#but just funny thinking about aj with jesus in her heart
bixels · 9 months
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My partner and I were talking about whether AU AJ would be a devout Christian.
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brutalitybunny · 2 months
6, 14, 46 (if any), 50, 78, 79 for AA the meme?
6. Favourite Antagonist (in the role of the antagonist! e.g Edgeworth in AA1 counts but only in AA1.)
UGHHH gant or daryan??gant or daryan????? but well it kinda has to be gant huh? i love daryan but as an ANTAGONIST he's flop. he's mid. he's nothing. i LOVE gant. i loved roleplaying him and i love drawing him and i WISH i thought about him more but it's harrrrrd without someone to bounce off of ... but it's fine. but strictly speaking in his role as an antagonist i just love h
Scratch that
favorite antagonist is stronghart 100%. UGH IT'S HAAAAAAAAAAARD but stronghart is gant 2. stronghart is gant but given more time to bake. stronghart is so fucking awesome. omg. when 2-5 hit? bro when i tell you i was wooping and hollering i was shaking my screen i was abt to bite someone i was going feral. HE'S SOOOOOO. <3 i love a "by any means necessary" ass character and he's the peak of it.... i love his design and i love his drama.
14. Character you have the most headcanons about?
definitely has to be datz 😭 i dont think ive ever thought of a character as much as i have datz..... ive thought out every day of that mans life
46. Character you thought you were gonna dislike but loved in the end?
HMMMM to be honest every character i went in expecting to hate (barok mostly) i still hate (he's a little funny but then i remember his backstory and get So Annoyed) ... wait. help.
it's kind of cheating to say this bc i havent played aai2 but ...blaise........... LOL BLAISE IS LIKE ... IHE'S REALLY FUCKING FUNNYYYY..i was like Omg no ew i hate him >:( (reading his wiki page) ewww i hate him (reading his dialogue)like gross eww gross (making jokes abt him)(drawing him)(thinking about h)like what can i say. he's a fucking terrible person and he's hilarious. he's disgusting and the worst and he's so fucking funny. im a metalhead im allowed to like him. i cant like mvk and gant and Not Blaise it wouldnt be fair
50. Favourite moment?
let me say smth i havent said in a while ...instead of just being like "Um the one where datz was on screen^_^" but my old favorite moment used to be in farewell my turnabout when you get the call about maya ,... Omg that gave me chills i was so scared for her for real. it was crazy. other Favorite Moments are the mia-dahlia baddie exorcism and will powers introduction scene (i just love going to ppls playthroughs and seeing them react to him)
but we live in a post-aj trilogy world so my real favorite moment is Dhurke! You're a sight for sore eyes! I knew you'd come save me!
78. Who or what got you into AA?
press buttons 'n talk's playthrough!! more specifically, this animatic
and MOST specifically it was the "i'm a BIG ORANGE POWER MAN, and i'm gonna BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF YOU !!! ^_^" line. idk what happened. i was fucking possessed. and bored and yearning for a new interest. and it just took over me. LIKE ITS NOT EVEN THAT FUNNYYYY HELP
79. How long have you been in the fandom?
FIVE YEARS ACCORDING TO MY COMMENT ON THAT ANIMATIC jesus christ help me. it was the ass end of 2018
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khaleesiofalicante · 5 months
Isgt I'm gonna try to keep it short but I make no promises lol... I do have LBAF V and VI to catch up to I have no regrets...
Selena having Arthur will always make me soft, and ngl I was kinda pissed at Lexi and Gabriel at first. I get them, but Lance is just baby🥺. Also, Lance helping Selena with the pain while giving birth and basically protecting Arthur before Arthur was born PLEASE I CAN'T 😭
Fucking hate Victoria for training Kincaid so young and also Madeline making life miserable for David. Those two are on my list of people I am willing to become a criminal for 😤
I don't know what drugs Other Max is on, but I can't deny he is funny as fuck LMAO. That scene with him and the shadowhunters trying to take the institute omfg
Max and Other Max convos always have me conflicted because they're so intense but at the same time it's him fighting with himself! Pls this man took self-hatred to a whole different level😂
Kincaid🥺🥺🥺. The first meet with Arthur was>>>>. I will kidnap that boy if I have to, he's the sweetest boy ever and he likes the other sweetest boy ever MY HEART CAN'T HANDLE THAT!!
“Why would you be scared of shadowhunters?” “Why would you be scared of shadow demons?” Arthur asked, equally confused. THE WAY THIS REFLECTS THEIR REALITIES ARE ON OPPOSITE ENDS. Arthur, growing up with Lance, is used to demons being friendly because his brother controls them and would probably tell them to never harm his family vs Kincaid. Growing up in Idris, being scared of what they have seen the shadow demons do... Fucking wow
Antoine really be giving books and changing lives. I want to be like him growing up🥰. Also he and Abigail???? HOT!!!
Someone said the experiment Atlas was trying with the lemon juice on paper was foreshadowing of Lance having angel blood but only being able to see it if you add another thing and I can't stop thinking about it. Still not sure it would matter to the clave if he did, but at least that way Lance and AJ could be parabatai!!! Tell me they will be. That's all I'm asking at this point 😭
I get Rafael having to put up wards against Lance, or someone might do something worse, but also... Dick move😒
“He does,” Rafael chuckled. “But that’s okay. He is my little brother. He has always hated me a little bit. The same way Abigail hates you. I’m fine with it. I can handle the hate. What I can’t handle is if he ever stops trusting me.” My therapist will hear about this, Dani😭
Gigi is the MVP. Only smart person here with common sense and fucking empathy. I'm glad to see the apple didn't fall far from the tree with Atlas 🥰. I just love how much Atlas loves his mom and is constantly thinking about her sjhskdbdj
Alec's chapter is to chaotic to sum up but I loved movie night 🥺🥺 and these kids are so unhinged jshsjdikwkk. Also see him being a grandparent makes me so emotional. He was just 18 yesterday wtf??? 😭
The confusion was comforting. He knew life wasn’t easy for the residents of this institute. But there was a small comfort in the fact that Arthur would never have to hide that part of himself. BOY DO I GOT YOU SOME NEWS-
Every part of Lance's chapter killed something in me🙂. This one was a whole other level of weakness. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for this boy. I'll have you know I am obsessed with them. Sibling dynamics just hits different 🥲 and I will make a whole other ask about them just because I can!!
It’s Theia Blackthorn. The Inquisitor’s daughter.” “Jesus Christ,” Lance said. “Raziel wasn’t available?” Say what you will about this asshole, but his humor is top tier!!! Also love how Blackbane form the start are so fucking horny and funny. Like they say the most out of pocket stuff and then cough and stutter JSHSJDJKDKDKD
Joan really be having the worst time here. Being 14 years old, wanting a friend and having a big crush on a straight girl??? Now that is a though life😔. I think her and Kincaid's friendship would fix me tbh... And I just fucking love her, she's so chaotic and gay🥰. All miscommunication aside, they did a fantastic trio
Her group chat with her grandparents 😍😍😍. They are the best!!! Damn, I wish my grandparents would have loved me lmao
“Yeah, because, going to a castle full of women is the right solution for lesbianism,” Mommy giggled. Me, age 13 when I thought going to an all girls school would be a good idea to stop liking girls. PS. I didn't go, but I feel it would have only made me gayer...
the way I read this and already miss LBAF V (like I finished writing it only a month ago lmao) these kids have already grown so much WTF.
Also something I really like about LBAF is that it gives me a lot of space (literally - like room!) to explore so many different types of relationships and dynamics instead of just romantic ones - which has anyone been one of my main interests when writing a story. I love that I can explore sibling relationships - like the dynamic between Lance/Arthur is SOOO different, let's say, what exists between Antoine and his sister or Cami and Arjun and all of them exist in the same story and it's just sooooo fun to play around with that.
PS - I went to an all girls school too (a convent no less) and YEAH IT'S TOUGH IF YOU ARE GAY AHHH.
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spinachgarden · 2 years
With Somebody That I Used to Know nearing its end, I wanna do a lil poll I guess
Here are some current WIPs that I wouldn’t mind focusing on as my next major project (under the cut because this is a loooong post)
(also it’s me, and there’s excerpts from my writing below the cut, so 18+ minors DNI blah blah blah assume graphic depictions of violence and your standard spinachgarden fare)
let me know which (if any) you would like to see next so that I can start planning and prewriting like a RESPONSIBLE ADULT 
you say the whole world’s ending (honey it already did) (sambucky)
Excerpt from Chapter 1: 
“No,” Barnes interjects. “No, they’re all HYDRA, or Department X.”
It clicks, then, and Rhodes sighs. “People who made it instead of-”
“Don’t,” Barnes hisses. “You’re not here to psychoanalyze me, so don’t.”
“We think we can get them back,” Rhodes says quietly, and there it is. The carrot - he figures with Barnes, it’ll work a hell of a lot better than a stick. It’s dangling now, hanging between them as Barnes’ face - what little of it Rhodes can see - does something complicated. “All of them,” he adds, even though he knows Barnes only really cares about one.
“You don’t need me,” Barnes argues. “You don’t want a guy like me on your team. I’m not a hero.”
“Barnes,” Rhodes says softly, “the whole fuckin’ world could end, do you get that?”
“I don’t give a shit,” Barnes hisses. “Mine already did. Go find somebody else.”
Ashes (sambucky)
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
It does funny things to a person, being alone for so long. Sometimes he thinks he hears things that aren’t there - Bucky’s sweet voice, whispering encouragements to him. Sarah’s gentle peals of laughter, Cass and AJ’s small and curious voices. He sees them, too - whether it’s in his dreams or he’s just so far gone that he’s hallucinating, he’s not sure. If he focuses hard enough, he can still picture the soft curve of Bucky’s lips, the little smirk he saves only for Sam, the twinkle in his eyes. The images are hazy in his mind, and he wonders-
God, he wonders how long he’s been here that he’s forgotten his own lover’s face.
He finds that he does have enough spare water in him for a few tears. Just a couple.
Nothing to do but wait for the end, though. No point in crying about something he figured out a long time ago. If they don’t want anything from him, he won’t talk his way out of this. They aren’t listening, anyway. There’s no bargain, no ransom, no political move here.
There’s no purpose.
Untitled modern bucky fic (sambucky)
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
He barely hears the voice over the sound of the wind, but he recognizes it immediately. It’s strange, because he didn’t hear a helicopter-
“Wilson?” he gasps, mostly to himself. Jesus Christ, it’s been years since he last saw the guy. 2005, maybe? That would mean three years, at least. A busy three years for Sam, by the look of things - he’s in some kind of experimental suit, that much he can tell, but in all honesty he’s not really sure what Sam is wearing, or how he’s fucking flying.
“Let’s get the hell out of here, man,” Sam says, cocky as ever, gliding easily down to set his feet on the snowy mountain top. “My Louisiana bones ain’t meant for this kind of cold.”
no grave can hold my body down (I'll crawl home to her) (buckynat)
Excerpt from Chapter 1:
He doesn’t scream when he hits the ground.
There’s a brief, blinding moment of painpainpain, agony so monumental that it overwhelms him, and then it’s just…
There’s nothing.
He feels his heart stop beating, feels his lungs drag in one last, pitiful breath, and then he’s gone, fading away into nothingness.
He wakes up. His heart stutters back to life and his lungs suck in air, and the roaring agony comes back, back but worse. When he opens his eyes he sees that the sky has grown dark around him, and how is it possible that he died hours ago but is awake now, screaming and shivering in the snow?
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stevenbasic · 3 years
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8:10, there she is, good fucking god, I thought to myself, peering surreptitiously under the cheap window blind of my second-floor apartment, out into the parking lot. Already several strides from her white beemer, Melissa’s outrageous, hourglass figure grabbed my eye, my attention, my whole fucking beng. Tuesday morning, and I hadn’t actually seen her since Friday; I’d cloistered myself away in my office all day yesterday, refused to see anyone. So, now, watching her utterly magnificent hips in her tight black pants, her long legs strut her towards the building, her huge chest wobbling in a too-small, skin-tight turtleneck top...it was like filling a deep need of mine. What’s wrong with me?!? I fretted, as unconsciously my hand began stroking the huge erection already growing down my thigh...
He’s watching me he’s watching me I can feel it don’t look don’t look up at his window
<clack-clack-clack-clack>, the sound of Melissa’s new, size-12 red heels on the pavement, carrying her past other parked cars in the lot of Far Horizon Medical Associates. It was early - 8:10! I’m late! - but her mind was already on the big task at hand today: him. She hadn’t seen him since last week, he hadn’t taken as much as a single step out of his office yesterday, and his absence had confused her, bothered her, made her actually upset. Despite being so busy with all the excitement of yesterday, all the new girls, the new construction, an emptiness nagged at her, and there was an itch inside her skin that needed scratching. But now that feeling of his eyes, the thought, the mental image of him spying down at her from his little room upstairs, trying to catch a peek of her as she walked into work, animated her. She had grown used to the gazes of men, had learned to tolerate them and be patient with them. She’d grown accustomed to being the object of their attention, a magnet for it since middle school, but with him, these days, it was different.
She wanted him, she wanted his eyes on her. She craved his attention. And even beyond that, she ached for more from him….more than just him ogling her from a faraway window. She needed more than to be able to have him sit alone all day in his little office, doing whatever it is he does in there, when she’s outside, right there. She needed him to need her. Yes, he was married, technically, still, but she was impatient, now. She wanted him to realize it was over, that his life was changing. She needed him to realize what his next step should be...how much he needed her…
She needed to get him to sign those papers.
She put an extra sway in her hips.
Someone else is watching me too…
...there’s someone in that truck.
She smiled crookedly at the naughtiness of the plan that just materialized in her head.
