#but like as i've mentioned in my priv
hearvex · 3 months
your latest reblog about the whole situation is honestly how i’m feeling about it all- but i know voicing that would immediately be shut down by people. I just want more context :/
no yeah literally same (tw // sa in tags)
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maddy-ferguson · 4 months
in july of 2021 i almost sent an apology that was 1000 words long to my ex-twitter bff i had been in semi-love with that i had friend broken up with a year and a half earlier and i thought about the apology in january for the anniversary and in june because i was like oh my god i need to send this for when it's 18 months behind us. so i thought about doing this for months i wrote it rewrote it then i wasn't satisfied with it by the day i wanted to send it on (july 22) so i was like wait. am i actually crazy and incredibly self-involved for wanting to do this. and the answer was yes
#we were VERY close for like a year so it's not like she didn't care when we like stopped talking and when after six weeks of not talking i#told her i didn't think we were made to be friends and other vague reasons that didn't mention that i was lowkey in love with her#because i literally couldn't tell her it was BAD (the friend break up message was prompted i didn't just tell her hi how have you been#let's not be friends anymore)#she didn't even say she was sorry when my grandpa died when she had dmed me when my grandma died a year earlier even though we weren't even#actual friends then we were just favorite mutuals without knowing if it was mutual or not...it was at the start of the six weeks so it#wouldn't even have been weird!#but anyway. what's crazy is i told my twitter priv followers that i was thinking about doing this and they didn't even stop me. fake fans#because what was wrong with me?#i was like let's think am i doing this because i think she'd like to hear it or because i want to say it to her. then i was like okay nvm😭😭#i didn't even think about the friend break up anniversary this year that's crazy it was the first time. i mean it's only been four#years it's not like i thought about it every year for 20 years.#i saw her irl (twice she even met my mom) i have a relative amount of class i didn't just like the way she typed...(i've already said this)#i reread the apology slash explanation because i was looking at the files on my usb drive that i've had since i was 10. and it was#on it lmao#and like i say: brf slt
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laithraihan · 8 days
now i’m kinda curious to hear what you think of proshipping.. if you don’t mind of course
I'll share my thoughts, and if theres anything I say that doesnt make sense feel free to point it out to me because I mostly write with the help of a translator. Under the cut because I wrote too much stuff.
TLDR: proshippers hate me because I dont want to look at glorified depictions of pedophilia/incest/etc, antis hate me because my content isnt 100% sanitized. I stay around anti circles because I find it slightly easier for me to talk about my headcanons with them even though I think they can be insufferable.
So the thing about proshipping. From what I've seen it means being "anti-harassment" and being in support of curating your online experience, which sounds great on paper and that's practically what I do. I have over 3k accounts blocked on my personal twitter to navigate the website more easily and I also dont care if someone blocks me if they dont like my stuff.
Except proshippers never consider me a proshipper because I am uncomfortable with viewing glorified depictions of topics like pedophilia, incest, rape, all that stuff. The same way people are uncomfortable with excessive blood and gore (which I also can't really handle seeing). Whether or not it's always easy to tell if it's glorified is an entirely different topic, which is precisely why I stay away from all depictions in general to avoid being intrusive.
And what's interesting is that I do not label myself an "anti". Mainly because I don't even know what the term "anti" is supposed to mean ("anti-" what exactly. Genuinely please tell me because I actually dont know) But the ones who label themselves "proship" always call me an anti, because again I do not wish to engage with content related to pedophilia etc, and that alone apparently enough to be considered "a person who harasses others over fiction" even if I mind my own business and have no interest in forcing my personal tastes on others, especially if they make it clear that they wont change their mind. Which makes me believe that for a lot of self-identified proshippers, the definition of being "proship" would be more similar to "I love fucked up stuff and if you dont then youre lame and it obviously means you can't tell the difference between fiction and reality" which honestly seems like insecurity to me.
Forgive me for bringing up this up once again but I want to mention an example to make it easier for me to explain: yknow the whole thing with me drawing Minori and Reigen and labelling it "non-cp" which caused a wave of both self-identified antis and proshippers harassing me over that (I'll say that proshippers were more bold about it since the antis harassing me were all anonymous). Proshippers saw me saying "I dont ship that" and interpreted it as me being defensive and in denial, as if I said "guys I swear Im an anti !!! please dont think im a proshipper !!! ", when I meant "I dont want to discuss this with others in a shipping manner because thats not how I see it and I dont want to enter a space Im not comfortable with"
I admit I responded to this situation in a petty manner, but this was after several days of harassment done directly in my inbox and publicly (sometimes I wish yall remembered that group chats and priv accounts exist). My point is that simply saying you don't like seeing pedophilia in fiction is enough for proshippers to believe it's justified for them to harass you over it (and I'm fully aware they'll say it's not harassment, only when antis and "puriteens" do this to them then it's harassment)
Now about the anti side. Don't get me started on them either. If proshippers see me as an enemy then this must mean that I always get along with the ones who call themselves "antis" (I do not). Note that Im only talking about adults here, I dislike beefing with children and I think their feelings about this are entirely reasonable (I'll elaborate on this when talking about internet safety)
But anyways. I think a lot of adults are discourse-brained and do way too much. Im thinking of nonsense like "this ship is problematic because they are 'sibling-coded' so thats basically incest" "siblings giving each other a hug gives me proship vibes" things of that nature. And you're not allowed to do anything that even has the smallest possibility of being interpreted as "problematic", because then they'll harass you for it, and if you clarify your intentions, they expect you to apologize for "misleading" them because clearly they didnt do anything wrong by making assumptions about you.
There's almost no room allowed for creativity with them, everyone has to follow fanon because they consider it canon, if you ever want to try something other than the same boring domestic fluff then it's "too much" (and not even platonic affection is acceptable to draw in certain cases). Which is incredibly fucking boring to me who wants to see different types of content. People even said I was enjoying incest for drawing Reigen selfcest, and that I was "making others uncomfortable" by drawing it. Genuinely seems to me that they only care about moral superiority, that they never think about anything in depth, and I dont think they realize that it also shows in what they create: boring and repeated fanart and headcanons where the only thing you can say about it is "thats cute", nothing more because you saw it ten billion times already. You cant draw two people showing platonic affection that absolutely nobody would bat an eye if it happened in real life, you cant discuss something specific in more depth without people saying you have a fetish for it, and then they'll harass you based on their speculation that it's a fetish. I dont think many realize this, but fandoms are full of autistic people, so it's normal to see people who are interested in very specific things that dont make sense to others! I wish people were less judgmental, but at the same time I dont care if people think Im weird. I think what I mean is theres no reason to mistreat weird people who do no harm to others.
