#but what if it mix with The Dream?
allikawaii · 10 months
Weird dream
I had a weird dream:
I was playing a visual novel/text based game and was pretty fun. Then my mother started to watch me play when I was close to finishing a route (literally the last choice) and I got anxious with a watcher and the fact I had to explain the game, and that made me take a bit too long to make a choice.
That time was enough to trigger something, but I had clicked in an option already and saw the ending: boy love interest going full stalker and breaking in with a knife. And game closed.
Then my mom got curious and clicked to open the game and play herself, even though she doesn't speak English (my bio says I'm Brazilian, so the fact not everyone in my family speaks English is obvious), and that means I had to stand by her side to translate stuff.
But the game broke down and was bugging the computer non-stop and we had to forcefully shut it down.
And I woke up.
... and went to sleep again.
And after another dream, I had a follow up to that situation: my father decided to use the computer, and was working fine, but just to avoid any issue I told him to not open that game... but he already clicked to check. So I told him to shut the computer down... but it was not fast enough.
Here we go again with the crashing down computer, only to something different to happen: the boy love interest showing up in a distorted screen, speaking to *me* with audio and text. I don't remember all the words, but I remember the last ones before the computer shutting down:
"Please, consider"
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ink-the-artist · 8 months
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Video game I saw in a dream. It was in this low poly style like an older video game. You play as this character I think was meant to be a lamb, or maybe a weird mix of a lamb a mouse and a rabbit, (while not really looking like any of those things) and you’re running away from a wolf. Your objective is to last as long as possible before the wolf catches and eats you.
The house you’re running in is endless and bizarrely put together like most building interiors in dreams are (like the infinite toilet dream dimension on Reddit lol) the layout of the house is pretty detailed, you can stop and hide in places like closets or bins while the wolf looks for you, you can go up and down stairs and into rooms etc.
You never actually know where the wolf is or how close it is to you until it appears in your line of sight, it makes no noise and the game gives you no way of knowing where it is, and it’s pretty unpredictable it doesnt move at a consistent pace. When the wolf catches you there’s an animation showing it eating your character
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heartorbit · 8 months
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can i get a magical girl set please
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wouldntbehim · 6 months
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mix: firstprince (taylor's version)
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watercubebee · 1 year
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Because I like to do situations with no beginning and no end
\( ̄︶ ̄*\))
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xx-sketchy-xx · 2 months
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Uh oh.. I may have fallen for the grey tube. Lol auuuuuuuuu
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koddlet · 9 months
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collage of that dream that stuck with me
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ghosttb0y · 2 years
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“He was a God among men.”
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confusedgoldenflower · 6 months
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I except nothing less. Taigen is allowed IF AND ONLY IF he mans the fuck up, doesn’t get butthurt over Mizu and grows.
Akemi and Mizu, if they get a man, need a real man, not a man child clinging to falsities his daddy and master told him. He’s obnoxious. He’s a good, loyal but annoying friend at best as it stands. They’re not compatible romantically/sexually (if memory serves, the flashbacks of nonexistent dick Mikio overlapped w her time w Taigen/some scenes that could be read as romantic, a man who caused her great hurt who made it so she’ll likely need a LOT to be able to be vulnerable w a man ever again), neither is he with Akemi anymore. I’m hoping the overlap was just there to show her starting to think about it or as a weird red herring for his bi/gay awakening. He could get someone else in S2, who knows. As S1 is, they don’t deserve each other. The throuple. Mizu and Akemi as a pair with some more development, but not w him.
Takayoshi, however, has shown that he can be understanding and he should be a trained swordsman. He didn’t seem to mind allowing Akemi to lead and there’s a big hint that she’ll be the “pants wearer” of the relationship going forward. I think Akemi’s moved on from Taigen, maybe not realizing it but has, and Taka also has a pretty significant “fault” being his stutter.
I just see more potential with Taka not Tai.
Having throuple representation would be incredible regardless!
But bringing in a new character for it could also really work. Like a gentle lady Mizu finds in England—oh, that’s an idea…👀👀 no I have enough fanfic wips damnit. She could free someone from a work house or mine!
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belovedrm · 1 year
sorry not sorry i just had to drop everything i was doing and make this
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magicstormfrostfire · 7 months
Nova, Ghost, and the timid hedgehog I decided to name Calico from my dream that I posted here!