Okay...okay...yes...let’s see how he likes this...
Oooo, okay, yes, there she is… AJ thought, sitting low in his truck, surveying the lot, waiting for her white beemer to pull in. 8:10 in the morning and he was technically late to work; he should have been on the job ten minutes ago. But he’d been here all night, and damned if he wasn’t at least going to get a look at her, this boss-girl Melissa. He at least needed that, to cheer him. Angie had broken up with him, for real, yesterday, and he now had nowhere else to go. He was, now - ffff, shit - basically homeless.
Holy fucking shit, he thought to himself, as her tall, TALL body stretched up and up and up out of her 3-series. Jesus christ, he marveled, as his hand went between his legs, no woman should be allowed to be built like that.
She was walking across the lot, towards the building and closer towards him. She was going to pass right in front of his truck, right by him. He watched her, wide-eyed, and grasped himself through his utility pants. Though his windows were up he swore he could hear the <clack-clack-clack-clack> of her heels as she came nearer, now within twenty feet or so, now just right in front of his truck. He could actually feel them, through his truck, shaking the pavement. God she moves the earth, this girl, he goggled, agape at her huge ass as she passed, and right as - ohmigod! - she turned and looked right at him, over her right shoulder...
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...and smiled at him.
Oh shit, he panicked, swiftly taking his hand out from between his legs, sitting up straight, and trying to smile back through the windshield at her. He was sure, dead sure, that she’d caught him gaping. That smile told him everything.
Oh god, no...no no no...he lamented, she’s turning around. She was turning around, bending over to look through his windshield, and - with a smile of recognition - waving at him.
Flushing red, AJ did everything he could as a man who’d just slept the night in his truck to look put together, calm and collected. She was coming back, around to his side of the car, and he began to roll down his window. He couldn’t help but goggle at her tits, right at eye level.
“Hiiii..!” she sang as she leaned in towards him, forearms resting possessively on the lower edge of the window frame. Her big hands were inside the space of the truck and, not even realizing it, AJ had backed away a bit from this larger person. “You’re Aaron, right? Angie’s, uh…”
She’s fucking gorgeous, AJ couldn’t help but think, momentarily dumbfounded by the twinkle of her eyes, the brightness of her dimpled smile. He knew he was staring, and- had she asked him something?
“Oh, uh - heh heh, yeah, sorry - boyfriend?” he finally managed, recovering his tongue. C’mon, Shaw, he thought, working to rally himself in the face of a beautiful girl, an opportunity to make something happen, you can do this, turn it on. “Well, ex-boyfriend…”
To that, Melissa smiled, and AJ’s heart skipped a beat. The body language this chick was giving him was all-signals-go. Leaned in as she was, she filled the space between him and the outside. Her body moved languorously, slightly rocking at the hips; anyone watching from the building would be getting quite a show as she swayed that ass slowly to and fro...
What is she doing?? he fretted, what the hell is she doing??
He’d watched her, covertly gawking from his little upper-level window, and had immediately started to worry when she’d stopped in her tracks, turned to talk to some guy in a pickup. A guy! One of the construction guys, he grumbled, knowing the jealousy that immediately tightened his throat was unreasonable, she shouldn’t be talking to a guy! She’s flirting, she’s totally flirting.
His pulse quickened, a cold shiver prickled his skin. He, this meathead, was probably tall, young, strong. Someone she’d find cute, attractive, maybe funny. It burned at him, and he hated it. But, from where he was, all he could do was watch.
Good fucking lord look at that ass…
Melissa felt them on her, she felt his eyes, from that upstairs window. They were on her rear, and the gaze of them warmed her, brought a moist heat between her legs. In response she embellished it, displaying herself to him, lazily rolling her hips as she leaned over, talking to this skinny, nervous guy in the truck. He could watch her from his little post, from that little window, he could watch all he wanted. I like him looking at my butt, thinking about it. And he could have it, it could be his, she thought, presenting herself, getting wetter as she imagined him staring at her, maybe getting hard...
“I was a model, yes,” she answered, as AJ’s questions had come predictably to her appearance. She did her best to act flirty, though her thoughts were distracted, elsewhere, upstairs in that apartment. “That was me, the Mega-Milk girl…”
my apologies but I have no idea who did the morphing in the first image. I've left it untouched/no faceswap so if anyone can figure it out, I'd love to credit the artist. In the meantime, enjoy the curves.
More GITJ stuff at my Patreon
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ayyoitsalex · 4 years
Chapter 10 - My Time To Shine
From the time I was seventeen I've been responsible for the meals prepared at the biggest holiday of them all; Thanksgiving. It's taken over as my personal favorite because I get to spend the day doing what I love, and what I do best. When it comes to me cooking for thanksgiving, my family has learned a few things. I know what I'm doing, don't distract me, and don't change my music. We got the week off from school, so I stayed up at my parent's house to get prepped for the upcoming event. Everyone was curious as to what kind of stops I was pulling out this year, but as always I wasn't saying. I'd come up with some new ideas I wanted to try out, and this was as good a time as any. When my siblings moved out I had my choice of which room I wanted to call my own. I picked Selena's room since it came with the best sunset views, and got the best night time breezes. When I got to be around sixteen I made the decision to paint the walls from the dark purple to a red. I hoped Selena wouldn't be too upset at what I'd done to her room. When I moved out, our parents kept the room relatively the same, but now there's not a bunch of clothes on the floor like I'm used to seeing it. I woke up early Tuesday with the task of doing the shopping on my mind. I called up my siblings to see which one of them could accompany me. Only Natalie was available, so I waited for her to come and pick me up.  Natalie unlocked the door and let herself in with baby Lexi in her arms. Before I could get up for a hug, she forced Lexi into my arms. "GOTTA PEE!" She screamed running to the bathroom. Lexi smiled at me as I held her close. "Your mommys so crazy Lexi. Did you know that?" "Yeah." She said laughing. Lexi can answer yes or no questions, but to whether or not she knows what it means remains to be seen. Natalie emerged from the bathroom looking relieved as ever. "Okay we ready?" She asked. "Yeah." Lexi said again putting her hands up. "Aha I guess that's a yes, let's get going!" I put Lexi in her carseat behind me. Natalie plugged in her phone and turned on the car. As the engine started the radio turned on. What came on wasn't music, but was some very intense whispering that sounded like it could be right in your ears. I gave Natalie a confused look before she practically slammed her hand into the off button. She fumbled around with her phone to put on actual music. "Um..what the fuck was that?" Natalie's face was turnning red. "Just some..patreon audio.." "What who's voice is that even?" "Dude it's so crazy it's this chick that does anime voices, but y'know makes them say bad things.." "Oh my god Natalie you're a freak haha." I palmed my face laughing hysterically. "Shut up! We all have our little things. This one just happens to be mine." "So..it's like audio porn?" "NO ABSOLUTELY NOT." She smacked the back of my head. "You little shit head.." "Ow!" "I am still your big sister y'know! Need to show me my respect!" We continued our drive to the store. When we got there  Natalie just followed behind as I pulled items into the basket. I was on a mission to get everything i needed. I didn't look back a few times, and at times lost Natalie through the crowd. "Elizabeth! Slow down a little!" When we finished checking out we went back home to put them all into the fridge. "Jesus how big is this turkey?" "Fifteen pounds." I answered looking through the vegetables, and looking through my checklist. "Can I just say I'm so glad you're good at cooking?" She hugged me. "Aha you could stand to mention it more often." The front door unlocked by Selena with her kids and Sam. "Helllo?" Selena called out for anyone home. "We're in here!" I answered. The kids rushed into the living room diving onto the couches. "Excuse me boys!" I stood there hands on my hips. Cole and AJ looked at one another before making their way towards me. I leaned down. "Hi aunt Liz." They said together hugging me, and kissing my cheeks on each side. "Love you guys." I smiled mussing up their hair as they walked back. "Well hey sister, excited for thanksgiving?" I turned to Selena. "Always! Gotta break out my fancy maternity pants so I won't lose a button." "Oh my god haha." I started taking out bowls to do as much prep work as I could before hand to make my life easier. That meant dicing up my mire poix, dry brining my turkey, making my compound butter, and cutting up bread for stuffing. My sisters both gathered around like I was doing magic, when I was just peeling vegetables. They continued looking on amazed as I chopped vegetables so easily and at times without looking. It might be stupid but it really does make me feel special. It's not that my sisters are bad cooks, I think it's just the fact that I'm going to school for cooking they think I have some more efficient way of doing simple things. Which I totally do.   "Lizzy are you sure you don't need any help?" Selena looked at me worried. I put down my knife and shook the aches out of my hand. "Yeah yeah I got it. You know me, I like doing it all." "Mm well if you say so. We can help too.." "I know I know, and I will need some help in the next couple days and maybe using you guys' ovens." "Jesus Liz what's all being made?" "Top secret!" Both Selena and Natalie rolled their eyes while I rubbed my hands together smiling devilishly. "Though if you really are set on helping these are some recipes you guys can do, and I made them as easy as possible." "Are you calling us stupid?! I HAVE A MASTERS DEGREE ELIZABETH!" Selena said faking getting mad. I rolled my eyes and went back to my cutting board. -Thursday- It's the big day and everything needs to go as planned or else I might kill somebody. I'm usually more go with the flow and easy going, but when it comes to cooking there is only one way to do things and it's my way. I was up around 5 am to start slow cooking some of the bigger proteins like the turkey and beef wellington I prepped the night before. Before putting the turkey into the oven I massaged the smoked garlic compoud butter underneath the skin. It's not the nicet feeling thing to do, but it makes a whole hell of a lot of difference down the line. I was still a bit sleepy, so I turned on the tv to wake me up a little. I flipped through the literal hundred of channels trying to find anything, but nothing was on. I turned on my newest favorite podcast and listened to "dead meat with James and Chelsea". I'm the only one of my family who is a huge horror movie buff. The only person I can get to go with me is Nathan, but he's not a addict like I am. Mom came down about an hour and a half after I did. "The only day I can expect you up this early." Mom laughed. "Well what can I say I love you all that much." I flashed a big smile to her. "Mm well happy thanksgiving my little head chef." She kissed the top of my head before going to get a cup of coffee. Nathan dropped by first around eight, and like the caring brother he is, he brought me breakfast. "Special delivery." He smirked handing me a bag of donuts. "Thanks brother!" I stuffed one in my mouth while giving him a hug. "Dinners gonna be ready about 4!" "Alright I'll have the girls all dressed and ready to see what you've come up with this year." "ITS FINNA BE LIT!" I smiled jumping up and down. "Right right..lit." Nathan not the one for today's slang terms. "Soph is making pies by the way!" Nathan said walking out the door. "Oh sweet! I knew I could trust one of you." -11 am- I was starting to get a little tired, but it wasn't anything I wasn't used to. I opened the fridge for the perfect remedy of an energy drink. I'd changed from my morning pajamas to a pair of jeans and my chef's coat to really feel the part. "Just like your father." Aunt Camryn said from behind me. I practically spit all over the fridge. "JESUS CHRIST." I put my hand over my chest. "I didn't hear anyone come in! My hearts like racing now." "Mm well thats from your lil energy nonsense. Drink coffee like an adult." "HUMPH. No coffees gross." "Peasant." Aunt Camryn muttered sipping her coffee. I turned my attention to the stove where I had potatoes, pasta, and stuffing working. Aunt Camryn peeked over my shoulder to see what I was working with, but I shielded her off. "No peeking!"  I practically shrieked as aunt Camryn took a step back. "Good lord Elizabeth you're not re-inventing the wheel here." "This is the one time I get to show out and I want to surprise. So please shoo." I even gave her a little hand wave motion.  Aunt Camryn looked like she was about to smack the life out of me. Mom walked in probably saving my face. "Nicole! She just told me to shoo!" She couldn't believe my audacity. "Haha c'mon Camryn leave Elizabeth to do her thing. You good here sweetie?" "Yeah I got it mom." She winked at me before guiding aunt Camryn into the other room. Selena walked in carrying trays of appetizers to appease guests while I finished cooking. "Well how's it coming along baby chef?" Selena smiled giving me a hug. "Everythings on schedule for 4 pm dinner." "Awesome, well I brought something special for you sincey you're being so great." She rummaged through the bags and pulled out a bowl of macaroni and cheese. It's my ultimate comfort food, and Selena would always make it for me when she would babysit. "YESS!" I ripped off the saran wrap and dug right in. I forgot I even had a hunger need until the first bite hit. "See not the only one who can cook. I also made more for dinner later for an extra side." "See you're helping!" I said like I was talking to one of her boys.   "Funny." Selena looked at me arms crossed. I got up and gave her another hug and kiss as a thank you. Although I didn't wipe my mouth enough so Selena had bits of cheese on her. "*sigh I expect things like this from my kids, not my adult sister." She pulled out wipes for her face.   "Oh! I have stuffing in that tray that needs to be finished off, can you do it in your oven please?" "Yeah sure, anything else?" I took a minute to run through the list in my head. "There's a tray of biscuits that need to be baked there. They're all portioned out, just put them in at 375, and brush the butter on top when they're done." "YES CHEF!" Selena saluted to me smiling. "Damn right yes chef!" "Okay we'll be back around 3." I pulled the turkey and beef at the same time to let them rest. The smell was absolutely intoxicating, roasted garlic, lemon, parsley, and bacon. It all was coming out the way in envisioned it. Mom helped me get all the serving plates while dad and uncle Logan set the table. Aunt Camryn "supervised" along with her glass of wine. My siblings all began to arrive with their families, so I stood at the door awaiting my tolls from the kids. "Happy thanksgiving auntie Liz here this is for you!" Daisy smiled happy as always. She hugged me tight and handed me a card she made of her handprint drawn into a turkey. "Thank you Daisy!" I squeezed her tight before moving onto the next in line. "What you got for me Julian?" I smiled down at him. He didn't say anything at first going straight into the hug. "Love you auntie Liz." AJ and Cole were next. "I wonder which of you loves me more..?" I said twiddling my thumbs. They shoved their way into my arms hugging as tight as they could. "Aha okay okay I see you both love me a lot." They laughed letting go. I looked at the table with the all the food I'd prepared along with sides prepared by everyone else, and marveled at it all. When everyone finally got a look at it they did as I did and were in awe of it. Along with the two stars of the show there was grilled asparagus, roasted brussel sprouts with pancetta, butter poached shrimp, pumpkin risotto, roasted acorn squash, mashed potatoes, creamed spinach, stuffing, baked macaroni and cheese with a parmesan crust, and garden salad. The smells mixed together in the dining room and I could see everyone starting to salivate just a little at the sight. The dessert table looked just as amazing with the contributions of my sister-in-laws and siblings. "Elizabeth this looks so good. You did a great job." Selena putting her hands over my shoulders. "Yeah good job Liz it smells incredible." Nathan said looking over all the choices spread across the table. "I can't believe you did this on your own.." Natalie smiled. They all surrounded me in a big group hug before  we all joined hands. Dad looked to me and nodded. "Thank you god for bringing us all together and allowing me to show my family just how much they mean to me with a skill you've blessed me with. We give thanks for all the food we're about to have and pray for a good end to the coming year. Amen." "Amen." Everyone collectively answered back. Mom handed me my carving knife and I made the first cut into serving everyone. When everyone had a full plate we took our seats around the house. I plated up last and sat at the table between Sophia and Selena. "I'm so glad I've got my stretchy jeans on Liz. Cause definitely going back for more." Selena smiled eating. As dinner went on everyone would walk by and drop compliments to me and say thank you. It's what made it all worth it. Everyone seeing what I could do, and being recognized for it. I didn't care that my legs hurt from standing all day, my fingers had blisters from the knives, or I was tired beyond belief. Knowing that everyone enjoyed it so much made it worth going through. The kids dropped by me again to say thank you before starting dessert. "You did real good hon." Dad said kissing the top of my head as he walked towards the sink. "We'll all get the dishes sweetie. Take a break finally." Mom nudged me over to the recliner. "Yes will definitely do that." I collapsed into the chair, putting my feet up. The pain in my legs slowly subsiding while my body began to relax. I didn't move for a good twenty minutes before Selena walked by with two plates of pecan pie slices for the both of us. She handed one to me and we cheers'd our forks. I wasn't a pie person growing up, but they've grown on me. After dessert hit me everyone began contemplating the next step. My siblings finished off the dishes, and the kids were all starting to look sleepy. I cracked open another energy drink and split it with Selena. "So are we doing this?" Natalie asked eagerly. "Can you watch the kids?" Selena turned to mom. "We'll just put them to bed. We won't be gone more than a few hours." "Aw man guys go without me you know I hate it." Nathan waved off. "BABE! No way you gotta we can get a new tv." Sophia nudged him. Nathan's eye's lit up. "Yeah the kids can just sleep here while you're out. Oh
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valkerymillenia · 4 years
Umbrella Academy
season 2, episode 7
More thoughts and live blogged reactions.
