#but i'm undecided still
cuhven · 1 year
i'm home from hockey but in a bad mental place after it so i'm gonna chill with junk food & s4b of you before attempting to be human - i'll be around on discord for now to plot if anyone is interested.
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cinnamon-flame · 3 months
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Kinda ironic that you would bring someone to life just to take it away
aka When your soul gets so damaged that you turn your only friend into an ice sculpture (when she started her life as a statue to begin with)
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victorianpining · 4 days
Related silly fun question
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thederangedsolicitor · 3 months
Is there a nice place to read the official translation for dunmeshi? The places I've found are either low res pngs in a vertical line or literally just files. Something where you can actually flip between pages would be nice.
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sealrock · 2 months
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my revamped au for achille has become canon and I must apologize in advance for the suffering he must go through
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ieatpastaatnight · 5 months
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Working on some of the character profiles. Just so I can make sure their personality and such stays consistent throughout the story. (I should've done this way earlier, but we live and learn)
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skyplayssplatoon3 · 4 months
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greeenchrysanthemums · 4 months
Chapter written 👀
Now I just need to proofread it and force my husband to quality check it and it will be a go!! I'm hoping to get it out by sometime next week.
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thatexygurl · 2 months
how in the hell did jeremy knox end up being better than the fanon version of him?
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jahiera · 9 months
minthara is so possessive.................................. [twirls hair]
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fantasmagoriam · 8 months
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Ready for a new adventure!
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direwombat · 9 months
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tagged by @madparadoxum, and @poetikat for this midweek wip sharing day <3
tagging @inafieldofdaisies, @socially-awkward-skeleton, @henbased, @adelaidedrubman, @g0dspeeed, @gaeadene, @jillvalentinesday, @ivymarquis, @strafethesesinners, @strangefable, @aceghosts, @voidika, @confidentandgood, @purplehairsecretlair, @cassietrn, @neverthesameneveranother, @deputyash, @miyabilicious, @simplegenius042, @wrathfulrook, @trench-rot, @vampireninjabunnies-blog, @euryalex, @clonesupport, @josephslittledeputy, @alexxmason, and anyone else with something to share today! (also I will be moving away from the scattershot approach of tagging (ie, whoever i can remember) sometime around the end of the month and start using a proper taglist, so if you want to be added to that taglist, please like/reply to this post)
no katc wip update because the sybeli brainrot has seized me. part 1 of the horror and the wild is already 8k. these are gonna be fuckin monster chapters, but at least there's only three of them lol
“When you were at the Veterans Center, you didn’t see anything…strange, did you?”
[Sybille] frowns and furrows her brow. “No,” she says carefully after a moment’s thought. The entire ordeal was creepy, to be sure, but there was nothing explicitly unusual.  “Ran into the groundskeeper -- or at least I think he was the groundskeeper --” Because what the fuck was Mr. Seed doing there so late at night if he wasn’t? “--but I didn’t notice anythin’ outta the ordinary.”
“You ran into Jacob Seed?” Eli asks. His eyes are wide. Panicked, if she didn’t know any better. 
“Uh? Yeah?” she says. “Why? You know ‘im?”
“Kinda,” he mutters. A strange shadow passes across his face, darkening his expression. His jaw tenses and there’s a hardness to his eyes. “What’d he say?”
“In a nutshell? Fuck off,” she shrugs. “He told me I was on private property, asked if I was lost, and refused to give me directions. Kind of a dick if I’m bein’ honest.” 
Eli snorts, and underneath the impressive growth of his beard, she sees the corners of his mouth quirk upwards wryly. “That’s an understatement,” he mutters under his breath. “He didn’t say or do anything…weird, did he?”
“No, not really. Just kinda rude,” she says. “He did watch me drive away, which was kinda unnerving, but he weren’t actively hostile, or anythin’.” She deliberately leaves out how she swore she saw his eyes reflecting like an animal's. Surely, it was just her own eyes playing tricks on her. 
A thoughtful hum rumbles from Eli’s chest and he leans forward to take her hand. “Well, I’m glad to hear that,” he says, rubbing his thumb in small circles over the top of her hand. “Just be careful around him." 
Well, that doesn't make her feel good. “Eli, what’s goin’ on?”
He shakes his head. “Nothing you need to worry about. He and I have just had…run-ins in the past.”
“Whaddaya mean?” she frowns. “What happened?”
Eli’s lips press into a thin line and he chews on the inside of his cheek, carefully choosing his words. “He’s…territorial,” he says slowly. “Thinks the entire State Park is his own personal hunting grounds.”
She shakes her head. “Entitled bastard.” Then her eyes go wide. “Hang on -- he didn’t threaten to shoot you, did he?”
“No, no, nothing like that,” Eli assures her. He squeezes her hand in his. “But it did get…physical.” There’s a peculiar tightness to his voice, and she gets the distinct feeling there's something he isn't telling her. 
Sybille’s frown deepens. She raises a brow skeptically. “But not physical enough to press charges?”
“Ain’t worth it,” he shrugs. “His youngest brother is some hot-shot lawyer from Atlanta. I can’t afford to pay for legal fees that would only end with him getting a slap on the fuckin’ wrist.” 
She narrows her eyes. Not worth it. Exactly what Staci said about not pulling Mr. Seed over for reckless driving. The only difference is that Pratt seems to genuinely fear the man, whereas Eli offers nothing but mild contempt. But she still files it away as strange. Eli isn’t easily cowed by intimidation the same way Staci is. He served. Just like her. Just like Jacob. Just like half the fucking county. 
