#but now her latern just keeps on burning through the night
socksboxsketches · 11 months
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immiebee · 3 years
Lactarius on Winter Solstice
Ever since she was little, she loved the winter traditions in her village. Snuggled under layers of blankets, listening to the elders tell stories and watching the adults make their own special meals for the grand feast. And when she was old enough helping prepare those meals.
Soft spoken voices over crackling fires, lulling her to sleep. Her mother running her hand through her hair as she drifted off to sleep.
As an adult Winter Solstice never had the same spark. It was always lonely. No matter how hard she tried to keep her village traditions alive. No one was there to help prepared the meal. Or to share stories with. And it was always the worst time of year for her to get any sleep.
Until Valerius came along.
When she started her usual tradition, it was just another routine. Too stubborn to give it up, but to home sick to let it go.
“What are you doing?” “My village always prepared a large hearth for a fire to burn the entire night. It kept the demons away and the light brought weary lost souls to celebrate with us.” “.....can I help?”
The hearth wasn’t the only thing that suddenly combust into flames. Lactarius winter spirits suddenly bloomed. She shared her traditions and stories. A sudden wave of giddy nostalgia hitting her as she grinned. Valerius listened and followed her in awe. Helping prepare the meal. Listening to her stories. Asking questions. Even sharing his own traditions with her, to which she soaked in every detail. The witch suddenly forgetting what she was doing to watch Valerius as he showed her how to make the best mulled wine and the best paper latern stars that soon filled the main entrance hallway.
The pair eventually finding themselves in the parlor as Valerius played the piano while Lactarius sung/hummed some of her favorite and partially forgotten songs. Though the songs were not remotely connected to Vesuivian tradition, Valerius couldn’t help but shiver at the haunting, yet beautiful song Lactarius sang. He could only imagine a whole village of women singing it out to the sea.
Snowball fights. Snowmen building. The few glow worms that now took up residence in Lactarius’ greenhouse gave a bright cheerful glow, lighting up the lush jungle of plants as they took a stroll. Valerius laughing as he decorated the whole front door frame in mistletoe. Lactarius joining in when he recalled the reason for so much mistletoe. Mistletoe kept shapeshifters from entering home and eating the residents before it became a reason to leave your significant other breathless in front of others. “Are you trying to keep me out tonight? Or do you secretly want me to come eat you up in the middle of the night?” “I prefer the new tradition.” *proceeds to make out in the doorway*
It wasn’t until they were curled up in front of the hearth, under layers of blankets, Lactarius’ eyes heavy with sleep and her stomach full of delicious food and mulled wine, she gave a soft smile. Valerius had begun to run his fingers through her wild hair, reading one his favorite winter stories from an old well loved tome.
Snuggling into his shoulder, Lactarius let her eyes close. With the snow outside falling, Lactarius finally was able to complete her favorite winter solstice tradition: waking up with someone who loved her.
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specialagentlokitty · 5 years
Young!sirius x reader - Rebel love
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Hii could you use the Song Rebel Love Song by Black Veil Brides for a young Sirius Black x Slytherin reader?💕 -Anon❤️
I cannot hide what's on my mind
I feel it burning deep inside
A passion crime to take what's mine
Let us start living for today
You watched him from the other side of the great hall, you were sat next to Severus. He groaned, slapping your arm slightly.
“Why do you like him?”
“Why not.” Your winked.
Severus just rolled his eyes and continued to eat while readin his book. Occasionally glancing between you and Sirius who was will get to not your gaze.
“I want him Sev.”
“Then get him.”
Humming, you carried on watching Gryiffindore’s most popular boy. An intense burning of desire sat in your chest, you didn’t want anyone or anything as much as you wanted him.
Never gonna' change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna' stop us
No not this time
“You’ll get caught.”
“Shut up Severus, no I won’t!” You hissed.
Pulling on a jumper, you gave him a wide grin. Severus closed his book, giving you an intense half glare.
“Why do you do it?”
“It’s fun!”
With that you made your way to the door, peaking out to make sure the coast was clear before you tore down the halls. Feet hitting the ground soundlessly as it ran through the castle, throwing things all over statues and picture frames.
So take your hand in mine
Suddenly you collided into four people, their cloak falling onto the floor and latern shattering. Pulling your mask of you glared at the four.
