#but i've been told by people that they're intimidated of me specifically and I  ? ?!?!?!? ! ?!
ratcandy · 2 years
OH I’VE BEEN WANTING TO ASK THIS Because it’s come up again recently and now I’m just. It always comes across as mindboggling to me so I have to ask
Am I intimidating ?? Am I Scary to Approach . Genuinely
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aro-comics · 2 years
Maybe More People Are Arospec (Part 3)
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Maybe More People Are Arospec, 3/3 - The Alloaro Edition, in which we cover some alloaro specific (negative) tropes that I personally believe is the reason why there are so few people who identify as alloaro 🙃
I both have everything and nothing to say on this one, because the topic at hand hits home harder than I want to admit 😔. I think it's important to acknowledge the harm that constantly enforcing these ideas about sex without romance as being inherently emotionally drainining, a sign of emotional immaturity, or predatory, etc. probably damages the self-perception and self-worth of most alloaros greatly. Of course,:I understand that NOT ALL highlighted are inherently related to being alloaro - but the way these ideas are framed, especially in the split panel, imply sex without romance is the root of the problem, which in reality it is not. A lack of communication, respect for other's boundaries, or being flat out a predator is the actual issue here.
Anyway, I do understand the intersection of different issues that lead to the ideas that I referenced in the comic (elaborated more in the comments). I suppose the solution, as usual, is more education and more nuance surrounding the discussion 😅😉
I'm so glad to finally have this last part of the series up! I hope you enjoyed the ride, and for sure let me know if there's anything else that I haven't covered here you think also keeps people from realizing that they're aromantic 💚💚💚
[Image Description:
Slide 1: Celia sits on a green armchair in a living room. "Actually, let's make this take even more spicy - maybe a lot more people are alloaro in particular."
Slide 2: She looks down. "Alloaros are more likely to be labelled as heartless, or feel that on top of being 'broken' there's something predatory about themselves -"
Slide 3: "There's this idea that people who only want sex, and not romance, are the kind of people you want to avoid. Who don't care who they hurt. You know the trope - "
Slide 4: An illustrated example of the stereotypical trope. Shown is a house party where two characters are interacting. A taller man leans over a clearly intimidated woman:
"Hey Babe, you alone here tonight?" "Umm …" "Come on, don't be so cold, why don't you loosen up a little?" "No, uh-"
An arrow points to the man that says ""the predatory-college-fuckboy-frat-bro-trope"
Slide 5: Another series of examples, this time illustrated from Celia's childhood. The panel is split into three as you progress through the years. In each section Celia watches a television show.
1: "You can't trust him, ALL he does is sleep around - he's never settled down" 2: "Sorry I'm only looking for something casual right now …" "You're scared of commitment" "No, I-" "You're just using me!" 3: "At least it happened with someone who's loved her and been dating her forever", this is in reference to a teenaged character having sex the first time.
In this last section celia says, forlorn, "There's something wrong with ME, isn't there?"
Slide 6: Celia speaks to viewer directly. "I sure as hell didn't want to admit I was Aro because I knew I wasn't Ace."
Slide 7: "So yeah, those are my thoughts. I've told my allo friends about my theories and they …"
Slide 8: "… didn't exactly believe me." Celia is shown video chatting with her friend, saying "So those are my theories as to why romantic attraction is probably less common than we think, and why there's probably way more Aro people! People are probably too embarassed to admit it because stigma or never even realized it!"
Friend awkwardly says "I … I'm sorry I gotta say I don't agree …"
Slide 9: Celia holds her finger up to her chin, pondering. "Maybe it's just an Aro thing."]
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fullmetal-angelgrace · 6 months
oooo i love me some unreliable narrator shit!!!!! mr. martin is the one who's been giving all the new ghosts the welcome speech, so everything they told maddie about them not being able to possess people or interact with the living is all bullshit
i thought it was really weird how mr. martin kept saying that specific phrase about ghosts not being able to interact with the land of the living, the way he worded it was strange and he always got weirdly angry about it, so I'm thinking he made everyone think that they can't do anything so no one would try to leave him
from what I've gathered from the short snippets wally and charley read in mr. martin's journals, it seems like he doesn't want any of the students to "cross over" i think he has been studying them so thoroughly to find out exactly what they need to cross over - so he can avoid it all costs
he doesn't want anyone dwelling on their living life and just wants to run his little fake school where he has all the power, he's no better than the other ghosts that think they're still alive, he's doing the same thing as the marching band kids and the theater girl, clinging to something he loved from life and doing that over and over and over again - he's acting as a teacher and running school events
so even though he constantly talks about trying to get everyone to cross over, really he's just making them a part of his teaching fantasy while he distracts them from their lives so they never resolve their unfinished business and stay with him in his fantasy. he started getting angry only when he lost control of the group and the ghosts started listening and hanging out with maddie more than him, he suddenly didn't have the same power over them that he used to
i definitely think there's something else to his motivations, i doubt it's just him wanting to play teacher for eternity, we have no idea why he started the fire and what his whole deal with janet is, why did they both lie for so long? was janet just too intimidated by an authority figure to tell the truth? how much can the ghosts actually interact with the living world? is there something special about the bunker because im pretty sure maddie saw mr. martin and janet when she was alive?? and mr. martin didnt seem surprised at all when he saw maddie there and immediately knew janet was going to possess her?? and what was mr. martin's big emotional speech about wanting to protect them??? from what???? so many questions!!! i love this show!!
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rainbowgaez · 7 months
i saw a comic or something about this the other day but i can't find it now. it was about learning to do makeup and one of the things it goes over is trying to follow a tutorial only for the person following the tutorial to be frustrated when their final product didn't look as good as the final result in the tutorial, and it got me thinking about my own journey with learning makeup and how ive managed to mostly steer clear of that frustration.
learning how to do makeup well is definitely intimidating and a lot harder than it may initially seem (especially if you're like me, a trans woman who didn't approach it until she was 30). in the beginning, it feels kind of humiliating. pretty much no matter what, your first few times are going to end in you looking like you let a toddler do your makeup. that's okay, though. that's completely normal, and you should try to be comfortable with that going into it. and that's part of why i think when you're first learning makeup, you should avoid tutorials for anything outside of the very basics, and try to focus on finding out what you want out of doing makeup instead.
the reason people manage to make things look so good in tutorials is because they're showing you how to do something they've probably done a million times in a row. even if you're given the exact methodology, the same tools and materials, you're probably not going to get it right the first time (and if you do, you won't the second time). and that's really irritating! because you follow everything they do to the best of your ability, and when you compare your results to theirs, it just doesn't match up even though it feels like it should. but i think that end result comparison is what generates a lot of frustration.
i very specifically used the phrasing "looking like you let a toddler do your makeup" earlier because, well, what is a toddler but a very young, inexperienced person? of course it's going to look like that when you're starting out. being an adult may allow you to understand things easier than a child would, but your ability to execute is always going to be hampered by lack of experience, and the only way to get your hands to do it right is by going through the motions enough times until you feel confident—the amount of times being something that will vary from person to person.
the other reason i think avoiding tutorials in the beginning is important is personal angle. what you want out of doing makeup and what someone giving tutorials might have wanted aren't always going to align. i feel like a good majority of people approach makeup like they have to be good at it (as nebulous as that concept is), and while that's a perfectly valid way to go about it if it works for you, i think that can end up making the whole thing feel way more rigid than it actually is.
something that's really common with tutorials for any kind of art form (and that irritates me to no end) is how much people will focus on "DON'T DO THIS THING BECAUSE ITS WRONG," and the reason it annoys me is because, on more than one occasion, The Wrong Thing i've been told to avoid is instilled in my brain as The Law ends up working really well for me actually. this is something i have experienced a LOT as a musician.
so when i started learning makeup, i approached it like i would any other art form—an open landscape of self-expression i can cultivate through uninhibited exploration. instead of following the dots on someone else's map, i charted my own path.
to put it in a less pretentious way: i saw an excuse to figure out how to do cool shit by drawing on my face. specifically, i got really into eye makeup because i could get really colorful and creative with it. if my username doesn't make it obvious enough, i love bright, saturated colors of all kinds, and drawing them on my eyes is a really great way to express that in a way that's inherently unique to me. eventually i learned how to do other stuff, too, but this method of exploring on my own allowed me to pick and choose the things i like to do the most, which made the experience a lot more fun and rewarding.
once i started focusing on that, i felt more comfortable with messing it up. mistakes looked less like fuck ups and more like opportunities to figure out how to make something weird Work. it got easier to justify putting on makeup regardless of whether or not im leaving the house that day (and most of the time i don't end up leaving when i do it lol), and easier to keep it on even when it didn't pan out the way i imagined it. i just approached it like i was drawing a daily picture. and i certainly ended up looking ridiculous on quite a few occasions—ill never forget asking one of my roommates how i look the first time i ever did makeup and her pausing for several seconds before saying "...it's a start."—but because i was doing it for the fun of it, that didn't bother me.
i was lucky enough to have my older sister show me how to do basic things a couple times in the beginning—stuff like what are the basic materials/tools you need, and what's the most efficient order to apply things—but something she always emphasized was that there's no wrong way to do it, and that i should always experiment if i feel inclined. because everyone has different tools, everyone has different materials, and even though a lot of the tools/materials her and i use are the same, there's two fundamental differences: we both have a different canvas, and we both have different ideas of what we want. and so does everyone else.
you might not learn as efficiently as someone else—it might take you months to figure out something that took someone else only a few days to nail—but efficiency shouldn't be your goal. besides, that's going to happen regardless of how you learn it. do it because you want to. or don't do it at all! do what you want lol.