1982. I'm assuming Five used a briefcase... But in s1 we saw that the briefcase travels are tracked (Hazel and Cha-Cha got reprimanded for Klaus's Vietnam trip) so I'm not sure how the board doesn't know someone is coming... I might be overthinking.
Five being creepy.
Is that a Fudge Nutter like Handler mentioned in season 1? Oh, it is.
Jesus, Five! Anger management for you, old man.
AAHH! THEY LET FIVE SAY FUCK! Fucking finally! 🤣
How did nobody notice that destruction? 😆
Oh, the axe! Is Five going to go all American psycho? Because I'd love to see that.
That smile!
Is he using tiny time travel bursts like Reggie said? Or a briefcase? Or is he just that fast?
AJ hiding under the table 😆
Pausing to drink water and grin, what a psycho, I love him.
He's definitely using time jumps but they are so controlled that I'm guessing briefcase or Handler little time stopping trick. I'm so proud of my mass murder baby.
... Vending machine? Lady, you have interesting priorities.
Wait! AJ's human body feels pain? How?
Please make Five swallow the fish like in the comics! Please, please, please, please.
The dancers are just like
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I LOVE FIVE! The lengths this little killer will go for his family are unbelievable, nobody should ever doubt his love and devotion for them ever again.
This whole murder scene was incredible and Five's obvious glee made it even better. FEAR HIM!
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Jesus, Klaus is so afraid of being possessed that he's afraid to sleep and Ben just mocks him? 😘💋 I get that this is supposed to be a funny 'brothers messing with each other' kind of thing but Klaus feels so unsafe that it makes me uncomfortable. What happened to you, Ben, when did you become so dark? You were the nice one!
Ben just getting closer and closer every time Klaus closes his eyes just gave me Doctor Who flashbacks.
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"I hate your face" "I hate all of you" - Don't say that boys! You know you love each other.
Ok, Ben has a point. I'm actually liking this conversation. And I'm liking that Klaus is starting to understand his brother.
Ok, this is such a brother conversation. And Klaus constantly pretending not to know who Jill is 😆
Ground rules... Well, at least it's consensual now. That's something. See? Communication works.
Damn, the tension at the lunch table cut be cut with a knife. I'm scared what Carl is going to do.
Ray and Allison have a lovely relationship but I finally identified the problem, the tension I was feeling between since them a few eps back. It's not about Allison's secrets at all, is about Ray being so obsessed with his crusade that he completely overlooks Allison's feelings, he only pays attention to her when they are on the page about the mission. He sees her powers and his first thought is 'we could use this for the cause', Allison is clearly distressed and sad and even says she doesn't feel well and all he can think about is the damn JFK meeting. He's not a bad person and he's not doing it on purpose but he has a workaholic one-track mind that could easy turn into neglect for Allison. He clearly loves her and I'm rooting for them so much but I know that if asked to choose between Allison and his cause, he'll pick his cause.
So Five is done with the killing. I figured this might weigh on his conscience, it's one thing to kill for a greater good or survival, coldly and detached, it's another thing to slaughter for selfish reasons (even if his selfish reasons are a greater good).
Handler going all mom on him and wiping his face. 😆
"What I did today, I did for my family" -we know, baby, and they better respect you for it. You love then so much.
90 minutes??? Wtf, I knew Handler would try to screw Five over but that's just cruel, she's forcing him to uproot the family without even giving them time to say goodbye and that's even IF he can get to all of them on time.
It's not a name, you idiots. Also, that's Olga, not öga.
Don't harass the poor woman... Oh God, you guys are such morons... Diego, you dramatic little bitch...
"Wrong number. Have a lovely day" 🤣🤣🤣
I love the new dumbass buddy cop dynamic between Diego and Luther. This is the sort of positive brotherly dynamic they always should have had instead of being pitted against each other all their lives.
"you have some blood on you" "a lot of blood, actually. Five, what did you do?" -the casual, mildly annoyed way they ask is hilarious, if they knew what he did they'd be horrified (and possibly impressed).
Handler's militaristic chic dress is fabulous. I personally don't like it very much (or the message it sends) but it's haute couture and incredibly designed. Also, the bleached hair is back!
"any questions?" And then she leaves without listening. Power move 😏
Luther trying to comfort Diego like the dork he is. 🤣
Really though, I feel bad for Diego, and Five is under so much pressure that I don't blame him for snapping.
"I'm shy" -are you, Klaus? Are you really? You keep walking around in underwear in front of dozens of people, you're not shy.
So is Klaus lactose intolerant?
Ok, so far the possession thing is not as bad as some people were claiming. So far.
"stay focused" *giggle* -oh Ben, you dork 😆
Ahah, Ben enjoying all the different sensory stimuli. Adorable. He's just so happy, poor boy.
Dirt angels. SO CUTE ❤️
I know this all supposed to be cute and all but it would also be a perfect moment for Ben for experience Klaus's powers (the constant hauntings) as well as his addiction and the claustrophobic expectations of the cult. It would be an excellent chance to make Ben understand why Klaus is the way he is, seeing as Klaus is making a huge effort (and sacrifice) to do the same for Ben. Unfortunately, I don't see that happening because I think they want to keep this part about Ben.
By end of season 1 Klaus cried that people still didn't take him seriously, his compassion despite all his suffering made him likeable and deep, but this season he's back to being the family joke, I don't like that there's no resolution to that. But let's see where this goes, I'm getting ahead of myself.
Oh God, Carl's talk is freaking me out.
"who I am is not a disease" -very powerful LGBT+ statement considering it's the 60s!!!!
Oh, the blackmail...
Everybody keeps expecting Vanya to explode every time she gets emotional but this scene proves how much control she truly has. Respect!
Oh, finally Claire is mentioned! I've been rather upset that Allison hasn't mentioned her daughter even once this season (does Ray even know he has a stepdaughter?) seeing as most of her arc in season 1 revolved around her love and guilt over Claire.
Luther is right when he says they don't get live formal lives because they are special but Allison is even more right when she says that's not fair. This is why this family needs to stick together and love each other, they are the only ones that can really understand each other's struggles.
"hope" -Luther, you really are such a sweet summer child.
OH! I CAN FINALLY SEE ALLISON'S SCAR! The lighting in this scene makes it really obvious. Finally.
Ben and the strawberry. 🤣
"you're different today. You're dorkier" ah! First time anyone called Ben 'Sassy' Hargreeves dorky.
Oh Ben, you're adorable... Wait, "smell your hair"? What the fuck, Ben? You weirdo.
Holy crap! Jill is really forward, isn't she? Hippies, man.
Ben stuttering! 😆🤣 He died a virgin, didn't he?
It's funny but please tell me he isn't actually considering that in his brother's body...
Wait, did Klaus slap him because he doesn't want to have sex or because he's trying to stop Ben from ruining his own chance by saying too much?
Actually, I'm almost sure it's the second one, Klaus is playing wingman on his own body!
Ok so Ben IS a virgin but "you, me and Keechie"? What the fuck, Klaus? You slept with the fanatical crybaby and your brother's crush????
"Klaus, you're so filthy!" "Yes, you are, daddy." -Ben, this girl is not right for you. Run, boy!
Wait, AJ can speak without the body/suit/whatever?
Handler is going a little bit fascist dictator, isn't she?
Gotta admit, Handler really is such a mom in her own twisted way.
Ben giggling when he talks to Diego. Cute.
"Luther sniffs Dad's underwear" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
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I need all the siblings hugging Ben now!
"you stay in this body, we need someone responsible behind the wheel" -Diego, I understand what you mean given the situation, but you playing obvious favorites between your brothers when free will and body autonomy are on the line is a little creepy.
"no one is insignificant" -that line is so loaded when used on Vanya.
Oh no, Vanya and Five playing the blame game is so bad... They used to be so close... They are both under so much pressure, this won't end well.
Oh boy, Five looks like he's on the verge of crying and Vanya sees that! I bet that's why she backed down. 😲😢
The Lila and Diego conversation is heartbreaking without even trying...
Is that Elliot? Is Diego burying Elliot because nobody else will? Diego really does have a heart of gold.
Don't drinkit! I'm pretty sure Lila is drugging you.
Yup, there it is.
What is she planning?
Once again, it's all about the movement with Ray.
"I would take my one year with you over a lifetime with anybody else." 😭 Oh Ray ❤️
But I get the feeling this won't end so easily.
There it is, the Swedes just arrived. And the smart assholes went right for Allison's throat.
You don't need the coffee can, Sissy. The Hargreeves are loaded.
Sissy, hurry up.
BEN, YOU ARE SUCH A 90s KID!!! So the Backstreet Boys are Ben's fault, God, I love this dork 🤣
Come on, Allison, you can fight better than this!
Good girl!
Klaus and Ben running and fighting each other at the same time 😆
Holy shit, that is some Exorcist level vomiting!
Poor Klaus, I totally get Ben's side in this (pretty sure he was trying to save Klaus by getting him to Five ASAP) but this whole thing made me mildly uncomfortable. Klaus just keeps sacrificing for everyone and nobody respects his boundaries.
Holy shit, Allison! That is so cruel! I like it though, so ruthless and vicious. 😈
Problem- Allison can't just leave Ray with a white corpse in the house. Especially not in Texas, death penalty and all.
Oh Sissy, you dumbass. You're a sweetheart but also a dumbass.
Ok, Lila is pretty insane. That's for sure.
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"I don't want to hurt you" - well, Vanya warned them.
My baby is getting really good with her powers.
I hope that hit to the head doesn't give Vanya her memory back, that's so cliché and convenient, or would be really bad writing.
SHIT IS HITTING THE FAN. I'm dying to see more!!!!!!
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lyndexv · 5 years
So, here’s my first fic (it was supposed to be a prompt, but I made it pass through the 2000 words (2 904 words, woops) for the writing challenge by  @stop-breaking-my-heart-telltale.
Some importants things before we start : -In this story, we are in a AU where Louis dated Sophie before her capture.
-Marlon doesn’t get killed by AJ, because THIS TIME Clem keeps the gun when Marlon drops it.
Hope you enjoy it.
«I love you, Lou...Since the beginning.»
Louis remembered those words, again, and again, as he played random tunes on his piano.
Everything has been so fucked those last days…
Marlon’s betrayal…He couldn’t believe it happened.
«Brody told me : Marlon was gonna give me and AJ up to raiders in exchange for safety ;
The same way he gave up Sophie and Minnie ! »
He couldn’t believe it. He DIDN’T want to believe it.