So yeah if you call yourself an "anti" I'll assume youre spend too much time engaging in fandom discourse and you're the type of person to believe that fanart where two people are holding hands is the equivalent to drawing them fucking each other. Which I think is a very childish mindset to have and it's worrying that many adults think this way. I also think that as an adult they should be capable of blocking stuff they hate instead of constantly arguing with people online because at this point it's just mental torture.
The thing about internet safety I mentioned earlier, I'd say this is the one thing that I'll always prioritize discussing whenever proship discourse comes up.... To put it simply: filter and limit the visibility of your content, do not put triggering stuff in the main tags, stay in your own circles. Whether or not you believe fictional rape/pedophilia/etc is bad is irrelevant, my point is that these are objectively triggering topics and should be filtered just like how there are warnings for violence and blood even if it's not real.
"But it's the parents' responsibility to control what kids look at online, this has nothing to do with me!" and I agree with the parents being the ones Primarily responsible. However the reality is that children are online and there's nothing you can do to stop it from happening. Kids will also enter spaces theyre not allowed in, theyre children and children are rebellious especially teenagers, I was like this as a teenager too. You'd be lying if you said you were always obedient since childhood and never did anything you were told Not to do. And you can't really expect teenagers to always block and not interact if they see something triggering. It's your responsibility to block them if they interact with you, because what I see most of the time is adults bickering with teenagers who are uncomfortable, calling them "puriteens", putting them on blast and allowing other adults including NSFW accounts to dunk on them.
Humiliating and degrading teenagers does not "teach them a lesson", it only makes the teenager more stubborn and reactive. Adults must accept that kids will always find their way in there even if your content isnt easily accessible. So I think it's stupid to feel offended at a child because they got upset when they found upsetting content like how any normal child would react. Which is why I wish more adults would keep blocking without saying anything petty to provoke teenagers.
Before someone pancake-waffles me and says "so youre fine with antis doxxing people" no I do not support doxxing. Ive been doxxed so I know it sucks. However the only times Ive seen it go this far is after continuous arguing because nobody knows when to stop. Im not saying this applies all the time nor am I saying doxxing is fine, but there are ways to minimize this sort of outcome as much as possible. Both sides have doxxed people over petty arguments that couldve easily been avoided if they just blocked each other and moved on.
The topic above (internet safety) is probably the only thing related to this where Im actively telling others what they should be doing. It's not only teenagers who are triggered by depictions of pedophilia etc but also adults like myself. In my case Im old enough to block content I dislike without saying a word, however I cant help but think that there's not enough being done about filtering especially when I do not search for this type of content and I still see it all the time.
I also think it's important for me to mention that I have a very poor sense of morality. I do not have a personal moral code that I adhere to, and I mostly stick to the basic universal ones that make sense to me. So I will not discuss the "morals" of consuming this stuff because I am not adequate to share an opinion on this, and I know the most popular topic of discussion related to proship discourse is morality which I frankly find counterproductive. I dont understand why people should care so much if I find something morally correct or not, unless it's to make themselves feel better about having a "superior opinion" to mine. Though I will say that if a man tells me he's into rape "but only in fiction!" then I dont think it will stop me of imagining myself bashing his skull repeatedly with large rocks. Maybe Im too mistrustful of men in general.
Final point I want to clarify is that I am not trying to assert some sort of superiority over people by disliking both sides, like saying "Im not an anti or a proshipper Im a Normal person" or something like that, and Im not expressing a "neutral" stance on the topic of fiction's influence on reality either. There are topics like racism and orientalism in fiction that Im vocal about (which is expected since Im Algerian). I genuinely believe there are many things that are interesting to discuss and should be prioritized, but too many people are chronically online, subjective and defensive, at this point I dont even think it's accurate to say that disliking one side automatically means you support the other side regarding fiction. To me, "proship discourse" is not about the debate of the effects of fiction on reality, censorship in media, etc. It's about everything I described earlier that happens online.
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jiminrings · 1 month
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long-winded explanation below the cut <3
heyyyyyy target audience!!! this goes for both tumblr n patreon citizens alike :-) i've been mia for awhile n i jus wanted to explain!!!
*mentions of medical stuff so pls click off anytime u feel uncomfy!!!*
i was rushed to the emergency room this 19th at ass in the evening bc my jaw was twitching uncontrollably, then when i got into the er, the tremors then extended to my entire face, neck, shoulders, then eventually weakness in the legs :/ i spent like 15 hours in the ER waiting for a priv room and after three gruelling DAYSSSS of rotating between doctors from diff departments (and encountering this rude ass unethical unhelpful evil bald neurologist I HATE HIMMMMMM), i was only able to get my diagnosis awhile ago <3 my bearings are mostly back and now i just can't wait to go home so hopefully i'll be discharged tomorrow!!!
tldr: i got something rare but now i'm on the road to recovery!! i will STILLLL be feeding everyone with everything i promised, but pls give me a sec to bounce back a little before doing everything 🤍
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itsjaywalkers · 4 months
hi hi, would u be able to give us any oby facts and headcanons that maybe won’t be mentioned in the story?
