#but that's a whole other post for another time
gabriellaeva2005 · 3 days
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I really cannot express how much this piece of work means to me! As corny as it sounds I really found this story at the perfect point in my life, I initially started reading the impulse 1995 comics when I was 14 and I ended up falling upon this story when I was 17 I just immediately fell in love! The concept was so creative and fit into the pre-existing plot line perfectly! All the new characters are so enjoyable to read, Nathaniel and Jude have such a wonderful and also sad dynamic, as a twin my self every scene with them just really hit me in the heart! Six especially in the first several chapters was so comically annoying and clearly insecure, in a way that I think a lot of us can relate to, one way or another especially when we got to here is internal monologue, I’ve always been a sucker for the asshole character with an air of insouciance and superiority, who by the end of the story, just ends up being a pretty all right guy! And Five oh my god five! I love this guy so much! he’s just so genuine and someone who clearly cares deeply, and him being technically the physically oldest in the room, but also being the one with the least amount of experience is a very literal take on an experience I think a lot of people have felt, myself included, And I think we all know I’m a Three apologist, his whole story is just so devastating and haunting, part of me is always rooting for him, whilst also being terrified for what he might do to the other characters, there is so much complexity with his relationships with the other characters, such as five and four, every time theirs a seen with three and four the writing always makes me feel so on edge and is really able to puts me in three’s shoes! And god! The way three and five interact is so sweet and sad there relationship is just too much! The last chapter absolutely destroyed me!! And Bart and Thad are so perfectly characterized it truly just feels like a natural progression of their characters, the way they both are just really struggling to deal with the inevitability of change hit me so hard, like I said I started reading the impulse comics when I was 14 so these characters have such a place in my heart, so now being able to read about them going through these struggles, when I was also experiencing a lot of change, is such a comfort to me, it was like in a way these characters got older with me, and you know it’s always nice to see some of your childhood characters going through the same stuff as you, currently being a slightly terrified 18 year old, it was great to be able to read about two other slightly terrified 18 year olds, anyways I wanted to post some of my sketches from the past few weeks, and don’t worry there are definitely more to come cause I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop drawing these guys!
@cryptocism you really sent me on a journey, thank you for that!💖💖
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guiltfinn · 18 hours
planet of the apes 🦧
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dude… i have now seen the new kingdom of the planet of the apes in cinema twice and the first time around i wasn’t all that impressed and i left the theatre kinda disappointed but the second time around i left a little more impressed and a little less disappointed.
the movie was still weak compared to the first three films, (the rise, dawn and war) but im glad it was made.
as a whole i believe this franchise is criminally underrated on multiple different levels. The poetic nature of the films is something i don’t think i would ever articulate or write on paper to perfectly capture how beautifully made these films are, they are just chefs kiss
proximus caesar was a funny villain that i think deserved more screen time and back story, it makes me kinda sad to think that we wont really see his character again.
the symbolism that links all four films together is incredibly well done and throughout the entire series there are crumbs of the films that came before them, which is a part of the reason why i love these films so much. i like how they made noa so similar to caesar, not only in his appearance but in his characteristics. i like to believe it was intentional that noa and caesar (particularly in dawn of the planet of the apes with malcolm) cautiously but willingly trusted a human. noa is so incredibly similar to caesar it would be criminal to suggest otherwise.
dude these films are so visually well done you almost forget you are watching cgi. the visual effects alone blow my mind but the accuracy and attention to detail when it comes to the mannerisms of the apes is out of this world and deserves more recognition. in terms of cinematography planet of the apes have always been amazing at beautifully capturing emotions from all the apes and even better at showing the wonders of a post-human run world. the forests and surroundings that the apes find themselves in continue to amaze me, especially in this newest film were we see a variety of different landscapes.
as much as i am growing to love kingdom of the planet of the apes, i feel as though we could have waited for noa and his story. i think cornelius and the others that were left behind after caesars death deserved a closing chapter. i would have loved to know how the community handled the loss of their leader and saviour and how they all moved on. also i feel as though we needed back story on how the apes separated and became different clans spread all across the continent. as an example i would have also loved to see how the misinterpretation of caesar and what he stood for became so strong and wide spread, as well as why noas clan and their elders knew nothing of caesar or chose to leave him out of their history. there were a lot of open ends and unfinished stories that deserved more screen time, but in saying that, that could mean an eternity of story telling that everyone may not want to see.
at the end of kingdom of the planet of the apes they left it open for another film which i am looking forward to seeing where they take story line. are they going to fully circle around to the original films were they capture more humans and start to use them as slaves or will the story begin to get repetitive? i hope repetition won’t sneak its way into these films like is has with so many other franchises, but we can only hope right?
long live monkeys… i love monkeys and we need more monkey movies
also- i know i don’t really do this sort of this thing on this account but i was beginning to genuinely tweak if i didn’t word vomit my thoughts on these movies <3
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genericpuff · 1 day
Hello! I’m just here bc I’m a little confused on what you meant by Smythe drawing out “each individual asset” when she was making comics? Now, granted, I can see that it made her file ginormous, but me personally as someone who knows nothing about making online comics but is really wanting to get into it (and also as someone who has a ‘too many layers’ problem myself), is there a way to avoid using too many layers?
My current way of making comics has been to draw the panels individually and then format them (which I know is terrible management wise and also messes with the quality) but I honestly have no other idea of how to do it properly, and seeing how stunning Lore Rekindled looks, I don’t know how you would manage to put all that lighting effects and little details on the same layers. (But also I may be thinking of it wrong so I’ll let you talk qwq)
Ah I can actually give you a visual breakdown of what I meant by that!
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So in this you can see there are a TON of layers, and not even all of them are visible because some of them are stuffed into FOLDERS that have been left closed. BUT if you look REEEEALLY carefully-
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^^^ These layers right here? That's specifically Minthe from this panel in Episode 61:
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(the unique pose here makes it real easy to tell that this is the corresponding panel, you can see the matching body shape with the dark shading that's clipped to the base layer below it!)
So what this means is that Rachel didn't draw all her characters on one base layer, she drew every single character in every single panel separately. Now of course, she could merge all these layers together as working on separate layers helps make it easier to work on elements that collide separately (like one character being 'underneath' another character like Hades is here) but because she has all of those clipping layers with the shading already added in, she likely didn't merge them afterwards because that would actually create MORE problems (because if she merged the Minthe layer in with Hades, then the shading for Minthe that she painted outside of the lines would show up on Hades and then she'd have to erase it which is just a bunch of extra work).
You can also tell all these characters are on their own layer because the layer thumbnail EXCLUSIVELY shows those characters. A layer will show as much canvas length as it needs to cover what's in that layer, so if the thumbnail is only showing one character, that means there's NOTHING ELSE on that layer. If there were more elements on this layer than just Minthe, the layer thumbnail would look more like this:
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Now let's compare it to Rekindled's layers! I'll use a completed page to make it fair as we use a lot of extra layers in the post-production phase where we add the texture effects and glow and all that fun stuff, plus I'll even make it a more complicated page like that big nymph explanation spread from Episode 51:
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So I'll break it down to make this make more sense:
BG 2 Copy (technically this is supposed to be BG 1) - Basically the panel shapes, what I'll do is mark out the panels with flat blocks and through that we'll add background elements in a clipping layer (usually done by Banshriek). Often times they'll do multiple layers to make the process easier and then merge them all together in the end. With these shapes operating as panels, it means I can just auto select the whole layer, invert the selection, and easily erase whatever's outside of it (such as the lineart and base colors that I put down afterwards). I could just use masking layers like I did in [AFTERBIRTH] but I find this way works better for the process of making Rekindled.
BG 2 - This is where we add objects / foreground elements. So stuff like furniture, interactables, anything that needs to be kept separate from the larger background to make it easier to work with. This can also include "floating" panels that need to be above other panels, such as this:
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All of the backgrounds are then nested in a folder for organization purposes (we also sometimes use clipping layers on top of those folders to apply extra effects over anything contained within that folder without affecting other folders, that's a common technique that Banshriek applies)
Then we get into our Characters folder:
BASE - This is where I do the majority of my work, all the characters in every panel on a page are flatted into this layer. Sometimes I do have to create separate layers to, again, make it easier to work with overlapping characters, but usually those layers will be merged before I go into the shading process. I simply shade on a single layer by using the lasso / magic wand tool to select my area for painting, the flat colors make it really easy to do that. Sometimes I need to create a secondary shading layer if I've put down dark colors that start to bleed into the lighter colors, but again, I merge when I'm done into a single shading layer. We also sometimes employ an Add (Glow) layer into the clipping set if we need a glow effect that's exclusive to the characters and doesn't travel outside of their base colors.
There's a (leaves) layer here that I used for the dryad because I needed the leaves to be above the base layer, after that I selected the leaves elements so that I could erase the lineart in the layer above it where needed.
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LINEART - It's lineart, enough said haha That said, I do think Rachel actually uses clipping layers for her lineart in places, it seems to be visible in some of her process videos where you can see the lineart present in a clipping layer, and that would explain why there are panels where the lineart suddenly 'cuts off' and doesn't travel outside of the base layer, like so:
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GLOW - This is where we do an Add (Glow) layer that isn't restricted to the base layer, it's where we add all the fun lil' glow and sparkle effects over the characters !
The CLOUDS layer is, like the leaves, a background element that needs to be above the base layers rather than constricted to the background.
Above the Characters folder you can see what I mentioned earlier where Banshriek has added more post-production effects that are exclusively clipped to the contents of the Characters folder. This means the effects / blend modes do NOT affect the background layers or anything above it.
The BLUR (Overlay) layer is something we just started doing over the past several episodes, it's a technique I actually picked up from 66 of City of Blank where I merge all the layers into a new visible layer which I then apply a Gaussian Blur to at around 60% and then set to Overlay (and then I adjust the layer opacity until it looks right, usually around 25-35%), it gives it a bit of a softer "dreamier" vibe in the final colors and really helps unify everything!
CANVAS - This is an Overlay layer which is also set to an opacity of 25-35% where I go over the panels with the Add Canvas brush from the Kyle Webster set, unlike the Canvas overlay texture in CSP I can actually choose the colors I want to use which means I can match the canvas texture color to the mood and environment of the scene (ex. I'll use a very light blue for scenes in the Underworld). Not only does it give it that signature texture from S1 of LO, but it also helps balance out the effects of the BLUR layer.
The SKETCH layer sits on top of everything and gets turned off once all the base layers and lineart are down, and ofc the SPEECH folder is just where all the text is kept.
I know everything I just laid out is a LOT but ultimately it's how we operate, it works for us! But it also begs the question of why Rachel operates the way she does because a lot of it seems extremely unnecessary and more likely to bite her in the ass (the more layers there are, the bigger your file size gets, the risk of drawing on the wrong layer increases as well as the risk of posting a panel that's missing elements because the layer was left turned off by mistake, etc.) And it's more so concerning with how she operates with her assistants because if she's still using this many layers when collaborating with other people, hooo boy. Though based on what I've observed of what her assistants contribute, I get a lot more of the sense that she circumvents this by having the artists do the flats separately and then importing them in as separate assets that she then just imports into the page and places them where they need to be. Still not a great workflow IMO because it's what's led to a lot of the issues of characters "floating" rather than feeling like they're actually in the environment-
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-but that's still an issue that could be solved by Rachel just taking more time to actually flesh out the backgrounds and lighting to give more of an impression of the characters actually existing in the space. Like that Hestia panel could easily be fixed by just giving the background a bit more detail and putting actual shading underneath her (and lighting from whatever direction it's coming from).
Either way, regardless of whether or not Rachel's process is productive or not, I hope that breakdown helps explain how we do it in Rekindled! Learning how to manage layers is definitely a skill that can be tricky to harness, but once it "clicks" there's a lot you can get away with. Ultimately how you do it is up to you, but my best piece of advice to offer is to just be open to other types of workflows because you don't know how much you might be shooting yourself in the foot doing things the hard way when there are often way easier and more efficient ways to get the same job done. That's basically the vibe I get from observing Rachel's workflow, it seems like she's still using methods that she thinks are working for her (and probably did work just fine for her when it was JUST her) but could be vastly improved for her and her team if she'd just get over the initial hump of stepping outside of her comfort zone. Would probably make for a better comic too LOL
I hope that helps! Good luck! ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡
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greeneyessmize · 15 hours
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Popping in here with more theories!