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20dollarlolita · 1 year
Machine embroidery tutorial: Shaded pointe shoes.
I know from working in a sewing machine store that a lot of people are intimidated by machine embroidery. So, I made this pattern the other day, and let's go into how I stitched it out.
Embroidery does not need to be this hard. If you've never used the embroidery part of your sewing machine before, stick some cheap stabilizer in the hoop with some fabric, grab a random pattern from inside your machine, and run all or part of it. Once you do this, you will be much less afraid of it. Some brands of machines will include some stabilizer and fabric for you to run an initial test on.
So, let's get into something more complicated. There's a few things that we're going to do to make this more complicated. The first is the surface that we're embroidering on. I'm using a dress from Five Below, which is made of a knit fabric without a whole lot of stretch. The surface that you embroider on does impact how you want to set up the design. I also want to do the embroidery very close to the bottom edge of the dress, so it's won't fit in the whole hoop. The third difficult thing about this design is that there's a machine applique in the very start. This applique will let you embroider this on a fabric that isn't pink, and the shoes will stay pink.
Regarding the applique, I've been told that it's small enough that you could cut up an actual pointe shoe and use the satin from that, if you want to. I don't have a shoe on me, since I don't dance (I just do the costumes). But, if you're making a gift for someone who dances on a level where they're throwing away dead pointe shoes instead of keeping them in a memory box, it could be a fun addition. Here is a template to show you how big the pieces need to be. Important: do not cut out the appliques using this template. The machine will cut them out for you later. You can use this template to know if the pieces of fabric you are using for your applique will be big enough. You want your pieces to be larger than this template, but they don't need to be significantly larger.
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The first problem that we're going to deal with is the fact that the dress has a small amount of stretch in it. We don't want the section of the dress that has our embroidery to stretch at all. At best, it'll look bad, and at worst, it'll destroy the whole embroidery. To stop the area with the embroidery from stretching, we're fusing a fusible non-showing mesh stabilizer onto the area to be embroidered. I'm doing this design in 6x6 hoop, so I got a piece that was about 8x8 and fused it on the area.
When you're using fusible stabilizer, you want to iron it on from the fabric side. Some nylon meshes will melt if you iron them, but most importantly you want the face of the fabric to be perfectly smooth.
When the design is done, this stabilizer will remain in the design forever. This stops the design from stretching, even when the garment is worn or washed. The mesh is light and flexible enough that it doesn't drastically change the way the fabric moves.
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The next thing we need to do is add stabilizer to the hoop. Embroidery machines put a lot of stress on the fabric, and so it's not usually possible to embroider without stabilizer. In this case, we're also using the stabilizer to hold the fabric, since we can't get it in our hoop.
This is two layers of soluble tear-away stabilizer. If I'm using tear-away, I always use lightweight tear-away. Using multiple layers of tear-away will put less stress on the stitching when you rip it away, because you rip one layer at a time. This requires less force than ripping a thicker layer away all at once. We're using tear-away because we don't want to keep all this stabilizer in the design. The specific one I'm using is a tear-and-wash stabilizer, where the extra bits of tear-away can be washed out of the finished design.
The other thing that I did while the iron was still hot was to press the pink satin that I'm going to use for my applique. Applique is much easier if the fabric you're using isn't wrinkled.
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We're going to pop the hoop into the machine. Now is a good time to go into your machine's manual and find out where the basting line setting is. Bernina, Viking, and Pfaff all make this super easy, and Baby Lock and Brother do not. For Brother and Baby Lock, it's often in the "embroidery edit" mode. If it really gives you trouble, tell me what hoop you need it for, and I'll make you a version of this file with a predone basting line.
Some people like to spray-baste into the hoop. I do not like this, because it makes your hoop and your machine all ugly and coated in spray shit. If you are one of those people who likes spray, 100% take the hoop outside to spray! It's not good for your body and you'll get overspray glue all over your shit. If you're not a person who spray-bastes, do not become one.
Some people like to use tacky or sticky tear-away for this. That's a completely fine and valid option, but that shit is expensive. Basting line is cheap. A general stabilizer rule is that you can cheap out on tear-away and cut-away, go mid-price on fusible, and buy a good brand of tacky or wash-away. This is because it's pretty hard to fuck up cut-away stabilizer, but also pretty hard to make a good stabilizer that's also tacky and n'gones when you need it to. Since I have 200 things I'd rather do with $86 than buy a roll of stabilizer, I just use the basting program for 99% of my embroideries.
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Before you run the design, flip through your color blocks. Make sure that your design starts with five blocks of the same color. If your machine decides to "help" you and merge the color blocks together, this won't work properly.
Now, put your fabric in the hoop, wherever you want the final design to go. I lined the hem up with the bottom of my hoop. Run your basting line, holding your fabric flat on the hooped stabilizer. You might need to pause and unpause the machine several times to move your hand and keep the fabric flat. Remember that as long as your hand is flat on the fabric, and you have a presser foot on your machine, you can't hit your fingers with the needle. Despite what this image shows, I often hold the fabric down with my whole hand in the center of the hoop.
Floating the fabric like this, instead of hooping, also allows you to line the fabric up very precisely. It's hard to hoop something 100% straight, but it's pretty easy to float it 100% straight.
Another advantage of floating with a basting line is that the line will show you exactly where the design is going to go. If you don't like where it's going to go, you only have about 50 stitches to rip out so that you can change the location. You'll know that your embroidery unit will have enough space to move. All hail the basting line.
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The machine is going to sew an outline, and then stop. This is showing you where to place your applique fabric.
A good general rule is that any time a pattern sews an outline and then stops, you're supposed to put fabric down there. If your pattern does this, and you're not sure why, see if there's any instructions that tell you what applique fabric to use where.
If your machine sewed this outline and then kept going, make sure you have color block merge turned off, and that you're not in monochrome mode.
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Just like when you were basting your garment onto the hoop, you're going to hold the applique fabric over the outlined area, and keep it there while your machine runs the next color.
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Once the machine has sewn the applique fabric down, you'll want to trim away the excess. I use some very small curved scissors for this, since the curve lets me get very close to the stitching line. Generally, you want to be as close as possible to that line.
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Once you have your applique fabric sewn in, you can more or less just watch the machine and change the colors when it asks you to. You'll see that I have a bulge in my applique fabric on the lefthand shoe. This isn't ideal, but since this design has so much stitching, it all got flattened down in the end.
You'll see that there's a lot of crosshatching on the surface before the colors go on. This is to stabilize the fabric and keep it in place when the big feathered stitches start. These stitches also sew the stabilizer to the back of the fabric, which means that if your fusible mesh starts to lose fusion, it'll still be completely sewn down.
If your machine has manual tension, you'll want to lower it after the crosshatching layers are done. You can change it after color block 5.
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The reason that you're lowering your tension is that these stitches are particularly lorge and lomg, and that means the machine can pull just a bit harder than normal when it moved form place to place.
If your machine doesn't cut jump stitches (the long stitch the machine leaves when it jumps from one section of embroidery to another), you will want to trim them between color blocks, instead of waiting until the end.
If you're watching this stitch out and going, "Wait, I was told my machine embroidered at 1200 stitches per minute! This isn't going at 1200 stitches per minute! What gives?" well, I'll tell you. Your machine's stitch speed was rated by the absolute fastest that the machine head can go. It doesn't actually take into account how fast the embroidery unit can move. Since these are longer stitches, the embroidery unit can't move fast enough to keep up with the machine going 1200 stitches a minute, so the machine has to slow down to deal with the e-unit's speed.
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If you did this correctly, the back of your embroidery will not be sewn to the front of your embroidery, and you'll have something that looks like this.
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You'll need to cut your bobbin thread about every 10 stitches in your basting line. This is pretty easy, because the stitches are so big. I do this from the back side because the stabilizer protects the fabric from my scissors.
Then, flip it over and rip out your tear-away, one layer at a time. You'll notice that my back side is really ugly. This is because Viking and Pfaff don't cut the bobbin thread between jump stitches. In the old days, this meant that they jammed and locked up significantly less than other brands, but now there's things like wiper feet and tail-clearing programs that work a lot better. No, there's no way to activate bobbin jump cuts. If there was, I'd have done it by now.
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Now, using your iron if you need to, peel back the extra fusible mesh and trim around your design. You can get closer to it than I did here. I'm just lazy.
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If you're using polyester embroidery thread, you get some pretty good results by sticking a press cloth over the design and ironing it. This will make sure the threads line up and stay extra shiny.
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And that's important because polyester thread already doesn't have the same luster as rayon thread. It's more sparkly than lustrous. However, some brands of thread are just easier to work with. When we're testing machine problems in my store, we test with isacord, since it's the least likely to have problems, so we can rule out thread problems. But man, I just think it's so ugly. I used polyester for this design, because it's long stitches on a garment, and I need that strength, but I'm not happy about it.