OF COURSE NONNIE in fact i'd love to bc i've barely been able to write these past two days bc of work and . i miss them </3
they fuck at the very least once a day (usually more tho)
james goes to pick reg up from work whenever his job allows him to
this means that when he gets impatient waiting for reg to change he goes inside the staff room (since reg's coworkers already know who he is) and corners him . bc he can't wait long without putting his hands (or mouth) on reg
they've gone for quickies inside there SO MANY TIMES
reg is an absolute disaster in the kitchen, he keeps himself alive through instant ramen + the meal deals at tesco + what they feed him at work, so james cooks for him whenever he gets the chance
reg has a priv twt acc where only barty + the twins + sirius follow him and he makes very feral threads about james there (without mentioning james during the time sirius doesn't know)
reg's coworkers gossiped about reg and his mysterious partner for WEEKS bc he started being glued to his phone during shifts and he kept smiling and they barely know shit about him
mistletoes are Forbidden ever since that first christmas they all spent together after oby jeggy had finally made it official and they . ended up under one and what started as a very cute very soft kiss ended up as a heavy make out session with reg up against the wall, legs around james' waist and them grinding against each other in front of . everyone
james doesn't do casual. when he says to reg that he hasn't had sex in a while . he actually means that he hasn't had sex in over year . since his last relationship in fact
the first person james told about reg is lily (who is his literal ex and to whom he was engaged to mind) since she's the only safe option
sirius finds out about the daddy thing . and once it's out peter weaponises the shit out of it whenever he needs something from james
"reg james is being stubborn about dinner and i feel like having pizza tonight could u maybe drop a 'daddy' and change his mind"
reg scowls and rolls his eyes and refuses to play along just to turn around and drop a 'daddy' whener it suits HIM
barty asks reg at some point about who other ppl he's fucking apart from james since they're technically only hooking up and reg has a fucking breakdown when he realises 1. he's only been fucking james for months and 2. they're not exclusive which means james Must be fucking other ppl
i've already mentioned their need to be constantly touching skin on skin which . brings me to my next point
in winter or . just when it's cold and reg is all bundled up in a scarf and gloves and touching turns a lot more difficult bc of all the layers . james grips him by the back of his neck
he just slips his hand under the scarf and they walk around + stand around like that (me and mil are so feral over this)
reg does top a lot more often than ppl might think (and i cannot wait to write it)
despite how much reg loves sucking cock, james doesn't let him do it that much bc he'd much rather spend the time eating him out
oby james has a bit of an oral fixation (all of my james do tbh) so he's never happy with eating reg out once or until he comes one time . he goes all out
reg and peter make bets about how long it'll take james and sirius to go back to normal once the secret is out (reg cheats and wins)
and i'm gonna shut up now bc this has already gotten . too long
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alienssstufff · 2 years
Just saw a tag on one of your posts ("#*shaking* fucking ask me about their classpects - ask me about their classpects i fucking dare") and I for one would absolutely love to hear about the classpects you've been coming up with!! :)
ty anon for taking one for the team - i've been rehearsing this very moment uvu
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I tend to ramble so explanations will be UNDER THE CUT
I wrote a lot of this beforehand in notes and to ppl on priv but to preface I use @//dahniwitchoflight ‘s posts when classpecting - good read recommend checking them out if you’re interested!
[ BDUBS : Knight of Space ] Ok so I like firstly rly wanted Bdubs to be a Time player (obvious clock reasons) but truthfully Space is rly HIS aspect as it is often associated with ‘the bigger picture’, objects and creativity -- art.
“Bdubs isn’t a builder, he’s an artist.” - Scar talking about Bdubs’ and his builds and he was sooo right for that. Not just by his builds either but like,,, dude have you SEEN when he draws? When he paints??? Inspirational one of my favourite environmental artists period. This summary by Dahni I think explains him quite well:
“This makes it so Space is grand and can look at things at a higher perspective than others. It is run much more by a strong sense of intuition, and inner knowing of how things are meant to be, without being able to express the specifics in clear detail. They paint things with broad strokes and without clear lines between differences. Considering each difference to actually be a subtle variation of the same thing. Space is also very grounded in the present, very focused on the here and now, and can seem very unconcerned with the future consequences of any decisions they may or may not make. Instead relying on their inner understanding that things are happening the way they are meant to happen and even if small details are different, the larger expression of the idea remains the same.”
That thing about being grounded in the present fits him so well too applying to how he plays in the Life Series. Often in situations where he has to think fast, improvise, unless instigated by someone he trusts, he can form strong alliances but he can break them just as easily. The present and hence what’s happening In The Moment matters to him a lot.
I gave him the KNIGHT class by definition, his role is to “Use his aspect to do [goal] and exploit Space” , using the land to make something useful and something pretty. Especially evident in the Life Series, using the land he’s given and with what he can grab hold of, he tactically crafts them in a way that both looks and has (defensive) purpose: >3L! The Crastle in general, unless broken in forcibly, defensively it is indestructible and (from what I remember) was one of the only landmarks in 3rd Life to survive in one piece. She was perfect u_u,,, >LL! Ice Fort I could go on abt the the ethubs symbolism in the materials they pick- but the fort is built in a way that is used to hinder the movement of enemies (soul sand floors, snowy walls)  whilst putting them on a physical high ground advantage. >DL! Mid Century Modern House. While from appearance the most harmless-looking of bases from an outside it’s probably one of the most sustainable. Easy access to crops, livestock, horseys, to even an easy escape route/panic room when things get worse. Not to mention it was the only base that survived the Boat Boy’s wrath (but maybe that was cuz those couples were close but i digress) All these builds and his builds in all his series are just very pretty! This trait is also very prevalent in his redstone :]
I also read that Knights of Space are like “jacks of all trades” - He’s very skilled at a lot of stuff and Knight of Space made me think of him ^u^!!
[ ETHO : Mage of Breath ] Tbh not AS certain for his classpect but so far I interpret him as very free-spirited, he kinda gets to do what he wants- he’s also very flexible and adaptive without needing to necessarily change himself for anyone in compare to the Mind aspect that deals with switching between roles/masks to fit a situation. Like,,, in the life series he doesn’t Need to adopt a persona or roleplay a role to be interesting when him being himself is entertaining enough etc etc (?) BUT the mind aspect for its sense of balance and rational thinking fits him also -- I just like him as a Breath player :>
Instead focused the logic component of Etho for this analysis comes from his mage class “One who knows/with Breath” by experiencing their aspect-freedom. Etho as a mage of breath I’d constantly on the move whether willingly or by force.
“They know every loophole and twist and turn and can navigate their way around even unfamiliar territory. For some reason I could see a Mage of Breath being very good at parkour type activities. They’ve been forcibly moved around, had their roots torn up more than once, so they’ve learned to quickly settle into strange places or pack up shop and get out without a trace as they need.” “They understand how to give themselves more options in almost any situation, how to place any odds in their favor as needed. They can weasel out of anything.“
To me explains his play style in the life series quite well, especially with the tactical makeshift alliances etc. 
Also I read somewhere knights unconsciously gravitate towards knowing classes like mages and I find that very fitting :]
Maybe I’ll expand on these one day - im sure theres like hundreds of evidence that could support these from other serieses they’ve done/been a part of. But for now using the life series and pieces of hermitcraft acts as a good starter point when psyche and The Social Game in those serves as a great source when thinking about stuff like this!
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dodgebolts · 1 year
wait what happened with Hannah today?