“Damn it Potter!”
“(L/N)?” Sirius blurted shocked.
You went to reply but footsteps cut you off. Eyes wide, you grabbed your stuff and bolted up, offering the boys your hand.
“Quick! Follow me!”
You helped each one up, still holding Sirius’ hand in yours as someone started coming around the corner. Laughing your begun to sprint down the halls again, ignoring the shouting after you.
It's ours tonight
“Split up! Meet me outside by the bridge!” You whisper-shouted to them all.
Dragging Sirius down one hall, the other three went down another. Once you were halfway down the hall and you were sure you weren’t being followed you slowed into a walk. Still unaware that your hand was still holding Sirius’.
This is a rebel love song
Hearts will sacrifice
Both of you wore wide grins as you stepped outside, the others were not yet here.
“So your the mysterious vandaliser?” He laughed.
“You bet! I take it you were planning a prank too?”
“Yeah, we were going to prank old Slughorn.”
Laughing, you turned to face him. Heart beating widely out of your chest, you had never been this close to him before.
It's do or die
This is a rebel love song
The pair of you sat together by the bridge as Oh talked. You didn’t notice his lingering gaze on you, or the way he made sure he was always touching you some how, whether it was knees pressed together or leaning in so he was shoulder to shoulder with you.
“Guess we’re both rebels now.” You laughed, leaning to wave at the trio walking out.
My outlaw eyes have seen their lies
I choke on all they had to say
Since that night, you’d been closer to the group. Meeting up with them most nights to pull a prank or just walk around.
As you and Severus walked through the halls after class, you came across Sirius pinning some girl to the wall, both of them wearing smiles as he leaned in nearly kissing her.
“So you like me huh?”
She nodded.
“I like you to.”
Clenching your jaw, you stormed away. Severus scrambling as he tried to keep up with your fast pace. You barged past James, Remus and Peter and you made it outside. Soon breaking into a full on run.
“(Y/N)!” Your friend yelled but it was to late, you were gone.
“Oi Snivellous, What’s her problem?” James asked.
“I’m don’t know.” He lied before he quickly walked away.
When worlds collide what's left inside
I hold on tight and hear you pray
Slowing down your pace, you came across Hagrid walking back up from the lake, where you were headed.
“Hello lass.” He smiled.
“Hey...” you grumbled.
Instantly his smile faded, he turned around and begun to follow you.
“What’s got ye so down?”
Sighing you threw yourself into the shore, grunting in impact.
“Boy problems... Hagrid why does he have to be such a player?”
Hagrid sat down next to you, leaning back slightly to get a better look at you. In all honesty he wanted to help you but he didn’t know why.
“Now, I’m sure Sirius likes ye (Y/N), just doesn’t know how to say.”
You nodded, both of you unaware that a certain Gryffindore boy, by the name of James Potter had followed you and heard the whole thing.
Never gonna' change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna' stop us
No not this time
Spinning around, you waited for James to catch up. After a few hours of sitting with Hagrid you felt better. The pair of you walked through the halls, no real destination in mind.
“I need to talk with you.” James said, pushing you into an empty hall. “Look I know what you and Hagrid talked about.”
“You followed me?!” You hissed.
James raises his hands, taking a few steps back just in case.
“Look, before you kill me, I know he feels the same way?”
“You do?” You asked unsure.
“Yes, and I know how to get him to admit it.”
You regarded him, narrowing your eyes a little.
So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song
“James are you sure this is a good idea? I know you like Lily.”
“It’s a win-win. Lily will have to confess after this.” He gave you a grin.
Rolling your eyes, you laughed. Holding out your hand with a mock bow.
“Ready dear?”
“As ever darling.”
The pair of you burst out laughing as you walked down the hall hand in hand. Rumours of Potter and (L/N) spread like wild fire.
Hearts will sacrifice
It's do or die
This is a rebel love song
The pair of you had been at it nearly a week. Sat under a tree in the sun, you resting your hand in James’ lap when Lily and Sirius made their wa over.
“We need to talk to you.” They both said.
Sitting up you nodded, they both sat down.
“James I love you!” Lily blurted.
“What did I say.” James winked, walked away to talk to Lily.