Anyway, there you go, that's the basics of a somewhat complex machine embroidery pattern.
I'm considering making a separate blog for embroidery stuff. I'm really tired of the embroidery industry charging for tutorials like this or instructions on the embroidery software (looking at you, Floriani Total Control University DVD for $218), but this blog isn't really for my vendetta against the embroidery industry.
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astrowaffles · 10 months
toji to me is a very downtrodden character and thats the base of like aaalll my analysis of him. i think its a good idea to keep in mind that they're all living in a Secret Society with like negative morals and seemingly a core principle of might makes right. its not Just a lack of therapists, here, right, its an actively hostile environment. and then you have the zen'in upbringing which kicks that up a notch. i dont think toji is actually all that convinced of his power, bc he grew up being told he was worthless without cursed energy. he Never gets revenge on the zen'ins. why? his trauma response to this (get OUTTTTT) is different than maki's (spite them & eventually overcome them-- for approval ? hm.). shes intimidated by them sure but shes got that rebel spirit! girlboss. anyway back to the point bc i have one -> toji never escaped the zen'ins. he Wants to affirm that he's strong without cursed energy despite all the evidence that he actually is (and look how that final attempt went!). id like to propose a theory: he didnt think he could hide a child with The Zen'in Power Of All Time from the zen'ins. i dont think he could either tbh. ok actually are you caught up on the manga 🤨
Hello again! I really love this view of Toji's character, and it will surprise you to learn that I agree with you. I actually do. When I've been replying to your asks before, I've been talking from the perspective of his parenting decisions. But you're right, to take this any further we need to look at his actual personality/character.
Reasons to be sympathetic to Toji (a.k.a extend him the poor little meow meow factor):
abusive ex-family
no support
no therapy
dead wife
gambling addiction
Toji was abused and was brought up in an environment where he literally meant nothing. He was useless. His reaction to this (get out, cut all ties, get stronger) is a response I'm actually proud of him for. So many people are probably still rolling around inside the Zen'in clan, having never got the balls to get out. Toji even chooses to change his name.
Being a cycle breaker is hard. For many people, it's impossible. For Toji - it was impossible. I extend sympathy and empathy to him here because it's DIFFICULT to let go of your upbringing and do it differently, do better. Toji can't bring him self to leave the jujutsu world. Nanami did it, and could have left forever if he so chose - but Toji can't. He's not a sorcerer but he can't let go of that being part of him, he can't stop his Zeni'in upbringing from shaping him. Neither can Maki, but Maki chooses to actively confront the clan and make physical changes to her life.
Toji just drowns in his spite - again, another thing we can hand him a poor little meow meow card for. He doesn't have the tools to heal or make better decisions. We feel bad for him. We sympathise. We want to still see him as a basically good person (and, to be honest, he probably is) who's just been scarred by the world.
So, to go back to what you said: you're right. He doesn't escape the Zeni'ns and I'm not convinced he wants to. He wants to show them he's better but he also can't bring himself to directly call attention to himself.
So let's bring this full circle and talk about what the original post was about: Toji's parenting. You said you still don't think he's a good parent. You're right, he isn't. He never will be. No Toji stan will ever be able to convince me that any of Toji's parenting choices were the right ones. But let's be sympathetic again, let's see how we can cut him some slack for those terrible decisions.
Does Toji even know how to be a parent?
We don't know a whole lot about Toji's parents. We know he hates them, if he ever truly knew them. We can infer he doesn't want to be like them. We're sure he never actively abuses Megumi, only passively, through abandonment. Perhaps he feels this is better than getting directly involved with a small child. He's described by the wiki as a cold person, specifically since his wife died and he 'reverted to his old self'. It's highly possible that Toji chose to abandon Megumi since he thought it was genuinely the best possible path. Toji can be cold, violent, and calculating, and he maybe felt he was in no position to be doing any parenting. We can sympathise with this!
(But he's still a bad father).
Did Toji sell Megumi to the Zen'ins so the kid could train to be a sorcerer?
It's definitely possible. I think this is what @honestlyyoungtyphoon was trying to tell me. Toji can't help a sorcerer kid, but he knows that Megumi needs training and he knows the Zen'ins would love to give it. And, yeah, maybe he's had this plan ever since he realised Megumi's technique, because he knew the Zen'ins would find out somehow.
Reasons this is still a bad parenting decision: the Zen'ins, while they treat their sorcerers well materially and are much kinder to them than they are to non-sorcerers, are still power hungry little bitches. Everyone knows this. While Toji would have no way to create a better plan, he knew himself it was bad. You ever wonder why Gojo went to see Megumi straight away? Because was Gojo was raised how the Zen'ins would treat Megumi. Gojo was living the life that Megumi would live in the future. And Gojo knew that it wasn't a life fit for anyone.
Toji knows that Gojos knows this. Toji knows Gojo could help Megumi. Toji passed the baton. And honestly, this is probably a reveal of part of Toji's true personality. He willingly sent a guy, his own personal enemy, to Megumi because he knew it was good for Megumi. Toji has a lot of pride and it must have taken a lot to ask that. THIS is probably what the aggressive Toji stans mean when they tell me Toji was a good parent.
So, overall: Toji is a damaged person who never received any kind of help and support from anyone except his (now dead) wife. There are many factors that help shape his decisions and parenting choices. Toji is probably a basically good person who is simply hurt by his circumstances, and even his truly awful decisions such as abandoning Megumi could have their roots in a belief that it was truly for the best. However: a good person does not make a good parent.
Toji was a shit dad and we love him <3
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April TC Challenge by @morethanwords0475
Day 1: Happy April Fool's! Have you ever pranked your tc; if so, how did they react?
No :(
Day 2: What is the earliest thing you can remember about your tc?
His voice. I hadn't seen him in person yet, and on the first day I was standing outside his class waiting for the one he was teaching to end. His voice is so deep and honestly kind of intimidating if you don't have the visual to match, like I didn't. I was nervous to walk in there for sure.
Day 3: Do you like your tc's subject? Do you consider yourself to be good at it?
Yeah, I like business classes. I only have to take one or two for my major, and only took two in high school so it's not something I feel super comfortable in quite yet. But having him as my professor definitely helps lol
Day 4: How do you feel about your age gap?
Hm... it depends on the day, I think. 23 years is a lot, at the end of the day. He was a junior in college when I was born, which is absolutely crazy to think about. Obviously I've got a thing for older men, but I feel like a kid around him sometimes, which is not the best feeling. I think if I were a little bit older, it might be less uncomfy. However, he did say something about anxiety and kids having it or something, and he said, "younger than both of us" ?? that's kind of a wide range there, buddy.
Day 5: Have you ever said anything to you tc that showed you favored them? Have they said anything like that to you?
Oh, yeah. I think the first time was a few months ago. We had just finished talking after like an hour and he was apologizing for having me listen to him ramble on and I (accidentally) loudly went, "No!! I really like talking to you." It kinda took me by surprise to be honest, lol. S looked shocked as well. He sheepishly went, "Thanks. I really like talking to you, too."
I've told him that I appreciate all the stuff he tells me (outside of his subject) because it's obviously really helpful, I've told him how sweet and smart he is, so hopefully he knows hahaha.
As for him, he's actually given me a heartfelt speech or two about how much he trusts me and is glad to have me as his student. He also compliments me a lot 🤭
Day 6: Have you ever noticed any small habits they have? If so, what comes to mind first?
After a long stretch of work or a tiring day, he'll sigh and go, "Ohhhh man..." in the same tone and speed every single time. There's more, but they're kinda specific, and if he saw this, he'd know for sure it was about him :/
Day 7: What gift would you like to be able to give them, regardless of if it's realistic or not?
The first thing that came to mind was kinda inappropriate so I'll say something else lmao
Realistically, something related to one of his interests.
Unrealistically, a sailboat.
Day 8: Does your tc ever talk about what it was like when they were still a student?
All the time! We talk about school a lot, obviously, and he offers advice, and tells me funny stories about stuff he did when he was in college.
Day 9: Does your tc have a significant other? If so, what do you know about them, and how do you feel about them?
Yes, he's been married for over a decade. I kind of know a lot about her? Since I knew them outside of school first, I know them personally. I like his wife a lot. She's so kind, smart, and a great mother to their children. Because she's such a warm and loving person, I feel so incredibly guilty for being jealous of her. I'd feel guilty even if she wasn't warm and loving, but that just makes it worse. However, while I don't know what their lives are like behind closed doors, it seems like they're a really good match, and I'm glad they have each other.
Day 10: What is the longest time you've gone without seeing them?
Three months. But that was before I knew I had feelings for him. I knew I thought about him all the time, but I didn't have the same reaction I would if that happened now.
Day 11: What do other people usually think of them?
I'm not really sure. The people I know that know him respect and think very highly of him. But he's told me that a lot of people don't like him because of who he is, and that broke my heart. How could someone not like him? Forget the fact that I didn't like him when we first met- He can be intimidating and come off like he might not like you, but it turns out that he's just shy
Day 12: Do you often make up excuses to speak to them? What kinds of excuses do you like to use?
