#but ima post this anyway
triona-tribblescore · 2 months
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Husk went and bought some bike-safe clothes to cope with his adrenaline-junkie boyfriend uvu ✨
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doctormori · 2 years
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My two favourite baddies
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peepdraws · 5 months
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Back at it again with Elliott’s winter outfit. This time its just the turtleneck <3
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bitwein · 3 months
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Drop our anchors in the storm
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seph-ic · 1 year
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More service dog au cause my brain is ROTTING
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velvette-hussle · 3 months
Just imagine a version of the “Vees” part of ‘The Show Must Go On’ that actually (actively) involved all the Vees.
Imagine there three voices mixing beautifully. Imagine the little way the show could’ve incorporated a three-way swing dance routine into the animation. Imagine VoxVal spinning Vel back and forth between them (after dancing with each other for a bit one on one of course) while they all sing and cheer. Imagine the way they could’ve animated Vel absolutely tearing up a few Lindy Hop moves real quick.
Really, just imagine how damn amazing it would’ve been if instead of just standing to record Vox and Valentino dancing & singing Velvette had (after still being able to silently judge watch them celebrating Alastor’s supposed demise) moved to prop her phone up - so she could record all of them together - and slipped in between the guys to start singing and dancing with them…while showing them up a little too, let’s be honest.
Just imagine…
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ausisq · 6 months
third life desert duo used the noggin out of one another, and they both probably definitely knew this. Grian used Scar as an excuse and a way to channel his inner chaos without dealing with any consequences (most deaths/conflicts could be tied up to him but he can always direct the hostility towards Scar), while Scar used Grian as a way to accomplish his role as a red life, without actually doing any on the red life stuff. Grian could set up all the traps and wrongdoings while Scar could go play Mr Negotiator/Scammer with people.
it’s funny how they’re both doing the opposite of their roles. A green name, using a red name as an excuse to do traps and kill people; an act only allowed for red names. And a red name, using a green name’s violent tendencies to his advantage so he doesn’t actually have to do any red-name stuff and can just go around the server messing with people. An act reserved non-red names.
third life desert duo is just a really just a really really bad co-dependant partnership that’ll mess up your brain chemistry when you should be asleep
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vinsportgar · 2 months
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"you're like me,
you have that same emptiness."
colors are shit.
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aashiyancha · 2 months
Alice and Scarlett wedding skit finale
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(Shockingly managed to get this done despite the insanity of boop day haha XD)
Here's the masterpost link for the rest. Oh and a03 link if you prefer that.
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
Bakugou is adamant about not doing anything for his birthday. He does this every year, and you usually do something for him anyway, something small. You might have a picnic or go hiking with him or just stay in bed watching his favorite movies.
He doesn’t want to do anything for his birthday ever. And this year, you respect his wishes.
When he wakes up, he expects streamers and balloons to litter the room. Maybe you walking in half naked with a tray of breakfast for him. He expects something, even though he’s adamant about having nothing. So he’s a little….surprised? Disappointed? When he wakes up and has…nothing.
Bakugou gets up and pads into the kitchen and is greeted by a regular sight—you sitting in your usual chair with a warm mug and scrolling through your phone. You perk up when he enters though, smiling at him, getting up from your seat as you hand him his protein shake. You kiss his lips gently, whispering against his mouth,
“Good morning, my love. Happy birthday.” And continue on with your normal routine. Bakugou blinks, surveys the kitchen once more, looks over the counters and peeks into the trash can. He figures you must’ve made him another one of those big birthday breakfast’s, but it’s still the same regular breakfast you always make.
The rest of the day goes on like that. Everyone treating him as they usually do on his birthday—overwhelmingly and annoying, and he hates it a little more than he usually does. Were you upset with him? Did he do something the night before for his birthdays festivities that he never wants to be canceled?
He perks up when you text him, but it’s just to ask if he wants chicken tonight instead of fish. He almost breaks the screen on his phone when he replies chicken.
By the time Bakugou gets home, he’s irritated beyond all hell. Yes, he knows he told you how much he didn’t wanna be celebrated today but that didn’t mean to do this. To do nothing. He takes a few breaths before he unlocks the front door, sighing as he enters with his head down, immediately kicking off his boots.