Sophie, the love of his life, she...she……
--1 year ago--
« Marlon, where’s Minnie ? » Violet was the first to notice that the twins weren’t with the hunt group.
« V-Vi, let me exp- »
«Marlon.» He remembered the despair, the fear behind the gaze of his ‘brother’.
«What the fuck happened to Soph ? » Louis felt anger starting to rise inside him.
« C-Calm down, bro...I-I know it’s hard to take, but she-- »
« WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO HER ??! » Idryssa and Violet retained Louis from throwing himself at Marlon.
He did have some anger moments in his life...But now, he felt rage, and hate. He never felt that, at anyone or anything before.
He couldn’t believe it. He DIDN’T want to believe that...she was…
« WALKERS GOT THEM !! » Brody cried. Everyone turned to her.
« We...went outside the safe zone...We found a car, but... » Brody tried to control her panic
« Walkers appeared from nowhere….They..were too many of them. We tried our best, Lou, I swear... »
Louis gave up. He didn’t struggle against Idryssa and Vi anymore. He felt he was on verge of tears.
« No...There’s...There’s no fucking way... »
« Dude...I’m so sorr-- » Marlon walked to Louis, to soothe him , but the pianist refused his hand
The stressful silence that was occuring made the situation even more unbearable.
Louis dashed to the music room.
« Louis, come back ! »
« LOUIS !!! »
Louis didn’t even care.
As he passed the door, he sat on the piano stool.
He couldn’t contain his despair anymore.
« S-Sophie... »
His tears started to fell on his piano, as he laid his arms and his heads on it.
As he cried, he looked up at the music sheets, at one in peculiar : ‘Sophie’
It had been months since she confessed to him her love. He was so happy, and relieved, that his feelings for her were returned, shared. She loved for what he was, not just because he was the ‘happy goofy jokester’ of the kids…
« ‘Happy Goofy Jokester’ ? Seriously ? » Sophie always cracked a giggle at his nickname.
He wanted to give the best gift for his beloved ginger Irish girl, and, well, a song was a perfect gift. Both had that love for the arts, as Sophie was a genius artist, at painting (well, as much as she could do with the boarding school stuff), at drawing, and even crafting some pillows castle with him (Dear Lord he had dozens of pillows in his room, it was just hilarious)
He wanted to keep it as a surprise, to show and play that song of his once she was back from hunting.
He couldn’t now. She was dead.
After that, he changed.
The first weeks, Louis never left his room, or the music room, even for dinner.
Idryssa brought him food, but he rarely ate, not touched it.
But that was before she betrayed him too….
Surprinsingly enough (for the other kids), he found confort with Violet, as they shared their grief about their lost loves..
After some months, the scar of his heart started to heal, he’d crack some jokes again here or there, and Aasim was less reluctant to rant about his sometimes lame jokes.
But the scar never healed completly, it could open again easily, Louis knew that. The others avoided to talk about the twins, but that made it even worse to bear.
Louis never wanted to betray Sophie’s memory, so he continued to write music, to sing, to crack jokes for the sake of seeing the others smiling (or rolling their eyes, in Vi’s case).
--Months later--
Then, a new girl came into his life : Clementine.
As much as he had a good first impression of her (She let him play ‘Oh My Darling Clementine’, while all the other would have stopped him ; she kicked some walkers heads at a A+ level, while she was just recovering from a concussion, heck ! ; she was beautiful, funny...)
But he felt that it would be HELL wrong to flirt with the new girl, he just...couldn’t do that, especially at the one-year anniversary (what a happy anniversary for sure…) of Sophie’s passing. He did cracked some jokes with Clem, but that was all.
But, as life is a bitch sometimes…
« So...Um...Did you ever felt love, for someone ? »
Clem had a puzzled look at him, as Violet threw her fist on the table out of spite
« Oh-My-God... »
« What ? It is a totally valid question, instead of always talking about d-e-a-t-h things. »
« I don’t know how to explain it, but... » Clem started to explain, as Vi, Marlon and Lou looked at her.
« I met a boy, once. And we were...close, I guess ? »
« What kind of ‘close’ ? » Violet asked.
« Maybe not exactly ‘love-love’, but I definitely felt something for him. »
Then, Clem looked at Louis. « What about you ? »
Marlon and Vi’s eyes went wide up, as Clem brought the WORST question she could ever asked him.
Louis started to feel his heart aching horribly, as if someone was using all its strengh and was urging it. He also felt tears starting to come...
Don’t crack up, don’t fucking crack up, not now, not in front of anyone, of her, not again--
Clem noticed it, her expression changing into concern, worry
« Louis, are you allr-- »
« Y-YES , I am !  It’s...okay, you had the right to ask..» He said as he noticed the heavy worry Vi, Marlon and Clem had in their gazes.
« It’s...becoming cold, don’t you think ? I’m...going to my dorm, goodnight. » Louis left them with that terrible excuse. He felt horribly wrong, and the pain came back again.
« Guess I can’t shame myself more than that... » He thought.
Days passed, and Louis started to feel...strange, about Clementine.
When he looked at her, tchatted with her, even shared some jokes together…
« I am basically a ninja, master of the martial arts. » Louis joked, doing a ‘ninja pose’ as he said it.
« You too ? I thought I was the only one » said Clem, doing some ‘ninja pose’ herself.
« Me too » A.J, her ‘adoptive’ son (?) also did a ninja pose.
While Aasim grunted as usual, Louis smiled. He felt good when he was with Clem, he liked being a ‘dad’ for A.J (Well ,as much as a ‘happy goofy jokester’ can be), taking care of him.
But, like for Sophie, like for every moment he felt...himself, in a happy way, it didn’t last.
This night where, for a minute, Clem was a murderer…
« Look at her hands ! She’s covered in Brody’s blood ! »
He couldn’t believe it. He DIDN’T want to believe it.
But Marlon was his ‘brother’, and he knew Clem since, like, a week ? Why would Marlon lie ?
And...she did have blood on her hands…
«Well, FUCK. THEM. » Marlon pointed his gun at her.
« What the fuck ? » (Nice one Vi, you stole my words… he thought)
« Marlon ! »
« Jesus Christ !»
« You shoot me, and what do you offer up to your raider friends when they come knocking ? »
« What the hell is she talking about ? » Aasim asked
« He won’t do it because he needs us alive-- »
« Shut up ! » Marlon pointed his gun at Clem again.
«Brody told me : Marlon was gonna give me and AJ up to raiders in exchange for safety ;
The same way he gave up Sophie and Minnie ! »
Clem finished her quote looking at Tenn, who was shocked by this reveal.
Louis was shocked too. As he felt his heart aching again, the scar being re-opened by a sadist twist of events, he tried to not crack up.
Don’t crack up, don’t fucking crack up, not now…
He couldn’t believe it. He DIDN’T want to believe it. Why Marlon, of all people, would do something this horrible ? Why would HE lie to HIM, his best friend for years now ?!
« Raiders ? »
« Oh my gosh ! »
« Shut the fuck up, Clementine ! » Marlon still ‘only’ pointed his gun at Clem…
« Let her talk ! » Aasim said.
As Louis felt his heart aching like hell, and the expression of terror in Tenn’s face, he wasn’t sure if he was ready to hear more of this.
« Brody told me the truth, and THAT’s when Marlon killed her ! »
Everyone turned to Marlon with accusating looks.
Including Louis. He felt pain, but he started to feel rage again…
« Aw, come the FUCK on ! »
Marlon started to walk around Clem.
« They only met up with these ‘raiders’ because Clem insisted they go out there. »
« Quite the coincidence, isn’t it ? Shame I don’t believe in those. »
He...had a point.
« Think about how we all were when the adults left. I pulled us out of that fear. I gave us all courage again. »
« Who are y’all gonna believe, huh ? Johnny-come-lately and her little fucking lunatic ? »
That ‘lunatic’ had his dinner at the same table as Louis, Marlon and the others a few hours ago…
« Or me ? Your friend ? »
This situation is so fucked. He wanted to stand up for Clem, but that would mean he’d be against Marlon, and by that believing that...he…
« Louis, don’t let him do this ! »
What ? She was calling up for him ? Violet was a better candidate, and she seemed closer to Clem than he was now.
And again...His mind was stuck on who to stand for...
« Oh no, I am not involved. »
Seriously? Avoiding conflict, in a situation like THIS ? You coward.
« What ? » Clem sounded in distress, shocked by Louis’ answer.
« I...I like you Clem, but I.. »
You what ? Tell here you’re totally trusting your violent best friend with a gun pointed at her.
« Not me. I’m sorry. »
«You’re, uh, on your own. »
Sophie would have stepped up, you know it. She wouldn’t have ran away from conflict like you’re doing right now.
«I’m sorry. »
« Then you better bury me deep. » Clem looked at him, betrayed and angered.
« Because if I come back, I’ll come for you first. »
You deserve your pain.
« Shit. »
« Marlon, come on man, »
« Drop the gun-- »
« Louis ! » Marlon cut him.
« She. Killed. Brody ! »
« We can’t let her walk away. »
Louis looked back at Clem.
« Clem, I...I gotta trust Marlon. »
« I just...I gotta. »
« I always have. »
« Brody trusted him. And now she’s dead. » Clem said.
« And HE killed her ! »
« Take that back ! »
Louis noticed Marlon’s gaze. It was full of rage.
As he pointed his gun at Clem, he seemed determined. This time, if nobody do anything, he’s gonna shot Clem down.
Step the fuck up. For Clem. For Sophie.
Louis walked to Clem and Marlon, placing himself in the middle of them. He risked his life, he knew that.
Marlon shook his head « You don’t know what you’re doing, man. »
Louis wanted all that shit to end well, without any more deaths that this already did.
« C’mon, dude, just drop the gun. This is how adults do things. Not us. »
« Stand down, Marlon. Be reasonable. » Aasim added.
Aasim, Tenn, Louis, Violet and Omar started to corner Marlon.
« You don’t get it. » Marlon shook his head, still pointing dangerously his gun
« You-you don’t understand at all, do you ? »
Understand what ?
Louis had a bad feeling about this. A truly bad feeling.
« I’m trying TO PROTECT YOU ! » Marlon pointed the gun at everyone.
« ALL OF YOU !! »
« He’s lying to you. He can’t – or won’t – protect you ! » Clem said to the other kids.
« Look at what happened to Brody. To Sophie, Minerva... »
« You suck at protection ! »
Marlon only pointed his gun at her again and shouted. « Shut your fucking mouth ! »
No defense.
« I made the right call. »
Wait, what ? Louis hoped that didn’t mean...no. FUCK NO.
« I saved the lives of everyone in this fucking school ! »
« And if they came back...I’d do it again ! »
Louis felt his pain replaced by rage. WHAT THE FUCK ?
Marlon let the twins get taken LIKE IT WAS NOTHING ?
All those moments of pain he had after Sophie’s disappearance, and that Violet had too, were not only CAUSED by Marlon, but worse than that Marlon never told him the truth. MARLON, his brother, hid the fucking truth about the fate of the love of his life from him ?!!
The others were scandalized too.
« Excuse me ? »
« I didn’t realise we were so fucking expendable »
« You’re a dick ! »
« You told me they died ! »
Louis couldn’t contain his rage anymore.
Marlon, and all the others, turned to him, shocked by his rage.
« I THOUGHT...For years I thought you were my brother, that I could trust you over anything in this fucked world... »
« I know Louis, I...I am sorr- »
« When everyone was affraid of you, I wanted to be your friend, because I looked BEYOND your problems, like I did with everyone else here ! »
Louis felt his heart ache, from Marlon’s betrayal. He felt he was starting to cry, but he didn’t care anymore.
« Only a pure coward betrays his friends like this. » Clem said.
Marlon has been judged, and exiled by vote. Ironicly, that’s what happened with Shaun, Esther, and...Idryssa. And Marlon was the judge for their ‘trials’. And out of the 4 exiled kids the school had, the most guilty were Idryssa and Marlon, both leaders.
Clem was right after all, the leaders never stay long in place…
Louis absently flipped through his music sheets, when he found a song in peculiar…
‘‘Sophie’, wrote 6-21-2011’. The music he composed for her. As he thought about it, he remembers he never played it.
Louis sighed.
He prepared himself to play.
« This one’s for you, Sophie, if you can hear me. »
Louis started to play. ‘Sophie’ was his longest composition, about 7 minutes easily. It was a romantic ballad, with some ‘irish’ touches here and there, but nothing too stereotyped. The piano being a bit out of tune (If only he could find the right tools for it…) did not ruin the melody, flying out in the whole school, like in the good times…
Even the growing ache in his heart did not stop him.
On a melancholic note, he ended the music.
« That was beautiful. »
Louis suddenly turned his head to the door, only noticing Clementine’s presence now.
« Oh, uh...sorry, I just heard the music and walked to its source. »
« I don’t mind, I like having an audience. » Louis said.
« What was that music ? » Clem asked as he sat on the piano stool.
« A song. That I wrote. »
« You wrote it ? » Clem sounded surprised, not in a bad way.
Louis nodded. « I wrote it for Sophie. »
Both went silent at her mention.
« About that...I’m sorry... for what happened to her. »  Clem said, looking concerned for Louis.
« Don’t. It was... » Louis just couldn’t pronounce his name, not that soon.
« his fault. I just...hope she’s okay. » Louis sighed.
Clem put a conforting hand on his shoulder. « I hope she is, too. When we will find the raiders, we’ll bring the twins back, and you’ll be together again. »
Louis smiled at Clem « Thank you, Clem. Even if you just took the rôle of the optimistic for a second, which is mine, if you hadn’t guessed it.»