(Admittedly, some of these I had in a reply to another person's post, but I think they can stand on their own.)
I think Polin will end up across the street in the Featherington estate because I am pretty sure they are setting it up for Pen to have the first Featherington boy. (I am also hoping for twins with a girl first for the sheer drama of pissing off her sisters and annoying Portia because that means Colin and Pen will be straightening out the very shady Featherington estate and her power will be null & void. She could control Harry or Albion. She won't get any traction with Polin. It has also been indicated that the actress playing Prudence will not be back next season.)
That would mean we would see Polin potentially as much as Kanthony. Maybe more if it is Eloise's season since I am really hoping that Peneloise will be back up and running. I have read that the higher ups have referred to Penelope as the heart of the show. You can't remove the heart and keep moving forward at all well.
On that note, I also think that the LW reveal will be limited to the Bridgertons, the Queen, and a very small amount of other people. Losing the LW narration device is probably not something they are willing to do any time soon. Why mess with something beloved?
I also believe we are going to see at least a one year time jump if it is Eloise's season next. There has been no whisper about Marina so far, and for there to be Eloise and Phillip, there cannot be Marina. And there has to be time between Marina dying and Phillip and Eloise being together, even in a loveless marriage you cannot remarry immediately in that era. Having the twins still be so very young would eliminate a lot of Eloise's growth as a character, imho, because those kids take her on a wild ride.
It makes more sense to have Benedict go next. He is aimless this season and needs roots. The issue, though, is that facets of his story with Sophie are probably not going to make us like him much unless there are some big changes. The whole "be my mistress because you are too low born to be my wife" just gives me the full ick. If we can just get around that at the very least, I think we can move forward somewhat gracefully.
The beginning of Francesca's book could really fit in the spaces of both seasons, neatly around the edges. We know she loves John. But those of us who have read the books, we know the end destiny.
That's all I've got for now!
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btsmosphere · 2 days
Supercharged | JJK
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Chapter 7: Spark to Life
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🗲summary: It starts with a blow to the chest that changes your life. When your city’s most celebrated hero pays a visit, it turns out the noble Bolt has no trouble tossing lives aside. Lives that won't be missed. Lives like yours. Seven mysterious and powerful men give you another chance – one that starts to feel more like a curse the moment you meet golden boy Jungkook. The boy who wants you as far from his brothers as he can get you. Is it you he hates, or the blue lightning that now runs through your veins? And could it be his golden light that illuminates your heart when darkness threatens? 🗲this chapter: “We don't have time to argue” “No, we don't”
🗲pairing: jungkook x female reader 🗲word count: 5.3k 🗲genre: angst, action, eventual fluff, enemies to lovers, slow burn, superheroes/villains au, found family 🗲rating: pg15 🗲warnings: violence with superpowers, swearing, weapons, dangerous driving
a/n: exciting notice! (maybe lol) the next chapter is pretty short, but it really was the best place to break up my chapters - so, as a result I will be posting it in the middle of this week! that's right, this coming week will bring two whole supercharged updates! first on Wednesday, and again on the regular Sunday😊see you then!!
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For some days, the occasional crackling voices from that speaker accompanied your life when the boys were away.
Of course, you relished the time they did spend at home. Even though they were busy training in most of their free time, and out late on missions, they would come and chat with you while they made breakfast, or came to rest and watch some tv.
To them, it probably appeared that nothing was different between you and Jungkook. Whenever they were home, he took the chance to train with them. You knew he missed them now they were out so much without him. Anyone would have noticed as much, given the way he hovered around the receiver, always staying up after you slipped quietly to bed.
But once the house emptied, the smiling Jimin, raucous laughter of Hope or the fond smiles of Yoongi would be replaced by the stony silence of Jungkook.
Somehow, you were growing used to it.
Either that, or you would be firing comments between each other, no longer sure if it counted as fighting or having a conversation. Anything to fill up the silence.
You trained more too, your powers’ strength returning slowly even in the course of a week. And since that night, a sort of ritual had begun at dinner. Of course, you would have chosen anyone else’s company over Jungkook’s, but you had to make do. You would cook something simple, ordering him to chop up ingredients at the very least while he complained (“if you’re just going to criticise me, do it yourself!”). To this, you would remind him that he wanted to eat the food, did he not?
If anything, it was a cathartic vengeance for the power he held in the training rooms.
But anytime the receiver blared into life, the two of you would fall quickly into silence, drinking in every word, even the shortest exchange, of the boys which were out who-knows-where.
Tonight was one of those times. The two of you were sitting across from each other as always, beginning to eat.
The radio sparking to life cut off your conversation. Jungkook put his chopsticks down completely, turning his attention towards it. It was Jimin’s voice.
“Did anyone else see that?”
“I did. Hold on, I’ll go check it out,” Hobi replied.
Then an order from Namjoon.
“Yoongi, go with him.”
You continued staring at the small device even while no more exchanges could be heard. That wasn’t the usual stuff they talked about. Normally, it was just routine things, checking up on each other and confirming what they had planned.
But it was probably nothing. It was presumably quite a feat that they hadn’t come across any sort of difficulty in all the missions so far, and this would prove to be a false alarm or easily dealt with. You had seen what the boys were capable of, after all – just Hobi and Yoongi by themselves could be lethal.
That didn’t stop you from hanging on expectantly, though.
At last, the silence was broken. But not by what you had hoped.
“Guys? What can you see?”
Namjoon’s question was met with no reply. You couldn’t tear your eyes from the small radio, breath captive in your lungs.
Then, a jarring noise leapt like lightning from the speaker, making both you and Jungkook flinch. High-pitched, grating feedback, it faded almost instantly, but the scar it had torn in the previously peaceful kitchen remained.
Frozen to your seat, your food was well and truly forgotten as you heard Jin chime in next.
“Guys, get out of there.”
Namjoon’s trust in his right-hand man was evident, no hint of question in his voice as he reverted orders.
“Code two, hide the target and evacuate-”
“Yeah, we might have a problem with that,” Jimin cut him off.
A loud boom was audible, despite the limits of the small receiver that reduced it to white noise. Once again, it cut off.
It was then you realised Jungkook was on his feet. He snatched the radio from its spot on the counter.
“Stay here,” he said, back already retreating.
A second later, you were dashing after him. Reaching his side, you both shoved shoes on.
“What do you think you’re doing?”
Jungkook glared at you with absolute incredulity, frown etched in his face. He didn’t even leave time to stare you down, however, already pushing past you and all but running down the front stairs.
You followed just as fast.
“I’m coming with you. They’re in trouble.”
“Which is exactly why I’m telling you to stay here,” he spat over his shoulder.
His foot tapped restlessly as the large front door slid open. The moment he had enough space to pass through, he was marching into the expansive garage, with you hot on his heels.
“I can help,” you argued.
Jungkook wove between the cars and stopped by a motorcycle. Turning to you, his face was set, frame livid and glare fierce while he dug harshly in his pocket for the keys.
“We don’t have time to argue.”
His tone was firm, clearly infuriated.
Just then, another concerning explosion crackled through the radio, standing your hair on end.
Stepping forwards, you swung your leg over the back of the motorbike and stared challengingly up at him.
“No. We don’t.”
The sound he let out bordered on a growl, but the next moment he had situated himself on the front of the bike, and a roaring filled the air as it shuddered into life beneath you. Left with virtually no time to react as he pulled away, you were forced to cling to the man in front of you.
With your arms thrown around him, you felt him stiffen under your touch. But then he was urging the bike forwards, and not a second later wind collided with your face as you shot from the base and into the night. The rapidly increasing speed left you to shelter your face in the back of his neck.
The cacophony in your ears and the rush of air that tugged your hair behind you should have alerted you that Jungkook was disregarding basically all existing traffic laws.
But you couldn’t care less.
With the blur of city lights whizzing past you, all you could think of was the speed with which you could reach the boys. The streets were fairly empty, but cars were dotted here and there. Probably cut some up, judging by the blaring horns at one intersection.
Thundering onto a wider street streaked with neon, your eyes fell on a billboard. As you sped towards it, the picture cut to purple fire and rubble, a live news banner scrolling along the bottom.
Then it was gone again, Jungkook guiding the bike around the corner and through more city streets.
The images set your head spinning, all the more restless on the back of the bike the longer you were helpless to do anything but wait for Jungkook to get you there. How was he going to find them? You hadn’t even been told where they were going. They hadn’t bothered you with mission details ever since you and Jungkook had been stood down-
“Almost there!” Jungkook’s yell was barely audible over the wind.
“Wait, how can you-”
“They’re protecting something called the Razer. Their plan B was to stash this weapon in some underground parking lot. You head down there, I’ll help fight them off. Looks like they were ambushed.”
“How do you know all this?” you finally made yourself heard.
“I snuck into Namjoon’s office, okay? I saw the plans,” he called back. “When we get there… you might have to fry this thing. It can’t fall into their hands, better that we destroy it altogether.”
You had no time to muster a reply before the bike was swinging around a corner and skidding to a halt.
At the end of this street, the sky was lit up. Purple fire blazed, just like on the billboard, but this time it was real, licking into the sky from the wreckage of a building on the corner. Other beams of light flashed, shocks of red and luminous white smattering the fronts of the buildings.
You got no more than a glimpse of a few figures silhouetted against this backdrop before Jungkook pulled you down to shelter behind the bike.
A hand on your shoulder keeping you in place, he peered over the top of the bike before returning his gaze to you.
“The building that’s been destroyed, the Razer should be in there. You should be able to make a way through the rubble. You’ll know when you see it. Do you remember training the other day?”
Trying to take in his instructions, you nodded.
“Use as much force as you can to overload it, like we practised. Should fry the weapon’s circuits.”
“Okay,” you muttered, taking a glance over the bike again. The street was littered with people, but no one seemed to have noticed your arrival.
“Y/N, they don’t know about you,” Jungkook’s voice recaptured your attention. “I’ll join the fight. It’ll distract them and buy you some time, hopefully give the others a chance to turn the tide as well. Don’t use your powers until you have to.”
He stood then, preparing to move around the bike and head into the fray.
His step faltered before he could go further.
When he turned back, a ray of gold flickered in his eyes.
“And Y/N… be careful. This weapon… if it strikes you, it can strip you of your power.”
Your eyes were locked for a long moment, his words sending a bolt of cold fear straight to your heart.
He took a breath, but said nothing more. An instant later, he was gone, the intensity of his eyes now no more than a mirage, quickly vanishing in your memory.
There was no time to agonise over it. Nor was there time to reconcile the implications of this fight, your first mission – your priorities turned to the weapon that was now in the open far from safe hands.
A flash of gold split through the night, sparks reflected in the bike’s mirrors.
Sucking in a lungful of air, you shuffled around the front wheel, slowly leaning out. Another blinding burst of gold showed you the outline of Jungkook, golden light firing him into the air. Sparks flew as he collided, wrestling, with someone halfway up a building.
The next moment, their figures plummeted to the ground.
Jungkook was the one who stood up again, the other staying motionless.
However, you weren’t here to watch. There was no time to stick around here. By now, others had noticed the newcomer to the fight; figures advancing your way down the street prompted you to get moving.
Ducking slightly, you picked your moment and sprinted the short distance from the bike to the edge of the street, flattening yourself against brick before checking no one had seen you.
All that greeted you were warring lights and the blur of fighting, backlit by the ever-raging fire.
Confident in being unnoticed, you sparked to life again, taking off on light feet in the opposite direction to the fighting. You raced around the corner to the neighbouring road, which was totally devoid of Bolt’s minions.
Judging by the short glimpses you had garnered so far, you guessed the group that had ambushed your friends were decked out with Bolt’s stolen goods – and were out for more. But you had no real idea how many of them had powers or not.
Or, come to think of it, how many of them there were at all.
All that mattered, though, was that there weren’t enough to have found you yet. You had run the length of the street, slowing as you reached the corner where the ruined parking lot stood.
Pressing your back against the wall, you edged around to peer at the damage. The fire was brighter here, making you squint. A few shapes darted in and out of view on the other side of the flames, but this side was still deserted.
This had to be it. Somewhere among this destruction was the weapon which had caused so much trouble.
Sheltered from view by V’s vibrant flames, you approached as close as you dared until you stood right in front of the rubble. You clambered over a few smaller chunks of concrete before you decided to begin.
With one more look around for security, you breathed deeply and raised your hands, palms only a hair away from a large block that used to form part of a wall, but now lay at your feet.