You and Sirius sat there in a slightly tense silence. Shrugging you leaned back against the tree, closing your eyes.
Wild and running for one reason
They can't stop us from our freedom
(Wild and running for one reason)
(They can't stop us from our freedom)
“Hey (Y/N)?”
You felt someone lean over you, Sirius’ face just inches from yours. Again, you felt that familiar burn in your chest, you could see a flicker of desire in his eyes.
“I love you.”
He leaned forward, just about to kiss you when someone yelled.
“I finally found you two!” Both of you jumped to find Mcgonagall walking over,”I’ve heard that you have been causing trouble. And you miss (L/N), are the reason we have to keep pulled string from half the castle.”
Eyes flickering to Sirius, you both jumped up. He grasped your hand in his, giving you a wild grin. Before you both turned to Mcgonagall then sprinting down the field.
Never gonna' change my mind
We can leave it all behind
Nothin's gonna' stop us
No not this time
Laughing, you both could hear her shouting after you two. Running into the castle grounds, oh skidded around the corner, nearly crashing into Dumbledore.
Both of you glanced between each other, you could hear Mcgonagall getting closer. Laughing you two ran around the headmaster laughing hysterically.
“Let them go.” You could hear him tell her.
So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song
The pair of you gasped for air as you led him through the dungeons. Collapsing just outside of the potions classroom.
“Hey Sirius?”
Leaning over, you kissed the corner of his mouth, resting your head on his shoulder.
“I love you too.”
Sirius wrapped his arm around around you, resting his head above yours. The pair of you sitting in silence.
Hearts will sacrifice
It's do or die
This is a rebel love song
As dinner rolled around you both strolled into the main hall. Spotting James with Lily. Sirius begun to walk to his table but stopped noticing you weren’t there.
Glancing to Severus you saw him nod, nodding back with a smile you followed behind your boyfriend. Taking a seat at his table with his friends.
So take your hand in mine
It's ours tonight
This is a rebel love song
“You know your going to get told off.” Remus whispered.
“Then let them, I’m not moving.”
Sirius took your hand under the table, giving you a loving look. Leaning into his side, you nibbled on some food. Listening to all the group talk.
Hearts will sacrifice
It's do or die
This is a rebel love song
“Miss (L/N) would be so kind as to move to your own table.” Mcgonagall sighed walked over.
“Excuse me?”
Standing up, you stripped your green tie, tugging off our green robe. Tossing them onto the table.
“I said no, I’ll take my Slytherin clothing of. But I will not move.”
“If you do not move I shall have no choice but to take points from your house.”
Sirius stood up, stuffing one hand into his pocket and wrapped his other arm around your shoulders.
“I’ll just go sit at her table then.” He smirked.
“So I’ll we.” James stood up, with Lily, Remus and Peter.
Mcgonagall eyes you all but didn’t say anything else. She simply spun around and walked away. Though you did catch the faint smirk on her face. The whole table cheered. Turning to Sirius you grabbed him by the shirt and kissed him, making sure to bite his lip gently before pulling away.
“Our very own rebel lovers everyone!” James laughed
Harry Potter: @darth-dorle @stiffinme
All: @sitkafay @havlindzk @drakelover78
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the-royal-courier · 7 years
Celebration of Night Warrior’s Embrace
By Risri Elthron
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Kaldorei and their allies gathered together in Tel’anor Sunday evening to celebrate the eclipse of the White Lady over the Sun. Various individuals spoke on their experiences, on Kaldorei history and on the event those gathered were about to witness. Each person present was able to construct a lantern by adding a piece during each speaker’s part. At the end hundreds of laterns were released into the sky toward the moon to honor Elune.
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Priestess Roraelis was the host for the evening directing those entering the pavilion to gather supplies as they took their seats. “Today's ritual to honor the Night Warrior will involve each of you to construct a lantern alongside our speakers. As you do, I encourage you to think of those who you have lost, those who have fallen in battle, those who have given their lives so we may live to see another day.”