(if someone knows better please correct me if I have anything wrong bc most of what I saw was either this morning's priv tweets or stuff from my rosetwt friend)
she and sylvee had watched some random bedwars creator's video and really liked it, they ended up recommending his channel and telling people to go subscribe to him. then she saw that he had ranked her really low on a tierlist about fanbases because she apparently uses both her mouse buttons when pvping and plays with tons of pearls (which ??? I've seen gb80 and purp do that shit but Ok) and she took the opportunity to say that people in the pvp/bedwars community are oftentimes so within their bubble that they don't realize that bedwars content isn't nearly as big as it used to be, and then she jokingly said that the channel was shitty. IMMEDIATELY she turned around and said that might've been too mean, and then moved on!
between then and her most recent priv tweet is something I'm not too clear on, but he made a video saying that hannah had called him a misogynist and sent her fanbase after him. he spends maybe 20 seconds of the 7 minute video on valid criticisms—streaming his video instead of redirecting people to it—and then the rest either underhandedly insulting her (ie wow her audience is huge because she was on the dream smp and her most recent video has Dream in it Like listen to yourself bud). She made a few private tweets about it, not mentioning the guy by name and thus avoiding sending people after him directly, but there's quite a few people on twitter or even his video's comments saying that she overreacted or that she's pathetic for taking offense to the video even though he clipped her stream perfectly to make her seem really bad and also included a clip of her YEARS ago saying the r word à la phil and the sbi cancellation thread.
anyways she deleted all her tweets about it and all that's left are vagueposts from fans 👍
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kangel104 · 2 months
This will hopefully be the first and last time I break character on either of my NSO blogs, but I felt it was necessary to post a real intro considering the things that will be posted on this account.
(TL;DR @ the bottom)
These blogs were created with the purpose of being a creative outlet for my trauma and mental illness. This means that some of the content on this page might be unpleasant for some people. If that's the case, don't view my blog.
To start things off...
16+ only, please. I want to create a safe space for as many people as I can, but I don't want to be responsible for influencing any kids into doing any of the things I speak about.
For anonymity, I'm not going to tell you my actual name, so please just call me Kangel or Ame, depending on the blog you are viewing.
I will do my best to always tag any possible triggers on my heavier posts, so please correct me if I miss a tag or incorrectly tag something.
As I just mentioned, there will be a lot of triggering things posted on both of these blogs. Because of that, I'd like to compile what will be the most common trigger warnings to look out for on this page (will be updated as I post to remain accurate)
Mentions of grooming
Mentions of past trauma
Fear of abandonment
Long rambles during panic attacks
Abuse/toxic relationships
Intrusive thoughts
Mentions of suicidality
A Bit About Me
I like Jirai and the message it sends as it's something I heavily relate to. I don't have any jirai clothing yet, but I'm saving to buy my first item asap! I also really like vocaloid, visual kei, breakcore, and honestly most kinds of music haha.
If you couldn't guess, I really like NSO. The kind of person Ame-chan is really spoke to me. I've always wanted to take on a new persona online, and what better way than a Kangel blog! I'll speak a little more on the roles of each blog later, tho <3
I really like RPGs like Persona and Final Fantasy as I grew up playing both. They're both really comforting games for me.
I suspect I have Autism and either BPD or bipolar. I'm in the process of trying to find a psychologist to get an assessment and confirm my suspicions, but it's hard to find anyone where I live.
The Kangel blog!
This blog is where I'll post my lighter content. It's my distraction from my actual life and is only there for me to pretend I'm someone else. This means that while I'm on the Kangel blog, I'll do things like write in American-English as it's another layer of disconnect from my real life.
There will be much less triggering content on this blog, but there will be an occasional vent post, but that will likely be written in the style of the in-game vent streams and tweets. That means it will likely be a bit dramatised to sound entertaining. Those posts will still have tagged TWs regardless.
The Ame-Chan blog!
This blog is like the priv Twitter account that Ame has in-game. Darker posts will go here, and almost everything will be a vent of some kind. If I feel it's necessary, I will also add a 'check the tags' disclaimer at the beginning of the post so you can decide whether you're in the right headspace to read that post.
This blog is essentially a public diary, which means there will be a lot of in-depth description of my current state and any retelling of past trauma. "Traumadumping" about my childhood will be kept at a minimum though.
This also means that I will occasionally post about dreams I have. I rarely have good dreams, and they're almost always some kind of dream relating to trauma. These normally have a different list of TWs to look out for (including the original list).
I will list those below:
SA (sometimes explicit, but I will likely never go into those details unless I found it particularly distressing. Those will always be under different tags, though)
Running away/homelessness
Survival game type story line
Physical abandonment
There will likely be more added as this account develops.
Both blogs, but primarily the Ame one, will occasionally mention a P-Chan. This refers to two different people, but I'll never disclose which is which. This is mostly for privacy.
P-Chan 1 refers to a real-life person I know and have a semi-toxic friendship with. If the bpd allegations turn out to be right, I'd assume they're my 'favourite person'.
P-Chan 2 is fake. They don't exist. They're a character in my head who is my ideal person. They exist so that I have someone to project my unhealthy obsession onto instead of the real P-Chan. This often also means posting the intrusive thoughts I have around P-Chan.
I tried to keep this short while having as much info about this page as needed. I hope this can be a safe space for anyone who relates to me and wants to get to know me <33
Mentally ill girl creates blogs to ignore her problems and vent while staying as anonymous as she can. Triggering posts galore, but it will be tagged to the best of my ability
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ghoooooooooooooooost · 8 months
thinking abt yakuza 8.... under a 'keep reading' bc i rambled again
i mentioned this before but i'm actually glad they brought kiryu back for y8 now. as much as i liked y6 it had. a lot of problems n i know ppl who understandably didn't enjoy the main story of 6 at all. watch GC Vazquez's y6 vid to get what i mean if u don't know (edit from the future: now that tehsnakerer's vid is out i recommend his more but you can watch both if you want)
(i thought i said this here before but i guess not? maybe i only said it on priv-) i think what little i've seen of y8 so far feels "kinder"? more "sincere"? as a send off than 6 despite the cancer thing ykwim. idk if that makes sense when i don't fully know the plot yet. basically it's better bc ichiban is there or something i can't explain it properly rn it has good vibes ok !!
