#but its funny so i'll roll with it lmao
ggomos-maribat · 2 years
original prompt | complete masterlist
The problem with babysitting your siblings during patrol is that they get reckless. Just because there's an unknown force saving them without them realizing it, they get complacent.
For example, they lose their fair share of Batarangs.
More specifically, Damian loses a lot of Batarangs.
Inari scowls when she finds another one sitting near the edge of a rooftop. Isn't a Batarang supposed to come back to you?! Why don't you ever pick up after yourself Robin?
She slips it into her collection and jumps down into a street to follow Robin. Casting her invisibility, she waits until he's in an alley with a dead end before flicking the blades one by one.
One pins down the corner of his cape. Robin halts, pinned into place. "What---" He draws his sword. "Who's there?!"
Fwoop. Fwoop. Fwoop.
Before he can register what's happening, more Batarangs fly by, attaching him to the wall until he can no longer move. His katana drops to the ground when one of the Batarangs catch his gloves and trap him to the wall.
"Show yourself!" Robin growls.
Inari doesn't move from her hiding place. Instead, she snaps a photo with her staff and turns on her earpiece to secretly tune in the family comms line. Unfortunately for Robin, he's not able to turn on his comms.
"Has anybody heard from Robin?" Batman asks.
Inari watches with amusement as Robin tries to reach for his ear but fails miserably.
"He went west, right?" Says Red Robin.
"Red Hood, you're nearest. Check in on his location."
Inari grins and leans back to wait for Jason. Red Hood drops into the alley in no time, takes one look at Robin, and doubles over laughing.
"What---what happened to you?!" Red Hood cackles.
"They appeared out of nowhere!" Robin struggles against the Batarangs. "I am guessing that they are my lost Batarangs."
Red Hood snorts. "They came back to haunt you?"
"This is not a laughing matter, Hood! Free me!"
Red Hood snickers. "Hold on a sec." He puts a finger to his helmet. "Hey, Replacement? Yeah, I did. You have to come here . . . No I won't say why. Just come here."
Next, it's Red Robin's turn to laugh at Robin, who glares and flails.
"Take these away!" Robin yells.
"Yeah, yeah, in a minute." The two vigilantes move to his side and Red Robin snaps a quick photo.
Inari smiles to herself proudly. Lesson learned, Damian.
@tinybrie @sinoffalsejudgement @its-maemain @kamarallil @toughluna @golden-promises @whatamoodhoney @trippingovermyfeet @m4ster0fnone @alexizlazy @plz-excuse-my-inner-gay @maybeanalien0-0 @imchaotic-dontmindme @ev-cupcake @flowers-n-fandoms @crusherccme @ji-nk-ies @depressed-bitchy-demon @duskyashe @multplelifes @authorpendragging @iloontjeboontje @thatonecroc
*if you want to be tagged, feel free to ask in the comments and I'll add you to the taglist :)
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2-wuv · 2 months
twirling you very gently!! thank you for kind words auth wah :']! hoping for good things for you!! wishing you all the best forever and ever <3
thank you friend !! -auth
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benetnvsch · 1 year
Falls to my knees- I have pulled over 150 times for the kn kdz unit in mayoi And I still Have Not Gotten it </3 (I have gotten,,,,, 4 other SSRs though so :sadthumbsup:)
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venusbby · 1 year
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characters/pairings: itoshi sae x reader
warnings: fluff. the reader is an avid reader lmao so funny. sort of clingy sae? annoyed sae? just sae. maybe ooc too but idrc.
note: self indulgent because i've been reading this one book nonstop for the past week and can't think of anything else. wondered how sae would act with a reader who likes to read a lot like me lol this is lowkey bad forgive me sorry for typos
🌊 summary: sae starts to get annoyed because you won't stop reading your book. (and also because you won't give him your attention, but that's a secret— that isn't as well kept as he thinks it is.)
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"y/n," sae muttered. he watched you with a glare, noticing how you had heard him clearly yet still ignored him, continuing to smile to yourself with your bottom lip between your teeth. he rolled his eyes, trying again, this time resting his hand on your thigh. his fingers impatiently tapping against the soft skin.
no response. you even giggled as you read the lines in that book you had been attached to all day long. that little 600 page romance book that entertained you so much more than he could— what the hell was it even about?
sae knew you loved books. you visited the library nearby almost every week, and he couldn't even decide if it was because the lady there was so nice to you or because you wanted to get away from him. there was no way he was that boring, right?
it was always sae who accepted all your amazon packages for the books that hadn't yet arrived in the library— and although the sight of your excited smile when he told you it was finally here was something, he never understood the hype at all.
why would he, when his sport was his all-time focus? books weren't ever as exciting to him as they were to you. so as long as you got any and every book you wanted (he made sure of that) he was alright.
but right now, sae had this urge to hide all your books from you.
especially this one.
because it stole you from him.
sae was annoyed. and he was even more annoyed that he started to think about hiding your books away from you like a madman, because it's fucking embarrassing that he's going borderline insane just because you haven't talked or even looked at him for the past two hours. and he's been in bed next to you this whole time.
he cursed under his breath and subtly thrashed around under the covers like a child who didn't get the toy he wanted. he shifted closer to you in the midst of his little quiet tantrum. "y/n. look at me."
when you finally looked at him, it was as if he'd found oxygen.
and he hated it even more. why was he like this for you?
but then you went back to that book.
that stupid fucking book. again.
sae was going to cry.
fuck no, he wasn't. he won't. not ever. that's lame. so lame.
whatever. if you liked your book that much, maybe he should find something else to do too, he decided.
he turned around with his back to you and shut his eyes.
and then he heard another sigh. a dreamy one, at that.
"alright, enough. give me that." he jumped up from his sleeping position, grabbing the book from your hands. he didn't even know how to properly hold a book, but he didn't find it in himself to care as he shut it close, a breath of relief escaping from his mouth just as you started to whine.
"sae, no," you struggled, trying to get the book back, but you knew better than to fight against your boyfriend who was glaring at you like that with his lips pressed in a sad, thin line. his hair was still a little damp from the shower he took while you were just into the first 60 pages of the book. he swept his hair back, setting the book beside him, where you couldn't reach— atleast not without getting through him.
"i was almost done," you said slowly, trying your best to explain now that you were out of that world. "i promise, just gimme it now 'n i'll finish the first part in just 20 minutes."
sae scoffed. "fucking no."
he stared at the book placed near his side, literally judging it by its cover. "what's in this that has you giggling so much? some dude?"
you gasped, dramatically. "okay, he is not some dude. he is my husband."
"oi," sae groaned, things still not getting better for him even after that book had been closed and put away from you. "i'm sleeping next to you shirtless, and you've been giggling with your book husband?"
"you're always shirtless, though."
"that doesn't fucking matter." he retorted, huffing and looking to the side, chin up. you pursed your lips, placing a soft hand on his back, and leaning closer to leave a kiss on his shoulder. he always smelled so nice. he shook you off.
"baby, my sweet sae, if you wanted me to stop reading, you could have just said so." you smiled, watching him run another hand through his hair, his fingers pulling on his roots this time.
"first of all, i don't want your attention." he said blankly, finally looking at you. "and second, you ignored me when i said your name. guess you were too busy with your husband."
you laughed quietly, incredibly amused. about an hour ago, you were actually expecting sae to go back to sleep after showering— but for some reason, you were glad he didn't. this new side of him was so adorable that you never wanted it to end.
you sighed, lying back down, urging him to do the same. he listened as you explained, with you on your side facing him. "you know, i love this book a lot."
"i can see that."
so snarky. you resisted the urge to kiss his slightly puffed out cheek.
"it's really romantic. it's about the relationship of this newly married couple, how it develops day by day, and it's so cute. the main guy— my 'husband', is so good to the main character."
sae raised an eyebrow lazily, still opting to look at the ceiling and didn't respond. you weren't going to gain his attention this easily after that.
you went on. "and this guy reminds me of you. like, you guys are similar to an unhealthy extent. and the reason i was so invested in it was because there was a particular scene where things got a little hot."
"so?" he asked, still not convinced.
your cheeks were reddened from embarrassment. "so, whenever he said or did something, i thought of you. and that is why i was giggling."
sae turned to look at you. his eyes looked much more focused on your lips. he had forgotten how much he missed the feeling of kissing you. again, feeling another annoying pang in his heart because seriously, it had just been two hours. he had to stop acting like you'd been away for days.
"so basically you were having sex with 'book me' in your mind."
"oh god, no!"
"that's exactly it."
"you're so wrong."
"shut up, i'm right."
you groaned, covering your face with your palms and closing your eyes. you felt sae's arm slowly trailing around your stomach, him shifting closer until you could feel his breath fanning against your neck. you giggled out of nervousness and embarrassment, both. "that was not what was happening, okay?"
his lips twitched slightly at your state. "you know i'm way better than him."
"...are you, though?" you peeked one eye open, dragging out your words, guilty. fictional men were just different—
"ah, do you need proof?" he said, a smug look on his face as he began hovering over you. your laugh echoed through the room as you smacked his chest playfully, your arms going around his neck to pull him down on top of you.
"i don't need proof, thank you very much." you said softly with another laugh, letting sae rest his head on your chest. "but i wanna make it up to you for ignoring you. im sorry, my sae. i'll be better. you were just really cute."
"don't do it again," he said, staring up at you from his comfortable position. "or else you might have to go back to your 'husband'."
"i won't really mind— wait, baby, don't go! i was joking!"
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taglist: @hyomagiri @yoimyas @beanxiv @hqfeatbetty @shuvvloverrr 🤞🤪
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wileys-russo · 8 months
best friends sister II platonic!a.russo x reader
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y'all have been sending in the requests for AI alessia being her gay older sister who plays for arsenal and i hope it satisfies because it was tricky to write lmao, so picture that ^ is isabella
best friends sister II platonic!a.russo x reader
"-and you promise that you're not mad?" your best friend bit down on her bottom lip nervously as you smiled as reassuringly as you could. "less of course i'm not mad! why would i be?" you laughed and shook your head at the blonde you'd all but grown up side by side with.
"because we always said the plan would be for you to go to university and me to play professionally in whatever club was closest so we could do it together, and i've ruined that!" your best friend sighed guiltily, collapsing back into her pillows.
"alessia. you are one of the best up and coming footballers there is, you've got a huge career ahead of you and this is the perfect next step to launch you into it. i'd be selfish cow and a terrible best friend to try and keep you from it." you promised sincerely, grabbing her hand and squeezing with a nod.
"will i miss you? of course. but i want you to go, i promise." you affirmed firmly. "and i promise that i'll make sure we don't drift apart. best friends for life means for life, and you better come and visit!" alessia held out her pinky as you grinned and interlocked it with your own.
"okay well that makes me feel a bit better because i was stressed about telling you!" the girl sighed and sat back up. "i've also been stuck with you for like ten years now, i'd really like a break." you shoved her playfully, ducking as she swung back at you with a grin and slid off her bed.
"please we both know you'll be a blubbering mess at the airport, your only friend off on a whirlwhind adventure and you...stuck here." alessia pouted sarcastically as you gasped. "i have loads of other friends thank you! you just refuse to accept that because you're notoriously posessive and needy." you teased back with a grin.
"and i'm off to university anyway you dickhead! where i'm sure i'll find myself a new blondie to spend my every waking day with." you jeered as she fumbled around in her cupboard for something. "you better not or i'll be forced to come back and kick her head in." alessia warned making you laugh.
