#but sb already pointed out that he uses his training in the fight (using his surroundings & pointed blows to their knees/legs and such)
mvncesa · 6 months
just realized earlier, after literal fucking years, that decker uses not only his own military training but also the way wolves hunt/fight in the wild during the fight scene of his episode and I’m going to scream
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ghostlyvelvetheart · 2 years
Idea 5: Vanessa visits the graves of her victims and sees ghosts
An idea that I've seen exceedingly few fics try and cover is Vanessa encountering the ghosts of the people whom she (as Vanny) murdered after the 3-star ending.
I am unsure as to how one would make this situation happen. Maybe it could be a dream.
A scenario that I like most has to do with the idea that Vanessa visits the graves of the children she (no vanny) killed. After she was freed, she reported the location of the bodies so that they could recieve a proper burial. Vanessa knows that it isn't enough, she doesn't think that she will ever be able to do enough to atone for what she did to all of those children (it wasn't you, it was Vanny.) At the very least she tries to go and visit their graves once a week, making sure to bring flowers for them everytime. Vanessa doesn't say anything during the visits, what is there to say? "I'm sorry?" Yeah right, as if SHE is deserving of forgiveness...
I really like it because there are a lot of things you could potentially cover, including:
How would the ghosts react to seeing the freed Vanessa? Would the children be enraged? If so, what would they do?
Or would they be able to see that the person in front of them is not really the same as the one who murdered them, not mentally, at least? Maybe (relating back to idea 2) the children who were taught by her would be able to convince the other children of this.
How about the therapists? They would likely be more willing to listen, being adults trained in understanding psychological conditions.
One could discuss how Vanessa has been dealing with having 2 sets of childhood memories, a fake abusive one (put there by Glitchtrap for reasons of trying to make her more obedient, which ended up failing) and her true, standard, evidently normal one. (in this universe patient 46 and their tapes didn't exist, save for that one line about lying about childhood, just pretend it was in one of Vanessa's tapes)
And, of course, we can't forget Vanessa. What would she do? It is most likely that she would curl up into a ball and await the punishment that she thinks she deserves (she doesn’t). After all, it is HER fault, right? (No, it’s Vanny's.)
If you include Gregory in this encounter, he, being the "no fear" gremlin that he is, would probably try and start to defend his… uh… paternal guardian of unspecified rank in some way, either by trying to explain that Vanny is no more, or try and actually fight the ghosts.
As you can see, there are many ways that I think someone can make a mini story out of this concept.
To set the scene a bit: going to assume Luis and Ness reconnect after SB. Probably dating, maybe even married.
I can imagine one of the earlier times she visits, she heads off, and it gets late. She doesn't come back home. Luis gets worried and heads out (alone. Gregory would be asleep by now) to see where she went, first checking the graveyard as that's where she said she'd be, and he finds her curled up asleep in front of the graves, clearly exhausted from crying.
Let's assume that Luis can somehow see ghosts too, and when the ghosts realise this, they explain that "Yeah, we keep trying to tell her we KNOW she wasn't in control. Oh, and check her for untreated injuries - she managed to get some control back at some points and redirected Vanny's attacks to herself to try and buy us more time, but it didn't work all that often but did save a few lives. This grave plot would be twice as big it wasn't for her at least trying."
Now understanding the situation, Luis would wait with Ness until she wakes up, helps her home, and tries to explain to her what the ghosts had already explained.
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are we just getting to a point in spongebob hate that people are now just scraping the bottom of the barrel on hating fan content and not actual official stuff and claiming the creator wouldn’t like it like bruh i am already tired of people assuming what hillenburg would’ve wanted after he passed away but going after fan content creators is not cool and i seen someone call it fugly in the comments man people are just so attached to their idealized nostalgia that they have to call a simply appreciated piece of fan work by a social media account “fucking ugly” how low will these people go
have people heard of things called “art styles”
Oh they're definitely scraping at the bottom of the barrel. Its easier to just filter it out because there's no point of really doing anything.
Tbh stuff that's posted on the official spongebob accounts, no matter the content, gets a lot of hate unless it's jacking off the nostalgia of episodes from 20+ years ago.
Like one time they featured a black cosplayer using these spongebob collab makeup products and people went insane and called her slurs, the SB insta account eventually had to take the video down.
People are just shitty and regardless of the facts that are available, they still rather think they're fighting for Hillenburg when they're actually disrespecting him more. Tbh I just wish they'd stop. I'm sure he would have loved that spongebob scene reanimated.
I get there's a hate train specifically towards SU and anything SU adjacent hence why they hate that fan reanimated scene. But why don't you just come out saying you simply dislike it and that's just your personal opinion? You have to spin this in a way like "oh they're disrespecting Hillenburg blah blah blah" that's so dishonest and honestly cowardly.
I honestly feel sorry for the person who made it. They were probably just having fun and felt so honored when the official SB accounts offered to feature their fan creations on their page. Only to get bombarded with hate. And when it comes with these groups of people, you can pretty much guarantee that they got slurs and death threats hurdled their way as well.
The art style isn't bad. I'm not a fan of it but holy shit, it reminds me of the drama that happened around turning red. At this point you need to touch grass if you're acting this way over ART STYLES.
I'm willing to guarantee that if spongebob came out today, it would've gotten an INSANE amount of hate for its unusual art style. Could you imagine people picking apart spongebob like they do with modern cartoons? "Why is spongebob drawn differently in every episode??" "Why is there fire under water??" "There's no continuity, its just garbage that will rot your brain" relax man. Its just a cartoon.
Honestly it would've been more tolerable if it was just that. Now they're just using a dead man as a prop for their rage which is 100000% worse. And somehow they think they're doing the right thing too?? That's insanity.
This kinda reminds me. There was thie SB review of the 3rd movie that kept popping up in my feed on youtube and the first few minutes is nothing but "they went behind Hillenburg's back to make this movie" "he would've hated this movie" "this disrespects Hillenburg" could you at least critique the movie?? Also this mocie was in production since 2016. Hillenburg was WELL aware of this movie and worked on it for as much as he can. Honestly his death wasn't that far from when the movie was completed. Sponge on the run's release was just delayed sooooo many times.
Idk the dishonesty and bullshit people do for the sake of nostalgia is honestly scary. Imagine blatantly lying like that.
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cienie-isengardu · 4 years
Zoro & Sandai Kitetsu
There is something that was bugging me about Zoro’s swords for a long time and now, the Wano arc helped put thoughts in proper perspective. Namely four out of five named katanas used by Roronoa are, in fact, a heirlooms; a burden of someone’s else dreams or ambition or honor that Zoro (consciously or not) carry on while Sandai Kitetsu is the only one sword truly and just his. Because the same as the sword was chosen by Zoro, Zoro himself was chosen by Kitetsu,
The best known Roronoa’s sword, Wado Ichimonji in fact belonged to Kuina who died the night after she and Zoro made a promise that one of them must become the world’s best swordsman. He begged Kuina’s father to gift him with her sword and to honor Kuina’s dream, he created an unique fighting style - Santoryu.
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Zoro could just replace one of his swords with Wado and yet Zoro’s fighting style is a fusion of his two-sword style trained since childhood and one-sword style used by Kuina. Which is his way to stay faithful to a promise made between them and maybe a promise between him and Kuina’s father too. That way Kuina - represented by Wado - gets stronger with each of Zoro’s fights and with him, one day will become the best swordmaster. Zoro has carried on her dream since childhood and in fact, their shared promise is both a great motivation AND burden. What was noted by Mihawk  (What burdens you so?) and something Zoro himself was well aware (“I may only have three swords, but the weight of our swords are completely different!“).
Wado is as much a memento of his deceased friend as much a burden to carry on alone. It’s Zoro’s most precious sword and at the same I think it will never truly belong to him. Wado was and always will be Kuina’s. He was not chosen by the great katana - he begged for that  sword and it was given to him by Kuina’s father. Because Zoro cared so much for their vow, when Koushirou dismissed Kuina’s dream when she was still alive. Koushirou granted the precious katana to a determined boy, so his daughter’s dream (and which it, a part of Kuina) could live on.
Wado is Zoro's most precious possession, but it is a “borrowed” katana that never truly was meant for him. It was Kuina who should carry on the white katana. Zoro only carried it in place of her, because she never had truly a chance to spread her wings. Thus, Wado is a memento, a shared dream, a burden and second chance (for Kuina, and maybe for Koushiro too). 
Then we have YUBASHIRI, given to Zoro by Ipponmatsu in Loguetown
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Ipponmatsu freely gave Zoro this katana as an apology for looking down on him, once Roronoa proved how well skilled and strong willed swordsman he was by testing his luck against cursed blade. The given sword served him well, up until Enies Lobby, where Yubashiri was destroyed by marine captain Su, a man with devil fruit power of rusting.
Ipponmatsu did not tell Zoro that Yubashiri was in fact his own family heirloom - something pointed out by shop owner’s wife:
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but once questioned about the decision, Ipponmatsu asked back “what is wrong with a man entrusting his dream to another man?!”
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what implies that Yubashiri, like Wado, carried inside someone’s else unfulfilled dream of greatness.
In Thriller Bark, Yubashiri was buried alongside remains of Brook’s first nakama while its place was taken by SHUSUI.
Shusui was a black sword that belonged to legendary samurai, Ryuma. In Thriller Bark it was wielded by Ryuma’s zombie (with Brook’s shadow) and once Zoro saw the blade, he wanted it for himself, to replace destroyed Yubashiri and was willing to take it from the enemy's dead body. Though the fight was relatively short, Zoro’s skills were acknowledged by Ryuma and in result, Shusui was given to pirate.
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Zoro honored his opponent by taking sword and being willing to pretend the match never happened.
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Similar to Sandai Kitetsu, Zoro both chose a sword and was chosen (accepted) by the blade. But unlike Kitetsu, Shusui, as the most precious treasure of Wano country, couldn’t truly belong to him. The katana served its master well and Roronoa appreciated it very much, but since Dressrosa arc, he was constantly nagged by people of Wano to give it back. He didn’t care for their complaints and did not plan to do so, yet once asked by Kozuki Hiyori to return it to its rightful place, Zoro finally agreed. Because in the end he respected the dead swordmaster and how much the black sword meant to people of Wano. It was a sacred symbol, a heirloom of legendary samurai Ryuma while he was an outsider. Although Zoro proved his worth to Ryuma zombie, the sword (and Ryuma’s body) was stolen in the first place and Hiyori was willing to give up memento of her late father (personal treasure) for Shusui (a national relic). Such sacrifice proved how much Ryuma’s sword meant to people of Wano and Zoro, despite his claim, returned the black blade to where it belonged - asking only to let him visit Ryuma’s grave once the battle is over.
Shusui was another heirloom, a sword burdened by past and its meaning. It served Zoro well, but it couldn’t truly belong to him.
For returning Wano’s national treasure, Hiyori promised Zoro no less great katana - ENMA.
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A legendary sword given to Hiyori by her late father, Kozuki Oden that is said to be the only blade that even injured Kaido. A wonderful gift, but the same as previous swords, it is someone else's heirloom passed to Zoro. Another memento of a dead person. Another burden to carry on. 
While Zoro trained with his new sword, Tenguyama Hitetsu (the creator of Sandai Kitetsu) told him the story behind Enma - Oden’s sword and Kuina’s Wado were birthed by the same man, Shimotsuki Kozaburo. Who, ironically, is Kuina’s grandfather according to SBS. What Zoro may have known now, since he did met Kozaburo as a child.
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Anyway, Hitetsu assumed that Hiyori perhaps recognized Wado and because of that offered Zoro her heirloom as a replacement for Shusui. I personally think the reason was more selfish than that. Once Zoro saved her, Hiyori said there was a prophecy that “in time of the resurgence of the Kozuki line, strong, kind samurai from across the seas would come to our aid” and Zoro fits perfectly. Even more, since Zoro’s hometown, the Shimotsuki Village is in fact strongly connected to Wano by Kozaburo no less.
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Hiyori, as Oden’s daughter, wants Wano to be a free, safe country again but for this to happen, Kaido must be defeated first. Zoro already proved to be a reliable ally. He came To Wano with her missing brother and Kinemon. He saved her and Toko from Orochi’s assassin and later, from enemy attack once the fight broke out after Yasuie’s death. He is strong (something she saw for herself) and to some degree has the samurai feeling about himself. 
Above everything else, Zoro will fight in the upcoming war against Kaido for the Kozuki clan even though he (like all Straw Hats) has no real obligation to her family. Whether she believed in prophecy or not, by passing to Zoro her family heirloom, Hiyori burdened him with her hopes and dreams for victory and justice for her murdered parents and for Wano country as a whole. She gave an outsider Oden's precious sword that can injure Kaido and by that, placed faith in Zoro. She can’t use the sword, she can’t fight in battle, but Zoro will carry on Oden’s (and her) wish to protect Wano into battle. 
Was Zoro aware of such a possible burden? Who knows. Still, he accepted the blade despite its dangerous nature - and any eventual burden (someone else’s unfilled dreams and hopes) to carry on.
Frankly, Enma and Sandai Kitetsu have a lot in common. Both are dangerous blades that drive weak swordsmen into madness and/or ultimately lead to their death. Both need to be tamed. And Zoro likes them very much, despite warnings of other people. Even manga presents their “introduction” as accepted and appreciated swords by Roronoa in similar way:
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Yet there are two major differences between Kitetsu and Enma, what also are true for the three previous swords too.
First, already mentioned and explained the matter of heirloom and connected to that “burden” Zoro carries on alongside. In the case of Enma, once the battle is over and Wano saved, all the faith and hopes put in Zoro by Kozuki Hiyori through the Enma should not burden him anymore. Yet since Hiyori entrusted him the memento of her father, Roronoa will need to make sure to never bring shame to her (and by extension, the Kozuki clan) in later adventures & fights he will face one day. But frankly, this is the same with all of his swords bestowed to him by people who were important to him or which he shared mutual respect. It is strictly connected at core to sword fighting philosophy; to be worth of great blade.
Secondly, Wado Ichimonji, Yubashiri, Shusui and Enma, all those swords are desired and appreciated by swordsmen all over the world while Kitetsu, as a cursed blade, was not wanted. Kitetsu was feared by people, put in barrels between low quality swords in hopes to get rid of it. Even sword maniac like Tashigi, once learning the truth about the katana, did not want that blade despite its high grade and low price on it. She was even sorry for insisting previously Zoro should take it. Kitetsu drove previous owners into horrible deaths to the point “you will not find a swordsmen who’d dare to use a Kitetsu these days”:
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Zoro felt that the sword was cursed, before Ipponmatsu had a chance to explain why Kitetsu had such a low price on it. And after learning the horrible truth, he decided to take the blade. The unwanted, bloodthirsty, cursed blade that brings madness and death because no one else would dare to use it. Zoro liked the challenge. Oh, he liked it so much he decided to test his luck (fate) against the curse of Kitetsu, putting his swordmaster future at stake.