“Happy birthday, handsome!” You shout when he enters, making his head immediately whip up. He’s shocked at the sight; you standing in the middle of your living room in that one outfit he said he loved the most on you, with orange and black streamers and balloons decorating the space. The lights are dimmed and his favorite song is playing (the one that blasted on the speakers the night he took you home after your first date), there’s an assortment of food on the table, and what looks like a homemade cake in the middle. He’s frozen at the sight, and is only pulled out of his stupor when you pad over to him and bring his face down to yours.
“I know every year you say you don’t want anything for your birthday, but I couldn’t help myself. Is this okay?” You ask gently, cupping his cheeks, smudging the soot from his skin. Bakugou stares down at you with the softest look he could muster, smiling gently as he pulls you in close to him, kissing you hard until you both lose your breath.
“It’s perfect.” Bakugou answers simply, pecking your forehead as he pulls you in close until your nose is pressed against his collarbone. You take in his scent before sighing, pulling away as you pat at his chest.
“Good. Now go take a bath so we can eat and open your presents.” You nod to the back of the house, going to pull away but Bakugou squeezes you tight to him. He looks at you, seriously, and it almost worries you, before he whispers softly into the air,
“I love you.” His voice sincere and sweet, and it makes you smile so hard your cheeks burns. You peck him once, twice, before speaking against his lips,
“I love you more.”
And after that, Bakugou doesn’t dread his birthday as much. Not if he gets to spend it with you.
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nionom-art · 7 months
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It’s been a long time since I posted my ocs on this site (or anywhere actually). This is Noemi- she’s 7 here. She and her teenage brother are living with their older sister who has custody over them since their parents died. She’s currently struggling in school, especially with making friends, due to a multitude of reasons.
This also happens to be a redraw of a drawing from 2019.
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todayisafridaynight · 10 months
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his boots makea me think of amy
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woohoojuicesimoleons2 · 3 months
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Thorne invited Jon and Riley for some brunch and business. Riley finally formally gets to meet Thorne.
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victoryrifle · 2 years
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Silent Hill (2006)
dir. Christophe Gans
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snickerdoodlles · 1 year
say hello to my current wip, making assumptions, aka the fic about chay's truly impressive collection of monsterfucker sex toys. i'm banging my head against my desk as i work on one of the emotional scenes, so here's a ~1k preview of the first chapter because i like validation 😂
The thing about fucking up a lot is that you get really good at identifying the little voice in your head yelling hey moron amongst all the alarm bells. It’s just that, if you’re Kim, the little voice can scream as loud as it likes, but it won’t change the fact that the stupid decision is so often the only decision available.
I, Kim thinks as he picks the lock on Chay’s door, am very bad at lying to myself.
It’s just, Kim is nosy. He doesn’t know how not to be, not with a childhood of secrets that kill and a father who lies more than he cares. So, when Kim had snooped through the family’s finance accounts and happened upon Chay’s bank statements, which showed no activity beyond Papa adding an allowance for months and then abruptly incurred multiple pages of mysterious payments totalling to several thousand baht in less than two weeks, which transactions could only be less obvious if they were plastered in neon DRUGS HERE! signs, well. What was Kim supposed to do?
…Not break into Chay’s room and scour the place for secret drug stashes is the correct answer, but Kim is so far past that now. He doesn’t even know what he’s going to do when he finds the stashes of drugs--probably throw them out, except then he’d have to tell Chay, because people rearranging your rooms and throwing out your stuff behind your back is the worst, and he won’t do that to Chay. But he’s also been trying to respect Chay’s fuck off boundary line, no matter how much it hurts, so Chay’s going to hate him twice as much for this, fuck, he’s really thrown himself into a right pickle this time--
He should turn back now. Before he makes this worse.
Then Kim thinks of Chay collapsed in his own pile of vomit, or passed out with blood dripping from his nose, or pale with a needle still sticking out of his arm, because Kim knows the shit dealers cut their products with, because Papa had wanted him to take over the gritty side of the business, and then Kim’s inside Chay’s rooms without a second’s hesitation.