"unless its a girlfriend of course, you desperately need one of those so you can stop kissing your hand." your best friend shrugged dropping a large box on her bed. "less! that was one time years ago and i told you that in strict confidence!" you kicked at her as she grinned, your cheeks blushing red.
"what? i wouldn't blame you for dating someone who looked like me, i know it's your biggest shame that you're secretly in love with me." the blonde pouted patting your leg making you roll your eyes.
"please. you know it's actually homophobic to assume that because i like girls that i like you, and here i was thinking you'd be an ally." you tutted as her eyes widened and she scrambled to ramble out an apology.
"an ally? please." you both looked up at the new voice, alessia's older sister isabella leaning in the doorway with a smirk. "have you heard of knocking?" alessia sighed as bella shrugged. "have you heard of not caring?" the older girl retorted walking into the room further as you covered up a laugh with a cough and alessia shot you a glare.
"see? she thinks i'm funny. why are you so in denial?" bella pouted, the two always arguing about something which amused you to no end given it was often over something so incredibly small it seemed they just enjoyed bickering.
there was only two years between them and they had more in common than either would care to admit, in fact both would argue they were one anothers opposite that really wasn't true.
you knew isabella had been training with arsenal in their junior academy and was hoping for a professional contract now she'd made her senior debut for the lionesses, both goals alessia was quickly following in her footsteps to also achieve, the entire russo household all football mad.
"what's all this then? college bribing you not to come anymore?" she began to rifle through the large box on the bed which you realised was full of various UNC swag. "get your filthy hands off it thank you! god knows where they've been." alessia scoffed, pushing her away and snapping the box closed.
"they're squeaky clean. want to check?" the older russo smirked, grabbing alessia by the face with her hand and pulling her into a headlock as you watched on in amusement. "get out! god i'm gonna miss you the least." alessia eventually pulled away, shoving the taller girl across the room with a glare.
"still admit you'll miss me though, and mum wants you." the girl winked backing away. "for what?" alessia questioned with a frown. "mm she did tell me, but i didn't care enough to remember." with a shrug bella left the room leaving alessia fuming and you quietly chuckling.
"why do you always egg her on by laughing! she's not funny she's infuriating!" alessia huffed glaring at you now as you held your hands up in defense, your best friend dragging you with her downstairs to see what her mum wanted.
"dinners ready. can you go get your sister and her friend please lessi?" carol asked, shooting the blonde a firm glare when she groaned at the request. "why do i have to come?" you laughed as she grabbed the back of your top, tugging you up with her.
"just think of it as me wanting to spend as much time with you before i leave." alessia grinned as the two of you ascended the stairs, her brothers already having moved out it just left alessia and isabella living at home.
"oh thats it is it?" you rolled your eyes knowing she was full of it as you reached her sisters door, alessia giving her sister the same courtesy she gave her as she flung her door open without knocking.
though she wished she hadn't.
"get out!" the older russo sat up quickly half naked spare some shorts and a bra, having been previously hovered over the girl pinned beneath her, the two clearly making out.
"jesus my poor eyes! dinners ready, looks like you were just about to eat though bella." alessia smirked before leaving the room, purposefully leaving her sisters door open.
"what are your ears painted on? fuck off!" bella scowled, throwing a pillow at you as you stood frozen, quickly spinning around and almost running out of the room, the door slamming closed after you.
safe to say she didn't come down for dinner after that.
"it's not even scary less, its a thriller!" you argued as you and alessia made your way back upstairs, each of you stating your case over what you wanted to watch tonight.
"my names not lily? jesus you're worse than what everyone says!" you both glanced down the hallway before entering alessia's room, the girl from earlier standing there with her arms crossed and an angry look on her face.
"sorry?" bella shrugged leaning in her doorway, clearly not sorry as the mystery girl whose name was not lily scoffed, shoving the taller girl and hurrying off downstairs to leave. "you truly are disgusting." alessia grimaced as her sister only grinned.
"careful now ally, did you used to say the same about all the girls gio snuck round?" the older girl winked, leaving her sister scoffing and about to defend herself before the door thudded closed.
"god she is insufferable."
"can you go make more popcorn?" alessia asked, head buried in her phone as you nodded, more than comfortable to help yourself to anything in the russo household. "can i go and make more popcorn..." you trailed off expectantly as the blonde tossed her phone beside her.
"now?" she guessed with a grin, causing you to flip her off as she tossed an m&m at your head and began to rummage around for the remote to select a new movie.
with it being half past ten at night you expected the kitchen to be vacant, though you noticed the lights were all on and as you rounded the corner you saw the older russo sister sat at the benchtop eating a plate of leftovers from dinner.
her attention on her phone she didn't notice you at first, only looking up as she heard you start to rummage around in the pantry. "surely we've started to charge you rent by now?" the older girl teased as you emerged with a bag of popcorn, rolling your eyes and tossing it in the microwave.
"i'll make sure to sign a jersey for you once i get my pro contract so you can sell it and buy my family some food since you consume so much of it." the taller girl shoved your head to the side playfully as you moved out of her way so she could rinse her plate.
"so. did you enjoy the little show earlier pervert?" she smirked, glancing at you as she dried up her plate. "what? you're so weird." you frowned, pulling yourself to sit up on the counter.
"please. you know if you asked me nicely i'd kiss you so you can stop wondering what it feels like." she grinned, moving closer to you as your frown turned into a scowl. "or so you can stop using your hand. less talks quite loudly you know." she teased, standing in between your legs as you tensed up a little.
if you were honest with yourself you'd always found her to be quite attractive but you'd never ever go there, both for your own and alessia's sake.
"i've kissed girls!" you defended truthfully, and you had, you'd just not ever progressed any further than that. "mm but have you been kissed by a girl?" the older russo quirked an eyebrow, leaning in closer as her hands fell either side of your body, somewhat caging you in.
"thats the same thing." you rolled your eyes, trying to ignore how hard your heart was hammering in your chest. "that means no then." bella chuckled, tilting her head slightly.
"i mean have you ever been properly kissed by a girl? when she's got her tongue roaming your mouth, her teeth nipping down on your bottom lip before she sucks on it to soothe the sting-" she leaned in closer as your eyes widened.
"-where one of her hands are on the back of your neck so you can't pull away until she lets you, and the other hand...well it touches other parts of you." the older girl grinned wickedly, her mouth ghosting yours before she put her plate back in the cupboard behind your head and pulled away entirely.
"baby gays are always the cutest." bella winked, ruffling your hair and walking off as if she hadn't just sent your head into a spin, the beep of the microwave making you jump a little as you slid off the counter, shaking your head to try and rid it of the thoughts you'd just had.
she was your best friends sister, she'd always be off limits.
"just when i thought we'd gotten rid of you." you rolled your eyes as isabella opened the door for you with a sigh. "no one else is here and your best friends in another country, so then you must be here for me?" she grinned as you pushed past her, heading for the stairs.
alessia had been gone for months now and you missed her like crazy, so much so you'd booked a flight to go and visit her during what was to be her spring break and your time off from your own university course.
though of course that meant the girl had texted you a rather elaborate list of things she'd left behind that she requested you bring with you to see her, which despite the ongoing teasing that she'd lose her head was it not attached to her body you agreed to go and collect.
"she'd kill you for being in here." you sighed as the older russo collapsed onto her younger sisters bed, making herself comfortable as you began to gather what alessia had requested.
"only if you snitch me in." the girl grinned, watching you as you fluttered around the room. "surely you have something better to do? being a big pro now and all!" you sighed, looking at her with your hands on your hips.
"so you did hear! not even a congratulations? thats just poor manners." bella tutted with a shake of her head, sitting up and moving to the edge of the mattress. "i'm not an arsenal fan." you teased with a smile, hearing her scoff in mock offence.
"you don't have to be, you can just be my fan." bella challenged as you again rolled your eyes. "you know if i had a pound for every time you rolled your eyes at me over the years i could have bought a house by now." the older russo sister grinned.
"must mean you say a lot of stupid things to have girls always rolling their eyes at you." you quipped, rummaging through and grabbing out two hoodies, tossing them onto your growing pile.
"i personally prefer to make their eyes roll back into their heads." the taller girl commented quite casually, your eyes widening for a moment at the abrupt statement but choosing to ignore it. "so what are you doing after this?" she stood and made her way out, leaning in the doorway.
"going home?" you quirked an eyebrow unsure where she was going with this. "do you want to watch a movie or something?" she asked surprising you.
"are you asking me to hang out?"
"maybe. you miss less, i miss less, though if you tell her that i'll deny it till the day i die, we may as well keep one another company."
"plus i'm older so less's entire personality comes from me anyway. so it'll be like she never left, just swap one russo for another!" she added on with a smile as you shook your head.
"yeah sure, why not."
"burn yourself with the straightener did you?" you flinched suddenly as the girls thumb gently pressed into a fading love bite on the side of your neck, the only lingering evidence from an incredibly drunken hook up at a university party you'd gone to over the weekend.
and much to your best friends horror and delight, where you'd finally lost your virginity, before her.
"none of your business!" you pushed her hand away as she smiled and turned her attention back to the movie. well, for a few minutes. "finally dropped the baby gay card then, feel good?" she teased as you rolled your eyes.
"stop calling me that."
"oh sorry, prefer if i just call you baby then?"
"stop, bella seriously."
"can you not keep it in your pants around anyone? or do you just shamelessly flirt with anything that moves?" you shot her a dirty side eye only making her smile widen. "well the something has to be female, obviously." you tried to hide your smile with your hand but she grabbed your wrist.
"saw that!" she teased as you tried to pull away, the two of you messing around for a moment before she leaned in and your heart began to race, recognize her eyes flicker down to your lips.
"we can't." you whispered, hating how unsure your voice sounded. "tell me to stop and i will." she whispered back, leaning in even closer as you opened your mouth and she paused, but you couldn't speak.
taking that as permission she closed the small gap in between you both, pressing her lips firmly to yours. you'd have loved to say you pushed her off, told her again that you couldn't, thought about your best friend and what she might think.
but the only thing that consumed your mind was her and how good her mouth felt molded with your own. as you began to kiss back you felt her hands move, grabbing your hips and pulling you to straddle her lap, movie long forgotten in the background.
"alessia." you pulled away remembering your best friend as the older girl nipped at your bottom lip and your stomach twisted. "doesn't have to know." bella promised and you hesitated for a moment, but as her lips curled into a cocky smile and her hand flew to the back of your head, you knew you were a goner.
safe to say that was not the last time it happened, far from it.
you ignored the guilt which bubbled up in your stomach as you pretended it never happened, flying over to see your best friend and spending two blissful weeks with her, then flying over again a couple of months later to watch her in the she believes tournament where she would finally get her senior national team debut.
though of course that also meant isabella would be playing, and their whole family would be there with you.
"i'm so so proud of you!" you yelled happily as your best friend jogged over, shit eating grin on her face as she wrapped you up in a hug, isabella hanging back as she chatted with some of her team mates, though her eyes lingered on you.
and it was those lingering eyes which eventually did you both in.
you were all out for dinner after the game, you seated beside your best friend and luca, gio opposite him as the other russo sister sat across from you and mario across from alessia, carol at the head of the table.
you'd hardly spoken to her the entire time you'd been around, focusing all of your time and attention on the rare moments spent with your best friend who you knew you'd have to say goodbye to again in a few days time.
however that didn't stop the defender from trying to gain your attention, sending you subtle looks across the table as she kicked you playfully, winking at you when alessia wasn't looking.
well, when she thought she wasn't looking.
dinner finished you excused yourself to the bathroom, declining your best friends offer to come with you with a laugh as you promised to meet them outside the restaurant.
you did your business and washed your hands, hearing the door open but not bothering to look up, jumping in shock as arms wrapped around your torso and a familiar pair of lips pressed themselves to your neck.