Biting your tongue, you finally let your powers out.
Remembering Jungkook’s words, you focussed on broadening the scope of your power, letting as much flow from your fingertips as possible. Blue bloomed in front of your eyes. A second later, the boulder began to glow the same hue.
Gritting your teeth, you propelled even more of your power downwards. For a moment, the rock resisted, only growing brighter blue. Then all at once, it gave way with a splintering sound that was swallowed up by the roaring of the fire.
With the sudden caving, you stumbled forwards, supressing your powers hurriedly to hide any light that would give you away. Just before you could trip into the gap revealed by the destruction of the rubble, you caught yourself with a hand on the ruptured concrete edge.
The fire did little to light up the dark space that now gaped below you.
Crouching, you peered carefully around. After a moment, your eyes had adjusted enough to reveal a concrete staircase, shrouded in the debris from the collapsed wall.
You shifted closer until you could lower yourself over the edge. Holding onto the remains of the wall, you dropped down onto the stairway.
It was seriously dark down here. To continue, you had to summon a small ball of light. Blue hovered above your palm, helping you pick through the dust and bricks that littered the ground from the building’s collapse.
On the plus side, it was utterly empty. You were clearly the first one to break through to this part, so you pushed ahead, following the stairs down as per Jungkook’s instructions. The plan had been to hide it underground.
Further on, you found the base of the staircase drowned in another pile of rubble. A larger slab encroached, looming from where it had been dislodged from the ceiling, lowering the height of the space. You didn’t dare try to move that one, however, almost certain that it was keeping a larger amount of debris from filling this corridor entirely.
Ducking quickly under that, you shot through a couple of smaller pieces before you could see a way through.
Not wanting to shift more stone than you had to, you wriggled through the gap you had created. The other side was lit with a wavering yellow light, making the stairs’ shadow flicker. A few more steps led down before you finally found the end to the enclosed space.
A blank corridor led to a door which hung off its hinges. Pausing when you reached it, a bigger, equally blank space opened out in front of you.
Though a small part of the ceiling had caved in the opposite corner, a pile of rubble collected there, the intact state of the walls told you that you were finally below ground level. The space was wide, but heavy with the oppressive air of industrial parking towers, walls strewn with graffiti. Artificial lights flickered in the corner of your vision.
The lights quivered even more as a loud boom ricocheted through the space.
That confirmed you were heading in the right direction, at least. Taking off running, you skidded through the next doorway and were instantly greeted with chaos.
Purple flickered and danced along the opposite wall – although you weren’t sure there was a real wall there at all. In front of this barrier of his own making, V was silhouetted.
Before submerging yourself in the waves of heat the large fire was throwing off, you took a breath. You couldn’t make out any enemies in the gaps between the flames, the light too dim and distorted by the blaze, but V shot another burst of flame as you watched. Your eyes were too dazzled to see if it had hit someone.
“V!” you called, hurrying to his side.
He turned with a jolt, arms still raised. Stopping in your tracks at his abrupt movement, you watched his eyes cloud with recognition.
Slowly, he lowered his palms.
You filled in the blanks of his low, startled question easily. How did you get here?
“No one followed me, I promise,” you stepped closer, “we heard you on the radio. We need to destroy that weapon.”
Nodding, V shifted his eyes furtively around before they landed on the only intact door in the place.
“There- mmph!”
V raised an arm to point, but was suddenly thrown in that direction himself.
“V!” you cried, crouching to his side, but your eyes were scanning the flame.
Hissing, V rolled over, clutching at his side which had been struck with… something. It wasn’t the same thing that had hurt him last time, but you knew the weapons Bolt was using were anything but friendly.
“Go… destroy...” he urged you, though the following groan of pain made you hesitate.
Gulping, you looked helplessly between V, who was struggling back to his feet, and the doorway he had shown you. Just as he stumbled upright, both of your attention was snatched by a figure breaking through the flames.
They had an arm over their face, grimacing at the heat, but they lifted their weapon blindly anyway.
You dived to the floor, scurrying away from the round of bullets strewn about the space.
Before either of you could retaliate, a shot of gold pierced the purple veil, sending the attacker flying. As the shots ceased, you caught sight of a silhouette you recognised darting behind the column of fire.
“Go!” V shouted again.
Meeting his eyes, you steeled yourself with a breath. While you wanted to stay and help against those enemies trying to break through the fire to get to V, with Jungkook to contend with on the other side as well, they were surrounded.
Now it was up to you.
You had found yourself with your back against the very door you needed to go through. Spinning, you wrenched it open to be met with another descending staircase. The lights had gone out totally here, but there was no time to waste.
Plunging into the darkness with nothing but your own light to guide you, you felt the temperature drop. Your skin was clammy, sweat from the heat above now clinging icily to your face, but you weren’t hanging about.
Feet finally finding flat ground, you looked around urgently until you caught sight of a shape ahead.
It was a large box, black so it nearly blended in with the darkness. Scrabbling to get to the weapon within, you easily blasted aside the simple metal fastenings.
On opening it, bright light startled your eyes once more. A clear sphere filled with what looked like bolts of lightning formed the centre of the device. The surrounding parts containing it were white, clearly a prototype, and resembled a gun.
Already feeling your powers bubbling up, you didn’t hesitate to place your hands on the spherical centre. A tingle flew up your spine.
Refusing to let fear get to you now, even with the knowledge of what this thing could do, you continued to push until your powers spilled from your fingertips. Blue lightning skittered over the glass surface, caging the still writhing light within.
Glowing brighter and brighter as you expelled more power, you began to feel something. Like the time in training when Jungkook had connected your powers and you had felt his golden electricity – except this, this was cold.
The glass shattered between your hands, noise and light smothering your senses as you were thrown backwards.
Your back met concrete, your own gasps heavy in your ears.
The cold was still there.
Blinking rapidly, you grappled to hold onto your powers, keep them flowing. Squinting into the brightness surrounding you, you found a brilliant white light had sprung from the weapon’s casing, seemingly latched onto your own powers.
Fear jolted through you. The light, whatever its power, was pushing back, trying to devour your own.
You had been trained for this. But – and you would never repeat this – you longed for Jungkook in that moment. The safety of the training room, and the usual guarantee of coming out alive, had all fallen away.
It was just you. Alone.
But there was a fight raging above you, all for this thing. You had to do this: for Yoongi and Hobi who could be anywhere right now. Hurt, bleeding? For Jin and Namjoon, wanting to come out on top. Jimin, fighting for V who was penned into the parking lot defending you.
And for Jungkook.
You had been trained for this.
Adrenaline buzzing in your veins, you pushed yourself up from the floor, power swelling in your chest. Letting it out completely, it charged through your veins until it was spitting sparks in the air, jaws gnashing against the blazing white that threatened to devour it.
One foot forwards.
The white lightning squirmed, as if trying to shake you off. You never relented. Blue advanced steadily from your hands until it was all that could be seen.
Breaking point. You kept up the pressure, feeling the last bit of resistance from the weapon-
Upstairs, the fire V had lit was buffeted as if hit by a powerful gust of wind. Disturbed anew, blocks shifted in the rubble, pebbles raining to earth. The opponent Jungkook had been fighting was swept clean from their feet, his golden light harmlessly striking the wall behind the spot where they had just stood.
But as the enemy was forced to the floor, Jungkook’s attention was already elsewhere. Struggling to stay standing through the shockwave, he staggered back a few paces before he could turn towards the fire. The way you had gone.
The ground seemed to settle again, the blast leaving silence in its wake.
The first sound was his feet pounding on the floor. Striding right over the fighters lying on the ground, uncaring whether they were dead or alive, skirting around the fire they had been attempting to cross seconds ago.
None of Bolt’s pathetic followers attempted to stop Jungkook. They couldn’t deny the meaning of that explosion – the thing they were after was destroyed.
Normally, he might stay, try to stop them fleeing. As it was, he didn’t stand between them and their retreat, instead sprinting towards the source of the commotion.
V had kept his guard up, still eyeing the fire for movement with dark eyes. He caught Jungkook’s eyes as the younger stopped in front of him, eyes wide and panicked.
V turned.
Following his gaze, Jungkook found a doorway. Behind the open door was consuming darkness, still and silent.
You were in there.
His feet were moving again, steps turning to strides as he picked up speed, only to nearly trip over himself as he got closer.
You rushed up the stairway, catching yourself on the doorframe. Leaning against it, you panted for breath, but an exhilarated smile never left your features.
As your breathing calmed, you looked around into the car park. Eyes meeting Jungkook’s, you straightened up a little.
His mouth hung slightly agape. He had expected you to crawl from there bleeding, if the shockwave had been anything to go by. And for him to be the one that sent you down there-
“I did it!” you exclaimed.
Blinking rapidly, he clocked how long he must have been staring in shock.
Nodding, he hurriedly shuffled around in pretence of checking the area like V.
“Good. I almost didn’t think you were going to be any help.”
You had no time to decipher his comment before V cast a sharp gaze over the two of you. His usual silence had taken hold again, but Jungkook seemed to understand him.
“We need to move.”
Striding away purposefully, V left you two to scramble after him. Jungkook threw one more skittish glance at you, but quickly turned his eyes away to march after V.
The fire’s heat grew in intensity as you neared, smothering. V waved a hand and a gap opened up, the glaring purple giving way to pure darkness beyond. Hurrying through, you panted gratefully in the cool night air. Even among the rush of your battle downstairs, you felt a bit wobbly from the strain.
Leaving the fire blazing behind you without a care, your trio scaled the wreckage, this side of the building being the main victim of the destruction. The landslide of rubble sloped upwards, your path weaving between motionless figures, slumped in gaps between the debris.
V bent down to scoop up a gun, lifting it easily from a fallen opponent. Their hand fell uselessly back onto the rock.
Jungkook did the same, only he flung the weapons he collected back into the fire behind you. It spat as it guzzled them, but the sound grew fainter as you finally reached the street and hurried away over flat ground.
As the three of you sprinted through the night, the full extent of the battle was spread before you. Scattered around the burning building were pieces of wreckage, but you were sure they couldn’t have been flung that far if it wasn’t for human intervention in the destruction.
You were forced to leap over a large channel where the road had cracked, somehow.
Eerily still after the furore that had been raging only moments ago, your group’s footsteps rang loudly in your ears. Which is why the crunch that echoed through the wasteland stopped you in your tracks.
Whizzing around, you were instantly alert, feeling your powers stir.
But the air left your lungs, relieved by the blur of pink that was coming towards you.
Jimin tossed a mangled car to one side like it was nothing, only focussed on V. They collided, Jimin burying his head in V’s shoulder and desperately clutching him close.
It was only after pulling away that he registered your presence. His eyes flicked between you and Jungkook, a million questions forming in his eyes.
But he left them unsaid.
He started running again, hand clutched in V’s and leading him around the corner. Following, you drew further from the fiery glare in your wake. The shadows grew thicker, your path taking you off that road and further into the city maze.
Wailing met your ears, sirens announcing the likely arrival of authorities at the site of the fight – all too late to stop anything.
Though you were out of sight, you were only a few streets away. Enough to make you feel terribly exposed to the building clamour of sirens. A glance over your shoulder showed the distinct red and blue of emergency vehicles painting the dark sky.
Then you caught sight of something – someone – stepping forwards from the shadows.
Someone with silvery hair and eyes that glowed bright white.
You hadn’t really seen Yoongi use his powers. His eyes were truly striking, but he did little more than breathe and suddenly the world was plunged back into darkness. The colours disappeared from the sky, even the streetlights dying.
“Yoongi!” Jimin exclaimed, changing course to rush towards him, “you’re okay! What happened-?”
“We’re fine,” Yoongi spoke calmly, dazzling eyes scanning the road behind you, “just couldn’t get back- speaking of, where are we getting to now?”
As if summoned, a figure dropped from the now dark streetlamp. No one else could make a landing like that look so easy.
Yellow faded from Hope’s eyes as he faced you, grin splitting his face.
“Namjoon got to Jin alright, they’re on their way. Just saw them.”
Only the crunch of tyres gave away the car that swung around the corner. The headlights had been cut, whether by Yoongi or by Jin, driving, as a precaution. It blended with the shadows, sliding through them to stop smoothly in front of your group, assembled on the pavement.
It wasn’t until a door swung open and Namjoon stood from it that you remembered the fact you weren’t meant to be there.
