#but no. the risk isn't worth it.
egophiliac · 5 months
this started as a reply to someone (a million years ago) (I am so sorry) and then very quickly got out of control, as these things do. so...uhhh....here's everyone else at Playful Land!
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mikkeneko · 4 months
Don't want to put this on the post itself for risk of derailing it, but that post the other day about Terry Pratchett's early work really stuck in my mind. OP had sent in an ask saying that they heard some of Pratchett's earlier works had problematic elements (not unusual for a male english writer in the 80s) and they weren't sure whether to go ahead with reading the work anyway.
What I really want to ask that person, or indeed all persons who are hesitating over whether or not to read problematic works or works by imperfect authors:
What are you worried about happening, if you read a work with problematic elements?
I'm worried that if I read this art, I will run across hateful images or words that will shock or upset me
I'm worried that I will spend money on a work of art that then financially supports a bad person, and that thought makes me uncomfortable or upset
I'm worried that I will read works of art written by a bad person, and comment or react on them, and other people will see what I am reading and will think less of me because of it, or will assume that I hold the same bad beliefs as the author
I'm worried that I will read works of art written by a bad person, and I will enjoy them, and the author will find out about my enjoyment and feel emboldened to do bad things because of it
I'm worried that I will read works of art written by a bad person, and their badness will contaminate my way of thinking and make me a worse person in turn
Because these are all different answers and some of them are more actionable than others
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SO WHAT'S THE REAL DEAL WITH ISRAEL? A history of a nation, a people, and a whole lot of conflict.
There is a LOT of misinformation going around in relations to the history of Israel and Palestine. I’m going to do my best to provide you with a comprehensive overview of this land and what’s going on. 
Is it going to be perfect? No. But it’s going to be a lot better than the crap I came across today of an infograph that was filled with wrong information set to fuel the desire that people seem to have to ‘be on the right side’ of a war. 
This is going to be LONG. But I’m going to try to make it interesting. I hope that at least one person that enjoys history gets something out of this. And please, feel free to ask questions! 
And I do mean questions and not just hate screaming out ‘facts’ that you read once from someone with no sources on a badly photoshopped image of two women talking about how Israel isn’t a real place. 
I’m not here to spread hate. I’m here to give you the facts so that hopefully things can be understood a little better and maybe we can start choosing to help and not simply fuel the fire of hate. 
I’m going to use a lot of Wiki links because I would like to encourage people to go read the articles and do a little wiki deep dive for themselves. It’s fascinating, and hey, you might learn a few random cool things on the way.  I'd also encourage further reading if you are really interested or have questions. Wiki can only get you so far.
I’m also going to avoid talking about religious history in depth and simply stick to the people. 
SO! Let’s get into it! Let's actually LEARN something for once!
We start with 14 tribes in the Bronze age 1175-900 BCE
We get into some sketchy history that dates back to King David. Early records are rough because of all the war and destruction from back then...also that it was 1175-900 BCE and record keeping was often difficult at best when it wasn't being burned down. 
Essentially, the 14 tribes did what everyone did back then (and arguably still do) and they fought. A lot. 
King David (1005 BCE - 968 BCE) is credited as the one who gathered up a group of people that had been fighting with another group of people and kicking the ever loving shit out of these people with slingshots (a standard weapon used by shepherds to fight off thieves and LIONS) and the use of a nice newly created metal called Iron (welcome to the Iron Age!) 
He got mythicised a bit and the whole David vs Goliath became the story. It's where record keeping got a bit off... But there is proof of this man existing. 
After the war, he united the split up tribes and became King of Judah and created the capital of Jerusalem ((hey look! They got their name because they were from Judah. They were the Judes. The Jews. The Jewish People. See how language evolves over time?). 
The next king, one you may have heard of, was King Solomon (968BCE-928BCE). He is credited as being in charge of the building of the first Temple. 
The first temple was an incredibly sacred place and where a lot of the things that defined and made the Jewish culture were kept. 
After he died, there was no clear succession line and the kingdom split into two. The Kingdom of Israel in the north and the Kingdom of Judah in the south.
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Let's head on over to Wiki and see what they have to say about this piece of land. 
"The earliest known reference to "Israel" as a people or tribal confederation is in the Merneptah Stele, an inscription from ancient Egypt that dates to about 1208 BCE, but the people group may be older." 
So yeah, we got Israel mentions that date back to 1208 BCE. Before the splitting of the religions and people. 
But WAIT. What's that strip of land to the west called the Philistine states??? 
It isn't what you think it is. 
The Philistines were a group of people who lived in Canaan during the Iron Age, roughly 1175 BCE. 
They often had tiffs with their neighbors over land and identity, which often left their relations with Jerusalem not the best. 
Now, during this time, many of the settlements throughout what is now Israel was sparsely populated and the original inhabitants (the Canaan people) were dwindling and fading out. It wasn't uncommon during this time to come across completely abandoned settlements and ruins. 