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The same as Zoro chose Kitetsu, the sword chose him. Like Ipponmatsu said, the sword chooses its owner. And yes, Zoro wanted to have Wado and Shusui but these blades were heirlooms burdened with someone’s dreams and greatness while Kitetsu was the unwanted, dangerous blade with a horrible past that Zoro faced only with his own strong will. No hidden promises to carry on, no ambitions or honor or hopes passed on him by previous owners. No legendary status to live up. Like Wado. Like Shusui. Like Yubashiri. Like Enma.
Sandai Kitetsu is this wild, bloodthirsty sword that was challenged by Zoro and decided to spare this insane man who looked at it, felt the cursed nature and did not throw it away but appreciated it. Something that, I imagine, didn’t happen in years. And there is very strong bond between Roronoa and Kitetsu, because Zoro always can tell apart the cursed blade from other swords
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and he kept Kitetsu usually in left (dominant) hand during fight. All those little details give the impression Kitetsu is much more spiritually connected to Zoro’s core than Wado.
In short, Sandai Kitetsu was the only masterless sword Zoro picked solely by and for himself that did not burden him with sentiments, past promises or hopes. And though the sword was “problematic child”, its demonic nature seems to suit Zoro’s own very well.
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fheythfully · 4 years
Putting all my thoughts on the 5.3 MSQ under the cut. Beware of course of spoilers! Overall I really enjoyed the patch. There were a lot of times where I sounded like an excited dinosaur.
So first things first, the way the patch started with the kids was so cute. I was expecting more with the Ardbert-esque kid, especially when he said he wanted to adventure with friends because he felt like he was missing something... but then they didn’t? I’m not sure what the point of that line of his was then. Ardbert’s soul is inside ours, and also has been shown to have moved on, but I wonder if some fragment of it--the part that is bound to the specific world’s Lifestream--can be reborn? Anyway. A bit bummed we didn’t get more with that train of thought but it was cute nevertheless. Also, apothecary. I was going “IS THIS A HINT?” the moment the kiddo said she wanted to be one as a WoL.
Also, I am totally writing a shortfic of the twins, Satella and Ryne hanging out in the Crystarium library with Moren bringing them books of interest while they sneak in tea and snacks. Ryne falls asleep and is eventually found by Thancred. Alisaie teases him for being a doting father. When everyone leaves, Satella is left cozily snuggled up as the evening turns feeling almost like home at the Arcanist’s Guild.
I really liked the bit where Alisaie’s desire to surpass the WoL and competitive nature is shown, and that some part of it is due to insecurity. I love the character depth and growth SE gives her over the patches. I just about had a heart attack when she started getting woozy with a noise in her head.
Elidibus feeling summoned by the WoL and seeing an Amaurotine in their stead gave me feelings, because it means we are whole enough now to form some sort of connection to the Ascians. Only sundered ones are left now though, so I wonder if that will still stay true.
I did have a heart attack at hearing Thancred collapsed. I was not expecting him to be okay when we got back to see him. Dawn’s Respite scene was very sobering and set me up for something entirely different than the ending we got (thank god).
Alisaie being stubborn and sullen with the Exarch made me wonder if she’s seeing the past with Louisoux in him, and Alphinaud’s comment about how she handled their grandfather leaving all that well all but confirmed it. That’s very sweet.
I made a very loud note as I was playing at the fact that a Rejoining soul must recognize its part on the Source as itself. Not sure if that was just for the Exarch’s case (though there are comments about how we and Ardbert fused very easily too) but I have Filed This Away.
Seeing Shtola collapsed gave me another heart attack but she’s definitely possessed of nine lives. The duty with Elidibus was fantastic, though the lack of voice acting caught me off guard (covid? are duties never voiced?). Fighting the baby Scions made me full of glee and then it got even better from there. Answers playing over the city, and then the HW theme, and then SB--fantastic. I especially paused when it started snowing. I appreciate a lot what Elidibus was doing, which was trying to show to us that the people who seem so ancient and recreated only as puppets had once meant something to him and his own. The fight was a lot of fun. I took a screenshot of berserk-Ardbert for kicks.
Also, the bit where he calls you by your name, and the name is switched from Elidibus to Ardbert. My heart. I have a lot of notes about this for future writing.
Elidibus as Zodiark’s heart and primal weren’t a big surprise as it’s been confirmed before (I think?) BUT he’s basically the primal for the idea of the Warrior of Light and I think that is magnificent. I still don’t have a full grasp on Elidibus as shown in this patch: his memories are fractured, whether by age or Zodiark; he’s driven both by his own ambition and Zodiark’s influence. He’s all over the place and I’m going to have to take better measure of him as I replay everything in NG+.
I have a note that says, “Ella why are you picking up random things off the ground that your enemies have dropped???” but it all turned out even better than okay. I don’t understand how he could have dropped all those Convocation crystals other than as a plot point but whatever. It was a great sequence. “All that remains is to pray. To pray that we will one day meet again, beneath a blue sky.” Made me tear up. The twisting of the Convocation from the gentle, kind Amaurotines to what they are today is brutally heart breaking.
I made a note of how the trees in Amaurot are starting to wither--I am not sure if we’ve always had that? But if not, definitely a small sign of Hades’ magic fading?
Bear with me now but I CAN’T STOP SCREAMING ABOUT AZEM. I of course didn’t get the title right (my 14th is Altima), but I got the duty/job so almost right. My Altima is the Shepherd, though to the souls on the planet living and departing to create and live alongside the Lifestream. The entire scene with Hyth had me shaking in my chair with excitement over how perfectly it described my headcanon 14th--down to her wandering the planet when she wasn’t in the city. Granted it fits with all our WoLs and is specifically made to be so, but I am so excited. Not sure what I’ll do with this when I write, whether I will alter my canon to fit the game or plow on ahead, but we’ll see. I’m just so excited. And the new TITLE fits my OCs to a T. God, thank you, SE. I also love that we are the “sun” and can’t wait for the future connections and theories about the 14th and Azeyma and Azim.
“After all, I cannot say whether I act of my own volition or by the will of my recreator!” Made me laugh-cry.
Scions confirmed that seeing Amaurot awoke a great grief in them, which was then supported by the random Eulmore NPC crying at the sight of it. So, it’s not even reliant on how whole your soul is: everyone who sees it feels something, a soul-genetic memory, maybe? I can’t wait to use this. Also makes me wonder if this is why in the patch the Scions are more wont to encourage you to talk things out with Elidibus, as in SHB they were pretty set against Emet-Selch.
The new dungeon was okay. I need to replay it again and look around more (is there a hint of Hildibrand there??). The Necromancer and Berserker class, though the latter may be Warrior same way Arcanists are called Ink Mage, made me pout a little. I want Necromancer. Also, THIER White Mages get Protect? Pffft.
I didn’t take any notes for the trial but. It was brilliant. The run through Crystal Tower with the Exarch was a wonderful callback (there were so many callbacks, it was great) and then when he told us to go ahead I was like, you better mean it that you don’t plan to play your trump card unless we’re present! The trial itself was breathtaking. When the Amaurotine first showed up I thought it was Azem, then when they snapped their fingers I was like cool we can do that too, and then they did the Emet-Selch wave and I lost it. HOW!? Shtola has a theory that even she admits is far fetched but. Wow. I am wondering which one it may be: Emet-Selch truly somehow having his soul live (we were just in the space where Ascians’ souls go between bodies) and assisted us; or was he called by Azem’s crystal as a memory; or was it a memory entirely? Just. That cameo. I miss you, Emet-Selch. For yours is the seat of the fourteenth broke me also and I’m just all over the place. Elidibus as the Warrior of Light was great.
I don’t understand why he went Baby in the end there. I can’t imagine the Convocation recruited and sacrificed a child. My headcanon is that it’s just meant to represent his childlike devotion and drive to his goals. He wanted to help his brothers and sisters so badly he detached himself from Zodiark. Seeing him sitting there cradling the crystals and talking about how it’s a beautiful day and they’re not there to see it was heartbreaking. The Amaurotines lost so, so much--and there’s no way to bring any of it back. I am glad the Unsundered have finally a chance to rest.
The goodbye scene with Ryne was a little lacking to me. I wanted Thancred to hug her, damn it. At least he told her he’s proud of her. She’s so brave with how she tries not to cry before them. She’s coming into her own, with her own ideals, but also so like Minfilia’s that it made my heart full. I will act as her post moogle to Thancred any time, kupo.
Also the one line she has in Twine about how Gaia is her friend who will be there for her is sweet and I laugh at the idea of Gaia’s reaction.
Okay, so, the ending. Probably the thing I did not expect at all. I expected death. No one died. The animations were beautiful, and Alisaie was such a joy to watch. Just. I don’t have words for it. I was so overcome with happiness at how perfect they all were: Alisaie sinking into her chain in a sulk, the Archons fondling their weapons, Alphinaud with tea and a book. Alisaie jumping off to go find a fight and Alphinaud’s brotherly exasperation. The banter between Urianger and Y’Shtola. My heart is so, so full.
On to the topic of the Exarch, which I did not expect to have this many feelings on: first of all, I expected him to die. We all did. How can one man survive SO many death flags!? When our WoL ran out of the Stones like a wound up mammet I was there with her, heart pounding praying for it to have worked. I am bummed that we didn’t get to experience him actually waking, but that means I can write about it... which I already did, actually. Because: I came out of this with a very unexpected, slowly unfurling Ella/G’raha ship. This was a surprise because ARR G’raha was not someone I even remembered all that well, as I played CT when it came out, but I remember thinking he was a bit too immature for romantic ships; and the Exarch always felt too distant and too much. I was fond of him in SHB but in a passing way, also because I was a little bitter that he put the Scions in such danger in the first place (though I understand all the good that’s come as a result, like uncovering the true Ascian plots). Seeing him at the end there, as a fusion of G’raha and the Exarch, somehow turned my view of him on its head and in that moment, I could easily see Ella and him running off and having proper adventures together. The driving attraction to all my ships is a form of shared experience, or at least understanding of what it’s like to bear a heavy burden on your shoulders. The Exarch was again, too much in his role, and I couldn’t see Ella feeling comfortable being close with him. But now, with this ending? Watching the two of them run off together? Oh, I am excited.
I even wrote four pages of fluff on how he got those bobby pins in his hair and I never write fluff. Please look forward to it being posted soon.
Lastly: Ardbert. If you’ve been around my blog long enough, you’ll know that I’ve been an Ardbert shipper since HW. SHB was so good to me in that regard. Personally, I got closure regarding him in the scene of him offering us his axe and was happy with it. I was overjoyed to see him get closure with Seto now, too. I’m not happy with Elidibus using his body and then tearing it apart as he did, but: it made for great angst and sometimes that’s actually okay with me. The confirmation that he can talk to and through us is interesting and I imagine that he does so rarely, as his soul is finally at rest with his friends--where it truly belongs. He lets us live our life, and a part of him is always with us, now. I imagine him and Ella at one point having a conversation about her burgeoning feelings for G’raha, as in my canon she’s never felt quite a strong enough connection or level of comfort with anyone but Ardbert, and him giving her his “blessing” and encouraging her that it’s okay to chase after the comfort and happiness G’raha can bring her. Especially since all of SHB she was in a very very bad place and this ending we got gives me such a sense of respite, no matter how fleeting.
Speaking of fleeting: Zenos and Asahi/Fandaniel. I am still hoping Zenos gets more interesting because I just can’t bring myself to like him, and seeing him destroy the Garlean empire before we even step foot into it is making me a little pouty. Fandaniel is interesting on a few accounts: he’s a sundered Ascians, so what will that mean? Clearly he’s been unhappy with the Unsundereds’ plans. He’s also pretty crazy for “the bringer of order”, if we follow the FF12 Espers. We didn’t get a lot so I am hesitantly interested. But also, Asahi? I hate that kid...
My last thoughts on this are: the Ascian storyline was meant to come to an end with this patch, but clearly we’re still getting content. So I am hoping that was for the Unsundered Ascians and we’ll find out more about the summon of Hydaelyn and all that. I... have exhausted myself typing all this. Wow.