Clem chuckled « Of course I guessed it, you dork. »
With Sophie’s return, with Clem, Louis felt hope, for the first time in months. Hope that his scar will heal completly.
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Of Monsters And Men |6|
Pairing: (eventual) Dean x Reader
Warnings: angry jess (fear. her.), nothing really though. sam’s gif is greatly exaggerated Word Count: 1320 A/N: I think the tags on the previous one didn’t work. While I’m figuring out how to write Can You See The Stars have a chapter of OMAM because I had some free time. Enjoy! (please please tell me how you liked it too!) 
 {Masterlist} - {Series Masterlist} - {Previous Part} - {Part One!}
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Of Monsters And Men XI: Prank Gone Wrong
“Holy shit,”
Sam cannot believe his eyes. It’s… a mermaid? Mermaids exist now?
Her iridescent tail shifts colors every time he moves his head and it seems like it’s slightly moving as if the foils are breathing. She’s not moving but from where he’s standing he can clearly see the gills on her neck and arm and the way they sway slightly in a rhythm. It’s clearly her, clearly the Y/n he met about twenty minutes ago, in different hair and… half-fish
His whole world has just turned upside down.
“Is this a joke, ‘cause it isn’t funny.” Jessica’s features have turned sour and she’s looking at both brothers with the utmost disgust in the crinkles of her nose and the crease between her eyebrows.
“What are you talking about-“
“She’s naked, wow,” Jess’s eyes roll and she scoffs. “What a great surprise, Dean” She claps three times slowly between her words. “How much did you pay this poor girl do this, Christ, you’re disgusting.” She moves to leave the bathroom.
“Jess, what- She’s- can you not see the fish tail?” Sam’s eyebrows are furrowed; his skin has paled a few notches. He’s gesturing almost wildly towards the tub
“Oh great, you were in on this? Ha, ha, great prank guys,” she nods her head sarcastically “You really got me! It’s a mermaid! I’ve been Winchestered.” Her expression rests into a bitchface. “Now pull her out and cover her up, Jesus.”
“Babe, what are you on about, it’s literally right there.” Sam’s hand is waving in Y/n’s general direction.
“I gotta hand it to her, she’s really good at holding her breath. Don’t let her die, pull her outta there, come on.”  
“What do y- She has gills. They’re right there.” Dean points at her arm, beyond confused at this point. Something is off.
“Drop the act. Both of you. Pull her out before she fucking drowns.”
“Jess, are you really not seeing her-“
“Tail? No, I’m not. All I’m seeing is a naked girl holding her breath to an extreme extent which, honestly, I’m impressed, now get her out.” Jessica states and spins around on her heels, leaving the room with a stomp on her feet.
The Winchesters make eye contact, eyebrows raised half way up their foreheads, Sam’s mouth agape. Both brothers are frozen, trying to process exactly what just happened. She couldn’t see her? Why could they?
“I-I’m going to, uh…” Sam runs a hand down his face, thumb and forefinger pausing on the corners of his mouth before he points at the door, eyes getting stuck at the bathtub. “I’m gonna… talk to her.” He locks eyes with the eldest Winchester. “You get her- it- her out of there.” Dean can only nod.
Sam disappears around the corner and Dean shakes his head, muttering a small what the hell. He walks to the tub.
“C’mon, sweetheart,” he taps the outside of the tub with his silver ring, swallowing. “Come out.”
He’ll never get tired of watching her body transform. She releases bubbles from her nose, hands reaching out the edge of the tub and pulling herself up. As soon as her nose peeks over the surface of the water she takes a loud, deep inhale of air.
As soon as she breathes, her ginger hair paints itself black, the color draining from her roots to the tips, as if ink was spilled on the top of her head and dripped until it dyed every single hair. Her gills close on her skin and smooth over. Her tail shrinks back not too fast, separating in two, foils sinking into smooth caramel skin.
Y/n’s eyes meet his and he’s in a daze again.
She’s staring at him, breathing calmly, irises dancing on his face, landing on his eyes. His lips part. The familiar pull grows in his chest, making him want to wrap himself around her. He doesn’t take much time to realize the urge is there and deny its existence.
“How’d it go?” She asks, eyes wide and innocent, completely unaware of the mess that was about to unfold.
“Let’s just get you dressed, kid, c’mon. I’m not sure I’ve understood myself.” He mutters the last part and helps her out of the tub, wrapping her up in a fluffy towel.
When Y/n and Dean make their way downstairs, Jessica is sitting stubbornly with her back to everyone, gazing out the window to the beach. Sam’s on the couch, hand on his forehead and eyes closed. When he hears their footsteps, his head turns to look at them, first at Y/n. He has the same desperation, confusion and loss on his face that Dean had the day he pulled her out of his bathroom. Sam then looks at Dean helplessly, frustration tying his expression up in a bow. Dean purses his lips and pats his brother’s shoulder.
“We need to talk.”
Jessica’s head snaps to him.
“We don’t need to do anything. Bad prank, I get it, can we drop it?” She asks, getting up. “Send her on her merry way and we can forget about all this.” She waves her hand at the general direction of the door. “Go home, Y/n.”
“I don’t have a home.” She states and sighs, eyes a little sad. Silence.
“Look…” She begins. “I understand that you’re confused, so was Dean when he found me. But I can answer any question you’d like me to, if that helps any.”
“Oh my God, all of you! Drop. The act!” a tuff of blonde hair flicks in the air as she swats her curls over her shoulder, other hand on her hip.
“Jess,” It’s Sam that speaks this time. She turns her eyes to the floor, heel tapping rapidly against the wooden planks. “Please, look at me.” He gets off the couch and approaches her. She doesn’t budge, fume practically steaming out of her ears. “C’mon, baby.” He begs and her eyes hesitantly meet his, obviously yielding at the nickname.
“Something weird is going on here and I’m not asking you to believe me, I wouldn’t believe me either.” He’s not touching her yet, knowing she won’t exactly be accepting of it. “I’m asking you to trust me. Trust what I saw. I’ve never lied to you.” She doesn’t like it but she can’t believe that he’s lying to her, not when she’s looking straight at his eyes, not when he looks this sincere.
Her gaze slips from his to Dean’s and Y/n’s. She notices the shirt she’d bought Dean a couple of years back clinging to her body like a bag, dripping hair creating big dark spots on the dark red material.
“You said you don’t have a home?” Sam visibly relaxes with a grateful, forced smile, placing briefly his hand on his fiancé’s jaw and pecking her temple lightly with a whispered thank you, though she doesn’t react. Y/n nods. “So you live here?” Y/n’s arm goes to her forearm and rubs it nervously.
“We haven’t exactly… discussed it with Dean.” She shrugs. “Everything just happened and-“
“She lives here.” Dean steps up to her, a supportive hand on her lower back. He doesn’t look down at her.
“Well if we figure out whatever it is you’re all talking about, we need to get her clothes. Dean’s Henley just won’t do.” Jess smirks a half-hearted, teasing smirk on her lips. “So you two,” she pats Sam’s chest “get to work. Start looking for an answer to whatever it is you need and Y/n and I will go shopping.”
“We can do that.” Dean nods, hand dropping and Y/n finds herself disappointed his warmth isn’t around her.
“C’mon,” Jessica beckons her closer and grabs her hand when she’s close enough. “Keys.” She prompts, palm up to Sam who digs around in his pockets until he finds his car keys. “Don’t wait up, boys. You better have some answers before we’re home.”
Forevers Taglist (Which you can join HERE)
@deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @deanssweetheart23 @nostalgic-uncertainty @twentyoneredsocks @dancerwithapen @mogaruke @superseejay721517 @andi-winchester @lady-hawkguy @thosefeelsarereal @superwholockmarauder @justiceiswater @petra-arkanian-1497 @heyitscam99 @danijimenezv @discogrrl @aj-reuth @unicornblood4ever @mystriee @sadist-fangirl23
Dean/Jensen Taglist @akshi8278 @winchester-writes @p3nny4urth0ught5 @ruprecht0420 @imascio08 @infinity-dreamchaser @sherlockstolemyname @jackasauras-strax
Of Monsters And Men Taglist
@waywardsoulpainter @to-stars-and-back @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @infinity-dreamchaser @drae654321 @rosethesupernaturalhunter @a-girl-who-loves-disney @heyitsjaybird @tegan-eva
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we-are-richmond · 7 years
What Could’ve Been E2 C3
And my writing goes back to being god awful. Also surprise, ***** is back and alive!
Clementine's POV I looked up at the truck in front of us stopping. "Why'd we stop?" I asked. "I don't know." Eli replied, parking the car and getting out. The two of us walked out of the car, seeing the others coming out of the truck. "What is it?" I asked, walking to Francine who had stepping out. "That." Francine pointed at the bridge before us. My draw dropped seeing the barrier before us. It had like multiple cars stacked, and packed together. "How are we gonna get through that?" Javi asked. "Only if we had Tripp here...maybe he could push one of them out of the way..." Eleanor whispered. I patted her shoulder gently, and she gave me a small smile. "Let's look around, there may be something that'll help us get through." Javi stated. "I'll help, I'm sure Francine wants to stay with Conrad." Eleanor explained. Francine nodded, climbing back into the truck. Javi walked towards one of the buildings, looking around. Eli approached the barrier, crossing his arms. Eleanor walked towards the gas station. Time to look around. I walked towards Javi, stepping by him. "Hey." I said. "Hey Clem." Javi said. "Look...I'm sorry about your niece." I looked at him, taking in his emotions. Javi looked at me, sighing a bit. "I'm sorry about your friend. He seemed like a pretty neat guy." Javi stated. I nodded to him slowly, walking away. Eleanor looked through the window, observing the gas station. "Eleanor." I called out. The woman turned around to face me. "How can I help you Clementine?" Eleanor asked. "Been a crazy day hasn't it?" I asked. "That's one way to put it. It's insane thinking of all the people we lost in a matter of hours. Mitch, Tripp, AJ, and who knows who else." Eleanor sighed out. "We still have a chance to get AJ back. I'm not stopping until I get my baby back." I stated. "Your right..." Eleanor nodded, preparing to walk away. "Wait Eleanor." She turned around again, "Tripp wanted me to tell you something.". "He...wanted you to tell me something?" Eleanor questioned. "Yeah. He wanted me to let you know, he really liked you." I said. She looked at me wide eyed, before nodding slowly. "I...thank you Clementine." Eleanor said, clasping her hand over her chest, "I appreciate it.". I nodded to her, walking away. "Hold on baby, were gonna get you some help." Francine said, looking at Conrad from her seat. "I know. I trust you guys will keep me alive." Conrad replied. I smiled at the couple, passing the truck. Eli stood by the barrier, looking at it, then the truck. "Got an idea, or will it involve you pawning off something off brand." I said. "Very funny." He groaned, looking back at the truck, "But I might actually have an idea.". "Really?" I questioned. "The truck has a hook, we can hook it up to the first car, and Francine can drive back." Eli explained. I stared at him, before nodding slowly. "That could actually work." I whispered. Not wasting a second, I made my way to Francine. I knocked on the front window, catching both of their attention. "Francine, get in the drivers seat, I got an idea." I said. "It was my idea!" Eli shouted. "Alright then." Francine climbed out of the car, then going back into the front. Nodding, I made my way to the front of the car. Crouching down, I grabbed the hook. Heaving heavily, struggling to pull the hook, dang this thing was heavy. "There we go." I whispered in relief, finally hooking the thing to the car. "Good to go Francine!" I called out, backing away from the car. Francine nodded, reversing the car. Javi and Eleanor walked over, watching the car being pulled back by the truck. "Smart idea." Javi stated. "We'll get there in no time." Eleanor said, smiling. "Guys!" Francine shouted from the car. We all looked at the bridge, gasping as walkers started pouring out from the hole we just created. "Francine, go, we'll meet up with you!" I shouted. "The hook, we won't be able to move with it on!" Francine shouted. I turned to face the car, my heart racing. "Cover me!" I shouted, running over to car. "Clem!" Eleanor shouted in fear. I slid forward, grabbing the hook. "Come on!" I groaned, struggling to yank the hook off. Walkers around me growled, attempting to get me. Just as it reached for me, a metal bat struck in right in the face. Javi nodded at me, striking more walkers around me. "Clementine hurry up!" Eli shouted. "I almost got it!" I shouted. With a satisfying click, the hook came free. "GO NOW!" I shouted, diving away from them. Francine nodded to me, before slamming on the gas and driving forward. "They just left us?!" Eli yelled. "You would have done the same, we need to get out of here." Javi exclaimed. "There was a ladder on the side of the gas station. We can use that to get on the roof." Eleanor explained. "Then let's go!" I shouted. We ran towards the later, Javi swinging his bat at any walker coming from behind. It was a good thing he was a baseball player before this I guess. "Hurry." I said. Eleanor grabbed the metal bars, climbing up the later slowly. "It's sturdy, come on!" Eleanor shouted. Eli made her way up next, and I pulled out my gun. "Javi go." I stated. "Are you sure?" He asked. "Just go!" I shouted. Javi nodded to me, sliding his baseball bat back into place. Not wasting a second, I began firing at the walkers all around me. "Clementine go!" Eleanor shouted, firing at a walker from behind me. I flashed the woman a thankful look, before hopping onto the ladder. Climbing up seemed like the easy part. But life was never easy. "AUGH!" I screamed as one of the foot holds broke. "Clem!" Javi shouted as I landed on a trashcan. I shook my head in pain, looking around. Two cold hands grabbed my face, causing a scream to fly from my throat. I struggled to push off the walker, it's teeth getting to close to my face. A startled gasp came from my mouth as it was shoot off me. I pushed it off, and turned my attention to the others. They were just surprised as I was. "Who shoot that?" Eli asked. "Doesn't matter, we need to go." Javi leaned over the edge, holding out his hand. I jumped up, grabbing it myself. Javier grunted, as he pulled me up. I yanked myself up the ledge, leaning on my knees for support as I took deep breathes. "What now?" Eleanor asked, approaching the edge of the roof. "We wait it out?" I panted. "That is one of the stupidest ideas I've heard. It could take hours, maybe days for this to clear out." Eli stated. "Hey I don't see you making any plans." Javi said. "Fuck you." Eli growled. "Can we please not fight now? Francine and Conrad are out there." Eleanor said. "She's right." I stated. "Guys shut up." Javi said. "Excuse me?" I asked. "No seriously, shut up and take cover." Javi quickly ducked behind one of the vents and as he moved I realized why. A figure stood on the building across from us. I slid behind cover with Eleanor, looking at my group. "Have they been watching us this entire time?" Eleanor questioned, peaking out a bit. "I don't know." Javi whispered. "Why are we whispering, they can't hear us from here." Eli stated. I rolled my eyes at him, and peaked out slowly. "I'm going after them." I whispered. "Is that safe?" Eleanor asked. "Is anything safe now adays?" I whispered, standing up slowly. I slowly walked across the bridge that connected to each side of the buildings, clutching my gun. This was crazy, was someone just watching us during this? Shaking my head a bit, I stepped onto the connecting building of the one where our watcher was seen. My feet stepped onto a wooden plank, and I walked over to person. They were hiding behind the signs, peaking out from a broken part of it. Not saying a word, I walked around them, hoping to make them explain themselves. However, once I got around them, my eyes widened. It was just a beanie and jacket resting on some planks and tires! "What the-" "Clever trick huh?" A male voice questioned. I heard the faint clinking of a gun, and slowly turned around. "Now, put your gun down slowly." The man stated. "Or what." I threatened. "Or the woman who saved your ass will shoot it." I gasped at the voice, my eyes widened. A woman came from behind Jesus clutching a sniper riffle, when her eyes, well eye widened. "Lilly?" "Clementine?"