Most of the population was centered around Jerusalem. 
You see, back in the late Bronze age, Egypt called all the shots. Take a look at the map down below. Look at all that Egypt territory! 
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(keep an eye on that purple bit. It’s about to get important). 
Egypt had final authority on all land disputes in this area. They considered the whole area to be a part of their domain. Their records were a little....outdated. They still listed everything as being run by the Canaanites! In fact, it wasn't uncommon for the lingering Canaanites to run to Egypt any time they had issues with the other tribes and demand that it be settled in their courts.  When we start to see mention of Israel in Egyptian records, it is referring to a people (think ethnicity) and NOT a state! And the Egyptians were starting to see them as a problem. 
So what happened to the Canaanites? They got absorbed by the tribes that were taking over the land: Philistines, Phoenicians (Hey, I know that word from middle school history!), and the Israelites. 
In 539 BCE, a little nation called Neo-Assyrian Empire took the northern part of Israel. Then they slowly expanded into the Assyrian Empire. 
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Wait a moment. Zoom in. Enhance. Look at Jerusalem hanging out all alone over there as an unconquered little square surrounded by orange. 
You see, Jerusalem was built as a fortress. A fully walled in city surrounded by unforgiving hill country, and land that worked in their favor. 
And then, Babylon happened. They were having a pretty good run and getting a pretty good reputation as being a HUGE thorn in the side of the rising empires. 
You see that bright purple bit on the other map up there? Yeah, it’s about to get a LOT bigger. 
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(This is a VERY simplified map. Because this is early Neo-Babylon and it absolutely expanded further than this over time. )
They expanded around 911-505 BCE and wiped the Philistine people out. POOF. GONE. These people most likely were killed off and taken as slaves by Babylon and then assimilated into the Babylonian people. 
What's interesting is that the Hebrew Bible (which is a record of the Jewish People, their history, and their story of survival as well as laws) is the primary source of the mention of the Philistines due to the conflict with them. (It’s also mentioned in the Quran.) 
So what happened? 
In-fighting. Lots and lots of in-fighting. But that's over simplifying it. If you are Jewish, you know what I'm talking about (this is why there is a rule about how "A Jew is a Jew is a Jew". Division is what leads to weakening of a people and leads to what happens next). The fracturing of the kingdom and disputes over rulers and laws caused them to divide their loyalties and left them open to bad things. Very bad things. 
Remember Babylon? And how they wiped out the Philistines? 
They didn't exactly avoid Israel on their voyage to wipe out the Philistines. 
720 BCE, The Kingdom of Israel fell to the newly forming Babylonian Empire. 
King Nebuchadnezzar II grew tired of Jewish revolts against the new empire (see the unconquerable city of Jerusalem) and well... 
They attacked Jerusalem. This is called "The Fall of the 1st Temple" in Jewish history (589–586 BCE).
Jerusalem fell and the Jewish People were exiled (taken as slaves) to Babylon. This is recorded history! 
It was during this that the Israelite religion really started to form and come together. 
You see, when the temple was wiped out, it was a blatant attempt to destroy not just a people, but a record of a people and erase them and all mentions of them from the face of the earth (See the Philistine people who pretty much only exist because of a few Jewish records about their disputes). 
But the people retained their stories in exile and really got together and formed the corner stone for the way the world's first Monotheistic religion worked: Judaism. (People of Judah. Get it? It's based on a people from a place!) 
The exile lasted for a long....long time. Exile not just as slaves, but with strict laws that forbid the Jewish people from setting foot in their old land. 
What happened next? King Cyrus! (At this point, Persia existed 550 BCE). 
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I'm not going to get into the history of Persia (though it is FASCINATING and I recommend you look at it if you want to know the history of the middle east.) 
Now good king Cyrus told the Jews that they were all free to go in 538 BCE. So naturally the Jewish people packed up and made a run for Judah. 
This was called "The Return to Zion". 
What does that mean? 
"Zion is a placename in the Hebrew Bible, often used as a synonym for Jerusalem as well as for the Land of Israel as a whole." 
So that’s where that word originated from! 
OH. You know what else is called Zion? Mount Zion. A mountain located to the south... It has SIGNIFICANT biblical meaning, as well as the location of strongholds and other things. Look it up. 
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So, the Jews were allowed to return to Judah, but it still fell under Persian rule. They were just considered a 'Self-governing Jewish Province". 
Some returned. Some stayed. They'd lived in Babylon so long that they figured they had made a home there. I’m also willing to bet that there was reluctance to leave due to 1. The great distance they had to travel (like some sort of…exodus?) and 2. Fear of it being a trick and getting captured again. Hmmmm…. Sounds like a familiar story? 