I usually go with, "Oh! I've been meaning to tell/ask you____" or ask him a question about himself or his day. But a lot of the time, I don't have to, unless it's something specific because he just starts talking when he sees me lol
Day 13: Other than the subject they teach, what are they really passionate about?
He's passionate about politics, computer science, reading, writing, the outdoors, and learning.
Day 14: What is a skill you really wish your tc had?
Playing the guitar. I think guitar players are SO hot and he'd be even hotter if he brought out a guitar and just started playing 🤤
Day 15: Which MBTI personality do you think they are? (If you don't do MBTI, which Hogwarts House do you think they'd be in?)
Idk much about either of these things, and when I googled it, I got overwhelmed with all the MBTI options lol. I do know that I'm an INFP tho. I think I know enough about Harry Potter to sort him into a house? Ravenclaw.
Day 16: if you could go back in time and choose, would you still choose to develop feelings for your tc?
Yeah. He makes my life more exciting, and I really like being with him, so I think it probably would've happened anyways.
Day 17: If it was the last time you would ever be able to see your tc, what is one thing you would never leave without saying to them?
I kind of had a practice run of this question, but it was before I had feelings for him. He was so sweet, and said the nicest things I've ever been told. I, however, fumbled the interaction and was super awkward and almost cried.
If something were to happen now and I wasn't ever going to see him again, I'd thank him for absolutely everything. For the guidance, the support, the kindness, and respect he's shown me throughout the time we've known each other. I'd really want him to know how special he is and how valued he made me feel. Of course, I'd have to give him some compliments for the road, because he tends to doubt himself and I need him to know how incredibly brilliant, talented, kind hearted, funny, and overall amazing he is.
I'd also want to tell him that he's shown me there are genuinely good men out there. The men in my life up until I met him were and are very cold, emotionless, and slightly misogynistic. I knew that there were other kinds of men out there, but he was my first real encounter with one. I'd want him to know that he showed me what I want in a man; one who is compassionate, empathetic, affectionate, progressive, loving, thoughtful, caring, a wonderful father and husband, and as aforementioned, just an incredible human being in all. He's a great person, and I'd need him to know that he's had a very positive influence on me and what a pleasure it's been to know him.
Day 18: When was the first time you cried because of them?
A couple of weeks ago. I'm not someone who cries easily or all that often, so even though there have been a lot of instances where I've felt like crying, it just didn't happen until recently.
However, there were a few instances where he was just so sweet that I was holding back tears, if that counts
Day 19: How well do you think you know them?
I know certain sides of him. I know his interests, his overall lore, and kind of how he thinks and processes things. But I don't know what he's like when I'm not around, or stuff that's more personal? I know personal stuff about him, but only certain aspects, if that makes sense.
Day 20: Do you ever lie to them? About what?
Not very often. When I do, it's usually me telling him that something is going well when it most definitely is not.
Day 21: What is the longest time you've spent with them?
Like all at once or over the course of a day?
All at once, I'd say an hour and a half - two hours.
Throughout the day, not including class, I'd say maybe 3-4 hours?
Day 22: If you have had other tcs in the past (or right now), how are they similar to or different from your current (or primary) tc?
I've only had one other tc, my history professor from last year. I'll call him R. I didn't speak to R, but I really, really liked him. Physically, they're similar? They both have dark ish hair and brown eyes, but R has facial hair. S is taller and just bigger overall. Both of them have deep voices that make me want to listen to them talk for hours.
They're both goofy and the biggest fucking nerds you could ever meet (affectionate), but funny and give off a warm, safe vibe. (Can you tell I have a type?) I've obviously gotten pretty close to S, so that differs, but from a surface level comparison, they're actually kind of similar.
Day 23: Have you ever seen your tc in clothes they don't usually wear? Casual clothes if they wear formal attire or the other way around?
Yes!! I went over to their house during Christmas break, and it was pretty early in the morning. When I walked in, the entire family was still in their pajamas, and he looked SO CUTE. Very comfy and sooo cuddly. I just wanted to climb onto his lap 😭
Day 24: When was the last time they made your heart thump?
Like every time I see him lol. The way he looks at me alone is enough to send me into orbit
Day 25: How do you think your tc would react if you confided in them that you felt sad or stressed or anxious?
Luckily enough for me, I don't have to wonder. We've talked about school stress a lot, and he knows I have pretty intense anxiety. He's given me advice, given me coping mechanisms that have worked for him in the past, and talked me off the ledge a few times when I was super anxious about something specific, like a project. He's been incredibly understanding and helpful, and I'm so thankful to have him ♡
Day 26: What is the best dream you've had of them?
Ohhh boy, there are so many to choose from. I think I dream about him almost every night, if not nightly. I'm also a pretty vivid dreamer, and I feel like I can actually feel the sensations happening in my dreams.
I've had love confession dreams. One where he told me his feelings and knew they were reciprocated, but was trying to work with me to set boundaries for the two of us, which was a real bummer to wake up from.
I had one where he scooped me up and spun me around, and I swear I could feel it. I was so genuinely happy, and he looked like he was, too. His wife, who was watching the whole thing go down, was not very pleased, though. At first he was holding me bridal style and my arms were wrapped around his neck. Then he moved me around and we were to chest to chest, with my legs around his waist 😵‍💫
I've had some where I go to him for comfort, and he provides. My favorite was when I was being approached by two guys, noticed him in the crowd, and ran. When I got to him, I was screaming for him to help me, even though I was in virtually no danger. I wrapped my arms around him and was clutching his shirt in my fingertips (it reminded me of that one pic of Harry Styles during the last 1D concert where he's holding on to them so tightly in their group hug). He hesitantly put his hands on my back, and right before I woke up, he put his lips on the top of my head and whispered that everything was going to be okay. I remember wishing that he'd keep talking because his voice was relaxing me so much.
I had one (that I actually made a post about bc I was in such disbelief lol) where he propositioned us sleeping together. What I didn't include in the post was that he mentioned it several times ??? It didn't end up happening, though, which was sucked for dream me.
I had another where he and I were talking, and he casually pulled his shirt off. I was stunned, and ducked behind the nearest doorway to give him some privacy. He poked his head around to see me, and smirked and said "it's not a big deal" with a sly smirk.
But I'd say 99% of them are pretty cute and wholesome. 10/10 would reenact in real life lol
Day 27: What is the saddest/scariest dream you've had of them?
I don't want to trigger anyone, so I won't go into any detail. But it was pretty scary, and made it difficult for me to look him in the eye the next day.
Day 28: Does your tc ever bring you up to other students/teachers that you know of?
I think so? Some teachers I don't know very well have said to me that he and his wife really like me.
Day 29: Do you see them as being a romantic person? Are you?
Ummmmm, I'm not 100% sure. I'm gonna go with yes, based on a few stories I've heard about him and his wife (from him), but none of them were especially romantic.
I definitely am. I'm the most hopeless romantic person I know lmao
Day 30: How have they changed since you two first met? How have you changed?
When we first met, he wasn't necessarily "standoff-ish", but he came across that way. I genuinely thought he hated me because he never looked me in the eye, barely spoke to me, and when he did, he seemed like he'd rather be doing anything else. I didn't care much for him either, because I just figured he quite literally could not stand to be around me, and that made me feel bad.
Since then, we've gotten to know each other a lot better, he's opened up to me a lot, and we've both become more comfortable around the other.
As for me, I've gotten better at talking to him, I've obviously developed a crush on him, and changed my appearance. I'm in a completely different headspace than I was when I met him, and I'm very grateful for that, because things were not going well for me at the time.
I think we've both just become more open and vulnerable with each other.
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inosukenumberonefan · 11 months
Shigaraki x reader
Part one!
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Quirk; spilt personality: There are millions of different versions of you, all with different personalities and apperances. Depending on how much you use the alter they can have full control of switching and are aware of the other alters and your quirk.
You happily hummed as you followed the recruiter, earlier this week he had told you he could get you a spot in the notorious league of villains better known as the LOV and today was your "interview".
What was his name again? Giran? Something like that.
He grumbled underneath his breath as he flicked his half-finished cigarette on the ground. A minute ago it had started raining cats and dogs almost out of nowhere.
He took a turn into an alley and started power walking, you must be close. You changed your pace to match his and you were there in 10 seconds flat.
He opened the door and let himself in you soon followed in, Giran started to make one sided small talk as he talked about Shigaraki's latest attack.
You took everything in, there was a bar with cheap looking alcohol on shelves, there was a long Island and a couple stools one of which the infamous leader sat on. He had a hand covering his face, he was scratching his neck and it only intensified by every word Giran said. The air freshener called Kurogiri stood complete still until Shigaraki spoke.
"Enough with the formalities, who is she?" He scowled and pointed at you.
"New up and coming villain, figured she'd be perfect for your operation."
"Whats your quirk?" You weren't exactly sure how to describe it and neither was Giran.
"Well its tough to describe-."
"I asked her not you." They all turned to face you.
"I have different alters... They're all different people they have different apperances, skills, ages. I have millions of them." Their gaze was a little intimidating.
"So what a mix of Toga and Twice? Whats so special about that?" Taking a deep breath you switched. A girl in her mid 20's with long brown hair. Your clothes switched as well and you dug into your coat pocket and pulled out a picture. It was a picture of Endeavour's Christmas party, you were included in the photo.