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hotchnerfuckmeup · 7 years
Gone Pt. 5
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four
A/N:  This has been on hold for such a long time, and I’ve just been so busy with life, it’s been hard to keep up, but hey i’m back bitches and I’m finally writing again, go me.  So please enjoy the long awaited Part Five of Gone.  P.S. sorry if I stress you out at all with this one, shit gets real intense oops.  P.P.S. my requests are still open right now, but I will close them soon, so any more requests you have, send them in while you can!!  Side note: this is my 100th post, how serendipitous.
Word Count: 2,009
Warnings: smutty morning oral sex my bad.
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The familiar sound of your son’s cries woke you from your slumber.  Without thinking about it, you began to remove the bed sheets from your body, but something was weighing you down, making it hard to move.  You looked over to see what the lump on your stomach was, and images from the day before came flooding back to you when you saw Aaron sound asleep, his arm draped protectively across your torso.
You basked in the memories of the heartfelt reunion in the BAU bullpen, the smile on his face when he met his son for the first time, the feeling of Jack safely in your arms after three years of being deprived of it.  After three years of not knowing whether or not you’d ever see the two men in your life that you loved more than anything, suddenly they were under the same roof as you.
Everything just felt so right.
You gently removed Aaron’s arm from your body and stood up to put a shirt on.  Then you walked out the door to go aid your crying son.  Quietly, you made your way down the hall but stopped short when the crying faded.  Leaning your ear against the door to the nursery, you could hear Jack shushing the baby boy.
“It’s okay baby brother,” you heard the boy say, your heart fluttering at the sound of his soft and comforting voice.  “It’s alright AJ.  Shh.  Our mommy and daddy are sleeping.”
Did he just say…?
He did.  He called you his mom.
You covered your mouth with one hand and your heart with the other.  How did you get so damn lucky?
On your tiptoes, you quietly made your way back to your bedroom, tears threatening to fall from your eyes.  God, there was just too much crying that’s been going on lately…
Once you were back in your room, Aaron was sitting up in bed, rubbing the tiredness from his eyes.
“Morning,” you muttered, climbing back onto the bed.  You wasted no time wrapping yourself around his figure, still enjoying the feeling of him next to you.
“Why are you up?” he asked, kissing your arm that wrapped around his neck.
“AJ was crying but I heard Jack handling it.”  You smiled into his shoulder.  “He called me his mom.”
Aaron turned to face you, a subtle smile setting on his lips.  “I know.”  You furrowed your eyebrows, confused.  “Before we left, he was worried about you.  He kept telling me that he saw you as a mother and how he didn’t want to lose another one.  It just made it harder on me, too, knowing I was taking that away from him a second time.”
The memory of them leaving ached your heart.  “Stop, okay?  I’m done hearing that.  Nothing but happy thoughts right now,” you said, pulling him into a hug.  Until you have to leave again, you thought, but you pushed it away, pressing your lips to Aaron’s.  “I love you.”
“I love you too,” he replied, pulling you to lay on the bed.  Slowly, he ran his fingers against your skin, down your body.  They left goosebumps in their wake, causing you to shiver.  You moaned as his mouth was on yours again.
“The kids are awake,” you whispered as he took of the shirt you’d put on earlier.
“Then you’re going to have to keep quiet,” he replied with a smirk, his lips making their way down your body.  He was peppering kisses down your body, on your neck, collarbone, breasts, and stomach.  He clearly did not get enough love-making in the night before.
“Jack could come in here,” you warned him, gripping onto the bed sheets beneath you.  
“I’ll make this quick,” he said, hovering above your sex.  The feeling of his hot breath made you moan.  “Shh,” he warned, grabbing your hand.  
Without warning, his mouth was on you, licking up your arousal.  You sucked your bottom lip into your mouth, trying to hold back moans that were bubbling in your throat.  He took his time, licking clean up your slit at first then circling his tongue around your clit.  It was a blissful torture, seeming to be exactly what you needed this early in the morning.  
Using his free hand, he held down your restless hips.  
“Jesus just fuck me already,” you whisper-shouted, tired of the teasing.  He chuckled against your heat, the sensation causing you to moan.  
“Shhh,” he said again, a smile on his face.  He started rubbing his fingers against your folds, readying your entrance.  You placed a hand hard on your mouth, desperate to keep quiet.  Aaron was loving every second of this a little too much.  You internally groaned.
Without warning you, he inserted his fingers into you, quickly removing them and replacing them, again and again while his mouth worked at your bundle of nerves.  You tried to ignore the fact that your sons were a few feet away, both probably wide awake.  Biting the palm of your hand, you squeezed Aaron’s hand that was holding yours, signalling that you were close.
“Come for me,” he whispered against your clit, sending you straight over the edge.  You hit the wall of pure pleasure fast and hard, your legs shaking and thrusting your hips to ride out your high.  You successfully kept quiet, though, managing to keep your screams of euphoria under your breath.
Once you were spent, Aaron removed his finger and sucked from them your juices, smirking to himself.
“See?” he said.  “Just a couple minutes.”
You rolled your eyes as you panted, looking up at him.  He smiled down at you, getting up to nab a quick kiss before getting out of bed, throwing his boxers on and head out the door.  You sighed and looked up at the ceiling.
Everything just felt so right.
“We are all going to be there.  The whole team,” Emily said through the phone.
“I’ll check and make sure.  I don’t really know what his protective detail will say about it and I don’t even know how much long he’ll be here,” you replied, spooning AJ another bite of cereal.  The phone was positioned between your cheek and shoulder and you were feeding AJ with one hand, and yourself with the other.  Queen of multitasking, honestly.
“Funny you should say that, because I already talked to his detail,” she said. 
“Em, I told you-”
“I know, Y/N, but he’s our family, too.”
You sighed.  She was right, after all.  They’ve all known Aaron much longer than you have.
“Plus you had him all last night, give us some time with him, too.”  Emily’s voice was light and playful, trying to lighten the dark mood that surrounded you.  Happiness was definitely what you were feeling with Aaron and Jack here, but you knew it was only a matter of time that they would be gone again, so in the back of your mind lingered that feeling of sadness, eager to make itself known.
The BAU team lost a member that day when he left, you weren’t the only one.  You had to always keep that in mind.
“Like I said, I’ll talk to him.  I’m sure Jack would love it, but I have to make sure,” you said.
“Good.  And you can tell him his detail is okay with it.  As long as they’re with us,” she replied.  You could hear the smirk in her voice.  You smiled and shook your head.
“Bye.”  After hanging up the phone, Aaron walked into the kitchen with Jack in tow.
“Morning Y/N,” Jack said, giving you a hug.  “Good morning AJ!”   His smile was big and bright and beautiful.
“Hey buddy,” you replied, handing him AJ food.  “Mind feeding him for me?”  He nodded and sat down next to his brother.  You got up and followed Aaron to the stove, where he was starting to make bacon.
“Prentiss called me,” he said.  His face was impassive and his voice was low.
“I just got off the phone with her.  I’m guess she asked you the same thing,” you said, wrapping your arms around his stomach and leaning into his back.
“Y/N,” he grunted.  He wasn’t happy with the idea.  “That is way too risky.  We can’t.”  Despite his tone, he leaned slightly into you, letting you kiss his shoulder blades.
“How about instead of at her house, we just meet at the BAU?” you suggested, trying to persuade him.  They’ve missed out on him for three years, they needed this.  And he needed this.
“That’s hardly any safer,” he replied.  You could tell he wanted to try, but he really didn’t want to risk anything.
“You said yourself that your protective unit is the best you’ve ever dealt with and that you and Jack were safest at the BAU than anyplace,” you reminded him.  It was a battle to even get him to agree to come back to the house, but he trusted his detail.  He knew they were safe.
“I don’t know,” he said, finally looking at you.  You sighed and looked at his defeated face.  He was such a broken man.  He’d been tortured, stalked, and forced to leave by one man.  One person who had the power to bring down the strongest man you knew.  The only man you loved.
“They lost you too, Aaron,” you said, looking into his eyes, that were filled suddenly with tears.  “And you lost them.”  He pressed his lips together and blinked back the tears.  Your heart slowly broke at the sight.  He nodded, grabbing you and silently crying into your shoulder.  You held him to you, gently rubbing his back and looking behind him at your boys, who were oblivious.  Jack was happily feeding AJ, AJ happily eating his food.
Despite the heaviness in the room, everything just felt so right.
“You know I would tell you if I could,” Aaron said, looking at Reid.
“I just wish I knew where I could go if I ever needed to tell you anything,” the genius replied.  The team had been conversing for a while now, mainly asking him questions he knew he couldn’t answer.
“We could find a place to have a dead letter drop,” Emily said matter-of-factly as if it was obvious.  “That’s a method of communicating through espionage-”
“We know what a dead letter drop is,” JJ said, cutting Emily off with a smirk.
“As fun as that would be, I still don’t think it’s a good idea,” Aaron admitted, holding AJ on his lap.
“Fine, fine,” Emily said.  “Was worth a shot.”
“I’m going to go get more ice, can you come with me JJ?” you asked the blond, standing up from the round table.  She nodded, shoving one last cheeto in her mouth before standing up and following you out the door, the sound of laughter fading behind you.
“It’s just so good to see him again,” she said as you walked towards the entrance of the bullpen.
“I know you’ve all missed him just as much as I have so it made sense he’d spend some more time with everyone,” you replied.
“He’s always-” JJ started, but she stopped short when something caught her eye.  You followed her line of sight, you heart dropping at what you saw.  “Oh my god,” she said as she ran towards Chad, one of the men on Aaron’s protective detail.  He was laying in the middle of the floor, lifeless and covered in blood.
You ran up to be beside her, heart pumping.  “No, oh my god.”
She checked his pulse.  “Y/N you need to get Aaron.  Now,” she said frantically.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
That voice.  
It was an eerily familiar one.
It was the voice that drove your family away from you.  The voice that taunted your dreams for years.
Before you could scream, two shots rang out and the world turned black.
Because even when everything just feels so right, it can all fall apart in the blink of an eye.
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survivorwakea · 5 years
Episode 9: “Anabel back on her crackhead bullshit.” -Asya
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Justin going out after getting a self-vote. Don't trust anyone, not even yourself.
Me, Ben, Elmo and Zack were on a call and we all did an idol search and ZACK FOUND IT AND I SCREAMED AND ITS 3AM BUT I DONT CARE ZACK HAS A MOTHERFUCKING IDOL.
Oh sweet fucking jesus.