She opened the event with quiet words that resonated throughout the crowd gathered. “Many know of the celestial event known as the Embrace, in which the White Lady and Blue Child appear in rare conjunction in our skies every four hundred and thirty years. But a more common event is the Eclipse, a time when the Night Warrior obscures the sun, cloaking daytime in night, and bringing our dead to rest in the sky beside her. Many of us witnessed such an event last year, when she appeared to carry the fallen form of the Dreamer into the heavens. To physically /see/ her lift such a spirit aloft in the sky is truly an honor, and one that words can often fail to describe. Tonight, we are honored to watch our Night Warrior in this Eclipse once more, to behold her beauty and power even in harsh daylight. In her light we will honor her duties, and those we have lost that now reside beside her in the heavens. We honor her in this ritual, and in the speakers that represent each aspect of the Night Warrior’s children- The Fallen who gave all, The Sentinel who protects, the Druid that balances, and the Priestess who guides. Please give them your respect and attention.”
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The Death Knight Xaesha stepped forward then, as the embodiment of The Fallen who gave all. Her words spoke of those who have sacrificed so that others might not have to do so. “From the War of the Ancients, to the Third War, and even now, our people have fought to keep Azeroth from the Legion's grasp. We have lost so much in this time, we have seen our homes swallowed by the waves, our loved ones slain, and perhaps worst of all, those we cared about corrupted and turned against us. But we have always remained strong.” She spoke of the Kaldorei’s firm believe in Elune and the power she grants us. “We are the Night Warrior's children, and she has given us the strength we have needed to carry on. Every one of us who falls defending what we hold dear is taken into her embrace. Those who are corrupted are given a chance at redemption, and those who corrupt our homes are made to pay with a pound of their flesh.” Elune as the Night Warrior is what every warrior strives to be, “She is merciless to her enemies, for she represents the savagery in our hearts. The ferocity that each of us feel when we see our homes tainted...But most importantly, she represents something that many of us forget. She represents the love we feel for our comrades. She -never- abandons her children, no matter what taints them. Be it sickness, fel magic, or the nightmare, she continues to love us all so long as we seek her favor. And she proved this when Ysera, corrupted by the foul energies of the Nightmare, was purified, and laid to rest.” With those words, the Death Knight instructed those gathered to add the rice cake to their lanterns, “The purpose of this is to nourish the dead, but it is not the cake itself that nourishes them. It is a sign that we remember them. We honor their memory. We still love them...And we will avenge those who were taken from us.”
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Former Sentinel, Priestess Merethyl Amrallatha representing all those who protect in the name of Elune, “For ten thousand years, the Night Elves and their allies have defended Kalimdor, risking everything—humility, sanity, livelihood—to see our villagers safe and smiling instead of cowering in fear as they are forced to leave their homes, in flames, behind. In war, we must make difficult choices every single day. Many times, even the right choice has its price, and even after making landfall in the Broken Isles, we all have lost something dear to us. None of us are strangers to sacrifice. We pledged to be heartened by the price paid by our fallen heroes, so that we could live on and not to let their deaths terrorize us. As they cross over to join Elune, we pick up their torch. Their legacy is not lost; their lives are not wasted.” She turned to her owl, searched it for a feather about to molt, and collected one. Feather in hand she tied it to the lantern's chime. “As long as we remember, as long as we venerate them, our honored dead, they have not left us. In our hearts and minds always, just as is the case with Elune, we must never forget that our togetherness with those who have passed is eternal.” Her attendant then passed out rice sake to the crowd. “Please, drink, and briefly contemplate with me their journey into the stars. Just as we tie the feather to the chime, the great owl spirit gives wings to the brave and guides them to the heavens. With a belly full of sake, we feel for but a moment the bliss that our heroes feel as they embark on their last journey to collect their just reward: an eternity at rest in the arms of the Goddess.”
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Druids and balance are synonymous, to represent them Lyenna and Noelina came forward to speak of Ysera, Cenarius and the Emerald Dream. Lyenna spoke first, “Elune sent us her son, Cenarius, raised by Ysera in the Emerald Dream, to teach us the ways of nature; the cycle of life and death in all things.Just as the moon's cycle through their phases, so too must all things come to an end, that new beginnings may emerge. Tonight, we prepare for Elune to eclipse An'she, shrouding Azeroth in Her shadow and Her love, and reminding us of those who have fallen.”