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lesbiheon · 4 years
N! Can you tell me about some things you love about Jooheon? (I know I probs could've just messaged you this but keeping the Jooheon Love private wouldn't have been very cash money y'know)
oh goodness… where to begin… i was thinking of making a numerical list but honestly… idk how long or short it’ll be so i’m sticking w bullet points lol…
• a recent thing i realized i really love about him is the fact that he trusts mbb enough to let us know about his struggles w his mental health as of late… super fucking brave of him and i respect him so much for sharing this information when he really didn’t owe us an explanation or post or anything bc it can such a private and touchy subject (x)
• (i know this is one of your fav things about him too so i must mention it!) i love that he doesn’t gaf about what ppl think and said hell yes to gay rights not once but TWICE on vlive he supports lgbt+ mbb and that right there is true love to know that someone you admire so much loves you entirely regardless of who you love it’s such a wonderful feeling thank you jooheon for accepting me wholeheartedly and so many other mbb in this world (x, x)
• i love his laugh! it can be wheezy it can be super fucking loud and extra sometimes its a simple “pfft” i love when he pauses and thinks about what was said and then laughs it’s so cute and sometimes he sounds like an old man also he sometimes covers his mouth w his hand when he laughs… extra cute… it’s such a beautiful sound if i’m being real… (x, x) 
• i love how loved his is by EVERYONE! he meets someone and right away you can just see the heart eyes forming bc… 1) he’s cute af 2) he’s cute af and 3) he’s cute as fuck (i can’t even link anything bc i would need an entirely diff post for this lmao)
• i love that he’s a cat person bc HELL YES CATS! he’s such a sweet and kind “cat dad” to yoshi and gucci loves them sooo sooooo soooooo much buys them a lot of toys and cute clothes and cares for them and has taken them to a FANSIGNING! that one mtv news interview where he called yoshi and gucci his daughters and he’s called them his babies before… it’s too cute i constantly go through my yoshi and gucci tag and have an amazing time (x)
• i honest to god love how dramatic he is and how he can get soooooo sulky and pouty over the simplest thing said or done or ignored and i gain like 3 years of life every time i see it happen i think it’s cute and if i was around that every single day i think i’d explode from love overdose more specifically i love that he talks in pout (x)
• i love his music i absolutely love every single record he’s put out i think his sound is so true to him and that’s kind of weird to say bc he does play around w sounds a lot but i think he has a v specific sound… idk how to make this make sense tbh but… stream dwtd mixtape? ongshimi? he has over 100 copyrighted songs so he’s one of the most copyrighted artists in sk which is… incredible… joohunnit onehunnit… i’m tying in his musical ability as well bc apart from being an incredible amazing wonderful composer and producer and lyricist he can also play multiple instruments!! he can play the drums, piano, and a bit of guitar and there’s prob so many other sides to him w music that we’ve yet to see and also he has such a beautiful singing voice! he once said if he wasn’t a rapper or a part of monsta x he’d be a singer and i believe that 100% and i think it’s great that he’s gotten to the opportunity to showcase himself and his voice more w their recent english tracks truly love that for him
• i love his be happy stay happy motto i consider him a huge inspiration in my life to continue moving forward fighting for what i want and believing in myself and in my moments of reflecting on my happiness i think about this message bc he cares about not just his happiness but of others as well for ex. the vlive he did w shownu after their we are here in ny show where they talk about how jooheon constantly asks him if he’s happy bc he genuinely cares about him and wants him to genuinely be happy he also cares about the happiness of mbb and says these things bc they’re good things that he wants us to hear he’s an immensely busy person and this takes a toll and i mean he’s a human fucking being it hurts to know he’s going through a rough time rn but it’s also great to know he’s taking time to find that happiness again and find himself as well and i hope his message is helping him out rn i also heard it live during the we are here in atlanta show i went to and p much bawled my eyes out bc he performs and makes music and loves music bc it makes him happy but also bc it makes mbb happy and that’s one of the many ways in which he shows and gives out love (33:44-38:24) (x)
• i love how he wears his heart on his sleeve 100% of the time you know exactly how he’s feeling what he’s thinking bc he doesn’t hide it! i don’t even have a specific moment tbh he’s just 100% himself 100% real and that right there is admirable af
• this list can really go on and on and on and on and on and… there are so many reasons to love lee jooheon but i think i’m gonna end it w my favorite thing about him which is a quality… actually… multiple words to describe him ig but ok! i love how hardworking and dedicated and perseverant he is he’s one of the type of ppl that when he sets his mind to something he will stop at nothing (not in a bad way) to get there he constantly works to improve himself even tho he’s already at such a god tier level it amazes me every. single. time. he does something even more incredible to showcase himself ex. 2019 mama intro (need i say more?) and 2019 sbs gayo daejeon where he was rapping AND drumming at the same time whilst being sick physically and mentally (during mama too) and STILL putting on one hell of a fucking performance also him changing his name more than once bc he believed it would bring him more luck to debuting which honestly? i think is valid and not to mention how HARD he worked to be chosen to become a part of monsta x the years of training and fighting and believing to do that! and guess what? he did it! he did that! his goals and dreams became his reality!
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djgamek1ng · 5 years
So it has been a while since ShB came out. I’ve gotten all my tanks to level 80, did all of the job quests and oh boy I have some stuff to talk about. Since this is a rant post as you can see by the title, I’m just gonna put this out there: I’m gonna be swearing in this post. I’m probably gonna be swearing a lot. If you don’t like that or don’t like anger/negativity in general, you should probably skip this post (aka, don’t click “Read more”) even though I will be raising some more legitimate criticisms and how to improve one of the tank’s stories... no shuddup, the title totally doesn’t give it away.
Also, on another note, I will be posting my impressions of each of the tanks later. Hopefully somewhere this weekend, but no promises. I have a lot to talk about and I wanna cover it well.
Also also, spoiler warning. I will probably spoil some stuff though I will try to be vague about it.
Okay, let’s start with some positivity first. Some happiness if you will and so we shall start with what in my opinion is undoubtably the best level 80 story of the tanks: Dark Knight. All of the 80 job quests are really short, but still give a decent story. I hope next expac we do get a bit more, even if they decide to just go with the one job quest route again.
Anyway, DRK’s level 80 story quest... holy fuck. I was not prepared. This only re-affirms it for me: the DRK story has no right to be only just a job quest story. It honestly feels like it should be part of the MSQ. So TL;DR for this quest: you go to Sidurgu to check in on him and Rielle. Sidurgu hands you a letter from an unknown sender. You go to find out who the letter is from through a slightly long fetch quest, though you do get to re-meet people from the DRK quest of the previous expacs. Eventually you come by the person who send it, the person that ridiculed you for ruining the wares he asked you to return to him. He feels sorry about it and wanted to thank you (which is what the letter was about btw) and tells you the story of how life went for him after that (not well until recently). He hands you a flower to give to someone, though it is more suiting for a funeral or a farewell. You go off to be brooding and there appears your darkside. You exchange some words with them and then return back to Sidurgu. This honestly felt really powerful and in fact, was the second time I had to wipe away a tear or two from my face this expansion. I have done it no justice and I implore you to at least look it up on YouTube, but preferably you do it yourself. Even though it was just 1 pretty short quest, this was hands down the best tank job story this expac. Even the entirety of the GNB story doesn’t come close.
Onwards to second place: WAR. The WAR story this time around was pretty nice. Not as deep or feeling provoking, but just... nice.
TL;DR: Curious Gorge can’t take it anymore and wants to know if Dorgono (the female Auri WAR from the SB story) loves him the same way he does with her. He wants to travel to the Far East. Coincidentally, Dorgono and her dad come to Eorzea. Drogono’s dad, Luvsan, wants to repay us for helping Dorgono control her inner beast. He repays us by making a medicine (which is a placebo) which allows Broken Mountain to train as a WAR once more. Afterwards, Luvsan returns to the Azim Steppe but leaves Dorgono behind to train more (and fall in love, which was his first intent in Eorzea to begin with). Oh and Curious Gorge freaks out and thinks that the WoL and Dorgono are in love with each other because they smiled at each other. Dorgono knocks some sense into him, since she isn’t in love with us but someone else (no points if you guess right).
And that was WAR’s story. Simple, funny, effective and heartwarming. I actually really liked it and it was my favorite tank job story before I leveled DRK. Overal, pretty good! GNB. Well, probably the 2nd weakest tank job story but even then, this is honestly pretty good. I will only summarize the 80 story to the others. TL;DR: after having trained under the last Gunbreaker out there, Radovan, and having saved the First, you return to him. You tell him your story, especially about another Gunbreaker being out there named Thancred. He’s confused since he doesn’t know Thancred and he didn’t train him. You go on a fetch quest on a trail for someone that looks a lot like Radovan and uses the same kind of weapon. It turns out, Radovan isn’t the last Gunbreaker out there as others of his home place have survived and the trail we picked up was of Rostik, another Gunbreaker. After it, you return back to Mor Dhona and are happy to know that the art of Gunbreaking isn’t about to be lost. Again, like the DRK story, I didn’t do it much justice and with the context of the 60-70 GNB quests it becomes a lot more interesting. Still very nice. I would personally say it is a bit weaker than WAR, but that is because I have grown to care about the people in the WAR quest for longer. PLD... UGH. TL;D-FUCKING-R; You go to Jenlyns. Jenlyns is worried about Mylla, the head of the gladiator guild. You got to Mylla. She is worried about Aldis, the wandering bum. Speaking of him, he walks inside the gladiators guild to show of his samurai skills. He challenges you to a duel. You get ready to fight and he sees how much strong you have become. You say it is because of you have things to protect. The duel ends with Aldis giving up before it began. You and Mylla go back to the gladiator guild. Aldis steps in and asks if he can stay. Mylla goes all tsundere (ugh) and allows him to stay. You fuck off and do literally anything else.
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. WHY. THERE WAS ONE REALLY COOL THING. ALDIS SEEING HOW STRONG YOU GOT BY SEEING AN AURA AROUND YOU. THIS HAS SO MUCH POTENTIAL BUT NOOOOOOOOOOO. FUCK THAT, WE NEED TO HAVE THIS ROMANCE PLOT BETWEEN TWO CHARACTERS OF THE FUCKING GLADIATOR STORYLINE. YEAH, THAT IS SO MUCH BETTER. NO NEED TO EXPLAIN HOW THE PLD POWERS ARE EVEN A THING OUTSIDE OF TRAINING (WHICH LITERALLY EVERY FUCKING JOB HAS TO DO BTW), NO NEED TO SHOW US THAT WE SAVE PEOPLE AND DO ALL THIS KNIGHTLY/PALADINY SHIT OUTSIDE OF THE GODDAMN MSQ. NOOOOOOOO, THAT WOULD MAKE FOR AN ACTUAL GOOD FUCKING STORY LINE INSTEAD OF THIS BULLSHIT. GOD FUCKING DAMMIIIIIIT! AAAAAAAAAAAAAA- *insert static screen here* sigh As you can no doubt tell by everything that I just typed, I am slightly upset at the PLD story. It had one really neat thing going for it, something that could make it feel more like a Paladin/Knight story (need I remind you, in JP PLD is called Knight). Instead however, anything interesting gets brushed aside because “well, the MSQ covers it already. Nevermind that the fucking WAR, DRK and GNB stories do show us protecting stuff in their respective quests”. Hell, wanna know the biggest slap in the face? We got a really good PLD story. It just wasn’t part of the PLD story. Instead it was inside of the tank role quests where we got to see more of Branden (the PLD inside the Warriors of Darkness group) and his past. It was amazing and honestly heartbreaking, since it didn’t have a great ending for Branden but he still did what he had to do. The biggest problem for me since SB is that the PLD story has just become a continuation of the Gladiator storyline and I’m happy for the people that really like Aldis and Mylla, but I’m so fucking bored of those two. At least with Curious Gorge and Dorgono you know that the two are actually in love with each other and that they will finally be able to be together, even if for now it is only to train together. With Mylla and Aldis... Aldis just does not give off that he has any interest in Mylla while Mylla is obviously in love with him but doesn’t want to admit it since “oooh, let’s have a tsundere character”. SERIOUSLY. DO ANYTHING WITH THEM. Aldis comes to the conclusion to ask if he can stay with the gladiator’s guild because of us admitting that we have something to protect now (WHICH BTW, IT ISN’T STATED EXPLICITLY WHAT WE HAVE TO PROTECT NOW AND HAS TO BE GAINED OUT OF THE FUCKING MSQ) and that is why we became that strong. Okay, so how would I rank them? DRK >>> WAR => GNB (WAR overal was better, but GNB is pretty close to it) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> PLD. 
Now, since I don’t want to be only negative, how about some ways to improve the PLD story? Honestly, it is very simple: make it similar to the DRK one, only with a brighter, more optimistic tone compared to the DRK’s more somber and pessimistic tone. Think of Superman and Batman: one is about needing to save the world while being a beacon of hope for the world, the other is about dragging the world back from the brink and being pessimistic/realistic about everything. An example: let’s say someone important to the job story dies in a battle. The PLD would mourn them, but still continue to fight the good fight and rally their (potentially) allies. The DRK would mourn them and instead go fucking nuts on whoever killed their ally. Either would be able to go for vengeance, but it wouldn’t be on the PLD’s to-do list while it becomes the only thing on the DRK’s to-do list.
That’s just my idea on it though. Could obviously be better written than I could ever do, but it would work honestly. Anyway, I think I’ll wrap it up here. I’m glad that 3 out of the 4 tank stories was good, but I’m really pissed of at that 1 out of the 4 that isn’t good. Thank you for reading. Sorry for the swearing, but I had to get it off my chest.
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quiviktories · 5 years
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               ( demigirl ) haven’t seen QUINN-VIKTORIA “QUIVI” NIKOLAYEVNA around in a while. the ADELINE RUDOLPH lookalike has been known to be (+) DILIGENT & (+) GENTLE, but SHE can also be (-) INTIMIDATING & (-) STONE-FACED. The 23 year old is a JUNIOR majoring in AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE. I believe they’re living in FIDELIS but I popped by earlier and no one answered the door. 
                         okie dokes y’all I’m rly sad my muse for Link n Eden just lightning mcdied but as an apology ( to myself ) I’m bringing perhaps my OLDEST OC to Lockwood !! ( I’ve had Cyrus for three years , Quivi’s existed for five. ) But she’s actually a more fantasy-oriented OC so it was fun modernizing her up for Lockwood !! So more abt my battle princess under the cut. // like to plot after reading the intro
              TWs: Violence, death, emotional abuse, mentions of mental illness ( ocd ), ptsd
Most important facts abt Quivi are she’s 6′3, has a six-pack, and can drive. Also bi bc I can’t write straight OCs with my bisexual ass.
OKAY OKAY ALSO RLY IMPORTANT FACT : She’s selectively mute , so Quivi will either be communicating through written words or sign 90% of the time. There’s two reasons for this :
Quivi’s first language is not English ; if you can’t tell already , she’s Russian , and she’s still learning English. She’s more of a visual than auditory person so writing English is easier for her than speaking , and she’s honestly very insecure about it , so she chooses not to speak partially because of that. She learned sign very easily and is more comfortable with it than speaking.
The other reason . . . is bc of her past but I’ll b getting to that. 
So she was adopted. Quivi doesn’t know where her biological parents are from , but as a baby , she was taken in by a Russian businessman named Nikolay Andreyevich and . . . she had the same birthday as his biological child , Lukas. Exactly. Birthday was April 8th 1996 ( tech as of rn Quivi’s 22 but I just put 23 bc it’s easy ) , so even though Quivi and her brother weren’t blood , they were always referred to as twins.
Now their father was a bit of an asshole , to say the least. You know how sometimes parents often pit children against each other ?? Well , you might expect me to say he did that to the kids to try and see who could run the company.
He didn’t !!
No instead he decided which one was going to lead ahead of time and treated the other one like dirt 
So yeah Quivi was the one who was treated like dirt
This was because Lukas was going to be the heir, and Quivi was going to be his bodyguard. So Lukas was spoiled rotten and Quivi was trained extensively and given brutal criticism so she’d come out tough as nails and only focus on being the perfect soldier / bodyguard.
She was taught to keep her emotions inside , never to express herself , and to always be silent. And she’d be verbally berated and chastised if she failed to comply with either - she had to be a stealthy , emotionless machine. And . . . yeah. That’s the second reason for her selective mutism. 