This far, the adrenaline of the action had driven it from your mind. But the look Namjoon threw at you and Jungkook made reality come crashing back around you. Would he be angry? He was the one who had stood you down after all.
He breathed in evenly, gaze raking painstakingly over you…
“Get in.”
That was all he said, ducking back inside the car without another word.
As always, nothing could be read through his words. Sobered, you looked at the boys around you, waiting for them to pile into the car before you joined them.
Inside, you kept silent. Jimin and Tae were squished together in the back, Hope apparently cheerful beside them. By contrast, in the middle, Yoongi was staring intently out at the passing streets. His irises still glowed white, reflected in the darkened glass of the window. No trace of emergency lights, searchlights or even regular city lights found its way remotely near you.
This left you shoulder to shoulder with Jungkook, a frosty silence stretching between you.
With Yoongi doing his job so well, Jin guided the car silently back home. Namjoon’s calculating eyes scanned the lot of you through the rear mirror occasionally.
All you could do was try valiantly to ignore the firm press of Jungkook’s arm against yours. But it was impossible to drive him from your mind; in a way, this was familiar. His rigid frame, determinedly staring ahead. Anywhere but you.
Then why did it make you feel so small now?
You were well used to this kind of treatment from him, reciprocating it more often than not. So it was totally unfair how he could occupy your thoughts so relentlessly. All you had done was follow his orders. Rushed into battle together, yes. But you reminded yourself that he never wanted you there anyway. You were still just a hindrance to him.
Setting your jaw, you turned your gaze stoically out the window. A lone streetlight travelled past – you must be almost home if Yoongi felt it safe enough to let the light back in.
You had lost them well enough in the dark maze of the centre, and now you could throw them off your trail.
Through the reflections, you eyed the car packed with all of you. It felt right, with everyone there. Dimmed by the window glass, you saw Jimin’s arm slung around V’s shoulder, small smiles on everyone’s faces as he exchanged low jokes with Hobi.
Jin and Namjoon guided you home at the head of the vehicle. Namjoon’s glances were caring instead of cold, checking up on his fellow fighters.
This could have been different. Nerves remained about his decision, what your actions tonight would make him think. But you could rest knowing you had stepped in to help your new family, part of the reason you were all safely in this car now.
These events only bolstered what had been growing within you. These boys were your team.
Every single one.
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Thank you for reading!! Good news for those of you dying to hear what Namjoon will do now, remember the next chapter is going up on Wednesday 29th💜until then, let me know your thoughts down below���
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ghostfrog28 · 3 days
Yuurivoice Characters And Listeners As Incorrect Quotes!
I already did this with Escaped Audios (sort of, it was mostly DennysVerse) but for these, the way the listeners respond will mostly be based off of my OCs for them (which I will make posts about eventually) PS, this is mostly Boo and Alphonse lol
Alphonse: [Grabs Boo's ass while they're gettin groceries out of the car]
Boo: Excuse me thats my ass
Alphonse: That's our ass. We're married, bitch
Finn: If I were a gardener, I'd put our tulips together.
Sunflower: Aww, babe. That's so sweet.
Alphonse: If I were a gardener, you'd be my hoe.
Boo: ... thanks
Lucien: *stroking Angel’s hair* you're so tiny.
Angel: *sleepily* I could beat the shit out of you.
Lucien: *lovingly* | know.
Alphonse: *stroking Boo’s hair* you're so tiny.
Boo: *sleepily* I could beat the shit out of you.
Alphonse: *lovingly* | know.
(It’s funny cuz my OC for Boo is 6’0, meanwhile, my OC for Angel is 5’3)
Charlie: My boyfriend is too tall for me to kiss him on the lips. What should I do?
Boo: Punch him in the stomach. Then, when he doubles over in pain, kiss him.
Angel: Tackle him.
Star: Dump him.
Rook: Kick him in the shin.
(my Casper OC is 6’4 lol)
Boo, making chicken and dumpling soup, dropping a dumpling on the floor: This is sadder than the time I almost died in College
Alphonse or Seth, choking on his coffee: Excuse me?
(rewrote this one a little bit)
~~ ⚠️ Slight NSFW ⚠️
Boo: I can’t eat this, its far too hot
Alphonse: You're far too hot yet I still manage
Room: Um-
~~ ⚠️ NSFW Again ⚠️
Boo: oh fuck me
Seth: yes please
Boo: what?
Seth: what?
Alphonse from the other room: HE SAID YES PLEASE!
Alphonse: BOO! WHERE'S MY-
Sugarboo: By the door
Seth: Sugar! Do you know where the-
Sugarboo: In the kitchen
Charlie: Hey Sal (OC name), have you seen my stack of-
Sugarboo: On Seth's nightstand
Sugarboo: Independent my ass. You guys would fall apart without me
(Sal is my OC for Sugarboo)
~~ ⚠️ Slight NSFW ⚠️
Charlie: bro-
Casper: No, no, hold up, rewind.
Charlie: ...
Casper: My tongue was down your throat just a second ago, and now you're calling me bro??
~~ ⚠️you guessed it, NSFW ⚠️
Seth: What exactly do you think of me?
Sugarboo: Somewhere between "fuck you" and "I'd fuck you."
Alphonse: I don't think | can mansplain, manipulate, or malewife our way out of it this time.
Boo: *cracks knuckles* Manslaughter it is.
Alphonse: What- no!
Star: When Faust was born, the gods said, "He's too perfect for this world."
Auron: Please. When he was born, the devil said, "Oh, competition."
Boo: I don't need to go to bed. I'm not tired, I'll be fine.
Alphonse: But, darling, I'll be so lonely without you. Come curl up in my arms so l can feel whole again.
Boo: O-oh. Well... Wait. Are you trying to seduce me into healthy sleeping patterns??
Alphonse: Is it working?
(this one could be vise versa)
Alphonse, at some point: You speak RUSSIAN ?? Say something !!!
Boo: Ты самый красивый мужчина в мире, любовь моя (You're the most beautiful man in the world, my love.)
Alphonse: What does it mean ?
Boo: It means don't give me orders you fucking bastard
(Another little thing, my OC for Sugarboo is half Russian and half British)
Seth, after learning Sugarboo also speaks Russian: Does Sugar think in English or Russian?
Alphonse: Bold of you to assume Boo thinks.
Rook: Ugh, life can be difficult sometimes.
Sal (Sugarboo): But death, on the other hand...
Rook, squirting Sal with a water sprayer: No, Sal
Boo: I don't think Faust is very happy about you dating his brother.
Rook: What makes you say that?
Boo, reading a text aloud: Rachel (Rook). I hope this message finds you before I do.
That’s all for now! Hope you enjoyed!
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sassypantsjaxon · 19 hours
Okay, quick disclaimers: 1. I know some people don't like Horikoshi's worldbuilding, would say there's a lack of depth, etc, etc. I'm not one of those people, I just see it as my chance to overanalyze and fill in the gaps myself for these kind of headcanon/theory/whatever you want to call this post. 2. This post will briefly touch on my own personal headcanons of Mic being an orphan and Aizawa being a rich kid.
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Okay! all that being said, I'm just going to throw some things at the wall about my own thoughts/headcanons about the world Mic and Aizawa grew up in, and you guys can let me know if anything sticks.
You ever think about how All Might is around 25 years older than Mic and Aizawa?
Given that he left Japan as a teenager and went to college in America, he probably came back and started becoming the Symbol of Peace in Japan in his early-mid twenties.
Mic and Aizawa would have been part of the first generation of kids who have never known a world without All Might
Like. Think about that. They would have grown up in a world that is just beginning to recover from the horrors (as compared to the relatively deceptively safe society we see at the beginning of the series)
Hizashi grows up in an orphanage with a lot of older kids who were orphaned by villain attacks and...not so many kids younger than him. Which is good for them, but kind of lonely for a kid like Zashi
There's a wall around the orphanage that is supposed to be for protecting them, but as villain activity decreases, it just starts to feel like it's keeping the kids in
Hizashi becomes a hero because he knows nobody else is going to save him
Shouta grows up in a high security gated community
He's always wanted to be a hero, and he's always been told it's pointless, because All Might will have eradicated villainy by the time Shouta's an adult this is of course a lie
part of the tragedy of Oboro's death is that they've heard their whole lives how large scale villain attacks like that are a thing of the past
They would have had drills for what to do in case of villain attacks when they were little kids starting school. These would have slowly been phased out by the time they were in middle school
Another thing that's changed since they were kids is the architecture
No more burned down, bombed out buildings that just sit around because there's no point rebuilding something that will just be destroyed again in a few weeks. No more business that are still open, but the windows are boarded up because they can't afford to keep replacing the glass
No more graffitied walls and fences and gates. No more anti-villain spikes on top of buildings and around cities
And all of these things disappeared so slowly that it's like one day when they're in highschool, they just look around and realize they don't exist anymore and wonder where it all went and when it happened
There was probably a population boom as All Might started to cement his place as the Symbol of Peace. People realizing their kids would have a safer world to grow up in and they didn't have to fear dying every other minute
People moving out of the safety of the cities back into more rural areas
actually hang on. that would kind of explain the racism and bigotry we know exists in the rural regions
this was supposed to be more about mic and aizawa and now i'm just spitballing worldbuilding sorry.
Mic and Aizawa are kind of in this weird inbetween of the fourth generation of quirk users, who grew up fully in the horrors of quirk wars, and the fifth generation, who grew up in the era of All Might and it's all just the past to them
Because even though they didn't exactly live it themselves, they did still see the direct effects of it
And that's the horror of this new war, because their students had been living the peace Mic and Aizawa were promised as children
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cottonlemonade · 2 days
Hello darling💖💖💖 congratulations on your milestone🥰🥰
For the event: can i please have an iced tea from menu A, with matcha roll and purin? I am sitting next to Kita🙈
(you have single handedly revived the Kita brainrot)
have a lovely day love!
Tutoring You
word count: 917 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: Kita x chubby!Reader
genre: fluff
warnings: none
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A lazy late spring gust gently tugged at the pages of the books that covered the whole surface of the low square table. Papers filled with densely written notes lay here and there across and underneath your homework and the words in front of you turned to gibberish. Birds chirped and insects hummed loudly through the open sliding door of Kita’s home. But other than that and the occasional breeze making the little paper on the wind chime dangling from the awning flutter, it was quiet. You sighed.
“Is everythin’ alright?”
You jumped at the question and felt your cheeks turn pink.
A few days ago when you had finally worked up the courage to ask Kita for help studying and he had readily accepted your request, you quite literally skipped on your way home. Having had a crush on the class president since your very first day at school, you only admired him from afar and soaked up every bit of information floating around the corridors about the quiet third year captain. He was studious and hard-working, of course, but had a reputation of being cold and scary which you never agreed with. Most of your knowledge came from “horror stories” of your fellow second year Atsumu who never let an opportunity slide to tell you in great detail how only one look of his captain could make the blood freeze in his veins. You had only frowned at these comments and were desperate to see for yourself what Kita was like outside of school.
But somehow you had a much more romantic notion about studying together.
It was a lot more “sitting quietly and working” and less “laughing and stolen glances and accidental touches”.
And now you obviously weren’t as subtle in expressing your frustrations as you thought.
“I’m sorry.”, you said immediately, “I just don’t get this one. The formula worked up here in exercise 2, why doesn’t it work with this one?”
“Because they are two entirely different problems.”, Kita explained calmly.
Unable to stop yourself, you slumped over and buried your face in the workbook, letting out another groan that you didn’t even attempt to hide.
“We should take a break.”, Kita suggested, putting his pen down and taking yours from your fingers.
For a few moments he regarded you thoughtfully, then tapped his fist into his open palm, “I have an idea. Come on.”
He stood up and walked out to the porch, sitting down for a moment to put on his shoes, then turned, obviously waiting for you.
Scrambling to your feet you followed his example.
Pebbles crunched under the soles of your clean white sneakers as he led you around the back of the house to the garden that was mostly taken up by vegetable plots.
Kita took a pair of flowery gloves hanging from a fence post and held them out to you. Confused, you took them and watched as he grabbed a second, equally flowery pair from a chair that sat between a few tomato plants and put them on, crouching down and looking at you expectantly.
“W…hat are we doing?”
“Weedin’.”, he said as if it was obvious and began pulling delicate little green things out of the soil at his feet.
“Because whenever I’m stuck there is nothing like a bit of manual labor to clear my head. Come on, try it.”