"bella we can't." you chuckled, though still leaning your head back a little to give her more access, eyes fluttering closed as she peppered the warm skin with butterfly kisses. "can't we?" she smirked at you through the mirror with that same cocky smile that made your knees weak every time.
"i've missed you in camp." she confessed softly, spinning your body round and pushing it into the bathroom counter, wasting no time rewarding you with a searing kiss which sent your head spinning.
"they'll wonder where we are." you exhaled shakily, using all your willpower and pushing her off you. "you won't escape me later." she warned playfully, nodding for you to leave first as she hung back.
it was several hours later, you and alessia hanging in your shared hotel room together catching up just like normal, your combined laughters echoing around the room as the girls phone suddenly buzzed.
"hey i have to go talk to the training staff about something. but find a movie, i'll be back!" she promised, rolling off the bed as you nodded, not bothering to question why she was suddenly needing to speak to the training staff at almost ten at night.
alessia wasted no time marching down the hallway to where her sisters room was, knocking impatiently as she answered. "oh come on in!" the older russo chuckled as alessia shoved past her, checking the two of them were alone.
"how long?" alessia asked, crossing her arms over her chest and glaring at the taller girl who frowned, sitting down on the edge of her bed. "pardon?"
"how long have you been fucking my best friend behind my back?" alessia spat, scarily calm as a storm brewed behind her bright blue eyes. "look less-"
"no, don't lie. i saw your little fuck me eyes across the table, and it wasn't her leg you kept kicking at the table. so tell me the truth." alessia warned as her sister sighed, rubbing her face with her hands unsure how to find a way out of this.
"we haven't slept together, i promise."
"but we've done, other things."
"you are seriously unbelievable. you couldn't just be happy plowing your way through every insecure footballer in london, you had to go for my best friend?" alessia yelled angrily, fists balled by her sides.
"woah okay less i think you're overre-"
"you're going to stay away from her bella. she's not just another name for your books, she's my best friend and a better sister to me than you've ever been!" alessia fumed, hurt flashing across the older girls face momentarily before it hardened.
"it takes two to tango. you gonna go yell at her too then?"
"she can't have known any better, which is why you're going to stay away from her. i won't let you take advantage of the fact she see's the good in people, as little of it exists in you."
"fine. get out!" the taller girl stood, shoving her sister back who scoffed, turning on her heel. "happily!" the door slamming after her, you none the wiser of anything that had just happened as alessia returned, plastering a fake smile on her face and not uttering a single word about it.
which is why it hurt all the more as you slipped out of your room to call your mum that next morning as to not wake your best friend.
making the mistake of glancing down the hall, you watched as a random girl slipped out of one of the rooms, a familiar face kissing her goodbye with a grin.
you froze and thats when her eyes met yours, not a single look of regret on her face as you stared one another down for a moment before she watched you hurry back into alessia's room.
she was your best friends sister, and that's all she'd ever be to you.
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Okay. Okay deep breaths. Time for some cool and collected comentary. Okay.
Putting it under the cut so ppl can avoid spoilers :)
Huskerdust my beloved
Vox was great. I love him he's so fucking cool-
If Vox wasn't already a Tumblr sexyman he's definitely gonna be one now. He's so fucking Onceler coded it's insane.
Velvette was amazing too. It's so funny that she's British lmao I was not expecting that
Velvette is also very Anne Boelyne(like from SIX not from Real Life) coded it's wild. Her part in that song with Carmila was giving so much Don't Lose Your Head
I swear I'll stop comparing them to other characters I SWEAR
Okay but me and my brother are working on a Hazbin Hotel swap AU where we swap the main cast with the overlords and in that AU we swapped Husk and Vox. The Husk used to be an overlord reveal is gonna make that AU soooooo much easier lmao
ADAM IS REALLY GOOD I promised I would stop comparing to other characters but he was giving SO MUCH Hades from Disney's Hercules like its insane
I think we should let Alex Brightman sing rocj and roll more often that song was such a fucking BANGER
SPEAKING OF THE SONGS- oh my god I love the soundtrack so fucking much-
Stayed Gone was a lil less hype then I was expecting but thats okay cuz it was still a banger and I loved the visuals
That song battle between Carmilla and Velvette????? Oh my god??????
Carmilla and Vaggie's song was also amazing but I think I know why they didn't have Stephanie Beatriz sing her own song in Elena of Avalor y'know, girl cannot hold a character voice while singing
LOSER WAS SO FUCKING GOOD- I love Huskerdust so much. I love Keith David so much. Blake Roman is such a phenomenal Angel Dust.
SPEAKING OF all the voice actors are amazing. Blake Roman, Brightman as Pentious and Joel Perez were the ones I was the most worried abt but I loved all their preformances so much it was fucking fantastic
Valentino can go die in a fucking hole <3
The other Vees are cool and fun to watch but I hope Valentino fucking dies
Okay to be fair he's also fun to watch when he's not in the same room as Angel Dust but tHAT DOESNT SUPERSEID MY HATRED FUCK 👏 THAT 👏 GUY 👏👏👏👏
Speaking of the Vees tho I do love their dynamic
My favorite episode was probably Radio Killed the Video Star bcuz of mY BOYS PENTIOUS AND VOX!!!!!!!!
And the most painful episode to watch was- no surprise- Masquerade
That episode was a fucking rollercoaster Jesus fucking Christ...
Those scenes with Angel and Valentino where so fucking visceral... like. Who the fuck wrote that. Who are you. Are you okay. Do you need help-
Tho I'm not sure abt how they're handling the ah- more serious bits of Angel's character. It is WAYYYYYY to early to tell and I think Loser wasn't like. Trying to downplay the situation. But the writers better have been careful moving foreward bcuz I can def see a world where Angel's arc goes very wrong very fast-
Also while we're criticizing: wasn't a fan of the pacing. Especially in episode two. Like I can look past it, but the way they breeze past some plot points kinda bugged me
Otherwise it was sooooooo fucking good man oh my god
The gag where Niffty just fucking stopped thinking every time the camera turned on was so fucking good
Niffty in general was really fuckin funny
Alastor was a lot less prominent of a character then I thought he would be but tbh I think that's for the best. He's like Discord from My Little Pony, fun in small doses but if you don't set perameters for how often he appears and when he's willing to help it kinda breaks the show
Chaggie is adorable and I love them <3
I think this show does a really good job balancing the focus on the whole cast! These first 4 episodes seem to be pretty Charlie, Angel and kind of Vaggie heavy but everybody still gets their fair share of attention!
I love comedy. I love musicals. I love drama. I love silly characters. I LOVE ANIMATION!!!!!!!
It's like the South Park movie but longer and better animated and IVE BEEN WAITING FOUR FUCKING YEARS-
Just. So excited overall. Can't wait to see where it goes. May make more posts abt my thoughts in tbe future.
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aurumacadicus · 4 months
You know what would be funny lmao
Tony hadn't been entirely enthused when Steve had showed up after a run with puppy eyes and said, "Just until his owners contact us? He's part husky, someone must be looking for him." He wasn't a dog-person. He was barely a person-person. But he'd conceded, since the dog was staying a finite amount of time, and Steve had promised to bathe it before letting it roam the apartment, and the dog turned out to be house trained already. He even got JARVIS scanning local social media to find its owners. It wouldn't be for long.
And then JARVIS had found a picture and gently informed them that 'Dodger's family had been among the casualties during the alien invasion and while he kept getting adopted, he also kept getting returned, because he kept running away.
"Oh," Steve had said, choked up, and Tony had miserably ordered a dog bed and monogrammed dishes. (He'd reached out to the owners' families, first, of course, but they'd admitted they didn't have the time or space for an escape artist dog that liked to run for hours.)
Dodger wasn't really so bad, though, Tony thought. Steve kept him very well exercised, and Dodger was a great running buddy because Steve never had to worry about tiring him out. He didn't get on the furniture unless they called for him. And sure, he was loud, but Tony found himself talking back to him as if he was a person, and Steve was apparently smitten about it, if Natasha was to be believed.
And, Tony couldn't help but think smugly, Dodger liked cuddling with him better. It was probably because Tony was around more (Steve still went on missions that could last for weeks, but he'd set up an account with a dog-walking service so Tony didn't have to worry about that either). When Steve was there, Tony tried to stay hands off, but when he was gone, he and Dodger got to sulk about it together, and it was a very uniting endeavor. So most nights Steve was gone, they'd lounge together on the couch, Tony watching old movies that didn't require too much attention and Dodger with his nose buried someplace a wet nose was particularly annoying, like on his stomach or the back of his neck.
"I'm home," Steve called, and then, "Really? Neither of you are coming to greet me?"
"You were supposed to be home three days ago," Tony grumped, not looking away from the TV. He'd told Dodger that he was giving Steve the cold shoulder yesterday, and Dodger had yelped back something sounding like 'woo woove woo,' which Tony had decided meant he agreed with him. He knew he'd break eventually, but he decided Steve had to work for it this time, especially because he hadn't wanted him to go undercover for a month anyway.
"Hydra was literally chasing me all over Sweden," Steve said, flabbergasted, as he finally came over to the couch. He frowned at Dodger. "This is no way to treat your main owner."
Dodger lifted his head, mouth opened in a grin, and let out a 'wowyow!'
"I'll remember this when you want to go out for a run with me tomorrow," Steve groused, then scowled at Tony. "And you too. I'm gonna leave him in while I run so he can just bother you."
"I'll cuddle him instead," Tony told him flatly.
Steve let out a wounded noise, then couldn't swallow back an amused huff, leaning over the couch. "Yeah, well, we'll see about that." He waited a beat to see if Tony would take the bait, but he'd been stewing over his safety for three days, so he got nothing. Sighing, he rolled his eyes and sat up a little, reaching out to lay a smack to Tony's ass, because he knew that, at least, would get a reaction.
Tony barely had time to jump in surprise before Dodger was up, barking at him. "Oh my god????"
"Dodger oh my fuck," Steve spluttered, rearing back with his hands up.
Dodger hunched over Tony's body protectively, still barking, loud, assertive noises that left them both absolutely gobsmacked. Finally, though, Tony came out of his shock and turned, wrapping his arms around Dodger in an effort to soothe him. "It's okay, sweetheart, Daddy was just trying to rile me up."
"It's not like he hasn't seen me smack your ass before," Steve exclaimed defensively.
"Maybe if you'd spanked me three days ago, he wouldn't be barking," Tony scoffed.
"Unbelievable. I didn't want to lead Hydra directly to my boyfriend and you're scolding me," Steve said in disbelief. Then he rolled his eyes and sighed, turning to head for the bedroom. "I'm going to shower. Maybe we'll both cool off."
"I'm fine," Tony said sternly.
Steve tossed an unamused frown over his shoulder. "I meant me and Dodger."
"You're both very anxious dogs," Tony agreed sympathetically, then squealed when Dodger shoved his cold nose against his throat, covering Steve's gleeful 'you deserve that!'
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shurisbathwater · 11 months
𝖭𝖮𝖳𝖤𝖲 :: VERY MUCH Suggestive, black fem reader.  rivals/ enemies to lovers (??)