So yeah , that was her life up until she turned eighteen. Because at that age, their father died, and now it was just her and Lukas.
And he treated her exactly like their father did. He was a spoiled brat and believed Quivi was there to simply act as his bodyguard. And yeah , she obeyed him. But Lukas didn’t have his heart set on being a businessman , no - he wanted to be famous. And he ended up climbing his way to become an Instagram influencer and even bought his way into getting a record deal so he could put out bad Youtuber music.
...Quivi hates his stuff. To this day
Quivi was eventually cast to the side to the point where her brother wouldn’t even acknowledge her as his bodyguard. He acted like she wasn’t even there. And Quivi hated the way he treated other people - when they turned twenty , he got a woman pregnant and never bothered to see her again. And Quivi ended up finding her and helping her take care of the child when she was born.
And that was around the point Quivi decided her brother was a fucking dickhead and stood up to him , cutting him out of her life. And she focused on making a life for herself , and used what she got of their father’s inheritance ( because their mother insisted both twins get something ) and paid to go to Lockwood. 
Quivi is the epitome of someone who looks rly scary and intimidating but oh my god is she not. She’s very gentle , very polite - always uses formalities and puts others before herself. Holds the door for twelve people before going inside herself.
But also , she can fucking fight like there’s no tomorrow. She was trained for years , and she probably knows a few ways to kill a man. Was trained with a few weapons just in case , and definitely is a master of self-defense.
She has OCD and as well PTSD from her childhood. I will very rarely mention this in threads , but it’s important to note. ( I have both , as well. )
She never really had nice / fun things as a kid , so she has a lot of catching up to do. The little things make her so happy , like McFlurries , bad pop music , the cliche Shakespeare stories everyone reads , etc. 
But , again - she was never encouraged to show emotion. So she comes off as very neutral because of this reason - but trust me she feels a whole lot and when she does smile it’s a sight from Heaven.
She’s a sporty person !! She’s into fencing , but that sport’s not offered at Lockwood , so she’s also on the gymastics team. Even has a varsity jacket for it.
Also in Theatre ( the club ) !! Not as an actress , however. She’s on the set crew. But she wants to be an actress in it someday , or even do some sign translations for the audience.
Tatiana was a stranger to her. But the stranger you know everything and nothing about , because you hear about her all the time from everyone else. So yes , in a curious manner did Quivi pick her name - but you know that feeling you get when you wonder if you were the deciding vote in that shit ?? Quivi wonders that ( obviously , she wasn’t , but she gets that feeling every time someone brings up Tatiana and the Watershed )
God I love her she’s my gentle giant bby and again I’ve had her for . . . five years n tbh like Cyrus a good portion of her character was originally made to Vent my own stuff out so. She means a lot 2 me.
Hope y’all love her.
sb in Theatre who wants to get Quivi onto the stage tbh that was the First thing I thought of 
sb who Quivi can teach Russian or ASL !! Also others who know ASL would b great bc that’s Quivi’s preferred method of communication
Someone who Quivi can trust with actually talking to ?? They’d have to be really close , though , because Quivi only speaks to the people that she trusts
A nerd who Quivi befriends and just. Listens to them talk about the stuff they’re interested in. Bc honestly learning and listening is what she likes to do - not like Ami who fuckin CAN’T STOP WON’T STOP with the studying but. Quivi’s literally been deprived of so much. She likes to learn what she doesn’t know.
Sb who sorta thinks Quivi is all SUPER FUCKIN SCARY AND PROBABLY A BITCH bc of the RBF but when they actually meet her,,, they think she’s so sweet
Lowkey a fuckboi or sb who could flirt w/ her n she just. Turns em down. Stone-faced. Might kick them and make ‘em fall or smth idk Quivi’s that person who tells u to go chop a guy’s dick off when he says one rude thing 2 u
Literally okay in my personal headworld / lores it’s a part of Quivi’s culture to settle things like minor disagreements with a duel to the death and it was a running gag on earth that Quivi would see ppl get in2 like. Twitter fights. N comment “challenge them to a duel to the death” n everyone else was like QUIVI NO
she’s... kinda like Diana. like, Wonder Woman Diana.
I call her Wonder Woman a lot
Bt this is Watershed so it’s very different from that!! Lowkey tho I’m proud of the world I created for her like I literally made a whole language + alphabet for her world 
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enzelffxiv · 5 years
trial n origin!
ORIGIN: If your character is formally a Scion of the Seventh Dawn, how did they join the organization? If they aren’t a Scion, do they know of the Scions?
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-WoL Imry technically started in Ul'dah, but with some variation. When she set off to become an adventurer at 17, she got off her parents’ ship at Vesper Bay and pretty much walked all the way to the city, doing some odd jobs on the way. (It was Akiv'a, my partner’s character, who ended up on the same carriage with the twins instead.) Joined the adventurers’ guild, etc.
However, at some point before the whole stolen crown business she took a quest that sent her to Vylbrand and met Akiv'a there. Whether it was fate or other machinations that the two of them both had the Echo–either way they ended up confronting the Ascian mage/golem together. They then split up and she returned to Uldah, finished the intro storyline, was recruited by Thancred (and Akiv'a by Y'shtola).
-the timeline splits here depending on whether she or someone else goes on to become the WoL. If she remains a regular Scion, she doesn’t get sent to Ifrit etc. Ends up nearly dying during the Waking Sands massacre. (That’s another story.)
-otherwise, if she doesn’t have the Echo she just keeps on helping out the Adventurers’ Guild. This is the timeline I’ve fleshed out the least since i wanted to keep it open-ended in the event i ever get the time or courage to actually rp with other people :p
And that segues into: (Spoilers thru Stormblood MSQ ahead)
TRIAL: Are there any duty instances that had a particular impact on your character (primal fights, dungeons, raids, etc.)?
-Imry & Akiv'a got sent on the mission that ended up in them confronting Ifrit together. The two of them still didn’t know each other too well, what with Akiv'a taking a while to warm up to people in general. However, when things went wrong and primals got summoned��
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Ifrit’s flames triggered Akiv'a’s Calamity-induced PTSD, and he froze on the spot and dissociated badly. Imry managed to fight Ifrit alone with a spear she grabbed off an Amalj'aa, her protective instincts unconsciously drawing from her Crystal of Light and giving her strength she wouldn’t usually have. 
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That fight is also where she got the scar on her left cheek. (As well as some others on her shoulders and various other places, but the face scar is the most visible given that she tends to wear full armor.)
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She insisted on carrying a barely-responsive Akiv'a back to Drybone and refused to leave his side until he was able to function on his own again. Their relationship was still a bit awkward, but that was definitely the turning point where they started to grow closer. 
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Interestingly, Akiv'a was able to confront some of his trauma in gaining his Ifrit egi on his own, and in some ways that summon has become his favourite. He keeps Ifrit out even when not in battle much of the time, and Imry…talks to it like they’re buddies. They’re both weirdos.
-at the end of Castrum Abania, in addition to injuring Alisaie, Fordola managed to give Imry a nasty concussion before fleeing, putting her out of commission for a time. Even with some excellent healers she was unable to help with the confrontation in the lab.
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 Used to being able to charge back in to battle after a few days of bedrest, she got extremely restless and ended up arguing with Akiv'a about going with him to fight Zenos. He, of course, was less than happy about the idea of losing another friend after everyone they’d already lost, and was shaken from seeing her so badly hurt. They eventually compromised by having Keten come along to watch her back, essentially. (I think we’re still working out the details of how that fight went because Zenos is way more interested in Akiv'a than her.)
-speaking of Zenos: the duties where he kicks your ass were extremely demoralizing for her. Imry takes her tank role pretty seriously, hence *gestures at entire DRK storyline and how Keten is a manifestation of her regret over being unable to protect her friends at the end of ARR*. Imry also doesn’t have a soul crystal of her own, which means despite her Crystal of Light she’s disadvantaged in that way. She joined the gladiator’s guild for a time and got some training from other various sources, but never did the Paladin quests, and eventually gave the DRK soul crystal to Keten so they could be independent. She has some natural conjury ability that’s boosted by her Echo & has used it to improvise her own techniques (various implementations of aether shields, using wind magic to toss her physical shield around Capt. America style…) but she doesn’t follow a formal discipline of any kind.
In contrast, while Akiv'a is less than half her size, he’s kind of a powerhouse; some of this is because he pushes himself way too hard and uses his aether recklessly, and has the tendency to go a bit berserk when angry. (being able to channel the elder primal who killed half his family and use it to wreak havoc on his enemies does interesting things to the psyche.) It’s very unhealthy but regardless, Imry compares herself to him without meaning to. Since HW she’s gotten better at adjusting and accepting failure, but she still struggles with it. And of course, Zenos is *meant* to knock the WoL down a few pegs…
That’s why finally beating him is something she’s so fixated on, especially because he represents the antithesis of all her personal ideals. She cannot understand him no matter how much she tries, the same reason he finds her completely boring. Subconsciously his fixation on Akiv'a, her best friend, and the fact that it seems to be reciprocated somewhat, is highly distressing to her.
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In the end his defeat is highly unsatisfying and leaves her feeling more uncertain than ever. I’m quite interested in what SHB has to offer in that regard.
There’s a lot of context surrounding her state of mind; to be blunt, i write Imry using a lot of my own experiences growing up with undiagnosed ADHD, excelling in some areas and struggling badly in others, and the weight of people’s expectations. She’s young and impulsive and is used to getting by on her instincts and physical prowess, but devalues her own intelligence because she never had the patience for traditional book learning. Mid-SB is where she starts to progress in maturity and emotional regulation, and seeks out learning to balance her weaknesses, spurred on by defeat.
-On a lighter note…she got really fucking excited about the whole Four Lords thing. She loves fighting but she doesn’t like *hurting* people, which is a bit contradictory. But the concept of “hey fighting these guys will *help* them” was…right up her alley.
-she met her girlfriend, a sky pirate, during the Void Ark saga. :p
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“Luffy had no reaction to Boa...doesn’t that mean he won’t have romance?”
I’ve been debating about posting this blog because I was hesitant about the kind of reaction it would receive. But I think this topic is worth discussing logically.
Alright, so let’s dig into this thing.
If we’re going to understand Luffy and his actions (or not actions) towards Boa, then we have to first understand him as being a character that fits the Battle Shonen archetype. The genre, despite people’s complaints about it, is the most popular type of manga/anime genre there is. And One Piece, for all its glorious writing, world building and character development, is perfectly happy to sit in its genre, with Luffy fitting right into the hero archetype.
Where did this archetype even come from? It may surprise you to learn that Dragon Ball is in fact the grandfather of modern Shonen. You know what kind of stories were running in WSJ as DB’s contemporaries? Big burley manly men who never changed or progressed like Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star.
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 And the antithesis of this is Goku, little innocent Goku who takes this character type and flip it on its head.  (Kid Goku is so cute guys! *cries*)
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Toriyama’s writing absolutely can’t be understated here. Nobody had ever seen anything like Dragon Ball. It became a cultural phenomenon. It became a blueprint for success. 
The classic Shonen Hero archetype has evolved into the following:
clueless when it comes to love
loves to fight/ get stronger
has a catch phrase
wants to protect their “Nakama”
thinks before they act
often stupid or a simpleton
gains power ups through training and other means
Within the archetype you’ve got big hitters such as:
Goku— the OG who was so clueless, he couldn’t tell someone’s gender without slapping them in the crotch. Also obsessed with getting stronger to the detriment of, well, everything
Luffy— the uber innocent muffin who will do anything for his crew, and will go out of his way for people if it concerns their dreams. Aware of his weaknesses more than the others, Also really dumb at first
Naruto--- the misfit who starts out peeping at girls but then ends up taking on the burden of the entire world, because he’s THAT concerned about everyone and everything. Definitely the most selfless, has dumb moments, but smarter than the others
Ichigo--- the lovable grump who literally doesn’t give a shit. Coolest one of the bunch
Natsu--- loves his friends so much he gains power ups in the middle of the battle to win through the power of friendship. Probably the funniest one, takes life one job request at a time
Asta— the new kid on the block. Constantly yells to the point of irritation, believes working hard will solve all problems, doesn’t understand how relationships work and that nuns don’t get married
Deku— I know people will ask. Yes, he is a Shonen Hero, But doesn’t fit into the archetype so be will be left out of the discussion (the kid actually suffers from overthinking...complete opposite than these lovable idiots)
So, for fun, let’s throw all these Shonen Heroes into the same situation Luffy found himself in
All of these heroes fall through the ceiling and into Boa Hancock’s bath where they come face to face with the most beautiful woman on the planet who is naked.
Goku: completely unphased by Boa’s beauty. Asks who Boa is, and when she gets pissed, stands there with a “huh?” Look on his face when she shoots the love beam at him. After it has no effect, Goku puts his hand up with a smile and then says, “see ya!” Before flying off. Probably more concerned with where Vegeta went and if he managed to find a new level of Super Saiyan
Naruto: definitely phased by Boa. Would probably turn to stone ahahahaha
Ichigo: after being annoyed because he fell through the roof, would take one look at Boa, and get flustered out of embarrassment. By the time Boa tries to question him, he’s already left and found the exit.
Natsu: upon falling into the bath, he’d also be completely unphased by Boa. Would most likely take note of her earrings and ask about them. He’d probably also end up saying something Boa would find unbelievably rude, but something I would laugh hysterically at. “Woah?! Is that your guild mark?! Cool!!!” 
Asta: I imagine Asta would most likely cover his eyes out of courtesy, and ask for the way out. When Boa gets mad and asks why he’s not head over heals for her, nor why he’s looking at her body, he’d say something like, “sister Lilly is waiting for me” and then leave. *sigh*
So here’s my point. Three of our boys would have the same exact reaction as Luffy. When it comes to the archetype, lusting after girls simply isn’t in their nature. Natsu’s reaction to a naked Lucy was to cover her boobs with his hands “fine I’ll cover them” he sighs in the dub. No lustful reaction whatsoever. I’m pretty sure any normal guy would, um, not react that way. He looks so bored.
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Asta refused to peep at a girls bath (way to shut that down buddy), and Goku’s seen plenty of naked people and he doesn’t care. He even has the same reaction in Dragon Ball Super, after he’s married, when he accidentally sees another woman naked (who is very beautiful).
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(Harsh reaction there Goku, lmao)
Luffy’s reaction to Boa is completely in line with the archetype. The innocent nature of the main character is extremely important. Oda even says in the SBS that it would just be plain weird for Luffy to get a nose bleed. I agree.