"I've worked there for years and I'm a trusted member, so if you don't want information about his plans, his weaknesses, family, whereabouts secrets that could destroy him. I'll gladly leave and find someone who isn't stupid enough to pass this up." Over confidence was one of her key personality traits but dude were you really threatening the most dangerous man in Japan.
"You watch your mouth." Shigaraki hissed from what your heard he was impulsive and irrational so the fact you weren't dust right now was proof his interest had been peaked.
"Why would you betray Endeavor after all those years."
"I play the long game plus that piece of shit should be rotting in hell instead of rolling in cash and being celebrated."
"Are you certain she's not an undercover hero?" Kurogiri asked in a polite manner.
"100%." He had asked the same question when you first found him thankfully a couple body parts later he believed you.
You hoped he would tell them your kill count so he would truly see how powerful you were but he didn't.
"We're not some charity we need to make sure you're not a nuisance to us on missions. How can she fight?"
"Shes the best of all the other recruits, kicked all their asses." That was true but you kind off were at an unfair advantage because any time you got hurt you could just switch to a different alter that was more specialized in the specific persons fighting style.
"Welcome to the league." Shigaraki said then hopped off the stool then disappeared into a hall way a couple seconds later a door slammed.
It was interesting how easy it was to get in, i guess thats why Giran said he was the best of the best.
You weren't exactly sure what to do now thankfully Kurogiri was ahead of you.
"Please sit, miss...?"
"Well please allow me to fix you a drink." You'd have to be a total idiot to accept a drink from a stranger not to mention a villain.
"Sorry I don't drink." You lied as you sat down and crossed your legs.
The next hour was spent in awkward silence and the occasional small talk.
"You got stuck on baby sitting duty, huh?"
"Tomura doesn't like new recruits being unsupervised." Fair enough.
Kurogiri started explaining that you'd have to stay with them until they did a full background check and made sure you weren't a spy.
This is my first real fanfic and I'm trying to decide if I should make this a Shigaraki or Dabi fanfic but ill label it as Shigaraki anyways tell me which one would be better
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firstelevens · 1 year
for the fic writer questions: 16, 17, 19 for the bake off au, and 42?
16. What’s an AU you would love to read (or have read and loved)?
I love AUs SO MUCH and one of my favorites is a marriage of convenience or arranged marriage AU. Like, when those are done well, it is SO GOOD. [slaps the side of fic] This baby can fit so much yearning inside of it!
Like, I know I'm never not singing praises of @birdhapley, but her Rogue One political/arranged marriage AU series is one of my favorite concepts I've ever read.
17. What highly specific AU do you want to read or write even though you might be the only person to appreciate it?
There's a book by Natasha Pulley called The Kingdoms, which is set in 19th century England and involves time travel shenanigans and memory loss and a devastating romance and also LIGHTHOUSES, and I once joked about writing a Sambucky AU based on it and then I thought about that the whole time I was reading the book.
(But it is very niche and I think like three people would read it and I'm not convinced that I could pull it off because I am a wimp and I can't hurt characters I love, so I think that one's going to stay unwritten.)
(Meanwhile I have about a hundred OTHER AU ideas but they're not remotely niche at all because at heart, I am a basic bench.)
19. If you wrote a spin-off of the Bake Off AU, what would it involve?
There are SO MANY fics that I would really love to write within this universe, and I have a new idea every day. The current top contenders for someday-maybe-actually-being-written are the Sam/Bucky proposal fic, a fic about the NYC Bake Off alums and all the weird shenanigans they get up to, a Matt/Foggy fic set while Foggy is filming season 3, and maybe the Delacroix scenes from "sugar pie, honey bunch" but in Sam's perspective.
It did, however, take me two years to churn out THIS monster, so who knows how long any of those will take.
42. Have you ever received a comment that particularly stood out to you for whatever reason?
So before 2017, I had basically only ever written fic for fairly small fandoms. (Literary webseries, so basically everyone in the fandom kind of vaguely knew each other and we all traveled from one show to another and were all grateful for basically any fan generated content that cropped up because we knew it was a very small pool of creators to begin with.)
Then Spider-Man: Homecoming came out and broke my brain a little bit and I was like WELP guess I'm writing MARVEL FIC now. And it was very intimidating because I knew it was a HUGE fandom and just watching the hits roll in on the first fic that I published in that tag was nerve-wracking. A lot of the early comments were short but positive and I was so relieved and then??? Someone left me one of those comments where they'd picked out their favorite lines and told me how much they'd enjoyed specific scenes from the fic and mentioned that they'd been having a really difficult time of things and the fic had brightened up their day when they'd really needed it, and I think that was the first time I'd gotten a comment to that effect and it totally blew me away.
I still remember that commenter, and they stuck around and read/commented on EVERY SINGLE Peter/Michelle fic I wrote after that, as well as the Sambucky fic that I published after three years of no content??? Truly a ride or die.
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aspd-culture · 1 year
I've seen a few asks on here talking about how people tend to assume they're angry all the time since that's their neutral, and it's making me wonder. I have ASPD but I don't really relate to that specific experience? I have HPD too, and I'm wondering if my theatrical emotiveness from it is why? People have always told me I'm quite charming, even if I've always been told by numerous people that they find me scary/intimidating. Ig what I'm really trying to say here is that my brain is trying to say "SEE! YOU DON'T RELATE TO THAT ONE EXPERIENCE SO YOU CAN'T BE ANTISOCIAL!" (proceeds to ignore that I've related to pretty much every other thing on this blog and then some)
Oh you can definitely have ASPD without relating to that, or any other, single experience commonly found in ASPD. I would say your HPD could definitely be a part of why that isn't something you relate to. Specifically the issue that causes us to be seen as angry is when we are feeling pretty much nothing (not really neutral, but not entirely apathy either? It's a pretty common emotion in pwASPD but I don't know that we have a term for it so I just called it ASPD neutral). I would say pw empathy can sense my emotions mostly accurately when I'm not feeling that specific emotion, but that one reads to them as absolutely livid.
I think another part of this is whether or not you have flat affect, which I and many people who relate to always being thought to be angry do, but not everyone with ASPD does. Flat affect is really hard to explain without seeing it, but if you search Flat Affect Example and click on a video by someone called Living Well With Schizophrenia called I'm Experiencing Flat Affect, (please note I have not seen anything else by this channel before so I do not know anything about them) you can see a pretty good example of this. Specifically watch how that creator's face and eyes sit while talking vs what you would expect from other content creators. People with affective empathy when seeing a video like that would usually jump to assuming that the creator is annoyed or angry or doesn't want to be filming a video, when in reality that creator is just experiencing flat affect. The video explains it better if you finish watching it. Do note, however, that although this creator uses the terms flat and blunted affect interchangeably, I think they are different, if only different levels of the same thing. This is, most often, what I would say pwo ASPD confuse for anger.
Long and short, remember that these are personality disorders that affect a significant amount of people, and as such, they will all present somewhat differently! Try not to let your brain talk you out of believing your experiences just because one or a few don't describe you.
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starredforlife · 1 year
7, 9, 32, 55 :^) hi star
hewwoo <3 <3
07: What did you last eat?
oh i just made myself a sandwich with good bread and leftover chicken/veggies + mustard <3 i love making sammies out of anything i can make sammies from
09: Do you bite your nails?
yes all the time i hate when they grow
32: What is your favourite color?
easy answer is blue! more specific answer is the green the sky gets right before the sun sets
55: Are you mean?
not typically. i've been told i'm intimidating? and i've been rude to people who i don't like or who've pissed me off (usually one and the same). but i don't go out of my way to be mean
70 horrible questions ... Fuck it (they're not really horrible just very edgy and published quite a couple years ago lol)
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sxrrandomfanfics · 2 years
Psychonauts Characters as... RABBIT BREEDS
So I was on a State Breed Identification team for the American Rabbit Breeder's Association and I'm known for my rabbit stuff so... I'm gonna attach Psychonauts characters to rabbit breeds. I'm going to do my best to not have repeats and use as many breeds as I can.
(Also one of these has a sexual joke that's not explicit but it is a good warning to have)
Razputin "Raz" Aquato = Mini Rex (Castor) Mini Rexes are very generic, coming in a wide variety of... varieties (colors) and are usually people's first breed when getting into rabbits for the first time.
Coach Morceau "Morry/Oly" Oleander = New Zealand (Red Eyed White (REW)) New Zealands are known as THE meat breed and probably what Oleander raised as a young boy. He also probably owned REW New Zealands as they were the first variety and known for their meat.
Sasha Nein = Dwarf Hotot (standard) Yes, he's supposed to be tall but what other rabbit breed specifically has these eye circles that allow them to express more like Sasha did in the first game? Dwarf Hotots are actually some of the calmest breeds, similar to Sasha. And there is NO way that a Rhinelander could fit Sasha.
Camilla "Milla" Vodello = Rhinelander (Blue) Teehee. Look the fact that Rhinelander are the only breed to have the tri-color and be very active makes me think of the fact that these are very eye catching. Also the fact that these are on the bigger side versus the Dwarf Hotot makes me think of the "bunny is obsessed with girlfriend 4X his size" and I love that for Milla and Sasha.