You may be asking yourself about Egypt right about now. What's this exodus and ten commandment thing and the plagues and all that fun business I heard about in the bible/torah/Quran. (Hi Moses! in Hebrew his name is Moshe. In the Quran it's Musa! But in Muslim, it's a different story and not exactly the familiar one against Pharaoh!) 
Well, I'm not going to get too deeply into the religious stories for a lot of reasons, but a lot of the original Bible (old testament)/Torah was based off of stories told while the Jewish people were in exile in Babylon! They told these stories as a way to keep their faith, traditions, and cultural identities alive while being forced to assimilate. (The story of Noah and the flood mimics a Babylonian flood myth: Gilgamesh Flood! It's a fascinating read). 
But that isn't to say that Judea didn't have complicated and often nasty relations with Egypt. 
But, as the Jewish people slowly started to return to Judah, a more distinctive Jewish identity, culture, and religion started to form. 
And it was at this time that the Second temple was built. 
This is where things are going to start getting complicated. 
Second temple period! (520 BCE-70 CE) 
Because of what happened in Babylon, it became more important than ever to revise how they did things. 
The second temple became a bigger deal and the way the city was run changed. 
Hey look, Persia has a new king! And he's not liking what he's seeing in Judea. These guys are starting to get a little too big for their britches. 
BUT WAIT! Look over there! It's Alexander the Great! And he's conquered Phoenicia and Gaza! 
The Greek Syrian empire is starting to spread out. But there's a small truce with Judea. They’ll protect them from Persia and the Jews can keep doing their thing as long as they aren't a problem. 
However, the Seleucid Empire is starting to push into Judea and take control. The Seleucid empire was a Greek power during the Hellenistic period (312 BCE) founded by the Macedonian Empire...Ruled by Alexander the Great. And they are big into worshiping other gods and forcing people to worship their gods and rulers. This is a big no no for the Jewish people and kingdom of Judea. 
They start to send envoys to Greek trying to get the rulers there to listen to them. It’s not long before their envoys start coming back with bad news….and then stop coming back. 
The Jewish people have seen this before. 
And guess what? Jerusalem has become a problem. They aren't liking all the Hellenistic influence happening in Judea or the fact that the empire is starting to put a stranglehold on them. 
Alright, all my Jewish people? It's time to revolt with the Maccabees! (167-140 BCE) Jerusalem was under siege and the walls are breached! The city is taken and the temple has been captured by the enemy. 
Remember about the hostile countryside I mentioned earlier? 
Time for some Guerrilla warfare! The Maccabees retake the city and spend 8 days fixing up the temple after it was desecrated and all they got is just a little oil that stretches out way longer than it should have lasted (Hanukkah cliff note story version). 
But, there are other powers that are threatening them. Egypt has fallen and the Seleucid Empire is pretty pissed at them. 
We get revolt after revolt. Judea wants the Greeks gone and Rome is the power to do it.
140 BCE - 63 BCE. The Hasmonean dynasty takes control of Judea. They expand outward. 
The Hasmonean dynasty was a ruling dynasty of Judea that is WAY more complicated than I'm willing to get into because I barely understand it. But here it is if anyone wants to take a crack at it. 
Basically, with the Seleucid Empire falling apart, Judea gained autonomy and expanded into neighboring regions (Perea, Samaria, Idumea, Galilee, and Iturea). 
The Roman Republic stepped in at some point and it became a "client state" of Rome. 
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Now, those of you that know your Greek/Roman history know that some big power changes are starting to happen. 
Enter King Herod (37 BCE) (And all the Christians in the room say BOOO.) 
Now SOME of you may be paying attention to the dates. We stopped going down and started going back up. 
All the Christian’s here know what that means. A certain Jewish man has been born, caused problems for the Romans, and then was killed by the Romans for causing problems. 
We now have the birth of Christianity. At this point it’s just seen as a division of Judaism and not a real separate entity. 
We got Julius Caesar and Pompey and Mark Antony and Augustus happening over there in Rome and Judea is doing its best to stay alive and independent. They need protection from the other places that are trying to take them out and they know Rome is the key. So they make deals with one ruler only for that ruler to be killed and replaced by other rulers. It's getting hard for them to keep up. 
6 CE Rome is their ally. 44 CE Rome sends someone to preside over them and Judea is considered a "Minor province." 
Powers are changing hands so fast that no one knows who is in charge anymore. 
The Hasmonean Kingdom eventually falls, but the Jewish desire for independence continues. Only now, they are at war with Rome. 
This whole time period is a cluster of problems and it’s honestly hard to keep up with who was allies and in charge and ruling and expanding and fighting. Just know that Caesar wasn’t the only one getting knifed in the back and by the time a face was stamped on a coin there was a new face in charge. It was rough. 
The important thing to know is that in the year 70 CE, Rome besieged Jerusalem. 
Emperor Titus was done with the Jewish issue. 
They held out as long as they could. And then the walls fell. 