So I get off call with Elmo, Ben and Zack and Zack is like hieee can we call? and im like okay? I have absolutely no idea what to expect at all. He's like I have something to tell u, at this point I'm like fuck this sounds like bad bad news or good news but idk if im mentally stable enough to handle either. He tells me he has the fucking premerge idol and that he got it on his first run. I'm sat there basically starting to cry like oh my god zack I cannot believe this right now. and he's like no there's more. My stomach fucking drops. He tells me Elmo knows as well. I'm like ok sis what the fuck. He had to tell Elmo because it was his first go and him and Elmo were sharing guesses. Okay I guess I understand. But he also said something like Elmo said not to tell me. Which really does have me thinking. I thought me and Elmo had a lot more open communication now, and the fact he didn't want to tell me something like this is a reason as to why I have been hesitant to talk game with him. But according to Zack he also said he doesn't think I would leak so maybe he was just thinking about not wanting too many people to know. I need to have a chat with Elmo tomorrow so we can clear some stuff up so I can know better where I stand, or just have Elmo lie to my face which I end up finding out later down the line when he inevitably tries to vote me out again. But oh how ironic it would be if I could convince Zack to use the idol on me to get Elmo out. Please note ~ I don't dislike Elmo, in fact I adore him. I just see me and him as very similar players and therefore I feel he would be one of my main competitions especially as this game gets further on. I just have a lot of feelings and a lot of things to discuss right now
I've had so much to think about the last couple hours my mind is spinning. Justin voted out because of his own dumbass move to tell Johnny about his self-vote, like that's not a death wish waiting to happen. Hell I would've been on board with voting Justin had I known. He was a clear threat but I was planning on waiting 1 more tribal before trying to get him out. I was lied to by a lot of people, maybe 2 tribals in a row now which leaves me shaking and scrambling. Where the fuck do I stand with any of these people? Zack who I adore with all my heart where do I stand with you baby? I know you said you would use your idols on me and help get us both to the final. But I am scared, I am so so scared you could be lying to me. You said it yourself earlier you are so used to lying to people in this game that if someone asked if your name was Zack, you'd tell them it wasn't. I think it would hurt me more if you told me about your premerge idol and said you'd get us both to the end and then voted me out more than if you never told me anything at all. Did you tell me this because you're worried about your position or because you genuinely meant it? Remember I could be on the jury. Asya, my sweetness in this game. We didn't talk for a full day after Joey got voted out. It was only when I decided to own up to the fact I wrote her name down tonight that we opened a discussion and I feel we cleared the air a bit, both of us felt we had no choice when writing down each other's names. I hope things improve between us and we can work together again, however you have appeared to be inactive which kind of scares me. Johnny having kept the vote of Justin from me after I told him I felt I wasn't being listened to with the people I was aligned with has kinda rubbed me the wrong way since I very heavily hinted I wanted Justin out, but you can't be sayin those kinda things to people you're aligned with cause they could so easily turn on you. Although I had mentioned it to Zack and I think Zack would've been down as well so that was my plan for a couple tribals ahead. Do you really want to work with me or has this all been lies? Ben I do not trust as far as I can throw him right now. After Zack gets the idol he conveniently says he forgot to mention that he landed on one of the bonus spots on the way to the idol and got an extra vote. Okay bitch boy how the fuck does that just accidentally slip your mind? Do not trust one bit right now, once he realises he's on the bottom he's definitely gonna flee like fuck. Has a soothing voice though, I enjoy being on call. He's kinda funny, even if he does make Zack mad by the fact he's getting comfortable with us and calling us bitches. Bodhi is just a lying fucker and I want him out ASAP, he should've been the person we got out or at least tried to instead of Asya but whatever, there's always next time. Lily I have no idea what the fuck is going on in her head right now, she messaged me with some half hearted apology and then wants to create a group of people to work together but when I asked who she wanted to involve she has just ignored me, whatever your time will be up soon enough unless I try to drag u to the end with me so I have a goat since I haven't seen u do much other than win like 1 immunity challenge. Jared I wanna work with but idk how much trust is there, plus he's a strong player and I feel could do well so I want him out kinda soon oopsie. But who knows, if we start working together maybe it's something that could work out for us. Sometimes competition is good. Anabel a cutie but also a massive liability, never know what's going on with her and where she truly stands with anyone. I wish she would just be properly up front with me about who she's close with. Wish she spoke more game to me than she actually does. Elmo I've already wrote down a lot about how I feel about you but ya I love u so much I just think you're such a threat to me and there could be a vote where if it's not you that goes home it will be me. Also where the fuck do I stand with you? Are you being open with me? It'd crush me if you weren't I've been trying this game with you I really have. This is long and turned into something I didn't expect it to be and its like 5am so I need sleep. So much has gone on and I've so much to think about I don't even know where to turn right now.
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i manifested that, right.. like.. i literally JUST said in my last confessional how me and chloe eventually wanted justin out and then it happened.. now, it didn't go how i would have wanted it to go, but it still went.. would i have loved to be part of that plan? duh. but i think justin leaving might be a blessing in disguise. or a huge curse. i guess we'll have to wait and see. all i have to say is this.. justin did that to his damn self. how stupid of him to tell johnny about the alliance we're in and the fact that he has a vote against him that round.. like WHAT is wrong with him.. all he had to do was keep his mouth shut and he would have been here kJGDSKS... and the fact that he literally told johnny EVERYTHING like what the fuck is wrong with you justin.. so stupid on your part and im so fucking pissed bc it fucks with my game. now.. some bigger news.. i found the merge idol?? KLHDFKLJSDKFGJL.... now i have two fucking idol. i can't believe IT. manifestation really does work. so ben, elmo and chloe all know about the merge idol because we all been helping each other find it.. and i told chloe i have the pre merge idol today. i told her elmo knows and that elmo didn't want me to tell her. i'm doing what i have to do in order to secure me spots more weeks into this game. but now this round is a speed round and i work 12-7 tomorrow so i'm gonna get no social game in really... this sucks and i just have to pray and hope they don't target me this round because i don't wanna have to use any idols yet. i really just wish this round wasn't sped up because it's really fucking with me and i hate the fact
sorry i pressed enter before.. i hate the fact that i know i'm not gonna really be able to talk to people this round bc of work so i have to trust my allies will do everything correctly.. unlike how justin did anything he did.
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Zack found the idol and I told our alliance about the extra vote. I am ride or die with Anabel's Angels at this point
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Ignore everything I said in that last confessional. I don’t know what I’m doing. Getting Justin out was essential to moving those who I know I can trust to work with further in the game. Finally in an alliance with Jared and Johnny. I feel really solid about that. I’m continuing to not tell Elmo anything but still wanting to work with him so that’s a mood. But it sounds like my alliance along with Bodhi asya and anabel should be able to come together again and vote. But let’s find out cause I sure don’t know. Also Justin danggggg you were really coming out the gate. We gotcha but really respect how you make moves.
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wow,,, speed round,,, crazy stuff miss aj,,, lol im so stressed ab this i literally dont know what im doing. jared wants to vote out ben and honestly i kinda do too, and i would w/o hesitation if it wasnt for zack elmo and chloe. i told them my voting justin out and lying to them was a one time thing and i like desperately wanna hold true to that, but jared brings up some INCREDIBLE points. i wanna tell them i wanna vote ben but ik they wouldnt react very well.. i just feel like voting him is best for my game bc like hes potentially the person whos playing the very best and im terrified of that bc i wanna win!!!! not him!!!!! it is just. hard. ill get back to u later prolly thank u for listening :)
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so..... i lived
my heart was literally POUNDING during that tribal like i was fully prepared to drag anabel and johnny out behind me by their noses but ! i stayed ! sucks it had to be me or justin but according to chloe he may or may not have REALLY hardcore been pushing for me to go so.... the superior hawks stan won ig
oh yeah i talked to chloe. i’ve been putting it off but she messaged me and it wasn’t as bad as i thought bc as far as i’m concerned we’re even now. i want to really try to be a good ally to her. i know i have my alliance of 5 (6? are we counting lily in the alliance? she’s not physically in the chat but she’s been more of an ally to me than anabel so,) but i’m not stupid enough to think that those are gonna be the last people standing at the end. there’s always room for error. so i’m gonna do my best to work on my individual connections this round. it’s rough when these people literally just tried to send me home but we try anyways.
now. today’s issue. i literally want anabel gone So Bad. but johnny. he thinks that he has her on lock but like. if that was the case then the joey thing wouldn’t have happened (or maybe it wouldn’t have happened if the dumbass men listened to opinions other than their own but w/e). like she’s playing the game and doing it well. we’ve had two merge votes, both split down the middle almost. anabel is the ONLY person to vote on the right side both times. that doesn’t work for me. i don’t think she’s like actively targeting me because as far as i know, the facebook people kept justin’s self vote a secret from her? which means she might not have known we had the majority anyways 6-5 and she just voted him because she didn’t want me to go. and that’s all well and good, but i definitely see her being a problem for me in the later game. so. something to think about
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Trust List 3.0:
1. Asya 2. Bodhi 3. Lily 4. Johnny 5. Chloe 6. Elmo 7. Zack 8. Anabel 9. Ben
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anabel back on her crackhead bullshit. all i’ve said is that i won’t vote chloe because i gave my word and now suddenly she wants to vote chloe because johnny doesn’t want zack to go for some reason and his ass was out all day so basically he comes home two hours before the vote and starts changing shit up. i’m LIVID
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Ben is voted out in a 5-4-2 vote. He becomes the third member of our jury.
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[that’s just what the cold really is]
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Sometimes I wake up at one o’clock in the morning to drink some tea and write a briolet oneshot. 
Don’t ask why because I don’t know what this is either. 
Read on AO3
Frost kisses the glass, starting from the wooden frame and spreading across the window. Violet stares past the ice, allowing her mind to clear itself, content to exist and be. How long has she sat there, cross-legged on her desk, watching the stillness of the night? Who knows. Long enough for her nose to become cold enough it stung to breathe through it.
Pressing a finger against the foggy glass, Violet glides it across to draw two eyes and a smile. Dumb and lopsided, she thinks, before smearing away one of the eyes. 
With a sigh, Violet climbs off the desk, stiff muscles wincing as her bare feet hit the hardwood floors, so cold it almost hurts to walk. 
Another sleepless night in the beginnings of winter, not an unusual occurrence these days. Not when thoughts of the undead and loved ones long lost haunt the most inner workings of her mind, and not when the cold irritates her eye to the point where she could just rub it better.  
If only she could put some pressure on it, warm it up enough to be uncomfortably comfortable, but the healing process for the loss of an eyeball is apparently a long and agonizing one. Possibly more so than the actual removal itself, though that’s debatable-- Violet doesn’t have nightmares about healing.
No, these days she still has nightmares about a cell much colder than her dorm, about disfigured faces holding her down as she struggles, spitting more curses than pleas. Lilly’s smug voice echoes in her ear from far away and a woman with a cold, dead stare hovers over her, knife in hand as she commands her to stay still.
Violet reaches her arm out to grab the bar belonging to the top bunk of her bed, the metal cold enough to burn her fingertips. She lets her hand drag along it as she makes her way closer to the door. She wouldn’t want to accidentally walk too close and stub her toe again. 
The hallway’s just as dark and still, and it occurs to her that it might be dangerous to walk around here barefoot. Sure, the school’s clearer than it’s ever been thanks to Ruby putting her foot down about everyone being a bunch of pigs, but that doesn’t mean Violet won’t step on a missed piece of glass or a tracked in rock. 
Does that scare her enough to turn around and head back into the forlorn darkness of her dorm to try and get some sleep? 
Violet makes it down the hall with ease, keeping a hand dragging along to wall to steady her. Not that she really needs to do that. It’s not like she’s completely blind. She still has one eye that’s as good as new, but having only one good eye makes for some poor depth perception most of the time. 
The outside chill cuts right through the thin material of her shirt, sinking down into her bones to bring involuntary tremors through her limbs. Rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm them,  she ventures into the yard, setting her sight on the stairs leading into the admin building. 
She doubts anyone will be in the music room tonight, though she is a little hopeful that Louis might be there. She’d enjoy a song or two tonight, she thinks. He could always was make her laugh, and perhaps that’s what she needed right now. 
Louis has his fair share of sleepless nights, and like her, he wanders out here to the music room. Work out frustrations by ‘tickling the ivories,’ as he puts it, or to comfort himself after a bad dream. Violet just hopes that if he’s here tonight that he’s alone. While she enjoys the company of both Louis and Clementine, the two of them being in there together at this time of night probably wouldn’t be the most innocent outing. Violet’s lone eye can only unsee so many things. 
“Jesus,” she curses. A particularly harsh gust of wind nearly knocks her down as she climbs the stairs. “Yeah, great, thanks for that.”
Well, if they are in there together, at least they aren’t freezing their asses off. 
Violet glares up at the sky, wrinkling her nose at the thought. 
Hell, even if they’re both back at the dorms, they’re still warmer together than Violet is out here by herself. Everyone who remains in their bed is warmer than her. Probably. 
Her face softens, gaze falling down to the steps beneath her. 
Maybe cold nights exist as a reason to drawer people closer to one another, to seek and feel the natural warmth only they could provide. Except what does that mean for those who are cold but lonely? Maybe that’s just what the cold really is, Violet thinks. 
Loneliness. Huh. 
Maybe it’s her pride or the fact that she’s never felt weaker than she has the past six or so months after escaping the delta’s clutch, leaving her eye with them. Fronting that she’s tougher than she really is made her feel better, acting as though she’s content being alone or that she doesn’t need to rely on others for help even if she knows it’s bullshit.
Doing this always bit her in the ass on nights just like this one. 
It’s silent within the admin building, so it’s safe to conclude that Louis isn’t here. 
She’d never admit her disappointment aloud, but that doesn’t stop the feeling from tugging at her gut. She really hoped he’d be here, hoped they could talk for a while. For as loud and obnoxious as Louis could be, he could listen just as well, be just as quiet and sincere. It’s stupid now to think that she once thought him incapable of serious, deep conversation, not that she ever gave him much of a chance. Not that he gave her much of a chance, either. 
Just a couple of dumbasses, she thinks. Oh well.
Violet turns the corner to see the door to the music room wide open, inviting her in. Moonlight leaks in through the curtain slits, reflecting off the floor and the old piano. Strangely, it doesn’t feel as cold in here. At least, not as much as it is outside, or even in the hallway. 
She approaches the piano, contemplating if she should sit down. She has no idea how to play, nor does she have any desire to. Resting a hand on the worn-out wood, she curiously admires the inner workings of the piano with all its strings and doohickeys. 
Louis offered to teach her once, and she told him that piano music sucks. He never made another offer. 
Violet nearly jumps a foot in the air. 
Whipping around, she finds Brody curled up on the couch with a thin blanket over her leg and a mug in hand, wide eyes gazing up at her. 