When I tell u I was trying not to bust while writing thi– its funny how little is more lmao. Anyway enjoy, I have more fics of wifey that I'm working on so I hope u can accept this for now 🤭💕
𝖸𝖮𝖴 𝖬𝖴𝖳𝖳𝖤𝖱𝖤𝖣 curses under your breath as you shot the gun once again, not getting the target for what felt like the millionth time. You throw the gun in frustration and sigh. You  begin to sluggishly walk back to your cabin in defeat.
"Need help?" A voice asks you. You freeze in your tracks as you realise who the voice exactly is.
Mo Washington. The only person you could ever go weak over, and she knows that. She enjoys seeing the effect of the power she has over you, and how her touch could simply make your knees weak in an instant.
"Its all good, I was done here anyways..." You mutter, your back still to her, letting your pride get the best of you. You could never, ever, admit to her of all people that you needed help. Never. She'd hang it over your head for eternity.
"You shouldn't lie to me, you know?" You hear her footsteps coming towards you, and the hairs on your neck rise in an instant.
You felt her presence behind you, and your breath hitched as she leaned down to whisper in your ear.
"I see right through 'ya." She breathed into your neck, chuckling lightly as you trembled under her, though she hadn't even touched you. She sees the gun laying on the ground and puts it into your hand, looking into your eyes for a split second. She walks back behind you.
You both knew the sexual tension you had with eachother, but yet none of you would act on it. It was better this way you thought.
You manage to aim the gun with your shaky and clammy hands, looking straight at your target. "See..thats where you're going wrong." She says as she stands behind you, you feel her heavy breathing on your neck, and your knees begin to give out.
She feels your knees going weak, and she grabs your hips to pull you up again. "Hey, now." She chuckles as she snakes her arm on top of yours, guiding you.
"I want you to aim right there, can you do that for me?" She teases, whispering into your ear.
You nod slowly in response.
She rests her chin on your shoulder, her fingers gliding on top yours. You breath out shakily as you feel your mouth going dry, and the spot between your legs pulsating.
Unknowingly, begin to lean back and rest into her touch. "There you go, you got it." She praises as she slowly guides you to aim, her thick accent buzzing through your body.
You pull the trigger and it instantly lands on the target, and you breathe out in relief, finally getting it, with Mo's help.
"I knew you could get it. You just needed a little help." She jokes, and you roll your eyes in response.
"Go away, Mo." You say as you cross your arms. " dont I deserve a thank you?" She raises her brows as she shrugs.
"Thank you. Now go away." You push her playfully.
"Let me know if you need anymore of my ... help." She smirks as she leans in closer to you. "I'll be waiting." She winks as she walks away, looking back at you once more.
Now If yall want more, I can gladly write more of them bc they're givinggg 😩 anyways what did yall think?
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animaticaskblog · 2 months
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oo im the magical ghost that runs this blog...its me...the blog GHOST!
im just here to let you know the rules!
nsfw gets you killed. murdered. shipping is fine but PROSHIPS AND NSFW GET OUT OF MY SHITTY ASK BLOG!!
dont be weird. this is a given. dont be a weirdo its a tumblr blog. get a room jeez
magic anons are fine, just know that youre talking to animatic. he's a tough cookie
if you send it a rude ask on this blog, expect a respond of me dunking on you and never mentioning you ever again! that's just how i roll
if i refuse your ask im either uncomfortable or broke the rules. simple as that
i do these at my own leisure if i dont answer as soon as you want me to suck it up buttercup
if i seem rude im just trying to be funny, i try to be not too mean spirited
animatic is from animatic battle by greenyguy. watch it its really yyummy
note that i make art when i can. if im not on pc then responses wont get art lolthat's it. go wild ig lmao
(doodle + lineart reccomended by @ryuatewater )
ps: join the server!
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Hiii I'm Back >:)
What about a Noir x fem reader where they go on a date/hanging out but Peter is like abnormally horny and the reader is oblivious LOL.
HELLO AGAIN @sabcandoit!! okay this one is a pretty silly one :>> SURE THING LMAO (don't ask why i used the same gif, he just looks so funni)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
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"dearest..." peter called from behind you as you were busy preparing dinner. he wrapped his arms around you as he nuzzled his head against the crook of your neck, peppering kisses against your neck and cheeks. you giggled at the display of affection from your dearest as you kept washing the vegetables at the sink. "yes, dear?" you asked him, entertaining him without turning around, with a sweet smile on your face.
peter placed his hands on your waist and chuckled. "why, aren't you just so..." he trailed off as he rubbed at your sides slowly, smiling against your cheek all slyly. "aren't you just so lovely tonight?" he asked in a seemingly innocent voice, but it spoke with different intentions, intentions that were anything but innocent. you chuckled at his compliment and leaned into his relentless kisses. "and aren't you just so handsy tonight, pete?" you say with a slight giggle as you pulled away from his touch to get a few utensils you needed to make dinner.
peter followed you to the other side of the kitchen, thinking you were doing this to play hard to get. luckily for him, he knows how to play your game like the back of his hand. he chuckled to himself as he wrapped you in an embrace yet again, his grip tightening around your forearms to keep you from escaping or doing anything at all, really. you playfully rolled your eyes. "peter..." you said in a fake annoyed tone. he kissed the back of your head as he asked you, "what, love?" he went back to kissing your neck up and down, and soon, began kissing your shoulder and breathing heavier as he looked up at you and smirked. "peter." you repeated in a more serious tone as you set down your utensils and leaned against his touch.
peter thought he would finally convince you and give you what he's longed to give you in a while, finally, he'd be able to have you all for himself tonight. he chuckled and grinned mischievously at you. "yes, my loving spouse?" he asked in a sing-song voice as he put his chin on your shoulder. "i'm cooking." you promptly said, which disheartened peter and made his grin disappear from his face. "but..." he tried to convince you to keep the mood, which had already been shattered, keep going--but you just weren't getting the hint. you giggled as you pulled out of peter's loosening grip. "i'll make your favorite tonight, peter. that's probably what you've been doing, buttering me up for earlier." you said with a giggle, thinking you figured out exactly what peter wanted. but no, you couldn't be any farther from the truth.
peter retired to the living room, slumping down on an armchair as he sighed. he wanted to light a cigarette, take a long drag and hope that'd make his... urges go away. and so, he got up and off the armchair and lit his cigarette when he was finally out at the veranda. "peter, dinner's ready." you called out to him, and he turned around. to your dismay, he was smoking. but he swore he'd only smoke one cigarette, and only if he really felt like it. you sighed. "what's wrong, pete?" you asked as you approached him. he took the cigarette out of his mouth and put it out, letting it fall to the ground as its ashes spread and made a small mess.
he ran a hand through his hair, sighed, and looked at your concerned face. he tried to smile, but it came off quite forced. "nothing's wrong, dearest. i just... i wanted to... do things with you tonight." he said as he took your hands and rubbed his thumbs over your knuckles, admiring how smooth your skin felt, how right your hands fit into his own.
you tilted your head to the side. "but wasn't your whole show for me tonight enough? i made your favorite, you had your way, we did things tonight and i loved it. did... you not--"
"no, no, love, it's... it's more than just hugging and kissing that i want." he said as he placed his hand behind your head, and you brought your head up to look at him in the eyes. his eyes told a different story, a story of a man who longed to please his wife and satiate his own needs. he rubbed his thumb against you cheek, and with his smile and expression softening, he leaned in closer to you. "and i still really want it, love." he said as you leaned closer to him, getting the scent of burning tobacco in through your nose as he breathed against your skin.
and in an instant, you finally understood what he really wanted from you, what he needed from you. you connected your lips with his and wrapped your arms around his neck. as you two forgot about your dinner and made out at the veranda, you were planning on so many things to do with peter that night. and that'd only be the beginning, you had to make up for all the hard work he's been doing trying to get your attention, and wouldn't you be just excited for that?
a/n: SORRY IF IT SUCKS, i'm not very experienced in writing this kind of stuff for noir, but i hope you like it :'>> TY FOR THE REQUEST THOUGH !!
tags !! @thecoolerdor @miguelswifey04 @sabcandoit @binibinileonara @k4tsu3 @luvstarrstruck @connors-cumslurper @maxoloqy
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joestvr · 6 months
༺✮ atashi no kimyona jinsei // あたしの奇妙な人生 ✮༻
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༺✮ summary: five years after the fall of diavolo, you, y/n romano, who was sent away to japan at 11 to further your studies—find the courage to come back to naples after living out your schoolgirl & gaijin university student facade in morio-chou to see how your clan’s worsened—as well as become the “donna” of your father’s gang, il terrore, while your older brother is the real leader behind the scenes, just using you as a front. with plans to murder your clan, you seek the particularly handsome young don of passione for friendship. with your tyrant father’s intervention, your friendship with the don turns to something you never saw coming.
★ 1 // il terrore ★ 2 // bella
You awoke that morning to something warm and large beside you. When you opened your eyes, you realized it was Vince sleeping soundly with you. You hit him.
"Vince!" You yelled. He flinched.
"Ugh, Y/n..."
"Get the hell out of my bed!" You took your pillow and started hitting him with it.
"Jesus, okay, I'm leaving..."
"How perverted are you?! Idiota!"
You sighed loudly and rubbed your face, getting up to take a shower.
You got out, fixed your hair, did your makeup, and put your outfit on.
You pulled on your black, leather Prada calf boots with a 3 inch platform heel. "Alexander!" You yelled.
No response. "Alexander!"
You screamed with annoyance. "Ughhh!"
You stormed out your room and into Alexander and Alima's. You could tell they were naked. "Ew!"
"Y/n!" Alexander woke up and shouted.
"Get up!" You said even louder.
"Shut the fuck up! Get out!" He pointed to the door.
Trish was sitting at the dining table with the gang eating breakfast when she heard her phone buzz, and she had gotten a text.
g morning, cant wait 2 c u. lets go out. xo y/n &lt;3
She smiled to herself reading the text, typing her response.
morning babe, eating brkfast w the guys... will be hella hard to escape them agh! meet u in 25 @ plaza? xo trish.
She waited for your reply and her cell phone buzzed again.
omg v is such a piece of shit guess where i found him
She chuckled a little to herself.
in ur bed again? lmao he alwys wants 2 sleep w u
shut up! its not even funny anymre hes totally a douche. fking bozo i swr
She laughed a little more.
stfu hes ur bsf. cut him sum slack babe
ok i gtg... alx is yelling at me. c u in a bit x
x luv u bye
Her smile faded when she realized everyone had stopped eating from their plates and were looking at her dead in the eye.
"Who were you texting?" asked Mista.
"Why do you care? Pipe down." She scoffed and rolled her eyes.
She rook her last sip of her coffee and stood up.
"Trish, where are you going?" asked Bucciarati.
"I'm going out."
"To see who?" questioned Fugo.
"My friend! What is wrong with all of you?"
"We just want to keep you safe, Trish, calm down." said Giorno.
"Too many scumbags walking the streets. You never know what could happen." mumbled Abbachio.
"Trish is not sneaking around with some guy, everyone. Please." Spice Girl suddenly appeared beside her, reassuring the group.
"Bucciarati, can I have some money?" Trish asked nicely, looking at him, puppy eyed.
"For what?" said Abbachio bitterly.
"I'm going shopping."
"Sure, Trish," he pulled out his wallet and gave her fifteen 10,000 lira bills, "spend it wisely. Have fun, be safe."
She snatched the money with a smirk. "I'll be back later." She kissed his cheek.
"Don't forget you need to be here to come with Giorno to see that guy with Il Terrore at 4!" said Fugo as she picked up her bag and walked out.