So, do our boys reactions to Boa mean romance isn’t possible for them? Of course not. Goku got married and had 2 kids. Naruto, who is the most interested in women, got married. Ichigo ended up with someone and had a kid. Natsu’s relationship with Lucy isn’t “canon” yet, buuuttt with this sequel coming and all the art Mashima’s been posting, I think we can all just call it and it’ll be happening. As for Asta, the manga is still young so it’s hard to say, but judging how Tabata is treating romance in his manga, I’d say It’s a distinct possibility. Asta does have a low-key herem going on 🤷‍♀️
When Goku was a kid, he came across a foe who could turn evil (ie bad thoughts) into a weapon and kill you. Goku was the only person to ever survive because he has no impure thoughts. It basically works the same way as Boa’s love-love beam.
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This innocence is why Goku can ride his magical flying cloud the Kinto-Un, aka the Flying Nimbus. That innocence in Goku stays with him forever, too. Goku can ride the cloud after he’s gotten married and created spawns. The idea is, sex isn’t dirty. It’s just how you treat it may or may not make it dirty (ie unwarranted advances). Master Roshi, Goku’s perverted teacher, can’t ride the Kinto-Un. Using Goku as an example, our innocent muffins can still have romance/make babies. Their highly innocent nature doesn’t stop them, but normally with these types, they will only have romance/make babies if it’s with one very special person.
This is important to remember; for this genre, romance is a part of maturing and growing up. Most of these shonen heroes end up with someone once they’ve passed a certain point. 
In One Piece Specifically 
When it comes to Oda’s writing specifically, romance between characters doesn’t really play a huge role in One Piece like the way it does in Naruto and Fairy Tail. Everyone who reads OP should recognize this. Whatever ends up happening at the end of One Piece, there aren’t going to be a zillion pairings and those pairings staring off into the sunset. 
There’s that famous line from Oda where he answered a question in the SBS (from chapter 317)
D: Doesn't anyone on Luffy's crew fall in love? Will there never be a tale of on-board romance? (Sanji is an exception in this case) I'm just wondering.
The SBS is a place where Oda jokes around with his readers. I think his answer is a good answer because it’s true, and when it comes down to it, a deflective answer.  And whatever else Oda has said or hasn’t said in magazines or interviews, Oda can change his mind about what he wants to include or not include in his manga.
The reason I think this is worth bringing up is because I can see a storytelling shift which has changed in his manga. Romance in any capacity used to play almost no role in the early story. Just think about the type of characters he was creating. You’ve got Nolan’s descendant who hangs out with guys that look like monkeys. You’ve got the giants of Elbaf, you’ve got the Galley-Law company guys. There’s hardly any blood families in the first half either. Vivi and her Dad are a notable example, but they are the minority, not the majority. The first half of the story was mostly focused on people who were not blood related and were making their own families, like the Franky family. Like the Strawhats. 
Post time-skip and New World, we’ve got a very different story being told. With Kyros and his wife Scarlet, Oda actually gave us the backstory to their romance! Dressrosa was set up a bit for that type of story, but I still find it notable. It wasn’t necessary for character motivations for Kyros. It felt like Oda wrote it because he wanted to.
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You’ve got romance playing a big role in Whole Cake Island, even with Chiffon and Bege. This is a married couple with a young son, and not the type of characters we’d see in the early story. Sanji and Pudding were more of a serious type of relationship, even with Sanji “choosing to feel love” for Pudding. Guys, that’s...mature. We’ve seen a lot more blood ties in the New World, even to the point of the Big Mom pirates, dysfunctional as they are. 
In the end, you write what you know. When One Piece started, Oda was a single guy, now he’s in his early 40′s with a daughter. The types of stories he’s telling now are based on more mature aspects of his own life. 
Does this mean Luffy will most definitely end up with someone? Of course not. There’s a distinct possibility OP will end with Luffy as he is and there be no pairings of any sort.
But to dismiss the possibility of parings based on Luffy’s reaction to women or something Oda said back in some interview, is also too dismissive of a stance to take. Like his Shonen counterparts, romance for Luffy is a possibility. Remember what I said about the genre; romance is sign of growing up and maturing. Luffy is still growing and maturing, so it isn’t out of the cards.
In the end, Only Oda knows. Until One Piece has concluded, we’ll have to wait and see. 
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lizacstuff · 7 years
7x02 Anons
I have a bunch of anon asks, many of which are a bit negative in tone, so I’m going to answer a smattering of them under the cut to protect those who don’t want to see it. 
Anonymous said:So wasn’t enough captain swan but i’ll take it!
There is never enough Captain Swan for me, but this is about what I was expecting. This episode wasn’t about Emma. This episode was about Henry and the new characters and stories. It was to give us closure and let us know how things happened while at the same time trying to entice us to the new stories. 
They are trying to move forward. I’m not really onboard, but I think it’s the right path if they want this to work. 
Anonymous said:I loved what we got. But??? Adam and Eddie were able to get Jennifer for just one more episode and they only gave her THREE SCENES? Why? We should and could have gotten much more. I can’t believe they didn’t give us a scene of CS in their house with their little one. Or at least setting up a nusery with Emma showing a tad more. Something!
See what I wrote above, this wasn’t about them it’s about Henry. Killian and Emma appeared in order to serve Henry’s story.  I get that you (and I) would have preferred if it was the Captain Swan hour, but except for the CS Movie we’ve never gotten that. We’ve always been given big (awesome) pieces and then had to fill in the details ourselves. This show is always plot, plot, plot. It’s never character, character, character. So this was no different than what has always happened.
And, hey, maybe they didn’t want to flash forward 7 months and show us Hook and Emma with the baby in case they want to use it in a series finale or something. You never know. in the meantime we have our imaginations and a very creative fandom.
Anonymous said:Yes, what we got was wonderful. But how stupid of Adam and Eddy not to use the full potential of having Jen back for an episode? It’s a waste! She got like 5 minutes total! And I will be forever gutted, and bitter, that we didn’t get to see CS find out they were pregnant. And I’m especially upset they didn’t show they in SB or at home with their baby. They could have given that to the audience if they’d bothered to utilise Jen fully for the one time they have her back.
You’re a real glass half empty kind of girl, aren’t you? 
Honestly, for something that you’ve invested this much time in, isn’t it easier and more fulfilling to be happy with the “wonderful” that we did get, instead of bitter about what we didn’t? It’s your choice, but to me it seems like an easy one. 
Anonymous said:Looks like A&E lied yet again ….. they said that Emma was in “ ALOT “ Of this episode …… I guess they count mentioning her name 50 times and giving her 2 scenes 🙄
While what we got was just about exactly what I expected, yes, Adam stretched the truth once again.  Oh Adam, you and Eddy and your semantics do make it easier to quit you.
Anonymous said:I’m glad that cs got their HE, but really? Wish hook? And with a daughter? I wanted to see Emma and Killian’s baby not a random girl
Then this reboot is probably not for you. That’s okay. Lots of TV shows are not for me.  I’m pretty sure many of us would have preferred to see a show about Emma and Kilian’s baby, but JMo isn’t on the show anymore.  Emma is no longer the protagonist and would you really want to see a CS baby without Emma? Would you really risk Captain Swan in order to have some random storyline on this mess of a S7?
I’m flabbergasted that anyone would care enough about S7 to want them to jeopardize Captain Swan.  
I’m good with them riding back into the Storybrooke sunset together and off of this show altogether. 
Anonymous said:It’s me or even the quality of the editing is getting worse? The script it was is it, but even now with how fast the scenes goes from one to another and how bad are some of the new actors it’s like everything get worse
Hmmm… I didn’t notice the editing. I think you may be reacting to the overall pacing, they are still all plot, plot, plot and try to cram too much into every episode. 
As far as the actors, I thought Gabrielle Anwar was the least of the issues in the first ep, but in this one… oh my.  As @counttotwenty said to me, she should be twirling a mustache with every word she utters and @doddplaza compared her to Snidely Whiplash.  It’s so broad and cartoonish that it’s bad. Both the writing for her and the acting. 
Anonymous said:I think the audience will be really grossed out at this other Hook having another love interest. Sure it’s not THE Hook, but it’s the same actor and he looks exactly like the other one, it’s going to be extremely hard to dissociate him from the real one. There’s no way I’ll be watching any of that. And Colin is going to be excited about it and yeah, I have no time for that. I hope it gets canceled before we reach that part or Colin has the chance to hyperventilate about it on twitter.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. First off when has Colin ever hyperventilated on twitter? Other than using a few too many exclamation points he’s incredibly low-key and usually just retweets stuff. He was on the promotion train for S7 during the cons this summer because its his job. It’s a requirement. Cut him some slack. 
As for the love interesting, I agree.  I think putting Colin on screen with any other woman this season would be a huge mistake. Even though he’s a totally different character (a fake person really) I don’t think the audience is ready. However… do A&E know that? I don’t know. 
What I do know is I won’t watch a second of it, so if it happens it doesn’t matter to me.  
Anonymous said:I am 100 percent thankful they didn’t muck up captain swan but I feel like the undercut Killian becoming a dad for the first time by making wish world Hook a dad already. Also I thought Adam and Eddy said wish world was not real? How does WWH know Tremaine etc ? This show is a hot mess
Hmmm… WishHook must have found a way to leave the WishRealm and ran into Tremaine? No idea. I’m certain they are going to be fifty-eleven-thousand plot holes in this thing.  
Here’s the thing.. do I think it’s stupid? Hell yes. But I don’t think they should have done any of this AT ALL. It was too soon for a reboot and they shouldn’t have drug characters from the original into it.  However, that train has left the station so I’m just left feeling gratified that they found a way to not ruin Captain Swan or Killian Jones. So… while I think the WishHook thing is stupid and does not remotely match up with what we were lead to believe that WishReal was (a twisted up EQ/Genie version that was all fake) I’m not gonna put up a fight like I care. Because when it comes to this show I only care about Captain Swan. 
Anonymous said:I’m so happy emma and hook are happy but it makes me sick that Rogers is going to go off with some other woman and we are probably going to see their kid. I won’t even be watching but… I thought I’d be over the moon about Emma and hook and I am, honestly I am, but I feel like my emotions are all over the place and I can’t seem to get past my feelings about seeing Rogers with another woman. I don’t know. Sorry to both you I just dot have anyone to talk to and I’m crying a lot so.
Honey, I don’t think there is any reason to be this upset.  WishHook and Killian are different people. They are not the same and no one is forcing you to watch WishHook do anything. Let the show go, don’t let it ruin Captain Swan for you. They’ve done this to preserve Captain Swan, so take it at face value. Nothing they do in S7 matters. Seriously. 
Anonymous said:I still think it’s ridiculous this show even had another season without so many main characters, but hats off to the writers for what they came up to keep CS intact. I feel like a very lucky CSer right now because this could have been a total disaster and they managed to keep CS, Emma and Killian untouched. I’m not here to see any version of Hook/Colin acting romantically with other women (yuck) so I’m out from now on, but I’m at peace with where they left CS. THANK GOD
Agreed on all of it. 
Anonymous said:this was an emotional curtain call? god they really become terrible writers
I have to say that might be one of the lesser Jane episodes.  I mean there were some things that were deftly done, like having Hook and Emma able to go home, but not have it appear they were abandoning Henry.  They threaded the needle on that pretty well, but some stuff was so heavy handed.
I can NOT believe for Shoe Believer that they had two people observe “Are you in love with her?” after observing Henry doing nothing for two seconds. 
That’s how unsubtle things are going to be from here on out? That line twice in the second episode before the audience has even gotten to know these characters? For really no reason? Wowza.  Talk about trying to force a ship. That was bad. 
Victoria Belfrey’s and Lady Tremaine’s writing was ridiculous. It is so broad and over the top, but as @counttotwenty said to me this morning, the show is taking itself so seriously.  
(And again, Colin, the best OUAT scripts you ever read? Oh honey. That observation is not holding up) 
Anonymous said:I’m seeing Hooked Queen gifs now. Really hoping A & E don’t go down that route! Or that the child is theirs. The horror!!!! Don’t think I could bare it. But in terms of CS I think that’s the best we’re going to get and I’m happy Emma gets a second chance (an addition not a replacement) like Snow did. Just imagine the cute adventures this little pirate will have with those two as parents :)
Okay the idea of Hooked Queen makes me want to vomit, so please don’t send me asks about it. I’ll ignore them or possibly block you. Seriously. It doesn’t mean I think it will happen, it just means I don’t even want to think about it.   However, I do want to address your speculation that the child could be theirs. Come on. You don’t think there would have been a flicker of recognition when they just teamed up this episode with WishHook talking about finding his daughter.  I can’t remember how the WishAU disposed of Regina, but I think we can rest easy on that she’s not the mother. Good grief. 
Anonymous said:that know it all anon of yours from earlier certainly has egg on their face now.
She never came back to apologize for telling people who believed that was not our Hook in the sneak peek to use logic!  
I never come after anyone just because their spec is wrong, but don’t come into my ibox and insult others who have different and (ultimately correct) speculation. It’s rude.  
Anonymous said:The way they’ve set this up though - they’re kinda asking Emma and Hook fans to leave, when they need to desperately keep as many viewers as they can. Because if Rogers was the real Hook and he’s obviously not with Emma and his real child, people would still be invested in him as the character they’ve always known. But now, all those fans can literally leave and not miss anything! Colin is great and all but they’re selling people a whole new character and now that’s another strike against S7.
Thank GOD they didn’t do this. I know it would have been better for investment of fans, but the idea of Killian and Emma separated  when we know JMo will never appear again to wrap it up?  That sound fucking awful. 
So, yes, they are risking fans  of CS leaving after getting the happily ever after confirmation, but if the show doesn’t stand on it’s own, it doesn’t stand. Every new show has to debut and find it’s audience, so does this one.  Honestly, I’m thrilled they’re not risking destroying CS just for a few more eyeballs.  They have a bit of integrity left. 
 Anonymous said:I wonder how pissed the shippers are that Emma and Queen Queen didn’t speak or touch? Or that Jen and Lana didn’t even film together?
I’m guessing they are not happy. But they are so upset about the CS child and *gasp* adult Henry trying to woo a lady without both his Mommies there to change his diapers I’m not sure how much they have focused on the lackluster goodbye.  
Like Lana and JMo, Emma and Regina aren’t really friends. They are frenemies who are related and know they have to get along for the sake of Henry and Snow and sometimes team up to prevent evil. Period. 