You rolled up the sleeves of your school uniform and slipped into the gloves. They felt as rough on the inside as they looked on the outside.
Careful not to step on any greens you joined him and bent down to copy his movements.
“Oh no, don’t do that.”, he remarked immediately.
“But you just told me-”
“No no, I mean, don’t bend down like this, ya’ll hurt yer back in no time. Try crouching like so.”
You swayed a bit as you did, the pose feeling unnatural and unsteady. But he nodded approvingly and quite frankly, that was all you needed. You began pulling little sprouts here and there, amazed by how fast he worked.
“Be sure to not use too much force at once or the roots will stay in the ground and the weed will just regrow.”
You nodded, tongue sticking out between your lips in concentration.
Wanting to impress him, you grabbed a particularly large weed in front of you and pulled. It resisted, so you added your second hand and pulled again, wiggling a bit from side to side.
It finally came free but you also plopped down on your chubby butt next to a tomato plant, holding the thick white stem out to him.
“That was a nasty one.”, you announced proudly, hoping for more praise.
Kita turned and blinked, “That’s a spring onion.”
“Oh my god, I am so sorry!” You quickly stuffed it back into the earth, covering it with dirt. It stood for a second, then slanted over, the root coming back out of the loose soil.
He stared, then his shoulders shook and then he broke out into laughter. You had never heard him laugh before and the melodious sound sent a pleasant shiver through your body. Although at the same time you wished you could burrow yourself into the earth and never come out again.
“Yer quite the city girl, aren’t ya?”
He was still chuckling when he grabbed the spring onion and placed it next to him. “Don’t worry. I can use that later when I make dinner for us.”
a/n: hey sweet pea, thank you so the kind words and I proudly wear that “giving you Kita brainrot” badge. I hope you like this one 😉
for requests see here
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narrans · 2 days
My Borrowed Son | 24 | A Waking Nightmare
Chapter Twenty-Four | A Waking Nightmare
Parker couldn’t believe how awesome this new place was. There were so many big spaces and new areas to explore. No longer was the kitchen connected to the living room which was connected to the dining room. The bedrooms were upstairs instead of on the same floor as all the others.
There was a separate spot for Parker’s mom to have an office instead of her having to use part of the living room or her office. There were carpeted parts of the house as well as tile and hard wood. There were two whole bathrooms and even a balcony that overlooked a back yard.
All of this was new and amazing for Parker.
Sure, he still had his space that he would be staying in, but Parker was already making plans to make some transportation structures for easy access from his room to the kitchen and bathroom.
One of those things included an elevator that he would get put into the wall. It would be a simple cut out from the floor to part of the wall in the kitchen. The actual mechanism would be inside of the wall.
Parker knew his mom was probably going to have some objections to it overall just because she probably didn’t want holes cut into their new home and Parker would be designing the pulley system himself. Still, he was confident that he could persuade her if he pointed out he would be climbing the stairs manually.
She didn’t like when he climbed too high.
It was an open and shut case.
So, as Parker helped unload all of the various cables and started setting up his area, he began scouting the floorboards and the rooms for the best place for him to put some of the contraptions he wanted to include in the home.
As he did, there was an odd feeling in the air that he couldn’t quite place. It was like the same sensation he got right before his mom entered the room or the sensation that overwhelmed his mind when he woke up from his reoccurring nightmare, which was happening more frequently recently.
It was the same dream every time, though some of the details changed from time to time.
The dark clouds. Some kind of boat. Someone calling to him as he was suddenly dragged under the waves. Not being able to breathe. Fear. Cold. Darkness.
Just the thought petrified the young teen.
Parker had to remind himself it was just a dream. He had actually posted about the dream a few times on his blog and a few people suggested it might be more of a memory than a nightmare, but Parker couldn’t remember anything like that in his lifetime. He did have to acknowledge the fact that some studies he read up on about dreams said that dreams couldn’t pull from information a person didn’t already have.
It was weird, and the more he thought about it the more it made Parker’s head hurt. Putting the dream aside, there was something about this house that set Parker’s senses on edge. It almost felt alive. Every time he approached the walls while hooking up his cables, Parker felt like a magnet drawn to steel.
Perhaps it was just his adventures that one night into the walls that compelled him to venture into the walls again. Perhaps it was just natural curiosity that drew him to explore what was unknown. Or, as another crazy thought, perhaps Parker wanted to compare the walls of his old home to his new home to see what differences there were.
He remembered the interior walls next to the drywall being unusually tidy and the little sketch mark still had no official translation. Were there marks like that in this house too?
Parker kind of wanted to know.
But did he really?
Conflicted, Parker continued hooking up all of his wires until, finally, his space was fully operational. Other than the water, which his mom hooked up after he informed her everything else was in place, all Parker had to do was help organize the drawers and chat with his mom.
They talked about everything while they worked. School. Future study plans now that midterms were over, and Parker would have to start thinking about what he wanted to study in the spring semester. They also talked about Lyn and how she was doing.
It made Parker just the slightest bit uncomfortable that they were talking about her simply because his body started doing funny things when he thought about his female classmate. Sure, she was a couple years older than him, their group of friends celebrating her sixteenth birthday just last week, but there was something about her that made Parker feel warm and tingly, excited and nervous, confident and seen.
It wasn’t until the movers came with all of the other furniture that Parker noticed his mom act a little strangely. She quickly ushered him up to his room and told him that she didn’t want him to get hurt.
“I’ll be okay, mom,” ensured Parker. “I’ll be on the counters and on the windowsill. They won’t hurt me. They’re not kids.”
“Parker, I would rather you not be out and about while they’re bringing everything in. There’s going to be so much movement and things swinging around and possibly falling. I would just feel better if you just took a break and relaxed in your room. Don’t worry. You’ll be able to help put everything when you want it when they’re done,” countered his mom.
Parker wanted to continue the discussion but ended up complying with his mom and retreating back to his room. There was something in her tone that sounded panicked and uneasy. It was like she didn’t want him to be seen and didn’t want him to talk to the movers.
That’s weird. I know she’s protective, but I thought it would be different now. I’m older. I’m almost fifteen. I can look after myself. I’m careful.
Parker huffed a huge sigh and flopped down on his bed where he found himself daydreaming about meeting Lyn for the first time. He thought about what she would say about his height, which he already had some lines for, or so he thought. He imagined what it would be like to hug her. He even dared to think about what it would be like to kiss her.
This brought about a whole range of emotions that made Parker squirm uncomfortably. He wasn’t sure where that thought came from, but he quickly shook himself out of his fantasy and turned his attention to his books and finishing setting up his room.
It was hours later when the sound of thumping and talking voices finally subsided. There were a few times when the voices sounded close to Parker’s door, but no one entered his room. In fact, Parker felt his hair stand on end and he actually retreated further into his space when he heard the voices.
It was another weird sensation of wanting to talk to new people and meet them but also wanting to retreat and hide away.
It made his head hurt, but he didn’t spend time dwelling on it. Too much time had already been dedicated to it in the past, and Parker didn’t find any use thinking about stuff he couldn’t solve. There were too many other books and subjects for him to learn about anyway.
Parker eventually emerged from his room, actually soldier crawling under the door to get out of his bedroom and climbed down the stairs. He wasn’t sure where the idea came from, but he snagged a few thumb tacks and taped them to his shoes and the used the carpet fibers as solid handholds as he climbed down each individual step.
The young teen was rather pleased with himself by the time he made it down to the bottom step and carefully took off his shoes before walking into the kitchen where he saw his mom unpacking plates and bowls.
“Hey mom,” Parker called. She stopped moving immediately and scanned the floor for Parker, smiling when she found him.
“Hey there, sweetheart. Were you calling for me? I’m sorry. I just thought I’d put these things away really quick before coming up to see what you wanted to eat for dinner,” said his mom as she knelt and extended her hand.
“No worries. I just got down here,” said Parker. Amanda glanced down at her child as she lifted him onto the counter.
“How did you get down here?” the thought that entered her mind changed Amanda’s expression to one of worry and disbelief. “You didn’t climb down them, did you?”
Parker sat quietly and averted his gaze bashfully. There was no denying what he had done, so he decided now was as good of a time as any to bring up his idea about the elevator.
“Um… well… I did have to climb, but I was really careful!” Parker insisted. His mom gave him another worried look and shook her head. “No! I really was! I used some thumb tacks on my shoes and made sure I had a tight grip on the carpet before coming down. Which! I actually had an idea for. Since I’m on the top floor and my room is across from the kitchen, I could implement my elevator idea.”
“I know you’re worried about the idea, so I decided to draw up the plans and try it out on the desk. All I need to do is build it and then you’ll have a chance to see that it’s a solid design,” insisted Parker. Amanda sighed heavily as she set her hand onto the counter. Parker could see his mom would need far more convincing. The reluctance was tangible.
So instead of pressing the issue, he decided to start dragging away the paper and stuffing that was in between the dishes while he listened to yet another safety spiel his mom had rehearsed. It was a conversation he had dozens of times before, especially when it came to him climbing and experimentally inventing contraptions. She was usually very supportive of everything else except for the two specific topics of certain climbing inventions and visiting friends in person.
Honestly, he tuned out most of what his mom had to say simply because he had heard it so many times before. Parker instead diligently worked and nodded, agreeing mindlessly. He would have continued to do so except something caught his attention that made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.
Just for a moment, the teenage boy could have sworn that he saw the electrical cover on the other side of the counter move on its own. It didn’t shift down as if falling. It shifted up – as if being shifted back into place.
He shook his head as his heart skipped a few beats. He felt like he was on pins and needles. Everything felt electrified in his body. His head swirled uncomfortably as if he was about to pass out, which Parker had never done before.
“Parker? Parker?” His mom’s voice shook him out of his temporary stupor. “Is everything okay? You look a bit pale.”
Parker looked over at his mom and then back to the electrical cover.
“I… sorry. I thought I saw the electric cover move,” Parker said in a daze. There was immediately a look of concern on her face as she looked over at the island behind her. Before Parker could say anything, his mom walked over and jiggled the cover. Sure enough, it was a bit loose and actually came off.
“Well, that’s not good,” she muttered. “I’ll have to screw that in tighter.” There was something about seeing that electrical cover open that drew Parker to it once more. Though the island was a place he definitely couldn’t reach, Parker suddenly found himself on the edge of the counter looking down at the sheer drop beneath him. The sensation was thrilling and terrifying as he looked down at the vertigo inducing distance.
“Anyway, what do you want to have for dinner? You get to pick,” said his mom as she snapped the cover back into place and turned to face him.
“Um… Chinese? It’s been a while since we’ve had it,” suggested Parker.
“Wonderful. I’ll go ahead and order it. And to watch after dinner?”
Parker decided he wanted to watch The Matrix. It was a bit of an adult movie, but he had been allowed to see it before while his mother censored some of the “naughty” bits. The concepts of defining what was and wasn’t real while also delving into the technology that existed in the world was fascinating to him.
Parker thought it might be fun to get into computer programming simply because he wanted to be able to write code and maybe create mods for the games he enjoyed playing. Lyn evidently knew a little bit about programming and mod creation, and Parker was more than eager to pick her brain about it.
The thought of what made the electrical cover shift slowly faded in the teen’s mind as his mother occupied him with other chores and preparing for dinner. The movie and the food were both phenomenal, but during both Parker couldn’t shake the feeling that he was being watched. Something kept drawing his eyes upward toward the trim at the ceiling or by the other electrical covers around the room.
There was something that felt alive about this house, and Parker didn’t like it. When it came time for bed, Parker actually brought it up to his mom.
“Do… you feel weird in the house? Like… are you getting a weird feeling?” asked Parker as his mom came in to wish him a good night. Amanda had been getting a weird feeling, but it wasn’t until Parker said something that she fully elected to acknowledge the sensations around her.
“Well, a little, but I think that’s normal. This is a new house. Maybe we’re just not used to it yet,” suggested his mom. Parker sighed and nodded as he tugged at the hair on the back of his neck and rubbed just beneath his hairline. “Do you feel uncomfortable? Like you don’t want to be alone?”
“Maybe,” he muttered. Amanda, seeing her son’s discomfort, had an idea.
“Here. One second.” She went down to the living room and retrieved the old baby monitor that she and Parker used. It was something she hadn’t used in years, but it certainly aided her when she couldn’t be near Parker. When she brought it up, Parker recognized the contraption immediately.