The city was burned and the temple was looted and burned. The majority of the population that wasn't killed in the fighting was outright massacred and the rest were taken as slaves. 
The Jews that managed to make it out of the city ran for the countryside and hillside. Many were hunted down and killed by waiting soldiers. The Jewish population was sold and scattered across the roman empire. 
The loot taken from the temple was paraded through Rome with the slaves. They even made a monument for it! 
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Arch of Titus, which still stands in Rome today. You can see them carrying the holy Menorah through the streets. 
There is plenty of Archeological evidence that supports what happened at the destruction of Jerusalem. 
Massive stone collapses from the Temple Mount's walls were discovered laying over the Herodian street that runs along the Western Wall. 
It's theorized that 1.1 Million people, the majority of the Jewish people, were killed during the siege. 
I can't convey enough just how big this event was. 
All Jewish people were forbidden from setting foot in Judea. 
We now come to 73 CE, Christianity is considered its own distinct religion. 
So what happened to the land? 
All the Jews were gone. Banished, enslaved, or dead. So who got the land? 
Well... Firstly, the city of Jerusalem was gone. When Rome wanted something gone, they made it gone. 
There was rubble and not much else. 
Know what else they did? The forest was burned down. The land was razed to a point where even today, it is still struggling to recover. 
Jewish areas around Jerusalem were systematically destroyed one by one. There were still uprisings here and there, but they were quickly put down. 
The Roman emperor Hadrian decided that he'd had enough of revolts and set out to destroy Judea once and for all. And while he did kick it in the teeth, he never succeeded in destroying the people. (They got real good at surviving and real stubborn about not getting eradicated). Small Jewish areas did survive in various outlier areas and small farming places that were otherwise overlooked. But life was certainly not made easy for them.
Judaea was changed to Syria Palaestina. 
Sound familiar? Two empires that were enemies to the Jewish people. Remember when I said the Greek records were really out of date and still listed the Canaanites as in charge of the area? Well… They also still called the area Palestina.   You see, Hadrian got the name "Palaestina" from Herodotus' Histories from nearly 500 years before. But Herodotus only called the strip of land along the coast "Palaistine" after the Philistines. He wasn't referring to all of Judaea. And the reason Herodotus called that strip of coastline "Palaistine" was because the Philistines were Mycenaean Greeks, so he was recognizing a (long since dead) former settlement of Greeks. (When Rome wants you gone, they want you GONE and to suffer).
Rome built a colony on the ruins of Jerusalem, Aelia Capitolina. Eventually, former Judea became a Christian pilgrimage and was settled by Christians. The land became known as Palestine. 
Not what you were expecting, huh? Bet you didn’t think the Christians would get involved in this Jewish vs Muslim issue. 
So 900 BCE to 70 CE, it belonged to the Jewish people (with the brief exception to the period of exile to Babylon). 
Then the Christians took over from Rome when Christianity took over and mass conversions started to sweep the world. 
Eventually, the population became a mixed bag of Romans and migrants from nearby provinces. 
361-363 CE - The Roman Emperor says the Jewish people can return to Jerusalem to rebuild the temple. In fact, he encourages it! He’s excited about it and starts to fund it and gathers up all the leaders, who are confused but cautiously optimistic. 
The Emperor is assassinated before anything gets underway and the Jewish people are banished from the holy land again. 
438 CE - Jews are now allowed to visit the Temple site. Note how it's visit, not live. A few times a year they are let into the city to visit where the Temple once stood so they can pray, then they are forced to leave again. 
Oops! Back up a it! What’s happening over there during all this? It’s the 7th Century and Islam has now become a major religion! Any Jews hanging out in the Arabian Peninsula? Convert or get out. They’re going to keep their eye on what’s been happening with Rome, the Jews, and the Christians in regards to ‘Palestine’. 
After all, Islam is a cousin to Judaism and they do share similarities to the holy sites. 
And there have been MANY wars over the holy sites. Sieges, betrayals, false alliances, and an overall repeated attempt to eradicate and massacre people over the land.
Now, we all know the Roman Empire eventually fell. But the Jewish people? Still banished. They became the Diaspora. Attempting to settle in place after place until they are either massacred, converted, or kicked out. They have no home. Just a place to sit for a bit until the next massacre forces them to flee. 
That's not even getting into the Crusades of the Christians against Islam in Palestine 1095-1291!! 
So... Skipping over a LOT of history and massacres and terrible things....
Oh boy oh boy. I'm going to skip a LOT. Because the crusades are a mess of WTFery and I'm not writing a thesis here (right?). 
But... 1917, enter Britain. Because of course Britain has to get involved at some point. You wouldn't be telling a world history tragedy story without Britain somehow getting involved. 
They take control of Palestine from the Turks. Basically, WWI just ended and the Ottoman Empire lost big time. Their punishment? Britain now rules their land (I’ll get to that in a bit). 