Anonymous said:Im with you Liza. I cared only that CS got their happy ending and ended in a safe place. Henry is part of that but I can assume he’ll make it back home someday just fine. Hes an adult who makes his own decisions. Im actually grateful to A&E. They gave me an exit strategy from OUAT. I get to take it knowing my beloved characters are in a beautiful safe place. I cant ask for more w/ JMo’s exit. I hope we might get a peek into their lives in a series finale but if this was it, Im ok. Im happy too.
Me too! I hope in the series finale we get a peak into their lives. Time will tell!  
Anonymous said:I couldn’t agree with you more. CS is happy and alive and together and pregnant. As far as I’m concerned nothing else happened on the show. I can walk away happy and live in fanfic and Colin/Jen cons.
Long live the fandom! 
There are all sorts of Storybrooke important questions to explore, for instance do Killian and David go out sailing? Have Snowing had more children? Who’s the big spoon… Killian or Emma? 
Anonymous said:A strange episode but a good one for me! I was looking for peace after JMo said she was leaving. The reason I cont w/ OUAT was b/c of CS alone. They got their happy ending. Shes w/ her parents, husband & kid, and her adult son is living his life away from the nest as all children do. I can watch the first six seasons in good faith, finish w/ 7.02 and let the rest go. It a blessing of a goodbye to OUAT for me as I was always done after tonight. The true Killian and Emma are happy and so I am too.
It was a strange episode, I don’t see me really ever rewatching it, but Killian and Emma going through that portal is all that matters. I’ll enjoy the gifs of their scenes for a long time to come.
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flslp87 · 7 years
Season 7 Spec and Thoughts based on previous patterns. Updated 9/22
After SDCC and rewatching the series this season here’s a few things that I’ve thought of.... (and if you don’t care about the patterns, skip to below cut)
1) Once is the journey of 3 villains, Emma and Henry and the people that affect their journeys.   2) The way the villain’s redemptions are written are similar a) Killian turned dark for love and Emma was his catalyst.  b) Regina turned dark for envy and Henry was her catalyst.  c)Rumple turned dark for power and Gideon was his catalyst. 3) All of the curses had two individuals involved, except the final one.  One person’s intentions were to hurt and the second person to help.  Season 1 curse - Regina to hurt, Rumple added savior twist.  Season 3 curse - Pan cast to hurt, Regina to save.  Season 3 curse - Snow cast to save, Zelena to hurt.  Season 5 curse - Nimue/DH cast to hurt, Emma to save. Season 6 - BF cast to hurt (was there a save added? perhaps) 4) When Rumple tries to do things alone bad things happen.  Pan came back, Zelena came back... and in the finale, he dispatched of the worst evil around alone. 5) To me, the overarching theme is that to save your family/town you work as a team but ultimately it is up to you to save yourself.  S5a, Emma saved herself, S5b, Kilian did, S6- Regina and Rumple, started so S7 needs to be Rumple and Henry. 6) The S4 finale AU persona, at their best, were where the characters really see themselves.   7) Throughout the entire series, consistently they say magic comes with a price and that love, hope and belief are the most important things. 8) Season 6 yelled at us that season 7 was going to be the future and told through the eyes of the next generations POV.  
1) It’s a requel - this fits perfectly because it’s a sequel for Regina, Rumple, Hook, but a start of Adult  Henry’s story.  2) Time is wonky because Henry aged but no one else did and Lucy is 10 3) It’s the ones who weren’t cursed in S1 plus characters from different versions of some stories they’ve already told. 4) We won't’ see other versions of the Old Guard 5) They continue with the same narrative. 6) In the round table interview that Adam/Eddy did they said a couple of things that stuck out a) that the cursed would be among the uncursed in the real world, b) that ‘she’ learned something from the first curse and separated the fairytale characters, c) that the show won’t be all about magic and d) that we wouldn’t know who cast the curse like we did in S1.   7) Also just my thinking is that season 7 and Henry’s journey is a metaphor for a teen growing up and leaving home and exploring the world.   8) The story is Henry’s love story and the journey of his adventure with Hook, Regina, and Gold.  And the words to promote are “To Save the World’. 9) In the finale, we saw Tiger Lilly with Lucy - the book that Lucy had there was the brown leather one. The book on the train is a hand drawn one like the one Henry made for Emma.  Significant?   10) We see a new savior this season.  Is it Lucy who is sent from the future to save her family?  Is it Tiger Lilly who sends Lucy to help OR Is it Rumple who steps up to the plate and realizes love is power?  (I do not believe it is Henry)
So I think that........
We see Henry leaving home in the opening of S 7, - based on what Lana has said it’s 5 years later. (I think it’s because the BF has already started creating turmoil in the eF)
Because of his realm hopping, he aged differently - similar to how the BF never aged in the Dark Realm yet the kids seemed to, at least Gideon aged to 28 after starting as a baby.  
He gets involved with a Cinderella from another realm and the wicked step mom wants to keep them apart.  In the stories, she does not have magic and so either she met up with the person who cast the curse OR they changed the rules, but I don’t buy they completely tossed what they did for 6 years.
He requests help from his family and Hook, Rumple and Regina go to help him, but the curse sweeps them up before they can help.   BUT not only does the curse sweep up Henry, Hook, Rumple and Regina, it also sweeps up all of SB, spreading all of the fairy tale characters into different places, possibly both in the real world, other realms, stories, etc.  (based on the CS pictures, I think CS go but she goes back to SB and sends Regina and possibly Rumple to the EF)
The reason the 3 villains were left with Henry is because villains never work together plus w/o Emma and Belle to keep Killian and Rumple on their good path, it is going to be easier to ‘turn’ them.  
Tiger Lilly sends Lucy from the future back to save her family and she works to get them all to believe.  Once they believe then the last half of the season is the journey to different places to ‘save’ their families/friends.  That way they can bring back old characters yet not have to worry about them being there at the same time.  
As for the villain.  I’m saying that it is Fiona.   Rumple dispatched her far too easily and on his own and that is going to come back and bite him on his behind. They will have to fight together BUT using the same motto as previous where ‘you do what you have to do to protect those you love’ would allow them to not necessarily make the best choice - which fits Colin saying it’s not all good or bad, you might see both.  
It also fits them not pulling a brand new story into the show just in case they don’t get renewed.  
Serves as a jumping off point IF by some chance they do get renewed.  
And just like in the S4 AU Emma will be ‘trapped’ unable to help them - she will be under a sleeping curse, possibly putting herself to under assuming her family would save her - and we finally get a CS TLK. - I know not holding my breath but please.  So I’m thinking possibly she’s going to be a swan - as I feel that Hook/Tiana’s stories are going to parallel.  So Emma will be ‘with’ Hook but not in the same form. 
Updated  -Lana said she was getting a LI and described Richard the Lionhearted very well.  I”m thinking we’ll see another book’s version of Robin Hood but Robin Hood is actually King Richard in disguise.  Now I need Sean back.
It’s a chess game and Killian (Rook) switches places with the King (Emma) then he, Regina (Queen), Rumple (Bishop) get swept up in the curse.  The King (Emma) is also removed from the game by the villain and I believe she is either under a sleeping curse or is a swan -  2 of the 3 (Rook, Bishop, Queen) will defeat the villain and then they will rescue the King.  
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Act 3, Chapter 7: The Gay(?)-est Chapter
“You said this would work.”
“Hey, I’m not a psychic.”
“Just a psycho.” Rustbolt smirked.
Brainstorm chuckled. “Oh, you.”
“So what now?”
“Now we try again.” Brainstorm handed Rustbolt a remote with a small button on it.
“Ugh, fine.” Snatching the remote, he pressed the button. There was a spark, and suddenly, a vortex similar to Brainstorm’s Eureka opened up. Through the portal was the pink meteor. It had loads of zombies on it. And alot of plants, too.
“We did it! We finally found life on Comet Z!”
Rustbolt and Brainstorm hugged each other, hopping in unison and giggling.
Then, with a slap, Rustbolt opened his eyes to see Solar Flare staring down at him. “You had some weird dreams tonight.”
“What do you mean?”
“They all involved the meteor. The pink one.”
“It’s a comet,” Corrected Rustbolt. “Comet Z, as Brainstorm apparently named it.”
“How do you know what he named it?”
“He told EB, who told Sportacus, who told me.”
SF nodded. “So now what?”
“I don’t know about you, but I have someone to meet.”
“Well, not MEET…” Rustbolt rolled his eyes. “I have to talk to Rose with EB. He said he’d swing by at four.”
“Dude, I already swung by.” EB’s voice came from behind him.
“WAH!” Rustbolt jumped, turning around to see EB leaning on the wall, chugging a Glacier Freeze Gatorade from a 6 pack. The other 5 were in his other hand, bound by plastic rings. “Wait what time is it?”
“It’s 8:42,” said Solar Flare. “According to my sundial.”
“Haha! A sunflower with a sundial! That’s golden right there.”
“I like him.” Solar Flare pointed to Boog. “He’s funny and has a great taste in music.”
“You bet your blue suede shoes I do!” Floof smiled.
Rustbolt chuckled.
“Woah woah hold up.” EB held up his Gatorade. “Open your mouth again, bro.”
Confused, Rustbolt nodded and opened. EB’s eyes widened. His jaw dropped and so did his Gatorade. The electrolyte-replenishing drink landed on the floor, and the jaw was a few inches short.
“What about them?”
“Feel your gums, dude.”
Confused, Rustbolt put his thumb against his upper gums. He went side to side, rubbing along the length of them, and he felt bumps. Serrated somethings were making their way out. “Am I growing new teeth?”
“Dude, that’s awesome!”
“Yeah but I have perfect speech with only four teeth. You know how hard it’ll be to adjust?”
“Just ask Brain Freeze to help you.”
Sighing, Rustbolt nodded. “You’re right.”
EB picked up his Gatorade, which somehow landed perfectly right side up. Not a drop had spilled. “Well, I gotta head back to Zomboss. He called another meeting. He also said Super Brainz would be sneaking into LEAF HQ today so, be ready. I’m still Team Zombie, but you’re a zombie too so I gotta help a brother out, you know what I’m sayin’?” He nudged Rustbolt a few times with his elbow. “Haha.”
“You said he’d be here,” grumbled Captain Combustible.
“He will be, he will be.”
At that moment, the sound of two xylophone notes being played in an ABAB pattern filled the hallway. The stump and the zombie turned towards the sound to see Super Brainz, tiptoeing in perfect unison with the xylophone notes.
“There he is!” Yelled Cap Combus. With a roar, he launched himself at the super[zombie]hero.
The two wrestled each other for about twelve minutes until finally Rustbolt said “okay you two, break it up.”
They stopped fighting, and SB looked at Rustbolt. “Rusty? What are you doing here? I thought you would be frolicking in the flowers or something.”
“Great to see you too, asshole.”
“Friend stealer,” The Superhero countered.
“Flower kisser.”
“Flower FUCKER.”
SB grumbled in defeat. “Whatever.”
Rustbolt pulled Cap off of Super Brainz. “Get out of here and we won’t kick your ass.”
SB got up, and Rustbolt and Cap started walking away.
“The fire tree isn’t even scary,” taunted SB.
“Shut your fat flabby mouth,” snapped Cap.
“What’re you gonna do about it, Stumpy.”
Captain Combustible turned around and glared at the super zombie. “WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?”
The next 8 minutes consisted of fire, crunching bones, screaming and the smell of burnt flesh.
“Well,” Rustbolt shrugged. “As they say, there’s no kill like overkill.”
So, after SB flew back home, fatally injured, Rustbolt and Cap walked back to their respective places of residence. When Rustbolt got home, EB was back in the house, talking to Solar Flare. “Sup, you two.”
They both flinched. “Oh! Rustbolt! EB was just, uh…”
“Teaching her how to flirt with words instead of sex appeal,” EB mentioned nonchalantly.
“Dude I feel like if anything YOU’D rely on your sex appeal more than a flower.” Rustbolt gave a look that said “I’m right and we both know it.”
His friend shrugged. “Well I rely on it, yes, but I use words alot more than she does, apparently.”
“Listen here, Dance-o. If you were a plant you’d go freaking Gaga over me.” Solar Flare ran her leaves down the outline of her body, swaying her ‘hip’ as her leaves made their way down her stem.
“If you say so.” Boog rolled his eyes. “Anyways, Rusty, you ready to go?”
“Don’t call me Rusty.”
“Forgot. Sorry.”
“I’m just remindin’ ya bro, you know I don’t like that.”
“Can you just lead us to Rose?” EB tapped his foot, suddenly annoyed.
“I know the way!” SF raised a leaf. “Can I show you guys the way?”
“Why not.” The two shrugged.
“Thank you for seeing me, Rustbolt.”
Rustbolt nodded. “I brought EB and Solar Flare too.”
“Well I did ask you to bring another zombie hero, so.” She glared at EB, who just winked and popped a pair of fingerguns her way. “I always see you two together, I don’t know why I expected you to bring anybody besides this disco dunce.”
“Hey, you’re not so pleasant yourself, petal pusher.”
“Control freak.”
“Hoho, guilty as charged.” She chuckled, smiling.
“So what did you need me for,” Rustbolt said, trying to leave as soon as possible.
“We need to have a private discussion tonight, you and I.” She pointed her wand at him. “As for now, we need to give you a more… plant-related… superpower.”
“Like what?”
Rose smirked. “How about we take advantage of those powers, hm?” She made her way over to the garden in her castle. She put down a few beans and a Mayflower in the water. “Use your powers to make a random plant in every lane.”
“You want me to pull off a cornucopia? No.”
Rose rolled her eyes. “Then make weaker plants. Here, take this pen and write a few plants off the top of your head.”
“Why do you just have a pen on vine?”
“Because I write spells sometimes.” Rose handed him a pad of paper, too.
After a long time of trying out this signature superpower, a long time that I’m not gonna elaborate on, he finally succeeded. He had a cabbage-pult on heights, a metal petal, a snowdrop and a puff-shroom on the ground and a guacodile in the water.
“Excellent work, Rustbolt!”
“Good job man!” EB hugged his Rustbuddy™.
“Are you two gonna freaking kiss yet or something?”
They both let go of each other. “What?” They asked in unison.
“I ship you guys. Electrobolt for the win.”
Rustbolt and EB, after processing what the flower just said to them, turned to look at each other. And, as if they both knew exactly what to do…
They took a step closer to each other…
Leaned in…
…And Rustbolt pulled out his sharpie and drew anime-style blush lines on EB’s face.
The two erupted into laughter, to the point where EB fell over clutching his stomach.