“Shit, sorry,” Brody apologizes, setting her mug on the table beside the armrest. “Didn’t mean to startle you. Just didn’t think you saw me and I didn’t want to be, well, creepin’ over here without ya knowin.’” 
Violet presses a hand against her frantic heart, taking a deep breath and nodding. 
“No, yeah, definitely didn’t see you. Y’know,” she motions to the patch over her eye, “blind spot.” 
Brody seems to stiffen up, but gives an unsure nod, face falling as she glances down at her hands. She stretches out her legs, making like she’s going to stand but changes her mind. 
Violet frowns, silently scolding herself. 
“What’re you doin’ up?” Brody finally asks. 
Violet gives a halfhearted shrug. 
“Can’t sleep. Obviously.”
“Your eye?” 
“Among other things.”
Brody nods once more, and Violet can’t help but stare at her, even though Brody can probably feel it. Even from here, and with her vision impairment, Brody’s scare is harshly prominent against her more delicate features. Right above her brow, long and discolored now, fully healed. 
Violet almost scoffs aloud. Fucking Marlon. She hopes he’s freezing his ass off living down in the old train station now. After what he did to Brody, after finding out what he did to Minnie and Sophie, they kicked him out of Ericson. And even after everything with the raiders, after Marlon helped them escape the boat before it exploded, he’s still not welcome here. 
Well, more so Marlon decided it’d be in everyone’s best interest if he didn’t live at Ericson anymore, instead settling in the train station so that he was close enough if they ever needed him. Everyone agreed, even Louis. That was a surprise, but he agreed that Marlon being here with them wouldn’t work anymore, and maybe knowing where Marlon was and that he was safe helped Louis be content with the decision. 
Violet’s just glad she doesn’t have to see him every day, and that he’s far away from Brody, but even gone he’s left marks all over this school... all over Brody’s face. 
“What about you?” Violet asks to break the awkward pause. “Can’t sleep either?”
“Nah,” Brody finally looks at her, tucking a wild strand of hair behind her ear. Bedhead, Violet thinks. Funny. “Tossin’ and turnin’ don’t suit me. If I’m gonna be awake, I might as well be outta bed and doin’ something.” 
“Something like sitting in the dark like a weirdo?”
That gets a small smile from Brody. 
“Yeah, somethin’ like that,” she says. “Just wanted some tea and a change of scenery. Wasn’t expecting company...” she trails off, but keeps her gaze on Violet as she quietly adds, “but it’s a welcome surprise.”
Violet almost smiles despite herself, having to bite the inside of her cheek. 
Ever since they lost the twins, things have been rocky with Brody. After Clementine and AJ showed up, Violet felt for the first time in a so long that her friendship with Brody was salvageable, that maybe they could be close again. Clementine forced her to see what was really bothering her about Brody and why things were so shitty between them, and Violet found herself wanting to fix it. 
Then the truth Marlon and Brody were hiding from them came out, and Violet was beyond pissed. Even with Brody lying in bed, bandages wrapped around her head and her skin sticky and pale, Violet hated her. 
Yeah, hated her. Hated her for lying to her face for over a year, for keeping that secret to hide her and Marlon’s guilt, for trying to grow close with her knowing what she had done. 
Violet never fathomed that she’d ever forgive Brody, but then Brody healed and could explain everything. 
Then the raiders attacked, and she and Brody were taken away, forced to share a cell on the raider’s boat. When Violet failed to cooperate, and they... well, Brody was the one to hold her, sob into her shoulder from within that cell.  
Suddenly, a lot of things didn’t seem to matter anymore. 
“You want some tea?” Brody offers, holding up her own mug. “It’s minty.”
“No, no...” Violet shakes her head, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. 
“It’ll warm ya up. Can see ya shakin’ from over here.”
“Maybe I like the cold.”
“No one likes the cold.”
“Maybe I do.”
Brody rolls her eyes, throwing the blanket off and standing. Over by the fireplace, she lights a match to ignite her makeshift warmer to boil more water. 
Violet abandons the piano, finding a place on the opposite side of the couch as Brody wanders about the room, humming to herself. She comes back with another blanket, this one heavier. Violet accepts gratefully, covering her body up to her chin.
Brody hands her to streaming mug, the scent of warm mint clearing her senses. Violet can’t help but groan after taking a sip, the heat spreading through her body. 
“It’s okay,” Violet lies. ”I guess.”
Brody smiles. Violet wonders how close she’ll sit now that she’s here, but Brody doesn’t move to do so. Instead, she grabs one of the candles off the piano, flicking a match to light it. Violet raises a brow up at her, which Brody meets with a playful shrug. 
“it’s cold,” she says simply, setting the candle down on the small round table. 
Violet can’t help it. She laughs. That makes Brody smile. 
Her laughter dies when the couch dips with Brody’s weight beside her. 
“C’mon,” Brody grins, tugging at the comforter. “Don’t be a hog.”
Violet doesn’t bother putting up a fight, lifting the blanket to let Brody scoot closer. Shoulder to shoulder, they get comfortable. 
“Y’know what I miss?” Brody asks. 
“No-- well, actually yes, I do miss summer, but that’s not what I was gonna say,” she brings her long legs us, tucking them beneath her. This makes her lean more into Violet and it takes all her concentration to not spill hot tea over her hands. “I was thinkin’ that I miss jerky.”
“Yeah. I used to go on these trips once a year with my dad to see my grandpa. Was always just to two of us, and we’d be on the road for hours, but we’d stop at this gas station-- the same one every time, and he’d get us these long sticks of spicy jerky that you could barely chew without feelin’ like ya were gonna break a tooth.”
“Gross,” Violet wrinkles her nose. “Ever break a tooth?”
“Nah, not really. Sure made my jaw sore by the time I was finished, though. Take ya about an hour to get through the whole thing properly. But Daddy said that was the point. Ya gotta chew it long enough to get all the flavor outta it, otherwise, it’s just a waste.” 
“He couldn’t’ve brought you a hotdog or something?”
“You ever have a hotdog from a gas stop?” Brody makes a gagging noise. “Wouldn’t be surprised if those things were made of roadkill off the highway.” 
“How’s that any different than what we eat now?” Violet asks, teasing. “It’s just in stew form instead.”
“I’ll tell him you compared his famous stew to flea-bitten roadkill.” 
“Do it,” Violet challenges with a smirk, setting her tea aside. “I can take him.”
Brody snorts out a laugh, hand flying up to cover her mouth to muffle the outburst, managing an, “Oh god,” out. 
Once Brody gets a hold of herself, Violet says, “Never had jerky like that. Though I didn’t go on many road trips.” 
“We could go on one,” Brody suggests lightly, nudging her. “Get away from here, go find a beach somewhere and sit in the sun.”
“Only if I get to drive.” 
Brody, a soft smile tugging at her lips, wraps an arm around Violet’s shoulders to pull her close, gently rubbing more heat into her arm.
Despite the heaviness in Violet’s stomach, it flutters at the feeling of her body pressed against Brody’s. She hesitates, but eventually leans into the warmth of her side, resting her head in the crook of Brody’s neck while slipping her arms around her waist. 
“Can’t tell anyone we’re goin,’ though,” Brody mumbles. “I’m not spending days in a car with Louis and his singalongs.”
“Twenty-five bottles of beers on the wall, twenty-five bottles of beer-”
“Oh god.”
“-take one down--”
“-pass it around-”
Brody’s hand presses over Violet’s mouth to silence her, all while the both of them laugh together. For the first time that night, Violet doesn’t feel a single chill prick at her skin. She pulls Brody’s hand from her face, holding it in her own. When Brody doesn’t pull away, she takes a risk in lacing their fingers together. 
Brody squeezes her hand back in approval. 
The laughter dies down. Brody pulls the blanket closer over them, and together they sit for a while. 
Just as Violet’s eye begins to droop shut, the fatigue finally hitting her, Brody’s lips press against her forehead. Violet thinks to turn her head up to kiss Brody back, really kiss her, but doesn’t. 
Too tired, too comfortable, too warm. 
Violet allows sleep to take her. 
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[he’ll grow on you]
Day 08: Walkers #twdgdrabblechallenge
Note: These two are the definition of love at first sight. Sort of. Kind of. A little bit. Maybe. Not really. Not at all. 
The low gurgles and moans of walkers are too close for his liking. 
Mitch’s fingers twitch, tense and hovering over the knife attached to his hip. Narrow eyes search through the dark trees, glaring at the passing walkers and silhouette of the delta’s ship. In the distance, a woman’s voice barks orders that are followed by a single shot and the thump of a body. 
Fuckers are well prepared, but so are they. 
The stench of rotten flesh hits his nose as Clementine drags a fallen walker to the group. 
Ruby sighs from beside him, saying, “Well, I guess we’re really doin’ this.” 
“Only the team blending in with the walkers need to cover themselves.”
Mitch steals a glance at Louis, who’s gazing down at the walker with a distasteful look as if he’s already going to hurl. 
Mitch had offered to go with Clementine and AJ, figuring that he’d be the best to tag along given that he created the bomb they’re planting. However, Clementine already had her heart set on taking Louis, much to his- and Louis’- confusion. 
He didn’t question her, though. She knows what she’s doing, and if she trusts Louis with the bomb, then fuck, so did he. He went as far as to go over everything in grave detail to Louis, who stood there nodding and mumbling several “okay”’s before Mitch finally grabbed his shoulder and told him, “Dude, you’re not gonna blow yourself up. You got this.” 
Whether that actually made him feel better or not, Mitch didn’t know. 
The group awkwardly glances around at each other, a heavy silence weighing in on them because holy shit, this moment is finally here. They’re going to infiltrate that motherfucking boat and blow it to hell and back. He can hardly wait to see Lilly and her fuckhead crew rain from the sky. 
They just needed that guy- the one Clementine said could help them sneak on-
“He’s here!”
A presence shadows over his back, so Mitch turns around and is face to face with one ugly ass walker. 
“Jesus fucking CHRIST-!”
He whips around so fast that he thinks he might’ve almost knocked Ruby over. The walker stumbles back, dark eyes wide with shock as Mitch yanks his knife out, only for Clementine to grab his arm. 
“Mitch, shh!” 
“U-uh-” The walker takes another step back, and it finally registers that it’s not a walker, it’s the dude Clementine was talking about. 
Clementine yanks the knife out of Mitch’s hand before he can protest, scolding him with, “Damn it, Mitch!”
“I’m sorry,” the guy apologizes quietly, still staring at Mitch. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”
He didn’t mean to scare him? Yeah, because everyone goes around wearing walker skin without any intention in making people almost shit themselves. 
“What the fuck, dude!” Mitch says in a loud whisper. “Don’t just sneak up on us like that. I could’ve,” he snatches his knife back and waves it around to make his point, “like, stabbed you or something!”
Everyone else is looking at the guy, all with unsure faces. 
Clementine elbows him with a silent “you behave” glare before her eyes land upon James, softening as she approaches him. 
“Guys, this is James.”
“He’s my friend,” AJ adds with a beaming grin, stepping up to him, too. 
James awkwardly looks around the group before staring right at Mitch, blinking fast from beneath his mask. 
What, is he sizing him up or something? Seeing if he’s a threat? 
Mitch glares back. 
“He’s, uh....” Tenn trails off.
“So cool!” 
“How do you get the skin like that?” Willy asks, getting way too close to this stranger and clearly making him uncomfortable, given that he tears his gaze away from Mitch to stare down at the boy, panic blooming in his pupils. 
Before he can think, Mitch grabs the back of Willy’s jacket and pulls, earning a surprised “oof!” from him before stepping in front of him. 
“Too close,” Mitch tells him. 
“What? I was just curious!” Willy complains. “And I wanted to try it on.”
“Volume, Willy,” Clementine says. 
Willy goes to speak, but then promptly shuts his mouth.
“Right, sorry, I uh, didn’t mean to be weird or anything,” Willy sighs. “And, uh, I’m sorry I almost shot you that one time. Your mask looks so real!” 
It does look real and Mitch hates it. It’s... gross and uncomfortable.
“Functional and fashionable,” Louis grins. “I’ll take two.” 
James laughs. Of course, he does. 
Folding his arms over his chest, Mitch takes a challenging step towards him, his attention returning forward. 
“So, you’re the dude that’s gonna help us sneak in there, huh?”
“I’m going to try,” James nods. “I-”
“Geez, take that thing off.”
“Mitch,” Clementine warns. 
“Hey, I can’t take him seriously looking like that. Besides, I wanna see who you’re trusting here.”
“Yeah, take it off!” Willy adds, excitement glowing in his attempted whisper. 
James glances at Clementine, who returns the look with an apologetic one. When he looks forward again, Mitch is surprised to see something challenging mirroring his own. It’s a shared stare- or rather, glare- that they hold before he shrugs slightly, reaching behind his head to loosen the ties before slipping it off.
 Dark hair falls over James’ face and dark eyes before he brushes it back, and Mitch can see his face. 
He can see him perfectly. 
“...Nevermind. Put it back on.”
A hand smacks the back of his head. 
“Mitchell!” Ruby hisses. “Don’t be rude! Where are your manners?”
“Left ‘em back at the school,” Mitch snaps back. 
“Don’t mind him,” Louis tells James, who’s the glaring one now. “He’ll grow on you.” 
“Somehow I doubt that.”
Mitch is about to unload on this fucker but then growls and moans grow louder, closer. 
"Clementine,” James turns his back to him, fully facing away. “Could I speak to you alone? For a moment?”
“Good idea,” Clementine nods. “Hold tight.”
Mitch rolls his eyes, scoffing, which earns him another elbow to his side, this time courtesy of Ruby. As he watches James and Clementine walk away, several thoughts cross Mitch’s mind. 
The one that sticks out the most is fuck that guy. 
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