A decree is issued establishing Palestine as a national home for Jewish People, so long as nothing is done to cause prejudice or remove the civil rights or religious rights of the existing people that live there (Non-Jewish communities). 
Many Jewish people interpret this to mean that ALL of Palestine is now a Jewish State. 
1921: Britain changes their mind. All of Palestine east of the Jordan River is closed to Jewish settlement, but not to Arab settlement. 
Oh boy. 
1923: Britain says Arabs can immigrate but NOT Jewish people to Syria and Lebanon. 
What? What are you doing Britain? 
Remember that Western Wall rubble that was found in Jerusalem? The last remains of the Temple? By 1929: Muslims and Jews have been fighting over that wall for ages. Riots break out in Palestine and Jewish people are massacred. 
Annnnnnd that takes us to 1933 when Hitler rises to power. Jewish people everywhere attempt to start to emigrate and flee to what they hope are safe countries. 
1939: British government limits Jewish immigrants to 10,000 a year. Jewish people are trapped and the Holocaust catches up. 
1945-1948: Post Holocaust refugees try to find the only place that they may call home: Palestine. The British government detains them and prevents their entry. 
1946-1948: Things start to get violent in Palestine and British rule is unsure if they want Jews there or not. 
1947: the UN approves the creation of the Jewish State and an Arab State in British ruled Palestine. 
1948: Israel declares independence as a Jewish State and opens up to all Jewish people trying to find a safe place to live after the Holocaust. Essentially, it becomes a refugee state and if you are Jewish in any manner of the word, you are now a citizen and have a country to escape to when the massacres happen. 
A Jewish Exodus from Arab and Muslim lands results as they flee or are expelled. 
Egypt invades and Israel holds fast, expanding its borders as a result. 
Egypt continues to attack and threaten Israel until the Six Day War in 1967 when Israel captured the West Bank
(Pictured here)
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The West Bank is considered the heart of Palestinians. This is known as the Gaza Strip. 
Many Israelis see this area as their ancestral Homeland. Many Israeli settlements are starting to push into this area in a ruthless attempt to take it back. I DO say ruthless because they have been using violence against those living there and farming there. 
There is international law that states that this area is off limits to Israelis. 
"1890: The term "Zionism" is coined by an Austrian Jewish publicist Nathan Birnbaum in his journal "Self Emancipation" and is defined as the National movement for the return of the Jewish people to their homeland and the resumption of Jewish Sovereignty in the Land of Israel. "
Now, the term Zionism has taken on different roles and meanings over the years. I mentioned above what the word means and comes from. But it was later claimed by right wing Israelis who want the Arab nations out of Israel. It was later taken back again to being used as a simple declaration of nationalism for the right for Jews to have a place to call their own. 
It's...complicated. I think Zionism can only really be defined by those who claim they are Zionists. Which ideology they follow may vary and much like any notion of nationalism, there are problems and dangers. 
Is it wrong to be a Zionist? Depends. But the answer is not a straightforward yes or no. 
The Jewish people deserve to exist in a state. But so do the Palestinians. 
Let's talk about Palestine! 
Historically, you got nothing until Judea is destroyed and the people are taken as slaves and killed in 70 CE. 
Then you have a bunch of Christians wandering around it declaring all the historical sites to be theirs. Which, since Christianity comes from Judaism, they happen to share a lot of the same spiritual and historical sites. 
But so does Islam.
There are repeated revolts, wars, disputes, and claims to the area by MANY different factions. 
Many times the Jewish people attempted to retake the area only to be put down again and again. 
In the late 6th Century, Islam was founded. They conquered Palestine in 636. Unlike previous rulers, they allowed Jews and Christians the freedom to practice their religion in peace.... but they had to pay a special tax and be submissive to Muslims. But, they did lift the centuries long ban on Jews being banished from Jerusalem. 
Guess who wasn't a fan of all this? 
Time for Crusades to 'liberate' Jerusalem from the Muslims. 
European Christians campaigned against Muslims to reconquer the 'Holy Land' of Palestine. 
Hey look! The Ottomon Empire (1466 CE) decided to show up! 
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As I mentioned above, the Ottoman Empire had sided with the Germans and lost. They were driven from Palestine and British rule took over. 
Remember how I mentioned that the British government declared Palestine to be a Jewish State in 1916? Well it turns out that just one year earlier, in 1915, it had been declared an Arab State in which the UK agreed to recognize Arab independence. BOTH declarations were seen as giving full control to either the Jewish People or the Arabs. 
Good job Britain. Way to do what you always do and cock it up. 
Here’s the biggest problem with saying that you side fully with Palestine. Internationally recognized terrorists political movement of: Hamas. 
Hamas is an Acronym that translates to 'Islamic Resistance Movement'. 
It's a political military movement that governs parts of the Gaza Strip. 