Chay’s room is a mess. Not the type of mess Kim had liked to drop in on, back when he’d surprise Chay at home and get treated to Chay frantically tidying the place while making half a dozen excuses for why Kim couldn’t come over, despite knowing Kim was watching him clean through the front window, and then finally invite Kim in and pout at him until he did something nice to make up for his bullying. This mess isn’t small piles of debris and laundry and dirty dishes--it’s several unpacked boxes growing dust in a corner, a small hamper of clean clothes infront of an empty closet, a collection of dirty glasses atop a stack of textbooks before the nightstand. If Kim hadn’t known this is Chay’s room, hadn’t secretly triple checked the security of this wing and Chay’s position to it obsessively when Chay had first moved in, he might’ve thought this the room for one of Papa’s infrequent guests. It’s…unsettling, to see a space Chay spends so much time in be so empty of his presence.
…He’s wasting time.
The rooms in this wing are all outfitted with the same basic setup: bed in the middle, oversized nightstand between it and the corner, lamp and chair in another, entrance to a full bath and toilet in the last. Usually, long term guests customize their rooms into anything besides a soulless box, but Chay hasn’t even tacked up so much as a postcard on the wall. The only thing unique is the large wooden chest with a well-loved blanket tossed over it, so that’s where Kim starts. It’s too obvious as a hiding place, and Kim almost wants to scold Chay or give him lessons on how to hide shit he wants to stay hidden, but…it’s the one piece Chay’s chosen in this room. Chay could just grab a backpack and this chest and disappear--anything he wants safe will be in it.
…The chest isn’t even locked, and Kim returns to the urge to go find and grab Chay by his shoulders and shake him until he remembers something about situational awareness, or keeping secrets, or distrusting people, or a lot of other basic caution measures, except Kim’s one of the things Chay’s currently keeping himself safe from, so that definitely won’t do him any favors. Kim settles for closing his eyes and sighing deeply through his nose.
Then he opens the chest to reveal…tentacles. Literally dozens of plastic tentacles.
Kim stares down at the chest full of…plastic octopus legs? Or, at least, the tips of several of them, in all varieties of colors, from coral pink to a deep, shimmery blue. Kim even grabs one that glistens like oil slick when he moves it in the dim sunlight. They all vary in shape too, some are more sleek with just tiny bumps and ridges in different patterns, some with thick bases and thin tips and others with thin bodies and flared heads, others with strangely realistic suckers that yield under his finger tips, and then even more underneath those that look far too strange to be called proper tentacles. Kim pulls out a deep green one with a cute flower at the base and a body that curls aggressively, another that’s mostly straight but has the look of chewed bubble gum, and yet another that’s shorter than the rest but twice as thick and covered in bulging bumps.
It’s not until Kim finally pulls out a toy covered in flared ridges, scales, and other alarming geometry, but also distinctly phallic, does his brain finally accept that all of these are dildos.
Chay…Chay has a chest of sex toys in his room.
Chay has a chest of sex toys in his room.
Chay has a chest of sex toys in his room.
Kim’s brain gives up. His face is too hot for him to think, his ears are ringing with what he’s quite sure is literal steam coming directly off his brain. He keeps pulling out more new toys, unable to stop. There’s one that looks like a tongue, with twice as many veins and a bumpy texture that is much too real for the scraps of his sanity. An alarmingly long and bendy tube with a pretty rainbow gradient and a disturbing number of knobs. A dark blue dildo that seems strangely plain until it lights up with half a dozen glittery rings when he accidentally squeezes the base too hard.
Pretty, Kim thinks, then is so startled by the sound of his own thoughts he misses the sound of the door clicking open behind him.
Kim actually startles, whacking his knee on the chest of sex toys, and comes face-to-face with Chay.
…While sitting in a half-circle of monster dicks.
Chay’s eyes dart from him, to the toys on the floor, to the chest, and blushes all the way to his ears. “Kim?”
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pzyii · 8 months
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Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star
But awake at night I'll be singing to the birds
Your best American girl by mitski
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