“The baby monitor? Mom, I’m not a baby,” grumbled Parker as his cheeks warmed with embarrassment.
“I know you’re not, but the radio still works. If you need anything, you can just shout, and I’ll hear it in the other room. Just for now until the feeling goes away. Sound good?” asked Amanda. Parker considered the electronic device for a minute before deciding to relent. It was a good idea, and it was more of a radio than anything else.
The teen agreed reluctantly, and Amanda quickly set it up in the hallway just outside of his room for relative privacy’s sake. Then, with a kiss, Amanda wished her son the best dreams and went off to bed herself.
Parker curled up into bed and stared at the ceiling for what felt like hours before feeling an inkling of being tired. There was something about this place that made him uneasy. Perhaps it was just the relative unease of moving to a new home. It was the first time he had moved before after all.
It was these thoughts that Parker eventually fell asleep to.
Sadly, his dreams were not the best or the sweetest one he was asleep.
The nightmare appeared once again, but there was more to it than last time.
Parker could feel the chilling rain surrounding him. Someone’s arms were wrapped around him and telling him that they were going to be okay. Walls of water surrounded him, and he clung to the person tightly. He couldn’t describe it, but he trusted whoever it was that held him with all of his heart.
Another wall of water crashed over him. The darkness of the sky lit up just in time for him to look into the faceless features of the person who held onto him so tightly. All at once, he was dragged away, swallowed by the wave of water and spat out in the mud and leaves.
He turned in time to see the person being held back as they too were dragged under the waves of endless water surrounding him. Someone called out something to him that he couldn’t hear.
Primal terror.
Parker clutched something to his chest as the dark shadows surrounded him. He whimpered and tried to get away, but one shadow emerged and grabbed him. He threw out his arms and tried to push it away, but immediately Parker knew something was off.
For one, he registered that his hands made contact with something. Times before in his dreams, there was never resistance.
Most unnervingly was the fact something – someone – said his name.
“Parker? Shush and wake up!”
Wake up? What on ea-…
Parker opened his eyes and, to his horror, spotted a shadowy figure looming over him. From the sound of the voice, it was a girl speaking to him. For a second, Parker thought this was still part of the dream.
Vision sharpening instantly and sleep banished from his eyes, Parker pulled his legs free from his blankets and kicked, launching the figure across the room. She grunted in pain and gasped for air with the wind knocked out of her. Parker was on his feet in an instant and practically threw himself at his touch lamp, smacking it unnecessarily hard as the room illuminated.
There, standing up with difficulty, was a teen about the same age as him, possibly younger. Her hair was dark brown, and her eyes were basically black. She had mismatch pieces of fabric for clothing as well as a collection of weird contraptions at her hips. Her hair was in a low ponytail, which only kept her hip length hair out of her face. She forced herself to her feet and gasped for air again as she glared at him.
“You kicked me!” she hissed accusatorily. “Whatever. Come on! We have to go! Now!”
Parker knew two things.
One, he was drenched from his nightmare.
There was no way this was a dream. The way his heart pounded and the sensation of landing not one but two solid blows on the girl. His entire body trembled violently, and nausea immediately punched him in the gut.
What was this?
What was going on?
Panicked at seeing this stranger, let alone one his size, standing right there in front of him triggered an instinctual response that Parker couldn’t begin to understand.
He started to shout.
“M-mom! Mom! There’s someone here! Someone’s in the house!”
He wasn’t sure why he started shouting. Perhaps it was the instinctual fear and the involuntary need to be saved, but his body acted on its own as he called out to his mom.
The girl’s eyes widened, and she shied away immediately, retreating into the shadows of the next room.
“Dude! Shut up!” she hissed. “The human will hear you!”
“H-human? What?” Parker asked. His head swirled again and he staggered to the wall, leaning heavily against it. He gasped several times for air that left his lungs unsatisfied as his vision by the girl blurred.
“Are you coming or not!?” The girl didn’t wait for more than two seconds before turning on her heel and running toward the stairs. The sound of her retreating footsteps summoned Parker’s attention, and he chased after her.
“Wait! What? Where are you going?” Parker shouted. The girl stopped on the stairs and glared at him.
“Stop shouting, you moron!” she chastised as she continued running. Parker’s mind was running wild, but he spotted the baby monitor and did the only thing he could think to do. His mom couldn’t hear him here, but she could with the monitor.
He darted forward and threw his weight into the button and shouted as loud as he could.
“Mom! Mom! Come here! Quick! There’s someone in the house!”
He heard the girl curse as she left his house. Parker barely made it to the window in time to see her give one more fateful glance upward toward him, briefly making eye-contact, before vanishing off of the side of the desk.
Moments later, Parker heard his mother’s footsteps thundering through the hall and into his room.
“Parker? Parker!” she called as she rushed over to the desk, practically ripping the hinges as she threw the door open to look into Parker’s space. Parker shakily staggered toward his mom, mindlessly pointing toward the backside of the desk.
“Mom! There… th-there… there was a girl! There was a girl here in my room! She… sh-she… she was… l-like me. She was little like me!” Parker ran his fingers through his hair as he staggered toward his mom’s open hands. He was heaving in breath after breath, choking back the urge to vomit.
“Is there anyone else here, Parker?” asked his mom as she looked wildly around the room and back over her shoulder toward the stairs leading downstairs.
“W-what? No. I… I don’t think so. B-but mom. Sh-she was my size. She…” Parker let himself fall into his mom’s hands as he tried to calm his breathing. Everything hurt, especially his head.
Amanda, seeing Parker in such a state, looked at the state of his clothes and glanced around his space. Nothing looked disturbed or different. Parker was drenched from head to toe. She had to wonder if he actually saw someone or if it was just a bad dream.
“Parker, are you sure you saw someone? Are you sure it wasn’t a nightmare?” asked Amanda.
“No! Mom! Check by the desk legs! I know what I saw!” shouted Parker. Amanda did as he instructed and looked at the legs of the desk and the electrical covers nearby.
Nothing looked out of place.
Was it just a dream?
Could it have been a dream?
Honestly, what were the chances of there being a small girl living here in the house with them?
Then again, Parker existed, so couldn’t someone else?
What were they doing here?
Were they here for Parker?
Why? Why would they be?
And, Heaven forbid, what if they tried to talk to Parker before she could?
She didn’t want to distress Parker further and decided to compromise for the time being.
“Parker, I don’t know how much searching we can do here in the dark. Come to my room and get some rest. We’ll take a thorough look around in the morning,” said Amanda. Parker, still visibly shaking, looked back at his space. Doubt began to fill his mind.
Did he see what he saw?
Was it a part of his imagination?
No… it couldn’t have been….
And there was something else too…
There was something in his mom’s tone that made Parker the slightest bit uneasy. Did she believe him? And, if she did, why wasn’t she doing something about it now? Was she trying to dissuade him from looking? Was she trying to hide something from him?  
Head throbbing, Parker tentatively agreed to stay with his mom for the evening. He wanted to sleep without the threat of waking again; but he wouldn’t forget this sensation.
He needed to do some of his own investigating tomorrow first thing when he got the chance.
Tomorrow… he would try and find his own answers.
Continue | Coming Soon
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misty--nights · 9 hours
I'm working on another Dead Boy Detectives fic rather than work on my actual college stuff and it's got me thinking bout Niko and luck. Spoilers for the whole show, of course.
I find it fascinating how Niko keeps stumbling upon all these situations that seem like they have nothing to do with anything, only for her to find the key to whatever problem they encounter next in said random situation. It's a pretty consistent, too, that she seems to walk a line between bad and good luck. Like something bad will happen to her, only for that to be immediately offset by something really good that she found by chance. It's honestly kind of wild at times.
So, when we first meet Niko, she's being possessed by parasites that want to explode her, which doesn't seem very lucky. Except, that somehow the girl who moves across the girl just so happens to be with a couple of ghosts who can save her. Just in the nick of time, too. And at first that doesn't seem like that big of a deal. It's what the boys do, right? It makes sense they saved her just in time because that's what they do, and that's the kind of show this is. But this bad luck / good luck thing keeps happening to her until the end of the show.
In episode 4, she goes with the gang to the lighthouse and goes off on her own to talk to the gift shop lady. She doesn't find what it is that is drowning the people, but she does find information about the Washer Woman and about Lilith, which at the time seems to her and the others like just random information. She then goes to find the red sea glass and gifts it to Edwin on a whim, without knowing what it can do for them. She just finds it, like it's nothing, when later we see Tragic Mick spend so much time by the shore looking for one, and we see how hard it is. And I know they say in the show that only those who really need her can find the Washer Woman, but out of all four of them, Niko doesn't seem to be the one who needs the Washer Woman the most, as we see when Crystal is the one who receives a personalized riddle thing. Which, again, is something that will be super important later and Crystal gains that knowledge thanks to Niko just stumbling upon the key to finding the Washer Woman on accident.
Then, in episode 5, she just happens to stumble upon Jenny's secret admirer and manage to set up a date with them. Now, I know. I know Maxine is actually a stalker that ends up trying to kill Jenny, bad luck. Except nothing really happens to her there? @carpediemma has a post where she says that the floor was most likely dirty because she promised Jenny to clean the floors for a month if the date went wrong and Jenny was sort of banking on it being bad. With Niko's track record with luck, I think that is very possible. Again, bad luck / good luck situation. The date she sets up is ruined because Maxine tries to kill Jenny, but because she made the bet and Jenny fully believed the date wouldn't work, Maxine slips and fall.
Episode 6 might be a bit of a stretch. Technically, it's Crystal's decision to go to Tragic Mick's in search for some way to get rid of David, but it's thanks to Niko that she actually gets the heart gem thingy. So, bad luck there, because the gem takes away all of Crystal's powers. However, and this links back to episode 4 again, it's thanks to her finding the sea glass that eventually Crystal has the way to start discovering her real abilities.
In episode 7 she stays with the Night Nurse while Charles goes to hell and Crystal goes to find David. She starts reading the Night Nurse's book as a way to find something about her dad. Nothing she finds there would be useful for contacting, seeing or bringin him back. However, she does manage to stumble upon the exact passage she needed to buy Edwin and Charles some time after they get back from hell. And yes, maybe you could say that she read the whole book during the time Charles was gone, but I doubt it. We don't know how long exactly it takes Charles to find Edwin and return, but we do know it can't be that long, because the Night Nurse keeps insisting she can't keep the doorway open for long. I think at most he would have been gone 40 minutes, and that's me being generous. It's enough time for Crystal to confront David and come back. In any case, I don't think it's enough for her to carefully read the whole book front to back, no matter how good her reading comprehension is, specially if she was looking for something specific, like something about where her dad ended up in. I think it's more likely that she just found the page with the loophole she would need by chance, read it, filed it in her memory for a "just in case" and continued looking for what she wanted.
Finally, in episode 8, we have the whole Lilith thing that was set up in episode 4. She finds about her and files it as an irrelevant detail, until she hears Tragic Mick talk about Esther's deal and tells Crystal how she can contact Lilith, which ends up saving Crystal and the boys at the final confrontation. Besides that, though, there's the whole bear figure that Tragic Mick gives her and the explosion at Jenny's shop. In the explosion, Esther takes Charles and Edwin (bad), but neither her nor Jenny, the two living people in the shop at the time, are really injured in the commotion (good.)
And then the bear thing. In episode 7, she hears his story and tells him how they found the Washer Woman, and he can't find a piece of red sea glass of his own. Even though he is really desperate for a way to find her. (which, again, it's odd Niko is the one to find the Washer Woman when she wasn't that in need for the Washer Woman's assistance. The whole group was, but it was Niko who found her, but anyways). He gifts her the bear figure as a way to thank her for trying to help and they move on from that. And she accepts it and goes to Esther's place with Crystal, convinced of the protection of the bear, and then dies to save Crystal. Except she doesn't really? She's fine at the end, in some sort of frozen land, with Litty and Kingham, and by the way she holds the bear figure, it's implied that's what sort of saved her, even if she is no longer tied to the mortal plane.
I don't know, there was no real point behind this, just something I've been thinking about for a while. I think if someone has a shot at helping Tragic Mick return to sea, it's her, because she just has the luck to find solutions she wasn't even looking for. And I'm convinced if she ever makes it back to Port Townsend, that's just what she would do. On accident, but still. That's just the kind of character she is to me.