They have taken charge and governed the Gaza Strip since 2006 and have periodically attacked Israel. They promote Palestinian Nationalism in a strictly Islamic context. 
In fact, they propose that Israel NOT be recognized as a state and that a strictly Palestinian State be formed. 
All the truces they offer to Israel over the years? Incredibly Antisemitic. They have carried out numerous terrorist attacks against the citizens of Israel and continue to 'advocate' for the return of Palestine without Jews. 
They tend to be the 'dominant political force' in Palestine because of their anti-israel stance. They pretend to want a two state solution, but will repeatedly reject talks and demand "From the River to the Sea". Their end goal is to remove ALL of Israel and return the entire region to Palestine, thus making it an Islamic State. 
It’s important to know that this is a radical group that unfortunately has a lot of control and uses its own people to terrorize and hide behind in an effort to bring about fear and hate and death. The actual Palestinian people do not deserve that. 
It’s also important to know that the Israeli people do not all support their own government or leaders who have decided to take up an extremist approach to attempting to eradicate the terrorist movement. 
MANY Israeli and Palestinian people believe in trying to find a negotiation that will benefit both sides and share a land that in a long lengthy way does represent three major religions. 
It is important to know what Charities are supporting. Where the money is going, and who is only furthering violence on both sides. 
It’s also important to know your history. 
When I was little, If you said someone was Jewish, I imagined a white European man. Why is that the common image of a Jewish person? How is it possible to be a colonizer if your people come from that country in the first place? 
So I'm going to ask you a question, and I REALLY want you to think about this. 
If someone owns land and comes from a land, they are forcibly removed from the land for a LONG amount of time, someone else comes in and makes a home of this land and lives there for a long time, and then the first people want that land back.... Do they become colonizers? Are they wrong? Do they not deserve their land back?
If you think the answer is yes, you need to go have a conversation with the Native Americans. 
BUT, as we all know... What do you do about the people that currently own and live on that land that was stolen from the first people? Maybe you didn't do the stealing, but you acquired stolen property and if you give it back then now you have nowhere else to go.... What sort of conversation needs to happen now? How do you solve this problem? 
If you made it to the end, I thank you so much for taking the time to be curious about history and how it impacts current events. If you have questions, please let me know.
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✨Fun and quirky New Years Resolution: wearing a mask in public to protect yourself and everyone around you✨
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teruel-a-witch · 1 year
today i'm thinking about how steve and danny are that ridiculous couple who argues over who gets to risk their life, 'better me than him', like in 3x15
steve: i'm gonna draw the fire to draw out the sniper, kono will take the shot.
danny: please don't do that, please lis-- and he's gone, of course, don't listen to me, don't listen to reason, be you. it's very you of you.
also danny: *proceeds to draw fire himself before steve even realised what happened*
steve: *offended noises* WTF was that, scarface????
danny: a taste of your own medicine? :P you plan was flawed.
steve: *to the tune of you liiiiike me* wait, you were worried about me? 😏
danny: that is not the lesson here!
steve: *can't hear anything over Danny-Cares-About-Me*
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bumblingbabooshka · 1 year
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Tuvok & B’Elanna - Poor Coping Mechanisms - Vicious Cycles “You need to find some other way to deal with this” “I don’t know how.”
Heavy Balloon by Fiona Apple // Lady Lazarus by Sylvia Plath // Stubborn love by the Lumineers // New York Movie by Edward Hopper // under the burden of adversity by Theodor Axentowicz // Birthday Present by Sylvia Plath (cut)
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dollsome-does-tumblr · 5 months
just being my lil' mr. woodhouse self--
i know this is bad, but almost every time i am at any sort of social gathering (not very often!), i find out right afterward that someone who was at it is now horribly sick, and i'm just like, can't we all just agree as a society to never see each other for recreational purposes ever again???
i get that most people aren't willing to forego nearly all social interaction so they can just stay home and be assured of their health and partake in all their little delightful hobbies i.e. reading television movies fanfic keeping up with one's online correspondence etc.
but i am, dangit
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simgerale · 1 year
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just amoria being simtimate 🌿
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oathkeeperoxas · 8 months
Last Line Challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you feel like). 
Thank you @dontbelasagnax for the tag 💖 I am treating Ice terribly, as usual. Just absolutely putting him through the winger. It's mean to Ice hours 23 hours a day around here.
It has to be Ice who does this.
Tagging uhhh @frostbitebakery @lttrsfrmlnrrgby @inkformyblood @fox-trot if you'd like to!