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I drew them! Finally !
For context, I drempt that Sonic, Shadow, and Silver were missing and somehow they had "copies" of their traits split off and/or combined together. Amy and I had to gather them to find out what happened since all the copies had fragmented memories. I drew the main three that i remember from my dream to the best of my ability!
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beesgav · 8 months
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scribbling down some stuff for an idea that's been poking at me for the past few days
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heavenlyyuri · 1 month
little miss laces her drinks at every opportunity <3
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pinksilvace · 9 months
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The dialogue in the most recent chapter (ch13) of At the Dawn of the Light by @lasymit is giving me about 10000 different emotions
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teex · 4 months
hi so gj au will haunt me forever now………..if you ever decide to write it please know i will be waiting here for it like this🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️🧎🏻‍♀️
ohh this is such a sweet encouraging message ty <33
i have started writing it, but who knows if it will ever resolve into an actual story. here's a tiny blurb of ghost!jamie fic:
He’s wandered into their text thread with a hand on standby inside his shorts when his phone starts buzzing. The caller ID is an impossible 00000 that has to be spam, but when does a scammer bug you at 3:00 in the morning? Trevor accepts the momentary distraction and answers.  One of his buddies back home had an asshole somehow clone his voice and hit up his grandpa during the summer pretending to need bail money. Five grand later, his mom was taking over all of grandpa’s finances and making him screen his calls. Trevor understands that there are enough media clips out in the world to make a perfect copy of him, but he still keeps quiet when tilting the receiver away to doublecheck that the call is connected. On the other end of the line, silence swells into static. Louder, softer, and louder again. It hums in pushes and pauses that Trevor can’t understand, like waves rolling in without any rhythm.  Usually, at this point an automatic voice has kicked in and introduced itself as, like, a Jeff or Mary, using a harmless older person name to put the victim at ease. Trevor taps out a beat with his fingers, looking at his phone again to watch the seconds tick by. “Helloo,” he finally says, and a scratchy, percussive noise booms against his ear. Trevor yelps and yanks the phone back to end the call, skittering out a hysterical little laugh, “Dumbass.” He wipes the screen on his duvet and pets down his arm hair. His heart is thumping.
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swordheld · 9 months
how did u choose your username?
oh, this is a fun one!! i think i considered being swordtold at first, for that very ancient myth vibe of the sword being this narrative tool for adventure and structure and physical time, the parable being passed down through the centuries until it meddles into modern day rhetoric and ideology – a kind of fantastical tool, a spark of magic, of possibility.
i like the arc of the story of a place being physical / having it be held by time and hand alike, wearing with the years and having it become something different to each holder, each reader, each experience fantastical and individual.
having that kind of physicality to it; swordheld is the action of taking up and holding the sword yourself, choosing your own narrative, leading your own story. self-identity has always been something i struggle with (a novel concept i know, i know), so it felt right for this blog, since most of my older blogs before this one have been just me silently reblogging and never really posting anything myself, and i wanted this to be the change to that.
i've always had trouble wranging my social anxiety, esp. on the internet, and previously thought that keeping my words to myself helped keep the timeline cleaner, in a way, no messy thoughts for others to sort through, especially ones i believed no one would want to read anyway? but it never felt right, keeping myself apart from it all, esp. not in the way i so avidly enjoyed reading others' posts and additions, keeping their words close to my heart.
i wanted it to reflect that this was a space i was holding for myself? and i'm a little slow on the uptake sometimes, but this - this i think i got right. i love being here, on this blog, and the joy that it brings me. everyone else enjoying it too has been a wild ride that i never expected, and still surprises me, one that brings a little extra thrill to my heart whenever i think about it.
i had other urls that i liked, but i didn't want this blog to be tied directly to any of my fandom/story interests, since i wanted it to really just be a sort of archive of artistic inspiration and resource, like a little library or museum. i use them now as lil sideblogs of more niche interests now, which is rather lovely.
it hasn't always felt like it fit perfectly, the way that i'd like, but for some reason i can't think of really wanting to change it anytime soon. it feels mythic yet modern in a way that feels like puzzle pieces finally slotting into their place, something my own and inspirational to me, like a lantern i'm holding to make my way by. my own kind of light, if that makes sense – a star i know by name.
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