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tartsinarat · 2 days
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So here’s post-canon Pip, he’s edgier than ever before/hj and is around 20-ish here.
So tbh he’s not having the best time of his life at this point…. But at least he’s got a cool giant anime sword tho and looks like he’s about to punch Dracula in the face :P (I was watching Castlevania while drawing him and it’s influenced his first outfits ngl)
I did a second outfit with goggles because I thought that would look cute and also functional due to him flying about all the time but it’s meh to the first one so it’s not the one I’m going to go with
Also poor guy is mentally hanging on by a thread and has decided therapy is overrated so instead he’s become the demon realm’s version of Indiana Jones who has a real death wish and an extremely unhealthy obsession with trying to remove his curse as well as finding its origins.
The reason why his hair is so short when he hates it styled like that, is because he realised that the double combo of his hair greying because of the curse and it being long makes him look like Belos. Originally he had it much shorter (crew cut) but he hasn’t had the time or energy to go get it cut again.
He’s at this point almost semi non-contact with everyone he knows but hides it under the guise that he’s extremely busy with work which is handy because he’s always out looking in different islands and is rarely in the boiling isles so it’s a pretty good excuse.
But he does try to keep as much contact as he can with Luz, Eda and King and when he visits he always first goes to show King any artefacts he finds that are related to titans and lets him pick first dibs of anything he wants before giving them later to Lilith and then immediately dipping out to avoid being seen but before that he likes sneaking Eda any cool jewellery she might like that he found on his adventures as well as meeting Luz to give an quick update on each other’s lives.
There’s another reason he generally avoids being seen/ even being in the boiling isles as him even being allowed in the boiling isles is a huge constant debate and controversy due to conspiracies and people’s fears of the empire being established again as well as Pip in general (this is due to the belief that he was the one who started the day of unity/ draining spell as Pip was there in person but brainwashed while Belos was actually preparing it by the portal instead of being physically there…) so uh he’s pretty much hated by the whole community despite Luz and the gang’s attempts to get everyone to believe the real story :(
Also not so fun fact, Pip refuses to be around and avoids Hunter to an extreme extent due to season 3 events :( (but it’s because of pure guilt as he doesn’t want Hunter to have to be around or face the person who caused Flapjack’s death… even if he was possessed) Hunter doesn’t even blame him or anything and really misses his brother but he respects Pip’s boundaries.
Didn’t want to leave this on such a sad note as it kinda sucks to make such a depressing post but Pip does manage to eventually be in a wayyyy better place mentally but I can’t say how or whennnn because it’s to do with the post canon comic I’m planning which is my focus rn because I’m having fun writing for it so far :p
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mamuzzy · 2 days
I've got a couple of response from @mysticaltora8276 and I decided that Ilippi's and Kal's relationship deserves another round to talk about because that's what the original post was about.
What you will find here now: - Dissecting Kal's and Ilippi's relationship even more but now with quotes from the books. - Me confirming the existing misogyny integrated into Karen Traviss' mando lore (I never doubted. I just wanted to find my own answers in this debate instead of choosing existing sides). - No. I still don't hate Kal. You can still love a character while not agreeing with their actions.
More under the cut.
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One of my interesting observation about the antis and "critical thinkers" that while they think they are protecting the women of Repcomm with claw and blood, they are the ones who write them off as "cardboard characters with no soul and own will".
Starting from Ilippy. I thought I emphasised enough how badass was for her to divorce from Kal when she felt she can't adjust to this lifestyle, and wanted to protect her children from the warrior's life.
And it suddenly clicked.
Holy shit, it's 2024. Divorcing from your husband is not a big deal anymore!!!! CAN YOU ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS??? O_____O
(this wasn't a sarcasm.)
Today, divorcing from your husband when you are abused, or neglected, you fear for your children, or bored or you realize after years of marriage that you just don't click is totally a normal thing today and doesn't come with social stigma anymore (in better places). You can even get an official distancing-order.
But people often forget that it wasn't always like this. And remember when these books were written. Hard Contact came out in 2004.
I can't talk about other countries, only the post-soviet ones, but in the 80's-90's, it was still considered shameful for women to initiate divorce from their husband, no matter whether she was treated bad, the whole neighbourhood knew she was treated bad, relatives very much aware that the wife was treated bad. They blamed women for not putting up the whims of the husband. Blamed by women and men as well.
Hungarian poetry is actually full of ballads, how the wives were forced to kill their husbands to save themselves from abusive relationships or forced marriage because divorce wasn't an option: it was, but then you were shamed by your whole community. Shamed by women and men as well.
One of the other thing, that really changed is the time when you get married. Today is also considered normal to marry and have a kid at age 30+, while couples of from my parents generation usually married at age 18-19. And Kal and Ilippi also married rather young, which is also the part of Karen Traviss's mandalorian culture, but can be a mirror about old generational couples of real life.
I looked up the definition of misogyny (my own experience is one thing but I'm not going to traumadump here):
Misogyny (/mɪˈsɒdʒɪni/) is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy. An example of misogyny is violence against women, which includes domestic violence and, in its most extreme forms, misogynist terrorism and femicide. Misogyny also often operates through sexual harassment, coercion, and psychological techniques aimed at controlling women, and by legally or socially excluding women from full citizenship. In some cases, misogyny rewards women for accepting an inferior status. (From wikipedia)
In this definition, IN OUR HUMAN EARTHLING STANDARDS keeping Ilippi in lower social status as a wife in a secluded place where she was expected to raise their children and wait for her husband without any other option (they lived in the middle of nowhere, no neighbours, no cities around for her to spend time or work or getting friends), yes, it is misogyny.
Only Ilippi had options: embracing the mandalorian culture and became a warriorwife, asking Kal to teach her, maybe joining him later.
ASSUMPTION HERE: I don't think Kal really knew how to handle a non-mando girl. I don't think they really talked about their future as a mando couple. Ilippi worked as a waitress and probably at that time it was a good idea to be a wife of a mercenary. Two young people met, fell in love, and later they realized, their expectations hadn't met. I don't think Ilippi was really interested becoming a fighterwife just as Kal wasn't interested leaving the mercenary life and his own culture behind. But also: here is the confimation of mando couples marrying young from Order 66. But also that Ilippi first found Kal and his profession attractive in her eyes.
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Their serious arguments started when the possibility came up that Kal wanted to bring the children along with him.
This is a snippet from True Colors when they talk about the responsibilties of a mandowife.
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Ordo is making a (rather sexist) joke, so how reilable this information can be is very much debatable. If he says it's nothing hard for a jedi, than it is probably very hard and tiresome for a civilian like Ilippi.
SPECULATION: I can imagine that sometimes Mandowife gets up, now it's her turn to go out and make some money and the husband stays home with the children. -> But because the conversation above it can be interpreted many ways, it's hard to say what exactly was their duty.
Before you kill me for using mandowife here mandoWIFE there instead of riduur...
One of my problem with Karen Traviss' Mandalorian lore, that the whole culture and social expectations were supposed to be completely gender neutral. Can you handle yourself as a warrior? You are a mando. That's it. But here, there are inbuilt gender expectations and roles. -> By the definition of the misogyny above, this is one, because mandalorian women are still bound by the stereotypes of the patriarchal role of a women in a heteronormative family.
Ok, back to Ilippi.
Now this is the first scene Ilippi first mentioned in Triple Zero. I fail to see how she was treated bad by the narrative or Kal or Jango.
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Ilippi decided this life is not for her. Ilippi didn't wanted the mandalorian life for her and for their children. She didn't want to assimiliate. She realized these people are wackos and she has to get out as soon as possible before Kal really take their children to war. And she did.
This is how their divorce went (Order 66)
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Ilippi was never deprived from choices. She literally took the kids when Kal was away and Kal returned to an empty home. If she was really held in lower social status, and her rights and feelings weren't respected at all, Kal could have go and forced her to come back without her consent. Or simply do honor-killing like many cultures and religions do in real life where misogyny isn't just making sexist jokes (like the Ordo conversation), but the whole family will actually hunt you down for leaving your husband.
Kal respected this choice. Does he deserve a praise for it? Probably not. This is how it should be: respecting others.
But also this confirms that Kal never stopped supporting financially his family.
And lastly I wanted to add this one because I really loved this conversation:
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Kamino was the point were Kal actually cut himself from his family entirely. Not before. Kal had a chance to reconnect with his biological children when he got the news from Jango (though it's debatable, my speculation is that Kal would have been killed if he had left Kamino before the contract's end). He choose the Nulls and the commandos under his care.
But this is also interesting that in the Mando culture when your wife is divorcing from you, you, the husband are to blame: a switched-mirror to the formerly mentioned real life example of how divorcing from your husband is shameful as a woman. If you fail as a parent, as a husband, you fail as a human being.
ABOUT THE CHILD SOLDIER DEBATE: if you need the author to spoonfeed you with the narrative that explicitly condems the existence of childsoldiers, the problem is not with the media, the problem is with you.
IN CONCLUSION: Ilippy is still a fucking badass. Kal loved his family. Kal respected Ilippy and her choice. Real life misogyny integrated into the mando culture spotted which is - obviously - affected Kal too.
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HOOOOooooooOOOooOoooOoly shit, that was a ride. Because I partially touched to topic about his sons, I think my next post will be about Tor, Ijaat and Ruusaan.
If you actually read through all this blurb, in one hand KUDOS TO YOU, on the other hand, you can expect something like this from me when I actually start to my blogging about the books.
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vulpinmusings · 1 day
My speculations on Indigo Park
I'm putting this post under a read-more in case it finds someone who hasn't played Indigo Park yet and wants to experience it blind.
(BTW, it's free and takes about an hour to finish so just go play it. The horror value's kinda tame overall, but trigger warning for blood splatter at the end.)
Why Rambley doesn't recognize Ed/the Player: The collectables notes make it obvious that our Character, Ed, used to be a regular guest at Indigo Park as a kid. Yet, when Rambley goes to register them at the beginning he says he doesn't recognize Ed's face. I've seen speculation that this might be due either to Ed's age or the facial data database being wiped or corrupted after the park's closure. However, I think there's another possibility.
The Rambley AI Guide was a relatively new addition to the Park. Indigo Park is essentially Disneyland; it's been around for a long time and I rather doubt that the technology for a sentient AI park guide was available on opening day. Rambley mostly appears on modern-looking flat-screens, but in the queue for the railroad he pops up on small CRTS, so technology has advanced over the park's life time. I suspect that Rambley as an AI was implemented a short time before whatever caused the park to be shut down, and the reason that Ed's face isn't already in the system is because Ed just never went to the Park during the time between Rambley's implementation and the closure.
Rambley needs Ed just to move around. Rambley claims he'd been stuck in the entrance area since the closure. That might imply that as an AI guide he's not permitted to move around inside the Park unless he's attached to a guest, and he has to stick close to them. He's probably linked to the Critter Cuff we wear, which would explain why he insists we get it and doesn't just override the turnstile or something. He still needs cameras to see us and TVs to communicate, but it's the Critter Cuff that determines which devices he's able to use at a given moment.
There are other AI Guides. Rambley's limitations in where in the park he can be seems inconvenient for an AI that's meant to assist all the park's guests. Perhaps during normal operations he was less limited because every guest had a Critter Cuff on, but that might have put too much strain on his processing if he was the only AI avatar. Ergo, some or all of the other Indigo characters could have been used as AI guides as well; either a guest would be assigned to one character through the whole park or the others would take over for Rambley in their themed areas while the raccoon managed the main street. Due to the sudden closure, the other AIs may be stuck in certain sections of the Park like Rambley was stuck at the entrance, and we'll interact with them and/or free them as part of the efforts to fix the place up.
The "mascots" are unrelated to the AI. But Rambley believes they are linked. The official music video for Rambely Review has garnered a lot of speculation for how different Rambley's perception of how the Mollie Macaw chase ended is to what we saw in the game. I'm not 100% sold on the idea that Rambley flat out doesn't know that the Mollie mascot got killed. His decision to drop his act and acknowledge the park's decayed state is because he sees how freaked out Ed is by the Mollie chase, and he seems to glance down toward Mollie's severed head when he trails off without describing the mascots. HOWEVER, I don't think he sees Mollie as being truly dead. He's possibly come to the conclusion (or rationalization) that the AI guides, based on the actual characters, are stuck inside the feral fleshy mascots and the mascot's death has led to Mollie's AI being liberated. This idea will stick with him until such time as we encounter an AI character before dealing with the associated mascot (likely Lloyd).