Whatever happened between the two men, it was enough to deter him from fighting back. 
But she doesn’t push it. “Okay,” she concedes. She breaks her hand free from Eli’s warm grip and twines her fingers with his. “But, if somethin’ happens again and you wanna get the Sheriff’s Department involved, you just let me know, okay? Ain’t nobody above the law, and we’ll do what we can to make sure justice is served.” 
Eli smiles. His eyes are warm, swimming with affection, and he lifts their hands to press a kiss to the back of hers. “You know I love your sense of honor and I appreciate the offer, but some things a man’s gotta take care of himself.” 
“It ain’t honor, it’s public safety,” she says firmly. “You know how many feuds I seen end in ‘huntin’ accidents’?” She uses her free hand to deliver air-quotes. True, she’s seen less of it than she did after moving north of the Bible Belt, but the general distaste for involving law enforcement and citizens taking matters into their own hands seems to just be a staple of rural life.
“It ain’t a feud,” he says with a dismissive shake of his head. But there’s a strain to his voice that makes her think he might be lying.
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rifleseye · 1 month
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ellathebirb · 9 months
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chronosdawn · 1 year
don't be shy, you can rewrite the howl's plot while still making the crossover 💞💞 (the feral dynamic between howl reader and wotw scara would be so funny (tired exasperated reader vs jaded simpering brat scara lmao)
In reference to this post.
You get it anon, you get the dynamic I'm going for.
Sadly I don't think I can commit to rewriting the whole plot of the movie because that would be a fairly tremendous undertaking (especially when I already have quite a few WIPs that I'm slowly chipping away at). However, because I really love this concept and as a thank you for being my first ask, I have written a little drabble for you anon. I hope you enjoy it!
I'm also open to taking asks about this AU and may write some more drabbles for it in the future so keep your eyes peeled!
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A lone figure stood at the mouth of the alleyway leading to the main square, the dark colors of his outfit at odds with the cheerful banners and fluttering flags adorning the nearby buildings. His countenance too, did not match that of the other parade-goers, for if one were to peer into the shadow cast by his wide-brimmed hat, they would find his features twisted in bitter fury—his eyes trained not on the merry townsfolk, but the two figures soaring high above them, one with their arm wrapped around the other.
The figure sank his teeth into the skin of his lip. Even though he’d been working at pursuing you for some time now, he hadn’t expected you to make a trip into town today, not with all the soldiers and crowds. It had been so long since he’d been this close to you that it’d made him desperate, acting with far too much haste and not enough forethought to keep you from getting away. It hurt more, somehow, to have come so close only to have you slip right through his fingers. 
A faint noise like that of shifting fabric alerted the figure to a presence behind him and Scaramouche, the Wizard of the Waste, turned to face one of his poor excuses for a servant. 
The creature made of writhing shadows bowed deeply, arm held over its chest where its heart had once been before the wizard had carved it out and replaced it with his own dark magic.
“My apologies, my Lord,” the thing rasped, “the sorcerer has escaped.”
Scaramouche’s expression twisted further in distaste as he hissed through his teeth, “yes, I could see that much.” He turned back to where your retreating figure still hung in the sky, his fingers twitching at his sides as though he might reach out and pluck you from it. “At least tell me you’re still following them.”
“The others are trailing them from the ground, my Lord. Once they descend, we shall inform you of their whereabouts immediately and attempt to seize the sorcerer—”
“No,” Scaramouche interrupted, keeping his gaze trained on you. “By the time you catch up to them, they’ll be long gone. Follow the other one, the peasant looking fellow they have with them. Find out where he lives and report it to me immediately.” 
“As you wish my Lord.” The creature’s form started to disperse, the shadows that made up its body slithering away into the dark nooks and crannies of the crumbling alleyway stonework.
“One last thing before you go.” Scaramouche raised a hand, black-purple smoke curling around his pale fingers. A hiss of pain came from behind him as the magic making up the creature’s body began to constrict, distorting its shape even further from anything that could have once been called human. “I’ll be lenient on this occasion, but the next time you disappoint me, well,” his tone dropped, turning deadly, “I have no need for useless things, do I?”
“No, m—my Lord,” the thing stammered out, the tearing vocal cords in its throat rendering the sound akin to nails being scrapped across a chalkboard. 
“Go on then.” All at once the magic at the wizard’s fingertips vanished, and the creature wasted no time in making its exit, leaving Scaramouche alone in the alleyway.
You were so far away now it was difficult to make out the shape of your form—where you ended and the irksome worm pressed against your side began. He couldn’t stand it, the thought of someone else at your side—a place that used to belong to him. No, a place that still belonged to him, and would continue to, regardless of your feelings on the matter. 
But no matter how irritating it was to see someone else touching you, he’d have been a fool not to see it for the opportunity it was. 
Scaramouche knew you, knew that no matter how much you liked to run and hide away from your problems, there was a kindness in you that you’d never quite managed to truly ignore. If some unfortunate soul, particularly one you’d already shown a hint of favor to, were to turn up at your door, cursed and bereft of other options, you’d surely allow them into your home.  And if that cursed individual just so happened to be carrying a talisman upon their person that contained enough of a wizard's magic to break past the infernal seal you kept on the door of your so-called castle, they would be able to lead said wizard right to you.
How fortunate then, Scaramouche thought, that he now had someone he wanted to curse with every fiber of his being.
And once the fool allowed him access to your residence, all he had to do was find where you were keeping your heart hidden away and take it for himself.
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100 days since a brand crossed Markiplier
(Be careful when reading the tags if you're sensitive to, albeit glancing, references to sexual assault/grooming)
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