i hope kiryu has a good time n it looks like he will bc ichiban got him finally singing judgement (his canon favorite song!!) again
but then y8 absolutely has to be THE send off for kiryu right...? like he can Not keep showing up in the main story after this there's no way. that makes me so scared that we're gonna see him actually die especially with the cancer reveal. surely they wouldn't... surely...... i don't want them to do another fake-out but idk if i can handle kiryu dying for real... :(
i'm also hoping for a better conclusion with haruka, since there's that whole plot of kiryu's cover being blown so she'd definitely notice n want to talk to him right (unless she can't bc he's in a whole different country but he's gotta at least mention her in depth)
also why is kaito in gaiden btw
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also-also i saw some random person on twitter complain abt y8 'undoing' y3 n saying that they were done w the series. i have no idea what they were talking abt. did i miss something major in a trailer??? (admittedly i'm trying to avoid watching all of them bc i wanna be as blind as i can be). well either way more ichiban for me, retcons won't stop me this series is already full of them
*^mid post i realized they might just be talking abt richardson being in the karaoke scene HELPP LMAOO idgaf that's probably his secret twin double or something. rubber bullets
aaaaaanyway in conclusion i'm trying not to get my hopes too high but failing bc i'm really interested in wtf they're gonna do w y8's plot specifically w kiryu. also i missed ichiban n will kiss him
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pyxscythe · 8 months
You talking about how welcomed you have felt with being a system in lincus community makes me tempted to do the front status thing but also slightly scared
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LINC'S COMMUNITY IS INCREDIBLY EDUCATED AND WELCOMING!!!!! Ok to like elaborate on my experiences:
it's not even that much . But that also means it's nothing NEGATIVE.
All of my friends know I'm a system even if they don't always actively/consciously think about it or necessarily "have it in mind" and even if not everyone is super like in-depth educated on systems they're still VERY welcoming and accepting and no one is weird or ignorant abt it :]
Not everyone will use the name listed in front status, honestly for the most part whatever collective name is still used but SOME people will !! E.x. in Maddy's discord when it was Branzy fronting once she referred to him by name instead of Pierce (which was collective before Dirk was), we liked to push the fact that we didn't care if people just used our collective name and ESPECIALLY streamers because it's already hard enough to remember names sometimes
I mentioned it on twt alt ofc but Linc just swapped names even if we didn't signoff a name or anything in chat??? We just had the front listed as Branzy instead of Pierce on Twitter and discord and then in stream he said Branzy instead of Pierce, Jack actually also asked at one point to clarify if that meant Branzy was the preferred name to use at the time and we just said dw about it (he's not like As Knowledgeable on systems as the other 2)
As for the community in the discord again not everyone will use the front name but everyone will respect your identity as a system :] Maddy's server also has both pluralkit and tupper in it and a separate channel for system intros for those who want to use it, we don't use pk in her server because we've kinda built ourselves up as a collective identity and we can't be bothered in general (we would have to make alts lmao we don't like to rly openly be fictives in public spaces because like. The main fucking 3 fronters a lot of the time are literally introjects of the trio.)
One thing ppl who like follow our sys priv will know is we experience a lot of anxiety involving introjects:
It's not necessary. We just have it anyway. Realistically everyone is very accepting. Maddy laughs at our system jokes. She liked a joke our Maddy fictive made where she said something like "I'd want to be millkberry". I've in some way said on alt that I'm a k!lincu fictive. Pyro literally sent the navy seal copypasta to our Pyro fictive on Tumblr. We can make alter jokes to people and they won't think it's weird. Alicia literally makes me less anxious to be a fictive because she's so Normal about systems. There have been other systems in chat who have talked about their sysmates and no one has judged them for it. I've seen a couple sign off their messages in chat. There's plenty of systems around the ksmp community as well who list their front and no one is strange about it.
This general community is VERY accepting of systems 🙏 No one will judge you no one will be weird about it and if anyone was then literally EVERYONE would fucking jump that person. I would personally ensure they don't wake up the next day. (in a video game)
At the very least no one is judgemental. Even the people who don't really know anything about systems will be accepting. It's kind of a thing that you work yourself up over a lot then when you're outward about it it's really underwhelming and you're like well damn why was I worrying so much. But that's just life sometimes cause being a system is Scary but Linc Jack and Maddy's communities are very welcoming o7
I've like vaguely considered being more openly-a-system again!! But I'm still debating how much I care because really I'd just be putting a name or proxy in a displayname again and we have our front status in discord still so :pp We just wouldn't really be referred to in a system way and that's fine with us, basically it's like "This would do nothing so idk if I care" but also "This would do nothing and I dont mind that so I'm not nervous about doing it if I decide to" yk?
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tokkias · 9 months
what is it you dislike about cana/calu?
weird timing considering that i haveeentt really mentioned either of those in a while except for like a week ago on my priv but uh yeah. not an enjoyer of ca/lu really.
if i've talked about why i don't like aquarius before, it's for the same reasons: lucy is the kindest, brightest, sweetest girl alive, and cana definitely at worse, doesn't appreciate that, and at best takes advantage of it. lucy goes out of her way to help her on the s-class exam, and cana thanks her by leaving her for dead, asleep in the middle of an enemy invasion where they both knew lucy couldn't fend for herself, to win a test that was no longer happening. had natsu not shown up when he did, lucy would have died and it would have been cana's fault. she didn't even need to win the s-class exam, she was just too much of a coward to tell gildarts any other way, so she did that for,,,, nothing really.
it'd be hypocritical of me to say all this and not mention that natsu has also done shitty things to lucy (one year time skip, im going to bite him), but i feel that the difference between him and cana is that natsu has shown over and over again that he loves and appreciates lucy, through words and actions. he doesn't take for granted the fact that lucy is this kind, incredible, talented girl that would do anything for him or any of their other friends. if he ever put lucy in true harms way in a way that he could not stop, he would not forgive himself for that whereas cana didn't give it a second thought.
imo there's an entire guild of people who love lucy, who will show her the whole world and when i come across ca/lu i'm like. why? if you want an f/f lucy ship, erza or juvia hold absolute superiority in that category.
ship and let ship and all that, i am not going to actively go after shippers or bash them or the ship because that's the lamest thing in the world but like. not for me and i try to filter it out where i can.