She arrived and stood in front of the Prada store, waiting for you.
When she spotted you, her face lit up with delight and she ran to you, jumping into your arms. "Y/n!"
You hugged her tightly and spun her around. "Trish!"
"I missed you so, so much, Y/n. You have know idea how things are without you. I'm so happy." She kissed your cheeks and you did the same.
"Your hair is so pink, and longer!" You ran your fingers through her hair, amazed.
"You haven't changed one bit. You look super sexy though." She grinned.
"Please, look at that body of yours! Too gorgeous."
She linked her arm into yours and walked into the Prada store.
"I saw this bag in a- a maga— a magajin- sorry, magazine."
"Your Japanese accent is insane now, Y/n. The Don will be amazed. Did you know he's half Japanese?" She said.
"No, he's not. I heard he has golden, flaming hair like the morning sun, and bright green eyes."
"That's true. He's really tall too, he grew so much since the first time I met him."
"How tall?" You were eager to know; you love taller guys.
"He was 170cm 5 years ago, now he's 195cm. Bulked up a lot since then."
"You're kidding! That's so hot!" You became happy.
"Ha. He's so handsome, every girl from every family wants to marry him."
"You don't like him?" You turned to her.
"Not at all, to be honest. He's like my brother."
"You're living with all those hot men and not interested in any of them? Huh." You raised an eyebrow.
She blushed and looked away, "Narancia, on the other hand..."
You gasped, "You have a crush!"
"He's so cute... like really cute."
"Zaaaaamn, I see you." You smirked.
"I guess. I want to buy this for Bucciarati, look." She picked up a black leather belt with the Prada Milano logo engraved on the buckle.
"Get it."
"Okay," she waved over an associate, "wrap these up for us, and send them to the front."
The person nodded and took the items you and Trish wanted to purchase to the register. You walked with her there and pulled out your money, but she did as well.
"Trish, please let me pay."
"No, Y/n, please let me pay."
"Trish, let me pay."
"Y/n, I'm paying. End of story."
You rolled your eyes and put your money away, "Fine. You win."
She got the bags and handed one to you, smiling.
"Thank you, Trish."
"No problem, Y/n." She wrapped her arm around you as you walked together.
"Hey, why don't you give Vince a chance? I know how much he loves you."
"Ugh, as if!" You said, "I really tried, you know. His pride won't allow him to actually be committed to a relationship with someone like me. I love him a lot but I don't want anything long term."
"But if he wasn't the way that he was and he really wanted to haved something with you..." She raised her eyebrows.
"No, I wouldn't."
She furrowed her eyebrows. "Damn, okay then."
"But the thing is, I have to be married with a kid before 25," You frowned, "Guys don't like me."
"Girl, I can see at least 15 men looking at you as we pass by. Look, that guy riding a bike just crashed into a trash can, he's looking right at you." She laughed.
You looked over and saw a man laying in a pile of trash cans staring at you with bliss on his face.
"Yeah, but who's going to truly love and embrace me? With the way my mom was treated by my dad and how I was raised... I've lost all hope."
"I think you'll like the Don, Y/n. I think you'll really like him." She squeezed your arm and smiled at you.
"Sure I will..."
Trish looked down at her watch. "Look, it's already 3. I need to head back before everyone gets suspicious..."
You kissed her cheek again and nodded.
"See you later, Donna." She teased, waving then walking off.
You were sitting at your vanity, putting on lipstick when your stand, Cheri Lady decided to appear.
"Are you seducing him or making a deal with him? Yare yare... Such a temptress." She mocked you, crossing her arms and leaning against the wall.
You had gained Cheri Lady as a result of your mother's death 8 years ago, your father had stabbed you with a Stand Arrow in a sorrowful rage.
Cheri Lady can steal a stand and/or its ability with just one touch and can recall its power at any given time. For example, since you had once temporarily stolen a stand with a healing ability, you could recall the stand and heal yourself without a problem. But you mostly use her to induce hallucinations on enemies, which works without even having to take their ability.
Another thing your stand is capable of is extreme physical power... Think: Star Platinum meets Spice Girl.. Kind of.
As well as tremendous raw power, Cheri Lady benefits from your negative thoughts and give rude commentary about you and the way you live your life and constantly criticize you...But she only says what you think-- She's just a manifestation of your conscience.
"Damare, Cheri Lady." You touched up your eyeliner and powdered your nose a little.
"You look like a prostitute, Y/n, what the hell are you wearing?"
"Leave my sight!"
"Hmph, as you wish, Y/n-sama." She said sarcastically then disappeared into your body.
You checked the time, put on your shoes, and rushed downstairs. "Vince, Alima! Let's go!" You shouted, picking up your keys quickly.
They rushed downstairs and everyone was out the door. Vince was wearing all black suit with no tie, his chest showing through his unbuttoned collar shirt. You tried not to laugh at him.
Alima was wearing nearly the same thing as you except her shirt was red.
You could feel anxiety creeping up but took a deep breath, seeing the beautiful riverside view from outside the restaurant, and you spotted that golden blonde hair. You rushed over.
"Ciao, Don Giovanna. Romano Y/— I mean, Y/n Romano." You held out your hand, but a man with purple hair and lipstick blocked you from doing so.
Everyone gasped. You could see Trish standing beside Giorno warily.
She's... a woman?! Everyone thought in their minds.
"Abbachio, please," Giorno muttered. He scowled and moved.
You were taken aback at the Don's beauty. He was... gorgeous.
Giorno bowed slightly, taking your hand into his and kissing your knuckles, then gesturing for you to sit down. "Please, sit down, bella."
You smiled softly and sat down. "You've got quite the personal guard here, Don Giovanna."
"It's Giorno, but please, call me GioGio. Rolls off the tongue nicely, don't you think?" His charms and politeness were getting to you. You were allured.
"Alright then, GioGio..."
"Can I call you Bella?" He asked.
"Sure." You nodded.
"Get on with the deal already! I don't have all day." said Abbachio, irritated.
Giorno shot him a sharp glare.
"May I know the names of your men?"
"Trish is here too, you know." He pointed her out. "She's my best friend, like my sister."
"Hey, bitch." She scoffed fakely. Everyone gasped again.
"Hey, ugly." You grinned and she put a hand on your arm playfully.
"I'll ask later..."
"Anyway," he put his hand on the shoulder of a man with a bob cut, wearing an expensive suit, the belt Trish bought for him visible, "This is my consigliere, Bruno Bucciarati."
He looked down and kissed your hand tenderly, "Pleased to meet you, Donna."
You smiled. "How charming..."
Giorno felt a pang of jealousy in him, then spoke again, putting his arm around the one in the beanie, "My caporegime, Mi—"
"Guido Mista. Head of Execution. Didn't know there would be such a pretty face running Il Terrore. Bellissima." He pushed Giorno aside and kissed your hand. Giorno's face twitched.
Narancia pushed Mista and kissed your hand as well. "I'm—"
"Narancia Ghirga," You interrupted warmly, squeezing his hand.
"Eh? How do you know who I am?" He questioned.
You looked at Trish, then back at him and winked without a word.
Fugo quickly shoved Narancia aside, cursed at him, then bowed formally, taking your hand and kissing it. "Pannacotta Fugo. Head of intelligence. It's an honor to meet you, Donna."
"Wow! So polite~" You teased slightly, smirking. You pulled away and looked up at the purple haired man. He was just standing there, looking at you angrily.
You maintained your expression and looked up at him, holding out your hand. He crossed his arms, your charms clearly not working its magic on him.
You felt a little discouraged, retracting your hand then turning to Giorno again.
He swallowed dryly then spoke up. "S-So, may I know the names of your friends here as well?"
"Yes," you directed your hand to Vince, "Vincenzo Sayyid, my capo."
"Ciao." He said.
You then looked at Alima, "Alima Dokhtari, my sister in law. She runs the treasury and whatnot."
"Glad we can meet like this, Don Giovanna." She smiled polite.
"So, Bella, I just want to be up front... Are you sure you are willing to give me everything you've offered?" He asked tentatively.
You took a sip of wine. "Yes, would you like me to give or take a few rekuwiam— Excuse me, Requiem arowszu— Arrows? Sorry," You put your hand on your chest and cleared your throat, "Tasuketekure..." You muttered to yourself.
"Nihongo de hanishimasu ka? Sono accento..." He grinned.
Your eyes widened. "Kimi wa.. nihonjin desu..ka? Maji de?"
Bucciarati and others looked at each other with confusion at the sudden language change.
He laughed and shook his head, "Iyaa. Hafu desu. Boku no oka san wa nihonjin desu."
"Sou desu ne.. Subarashi desu. You don't look half Japanese at all." You were in awe.
"Haha, I get that a lot. Anyway, about the deal..." He went quiet as a waiter approached with the bottle of wine.
"Can I refill your glasses?" He asked. Giorno nodded and put out his glass.
"Sir, do you allow smoking out here?" You asked as he poured the wine in your glass.
"Yes, go ahead. I'll bring you an ashtray."
You took out a cigarette and stuck it in your mouth, Cheri Lady appearing for a split second to light it with a flick of her finger. You pretended to not notice.
Giorno was stunned. Bucciarati looked at the men beside him in shock.
You turned your head away and blew smoke out your mouth, mindful of Giorno.
"So, as I promised," you said, "your 10 million lira," Vince opened a briefcase and the cash was seen in there, "your stand arrows," another briefcase opened, showing the arrows.
Giorno, utterly appalled, could not find any words.
You were insanely beautiful. He was allured, enchanted. Blood rushed to his face and it reddened.
He snapped out of his daze and nodded, "Er, y-yes. Everything looks perfect, Bella."
"Are you sure you don't need anything else? I can add an extra 5 million—"
"No, I insist. You've offered more than enough. I'm grateful you are willing to give all of this to Passione." His expression lightened with gratitude.
"If that's what you wish." You said, taking a drag from your cigarette, holding it between your fingers.
He noticed your almond shaped nails were painted nearly the exact same red as the wine. Must reflect off of your personality...
"Can we please get to the topic we discussed, Giorno?" asked Fugo condescendingly.
"Uh... Yes." He said.
You looked at him with curiosity.
He cleared his throat and your eyes met. "There has been an issue in our community regarding traitors."
You abruptly coughed smoke out of your mouth. "I-I'm sorry?"
"Y/n, forgive me if I'm being insensitive, but there have been various punks caught with kilo after kilo of drugs claiming that they're from Il Terrore... and that you put them up to this."
Vince suddenly gasped loudly and yelled out, "What an outrageous claim! Y/n—“
"Y/n, what is this absurdity?! No such thing is happening in—“
You breathed in shakily, trying not to lose your temper as you slammed your hand down on the table.
"Vince, if you don't get the fuck out of my face and let the Don talk, I'm going to punch you." You murmured calmly, looking away from him.
He backed away slowly and Alima scowled, grabbing his ear, pulling on it while hitting him.
You sighed, putting out your cigarette bud. You put a hand over your mouth with humiliation, then lit another cigarette.
"I'm so sorry about him, GioGio, he has no manners whatsoever," you inhaled, "But as for such claims... They are all completely false. Drug dealing of any kind has been prohibited since the founding of Il Terrore, even during my father's reign... and I'm sure you've heard of his tyranny."
Giorno was internally giggling and kicking his feet, he knew he was in love already. He was blushing and staring deep into your eyes.
"I do hope you'll believe me, Giorno."
He smiled wide and nodded, "Of course, gorgeous."
