#but ppl like tommy and deo are getting to me
risingsunresistance · 4 months
if i'm being completely honest, watching these streams lately has been a bit harder than i expected bc i cant help but think "damn. techno could be playing on this rn. i wonder if they would have invited him. if he would have joined. what he'd be doing"
i'd like to go rewatch one of his videos but every time i do i think about all the updates since his death and i just think about how much he's missed,,, i hate the passage of time i hate that he didn't get to see this stuff. would he even like these updates? no idea. realistically probably not. but i wanna hear him ramble about it anyways :(
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abnormal-normality · 4 years
mcyt pjo au except their godly parent is solely based off of one particular part of their personality
Sapnap - Hephaestus bc he’s pyromaniac and Hephaestus is fire god
George - Iris bc shes the goddess of colour and I thought it’d be funny for George to be the son of the goddess of colour while he’s colourblind
Dream - Dolos bc a lot of dream’s 10000 iq moments are trickery and deception (not sure if dolos counts as a god but this is my au my rules)
Bad - Eleos bc bbh is a kind muffin and also bc I couldn’t really put dolos again (reasoning for dolos being that bad’s often thought as uwu sweet boi but like he knows how to shoot a gun and throw knives do you think this man isn’t deceptively weak???)
Skeppy - Hermes bc he tricks ppl a lot and does his pranks and all
Finn - Hermaphroditus bc the god’s a symbol of androgyny and with Finn/Rose, yknowww
Tommy - Horme bc he’s the god (personification technically) of impulse and the amount of impulsivity in Tommy is astronomical
Tubbo - Themis bc Big Law Tubbo is a thing and Themis is the goddess (technically titaness) of law soo it fits I guess (the other option was Pan but I went for this route instead) (alternate option: Aristaeus, god of beekeeping (pkmn-trainer44 informed me of this)
Wilbur - Hedylogos bc the dude’s the god of sweet-talk & flattery and y’know how wilbur is, and also bc have you seen that dude my first impression was “okay this guy’s a sweet talker for sure”
Techno - Phobos bc literally everyone fears techno, I mean have you seen the reactions of other youtubers to him coming in mcm?? (another option was Demeter because Potato War)
Phil - Soteria bc I searched up god of resilience and Soteria came up, and her description kinda fits Phil so there we go
Fundy - Proteus bc the god was regarded as a symbol of transformation and also a sea god and remember sally the salmon?? (and also bc I’m iffy about Dionysus but yeah I guess the dude can be another option)
Eret - Aphrodite bc this man is a bisexual icon and he’s one of the few people I know of in mcyt that has multiple pronouns so Aphrodite it is
Niki - Astraea bc niki’s thought to be innocent little sweetheart a lot and i guess the goddess of innocence would fit her??? she’s not that innocence but the stereotype that would come from having the god of innocence as her godly parent would be,,, well
(Added 21/9/2020)
Squid - Triton bc he’s the god of waves and the squids in mc are often washed by the waves onto shore and left to die lmao (y’know like the bucket thing where a squid gets washed up stream and suffocates while u try to save it with a water bucket but make it worse? yeah)
Deo - Plutus bc based off the techno vids I’ve seen Deo keeps wasting all the money so it would be ironic to have the god of money as his godly parent
(Added 22/9/2020)
Spifey - Antheia bc he sometimes wears the flower crown in his streams and antheia is the goddess of flower wreaths (apparently) so it fits I guess
(Added 26/10/2020)
TapL - Pomona bc she’s the goddess of fruit trees & the like and TapL is an apple... and apples are fruits...
Mega - Harpocrates bc he’s the god of silence and Mega literally Does Not Speak so I guess it fits idk
uhh idk might add more in the future might not we’ll see
feel free to disagree with any of my choices or come up with your own
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