Ford Cruller = American (Blue) I think that Ford fits the fact this rabbit is like... also a pretty standard rabbit (or it used to be) and now people don't really think about it anymore. Matches his story with the Psychonauts.
Agustus Aquato = Beveren (Blue Eyed White) Beverens are very intimidating and can be challenging to approach but they're very sweet and kind, something I think is reflected well in Augustus's story arc in Psychonauts where we're only told that he wanted Raz dead and then he's actually a very sweet and caring father.
Lili Zanotto = Mini-Lop (Lilac) I specifically wanted to go with a rabbit that I identify with being mean and I had a very hate-filled Mini-Lop that has forever tainted my view of the breed. Does not matter how sweet she is, there will always be a certain meanness about her.
Dr. Caligosto "Cal" Loboto = Giant Chinchilla (standard) Again with rabbits that are intimidating, though I've met more mean Giant Chinchillas with I think can contrast with the whole "gentle giant" stereotype. I also think that Caligosto deals with a lot of balding problems and butting teeth so he frequently chews on everything he can get this mouth on.
Truman Zanotto = French Angora (Chestnut) I specifically wanted a fuzzy breed that was larger than the Mini-lop and given the fact that French Lops helped make Mini-Lops I think the French Angora fits Truman Zanotto.
Hollis Forsythe = Thrianta (standard) With the fact that she's running the Psychonauts HQ in Psychonauts 2, I think the latest breed to enter ARBA standards that growing in popularity fits Agent Forsythe. They've got big weights on them and big things to live up to.
Gristol Malik = American Crested Cavy (golden brown) A great showing of the fact that yes, ARBA does cavy shows, but many people tend to think that it's not the case. I think that Gristol as a cavy that goes "wheek wheek wheek" fits his personality of being whiny. (BUT I LOVE GUINEA PIGS, BELIEVE ME)
Donatella "Dona" Aquato = Lionhead (Blue Otter) I think that Dona would be one rabbit breed that is very showy however in later years after having many kids is supposed to not be as good. Female Lionheads tend to lose their "manes" but Donatella upkeeps hers. I think it shows the whole "beauty" before others that she shows off through MOST of PN2.
Dion Aquato = Belgian Hare (tan) I have been waiting to use this breed. A fragile but very lanky breed that I think would fit the Aquatos, Belgian Hares tend to be ones who you'd think would run but don't. Showing a contrast to him with his brother.
Frazie Aquato = English Spot (Gold) I think that Frazie, similar to her mom, would be some pretty nice color that isn't too common as well as be an active running breed similar to the rest of her family (unlike Raz who... had to be a mini rex cause that's a generic protagonist rabbit and I needed a started point)
Mirtala Aquato = Tan (chocolate) Similar to the youthful Tan's I think that Mirtala has enough energy to be this breed of rabbit and enjoy running around.
Queepie Aquato = Checkered Giant (blue) Known for his strength and... not outwardly mean to his brother, I think the checkered giant is the best running breed that suits Queepie, even though they're a lot meaner than he is to his brother.
Marona Lucrecia "Lucy" Aquato = Himilayan (blue) I've met plenty of nice and mean Himilayan rabbits and I think their unique bodytype would be one that could easily be excused as a californian but... nope she's a cylander. She tricked ya.
Otto Mentallis = Argent Brun Another newer breed and this one looks a little older. I'm probably going to have it so that way a lot of the Psychic Seven just look OLD. Anyways I'm a big fan of the idea that Otto is also Grulovian given the fact that the confirmed full blood Grulovian characters (Lucy, Gristol, Rokel, and Theodore) all have the same chin as he does so I think a breed that was at first imported to the states fits right in with that headcanon.
Compton Boole = Dutch (tortoise) I think that Compton is a very shy rabbit breed and Dutch tend to either swing from very very gentle to DON'T TAKE ME OUT OF THE CAGE. I think it fits Compton very well. Plus the fact that Compton is so afraid of how people look at him and how much Dutch are judged based on their markings makes sense to me.
Helmut Fullbear = Giant Angora (standard) Luxurious. Sweet. Kind. Needs a lot of time. I think that the Giant Angora fits Helmut very well, as most rabbits with the Giant on their name are very gentle (except for Chinchilla and Checkered). Plus he has a luxurious beard like most of the Zanottos (he married into the family).
Bob Zanotto = American Fuzzy Lop (lilac) These things... can be mean. But they are also fuzzy. So I think that a Giant Angora + American Fuzzy Lop combo works. Plus the fact of his small size fits in with the fact he is shorter than most psychics AND he could probably garden with more meticulous planning.
Cassie O'Peia = Silver (brown) As one of the oldest breeds and a big following, I think that it really fits Cassie, even if there are not a lot of rabbits that are able to be thought of with her story. I think that I'd have to go more off of "vibes"
Adam Joseph-Gette = Silver Marten (black) Silver Marten's are a newer breed but honestly
Sam Boole = Polish (BEW)
Gisu Neruman = Holland Lop (Opal)
Lizzie Natividad = Harlequin (Magpie (Blue)) Vibes mostly, but I think the specific standards that harlequins can't live up to usually
Morris Martinez = Cinnamon (Standard) Mostly vibes.
Norma Natividad = Britannia Petit (Sable) Mean little fuckers. They'd hate each other <3.
Boyd Cooper = Californian (Black)
Gloria von Gouten = Rex (Amber)
Fred Bonaparte = Champaign d'Argent
Edgar Teglee = Checkered Giant (Black)
Crispin Whytehead = Silver Fox (Blue)
James Theodore "J.T." Hoofburger = He's not actually a rabbit he's an American Wild Hare
Franke Athens = Satin (Copper)
Nils Lutefisk = That one rabbit that you try to bond with and you think it's really sweet when it starts chinning you and you pet it and then you realize it's wanting to breed.
Mikhail Bulgakov = Himilayan (Black) Fun fact: Himilayans are also called "The Russian Rabbit."
Elka Doom = Blanc de Hotot
Clem Foote = Dwarf Papillon
Elton Fir = Lilac
Bobby Zilch = Netherland Dwarf Netherland Dwarves are mean and all of them are mean no matter what a breeder might tell you. If they're not mean it's because you're their person.
Dogen Boole = Havana
Chloe Barge = Abyssinian Cavy
Benny Fidelo = Jersey Wooly
Phoebe Love = Checkered Giant
Quentin Hedgemouse = Holland Lop (broken tortoiseshell) The most popular starting rabbit I've
Milka Phage = The one rabbit who keeps pretending it's dead and when you go to grab it, it attacks you.
Crystal Flowers Snagrash = Florida White
Kitty Bubai = Harlequin (Japanese (Black))
Vernon Tripe = Mini Satin
Maloof Canola = Netherland Dwarf Also angry and very small and picked on.
Melvin "Chops" Sweetwind = French Angora
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messedupfan · 2 months
for the intimidation ask game, maybe at first before I sent my first ask I would say 🐰 but that quickly turned into 🐹 lmao you're too nice to be scary on here. And I read 'the hope of a free world' I enjoyed it! Obviously I didn't get any of the references/specifics but my jaw is kinda on the floor cause you mean to tell me they go through all that during the games just to get auctioned off?? 😨😖 like I said before my hunger games knowledge is limited so forgive me if I'm wrong 😅🤣 - 🧃
Hey orange anon!
First of all, I completely forgot I reblogged that. Second, in my life I've been told I go from 🐯 to 🐹 so it's not unusual for me to end up being 🐹 haha.
Glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, that's actually canon and totally fucked. It's not part of the advertisement of being a victor either. The incentives to win are, other than the obvious of getting out alive, that you get a mansion, never have to work, don't have to return to school (bc the ages of the tributes range from 12-18), and you never have to worry about money ever again. You buckets of money every month for the rest of your life. Plus the entire district gets to benefit from receiving food and celebrations until the next Hunger Games. Where hopefully you mentor the next victor.
Cut to the dark secret for pretty Victors. The lives of their families and friends are threatened if they don't comply. They're made out to be these silly promiscuous celebrities in the media which people in the districts kind of frown upon or whatever. Idk I think it was really just Katniss because she's super judgemental. She was such a jerk to Finnick because she thought he was just whoring around for funzies haha. When in reality victors like Finnick were being forced into prostitution.
Also, bestie, I am more than happy to teach you anything you want to know about the Hunger Games. I could honestly run a whole course on it at this point haha.
Hope you're doing well!
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casspurrjoybell-29 · 6 months
Healing Ties - Epilogue
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*Warning Adult Content*
Fanner blinked his eyes open, head foggy and muscles aching.
He was starving, thirsty, and his bladder felt close to bursting.
He felt deep sympathy for Yore as he hobbled to the bathroom to relieve himself, his body frail and sore.
From the light coming in from outside, it was clearly deep into the next day, so Fanner was surprised to find Yore sitting on the couch in the main room, reading a book.
He surely had more important things to do.
Yore set his book aside and gave Fanner a sympathetic smile as he opened up his arms.
"You look miserable."
Fanner made a grumbling sound as he sank into Yore's embrace.
"Moving the energy. Too much."
"Too much," Yore agreed. "We need to take better care of you."
"Hmm. Feed me?"
Yore laughed and got up.