Noelina stepped forward next, “Who are the dreamed, and who is the Dreamer? I did not know her as well as probably most of you. In the short years I worked with her Flight, I came to respect, honor, and love Ysera as not only a stalwart ally, and a wise mentor, but also as a friend. Many mortals… have come to forget what the Dragonflights have done for us. They do not remember the countless sacrifices dragonkind have made for all of Azeroth. Ysera’s is possibly the single greatest in all of history. We will not forget. She lives on forever in the sky…In our memory… In our hearts… And in our dreams...now, she is the Dreamed, and we are the dreamers. Ysera, Dreamer, patient and wise… You’ve earned your place upon the skies… Among the stars and pale moonrise… We yearn to gaze into your eyes. We who dreamed with you, We mortals who love you, Now will dream for you, And forever dream of you.” She began to sing then, “♪ When the cold of winter comes ~ Starry night will cover day ~ In the veiling of the sun ~ We will walk in bitter rain ~ But in dreams ~ But in dreams ~ I can hear you name ~ And in dreams ~ And in dreams ~ We will meet again. ♫” As the woman sang, Lyenna sent a faintly glowing green mist swirling through the crowd.  When it touched each lantern, miniature moonpetal lilies sprouted along the lanterns' viny struts.
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The last speaker of the ritual was Priestess Elliistra Thera’dorei. She greeted the crowd and spoke of the origin of the Kaldorei, “A long, long time ago, a wandering tribe happened upon a pool of great power. Exploring these waters, a powerful yet invisible entity sought to befriend them. Seeing how this was beyond anything they've ever known, they settled upon its waters. They grew to know the woman who 'lived' in this well. As She made herself more known, this small tribe grew in numbers. And they grew more in likeness of this great woman. They began to learn the powers of the arcane, magics not known to any other being on Azeroth at the time. They grew strong and fierce, yet kept to themselves, to live in peace and to worship who they came to know as Elune. As they kept expanding, they were finally discovered. The Gurubashi and Amani troll empires had found these upstarts...and sought to destroy them. What they found were warriors who had never been seen before. Possessing great physical strength, but also devastating magics. The trolls could not stand before them. As their empires were crushed, and they had to bow before the Kaldorei, they went on to possess two thirds of the ancient land of Kalimdor. Their majesty and wisdom spread, as did the glory of the Goddess.”
Throughout history the Kaldorei have been guided by Elune, “From there, the Night Warrior has guided her children through many wars...not only the war to end all wars, but also many others, against the Satyr, against the Qiraji, and also joining the humans to fight the orcs. Throughout our long history, many Kaldorei have not only died, but also been separated from their kin.”
The Priestess spoke then of Argus, “And now...the painful change and growth that the Kaldorei have experienced in such a short time now brings us to why it had to happen. The Night Warrior gathers her army. Three times, the demons of the Burning Legion tried to take this world. Three times, it failed. And now...the Night Warrior mobilizes Her children. It is time for us to march on them. It does not matter who you are...Kaldorei, Highborne, Illidari, Ebon, Shal'dorei. The Night Warrior is all our divine General, and we all must now unite under her banner...the reward? The retaking of a fallen world, and the destruction of a foe that has ripped the cosmos apart. And the past has taught us harsh lessons. It has taught us to hate. To despise. To cast kin away. But no more...now, we unite. As we march upon Argus, remember that we are all under our grand General. The Night Warrior marches ahead of us...what demon will stand in our way?”
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With a cry of "Zin'al Elune!" Glory to Elune, the lanterns across the crowd flickered and flared to life, a brilliant pure white light glowing within them with seemingly no source.
Priestess Autumnsong spoke once more, “Zin’al Elune. Blessings, and gratitude to our wonderful speakers. It is through their words, their kindness that our ritual is nearly complete. The Eclipse is nearly upon us- come, let us gather at the precipice and witness the Night Warrior’s beauty.” She directed those gathered to the balcony overlooking much of Suramar city where the White Lady could be seen moving closer to the Sun.
“With these offerings, may we remember and honor our fallen, and set them free into the sky to rest with our Goddess. Their memories are dear to our hearts, and we will never forget their sacrifices. Andu-thoras, mashar’alarion.” With that the Priestess directed all to loose their lanterns to the sky and she began to sing.