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jils-things · 5 months
skips in hello hi jil i'd love to talk abt them im so sorryy i've been thinking abt them too much teehee ty soso much for letting me gush abt my loves eek ♡ random bit of lore but ? marianne moves and when she's getting her trainer card changed over at the lab sina mentions they've been studying fairy types and since it's a ' new phenomena ' marianne goes ' what ? ' - she has . . no clue what that is months later when marianne's having catchup w augustine abt data on mega n stuff she mentions she loves flowers and has a flower press handed down from her grandma from galar but hasn't had a chance to go out and do anything yet since she came to kalos - kind of like a side note - and he goes ' oh i'm actually double checking this field work sina and dexio did out on route 4 - bunch of flowers there do you want to come ? ' and she's super shy but says sure , i wanna see what fairy types are anyway i still don't really know ? ( she's not a dex holder so she has like no way of . . . being that knowledgable ? ) they go there and she's like v nervous because he's just going over notes and looking through his tablet or whatever but encourages her to go ( vulnerability ? huge lore theme ) and she starts collecting flowers and opens her press and he's like ' oh so this is what you do ? ' and she's so nervous and is like ' yeah . . v_v ' and he's basically completely forgotten abt what he's there for bc he's just v interested in people anyway and his main focus / passion is mega not typing matchups so starts asking her abt flowers and she's so so happy to talk abt flower language and turns out he knows it too ( he loves lavender it turns out since - although its different in kalos ( ' french ' lavender ) it reminds him of home + he also has fond memories of floaroma back in sinnoh so he really really likes flowers ) and they sit there talking about ' i think a persons favourite flower reveals a lot abt them ' and it's one of their first like , one on one moments thats not at a cafe or at the lab and she has this cute interaction w the flabebe obv bc they ride on flowers ? she's totally smitten w them and he's like ' oh yeah fairy type ! look - it's a bit like you ' ok thank you thank you so sorry this was super long forgive mee . . i should be asleep hehe ; bye bye + niniii ! ( priv or not up to you ! )
CHARM HEWWO... omg dude im so... i just learned the deeper meaning of marianne and her flowers this is so.... homaGAD.... NONO IM SO SPEECHLESS IN A WAY THAT IM JUST AMAZED HOW IT PLAYED OUT.... what was supposed to be a little visit to see the fairy types ended up being sycamore slowly learning more about this kind lady and her little interest with flowers... and given how he's reminded of the flowers in sinnoh OHHGFO IT JUST PIECES TOGETHER NICELY IM SOOO EEEEEE 💚💚💚 he even FORGOT what were they here for (silly man.. silly silly)
i appreciate people who are more fascinated in the person they're talking to its just shows they're super attentive and im sure this little flower fact will come in handy for him when he wants to... dare i say, impress her??? 🤭 egads... do you think at one point in their relationship she makes a pressed flower plate or something for him??? or maybe the other way around???? 😳 me brain wanderin oopsie....
UEUEUEUE I LOVE FLABEBES SO MUCH (i had one in my xy gameplay and im. very overprotective of it) I LOVE SEEIN THEM INCORPORATED IN THEIR WIDDLE LOVE STORY EHRHRHHEHRD sycamore would absolutely just... watch her with a flabebe in silence and realize how similar they are... in beauty and gentleness wiwiwiw (also now it just hits harder for me cuz i remember one of the sycamari comms you shared had flabebes in it im hrujrururr 🥺🥺🥺🥺)
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sappymix1 · 6 months
I actually rushed to move here from twitter because I thought dream would drop the video any day now, and I don't want to be there in the fallout
But hearing that the other guy took a full month to make his video, I'm slowly accepting that it can even till next month for the video to drop
What IS hard to avoid is the people mocking him online, so I've also decided to also back away from online (besides tumblr and my art only twitter), taking my free time to consume a few shows in my back catalog
I still miss my green block guy tho :(
omg hi anon welcome to dtblr how are you liking it?? i’m really curious about how the transition period is going for the newbies :3
yeah that’s the hard part :( that’s why i really mostly limit my twitter usage to my priv tl a lot sometimes it’s just too much. but yeah it’s been a really good time to engage in some other interests in between streams!! that’s why i’m like 40 episodes into the yard despite the occasional heart attack when the casually mention dream lmao
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dairy-farmer · 1 year
hi! i have posted a few batcest fics but i was wondering if u had any tips on getting more involved with the community, mostly on twitter. i don't have a twitter acc dedicated to it yet but i follow some accs on my priv (yours included obviously) and the way people add onto threads and talk to eachoter abt it is really exciting. i'm nervous tho because i've never had an acc for something my irl friends aren't into and idk how to get mutuals or if it's okay to reply to tweets from people that don't follow you. i hope this made sense i'm just really scared abt reaching out to ppl
hi!!! first, i want to say it's so touching that you'd come to me for advice ❤️❤️❤️ 🥺🥺🥺. i'll do my best to give you the best advice possible!!!!
ive actually only been active on the batcest side of twitter for a few months (august was when i got more active and started following accounts)! before i got into batcest i didn't really go on twitter but so many talented people are on there and make such amazing tweets and au's i basically go on there once a day now haha 😄! that's probably because outside of places like discord there's really no concentrated communities or places to interact with people who like batcest in a way that feels more...active? on tumblr you can go weeks or days without every directly interacting with someone. tiktok is hostile to anyone with a brain plus it can show your videos to complete steangers outside of your intended audience which can be....yeah. instagram isnt bad but it would definitely be a weird way to interact. ive heard that facebook groups can be fun but how that pans out with 18+ content is...
from what i can tell most batcest accounts are pretty chill however i'm only speaking from the perspective of tim centric accounts. in terms of things such as "etiquette" there's only a few things most accounts do to sort of identify and differentiate each other.
- if you're following nsfw account or making nsfw tweets be sure to include that in your description whether that means having 'minors dni', 18+, 🔞, your age and an nsfw warning' it varies.
-you don't have to do this, in fact i don't even do it but it might make it easier to find mutuals, and that's to include your favorite ships in your bio as well! mentioning things like jaytim, jaydick, brutim, brudami, etc. a lot of batcest accounts have multiple ships that spread over different characters so them listing it makes it easier for people to see what they're about!
-inluding the link of your ao3/linking your twitter in your ao3 fics is a good way for people to follow your work! a lot of people might recognize your fics if they click on your ao3 fic and you can become mutuals like that!
in terms of how to interact with other accounts i get being nervous!! i definitely was when i first started posting my tim tweets!!! even now when i interact with mutuals i've been interacting with for a while I still get a little nervous sometimes!
but i do have some tips that I think have helped interact with others and keep it fun for everyone!❤️❤️❤️
- if a tweet talks about 2 specific characters or a specific ship and you really like the idea but don't care for the ship don't directly reply to the person saying something like "THIS but with x- instead would be so good!". i know wanting to give recognition for an idea is tempting but it's rude to try and change the intent of someone's tweet.
instead: you can make your own tweet and include something like "just saw someone on my tl talking about x-topic and now i can't stop thinking about y+z in that situation-" that way you're acknowledging the outside source but also not changing the tune of someone else's tweet
- if a lot of people on your timeline are all talking about the same idea and they're all coming out with their own spins and you have no idea who started it that's okay! twitter can be a bit of an echo chamber sometimes and no one's going to go through all their mutuals and find who tweeted what first. plus the very nature of art is that it often repeats itself.