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hikeyzz · 3 months
#anyway um happy thursday i hope y'all are havin a great day thx for following me and dealing with my antics i rlly appreciate you all so mu#esp all my beloved moots y'all are so so precious to me#anyway don't keep reading unless you wanna know what goes on in my dumb idiot brain all the time#i would simply love to not be in pain and suffering anymore#i feel like i'm never going to feel well again#and idk how much longer i can keep going like this#like this life is not so great that it balances out the absolute suffering i endure#so .#why am i doing it??#i never expected to live this long to begin with which is cool whatever like i chose to keep living#but i also expect to have a short life because of my health and my genes#and there's been some comfort in that where i feel a sense of ease knowing i'm not trapped in this life and there is an end#but so far my life has been that i am in poor enough health is seriously disrupts my life but only mildly disables me and does not actually#pose a risk to my ability to stay alive#like none of my health issues are fatal or life threatening in any way#they just seriously make it HARD to live and thrive and bc of that i'm like in disability limbo#and i don't wanna do it anymore#and trust me when i say i have thought soooooo much on it and am TRYING to make it worth it i am TRYING to make this life livable#i just can't keep living like this and my options rn are very limited#i want to ... so bad yet i keep trying and it just really really isn't worth it in my eyes#i don't know much longer i can hold on. i don't think i want to much longer#hikey#talks from ur local sexy psycho <3#disabled lyfe
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brittlebutch · 5 months
brennan trend of characters who view their bodies not necessarily as themselves but as a Tool they can use to earn favor from / a place with other people (often as an Apology for who they are) has me thinking about Zelda's Ending of All Things vision again
#N posts stuff#eg: Sean who is most at peace Explicitly when he allows other people to order him around -> tool for others to use#or Nikhil who includes himself in the worldview of 'every living thing is Inherently selfish and cruel' and so uses his body for Sex#bc that's an act that can bring him some pleasure while also getting him Favors from other people bc he doesn't think anyone#would be willing to help him / be decent to him otherwise -> bargaining chip to earn favor#or Hob who views himself - as his superiors say - as a 'blunt instrument' wielded best by other people who are smarter than him#his entire self-perception is cornerstoned by his ability to follow orders regardless of what he wants -> tool for others to use#following this thread we have Zelda - whose Vision is defined only by a concert where she is just Tearing Through iterations of herself#we know she struggles w/ self-image and self-deprecation -> pondering the potential that Zelda ALSO sees her body as#something of a Tool she can use to gain favor / friendship bc she doesn't feel capable of offering any Social benefit to others#her body as a Shield she can put in front of her friends and a Weapon she can wield to defend them - regardless of the damage#she risks posing to herself -> Zelda tearing bloodily through her own body w/ no regard to the consequences bc What Else Does She#Have To Offer? ; so she can't stop Attacking and also can't stop Taking The Hits -> this building into the scene the maidens glimpse#Zelda who kills / dies for her friends bc she isn't worth anything outside of that -> bargaining chip to earn favor#interesting though how Zelda does not necessarily seem to Confront this as much as she Flees from it; due to the nature of#the gameplay focusing primarily on the Player Characters as opposed to Zelda as an NPC#the others find some degree of Peace w/ their vision but Zelda leaves snarling 'i Super don't like it here' as she flees from it#anyway i Will write a fic about this one day but first we have to Ponder it more lol
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naamahdarling · 2 years
#controversial take but families should not have more influence over mental health policy than the actual patients#yet again i see another initiative pushed by loved ones that will make things less safe for patients#sorry bad shit happened to your loved one but you can't call for worse treatment of psych patients and call it right#the only people who should have a voice in this are actual patients#not doctors not families not legislators nobody but patients#everyone else get out because it isn't your well-being at risk#so much seems to be about preventing families from suffering#so thay nobody will have to go through what they did#that's...not how you help patients#you can only help patients only by listening to patients#anything pushed by other parties that does good does it mostly by accident#because they sure aren't looking at what WE go through and what we say is best for US#wards are prisons and prisons are inherently violent and surveillance meant to increase interventions that funnel patients into wards#is a form of violence and abuse#abolishing prisons means abolishing psych wards as well so make a note of that#and don't EVER support ANY measure that increases ANY scrutiny of patients because it puts patients in danger of wrongful incarceration#based on the whim of what may be one trainee therapist a school counselor or Christ help you a fucking COP#increasing access to mental health care should not ever involve a mechanism making it easier to send patients inpatient for their own good#starting to think the whole thing isn't worth keeping as it is#doctors and psychs are primarily gatekeepers and cops anymore and it's ridiculous that I should have to walk on eggshells#to access second-rate care#the lunatics SHOULD be running the asylum because they're the only people a fellow lunatic can trust#takes that will get you burned at the stake
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cowardlycowboys · 1 year
I wish my dad wasn't a bad teacher because I'm older and smarter now I want to learn to play guitar maybe but unfortunately he's the way he is :-)
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optiwashere · 6 months
Screaming crying throwing up begging sobbing for transmasc/gnc TavxShadowheart fics i will give you real world money pL EAS E IM BEGGING YO-
Anon, it's wonderful that you thought to ask me this. I do genuinely appreciate that kinda faith in me! Thank you for that.