“I love you man,” Rustbolt said in his deepest possible voice.
“Oh my GAWD, I like, love you so much, Rustbolt!” Said EB. But the way he said it. If there ever was a stereotypical gay guy voice that was it. The impersonation sounded nothing like EB’s “bittersweet” voice. And with that, the two laughed even more.
The thing is, EB has that kind of laugh that makes OTHERS laugh. His laugh in and of itself is just FUNNY. It’s a joyous laugh.
So, the two kept laughing until Rose finally sent them off, where Solar Flare guided them to a place that EB knew all too well. They approached the track, covered in tires, piers, moats and rope courses.
“The obstacle course,” EB said, horrified.
“Grass Knuckles’ course? Why?”
“I dunno, he said to bring you guys here.”
“WHY HELLO, FARTHEADS.” Grass Knuckles jumped down from a tree, like a fucking creep, and landed in front of them. “I have a friend I’d like you to meet.”
“Is it Lefty Louie?” EB snickered.
“No. I called you all here to meet my staff.”
Solar Flare wasn’t about to deal with this bull crap. So, she flew off.
“Staff?” Boog and Rustbolt looked over at each other. “Staff of what?”
“STAFF OF PUNISHMENT!” GK pulled a staff out of hammerspace and proceeded to whack the two with it. The conversation that proceeded had about a minute of just whacking and “ow” in between each line of dialogue.
“Dude, what the hell!?” Screamed Rustbolt.
“You may have everyone else fooled but not me! You lowlife zomBOZO! And your boyfriend too!”
Solar Flare, having heard the whacking and screaming, sighed and flew back. On the way, she saw Nightcap hopping along, also towards the obstacle course. She landed right next to her Kabloom Companion. “Wassup, my shroom?”
“Well, if it isn’t miss ‘Shroomier than thou.’ How goes it.”
“Still salty about that, huh.” She smiled nervously and scratched the back of her head.
“Yeah. But whatever. Anyways where you off to.”
“Me? I’m headed to the golf course.”
“Golf course is the other way.”
Solar Flare faceleafed. “I meant the OBSTACLE course. Dammit.”
“Me too,” the mushroom said.
“Going to see your boyfriend?~” She teased.
Rolling his eyes, he scoffed. “He came to my house, he left, and now my staff is gone.”
“He stole your jabby-whacky-stick?”
Huffing, Nightcap nodded. “That and he has some explaining to do. I saw him watching me train yesterday through the window.”
When the two arrived, they saw GK whacking the absolute SHIT out of the two zombies. That’s what Rustbolt gets for not wearing his suit I guess.
“…And your boyfriend too!” Screamed GK.
“What? If anything YOU’RE the gay one,” said EB.
“Yeah,” continued Rustbolt. “You making goo goo eyes at Nightcap.”
GK threw down the staff in anger. “I’m not gay!”
“You’re blushing.”
“Wha– My mask is RED, doofus!”
Rustbolt looked at GK. “You’re blushing.”
“Wha– My mask is RED, doofus!”
“Sup guys.” The three turned to see Solar Flare and Nightcap.
“Sup, we’re just talking about GK’s homosexuality.”
“I’m gonna shred you if you don’t shut up,” growled the Asian cabbage.
“He’s not gay,” Solar Flare said.
“Thank you!” GK was relieved that someone was taking his side.
“He’s just got a shroom kink.” And even without proper lips, she managed to pull off the best :3 you’ve ever seen.
Blushing, GK groaned. “I’M NOT IN LOVE WITH NIGHTCAP!”
“Then explain the peeping,” Nightcap responded emotionlessly.
Grass Knuckles looked at the fungus before him. “…I…..” He closed his eyes tight and rushed his words. “I really really look up to you and I aspire to be you someday or at least LIKE you because you’re so cool and powerful and you’re like the awesomest dude ever and well when we hang out together I feel like I’m getting to know you more and more and I watch you train because I go home every day and train like you do and I’m the one that stole your nun chucks last month because I wanted to learn to fight like you!”
Nightcap stared at the Bonk Choy. “You really think that highly of me?”
“Mm-hm!” Grass Knuckles, eyes still closed, nodded.
Nightcap’s frown turned into an expression of mild surprise. Then… It became… a smile. “Th…” he became frustrated. “Tha… Th…. Thuuuuuuu……… Thaaaaaaa…..” He growled, teeth grit. “Thank you.”
Grass Knuckles opened his eyes to see Nightcap hugging him. And smiling. Wow, a double whammy. He quickly returned the hug. Hear that? That’s the sound of the S. S. Grasscap scraping against the iceberg that is this story. You can practically taste the seawater flooding the lower decks, can’t you? The nose is going up… It’s practically vertical… And DOWN goes the Grasscap ship. Fucking sunk. Deal with it. You got your fluff, be happy with it.
Brainstorm glared through the telescope. He couldn’t get that dream out of his head. It was a dream entirely centered around Comet Z. And apparently Immorticia, the only Hero he spoke with today, said she had a dream about the comet as well.
Oh well, probably coincidence.
He was about to pack up for the night when he saw a streak of fire and… smoke? Smoke in space? Whatever was somehow making space smoke slammed into the comet, knocking it off course an observable amount.
Brainstorm stood up, and ran his fingers through his hair. Grabbing his communicator, he punched in a number. Within seconds, a (Garden Warfare) Scientist Zombie was on the screen. “Victor?”
Rolling his eyes, he huffed. “Yes, Chanler, it’s me. Your brother. Sorry I haven’t called in a while but I need you over here as soon as possible.’
“You know, ever since you got zapped by that Hero beam you never call, you never visit, you became a recluse and you left me to heal the masses.”
“I was never that big into healing anything, you know that. Why repair when you can upgrade?”
“Whatever. And now you call me, no context, telling me I have to be there ASAP!”
“Oh right, and how’s that whole Junkling fiasco going, or whatever her name is.”
“Her name isn’t Junkling,” Chanler said, blushing. “It’s Juk–”
“I’d love to hear it, little brother, but I need you to get here as fast as science can carry you.” He abruptly hung up, turning his attention to a huge monitor. It displayed charts and data curves and other information about the comet. He pressed the refresh button.
Holy shit.
All the info changed. And according to the computers and satellite tracking, it was now on a collision course. With Earth. Unfortunately since it just happened less than an hour ago, there wasn’t enough data to determine exactly WHERE on Earth it would land.
Comet Z just became Meteor Z. And that would have been a bad thing if Brainstorm hadn’t seen the corner of the monitor before turning it off.
He had his hand on the button and pressed it. So it shut off, but not before his eyes trailed to the corner of the screen. There was a picture taken, kind of blurry, but one thing was very visible:
A large. Pink. Z. Engraved onto the meteor. It really WAS meteor Z.
Brainstorm, astonished, hastily dialed Zomboss on his communicator.
“Brainstorm, my trusted advisor, is there something of importance that you need to tell me?” He had rejected the video call and answered it as a normal call.
“Sir, I have some…” Brainstorm blinked and saw the image, temporarily burned into his retinas. “… Some groundbreaking news. Groundbreaking in more ways than one.”
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positivelyamazonian · 7 years
Dear, I came up with an ask about Kurtis, because I am doomed and I can't have an ask related to sb else ;) Okay, so here's the question(s): How easily does Kurtis get jealous? How does he react? How does he show his irritation? I think he's not the type to make a scene, he's got some self-esteem. AND MEN'S EGO :D You've already touched the topic in your Mr Vance Renner oneshot, I know, but I hope there's a possibiliy you elaborate on it without revealing anything for your current story. Thx!
Hi Lucie! Well for sure I can elaborate something without spoiling the current fanfic… which you know it’s a little about the issue. Sadly I won’t be able to say much more but… I hope at least you’ll enjoy it :)
I pretty much agree with Kurtis not making a scene. Not just because having self-esteem - he has some, thanks God, without that he would be definitely miserable, poor thing, after all he endured - but also because he has a lot of self-control. He had to learnt it by force, first at the LV training, then the Legion… any lack of discipline and self-control shall be punished in these ambients. So despite he’s kind of a wild spirit, he soon learnt to control his actions and emotions - even if just not displaying them -  for the sake of his own good, for survival.
But that doesn’t mean he’s perfect. You know that. In Mr. Vance Renner he kinda protests for having to witness Lara being rounded and even courted by strange men. He kinda walks away with some sarcasm at the beginning:
“Miss Croft, let a mere mortal ask you a question.” He blinkedinnocently. “You really enjoy the game?”
“Whatgame?” She replied.
“Theone you play with those poor wretches crowding around you to claim yourattention.” The twisted, bold manly smile bared a row of white, regular,perfect teeth. Aggressive.
He uses sarcasm and teasing as a shield against how much the situation bothers him - before admitting later all the situation is disturbing to him. But he’s not a fool, he knows jealousy won’t work with Lara. Besides he’s not in any right or position to control or command her… and he knows it. After all, we’re talking about Lara Croft. It’s not in his nature either, anyway. He loves her wild and without restrains, as long as she’s loyal, of course - which she is.
When things go smooth and well between them, as it’s the case of this Mr. Vance Renner, jealousy won’t bother Kurtis excessively so he will resource to teasing and sarcasm. More playful than not, and it’s a game Lara enjoys too.
Of course it’s not like he’s 100% jealous all the time. He can be relaxed about that and unvoluntarily jump because MEN’S EGO, as you said. For example, with an old friend ;)
“Lady Croft!” The colonel said loudly, bowing his headin greeting. “You’re ravishing this morning. May l? I’ve practiced this all mylife for the moment I’d meet a real lady.” And he held out his hand toher.
It was tender, almost comical, to see him there,sitting in a wheelchair, the cigar between his teeth and an outstretched hand,his face hopeful. Lara smiled and held out her hand, which he took and kissed,as gently as unhurriedly.
“Don’t overdo, Matt.” Kurtis growled.
THE AWAKENING, chapter 6, The Inner Light
He’s not really jealous, but rather shocked to see his former Legion partner act like a flirting gentleman. And of course it’s the ego who speaks here. Like, I know you’re my friend and this is just courtesy but what the fuck, man. D:
When the thing becomes serious… and you know in The Legacy it becomes serious, he can’t avoid but to dwell in dark thoughts. It’s when jealousy becomes more unbearable, not because Lara looks to be interested in another man, but because she cares not enough about making things clear concerning she’s not at anyone’s disposal.
She plays the game as always, but in this context, the game hurts - or even the memories of the game.
The bunch of suitors. The way they looked at her. Her smile,condescending. That mass of puppets that crowded to court her.
Only the boldest dared to propose. Most just wanted to sleep with her.And some would be content with laying a finger on her for a while, even if itwas in the middle of a dance.
Jealousy. Anger. It was wrong, he knew it. She was free. Besides, shehad been his ever since they met. As much as he was hers.
Even so, she enjoyed that game. That bittersweet torture. Not beingallowed to stand next to her. He wasn’t rich. He wasn’t highborn. He wasn’tfamous.
Not that he wanted to be. He wanted nothing of that society, of thatfortune, of that manor. He just wanted her.
THE LEGACY, chapter 3, Fracture
And this point shit is getting real. He can’t stand anymore the situation. He needs to be acknowleged… somehow, as the man who’s with Lara Croft - her partner, her lover, the father of her daughter, whatever. But that is a missile against his own principles of going unnoticed and keeping a low profile. He wants that, he has lived in the shadow all his life, he doesn’t give a shit if she’s famours or rich or she has a great manor or if every man in the world would like to be with her just for one night. Because she’s always been just with him, since they met.
Now it’s not enough. And this contradiction is consuming him from the inside. He can’t keep a cool head about it anymore. He’s reaching a point of fracture. Something must change between them or the relationship will be absolutely doomed. That tension was the responsible of him losing control over her for the first time. Scarce things in this world make him lose control, and you know all of them.
Of course the fracture has not been just because of jealousy, in fact, it’s the lesser reason here. Just saying, he has reached a point of no return. He’s unpredictable right now, he had never been jealous before meeting Lara, not that way. Lara really manages to make him lose his mind.
So, to synthetize my answer, and I am sorry for not properly answering it, most of the time Kurtis can keep a cool head at it and just tease, be sarcastic or totally an ass in some situations, when it’s about rival men rounding Lara. Of course not like an abuser will do. He is not an abuser. 
When it’s about a friend, he might joke but the EGO will jump and little thing can he do about it. Respecting always the friend or the contact, if it’s too much import- no, fuck the contact, too.
And finally, right now, who knows how this gonna evolve. The poor thing is so done with everything. Let’s hope this horrific situation won’t be the end of them as a couple. At least, he’s willing to fight for it :) 
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junker-town · 6 years
Christian Kirk’s work ethic is what will make him a successful wide receiver for the Cardinals
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Kirk is the latest receiving product out of Texas A&M. But he’s different than the rest.
Texas A&M’s Christian Kirk is one of the best wide receivers in the 2018 NFL Draft. He was selected in the second round by the Arizona Cardinals and stands out among the rest of the receivers in the class. It’s because he’s been training like a pro since he was 17 years old.
He comes from a line of great receivers coached under Kevin Sumlin at Texas A&M. During his tenure in College Station from 2012 to 2017, Sumlin has had receivers like Ryan Swope, Mike Evans, Josh Reynolds, and now, Christian Kirk, drafted into the NFL.
But Kirk is different from those who came before him, which is also thanks in part to David Robinson, who trains college and NFL wide receivers from all over. He’s not one of the most popular names in the draft, but could be one of the biggest to come out of it. Everyone around him will tell you it’s no surprise.
His work ethic got him where he is now
Kirk’s work ethic came in handy upon arriving in College Station. He played a lot of running back in high school, and needed to work on becoming a true receiver. It’s something that then-Aggies coach Kevin Sumlin raved about in a phone call with SB Nation.
“As a really young player, he put in the extra time and the extra work with his body to not only get stronger, but everything with nutrition, flexibility, you name it,” Sumlin said. “What usually takes a lot of college players time, he embraced his physical maintenance early in his career, and approached it really like a pro does.”
Kirk was already a great athlete. He was a five-star receiver coming out of high school in Scottsdale, Arizona, but had to be refined to become the receiver he is today.
That’s where Robinson came in, and helped turn him into a pure wideout
Kirk met Robinson, a wide receiver training specialist, thanks to DeMarkus Lodge, who he had already been training. Lodge was committed to Texas A&M with Kirk, and told Kirk about Robinson. Lodge would later decommit and go to Ole Miss, but the relationship between Kirk and Robinson was started.