He walked over to the table, picked up a covered plate, some glasses and a pitcher and brought them over to the small coffee table in front of the couch.
He pulled the cloth off the plate to reveal a feast of different foods, including pastries, fresh fruit and fish.
"A few people have come by to check in, and they all brought food."
"Oh," Fanner said. "I hope they haven't been waiting on me. I slept for a long time, didn't I?"
"They're concerned about you, grateful for you. Everyone knows the things you've done to make this situation work. They respect you, Fanner."
Fanner didn't know what to say to that.
Nothing in his training, nothing he'd ever experienced, had prepared him for respect or gratitude.
Yore offered him a glass of water and he gulped it down, grateful to have an excuse not to speak.
"It's overwhelming, I know," Yore said. "Just because it's positive doesn't mean it can't be intimidating to have so much attention on you."
"Thank you," Fanner told him.
"I told you what I needed from you and you've just... given it to me. You listened and you didn't try to convince me that I should stand on my own or... or anything, really. You just listened."
"You've always known what you needed and clearly you were right because you've been finding your voice and your confidence. If I've helped you feel safer as you did that, I'm glad."
"You did."
Fanner focussed on eating after that.
He'd never felt so hungry in his life.
He could tell he'd done physical damage to himself from moving all that energy around.
It was nothing serious, though.
It reminded Fanner of the kind of microtears people got in their muscles when they exercised.
Maybe he would become absolutely ripped from moving energy around, including in places people didn't even know could become muscular.
His eyeballs hurt.
Fanner had eaten more than he'd thought his stomach could contain and was finally slowing down when there was a knock on the door.
Yore went to answer it.
It was one of the Orc guards.
"Human man here," the Orc said.
"You're going to have to be more specific," Yore said.
"Human man from human camp."
"Ah, Reid? Okay, send him in."
"Hmm," the Orc said. "Don't know if man man from man camp allowed in."
"All right, we'll talk to him outside."
Fanner got up from the couch.
He felt like a feeble old man when he started walking but he was fairly sure this was how Yore felt all of the time, so he wasn't going to complain.
It was a good reminder to make time for Yore even if he would never ask Fanner to prioritise him.
It was indeed Reid outside, standing with a group of Centaurs.
They looked surprisingly comfortable together.
Reid gave them a wave and walked over towards Yore and Fanner.
"Well, we're heading off," Reid told them when he reached them.
"Already?" Yore asked.
"We'll come back in smaller numbers when we're invited, but having an army sitting on land that isn't ours doesn't feel right any more."
"Things are going well, then? There hasn't been too much push back?"
"Well." Reid brushed his hand down his chest, indicating the coat he was wearing.
Fanner hadn't noticed it at first but it was the same coat the general had been wearing last night.
It was a little tight on him.
"I'm a general now, I suppose, which is interesting because there isn't anybody with the authority to make me one out here. It turns out that those things matter a lot less than I thought in the face of an army thousands of men strong. What they say holds a lot of weight, and they say that they want change."
"But there were still people who needed my help," Fanner said.
"I didn't finish healing everyone."
"You did plenty," Reid said. "Nobody's on death's door anymore, and that's all they need. If some of the men face long recoveries from their injuries and are left with scars to remember them by, maybe that's for the best. The things we did shouldn't be forgotten."
"How will we contact you?" Yore asked.
"We're bringing Atticus, Liam, and Cailan with us as ambassadors. They'll help with that, I'm sure."
"Do you think this is it?" Fanner asked. "That slaves, all of us, will finally be free?"
"I think it's the first step towards that," Reid said.
"It'll be a process. Ideally, it has to be. If everyone tossed their slaves out to fend for themselves overnight, there would be chaos. We need to figure out what everyone needs and where they're going to go. But yes, I think we'll get there. We put everything we had into this army, so there really isn't an opposing force left back home to push back. I think we're all sick of listening to bureaucrats who I'm sure knew more about what was really out here than they let on. We thought we were here to fight monsters, not thinking, feeling people with their own communities and cultures."
"If I can help, I... well, I mean, um..." Fanner said, stumbling over his words as he realised he hadn't known where he was going with this sentence when he started it.
"I can't go with you. Or I won't. But if you ever need anything and you can come here..."
"Thank you," Reid said.
"For that and for a lot of other things. I should go, though. I want to stop in to see Hamish before we head off and I don't want to keep everyone waiting too long."
"Good luck," Yore said. Reid let out a breath, nodded, and headed back to the centaurs.
"What do we do now?" Fanner asked Yore. "What can we do?"
Yore wrapped an arm around Fanner's shoulders and guided him back towards The Spire.
"Let's go back to bed."
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ayosu-itsuki · 1 year
Entry #52
I can't sleep tonight.
When I came to this world, I honestly thought I would be able to see it as an escape from reality. And, i mean, that is partially true. It's not like I've been hit by a truck (lol) but I can definitely feel that this new life is separate from the one I used to have.
The weird thing is, eventually I will have to go back to my real routine. I will be home, living with my mom, walking among humans like me, and... not having a job. I won't be able to carry my money with me, most likely. And even if I do, I don't think bomis exist on Earth. Is there an ATM for exchanging bomis for yen? Yeah... thought so.
It got me to think of that question, again. What do I want to do with my life? The same force that brought me here will spirit me away back to Earth when we're done with this... adventure? And, when I wake up from this very real dream... if I'm alive and well, then... what next?
Should I apply for a job as a cashier at a konbini? We have those by the dozen where I live. I remember one time I asked my Tokyo relatives. They told me to learn how to make takoyaki. Because naturally they only come here as tourists... Ah, that's a little cruel. But it's true...
I can't believe I'm even remotely considering the possibility of going back to high school. Is that even a thing? I feel like I'm tainted. I already chose my fate... I dropped out. I wouldn't exactly say I'm a failure, but I know to some people I might be. I'll be the oldest in my classroom by two years.
I barely even got to know Bruno tonight. And yet, I feel so moved by his story. Panuk is also absolutely thrilled to start his middle school. I would argue middle school was the best time of my life, since I managed to make friends for once. But I feel like Panuk's determination will survive all the way through high school. That kid is so hardworking, so earnest and yet so kind.
I feel like part of the process of becoming an adult involves understanding that you can learn new lessons even from people who are younger than you. And... I want to stay around Lydia, Briana, Panuk... I want to learn from them, get inspired by their energy. It's a good influence for me.
Ah, high school is still so intimidating... I could study other types of things, something more specific instead of drowning in subjects I don't even care about. But again, what do I even want to do? Being a cashier is so boring, and I don't think I'll ever adapt to the constant exposure to so many people every day...
It's so ironic. Tonight, I saw my own plight reflected not only on the gloomling we were trying to save, but in Greta. It's embarrassing, but she really got me. And I feel like she resents structures education even more than I do. But... I just never thought I'd find myself relating to her. We're almost opposites in every way. It was also the first time she's ever yelled at me. She seemed very mad. Although I feel like she was actually yelling at Panuk.
It's easy to say "they're just kids, they'll figure it out, I shouldn't intervene" but, is that really the right thing?
Arguments that end in silence are the worst, because it means they're unresolved. They usually foreshadow another argument unless one reaches out to the other and yields.
Should I tell Lydia about the diary? I don't want my father's memories to be shared so easily... what would he want? I wish could ask him.
I wonder what she's... No, I shouldn't think about that. But... I hope she's okay.
Good night, both worlds...
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abalidoth · 2 years
never seen the ocean, never seen the tides
@undynedevotion told me about this post (specifically the "ADHD selkie losing their skin" part) and it sort of bloomed into this idea that I spent the next three hours feverishly typing up. It has nothing to do with the original fandom, but still, thank you @penandinkprincess for the inspiration!
Read on Ao3
I caught her trying to break into my laptop at three in the morning.
I've always been a light sleeper, especially when I've been alone on a research trip for long enough to go just a little strange. The random-access connections and stray thoughts that would ordinarily get inflicted on a coworker or a hapless grad student just build up pressure, churning into turbulence where there should only be still, placid sleep. So when furtive typing sounds started up from the equipment tent, I was awake to hear it.
I threw on a hoodie and a raincoat and stepped out. Summer nights in Orkney aren't frigid, but they're wet and cool, and the urge to go back to my warm, dry sleeping bag was stronger than I'd like to admit. Surely nobody was on my laptop, not on an island four miles off the coast, populated only by seals and terns. (The Arctic tern is a pretty impressive bird, but computer skills are not usually listed on its CV.) I was imagining things, and I should have gone back to bed.
But as soon as the tent flap fell behind me, I knew I wasn't making anything up. There was a light on in the equipment tent that there shouldn’t have been, and... yep, that was typing. And a human silhouette, projected on the white polyamide wall of the equipment tent.
I pulled myself up to full height (tall, but even five years after my Ph.D. I had the physique of an underfed grad student; I'd take whatever intimidation I could get) and pulled back the flap.
I don't know what I had been expecting, but a naked woman with long, night-black hair wrapped in a silver space blanket wasn't it. The blanket wasn't hiding all that much of the warm brown skin underneath. I also wasn't expecting her to scream, and I don't think she was expecting me to scream back.