if you want to join in: you can say something like "my tl is full of people about x and let me just say that-"
- emojis are your friend! i use them a lot because i have a hard time reading tone from text and think everyone else might too. when you're reading something it's hard to pick out whether someone is joking or saying something sarcastically without any indicators (ex. /joke /sarcasm at the end of a sentence, wrItInG LIkE tHiS tO MakE suRe someone knows they're being mocked/made fun of).
adding an emoji can really help change the tone of what you're saying making it sound less like you're stating a fact or making a demand or some other misinterpretation.
he deserves it.
he deserves it 😈
he doesn't deserve that!!!
he doesn't deserve that!!! 🥺🥺🥺
you just like torturing him don't you.
you just like torturing him don't you 😭😭😭
you can tell there's a few tonal differences between the statements which helps ease the slide of interaction (at least I think so!) by making it clear you're joking or being humorous.
- it's common to see people adding onto each other's threads and while you may be nervous about who is okay with it at first, the general rule of thumb is that on twitter anyone can add on to anyone's thread or respond whether you follow them or not (i don't think anyone will even notice who is following who) but if it does make you anxious you can click on their profile and look at their replies to see if they've replied to other people's threads or been replied to.
you can reply even if two people are already having a convo, you can just split off and start a new one! ive seen and had multiple split off convos with different people from the same original thread who all had different ideas or things to add on.
ultimately a lot of conversations on twitter are people prodding each other's brains for their shared interests and mutuals come about from people seeing that someone has similar interests and is talking about them and so follow because they also like that thing and would love to see more of people talking about that thing!!!
try following people who share a lot of your interests in terms of ships and characters.
mutuals may take a little while (in some cases ive done two scrolls of a person's account and immediatly followed them back without any interaction because we both clearly had the same interests) if you want exact steps of how that might happen you could start with
a. commenting on people's threads. telling them you loved it, reacting to it, sending emojis. etc.
b. send tweets about your thoughts, headcanons, aus, etc. don't feel discouraged if no one likes them yet you're just starting!
c. after you've gotten comfortable with commenting with an account you can start adding more to the interaction, adding on, proposing a direction for the tweet, etc.
these are just a few of the things ive learned and seen and nothing here is fully concrete either so if you feel more comfortable doing something else then feel free!!!
besides in the first conversation i ever had with one of my current mutuals i revealed to them that i'd secretly written an entire fic about one of their tweets even though we'd, until that point, never talked even once 😭
i guess what I'm trying to say is: go for it!! you never know, it might go a lot better than the worst case scenarios you may be thinking of!! ❤️❤️❤️
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canarymemories · 9 months
naruritsu for the ask game ^_^
hi thank u <33
What made you ship it? euthanasia. i reread that story last october (i only know the dates bc i have a screenshot from it pinned on my priv twt lmao) and there was some kind of awakening i had about them aldshkg and despite them flirting nearly every time they happen to be in the same scene, there was barely any content for them so the naruritsu part of my brain went dormant for a while 😔 idk what exactly got to me with them but i really do love the dynamic of like haha silly friend flirting but it edges on being real flirting and they are the epitome of that. more on this for the next question. also i used to be normal about them, like thought about them a normal amount and then i started planning for the ship week and now they just live in my head and have made their way into two separate wips that aren't even focused on them. (also after euthanasia nrrt hit me, i reread some other stories and it's like wow they've been here the whole time)
What are your favorite things about the ship? do you ever think about how izumi, arashi, and ritsu kind of became a support system for each other post checkmate bc all they really had to rely on (generalizing a little here) back then? well yeah i think about that a lot. (and sorry izumi but this isn't about u lmao) there is just this sense of closeness between them that i think really shows (ie when they join forces to become absolute menaces to izumi) and there is something just really sweet about the way ritsu talks about arashi sometimes. there's that one line where he says he has never had a complaint about her since the day they met that sticks in my head sometimes. aside from the previously mentioned dynamic, there's also just the fact that arashi is used to having unrequited crushes and then having ritsu who so earnestly tells her she's pretty and compliments her and flirts with her is so sdkhg oeugh to me, yk? also we should talk about arashi having tsundere tendencies, there's so much potential there for that. as you can see, i could probably go on for a while so i'll stop here for now. i just think they're cute and they live in my head now.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? i've met so few naruritsuers in the wild that i don't even know what's a popular opinion for them asdklh so i don't really think i have an unpopular opinion for them 😔 dear naruritsuers lets join hands and be friends dkshg
ship ask game
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starrbar · 1 year
The July 2022 Amphibia Attacks
DISCLAIMER: Awhile back, I privated my Twitter to feel safer, but it still had some things on it that I don't want to cut off people's access to. And while the Wayback Machine is absolutely incredible for what it does, I find it so agonizingly tedious to load up even one page to read. It's even worse if there's images attached, each of which I have to manually open in a new tab to see, if they load at all. So I'm taking some of my old posts and reformatting them for Tumblr. This is STRICTLY FOR DOCUMENTATION PURPOSES. Do not assume these are recent events and do not EVER harass anyone!!!
SUMMARY: The Amphibia Attacks (as I call them) were a set of targeted stalking, harassment, and witch-hunting of four artists in the Amphibia fandom for their private, "problematic" nsfw art. This led to the doxxing of a fifth artist who was at very real risk of death. It's one of the most dire situations I've ever seen spawn from the "anti/proship" discourse, and I had the displeasure of being there as it happened, where I was able to document and collect information so that people could be informed.
CONTENT WARNINGS: Harassment, doxxing, mocking victims of such things, discussion of nsfw art of child characters (but no images shown), liberal accusations of "pedophilia", disturbing audio of the culprit bragging about what they had done with their "fans"
The original Tweet thread on the Wayback Machine can be found here. Everything below the Read More link is a direct paste of that thread and its relevant media (with a couple accessibility tweaks).
I also dumped all the individual screenshots I've used into this Google Drive folder, in case people would like to borrow them or if the combined versions I made are difficult to read for some reason.
Speaking of accessibility, almost all of these screenshots are nothing but text, and I've been working on this for hours, so I'm going to post them as is, but anyone who sees this is welcome to add captions that screen readers can follow.
In the last few days, I've come to understand that all the info I wanted people to know about the recent Amphibia Attacks has been documented by others, BUT they're all separate threads posted across Twitter.
This thread is to provide some connective tissue to form a full picture.