You cracked up a little as Abbachio smacked the back of his head.
"S-So, um, I was thinking..." His voice trailed, and he was turning red like a tomato.
"What the Don wants to say is we were discussing going on a mission early tomorrow morning to confront some people holding drugs in their storage spaces." Bucciarati continued, standing behind Giorno and putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Sure." You said, then stood up as he did.
"I'll see you tomorrow, GioGio." You smirked softly and leaned in to kiss his cheek.
Giorno was speechless as he watched you walk away.
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kittykatkatelol2 · 1 year
"Plants" Jegulus Oneshot
Prompt by @jegulus-microfic (prompt: plant)
"I'll be right back, gotta use the restroom."
Regulus nods as James walks away - more like wanders away, to Regulus's dormitory bathroom.
James gasps as he walks in-
"REGGIE I THINK SOMEONE BROKE IN TO YOUR LOO !" James called frantically.
Regulus rolled his eyes, chucking a little, for he doubted anyone would ever break into only a restroom. But he got up anyways and joined James in the bathroom.
"Uh, love, I don't see anything wrong-"
"THERE ARE SO MANY PLANTS !" James says loudly, pointing out the very obvious.
There were a lot of small plants (hell even a couple big plants) on most surfaces of this bathroom, mostly succulents; as if it wasn't already green enough from the dark green tile floor, and light green walls, and a green shower curtain the same colour as the classic green Slytherin colour.
"Jamie, those are my plants. No body broke in to my dorm to leave me a fuck ton of plants," Regulus says, chucking a little again as he watched James's face as he registered Regulus's words and as it finally clicked for James.
James's mouth made a small 'O' shape and he quickly apologized.
"Oh um sorry, Reg, I guess that should have been obvious," James says, laughing a little, but it was nervous laughter.
"It's fine, Jamie."
"You just - you just don't look, nor act, like the type of guy to basically collect plants. It's cool though."
Regulus smiled at James; James was one of the few to make Regulus properly smile like this.
"Thank you, love. I'll leave you to this."
James nods as Regulus leaves the restroom.
This was not at all what James expected, but fuck he secretly (or maybe not so secretly) loved this little thing about his Reggie. Who knew Regulus loved plants.
[Word count: 312]
[A/N: to me, most of this was just "its so stupid its funny" to me. So take that as you will lmao-]
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mostremote · 18 days
(ex. too graphic of sex scenes, idk maybe i’m just a whore for that old man but that’s really what i’m after)
lmao ok!!!
I won't post everything because I just have a mess of folders and subfolders and drafts and redrafts of all kinds of things and they're not that coherent. I've got a couple of pieces that are nearly finished or at least mostly coherent that only need a bit of work to finish, so i'll try to get to those.
For now here is a much earlier draft of what eventually became Chapters 11 & 12 of The Shivering Season, "Proserpine" and "Bombs". This approach just wasn't working for me so I entirely started over. There's a few chapters where I just scrapped what I had and started again. But there's still some fun stuff in here, I like Snow not knowing how to deal with Katniss' inexplicable hypersexuality.
Pancakes again. Katniss turns them over with her fork, over and over. They’re always making her pancakes. Is it because they know her mother made them? Is it to try to make her feel better, remind her of home? Or hurt her? Make her miss what she can’t have?
She cuts them into little pieces and makes towers. She builds the town hall of District 12 and the square, and she smiles as she makes the street with the bakery. She imagines Peeta, coming and going from the little pancake house. He would think it was funny to live in a pancake.
‘Is your breakfast particularly amusing this morning?’ comes Snow’s dry voice, and Katniss’ smile drops as she looks up.
‘Not really.’ She topples her pancake towers and moves them around her plate in entropy.
‘You ought to eat something.’ He isn’t even looking at her; he’s distracted by whatever he’s reading on a tablet. ‘You keep skipping breakfast. It’s not healthy.’
‘I’m not hungry.’
He glances at her. There it is: concern mixed with threat. A certain amount of unhealthy is useful to him. Too much is dangerous.
Katniss spears the smallest piece of pancake and lifts it to her mouth. It makes her sick to chew it, but Snow seems satisfied.
‘As I mentioned last week, there have been some comments on how “stiff and uncomfortable” you and I sometimes appear with one another.’ He holds up the tablet and shows her a photo. Katniss can’t help but crack a grin. It’s the two of them at some stupid event. They’re holding hands, but both are looking in the opposite direction. Katniss isn’t sure which of them looks more like they want to kill someone. ‘I’m glad you find this amusing,’ says Snow. ‘Perhaps you have forgotten how tenuous all of this is. Marrying you might have obliterated the mockingjay symbol, but there are plenty of people left who want to kill us. If people start to think you’re unhappy with me, well – they might reinvent you. The kidnapped child bride of the President. That might rejuvenate the rebellion. Is that what you want?’
‘No,’ says Katniss quickly. ‘I’ll do better.’
‘We both need to do better.’ He nods at one of the servants who comes to deliver the tablet along the table to Katniss. ‘Take a look at those. I had one of my team draw up a…’ He rolls his eyes and pulls a face of uncharacteristically extreme disgust. ‘…a selection of suggested intimate gestures that you and I might employ in public to appear more palatable. Approve the ones you’re comfortable with.’
Katniss accepts the tablet without looking the servant in the eye. She starts to flick through them. Each gesture has a title, a sunny summary, and an awful cartoon diagram to illustrate it. Head resting on shoulder: this is an easy way to express the stability and comfort one person feels in the other… Black-and-white, insipid cartoon people smile back at her, one resting its head on the other. After that comes forehead kiss, hand on thigh, hand on the back of the neck, stroking hair, nuzzling…
‘Nuzzling?’ she says incredulously.
‘We can veto that one,’ Snow mutters. ‘And forehead kissing. That will only remind people of our age disparity. Do you have any vetoes?’
Katniss tosses the tablet down. Weird little shapes are dancing before her vision and her anxiety is starting its inexorable climb up her throat. ‘Do any of them. Whatever.’ She collects herself a little. ‘Uh, not hand on the back of the neck, please. I’d feel like you were choking me.’
‘Maybe we should kiss more,’ she murmurs.
‘It would be easy for that to become unseemly. Katniss?’
She is rubbing her forehead over and over and over again. ‘What?’
‘Are you alright?’
Katniss contorts her face into something like a bracing smile. ‘Yeah. I’m fine. What’s happening with the rebellion? Are people still fighting?’
Snow nods and sips his coffee like death and rebellion are quotidian topics for breakfast discussion. ‘District 11 has been very inflammatory. A few dozen were shot there last week. But they’re making little progress, we’ll easily put them down. It’s just a question of how many lives they’ll lose before they surrender. District 12 has been utterly complacent. I think they saw the wedding as—’
‘A betrayal?’
‘Yes, perhaps,’ he says lightly. ‘Either way, they’re not willing to die anymore for what you once symbolized. But then we have other problems. Many in the Capitol were unhappy with our increase in rations to the Districts, so we have enemies on that side, too. There are plenty who think you’re a poisonous influence on me, eroding the Capitol’s power from within. That coterie want us both dead. Fortunately, they’re not a large or powerful group – at least at the moment. But if the election doesn’t go our way, well…’
Katniss’ head is full of cotton wool and ants. ‘If what? They’re only electing who’ll take over when you die, right? And you’re not…’ She frowns. Looks at the tiny pieces into which he cuts his food. Can see even from here a bit of blood on his napkin. ‘You’re not going to die soon, right?’
‘I don’t intend to, Katniss, much as that might disappoint you.’ His smile is wry and wan. ‘But the moment a successor is chosen, then certain people might get… impatient. The summary, Katniss, is that we have enemies on all sides. The best thing we can do is keep up appearances.’
Katniss crumbles some piece of pancake between her forefinger and thumb. This is like eating, only better, because it doesn’t make her sick. ‘Can I do anything more? Be more…’ There’s a big blank spot in her vision now, and it covers all of Snow’s face if she holds her head in a certain place. She shifts her head back and forth, back and forth, watching him disappear and reappear…
‘Oh.’ She blinks. The blank spot remains. ‘I was going to say, can I be more… I don’t know, attractive to them? What would help?’ She shrugs. ‘I’ll do anything.’
‘In terms of your styling, I don’t think there is any room for useful improvement. All we can do is sell our relationship to them. Hence all of that.’ He waves, revolted, at the tablet.
‘You can do what you want to me,’ Katniss says, her words vague, her thoughts elsewhere – her thoughts nowhere. ‘I’ll make it look okay. I’ll smile, and I’ll look like I like it. I can do it.’
‘I don’t want to do anything to you,’ says Snow, and his voice is strangely gentle. ‘And if you can’t cope with any of this, we can reassess. I need you in one piece, Katniss. Do you understand?’
Katniss nods. She picks up a large piece of pancake, crumbles it, lifts it to her lips, tastes a few crumbs, then lets the rest fall to her plate. It sort of looks like she just ate a whole chunk.
‘I understand. I’m fine.’ She smiles, just how she does for the cameras, and all she can see in Snow’s face is skepticism and concern.
It’s easier once they’re in the car together. Some weird reversal has happened to Katniss’ anxiety. Rather than spiking whenever Snow touches her, now it’s at its worst when she’s worrying about it, or thinking about it. Actually feeling him against her is the worst things can ever be, and there’s something comforting in that. There’s reassurance to the smell of blood on his breath. It means the worst is currently happening: you are already in hell, and that’s okay.
They have to open some stupid new art gallery or political building or execution block today, so they stand for the crowds and smile. Katniss doesn’t initiate any of the new physical gestures, but Snow touches her shoulder and her hair. After he gives his speech, when the cameras are supposed to have lost interest (but, they both know, have not) he pulls back her hair and kisses her lightly, like this is meant to be a private moment and they just can’t help themselves.
As he shifts her hair Katniss is yanked back to her coronation after winning the Games, the first time he ever spoke to her. She had to stand still and let him touch her then, too. He didn’t ask permission then. He hated her. Now he doesn’t seem to mind her so much. Does that make it harder for him to touch her? Or is it because the first time he touched her it was predatory: examining a thing he had to control. Now it’s affectionate – or the performance of affection. Katniss wonders which she hates more.
[This is when a version of the ballet, hand-on-thigh scene from “Proserpine” originally occurred]
Katniss is struggling. The misplaced cog rolls around her body and makes it misbehave, makes it sick. Her anxiety has reached its limit, and the fluid that spills over in excess is abject and stinking and it pools between her legs.
They’re at a party. A fundraiser? A campaign party? It’s something to help some Capitol politician that Snow thinks is important, somehow, and Katniss is expected to attend and advertise to everyone the wonderful unity Snow has achieved with the districts.
She is not doing a good job.
When Snow reaches for her hand, Katniss pulls away. When he smiles at her, she turns her head. When the rich, fetid smell of his blood-breath cascades over her, familiar and vile and, now, also, delicious, she looks anywhere else. His scent drops through her chest and congeals in her abdomen, and then she feels sharp notes flutter through her clit. She tries to keep as much distance between them as she can, but just his presence and his smell – which once just filled her with anxiety – now fills her with syrup.
Snow is displeased.
He tries to engage her in light conversation when there’s a lull in the political small-talk, but Katniss’ voice is sticky in her throat. She cannot meet his eyes, and she cannot be near his mouth. He keeps trying to hold her hand, or touch her waist, or put a hand on her shoulder, and she keeps sliding away. It isn’t even putting a stop to her arousal, but she cannot countenance letting him touch her and letting that feeling build again. It’s profane.