Salem is central to the park's closure. All we really know about Salem the Skunk is what we see in the Rambley's Rush arcade game, where Salem uses a potion to turn Mollie into a boss for us to fight. This reflects real world events, although whether Salem instigated the disaster due to over-committing to their characterization or was merely a catalyst that unwittingly turned the already dubious new mascots into outright dangers remains to be seen.
Rambley's disdain for Lloyd is unwarranted. Collectables commentary indicates that Lloyd's popularity may have been eclipsing Rambley's, and that ticks Rambley off. That's not the fault of the Lloyd(s) we're going to interact with, however. That's on Indigo's marketing for emphasizing Lloyd so much. And who knows, maybe there were plans for other retro-style plushies, but the Park got shut down before those could come out. Either way, while Lloydford L. Lion may be a bit of an arrogant overdramatic actor, the AI Guide version of him isn't going to come across as deserving Rambley's vitriol, and that's going to be the cause of one chapter's main conflict.
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a-very-tired-jew · 2 days
Dropout Discord Keeps on Giving
You'd think with the server shutting down / freezing in a week or so that there would not be anything to report, but you'd be wrong.
In the past few days the current batch of users, specifically that one young Jew who believes all of us are brainwashed, have been posting some out there stuff.
I have the screen shots but at this point it can be summarized as Everyone is Brainwashed but Me still thinks their family is brainwashed and they can't be honest with them about the Truth™ without being labeled a "traitor". But they know the Truth™ that this is a Genocide and the worst thing ever and their family doesn't (remember this is someone in their early 20s). Their family gave them Noa Tishby's book to read and its full of Zionist lies and propaganda. In response another use recommended this link.
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Fig. 1. User responding to Everyone is Brainwashed but Me with a video to "argue" back with.
This video features Dr. Lara Sheehi. If you don't know who that is, Dr. Sheehi has a history of antisemitic behavior and targeting of Jews in her classes. Dr. Sheehi has openly supported Hamas and her social media was the infamous Blackflaghag that posted such wonderful things as "FUCK YOU AND FUCK YOUR AID". Profiles on Dr. Sheehi repeat the same thing that much of her time as a professor was spent demonizing Jews and Israel and trying to recruit people to BDS and other causes.
She was a professor at GWU and the university's investigation "cleared" her. However, the Office of Civil Rights opened an investigation into her and suddenly she left GWU in January 2024 and is now a professor at the Doha Institute for Graduate Studies in Qatar. Considering that Qatar has funneled billions of dollars into the USA collegiate system, was host to leaders of Hamas for years, and their state media acts as a mouth piece for Hamas, it's not surprising that she would end up there considering the amount of work she did for the Cause™ in the USA.
I doubt anyone will point out any of this to them, nor would they accept it as anything other than "Hasbara". Later, they tell us that they finished the book and that it's full of apartheid denial and denial that Israel is a colonial state (there's a collage of pictures in between the two comments that I won't include here).
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Fig. 2. Everyone is Brainwashed but Me mentions finishing the book.
The apartheid argument is one I have seen come up a multitude of times by activists, and it makes no sense to me. Apartheid, as defined, is the discriminatory authoritarian ruling of the majority by a minority population that results in segregation based on race within a country. As many have previously established, Arab Israelis have the same rights as all other non-Arab Israelis. They are part of the government, military, businesses, and so on. If the argument is to be made that there is apartheid like laws regarding Palestinians...well that makes no sense. The Palestinian territories are their own separate entity with their own separate governments, laws, and structures. Meaning, Palestinians entering Israel from Gaza or the WB are foreign nationals, they will of course be subject to different laws. In fact, every country has a set of laws for foreign nationals that differ in some capacity from the laws that govern their civilians. So we either have the Palestinian territories actually being a part of Israel in the mind of activists, which only area C could be considered this, or they're separate entities entirely. Area C gets into a whole realm of murky politicking that is outside of my realm of expertise, but it's the only place where I can see this argument hold any weight (and yes, the settlement stuff is bullshit and the military laws get into a whole weird realm of things, I'm well aware of this). However, I have yet to encounter any Western Activists acknowledging the complexity of Area C and the international laws and regulations regarding it, let alone the average activist even knowing the difference between the Areas, Israel, and Palestinian territories. Now, I have seen the lack of a right of return for Palestinians be used as an argument that Israel is an apartheid state. And again, I have to ask how? This type of law is not characteristic of apartheid as we know and define it. But again, if we get into this territory then what happens? Do they become Israelis or are they Palestinian citizens? What laws are they subject to? If they're foreign nationals living in Israel due to a right of return then they have different laws that adhere to them, which is not part of an apartheid system. If they become Israeli citizens then they have all the rights given to them as citizens. Neither of these support the claim. Simply put, they insist Israel is an apartheid state and when you mention any form of the above they call you a racist spreading propaganda and then shut down any meaningful discussion (in Dropout's case they kick you from the server for pointing out how wrong they are about things). We have a clear definition of what apartheid means and what practices are involved, but like "genocide" it seems that this definition has gone out the window and is now defined as anything people want it to be. As for the colonial state argument, who is Israel a colony of? And don't say the USA or the UK, that would mean that they send resources back to those countries, are taxed by them, their government is controlled in every capacity by them, and so much more. Considering anti-Zionists like to say the USA's government is controlled by Israel, it's quite contradictory. It appears that so much of the Western Activist's antisemitism anti-Zionism is couched within just believing everything Jews Israelis Zionists say is lies while openly believing a terrorist organization's narrative (an organization that I, once again, need remind everyone is on record saying they would manipulate Westerns into believing their narrative regardless of its veracity).
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s-rosie · 20 hours
hiii, this is my first hc post and im still a bit new to the all so pls ignore it if it is bad. some amazing tig hc creators are @x-liv25-jamieswife and @ilyiwdtpyiwmyhmtkys and i took some inspiration from them so pls check them out.
Jameson is a huge theatre nerd and he converted Avery so now they listen/watch/go to musicals together
they sing and quote them so often, everyone gets SOOOO annoyed
for Halloween, they went as pre say no to this Hamilton and Elliza one year and as jd and veronica another year and everyone LOST IT
Jameson even surprised her with Hamilton tickets but she had to solve a riddle to see where they were going
the riddle was a single letter that just said “My Dearest, Avery” and nothing else (iykyk)
Grayson has secretly watched every episode of Dance Moms and even memorized some of the dances
Avery one time did a spicy dance on TikTok and Jameson absolutely LOST HIS MIND
Alisa made her take the video down, because she said it was too “inappropriate” (even though it wasn’t even as bad as half of the other dances out there)
Jameson managed to save it beforehand and still has it to this day
Xander has read Avery’s diary and saw some THINGS things she wrote (especially about jamie (iykyk)) and he almost died but she just laughed it off
Libby often says stuff that sounds really dirty but she doesn’t mean it that way and gets very confused why everyone started laughing at what she was saying
Jameson played/plays hockey
Nash and Avery go on little outings every once and a while just for some bonding time (and a bit of lovingly trash talking Jamie)
Thea has MAD rbf like its not even ok
Rebecca can play guitar and sing and it sounds so soothing
Oren ugly cried at Avery and Jameson’s wedding
Jamie absolutely adores matching couples shirts but Avery hates them with a passion but she wears them sometimes to make him happy
Grayson loves picking flowers
Max and Avery one time pretended they were receiving awards (grammy’s, oscar’s, etc.) with the many awards the Hawthorne boys won (before javery was official) and Jameson was in a secret passage the whole time watching and they heard him giggling so she opened the passage to see him standing there and she just went beet red
he thought it was adorable and it just made him like her even more (can someone pls write a fic about this pls)
Nash is/was a barrel racer
Xander has the absolute dirtiest mind ever and can make anything he/you say sound dirty (a close second is Jameson)
but Xander is so clueless he sometimes says something that sounds so dirty and he doesn’t even realize
Max had to run a mile for school and almost died
Avery one time broke her arm while playing badminton (don’t ask me how but i can’t talk because i would too)
Jameson loves roller coasters but gets motion sick so he will ride the most intense roller coaster and immediately throw up after
Max and Avery threaten each other with telling embarrassing things they have done in the past to the others
Nash and Libby tease Avery and Jameson SO MUCH
they are always saying things like “leave some room for Jesus” and “get a room” when they show the slightest affection (out of love)
sometimes Nash will even come out of nowhere when they are watching a movie and say something like “what are we watching?” and just sit in the middle of them
Avery loved up cycling old and vintage thinga and Jameson will help
Rebecca loves to craft because it helps her relax
she even taught Libby how to crochet
after seeing the effects, no one lets Gigi have coffee
even though Savanna is cold at first, she really opens up to the group and they all love her though she thought they wouldn’t (ofcc)
Grayson and Avery once made a power point about skincare for Jamie after learning he just washes his face with body soap and cold water (*shutters*)
Avery calls Xander Xanny Poo or just Pookie but never his real name
when they were still in school, Xander made Avery a fake prom-posal after her, Xander, and Jamie had a conversation about how cringy they were
She almost murders him on the spot
Avery once threatened to slap Jameson because he was being annoyed and he said “is that a threat, or a promise? and she almost passed out
after that, Xander called Ave a sadist and Jamie a masochist for a month and a half
Grayson and Avery watch Bridgeton together
when he was younger, Jameson was absolutely OBSESSED with Gravity Falls, he would theorize about it and try to solve the mysteries (which he got most of them right)
he has the journal #3 with the invisible ink on his book shelf to this day
Jameson and Avery are always playing game pigeon
Avery and Libby bought dress-up dresses and have tea parties (sometimes Max joins)
Jameson loves to rub it in his brothers (especially Gray’s) faces that he is technically royalty
I hope you like this!!! please let me know how i can improve. all constructive criticism is highly appreciated and welcome. please give me suggestions on what i can do next. thank you so much!
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heckitall · 2 days
I don’t know if you talked about it but what’s your opinion on Raph both iterations
Ayo o/
by both iterations, im assuming you meant ROTTMNT Raph and 2k3 Raph? Because i have many thoughts on all Raphie boys, but those seem the most obvious in this context/most different.
lucky for you, im coming off the heels of my essay which was the history of media (comics mostly) and how economical, political, and expectations of each era drove narratives and characterizations. TMNT you can see it pretty obviously by looking at its history - Batman, too, is another good series with a long running and multiple changes.
basically, i love all Raphs. i think all of them are wholly a product of their time, and i love them even more for that. with 03 Raph and the early 2000s in general, we still see the angry, gruff "bad boy" rebellion characterization that came from the 90s still being utilized. the difference now though is audiences were getting bored with an unchanging character, so a lot of these bad boys got redemption arcs.
in the 03 series, we see it a lot with Raph and Leo more so than the B team kids, but Raph's is always handled very... I would say, almost subtly? compared to Leo's character arc. Usually Raph's anger issues push a plot forward, introduce new characters, or force Raph to change (in good or bad ways).
even tho the core of Raph never changes, his attitude in the show grows and matures with the series. i love those types of characters, probably because the early 2000s is when i was really getting into media as a whole.
ROTTMNT Raph is completely different in a lot of ways. he's introduced as having anger issues in the past, but has gotten past them (mostly). i think as far as archetypes go, he's still played as that guy with the grumpy pants on, but altered in that maybe he was forced to grow up more quickly than 2k3 Raph was. that responsibility tempered his anger early on. which makes sense narratively for the ROTTMNT as a series, but also makes sense as a character because of the time it was made for.
real late 2010s media recognizes that the angry, rebellious character has been played to death. a lot of them are done very well (Zuko comes to mind instantly), and others not so much... (i would argue Loki, but that's a whole other can of worms). and i believe as a society, people are tired of that one angry person that disrupts a cohesive team - there's nothing new or interesting about that. but a character who has had to change his entire life to take care of his baby brothers because their dad has severe PTSD? uh, yeah, of course we want to see that. in the early 2000s we didn't even know what ptsd was when not attributed to combat.
So in-charge, post angry raph is still hugely popular and a hit because it feels more real to us who are living in the time he was made for. if he was introduced in 2003? he'd be boring and flat. same with 2k3 Raph in ROTTMNT. he'd be boneheaded and dumb.
long story short, i love my raphie boys but i am so glad the angry rebellion boys are finally taking a backseat. gimme nuanced characterizations, writers!
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