“Night Warrior, Night Warrior- Your arrows pierce the night sky, Send terror into the foul, and peace to the fallen souls. Night Warrior, Night Warrior- We pray for a victory, To fight with your viciousness, To protect those we hold dear. Night Warrior, Night Warrior- Be with us in this battle, Guide our Glaives, Bless our arrows, May we enact your justice. Night Warrior, Night Warrior- When we all fall into night, Let us do so in your name, Take our enemies with us, And carry us home on silver wings.”
As the priestess sang, the moon moved before the sun, cloaking the daytime sky in darkness, sending the stars alight across the heavens. The petals on the lanterns begain to fall off, cascading and raining down like drops of moonlight as the glowing lanterns continued their flight, like thousands of stars. As the song ended, the moon moved away from the sun, slowly revealing it’s harsh rays once more. Once daylight had returned the priestess bowed her head, touching her heart, then her forehead. “Goddess, Night Warrior, Mother, thank you for this sight. We praise your love, and thank you for giving our souls a place in your celestial kingdom. Goddess bless and keep you all. Thank you for giving us your time to honor the Night Warrior. Thank you to Xaesha, Merethyl, Lyenna, Nina, and Ellliistra for speaking this day. Go with the Goddess, and serve her word. Zin'al Elune!”
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Many thanks to Priestess Roraelis for the evening and sharing the ritual of the Night Warrior’s Embrace with all present.
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so 1989 came out 5 years ago???? How insane. 5 years ago on this day I turned only 18. I was in my first semester of university, living on residence. I had my very first midterm later that day. But I still woke up at the butt crack of dawn to go get my 1989 CD from target and spent the whole day studying to the songs and reveling in how different and beautiful this new pop sound of Taylor’s was (and still is, obviously). I had my exam, went out for dinner with friends and came back to my dorm room to listen more. By myself all night. Cause there was nothing I’d rather be doing in that moment. I can’t believe that was 5 years ago. But as a celebration of this album I really want to share what I love most about each of @taylorswift s songs from this album
1. Welcome To New York - An absolute banger. A perfect way to start the album and a beautiful celebration of new beginnings. My favourite lyric: Took our broken hearts, but them in a drawer.
2. Blank Space - The most iconic song that I showed to absolutely everyone when it first came out. All of the metaphors that Taylor uses is so magical and paints such a realistic picture of the character that she takes on. My favourite lyric: You’re the king, baby, I’m you’re queen; boys only want love if it’s torture.
3. Style - A ultimate bop that still has me bouncing in my car when it comes on. The melody is probably the catchiest thing that I had heard in a long long long time. I’m absolutely in love with the mystery/sneakiness that is happening in the lyrics and the sexiness of tays voice throughout the song. My favourite lyric: Take me home, lights are off he’s taking off his coat.
4. Out Of The Woods - One of my favourite songs off of this record. It tells such a beautiful story full of hope and cherished memories but also full of heartbreak and uneasiness. The lyrics have been piercing my heart for 5 years now and will always continue to. Especially that bridge. Especially the bridge from the 1989 tour. My favourite lyric: The entire song; We were built to fall apart and fall back together; Two paper airplanes flying; I walked out, I said I’m setting you free.
5. All You Had To Do Was Stay - So so so sad hidden behind such a catchy beat. This song got me through a really hard point in my life where I was so wrapped up in a love where I would have given everything and anything. After listening to this song on repeat for days (literally) I began to realize my frustration of giving everything I had and still having someone leave. And then wanting another chance, but not knowing if I could do it. This song literally helped me process every emotion during that process. My favourite lyric: The more I think abo it it now, the less I know; People like me are gone forever when you say goodbye; Why’d you have to go and lock me up when I let you in; You were all I wanted, but not like this.
6. Shake It Off - A classic that will forever be my ‘get on the dance floor now’ song. I remember when Taylor released this I was so excited about the trumpets and the catchiness. Her carefree demeanour. My cousins kids still request for me to play this song, to this day and have some of my most favourite memories dancing to this song with them. Also, the music video for this song helped me to stop caring about my horrendous, off beat dancing, uncoordinated dancing. My favourite lyric: At least that’s what people say; It’s like I’ve got this music in my kind saying it’s gonna be alright; I’m dancing on my own.