Kirk would go to Dallas during the offseason to train with Robinson. “Not too many kinds of kids are doing that,” Robinson said. “That’s the type of work ethic this kid has.” Their first order of business, was to turn Kirk into a pure wideout.
“Just doing a lot of hip work with him, getting him to get more loose in his hips, because he came in real tight transitioning out of sudden cuts,” Robinson told SB Nation. “One thing we worked on a lot of was his catching, his ball skills, getting him to be smooth and natural with the football instead of fighting the football.”
He also mentioned that Kirk’s arm motions in running his routes was also a point of emphasis. “He used to have a tendency to freeze and lock his arms at the top of his routes instead of pumping them, keeping them active, and keeping his feet under control.”
All of these things took time, but it paid off, just as his numbers at Texas A&M would suggest.
The Aggies knew they had something special in Kirk
Off the bat, the Aggies knew that Kirk was going to be a star. He had six catches for 106 yards and a touchdown, along with a 79-yard punt return for a touchdown, all in his first game.
In terms of yardage, his freshman season was his best, with 1,009. But his touchdown production went up every season, with his junior year being his best with 10 touchdowns. He also had seven total returns for touchdowns on special teams, with six of those coming on punts. For his efforts, he received first-team All-SEC nods in both 2016 and 2017.
Kirk is still working to become great, just in the NFL
He’s come a long way in his progression as a receiver, but that work ethic of his and hunger is keeping him going. “He’s always asking how he can get better, he’s always asking what he needs to work on, he’s always asking those questions,” Sumlin said. “He’s going to be honest with himself and that’s the sign of a mature player.”
He added, “He’s done that since day one in college, and he’s really prepared himself mentally and physically and emotionally like a pro since he was 17 years old.”
Robinson has been preparing Kirk for the NFL, whether it was for the combine or Texas A&M’s pro day. They watch film on players like Emmanuel Sanders, Antonio Brown, Julio Jones, and Mark Clayton, who is a similar size to that of Kirk. While he’s taking visits with pro teams, he and Robinson have been training 3-4 times a week during this offseason.
A point of emphasis they’re working on before he takes the next step, is his separation and finishing his routes.
“Receivers in general, you have to harp on them about finishing everything,” Robinson said. “Finishing routes, and not being lackadaisical or cool out of cuts. Those are the main things that I was harping on about him was showing that burst and explosion at the top of his routes, because those NFL scouts want to see that separation and acceleration.”
He’s another great wide receiver in Sumlin’s lineage
During his tenure at Texas A&M, Sumlin had Ryan Swope, Mike Evans, Josh Reynolds, and now Kirk to come out of his program and drafted into the NFL. Part of that is coaching, with the other part having an established standard.
“We’ve been able to have those guys to set examples as they come into the program with younger receivers,” he said. But with Kirk, his ability to retain information has been key. “He doesn’t ask a lot of things twice. When I explain something to him, he gets it. He’s a one-time guy,” Robinson said.
“Any team that picks him up is going to have a very smart football player,” he added.
That, combined with his work ethic and natural abilities as an athlete, could make for a special talent for the Cardinals.
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djgamek1ng · 7 years
Final Fantasy XIV Job Review: Machinist
So this came a lot earlier than I even expected it. I will not explain why here, but to summarize: it’s because of a deal I made with an FC bud (who’s probably grinning a lot after reading that). Anyways, this is my first DPS job I leveled. Why? MCH is considered the worst DPS job at the moment and I was curious if it’s really all that bad. I was already interested in MCH, but the sudden cast times in HW made me hesitate to really level it. SB came around and it obliterated the cast times, so I went to level it! Let’s start the review!
This one I’ll only split up into 2 parts: HW (which is 30-60 and since that is pretty much one whole story) and SB’s story.
The MCH story starts like this: you, the Warrior of Light, enter the Skysteel Manufactory in Ishgard. Stephanivien (the leader of the Manufactory) is excited to see you and you are eager to learn about firearms. Unfortunately, the manufactory’s master of markmanship has left the building. You, Stephanivien and Joye (another machinist) start your search and it brings you at Camp Overlook in La Noscea. You hear the people’s opinion about the guy, but this doesn’t deter the three of you. You eventually find him! It’s a Roegadyn called Rostnsthal. Rostnsthal challenges you to a trial (after Joye displays great skill with the firearm) and you of course beat the trial. Rostnsthal keeps to his word and comes back to the manufactory. You then get to the main theme for this entire story: Ishgard does not take to kindly to the machinists. They are stuck in the old ways of thinking, where a sword and shield (PLD FOR THE WIN) is the only right way to fight. Everybody is doubting Stephanivien, including his own father (the lord of one of the houses in Ishgard). During this all Stephanivien is providing you with new machinery to use and Rostnsthal is learning you new ways to sling that gun. Stephanivien and the other machinists get eventually challenged to a tourney by Tedalgrinche, a knight of one of the other houses of Ishgard. He’s a complete douchebag, just putting that out there. You triumph (but of course) and Tedalgrinche is still not convinced. Stephanivien’s father, however is convinced that machinists are worthy fighters and hands complete control of the manufactory to Stephanivien. Celebrations are cut short as Joye leaves the manufactory with no apparent reason. You find out a bit later it’s because she got married to some random guy...! Wait what? Well, this doesn’t last too long, since Joye’s dad got kidnapped and you save him. You even recruit the knight who was standing guard over him to the manufactory (yes, this does become a plot point). After you rescue Joye’s father, Joye gets divorced (pretty easily since the guy she was married to wasn’t okay with the blackmailing being done to her) and gets back to the manufactory. Celebrations about Joye’s return are once again cut short, because the manufactory is now accused for giving firearms to random commoners and is held to a trial. The trial is to kill a ferocious dragon terrorizing Coerthas Western Highlands and everybody who has to go through there. Tedalgrinche is of course behind all this and you do the trial. Tedalgrinche the dumbass and his stupid lackey are viewing the trial for a grand total of 5 seconds on a “safe” location. You and the other machinist are defending dumb and dumber and afterwards Tedalgrinche finally shows a bit of appreciation. Stephanivien says that the machinists still need the help of the knights, because they need a frontline, and this is enough to raise Tedalgrinche’s ego beyond human limits. You go celebrate with the other machinist’s, even though Rostnsthal takes his leave from the manufactory (since no one can match the Warrior of Light’s skill with a firearm). And so the manufactory and the machinist’s are there to stay!
So SB’s story! This isn’t going to be too long, but still here it is: You pretty much start where you left off. Rostnsthal has taken his leave and the manufactory is at rest. Stephanivien wants you to find Rostnsthal and before long it happens. Stephanivien convinces Rostnsthal to join the city watch and you meet up with Hilda. Hilda says that the rest of the city watch could use some training and Rostnsthal accepts the job as a trainer. You come back to check a bit later and training is going. Not great, but it’s going. You and Hilda look if her Hounds (as she calls them) can do anything around the city. You find out that Hrunting - a sacred blade (I WONDER WHERE I’VE HEARD THIS STORY BEFORE) - has been stolen even though it’s heavily guarded. You and Hilda are looking for info and you find it. A woman talking to a knight you guys where first talking to says something about a band of bandits using firearms and start blaming it on that (WE JUST DID THIS!). Not long after, you find the thugs who have taken it, but something is off. These thugs aren’t coordinated enough to pull off such a big heist. Also, the leader of the thugs says that their boss kinda set them up in a weird way. She told them to steal the sword and when they gotten back with the sword to her, she told them to take it back and do something with it. They decided to sell it and that’s where you busted them. It’s almost like that was planned... You and Hilda return to Ishgard and ask for the sword to be inspected. Ser Muscadain (who you met earlier) had already let it be inspected by a blacksmith, but after your request he also decides to let it be inspected by Stephanivien. Stephanivien has found a small bomb in the hilt, but it wasn’t enough to even hurt someone. It was probably to scar the reputation of the Hounds. You find out it was the woman from earlier in the story who had set this up. You go on and stop her. You do that and it’s revealed that Ser Muscadain and Hilda are brother and sister! And so end SB’s story!
MCH’s power as a DPS: Oh boy, we’re getting into this topic aren’t we? MCH’s power as a DPS. I’m just gonna put a trigger warning right here, since the popular thing is to completely crap on MCH. TRIGGER WARNING! I think MCH is a fine DPS. Is it flawless? No. To name a few things: Flamethrower is pretty much useless, it has both less utility and damage as its direct counterpart Bard (shortened to BRD) and the heat gauge can feel more like a burden then actually an upgrade (especially before level 62... Ugh...). MCH needs some work, but at the same time it isn’t in the swirling black abyss that people are claiming it is. What I would want for it is to either give it actually some utility to match or even compete with its counterpart or just give it a lot of damage. Still it’s relative power as a DPS is alright. It could use some work, but it’s definitely usable for all content (including Savage).
MCH’s gameplay: So the MCH gameplay. Well, let’s begin with the basics. You have Split Shot, which is your basic skill damage skill, which has a 50% chance to get a proc to empower the next skill, Slug Shot, your second combo shot. Slug Shot also have a 50% to get a proc for your next skill, Clean Shot, your third and final combo shot. You have Hot Shot, which is a shot you’ll use every 30 seconds, because it gives you a 30 second damage buff. Oh and you have Spread Shot, you’re AoE damaging ability.
Let’s talk about your ammunition system, shall we? Reload fully reloads all 3 ammunition and Quick Reload only reloads 1. Ammunition powers up all weaponskills (so every on GCD shot) and for Split Shot and Slug Shot it gives you a 100% proc chance for the next one!
Time to talk about oGCDs! Heartbreak is an execute type skill, meaning you can only activate it when your target is below 20%. Gauss Round is just a oGCD you activate every time it’s up. Ricochet is an AoE oGCD you also activate every time it’s up or to use when you use Wildfire. Speaking of which, Wildfire is a bomb you put on the enemy and it takes 25% of all damage done by you (not the turrets we’ll be talking about in a bit) and after 10 seconds explodes. Reassemble makes your next weaponskill a guaranteed crit. Rapid Fire decreases your GCD to 1.5 until you’ve done 3 weaponskills. Blank is a 15 yalm knockback, useful for putting a mob you might have aggroed back in melee range for the tank (LIKE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO USE IT, NOT FOR “LOL LET’S KNOCK SOMETHING BACK, BECAUSE MY TANK WON’T MIND THAT RIGHT????????????”). You also have Dismantle, which reduces the enemy’s damage dealt by 10% for 5 seconds, useful for party wide damage or to mitigate tank busters a bit. 
Now on to the turrets and their skills! You have 2 turrents, Rook Autoturret and Bishop Autoturret. Rook is used for single target situations and Bishop is used for multi target situations. You can also use Hypercharge to power up the turrets and inflict Vulnerability Up to all enemies hit, which means more party/raid wide damage. You have Rook/Bishop Overdrive, which sends out a big shot to the target, but also removes whatever turret is out and makes you unable to place a turret down for 30 seconds.
Hmm... Let’s talk about role skills now! Tactician and Refresh are party wide TP and MP regens respectively. Palisade makes whatever party member you target take 20% physical damage for 10 seconds. Arm Graze stuns a target for 2 seconds and Head Graze silences a target for a split second (like all silences). Foot Graze binds a target and Leg Graze gives a target the Heavy status, meaning they move more slowly. Peloton increases movement speed, but fades upon gaining enmity and can’t be used in battle. Invigorate gives you 400 TP back and Second Wind heals you for a bit.
Well that was everything about the MC-. W-what’s that? Gauss Barrel? *sigh* Okay okay, I’ll talk about the heat gauge. The Gauss Barrel increases damage dealt by 5% and gives you access to the heat gauge. At 50 heat, your basic 3 shots (Split, Slug and Clean shot) get enhanced, so keep it there at all times (when you are level 64 or above at the very least). Cooldown is a weaponskill which is stronger on 50 heat or above, but also lowers the heat gauge with 25 points. Barrel Stabilizer sets the heat gauge to 50 heat instantly, but can only be used in battle. Flamethrower is an oGCD AoE ability which ticks for 60 every second and increases your heat gauge by 10 every second. When your heat gauge reaches 100, it overheats giving you a damage buff of 10% for 10 seconds. When those 10 seconds are up however, you are for 10 seconds locked out of the heat gauge and need to reattach the Gauss Barrel after those 10 seconds. Don’t let your barrel overheat (I know it’s impossible not too before level 62, but believe me it gets better when you do hit level 62).
So what is my rating of MCH? - Story: 72/100. Not amazing, but honestly not too bad either. It’s at least consistent in terms of quality, unlike a certain other job I could mention (PLD WHY?!) but it wasn’t mind blowing or anything. It’s the perfect addition for Ishgard if you want more story in Ishgard. - Power of the job: 64/100. It needs some definite work from Square Enix’s side, but it’s not as awful as the community will lead you to believe. If you like gun slinging or machinery, definitely try it out! - Gameplay: 80/100 after level 64, but 60/100 before level 62. The Gauss Barrel heat gauge has no purpose before 62. It’s literally just an annoyance, because to maximize damage you use skills, but when you do you overheat the gauge meaning you got to reattach the barrel again and again and again. At 62 you at least get Cooldown, meaning you can actually manage the gauge, but at 64 when you get your heated versions of your basic 3 shots it actually has a point to be managed. Still, it’s quite satisfying to see a huge Wildfire explosion do massive damage!
Overal score: 72/100. It’s a worthy job to just pick up and play, because even though many people disagree with me, I still think it’s extremely fun to play, but at the same time, there are some huge glaring issues with the job that make it tedious to actually level up. I can get if people wanna wait until Square “fixes” the job, but it’s still there to try out and I would suggest you do so! If Square does fix the job, many people will be flocking back to it and suddenly it’s the most amazing thing ever again (just like people did with PLD in SB, when it became really strong).
And that’s a wrap, ladies and gentleman! I want to thank you all for reading this. I do believe it’s a bit smaller than the PLD one, but that’s because I honestly had much less story to write out. I could’ve written out all the drama that comes by, but it’s essentially “manufactory gets doubted, Rostnsthal gives you gunning lessons and Stephanivien gives you machinery lessons, you (try to) prove that machinists aren’t lame” a lot. It’s still a good story to just experience, so I would recommend you do that in some form or fashion. Anyways, I’ve taken enough of your time! Thank you for reading and take care! Next up... Let’s see if this job can make me an complete edgelord. The Dark Knight (DRK) is coming up next folks! See ya guys then!
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