But I'm sorry, I'm just not convinced I'm the writer for what you want. Unless it was a very brief fic which feels... disingenuous.
There's a dearth of transmasc!Tav/Shadowheart fics out there though. It's even worse than the trans fem Tav/Shadowheart situation, and I'm sorry for that. I hope someone more suited to the task comes along and gives you everything you want!
I'm not in the market for a fanfic beta with sensitivity reading/editing experience at the moment either, which I would want for this.
I laughed at your joke at the end there, but to clarify in probably far too serious a tone: my fics will always be free and I can't see myself accepting money for fannish writing out of an abundance of caution. No shade at all to those that do commissions or set up ko-fi/Patreon and so on, I wish all y'all a happy and comfortable life in the dystopian nightmare we're forced to live in and all proles (especially artists & writers rn) deserve to be compensated for our labor.
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phoenixiancrystallist · 7 months
Tumblr media
Month 9, day 21
Refined the shading on Knell's bottom right wing tonight :) Subtle differences are subtle, but I think it pops a bit more now and I like it :D
#the great artscapade of 2023#art#my art#forspoken#forspoken fan art#forspoken oc#forspoken original character#oc: knell#I um took a much longer bath than anticipated tonight >.>#and when I was done I had to discuss something with my roommate#I got offered a job paying *up to* $40/hr#but that $40/hr isn't guaranteed and it's only a five month contract with a *potential* for hire#I like the job I have now (inasmuch as I can like any job I have)#and it's secure#my boss is not getting rid of me and with the way our contracts work HR CANNOT intervene#unless I do something illegal but like that's obvious#fortunately existing as a queer person is not illegal in the state of nebraska (yet)#anyway we decided that risking unemployment in five months isn't worth $40/hr in the short term#especially since there's no guarantee that I would get that $40/hr and there's less guarantee that I'd be hired on full-time#$40/hr tempts me but I've gotta think about the future#...anyway I got dice today! :D#five new sets plus a pound of defective dice lol#most of the defects were inclusions that sat funny so they might throw off the balance#they require testing if I want to use them for serious campaigning#some of them had too much paint slightly more of them had not enough paint others had zero paint#my favorites are the two completely blank smooth on all six faces d6 dice :)#a few other die had smooth faces as well but those two in particular are just... cubes#I love them XD#but more importantly I had half a dozen dice with whales in them and they remind me of my friend Feather who loves whales so I love the dice#I'll be getting a quality controlled set of them next time I order :D
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shrikeseams · 2 years
You brought it upon yourself: best and worst dressed Finweans. You can rank them all or just tell me the very best and the very worst or anything in between, I just need to know more forbidden fashion facts from the mind that's brought us basketball jersey surcoat Fingon --tolkien-feels
Oh no! 😂 I feel very ill-equipped for this ask, and I do need to point out that this art is the reason I always think of modern!Fingon in basketball jersies and deeply janky diy tank tops. He's just the kind of guy who should wear his armscyes down to his hips.
Now, the thing is, 'best dressed' depends on social context! For example, what works well in Tirion may not work in Alqualonde or Beleriand at large. What works in Noldoran Court would be cumbersome and awkward meeting with Iathrim ambassadors. So:
Fingolfin, Maedhros, Turgon, and probably Caranthir qnd Curufin are always well-dressed. But in slightly staid, respectably Noldoran ways. Maedhros and Caranthir and Curufin tend to be flashier, but they all go for conventional fashion focused on showing off the craftsmanship of their outfits.
Celegorm, Aredhel, Fingon, Amrod, Amras, and I think Aegnor tend towards jock chic, with varying degrees of perpetual dishevelment. They all can clean up well enough, and they all do typical Noldor flashiest well enough. But if nobody reminds them about an event, they'll tend to be at least a little under-dressed. Fingon falls into that trap less, if only because a hairdo full of gold compensates for a certain about of sartorial laziness among the Noldor. And this general approach becomes much more acceptable in Beleriand than in was in Tirion.
Finarfin, Orodreth and Galadriel all tend towards classy simplicity. It's a more Teleran/Sindaran approach, though, so while they always look good (and often more comfortable than their heavily bejeweled family members) they loose points in the gossip columns. This group does better at mixed culture events generally, but gets more snippy remarks from the Noldor in Beleriand I bet.
if you want fashion that is avante garde, cutting edge, and sometimes Does Not Work, you have to go to Finrod and soooometimes Feanor. Feanor drops out of this as political tensions rise and he has more kids to dress, but he's always quietly disappointed that his sons aren't more daring in their fashion.
So: at any given Finwion party, the worst dressed could be from The Jocks (underdressed and slightly messy), the ones who Snub Noldoran Fashion (solely on grounds of not playing to social expectations) or Finrod or Feanor or Maglor (a wild idea that didn't play out right; a wardrobe malfunction is a clear possibility).
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