7. I Wish You Would - Tay did such an amazing job painting a vivid picture with the lyrics and story she chose. Having all of the memories come flooding back in while you’re missing someone and wishing you were still with them. Remembering the perfect, happy times together but also the crazy and tumultuous times and still wanting your person back. My favourite lyric: I wish you knew that I’ll never forget you as long as I live; Stand back where you stood, I wish you would.
8. Bad Blood - So in love with the bad ass vibes given off in this song. All of the metaphors and symbolism that Taylor decided to use to paint a picture of hurt, anger, and sadness. Another really really sad song hidden behind the most upbeat and ‘stuck in my head’ melodies. My favourite lyric: Bandaids don’t fix bullet holes; If you live like that, you live with ghosts;
9. Wildest Dreams - Debatably my favourite song on the album. From the slow, dreamy string instruments to the heart beat taking the place of a drum. Her lyrics and voice throughout the song are passionate and hope. I remember playing this song for my boyfriend and him falling in love with it too. I when I played it, we were at a point in our relationship where we didn’t quite know what direction we were heading. But we knew we had each other and the memories. My favourite lyrics: He’s so bad but he does it so well; Say you’ll see me again even if it’s just pretend; I bet these memories follow you around
10. How You Get The Girl - A song full of hope and promise for a future, where there was a hard past. Reminding someone of the best times in a relationship and painting a grand picture of how it will be in the future. So so romantic, which is shown through the magestic lyrics. This song is also super special to me and helped me to feel more ok with giving a second chance to a past love. Which was the best decision I could have made for me. My favourite lyric: Remind me how it used to be, with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks; I would wait forever and ever.
11. This Love - Hauntingly, eerily, magical. The slow and juxtaposed lyrics are some of my most favourites tay has written. You can hear the confusion in the lyrics and in her voice. The lyrics paint such a beautiful picture of great memories of a relationship and what a relationship can be at its best, but also what it can be at its worst. My favourite lyrics: In silent screams, in wildest dreams, I never dreamed of this; Latern burning, flickered in my mind for only you; You showed up just in time; When you’re young you just run but you come back to what you need.
12. I Know Places - A song that I always re fall in love with every time I hear it. The recording clicks at the beginning and the end were so clever to add. You can hear the anxiousness in her voice in trying to get away from people. Wanting to just be alone. The outro is my favourite, showing strength in relationships and commitment and I just love it. My favourite lyrics: They take their shots but we’re bullet proof; You know for me it’s always you.
13. Clean - The healing song. Such a beautiful song. Outlining the depths of hurt and the destruction in a relationship in the most beautiful way I have heard. The drought with flowers dying of thirst, a wine stained dress that’s unwearable now, butterflies that turned to oh so common and unwanted dust that touches and covers everything. Still in awe with the lyrics Taylor put in this song. The chorus and bridge show the utmost strength and is a reflection of courage, bravery, and hope. My favourite lyrics: Youre still all over me like a wine stained dress I can’t wear anymore; because you’re clean don’t mean you don’t miss it.
14. Wonderland - I’m obsessed with Disney, I’m obsessed with Taylor. so naturally I’m obsessed with this song linking the two together. She so perfectly moulded the story of Alice in Wonderland together with her own experience. You see her own experience throughout the song - to the point where it seems like she wrote the story all by herself. She took elements of the story and pieced it together oh so beautifully together with her own experiences. Obsessed is a grand understatement. My favourite lyrics: s We took a wrong turn and we fell down a rabbit hole; We pretended it could last forever; Too in love to think straight; Whispers turned to talking and talking turned to screams; Didn’t you call my fears with the Cheshire Cats smile.
15. You Are In Love - The most beautiful love song Taylor has written. Filled with a love you could picture, a love everyone strives to have. A love with a best friend. A love with simple little joys. I absolutely love how Taylor included such little details into a song but made it so relatable and desirable. My favourite lyrics: You keep his shirt, he keeps his word; Two are dancing in a snow globe round and round.
16. New Romantics - The somber verse is met with a hopeful chorus, followed by a verse filled with confidence. In love with the idea of making the best of a situation where you are feeling lonely and being attacked by people. Making the most out of life; building castles of bricks thrown. My favourite lyrics: The best people in life are free; Please take me dancing.
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