The evening is crawling by and Snow is trying once again, in futility, to get Katniss to let him hold her fingers in his, when he finally has enough.
‘We need to talk,’ he says, and tries to steer her out of the crowded room. Katniss shies away from his hand and walks ahead until they’re out in the empty, quiet corridor, where Snow finds a private alcove in which to address her. His face is set in confusion and disappointment. Not yet anger. That will come soon. ‘What on earth is wrong with you tonight?’ he hisses. ‘We are supposed to be an advert for a prosperous new alliance between the Capitol and the districts, and you are doing an extremely poor job of selling that.’
Katniss leans as deep into the alcove as she can, her bare shoulders rubbing against the walls, trying to get away from Snow’s breath and his smell.
‘I’m just not feeling very well,’ she says.
‘That’s not good enough. As far as I can tell, there is nothing physically wrong with you. You can walk around and eat well enough, so there shouldn’t be anything precluding you from holding my hand.’
She’s not even eating that well. Snow has simply become so accustomed to watching her pick at her food that he doesn’t register any difference.
‘Can I just have the night off?’
‘No.’ She is trying to sidle away from him again, and Snow places his palm on her other side to trap her. His voice is sand and broken glass. ‘Thus far, Katniss, I have mostly been impressed with your conduct – barring a few notable incidents. You have played your role excellently. But this is unacceptable. You cannot have the night off. You cannot take a break. I warned you what this life would be like, didn’t I?’
A ghostly smile haunts her face. ‘No end,’ she repeats from memory. ‘No respite.’
‘Exactly. So, are you going to do your job, or do I have to force you?’
Katniss convulses with a shiver. The new, cancerous part of her likes the idea of being forced. There is no way out of this maze, only ever deeper in. Digging in the dirt at the center, burying her face among the worms.
‘Okay,’ she breathes, her voice high with despair. Resigned and disintegrating, she reaches for his hand and intertwines their fingers together like schoolkids in love. With her other hand, she reaches out and touches his face. His skin is soft paper, bristled and familiar, old and hateful. He does not stop her when she kisses him. It’s a small, pathetic, grieving kiss, and Katniss feels her body’s sexual response come in low, persistent waves. Perhaps it would be easier if she could just keep kissing him, and forget about the party, and lose herself in the sewage.
Snow pulls his lips away. ‘Good,’ he says, confused. ‘We don’t need to kiss, Katniss; it’s only a campaign party. Just try not to seem revolted by me.’ He smiles, and Katniss returns it with a completely different smile. Oh, she is revolted. Her revulsion will never be exorcised out of her. But the revulsion is lined with gold, and it makes her cunt leak.
At the very least, it’s kind of funny.
Katniss lets Snow escort her around the party and show her off, and she laughs at the men’s jokes. She lets Snow touch her however he likes, and when his hands brush against her waist or he leans against her side, unintentionally pressing her breasts, the usual anxiety sparkles into arousal.
She is introduced to some important senators who Snow tells her pose some important rival to Daric, a man she can barely remember, and Katniss laughs and smiles and looks at her husband with what looks like love but which is actually putrid desire.
‘I must say, you are every inch as stunning as you are on television,’ says one senator.
‘An astounding creature,’ says another. ‘You practically glow.’ Katniss smiles winningly.
‘My husband brings it out of me,’ she croons, and everybody laughs, and she turns her head to Snow’s and gives him a gentle kiss. He accepts it, as he must, and you can practically taste everybody’s heartfelt sentiment.
But Katniss doesn’t let him go.
She places one hand on the back of his neck and holds him prisoner, as once she did to punish him, and she lets her kiss bloom with all of her lips and her saliva and her tongue. She feels the craters of his mouth sores and erotic disgust trembles through her.
Just at the point where she knows she cannot push impropriety any further, Katniss pulls away. Snow’s expression must look like affection, but she knows how to track the fury in his eyes.
Katniss turns back to the senators – whose eyes are wide and astounded at the display – and smiles again, the picture of grace, and she laughs and the men laugh and everything is fine.
It is not until they are back in the car that Snow unfurls his anger. He waits until they are sat side by side, silent and unspeaking, and then he looks at her with his own kind of disgust.
‘I have warned you about this, Katniss,’ he says. His voice burns. ‘I warned you at the auction. You need to behave better than this. This is unacceptable.’
Katniss feels high with surreality and arousal.
‘It wasn’t unacceptable,’ she says lightly. ‘I was very careful. They were impressed by that. It was passion, not humiliation.’ She gives him a flat, adolescent stare. ‘They like to see that sort of thing. You’re not some sad old man who bought a child; you’re a man who inspires…’ She sighs and hopes a suitable phrase will come to her. Nothing suitable comes. ‘Who inspires intense sexual desire. They want to see that, the men. Makes them think they can get the same thing. They’ll go home, have sex with their wives that hate them, and they’ll fantasize about going out to District 10, 11, 12 and picking up some desperate little teenager who worships them. You’re selling them an ideal.’
Snow is unsettled, and Katniss likes that. He does not know where the lines lie. Nor does she.
‘It is true I have not been married in a long time,’ he says carefully. ‘And my last wife was one I specifically chose for her plain and conservative qualities. But… Katniss, it is not normal behavior.’
‘Of course it’s not normal,’ she scoffs. ‘How many men there genuinely have wives like me that adore them and want to fuck their brains out?’
He looks away from her at that. How he can’t stand it! But it’s not fun anymore. She’s not trying to torment him; she’s just wandering around her new labyrinth.
‘You just don’t like it because it makes you uncomfortable,’ she continues. She manages a bitter smile. ‘You’re kind of a prude like that.’
She studies the streetlights and the people for a while, and then she realizes Snow is watching her. She looks back at him. His expression is strange to her.
‘I worry about you, Katniss,’ he says quietly.
Katniss laughs: a short, brash bark, and then she throws back her head and convulses with laughter. It feels good to laugh; it takes the edge off her arousal.
‘Oh, sure, sure,’ she says, surfacing from the fit. ‘The man who let my District starve to death for years, who idly stood by as I fought for my life in the Games, the man who threatens to kill me on, oh, a daily basis… He’s worried about me.’
She expects a fight, or a cutting remark. But Snow only watches her. For some reason, it stops being funny. Katniss settles down and avoids his eyes. He does not stop staring.
‘Yes, Katniss,’ he says, at last. ‘I worry.’
She glances at him sidelong, and he finally turns away from her and absorbs himself in whatever important news has been poured into his tablet. She thinks about kissing him again. She thinks about smashing her head into the window, or getting into the minibar and taking one of those little glass bottles to her wrists. She would love to bleed out, wade into the quiet, and Snow could recede on the distant horizon. She would float away in the red, and wave goodbye, and he would wave back.
But… Prim…
So she sits still, and she tries to rest her mind, but it’s full of flies and blood and Snow’s lips, so she resorts to counting the streetlights, and she tries not to think about the raw, pulsing pit that her new future is hurtling toward.
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writingmochi · 9 days
an honest review of golden hour part 1 purely from musical observation (not proofread because i'll post the proofread on rym)
opening remarks: i'm gonna be honest here: i didn't keep up much with the early promotional aspect such as teasers, etc cause i was overwhelmed with ateez. not that i don't like them, but more in worry, like, what do you mean they have this plan before coachella and are going on tour after this promotional cycle ends? that level of constant promotional cycle is the thing that makes me sick of kpop nowadays: no rest time. and that is much more prevalent now with 4th gen groups now is ever so closely closer to the end of their contracts.
also, the fact that this comeback is the one that succeeded the world era with its fantastical science fiction concept that is very heavy makes this more like a whiplash. it seems rushed in a way? especially in regards to concept photos cause i know ateez has songs in their vault. but the art direction here is so much different than the transition between fever to the world. it seems like their trying to chase the coachella train by releasing an ep after it, to get the momentum of the people who are interested in them. maybe it's gonna be a one-off like the halazia ep but let's learn from the musical aspect cause i think they've spoiled that at the end of crazy form.
let's get to it!
1.golden hour: maddox comes back to narrate such an enchanting intro. in a way, this narration kind of portray the ateez journey from their start until now. how they basically started as an unknown group from (what i consider) an independent kpop label with only the support of block b at that time, to now where they are performing the biggest stages in the world. maybe we are experiencing ateez's golden hour, or golden month, or golden year. but definitely, it is a golden era of ateez as they share it with the world
2.blind: not me thinking of enhypen's blind because i always hear it when watching en-o'clock lmao i'll continue
nahh this is different then what i was expecting. i think it's the same type of beat i usually hear in western latin pop, maybe it is more latin pop, especially with that refrain after the chorus. this also reminds me of world cup songs like think the 2010 and 2014 one. it is also being supported by the amount of spanish used in this song. ateez has been embracing the spanish language a lot recently, like with arriba in their last album and their performance where they drink a shot on the coachella stage. i think it is because they know that they have many latin/iberian fans that they decide to embrace it with their songs.
i didn't expect their voices to match this style of genre, especially jongho cause he is so distinct. san's timbre voice sounds so good alongside yunho and seonghwa, especially since they try to use their lower range. mingi sounds like he is having fun here like i have a grin growing when i hear his rap. the party outro though. i think they have been embracing this a lot since it used to be such a yg style, but ateez embraced it and made it their own. i just know that this'll be a club banger with that percussion and bass.
3.work: it's so ironic knowing what i felt about them being OVERWORKED and then them making a song about making money by working D: D: D:
okay, ngl, i'm glad that i've been listening to a lot of hip-hop recently, especially west coast hip-hop like kendrick lamar (because of beef gate 2024 tho fuck drake), so, i get what they're trying. this has such a heavy west coast hip-hop vibe like think dj mustard beats. it's definitely another club banger cause the beat is catchy. i haven't watched their performance but i can already imagine the amount of street-style dance on it (if it's not that, then that is such a shame). that outro has the same latin pop influence of the blind. it's catchy, it's bouncy (cheonyang gochu vibe), and it's funny in a way that it makes we want to have fun (like the rolling rrrrrrr adlib).
hongjoong is such a highlight here. like he's definitely having fun in his rap part. also yeosang being the transition between the pre-chorus with his harmonizing? chef's kiss. gosh, do you know those lowrider car shows? this song could be a background for that. also, i like the contrast in the bridge with the plucked bass. and i think this is like the most complete under 3-minute song i've heard in a while. intro? two choruses? a bridge? and an outro? all check. as much as i prefer songs over 3-minutes, this is how you make a song under 3-minute to sound complete @ kpop composers
4.empty box: wow i think this is the first time i hear a bedroom type of beat coming from ateez, that is usually very bombastic or dramatic.