Several anonymous users conducted a coordinated attack against four artists, two of whom are crew members for Amphibia. The invasive release of these artists' private nsfw accounts also directly inspired the doxxing of a fifth artist (a minor), almost leading to her murder.
The "proship" crowd gets made fun of for overstating the "body count" of antishippers, but this time it almost happened. Brownteen32 was a 17-year-old girl living in a third world country where "dishonor is death", and she would have been legally killed for her art.
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I'm starting with her case because it was the most dire, and thus I paid much closer attention to how she was doing. Thankfully, Brownteen is safe now, though she has decided to leave social media. I hope she will remain safe and still be able to live a fulfilling life.
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The people that attacked BT have many sock puppet accounts, but a thread by @/stopnow98630374 (linked next) suggests they aren't all one person. The original attacker is @/phibbyburner, who at time of writing, is still active. The doxxer is @/ballsybeech aka @/AllBeech.
Part 1 of the aforementioned thread (and the Archive if it's ever needed).
Part 2, because the thread was cut for some reason (and the Archive)
Phibby's priv has been confirmed to be @/booboyapologist, both in these screenshots and in the linked video (more on the videos soon).
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Video (and the Archive)
There are also mentions of a "mole" that helped Phibby get the information. I have not seen confirmation of who this person is yet.
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Link to the video pictured above (Archived version)
I'm going to come back to Phibby after I cover Beech's actions.
These are the 1st posts Beech made against Brownteen: screenshots of her old Instagram callout against someone else for "pedo" art. Brownteen's responses included in the link so she can explain. I understand and believe her.
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There's also these, specifying that Brownteen was 17 (A MINOR) when this happened. These are from Instagram.
I don't know if these are from Phibby, Beech, or someone else.
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I really want people to see this in particular. She is BEGGING this person not to do this to her, APOLOGIZING for shit that wasn't wrong, and even calling her own artwork REVOLTING. Said she would get off social media forever too. All to survive!
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THIS TOO! Directly pleading for her life, and this heartless monster went through with it anyway and smugly said "that's what you get uwu"! It's honestly heartbreaking.
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I'll restate that Brownteen was able to get home safely, and was very thankful to everyone who supported her and gave her advice through all this. Also of note is that Brownteen deactivated for a short amount of time, out of fear.
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I am DISTURBED by the fact that someone was backed into a corner like this and almost killed. She deleted ALL her artwork out of fear, tried to say she regretted drawing it, was made to express remorse for it, and all the while mocked and terrorized.
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Besides that, Beech has continued to post Brownteen's private fucking photos online with VERY nasty captions.
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I'm only linking these so y'all can report them. Make these into dead links please!
Link 1 | Link 2
Hey, present day Starrbar here, THESE ARE STILL UP FOR SOME GOD-FORSAKEN REASON. So I'm leaving the links here to be reported! Brownteen made it clear she didn't want even partially censored pictures of herself left online, which is one reason I literally chopped up my original thread and re-did it with all her photos FULLY blacked out. I know some of the other documentation does have partially censored photos of her, but those people were at least on her side and trying to help. These, on the other hand, were purely malicious and trying to bring her harm. GO REPORT THEM, PLEASE!
Beech had also leaked Brownteen's address, but thankfully that Tweet was successfully removed.
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Now, to finish covering Phibby's (current) actions.
This thread, which I have already linked parts of, contains audio/video recordings of Phibby damning himself further in a voice chat. It's painful to listen to if you aren't a remorseless pig like him.
Video (Archived)
Phibby claiming to have a coherent motive despite admitting in a public voice chat that he just likes to fuck with people for clout~
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"Cyberbullying isn't real", also said in one of the audio clips. Constantly mocking the victims and talking about how they just need to "turn off the PC and go outside", as if his entire goal wasn't to ruin their fucking lives.
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I think we've ALL clowned on this one by now, so pick your favorite QRTs! Reminder that the rhetoric Phibby based his "reasoning" on is entirely bound to lead to stuff like this. If you dehumanize others by convincing yourself that they're predators, things WILL escalate.
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Now, as for the other artists that were attacked, primarily by Phibby, I don't know every detail of that, but I'll highlight a few things.
Phibby's 1st Tweets were just a bunch of screenshots (and a tasteless video compilation) of the artists' private nsfw of "minor" characters.
I will not be spreading those callouts, as they were not meant to be spread in the first fucking place. But I will assure people that the ONLY thing contained in any of them was artwork. Stylized, cartoon sketches of the Amphibia characters doin smut.
The horror. 🙄
The main thing I think I need to say about these 4 artists is that people initially thought that all of them were Amphibia crew members, but that isn't true. Only 2 of them are, the other two are fanartists.
Here's a simple guide. (Archive)
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I do know that Sook, aka @/DirdyBongWater, deactivated after all this. However, I have been told that they're fine. Obviously I can't verify this personally, but I really hope that they are.
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Alex, aka @/raebits, has also deactivated, and the fuckers are all celebrating it.
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One thing that has come to my attention is that a user by the name of @/dilydily292 has appeared and started going after Phibby, with alleged doxx information. -_- This is not okay, and I encourage people to go report that account, regardless of how much I hate Phibby.
The account also fails to prove... anything?? Like, they don't give any evidence that actually connects Phibby to the names and messages they're posting. All around lame job. And again, don't doxx ANYONE!
I think that's all I got for this. I REALLY hope I didn't accidentally post anything that Brownteen didn't want out there. I know other people have already shared some of it (not their fault—Brownteen only told me directly what her boundaries were), but I really tried not to.
Never forget what this was really about. Not pedophilia, not incorrect art. It was about stalking, privacy invasion, and people playing judge, jury, & executioner for the sake a power high. This was an attack, not a tragic outing of "bad artists".
Link to another one of my (much shorter) threads about this (Archive)
And I hope anyone who reads this will believe me when I say this. If you have any kind of taboo/dark fictional interests: You are not alone, you are not wrong, and you are not obligated to live in accordance with the wonky demands of bullies on the internet. You are okay. 💖
Tiny update: It's hilarious that all it took to make the bullies mad was for Alex to reactivate and then sit there on priv with an icon people feel entitled to gatekeep x'D
The irony of the "you're a grown adult" comments too, ah, chef's kiss~
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Happy update! The other three artists are BACK and wearing their true selves proudly!! @/raebits is still priv, but they've been back for awhile, and I hope they're doing well. We also have @/FISTRAID, @/bokobokosplices, and @/bangkaigagak (just so no one has to dig around)
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