points mentioned.
yes, it is certainly unrealistic to expect larian to address every single companion in detail and to touch on every nuance possible, in an interview that broadly focuses on the game’s narrative and gameplay. there are, however, specific character sections. each companion received a headline that was reflective of their overall character archetype or provided quick insight into their development.
Karlach: 'The Labrador of the Party'
Lae'zel: 'She's So Young'
Halsin: 'A Creative Risk'
Shadowheart: 'The Jason Bourne'
Wyll: 'We Lost a Little Bit of Narrative Room'
Astarion: 'Much of What He Does Is Out of Fear'
Minthara: 'It's Not a Redemption Arc...But She's Got a Lot of Love'
and last but not least:
Gale: 'The Guy Who Starts Off Annoying Everyone'
what followed was a brief discussion about their respective storylines, each being addressed with a certain level of respect, empathy, and consideration. except for gale. all that was mentioned in regard to his character was the narrative impact of gale’s suicide. talking about the overall logistics of this ending, the visuals of the cutscene, and how, to them, his sacrifice felt like the right ending and how in many ways, it is.
Chrystal Ding, Lead Writer: On a very human level, you have the guy who starts off annoying everyone, he's constantly asking you to give him your most treasured possessions to eat, otherwise he's in trouble, and at the end, he gives himself for the world. Sven Vincke, Founder: And he had the choice already once before where he wasn't ready for it. So it's a very powerful ending, and it comes in different permutations.
gale is the character who is initially annoying companions and players alike. he is verbose, enthusiastic and has a tendency to break out in long-winded rants. he repeatedly asks for your assistance, to help him manage his condition. to spare himself and his surroundings from an untimely, explosive death, he must consume items that you’ve carefully collected. gale is, essentially, a liability. a ticking time bomb. he already had the option to have his life be a meaningful sacrifice, but he wasn’t ready to die yet. now, that the party has reached the end, he has another chance to give himself up for the world.
short after, gale’s section of the interview quickly diverts into a more general discussion about the difficulties of playing as a wizard and other classes.
larian claiming that there is a universal “right ending” in a game with many branching paths and choices very much contradicts the definition of a role-playing game. where it is solely in the player’s hands to decide what direction to take and what outcome they deem to be the right one. moreover, it is important to remember that the interviewees weren’t just any developers, but consisted of two lead writers and larian’s founder himself. some of them industry veterans who are, to an extent, pr-trained. we all know that fandom often sees statements from developers synonymous with word of god. as such, the implications and impact are truly unfortunate.
if larian was referring the SA survivor and stated that “the right ending” for him was to return him to enslavement or to hand him over to the gur. that for all the death and misery he (involuntarily) assisted, his sacrifice would at least grand them a slither of justice.
astarion caused death, perpetuated racism, and now that you have handed him over to the gur hunter, he is offered a chance to give himself back to the world.
it is then deemed the right choice for him because it is the most narratively satisfying/impactful/powerful outcome in the context of the overall story. the majority of us would agree that such would be a rather tactless statement, no? not specifically for mentioning it in relation to astarion as a character or his influence on the narrative — he is fictional, after all, but because of the real-life implications and the very real stigma the affected face. we can't deny that it would be hurtful to irl victims. maybe we would even fault the writing altogether for such biases. after all, why should astarion be the only character whose redemption and healing are considered to be significantly less important in the grand scheme of things?
fiction functions as an abstraction and simulation of our social experience. we are supposed to get invested, to explore the meaning, examine the parallels, or maybe just to enjoy stories for the sole purpose of indulging in the occasional escapism. perhaps a way to temporarily forget about one’s limitations and the prejudices we face. in many ways, chronic pain/impairment, suicidal ideation, and autistic traits appear to be disorders & symptoms that are perhaps less relatable to some, and that they are maybe not as sympathetic to.
it truly would’ve been nice to see larian approach this interview with more professionalism. opting for a simple, diplomatic “actually, there is no right ending. the sheer variation in choices makes such a distinction impossible” would’ve more than sufficed.
this isn’t asking for larian to touch on every nuance possible, in an interview that largely resembled the flow of a regular conversation. it’s about asking for the same level of consideration and care that was granted to the rest of the companions. it’s about addressing gale’s particular brand of trauma with the same level of basic human decency. maybe we even could’ve received some new bits and pieces of insight on gale’s development, rather than the regurgitation of every shallow reddit/tiktok take we’ve seen up to this point. alas..
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