the subdued guitar riff reminds me of those indie lo-fi pop songs, but the trap beat under it creates a contrast. the boys sing with more subdued voice as well before i'm being startled by hongjoong's jump in voice volume. the difference at the outro of the song makes it end in a hopeful way with the choir type of singing there, creating this image that that's okay to have an empty box aka leaving your memories behind? (based on the lyrics) because you can fill it in the future too. such a hopeful rare, low-beat type of song from ateez
5.shaboom: i just know this one is bombastically skadoosh (wtf does that even mean lol)
wait, this is reggae. ateez is doing reggae. but, what the fuck is that plot twist? why is the chorus in edm? i love the "shaboom" san is doing in the chorus ("shabooooooom~"). but like the whiplash is real. from the reggae sound in the verses to the edm sound in the rest. i also just realized that they modulate the keys between the verse and chorus cause the vibe is very different, like a freaking day and night. this is such a whiplash concept but i guess this like a floridian type of sound lol while blind is more californian (hey, i'm not sorry for stereotyping ateez song into us state because, like, i can imagine people in miami hype up to this)
also the last chorus will eq take out and the outro that sounds so out of the beat we have heard but then it ends so abruptly before i even adapted to the sound. it's fun but i'm confused? help
6.siren: what in the haunted house song is this? the dissonance intro with the strings makes it so creepy
but then it resolves into a more breakbeat in a way with that addictive percussion melody at the back right there. the synth gets louder like a blaring siren in the chorus as the percussion melody pierces the blaring silent like a light in the dark haunted house. the drum breakbeat during mingi's part is clean and i also enjoy how we started the chorus in such a lower timbre before the higher timbre kicks in, like a siren. the pre-chorus sounds haunting alongside the intro, reminding you that even if you're bopping to the song, it still is creepy. the bridge gets rid of the synth that we now realize is actually our anchor to the song before bringing back in the last post-chorus. the bridge also doubles down with the creepiness factor by making them sing so dissonantly. though the outro part is good, i still think that it is pretty abrupt. maybe adding another 4 bar will make it more complete.
closing remarks: i can now finally imagine of the concept of the album based on the music alone: golden hour part 1 wants this to be ateez's introduction to their new era like the coming of summer. hence, the reason why all of the songs have the same overall concept: summer. blind comes in with a more latin pop approach while work is more West Coast hip hop. empty box is more bedroom pop to shaboom aka the reggae-edm hybrid and siren, the summer night festival vibe there. in a way, it is also portraying what ateez has experienced in the us so far with coachella. it creates a pretty broad amount of genre that can encompass summer, but it is also the reason why the album is not cohesive, especially with the inclusion of an empty box which imo is in the wrong place on the tracklist because of the contrast between golden hour and blind is also too jarring. if they can create a much better track sequencing, i think it can make the listening experience better.
my suggested tracklist sequence without getting rid of a track:
golden hour
empty box (last song cause it talks about leaving memories, a better closer than siren)
i can also finally understand why the concept photos are so mid because, in a way, i think that they don't want to appropriate culture, especially since the latin pop, hip-hop, and reggae influence is so strong in the album. the art director seemed to not know how to market that aspect in a way and i just have one answer: style it like the work mv. make it a bit western-ish cause that's okay.
music-wise, i like that ateez is, in a way, approaching more of world music (if they are still called world music cause they are popular in western mainstream music) in the genre of latin pop and reggae. it makes them stand out and different. yet, i also now know that they have entered the voyage of catering to the western audience with the sounds that usually show up in the charts. is it a bad thing? no, definitely not. but coming from an asian background who enjoyed more of their subdue title tracks like answer and inception, i kind of feel left out. but, to me, that's very much okay cause ateez definitely deserves their success and i like me some diversification in the sound of the kpop industry. but i just wish that they realize that you don't have to seek western validation. it's okay to be kpop. it's okay to be the other when it is your own color.
final ranking:
6.golden hour 5/10 (it's an intro track)
5.empty box 5/10 (pretty repetitive so it's boring if you have it on repeat)
4.shaboom 6/10 (it's too confusing i swear to god)
3.blind 7/10 (good ass song)
2.siren 7/10
1.work 8/10 (it's so bouncy!)
overall release score: 7/10
small conclusion: now yall know how i feel with kpop idols towards the us now. yeah... i hate it. i hate that they have to validate the western style to break even and gain profit. i hate that it is usamerican charts. like i really wanna see an idol taking more of the british populer music, maybe that's the reason why newjeans is popular cause they utilize more of the pink pantheress, british/new england sound instead of the obvious hollywood sound...
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It's been a bit, and I think I've forgotten some. Can you give me a brief rundown of your little guys?
Hiya Bones, I WOULD LOVE TO GIVE YOU A BRIEF RUNDOWN ON MY LITTLE GUYS!!! (thank you thank you thank you!!) (its not as brief as it should be I'm so sorry)
I still have yet to name this project: My first original project! I have no ideas for the plot LMAO /crying a little
Locke: Ancient android cursed to carry the physical fear of an entire very dead race of beings that they have identified as 'human,' the same thing they classify the people they see today. Travels a lot, he generally likes to keep moving - has taken up the mantel of unofficial psychopomp. Likes people (from a distance,) dressing up, engaging in human activism in whatever way they can, and Deimos. Dislikes having a lack of bodily autonomy. Was called 'Rue' once (Agender, but he has a fondness for He/They)
Deimos: Your local embodiment of human fear, and human fear specifically. Laughs in the face of gender on a daily basis, mostly due to the fact that he's a shapeshifter (generally shifting into the specifically held fear of whatever society he happens to be around) Drama queen, constantly makes either slightly too old or slightly too new pop culture references that Locke could never hope to understand, but he found a good audience with The Children. Deeply just wants social connection, a bit of a hard feat when you're immortal, and unfortunately something he couldn't find in Locke due to their own circumstances. For a while, at least. (Genderfluid, but currently favors he/him)
The Children: Collective term for all the people and non-people Deimos has unofficially adopted - still workin on them, but I CAN tell you that Charlotte (third youngest) has ties to 'Charlotte's Web' and the 1829 poem 'The Spider and the Fly' and also happens to be an anthropomorphic spider, while Marley is (probably) from Boston (youngest). Not all technically children by human standards, but pretty much everyone is a kid when you're Deimos's age
(other little guys below. forgive me for the massive text blocks)
Undertale AU: Some context, this revolves around two of my ocs in an au that is basically be adding non-canon context with plot; Sunny and Z!* Sunny ran away from home after extenuating circumstances and an argument with her parents, kind of as a 'last hurrah' of sorts, and Z tagged along because of his own reasons. Both of them found themselves in the underground and are now constantly wondering if they went and died about it because Undertale is actually a thing that exists in their universe
Sunny: He is a trainwreck, and is also probably the closest I'll ever get to a self-insert (but it's moreso me when I was 12-ish inserted into a 17 y/o's body). Compassionate at heart, she likes the sciences and being outdoors and philosophical things; math is latin to her (dead,) and she knows a fair amount of sign language. Utterly thrilled to be in the underground for the most part, something he and Z have conflict about - doesn't like talking about his childhood. Yellow coded as in warning (She/Him, Aroace)
Z: Also a huge freakin clusterfuck and Sunny's best friend, but Z is more contained than not. The funny one of the two, Super tech efficient, the fella loves cryptography and all things coding, made a rick-roll virus once on the family computer and now that very same computer exists half-alive in the garage - he'd like to be a game dev someday. Used to get hurt and sick a lot when he was younger. Z refuses to be alone with his thoughts, so he practically throws himself at anything declared constructive at a contstant rate, very much unlike his friend. Knows Sunny has a lot going on with the imminent move to Europe and all, but they shouldn't, cannot stay here damnit (He/Him, Straight)
*not their actual names, but they can't really say their actual names due to extenuating plot reasons and 'Sunny' n 'Z' is what Flowey called them upon first encounter.
BG3: The Baldur's Gate 3 duders!! neither Aeonian nor Monad really fit into forgotten realms lore, considering I picked them up from a separate Stardew Valley AU project and threw them at my current hyperfixation without a lick of research cos I figured it would be no problem. I was sadly mistaken, but we're making it work (even amidst the greek myth n gaelic folklore parallels which are now just outside-of-story meta)
Aeonian: My Tav!! Best put (in your words exactly) as a sad little tissue paper man. Unofficial bard and humanoid-shaped creature (Physical Embodiment of Death at Sea, to be precise) who is not normally humanoid-shaped, but is doing it anyway because their sister is missing and they have a guard dog complex to uphold. Looks like a very tall and very blue twig that could snap in the wind, but what they lack in intimidation they receive in cleverness and wit with a little bit of added bardic charmisa. They did not at all wish to claw themselves out of the sea with gritted teeth and sheer drive alone, and while they aren't necessarily cold, they also aren't here to make friends. This is currently being conflicted by the fact that they give a shit. Character development follows the rock cycle (They/Them, Demirose)
Monad: Aeonian's older sister and Embodiment of Life at Sea - the braver of the two, having ventured up to the surface first and kept going despite being kidnapped by pirates more times than ve can count on both hands - ve is here to have a good time and a good time only. Lively and charismatic, he loves the pleasures of life, people, life in general, and Aeonian. Took up the druid class, as she told her sibling, and was in the midst of learning how to wild shape before she went up on a surface outing one day and didn't come back. Ve's more secretive than Aeon knows (Ve/Her/Himself and very much a lesbian)
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Lupe Garcia x Reader
Warnings: nothing crazy, just domesticity with some spice at the end lmao
Oh and its definitely not great so that's a warning, I wrote this in like 20 min and I have not written fanfic in probably a decade nor have I proofread this
I had an idea and figured I'd just put it somewhere because there is a CRIMINALLY LOW amount of reader inserts for aloto in general and I'm still in a chokehold
anyways have fun with this I guess here you go
• It was 5 am on a Saturday morning a few weeks before the beginning of the season, and Shaw called for practice 3 times a week until call
• Just so happened that she also called a team meeting bright and early this morning to go over plans for the season
• Rolling over beside a completely knocked out Lupe, you pull off the covers to sneak out of bed
• Before you can get your feet off the mattress a warm arm wraps around your waist and tugs you backward, her breath hitting your shoulder blade
• "S'too early baby, don't leave me yet"
• Leaning into her, you run your fingers along her forearm and press a kiss to her hair
• "Not too early if I have to shower and make breakfast before you leave me for the day."
• Lu let's out a groan and digs her nose into your neck, "practice isn't for another two hours. What do you need that much time for?"
• "Saturday's croissant day and I started the dough last night, and I like to take my time. Go back to bed grumpy, I'll wake you up when they're ready. I'm gonna go shower."
• She huffs out a laugh, "yeah and leave me all the freezing water when you're done. You always take up the hot water"
• "Never said I had to take one by myself," you turn to nudge her forehead with yours to catch her eyes
• Lu cracks a smile and pushes your shoulder to the bed to face her looking down at you, "flirting will get you nowhere this early, pretty"
• "Flirting, with you? I'm just trying to save time and hot water, no funny business hot shot"
• She leans down to catch the corner of your lips in a short kiss, "oh yeah? No funny business huh?"
• You roll over ontop of her for a moment before kissing her cheek and standing up-- much to her dismay
• "If you want to have breakfast and be at practice on time then there better not be, Garcia. And I can't send my girl off hungry and worn out, can I?"
• Winking at her and turning to stroll out the door to the bathroom you can hear the smirk when she lets out a chuckle and sits up to stretch, gazing after you.
• After turning on the water and letting it heat up you feel arms wrap around your waist and lips graze the shell of your ear
• "Can croissant day be tomorrow? I can deal with cereal today"
• "You're sounding a little desperate there, Lu. Do you want something?" you can feel her grip tighten as her lips drop to your neck. The steam from the shower begins to heat up the bathroom, her touch lighting up your skin as her fingers go for the buttons on your night gown.
• You turn your head slightly to catch her eyes once more with a smile, "oh and I completely forgot to mention, I bought more of that lemon verbena soap and lavendar lotion you like"
• The corner of her mouth twitches upward before bringing a hand to your cheek and kissing you fiercely and turning to press your back to the wall
• "Check the mouth, smart ass."
• She barely got out the door in time and Jess chewed her out about being late later, not that she'd have done anything differently
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