After an embarrassingly long volley of startled shouts (never mind the other reason I was embarrassed) and a moment to catch my breath, I said "Who are you--" at the same moment she said "I'm sorry--"
"Wait, no, you first," she said. Weirdly polite. Way more polite than I would have been if I'd just broken into someone else's field research station. She was looking me straight in the eyes, too, and even with the fundamental distraction of very pretty woman not wearing very much I couldn't look away from those eyes. They were dark gray, liquid, and I'd compare them to a stormy sea, if I wanted to make the sea feel small.
"Who are you," I repeated, "And why are you in my tent? And..." I looked over at the first aid kit for the first time. Ah. That's where she'd gotten the blanket. So she came in here completely naked. What the hell. Oh, and there was the other thing. "And how did you unlock my laptop?"
"Oh!" she said. "There was a zero-day exploit on this distro of Linux that they patched out pretty quick, but I thought I'd just give it a shot, because you know, a lot of people don't upgrade security features on field equipment like this, and it gave me root access right quick. It's actually a pretty clever little thing, it's a buffer overflow in the text handler that lets you write the password salt to... uh..." The words had come out like a tidal wave, not especially fast but somehow inexorable, until they stumbled to a stop. "Sorry. I hacked in."
I blinked. "But. Why?"
"I didn't want to bother you. I promise, if it hadn't worked, I would have woken you up." She smiled at me, as though all of... this... wasn't happening.
"That's not... actually an answer," I said, feeling increasingly surreal in this conversation.
"I need your help," she said, and looked away for the first time. "Um. I lost something. A... seal took it."
"A seal took it."
"A specific seal."
I rubbed my face. "Did the seal take your clothing, too?"
The grin intensified, blinding and bright like an overcast sky. "Funny you should mention!"
Okay. I took stock. Literally none of her story or situation makes any goddamn sense at all -- not the part she told, and not the part I can see for myself. But at the same time, I wasn't getting even a hint of malice off of her. I'm not the best at reading social cues, any of my ex-girlfriends would be happy to tell you, but even then, absolutely nothing. And on a more rational level, I had absolutely no idea what she could possibly have to gain by lying to me.
I'd been stuck on this rock for two weeks, tracking migration patterns, and I was going a little crazy. I was pretty sure she wasn't a poacher or something like that. So what was the harm?
(It's certainly irrelevant that even after months of doing research here, I was a sucker for a Scottish accent.)
"...okay," I said, carefully. "So what do you need my help with?"
"Like I said. A specific seal, um, took my stuff. And I need it back. And it was... it might have been a seal that you put a GPS tracker tag on? Like last week? So I was just going to, um, hack in and find it."
"That's not how the tags work," I said. "They store and log GPS data, but they don't transmit it. They have a tracker signal so you can find it, but they're not constantly broadcasting their coordinates to a satellite or anything. That's why they send sleep-deprived postdocs out here, not just to tag them, but also to track down any of them that have been previously tagged and redownload the data."
"Oh." She deflated, and shivered a bit under the blanket. "So you can't tell me where my... where the seal is."
I don't know if it was the salt air filling my nose, or the way the emergency light glinted off the tears at the corner of her eyes, or just my subconscious finally getting my attention, but a voice in the back of my head whispered a single word.
There was no way, right? I'm a woman of science, dammit. Cryptids and folk legends are great to read about but they're impossible, they're out of lockstep with everything we know about biology and physics and basic fucking reality, there was absolutely not a chance in hell that--
"Are you a selkie?"
She flinched. "I -- How -- No, of course not!"
Fuck, she was a worse liar than me.
"All right," I said. "Don't lose hope. I have a Zodiac here, and if you remember vaguely where this seal is, we should be able to use the tracker to find it. I'm Jackie, by the way."
She brightened again. "Aoife. And thank you."
I found Aoife some clothing that would suit. She was shorter and curvier than me, but I was mostly living out of comfortable, rugged stuff while researching, and we made do. I offered her my spare pair of boots, but she declined. Probably just because they would have been way too big for her, but every little odd behavior from her made me wonder. Was it rude to offer one of the fair folk a pair of shoes? Did selkies even count? Had I mortally offended her, and she was just too nice to say anything?
She kept up the pretense for a little while longer as I got the boat inflated and started gathering my things for our expedition, but I'd caught her out and she knew it. Still, it wasn't like she talked all that much about her status as a being of myth; she talked a lot, but it was mostly about her interest in computers, and questions about what I was doing.
Neurodivergent folks know what it's like to run into someone else like you at a party, someone who talks as excitedly about their thing as you do yours, and how exhilarating, how connecting that kind of conversation can be. We were on a little rock off the north of Scotland and not a college house party, but everything else was the same. My thing is migration patterns. Hers, as it turned out, was type-safe programming languages. Never thought a selkie would be the person to teach me about Haskell -- but I would bet she didn't expect to learn today about the history of human understanding of migration.
"Wait," she said. "You're taking the piss."
"Nope," I said. I paused for a bit to haul the outboard motor into position in the back of the boat. "Cross my heart. Medieval bestiaries said that barnacle geese hatched from goose barnacles. They didn't know about migration, so they had to have some explanation of where geese went on the off-season."
"But they look nothing alike!"
"At the risk of defending my species' goofy beliefs too much, neither do birds and eggs. If you'd never heard of an egg before, and I told you they turned into birds, you wouldn't believe me."
She scoffed and sucked her arms back in the long sleeves of her borrowed hoodie. "They had chickens, didn't they?"
"Sure, they knew some birds hatched from eggs. But it was pretty easy to just say whatever you wanted back then. Aristotle did it all the time, and people just went along with it for thousands of years without checking."
"Ech." Aoife rolled her eyes and dropped into what sounded, to my untrained Canadian ears, like a pretty good imitation of a posh RP accent. "Ah, yes, learnèd men know that some birds come from eggs, and some come from... from..." Her natural brogue flooded back in. "From weird-looking rocks. That wiggle."
I laughed. "Hey. That's why I do what I do."
"You know," she said, "some of us, you don't need to do the whole... tagging thing. You could just ask."
"Like you asked to use my laptop?"
"Okay," she said, "that's fair."
"Besides, if I hadn't, I wouldn't be able to help you." I hauled the boat the last few feet over the rocky shore and stepped over the side. "C'mon. Hop in."
The tracker wasn't terribly precise. Her memory of where she had left her skin was close enough to get in range, but the thing only had the ability to show signal strength. We had to do the old hot-cold-game triangulation dance with it, which was tough on an inflatable outrigger with only the barest hint of dawn peeking over the horizon. It left a lot of time for chatting, and a little for companionable silence, and even some spare seconds for a wistful gaze or two.
Eventually, we decided it would be easier when we hit land. We found a little cove, a bit gentler than the sheer rocky cliffs that surrounded this island. It was bigger than the one I had been calling home, but still definitely uninhabited. It was the kind of island that, if anyone lived there, you'd think it would be a grizzled lighthouse keeper, stepping directly out of a Herman Melville pastiche. Not a cute selkie who knows way too much about polymorphic programming.
"Oh," she said, as we got close to the shore. "This is it. I remember this place. It should be, uh..." She gestured somewhere off to our left. "Can you land over there?"
"Sure." I wasn't a master at handling the boat, but I got us in the right neighborhood. Aoife got more and more excited the closer we got, bouncing her legs up and down, and I was pretty sure she would have just bailed out right then if she wasn't worried about getting my clothes wet.
Sure enough, when we landed, she grabbed the handheld tracker and launched out over the side. Aoife streaked across the rocky sand and around a big rock, heedless of her bare feet. The tracker's beeping increased in frequency as she ran, until the beeps became a constant tone in the night breeze, like a weird mechanical birdcall. I made sure the boat wasn't going to float away first, which took longer than I thought, then trudged along after her. The full moon peeked out from between some clouds on the western horizon, casting Aoife's footprints on the sand in a mystic light. It was superstition, but it was stronger than my rationality at the moment; she was like a story given form, and while I followed after her, I was careful not to step on her tracks.
By the time I got to her, she had already shed the clothes I had given her, and folded them in a neat pile on a nearby rock, with the tracker on top. She stood with a cloak held around her shoulders, a cloak that looked like the night and the sea and like it wasn't quite there. Her eyes were huge and bright, and she smiled at me.
"You found it," I said. The words felt dumb and clunky, but I'm not a poet, and I had to say something.
"Thanks, Jackie," Aoife said. She moved to me, deceptively fast, quicker than I could react. She went up on tiptoes and kissed me on the cheek. It felt like silk and smelled like the sea, and by the time my wits came back to me, she was already running towards the shore, wild, legs pumping.
She leaped, and something shifted, but it was too fast for me to see. A dark shape slid into the water, leaving only ripples.
I watched those ripples fade into the soft churn of the sea, and then I turned back to collect the things she'd left behind.
When I looked closer, I could see beside the boxy ruggedized plastic of the tracker, was a smaller piece of electronics. I knew it well -- after all, I had been the one to give it to her in the first place.
On a whim, I held the tracker up to the tag, and pushed the download tracking data button that popped up on the screen.
A little box came up, one that I was used to seeing full of the digits of latitude and longitude, but it had text in it this time. An email address, and a message.
I thought you might want this back. But next time, if you want to know where I am, you can just email me, and I can tell you over dinner?
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